Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 09, 1892, Image 2
TU-fcf CITIZEN FRIDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1893 •I«n4 itrMMki it liUvh U (IM mttai w. o, nwui. . . . r»M**«« THE INSTITUTE. ~~ Tie thirty-eighth uuul Institute of Batler county met under uipiciou cir cumstance* in the Open House, Monday. The weather waa delightful, the accommo dation* ample, and the teacher* were in the beat of spirit*. Two-hundred aad seventy-fire of the three hundred teacher* ol the county were pres ent The finanoe committee reported that the assessment would be email, only $1.50 each. Musio and devotional exercises came first on the program,and then Hon. George W. Fleeger waa introduced by Snpt. Mc- Collough to deliver the address of "Wel come. He began by complimenting the schools of the state, county and borough; compar ed the schools of to-day with those of thir ty years ago, and gave some of bis past experience as a teacher; spoke of the possi bilities of the future, and what the country expected; said that the greatness of our oounty consisted in the greatness of its common people; that the greatest country on Earth was the one containing the great est number of happy and intelligent fami lies; that the aim of the common school* ahould be to fit the children for the duties of common life; that teachers should teach the dignity'and, respectability of labor; that to be a good eitiaen waa the proudest position on earth; that education should fit all for the active duties of life; that a good housekeeper was better than a good musi cian or linguist; *p<£* of the vices of pro fanity, and dishonesty, and particularly of the great vice of gossiping and telling tales, eto. His address waa generally oom mended. School-teacher John H. Wilson respond ed to the address of welcome. He said they were all glad to be here, where they would be fired with new ambitions and new desires to do better, work; that they were proud of their calling, though they were the poorest paid class of workmen in Oxistence; plead for justice and better rewards; said tha (the teachers were pa tient, happy and hopeful, and never struck; that they were law abiding and always looked at the bright aide of thing*; that there waa no danger from immigra tion so long aa the common-school system existed; that the teachers would absorb the new idea* advanced at the Institute, and be found worthy of their oalling, eto. Hu address was short but good. The regular programe, as advertised was then taken cp. Dr. Winship led off with a discourse on Arithmetic, and Prof. Rns sell followed with one on the teaching the elementa of music, a thing that is gradu ally increasing in public favor. Monday evening Rev. Wfllett* held forth on the stage,and what a dandy he is! You never tire of Willetts. This was his sixth appearance before a Butler audience and had it been hia sixtieth the house would have been crowded. There is a charm about Willetts that makes even a poverty stricken country editor forget bis dismal circumstances and for the time enjoy life. Though he is now three soore and ten and his head is gray, hia eyes and his heel* are just aa young aa they used to be; and may he live forever. On Tuesday, W. R. Hockenberry led at the informal meeting; E. E. Graham talk ed about the duties of teaohers and pupils; 8. L. Chessman gave bis experience and ideas in discipline in the school-room; A. W. Kelly gave an interesting address on the teaohing of Geography; Prof. H. R. Wilson of W. Sunbury made an eloquent plea for "Higher Eduoation", and Prof.'c Houck, Winabip, and Russel continued their instructions in the different branobes. Hon. Henry Houok's address that evening in "The old and the New'' was instructive and humorous, and was enjoyed by all present. The informal meeting of Wednesday morning waa presided over by Mr. E. J. Miller of Six Points. Devotional exercises followed, and then W. P. Sipe spoke on educating the scholars regarding their duty to their common country, and illustrated his address by citing several great and good examples. Mr. W. G. Russel thought that teachers should be interested in their work on ac count of ita great importance, and that their success as teachers depend on their being interested themselves. W. B. Scott attributed failure* in teach ing to a lack of preparation, and think* no teacher can teach well unless well and freshly prepared. Dr. Mialtby of Slipperyrock spoke of the importance of inculcating pratriotism in the bteasts of the scholars, quoted Lincoln's speeoh at Gettysburg, and spoke against cramming for examinations. The Sohuman Lady Quartette, that evening, played to one of the largest housea ever seen in Butler. The informal meeting of Thursday morn ing was presided over by Mr. T. H. Pain ter; Mr. M. H. Young of Petrolia and Miss Maude McClymonds will make ad dresses during the day, and the directors are in session in the arbitration this after noon. The Institute of this year has been an unqualified success. Thi great strikes during the last year, and the votee oast at the reoent election, may not improbably open the way to abet ter knowledge of the relations between la borers and employers. It begins to be un derstood that the strikes were sustained by exceptionally well paid workers. As soon as it was generally known what wages these workers were demanding, and how they were suatataed by many labor organi sations on the theory that the policy of the Government ought to secure practically whatever wages workers chose to ask, two distinct effects were perceived. There were some employers of labor in cities and towns who began to think that it was bet ter to stop the advance in wage*, even though at the cost of some arrest of Nat ional growth and development. There were also many farmers who began to doabt whether the National policy did not render their labor too oostly. Thus three distinct badies of men voted together against that National policy, some farmers because it raised wages, some employers in cities and towns because it raised wages more than they wished, and some wage earners because it did not raise wages a* muoh as they wished, Petrolia Items. Mrs. W. A. Fleming died on Tnesday at 12 a.m. She was 63 years, 3 months and 10 days old She had been a member of the M. E. Church for 53 years. She was a kind neighbor and loved by all who knew her and will be missed by the whole community. Protracted meetings are still going on in the M. E. church and are increasing in teres t. Mrs. S. G. Coffin and family are here at tending the ftineral of her mother, Mr*. Fleming. Evans City Items. _ Henry Beam'* handsome new house is is almost ready for occupancy. The children of the Presbyterian Sunday School are preparing a cantata for Christ mas eve. . David Mulchay smile* over the arrival of a daughter. The A. 0. U. M. will give an oyster supper in the Opera House this, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Lei*ie of Cranberry twp., will leave foi Harris burg this week, where they go to attend the meeting of the State Grange. Dr. J. M. List is down with typhoid fever. Jim McKee, the oil operator, is rejoicing over the arrival of a son. Pittaburg parties have made a location /or an oil well on the Jacob Cooper farm. Jaju. Opening of Congress. The second session of the 52d Congress met, Monday. There were lively scenes in both hoases, the desks of many of the members were decked with flowers; 224 members of the House responded to roll call, Committees were appointed to notify the President that both houses were it session, the credentials of ne*ly elected members were presented, and they were sworn in; several well known Pennsyl varians not members were present; a Penn'a member introdnoed a bill to cover a possible deficit in the treasury; an Illi nois member introduced a joint resolution providing for opening the World's Fair on Sunday. The resolution prohibits the use on Sundays of machinery, unnecessary manual labor, and all merchandising, pro vides that the art gallary, horticultural building and all other buildings in which exhibits of art are installed shall be thrown open to the public every day during thf entire term of the exposition, and that each employe ot the exposition shall bn given one day's rest in each week; quite a number of other bills and resolutions were introduced; the Postmaster General's re port was made public; be summarises the results achieved by his department as fol lows. Five million dollars added to the gross revenue; the deficit reduced nearly a million :money order offices increased two thirds, or from 10,070 to 16,639: 82 cities supplied with free delivery; 2,792 new offices established; 263 offices advanced to tbo Presidential grade: 1.592 new mail routes established, embracing 8,500 miles of new service; ocean mail service extend ed and pneumatic tube service introduced. Of bis proposition to divide the country into postal districts, Mr. TVanamaker says its adoption can only be a question of time. Each district would be put in charge of a postal supervisor or director, and the regular inspectors of the department should assist these supervisors, as they might be needed. The district supervisor could act under rules, without reference to the de partment at "Washington and without use less delay. The department would come directly in touch with the postal employes, and they in turn would be better in touch with the people served. THE MESSAGE. President Harrison's last message to Congress was read in both houses, Tuesday afternoon. It is an interesting document, gives a complete review of the business of the National Government during the past year, fully states the condition of the Treasury, deals largely with industrial questions, and makes but few recommen dations other than those regarding our immigration and quarantine laws From the message we make the follow ing extracts: To the Senate and House of Represent atives: In submitting my annual message to Congress I hate great satisfaction in being able to say that the general condition af fecting the commercial and industrial in terests of the United States are in the highest degree favorable. A comparison of the existing conditions with those ot the most favored period in the history of the country wilj, I believe, show that so high a degree of prosperity and so general a dif fasion of the comforts of life were never before enjoyed by onr people. The total wealth of the country in 1860 was $16,159,606,068. In IS9O it amounted to (62,610,000,000, an increase of 287 pet cent. The total mileage of railways in the United States in 1860 was 30,626; in 1890 it was 167,741, an increase of 448 per cont., and it is estimated that there will be about 40,000 miles of track added by the close of the year, 1892. The official returns of the eleventh census and those of the tenth oensns for 75 leading cities furnish the basis for the following comparison?: in 1880 the capital invested in manufacturing was $1,232,839,670. In 1890 the capital invested in manufacturing was $2,900,735- 884. In 1880 the number of employes was 1,301,388. In 1890 the number of employes was 2,251,134. In 1880 the wages earned were $3,019,650,778. In 1890 the wage* earned were $1,221,170,454. In 1880 the value of the product was $2,711,579,899 In 1890 the value of the product was $4, 800,280,837 lam informed by the superintendent ol the census that the omission of certain in dustries in 1880, which were included ic 18190, accounts in part for the remarkable increase thus shown. But, after making full allowance lor differences of method and deducting the retains for all industries not included in the census of 1880, tbert remain in the reports from theso 75 cities an increase in the capital employed of sl, 522,745,604; in the value of the product o! $2,024,236,166;; in wages earned of $677. 943,929, and in the number ot wage earu era employed ot 856,029. The wage earninges not only show an increased aggregate, but an increase per capita from $387 in 1880 to $549 in 1890, or 41-71 per cent. The new industrial plants established cinoe October 6, 1890, and up to October 22, 1892, nnmbet 345. and the extension of existing plants 108; the new capital in vested amounts to $40,449,050, and the number of additional employes to 47,285. STATR OK THB TRBABCRY. The report of the secretary of the treas ury will attract special intererest in view of the many misleading statements that have been made as to the state of the put> lie revenues. Three preliminary fact* should not only be stated, but emphasised, belore looking into details: First, that the public debt has been reduced since March 4, 1889, $259,074,200, and the annual inter charge 11,684,460; second, that there have been paid oat for pensions during this ad ministration up to November 1. 1892, $432,- 564,178.70, an excess of $114,466,386 09 over the sum expended during the period from Maroh 1, 1885, to March 1, 1889; and third, that under tho existing tariff up to December 1, about $93,000,000 of revenue which would have been collected upon sugar, if the duty had been maintained hat gone into the pockets of the people and not into the public treasury as before. II there are any who still think that the sur plus should have been kept out of circula tion by hoarding it in the treasury or de posited in favored banks without interest, while the government continued to pay to these very banks interest upon the bond* deposited as security for the deposits, or who think that the extended pension legis lation was a public robbery, or that the duties upon sugar should have been main tained. lam content to leave the argu ment where it now rests, while we wait to see whether these criticisms «ill take the form of legislation. The revenues for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1892, from all sources, were $425,- 868,260.22, and the expenditures for all purdoses $415,953,806 56, leaving a balance of $9,914,453.66. There were paid during the year upon the public debt $40,570,467. 98. The surplus in the trecjury and the bank redemption fiind, passed by the act iof July 14,1890. to the general fund, furn ished in large part the oast available and used lor the payments made upon the pub lic debt. Compared with the year 1891. our receipts from customs duties fell ofi j $42,069,241.05, while our receipts from in ternal revenue increased $8,284,823 13. leaving the net loss of revenue trom these principal sources $33,784,407,95. The net ftws of revenue from all sources was $32,- 675,972 81. «iUABAHTrSB RULES. The suliject of quarantine regulations. 1 inspection and control was brought sud denly to my attention by the arrival at our ports in August last of vessels infected with cholera. Quarantine regulations should be uniform at all onr ports. Under the constitution they are plainly within the exclusive federal jurisdiction when aud so far as Congress shall legislate. In mj opinion, the whole subject should be takeu Into national control and ample power given to the executive to protect our peoples against plague invasions. On September 1 last I approved regulation.- establishing a 20-day quarantine for all vessels bringing immigrants from foreign ports. This order will be continued in torce. Some loss and suffering have re suited to passengers, but a due cai« lor the homes of our people justify in such cases the utmost precaution. There is danger that with the ooming of spring cholera will again appear and a liberal appropria tion should be made at this session to en able our quarantine and post officers to ex clude the deadly plague. But the most careful and stringent quarantine regula tions may not be sufficient absolutely to exclude " the disease. The progress of medical and sanitary science has been snch, however, that if approved precau tions are taken at once to pat all of our cities and towns in the best sanitary con dition and provision is made for isolating any sporadic cases, and for a thorough dis infection, an epidemic can, T am sure, be avoided. This work appertains to the local authorities and the responsibility and the penalty will be appalling it it is neglected or unduly delayed. RESTRICT IMMIGRATION. We are peculiarly subject in our great ports to the spead of infectious diseases bj reason of the fact that unrestricted immi gration brings to us out of European cities, in the overcrowded steerages of great steamships a large number of persons whose surroundings make them easy victims of the plague. This consideration as well as these affecting the political ward, and industrial interests of our coun try leads me to ronow the suggestion that admission to our country aud to the high privileges of its citizenship, should be more restricted aad more careful. We have, I think, a right and owe a duty to our own people, and especially to our working people, not only to keep out the vicious, the ignorant,the civil disturber, the pauper, and the contract laborer.but to check the too great flow of immigration now coming by further limitations. WANAMAKBR'S INDUSTRY. The remarkable increase in revenues in the number of postoffices and mail carriage furnish furti er evidence of the high state of prosperity which our people are enjoy ing. New offices mean new hamlets and towns, new routes mean the extension ol «.nr border settlements, aDd increased rev enues mean an active commerce. The postmaster general reviews the whole per iod of his administration of the office and brings some of his statistics down to the month of November last. The postal rev enues have increased during the last year nearly $5,000,000. The deficit for the year endiDg June 30 1895, is $848,341 less than the deficiency of the preceding year . The deficiency of the present fiscal year it is estimated will be reduced to $1,552, 423. which will not only be extinguished during the next fiscal year, but a surplus of nearly one million dollars should then be shown. SILVER PURCHASES. During the last fiscal year the Secretary purchased under the act of July 14, 1890, 54,355,748 ounces of silver, and issued in payment therefore $51,190,608 in notes The total purchases since the passage of tho act have been 120,479,981 ounces, and the aggregate of notes issued $116,783,599. The average price paid for silver during the year was 94 cents per ounce, the high est price being $1.02} July 1. 1891, and the lowest $0 83 March 21. 1892. In view of the fact that the monetary conference is now sitting, and that no conclusion has been reached, I withhold any recommen dation as to legislation upon the subject The exhibit of the work of the executive departments is submitted to Congress and to the public, in the hope that there will be found in it a due sense of responsibility and an earnest purpose to maintain the national lionor and to promote the happi ness and prosperity of all our people. And this brief exhibit of the growth and pros perity of the country will give us a level from which to note the increase or deca dence that new legislative policies m»v bring to us. There is no reason why the national influence, power and prosperity should uot observe the same rates ol increase that have characterized the past 30 years. We carry the great impulse aud increase of these years into tho future. There is no reason why in many lines of production we should not surpass all other nations, as wo have already dono in some. There are no near frontiers to our possible development. Retrogression would be a crime. BBSJ. HARRISON. EXBCUTIVE MANSION, Dec. 6, 1892. Tns discovery that the rifles used by the German Army are worthless has a sensation in that country. Some of the officers have been in collusion with the contractor*, and inferior arms have been furnished the army. They Were Reunited. [Pittsburg Times] Thero was a pathetic scene at a hearing at Alderman John Cabill's office last even ing. A father, his erring daughter, the child he bad stole Iroru her, and the same one she abducted from him, were the lead ing ones in the drama. The lisped word "mamma" decided the case. The father is Frederick Barckley, a gro ceryman of No. 3942 Chouteau avenue, St. Louis. He had a blonde mustache cover ing the lines of hi 9 mouth, and bringing oat noticeably a German face, stern, but kiud. The daughter was a girl with a face pale but pretty, no suspicion ol' a bleach on her light hair, and with a countenance that bore traces of a hunted, anxious look. She was not more than 18, though she may have been less. The child, a sweet little fellow of of about four, with blue eyes, seemed to bo peeri ng iuto the fjturo for pants. He had no interest in the hearing at first, but at the end he decided jt. The story as told by Constable Tanner is one ol'interest. The girl, Stella Barckley, tended shop for her father. In St. Louis kindling wood is sold in grocery stores in five cent bundles. Delivering this wood was a young fellow named Kichard Scott whose morning visits Stella seemed to await with more interest than a majden whose mind was occupied with the cares of trade should. When Frederick Barckley learned the truth his daughter was sent to the hospital. He watched over her carefully aijd when she came home with her little boy, he seemed to have lost all love for her and to have, transferred his affections to the boy, for years before Stella's younger brother, his only son, bad been carried off by a fever. She went out at nights and he soon learned of it and followed her. He traced her to a corner where tfbe met young Scott. With all tho anger of a righteous father, he flew upon the pair aud tore his daugh ter from the side of her lover. He took her buiue and that night she disappeared with her child. Scott also left the city -and the girl's father following a clue found the tbrea a< Vincenne.-, Intl., and took the child away from them. His daughter be cast off and she aud Scott were left together. The child was taken back to St. Louis and kept there for three years. The mother went with Scott piesumably, and was never heard from until about 18 months ago when the baby disappeared. A strauge woman seen o'u the streets gave the father a clue, a slight one. He then kuew the mother and child had been reunited. lie had almost given up hope of ever hearing from either mother or boy until the daugh ter of a neighbor came in one day and in a burst of confidence said: "I've heard from Stella." The father talked to her and was to shat Stella's address was at 139 Sc Id street, Pittsburg. He came toPittsbntt and after finding where his daughter linrp tried to get the child, but she had seen bim and the child was kept safely within doors. Stella had rented rooms from Mrs. White, who lives at the number. Stella was employed in cleaning offices. Toe father called on Alderman Cahill and swore out awarrant charging his daughter with abduction. Countable Tanner took the*warrant, and last evening brought the daughter and child before Albcrman Ca hill. There a strauge meeting occurred. The little one looked at its grandfather, but would not go to him. The mother and father did not speak nor pretend to recognize eachotbor. Alderman Cahill heard the story of both and then called the child to him. ' The Al derman was of the opinion that the grand father was better able to take care of tho child than the mother, but thought he would borrow one of Solomon's ideas. He explained to the child thav. his grandfather wanted him and that he would iiava to go back to St. Louis with him. The GranJ father reached out his arms to the little fellow, but be caught sight of his weeping uiotuer in the other corner of the room, and he broke away from the Alderman, with his chubby hands outstretched appeal ingly, saying: "Mama, mama, don't cry." The suit was ended then. Aldermen Cabill decided that the child should a.'jy with iu "mama,'' The grandfather look ed at the two for an instant and then said with voice full ofajactjon: "Stella, will you come with me f" "Father," replied Stella, "1 wanted to go home iong, long ago, bat yoy n«s-or asked me." Gonxtable Tanner went to the girl's home ou Scott street, with them, where they told part of the story to the woman from whom ahe had rented the rooms, and then t'ney left (or the Union depot to no to St. Louis. The only one who seemed to b« happy was (he little one. Undesirable Immigrants. An interesting phase of the immigration question is now attracting attention in Xew York. ' The number o." Italians who come to the United States to work during the pleasant months ar.d return to Italy at this season of the year to spend their earn ings has become so large that some of the finest steamships which now cross the At lantic are engaged in that trade. The two German steamship lines are this Fall run ning their best ships »o Italian ports, in addition to the regular Mediterranean liaes. Every one of these vessels that has sail ed this Autumn so far has been unable to meet the demand for steerage accommoda tions. The Fa Id a took 900 on Saturday, but was obliged to leave several han dred persons behind, who «ill sail in another vessel to-morrow. On the 17th the Fuerst Bismark turned away 700 of these Italians lor lack of room. Judging from the past experience and the demand for tickets, it is estimated that over 10,000 Italians will go back to Italy to spend the Winter or remain therc.and they will take with them at least $2,000,000, saved during their stay on this. Is this kind of immigration desirable f These men do not come here to live per manently. They do not bring their fam lies. But they are enabled by their meth od of living to savo enough in a few months to keep themselves and and their fatnlies in Italy for a long time. One of these mgn testified before the Congressional Commute on Immigration, sitting in Xew York, as follows: At home I was a farmer. My pay was 10 i ents a day and meals. Q. Meals for yourself aloue, or yourself and family t A. No, the meals were for mo and the family fed on the 10 cents. Q No lodgings were included, you had to lodge yourself f A. I had to bed myself. Q. When you land ed in this country were you in possession of any money or property f A. Nothing, sir. No property. (}. Were you able to live on this 10 cents a day in Italy and three mealsf A. Well, it was found to be enongh by taking care and paying as best I could. It cau easily be seen how great a sum S2OO is ii Italy to such a man. Ho gets $1.35 here for the same amount of work for which he was paid 24 cents without meals in Italy. If he remained here and became a citizen, that wou'd be quite a different mattei. But when he comes here to coin pete with Americans, and then Chinese like takes himself and his earning to a for eign country, it is quite evident that some thing should be done to discourage his re turn. Immigration of that kind is clearly undesirable. Philadelphia Press. Mt. Chestnut Items. Our school—Hill and Ridge—are pro gressing nicely under the supervision of ffm. Stoops and Nora Oesterling. John T. Crammer has repaired his mill property, and is prepared to do work in his line". A. O. Eagal has also had his mill repair ed with improved machinery and is mak ing first class flour. Cbas. Watson is attending the winter term of Prospect Academy. Mrs. Ellen Shannon, of Allegheny, is visiting her relatives in this viciuty. Miss Lizzie Borland has returned from an extended visit to friends in Ohio. Benj. Shannon is spending a few days at Callery helping his brother John F. re build his store room. Our former postmaster will again be an applicant for ihe appointment which he held during Cleveland'.* administration. Hetrig. Flick Items. Mr. Wm. Trimble of this viciuity was seriously,hurt a few days ago in Allegheny city, by a bale of roofing-cotton falling up on him. It fell 90 feet. Mr. Wm. Sefton and sister Jane of this place were the guests of Mrs. Neibert ol Jefferson twp., on last Friday. Miss Lida Hayslette of Flick received a handsome present on Tuesday of last week The Chartiers Oil Co. have laid off all their hands but four, and they have 42 wells to attend to. Mr. M. V Moore and W. J. Sefton are trying to improve the *>g utock of this neighborhood with what are called the Silver Chester. Mr. Charles Crooks has the job of run ning the Fulertoa pnmp station. Dr. Sigens has leased a well on the Geo. Hays, Jr, farm and has cleaned it out ana shot it. We hope the Dr. will hav6 good success. Mr John Turner killed what is suppos ed to be the largest hog this fall that w as killed in this district. ' It weighed 300 pounds. Mttato Nomise. Salt River Sale. Ae I have been elected lo go up "Salt Riper" it will be neceSßary for me to cloise ojit toy stock before leav ing, as 1 do not buppoee there will be any use in my taking it along 1 Lave laid in a very large stock of clothing for men, bojs and children coneisty of o'coats. suits, panta.o'alls, shiru of crery description, bats, caps, gloves, collars, cufls. ties, handker chiefs, mufflers, hosiery, brushes, combs, pockot and bill books, um brellas, and an imtnence stock of jewelry,lndie* and gents gold and sil vprwatches, cbainsand charms, spec, tecles, eoilars and cuffs, buttons, lace and scarf pins and over 1000 plain and set rings, cacb and every article suitable for a Christmas gift. Well, the country is safe in spite of election Thanksgiving dinners and the cold snap that's sure to follow because Heck in on Deck with the largest lice of Holiday's goods to select from. Our customers will find that the good old days are once more here in effect if not in deed AH can now be happy by dcaliu.- at the old reliable houfe« of D A. Heck Now kind friends while some business men are offering 50 and 100 per cent discounts, we can not do it we try to be just,as well as generous, we sell our goods so low they cannot be sold any lower, that is why we have not got rich, but as is our usual custom we are prepared to give to every customer duripg the Holiday a beautiful souvenir, obow us the man who said there is always room at the top Leading the trade, stand ing high above all competition, we find the crowd is still with us Yet we cry for more,our stock is immense, our bargains untouched, we will please you once in quantity, twice in quality and three times in price. Come everybody and for once in your lite see what quality, quantity and style really mean. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year I remain as erer your bumble servant, J_). _A_. HECK, Champion Clother, Hatter and furnisher, 121 N. Main St., Uutler. A. & QA.BLK, V eterinary fesurgooij.. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Canada. Dr, Gable treats all diseases of the animals, and makes ridgling, ew;rjvtion and horse den tistry a specialty. Castration per formed without clams, and ali oiier surgical operations performed in the mot* Mientific manner. Calls to any part pf tbe country promptly responded to. Office and Infirmary, in Crawford's Jjivery, 132 West Jefferson Street, Butler Pa. The Pittsburg Sensation. The order of Mayor Gourley closing the houses of ill repute in the city of Pitts burg, and the haste in which it was exe cuted by the Chief ot Police created a sen sation in that city, last Wedn^sda} - . On Thursday, tort/ of the keepers of such places, some of whom have po*n wealthy, visited his office in City Hall and wanted to know what h* 1 intended doing for them He, of course, could do noth ing. and said s>, though he criticized Chief Brown's haste in the matter of evict ing the women, as indecent and inhuman A number of the women visited Rev. Me- Crory. and other ministers that day. and a few of them left the city. On Friday. Chiel Brown revoked the order closing the houses, giving as his reason for so doing the criticisms of Mayor Gourley: and invited the Mayor to fix the day for closing. On Saturday Mayor Gourley reiterated his order to Chief Brown, and in his letter to him said: My order to you of November 30, refer red to in your communication to yonr Su perintendent, did not direct you to eject the inmates of houses of ill-fame; it simply and only directed you to enforce the law against all house- of ill repute in the city. And to prevent any possible misunder standing I quoted in the communication mentioned the full text of the law under which yun were to act, and which consti tutes the only authority for any action at all by you or me in the premises. By referring to the law or ordinance quoted, and which I askod you to enforce, by no pretense can you find a scintilla of authority for summarily ejecting the in mates of houses of ill repute or of summar ily closing such houses by driving the in mates out of their homes upon the streets. To the end of suppressing such bonses the law gives your department power to ,-ar rust every keeper therof and every person found therein, and to bring all such per sons betore the police magistrates of said city for examination and hearing, and each person found guilty after trial shall be fined for each offense." This law onlj convicts after "examina tion and hearing.'" and does not profess to invest you or ine with despotic power to banish into the streets and make homeless and shelterless even women of ill fame without "arrest, examination and hear ing." And even after conviction upon such ' examination and hearing'' it does not im pose a sentence of ejectment from the house, but a fine, and, in default of pay ment, imprisonment. You cannot fail to see that yonr order of November 30, as reported to me by yon, to drive these women out upon the streets and to close and keep closed the doors of the houses, is not warranted by the law or by anything in my communication of that date directing you "to enforce the law against all houses of ill repute." Your sole power in the premises, under the law, is "to arrest every'keeper and every per son found in such houses, and take them before the police magistrates for "examin ation and hearing." your power under the law is then exhausted and yonr duty fully done. I am convinced that if you confine your self to the simple discharge of your duty as a sworn officer, from day to day, under the power given yon all houses of ill repute will soon be closed, without any unauthor ized and illegal order from you to such ef fect. ; Inasmuch as these houses of shame have for five years been allowed by yonr depart ment to live and flourish, it would produce cruel and unnecessary suffering to at once and upon a few hours' notice fill the patrol wagon with prisoners, many of whom would certainly be unable to pay their fines. As you have lod these women to believe they could conduct their business in this city with safety, 1 would suggest that jou serve notice upon them that after a reason able time, sufficient time to allow them to arrange for shelter elsewhere, a week if you please, you will enforce the law by ar resting, from day to day, inmate or keeper of snch houses, and leave it to the police magistrates to inflict the senteuce of the law upon such as may be found guilty. I believe that if you pursue this course, the ouly course within the line of your duty, and the only course permitted by the law, these houses will soon, very soon, disap pear. Should this course uot accomplish the purpose, I beg to refer you to the act of assembly approve March 31, 16G9, P. L. 394, which reads as follows: "If any shall keep and maintain bawdy hon?o, etc., or shall knowingly let or de mise a house, or part therenf to be so kept, he or she shall be guilty of a disdeineauor. aud on conviettion be sentencou to pay a line not exceeding SI,OOO, and to undergo an imprisonment not exceeding two years. The correspondence between the Mayor and the Chief of Police was the principal topic of conversation about City Hall, that day. , THE PRESS (NEW YORK.) FOE 1893. Has a larger Daily Circulation than any other Republican Newspaper in America. DAILY, SUHI, WEEKLY, The Aggressive Republican Journal of the Metropolis 1 NEWSPAPER HII MASSES. Founded December Ist, 1887. Circulation ow 125,000 copies DAILY. The most remarkable Newspaper Success in New York. THE PRESS IS A NATIONAL NEWSPAPER. Cheap news, vulgar sensations and trash find no place in the columns of THE PRESS. THE PRESS has the brightest Editorial page in New York. It sparkles with poiuts. THE PRESS SOKPAY EDITION is a splen did paper, covering every current topic of interest. THE PRESS WEEKLY EDITION contains all the good things of the Daily _ai.d Sun day editions. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM THE PRESS has no superior in New York. TUE PRESS. Within the reach of all. Tlx lii.st ami CheajMst A'rlcxpajx-r it) America. Daily and Sunday, ona year, - - s"> 00 " " C months, - - 250 H •• one " - - - 45 Daily only,'one Year, •- - -3 50 " " four mouth, - 100 Sucday, one Year, - - - -- 00 Weekly Press, one year, - - 100 Send for THE PRESS* circular. Samples free. Agents wanted every where. Address, THE PBESS, 38 PARK ROW IN" b WYOEK. pim noes ii im I PRICES is the motto at our feto re. If you are aicjs and need medicine you want the BEST. This you can always depend upon getting from us, at* we nee nothing but strictly Pure Drugs in our Prescription Depart ment. You can get the best of every thing in the drug line from us. Our store is also headquarters for FAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Kalsomine, Ala Mine k Get our prices before you buy Paints, and see what we have to offer. We can save you dollars on ypur paint bill. Respectfully J. C. REDIGE, Main t»t., lujst to Hotel Lowry, BUTLER, FA, McMURDY—At his bemo r.car HarrU ville, Dec. Ist. l«r_\ John McMnrdy aged 83 years ROSS—At her home n Sarver-vil'e, N • 2<s. IW»2, Mr-. Marv aje 171 year PARKER—At his home in Fairview twj> . Nov. 23, 1892. Richard Park-r in hi 50th year. BEATTY—In Pittsbnrg. Pec. 4 lfc»2. Mrs. John Beatty. of Petrolic, aged 23 years. Mrs. Beatty was a daughter of Henry Cnmling. and her death caused by pneumonia, while visiting friends in'the city. BAITER—At her home in Butler, he .*• l*92.Tillie, daughter of Win Bauer.aged 19 years. RAY—At herhomein Renfrew, Pec. 5.1V2 Essie, daughter of Tho- Kay, aged 7 years. McCALLEN—At the house ot J. R. Mi Candless in Cherry twp . Dec , 1892. Benjamin McCallen. aged about GO year- STIVER—At Harmony, Pa . on Sua day morning. Dec. Ph. 1*92, Mrs, Sarah Stiver, aged 70 years. 2 months and 6 days. MITCHELL—At the home of her neice Mrs. Mary Willey in Decatur. 111.. Dec sth, Mrs Mitchell widow of the late Judge J as. Mitchell. KELLY —At her home in Buffalo twp., Dec. 4. 1892. Miss Kelly, young -' daughter of John Kelly, aged 22 year.-. SARVER—At his home in worth twp . Nov. 23, 1592. Joseph Sarver, aged *1 years and 4 months. Mr. Sarver was ill lor but a few day before his death. Voted for William Hen ry Harrison; also for his grand-on, Ben jamin Harrison in l»"v and on the morn ing of Nov. *th. W2. he went five miles to vote for him again. He <aid then, it would be the last President he would vote for. and ic fifteen days he was gone. He lived the life of the righteous and his end was peace. DA VIS—At his home at Farmington or. the morning of Oct 16th, 1892, J. Mile- Davis. aged 39 years and 8 days. The death of our friend was a peculiarly sad one, he being a yonng man of strong constitution and in the prime of life, and called so early to leave the joy* of life: but we trust it was a glorious exchange. lie was a loving husband, a kind father, a good neighbor, and a strictly honest man in all his dealings with his fellow men. Hi.- disease was typhoid fever froin which he suffered greatly but he bore all his suffer ing patiently and expressed himself willing to trust his all to his blesssed Savior. lie leaves a wife and eight children, an aged mother, brothers and sisters to lament hi> death. His family have the sympathy of the whole community in their sad bereave ment. We laid him to rest in the quiet churchyard at St. Johns, there to await the resurrection oftho just. when the,dead in Christ shall rise first. A FKIKXIK OBITUARY NOTES. Jay Gould, the millionarefinancier, rail road and telegraph owner, died at his home in New York, from pulmonary con sumption, on Friday last. He was worth a hundred million, mostly made by »pecu lation in stocks. His son George succeed-" to most of his business interests. Ex-Governor Henry noyt. died at his home in Wilkesbarre. on WenesJay night of last week. Joseph Walton, the millionare coal op erator. died suddenly at his home in Alle gheny, last Mouday' He was 07 years of age, and had not been in good health for some years, but his death was caused by apoplexy. SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE FOR 189:3. Partial Pros]rectus. Frances Hodgson Burnett will contribute the first serial to appear in a magazine from her pen for many years, entitled -THE ONE I KNEW THE BEST OF ALL." H. C. Bunner will furnish a series of six sketches entitled •'JERSEY STREET AN It JERSEY LANE." Illustrated. Robert Grant will relate the farther experiences of Fred and Josephine in "A SEQUEL TO THE REFLECTIONS OF A MARRIED \IAN." Illustrated. Harold Frederic will contribute a political novel of great power, entitled "THE COPPERHEAD." By the Author of ''Jerry.'* Miss S. B. ELLIOTT, the author of "Jerry," will write a realistic story of life among the Tennessee mountaineers, "THE DURKET SPERRET." Personal Reminiscences. SOME UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF CARLYLE TO EDWARD IRVING and others, dealing with a part of Carlyle's life far different from that brought out in the recent literature of Cariyle reminiscences. RECOLLECTIONS OF LINCOLN AND SUMNER. By the late M.VRQris HE CHAMUKIN Both articles are full of new matter. AN ARTIST IN JAPAN By ROBERT BLUM, who has just retained from a residence of nearly two years in that country. Abundantly illustrated by the author. HISTORIC MOMENTS, "which have been a feature of the magazine dur ing 1892, will be continued by some par ticularly striking papers, among them several by the great war correspoudeuts. WILLIAM 11. RUSSELL, ARIIIIBALD FORBES, and others. Men's Occupations. A series of articles on the life work of men in many callings—the chief ways (exclusive of professions) in which men earn their livelihood. The World's Fair in Chicago. A series will be published later in the year giving the impressions made by the exhibition upon different observers of note, both American and foreign; and many of these observers will be also who will illustrate their own articles. Miscellaneous Articles Further contributions to the POOR IN GREAT CITIES. MRS. BURNETTS iilu strated paper on the London plan for HOMK All) TO INVALID CUIDJiEN. etc. Of special interest also will be Pro fessor, IIEILPHIX'S authoritative' account ol the PEARY RELIEF EPEDITION (illustrated), a very interesting article by OCTAVE I'ZASNE on the exhibition of WOMAN'S ART now going 011 in Paris, and articles upon artistic subjects,accounts of travels, etc., etc. The Illustrations. of the year will represent the work not only of the well known illustrators, but many drawings will also appear by artist who are best known as painters. j-)\ jr<. ' $3.00 3 Year, i ) 25c. a Nainbti ; SPECIAL OFFER"; a fcultsrrl|itinn fof INWJ, - - Sl.o • Th* samp, nitli 1» rk nanilirr*. bound in rlo!h, - - - - - 0.00 Sow \s the time to suits,ribc. CHARLKS SCKIBI\ F.R'S SONS, 743 Broadway, New York. NEW CUSTOM GRIST .MILL 1 have placed iu my Mill a first class Roller outfit for Buckwheat Fiour. AI to Rollcf Corn and Chopping Mill-, all the best the market otters. (Jive qa <t trial, we'll do our best to give yon a good tarn ont. Running every day except Sunday. WM, F. MILLER. 313 N. Washington St , Butler Pa. —- | Hotels and Depots, W. S. Uregg is DOW ruuoing a lint of carriage* between the hote.s ana ' depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telepbou« No. 17, or lea%e uitkrs at Hotel Vogeiey. G<XMI LIVERY LA (SUITED ION 11 m J 6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening strength.— Latent I S n* I'n i /.. .. . < Roval Baku's Powpkr Co., 106 Wall St., X. Y LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrators and Executors ot estates can secure their receipt books at the ClTl iex office. Orphans' Court Sals. By virtue of and older of ike < >ri»li.ius Conrt ot Hutlercounu. Pa.. ruu.e at o C. So. Dee-uiber T.-rm. !-•>;. 11-nrr Hauler. Admini strator, of 11-ary W \Vats<v<i. lin- ot Muddy credit townsMp. Rntler Co , d"-ca»-<|. will !*««• to N*Je at p'l.'tt-- outcry, on tbs prenn*. on WEDX !)AY. JAM AKV 4th. t«t». at 2 o'clock p. aof ulj day. All the followln,- 1 i i. • -• it.-, situate in Muddyrreek. township. Hatlerco.. Pa.. Is-ixut U>e l.irm t»y Henry W. Watson at Itic tiuwof his decease bounded and dt s«riti-d as follow*, to-wit: on the north by lands of Km;ua >'i enamel. ol the east t>y lands ot * tl I!--, .is vol Henri Haiider. on Uc south by uiub of Joon c. Marshall, and <>n the w<i by lands of vv -s. Duncan, ana Kin n » S-. - id. .uante. .m; . niu, seventy-are arres, more or leas, au r .e*r t-4 and in gotnl state ot cultivation. a (owl orchard of applet trees and peach tree-, and other fruits sli iate ttiereoa. rULs farm Is >1 au underlaid with a foot vela if rajwrtar coal. A guodtwosnry frame dwelliw nouse i*x.n fee? and kitchen attained Mttiale tberton. aU) a frame bank haru 50x30 feet .and other t>utlai rut. all praetially ne» TI.KM.S oK SALE: »ii" li *.lf t.ie pure.ia-.e money on confirmation ot ihe sale by the Court an l tne balance in one year from' that dat with Interest : def .red payment to be aecoied by bo ul and nu rt(,*ag» - on ihe premises, mort gage to eontalu a scure lacias clause and pro vide (oran attorneyseommlsslon of 5 percent, in case same has to be collected by process of law. HEJiKY KAt DEK, Adm'rof Henry W. Waiaon. dee d. Greer A Ralston, Porters* Ule, Pa. Ally's. Trustee's Sals! In the matter of the part Stun of the real estate of Kaehael Wagner.do*' 4. Lite of Kair vtew twp., Butler county, a Orphans rmirt, No. liecember Term.isel. By vtr ue of an order and decree of the •►rphan- Coun of Butler county, fa.. 1 was. on lUe «th day ot.lune. is-.r_\ ap(v>lnt«sl Trustee to make saie of the real estate of Rachael Wajrner dee'd. Ttierefore in pnrsiiance of said i»rler. I will expose to sale i.t public outcry, on tn premises in Fairvtew twp.. Butler to.. Pa., at 2 o'clock p. m on SATI'RDAY. DEC EMBER 31st. Is.*, the following dccrlbed two pieces of real estate. PURPART HO. t. bounded and described as follows: t»n tl»< north by purpart N'o j.ot the firm ot Kachv! Wagner, dec d. on Uw east by lands ot D. \\ .Met lure and K!1 Re. p. Un trie soiitb by lands •>: W. J.Campbell an 1 w it by lands of Alex ander Black, containing v» acres ;in.l it perches, wuh log hois.-e-. >.mall plank hoov and logstatilu th :reon eri^etad. Pt'RI'AKT SO. 2. Ivjunded and described as follows: »»n the north by lands of ,foun Mct'atTerty. on the east by lar. is ot John McNamara. on the M)U'h purpart No. I and on the west by Lands M Al'-xander Black, contain log .vi ;w!res. TKKMH OK > Ai.K: Tie-.ld real estate t l>e Mold subject to • Sra ttortgav of h- ■ and Interest; tne purchaser or purcha.->er» to pay as much cash on confirmation ot the sale a.-, will pay the co»ts and expenses ot partition ac. all uut>ald debts of Uachaei Wajjner. deed, (excepting mortgaged and the expenses >[ settitiiK her '"«tate. The balance (excepting the mortgage above mentioned) to he paid at tb dealh ot Henry Wugner with Interest tbeieon payable to Henry W ntner year I) (taring hLs Illetim- io be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. Ine mortgage to contain a Scl la. claim and to provide tor ntt.;riie> c oiiinnsslon of lire per cent, for collection. At lea.->t #.'4 of the bid to be p tid >n dav o( sale. THOMAS 11. GREEK. Greer .v Kalston , Administrator, Trustee. Atfys. Orphans' Court Sale. By virtue of an order of t. ourt ol Butler Co Pa ,atO. C No. 06. Doe. 1"., l-.'J. the under signed guardian of Mary. Ann. .lames and Ksiella Keogh .minor children of Henry Keogh. dec'd.will expose at public sale on the premises In ihe village or Hllll.rds. Washington twp Butler Co., on FRIDAY, DEC. ;»th, lsuj, at 9 o'clock a. m., with privilege of adjourmc. from Ume to time, the following described real estate, viz: All that lot of ero ind In said ullage.bound,*! on the north by lot ol Peter miliar,!, on the east by an allev. on the south by lot of Ann Kurnes, and on the west bv Kallroad St; front lng fe ton said Railroad st • and running back feet to the said all«>y. ted having thereon erected * two-story frame l:ouse. con taining tlve ruorus. and outbuilding*. TfcKMS IIF SAI.E: -On." th rI of purchase money to be paid UII continuation of the sale by the Court, and the na.ance la two equal annual pav meats, secured by bond aud mort gage, with attorney's eouun'sslon of five per cent If same must tie collected by taw. or cast, will be received If preferred by "the purchaser. J. IJ. MIKMHIU. Guardian. Administrator's Notice Whereas letters of administration were this day granted by the Register In and for the County of liutlcr. Peun'a, toth - underpinned on the estate of David .strumous. lale of t raukllu twp. . Htitler * 0., Pa.., ee'd. ail persona kno,v lng themselves Indebted to said estate art r> ipi- sted to make immediate payment \inl those having claims against the wur will please present them properly autheniWared for settlement to the undersigned. THOMAS UAXLOWAY. Administrator. E. Mcjunkln. Prospect. Henn a. Att'y. Oct. -J*. l*tt. Executors' Notice. ESTATK OP LOUISA WTDKE, UEl' D. Letters testamentary lb the estate of LouUa Snyder, dee d, late of Brady twp. Butler Co . I'a.. liav lng been granted to the undenlgne,! all persons knowing thewsches indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. and anv havlim claims agalst the same will present them duly aatbent tested lor Mttlem-iit to LORBXZO 1!. Ss VLIK.A, McCandless I*. 0., or SrrM SNYDKK. West Liberty P. 0.. Butler Co.. Pa . W. I). Brandon, Att'y. Exeeutors. Administratrix' Notice. Letters of administration, C. T. A., hav ing been granted to the under-igned on the estate ol John Kiebarilson, late of Con noquenes-ing twp , Uutler Co., Pa., all person* knouning themselves indebted to ~aid estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and all having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to NA.NCY Kit H ABO son, Conuoq tienessing P. 0., J. I). McJunkiu, Butler Co., Pa. Att'jr. Administrator's Notice ESTATE OF JAMES Y. ENOLISH. BSC D. Letters of administration on the estat ; of James V. Kngi.lj, d« d. late of Freak I I iin twp . lmtler Co., i'a , having been i granted to tile undersigned all person ■ knowing themselves indebted to said ! estate will please make immediate pat j meut, and any having claims agaiust >ai.■ | estate will present them duly authentica! ' ed lor settlement to MRS J AXE lO.MILI.SU, i W. F. £XULMU, Adm'rs". . L. IC. ESOMSH, . Prospect, Pa. JOEK M. THOHMOS, Att'jr. Notice Notice is hereby given that the annua: ' meeting of the Olade Mill Mutual Fire la ! surai.ee Company will IK.- held iu the Glade ; If ill School Duos,: in Middlesex twp., But 1 lerCo., Pa, on .iaturday, January, 14. I 181)3. at l'J k u. ill r the electiaa ot oUlcers to serve lor the ei*«uing year and 1 to transact such otiier business as may come before tne meeting. ROBERT TRIMBLE J. I>. AST'KKSOS Sec'v. Pres't. Notice to Stockholders The ann.ial meeting of the Stockholders of the Worth Mutual ;-'ire Insurance Co., j for the purpose of g tit en for tke ( ensuing year will be held iu the School ' House at West Libertv on the second , Tuesday t f Jaiiuary. lstKJ, being the 10th ; day. W. E TAYLO*. Sec'y.. West Liberty. P. O. I JAMKS HrxPBiKV. Pres., || Jacksv.lle. 11 The beet .frd/ertiaing mediom jn 1 the county u the CiTiJto. i Jury List for January T, 1893. i.i*t o:'Tfir»r<" Juror* drasra ihm M Ut of rv*»*W A. D. I*".'. t> it irtnrw janar* at > «p««r;al tarrr af C'<«art. wm^i. ia< c-a tbe ••■-OE'l M>a Jay of January, A D , IM, ll» m* bm>< '.a <i>? at «h|' ■NM. Ale-ianler W I" t aim -m B-jr.w j maker Rea«r>a J "»i>4, !>.»« <■*! twp. tiran. Banner Pittllip. Bax..>J>bar*. hkortr. B#ff< \Wt f f.Tiat Ttt, Oraakbaaka tiraat. Vt : 1-< t iwp, farmer * •"ir 1 * : '*• "H. V«m r- t urn. fo»t»r T t', CmiirTillir B .r. ; uiuhar > tapWU ll .»*r l, t .ivp 'iratr < a: lwetl II *l. Pir.i-f i* Hoofherly li J, Bn *fer Jut «ip( pnal tr. i"ar: K -o W. l.ata, A iu< lap. :ana«r . Et»i'J Jacob, Furft«« iwp, .srmtr BaWnrr Jtab, fiini«*t*y, *ra«r Elliot N'lmo, Miiam » tap. ;armer lurifht i>au>- Hatter lac «ar»l a , ,rtr - litloiorr L J. Marn«a iwp, fwa*r Owl as T R, Wilier.!., » a Bar I «!», w <>•>l4 J s, Katar 1 ,r, .a <<tmr U<»hrio< J. —pti % raubei •* tw, irn - r i'ntcbi'WMi \S M. t*isrr»» twjj, itrwr. Henloiaa J Hutier i»t w*r>l, e.srpe :e r Humpnrey M f, I" jaswwj •»•■»«»:»£ twp, tamer. H'orj tU-aant*. t'raaherrr tap, Heß'fcrr»«n W B. t|«nvr t*p. ftrver, ksijfmar. John. A .lam« iwp, farmer, keoneiy J ij A. Hntler 3.1 warl. pt\*i,r*r. kale Thnmp»>a, Harr aailta, tanaar. kinaer W .iliam. Rakiriii*?. 'armer Lowry • bariea s*, Bml»r 3.1 wart. rerk Uwrra.* -am>i-l Mulle-reek twp fanwar Msirnn J F, Bniler Hi avl, carpenter M<-» jt. AUaghear twp. pumper . M.»£ee W A. * t.'!»rfiel l twp. farmer Met itjas Rnhfrt, Fa.-Tiew twp. pfttlu, *. MilSori J J, Al.esheny twp, farmer. Martin W B Forward swp t armer M : iUt- tharles. Fraoa t :«y, bote! k-»»per. Nicholas. P H, Cno n««5 a a ae«a : a? twp. farmer: OMerliag K.twanl. Boiler Id ward, black - MHtk. Park* J W, t*p. armer Pierce Mwuti, Butler tw p. tanner. Randall Mat. Veaanp» tap. farmer. Ray Jime. Faimew twp, fanner Ei.ier Krv>ta« « - a tr- :»p fanaer. Reiber M 11, Batier Hh »«nl. el«rk. Ro«iert \* ill-am. JtSrrvm tap. tartao' Stme John. • >j«laa.i t»p, farmer. !®t. flair W W \V.>r»n rep inner Maier AV ilh.ua. Summit twp, fartaar, button John, Parker t *p, _i uaioer. Sary«rk 8 P. Parker twp, 6ra«r. Tsmblta A L. Fairriew twp. «k«»aak« . W tlaoa ' nnirgr W, Jafk%>a twp, farmer. * •»«w Jame* B.Parker twp. Buair Ziflrr Davnl M, Jark«oa twp. farmer. Lists for h:in )«* far d. List at Prti- Jurors draw a flMa ;■ a Jaj • «K-t'iO>T A. I» »«B. t.» en* aa Petit Jamas a a rejtniai t- rm «»f < ourt -uDimit-lat «• tbe .Nl Monilav ,>f fv>—aiber A. 1> . BaK. !*e sane be .Hi Ibe i.th ilay of s-ui moots Bran r J«-ot>. l aaeaater twp. ranner. Btair Jobn V.-utw iwp. farmer. Haa- r Krtnk W«»rth tap farmer Ben-- n * F i MX>ai.<i twp, rarmer < HrK > vmtn-l. r«rp. farmer initio Alien rrmjart Rir. 'iMm. PeNU-tm.-r Elt. r.atler twp. farmer. tv. r Jam-" ti. recti twp. tamer l>arllnic J. tin L, Jel?-t».tn twp, pumper lieene r WltUaui. IranO-rrj twp. farmer. Knihil! e L, Krankttn twp Btsl«'r Butler B»r «n ward ■-.trpeßter. Em-rr Mummer » u>Ala«too twp. (artacr. Karner Jotin Mti'.ersfown "or. t . xavu 'r KU k iutin. Bo«i»-r Btw !*t ward, tileiin Mark Winl.iycreek fwp. r»rmer. <>ratiam J «eph. twp drwr HiUiillton J mepii. O iwp Farmer 11 a 7 lett rharl'-a LMdtt Bt'i- -tii wa. earpeater. HeusUaw J 1.. Pr.<aperi Bv»r tn irt.l—-tfter HoK'ie William. *>'riß '"P farmer. Hiaes JMe 4 S|tpiw*rvr>rk twp. larme*. link Jaeon. B-itler Bot t;h w<l t i.vksmi'k. Kutiu M J V-n.»a.»i> twp. fanner J W. Ba.4r«t(e twp ranarr. Kal'«nDa..sfc Jottn V. i oaao^araa—Mlg My rjirinir McToaaet Joun. KuU*r R.«r stl wl. laborer. Melfcrmott KdwarJ. l«| : trm- r McCaflOagll K J r»TTtr» '*|. farnn-r. Mi-< ViUwl llnfu, BvaaaCMr iv*. Ui- r»r Mill r .l »b.l. WlDll'-H l»|i. ?>ia»l. » - *> *J.I . v -». r««»r. MUlin.an Plump, rra»p*«i iat.ioMtr. Miller JoUn. rnrvanl t»?. larruer. urns JiwpU I'-iir.if* «• : puoaper. K } IVwnrp. firwr Ri igpr Uutirr B. r J rt «r.l t*> lai*k«r Kobe* r Juwi ► ««<«< :> K«r. tal.Hr. Krlber J >«*«>. JtiiWi -v* i«p. ururr. Rcix-r Jotm rraotwrrrj l*p tirmrr Swiruj Ta.ui.nn. l»o»rgal iwp, f..rm. r »wart'>ut KitwaM firtt !"p I%mvT K A Kair«h;» i«p. taraur HuuDrr K A ll.tr!i - ■ I- <r n. i !-? » .n»ul<-k J 11. Ka-rtlt* H--r pun vrr. WUM.II - A Krani»-in I*,). lari-..-r Winaral Frtdrrkk. liarT!»»illr ficr htbuwr. WeUn ryf tw~. f ,rm< r C D Ready for AIL WE HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THIS COUNTY. Erarvtbing that w new in Stiff Hat-. Oar $1 .» aad $2 00 are wonder for the 310005. f f ij c i i §rt H» *. r»n.'i:i«r in pre from 2 > el* to s.'» 00 AU the U'"V block* in Silk Hat*. Greatest line of Furnbhisp Gooda we ever had. An inspection will.be an advantage to any one. COLBERT & DALE, Hatters and Furnishers, 242 S. Mam street, Butler, Pa. THE Philadelphia Press, lt.ilL I, SI in r. WEEKL T A FAMILY PAPER WHICH IS Clean, Unsen»ational and Just the Paper FOR THK AMERICAN HOME. Tun Pre** haa the h—p<w*ibl# oqnai ' iti.j to secure n<*w» from tua mutt ui [>ortaat *>ur> aud w.tia n« irl.r ♦*» i im ipomlc-nW iu J" -snylvaaia. N•* Jrr-«j f.iil ItflaWitr-.*. t..f ■ *.»•- a* r>.»n;e near* in discovered witfc a roatiu.- ctrefal iesa and attention to detail not evea at tempt«l by any ntlier paper. THE P«R*S ha* also tln» (M-«t corrwpood ■•nt» iti all 111- im-at .--.of the I'uiteJ -tat •*, a.* *f!! .- !!:..i ii an.! railroad 'Xpert* ia Chicago ax. 1 tßr W#»t, w m keep :fc.- p-.p*r more ihaa abieot wtrh ittati The ewluuis i»t the ?r»WT Prissy ar* •nnchtd b> C"iitai>u!.. ■ . r.M.wiii* MM arf writt. ii hi»ch ia •■ur Mi ut , rrt-.t: -i ••'l".'■ •.•••.-.••* . . •• » from mt-n ..[ bi«tb rank in public lifc. rh ■ Iwtant:;. kn>'* :. i- • --t .i; FOEE a** tl» RC. LC •? T»E I>AITN. *-rs l AV at'i WiikU Id politico Tm i'KK»i* kaovtt no »thrr aa<T.T THIN U»t- ji.f l toe YEA/ •. • • aarK.F.l [ACT ihal it IN MKWFIWT U> NO itical B<MA. It BAA n« yaiitkal AIAINIIOMI I<> FI««T'-r. btr ITH-K ■ a/ <-r LOT- «aumta T«f t.i rraJt'i'.-. deiiVf.« a ••it jpwn Ui« S.-: MI tlic LA a .;I*NWR !»•>• t Irao ■» Hid 1. •• t ..» f,T beu. -eiTe» ao<i eva'fwir nw : Imt ■•ataag then all us in* tuiii «f Mr yiay o all Men at all tiaM. its i-a<r>- kn»w ."«i. . . i- • ■•,- C'.J. - ww another ar« m(lk«r mapM n>»r lupp'-rti'il. Aiirert*-. m. :.t? fur Ui«lp Vt anu<l may tt luwrted in Til* P«»st fur t>t,r C- &t a ' A.A i - ft'antiv! j t rat m >Vu(U. >p«.i*.ai day t br iv' vrr! Sanvtay. W ' ia'nnl TF.HM3 OF T3E PRESS. By mail.poataf* :rw »n tli« I A Statea. Cauada aad Mextrw. >aily lexeept Smadmj one year - #6.00 " me nioot.'i - *> " uticln ! :IJT Sunday >, I>N® year ~.M one month - M ] Majr. one year. ------ iW) . rsncLi rtnt - - i.»!! I*ralt4, Check.- and otoar R*»ittimn J IH"«ld BA mada parable iu tha nnltr <•( fftf I'rr*. I vuipaHi. LiaM, PHILADELPHA. PA. I I Garfield Tea a- 1 .... • • • • ...» v-i ... >■» % J 1 Cures Sick Headache.; KEEP WARM ♦Mjui* iipeas# 11 «v ftun » '* rkiUrra a ia-l«t »ia -ma tSe i» 71a. LaJiaa' heavy e»«iaa ■nmu • i_V. ** extra 4a* mta*a eeeas la amt T"» - _ " "* '* *• Haaw at .«a Xata* »r««l |t •# »| ft " * * 'i rawer* ala, M aa>i J5. War.iiaea' Hetfli ai.tr rwoar a ;aak pcaaa 5: F. A M. Marks. . 113 aa*t SIT jleath »a-t li.- <»t tunni Cheer! B»* f< rwm i are- r»iaaarf * •« »f a:'. t» )fff ta ;a~ •\n» k* anwUf tW> mm funplftr aoJ ooftl fiaw of -uu<ah4e ■rtM-lcNi for iKMNto awwr 4m ia Botkr Huntifxja of srw tlitp fa Mrtai, W od. I.rather. CVuai..H aa»: Tap* If f<m «aat iae m «*•!! and «a hare it and it will ha aa «*U m h»*aoufiil we will sry and ft«« r»m a lwt of *>*n* «tiei» «attahiw \* prwm *"nt* to • i»»ly or «*atlaataa rttWr 'ld ar ma<. Watrh ;hi» S*r fn hrr ia. matiua 8# *|Mii '* ' »* » ' J. E Dougiasj, Art !*tat!«o*r. 3 IV-ft hai»«r PO. thk nrrr.Kß ROLLER MILLS Hereafter will ha duiac Himimm ua (for tha <taaM» «f Gtn>. WalkrA Sons. We can «art« oar tta.maa :W *W (riadtoic d»aa hv aa will ha :a tha ba«t Btanef tha: »ad aaHlistrr ami hara ia oar »mpU'j >aa a# tfc» ha»« praMieal «itlla-a :a -ha State Poaa •rleaoia W« eaa oar •-thou »«r nf evntradirttoa that wa am luraior oat tha heat atraiaht grmU *t wheal Soar »a tha i>aotr. Wa think it. so adraataii* *o tha *r»»r to irriadiaif J >ae at w art!l (or theae rmMIK FIRST—We make m ,nf wheat Suar m ••ar» he aaaafartarrd *a4 tha fanswr* gmr the aaiaa tear ia rx-b*a«a m tfea m-A'-nmrnrm W««aid. were we hfaaiawd with them ia thnt aenrhbeah«>«4. BECOSD—W? -« do raar ef. p'nsr for yoa. w '.har jroa >n> not cutapal ed to sail yoar scraia at low price* aad hay roar tky THIRD—Wa e*i sake (few he«t buckwheat 9m- e<r«r naaaiV tisre i ta the ev>m r an we har> ioat 'japWU'l iMTaragi».|f tha aew naehuerr fur aam- aad it work* -he a eamrm FlU'R' FI —We ia aake "a rya ft«»ar rf toa desire it. Oar ryw Bwar aJwara hna<* thw at(f*e pr:<*a ia Plt»harg Me FIFTH —W mak food a ~ra m. alaa hrrv ia tha Market SIXTH—Oar (Iranaat lar -aaaat ha esceiiad. Wa a»»Q«*>.iartaaa every artsrla that a a aar iiaa of ha<* ioeaa. aad witk tka at eat improved mare-aery, aa-1 teat practical akill The farmer aili readily aea hat it ia more profitable to htm to parr-taise a mil! where he eaa «at ail hie dtjer ent kiode of «raia tr ;aa«i thaa ta wfl Li* grata aad bay hi* floar aad M. We doa't heliewe ia mmreprvaeetrsa good* lo the pabtie. Ibrrwf.m lo *ot pat tbe -aaie kiad if i«»ar 1a S>or -w five differrat brand* of met-. W# make a !>tra««bt grade of 9«w. TW brand is WHITE KOHF :fc •* given to tbe farmi>r m *sehmnmm.. We ai*> make tbe ION A PATE XT. wbii-b is > hiffk gratia at tbmr mod staod* with tbe h«w»: patoats m ikm market It is maoc'ar tared oat «l red wiser woeat. bfeaded »tta tbe best brand of Mmai»->u patm: vkrt sfite# it a saperior >|uiitf Tbe«*r brands' of S- or aad ail kind* «i mil feed *oH by im at tb« lowest prw"«s We are also ia the taarkei Tor «bea(, rve and barkwhsat and wilt pmj itm Digbe*' prfer* for tbe <»f»e GEO WALTER A SOUS Bi ru> Rnuu Miua Bt TL*a. Pa WE WANT YOU tm act jj» *mr as*a>< W* f-m am mtm —<i w»mt M-I >«• a#--, trrr I" m** auiMtam Nk try !!*»■ tmtar-' Wr mul -n-oi »»• aaS VIM rf mil a*»* <M M*» at Im» aaa* «rt ■* »S«rr nnar. or ail -kr •!»■ laru* «■» ««•*» F«» Nnbill .t-»* nh» «f atai «a— m »«>te»L latMi l>.»»-ao-. «tri*«i» bnauraM*. ant p** * fcrtiar mm MI oehrr I>w I apnac*. Taa IMP* a mmmr Irfat. wit* » MayHllba W« «a • .IU« awl 'iippl priwteit Mar »nWi, H *■ «»4 wttt *—tm man- mummy tkaa wttt mm ato Maaa l»"' «ow pr- yirfi* WSi aa*< IwMili* •mmIT »»•* «arrtv at mr> fer a* BraaaaaMu f iiyUir citcaht #»a« ***** iMnkr » mm Initau l» . «•»» r fur r. i.initi.t a in. OR. THEEU H' 1 yj s f<Mk '•> «. ffstmm. Wb^p!ant. 3aariMK.fM» S- W Mi/ fiMwa:. .»» 4fcmn L «f T'—'Ml'Mi -- • « rorr •*«*■ " • .-« < . *«wJ" * JTawtr '...Jfc * P». I —P—M—— w want you I# MS *+ mm HwinT. mi purf * alHv fliamiai paaMM n»naaH r» «>r B-1» pm' •• Hl^|. siiiaHt tin linwwimii r*-. i'. H HAW 4 i t). 'H . LfoffflWJ MiuuU Mi 13. . ft BUHL Prof^r One >f Him Sc. mi H:tfiin Ai! ifW aehl (.*;; i*u» «>r wed»i air* «>d fttrn**.* i>j»m Imw %uit w*b:. Tei+pkan* N 1*