PRICKS THE FAIREST /^\ YOU HAVE J EVER KNOWN AT Vogeley & Bancroft's, IN Ladies', Gentleman's and Children's Shoes. See Onr Elegant Line 0( Holiday Goods. No Question about our goods Pleasing. No Question about prices being Satisfactory. NONE CAN SELL CHEAPER. ALL GOODS WARRANTED. BOOTS AND SHOES, Slippers, Rubbers and Overshoes, etc. VOGELEY AND BANCROFT. 347 South Main St., Butler, Pa., Opp. "Wiliard Hotel. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Haven't you a friend who would appreciate a comfortable pair of slippers. You will find no larger or handsomer line than ours to select from. Get your wife and children a real good pair of Shoes and Rubbers. We keep the best and that's the kind you want 11 l ir I 1 "preiifff: Jf you will call and see our goods you will consider yourself amply repaid for time and trouble. Will consider it a pleasure to show you through our line whether you wish to BUY OR NOT. Never was our stock as large as now. We believe our assortment of Holiday Slippers to be the best in the county. It is by far the best in Butler. We desire to particularly emphasize one point, namely: OUR PRICES are unquestionably the LOWEST AL RUFF. LB RAM WE take pleasure in announcing the fact that we now bare on display and on sale an immense stock of goods in the following lines: Dree* Goods in all grades, styles and prices, with the very latest things in trimmings to match. MILLINERY IN all the new things the market affords. Hats and Bonnets gotten op in best style "while yon wait." Ladies', and Children's Wraps, well made and style and fit guaranteed. Carpets, Oil Cloths, ■» INOLEUMB, Mattinjrs, Rags, .Carpet Sweepers, L*ce Cnrtains, I Portiers, Poles and Fixtures, and ail kinds of Domestic Dry Goods fWe always have the besv Blankets and Flannels, and the Standard patterns are acknowledged to be the best made. Call in and get a Fashion All the goods in onr different departments are marked in plain figures at the lowest prices. We not only k<>ep Standard Patterns but all onr goods are standard. We do not handle seconds. Ladies', Gent's and Children's Underwear a specialty. RITTER & RALSTON m "A HAND BAW 13 A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO BHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO 18 THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. J. SPECK. WM. H. HOLMES THE LKABINO WHOLBSALK WINS AID LiqiOß 1101 SK OF WEHTEBS PENNSYLVANIA, Tli© Wm, H. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy' PURE RYES WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. SElsriD FORPRICE 3LISO Telephon No. 305*. 120 Water St. andJISS Fir.stAve., Plttsbuigii Pa 4/% PER CENT. 1U First Mortgage Loans No tax, or fees. Interest payable •cml annually by Sew York draft. Perfect se curity Highest reference. CHAS. V. RF.ID. Fairbaven, Nothing On Earth Will HENS, i X-IKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Diseaae. Good tor Moulting llrnt. •BSB If von ran't pet it wend to o«. W# maH «»*!•• ark iV Five SI A 2 1-4 'b ran II ®- St* r«n« s•'> expn-** r*>ultry V «order. or more, teaple copy of Tnr. Rwt *nt- <r»*\ v L A. Jo INv )S & CO m House St, Boston. HUMPHREYS' This Precious Ointment is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a curative and healing application. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Piles -External or Internal. Blind or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate - the cure certain. For Bums, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Bums. The rHief is instant — the healing wonderful and tmequaled. For Boils, Hot Tumors. Ulcers. Fistulas, Old Sores. Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Herd. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is in* a»uable. Price, 50 Cent. Trial size, 25 Cents. S>!4 by DrnrrliM*. r »»nt on fwaflpl prtem lira piibets' 1*, 111 A1 is trim.* Rt., raw TOBI. WITCH HAZEL OIL. It Cures Cold* Cimchs. Bore Throat, Crtup. InSn- MT . 'Whoooins Cough, Bronchitis au'l Altaic*. Aoertain curs for Consumption in first stages, and a sur* relief ia advance stages. You will KO ths c*eell"nt effect aftr taiin* the firs* dese. Bold by d-»leni eYerywL-r* Largv botuea, 60 Mitl ftud Si.OO. nil PiLES I LLS BWWNE '« ABSOHTTBLT CURBS OINTMENT ITlimilS- MoUtnrr; lllniH Itrkls. ni w.nckraarstehTiir. I? aU.wr.Tt. •omUnme l»m font aad, ffn V 0 oTMfr »b«4»rb« the luivn. Sold bj drogfiat* or b 7 RMfcrSOeU. Prepared b/ Dm. S* jrxs ft Sow. PhllrndtlphU. rap iEi mm lfiifl.3l c* WBT or FaIU Ka >t, o j . yJ j| j» and JscstVLi\jg DF.tIV T cS2Ji 9' Jf v* *** b b t ~' >?, r • / Kebu.:, hobtf Tzlfi 'ilfJurr-t i 'I V •lrmi#lhru*UA > , i >: L> »«•»«-7 .if. :• «Hi "K I'M ■ ■ ' • : *»-. i•. • • - ■ - • mSmm "MOTHERS' FRIEND" WiKfS CHIIP BIRTH EASY. Colvtn, La., Dec. 2,1886.—My wifo used MOTHER' 3 FRIEND beforo her thiro oniincmetit, and says aha would not be without it for hundreds of dollars. DOCK MIXiIiS. Sent by express on receipt of price, #1.50 per bot c. book "'To Mothers" mailed fice. BPUDFIELD REGULATOR CO., -n SALS av AuenoaaisTs. ATLANTA. Q: For Saie by J. C. Redick. READ AND BIMTMPIB For strictly pure and reliable (STRAIGHT LIQUORS, call on I. N. FXXKCH, 12 SMITHFIKI.It ST.. PITTSBURGH, PA.; ((>pp. Mononguhela House.) Matchless tor Family use and Mcdielniil pur poses are FINCH'S GOLDEN WP*IDINO. > All*-. Gti'f'KKMIKIMfcRS V» iHSKY, :prr.,t. , OVERHOI.T'S WHHKY, f 0 qls DILLINUEK'S WHISKY, J for tr>. (•otitis neatly parked aril promptly slilpi>ed Fkek oi- Kxte.vse on receipt of cash or post office order. tJF'Kothliig expressed C. O. D. Send tor Price List. WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE . The fir**»t P.nirlisli Brmeriy. SMD^» ! "' rv,l,s Weakness Emla- Wi'BßjPl slon*. Sfs-rmatorrhejt. Im|>otency nndstl effects jjc for© and After* 'lie only Reliable and Honest known. Ask druggist for Wood's I'itophodim-.; it lie oilers seme worth less medicine In pi • e of thK, leave his dishon est st >re ln< price lu letter, and we will send by retutn mail. Price, one package, ti; six, $5. '»•« will pie ise. six Mill nire. Pamph let lu plain sealed envel"i>c, 2 stamps. Address TilE WOOD t IIKMl( A I CO., 131 V oodward avenue, Detroit Mich EVSold In Butler by C N. Royd J. F. Ralph, J. C. liedlck and dugglsts everywhere DOCTORS LAKE 9 PBTVATE DISPENSARY. ■iZh JS Cor. Penn Ave. an a Fourth Bt., -•''■■ESSK PITTSBURGH. PA. ASwK \ AW form 4of Delicateand Com s ff-vJ plicated Diseases reiiuininrCon ,*\Vr Ft iikntial aU'lSntMIHi: Slcd iciUioii uro treated at tlus Dis •etisary with n success rarely attained. Dr. S. Iv Lake Is a member of the Ito vol College of Phy sicians and Surgetme, nml is the oldest ai d 111' I-1 experienced Specialist in the city Spe ial at ren"on (tiven to Nervous DebiliU from excessive men: nl exertion. Indiscretion of yonth,etc,„ caus ing physical ami mental decay,lack of energy, li'-Ikhi' li'ncy, etc.; also Cancers. Old Sore-., Fits, files, rheumatism, and all .lis .-usesof the Skin. lojil.l.ui -sUilnnrytViranNiti-. Con* Itation iree ami strictly conßdentiiil. Office hours, !l to I mid 7 to 8 ?. M.; Sundays, 2 to 4 p. St. only. ■:1 at oPi<*o or ad-lrce* DR*. L WCK, C>ft. :-;.SN A\ K, AND 4TUST..FITTSBL'Ut.H.I'A. PIIPTIIPC I We tPe uncersipneo were "w' I Ut't. . entirely cureii ot riii-ture by Dr. .1. ". Mayer. Ml Arch St. Pldlndelphl •, Pa", .1 Jones l'lidlips. Rennet Square Pa. : T. A Krettz. Sla'ington. Pa.; E. M Small. Mount Alto'.Pa.; Hev. s H.shermer, Sunbury, Pa.; D J, De lett, 214 S. Twellth St.. Hearting Pa.; Wm. Dix. 1828 Montrose St.. Philadelphia H. L. Rowc. :«> Fliu St.. Reading, Pa.; (Jeorge and cror Burkurl, 4Jt» Locust St., Reading, I'a. Send Fq.flrcular. Tbe Imperial Purchasing Co., 1302 Fiil'ert St., i'Hla , l a. buy;. everything, wko'e«»le ;*.nd r< tail. Mirrors, pianos, urgnus and musical instrument", Great cure in the selection of suitable prei-ents. Charges no Commissions, Samples and estimates sent frte. 16 ytftri expemare. THE CITIZEN A FILTER FOR MILK. Dacerlptlon ot 'U Apparatua Now In CM at Copnh»(C«n. The department of state publishes ■ number ot documents, forwarded by Consul Henry B. Rider, in relation to the milk supply of Copenhagen, which it seems is rigidly guarded a gainst adulteration and infection. Among other precautions, all milk sold in the town is required to be filtered by pass ing through an apparatus described as below: Two enameled-iron tanks, A and B, on different levels, are connected by a pipe opening into the bottom of each, ■o that milk poured into the upper tank comes up as a kind of sprinsr at the bot tom of the lower. In the bottom tink (B) are three layers of gravel (1, 2 and B)—that in the lowest layer about hall the size of a pea. in the middle layer somewhat smaller, and in the third or top layer a little larger than a pin a head. The layers are separated from each other by perforated tin trays rest ing on galvanized rin<rs H H H, with india-rubber rings 000, between, to protect the enamel. At Eis shown an india-rubber ring to preserve enamel against the iron foot-piece or base F. On the top of the uppermost layer of gravel are six layers of fine cloth, I. EG* The whole is kept in position by a pyra midal frame work which presses down the tin trays. As the milk rises to the top of the tank it passes off (through pipe K K) into a large storage or mix ing receptacle, C, and thence into the bottling room, through pipe M, the up right part of which is perforated with a numtier of holes so as to draw milk from every part of the tank C and so equalize the quality. There are four of these filters—one small one for cream, one very largo one for children's milk, and two large ones for the other milks. Through one of the two large ones the sweet milk is first passed, through the other half skimmed milk, and then the butter milk, so that the lower classes may not interfere in anyway with the better qualities. HOW TO CUT FODDER. A. Folnt That la Not as Clearly I'nder stood a* It Should Be. In cutting hay and fodder the length of cut is of considerable importance. If the cut feed is to be wet and meal mixed witli it, the shorter it is cut the better, fodder particularly, for it will take up the water more readily and become softer and more digestible as well as more palatable. If it is to be fed dry then it may be cut in lengths of an inch and one-half to two inches, this length being better than a shorter one for fodder, because the cows will not get their mouths sore on account of the hard pieces of stalk cutting their gums when they get the pieces upright between their jaws. When the fodder is cut short and wet and softened this objection does not apply. The English farmers speak of "chaffing" instead of cutting their hay, and if we can get hay and fodder into the condition of chaff as regards fine ness it will be to our advantage. The only objection to be made to this Bliort cutting is the time it takes to do it, but there is usually plenty of time to spare in winter. UJ»J. and straw can be better mixed together than when cut long, and by mixing them we can sometimes feed to better advantage than to feed separately. \Y e have found when we have cut a large quantity of corn fodder at one time that it soon lost its Sweet smell, and unless it was thoroughly dry would, if piled in large heaps, heat up and be come musty. We finally adopted the plan of mixing the cut fodder with cut hay or straw as soon as possible after cutting it, and it then kept in good con dition. Cuttinjr fodder pays, not only by making it more convenient to feed, but having the manure in such fine condition to handle, there being no long, tough stalks to bother. This is quite an item where large quantities of fodder are used and the manure is drawn out in the field in winter to be used on spring crops. —Colman's Rural World. DAIRY SUGGESTIONS. IF a cow leaks her milk, get rid of her. NEVER change a cow's food suddenly. Do it by degrees. IF the cow is not what she ought to be, success in the dairy is impossible. SOME cows are very hard to milk. They are a nuisance. Get rid of them. A cow that is not a profitable milk producer is a burden on the pocket book. WILL you warm the water for the cows this coming winter? It will pay you to do so. A GOOD cow ought to have a capacious body, with plenty of room for the work of the organs. A cow that is thin skinned and whose skin does not move easily over the ribs, is not a good cow to select IF farmers would be more careful about selecting cows that are profita ble producers, they would often have more money.—Farmers' Voice., An Excellent £(g Ration. Food rich in the nitrogenous ele ments will always induce hens to lay If they arc in good condition. It is im portant that the hens be kept in exer cise, as it promotes the appetite and better fits them to lay. An excellent food for this purpose is equal parts of bran, ground oats and corn, and to each quart of the mixture add a gill of lin seed meal. Scald it and feed to twenty hens. Give a pound of meat to twenty hens twice a week. Feed twice a day "I will use it and no other." Mrs. Nel lie Hromer, Pa-*aic, N J . uses this em phatic language. '•! have used T)r. Bull's Cough Syrup in my house three years and would not be withont it. It cured my cough which I bad for months. I will al ways use it and no other. —Watchmakers reoommend that fine watches be wound up in the morning. The join's and muscles are so lubricated by Hood's Sarsaparilla that rheumatism is cured. —The disappointments of life come un expectedly. For instance we started in this ni' ruiug to read a small article in au exchange on '•Regeneration," expecting new light on the great spiritual change o| heart, when—O. misery!—we ran against a boost for somebody's Early Rising Pills. Instead of means f.>r the cure of the soul's sickne»s, it was a recipe for the regenera tion of a torpid liver. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Woman drummers are no longer a novelty about hotel corridors. —Considering how many they have in their congregations, it seems like carrying coals to Newcastle to give slippers to clergy men. Consumption Surely Cured. To Trfr ?nirvr.-—Please Inform your rcadurt that 1 ha..j » p sitivq remedy for the above-named dixeue. L. ;s timely uso thousands of hop«]es* ciwos haTo I•. a peru-nrnt!y cured. I shall l>e g'ju: to need tvj j»»!es ol -ny remedy FREE to any oi your readers nr . , have consumption if they w*il •end ICS theji Liprtm end P. O. address. Uospict fciit. 1. i- iUAjWCM. M, a. ißi tmri at. H, ¥. A Giant Mar ML Once, at an evening party. Mr. Olad atone, attempting to make himself agrecab'.o, it is to be presumed, said to a pretty, bright-eyed girl of seventeen or eighteen summers, and distinguished for her beauty and accomplishments in the circle of her admirers: "Pray, Miss Blank, can you tell mc how love begins?" And she instantly replied, with a merry twinkle and a smile: "Why, with L, of course;" thus dis comfiting the distinguished scholar and statesman- —Once a Week. A Labor Sketch. "Jenny," called out Mrs. Wilson to her beautiful daughter upstairs: "I've got the washing ready for you to hang out." Then Miss Jenny put aside the novel ■be was reading, rolled up the sleeves from her lovely white arms, and going downstairs filled her pretty mouth with clothes pins and hung out the clothes. Just as young McGarrigan went by to his dinner. The engagement will be duly an nounced in these columns. —Detroit Free Press. An Heroic Remedy. He—You know every one is saying that I am going to marry her for her money, and I feel so badly about it. j Can't you suggest some way of stopping people's tongues? She (thoughtfully)— There's only one way I can think of at present. He (eagerly)— What is that? She—You might break off the en gagement. —Brooklyn Life. A Liberal Tip. "Don't I get a tip?" asked the barber, after he had finished cutting the tall man's hair. "What for?" asked the tall man. "Why, for taking such good care of you. Gentlemen generally give me something." "Well, so will I," said the tall man, as he paid his check. "Yon may keep the hair." —Buffalo Express. The Way It Is Worked. Boggs—l have a scheme. Foggs—What? Boggs—You boom me for governoi and I'U boom you for congressman. Foggs—What good will that do? Boggs—We can both run for aider man next fall. Pnck. The Count de nog. They were talking of the intelligence ot animals. "I've seen a hog count," he said. "So have I," she said. "I've seen him count two seats in the car, and take them both himself."—Detroit Fretf Press. A Hare Combination. Clerk—This will go very nicely with blue. Mrs. Witherby—All right. I'll take it. My husband will be blue when he knows that I've bought it. —Puck. Sw«t Day of Rent. Joblots —I begin to understand now why they term Rev. Thirdly a doctor. Elder Berry —Why? Joblots—His preaching has cured me of insomnia.—N. Y. Uerald. A Painful State of Affair*. Mathilde—l'm sure I wish I knew what Mr. Snippy's intentions are. Flora—lntentions? Why, Mr. Snippy never had such a thing in his life. —Chi- cago News Record. A sign of Danger. "What makes you think young Wopsy ia in love?" "He keeps saying such cynical things about women."—Chicago News Record. A Coincidence. She —How do you like my hat? He—lt makes your face very long. She—lt made papa's face very long when he paid for it.—Truth. Youthful. "What a good-looking man her hus band Is!" "Yes," replied Mrs. Parveuu; "faedoe* look buoyant."—Judge. The Humorous Cod. An old cod laughed to himself: "He. he!" As he gare his great tall a swish. " I'm fresh while I live In the salt, aalt sea, Butoa land I'm a salted fish." —Harper s Young People. Why tie liubbeil Tliem. Interested Friend (to boy who has been interviewing an irate parent)— Say! Did it hurt much? "Naw! It never hurt a bit; only the dust out of me pants has got into mo eyes."—Brooklyn Life. Lucky Fellow. Jack—Priscilla has made George hap py for life. Clara —I'm so glad to hear it! When are they to bo married? Jack—Never. She has refused him.— Truth. T" all whom it may concern —A sprain of the wrist or ankles ts not an uncommon occurrence. It is well to know that « few applications of Salvation Oil well rubbed in will invariably produce the result—ar. entire cure. 25c —Since the perfection of the incubator Rpring chicken figures on the cafe ineuus all the year roand. —The 5 o'clock tea is recognizedasa rea<!y clearing house for wiping out all social ob ligations. No Guess Work For Dealers. Max Klein, the well known liqnordealer, will, to Jau 1. 1893. give you the advant age of cash pnrehaws in latg*' qnanti ies of all kinds of liquors, and especially so in Pure Rye Whiskies and California Wines. California Port anil Sherry. at 50 cent" per quart. California Brandy, 50 c»-nts to $1.50 (ier qnart. Jamaica Hutu, 75 it ills to $1 5" per qnart. Pure Rye Whiskies of any .nake in Pennsylvania, six year old. $1 00 per quart. G quarts for s.">oo. Silver Age 8 year old, $1 50 per quart or sls 00 per full case ot 12 quarts. Dnquesne, $1.25 per full quart or 12 quarts tor #l2 00. Gin, an excellent st inulant for kidney com plaint, 75 cents to $1 50 per quart. All reliable goods, positively pure. Ki-xed anil sent to any address. Send P. (>. Order or Registered Letter. Price list sent on application. Order early MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal Street, Allegheny, Fa. —Tho newest, alarm clock keeps <>n ripp ing untill the sleeper gets out of bed and strangles it. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Hnlsutn will stop the rough at once. Ask your friends about it. —Some of the freshest of human beings are known as the salt of the earth. —A man uptown wants to arrange to have his fire started every morning by spontaneous combustion. —Rheumatism enred in a day—"Mystic pure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action npon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Redick. druggist, Hutler. —lt is a back number idea that children "should be seen and not beard." —Sit down crooked if you like, but talk straight. —Two-thirds of the male inhabitants of the civilized world use toabcco. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by Dr. Haines 'Goiden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup ot coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will alieet a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an al<-.>h<>lic wreck. It has been givm in thousar ds of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never tail* Th- system once impregnat ed with iht Specific, it l>ec>>n>es au utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cores gu.trai teed. 48 . b. -4: ..f particulars Iree. Adore**, Golden Specific 00., 165 Kttce it., Ciuciuuoii 0. Husclton'S HOLIDAY SUPPI SALE! i We lave spared no rff >rt to our collection of IIOLIP SLIP PERS the Guest bv far of »r>v that ha* ever h*«-n di-pl*ved in Katier A pair of clipper* i* t'hc most appropriate pr.-etit and -ure t<> be appreciated. Our line of them thi- season i* rich varied and heauti-'ul. «t pric** that evervone can biiv M-r.V Velvet Etubroideried at 50c still finer i at 75c ; a beauty'at $1 00 MenV Fine Plu-h in beautiful ahade#, a' $1 00. I $1 25 and $1 50 Men's Grain Slipper- at st><-; Men> Fine float Everett'a Slipper* at $1 00; Men'* Dongola fioat Slipper*, io an and hi* ir *1 «»> to 1150; MenV P'-ngol* and Patent Leather dancing Pump* $l5O to #i MetV Fine Rus-ia Leather and Alligator in '*>«* <** l atasdet in nullified and opera $t 50 to $2 50. L-idi«*« Slipper* and Oxford- of all kinds W-b. Velvets Plueb. White Can Tad. I> mgola and Patent Lecher, tie., 50c.. | 75c.. *l.»io and up to f2 00 A jrlam-e at the*- -.hape* di*cl wes the bandi work of perfection If vuu don't want Slipper* you can get Beautiful Styles in Shoes! at any price you rant name, or Boot* for the boy*, W '»rra i lee-ced Lined Snoesi for the ->ld folk*, or Rubhw U .ot* A prew-nt selected from our stock i* useful and wi s certainly '»e ap predated Drop in and :-ee ua. B. C. Huselton. jfll REMOVAL SILE I BEGINS OCT. 6. | YOU WANT FURNITURE. WE WANT MONEY. We expect to occupy our new store about Jan. Ist. We' want to move as few goods as possible. We will give yon j prices that you can't help hut huy. A s3f> Parlor Suite for #25 Oil A 45 " " 35 00 A 55 " " 00 A 16 Bed Lounge for 1- 50 A 20 " " 15 A 5 Rocking Chair tor 375 A g « « 500 «fee. Call early for these great bargains Campbell <fc Templeton, 130 N. Main St., - - Butler, Ta HAY-FEVER |'_/**£ AND 5 WCOLD HEA El&9 I Cfta tfirl™. Bold by druqyUt* ,rr tent bgtnnUon ffgipt °/P™- Kj|P : SUC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Wa rr en Street HEW YORK. JUu RECULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, : : **" : PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR i Indlicmlon. ltlllo«>nrm. It.n'ucrbc. 5 p«:lo., 1)y.1.e ? .U,l 1.r.». r U,»s . - IMx'lncaa, liuU C..m pie *!««,, I>r-,ut.rr. J ; »ir«n>:vo Rr« «th. ri "l nil <ll«orile» of Ihe J Stcmitch, LUtr ami HvweU. ♦ Ripans eocttln riotliirur to ♦ the most -it i• ' ' : | safe, effectual. Oive imn.cui •• ♦ Sold by A trial »>**.le zvnt by mall j on receipt of 15 cciita. Address 1 J THE RiPAHS CHEMICAL CO. J j M SPBCCE STREET, SET. YulUi J A $35.00 Gold Watch To Be Given Away At The Racket Store. With every dollars worth of goods purchased you are given a gLese on the leng: h of time it t»kes the watch to run down nnd the one gutw'up nearest will get the »vatch In case of a tie the one who has bought the most will get the watch. We shall start the watch at noon, Jan 10th, and no guesses will be taken on it after that time. Bargain Clothing House. The Racket Store, 120 S. Mud St.. : : : Butler fa. ABE H0 OI'T OF SPIKITS: Hail fix to he in around Holiday time- Jnst try onr winex ai.d liquors You can rai>e your spirits* *hlie letiinjt tliem do*r! Let u"* entl um- you! Finch's Gcldcn W- ddirf, lor medical at (1 *«miij u»e $1 00 per yt . «>r 0 Qt» ler 15 <*>. i bnupherty, Onckenbeimer. Larjre, Gib-ou. ( ilt. Vernon. Overboil, Etc . Tbin is the only hou.-e not rectifying in the i city, therefore our jtoods are warrante-I j pure. Goods secured p*oked and bozeu , without estra charge, t. 0 D and uiuil orders receive prompt attention. Giand lather's Choi;e 3 yearn old, #2 00 p< r gallon Try u* KOEKT LEWIX, lß>t»'rter and Wtiole-abr. I:i6 WnteriSt Pi'toburgh fa. ■' Opposite IS. it O. E. K. lJtP"t. , THE HUTLKR ROLLER MILLS Hereafter will »>'■ d- iritr business un der lbe naiue of Geo. W alter & Sons. We can «ht to oor p«tro2* that tie ! grinding done hv us will be in the ib» s- maimer that go*'d mat hiaer*. mm practice! milling eon do it as »*■ buve id our » mploy one of tkf best practical Uilller- in the State of FVrn. svlvauia We «■:•« sav with" u; tear of contradiction that we are turning- «<ut the best etraitfbt irrude i.f wf*nt flour in the county. We think it an »dtßOUye to the f**mer to ,/pt h'» grin»fiiig done at cur mil' for these reasons: FIHST We m»ke as pood » hea' fl.'ur hs < mi !'«• uiHi.ufnrturefl tDi' tbr fanners get the dame fl-ur in exchange as the millionaire would, were we bleseed with the to iu tliix ueigbborbo«id. SECOND—We ran do your chop ping- for y< u, fc-o that you are not compel ed to sell your grain at low price* and buy your chop. TIIIHI» We ran make the beat buckwheat flour ever manufac tured in the county. as we have just completed arranging the new machinery for same, acd it work? like a charm. FOURTH— We can make you rye flour if you desire it. Our rye flour always brings the highest price in I'ittsburg, Ac. FIFTH We make as pood a corn meal as there is in the market. SIXTH Our Graham flour cannot f»e excelled. We manufacture every article that is in our line of bu-iness, and with the latest improved machinery, and beat practical skill. The farmer will readily see that it is more profitable to bim to patronize a noil w here be can get all his differ ent kinds of grain ground than to sell Lis grain and buv his flour and feed We don't helieve in misrepresenting goods to tbe public, therefore do not put the same kind of fl ur in four or five different brands of sacks. We j make a straight grade of fl.»ur. The j brand in W UITE KOSK. the same s given to the f»rner in exebange j VI e n'n make Ih<" h'N'A F'A f' NT. | wb'cb i- ahi h gr>d«* of fl.ur am. Stain » Willi >b» lieel patent* in lb»' market It is maoutactured out ot reO winter wbe it, blended with the , best brand of Minnesota patent which . gives it a superior quality. These . brands of floor and ail kiDds of mil) | feed solo b> us at the lowest prices We are s!-o in the market for wheat, rve ard buckwheat a: d will pay tLe highe.-t pri»-ea for the same Gf-O WALTKK A SONS, h LTL* H K Ll.i.S VfILLS LtlLta, i A »!<• t { We A.i~e Weadv For Nk/ THE H OL I DAYS. SEE LU HANOKLRCHIiFS j TOYS IN i ALBUMS DOLL AMD 6REAT \k «ORK COUNTER. MUFFLERS j VAN E' V | BOXES Come Early sm<l Srlrrt vour • • -Christmas Presents.— 1 2 2 H. MA I X ST. THE RETURNS COMPLETE! BotUr C oott tk<*• 8 ■'« f r JOHN BICKEL, TheSiioeMac. j aod R«p«M*ew h'» «*?; a*. Tb« &t- * .*.<•■» <i4 Pr<»kibitiotji-*» join »i:b th»m a« ''f »"•: * *s»a? m SCORED A < REA T VICTORY, | aod i* witboat dcnn' t** L»%f S I'ji l». C*.« mm- owi at :i.r (>xt ro. IB t> «Ki* «»0 f*«Bear HERE THK FRJCE*, HEAD THEM ! LadM* fioe d<»o. li<* ' f »•»•». f I -»*s $1 ii» " *• rr*!» h«n» n 90- 91 -&•* 91 *»•» '• »i' "ef -fc .». b. $1 "Bit 91 • "• M-j.* if -iler* nr .<r pla<» .<«» '• everyday * iaee r|oj. SOc •* t>''i<M*~t 'Vpvr*. «'*- *4' a 9 ibc " •»* s»v. " w T-w , #1 ha #» 45 MISSL&* AND CHILDREN 5 PEICE LIST .V) if u'l Itran ',<r to a -r> •■* 9"f «ai 9'- Cbildrro # cal ••• «1 .I» ffB»»» • tM, II " grata *b"ea, heel or »pr»B< 4# s*4 7jr ** dou »m»uoo «!»*». Stte. Tic Mt l 91 I afsata' fiw alma*. 2.V*. S.'x - a-, d Wc A GfcEAT SIKPRWH FOR Mr.X AXI» Ik>Y> Oo«- lot of C'tr." 1 :« ?!»•'. I i»»>! d.-e* at 91 *»" " •• rx r* tvh bo* :» t"f 91 *• '• fib* rati tXKrtB ?:T ft. *' hibd hoota '•«* *2 36 •• «t< n« f*o»Jt*. 4 and 6. |i s.*> • •' itifßbmiti t»p w/!e. Si -aW SEE LINE Ot MEN'S A*iD bOY¥ K'WE SHO?S. fc >" .»fco« «. '£j >•«" b t: f «ri— fl i-"» 91 ?.* #! ~ r > «»d |2. K»«o' auM j t»'b-' e«j*. 9et< «k ■ - a h*;.. * ■*■ ■ 91 $! JS »n<i 91 SU. Whsn Y:u Wsrt S:fc:;i Zhzzz Try 2::k;l's. F«>r bfiK »nd irifb" or Ihr of rrfc«» I «• wm.-» »r»»r Tm rbildrtn t«»r »■ w»'»"priH>f -'•.or* fwr •« co»jl w# .h»» i« vnrietT Lix k >b«-«r» wr h*'o»-c *'>»s .* We Challenge the World on Rubix^rs rub »-r I q i«)i'v. 92 i-S llonb-r K ott *m» k>a<J not cbe»p Bt $2 "-'o bui wheu »»u c*t> lb.* R-.*»o«, Lrmono/. or W(ioßß<M-krt»t $2*25 with !» p»ir.>f ifc->»»n io «*••» *r» 1 cbrsp Hrtr ib»t tfcr pbuic uf om • ♦ >b** »b- <f »n» -r»n p»«l >m bottom and put tb«-in B< |2 26 with »hpprr« and »■# w 811 n«bt INw't but 2d qualitj bootp; tbvj are dr»r at any pr'«w Tb»f arr eld rul bers aod cual tar I adtr#' rubber bo»Vs. l»t q.surt, f I 2t> Mm**' " " 1 Boy*' " " 15# YoutbV - I 10 AH kind" of rub*er «oodi» i>do»--d F«-!t h<>.t» arita o*#t- |J ><• or fit boot*; ibfTarr tb«* h«rnt mad**, with *w-«l k«»*t «»rra I'-. r •<•!* 92. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. hepatrinp Dene Same Day Received Leather and Find ng«. Blacksmith's aprons, etc. JOHN Nr . 128 South Main Street Butler Pa. Jewelty, Clocks, Silverware, Puicliasors can save from 25 to 50 |>er cent l>v j»u!« l»nsiii<r their watt lies, elix ks • I L? aixl spectacles of J.R. CIUEB, Tin* Jeweler, No 125 X. Main St., Lhiffv Block SijJT" of Kkctrk litll an«* Clock. .\!l .u-e Kr< s >cctN»t!y I -Wiinwlin rur r~r~' DqpMMM -m year* F.xpenence. I TCTB F£TCKI7F HOM: MViP PES •AND He bfc h|»f «f i!' Mss»- ONE YEAR FOR ON'I.Y »l."><» THK CITIZKN. ,rt*ef» all the Town. Ciuutj and Stale, Bid B mt-'e N .»»« t:ai mm »»* otber paper of it* rlaaa. Your Home wou'd be iuccmp'*-*e WT'h' n* it. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE i» a NATIONAL FA Mil Y PAFEII »n all lb* # *r»l bI the Urnud State* »rd the warid It .;<»•>. 'k»- "-a -o; '••r-'.cn aa.M ra a nuUbell. It fcac 'TneUmi j « »rc *. ' "Our Y( ung Folks." WHeime and S. e>e?y ' «* «•*»* < mmmmd the acu ir»t>« r> ot »rd daojrbur*. I'- «e«- vdit*. rial* aid dirn>**t«-t * are r. n prtK»nM*e. Bid eakeßefifr !:• "Agricultural" «tepar'm»nt b»* B» ►op»n. rib ike e» aarr» Ira **H»rk t ReiOits" are net ftn*f 4 a«itkor»t» »B all f»rf* it ibe laad A SFECIAL CC NT h Af T »cable* aa to - ff»r tkia *p#»odd jwaraai aa<J "TIW riTIZEN" for one year Fcr CDly sl.£o. Coh in Idvarce. "N. Y. Weekly Tr>bt ne." r»polar prw per »e-r §t OO * The Citix«n t M " " " - ,5 ° T»tal f 2 SO We furnish toth papers cne yrgr fur - - 5 It. Sut>-cripti.>B,-> may be#'" a' aa* tiate Addreim all order* to r rn H: citizen. ItUTI.Hi HV A boltl* of wine tree t»» rrera pur<T.a*er IB uur L wktMß order acioOD?!* to 91 00 ••»*! ai»«arda Tb"> t>ra>»«Bt rn»« IhfCtiuoer 19;h to Jtou trr let. J>9:: M. ROSENTHAL, (tfe.iii iMm lo T*. * • ■ » > WHOLESALE LIQUOR P' * El 4t/S F'rr» s --e*. i* >i-kcr I'a. You rbould buy four li qa .*« and » r»e - ' * - -a-wi tbe carefolla »ie€«e<l aod cb- •' «' h i K--• K t Loweo' Prk*-. «"a'i •" W - M ' "*" mo ' Ferry Sawii « tb« tw.vw Jlaikct.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers