PRICES THE FAIREST /^\ YOU HAVE (WJ EVER KNOWN AT Vogeley & Bancroft's, IN ladies', Gentleman's and Children's Shoes. See Our Elegant Line Of Holiday Goods. No Question about our goods Pleasing. No Question abont prices being Satisfactory. NONE CAN SELL CHEAPER. ALL GOODS WARRANTED. BOOTS AND SHOES, Slippers, Rubbers and Overshoes, etc. VOGELEY AND BANCROFT. 347 South Main St., Butler, Pa., Opp. Wiliurd Hotel* CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Haven't you a friend who would appreciate a comfortable pair of slippers. You will find no larger or handsomer line than ours to select from. Get your wife and children a real good pair of Shoes and Rubbers. We keep the best and that's the kind you want for a present. If you will call and see our goods you will consider yourself amply repaid for time and trouble. Will consider it a pleasure to show you through our line whether you wish to BUY OR NOT. Never was our stock as large as now. We believe our assortment of Holiday Slippers to be the best in the county. It is by far the best in Butler. We desire to particularly emphasize one point, namely: OUR PRICES are unquestionably the LOWEST AL RUFF. LIMES All GENTLEMEN! WE take pleasure in announcing the fact, that we now have on display mod od Bale an immense block of goods in the following lines: Drew Goods in all grades, styles and prices, with the very latest things in trimmings to match. MILLINERY IN all the new things the market affords. Hats and Bonnets gotten up in beet style "while yon wait " Ladies', and Children's Wraps, well made and style and fit gaaranteed. Carpets, Oil Cloths, LINOLEUMS. Mattings, Rags, Carpet Sweepers, Laco Curtains, Portiers. Poles and Fixtures, and all kinds of Domestic Dry Goods We always have the best Blankets and Flannels, and the Standard patterns are acknowledged to be the beat made. Call in and get a Fashion Sheet. All the goods in onr different departments are marked in plain figures at the lowest prices. We not only keep Standard Patterns but all onr goods are standard. We do not handle seconds. Ladieß', Gent's and Children's Underwear a specialty. RITTER & RALSTON a "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO J. SPECK. WM. H. HOLMES THELEADING WHOLRHALF. WISE ASD I/.QIOK Hi-L'MC OF WKSTKBS PES3IKTLVASIA. The W in, 11. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy' PURE RYE WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. SSTTI) FOR, PRICE L]^ Telethon No. aofv. 120 Water St. and£lEß Pltt&buigi: Pa 4#% PER CENT. lU first Mortgage Loans No tAx, commission or fees. Interest payable semi-annually by New York draft. Perfect se curity H i ghee t reference. CH4S. V. RFIO. Fairha»en, Washington. Nothing On Earth Will - SAK|? HENS x.IK:E Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting liens. It ix .MnWr WTf. Highly , Wi «d «en d to an. nl "r™" Fiv, gl A 2 I th ran «1 M. St* r , n , jl eiprvK- p*li*fpwppr. Nnfal Diwbarges. D.n»-Ho(« or Cirub*, Worm®. K,E.~Cou*h«, Heaven, Fneumonin. F.F.—Colic or Gripe*, Bellyache. Iti*rarHare. Hemorrhage*. H.H.— I rinary aud Kiduey Diieatea. I.l.—Eruptive l)i*ea*e*, Manse. J.K.—Disease* ol" Digestion, i'nrnly«is* SlnfrW* Battle over 50, - - >O9 Stable Case, with Specific*, Manual, \ • Cure Oil anrsl}etf. Preparedly Dfc.Sw*r>i 4 9 v Hhiln ! Itbfa. m&u mH Vf : - " :r,l ;■ * • • j - . ; '» U..-- ♦ H. •' "MOTHERS 1 FRIEND" MUKFS CHILD BIRTH EASY.. Colvin, La., Dec. 2, 1889.—My wlfo used MOTHER'S FBIEND beforo her thud confinement, and pays she would not be without it for hundreds of dollars. DOCK MIZ>Ii3. Sent by express on receipt of price, 51.50 per bot licok " To Mothers " mailed fiee. GRAOFiELD REGULATOR CO., 5,1 ijtj BY UIM W9TE. ATLANTA, CM For Sale by J. C. Redick. READ AKD BIKTKIIB Kf>r strtcily jMir»- ami reliable iSTKAIGHT LIQUOBS. call on I. JNT. PIKGH, 12 SBITHKIELI* ST., PITTKBI'HGH, PA.; (<>pp. Monongahela House.) Matchless lor Family use and Medicinal "pur poses arc FINCH'S GOI.PKN tt'DBINO, AUsl GLTK FN HE! JItKSV. tIISKY. . per qt. ; OVEHiIOLTTJ WHHKV, ' # qls ML: INUh'K S WHIcKY. J fur *5. tioods w*»tl) packed and prompt!} shipped FKKK OF £xrK>sK on receipt of cash or. post office order. «»-.No!hitig expressed C. O. D. Send for Price List. Cotton Root BKTjLTfo A recent discovery r.y an old 12351'nl physician. Suci-essf'iliy used M w*X) monthly by thousands of ■H tfSJP*. & Ladles. Is theonly prefeetly IQ a*.' »;tfe and reliable medicine discovert il Beware of un lrit.rior m-dlcines in place of tbis. Ask for COOK'S COTTON I(iM»T COMPOUND. take no substitute. or inclose {1 and -lom*. to ladi<-sonly. 2 stamps. Address Pond Lilj Company, No. 3 Fisher I. lock. betroll. Mich. So'.d In Butler by c. N. Boyd. J. F. is- I'ci. . wih a success rarely attalnei'l K or< -, Kit- 1 , |-il»*s,**umatlam, and all .li- -.i»esof the Skin, * lo ■'.' rs, Crinary Organ ,«.t<*. tree a:i«i stuctly courlden' id. Oilicc li to I n- 17 to 8 P. M.; Sundays. 2 to 4 v. M. oidv. •.i| at ot'i.-o or ans. Lakk, (.oft. K.s.S A\ I>.ASDITUST..PJTTBBL'IiUU,PA. OIIC'TIIRC I Wetre unneisignen were nur I un 1_ , I I.nrc!y CUI" lor ruititreby Dr. J. B. Mayer, 831 Ari-b St.. I'hiladelphta, Pa.. .1 Jones Phillips, Kenlii l,. p,i.; T. A. Kreltz. Sla'lngtou, Pa.; E. M Small. Mount Alto' i"a.; Hev. H H. shcrmer Sunbury. Pa.: l» J. ne left, .ill h. Tweltth M HeadiiiK t'a.; Wm. Hi* ts:>' Vnatrofir St. I'll' l il« lt'lii ■; 11. L. Kow< :«i I « St.. Beading, 1" : "ritt- and cr»r 111 rk irt i.Sj locust St., I Ca lltiK. Pa. Scud Fq.flrcular Tlf Imperial Purcbas ng Co., I.K 'j Filben 8t , Pbilu., P». l»uy»eTerything, and retail. Mirrors. | isi;o», • rgnns > and PIM-. in-'ruc,. t-.. (jre»tc ii*»i# • -u.'- V pn?t>:ntK '"hano i CoiuU'. nnd eMiujale* sent | Inst. 15 j tars ex^erieucv. THE CITIZEN I kissed her once, she kissed me back; My heart was tilled with glee— "That's my meaning. Jack." «he said, "For 'Reciprocity.' " Again I tried to osculate The fascinating maid— "No more!" said she, "I cannot bear That horrid thing 'Free Trade"' —Bobby (at the breakfast table)— Maud, did Mr. Jones take any of the umbrellas or hats from the hall last nightT Maude—why, of course not: why should he, Bobby T Bobby—That's just what I'd like to know. I thought he did. because I heard him say when he was going out, "I'm go ing to steal just one, and Why, what's the matter, Maud? —Eighteen carloads of barreled oy.-t.T*, aggregating a weight of 319,000 pounds, were shipped to the West on one train from Baltimore the Saturday night pre ceding Christmas week. This is the larg est single shipment of oysters made from Baltimore in several years. Twelve car loads also went out by express the same day. The greatest cure for pains of all kinds, whether proceeding from cuts and burn's, or from other ailments such as neuralgia and rheumatism is unquestionably Salva tion Oil. This popular and effective rem edy has continually gained in the confi dence of the people until it has become a household desideratum. No dwelling is completely equipped without it. —Of numerous cedars of Lebanon which have been transported to Europe a vener able specimen is in England and another is in France. Both are in a thriving con dition. The one in England is in Derby shire and was transplanted in 1676. The other was brought to Paris some time dur ing the last century and set out in the Jar din des Plantes. —For people who use candles an Eng lishman has invented an automatic snuffer The device is fixed to the base of the can dle, which, when it burns to a certain point, releases a heavy ball and chain This throws a snuffing cap immediately over the flame. —The ink used in printing government notes was invented by James Eddy, of Troy, N. Y. At his death the secret was imparted to his son who holds it, and has a monopoly in that branch of the ink bus iness. It is worth about $40,000 a year to him. —Advertising is like sowing seed. Yon have to plant it some time before the re sults become apparent but ft will spring np some day and the person who places his confidence in it will some day reap a boun tiful harqest. Too many people who be gin to advertise expect their seed to spring np while they are eta ding looking at it. You may be able to see a little of its bene fit in a short time, but at the end of the season you will be surprised. — FmNa teeth are now made from paper and are said to wear well and last a life time. —"Who makes thekittens JackieT" Why, God makes them, Ethel. He doesn't make them as He does babies, by one, but He just says, 'Let there be Kittens,' and there are kittens." —An exchange says that it is proposed to introduce a bill in the next legislature providing for putting a stop too deer-kill jng for a period of three years. T;;at there is a necessity for such a law every true sportsman will readily agree. At the present rate of killing off the deer ii will be onlj a few years before they are exter uunated and the most exciting sport known to Pennsylvania hunters will end. A Williamsport gentleman says that not with iu ten years have there been so many deer shot as this season. The recent snow was favorable for hunting them, and as a result scores of the pretty creatures were slaughtered About the close of the sea son he came along Pine Creek, and he was surprised to see and hear of the number that had bten kilted in that district. So indiscriminate has the slaughter become that some uien shot fawns that did not weigh over 60 pounds, while others hunted the game with dots. He said he saw sev eral young fawns that had been run to their death l y hounds. —The Meadville Journal says that County superintendent Wnght of Craw ford county has iudnced the directors in 17 townships and boroughs in that county to auopt the continuous term and graded course of study, and it is giving entire sat islaction in nearly if not quite all the dis tricts. The new plan also involves month ly reports to parents on the standing of their children who attend schorl. —The people of Warren, in this State, got a Christmas gift that can be appreci ated this zero weather. The natural gas company there had tncked on rates as the traffic would hear it, until in sheer defense another company was formed, aud rates have come Oown from $3 a stove per month to sl. —The eight} -five teachers in the public schoi Is of Lockport had a spelling contest the other day, to the great delight of their pupils, because some ol the teachers did not altogether cover themselves with glory. Seventy-four per cent of the whole misspelled "acknowledgement." All of the following words Were wrongly spelled by more than halt of the teachers, and sev eral of theui by more than fifty; "super sede" "resuscitative," "excellence," "ben efited," "business," "medal," "mainte nance," "milliner," pretentious," gaseous" and "concede." —Man is a great deal like a fish. You know the fish would never get in very seri ous trouble if it kept its mouth shut. The United States produced ten million gallons more of wine last year than Ger many did. And yet the consumption of old rye gors on as placidly as ever. —Miss Msud Ziovierzchkowitinskis. of Chicago, was married recently. It took the iniuister so long to pronounce the name that they had to have the -wedding the day before. —"Ah ! yer trolley's off!'' is the expres sive slang phrase employed by Brooklyn boys who desire that a person .