THE CITIZEN FRIDAY. DECEMBER 2,1893 Katm4 at Mrtl«n at BatUru td class aatfer W.C. IWW.KT. - - P.bll«fc*r Township and Borough Elections. A# items regarding the. Spring election are going the rounds of the newspapers, it may be well to quote what the especial provisions of the new law regarding it are: The last paragraph of Sec. 5 reads as fol lows. Certificates of nomination and nomina tion papers for candidates for township and borough offices and election officers and school directors in the same, shall be filed with"the auditors of the respective townships and boroughs at least ten and seven days respectively before the day ol election. Regarding objections to borough and township nominations, paragraph Third of Sec. 6 reads as follows. In the case of certificates and papers de signed for borough and township officers, within three days after the last day for the filing of such certificates and papers. Ob jections of the same kind to oertificates and papers designed for borough and town ship offices, shall be filed with the auditors and shall be decided by a majority of them. Regarding the printing of the tickets Sec. 13, requires the ballots to be "printed and distributed bir the Auditors who shall certify the oort of such printing and dis tribution to the County Commissioners for payment as part of a eounty election Di spenses,"and the Auditors aro made re sponsible for the accuracy ol the printing and safe keeping of the ballots. Sec. 14, requires the. face ot every ballot to contain the names and residences of all the duly nominated candidates, and the tickets are to be printed and yoted in the same style and manner as at the general election. Regarding the number of ballots to be printed, the last paragraph of Sec. 17, reads as follows: For elections of officers of townships and boroughs and of election officers and school directors in the same,the auditor shall pro vide for each election district, seventy-five ballots for every fifty and fraetion of fifty yoters on the assessor's list, and an equal number of specimen ballots, and shall ob tain from the oounty commissioners the requisite cards of instruction, which shall be delivered with the ballots to the judges of election the day before the day of election. As we understand it all the general pro visions of the new law regarding the gen eral election apply also to the Spring or February election —there must be a new registration, the assessors must be at the polling places for two days sixty days before the election; the nominations be made and certified to the auditors ten days before the election; the tickets must contain the names of all the nominees; the booths must be used and the tickets mark ©' ed. and bandied as at the general election; the returns certified to the County Clerk, _ | eta This will require the people ol the town ships and boroughs to look around earlier than usual to see who wants to servo or who is willing to serve; and as the print ing of the tiokets is mado a oounty expense the County Commissioners will probably make arrangements with printers inside the county to have it done, and so notify the auditors. THB Panama canal scandal has over thrown the French ministry. Political Notes. "W. H. Andrews of Crawford Co., intends contesting the election of W. P. Higby to a seat in the Legislature, and in his peti tion to court reeites as the oause for con test the holding of the election of certain townships in the adjacent boroughs. These townships give a majority for Higby, and to throw them out would wipe out his ma jority of 25 in the county and give An drews a majority ot 91. President-elect Cleveland is taking a rest on Broadwater island, in the Chesa peake bay, near Exmore, V"a. SBVATOBS GALLIHGER and Peffer who compose the Senate sub-committee in the investigation of Pinkertonism met in Pitts burg on Wednesday of last week, and heard the evidence of quite a number ol people, inoluding members of the Amal gamated Association, members of the Carnegie Co., and many others. Shortcomings of the Pedagogues. The place of honor is given in the Forum for December to an article by President Bloit, of Harvard University, in which he shows wherein popular education has failed to meet the expectations which were bad of it. He finds that after all which has been done by free schools, free libraries, cheap literature, cheap postage, and the many other things which contribute to general intelligence and contentment, that men and women, no matter what their educa tion, "seek advice on grave matters from clairvoyants, seers, Christian Scientists, mind-core practiotionere, bone setters, In dian doctors and fortune tellers;" and in ■tead of rational contentment among tbo ppople there never have been wilder out bursts of passion and revenge than since the arts of education have approached what is called perfection. The particulars in which popular educa tion must be reformed if it is to develop in telligence properly and produce general contentment are these: First, pupils mast be taught the habit of observation, alert, intent, accurate, so that a fact wherever found may be rightly estimated, for "facts firmly established are the only foundations of reasoning." Second, they must be taught to make a correct record of the things observed, whether it be on the memory only or in writing or print, for "in this constant drill the concience cannot fail to be refined and ini'trncted." Third, they mnst be taoght to draw cor rect inferences from recorded observations. "It is often a long way from the patent fact to the just inference. For centuries the Phoenecian and Roman navigators had aeon the hulls of vessels disappearing be low tile bine horizon ot the Mediterranean while their sails were visible, but they never drew the inference that tho earth was round." Fourth, they most be taught to expresf their thoughts clearly, concisely and co gently. Now what are the schools doing for the development of these capacities? In New England, President Eloit says that 90 per centum of the pupils do not go beyond the grammar schools, and in them instruction is confined to "reading, spelling, writing, geography and arithmetic," with of late "some practice in observation through drawing, manual training, kindergarten work in general, and lessons in elemontary science." In his long article the Harvard Presi dent draws up a severe arTaingment of the methods of general education, bat that it is just any newspaper man may know who recalls the many instances in which he has had to correct the erroneous observations, tho blundering records of facts, the false inferences from them, of persons who have come to him with stories of what has been done in a strike, at a public meeting, or what not, after racking his wits to make out the meaning of those persons who have not the faculty of expressing themselves clearly, much less concisely and cogently. At the bottom of the superstitions, the fol lies. at the bottom of much of tho labor trouble, of the discontent with govern ment, and the social order, lie these de fects of education. It will take long to cure them, but until they are oared tho worst ills of society will remain. The im portance of the subject with which Presi dent Eloit deals in his long article entitles it to the place of honor which it occupies. —Pittsburg Timet. The Critchlow Verdict The jnry in the case of Sylvester Critch low, indicted for the murder of one of the Pinlcerton men, during the riot of July Oth last at Homestead, returned a verdict of not guilty, and some of the Pittsburg papers promptly denounced the verdict as a miscarriage of justice while others upheld it- Some of tho jurymen visited one of the counsel for the defense, after the trial, and >n his accoant of the coversatioa between them he iaquotedas follow?: "It took the jnry about half an hour to come to a verdict. When the twelve men went out they took a secret ballot first. It stood 8 for acquittal, 1 for murder in the first degree. 1 for murder in the second de gree and 2 for manslaughter. Then a formal ballot was taken and it showed - for acquittal, 1 for murder in the first de gree and 2 for manslaughter. A third ballot followed.when the twelve agreed on acquittal. Up to this time no opiuion had been expressed by anybody, and then the foreman asked for a disoussion of the verdict and why each had not voted not guilty. They all agreed in disregarding the evidence on both sides. The only wit ness they believed was Mrs Coyle, the Irishwoman, bat her testimony alone did not prove an alibi. The juryman frankly told us that they thought our alibi was without foundation, and tbey were con vinced that Stewart and Reese for the other side were mistaken. As for the Pinkertor.s, their testimony had no weight with them from first to last. The jury took the position that the prosence of an armed band of Pinkertons at Home stead was unprovoked and an unauthorized invasion and that the people were justified in their resistance. That part ot Judge Kennedy'B charged, where he said that any man with a gnn who was on the ground at the time of the riot is gnilty, WAA ignored altogether. The jury did not feel that this iaterpetation ot the la w would *tand, and certainly it would not if the invasion was unauthorized. In short, the jury accepted the argument made by Mr. Erwin, and I think they were right in doing so. It was on ground that they acquitted Critchlow. Interesting News Items. At Sparta, Ky., several weeks ago, a man named Roberts borrowed money from a man named Constantino, the same to be paid back before Thanksgiving or Constan tino to have the privilege of killing Rob erts. The money was not returned, and on Thanksgiving Day Constantino found Roberts at the railroad depot, and shot him through the head. At Cairo, 111., Friday, a woman whom he had jilted, shot and killed Capt Ran som Sampson, a river pilot and his bride, and then herself. A novel item of news now going the rounds of the press, is that regarding a plague of snakes in a certain township of lower Delaware, where rattlesnakes are said to have become so numerous that people are fleeing for their lives. This sadden increase in snake life is attributed to the dry weather and the drying up of a lake or pond in the township. A Thanksgiving Dinner. Mrs. J. M. Rnbb of Oakland twp., enter tained hi-r Sabbath School Class of North Butler Presbyterian Church by providing tor them a dinner on Thanks giving . Mrs. Kobb lias been a teacher of the same class almost twenty years, and it was with light and joyous hearts that f hey came to enjoy their teacher's hospitality. The names of of the guests and members of the class are: Ida Montgomery, Jessie Wick, Stella Robb, Mury £1 ufchison, Kit tie Bealy, Cora Ilutehison, Kissie Monnio, Lossa Hutchison, Harvey Moser, Phonso Croup, Joseph Robb, EJna Robb, Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Wilson of East Brad} - , Pa , and their young son Gill Robb Wilson. After dinner, Miss Cora Hutchison treat ed the guests to sorue fine music. Haviug spent an enjoyable day, they departed, feeling that they had cause to bo thankful for the blessings of the past year, and their delightful thanksgiving. A GCEST. Report of Troutman School No. 8 Concord Township. The first month of the winter term of Troutman School closed Nov. 28, 1892. No. enrolled 37. Percentage of attend ence 93. The following are the names pf those who missed no daj s: Orin, Charles, John and Maggie Camp bell, Roy Godfrey, Willie, Ed, and Dan I man, Ed Bryan, Bea and Edgar Smiley, Elliott Curry, Nettie, Vernie and Maude Stewart, and Mnggie Curry. Parents and friends of education are cordialy invited to visit our school. S. B. Badger, Teacher. ~ ~ THE" Philadelphia Press, DAILY, SUNDAY, WEEKLY. A FAMILY PAPER WHICH IS Clean, Unsensational and Just the Paper FOR THE AMERICAN HOME. THK PRESS has the best possible organi zation to seonro news from the most im portant sources, and with nearly 401) corre spondents in Ponnylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, the State and near-at-home news is discovered with a routine careful ness and attention to detail not even at tempted by any other paper. THB PRESS has also the best corrcspond «nts in all the great cities of the United States, as well as financial and railroad experts in Chicago and the West, who keep the paper more than abreast with events. The columns of the SUNDAY PRESS are enriched by contributions from those whose names are written high in our lists of great authors, novelists, essayists, as well as from men of high rank in public life. Th" best authors know that their best aud ience are the readers of the DAILY, SUN DAY and WBKKLY PRESS. In politics TUB PRESS knows no other master than the 1 the past year has seen, as has been seen before, the marked fact that it is subservient to no po litical boss. It has no political ambitions to foster, hut looks after the interests of its readers, and delivers itself upon the issue ot the day in a manner both frank and fearless, letting the facts speak for themselves and evading no issues, but meeting them all on the bassis of fair play to all men at all times. Its pages know no distinctions and the rights of one clas.t over another are neither rccoguized nor supported. Advertisements for Help Wanted may be inserted in THE PRESS for One Cent a Word. Advertis-meats of Situations Wanted 1 Cent a Word. Special days for advertisements. Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday. TERMS OF TSE PRESS. By mail,postage free in the United Slates, Canada and Mexico. Daily (except Sunday) one year - SG.OO " • " " oiio month - 30 " (inoluding Sunday), ono year - 750 " " " one month - GO Sunday, ono year, ------ 200 WEEKLY PRESS, one year, - - 1.00 Drafts, Checks and otbor Remittances should be made payable in the order 'if The Press Company, Limited,* PHILADELPHIA, PA. post DRUGS IT low I PRICES is the motto at our JL sto re. If you are sick and need medicine you want tbo BEST. This you can always depend upon getting from us, as we use nothing but strictly Pun- Drugs in our Prescription Depart ment. You can get the best of every thing in the drug line from us. Uur store is also headquarters for PAINTS OILS, VARNISHES, Kalsominei Alabastine k Get onr prices before you buy Paints, and see what we bavo to offer. We can save you dollars on your paint bill Respectfully J. C. REDICK, Main St., next to Hotel Lowry, i JBUTIL.KU, 1 Prospect Sprigs. Re it resolved. That Allen MeC'all & Co. have a saw mill on N. S. GrwtsTsn's Jann, where tbev are sawing railroad ties Anybody need ing this kind ol work, will not go amiss by calling on Allen. That Misses Lottie and Weltba IJlair have arrived home from a visit to Evans City. The ladies were well plea-ed with their trip. That Mr<. Sam Kennedy recently made a carpet-rag sewing social for her neigh bors and acquaintances. A _ good social time is reported, but we didn Lear .how manv balls were turned out. Next. That James MeKee and wife, who have been teachers in far off Alaska for two years, have come back to Prospect again. Wc haven't bcarJ whether the}' intend to return to Alaska or not. Tha f , the hunting season is here with all its Romantic classes and fun GusSherman shot 10 rabbits in a day, while Ge •. War ren and John Griffith shot 18. The poor bunnies have a bard time of it. That Chas. Kelly is home from Pitts hnrg for the winter. Ho is bunking with Jeff Henshaw, and he says that they are living on top of the pile, and like to see their friends drop in and see them. , That Nettie Scott, the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Scott, died la>t week o diphtheria. We extend our sympathy to the family in the 10.-s of their little jewel. That Mi s Ida Weigle, who has been sick of fever and breast tn üble f'>r five or six weeks, is improving slowly now. and is on the way to recover. That Mrs. Simmonds and daughter. Mrs Bauersock recently moved into David West's house northeast of town. We be lieve Mr Rickenbrode moved them.' That Wm. Kalston has his mill in good running order, and is taming out No. 1 flonr. Give him a trial. That Al. IJarkley, Mr. Cook, Mrs. Dana and sister, of the IJarkley oil field, were in town last Saturday. That Miss Ida Wilson, who lives a mile east of town, was in town on Thanksgiv ing calling on her many friends. Come again, Ida. That Cillic Heyl has a vc-ry nice rooster. ' Ciilie intended to make a Thanksgi viug din ner of him, i>ut the chantieleer went under the shop on Wednesday and wouldn't come out"ti!l Thursday evening. Billie, what's his pedigree, for we want to get a setting of eggs next spring ? That Ira Gallagher. James Stewart, Lot Wilson, and BoydGarvey, of Muddycretk twp., were in town one day last week. That the Republican boys in the Cornet Band bought an oyster supper for the band at Ilotel Boelnn.last Friday evening, boys, tho see saw will be rice versa in four years. Courage. F That the teachers are talking of the In s stitute the.--e days, and they think it will : be a good one from the corps of instructors engaged by Sapt MeCollongh. We notice I that G P. Weigle in enrolling Sec'v., and i C. P. Krautz is Chairman of an informal meeting. That Joe. Warren, Gns Shannon, Geo. 'Wsrrcn and John White recently went to a shooting match at Jim Baker's, at lslo. and just took everything. Boys, give the 1 other niuirods a chance too. Jo CosiTY. " AT »W York, another htart wus made in the Briggs heresy case, Monday; and at Cincinnati alleged here tic Smith lost a cou i plo of points. Peticlia Items. , G. W. Brown is home from Wheeling on a visit to bis family, he has been a way for fotir mouths. J. A. Erwin is home fron- Emlenton where he has been engaged with the new pipe line. C. I. Millbcrger is on our streets again after a sojourn in the hundred foot field. John S. Jamison is the ha.pie.-t man Fair view twp —it is a girl. Come boys and smoke. X. Notice to Stockboicieis. The aniual meeting •>( the Stockholders of tho Worth Mutual Fire Insurance Co., • for the purpose of selecting officers for the ensuing year will he held in the School House at West Liberty on the second Tuesday if Januar}, 1893, being the 10th day. W. E. TAYLOR, Sec'y., West Libertv, P. O JAMES HCIIPHKEY, Pres., Jacksville. A. E. GABIJbI, V" etenn ary Surgeon Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Canada. Dr. Gable treats all diseases of tbo dom entieated animals, and makes ridgling, castration and borge deD tistry a specialty. Castration per formed wi'bout eltme, and all otLet surgical operations) performed in the moot scientific manner. Calls to any part of the coor.try promptly responded to. Office end Infirmary, in Crawford's Livery, 132 Wttt Jeffemm Street, rintler Pa ~T ''THERE'S MONEY IN IT." WANT YOU to act as our Agent, lull or part time as able Veinifiient ptsiilon guaranied IO men or wo men. Liberal \»I ekly Stoek complete, (illt specialties. Experience unnecessary. Klegant ouitlt tree Address. Miiserjmen. C. H. HAWKS <£ CO., E-tabllshwi 1*75. Hochesier. V. Y. Jo COSITY. m: ' OtMJ'iYi i AiiuiuSi Fire- insurance Uo iffice i<'or. Wain & Cunningham flu. H. C IIEINEMALS 1 , ds. CRETAUY DIRECTORS: Altrrrl Wick, Henderson Oliver, L»r. vv. Irvln. James •Stephenson, W. W. BlackmOrc, 'N. Weltzel, F. Bowman, 1). T. N'orris. Geo Ketterer. t has. UebhuD. John Urobraan, John Kocnmij. LOYAL S. M'JUSFIN, Agent. -STm-rsiß,. 3? A.. WILLIAM KENNEDY. The ivcll-kiiown liveryman, Wm Kennedy, will be pi eased to have his friends call at his new place of business. The Best Horses, Buggies and Car riage - in Butler at tbi> most reasonable rates. Tbo place is easily rem inher ed The first stable west of the Lowry House FRANK KEJIPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, -Arid everything in horse and ktiggy tiir nishing go ods—iT ar - ness, Collars, Whips, Trusters, Saddles, etc. trunks and va lises. ] Repairing done on short notice. T'he largest assort-! merit ot 5-A lrlorse blankets in town will be lbnnd at Kemper's. "CITIZEN" ami i\Kw YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE for only $1.50 J DEATHS FISHKIJ At hi- home in Franklin twp.. Nov. 20. 1592, John Fisher, aged about ! 40 years. ST.* It KEN A —At his home in Marion twp.. Nor. 11th. William Snrrena. aped 84 year?. CTTSICK—At his homo in East Brady. Nor. 18, 1802. John Cusick, aged 88 years. STOVER —At her home in Emlentou, Nov. 21. 1892, Mr*. Catharine Stovci, in her S2d year. BROWN —At her residence in Monroe ville, Nov. 19, 1892, Mr-. Elizabeth Brown, agc-tl 94 years. MELLON—At his home in Zelienople, Nov. 30, 1892, Edward Mellon, aged about 30 years. Mr. Mellon dropped dead in his stable. MOSEK —At her homy in Wiotield iwp , Nov. 23. Mrs Margaret Jloser, wile of Daniel M'i-«sr, deo'd, uged 76 years. SCH WEIN3BERG —At hishome in Centre iwp . Nov. 25, 1892, Mr. GwrjjO Sohwewsberg, aged C 2 years MITCIIELL—At his homo in Summit twp., , Nov. 28, 1892, Scott Mitchell,aged about i 70 years. BOWEN—At her heme in Pittsburg, Nov. 28, 1892, Bertha, daughter of Geo. S. Bowen, aged 14 years. KIR KPATRICK —At her homo in Alle ge ny, Nov. 28, 1892, Naomia Swager, wife of W. M. Kirkpatrick. TEMPLE—At her home in Coshocton, 0., Thursday. Nov. 24. 1892, Mrs. Catharine Temple, mother of Mrs. Simeon Nixon, of Butler, widow of Rev. John Temple, formerly of this county; aged about 66 years. BENNINGER—At his home in Donegal twp.,Nov. 28th, 1892,J0hn R. Benninger, in his 53d year. CURRY—At her home in Washington, Pa , Nov, 29, 1892, Ellen Brown, wiTe of J. N. Curry, aged about 25 years. YOUNG—At his home in Summit twp., Sunday, Nov. 27. 1892. W. L. Young, son of Simon P. Young. in his 26th year. He was a member of the tirrn of Young Bros. & Bickert, who operate a saw mill; and his death was caused by straining him -elf while lifting .-ome lime ago. He was an inda-trious and respected young man. ALBERT—In Penn twp.,Butler Co., Nov. 21s!, 1*92, Pearl Gertrude, only daugh ter ol Detmer and M. Albert, aged 8 years 7 months and 27 days. Wc laid our Gertie down to rest Peaceful and calm on Jesus breast; Her coffering done; Her trouble o'er, Secure she waits on that bright shore. Her body lies beneath the sod, Her spirit has returned to GoJ, And wo are left to weep end mourn That Gertie from us has been borne. Although we hope to meet above, 'Tis hard to part with those wo love; 'Tis hard to watch the expiring breath Yield to that grim and monster—Death. But he who said, come unto me All ye that he .vy laden be; Can hea! the wound, can en-o the smart That pii rces now our bleeding hearts. To bim we now our sorrow bring, To him oar fainting hopes would cling. With him our hopes when life is o'er To meet our loved one gone before. CLARA. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Butler, Nov. 28th, 1892. The following resolutions in memory of our late sister Marie Troutman who de parted this life Nov. 19th, A. D., 1892, nave been adopted by Butler Circle, No. 22. WnKRKAS: It hath pleased Almighty God in his Infinite Wisdom, to remove *rom our mid.-t, sister Maiie Troutman, an estimable companion and a faithful mem , ber of our order. Therefore, be it, R RESOLVED, That we lament our loss, and tender to the afflicted family our heartfelt sympathy in this sad hour of their 1 bereavement. RESOLVED. That as a token of our esteem, our charter be draped for sixty , days, and these resolutions be spread upon the minutes also a copy be sent to the afflicted family, and published in the P. 11. C. Gazette and city papers. 1 MRS. T J. STEEK, MHS. 8. S. DEAR, ; MRS. T. J. BELLIS, Committee. Widows' Appraumerits. Hie following widows' appralsmeuts ol , perspnal properly anil real estate set apart for 1 the be.iellt ot the widows of decedents have 1 t>cen tiled In the office o! the Clerk of Courts of Cutler county, viz: widow of Ceorge W Zelgler T., William Hervey boo 0u -• James iJunlap :oo u,, «. V, ft*!"..:: So Z •• H&SJIKI wise ;wo 0,, " Mart in Carofhers iso, " John Richardson 3eo 0j «• ■■ Joseph Coulter :tw> e„ •• John A. Dutilap 300 ti u All pen-.' i• ier« .-ted in ibe above upor.ihse mcuts «II: i ii- iio'ii-e thai they will Is; pre ented lor w nii. i!■ io the orpaus' Court o linlit r county, 1 a .0:1 tin- '.Hi day or licet ruber is: J, Biio II it- 0.0 11:< i- It bled iliey will be confirmed absolutely. JOSEPH CKISWBLL. Clerk O. c. Lists for December Term. List of Cratitl Jurors drawn this 31st day of October, isy_', los.rve as tirand Jurors at a regular term < f Court, commencing on lue first Monday ol December. A. !>.. 184-2, the same be -1 lug llie :MI day of said moiiih. Ash Anderson. Forward twp, farmer. Cramer U W Buffalo twp, farmer. Ca.shdollar W Adams twp. farmer. I>l'key Robert Brady tw p. farmer, t rt-shi '.iae William, i ijm berry twp, farmer. tSiieland t.e .vi.H L), Adams twp farmer. (iknn \S" Her, drover. (iclbach Jacob. Zelenople Bor. merchant. Kiny M J, iiuriis city lior. Justice. Krug (k'firgo, Butler •-•ml word, butcher. Lane Ju»cpli, Oakland farmer. I.tndsev Joseph. Stimuli: i.vj. farmer Ueedei Philip, t onpoqueuesalng twp, farmer. .Moirow Thorn is. Cl.cirilcld iwp, farmer. Mitilson Miner, MutliDnvek two, fanner. Mini" 1 Charles, \\ infU-id twp, farmer. Maxwell J J, Fulrvlew Bor. flier) war,. I'alt' r.>- -II W (i. Baldrlage. larmer. Itubj tjeurgv W. Jackson twp, furiner. It iseui'iirg J L. Allegheny twp, laborer. Wei: it- It s. Prospect Bor. laborer. V. CIJJI • Cij.r-'e.ssr. Franklin twp. farmer. Wlek ruruer. i oncw p. luriner. M .-ClelUnd llugn. livansCity ilor. laborer. Mliler John, Wlnfleld twp, larmer. Moore W s- Mnddycreek twp. larmer. MUllmab I'hiillp, I'rospect Bor. teamster. Miller John, Forward twp. larmer. m i is Joseph. l-'alrWew Bor, pumper. Ray Samuel, t'eui, twp, farmer. Keigger Jacob, lluil -r l;or;ird wd br)( |iinaker. liohb'-r John. livanaClt) Bor. cashier. If. i!'» r.l cob. Middlesex twp, larmer. ReLser John. Cranberry twp. farmer- Sweeny 'l'blmothy , Donegal twp, farmer, Swartout lidward , I'arKer twp. farmer. Sinillii W A. i-'airvlew twp, farmer. .Sluuller t A. Jlarmoi.y Bor. moulder. Wamulek J It. Falrvtew Bor. pumper. W 11-on > A. I-ranklln twp. farmer. Winni al Kn derith, Jlorrlsville Bor, laborer. Welsh George. Jackson iwp, farmer. NEW CUSTOM GRIST MILL. [ have placed iu my Mill a lirst olasa Roller outfit lor Buckwheat Flour. Also Roller Corn and Chopping Mills, all the best tho market o(Ter.<. Give us a trial, we'll do our bent to give you a good turu out. Running every day except Sunday. WM. F. MILLER. 313 N. Washington fcit., Butler Pa. j Hotels and Deputy VV S. Gregg is now running a line { ot carriages between the hotels and d'-pot« of the town Charges reasonable. Telephone J No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel; Vogeley. Hood Livery iu Conuection; pOYM POWDER Absolutely Pure* j A cream of tartar baking powder. Iligh- I est of all in leavening strength.— Latest ; V. S. Government Food lleport. I ROYAL BAKIKG POWPER CO., 106 Wall St., | X. Y. REGISTER'S NOTICES. The Register hereby gives notice that the following accounts of executors atltninis trators au l guardians have been filed in his office according to law, and will tie presented to Court for confirmation and allowance ou Wednesday, the Tth day of December, 1892, 3t 3 o'clock p. M. Of said day : 1. Final acct. of John 1. Albert adm'r of Uenry Albert, dee'd, late of Centre twp. 2. Final acct. of John P. Kirkpatrick sdm'r of Elizabeth B. Kirkpatrick, dee'd, late of Clinton twp. 3. Final acct. of G D. Swain guardian of Frederick Forinan,minor child of Mrs. John Forman, dee'd, lete of Harmony Boro. 4. Partial acct. of John Dufry adm'r of Wm. G. Smith, dee'd late of Cherry twp. 5. First and final acct. of Kobt L Kirk patrick adm'r of I.aura K. Kirkpatrick, dee'd, late of Penn twp. G. Fir.-1 and Partial acct. of A. 11. Kennedy and Evandtr McCaudleSs Adm'rs of Joshua McCandJess, dee'd, late of Muddycreek twp. 7. Final acct. of .Jos. W. Patterson ex'r of James Wright, dee'd, late of Jellerson twp 8. Final acct. of G. W. Bartley adm'r of Margt. Thompson, dee'd, late ot Clearfield twp. 9. Final acct. of Geo. J. Rasely ami Alfred Sarver ex'rs of Matthias Rasely, dee'd,late of Connoquenessing. 10. First and Final acct. of Abuer Camp bell adm'r G. T. A. of Sain'l B. Campbell, dee'd, late of Concord twp. 11. Final acct. of John Grubb ex'r of Chas Grubb. dee'd, late of Cherry twp. 12. Final acct of John li. Gormiy ex'r of Serah A. Higgins, dee'd, late ot Venango twp. 13. Final and distribution acct. of Solo mon Stamni and Jos Pefl'er ex'rs of Jacob Stamm, dee'd, late of Forward iwp. 14. First and partial acct. of Geo. Mar burger and A. F. Werner ex'rs of Henry Bolhorst, dee'd, late of Adams t wp, 15. Final acet. of Sarah E Ekas adm'r of Wm. P. Ekas, dee'd, late of Butialo twp. 10. Final acct of Saiu'l C. Bovard guar dian oi Ena L. Bovard. minor child of Cha-i. Bovard, dee'd la'e ol Cherry twp. 17. First and fiual acct. oi Nauuie A. Bell adm'x ot Fraut 1). 15-11, dee'd, late of Builer Boro. 18. Final ac;t. of Amanda A. McCormish extr'x of Catharine Alshouse, d-ie'd, late of Butler twp. 19. First and final acct. of John Crawford ex'r of Kobt. G. Crawford, dee'd, late of Adams t wp. 20 Final acct. of J. D. McJuukin guar, of Geo. P Neytuan, ra'.Sor child of Etueliue Neymau, dee'd, late ot Butler Boro. 21. First and final acct. ol John C. Moore ediu'r of Andrew Albert, dee'd , late of Centre twp. 22. Final acct. of W. J. Moiris.m ex'r ol Ann Moore, dee'd, late of Slippery rock twp. 23. First acct. of J as. A. Croft adm'r C. X. A. of Mary A. Croft, dee'd, late of Middle sex twp. 24. Final acct. of W. D. Braudou guardian of Benj. I'll imas, minor child ol Lot and Mary Thomas aul grtudson ot Day id • Simtus, dirc'd, late oi' Evans City. 25. Final ncet. o; Jno. B. Cunninghau and Johu H. Pelers ex'rs oi Mary Riddle, dee'd , late ot Clinton twp. 2(1. Final acct. of John liifley adm'r of Geo. U- Kelly, dee'd, late of Adams twp. 27. Final acct. ot llrrmau J. llitzert guir diau ol Julia Minster, dee'd, uiiuor child ot Joseph Minster, dee'd, late ot Oakland twp. 2e. Firnt and partial acct. of Chess Stoner ex'r ct Andrew Stouer, dee'd, late of Clay t wp. DAVID E. DALE, Register. Road Report. Notice Is hereby given that the following roads and bridges hayebeen eoullrined nlsl by 1 the i ourl anu will be presented on the lirsl Wed -1 uesilay ol December lsU'J being the. Till day of ■ sum *~.„,itti, UIKI iI i-M exception-* are fln-u. 1 will be continued absolutely. K. 1). No. 3. Sept. Session, 1892—1n re-petltion 01 inhabitants et Wlnlleld township Butler Co., Pa., for change t pai lof a public load begin ning at Lcasureville and leading to Saxon Sta.lou In said iwp. Tho portluu of said road asked to be cli»»ged Is that part leading the lands ol Casper i-'reclfiig, from tue point where it turns, southward through the same to the point where II leaves said lands. June sin, Isirj, viewers appointed by tue Court anu Aug. 3Uth. ISS?, ISeport ot viewers tiled slating that tuu ehauge prayed lor ii heccessary and have llierefurc surveyed a roail between tue points named, und the probable cost of making said road,ilnrly Uollar».to be borne by the township aud Casper Irt ellug, and tne damages as.-cssed forty dollar.-(«0)io be paid by Casper Freslmg. Now hepl. Jlu, lt:r.'. approved aud n.\ tne » luiu ol road at thli ly-three leet. Nonce to be given according to rules ol Court. BY fine COL'HX' K. D. No. 1, Sept. session, lo ci Iu rj pciniou of John 11. lgtoii, W. C. Badger. J. B. Mnitu et al Inhabitants ot the township ot Brady, But ler"Co.,i'a fur a bridge over llogUe Creek where saio creek crosses tue publlJ ru.ui loauiug froni West l.iucrly to Prospect near the residence ol Mary A MeDeavitt in tue township ol Brady. June tilli, P-ir.'. Viewers appoluu-d uy the Court ana June ;;uih,leW,ißpori oi viewers liledstaling that the proposed bridge is ueccassary aud thai tne erection of the Same will require mole ex pense ifiaii is icasyuaole tuu township of Brady should bear and did loca-.c the site there of „uere llo. No. e, Sept- SesPlon. W. P. Belgliley, li. It McCandlesS. W J. coop er et al innabiiauls of tlie township of Cla>, uuller Co.. l'a., lor bridge over Muddycretk » here said creek crosses the public road knov. i as l>ea\ci dam load lo tucilu sialion in salu tuwiiaUip. June mil ley.'. Viewers ai'roiuteu by the Court and Aug _.,lh, itgc. lieihiri oi viewers bleu statihg inai tue bridge is nescessary anu tuat tue same w ill I eiiuire fliore expense than s reasouaolc ihai lue IOAII ship ol i lay should bcul anu u,d locale iae site thereof Oil llie aald road. Nov. .in, isyz. -,p proved. Notice lo i gi, lug at'cur.lng to rules of Court, and lo be laiu Len ie the oiauU Jury. Bv THE col ur. Bt'TLKK COL. MI, .IS: tenilieu lroui the record this sth day oi Neve lu ilti.D. lsy.'. Josi fM caisVi Eia., clerk (J. s. C D Ready for All. WE HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THIS COUNTY. Everything that is new iu Stiff Hats. Our $1 50 end $2.00 aro wonders for the money. 7 i x i) \r ii 3 > f t 'lis. ranging in price from 25 cts. to $5.00. All the new blocks in Silk Ilats. Greatest line of Furnishing Goods we ever had. An inspection will,be an advantage to any one. COLBERT & DALE, Hatters and Furnishers, 'J42 S. Main street. Butler, Pa A Tiip to the World's Fait- FREfc! To *ny worthy mttn or *<»tuan, bojr or iclrl. If jou nKIt to tlnlt tli«* WORLDS i lILLMIIIAN EXPOSITION At Chicago for one week or more, Iree of all eipeuses, on cany eonilitionn, write ai once, Enclose relf-addresscd, stamped envelope. Wis Fair talairaeni D''|ii. 1602 Monadnock Building. Cor. Dcarfroru and Jacltsi.'u SJs., Chicago, 111. &DR. THEEL, iviwr: feTr.-tarw | « t>l •« » tr« i'll iTti « I V urT j frnm • • • - »'.. i •%»! ■ i Ctolo . wJui.lf 12 Bf /•*!! %n4 *+ •**•4. Garfield Tea ■ Bill*, temple free (iomioTwto,llfW.4ith«M».l. | Cures Sick Headache N lice. Notice Is h'-r<-o> given that r.e>t M wi.«»-, assignee ot John E. liyera, and M Kate Byers his wife. hx< nl< d his final aci omit as »<' In the offiee of ibe Proi honotiiry of the court of Common I'lein of Butler county, at M's. I> No. T, March terra. 1S;C; and that the -ame will be presented 'o said Court for eontlrmttlon ntid allowance on Wednesday. December Tth. 1592.. JOHN W. BKOV.V. Tro. x I'rolhonotary's office. Nov. ;th. ls^i. SHERIFF'S SALS 3. By virtue ol sundry writs of \ en. V.K., Fl. KJ. Lev. Ka.. ic.. Is»ued out of the Imm of Common Pleas of Butler Co.. Pa., and to m.- directe-l there will be e\po»eil to public sale at the Court House. In the borough of Builer, on Monday, the sth day of Dec., A 1» 1992. at l o'clock p. m. the following' de scribed property, to-wlt: ED No 100. Dec T. Is:'*. S F Bowser, att'y. All the rljjht. title. Interest and claim ol Harpers Wnlfmlre. of. In and toacis-s ot laud, more or less, situate In Centre township Butler county, I'a., bounded as follows, to-wit: Un the north by lands of Thomas f!lehards;> by the (i raded road; South by Graded road; west by lauds of l.ouisa Whitmlre. Al.Sc>—All thi- rlKhi . liile. inti res: and claim of II irper S Wli Itmire. 01. in and to b<-j a< land, more or less, situate lu Center township Butler county, fa bounded as ioll iws. to-wit On the north by lands of B Berrlnjfer; ea«t i„ lands ot I! IWnnger. Thomas hichards an.i j It lloon; south by public road leading from Graded roaed. mostiy cleare-' and under fence, with small lot of timber land and having erected thereon a rwu-siory trani.- dwelling, large frame barn and outbuilding- Seized and taken In execution as ttie proper ■ of HariK-r S Wbitimre at th" suit ol John Schaupp and George shoup. E1) No lio. Dec T. ISO 2. S F Bowser, att'y. All the right. Utle. Interest and claim ol lAiulsa Whitmlre. der'd, ai.d <-eorge W < amp bell, adminislralor ot ix>uis« Whitmlre, deed of. in and to 2 acres ol land, more or in Centre to wnship, Builer county. Pa, tHiiindeii as iollows. to-wit: Uu the uortu by lands o- Ihos Hlcliurda;east by tie ura ied ruad;M>uth by the (iraded road; west by lands of I. ui -. w hitaiire. A IXf-vAII the right, title, interest and clati ol l.ouisa Whitmlre. Dei 'il. ;uirl Ge< r_'" V, (,'an.piell. aom rot l.oulsa Whitmlre. deed,oi In and to 10>J acr< sol land, in .re or 1. -v. -ul ia>< In Centre township. Builer county . I'a. t.oim.i eil m'iows. 10-wit; On the north by lan'.- ol B iu-rrlnt;ei; east bj ol B kU rr. Ihos hn l.ards ami T U lioon; .-outn 0.. pur.l roiul leading from the Grade.; icua to «h fiercer turnpike ; west by lands ol Jonn lleai deceuM-o, mostb cleared and uuUet leucc wit! small lot of timber laud and uaving ereeti. therou a two-story frame dweillug uutuc. larg frame bain and othrr outn "U-nngs. SeU. »nd taken in execllUoa —■» ti.- piopel i Loutsa Whitmlre. dee d, and George » cainp twll.ndm'r or l.oulsa \vnnuiixe dee d, at u,- suit of John Schaupp and George sliotid. EDNo 71 Dec T. IK!-'. S F Bawsei. att'v All the rl m Avena-. adjoin uiK lot formerly of I'hot Slag-I- theue-.- -a,- along slid Western Avenue luo fee! to lo form- rly ol en tries Duffy . tuenis; mirih aion Hue of last named lot J.o feet, more or I - -> i. Clevelaud street, thence eastwarliy aioug ■■■ T. IStt. Kohler. att'y. All a ti»»c. mtrnrst riliri 4 hilm oi Arthur l>t by J < Watt, with a two-storv inuue hou>e with base uient kitchen attached. iWxJo aud 20 leet hiirti erected there n. Sel/ed and iaken in executiOo as the property of Arthur Doumout and Mvlna Doumon! at the suit of Adam Hotfner. K1) No 1(18 Dec T, 1882. P W Lawry, att v. All the right. title. Interest and claim of J ( Shaw, J II shaw aud 1{ c Shaw, aud to 171 acres of laud, more or less, sit uated in Slippery Koek township. Butler county. Pa. bounded is folows. to-wlt: on the north by lands oi Thomas Holllday. David Hamilton and Dewitt Maxwell, on the east by lauds of Hugh Moor and Christy, on the south by lands of Christy Craig and Harvey Ifodgers, and on the west b> lands of Harvey ltodgi-rs, David Hamilton and 1 nomas Hoitiday; with u two-story fraim dwelling of 1 rooms, a frame baru about X.xl . feet, Wagon shed, spring house and good sprliu some fruit trees, mostly cleared. i"nced and in middling repair. Sei/.»-d -tud laken In execution as the property Oi J c Sh uy. .I ll Shaw and It C Shaw at the suit of First National Bank ol Mercer, Pa. E IJ N093 Dec T, I».«. W II Lusk, att'y. All the right, tille. Interest aud claim of" An nie Itarrtckman and A braham itarrickuun. ot In and to lot oi land, mire or less, situate In Butler Bor. Butler county. Pa. bounded as fol lows. to-wit: Out •• north by Jam. s Borland east by It B south by North str west by Kobert Bu khalter. said tot having j«' feet frontage on West North stieet and extend Ing back l OJI feet to an ally, with a two stor% frame house erected I hereon Seized and taken In eiecuti in as the property of Annie Barriek man and Abraham Barrickmau at the .suit ot Peter Schen -k et al. E D N'.:s M atiil »j Dei: T, 18X', E McJ and McJ & G. att'ys. Ail the right, title. Interest ami claim of D Osborne, of. In ami to l acre of land, more u less, situate in Builer ooro. Butler county, Pa Doundeil as wit; On the north by Standard Ave, and Iroutlug on said avenm -UTi-j feet, east by lot ol K/.l Howard, and ex tending along said lot I n. bet 10 <>u alley, on' I. oy said alli-j und extendible along sal' alley a.':, 1 -; f'-et. and w«,t :,y !«■ is ot \Ur , i Boyd anaexti-ndlng ii » . r sml ian ls lsi; fei-i to the place or b.-glunlug, with a large two story frame dwelling nous, the.von. Seiz?.i ar.d taken in exei-utlon as un* property ol D osbom at. the suit of George lteli»-r, Sr. et al. E D No is Dec T, tssj. all orne,» s. All the right, lb ie, futen-st anil claim of M \ Kelly, of. In and to -- a it-s oi 1a..; nine or less, situate in Venango township, uuller rmiu ty l'u, Itoundol as follows, t',-wil O i th" north by David Kelly's h. Irs aud ElUabelh i'aft -rs.iu east by Daniel Ki-tly's heirs, south by Murrln heirs, west b> J .J heilj . 1« ing >ei 110 ii No I oi purpart No ■> in the partition ot the r. al estate ol David Kelly, de.'u, as shown aim; No «. Dec b rm ls^a. AUs.» All the right, title. inl< rest and claim of ,\I V Kelly, of. In and 10. lo acres of land moroor less, situate In Venango township. But ler county, Pa lioumled as follow*, to-wlt: On the north by Daniel Kelly's heirs,east l>y Janes Kelly's heirs, soulli by now or foruierlv ot James Murrln. west by Andrew L Kelly mostly clea-ed and under a good stale of cultivation being section No of purpart No s of tin- rial estate of David Kelly, dee'd. as bhotwi ..t O i No ti7 Dei' I' rm. l-".i. Srl/I d and laken 111 tie cutloh as ll.e property ot M V Kelly at the suit of Kebeica MeCounel (now Carson guardian, for use of John Berg X Co. EDNo is f»ec T. is»j. McJunktn & oalbreath attorneys, A the right, tUUe. interest an I olalm of J J Kelly, of. In and to 10 acres of land, more or less, sll uated in Venango town ship. Butler county. Pa, lioumled as follows, to wit : On the north by Jaekson Morrow et al. east by El l/abet h Patterson and M Kelly, soulh by Murrin heirs, west by IJ F Kelly; mostly cleared and under good state of cultivation, with a frame lio ise and outbuild ings thereon, being purpart No 4 ot the rial es tate of David Kelly dee d, us shown at o c No 07 Dec T, lw*.i. Seized aud taken in execution as tin- uropi-rty of J J Kelly at the suit of He becca MrConnel (now Carson\ guardian. lor use of John Berg A Co.* E DNo IS. Dtfi T.lssu. McJunkin A Galbreath ALTORNEYFC All the right, title, interest and claim ot Sa rah Ki-lly . being a life eMate of Sarah Kellv lu L'lii ai res of land, more or less, situate In Ve nango towiihlilp Butler county, l'a. I ouuded as follows, lo wtt: Ou the north by lands uow or formerly of Michael Conway and Daniel Kelly; east by lands now or formerly of Daniel Kelly and Juuies Koll/; south t»y lands now tr for merly or Murrln; west by lands now or lormerly ol Jalui son liens, being the same lands wlii.-u Davnl Kelly, late of ."aid township, died sel/ed. Tin- Interest of said Sarah Ki-lly In said lands consisui.x o/ her right to receive the Interest annualy aeerulng ou one-third of the appraised value of said land, ns Hhown at the partition proceeding* thereof i.t O t No «7. Dee T 1«-: >n the Orph iti's Court of llutler i niniy. l'a. Seized and laleu In execution as the property ol Sa rah Kelly at tin- suit of ICebecca Slcconnel now Carson) guardian for use of John Bt-rg & Co. PDNo 18 Dec T. ls:ri McJUDkin .T (latbrcath attorneys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of D F Kelly, of In aud to lu aeres of laud, more or less, situated In Wnungo township. Butler County, Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit: Ou the north by Mi Carney et al. east by .1.1 Kelly.south by M unlfi heirs, wrst by Elizabeth Patterson aud Theodore Kelly's helrsi inoit.y clrareil uud > under good state of cultl>ai|on, be.tij- purpart; No 3 of the the real estate of David Ki-lly.dee'd. I as shown at O C No or Dec T, l«s.i; with a frame ' burn thereon, seized and taken In execution, as the property of D F Kelly ut the sn.t of K» becca McConnell mow Caison), guardian, for use ot John l>erg A; CO. E D N'os 115 and 110. Dec I'. Istrj, Thompson t Sou, atfys. All the right.title.interest aud claim of Jaws , Borland of. in and to a cert tin lot of laud, sit- ■ uate in Butler borough, Butler county, l'a, | XHiD-kv) a* follow-, lo wit: On th* nortA 0} LD'bnrtlr, I.J ' Krc«: *.uU» »J Mirnin : "nil I.) Vlri Uydi » iHrHCJ. In; a frontal!* t Tt) f rr r- or * Htlßla rert SWi ;•* K n:ne wutti i»i >-i Inn' •fii'lt ir.l o>ii t ti-r->n Ail flw right. * Ml**. ini'TfH aim! claim of H*'rUT*«l. of. In Ami to a irrtatn Im of 1 Uisd. MIIMI** m r.'Uler t«,r,«,tu. Ba:l#r eooM;. l'a. buuaord l'«. to-*lt: «»n ta* north I by Ad un HtRtM a MOM Mr--' . w. -i I.;. Kr. #. trusting W> I lei I on M'.ftii.i nrr<'t .imi rxtrnding e. Miiltb u»l"( "f A iin Han. t.fcje. nrr wttn a i . I stori britK hoos- .1.1 th«rr li'.rliu.d of :u und »o a I 4 of Und. slfi.ite in huiirr borwegH. Butlrr connty. l a -« folliw*. liiwft . »Hi tlw r. >rtfc bv cla\ #rr- rt:r .-t by Kolwrf *iut»b> 1 N.inll Ktrn-t; W»»I b> W r *h' tmutioi !•« j ' leet. m . r 'il ij -lr*-el. *n.i I t.i Ken la e.vreiitl. na» thr ur-i erfy M 1 Borland at tit- wilt of Ml* V J lir.»a K DSoI in Dec T, lioi S F li.>w«-r. att'jr. VII the ngt. titie. I ..'T it aud rialro uIU F illtcb'-m-k and KniUv lln- beork uf. lo and lo .v> acres ol laad. more or M>. -it'iate In Alle liliem fownsiap I'.uilrr . .>nntj txmmled a» tulii.»».to-aft : < oriinii ii' ln* on the line al Tbo Aud. uelm. now l»awd crawt-mt at a stota : tbe nce by lands al«»r-«aid »n tne nortn ■>- . east i'.t p« r. Ii"« I" « -,t«n»- it'Mt. tb^o..» BJ Wi. u id •l.iii,-- Crawi..r lft al. south I'% eaat ii'i rod* to a p-i»t. liieni— by land of same , ol perchw lo a mjple.lberM-r by M- olnnts, till* ll} 11 K liiu neock and ~»muei M Kinoe) on tne west, north I', west I jr. rods u> plaer o iwtciiiiiih* with a .' iillilliiic** and op»'n eitaib.tnk th»rewn. A LM> —All ih>- rutit, tltir. and claim ef l< 1 lilt, in IK'K and Einily Hiteneock. of. In and lo .> acres of lau-i. more or less, situate In Allegheny Butiercounty. Pa. bound eil billows, to-wlt : c. nimeneinK at a «mih eaat corner at a'*u by Unih ol Jaeub SfHgltie. now I. t'.irineieaab. north " \ ibv west In rods to a stoni-. ttieuci* ay n.'i Li in J w it F Miteh. i» k.north >, Org west lll'i r o; lands o( f B l:iiiid>-s, uow Mi-i.lnms. on the west, luenie >-j»I o> lands ol Samuel McKinnej on tne north II rods, then eby lauds of B r illtcncock it"' i"-r to the piace of beffiunma ■•vrlzed a:i'l tak'-n iu executiou as tne property of h h llitchtot k aud rfmil) liitcacock at ih<- suit of .Margaret Duughert, . K1) Mo it* Uw T, I - Newton Black, att'y. Ail the light. I llie. lutet«at and claim of John tfcclellsim ol in, ana to a certain lot of land, .situate in Klaus » liy Borvugli. Butler count) . l'a. Oouuded as loiiows. 10-wit : Iratnic house um oui b mamas there on. seucu aiid i«ken in < xevuUon as the prop erty of J jliu Al 't leil -lid at tue suit of i* aguer. r. DNo KF>. Dec T. imr.*. Newton Iliack. att'y. Allihe r.gbl. title. Interest and claim of tlugli Mc< lei laud. of, in aud to 40 acres of land uijie or less, hi!lisle In lotino pefvhri, ■o a poft. ineuce uy lands ol ThomptMiu bhannoi soutnre - 1M 4 perches io a puat. luence bj .inu> oi Davi.i .s.i.;iiuou so iin I d--g east 'S ,rn hes to a post IMucu oy lAnds of J L ."han ..-.ii no. ,n Kl ueg west I'S. , percuea io pi.M-e o t-ginnlng. aei/eu aud taaen in execauofi a i.e tiioperly ol MclieiutnU at tne salt o. .corgu Warner IDNo a. Dec T, is».». vv a Laak. af.'y. Alt 111- rtjjht. title, ml'rest and claim of K uaborne ot. in aua to a ct-rt.tln lot ol lan-. .iior. or less, situ.iied in duiier 1 "ir.iuh. bum. i ouiitj. l'a bonmied ax follows, to-wit: on in ii -ruuij in; N J .0 in Mrs S j-an Utrsey's pUi. oil- s.e.stiij to rry Aaj . s-mlh b) lot No t» ~i said plan ol lots, u ..,t '') Walker Ave. an,, ea*sl» ai liy.then priserMugthe sain. „Him leet to Cherry Way. being ut No ,u Mrs Alacki ) s plan ol loU. aud whk u wa.- iuteye-1 oy ner i# ;ne abore uatned sit s*pru -er party ol the Urst part. b> deed dated lb. .- Ii Oi) "1 Oct. 1- '-' and recorded la deetl Sou* AO 1.11 ol Butler eouut) .on (lag.- till, with a iifo swrj frame dwelling house and outbuUd ui({s tbert ou. Sul/ed aud taken lu •\ecutloh ... iiie prjperty ol W It Osnorue at the sun of s 1. •Speosei for of .1 C Foy. i-. o No il Dec I', lsot S It Miller and Kohler. attorneys. All the right, title. Interest ami cialiu of \V B UeDOenon, 01. In to 1 acre of land.mor, ot less, situated In Mercer township. Butler Co l'a, bouiidi-a as follows, to-wit: Ou the norm oy HarrisvUle and Nortn \Vaslungton road east uy \iui l Kerr, south by saniuet Kerr .ca-. west by Mirnuel Kerr.cieared and uuuer a gooo state of cultivation. ALSO—AI the right, title. Interest and claim of W B Henderson, 01. In and to 5 acres of land more or in Mercer township. Bui ter Co. Fa. hounded as follows, to-wti: un th. uorth by llariLsVllle anl Cliu ton ville road, ems ii) .-susau Barber, soulh 0) Kilzabeth Taylor anu public 1.1.1,1, together with a iraine house.frame uarn. orchard and oulbulldings thereon. AI.SO-AU ibe right, title, interest aud claliu of vt B Henderson, of. iu aud to 30 acres o. laud, more or less, situated in Mercer au-i Marlon townships. Butler county. Fa. ooundeo .vs toilows. to-wlt: Oh the north by Keuecc* Wilcox anu public road.south by DC Courtue) west by John Snyder and Kebecca Wilcox ; mostly cleared and under a good state of culti vation. Seized and taken th execution as the property of W B Henderson at the suit of First .National Bank ol Mercer for use. Sc. KD No IU, Dec T. ISV2. K F Scott, att'y. All the right, tillc. Interest aud claim or J I, oi. in .tuu lo a c- rtaln lot of land, situ ate lu Mlllerslown boro. Butler county. Fa. hounded as follows, to.wlt: Ou the north by an alley; east by Central ave; soulh by 1 L Mctlee; west by Katlroad street, together with a two nt ry frame house and outbuildings thereon. ALSO— AII the right, title, lmteiesl aud claim •if J I. AicUee. of. In and lo a certain lot of land, situale in Mlllerslown boro. Butler county. Fa, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: On the north by.l I, McOee; east by Central are; south b) Dr Cumpoell; wft by Railroad strrei. seized an.i taken in execution as the property of J L Mclice at the sun of E ii Frederick, ex r of Jacob Frederick, dee'd. KIJNo rn Dec T. un. T C Campbell, att'y. All the right, title, Interest and claim ol (ieorge McMurray, of.ln and to so acres of Und. more or less, situated In Farker township. Bur ler county. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wtt: On the north by landsof Thouias Allsworth. east by lands of James Alls'-orth et al. south by lands formerly of Morrow and McMurrny. west by lands of Jauies I Kobiuson. and being part of I lie same tract of laud that Jusiah Fletcher, adinluistrator of Thomas Simpson, late ot said township, suld couniy. dec'«. by order from the t» c did sell to N leholas W'alley. by deed dated 1 ltli June, IX*. and recorded in the office for recording deeds iu and for suld county of But ier. In deed book L. pages mi an.i l:U, the Mill dnj uf January. lMu. aud being the sume traM of land ill il theConimonweallu of Pennsylvania granted (o the said Nicholas Wally by'pafeai dated tlie 3J day of August. A D HOT. and en rolled lu patent book If. vol w, pagf V»i and • onveyed by the s.tid Nicholas Walley ami Elizabeth, his wife, by deed dated the ITtn day "f Dec, A D IsTi. aud re< oided In deed book No lu p :«•' die. to ijeorge McMurray. the preseu' grantor.and having an orchard thereon, and ■avi ig erected thereon a frame dwelling house, trambarn and other outnutidings. Seized and t iWen in execution as the property of fleorge Mr Murray at the suit of W 0 Vuroe. KD No III'J. Dec T, isitt (ireer a KaLston att'y All the right, title, interest aud claim of Sam I ruw ford.ot. lu and to '.tW acres of land, more or ie—s situate in Jefferson township. Butler couu ty. Fa, bounded as follows, to-wlt: Comiiieuc in-,- at th • line of the land tormerly owneil oy K l.eith«ltl. now owned by John Korcbt. tnence north s:i'.. deg west Itis pen-hes thence sou h iu deg east IJ i iw perchos to lands of George Welsh, thene' outii ssd.gwestTl perches to 1 iiom creek, thence along Thorn Creek u,.rii. it's deg east 9 --I'd perches, then, e north lu de„ i.l ' In . p-r. lu S. t hem I- is 1 * .leg west »J 10 per. lies then -e north S3H deg west 17 perch- s. '.hen i' tic-i tli til deg west 11 * I" perches, thence uorth t;T'; deg »,--t U a-:oo peuhes. thence north deg west » s-lo thence north ; d'-i; c.i -,1 g. IOU petcbei. thenee uorth 4 deg east :;l -,-ltt) Perthes, tlieu.-c north -'I deg west J0 perebes. thenee north ', deg east Ii perelns. Ibeuce north T iS-100 p»'rcb'-s. thenee north !!•'. iteg «est IT J-t.n p«-rehes, thence nortli .1 deg »>est la 'j p»'rehea to Uud of J A; iheuee east tti .i-luu perches to lands ot i.eorge Welsh, thence north deg west luo perches, t'l'-uce j deg west lift a.vioo perches to lands ot Ike heirs of I bomas WeLsh. Ibeuce north ss deg east mi 4-M0 (m-re hes, tliencc soulh S deg easl l_r_' p.-r.-li'--., thence west so T ill lurches.thence soulh la d-g west il perches, thence soulh deg west 100 B-100 perches to the place ot begtniitDg. together with il pro ducing ol I wells, i frame houses, j frame barns, oreharl-s and oiitbull.llti.zs thereon, -selz.-d and taken in execution as the property of Samuel Crawford at the suit ot Thomas Tate .« < o. for use. etc. ED No 117. Dee T. MR. Van.Urlln, att'y. All the right. title. Interest and claim of Mary K Fowl- r and t harles ti Fowler, of. In and to -T acres of land more or less, situated In Wash lugtou lownshlp. Butler county l'a. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by J K Holland ah 1 limlfrey Heller; east by tiislfrejr Heller, south h- Henry lleller; west by K U rettlgrew and J K Holland,all underlaid with coal.most ly Cleared, under a guvl stale of eultivatloa, together with a two-story frame house.orchard and outbuildings therejn. SeUed and taken in execut lon as the property of Mary K Fowler and i harles II Fowler al the suit oIJ C Fowler. K D N'HS 51, TO and ll'J Dec T. ML W D Brandon, attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Ill' Jen A Bontiur aud Auolphus M WeLsh. own eia. etc. of. In and to a certain lot of land, more leas, Htuate In the village of Kenlrew. Fenn township. Butler county. Fa, bounded aa tot lows, to-wit; 1 Ohimenciag 3" feet eaat of the W S Dufiord lot. on Main street, thence by said lot soulh so deg eaat 9 perches, thence by same street nortn S3 deg easl » perches/iT'., xioo feet and tne other lixjo feet, nald nuUdlugs ts-ing erected fur the pur fiosc of lipereting a iaiup tilai k plant tucreun. seized and lakvu lu eic utlon aa the proper'.) oi flkten A Bouncr and Adtilphaa M Welsti owners, etc, at tbe sun of L F t.iater et al. KD No lit. Dec T. IsM. Kubler. ally. All Ihe tight, title, tuttrest and claim of U C 1 llealiy. of. in and lo ."5 acres of land, more ar leap, situated in Mercer township. Butler eoun | ty. Pa bouud--d aa follows, to-wlt: On the ' liorth by Jus Nutt heirs; eaat by public road; I south by James I' al;weat by Charles j CoClirsn, niosUy cleared and fenced and a good , tab-of cultivation. >eue«i and uken In exe- i cutlon a i the property of 11 C Beattv at the | suit of Bl 'fiham Jc >oh.s, tor use of W Jl Cowtu. E D No li* Dec Term. Is«j. i ttmuCaT. stfy. f Ail the right, utle. lnteieoi aM ul- "TI Karl Duuer' of, In and TO Bo acres of alrt, j more or tnw. Win at • 'n ralrrtow rwp Baiter I • '«. R* >S>UEIW .** tJ! »a T. »IT. MHIIM it a whitens* tree • tu. »«Mni -woer »-»T mnain j tee-*-•»» umkin « I. r«-swell wu •A *■*.<•** JS r"da U» » *»ISI . MM* AY * MTFT* I»« •■■mm -FCN It JNMI MM J# 4ew. east J ano'B ja CT-r. weal In P»W to * (MMT. TTY turn- and I Iffles lUaoev LEEXB e» .«RF. west T« r ST* T« a PIMI; thence W an t* F «a> Wltom WE* I* r.*.» I * .* IN* JA*.- at beginning. rr N* NER-N&-«—•* pjrt. * dI« I>rm> RIM Mt A «>«l to F , I Aa»..l» ; I®' r«n » BIOS WT V I «M *1 »r-. B.«r>t; lot \» i «.i.| r . it a.«ttaert*ag; , ot 3 «>U Id It. Irrta: l« VI at. I MID -> H £ ME *r I ,r'«\ ;I • ;I »AL». «M to Viol- T « sntpbeffc |.4 *,. : W >TUR J l BaHbrreer tote *•». < I*. , vt M raaaae , Carlin; lot So li. to Fk>r » i ..fflt, ix \jti tf) Mr. H4T'■. :* N • I«B **g tm B P !>>nrt«: U>* lo We « «n4>l ta ElLea BoOMr lot Mot law |«1 Mr wbl I.IP J-ir.lnct lot B «oht t» r Mi:«-6; lo* MAtnMra Janw* <-tar« h*« Sot SKHK «*l to J II fciirnr: la» So j» fold to Buaaoa H.t.lefrwß.l. |o« % > JS <.< M to IHI ion; lot N - j* *.ld to L ln>t«o4; M* So* <1 «• !told to F O K; km Xoa n * t.| t» ■ P<-. Nt S > -» *M mill J'-naiac* . lot "« ?» «>M to riuaaCJUinaptaftMl'n anrtoMK M>- nie r. lot \ * ra;« ««4 to mit jtu *>o: lot S.M M ■«»! « «-i tto J«4>a Bonn: M3m » *>t«l to Aa- lv R.« 4 . lot So M «oM to r M m i.r*« -""'iinii lot So*.-tbart: lot S-m 1 >« *okl to I*IVM> wnoo ( tnrrtt: ,ot SO* M IT M » .1) sold to Mn UIIMOO: kit on Ikm mwt «OM to LBde t» «rt: lot S i >»• *>id to J B m alwiil; kit So u tiHd lob* O > ta/Mi MIMI J «1 and T'NCOD. *»t/cl and tajtea la otfcatlMi as the v*pv*r\y «f Barl mwr at tbo «nt at L>>tniel V ,r«-! ED Xo 12?> Die T, !«Z. F >rtja*r muy. All tbr rictt, tit.« tnieraal mad elaia of liaitiMO C ifeifeb, of, ■■ aa-L TO 100 arrm mf lao'L, Oktre or leat, titoataii ta Parker row a •hip. KaUer cuanty. Pa, TV>oad«l Kxekiel UFA. theoee Math 1 4mg <«t L*l percbm AND 4 LIOKA to a wwt pm»t by 'aarfa of T&e NCMOF VFILRT, IBetx-r mata ataa« taatia of the heira of Hearr Wii« <| |e« *aat 1W perehe* awl I liaa to tB« pl«- mf becmaiak by laixlt of Jofea X thira. Moatiy cleared and la a food -late „( ea.uranoa, the balance ta umber.frame boasa aad LM orehanl and ootbaildtofft ihercoa. detned and taken in exectttiou aa the property ml Xaditoa t Rubh at the aait mf H "i Hiidi man K[> So 121 Dec T. !«!. -ttephea I'nmw'ngi All the rlgHt. tltie. interest and Ulm at Mor det-al iiraliaui. ot. Ui aud h> Zm »-rr~< of lm*L more i>r le* Mltsml In Forward IMMU 811. ler cuaut.. i-a. b<>-iQde>t aa foituw«. to wk M the north by John AIV] A lia Birßnlri. eaal bt Joarph and J A Aaß: WMIIB by WBitaai toehr'nw': ""t by Jot n Remnger clear ed. feawd. UMrr > KOodataie of coliltMMa. alth three iiridictnif oU w!u two Mary rraaar Dttiue frame barn. • r *nant and ootbnjrftaci thereun. Mei/e.l and taken in eiet'aOaß w ttte property of Hudtf II i.raßam at tae sail >J4 Uiu'i Uarkei et »1 TEKHS Or SALE:—Tbe followin« aa9t »e w;>n wtiea propeity S ttrb kea down. 1. Wjen the puiauff or other Hon creditor tw comej tbe pur>-li;i«er the coat «a the wot must i« paid mst-l a list ot line liesa iacUutxam Vtihxil dm told. •rtec I'urunn J*U edtuoa. P»ort mf Vlre. Aana Kaiaiinger, Coran-ia Pteaa Mrs. ilary UWM. Pro. To the abore named ronpnadenta. Yon are hereby req tired to appear at a ourt of Common IV aa to be held at Bntlar, n and tor the County of Butler, on the 12th day of Dec. next, ia obedience to the abore decree, and herein fail not. Nor. loth, IW2. WILTIAX M. BBOWS. Sheriff. THE BUTLER ROLLER MILLS Hereafter will b« doinj? basioms ad der the name of Geo. Walter & Sons. We CAA .A»J to oar patroan that TB# GRINDING done bjr UB will be in THE best manner that good TWO hi awry and practical miliing ran do it, BM WE bare in oar employ oae of tbe beat practical miller* ia the ST*T« of Peaa NYLRANTB We C«A AAR without fear of contradiction that we are turning out the beat STRAIGHT grade of wbeat dour in the county. We think it an advamsire to tbe fmr mer to FRET his grinding done at oar mill for these reasons: FIRST— We make AA good wbeat Sour a* cau be manufactured. aad the farmers get the name dour ia exchange as tbe millionaire would, were we witb the IN in thi>« neighborhood SECOND—WE can do roar CHOP PING for you, so that you are not compel ed to sail your grain at low prices and buy your chop. THIRD— We can make tbe beat buckwheat flour ever man afar tured in the county, an we bare ) just completed arranging tha new machinery for same, and it works like a charm. FOURTH— We can make you rya- Hour if you dee ire it Our rye Hour alway* bring* tha higbaat price in Pittsburg. AC. FIFTH—WR make BM good a corn meal as there is in the market. SIXTH— Our Graham flour cannot be excelled. We manufacture every article that ia in oar liaa of baainesa, and with the lateet improved machinery, and beat practical skill Tbe farmer will readily sea that it ia more profitable to him to patronize a mill where be ?aa get all hie . H tar SB a Ma.vktß* far MB will earn tiaas B» lasiatMa ta* mr.tM'.M ••mkm* mf esrvitooe* wt tea Has tlMnTai led * frnm ;he fxeftrißatg 1 MTBg he lulaftls ittfHmn. aad T ilitaoi Bt«e* -*n-wt >«e and Wmmtm o •aojerto. tf TW* 'tors Chi'd m !t«dia.hy Px.ttiiaaf ai Ra*e»a aad 'tersaßy hw Kiehwl iiardio* Daria on * L«edaa %mhc ar i»wd T A Dwlgs on laatara Kie ewetiaaeit Urteeary m tie tae will be a >atrt hated Vr CWtoe met Norton. Mn . aroae T. r a*to. W Ammm Deaa Bowel la. Bcaoler laßhaei aad ethers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS Per Tear BABPBK S ■ tfiAAINB MM BABPBRd VBBKLT 4» BABPBB 4IAZAB I SB HARPER* tor*« PCOPLS zm tmmUff gere to a 0 a*« en» MS ißr rs.frd .«tto, Caaadk. aarf Vrma Tbe ralaaie tt (Be • i«a.iti 'm&m witb the Nswbera far Jaaa and Duaejihi i of each year. Wha« mn Umm m r~i TI HI g. •ntMerrfifaoaa will hegto with the aaiaher ear-sat al the time if raesiyl mf oerfer Bmiad Talaaee mf Haarsa a ut*< for three yeera hark, ta seat eto h htadt... wttl he a« »y aaL yeat Md a reee - ef BH rnr v-ttarae CM I'aa I r bia4iag.» ream aaeb—fcy as; iwtp !. Reannaare aawald ha laed ta Pi. . o«ee Moaey «>nSes er draft.ta m nd Of hMS. Sre as- to npf r»w ed - IwracsJ n "fcewf tha rxprtum eetirr ./ Bitra A BawTaaas. Addraas BABPBBA IROTIIR.'i. New Fee*. 1899. HARPERS WEEKLY ILLISTRATED H*sf*B t WBBBLT » sekaewledfM as •taadinf hrst am.>og tllf rand weakly penndn mJn a tasnca it aeeayiae a jtare between that «t (Be harried My payers sad that ef the Bm timely ■namlT aia*arme It taeiadea bwth itteracare aM news, and praaeota witu iMfaai faro* aad foiieity tae real evaate «f etirreot haiawy and the itßMfißativa theme* mf icttoa. <>a are«aat ot ts very ctwnalsss aariwa mt d liaetratMMia of tha world s Pail, it will Ba nvt ..niy tae hast glide te tha (rial It pa «tkm. b«t U*> its beak Mtwur Irerjr public iveat »f fmaral intsreei will ha tm ly lilaatratail ta tte ya#aa. Itaemtitto cons being fruji the beet wniera aad ar tiela m thi< country, it will eawttnaa Be excel in liieratar*. news, aad tlhwtncton*. all other pablicaCMW* of its elaaa. HARPER'S PERIODIC ILA Per Tear; HARPER 5 MAOA2ISB MM a \ RPKIi S WKBSI.Y I ja HARPER'S HA/iK t ** HARPER'S TOCSti PE*»Pt.K 2.«8 /■#' '.lf Prrm tm mil mSwn-i« »-t tm nhe Tat led .«e/ea. 'aaadt. .tad Xtm* The Totamea ot the VBIUT begin with the first tamer far January ef each year. W boo no Uiaa ia •aeaa.mad. a*heeripti«ee wilt befu with the S anther carrsat at - ' ar the MM of recetpt ef order. Boaad Volaaee of Haaraa • fiuu for three year* baefe. in neat etoth axadlue will ba »mt by sail. p»era«e paid, w furmatioa aboat Paetuuaa. and ito snaar oaa itliwtrauußa. Pans liaigrn. aad pat tern sheet ot ppiementA are ndisptasaSla f alike to the hotae Jress- maker aad tae aaa feeei.inal inndiate. Na expense is iparid ta make its artiacia ataaetireaaaa of-Be high est order. Its ttrtget Hacisa. a sis mag i samadiss, sail esaafs aidy , all taeCes, aad its laet page ut haw aa a > badgat ef wit aad hnaMr la its weekly > laeaen everything ia included which a tf ■ interest to women. Tito Serials tar IBM will he written By Walter Btnaal and Bd ca l.yali. Chnecaa Terhnne Hemct wtll fhrniah a practical series, entitled. "At the Toilet. liraee King. Oliver Throaa Miller, aad Caadaea Wheeler wit! ha Aw ijorßt cwetribatsea. The wwrb mt wnaiea in the CtdnrahMß Etpwaatiaa will ha rally repreeented with naiit :Hwacrattoaa T i W Higgimeia. Ib "W.ttasa aad Mea, will please a cultivated audience HARPERS PERIODICA LA Per Tear; HARPBR'S MAii.tZINE M ■» BABPER'H BTKBELT *f earn year. will begin with the Nnmher earraat as she time of receipt ef order BOBGJ Voluaaea of II tares a Baits for three yean beck, ta iieet ctotk naOiac. will be test by snail. p.«tag" paid, er if, tree of evp-na» - prmeidsd she treigh' dees n»t exceed -me At>iter par eat- Ainv for »7 *• ymr Totiune. Cloth Cases for -men colarae. aiiCaMa for iMßdiag, wtll be eat By aaad. past peeAoa reaetpt of Sl.tJO eaeh. Remittance siotid he BKade »r Pliaa ef fice Moaey Order er Uvaft. to aroid , kaa in of toes. .VeirjfMpers er* ail to -see 'W -adeec fMeaarel eiltsat fkr *rpmm en** eg Hiirei A BettTßsaa. Address HARPBBA BRI»THBRS. New Teak. j|J|THE CULTIVAT3Bjg Country Gentleman The bast aftto AclRIiT LTI RAL WE SB LIES mom t "I to Bey «ed Whee to Illnstrated. Md by a RKI'BNT BN LARIiBMEXT. eamkaiße mere -eerfiag matter tlaa ever ha*we. Tha *hemneeie«i price ta ie. jS per rear. b«t w» Ar a VPBCIAI. RBW CTION ia «mr CLUB BATES TOR :B«3- Tw«» Sraei BirrwMie. m oae remittance ** Six #rse«:Birri«»s. As Aa Twrnxvi Arssraienoite aa Ba B aU Hewtlafowrthsra 5*1893. paying tn advance'new. we will ea i the paper WBSS:.T. foam oar raaeaat ef me re mittance. to January Ist. Witknef charge tySaeeimaa Coatee flee. A Mas ■ I.CTHEB Tf'*Eßß A #>N PUkftdban. Atbaav. N. T. MiCia Strsst itiroy. WM BIEHL PRO^R One square weet af Maim 9c. m Mifflin SC Ail goai, aa* kurasat aew baggtee aad carrlagaa. Lisantaaa day aad aighL TeieyhaH 35* Ml ABvaruae la * IfIBJB