THE OI riZBJ^ FRIDAY. JANUARY 13, 1893. tonrnm m* a population or about io.sss. It la Um Oout) Hat of Bauer Const?. wita railways. natural gas, and aaeqoallert taHHUss tor msawraerar«. fliliw e» ry w here; aew buildings. aew —■wWwih. a growls* aad pwinroia towu. Ntw York Weekly Tribune-Free. By spsclal arrangements made for our m doing, we are enabled to offer to all onr subscribers who pay arrearage*, (if any) Mi one year in advance, and to all new subscribers paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tribm* free for one year. For further particular# of this oiler tee ad- Kew Advertisements. Application for Charter. Jury Lilt for Feb T. Louis Trailer's Dry Good*. Schaul's Special Overcoat Sale. Bceneideman'« Bargain*. Bickel'* Boot* and Shoe*. HOTS— AII advertiser* intending to make eanges in their ads. should notify us of their intending to do eo, not later than Monday morning. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Buckwheat. The highest price paid for buckwheat at the mill ot Geo. Walter k Son, Batler, Pa. —Send your garbage to the new mill, now in operation. —Sidewalks always freese with the slip per/ side up. —We hope that every "new leaf " will remain "turned over." —The prayer meetings and revivals of this town were wed patronised last week. —The "cold-snap" of this week delayed some of the trains. —The new Gaa Co. has received its o barter. —The Democrats of Allegheny City have nominated Judge Bred in for Mayor. —A good many young men are raftering from "industry failure"just now. Dr. A. say* the proper medical term is lasiness. —Marriage may be a step in the dark, but it is generally the result of courting in the dark. —Sizteen-hundred and sixty-eight chil dren are on the rolls of the schools of Butler. —Jack Froet is a wonderful artist. The shines be out on the windows this week were admired by all. —Tuesday was the coldest day we have bad this winter. The meronry was below sero all day. —Pheasants are numerous in Washing ton tvp. Sqjß Rodgers shot nine a few 4ajsa«o. —While there is a foot of iee on the res ervoir some one should put up a sign there reading—"No bathing here." —lt was a Frenchman who refused t» fight a duel, because, he said, he didn't I want to live. —lt is a wrong impression a man gets when he think he can pull himself oat of trouble with a corkscrew. —Never lie in bed thinking that the oet that is mewing at the door to come in will get discouraged and quit. —The man in the moon will be "full" twice in January, flow many other men will beat faimt ' —The shape of the female winter hat I bears a close resemblance to the summer ice cream dipper. —A farmer hired a man to work for him for 30 day*, agreeing to pay 1 cent for the first day. doubling it each day. what did be owe the man at the end of 30 days f —Ths winter term of the 81ipp«ryrock Normal opened on Tnesdsy of last week, and next day the names of 238 students wars on tbs roll. —On Wednesday morning of this week tbs mercury stood at 10 below zero in Batler, Tbe coldest pert beard from was northern Michigan, where the merenry stood 30 below sero. In some parts of tbe West, where ftiel is searoe, some people freese to death. —Pnnxsntawney baa awarded tbe con tract for lighting ber streets with 30 arc lighU to the Jefferson Electric Light, Heat and Power Co., at 186 per light per /ear The Punxsatawnsy Light, Heat and Power Co. put in a bid at 174 25 per light. Bat ter is paying 900 per light per year, —Last Thursday'* Pittsburg Oazett* contained alleged picture* of tbe clerk* of tbe Btat* Senate and Booaa, inclading OD» of oar esteemed townsman, Jatnc* M Car ton. We ha*tan to a**are oar brother •ditor that hU friend* here were not in fluenced by it, and that they yet retain their coufidenoe in hi* integrity and high moral oharaetar. —Though money Mem* scarce in Butl«r at present, all our More keeper* who are tooting an holding on to their place*. For in*tance,Ceo. Vogeley.tbe tobacconi*t baa to move on tbe Ist of April.on account of the owner of that bailding proposing to OMtpj it himMlf, and he cannot Mcnre a room on Main St., between North and the Diamond. —Good butter is very scarce in Batler, though there is always considerable unsal able batter in oar stores. Creamery bat tor is being brought here from all over tbe oountrj, eggs are being shipped here from Krntacky and Tennessee and celery from Miohigan. It is a pity that all this money Is leaving tbe county, when it could and •hooJd be kept at home. —At tbe meeting of tbe shareholder* of the Batler County National Bank on Tae*- of this week, tbe old officers and directors of the bank were re-elected, apd the name of W. Henry Wilson, tbe well known banker of Centreville, was added to tbe list of directors. A dividend was declared, and a good addition was made to the sur plas find. 1892 was a very profitable and snccassfal year for the Batler Coanty Na tional. —There is no question bat that educa tion Is the most <-ffectoal remedy for crime. Bat much that passes for edncation in these modern days is a rank counterfeit. True education is an nnfolding and devni opment oi all tbe faculties of man. It traina'tbe pbysioal.tbe intellectual and tbe Spiritual nature, and whenever you find a man in whom one of those three-fold pow ors is undeveloped you find one who has not been properly educated. The brute, tho intellectual giant, the enthusiast, not ono of thin is tho perfect man. —As to this matter of the world owing amy man a living, that is a