-hall know when "he's off his base." —Suburban—"Did you notice that poor tramp shivering ou«ide of the bar-room door as we came in f" Urban—"Yes; he was shaking for the drinks." —Hartford, Conn., is one of the most narrowgauged Puritanic cities in New England, and while quite willing to be amused by Dr. Carver and his Sioux Indi ans in the theater, resolutely refused to allow them to enter any hotel as guests, and compelled them to go back to the theater for the presented to the Pennsyl vania Legislature this winter asking that there be six Examiners appointed by the Governor, and that all persons wishing to enter upon the practice of medicine in this State after January. 1894, w ill have to be examined by this Board. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or lea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speed) cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an ntter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address, Oolden Specific Co., 185 Race St.. Cincinnati O. —Congressman Tom Johnson, of Ohio,is always ready for a fight when anyone calls him "Thomas." Tom is the proper name given to him by his sponsors, and he doesn't want it lengthened by any over polite friend. —California, so long noted among hunts men for its piodigions game, now has very little left in that line for the gunners. A popular actress makes and unmakes fashions. —There arc no coupons on the bonds of sympathy. Russian military officers pining for war are plotting against the Czar. Russian peasants are suffering from pestilence and famine. It is a hard matter to decide whether the Czar or the Rus.-ia he rules is the fitter object for pity. —At Indianapolis, Cora Grifllth spent her last dollar for a dancing lesson. At supper time she went to a restaurant and bi-gged something to eat. then went to her boarding house, swallowed an ounce of carbolic acid ani died in an hour. She had been disappointed in love. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tat ScrTon:-Plea*e inform your reader* that I have % potitiTO remedy for the ftbove-n&rued diae&se. £; timely use thous&Hitj of hopelea* etAC* hire f» .u permanently cared. I ■hall l»e gUd to send twj >tlca ot my *em ydj FREE to Any of your readers -▼ . j hsre consumption If they eml I send me tlxeii Lipr*«s &n4 P. O. addrees. Eenpect- I JttUjr. X. k. tUAXUU,*. jr. Huselton'S HOLIMI SUFFER SALE! We have spared no elf rt to mik our <• S> 'i.nv M> r.'s Wire: K:i hr.:.i«r .||» - « ■ v •" '■** n " lt r-*'' - Slipper* at $1 Mi; Mt.V Dot h •*; k H " $1 50; Men's Ponjrola and PMM I. HtelNCiM IVmp- $1 t«» ft —? t Men'* Fine Kus.-ia L-»'b" and Allu'-itor is tbe ' sb»de* in nu;! y-- and opera. slsoto $2 50. l.adi-- S pp~r* . t Ox' .rd* al!k>'o|- ; Velvets. Plu*h. White Canvas. I> iHa and l*M—l MMM« 75c., #I.OO aud up to $2.00 A glance a: the-- sbtys di-cl '-es the handt work of perfection If you don t want Siippt*r- you can get Beautiful Styles in Shoes at any price you m»v name, or Boot* for the boys, W arm Fleeced I.'.aed Snoes for the old folks. or Rubber B>»ot* A present selected from our Btcck is useful and will certainly be ap preciated Drop in and see us. B. C. Huselton. 01 IEMOVIL Sill BEGINS OCT. 6. YOU WANT FURNITURE. WE WANT MONEY. We expect to occupy our new store about Jan. Ist. We want to move as few goods as possible. e will give you prices that you can t help but buy. A #35 Parlor Suite for *25 00 A 45 " " 35 00 A 55 " " ±5 00 A 16 Bed Lounge for 12 50 A 20 44 " 15 M A 5 Rocking Chair tor 375 A 8 " " 500 tbrußi. l.tirrTMul'lfS ; WlKlneos. Itutl xtd without extra charge. C. O. D. ant! mail orders receive prompt attention. G'and tather's Cboise 3 years old. $2 n© per gallon. Try us ROEKT LEWIS, Importer and Wholesaler. 130 Water St. Pittsburgh Pa. Opposite B. it O K R. D« twit. A -Trip lo the lotto's Fair FBE \ ! To sry worthj »r» f. lK*y er *irl if joe ni»h to «i»!t the WORLD'S (OUIIAN EMIIIN At Chicago for one week or more, tree of all expeoses. on easy condition*, write at once. Lncloso self-addret-ed, stamped envelope. Ms Fair EnlerlaiiMi Df. 1602 VI 'U&tiiKH'k Building. Co.r Denrfcuru and Jaiktou » t» , ttiuago, It THE KUTLKR ROLLER MILLS Hereafter will be doiD* business un der tbe name of Geo. Walter it Sons. We can say to oor patrons that the irrit.dinjr done by us will be in the bes' manner that machinery and practical nulling cau do it. as we have in our employ one of tbe best practical millers in the State of Penn ev 1 vauia. We cttii say with'at teur of contradiction that we are turning out the beet straigbl fjrade of whiat Hour in the county. We think it an advantage to tbe farmer to {ret hi* grinding done at our mill for these reasons: FIBST We make as (food wheat flour as can be manufactured ami the farmers pet tbe same fl iur in as the millionaire would, were we blet»e*-d with thun in this ne'gbborbood. BECONI> We cm do your chop ping for you. so that you are not compel ed to sell your (tT*'u »t low prices aid buy your chop. TIURI> We c»n mak*« the be«-t hu. kwfceat fl -ur ever manufac tured in ibe un'y, a* we have juet completed the n* w machinery for s».u:e. and it hork- i'ke a chatm. JorKlH V e cr i. n ak* Tt,u rye !!• ur if *• u de-ire it. Our rye Hi n' ilvtys kritfi the highest pr:ce in Pittsburg Ac FIFTH —We m»k«* a.» irood a cor# meal a* there ie in 'he market SIXTH Our ur cannot r.e excelled. We m nufaetare every article that is in our line of bu<-i»e»*. and with the latent improved machinery, and brat practical ekill. The farmer will readily «ee that it is more profitable to htm topatromj'- a tu'll where he can get all his differ cut kinds of grain er> und than to sell grain and buy his flour and feed We d< n't believe io mn»represeDtini? , LC-ni- to n.e public, therefore do not put the riD:f kind of fl ur id four or : five diflereut brar de of ea«ki>. We make a etraight grude i>f fl >ur. The brand i> \S HITK the earne e given to ibe taimer in ex. hai ge We ale- make the H»>"A PATrNT. which i- a bub grnd" of fl >ur and »tane bigbtfi price* fur the same GtO WALTIRA SONS Bltlk* Roixek Mills, bITLKJt, PA j i i»t j ♦D.+T.+PttlMJ* | «—w We Are Headv For •/ THE H OL I DA VS. St 1 lU I MAJiOKcRCHIt*-* I Tiits rf» i ALBUMS DOLL ! A*D GREAT ;& «»0M COUNTER. I MUFFLERS. I YAKETY J BOXES. Come Kiirlv and Sel»*et vour -Christum:* Presents.— 1 -2'3 S. MA I X ST. Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No 125 X. Main St., Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bel! and Clock. All are Respectfully Invited —"Remember our Repairing l)epart:Ttm:—*o years Experience *— YOUB FAVORITE HOME >EW??Afn AMD • Tie Mint' f!f[itihiua Fair (V i law » ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50 THE CITIZKN. iriTM all tb«* Town. Coonty and Stas*. *rd t math Mats o»i u«t m mm? oih»*r paper of it* Your Home would be incomplete without it. • NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE i* a NATIONAL FAMII Y PAPER. all ih«- PMHI •••- tbe Uo't-c Ststr* end 'h* wot •« It ;i»»- -b* nrj *♦. - * f,ou»b*ll. It ba* wuaraie d-p*.t» *n »t. r ' The earr. -y < ' •«<* Our Young Folks.* 1 1- ' Hime -nd Spc:wj" «•* rh.- n:n ii»'U not »ta dswirb*"' •' P* 1 ■* ' •*•«»- rialft Ktd (KftM.'oir in* nn (. ehrt»>* *ad »Bbct- I,# '"Agricultural" drpar»w»st b»«t" " ' turrr I?» "Market Feicrts'' •'«" nnptmd »Bil"ority !:i | isnd. A SPECIAL CC N TRACT *oabl«a ■- «• ' • id joamal acd "The ' ITIZf N" fc* «■•»» Fci etlj $1 50, Cj *h ra IdTarce. 4 N. Y.-Weekly Tribtne," r»*ular prtee par »«»r #I.OO 4 The Citizen," ** " ** * ** Tutsi S2JO We ftrnfih both paperrore for - - S*.sfl. Sub»eTtpuun« may Dw'sat a»* vm». Addfi«!»* all ord*r* to XH K CIXIZ E"N", BUTLER. HA ______ ! M. ROBEN I HAI^ Wholesale Lkjuor Dealer, 403 Ferry St, J Pittsburg, Fa. Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One S; »are Below Diair >d Market. Salt River Sale. A* I ba*e been elee'ed to fu J|» "Salt Rieer" it will be aeeeswary for OP to cl< y» and »hi!drea eontiiity of •'aaata. xnita, paate.oaila, *hirU of etere de~«*rtpti<»n. hat*, ape. irloee*. ct>llarj», i-uHst. Tim, baodker chief*, muffler*, hosiery. bmakes. combs. po'-ket and bill bowk*, am brr !!*•». aad *o Mack nt jr«rlrT,l»ut'ooj», lara and -carf piox and oe*r 1000 plaia anl eeery an**!* auitabie for a CSr.-'iUiw ifi^t. Well, the country ia aufo in *p««» Of riWtii D Tb*i»k-iri* in* dianw and the cold «n»p that'll *«re to folk w herauae H»«:k »b or. Ib rk with the line of Hoi-«ia* V fttxd* *® UK*r* wiil liß'i ih.i -be f* jd •>lil (fas* aw I ■*• »»• re her* to '®" rt if not ia tiwil All can a*»w b» j ba|H>« b« «krats*» at lk» >»id r«- •*»*> j htu-* >yf I* A lleek N « k><,d friTi - while - a.. hu*in>-«* n 1 ar»- »ff< >"'011 s<» aatf 100 pet f*H «k- one. we eao B"t «i-» t* »e tr* to h« ja»> a* wei: •» *rn*ru»-t we *ell iHir £Votf» »<"W ' key c9t»B«*t baeoliany that i» whe we have n«»t ir>t rwh lat » owr u-"tal j < o»tuoi «tr »r» pr.'parfd to k"» !• j r»ery r«>i< our da. ii * the ll.iMiay i a beao'ltol wiof'Sif J*l»a ma wkf *al«t tln-re »» at way* «»•••* at the to-j Lra4ir»C l*>«* «'»•»•*• * ! "* j >ttf bisrb >b>*t all mpefi ua w» Bod the crowd i*> enU w»t* I** i " we cr? f'Hr aioee '« qa*ati»y. tww • a quality' a lid Ihrvf timr* ia yr\t* I t'»B» e»rryb-«d» ai*4 Tor one* ia j vuar nfe mre wba< iy Ir reallf oeean \\ iek>af y> a a M»rry Ckr and a Happy N»w Y»«r I r»Oiaia m," »*er »*>ar bumbt>> -»r»aot. I ». A. II K( K, | CbMifM Oxi tar. uat'vr ««»*t ? ■ U1 5 SI . B»l» Hotels and Depots, W S. Grear* w now nna »< a lm# of C3wrta<«» between tbe b< te.p aed depots «♦ tb* t -wn rbrA* re"v»"cable. T»!wbo"» Xo. IT or leave * rderw at Hotel Vo«eJey. ♦iood Lifm i> <«*Kftan 1 lit. B. I HOLIDAY < ;< x n>s! WE b»«* OMii* mrrtumm —attr r-ftunmt* fWeAaaw- fro® CWortfwaartr lmf»»r*wr* - wfc»f ky we'an* eaabiad •» (K*t peiewe .<• IW taio ii»»« ao mw-h kab»» !»•« 'a* m bt »k» m»* 6«y«r»! «ae»d JW «* i Fmr% it y"* «4«aM CIOOIDERWHFE IIWIMK* M^LHES -ILK>. * 001**. VIiTIT V L \ si: u. : %*M :x*rs L * I**K"»' \St* r«ILIHMBWi w KAP9. «rim rSDBK-WKIK. MJOTIit. HO*iKRT. HASf>RER» HIEM. HIT.E VtClel-KRS. XE«"E .HE> J» irMbBWIW ETC KfC BTT Jf #EIRY « »■*«■* a•* 1 aod R ► • I* «8» Pm« -.-af* P>*»* liar .»# run ■—. R*--j«. Tkis af -> *%***■♦ «"»^wai. Pin- >v*im fl*a»r* B •».!*. 0 ■■% D ■"'* Eeere imjiwvai*'*! ftw sfca itUfimy T**4* *» &«*» *•«•>* * pnee<* ttot wWt adwiic *t mimri. tkML \ Sortal ra DWwa «• EW BLA< E and ?l |TT »E»r«>RP C«»Rr»** bw^- 1.. b«e at ;•»» to»' ewb*» awd aa a Ayer-i- Xmm* > tfce-» IMM )IM Tt sll3 - tk Buhl, «5 t» Of Frterai Slrtat, a 1 1 rrnr»t -i« ' TP *--