Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 09, 1892, Image 3
THE OITIZEISr FBI DAY, DECEMBER 0,1 m. BCTI.RU DM a population of about 10.000. It la the County neat ci( Bailer County, wltti tojtao. raw railway*.natural and onequailed faculties for menufaetures. ifofreM e»rywhere; new bulidlcga. cew manufartnres, a growing and prosperous town. New York Weekly Tribune—Free. By special arrangements made for oar so doing, we are enabled to offer to all oar subscriber* who pay arrearages, (if any) and one year in advance, and to all new subscribers paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tribune free for one year. For further particular* of thi* offer see ad vertisement. New Advertisements. I Trustee's Sale ol property of Rachel Wagner, dee'd. Administrators Sale, estate of Henry W. We Won. Jury Lint for January Term. Annual Meeting of Glade Mill Mntual Fire Co. West Pearl St. Paving Ordinance. Ruff's Xmas. Presents. Heck's Salt River Sale. Riehey'a Candies. Miller'* Price List. Prospecti—Scribner's Magazine, X. Y Press. Opera House. KOTK—AII advertisers intending to make conges in their ads. should notify ns of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Buckwheat. The highest price paid for buckwheat at the mill of Geo. Walter <fc.Son, Butler, Pa. —Turkeyi fattened on buckwheat are said to be the sweetest. —They are still "trying the heretics" at New York and Cincinnati. —A great deal of news is circulated in this country by mail as well as by female. —Talking of marrying in haste, a West ern Judge lately decreed eighty divorces in forty minutes. —The retwn postal card is not meeting with much favor at the bonds of the pub lic. —A bridegroom always wears immacu lately clean linen and a careworn ex pression. —Don't forget the lecture by Rev. Sam uel Jones, the famous evangelist in the Opera Houße next Tuesday. —"ln the course of an average lifetime," says a pbyscian, "a mans about 40 tons of food —The farmers of Bruin and vicinity had a meeting in that town Saturday, in the interest of the proposed creamery. Mr. 0. M. Phillips has removed his grocery store to 311 South Main St., the old Osborne stand. —The Eitenmiller House is now to be "The Hotel Butler," and is being repaired, painted, and greatly improved by its pres ent landlord, Mr Fanbel. —Little Willie: "What's a touchdown, mammat" Mamma: "I don't know, dear. Perhaps it's a dudelet stroking his new mustache. —That Wyoming woman who has been made justice of the peace ought to be hap py. She can have the last word every time. —Tako good care of your health these days. To catch a cold is a very easy mat ter, and cases of grip are to be had on easy terms. —A Hungarian christening occurred at Greensbnrg a few days ago. The usual coroner's inquest and funeral occurred the , next day. Only one man killed. —"I don't think Mr. and Mrs. Gabble's home life is happy." "Wbyt" "Hei* so profuse in bis attentions to her when they're oat." —Mr. C. D. Aldinger has filled his fine new store on south Main street with Holi day and other goods. His store will bg a general stationery, as well as a wall paper and picture framing one. —Messrs. W. G. Douthett and Hart Graham will epen a Clothing and Gents Furnishing Store in the room now occupi ed by A. M. Reiber, as soon as be vacates it. —Callery is building up rapidly, and will be a better town than before the fire. Two houses are already under roof, three ready for roofing, and the new station is nearly completed. —NoV that chess is being tanght in Anatrian public schools it will not he long before American educators will be want ing to erowd all the games of Hoyle into the curriculum. —lke freak oomet has played the very denee with the reputation of the astrono mers, and unless they have the hard busi ness sense to meet and decide on one bar mooioos yarn to give the public it is prob able that they will all have their salaries reduced. —The Frsxier verdiot will take $1250, out of the already depleted boroagh treas ury; unless the Court grants a new trial, or the Supreme Court reverses it, on the grounds that the parties or their contrac tor and not the town is liable for the dam age. —The Y. M. C. A. will conduct evening classes in the common branches, including a course of Reading and Bible study. Xo tuition Is charged. It is designed for young men who cannot attend day school and far these it will be a golden oppor tunity. 1 —Between the busy hours of midnight and the time of going to press it does not require a great genius to fool the rtlorning newspapers, but the Connecticut youth who sent out a story "to the effect that the comet had landed in a tree and was dang ling there like a boy's lute will have to try again. —Since the first of Jan. of this year, Robt. Brown, the undertaker of Harrisvillc, has buried five persons over OOyears of age, thirteen over 80, nineteen over 75, twenty four over 70, and twenty-nine over 60, which show* that the people of that vicinity have good livers, and live long. —The Treasury Department has begun the issue of a new SSOO Treasury note. It is priuted upon the new paper, and pres ents an exceedingly handsome appearance. It bears an excellent vignette of General W. T. Sherman in the uniform of a Major General, and will be a great convenience to country newspaper men. We have felt the want of bill* of that denomination for a long time. —The foot-ball game between the Pitts burg and Batler clubs, in Butler last Sat urday was a driw,— neither side scoring. There were some pretty hard knocks as us ual, but no bones were broken. A young whmen who understands the game describ es foot-ball playing in thi* fashion: "And then another fellow yelled, 4n(J each cp.ro, where he stood, Just hit and struck and knocked and kicked At every one he conld. And then one fell upon his neck, And all the others ran, And on his prone and prostrate form Leaped every blessed man. Ob, foot ball'* just the cutest game! It cannot be surpassed ' But yet it really is a shame To nse up men so fast." LEGAL NEWS. I The D«cmb»r Quarter Se*Mon» met • Monday with Judge H»/«*n presiding. The I grand jury WM called. J. J. Maxwell f» i||ade foreman, anil Judge Helen's charge i wa* interesting and instructive. Like J ridge Stowe of Allegheny Co., t be dwelt ! on the growth of the Scciali*tie or Anar chistic spirit in thi» country. The grand Jury finished their work Wed' e*day eveu ! ing and w» re discharged. Their findings were a* follow*: GRASP JURY < Commonwealth v»: James Cassidy. a<il> with intent to rob;a trni- bill. Same reacting an officer, a true ! bill. John Miningcr, bre:ch of prison, a true bill. Same larceny, etc. a true bill. Henry Zimmerman, a&b, a tine bill. The bill for agg. a<ib wa* ignored. Wilber Daniel*. a<lb, a true bill. John Griffin, larceny, 2 case*, true bill*. Same with D. W. Lock prosecutor, not a trne bill. Adley Richardson, a<fcl>, a true bill. G. 11. Deilaven. aib, a true bill. Jas Cavenagh, Wm Frederick, Jos Mur phy and J. P. Hazen, a<£b, and riot, a trne Oliver Hodges, bigamy, a trne bill. Mary Rowley or Mary Davidson. bigamy, a true bill. Jno. Mininger, larceny, a true bill. The cases va A C Price, Hugh and Marg Strawick, Frank F Close and A L Sykes, were settled. The case vs Kdward White was continu ed. BALANCE OP CIVIL LIST. The following civil cause.-' were finished last week, after we went to pres.*: Alex Frazierva Borough of Butler. Dec 3,1892. verdict for the plaintiff for #1250 00. D M McCollough vs Ed Beighly, >*t al, Dec 2d, verdict lor the plaintiff for SSO 00. The Farmers Oil Co vs Thomas Phillips, Dec 2d, 1892. verdict for the plaintiff for the land described in the writ of ejectment. SHERIFF SALES. Sheriff Brown this week sold, all the right, title, etc. of:' H S Whitmire and Louisa Whitmire in properties in Ceutre twp. to Geo Shonp for $10; 150; 105 and 100. Wm Kennedy in lot in Butler to Wm Shonp for $25. J X Pngh in lot in Jefferson to J X Kaufhold for $25. J X Pugh in 1J acres in Jefferson to J. X Kaufhold for $25 J X Pngh in 5 acres in Jefferson to J X Kaufhold for SSOO. Arthur and Alvina Dourant inlotin But ler to Frank Kohler for $330. J C Shaw et aiin 170 acres in Slippery rock to Ist Xational Bank of Mercer for $505. D Osborne in 1 aero in Butler to Geo Reiber for $4,725. Annie aud Abm Barickman in lot in Butler to P Schenck for $l2O. M V Kelly in 23 acres in Venango to John Berg et al for S2O. M V Kelly in 10 acres in Tenango to Jno Berg .t Co for $lO. D F Kelly in 40 acres in Venango to Jno Berg & Co for $25. J J Kelly in 40 acres in Venango to Jno Berg & Co. for $25. Sa/ah Kelly in 240 acres in Vcnaugo to Jno Berg & Co for $25. Jas Borland in lot in Butler to Frank Miller for $25. Jas Borland in lot in .Butler to M Mc- Junkin for $lO. * J Borland in lot in Bntler to I' W Lowry for $lO. B F and Emily Hitchcock in 50, 28 and 10 acres in Allegheny twp to Marg Dough erty for $lO, 15 aud 20. W R Usborne in lot in Butler to J C Foy for, $lO. Geo M urray in 80 acres in Parker to W Vinroe for S2OO. • J L McGee in lots in Millerstown to C U Johnson lor $lO and 20. Mary and Chas Fowler in 27 acres in Washington to J 0 Fowler for S4BO. T A Bonner and A M Welsh in lot in Renlrcw to L F Ganter for $25. M C Robb in 100 acres in Parker to H Schneideman for SIOO. KOTEB. At almost every C. P. Conrt held in this county and in every county in the State, the hardest fought cases tried, aud the ones in which the evidence is the most conflicting, are those regarding division or bounddry lines, and in very few of these cases is the verdict of the jury satisfactory to either or both parties. That fact was illustrated in at leatt two cases tried dur ing the late C. P. Court held here, and these results are duo to the obliteration, of old land marks, mistakes made by sur veyors years ago and those made today; carelessness, selfishness, etc.: and in all such cases a little adroit evidence is liable to mislead a jury. The best way to settle these cases would, we think, be by a Commission in Lines or Boundaries, appointed by the Court and including ail the responsible civil engineers of the county; each party to a dispute to select one, and they two to select, or the Court to appoint, a third and the decision of this Board to be final. Besides the well known civil engineers and surveyors of this town, there are several able surveyors scattered through the county, such as Levi Porter,Geo. H. Graham,;l. X. Meals, Enos. McDonald, B. F. Hilliard, and E. E. Manrhoff and others,—the decision of any three of whom on a disputed line or boundary, would in all probality be more satisfactory than the guess work of a jury from the evidence presented to tbem; and that manner of settling the dispute and establishing line would cost but a fraction of the expense of a suit in Court. Judge Stowe ol Allegheny county talked very plainly to the grand jury of that county Monday. The opening sentences of his "charge" were as follows: "There never was a time in the history of Allegheny county when it became the duty of courts and juries to steadily and strictly seek to enforce the law for the punuhuieut of offenders and the preserva tiin of the public peace more than now. The many acts of personal violence, result ing in bloodshed aud often in murder, the numerous robberies of a bold and apparent ly reckless character, committeed upon the most public highways, the burglaries and housebreakings by day and by night, and worse and most alarming of all, the riots and resistance which have lately oc curred within the limits of our county, and the apparent indiffi-redce with which tho public seem to look upon the offences, es pecially the latter, are calculated to im press one with the idea that our boasted liberty is fast passing into anarchy, aud there is something radically wrong "some whore, either in our system of government and the laws under which we profess to live, or in the means provided for protec tion to life and property, and their enforce ment for the detection and punishment ol crime. Indeed, principles have been late ly proclaimed in open court of the most violent and anarchistic character, in direct opposition to well settled law, and which, it allowed to prevail, would be subversive of all civil government. The will of C Doable of Franklin twp. wan probated, uo letters, but the widow, Mrs. Harriet Double is named as executrix; also will nf Richard I'arker of Fairview twp. no letters; also will of John Cooper of Jefferson twp. no letters; also will of John McCafferty of Butler aud letters to W J McCafferty. LATE PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Henry Doerr to Louisa Doerr 32 acres in Jefferson for $2700. Ad Hamilton to C M Harrington 32acres iu Oakland and Concord for sllsO. Z Coneby to Cbas Coneby 00 acres in Penn and Forward for SSOO Robert Logue to Anuie Miller 35 acres in Cherry for $1225. Sarah Miller to Jas A Mahood 8 acres in W for $1 Geo Bishop to Mary Jficklasslot in Evans City for $135. M H McCandless to Albert llolinan 40 acres iu Centre for SBOO. A M Barr to Jas \f elsh lot in Adams for #3OO Karl Butzer to Luke Stoughton 21 acres in fairriew lor $275. Benj Peason to Jos S Leighner lot in Centreville for SOSO. Mary Ziegler et al to Carlisle Mortland, quit claim for 47 acres in Marion for SIOOO, and C Mort laud to Fred Hoobler same for same. Marriage License*. Cbas 11. Detrick Kattigan, Pa Elizabeth Mechiing Worthington Pa Geo J. Peters Butler, Pa Evangeline Miller " \V E Walthen Allegheny Pa Emma Smith ...Buffalo twp ThosJ Kobinson Slipperyroek twp Mary Morrow Worth twp The Doings of Council. At -the meeting of Council, Tuesday night, the »*.« "imer.t ordinance for the paving of W. Pearl street wa.« pa*«ed. It ; appears in another column. The rate i* $2.68 per foot front, | Tho*. Robinson'* plan of lots was ac ! cepted, and ordered filed. | The petition of the Citizen's Gas Co. for permission to use the street,•> and alley* of the town wa* referred to the Ga* Coin, and City Solicitor who are to prepare an agreement for the new company to sign. The Council objects to the reckle** tearing up of stre-ts and alley* by the different corporations and hereafter will require all companies u-ing them to sign a bond or contract The new gas company consists of P. Golden. A W. McCollough, J. E. Byer*, S. S Reisman asid others, who pro pose furnishing the people of the West side of town with gas. The settlement of the case ol Henry Wagner against the town by the solicitor was approved by the Council, aud that of Timblin was disapproved by a vote of 3 to 6. A lot for the Springdaie Hose house wa* purchased from Miss Mary Bovd lor $350, less a donation on hi-r part of SIOO. Burgess McAboy ca'ied the attention to Council to i-everal dangerous aide walks, and the Sullivan Run bridge on Mi!Hin St. and they will be repaired. Notices will be put on the fire bell posts which everybody should read; some of the electric lights will be changed; the garbage furnice is nearly completed; Mr. Osborne expects to take $1)000 of th<* borough bonds; the west end of W. Pe tri street *ill be graded;some repairs were ordered: the U.-UHI monthly bills were passed and Council adjourned for two weeks .Soldiers' Monument Association. The Soldiers' Monument Association has sent out the following letter: BUTLKH. PA.. November 21, ISO 2 MR DEAR Slß:—The Butler Coun ty Soldiers' Monument As-ociation ha been incorporated by our Court as an or ganizalkm, authorized by law to collect funds and take other necessary steps for the erection of a monument, at the couuty seat, to pepetuate the memory <-f soldiers from Butler county, who w> re killed in battle, or died from wounds or diseases in curred in the milit -ry service of the country. The Board of Directors, named in the charter, at a meeting this day held., ap pointed two well-known, energetic citizens in each election district in this couuty. as collectors of funds in their respective dis tricts, in aid of the erection of this monu ment' Mr. and yourself have been appointed for the township of- . You will please confer together and arrange for a thorough canvass of your district. All persons who pay one dollar or more to the monument fund are, by charter, members of the association, and have a right to vote at all its meetings. Smaller amounts will also be most gratetnlly received. Every person in your district should have an op portunity to subscribe. This, of course includes women and.children. The larger the numb.T of subscribers the more credit able will be the work of tho people of Butler county. Prompt action on the part of collectors is earnestly requested. Reports from all collectors will be expected on or before January, 9th, 1893. On or before that date each collector will enclose his sub scription lM>ok in the envelope sent here with, addressed to I. J. ilcC'andless.Secre tary of the Roard. and tie lunds collected to Charles Dully. Treasurer. Ou the 9th of January. 1893, the Board of Directors will determine the cost of the monument, and this determination will be based on the amounts subscribed, as shown by the subscription books returned from each dis trict. Butler county has already too -long de layed this important work, which should have been entered upou a quarter of a cen tuary since. We are behind most of our sister counties in the State in our patriot ic effort- Every impulse of gratitude and patriotism should lead ns now to put forth a determined effort to complete within the next year a monument worthy of our he roic dead and ereaitable to the county which they have honored with the sacrifice of thpir lives. The Board of Directors would not indi cate the subscription tbey expect from any district. They may be allowed to suggest, however, that in this county of Butler, containing over ten thousand voters, a subscription which would in the aggregate amount to one dollar for each voter, would insure us a monument thai would compare fuvorably with any in the State. The kind of monument Butler county is to have now depends upon tho collectors in the several districts. Do your best to make the work a success BY ORDER OF THE BOARD, G. I). SWAIV, President. I. J - MCCAKBLBSS, Secretary. CHAR. DCKFT. Treasurer. —A pofsura was caught alive iu Oil City last Monday,and the wits of Franklin now think it funny that their Ximrods persist in going thirty or forty miles away when game is FO abundant close at hand. —The first Sabbath of December of each year is set aside by the Grand Lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks for services in memory of the dead; and these were held by the Butler Lodge in the Opera House last Sunday afternoon. The members of the Lodge met at their rooms, and "marched to the Opera House and occupied the stage: a fair audience was present; Braid Black presided; the ritual of the order for such services was read; Rev. Hemingwray delivered the sermon; Dr. Black sang a solo, Miss Campbell rend ered a voluntary; the closing ritual was read and the audience dismissed. The Rooneys. Armory Opera House, Monday, Dec. 12th. If literary merit, unquestioned origin ality, the introduction ot a long array of unique specialities and a company of re markable strength are to be regarded as factors in the success of a farce-comedy, that much discussed production "Lord Kooney," the latest effort ol Mr. Carol), should certaiul verify all the favorable predictions that have been made concern ing it. Apart entirely from the intrinsic worth of the piece, it should score an un equivocal success by reason aloue of the excellent calibre of the artists engaged in its interpretation. There is certanly no instance on record of any similar dramatic attraction being supported by a so power tul and eveuly balanced cast as is the cast with "Lord Kooney." Katie, Mattie and Jose Kooney are the bright stars of the piece and do a.irae clever specialities during the performonce. Will it Pay to Come to Our Store to Buy? 4 lbs goods Baking Raisins 25c 4 " new English Currants 25c 3 "Cleaned Valencia Raisins.. 25c 2 '• California 4 " Golden D.tes 25c 4 " M ince Meat 25c 4 " Fancy Pearl Oyster Crackers 25c 3 " Extra Soda Crackers 25c Ginger Snaps, Lemon Biscuit, Ginger Cakes, Wine Biscuit, Butters, Milk Lunch, Patent Cracker, all 3 lbs for 25 cents. CANDIES. Pure Mixed Candy—no guru.... 8« Fine Cream Bon BODS 10c Chocolate Cream Drops 15c Florida Oranges, per d0zen....20c Malaga Grapes, per pound 20c Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per peck 35c Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart. 10c A present with every dollar's worth of Groceries, Glassware or Queensware we sell for balance of 1892. G WILSON MILLER —On December Ist we begin to invoice and want to reduce our stock all we can before that time, there fore will make special low .prices in blankets, robes, harness and every thing we have. Martinconrt & Co., 128 East Jefferson, street Butler. —Children's Truuks. Children's Bureaus. Children's Chairs Children's Wouden Bedsteads. Children's Wooden Tubles. Children's Wooder Rockers a: J.F. T STEHLE'S Best place to buy Tabh Linens, Napkins and Towels at L. SiJUN & SON'B Personal. Ira .Stauffer and John L. llerr, of Jack son twp, were around »eeing their friends in Batler. last Thursday. They are jolly good follow-. Mr. and Mr* If. M. Shaw, of Batler.and M:-«e* Maggie and Lizzie Jamison, of Ren frew attended the late reunion of the Mor row family in Parker, Editor Bowman, and family of Grove Cit~, visited their friend" in Butler over Sunday. Frank Colbert, of Butler,now has charge of the Oil Well Supply Co* store In Harmony. John Meyers of Lancaster twp. is seri ously ill. « Col. and Mr.-". Vechlingentertained their friends a', tea Tuesday evening Mrs. J. S. Wick and Mrs. Mary Gray will entertain their friends at tea this. Friday, evening. Titus Young, the eldest «c-n of Simon F. Young of ."summit twp came home for his brother's funeral, and will remain here fora month or so. lie left Ked Cliff, Col., where he is engaged in tbe mining business, on Monday evening and was home by Thnr— day morninjr. hasing traveled over 2000 miles in 51 hours. Be is looking well and doing well. Hiatirother Henry is now lo cate . i.t Butte City, Montana. " Esq. G. W. Cramer of Buffalo twp. was on the Grand Jnry this week, and dropped in to see us He is just as jovial as ever. Mrs. Geo. W. Fleeger entertained her lady friends last Thursday evening. Mrs. E. 1). Rolynson entertained her friends Friday evening. Misses Lucille and Eleanor Abrams en tertained their friends Saturday evening. A child of Frank Walker of Evans City is seriously ill. Mr. J. C. Garver, wife and son of Ren frew, Pa.., visited relatives and friends in town the past week. Mr. Garver is one of the heirs of tbe 150 acre Garver farm op posite Freeport, which adjoins the famous premises once owned by S. I). Earns the purchase of which is now under negotia tions l>\ a large glass syndicate. Parker fhoenix. Bishop Phillips Brooks has a bright little niece One night when she had put. herself to bed her mother asked her after ward if she had ~aid ber prayers, "No" -he said . "But why not?" her mother in quired. "Well." said the little maid, "I was so tired and sleepy, so I asked the Lord to excuse n?e, and" he said.'Certainly Miss Brooks, with pleasure.' " Baxter Logan and wife of Penn twp , were given a surprise party by their neigh bors on the 21st, ult. That date was the 25th anniversary of their wedding day. and their grown up children arranged a surprise for them. The neighbors come trooping in, the tables were set, Rev. Cooper was called upon to remarry the couple, the dinner followed and everybody enjoyed themselves. Mr Samuel liiley of Forward, a prosper ous farmer, has gone on au extenisve East ern trip, during which he will visit Balti more, Washington. Philadelphia and the Gettysburg battle field. Miss Ama Bataillard, who arrived at New York a few days ago from the Alpine district of France, is probably the tall< st women in the would. She measures 7 feet 10 inches in height and weigh. 210 pounds; her hands are proportionately large, being 12 inches by 6, and her leet are 16 inches long. Ama is sweet sixteen, being only three months over that age. She is "a blonde, with yellow iocks, and speaks French fluently. On the steamer she re quired two beds on which to repose here staiely form. It is said that she inspires a feeling of a*<; as she stands and gazes at the ordinary lilliputians about her. Never theless, some freckle faced little chap will capture Ama some day, and he will hold that 12 inch hand in his and call her his little, owny pet. And Ama will giggle, "Ton bet." She's going to Chicago to ex hibit, yoa see, and will soon learn our language from those who know how to sling it. Fires. Early Monday morning the big, new barn on the Henry Whituiire farm iu Clay twp., was discovered to be burning, and it was too far gone to save it or anything in it. Oliver Pisor is living on the place, aud he lost two horses, three cows, and thirty sheep, all fine stock,besides his hay, grain and farming implements. Mr Whitmire had the barn insured for for #000; but whether or no Pisor had his stock insured, we have not heard. A baru on the the same foundation was burned four years ago last August. Since the above was put in type wc learn that Mr. Pisor has some insurance in the North Washington Co Notice to Taxpayers. Notice is hereby given to all inter ested that on aud after Jan. 15t,1893, 5 percent wiil ba added to ail taxes for the year 1892, not paid on or be fore that date. SAMVEL WALKER. Coll. COMMONWEALTH OF PENN'A,) BUTLER Co , 88. J This is to certify that I stopped at Nixon's Home, last night, and got a good supper, good lodging and had buckwheat cakeß for breakfast, all for 75 cents, and if the Lord spares my life and I ever go to Butler again I will stop at Nixon's Home. Witness my hand and seal, Nov 28th, 1892. HARRISON C DEAN, [SEAL.] Attest: Sharpsburg, Pa. N. J. WALKER. —Attend the State Normal School at Slippery Rock, Butler Co , Pa Best advantages in Music, Methods, Form Study and Drawing, etc. Ex penses only S4O for 12 weeks. Be gins Jan. 3, 1893 ALBERT E MALTBY, Ph. D. f Principal. —Hotel Waverly. best house in Butler. —Silk belt handk'f's 15c, beautiful colors at M F. & M MARKS' Largest assortment and best values iu Dress Goods and Cloaks at L. STEIN A SON'S. Buffalo Blankets, best for wear at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Znver'a Pictures leave nothing wanting in finish, tone or a correct likeness. —Boarding House Cards, with Act of Assembly, 25 ceats for half-a-dozen, for sale at CITIZEN office. Hand made Irish linen handle h'efs, beautifully embroidered, worthr 50 cts each, three for a dollar at Marks' Millinery —II W. Koonce of The Peoples' Store is just opening up a large as sortment of holiday goods suitable for presents. Before buying examine our goods and prices. —On December Ist we begin to invoice and want to reduce our :<tock all we can before that time, there fore will make special low prices in .blankets, robes, harness and every thing we have Martincourt & Co., 128 East Jeffertou street, Butler. Hosiery Bulletin. Infants' all wool seamless from 10c to 40c. Children's all wool seamless double beel and toe 25c Children's all wool seamless double knee, beel and toe 35c. Children's imported cashmere 50c Children's double knee, beel and toe (equal to band knit) 75c. Ladies' fleeced 30. 40 and 50c. " all wool seamless 25, 35,40, and 50c. Ladies' imported cashmere 75c and $1 00 M. F. & M. MARKS. 113 to i 17 South Main St Oil Nottl. Two Batler Co. rig builders tell the To 1 lowing joke upon Umn*#lve*. They bad jtwt finished a rig near Under cliff will were standing near it looking at their work, when a young lady of the neighborhood came along and joined them. " Why ii that saw left up I here,* ' *be a*ked: and looking up, the two ,niea saw that they had forgotten a saw, which was hanging on a nail at the very top of the derrick. They were tired, and one of them jokingly offered the girl a dollar if (the would go ap the derrick and get it. the other thought the offer safe enough to add another dollar to it, and the girl went ap and brought it down. JuLn Kynd, Sr., the veteran oil producer of Bynd Faroi, died at bis residence in Allegheny, on Saturday, November 26, 1892. aged 76 years. Oil went up to 54 cents last Saturday. A paying well was finished on the John Stewart strip, near Evans City last Friday Oil producers are crowing over tbe opin ion ol tiic Supreme Court ia tlie case of Glasgow vs The Chartiers Oil Co., taken up from this county, and which, they say. gives he lessee ihe privilege of throwine up his when he pleases We have not yet seen the opinion, but expect to publish it next week. The Sistersville tield is the centre of at traction now A well drilled there four weeks ago, and which pumped nothing but salt water at first, began flowing 1000 bbls a day last Friday. The market opened Thursday at 53}. The W. R. Thompson well has been newly cased, and is now doing 100 bbls. Well Xo. 2 is being drilled on the same lease bj the Thompson Oif Co. Slater it Mc.lu'nkin are downOOO feet on lease of Cowan heirs. Spence A Turner is down 1,100 on the Rev. Whiteside*. Mahan Dixson has cotnir.enced drilling oil the Fulten Farm. Accident. At Sheiiango junction, near Greenville, Thursday, two freight cars broke loose on steep grade,crushed into an engine stand ing on a switch and killed engineer Jas. Dunlairy, and fireman Chas. McDowell. The Markets. at'lLKB MARK.KTS Our grocers are paying 28 for butter, 23 for eggs, 60 for potatoes, 50 for apples, 40 for turnips, 50 for parsnips. 1 to for beaus,dressed chicken 10, turkey 12, 4 to 7 for cabbage. PTTTSBURU PRODUCE. Timothy hay from county wagons $lO to slß,mixed hay sl3 to 14, wheat straw 7.00, oat straw 8.00, mill feed sls to S2O, red wheat by car load 75 to 78, rye 59 to 62. oats 36 to 43, corn 45 to 53, buckwheat flour 2i to 2}, timothy seed 2.25, clover | seed 8.50, blue grass 1.50. ' County roli butter 26 to 28. cooking butter 10 to 12, grease 3 to 4. Fresh eggs in cases 26 to 27, storage 21 to 22. Rotates on track, white 70 to 75, red 00 to 6."i, mixed 50 to 55. Apples $1 50 to $3 a bbl, as to quality- Beans $2 00.cabbage 5 to 7, cider $5 to $6 a bll.. goose feathers 50 to 60, onions 75 to 80, dressed chicken and turkey 10 to 12, duck 12 to 13, goose 9 to 10, tallow 4, turnips 1.75 a bll. LIVB STOCK. At Herr's Island, Monday, common, half-fatted steers brought 2| to 3s, bulls and dry cows 1 i to 3, fresh cows $25 to S4O. Veal calves retailed at 6 to 61, and heavy grassers at 3 to 4. Sheep sold all the way from 2 to 5, as to quality, and spring lambs at 5 to 6. llogs sold at 5| to 6.4o.according to con ditio-;. For all home-made eaudies, com mon can< ,; es and cream eaudies, go to JOHN A. RICHEY. 142 S. Main St. Star Salt. Star Salt is a strictly pure suit made f»om the rock It is put up full weight 280 pouuds to the barrel and is just as clean and white as granulated sugar. Every pound can be used for table or dairy purposes. If you wunt a salt to uso in salting meats buy this brand. G. WILSON MILLER. The Peoples' Store carries a full line of Ladies and Childrens underwear. Boy's Carts aod Wagons Toys that never out-stay their Welcome with the Boys at J F. T. STEHLE'S. New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords, Henriettas and Fine Dress Goods at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Fall and Winter Dress Goods at THE PEOPLES' STORE, No. 323 South Main St. —Money to loan—lnquire of F S Purviance, Huselton block, cor. Main and Diamond, Butler Pa —M. F. & M. Marks' have received their stock of Fall and Winter under wear for ladies, Misses and children. Uni*n under-garments, a specialty. —Doable Blackboards, Secretaries Desks, Eureka Baby Jumpers and Swings for sale at J. F T. STBHLE'S. —Pure linen hemstiched handk'fV $1 50 per doz at M. F. & M. MARKS.' —On December Ist we begin to invoice and want to reduce our stock all we can before that time, there fore will make special low prices in blankets robes, harness and every thing we have Martincourt & Co., 128 East Jefferson street, Butler. —Fine embroidered handk'f's $2.75 per dozen at M. F. k M. MARKS.' Very low prices on Fine Umbrel las at L. STEIN & SON'H. Ladies and Misses' Cloaks in great variety at lowest prices at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Silk mittens only 50c at M F. & M. MARKS ' —Pianos, Upright Pianos, Metallophones, Organs, AccordeonS, Concertinas, Musical Boxf-s, Mouth Organs of all kinds at J. F. T. JSTEIILE'S German Knitting Yar, Fpsr.ii-h and Saxony Yarns at L. STEIN <FE SON'S —Alvvav stop at the Hotel Waver ly when in Butler. —Take your children to Zuver's Gallery for Pictures that will suit yon. Postoffice building. Don't forget us on Hosiery .ind Gloves, we always have the best at lowest prices L. I? VEIN & SON'S. Lovely Millinery! Trimmed hats $1.50, $2 50, $3.50, $) 50 Latest novelties in shapes and trimmings. Orders promptly filled. M. F & M. MARKS, 113 to 117 South Main St. —Justices and Constables Fee Bills, printed on card board, suitable for posting—for sale at this office. • Best styles it: Dress GoouU and Cloaka a* L. BTIIW & SON'S. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES j Two well known tailor* ol a utigkboring ! town laid down their "goomet and !>orr»» icg gun* left lor the wood# in panrait <•( game. Lariy the -asr.e evening they re i turned to town with a farmer'* wag->~ j loaded with turkey* they bad »boi daring j the day. They thought of course that their gaoie *»■ all of the very wildest v» riety and were greatly astounded a few day* later when a farmer came to town and brought *uit ara:ni»t them for the price of the turkey*, ffe alleged that the l&ilora bad gotten into his barn yard arid shot every one of his fowl*. A Hradf->rd paper till- a -Wry of the re markable feat of two bird-, on an oil farm near that plaee are two boilers stand ing side by side, »-ach with a round iro FRiokrtack about 20 feet Ligu aad 12 inches in diameter. One of the boilers i* fired up and in constant u.-e. A few day ago two flicker* or yellow hamuli r- were Hying over the heated -tack, and one of thein. probably bewildered by the heat.-l ga*es. fell into the unused stack, wbern it made frantic efforts to escape- The other bird -oon noticed that it bad lost its mate. It turned it» course and cir cled over the stacks. Hearing tbe flutter ing of its mate in the bottom of the staek, it p.uuged into the dark, sooty abyss to tbe rescue Iu another moment it again emerged from the pipe closely followed dy the other, and both joyt\:lly par ted their way. It was a remarkable feat for the birds had to fly directly upward 20 feet n a tube only a fcot in diameter. Fifty girls employed at the Beaver Falls lile works went out on a srrke. Tuesday, because they were not allowed to quit work 5 miuute> before the whistle blew. AN ORDINANCE Assessing the eo.it of grading, curbing and jfiring West Pearl street, in the lioromgk of Jlutlir,upon the properties abutting thereon, determining amount* e>f asftssiH'nts a>irl providing for the collection thereof: SECTION* 1 The Burgess and Town Coun cil of the Borough of Butler do ordain that two-thirds ot the cost and expense of grad ing. curbing and paving West Pearl street, a pnblic street of said borough now laid out and opened, shall bj and hereby is as sessed upon the real estate bounding or abutting thereon, as provided l>y Aet ol Assembly, approved p r ii 23, 1889. SECTION 2. The total cost of the im provement is $15,376 li. The total front age of properties upon tbe street is 3,821 and 21-100 feet. This cost, after deduct ing one-third lor the borough's share to be paid by general taxation, is assessed equal ly by the foot front upon the properties abutting upon the street, thus making the assessment $2 68 plus per foot fiont. SECTION 3 In accordance herewith the following assessments are hereby levied upon properties bounding or abutting upon said West Pearl street. Owners. >o ft. Amount. W K Reed 223 $ 598 23 L S McJunkin 50 If Francis Laube ! 135 362 15 L S McJunkin 6-» 174 38 W T Mechling and Marv E Mechling his wife.. 55 147 35 John Crawford 22 59 02 Mrs Caroline Walker... 3;* 101 94 M H Gilkey, dee'd 62 166 32 Lewis Halfner 62 166 32 John F Lowry 62 _ 166 32 Andrew Brynier... 62 2-> 166 99 S 1) Miller SO 5 215 94 Emaline Miller 45 120 • Mary Russell 100 2t>x 26 Julius Baker 100 2tM L M Brackney 100 268 '-'0 John Crawford. Bojrer and lion Jas Bred in.. 40 107 30 Hon Jas Bredin 285 7t14 53 Mrs Elvira Lyon 360 'J»)3 73 D II Waller and Mary Wuller hi* wife 199 8 f>3s 98 Fred.Kauscher and So phia lianscher his wife 190 G s]l 29 Dr E N Leake 100 208 26 John Ekis !*) 214 GO Mrs L ltoessing 46 7 12"> 27 John Ekis 47 7 127 93 GeoSchierer 00 100 00 John Kiehey ul 130 82 J S Wick 45 120 72 W C Ncgley 83 60 224 11 Mrs Ellen McShane 60 100 96 Col A Lowry 171 458 73 Laac Andrews 57 152 91 Joseph Thompson 57 152 91 Hugh Morgan 57 152 91 C I) Greenlee and Clara Greenlee his wife 208 557 99 T I'KlingensmithiSarah Kliijgfnsuiith his wile 120 321 91 Win Morris and A J Morris his wife 120 321 91 Mrs Eleanor J lift 120 321 91 Total ,3821 21 $10250 78 SECTION 4. This ordinance shall (take effect on December 21st, 1892. In aildi to thfi publication it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the bornngh to give 30 days notice of said assessment to owners of properties assessed as provided fot by Act ul Assembly, approved April 23, 1889. SECTION 5. All ordinances, resolutions or by-laws inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordained this oth ilay of December A. D. 1892. ROBT. STORV. Pro Tem, Attest. President of Town Council. T. M. BAKKH, Secretary of Town Council. Approved the 7th day of December, A. D'. 1892. R. C«M' AHOY, Chief Burgess. L. C. WICK DBA LKR IN Rough and Worked Lumber OF ALL KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. & TV. Depot, BUTLER - - I'A. FKANK KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, And everything in horse and buggy fur nishing go ods-H ar - ness, Collars, AVhips, Dusters, Saddles, etc. Also trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment ot 5-A Horse blankets in town will be found at Kemoer's. WILLIAM KENNEDY. Tbe .veil-known liverjmftn, Wm Kennedy, will be pleased to have bis friends call at bia new place ofbusinesß. Tbe Best Horses, Buggies and Car riage* in Butler at the most reasonably rates. The place is easily remember* ed. The tirat *U»bie west of tte Lowry liouse i Subscribe lor the CITIZEN. THE BENL I M *•*' J** l »/ **•" «» f, Tk> ts omt) be »h '<!•<«"? irJrs inr* f I lrm 9* »' *»«■<' 1 IV i ri'y ertrt an,l accuracy fit T"J <if our 11. ~ , '#*(» rtijutrrtil > , j ] i<ir«4<liN are cntpU-ifti ! 1 oikJ p€r»*mal tuptrt m">s _T» r <">i fo frirj detail, We '»(fr«r.,r (4 every thing that t* inquired fur, l*ut %f wet do not hare what your pre* crip tun* cutH* f>*r «•' «■>// tell you «.» a»<J our /*•«» /« yrf it /or j>.>x at Me rarht.it pomthle tutte. So matter trtmt m needed for the mckroom come to our store. Oar fnees are a.* lore ai eon *ftrnt tr,th pure yooth. Inferior ones tee do not care to handle at any price. rhymciann pre rrriptions and family re cciptt a 'penalty. Respectfully, C. N. BOYD, Druggist. Diamond Block, Butler, l'a. ; -J'HK HITLER ■ <'INT\ NATIONAL BANK, EiTuat. I'A. ''' - - - «I<M> IVMtJNI. | M WllS, - . SfO.lHHtill. OKKICKKB: i v v,„- JO* ITest. J. V. Kttts, \ ice Pres t. r. A. Bailey. 0;>-i OIKEiTOBS : J -Jos. <\ I'. mains. uM Ru« >{• eeney, al» wr.- 0 e. j v.' Kltu, ,» £ u^"e Haiti tt I <}. Miiifh. jW. Si. * aldron. M Ftnegan. I A general Nanking !ia«n»s« transacted. In terest pa ill on time deposits. Money loaned on I »Pi-rove«i security. , Foreign ex hange bought and soil INSURANCE COMPANY or NORTH AMERICA,IOOth Year Assets $g,278,aa0.00. Home of New York, Assets $9,370,640.00. Hartford of Hartford, Assets $6,743,046.84.^ Continental of New York, Assets $5.806.784.91. NEW YORK LIFE, Assets $125,947,190.81. Office of E E. ABRAMS & CO. Office in HUSELTON BUILDING, next to the Court House. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WEST PE.NN R. R. Trains leave the West Penn «iep< t at foot east Jefferson St. as follows: I ii:jr> a. IU. —Market arriyes at Allegheny at ' fr:4o ami 9:13 p. m. *:4o a. m.—Express-arrive* at Allegheny at 10:30 a. in. 11:00 a. m. —Accomodation—arrives at Alle gheny at 1:21 p. in. 2:45 p. m—Accomodation -arrives at Alle at 4:44 p. 111. 5:00 p. m.—Ex press-arrives at Allegheny at Allegheny at «»:4H p. m The <j:2o n. w. tr>»u <tnd 2:45 p. m. trains connect at Butler Junction with trains East to Rlairsrille Intersection, where connection is made with the l>»y Express and Philad'a Express going East. Trains arrive at Butler at 9:35 and 1(1:3.5 a. m. and tsM,S:OO and 7:'<>) p m , having Al legheny at 6:55, 8:50 ant l 10:4o a. 01. au't;.s:la 15 and 6;10 p. m P. 4 w. u. K. Trains leave the P. «!k W depot near Cen tre Ave., Southside, Hutler time, as follw* going south: fi:00 a. m. —Allegheny Accomodation. 9:lo—Allegheny and Akron Express—runs on Sunday to Allegheny, and connects daily to New Castle. 10:20 a. m. — Allegheny Accomodation. 2:30 p. m.—Allgheny Express. 3:20 p. 111. —Chicago Express, runs r.n Sun day. 5m.) p 111 —Allegheny and Zelienople Mai) Huns <>n Sunday to Allegheny alone. On Suuday aioue, at 11:15 a. m ,Allegheny Express. Going North—lo:o6 a. m. Bradford Mail 5:00 p. m—Clariou Aooom. 7:25 p.m.—Foxhurg Accom. On Sunday a train leaves for Callery al 11:15 a. iu. No Sunday trains ou the narrow gauge. The 3:20 p. ui. train South connects at Cal lery with the Chicago express, which runs daily and is equipped with the Pullman buf let aud fdecpitig coaches. Trains for Hutler leave Allegheny al 8:10 and 10;30 a. m., city time, and 3:00, 5:2" aud 6:15 p. m On Sunday at 8:10 a. m. and 3:00 p. ui. Trains arrive at Hutler at 9:30 and 9:50 a ni. and 12:35, 4:15, 7:20 and 8:30 p. m. Swn day at 10:20 and 6.10. PIITSCCRO, SHENA NQO &. USE KKIK R. K Trams leave the P A W depot, liutiei time, as follows: 5:30 a. m, to Erie, arriving there at t0:4.1 a. m. 10:30 a. m. U> Erie, arriving there al 3:21 p. in., Buffalo at 6:45 p. in. 5:00 p. m. to Greenville, arriving there a: 7:25 p. m. A train ariives from Greenville at 10:05 a m. with tbruugh car to Allegheny ov.-rth. P «Jc W; one at 2:80 p. m. from Erie whicb connects with both roads to Allegheny, am one at 8:40 p. in. from Erie. Trains leave Milliard* at »>:25 and 11 15 a m. slow time and connect tor Hutler. aud the 5:00 p. m. train from Butler connects foi Billiard*. The vS;!Ki a. m. and 3p. m. trains on "jott roads in Allegheuy connect with trains o< the P. S. it L- E. at Butler. -0:0- IT IS A PLEASURE TO \V EAR GA R MENTS Th A r ARK CORRECT LY DESIGNED AND PERFECT FITTING. -0:0- THIS SATISFAC TION YOU CAN DEPEND ON SHOULD YOU BOOK YOUR ORDKR AT Aland's. l arge Display of 1 l.tiul: Mile for FALL AND WINTER. The Imperial Purchasing Co., 1302 Filbert St., Phila., Pa. buys everything, wholesale and retail. Mirmrs, piano*, organs an<l musical instruments. Gre»t care in the selection of suitable present*. Charge* no Couuaiuiou. Sample* and e*ti:ua e* sent I free. 15 ywtrs e»|>erim«e. ij i Our line of Fall and VVinter Clotiimg » Is Complete. s —. 0 TAILOR 1 MA DK C T . ITMII O'COATS t> rAILOH MA OK SUITS, 2? r Host in make, Perfect in fit, ALL GRADES, * ALL SIZES, - ALL PRICES. Our fine selection of clothing fc*r men, boy* and children , jjr is by far the most elegant wc ha*e ever shewn to the people o Butler and vicinity We arc bound to keep op ow reputation for fine clothing, and »T assure you »t b to y«'or interest to 9tm t-if y >u want a fine su! or t>«r. at be* re you ptirrhwr K elsewhere. Mothers, don't torgrt the boys! We hmr everything in lint* of boys' clothing, at U>w est possible prices f H. SCIREIDEMAN, 104 S. Main St., - Butler, Pa. SC'HAL'L l(K< )S. & CO. CLOTHIERS A' FIRMSHEBS. We place on sale for this month some extraordinary bargains in V C? clot him?. c? \ferns all av#/, double-breasted, suits $ § *§ Mens all &vW black dress suits - 7 3° Mens overcoats (harry cloth > Mens heavy long ulsters - - S *5 Childrens suits from <jo cents up. Childrms overcoats from S r up Bays long pants stats fn** $j jgr up SCHAUL BROS. & CO. One Price Clothiers. OPPOSITE HOTEL YOGELEY. - BCTI.BIL PA. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Haven't you a friend who would appreciate a comfortable pair of slippers. You will find no larger or handsomer line than ours to select from. Get your wile and children a real good pair of Shoes and Rubbers. We keep the best and that's thr kind you want for a present. If you will call and see our goods you will consider yourself amply repaid for time and trouble Will consider it a pleasure to show you through our line * hether yon wish to BUY OR NOT. Never was our stock as large as now. We believe our assortment of Holiday Slippers to be the best in the county, it is by far the best in Butler. We desire to particularly emphasize one point, namely: OUR PRICES arc unquestionably the LOWEST ALRUFF. A bottle of win* free to erery porrbaasr in our L qoor D-partaaat. «haw order IOIOSDU to f 1 00 aad apwarda T|i« PRE mat ft ja December 19tk to Jiourv In. 1993 M. ROSENTHAL, (Bacc**aoc to Tboa. GMBM*. ) WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER. 403 Perry Street, Ptuabw*. Pa. You should boy your liqaora ud eiiw foe the CkrMnw mmm the carefully selected and ehoiea stock of Mr. Ko»w#»l B*at hraada ■* Lowest Prieaa Call or write Mail ordan rvcaiea proapt MMriM. Ferry Street it on® bloek below Diamond Market. f riie Racket Store Is Where Yon Can Buy Fine Laondried Shirt* for 8" Pure Linrn Collars for He two for .15 (Irey Merino Underwear for .45 White Merino Underwear foe .45 All Wool Scarlet Uoderwear for .TO Fine Fur Topped Kid Glovea fori 0© G'tod Stiff Hats for I 00 Pure Far Soft Hate for 50e to I 00 The befit Overcoat in the Co. for 10.00 And a foil line of CLOTHING, HATS, and GE*TB FUR NISHINGS at equally low price#. r rhe Racket Store, 120 S. Main St.. : : : Butler. Pa. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Ce. Office Cor, Main & Cunningham St*. H C. HKINEMAN, S*thtaet. DIRECTORS: A'fml Wic*. Haaaewaa <*!»«*. l>r. W. IrvUi. Jam** acmh'asor. W. W. liiichmo" J*. wwtwC K wmm. I» T. Jlarm. i;ro K»t«»-fr. * kit liafctaua. John (irotiaum. Jotuk Koe«in«. LOYAL S. M'JUNKIN, Agent. jBTJTXjER . ARE V«I W T <>r SPIRITS' { Bad &i to ba m tnwl SaiMtaf mm* Jast try mar wiaaa ami liqaaaa. T« mm raw* j<mr *fthta white lama# tfcwa turn* Let «« aatkaaa yon' P«ncb]a Go Man We**og. tor fnedical aarf <au»iljr vm «t tt> par Wt. *ar « <#*a. tm fc* iMftarlf, Laraw. (MM, I'-nrfaafati. lit T—% Oaartwwt. He. Thw m tbr «aJy !»«••• lot rmtttf -mt m A* e»lf, tiw.afc«ra am mm>4m at* vaMMlat par* U.«n4* 'onwl paeia* awl Heeai Vitboat mil ebarf*. C 0. D aa4 aatf order* rac»r*a pmwp? artaartaa. tiraad t«thar'» Qkai:»3 y«ar» aii. «.<*» p« gailao. Try ms Bowrr uiwr... l;oi>«»rt«r and W»H i.alar. 138 Walar * P*tabQ»»fc F*. ilyito B. <i <>. R. K. Pi|* Planing Mill Yard i l rt kva. l. o. ruvra a.G.Purvis&Co. »4.«rr*rrraaaa **» mil— m EUujrh and Planed Lam bar >r sv<HT|o»c«jrrio«i, SHINGLES, LATH 1 SEWER PIPE. Butler, P» "CrnzKN** and N*w Yoiut Wkuly Tribune for only $1.50