mistake. The world doex not any man anything un til be earns it. Tbe earth is lull of good thing* for all, but we must hustle around and get tbem or do without. Had the first man sat down tinder a shado tree with foalded arm* and said, "The world owes me a living, and I'm not goinir to exert myself to net what lieloiuoi to me," the obanohos are that so f*r a* man kind is concerned, voeld have topped right there. No, uiy sou, the world owe* yon nothing, but you owe the world your best endeavors, in rsturn for wtikh jon will get a living. —We c»ll attention to the adv. of Messrs. Berkimer & Taylor, the undertaker* and •mbalmeri, who are now located in th« Diamond Block. They are expert* iu their line, and Mr. Berkimer trimmed the casket for Satn'l J. Tilden'ii remaits. —Don't accept a can of food* that is balged or indented. Both are indications of decay Don't let the contents of any canned goods remain in the can after opening and exposure to the air. It is then your own faalt if yon are poisoned not the grocers. D in't be afraid to jse canned goods—they are usually the best in the world —bat yon mast not Tiolate the law* ot nature. —A note on Sunday is void A note ob tained by fraud, or even from one intoxi cated, cannot be collected, If a note be stolen it does not release the maker—He must pay it. An endorser of a note is ex empt from liability, if not served with no tice of its dishonor within twenty-lour bonrs of its n-n payment. A note by a minor is void. Notes bear iniere-t only when so stated. Principals are responsi ble for tbeir agents. Each individual in partnership* is responsible for the debts of tbe firm. Ignorance of the law excuses no one. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. The aw compels no one to do impossibilities. —An exchange telis the following story on Butler Oauty. Some years ago a Bap tist church in Butler conty tried a man for kissing his wite. The formulated charge was entered I'Cnbeco nine levity." The gentleman accused had been away from home several weeks on business, and on bis return he met his wife at the meeting house, and in the presence ot the congrega tion em brawl her with a sounding amack on tbe l'ps. Some of the staid old deacons were so «hi>cked at i-ucb levity in tbe bouse of God that the geutleman teas arra:<o«u on the above charge, aad escaped dismiss al from tbe church by agreeing to do his kissing at homo in the future. —A supply of new postage stamps, call ed tbe Columbus scries, arrived at our post-office a few days ago, and found a ready sale. Tbe stamps are of tbe same "beighth as tbe old ones, but are nearly twice as wide. Tbe one cent stamps are printed with blue ink, and the engraving represents "Columbus in sight of of land'' standing on tbe deck of his vessel. The two-cent staiap is printed with purplu ink and the engraving represents tbe "Landing of Columbns." The series run from one cent to five dollar i-tamps, is a very bann someone, and will probably be a von profitable one for the Goverument, as millions of tt.tin will be saved as souve nirs. —The Msdicsl Society of Butler County, whieh includes nearly all of the physicians of the county, held a meeting in tbeir rooms in Batler, Tuesday, and elected of ficers for 1893 as follows: President—Dr. J. D. Hookenberry. Vice President— Dr. SI. E. Headland. Secretary—Dr. S. D. Bell. Treasurer—Dr. N. M. floorer. Censor*—Dr». S. Gratia.n, R. H. Pillow and M. E. Headland. Delegate* were elected to the State so ciety and the American Medical Associa tion. That evening the Society mft in the U. V. L. flail, where they were entertained by local talent, the address of Dr. J. C Barr and the essay of Dr. Eliza Grossman be ing the feature* of the evening A supper at one of oar leading hotels followed, with toasts and jokes, and altogether the doctors spent a very pleasant and profitable day JJ Butler. The Soldiers' Mounment. At the meeting of the collectors of the monument fund, in Butler, Monday, $537.- 50 wan reported as follows: Company E. X. G. P $25 00 tjuoimit township, Joseph Portinau, collector 37 15 Centreville borough, Robert Kinsick, collector .. 35 50 Brady township, T. S. Beatty, col lector 10 00 Kerns City, P. K Burke, collector.. 23 50 Pairview township, east, S. W. Me- Cullough, collector 27 50 Millerstown borough, J. B Sbo walter, collector 24 50 Slippery Kock township, H McGill, collector 7 50 Donegal towuship, J. B. Orbisou, collector 27 50 Conuoijueuersiug township, east, G McCaudl*ss 78 50 Harmony borough, A Kppinp-r.and fl. M. Wise, collectors 82 55 Jackson township, west, I. M (ial lugher. collector 4<l 00 Lancaster township, Ira Btanli.-r, collector 18 00 Zxlieiiople borough, H W. Gslbach and Johii Diiidmic*-r, collectors. 41 25 Middlesex township. Mc-Candles* anil Marks, collectors 10 (JO Petrolia borough 0 00 baxonburg, C. 11 "flu. an, collector.. 31 00 Total reported $537 50 The bond of the Treasurer was approved, and Ihe lime for collections extended to Februarj 22d. The New Firm. BERKIMER & TAYLOR Undertakers and practical embaltpers, late ot Pitiahorg, bave opened an undertaking room iu tbe Diam *ud Block, next door to tbe Postoffice where they are prepared to show a fine stock of goods, pertaining to undertaking, among which in a lull line of cuffing, caskets, shrouds, wind ing sheets, etc. Anyone requiring the Kerrices of an undertaker would do welt to call and examine their stock. BERKIMER it TAYLOR, 251 8 Main St., Butler, Pa. Ladies ant' Misses' Cloaks in great variety at lowest prices at L. HTEIN A SON's. —Silk mittens only 5Uc at M. F. Si M. Marks.' —Pianos, Upright Pianos, Metallopboues, Organs, Accordeoris, Concertinas, Musical Boxes, Mouth Organs ot all kinds at J. F. T. STEULE'S Gfintiti KMiti tft Yur, h|»rit-b and Saxony Yarns at L. STEIN & SON's —Alway stop at the Hotel Waver ly when in Butler. —Take your children to Zuver's Gallery for Pictures that will suit yoo. Postoffice building. Largest assortment and best values in Dress Goods and Clonks at L. STEIN A SON'S. —Zuver's Pictures leave nothing wanting iu finish, tone or a correct likeness. —Silk belt handk'l'n 15c, beautiful colors at ' M. F. & M MARKS.' Buffalo Blankets, best f.,r wear at L. STEIN Ai SON'S For all home made randies, com | nion randies and <-re«m canrtip* uo to JOHN \. KICIIKY 142 Main St. Tbe Pn pliVfitO'e curt ii . >ii| <• i>( Lidi'Said Chijdrens i;.<l rwtai. lloardiinr IIWJM-Cauls wi«h \ - of Assembly 2.S eeote tor b&ll-u-dczen, I for MM« »V OtWWtM U&Kv, LEGAL NEWS. Tbe Janaary term of Civil Court met Monday with Judges Hazen and Greer presiding. Judge Greer's commission «t> rea/t in open Court by the Prothonotary, anil, as be bad already liken the oath of office, he took seat on the bench. The hearing of motiouii and petitions oc cupied the time of the Court for an hour, aad then a jury was called and the Trial List read over. The case of Wise, assig nee, vs iloyt was continued on account of Mr. Hoyt's illness; the case of Deenng A Co. vs Brown was continued by consent, also tbe cise of Altmire Vs iliiliard and some trials were set for certain days. In the case H A. Walters vs W. J Marks, adm'r, a verdict of .*350 for plain tiff was agreed to In the case of the P. A- W. R. K Co. vs W J. Gilliland, a Verdict of $26 12 for plaintiff, with legal qaestion reserved was agreed to. Some trouble was experienced in start ing both Courts »t ».rk on account ol th - brio ot Greer and Ralston being interested iu several of tbo case- ou the list and also other attorneys being interested in differ ent ca-cs. The trial of the case of J. H Coe vsC. D. Greenlee, was the firs; over which Judge Greer presided. J D Marshall represent ed the plaintiff, C. Uccaudfess the de fendant. J.A. CoevsC. D. Greenlee—Jan 10, 1893. deieudant confesses judgment for #2OO, and cost.-, , the plaintiff to li e no bill of costs lor witnesses or subpOSiias en tered. John Kaighner vs W. H. Campbell, ex'r. ■ o! John A. Uawp'ieil— .lan. 11. 1890. Ver-| diet lor thepLtimiff for $409.75. Quertion ; ot law re-erved anil Court reserves right to i enter judgment f..r the defendant. Mary Beckman ai <l Emma Bet linger vs M E. Helmbold. Ad.n'r. Jan 10, 1893, plaintiff takes a voluntary non-suit F. E. Gamble vs C. Snodgrass, (on trial ) iroTßs. Jnry Commissioners Patterson and Graham fini heil their work <1 filling tbe wheel last moiiday. and immediately drew a Jury for the next February term- There is more faie>r connected with the securing of six hundred responsible men. fairly dis tributed among the different districts and parties, a.ol whose nairo-s have not i )(sl .n in the wheel a: iea>t three years, than many people would suppoj-e. Court Crier Gilleland is yet too ill to attend Court. A subpoena was issued for N H. French, who has been returned to Court on a charge of rape, preferred by Nettie Gibson. Miss Annie E Crawford was appointee guardian ol Carrie M Logau. I. G Logan and Charlotte Ida Logan minor children of James D Logau, dee'd. Letters of adm'r. were granted to John Bcrgbickler in e>t ite o| Frank P. Berg trickier of Summit twp. On Tuesday of this week L M. Wise, asi-ignee of i)r. By ere, re-tranefered the Dr's property to him The tricnds of the Dr. cougiatulatei. him for lis success in oridgmg his financial troubles. LATB PRUPKRTV TRANSFERS. L Ripper to Tin Goehring, lots in For ward tor SBOO. M McGmley to Magpie Cochran, 2 acres in Butler twp tor SSOO. Jos Goehring to ou .* L Goehring, 40 acres in Cranberry twp lor S3OOO J«s S Marshall to Thus N Gilghrist. M acres in Marion for $2,200. D A Heck to Mary U-ck, lot in Butler tor $1,400 Mar> E Barr to Hy Knauff, lot in Mars for s3.>o Jno Barr to Hy Kauff. lot in Mars for $350 Ellsworth Miller to Nannie A Bell lot in Butler for $1550. Marriage Licenses. ' 'barles L Ililgar Coaltowu Susanna Rodgers " F L. Christie Moniteau Nettie Ritenour Bojer John J. Sullivan Martiuaburp, W, Vs Amelia Hincbberger Butler twp J. Harvey Bell North Hope Alice Sbryock " L E Miller Butler, Pa flattie Slentz " At Pittsburg, James S. Cooper of Butler Co., and Clara Hughes of Ali- jibeiiy Co , also A E. McCanco and Su-ie Couroy of Harmony. At Green-bure, John C. H. Hustead of Butler Co., aud Sarah Franklin of Fenn station. At Kittannit'g—Dxniel Black of Butler coamy and Sarah G Forquer of Armstrong Co. Trade at LoEIH TRAXLKK'B Bargain Dry Qooda Store. Diiririir tbih nionth he will K' ve awav 500 uotrimmed felt hnts bree Without Any Charge. All you Lave to buy is a little trirnmiui.' for it. C"tne quick if yon need a bat or bonnet for there will be » jrreat rush for tnem How is it about a wrap do you need one? If you don't, buy one for next vear V\e are selling all our caie now just, about lor half wbut they were before Cbrimuias No reasonable offer refused, f>r we must make room for spring gondii Blank eta, flaunelM and woolen rlresa goodt. all reduced iri prices. You know that we are located. Next d jor to tbe liutler having'* litu.k, Butler, Loti« Tkaxleb Don't forget uh on Hoaiery and (ilovea, we alwaya have the bent at lowest pricea L. FTEIN k SON'S —On I>ecemlier lat we hejfin to invoice and want to reduce our atock all we can before that time, there fore will miike special low prices in blanketa, robea, tiurneaH and every thing we Lave Martincourt & Co., I 128 Kurt Jtßeisou aired, Hand made Irish linen handke h'efs. beautifully embroidered, wortbr 50 ctH each, three for a dollar al Marks' Mllll nc.r v. Hosiery Bulletin. Irifautn' all Wool beauties* from 10c to 40c. Children'* all wool seamless double heel and toe 25c. Children's ull wool seamless double knee, beel and toe 35c. Children'* imported cashmere 50n Children's d"Ut»l»- knee heel and toe (equal to band knil) 75: Ladies' fleeced 30. 40 and 50c " all wool < earn less 25, J5 40, and 50c. Ladies' imported CM >-bnitre 75c and $1 00 M P. A M MARKS. 113 to 117 South Main St —II W~K nonce of The Peoples' Store in just opening up a large aw- Hortuieut of holiday goods suitable for presents Before buying exumiue •iur floods "fd prices. Attend the State Normal School at Slippery Hock, Butler Co I'a. Best advantage-- iu Music, Methods, Form Study and Drawing, etc. Ex oenses only $lO for 12 week*. B«- K'iuH Jan. 3 1893. AIHfcKT E MAI.TBY Ph. I)., l'i ilicipal —Hotel Wuverly. Is'-a house in Butler. Buy 's Carts and WegonH T"y» 'ha' never < u'-nfav their V\ t lci me with !t •• M< at •J f T STKULE's. —On I'en J, a . t*„, D |*i f-w i d w»f • t.-i.i ur «iek !l we run Iji !>iie tt.. me, 111. . f'»re ttillri .k- j,ci |. * prtce» i„ Matikt-** rob«-H. h • i.and everv thing we hn'e \i .rune :ji t A (jo. litt) Luol Jifitrtwb, otuu JiViUcr. Personal. Rev. John Graham is visiting his folks in Butler Dr. Bell attended to his duties as Presi dential Elector, at Harrisburg Monday. Julias Ciesar of the Hanford company is only nineteen years old. Joseph Ash, of Evans City, intends go ing l<> Washington, D. C., in the near future, but if he can not make a success ol tt e lightning rod business there he will rt tnrn. Mr B M. Duncan went on to Philadel phia, Friday night to see his son, who is attending the medical college theie. Mr. Jobn G. Bippus. Jr., of Butler is plastering the house of Mr Foraker of Mlilerxtown this week He finished the Duffy block ou Jeflerson St.. last week. Mr S. 11. Templeton, the genial post master at Fairview is seriously ill. His friends hope for his speedy recovery. Eagene G. Miller, Esq., formerly of this town, is low a Judge at Spokane Falls, Washington He aud Jobn M . who is now located ut Minneapolis, are natives ot Lousiana. Will KoJgers, formerly of the Jarecki store here, was married at Panama. N Y Tuexdai. t»> Miss Maine Hartley of that place Will Lis wife in a basket of, grapes Octouer be found a letter in a grape Ija-Ket staling that the grapes hi 1 Uecii packed by the lady named, a corre suondeucu aud acquaintance followed, * Inch ripened into lueudship and lore. Ktv E. I'ronenwett will preach in the old lienshaw church, Butier twp., on next Sunday ai 2.30 p. m. Rev. K rns of Bruin preached his fare Vkeii s rmou to the Fresoyteriau cougrega tlou there last sabbath, a week. Misses Louie Campbell and Lizzie Gib sou. ot North VV nsningiou are atleadi.ig a musical college in New Y.-rk. Will Krug aent to Pittsburg Monday, witn the lutenliou ol learning short-hand. "He was a sawyer; bliud was he, 'that was bis only flaw; And. though none tVer .saw biui see, Many have seen him saw. S. W. McCollough and wife ofl'airview twp -peut a pleasant week with her broth ers in Butler. Adam aud George Ratuerer ot tbe West End. Governor of Texas, is only 39 years old. but when be climbs up <u a weighing macnine it has to record 375 pounds or be considered an enemy of the administration. The Sick. Will Barto, of Evans City, and Uuagland, are sick with typhoid. Pr J M. List, of Evans City, is recover ing from a severe attack of typhoid fever. Mrs J. W. Bayer, of East North street, is seriously ill. Miss Eva Brooks, a daughter of Dr. F. B. Brooks, ol Washington, is recovering from a severe attack of diphtheria. Mrs John A. Wick, of Clay township, is yet seriously ill. Mr McGowan, of near Mt. Chest nut, is sick with typhoid. Rev. J. R. Coulter is serriously ill. Miss Sadie Williams, a daughter ofßiv. Williams, ot Brady twp, and who has been leaching at Blairsville, is at home, suffering troni nervous prostration. James Monri>e. Allen Lindsey and Mr. Davidson, of Rentrew, are on tbe sick list. A daughter of Geo. Baumgardner, of Glade Kun, is sick of pneumouia; and a daughter ot Mr. Boundy of same vicinity with typhoid. Mi. W. H. MafTatt, Millerstown, is a suf ferer fr>>ni quinsy. A son of J. S. Barnhart, of Millerstown, is seriously ill of Brigbts disease of tbe kidneys. John McGonitile.of Slipperyrock twp. in recovering from a long seige of typhoid fever. Accidents. Geo. W. Cooper, of Slipperyrock twp., bad bis band badly cut at his spuke mill lately. Joseph Vogel was thrown from his sleigh last Saturday and had bis arm sprained. John Sherman of Butler twp. broke an arm, Mon- ay. Richard Miller had his left arm crashed by the steam hammer in Shearer's shop, Monday. Armory Opera House. A number of beaatiful jtirln arc one of i hi- many feature- of the V and /Company wbii-h will be M*<-U at the Armory Opera ||nD>r, Monday. Jan. 16th. The ciimrdy which ha» beau entirely re written and revised, in brighter and better than eve r . Among tbe young ladies who II ake up ihe coterie of loveliness are Minn Maine L"ckrtte, tbe pretty »oubrettc who created rnieh a bit 111 New Turk in the new Pari-iaii deuce, tb« Cbanteuse Kli-ctnque; Mio- Fanny Temple, a graduate of me Bunion Conservatory of Munic, who acts tbe tall and baudMiine prima donna rule and nu.g.i with grace and tiuinb: JiHie Mor ris Sallivsu, whose Celtic sungx, iuiper»on HlioDH and character dances have w-.n for . her applause iu every American city; Mis- Virgi.- Arnold, the gracilul dancer wbo ap pear* for th«- first time in her imw "whirl wind" Ilahce; Miss Lydla I'm u«, whose .-<i-i-t c-nlialt*' voice rank* ber among tbe leading Voci.ln.ts, auil Kb" will be seen in her Uii-pauian dance", and Mi»* K*te Bee. edict, tun witching baliadist, fioui the Al hambra in London. Children'* Trunks Children's Bureaus. Children's Chairs Children's Wooden Bedsteads. Children's Wooden Tables. Children's Wooder Rockers at J.F. T STEHLE'b Best place to buy Tabln l.inens, Napkilib and Towels at L. STEIN & SON'S Nr. a Broadcloths, Bedford Cords, Henrietta* and Fine Dress Uoods at L. STEIN A SON'h. Fall and Winter Press Goods at THE PEOPLES' STOBB, No. 323 South Main St. Money to loan lnquire of F S PurviaDce, Ilueeltou block, cor. Main i.lid Diamond, Butler Pa" M F. A M. Marks' have received their stock of Fall and Winter under wear for ladies, Misses and children. Uuisn under a specialty. Double Blackboards, Secretaries Desks, Kur< ka Baby Jumpers and Swings for sale at J. F T. STEHLE'B. Pare linen hemsticbed handk'f's $1 50 per doz at M. F. A M MAKKS ' —On December Ist we begin to invoice and want to reduce our stock all we can heloro that time, there tore will make special low prices in blankets robes, harness and every thinir we have Martincourt AL CO., 128 East Jefferson street, Butler. Fine embroidered handk'f's $2.75 per dozen at M. F. A M. MARES.' Very low prices on Fine Umbrel lan al l» STEIN A SON'S. • Loveiy Millinery! Trimmed bats $1.50, $2 50, $3.50, ! I,<itest novelties in shapes and ; trimmings O-.lere i tornptlv li ed M F A M. MAUKS. 113 i 117 Sou h Main S KOI'I -A I.E -AT • BSRIFAIO. >. 10 ti -e jiiirf' U (in- E'.|fl'-', til g, -i , | ,k- ninriiMD. LUOI-ALVM PUU.CU , LMI., I^RIO,PA. The Hospital. 1 The general hospital committee, at it* meeting last Tuesday, decided to change I the name to the '•Conn"«qae«sinc Valley i Hospital," to add to Art. II tne following, viz; "and it* duration l>e perpetual,'' also to exponge from Art VI the follwing. viz; "whose membershall have secured Dot less than 20 paid hospital certificates of each, '•and made Rome other flight alterations ie the published charter outline. A citizen of Butler has liberally offered two acres of grou ds for a hospital in a good location The ground is to be donat ed A charter will be applied for at the February term of court and a bill will be presented to the legislature a»luug for an appropriation for the hospital. Order of Committee, Jos. Forrkstkb, Chairman. The general Hospital Committee with the Directors appointed by the churches will meet in the M E Church unit Tues day night, Jan. 17. The directors already appointed are as follows: J M Galb.-atti U P Church; Thomas Xiirele. St. Paul's K C. Church; Jos Rocksiein. St. Peter's K C. Church; J W. McKee. Presbyterian Church; Tbog Kobiuson. M E. Church. L C. Wick, South Side K»-lormed Church; J 11, Troutman, St. Mark's Lutheran Cburrh The churches not here represented ate urgently n..lted to appoint a direetor to l»e at the next meeting 1U order to atfect a permanent organization. Cbairmao Committee. Oil Notes. Jog Colestock 4 Co, have located a well on the James McGrath farm in Cen tre twp., have the riit up, and expected to be drilling this week. John M. Arters ha« 600 acres leased in that vicinity and ex pects to start a well in that vicinity. The -'S. Y Syndic te" is Jrilling m the Doit farm west of Valencia. Campbell <fc Murphy are drilling to the north of the Harmony field. Oil has been hovering around the 54 mark lately. The M arkets. BtriLKR MARKKTS. Our grocers are paying 2# for butter. 25 for fints, 60 for potatoes; 60 for apples. 50 for parsnips. 40 for turnips, l 75 | >e ans. 3 eta. a pd. for i-ahbage. 10 cts a pd for chicken, and 121 for turkey, 35 cts a doz for celery. PITTRBURtJ PRODCCB. Timothy hay from county wagons sl6 to *lB. mixed hav sl2 to sl3 Flour 350 to 4 75. rre flonr 3.50 t" 3 75. wheat by car load 74 an I 78 rte 61 to 65. oats 35 to 39. corn 45 to 53 Buckwheat fl-mr 2i to 2j Country roll butter 22 to 24, cooking bntter 10 to 12 Fresh eggs 31 to 32, cold storage egg* 24 to 25 Pota'nea on track, white 70 to 75. red 65 to 70, mixed 50 to 55, from store 80 to 85. Apples $2 50 to $3 75 a bbl , beans $2.00 per hu.. cahbaee 9 to 10 cts each, celery i 5 cts a doz. Goose feathers 50 to 60. mixed leathers 25 to 35.ye110w onions 1 00 to 1 10 a hu.. dressed chicken 13 to 14, duck 14 to 15. turkey 15 to 16. jreese 10 to 12, toll >w 41, turnips 225 to 2 50 a bbl. LIVB STOCK. At Uerr's Island, Monday, medium steers sold at 263 to 3s, prime to 4,-xtra cornfed at 430t> 630 Choice v«al calves sold at 6i to 7, heavy calves at 2$ to 4$ Common sheep sold at 1 t to 3, medium ai 3i to at d choice at sto SJ. Choice lainos brought 5 to 51 and spring lambs 5} to 6i Koagh bogs brought 7£ to 7|. common 7 54 10 7|, and selects at 7.90 to 8. Tours to California, Florida, Ac., via Pennsylvania Railroad. For people contemplating either extend ed or hunted pleasure jaunts daring the winter and spring of the uew year, an in spection of the Pennsv lvama Railroad Company's announcement ot it- personally conducted tours will prove of great assist ance. As far af territory is- concerned, the li. .-.t in importance is the series to the Golden Gale and Pacific Coast points, start ing from New York aud Pniiadelphia Felt ruarr Bih, March 2 f and 29th. The same liberal provision* accorded last year, as in conditions and use of tickets, will be in efTect for these tours A series of five will be run to Florida— January 31st. February 14th an.d 28th, March 14th aud 28'h. The rates of SSO from New York, S4B from Philadelphia. Il> rrisburg and Washington, and propor tiuate rales troin other points, ci<Ver all ne essary expenses en route in both direc tions Tickets for the first four tours will admit of a stay oi two weeks iu the flowery Slate, and for the filth until Mas 30tb. There will be a series of six to Washing ton, D. C , each tour covering a poriod of three davs —.latiuarv 19ih, February 9'h, March 23d. April I3ih, May 4th ami 25m The rales ol sl3 Irom New York, 4MI sll from Philadelphia and Wilmington, a t proportinate rates Irom other places, in cludu railroad tare and hot« 1 accomodations during the stay in the capital For infor mation and itineraries application should be made to Tourist Agents. 849 Hroadwsy. New York, and 233 South Fourth Street. Philadelphia, or Ticket Agents of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Bent styles in Drew* (Joods urd Cloaks at L. Stein & Son'a. Everybody reads Th« Pittsburg Dispatch for the reason that it eon taiux morn news, both general sp"ci al.and telegraphic; ha* more contrib utors and more S|tecial correspond ence than anv other ne*v-paper be twerfii New York and Chicago. The Gold Watch AT The Racket Store Ran 33 hours, 2 1 min., 44 sec., ard was won by Andrew G. Morrison, Butler, Pa., who guessed 33 hours, 20 min. R£W CUSTOM GRIST MILL. I have placed in my Mill a first class Roller outfit for Hack wheat Flour. Alho Roller Corn and Chopping Mills, all the best the market offers. Give us a trial, we'll do oar best to give yon a good turn out. Running every day except Sunday. W.M. F MILLKR. 313 N. V> Hshington St, Butler PH. „ , \ \>\ r l f ER <*OPjVT\ utua! Ftrn fnsurance Co, • Mair 4* Ci.nninehjitr JV III'IKK" ' " ECRETAKV M.. |WW lle|.(lrr«..l, r, •A « Itlnckuwre. < tVeil/r: 1 ILui.ihii. II V. r -111 K' lierer. 1 • Mini:, , joint '.r.-tin .Hi, '"hD Kveniii,- LOYAL S. Age U I .BTJx'J-j-ELbc. £*^ NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. Malignant diphtheria has made it- a; • pearance at Bagdad, nea: Freep' rt At Braddock, Pa., Mary Seidler disserted ' Andrew Parker at the altar. weat to the basement ol the church,changed bfr clothes ' an.l started <<fT. but Parker followed her and s'ngge l her on the s reet. The immense brick and iron building owned by P. Duff A Sons, and located at 933 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, was destroyed by fire last night. The upper floors of the building were occupied l>y Booth <fc Flinn. the well known contract ors; and by John K. Collins, the cigar manufacturer; both of whom are heavy logers. The house of James Vermr, ad joining the Duff building, was wrecked. The entire loss is put at $400,000. Forty millions of cigars belonging to Collins went up in flames and for three hours it rained fire in that neighborhood. Cook Hall, M>ke Coleman and Tom Hughes, the I'ostoffice robbers, were sen tenced by Judge Buffingtou of the U. S. Dist Court in Pittsburg, last Thursday. Coleman was given fifteen years in the penitentiary; Hughes twelve years; and Hall six years An appeal was granted iii the cases of Coleman and Hughes. A dozen robberies have lately occum d in ihe southern and eastern pans of La» - reLce county, and many farmers ol tb--« set t'ous of that connty are sleeping win. shot guns and revolvers witnm r>-acb. Dur ing the past week or so the isang of burg lars hss been at work in the vicinitj < f Princeton. Several wereenier ed in Slippery Rock township. John Aike losing S2OO anM John Moore, a w»alti.y old farmer about 70 years of uge. sl2 and a lot of silverware. Moore was alone whir he answered the rap of the thieves at th-« at the door, and notwithstanding his ad vanced age. grappled with one of the tobhers, but wa.- quickly thrown to the floor aud tieaten into insensibility. The house was then searched.but all the money found was sl2, which was on Moore's person It was Some lime after the thieves leil before Moore regained consciousness. He is now in a precarious condition, and hi phisician has little hopes of his recovery. Vigilance committee-; have been organized, aud young men. »'ell arni'-d, are now *ta tinned at the homes of aged couples. Three years ago a WilkesbarTe man was arrested while dressing for his wedding, sent to prison, where he stayed until a day or two ago, when liberated <>n the coi.fe* sion of the real culprit, aud met by hi» laitbful affi.tnced, driven to a clergyman's house aud married Who says the material for romances has disappeared from our prosy land. Harry L. Pontiou*, a brakeman on the Low Grade K K , was ran over and killed while making a coupling near Lawsunbam a few days ago. The tram was backing up aud Mr. Pontious stepped in to adjust the Jiuk preparatory to making the coupling wben he slipped on the frozen ties, tailing across the rails face dowi,- wards, and before he could n.-e the wheels passed over bim at aliout the middle of bis back, cntting bim entirely in two and severing both arms from his body. As be fell he shouted aud his shont was heard by conductor McCormijk, wto was but a car length away, and upon turn ing about he saw his flagman under the cruel trucks. While some children were coasting down the steep hill at Parker, a few days ago, Edna Lusk had her leg broken, Fannie Harrington was badly hurt, and all of 01 e sled load were more or less injured. Tie bob-sleds run off aud carried the cbildien over the river embankment. At Pittsburg, Tuesday, ten of the Du quesue rioters were found guilty of riot, aud two ol unlawful assembly. Two big fly-wheels in Oliver «t Roberts iron mill in the S. S. Pittsburg, weighing twenty-tons, went to pieces Tuesday , and killed two men. Two barns near New Castle were set on fire, Sunday, and another next day. At John Davidson's bouse the incendiaries climbed nuder a porch and rat united a l-ig pile of kindling wood and the lower side of the porch with oil and theu set tire to it. The Democrats ot Pittsburg have nomi nated McKenna for Mayor, Goarley for Controller, and Fleming for Treasurer. RKAD Til USE OFFERS! THE lIARRFSBUKO SEMI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, Published by the 11 arrisijuro Publish lno C'oMPAST, is the larger and l» si tie* spa per published at lh> capital ol I'eiiliHt Ivailia. fceac'i cum ber contains thiriv-tmo columns tilled *it lithe latent news, stones, market reports, legislative Procedings and miaollaneou* reading. PRICE ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, OR ONE CENT A COPY. TKLKOEAPU and AMKRICAS AoaicourUßis r for Two Dollars. Skmi W kkki.y TklkoraTii and Americas Kakmkh (uiontiily) for One Dollar Shin-Wkkkl* Tklsorapii and Homk Mahizis*. edited lit Mrs John A l*> gan (monthly) for One Dollar anil Jen Cento. Skmi-Wkkkly Tbi.koraph and JOS Ml' History ok tiik J chiata Vallky ($2) lor the price ol the book aloue, Tiro Dollars. RELIABLE A<JENTB WAXTKI> To Solicit Subscriptions in every School District iu Pennsylvania. lull} Tel CKra|>li. per year. The cash must accompany all orlers.and be addressed to M. W. McALARNKY. Manager. Harrinbuig, Penn'a. Christmas Presents for Gentlemen. Among many un-ful pre~ents f>r gentleman, that we have, are tbo fol low ing: Collar cuff «ets, wbisp-broom holder*, traveler's a»es, shaving cases, smoker's sets, photo cases, necktie canes, lap tablets, portefoiios gold p»*nM aud pencila, pocket match safes aud stamp boxes, cigar boxes, pocket cigar cases, bill books, ink Blanks, paper weights, pap. r knives, shoe blacking eels, f. untairi pens office calendars, di rien, shav< ing minors, letter cases, toilet cases, nut *eis, hob p boxen, fancv blotters, eilver hh a veing niugH, Webster's Int. Dictionary, Encyclopedia Itriiiauoi ca, uud books of all kinds for every body. Come and see them at J. H. DOUGLASS'. 2nd Doer N. of P. O. A. E. GABLE, Veterinary Hurgeon. (iruduate ot the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Cunada, Dr Guttle treuts nil diec&ses ol tin iomesticaled animnle. umi makes ridkfluig, custrntiou and horse den | iis'rt a uteciiiiiy. Caul ration p*r i rti.» d wi'tioit! clams, iinii »ll oilier cul . p.-f;' lolls perloritied ill tire I ■ ,1 r!> II I tic HIS liner Cit'ls to nay par ; of the couijtr? j prf.mprly responded to. tilli e and li liriu tr\ i* t rawford Livery, laa Wefcl Jell* reon Sueei, | Duller Fa.. The Ih mutt to good if yom <irt »u-k. The I'k .-iri.m a jiects rt'i'lt- ,md th; rav **nlyfn: obtained *rhrn pure drugs art di-pensed. /*« ri/y tare and accuracy ta every department of our bust Only registered jiharmactxts are employed and personal tuperrmin yiren to erfry detail, ire enderror to keep every thing that is inquired f>r, hut if ire do not hare what your prescription calls for we will tell you to and do our best to get it for you at the earlmxt po«-Mc time. y~o matter irhat is needed for the stctroom come to our sUtre. Our prices are as Intc as eon sistent with pure good*. Inferior ones ire do not , care to handle at any price. Physicians pre scriptions and family re cript.i a specialty. UespectfuUy. C. N. I JOY L>. Diamond lilo-k. BnfU-r Pt. I'llE HI'TLLK MM Sl\ National Hank, Bi Pi. I* 4 PIT At. Patil If, _ tilta >«• a*. *r»PLI». - - - #i»,ii»o im OFFICERS : Jo*. t!ar:m.<n. I'res't. .1. V. una. Vice rr«s t, r. A Bal.ey, ash •r, I)IKWTI>K» : Jos., i r. T otltna. tt M Icumfll H. Mrswrmnj, c. |>. ~r . .^n i , j y. R!;»s. S F *hr»ms. Leslie llaz!> (t. I. <i. Sraltn. '•V, rt. WaMron, M Pinemn. A banking busjaesti trajis-ictett. In te: *sr pei.l 011 rime uk-pueUt*. Moot v locoed 00 tppro*«. sei- irtty. Kurelini exchansfe bonght and sold. INSURANCE COMPANY of iVOKIH AMEKICA.IOOIh Year Assets $9,273,230.00. Home of New York, Assets $9,370,640.00. Hariford of Hartford, Assets $6,743,046.84.^ Continental of New York, Assets $5,806,784.91. NEW YORK LIKE, Assets $125,947,290.81. Office of E E. ABRAMS & CO. Office in HUSKLTO.V BUILDING, dui to the Court House. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WBhT PR.V* R. K. T'*in« leare the West Peno depot at fool wst Jeflfersou St. as follow* 15a. m.—Market— arrives at Allegheny at H:4't and '■>: l t p. m. a 111 —Kxprewi —arrives at Alleghen* at 10:30 a. ui. 11:1*1 a. m Aec«>mralatioa— arrives at Alle trbetiy at 1:21 p ni. 2:4.i p. m—Accomodation arrives at Alle at 4:44 p. tn. ">:(Sip iu.—Kli»ress--arrives at Alleifhenv at tlleifbeny at r>:4S p 10. The 6:2 it a. ro. t'»-o and 2:4"> p. m. traits ennnert at Butler June tun; with train* l. el tn Rlsirsville Inter—clloo, where twmvmn is insde with the I >>t Express and Pbila*i'a Express gninK East. Trains arrive at Rutlerat and 10:35 a. m. and 1:30. .i-.UU and 7:.V> p in., leaving \l lekrheiiy at -:~>0 ai.<* Hkti) a. in. ao'l,t:l» 15 a:>d «;10 p. in P. A w. tt R. Trains leave the P A W dep> t near 4'ea rre Ave., Southst-le, flutter time, as (o;ls> ;ntus. nih: 1. in —Allegheny tc wranHinsa. s: 10 .t Heghenv au>l Aaron F.xi.-i sa !■»» mi Snndav to (llrfktajr, aad cwou»et» dnily t» New Castle. 10:".'ii a m jfcSO p. ui.— !::1» p. in.—l Expre?.- in; « ot "'on day .1:56 p ni— and /elin, plr Mail t'un<i on .Sc.i.dav to Alle>rh-il} i|. -i -011 Sands/ none, a: lf:l£a. ni \lle.heny Eijtm* North —I m. d:. Kra«llor«t UtiL s:**> p. ru CkrM* \eo>m. po» Poitmr^ On ttundii a U-4r»*> t<>r I'allr.-y »' l!:tf»a. to Jfc»HouHaj crtiu«***2 the Qftmiv icatiir**. Tbe 3:io i- ru train S*-u!h t v #l lery with tbe i lik u;, f which rac* daily at;*! i» «'ju^**l *r»*f the PaM««a bwf frl R.'i<i klf- pin# TrifiM tor V,f\z**r lr«tr Mt**h»«»« »• K:H»*n t . en* mm*■*, ** ' - ' »i I.» j». it: O. . * ! Mi ..CHI \> •• Train* Irrurr HI riaii*-r ai .► • ai.d '» a rt». &it«l I: I». 7:*J» a*i<f J .-i" j n» l*r • i,;y at 1*1:20 a»»»l »*:ttt PlTMBWti* HPXA.t-.04 I**' ' p .»* f Trmu< N *•■ iti i* A «i- i*»: f aiirf tlimit*, aa 5:.K) a tu. to Kne, arriving tbue at Mfcis a. tu. |i»:rUl •. 111. to Krie, arriving (here at 3:'J»» p. lIJ., Huff tlo Ml ♦»: 4.» I*. 111. 5:<N) p. iu. to UiceuVllto. arrmn : there a' 7:26 |# in. A tram artivr* trow at a ID. with car to Allr*tieny the P. AW; one at *2.'3tl p. to. fr«>iu hrie which C"inircl> with both rwn-li (•» Allegheny, and outs at B:40 p. m. tnnn Krie Train* leave Hiilmr>l« tt 6:2satd 11:1 a TO. alow tnuv and ciot«rt '«»r ({•ulrr.a t*! ihe />:<i>i p. in. (rain from Butler r«.nuect< !«»r H ilhariju. Tl»»- H:!K» a m. a nil sp. tu. trains "u ooih road* in AMrifhfnjr i*'»nti«*n with train* on the I*. 8. A I. h. at Butler. FRANK KEMPER, DBA LIS Ft IK JiLAXIvETS, HARNESS, And everything in horse and buggy fur nishing go ods - Har ness, Collars, \Y hips. I JiiKtoi'M, Saddles, etc. Also trunks and vu- I isc ?s. liepniring done on short notice. The largest nssort ment oi . r >- A J lorse blankets in town will be iound at K(iimjer'«. K 'JVP Otsic* PATt>Tfl» IK-' COPYRIGHTS, etoJ Foe Informal!' >u »r ] frro 11.n.!t*»* »n«» In Ml NN AO 1 .. '■* I niuiAl »J»T Nrw IONIC. Ol<!e*t .i rr.H :-J- ..h ii ' r«l»M. in At -r-fm. Kr-if inl-t.t uwi-ti . t 1., ni i- t.r i> • U» j »>ui .ic i>/*«' •'««> *»*ca Inn. o: ctuuja tu -»• JrUatifif Ls.niMt firm tat: a r>f Mix p.perlr wotiJ fi iu.y t N » tt t *-•!« uk u n't ' - I ' a ▼«ari fl.fai#l* H"inil»® A'sdr. »« 111 N < A «U, v . uLi-... ■ .»;> i• - ft«w t k WU. ai-ia uny ro»r»l«aJlt* - . .if-V 1 •»..•* • It Pays To Know What Is Going On For Bargains. OEERCOATS, MENS SUITS, And all \V inter Goods. Now is the buyers chance. Now is the time to save money. e are willing to sell all winter goods at cost, and some below cost. MEN'S OVERCOATS WoKT l «M> F R SISOO * * - i •".'#» - 10 00 " ** " I*l. IK I - IK 50 B' Y*S * « 14 0t» « 101)0 " - - ]«•*) - g.SO " - rt.iK) - 3-50 lea's, Yontis. Boy's And a: t to-M Uv Prws, COME AND SKK. H. SCHNEIDEMAN, Cl« nn i fur; i.**r» r. South Main St., Butler, Pa. sen AIL BROS, CO. CLOTHIERS A FURNISHERS. - - ■wlKiiii - ■ Oi¥-:B!R:CifA:T SCHAUL BROS. & CO. One Price Clothiers. OPPOSITE HOTEL YOOELET. - HCTLI*. PA. Have You Paid -*YOUR SUBSCRIPTION r Fhe Citizen?] -MY ROT. 101 is TIE ACCEPTED TUL-t -- IAR6EST CREAMERY SUPPLY HOUSE 111 TK BUB SIIIB. THE VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO., Bylaws FaNa. femwt are feueared in the bo*ine«i of BUILDING and nniSO CREAMERIES and CHEESE FACTORIES. ibrioft Dttrud himhcdt of Cnnwrin. A Cmmrry cm » rtfllfl built tad rqnipprti on ths Tints I'nra for Aar p» rm kviMtaf »tll ttm4 M r" >maM * • ■*, t ■tor. clMlßf CHimto »r at«alac mmr •"< > *•*» C & D Ready for All. VVK HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THIS COUNTY. Krerytbioi; that i» o#w io S«i* Hat«. Oor $1 SO and fi 00 »'• wooden* for the idum*. » uf ii HA '!»«. runirinir in pr»e* frnm 2.*> rt» Vt f.i 00 Ail lb« n«*w bl.»-k* io Silk il»w. (Jrrat»*t lion of FurDiabn* 0o«*}» wr- **er bad. An in«pect»oo will bnao to any one. Colbert & Dale, Hatters and Furnishers, 242 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. W. H O'BRIEN ± <(> S. ~ [ »ii< miinre of ucb'tlte A U'Hh«»- J Sanitary Plumbers Ami Fitter*. »UUH I " S. w-»r Pi[>e, <*:t* Fixtu r *m, and N ituriil <t - A 'i'lift »c frtV- r-«>nSf ..op;. L >wy Iloace hittXiKK* PA _ J J r 'TUKm* «o*rt *rr W J > W NI YOU I . »r < ■ t 1 fP " * m.r * •f » • f • II- r . I « • »l« -» -•• .w r > II r linl Kxp»ri> .•».»».-<••• <j. . it .iit ..uim trrm . Narvriuirk. C. 11. IU»K<I W . tLA»L>Ualm< u*> rn*tmo*r- #• *• Planing Mill -Af»- I .iimber Yawl ». l. n a*» u © rttfa Purvis&Co. »*» nwAi-mm far oorh an 4 Flaacd Lambcr >r (ttaf SHINGLES, L\TH & SF.WER PIPE. flu rlwr. Pa. WILLIAM KENNEDY. Tfw mm I kn»*« iirerva*** Wa. KraOMll, »ili turn 9» !>•*# Im fri«»dk> tm£ at bt» mmw ytrnm <* I-O-iwh "!"!»• B«u Horses, BukvM »nd C*r~ ri«g»i io Rut>r at Ik* mnm* rnantaMt nun. Tb« p'vt w • Mitt -ft Tb- lir»l wmrnr <4 tfe* Lo«rv MifTjn St::st Livry. WM. HiBHL Tr^r. . One •tjuri- •«» of Mw J** * Mltflr- Alt «W ». t*-» t>«, tjftrw a.d .m. r • ••«*». >:.,.•» an«t hpirnw <)•• «*>d nirfl.t. T-U-pfc. •» N' *4. MUI M* p— IMIII —I.-I ' —■! » >«,rm i wi rj»»»*i«aa * a — a . i . an .\t* Yoaft »V .wu.) Iw joiy $i.J«
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers