Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 25, 1892, Image 3

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BCTLEB *o» a population of eooet
It ia the countj aeat of Butler County, with
%Sar railways, natural gas. and uneqnalled
facuttim for oMoalict4im
Prugieea evrywhete; new buildings. new
Mnnhcum, a growing and prosperous town.
New York Weekly Tribune— Free.
By special arrangement* made for our
so doing, we are enabled to offer to all our
subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any)
«id one year in advance, and to all new
subscribers paying in advance, the New
Tork "Weekly Tribune free for one year.
For further particular? of thi« ofler see ad
vertisement on 2d page.
The New Tork Tribune ia a staunch Re
publican paper, ita editor ia on oar Nation
al ticket this year, ita weekly edition con
tains all the beat editorial* and general
article* ot the daily, and thia very liberal
offer should be accepted by every Republi
can of Butler county.
Haw Advertisements.
Biokel's Great Victory.
Mark*' Bargains.
Stockholder'* Meeting.
The Imperial Purchasing Co.
Auction Sale of Resturant.
Winter Tours.
Nora—Ail advertisers intending to make
eanges in their ads. should notify us o'
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
One that yim'd all remember,
If there were not (could luck worse T)
So few rhyme* for November.
Patience is the key to contentment.
—A toy factory for Butler ia talked of.
"Foxine," a new color, i* a reddish
—W- ather prophets predict nine snow
—Don't fail to attend Co. E's benefit
Wednesday evening.
—The parlor mirror has gone into dis
—Sofia pillows have grown abnormally
Rhinestone buckles are one of the fea
ture* of the winter's millinery.
—The very light young man i* a heavy
social burden.
—This year'* crown less bonnets meet
with the approval of theater-goers. »
—The backbone of Summer has been
—The T. M. C. A. willreceive its friends
at ita room this (Thursday) evening.
—Pnmpkin j allow ia a new shade, used
principally in upholstery.
—A German town dog fancier say* he can
read character in a dog'* tail.
—Judge J. Norman Martin is an appli
cant for the office of U. 8. District Attor
ney of this district.
—What doth it profit a man if he "gain
the whole world and can't eat a square
—Standing on one's dignity is as uncer
tain a way of getting along in this world as
walking on stilts.
—Up in Mercer last week a man who was
born in 1808, and a woman born in 1856,
took out a license to marry.
—Visitor—"How does the land lie ont
this wayt" Native—"lt ain't the land that
lies, sir; it's the land agent*."
—Butler needs a hospital of some kind,
and the agitation in favor of one should be
—Epicure* now affect deviled smelt
heads aa the oorrect dish for a late break
fast or for a midnight supper.
—A humorous person in Kensington
takea a package of yeast to bed with him
to assist him in early rising.
—A rejected youth has dyed bis
hair white in hopes that the girl will at
tribate it to suffering and change her mind.
—Next Wednesday evening the Imperi
al Quartette Concert Co. of Boston, will
give a concert in the Opera House, ior the
benefit of Co. I.
—Hon. Geo. R. Wendling of Washing
ton, D. 0., will deliver bis new and great
est lecture in College Chapel, Grove City,
on Nov. 30.
—Dean Campbell of Butler and Jimmy
Oalvin the Pittsburg bail player have gone
into the liquor business at 32 Sixth street,
—The Sbackford Company did not play
in Butler, Saturday evening last. It
"went under" in Buffalo, a few day* be
—The Conitable* kick on the provision*
of the new ballot law that increase their
duties without a corresponding increase in
—The Imperial Quartette Concert C0.,0f
Boston will give a concert for the benefit
of Co. E. 19th Kegt. N. G. P. in the Opera
House, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 30.
—Prof. Bos* of Dudley Observatory
aaya that that comet ia moving from the
Earth inateac* of toward* it; also that it is
290,000,000 mile* distant, which, if true,
Rhould eradicate our fear* of a collision.
—Dogs come high but some people muat
hare them. In Pittsburgh since the iirat
of May, 2,000 canine* have been drowued,
and 990 returned to owner* on payment of
fine*. The receipts from dog licenaes and
fines were over 16,000.
—Laat week waa "meteor week," but no
body about here aeemed to be be interest
ad in the falling of Heavenly Stars. There
waa some gossip, however, regarding some
of par social stars.
—Typhoid fever is unusually pre valient
this Fall, and strange to say, it finds tbe
majority of iu victims in elevated loca
tions. That was noticed about Butler, aud
it was nntioed in tbe case of the village of
Farmington in Venango twp.
—The latest and prettieet song now be
ing rang on tbe stage, is entitled The Ind
ian Summer Time. It is by the popular
aathor, Will L. Thompson, of Bast Liver
pool, O. The price is 40 cents. Send tbe
author half price, uid you will receive a
—A new method of counting the words
la a telegram went into effect on the West
ern Union and Postal Telegraph lines a
few days ago. Under the new rules tele
grams will be much cheaper. Single let
ter*, figures and signs instead of being
ooanted as a word will be grouped, three
taken as a word.
—Now that election is over let us turn
oar attention to the careful and economical
•election of the list of Christmas presents,
in which agreeable pursuit tbe CITUI*
will,as usual,be your best friend and guide.
Il will pay you to scan ita advertising
oolums plosely from now till the Holidays.
—An entertainment given by Sunbury
Academy in the Ball, Friday night, was
well petronued. The play was "Solon Shin
gle." It was a creditable performance,
and was enjoyed by a large and apprecia
tive audknoe.Tbe school there ban been
making wonderlul progcess under the
Management of Prof. Knooh aud his able
Civil Court met Monday at 1 P.- M •
with Judge* Hoien an J Martin presiding.
The jury lijt waj colled over and all
answered to their name*, excepting a post
master, whom the law excuse*: and one or
other* who have moved ont of the county.
Alexander Welsh and »*. J. Thompson
were excused trom service on the j'-iry on
account of physical weakness, and C. E.
Reed because he is a druggist and is with
oat a skilled aiwirtant at present. Two
attorneys had scarts around their heads
and necks to hide boils, and several were
suffering from colds, otherwise the Bar
was in its usual fighting trim. Judge
Hazen cautioued the jurors against leaving
the building without consent, as he would
treat such action as contempt of Court,and
bold the delinquent juror responsible.
The Trial List was read over, a case se
lected for each room, also a jury, and up
to the time of our going to press the fol
lowing cases have been disposed of:
Wm. Jones vs Elcho Oil Co. and J F
Brecht, Xov 22, verdict for the plaintiff for
SBO 00
Summit twpvs Jacob Reott and An
drew Knause. So 22, settled.
Jas M Marshall vs Samuel Ziegler._ Xo
21. Verdict for the plaintiff for SC3 45
J L Moritz vs Samuel Beam, settled. _
Casper Gerlach vs Gabriel Barnhart.Xov
22. Verdict for plaintiff for $5.
it A Sitler vs Jno A Steele, settled.
Ellis Hetselgesser vs Wm Watson, set
D B White and A J Alcorn vs B Mas
seth et al, (on trial.)
Oil W ell Supply Co vs J E Starr, surviv
ing partner, etc, (on trial.)
On edn.-sday the jurors not empanelled
ware excused until M on day j! 1 p. m.
The Co. Commissionejs paid the State
Tax this year last week, it amounted to
$10,506 11; three-fourths of which will
come back to the county in the shape of
school warrants on the basis.of taxables as
per the assessment of 1889.
Co. Treasurer Wilson paid off the last of
the county bonds, Monday. It was for
SIO,OOO, and was owned by Samuel Robin
The charter of the North Washington
Institute was filed. Monday.
The Pardon Board has recommended the
pardon of Adam Minninger; and has re
fused to interfere in the case of Thomas
The license of Caroline Blinn of Evans
Citv was transferred, Wednesday, to Jacob
C. Hjle.
Thog W Wigtnn to W W Robinson i
acre in Brady for $650
E H Ralsion to Mary A Ralston lot in
Mt. Chestnut for S4OO.
M A Ralston to M W Shannon Jr lot in
Mt Chestnut lor S2OO.
Robt McClung to Annie Ligmanowsky
lot in Butler twp. for .?300.
J E Meyer to Eliz Keener lot in Butler
twp for SOOO.
<J F Reibold to Annie Reibold 50 acres
in Forward for S2OO.
J J West to Robt Dunbar et al lot in
Butler for $1
Susan Barber et al to C W Seidel lot in
Harrisville for SBSO.
Martin Wnhl to Evans City School Dist,
4 i-»u for SBOO.
Henry Jamison to Wm Jamison, 147
acres in Allegheny twp for sl.
Ed Floyd to Jnn Clark. 1 acre in Adams
for $33-5.
Elizabeth Adams to I X Meals et al, 19G
acres in Washington twp for S3OOO.
Marriage Licenses.
8 8 Hindman Cherry twp
Rella Sproull " "
W R Hockenberry Cherry twp
Cora Hindman " "
J G Grafton Armstrong Co
Mary Ed ward* "
Wm E Jamison. Allegheny twp
Ida Miller Venango twp
C S Pafavant Jr Zelienople Pa
Lillian E Tebay "
Jno P Thompson Beaver Falls
Zelia E Teets Zelienople
Raleigh Fritz Greenville
Hannah Morrison Branch ton
J D Leslie Emlenton Pa
Delia Darnell Alllegheny twp
Charles Fraze Allegheny Co Pa
Ida Stark
Everv young married man should sub
■critie for a home newspaper His wife
has probably always had the pleasure of
reading one at tome and it would be
heartless to deprive her of the paper alter
she is married. Then, again, it will help
make the home bright and happy an-J the
wife need not waste her time visiting her
neighbor*, who take a home paper, to find
out what is going on. It will save cold
dinners and give the wife more time to
darn her husband's socks.
Election Expenses.
The late election cost Butler county
$3,585 95, the items of which are as fol
Ballots $ 670 00
Election papers and return blanks 88 95
Ballot boie* 159 50
Cards of instruction, etc 53 00
Delivering booths AO 00
Delivering tickets, etc 85 00
Election Boards.. ... 1700 25
Tabulating returns 60 00
Return Judges 40 00
Freight and drayage on booths.. 59 25
Additional expenses in register
ing 600 00
Paper, wax, etc 10 00
$3585 95
The booths and guard rails cost übout
SISOO, which was refunded to this county
by the State.
—The paperbanger'* business is going to
the wall.
—The house of John Stoughton, near
Petrolia, was destroyed by fire last Satur
day evening. Everything was burned.
—School teachers from all parts of the
county will be with us week after next for
the purpose of going to school themselves
for a few day*. Institute has grown to be
a most interesting, profitable and pleas
ureable occasion. Prof. McCollough has
arranged ihe work so that the institute
promises to bemore comprehensive and
successful! than ever, end we are glad to
note that the teachers seem to appreciate
hi* effort* in this direction.
—Dr. Bell has had a Capitol Hot Water
Heater placed in his residence and is much
pleased with the system of heating. Hot
water heating is a new departure of the
firm oi W. 11. O'Brieu A Son. They have
set plants for Dr Bell, B C. Iluselton, R.
B. Taylor and are putting one iu the new
residence of I. J. McCandless.
—The good people of Prospect will
tender a reception to the students of the
Academy at the beginning of the term,
next Tuesday evening. A literary and
musical entertainment will follow. Pros
pect Academy is one of the permanent and
reliable institutions of the county. For
location and surroundings it caonot be
beaten in the State, and Prof. Magee hu
been keeping, and will continue to keep,
it* standard of education and morality up
to the highest notch.
Teachers' Institute
Will open Monday, Dec. sth. During
the week of tbe institute 1 will give
a discount of 10 per cent on everv
purchase. School teachers and di
rectors should take advantage of
this liberal redaction. My Htock of
footwear IB unusually large and prices
were never lower, and with tbe extra
10 off your shoe bill will be greatly
Butler, Pa.
Auction Sale of a Restaurant.
Mr Geo Smith will sell r -ry
tbing iu bit) restauraut, at NoA JE.
Jefferson St, at auction sale \satur
dav of next week. Dec. 3d. The sale
will open at 2 I'. M. Hero in a
chance for some good bargains
—Silk belt haudk'Ps 15c, beautiful
colors at
M F. <K M M AKK.H '
Largest assirtmeut und best values
I in Dress Goods nud Cloaks at
L. tiTJCIM & Son's.
Soldiers' Monument Committee.
The Butler County So diers' Monument
Association met ia the office of Bon John
M. Greer on Monday afternoon and ap
pointed sub-committees in the different
eection districts. The committeemen will
be furnished with bonk* and necessary pa
pers and they will be expected to report all
subscriptions taken to the Secretary of the
A**"ci»tion not later than January 9th.
1893, and come to Butler prepared to turn
all funds over to the Treasurer at a meet
ing to be held at 10 o'clock A M. of said
day. The following is a list of Solicitors
by districts:
Adams twp, north—George Marburger,
Mont Marburger.
Adams twp, south—Thoa Marshall, J A
Allegheny twp—Ephriam Parks, A A
Buffalo twp—Matthew Greer.P A Drain.
Butler twp —Joseph Criswell, George
Brady twp —Josiah il Thompson, T S
Clearfield twp—Peter Fennell, Wm.
Clinton twp—J B Cunningham, Wm
Concord twp —A D Kuhn, Black.
Clay twp —) M Louden, Gideon Allen.
Centre twp— Dt Bolman, Thomas R
Cherry twp, south —H L Hindman, J S
Cherry twp, north —H C McCoy, Wash
Connoquenessing, north —Greer McCan
dless, Alexander.
Connoquenessiag, south —B M Duncan,
Con Nicholas.
Cranberry twp—Cyrus Harper, Tobias
Donegal twp—J D Orbison, Sol Pontius
Fairview twp, east —S W McCollough,
Wm Kamerer.
Fairview twp, west—J J Sutton, Joseph
Forward twp—Joseph Ash, D B Douth
Franklin twp- -W m Watson, John
Jackson twp east—Ezra Likins, F K
Jackson iwp west—J J Barnhart, Jacob
Jefferson iwp—John Welsh, Thomas W
Lancaster twp —WT Scott. J M Kir
Middlesex twp—T R McMillen, Win
Marion twp —Samuel Seaton, Hugh
Moddycreek twp —S T Okeson, A 8 Mar
Mercer twp—J J McGarvey, W C Bry
Oakland twp —Peter Whitmire, J F Mc
Parker twp—H W Caldwell, J W
Penn twp—Wm Seaman, W S Dix
Summit twp —Joseph Portman, John
Slipperyrock twp —H M Gill, W R
Venango twp—Amos Seaton, N P
Winfield twp—John Rivers, August
Wa liington twp, north—John Beatty,
Peter Hiliiard.
Washington twp, south—Oliver Lewis,
T P Mifflin
Worth twp—James Humphrey, Nic.
Butler boro, Ist ward—Prof. E Mackey,
Phil Crouse.
2d ward—J..hn T Kelly, F X Kohler.
3.1 word—Harry Klingier, J M Gal
4th ward—Jos Rockenstein, W L Gra
sth ward—W T Mechling, Henry Trout
Evans City—Dr. W A Irvin.J A Ripper.
C'entreville —John Bingham, Robert Mc-
Fairview—Geo H Graham. L Timblin.
Harmony—H M Wise, A Eypinger.
Karris City—l' R Burke, Jos Thomas,
ilarrisville—C M Brown, S B Bingham.
Millerstowi)—J B Showalter, Peter Rat
Prospect—Reuben Shanor, Prof Magee
Saxonburg—J W Magee, Chas Hoffman,
Sunbury—R J Thompson, Adam Korn
Zelienople—John Dindinger, W G Gel
So one who is a lover of good music
and fine acting should miss seeing the
opera of "Galatea" at the Amory Opera
House on Friday evening. The Boston
Ideal Comic Opera Company is one of the
very best opera companies travelling.
With two or three exceptions the company
are people who have secured their musical
education through Boston's schools and
are ladies and gentlemen who have won
reputations f->r themselves. There is every
element in the entertainment Ui please.
Tbe niasic is of the bright and catchy
order, there comedy element is in the band
of tbe best comedians in the profession
The costumes ate new nd pleading to the
eye, new scenes arc used and brilliant ef
forts are got by the use of lime and
colceium lights. Tbe company comes
highly recommended, and will undoubted
ly be greeted by a large bouse.
Hosiery Bulletin.
Infants' all wool seatnleHs from 10c
to 40c.
Children's all wool seamless doable
heel and toe 25c
Children's all wool seamless double
knee, beel and toe 35c
Children'* imported cashmere 50c
Children's double kuee. beel and
toe (equal to band knit) 75c
Lndien' fleeced 30. 40 and 50c
" all wool seamless 25, 35,40,
and 50c.
Ladies' imported cashmere 75c and
$1 00
113 to 117 South Main St
Best styles in Dress Goods and
Cloaks at
Pennsylvania (urnihbed tbe Stand
ard for tbeeutire rruntry and she
owes tbe (act to Thaddens Stevens.
For Personal iparel to adorn tbe
forms of the teucners of Butler county
we furninh The '-Standard'' Patterns
Ca!t and get a fashion sheet at
—Take jour children to Zaver's
Gallery for Pictures that will suit
yon. Postoffice building.
—On December Ist we begin to
invoice and want to reduce our slock
all we can befdre that time, there
fore will make special low prices in
blankets, robes, harness and every
thing we have Martincoart <t Co.,
128 East Jtfferson street, Butler.
Teachers Institute.
For the first time tbe Teachers of
Butler county will visit Butler liefore
the Holidays and they are hereby
cordially invited to call aud examine
tbe immense assortment of dress
goods, wraps and millinery goods
now on display at Hitter A Kalston's.
When tbey do call if they will sim
ply mention the fact that tbey are
school teachers and name the district,
room and school in which they teach
they will learn something to their
great advantage.
Buffalo Blankets, bent for wear at
—Zuver'B Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
Reduced: Reduced: Keduced:
Our entire stock of trimmed Hats
marked down to less than half price
—sl 60 quality Felt Hals now only
50c Jjadies see them before jou
buy your Winter Hat
Boardinglli'use Cards, with Act
of Assembly. 25 cent# for bulf-a d zen,
for sale at CITIZEN office.
Hand made Irish linen bnndbe
I b'efs, beautifully embroidered, wt rthr
|SO cts each, three for a dollar at
Marks' Millinery.
Doings of Council.
At the meeting of Council laat Thursday
evening a proposition to buy lots and build
houses for the hose carts, and thus save
paying rents, met with decided favor, and
the Fire Committee was directed to select
a lot in Springdale for a Hose House and
report at next meeting what it can be had
for. and the probable cost of a house.
A dozen bad crossings and sidewalks
were talked about. The crossings at Mc-
Kean and Wayne are particularly bad. and
though there is no money in the treasury,
an effort will be inode to improve them,
y r. Osborne was given a bond for S2OOO on
the W Pearl St. improvement; and a
financial statement was promised tor next
Prof. Davis' Musicale.
The large audience that assembled in the
Opera House last Thursday evening was
delighted with the Concert given by the
graduating class of Prof. Davis' school of
iun»ic. As one of the audience said, it
was good all through.
The choruses sang by the pupil* were well
rendered and loudly applauded, and all the
instrumental selections were exceedingly
well executed and showed thorough train
ing on the part of Mr. Davis. The violin
sojo bv little Frank Huff was one o! the
novelties that pleased everybody. The
performance on two pianos, four players
was something new to a Butler audience,
and the perlormers, Joe Trailer and Elea
nor Graham. Ist piano, and Bertha Quig
ley and Lotta Sink 2d,did excedingly well.
The violin solo by James L Angert, pupil
for graduation was a very difficult selec
tion and was rendered in truly artistic
style. The piano solo, "Concert Valse"
recently composed by Prof. E. O. Davis,
and played by Miss ftertha B. Quigley was
warmly applauded, and the vocal solos by
Misses May Frank, Amelia Krouse
Messrs. Geo. Cronenwett and Wm Krug
were well received. The quartettes and
duets were exceptionally fine.
The accompanists Miss Lotta Sink and
Joe Trailer, showed by their performance
that no mistake had been made in their se
lection for the place. Those taking part
ib the concert were Os follows: Pianoforte,
Eva M. Connelly, Annie C. Smith, Bertha
B Quigley, Lula M Feigle, Paul Copeley.
Lillie B. Sturr.Ecuica Crouch, Bird Reiber,
Eleanor Grabam, Lulu P. Miles, L»tta
Sink, Joe Trailer, and Mabel C. Copeley.
Violin. Frank Huff, John G. Williams,
Willie Miller, Litha Conway, and Jas. L.
Vocalists, Mrs. Davis, Misses Crouse,
Copeley, Groman, Frank, and Messrs. E.
O Davis, Beaver, Krug, Cronenwett and
The Chicago express on the P. 4 "W.,
rut a man to pieces oa the track near
Zeliennpte last Friday.
Dr. Wm. Linnenbrink. of Zelienople.was
I'.Qj.d lying uncon«cions on the railroad
track near Kocbester, Pa , Monday night,
lie ix badly injured and may not reaovor.
Cbarle* Reed of Butler bad a foot go bad
ly bnrned in the mill at Homestead, Tues
day, that amputation was necessary.
The Markets.
Oar grocers are paying 26 to2B for batter.
22 for eggs, 75 for unions, GO for parsnips.
40 for turuip-t and apples, 1 75 for beans,
10 cts for dressed chicken. 121 for dressed
turkey, 60 for potatoes, 2 a pd for cabbage.
Timothy hay from county wagons sl6 to
$ 18, mixed hay sl3 to 14, wheat straw 7.00,
oat straw 8 00, mill-feed sl4 to S2O, back
wheat floor 2 to 2J.
County roll batter 26 to 28, low grades
10 to 12.
Fresh egg* in cases 26 to 27, storage 22
Potates on track, white 65 to 70, red 55
to 60, mucd 45 to 50.
Apples $l5O to $3 a bbl,beans $2 10,
yellow beeswax 32 to 33, cabbage 5 to 7;
celery 15 to 25 a doz., chestnuts $3 00 to
$3.50 a bn.sbellbarkg 1 25 to 1.50, cider
5 50 to 6 i»0 a bbl., goose feathers 46 to 60
mixed feathers 25 and 35, quail 1.50 a dox ,
pheai-ant* $6 a doz., rabbit* 30 cts apr ,
i-qurrels 1.50 a doz , onions 75 to 80 a bu .
thickens 30 to 60 a pair, «« to rixe, duck
50 to 60 a pr.. g«e»e 1 to 1.25 a pr., turkeys
10 ctr; dressed spring chicken 13 to 14.duck
13 to 14. geese 9 to 10, turkey 15 to 16.
Turnips 1.75 a bll., tallow 4<\
At Herr's Island, Monday, mixed stock
sold at 2i to 3J, dry cows and balls 1 to
2i, fresh cows $25 to $45. Veal calves
retailed at 6 to 6t, heavy grass calves at 2$
to 3j, sheep sold at from 3to 4ftb lambi
at 4 to s}. cornfed bogs at 6 to 6 15, and
common hogs at 5 to sj.
— Od December Ist we begin to
iDvoice and want to reduce oar stock
all we can before that time, there
fore will make special low prices in
blankets, robes, harness and every
thing we have Martincourt & Co.,
128 East Jefferson, street Bailer.
—Children's Trankß
Children's Bureaus.
Children's Chairs
Children's Wooden Bedsteads.
Children's Wooden Tables.
Children's Wooder Rockers a',
J.F. T Stkble's
Are known to be good at figures and
they have all figared oat the fact that
they can alwaj a receive more valae
for the money at Kuter & Ralston's
than at any competing establishment.
Best place to bay Table Lineal,
Napkins and Towels at
L. tiTim A Bow's.
50c. 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c.
We have reduced prices on all our
our Ladies liata. All the $1.50.
$1 25 and $1 00 quality. Felt Hats
now only 50c at
Lot is Traxlir'S
Attention, Students!
Winter term of the Prospect Acad
emy opens Nov. 29. No better place
in Butter Co. to go to school; terms
reasonable, and instruction thorough
For catalogue and particulars, ad
F W. Ma«ike, Principal.
Prospect, Pa.
The Teachers Will Institute
A search for bargains and the result
wilt be that they will make their pur
chases of dress goods, wraps and
millinery at
West Sunbury Academy.
The winter term ol the Academy
opens Tuesday, Nov. 29. Seven
courses of study are open to the stu
dent's choice. Ancient and Modern
Classical.Scieulific.Noimal, Business,
and two Musical Courses. Expenses
very low. For information address
F. E. Knucu, Principal.
West Sunbury, Pa.
McCollough Superintendent.
The teachers May Coll a great bar
gain by calling at
Rittbk & Ralston's.
—Attend the Slate Normal School
at Slippery Rock, Butler Co., Pa
Best advantage* in Music, Methods,
Form Study aud Drawing, etc. Ex
pensett only S4O for 12 weeks. Be
gins Jan. 3, 1893.
Aldkht E. .Maltby, Ph. D.,
f Boy Wanted.
A boy wanted to learn the baker
trade, about IT years of age, mast
come well recommended.
Apply at J. A. Richey's Bakery,
142 S. Main St. Butler, Pa
For Sale.
Nice Garden Farm near Borough
line Inquire at Butler Citizen < ffice.
—Hotel Waverly. best house in
The Teachers' Institute.
The 28th annual session of the Butler
nnnntj and Butler borough Teachers' IB"
citnte will meet in Butler next Monday
week, December sth, at 10:30 a* m , in
Armory Opera House.
Heretofore there have been complaint*
regarding a lack of seaU, particularl/ at
the evening entertainments, and this will be
remedied by holding the sessions and eve
ning entertainments in the Opera House,
which seats eight hundred people.
The instructors for this year are Henry
Houck, Dept'y State Supt; Prof. Winship,
of Boston; Prof. Hoosell, of New York,and
Prof. Murphy, of Slipperyrock.
The evening entertainments will be
••Sunshine" by Dr. Willitts, Butler's old
favorite, for Monday evening; 'The Old
and the New," by Hon Henry Houck, for
Tuesday evening; Concert by the Schnman
La<ly Quartette, for Wednesday; and "The
Golden Calf by Dr. Hensen, tor Thursday
evening. The prices of admission will be
25, 35 and 50 cent* for single,or $1.00,51 25
and sl.sofor course tickets.
00 Notes.
The oil market c!osed Monday at 53t-
Tuesday at 52+, Wednesday at 535.
Guckert <t Steele are drilling a number
of wcl's in 100 foot territory.
J. D. McFarland t Co. have completed
a 20 bbl. well on the Leisey farm, Muddy
creek district;and Patterson 4 Lock wood's
well on the Snyder is rated at 50 bbls.
The Park Oil Co. will drill on the Pulton,
Brownsdale field; and Kelly A Co. are
building a rig on the Heckert.
Love's Young Dream.
How swiftly trouble follows in the wake
of bliss !
On Tuesday of week before last. Mr.
Oliver Hodges of Katrona and a woman
who gave her name and address ao Mrs
Annie Richards of New Phil'a, 0., came
to Butler and secured a marriage license;
fnd saved the three-dollar marriage fee
by marrying themselves.
On Tuesday of this week Mr. Benj.
Davidson, of Tarentum, came to Butler,
and made information before McAboy
against the happy couple for bigamy; and
after securing the proper warrants, left
town for Leechburg, where, ha said, they
bad located.
He says the woman's maiden name wa*
Mary A. Rowley and that he and she were
married by an Alderman, in Pittsburg, on
the 22d of March last; that she U well
known abont Freeport; also that young
Hodges is not an innocent party a* his
mother told him he was going with a
married woman.
Winter Tours to California, Florida, and
Other Points of Interest.
Some idea of the amount, ol traveling
dona by Americans as a people, and tbe
comfort and luxury at their command, is
gathered frem tbe Pennsylvania Railroad
Company's announcement of iu personal
ly-conducted tours for 1893.
First comes a series to tbe Golden Gate,
starting from New York, Philadelphia,and
Harrisburg. February Bth, March 2d, and
March 29th, 1893. Tourists will travel by
superbly appointed special trains of Pull
man drawing-room sleeping, dining, smok
ing, and observation oars, nnder the super
vision of a Tourist Agent and Chaperon.
Next in importance comes a series of
five to Florida—January 31st, February
14th and 28th, March 14 and 28th. Tbe
first fonr admit of two whole weeks in the
sunny South, while tickets for the fifth
tour are good to return by regular trains
until May 30tb, 1893
They will be conducted on the same
general principles, and maintained at that
high standard manifested on all Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company's personally-con
ducted tours. For information and detail
ed itneraries now being prepared, apply to
Ticket Agents or Tourist Agents. 849
Broadway, New York; 860 Fulton Street,
Brooklyn; or 233 South Fourth Street,
Lovely Millinery!
T : mmd bats $1.50, $2 50, $3.50,
$4 50
Latest novelties io shape* sod
trimmings. Orders promptly filled.
113 to 117 South Main St.
Do School Directors Direct?
If they do sod bsre the interests
of the teachers at heart, which we
suppose they have, they will Direct
them to go Ritter & Ralston's and
porchase their wraps, their bats and
dress goods, sod have tbe two last
trimmed snd msde to order in first
class style and on a par, so fsr as
prices sre concerned, with oar low
percentage of profit charged to all
customers in oar Different Depart
—Boy's Carts and Wagons.
Toys that never oat-stay their
Welcome with the Boys at
New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords,
Henriettas and Fine Dress Goods at
—Money to loan—lnquire of F
S Purviance, Iluselton block, cor.
Main and Diamond.Butler Pa
—M. F. k M. Marks' bsre received
tbeir stock of Fall and Winter under
wear for ladies, Misses and children.
Unien under garments, a specialty.
Doable Blackboards, Secretaries
Desks, Eureka Baby Jumpers and
Swings for sale at
—Pure linen bemstichsd hsndk'fs
$1 50 per doc at
M. F. k M. MARKS '
—On December Ist we begin to
invoice and want to reduce oar stock
all we can before that time, there
fore will make special low prices in
blankets robes, harness and every
thing we have Martincoart h Co..
128 East Jefferson street, Butler.
—Fine embroidered handk'f'B $2.75
per dozen at
M. F. k M MABKO '
Don't forget as on Hosiery and
Gloves, we always have tbe best at
lowest prices
Very low prices on Fine Umbrel
las at
—Alwsy stop at tbe Hotel Waver
ly when in Butler.
$lO 00. $lO 00 $lO 00. SIO.OO.
For Ladies Seal Plush Jackets,
worth sls 000. We can sell you
Cloaks cheaper than any store in
Ladies and Misses' Cloaks in great
variety at lowest prices at
—Silk mittens only 50c at
M F. k M MARKS '
Do Not Forget
That by simply snnouncing tbe fact
that you are a teacher and giving tbe
name of your school district, school
building and No. of the room you
teach you will discover something
extremely advantageous to yourself
and which in future affects will very
likely permeate all ages and classes
under yoar personal control.
Pianos Upright Pianos,
Metallophones, Organs,
At cordeons, Concertinas,
Musical Boxes, Mouth Organs ol
all kinds at J. F. T. STXHLE'S
German K nittirig \ar, H|snish
and Saxony Yarcs at
h, STUN A Bra's.
Mrs. Klnffer, a daughter of Leo is White
of Washington, wa* the guest ol the fam*
ily of her nncle T. B. White, last week. J
A son of D. H. Sbira. of Waalungvn
twp..is down with typhoid, and also Harry
Piferof some vicinity.
Adam Miller, lately of Batler township,
has removed to Rochester. Pa.
Two children of J. X. Grossman, of
Cherry twp., are down with typhoid.
Martin McCandless »t Idaho is visiting
his relatives here. He left Butler for the
West forty year* ago, and this is his first
visit to his native county.
Jeff. Morrison of Renfrew, has moved to
BnUer. ijflg
Jno. Kaltenbangh Jr. of Renfrew, is re
covering from typhoid fever.
A daughter of I. F. Davis of Faimew, is
seriously ill.
Capt Fleeger will make the address of
welcome at the coming Teacher* In*tituta
and Jno. H. Wilson the response.
W. H. Davis and family have moved to
El wood.
Dr. L. M. Reinsel has removed to Petro
Dr. C. W. Seidel of Harrisville was in
Butler. Tuesday. The Dr. has purchased
property in Harrirville. and as he is a re
liable puysician he is rapidly securing
a large practice there.
Jos. F. Campbell, Ex-Co. Treasurer is
now located in Fairview twp.
Calvin Cook, wifo and daughter visited
relatives in Emlenton last week.
*- Mrs. S. D. Miller Jr., of W. Pearl St..
handsomely entertained a large number of
her friends, Tuesday evening
Administrators and Executors of estates
can secure their receipt books at the CtTi-
ZEH office.
Administrator's Notice.
Whereas letters of adminUtratioa were this
day granted by the Register In an 1 for the
County of Butler. Penn'a. to the undersigned on
thee*tateot Itertd St mm >ns. late of Franklin
tap.. Butler «'o.. Pa., • ee'd. alt persons know
Ing themselves Indebted to said e-rttte are
requestrd to make tmmedtate payment ml
u.uae having claims against (he same «IU
please present them properly authenticated for
settlement to ths uudenigned.
THOU** UatxowiY.
K. McJunkln. Prospect. Penn'a.
Atfy. Oct. 24. 1892.
Executors' Notice.
Letter* testamentiiry li. the ettate of Louisa
Snyder, deed, late of Brad) twp.. Bu'ier Co..
Pa., hav ing been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to Srfld estate will please make
immediate payment. and any having
cUinu agalst the same will preseut them duly
authenticated for settlement to
McCaodlea* P. 0., or
West Liberty P. 0..
butler CO.. Pa..
W. D. Brandon. Att'y. Executors.
Orphans* Court Sals.
By virtue of an order and decree of the
Orphana' Court of Butl -r county, Penn'a.!, the
undersigned administrator or the estate of
Isaac U 1;loway. late of Connoquenesalng twp..
said county and state, win offer fur *ale at
public vendue on the premlaes. on
A. D . 1592. at 1 o'clock p. m., of said day. 170
IV res of land, more or less, sltualr lo the lown
sblp.eounty and State alortAaid.hounded on the
north by lands ot Ebenezer l>odds and N. Slupe.
on the east by lacda of McDonald helm, on
tbe south by lands of Thos. Uklloway.aud
bounded by IAOOS of Jobn Uerkert and Samtirl
liempblll; about 120 acres cleared and cultivat
ed baiance woodland; brlrk dwwiin* HOU*
and frame bank bam. outbuildings and good
orchard thereon; well watered and lo all re
spects a valuable tract of land.
TKKMrt OK SALE . -One-third of the pur
c i>aae money to t»- paid on confirmation of sale
and the balance tn two equal annual payments
thereafter wltn interest trom said confirmation
to be secured by bond, or bond and mortgage.
Title Rood.
Adm'r of Isaac tialloway.dec'd.,
E. McJunkln. AW'y. Prospect. Pa.
Petition for Divorce.
Wm. Dim mock vs )A. D., No. 8. Dec. T..
Margaret M. Dlmmock.f I*B2.
Kept. 29th. 1*0». It being- made to appear tbat
the subpoena and Alias Subpoena have been
returned by the Sheriff N. E. 1. and motion of
J. T. Donly. att'y. for libelant, the Court direct
publication to be made areordlng to law. nnd
rules of Court, and appoiut J. B. McJunkln
Esq.. as a commissioner to lake testimony
Br 1 us cocwr.
WM. M. BROWN. Sheriff.
Administratrix' Notice-
Letters of administration, C. T. A , hav
ing been granted to the nnderxigned on
tbe estate ot JohD Kicbardnon, late of COD
noqnenensing twp., Butler Co., i'a., all
persons knowning themßelve* indebted to
xaid estate are reqnested to make Im
mediate payment, and all having claim*
againat tbe same will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
Connoqnenesxing P. O ,
J. D. McJankin. Batler Co., Pa
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration on tbe extate
of James T. Englixh, dee'd. late of Frank
lin twp , Butler Co., Pa , having been
granted to tbe undersigned all perxonn
knowing themselves indebted to said
entate will pleaxe mako immediate pay
ment, and any having claims against xaid
estate will present them duly authenticat
ed for settlement to
W. F. ESULIRB, / Adm'r*.
Prospect, Pa.
—♦♦• Little Expense in our Underwear.***
Children's underwear from 15c. to 75c.
lilies' heavy cotton veals c<s Vtc.
'• " " drawer* (ai 2jc.
" extra fine cotton vests 50 and 75.
" " " •• drawer* 50 and 78.
Natnal wool veata 54c, -nd $1 V>.
" '* drawers 50c, SI.OO and $125.
Warners' Health underwear in two piece
and onion *oito.
M. F. & M. Marks'.
Planing Mill
Lumber Yar<l
i. L. PU KVIB. L. O. rUVVUv
S. 6. Purvis & Co.
Rough and Planed Lumber
or EVCttY'UKriCKirriON,
Bu tier, Pa.
L. c- WICK:
Rough and Worked Lumber
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always In Stock.;
Office opposite P. A W. Depot,
Insurance and Real Estate Ag'l
The Besst Ijs
mnnt to «/ jrwa aft
tick The physician «-
pects result! and liu can
only be obtained Kbeu part
drutft are rii*]>enstd. Pu
rity cart and accuracy i<
every department of tern*
bunnett. Only reyutrrrd
pharmacists art employed
and personal tupemsiom
tpren to er try detail. Wt
endearrrr to ktep every
thing that it inquired for,
if tet do not hart tchaf
your prtscrtptfn call* for
wt «rt U tell you to ami do
our bttt to yet •' for you
at the earliest possible
time. Xo matter rhat it
needed for tht tick room
come to our store. Our
prices are at low at con
sittent tctth pure goods.
Inferior ones ire do not
eare to handle at any
price, rhyriciant pre
scriptions and family re
cap ts a specialty.
C. N. BOYD, Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
CAPITAL r*u r». . . *I.M
Wnooso !
Jcs. Harrmir Prcvt.
J. V. Rltts. Vice frwt C. A Ralley. taah<-
Jos. Hartman. C. p. Oimtos. «. SI R>m..
H. Kcuwwofy. C. D. J. V. Km*
*. K. Ahram«. Lmlte Hazlert, I<; s-altn.
W. S. Waldron. M r Inr««r,
A ifeneral banking hiisinmw tran-iA.fl la
pnl<l on time aeputtlt*. Money loaned on I
approve*. security.
Foreign exchange tk>u*ht and soi<L
NORTH A MERICA, 100 th Year
Assets $9,378,330.00.
Home of New York,
Assets $9,370,640.00.
Hartford of Hartford,
Assets $4,743,046.84^1
Continental of New York,
Assets $5,806,784.91.
Assets $135,947.390.81 .
Office of
Office in HL'SELTON BI'ILDING, naxt
to the Court House.
Trains leave tkr Weet Peon d*pi/l at fool
east Jefferson St. aa follows:
8:15 a. m.—Market—arrives at Allegheny at
8:40 and 9:13 p. m.
*-.40 a. ra.—Expreaa arrive# at Allegheny
at 10:30 a. m.
11:00 a. m. —Accomodation -arrives at Alle
gheny at 1:24 p. m.
2:45 p. m—Accomodation—arrives at A Ile
al 4:44 p. ra
5:00p in.—Exprew —arrives at Allegheny at
A llegheny at »>:** p. ra.
The 6:20 a. ra. tram and 2:43 p. ■>. train*
connect at Butler Junction with train* Kaet
to Blairsville Intersection, wb>*re coajeetuw
is made witft the Day Exprew and Pbiiad'a
Exprem going Ka»t
Train* arrive at Butler at and 10:3 ". a.
m and 1:30, .S:00 and 7: *) p. m , leaeinir Vl
legheny at 5:55. *:.io an<* 10:40 a. ui a»ul* 'ls
15 and S;10 p. m
p. A ar. a. K.
Trains leave the P. A W depot near C*n
tre Ave., .Hoathaide. Kntier time, an foil**
going snath:
1:00 a. m.—Allegheny Accomodation.
#:lo—Allegheny and Akroa Kipreai rum
on Buaday to Allegheny, and connect*
daily to New Castle.
10:20 a. m.— Allegheny Accomodation.
2:50 p. m. Allvheny Expnrw.
3:30 p. aa.—Chicago ExpreM, runs on Sua
5:55 p. m.—Allegheny aad Zelienople Mail
Knna oa Handav to Allegheny aloae.
On Sunday aione, at 11:15 a. a> ,Allegheny
Going North—lo:os a. m. Rmlfbnl Mail.
5:00 p. m —Clarion A corn.
7:25 p.m. —Foxbarg Aeeom.
<)n Hundsv a train lea»i for Callery at
11:15 a. ra. No Sunday trains oaths narrow
The 3:20 p. m. train South connect* at Cal
lery with the Chicago eipree*. winch ruaa
daily and is equipped with the Pullaian buf
fet ami sleeping roaches.
Trains for Hntler leave Allegheay at
8:10 and I0;3o a. m , city time, and 3 (iO, 5-.Z*»
and li 15 p. m. On Sunday at 8:10 a. m. and
3:00 p. m
Trains arrive at Butler at t.l) and 9: » a.
m. and ll:V>. 4:45, 7:20 an-l *3O p. a. i«s
<lay at 10:20 and 6:10.
P!TT>»BCE'I , Nil K*AKMO A LA(I ■ *!■ ». •
Train* leave th« P A W .Icpot, Roller
lime, m fallow*:
5:30 a. m. to Erie, arriving there at 10:15
* m.
10.30 a. m. to Erie, arriving there at 3:10
p m., Buffalo at 6:45 p. m.
5:<«0 p. m. to Grceuviile. arriving there «■
7:25 p. m.
A train anivee from firrenville M 10-U6 a
in with tnroogh car to A llegt'ii j ov.-r the
P. A W; fine »i 2;tH p. m. from Erie which
connect* with both ro»U U> Allegheny, awl
one at MO p. m from Erie.
Train* leave Milliard* at ami 11 1 • a
in. plow time and connect i«r liuiler. aaxi the
5:00 p. ni. train from Hatler connect* for
Milliard (.
The *:WI a. m. and 3p. m train* on tmUi
roml* in Allegheny connect with traiae on
the P. 8. A L. E. at Hatler.
-o:o- IT IS A
FITTING. -o:o-
Handsome Fabrics fur
The Imperial PurchaslnK Co.,
130S filbert Kt. I'hila.. Pa. buy* everything
wholesale ai d wait. Mirror* piano. org.a
and tuueiral instrument* «.rent ear- in the
■electiuo of *nitable prreente. I hargr* no
Comiuiaatoo*. Sample* aul eeUmale* sent
\ | Our line of Fall and Winter Clothing
4 Is Complete.
j i*triTd,
Best in make, Perfect in irt,
Our fine selection of dotkiaf for men. boys and children
U - is by far the m .st elegant we have cv*-r *hc»- t< the people of
. Butler and vicinity. We arc bound to beep ap our reputatiua
for fine clothing, and we assure y«>u it is to your interest to see
js it you u.int a fine s. t ovcroa: be*->r- v u purchase
Mothers, don t forget the boys We have everything in
the line of boy*' clothing, at lowest possible pc-ces
1 isnrami.
S. Main St., - Butler, Pa.
Great Sacrifice Sale
Oar counters, tables sod sbelres ar* orer: *>lel i*d l>if M to mm
Id order to aeeoaiplieh this we bar* a. J- a gresr umlwia the pras
on all men*. boys and children* oit- as i ce»rr>»aafc
W * moat tarn th»*se good* into ® -m** b* IW t«« Cmmm sear
the assortment is complete This ts pceiuve'y % ea-h sals so goads eb«n«l
st theee price.
For the want of space we can only ihm t m \ (bar V iW Tiatgaias
35 mens doable breasted *aiu at 15.00 worth |T M
2S mens aiagts breasted suit* at - -- <54 " )M
42 meoa overcoat* at -
24 mens overcoat* at - - - - 550 * IN
19 boya salts, sites 12 to 19. at - - - ! W - 3,75
29 boys *ait*. stse* 12 to 19. at - X*# - SIM
2* boys overcoata, aisea 12 to 19. at - - 175 •• IN
17 boas overcoats. sia>s 12 tJ 19. at - - 2.75 ** 4M
39 ehildreoa suits, sisea 4to 12. at - - - 125 ** 1M
43 children* aaita. aisea 4to 14. at - - ITS • 275
27 children* cape overcoat*. •»»»• 4t012 at - 1.25 ~ t M
29 children* cape overcoats. stse* 4 toll a' - 2L«N» ** !.«•
One Price Clothiers.
Bat.er C<watv Onss 9dC4 tot
Democrats aad Republicans endorse his ar: •.»«*. TW ps spin's Party sad
Prohibiuooiet* join banda with a.,1 «raafclv artiwt* thai he Ma
and ia without doubt t*e Leading Shoe M»n is B«t*W Coast* aa anaaat of
the great eat ia prices >o tmHwmmr
Indies' fine don battoa sboe*. tip or s<aia. 11 aad II 25.
" •* grain battoa aboea 90e. 91 and Si 25
winter aboea, warn lined ft aa«t 91 2ft.
" serge gaiters, far or piaia. 5# and Mt
'* everyday slipper, lacs or gwa. 54c
** brusael slippers, aises 4la 9, 2>c
" velvet slipper* iae 56e.
" waterproof sboaa. 75a, 91 aed 91 15-
MiaeeV rood grata battoa aboea Me sad 91
Children's calf and oil grain ehosa. htrh ra«. 91
" irrai n aboea. heel or sprioc. #«> »5e
" don battoa -hoes. 50e, 75e a«d 21
Infant.* fine ahoee, 25c. 35e aad 54c
One lot of men's boots that I will Hoe* at |l 50.
** " ei.ra high boots bw fl.
** •* fine call boots for 92.
" *• heed-pegged boot a f>>r #2 -VI.
" boya' atena boota, 4 aad b, 91
*• stogs boou. tap aoJe. 9l ->"
M n's fine sboee. ia battoa. laee or c-aaeei-e, 91 Ift •» 91 *• fl 75 aad
92 llors' and yoathe' bi«h rat erbo« i«»» ia batsa ar leas 51. 91 25
and 91 54).
Whsn Ysu Want S:k::l ah:ss 7rj Erckal'a.
For boya aad girla oar lias of arbn 4 aboes wee a.*er hmt'mt Tba
children muat bare good waterproof «boee fo* school aad »a haea 'lts <a
greet variety Look them oeer k»for» Toa has
We Challenge the World on Rubbers
Men'a rubber hoot*, let quality |2 25. Rubber Sassa ¥ae»e t:a4 are
not cheap at 92 2f>. bat arbea »'>o ceo gat Bnetas. Lfasaatag. • ■adaa ar
Woonsocket at 92 25 witb • pair af .|»ppe« thro-ert ia tksy are eery ebeap
See that the name of one of the ab>>re menu «n*d aaek.*e are a'aaaped aa
bottom ami pat tbem at 9i 25 aritb alipper* aad y«Mt are all r*gbt Doa't
b«iy 2d <|aalitf boots; tbey are dear at mr*y pr"» They are mads af aM
rubbera and coal tar
lad tea' rubber boota. let t|tja>i*y, 91 20.
Mieeee - I »0
Boya' " » SO
Yoathe* - I 10
All kind* of robber good* reduced Fefe b-e»»s wis ®eara 92 jas <mr
felt boot*; the? are the beat made, wita g»»>«l beaef oeera Pnss «ialy fl.
Boots and Shoes Made to Opdw
HepairlnK Dona Dsy Hecaiasd.
Leather and Findings. Placasruitt) a aprons, ate.
No. 128 South Main StraeJ But lor, P».
What We Want
is more room and more money.
What You Want
» wall pap*r. »« l»«"«
In t>r>Ur t» "m«Jif* hot* n* •"! • J,t
yirir- >->«h "t *• !»«»•
rr.tur.-l , r "n w»ll »o«M
in* »tr.. »o Ibt tnch
tI.M !»&'>—?j *»»»
NO •* •" «►- «5 **
n ~ -»-« "*
S« - - J&-JJ "
«, - * -
30 *• •* »» SS "
25 ~ »
Gill p«|*r> on wblla (>*i«r *'<** «•!••••
1> for 'lodil^Mt
<4prci«l prww« «• rxinn
■JO pvr r»»t ■>• Ntrm»r pru* on r><M
tar»iMia«* w P" r»-«l •»# "• .ha.m
W» !»•»• » l»» •** I"* •*"'
Imm b*'l giwJi Uftow •»■<* •• •»» "II
it n»«€.
thtM •• «r» •• »•'»«"•«. tf »«* «*» r™*» »•"
(«■»- *■<• •« <"* y«»«*i'
J. E Douglass,
I ri«( rv -r~m tt»B>iwr V« iHp< w
■fm pmt~* bMt WNrSeiAet «tf , '• * INMt
l " f* r«>« r»»*ri r»"*nt.
fmi !•» s> - ar.., >■»•-. mmt " ■* tftm
IUMI rati* >; MM x'.f » •■■to. *d> kv mm
T- «i via trtat «■»
1 xftlN » __
|:i»1 rneum
.*■» Wii m, 'm —t. awat «
[ <*JNf '■' "I'T.lJ', W w—» i i IS .2MF
l fa »« ■•» «r*f> •»"■* «#•». -m ■»
I ■ tti Tm>it T« • - ">*J r«kM rmm I«w«
I t rn - W <I«M *»•«< I. Mt, —» r
utf . «• uf >n» ir i .mrtrfty "' j —ii
.-»■*« ...4 M »*!M •* ,I»hiiiM at
> f»«th ■»»* '»►» '•Hirtar JiW M « J.f r«ar»
:*» -■«.. w ..It* .(T-r m «M» «w*
Mall 'a DMftl x «a»i onfvn .at T*»H
i fca »*«•■» i»
i- i \ '• .ri < *»» ««%.
3:re«t Uvary.
On* «)un «nr«t of I«m Sl. «a
Ht AU f ->d, •»*
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