FOR SIXTY DAYS. WE NEED MONEY, YOU NEED SHOES, And for tb« next 60 day» *• will fieat redoetioM on all toe good* LOOK! ST &50 Md two to $4.00, all $3.50 aod $4 00 go M$3.J5 «d Ac, remember the«e are oer best iooda, Btroog A Carrel 1, H°w«rd 4 Ftntw'f, and Eddy ft Webster's. We want money and moat haTe it there foie thia great saerifiee. ROBINS BROS., a E. Corner of Diamond. - - Bntler, Pa. H SETS PEOPLE TALKING! A person who can't holler when they have a good thing is either deficient in wind or wisdom. Vogeley & Bancroft, Lift up their voice to announce that they expect every one to do their duty and come and inspect our new stock of Fall and Winter HOOTS & SHOES, Slippers, Rubbers, etc. Itfa a good thing end we went yon to know it, take onr word joßt enough to come end see the goods. That's all we ask. There can be no risk In feeing what we're got—there's positive loss in not doing so. The peo ple are talking about our Good Goods and Low Prices. VOGELEY AND BANCROFT. Now Comes The Cold And stormy eeaeon of the year when warm substantial footwear is a matter of gieat importance to erery man, woman aod child. Tbe wise buy their footwear early and are prepared to meet bad weather when it comes. Now is tbe time to get the beet and get it cheap from onr grand new stock. - H CT SELTON'S Stock la drawing the crowd. The close cash buyer goee there. Tbe poor man goes there because he gets 100 cents for hit dollar, no two pairs to buy, he says, to get through tbe winter. The Lady and Gent that want the lateet styles in fine ehoee are sure to go to HDBELTON*B. Our goods are all booght direct from the rery best manufacturers and a wont find any old auction job or sample lots in this stock. Our cbil 's bright and oil grain shoes at 50, 75 and SI.OO. Veal calf and kip at 60, 15 and SI.OO are warranted the best in tbe market and at 30 per cent lower than elsewhere. Lediee' fine button shoee 85 cts and sl.oo;fine Don. button $1.25,51.50, SIOO and $3.50, cloth tope $1.35 and $3.00, We will assist you in making your selection and see that you get more value for your dollar than yon will get elsewhere. Ladies' bet ry shoee serviceable at 86 cts and SI.OO. " kip, calf veal and glove grain at SI.OO and $1.35. " good grain lace and button at T5 cts and SI.OO. " slippers at 35 and 50. " fine Don. in welts, tip and plain $3.00 and $3.00. We are now eelling boy'e heavy boots at 1.35, 1.50 and 2 00. Men's heavy boots at 1.50,1.75, 3 00 and 2.50. Men s good calf boots 2.00 and 3.50. Hand made kip box toe at 3.00 and,extra high leg box toe 3.35 and 3.50. Ladies' warm shoes flannel lined at 75 cts, 1 00 and 1.35. The largest and beet line rubber goods in Butler, Men's at 3.00 with ■Uppers. WE T/KAD IN PELT BOOTS. Theee goods bought from tbe best manufacturers. Our price with good rubbers $1.90. Come and see us and save your money. B. C. HUSELTON. M. ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., - - - - Pittsburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Market. . J. SPECK. WM. H. HOLMES TBI LEADING WHOLESALE WISE ATS LIQEOK HOUSE OP WKSRB* PKSKfIYLVAXIA, Tli© Wm, H. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy* PURE RYE WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. SZEISriD FOB PRICE T ,TPTT , Telepbon No. 305. 120 Water St. and 158 Fir stAve., Pittsbuigh Pa '5755°5250 M °2™£ J™?. 1 THE WORLD'S COLOIBIM EXPOSITION ILLUSTRATED An Authentic, illustrated, Historical Encyelepetfla ef the 6rest Exposition of 1804. «Thls grand wort will be compoood of five volumes, large quarto, nearly MOO Dasee. about lUlnatratlon*. boantiful and exqulmto, ami will treat or over 3,000 subjects oonnected with ExportUon. ltao>mpi<it* [ugra f >rm the only complete aod Aathntlc Historical J*®°rd of "Tr* 1 , * r " r * Km,r of 18UU. The eiecatioo of the work bee been «doreed br the National Commlselou and higboet omciale of the WmU. It ie printed on crem-ttnt of tbe most bountiful and cowtly kind, and the illustrations ar» in rich half-tone cesser, plate, the most exponslvesnd iKdeatlSc proc<*«* known. Ate LA *• —ITIM n»lala«vcry important fcataner ike Wwrld'e Calnklaa - ---- - * CialMc to oil tile dfartinrnto and All tht SttrMllMtt iitatevahia 7% »"* the Kxposltlon, as It will bo?h" "IT."ldTrt?r vi 1* "".b>banded down to dlons Vi tbanxt beauttfol and reliable klrlm-r n7tfla bporiUoo. It will contiln Photerrsjaic la beautiful half-tone, of UteßbUtAMle, Italltflaxv, Attrmcflow. Dn:eT Ti-It'if* frrna h.nn» and abroad, aod in It will be tomui Photouraplu and gardlra* or eo*t. and aea *uri of art al :e It M.i ads wlthoat a peer * Psrtanr npoo fortaa* will br nviile by laAaalrleasnMs. Eurfnrivetar. rltory; liberal commlssioo; no cipital roouirod. took slvtv J..,]*.i_ Ti_TT" profit, ISO. Address for territory and tenuJ. J. fl"al3s?r * Adameßt, CHICAOO, ILL. 4/\ PER CENT. lU first Mar^ageLsans No tax. oommlalon or fee*. Interest payable eeml-aannally by New York draft. Perfect se curity Highest reference. CIAS. f. BEIO. Fiirtini. Wufcißgtw. Nothing On Earth Will f/lAKi; HENS LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Preventa all Diaease. Good for Moulting Urn*. SSJWS If foa mU get II «fl«4 to os. Vf mail one park »c A *l-4 lb can Mrs. mOO cxprt-w paid Pmdtry Raising Guide* price ft, rint9. frn« with fi.<» orders "rmorc. Sample eopy Tin RMT PDCUIT I'aTwm. sent free. LB. JOHNSON A CO .VtCxuUxm House St.,Bostoo,Ma*. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Hnmpbrrvt' are scientifically and carefully |«*pared owd for yean Is private praetto- and for over thirty (mn by the people with entire success. Every single Spoclflc especial rare for tbe disease named. Tr»y core wlthoat rtmggtufr. purlins or reducing the miem and are In fact ana deed the Piovrrelsn Remedies of the World. UiT or rtnariL *oi cr**». rnaa l-Frrrrn. Congestions, Inflammati< ns.. .'ii It—Worm., Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .43 5— I Teething; Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .35 4-Oic.rrbea, of Children or Adalu .23 y_t'oaghn. Colds, Bronchitis .43 B—Neuralgia. Toothache. Facemche JS o—Headache*. Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .US 10-I>}iPcpsU. Biliousness. Constipation .45 11—Snpprr.ird or Painful Periods. .'AS li-AVblim, Too Profuse Periods 45 13—( roup. Laryngitis. noersencta 45 14—Salt Rheum, F.rvalpelis, Eruptions .45 15—Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains .... .45 IC-Halarta, Chills, Fever and Ague .45 17— Piles, Blind or Bleeding .45 ID—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Bead. .45 M-tnoepiuCufk 45 37— Kidney Diseases 45 48—Nerraaa Debility SO—L'rlnary Weakneee, Wetting Bed.. .45 SoM V» PrxcWa, or wst po«tp«ld so r**tp« of prtca. Da. anmm 1 Hum lap*"- luiorm gngHiw mks. CO.. ill >lll wua.- m.. *«.T»*. SPECIFICS. mUiko •zaalU«t 3** fcftar Ukiaf th« first dee*. Ell Vr dealer* mrywhen, Urt* bottUa, M SbLm4*U». nil CO iitHlNfi PILES | IL tw AMOLOTBI/r CCRI3. OINTMENT BSBbßbliw *l£rsacU Preperef by Da fwim* PhuSrti^S Ik'*?**? V : » f%sc> ; Hti aft ii fc Ka 2r* rji3> Rad X£A*OtJLH?SIT> SfirT* It 5 J e? ?«> «*d®ird, F.^et Pil IWfU'i i.ih/Srii'ftvt ir. Ofaor Yc. »ir VilVOlMi •Wlit I 7«« *.■> »»:•»•-» ' r2i>£v»>i'«f tf» ds^MAPAimriy Hiitottt; fiCHZ iSP-. 'iKlf-kriSt* !»»a-. Mmtmlilj t* .nil9' 3 :*«'u 11 . »».«/!,.. rr *f »>•: P— r-nl. a'.- 4 , rr.rr- a («>-.s.»<* . f.- cuss rr Cc»CAu cc.« «. / 4 DOCTOR J. B. HOBENSACK'S MEDICAL OFFICES, 906 IT. BECOSU ST , JPhiladelp-.ia, Vn Are the oldest in America for lbs treatment ol Special Diseases & Youthful Errors, Blood Poison, Nervous r»«;oi■r'c-» F.u«- a»sss2s>® a;i&i&ts tare, permanently rurc l l v •.•••■ c, v .| m-;».<>.!s witboat detention f.'om I n >i. ( Ilv t'«'» mcceaa Is duo to hN ilf-lr. < . inorktirc and study; to the pure rein. .:i< sun.d and tOlMtbomugh examination an • watchful at tention given patients during m-itintnt. A¥) 7®**; •RAbliihmentiiO!irjsTiarantet of succese. Tiealmeat by Hail « Hprrlalty. Ofßea boars. •A. m., to It. u., ti to ap. * All 4n Shttmtajr till •p. M. fundajn 10 to 12 a M 7* ,l> * ,u "» '•* Book. (Copytigbted.) •_ "MOTHERS' FRIEND" MKES CHRP BIRTH EUSY. Col Tin, Dec. 2, 188 a.—My wife used KOTEXB'B mZND before her thlro eonflneiaeat, and aaya mho would act be without It for hundreds of dollar*. SOCK MELL2. Sent by einieie on receipt of price, fl M per bot tie. Book "To Mothers "mailed free. nmoULATOit 00., Wi uts ev HUMMMTI. ATLAMTA. OA For Sale by J. C. Redick. READ AND REMEMBER For strictly;pure and reliable .STRAIGHT LIQUORS, call on I. iv. FinrcH, 12 KXITHFIELD NT., PrmKl KIiH, PA.; (Opp. Moiiontrahela House.) Matchlebs for Family use and Medicinal pur poses au-e FINCH'S GOLDKN WKOIHNO, • All II Qt'CKENHEIMKK S \v HISK Y, , per qt. : OVEKHOLT'S WHIMKV, > 6 qts. DILLINGBK'S WHIHIvY, J for »5. Goods neatly peeked and promptly '.shipped Pur* OP Kiprvas on receipt of cash"or poet oOlce order. l»r~Noth lug expressed C. O. D. Send for Price List. . ROBERT LEWIN, Wholesale jWhiskey Merchant, and Importer of FINE WINES 8c LIQUORS. 135 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite B. & O. It. R. Depot. Headquarters for IIMH'S «OLUKK tVF.DIU.IU, lor medical and family use. 91.00 per ({I , or >1 (jts. for $.>.00. Finch's Uolden Wedding'. Doughertv, Gtick enhelmer. I.arge. tiibson. lirltlgeport, Mt. Ver non. Overboil, Efe. This Is the only bouse not rectifying In the city, then-fore our good* are warranted pure G<»ods securely p;irke<l and boxed without extra charge. C. O. D.snd mall orders receive prompt attention. Grandfathers' Choice S years old. fc.OO per gallon. Try us. TJIETOJimDMg ™ 0»n>«». > ■ M! C*lU* hinlnw; pima. MMRSMaiiuipiiaa. J*.", msrimi aea, f' 4 ?* I *, •'•y* P»» « I «23f* eMin. eBlo.■i?!L , !!!? ,vlll * K, • - THE CITIZEN MOAH'S ARK. It VH Voaad J art Wi«» tki FthlMik it. It was some 4re tkonnnd y«*n i|o whan Noah landed on the top of Mount Ararat in Armenia. Although he waa neither a ship-builder by trade, nor did he use ateel plate*, but built his vessel with wooden planks only, the ark was of such marvelous power for resistance that it has withstood the wear and tear of wind and weather all this time until this day. To this effect is th« informa tion conveyed to the world by the right reverend papal delegate to Malabar, archdeacon of Babylon, and Doctor of jMvlnity Joseph Nouri, in his report of his traveling adventure published in the most faithful Roman Catholic paper, Universe, at Paris. The report is re- Slete with minute circumstantial - evi ence of the fact that the learned doc tor has discovered the ark of Noah on the top of the Ararat. At a distance of one thousand feet from the top of the mountain, too small a distance to allow of a possibility of mistake, he saw with his naked eye a spot of a peculiar tint which, on closer inspection, wae found to look like a large veeeel, part of which stood out above the snow and was clearly visible. It wae above three hun dred feet long and one hundred feet high. In the center was a turret. The ■idee had openings like window*. The central part of the roof had been broken in by the snow. The doctor wae, he says, in a condition of wonder so inde scribable as to entirely overlook the fact that it would have been well to go nearer to the vessel and examine it more thoroughly. He says it was on April 35 last at two p. m. that he first saw that he stood face to face with the ark of Noah. WOMEN AS COMPOSERS. In All tta* Hl«h«r Efforts of Hind They Arm Far Inptrlor to Km. It might have been thought that if practice (fives perfection women would have excelled her male counterpart, not only as an executant, but aa a oompoeer of musio, declares the London Laneet. But in Instrumental performances she cannot for a moment compare with him, while as a composer she ie no where. The repertoire of music, from the dawn of the art to the present day, owes simply nothing to her. Consider ing the time she has spent over it, her failure to evolve new harmonies, or even new melodies, is one of the ex traordinary enigmas in the history of the fine arts. Where, in ancient times or in modern, can woman, with all her practice, bs found to have created one chef-d' aurre In music? The inference Implied by the negative answer to such a question Hems simply this: That in the higher efforts of mind —even In those where the admixture of an emotional element, as in music, might be supposed to five her the advantage—women is inferior to her male counterpart, and cannot, by any educational forcing system, be made equal to him, deficient as she is in the physiological conditions of ideo plaatic power. HOT BATHING. A JapaneM CutoA That Otho* People* \\oald Do Well to Copy. In hygienic matters the Japanese have everywhere a habit which may have a lesson for as. In their nightly bath and morning wash the water la never cold, sever warm, but always hot as it can be borne. To foreigners this habit seems very surprising, but the tnost inveterate Englishman, if he stays in the country long enough, abandons his cold tub in its favor. The cold talcing, says an English exchange, which it Is suspected must follow is not found to occur if the water has been hot enough. This heat is maintained by a little furnace beneath the bath. In the bath the bather or bathers take a prolonged snaking, the washing proper being done on the bath-room floor; then follows a second and final soaking, drying with towel, and a lounge in bathing wrapper. This habit teems to promote softness and supplo ness of the skin, and by persons in clined to rheumatism is soon found to be altogether preferable to the cold bath in every particular. The poorest of the Japanese hear of a cold bath with- amazement, and would be sure the man who used it must be a bar barian. DEADLY POISON IN ARROWS. Recent InTMtIKiUoM Go to Bh«w That It Coatalai Marshy Earth. M. Dantcc has examined and experi mented with the arrow poison used by the natives of the New Hebrides. He finds that it contains neither vegetable poison nor serpent virus, but consists of earth impregnated with vegetable mat ter taken from marshy places and con taining Pasteur's vibrion septique or bacillus of malignant oedema and also the bacillus of tetanus. If the arrows hare been kept a long time, sayi London Leaoct, or hare been much exposed to the sun, the vibrlon septique may hare been destroyed. The danger then is from tetanus. When the arrows hare been freehly prepared and the vibrion septlqne la still active, a wound from them causes death in a guinea pig from septicaemia in from twelve to fifteen hours; tetanus, which takes longer than that period of time to develop, does not under these circum stances show itself. It is interesting to remark that the horse is unknown in these islands, consequently the theory of the equine origin of tetanus would seem to be negatived by these re searches. Xtw t« the BUIUH. A West Washington young lady (My* the Post of that city), who has been married but a few weeks, had her first experience at "going to market" the other day. After she had succeeded in making several laughable blunders, as young wives are apt to, she approached m poultry dealer and asked the price of ohickens. Being told by the dealer, who also handed her a fine pair of live birds to examine, she quieted their flut tering aa beat she could, and then, ap plying her nose to them, and giving them an audible smell, said, in the moat innocent manner: "Are you sure they are freah, sir?'' It excels all others. She speaks from long experience. Mrs. S. T. Moore, Jer sey ville, 111 , writes: "I can truthfully sav that Dr. Bulls Cough Syrup excel* all other preparations of a like nature. We bare used it for over five years, and would not be without it. Hayti, next in point of time t<> the United States in declaring its independence of European rnle, will make a notable ex hibit at the World's Pair. It has never participated in any international exhibition and is ambitious to make its showing at Chicago a very creditable one. Agricul ture, forestry, minerals and a historical display will constitute the main features of its exhibit. C. A. Preston, the Haytian commissioner, visited Chioago recently to secure spare and information and arrange for erecting a $20,000 pavilion. —Rheumatism cured in a day —"Mystic care" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Kedick, druggist, Butler. —A Kansas City farming implement house intends sending out a young woman as a drummer next year. —The cough drop man Is actively re hearsing his melodious cry. —Postage stamps aro not sold by the stick. Conaumptlon Sur©!y Curocl. To T,ir iciniK: —rioaao Inform ;:> ir read. r> Hurl Lure * pnalti .o remedy for tho at* ve nan (i di»»a*e. b, a Mll.uly uao th SIHHLKU J; ii CM'tr* bave T ■ i pcruibcuti) cured. I l« jjlad to acud twj ■)•»!•* of my remedy FREB tu any •>: your readers -* . . hare couaumiitiuu It they w..l Mod me Lheti Lipreaa and P. O. addrcaa. Umpt ct- Jullj. T. A. &UAJUH. M. C, 181 Knrl BL. Jf. X. Oeod imfc She—That odious Mr*. Newritch seems to thiwir more of her dog than of boy. He—Oh, wall, the dog hM ft pedigree. —Life. Getting B«tt«r. '■How is your wife getting on 7" ''She's improving slowly. She is not Well enough to attend to her household duties yet, bat yesterday she was out shopping. "—Puck. in FLIGHT AT MIDXICHT. Aoffostus Fitttfbbon* Moras, ; Fell In love with Maria MoOaaa; With a yeU and a whoop He cleared the front stoop lost ahead of her papa's brocsh —Brook! ya Ufa Always tba Way. "That was a great eulogy of the mar riage institution that Hinkley made in his after-dinner speech last evening, wasn't it?" "Yes. What a lovely domestic life he must have." "Not much. Hlnkley*a a sworn bach elor." —Chicago News. Tine to Leave. Mrs. Witherby—How long did Mr. Bangle stay the night that I wasn't at home? Witherby—Until half-past ten. Mrs. Witherby—Half-past tenl Why didn't he stay longer? Witherby—Because I held four acea. —Life. Had Had All She Wasted. Mr. Smith (to Mrs. Parvenu, who has been telling him about her new house) —I suppose you will have dumb-waiters in the house? Mrs. P.—No, I shan't! I had a deaf cook once, and I vowed then never to have another crippled servant—Jury. Explained. Mrs. Henpec (playfully)—l don't see why a big dog like that sheuld be afraid of a little girl like you. Little Girl—We's been together so long, I guess he finks I'm his w!Je.-~ Good News. Qwlte the Caatrary. Terwilliger—Miss Playne doeen't like you, old fellow. She says you're a con ceited popinjay. Jerolomon—The reason Miss Playne doesn't like me is because I am not ft poppin' jay.—Chicago Tribune. If* Solcld* All*w*d. "I wish you would get me a oouple of packets of cigarettes," said the con demned murderer to the jail warden. "Can't do it," replied the officer. "The law must be allowed to take it* course." —Brooklyn Life. Impossible. Cudlip—l wish the man on the corner who grinds that beastly hand-organ would take np his quarters elsewhere. Sapley—He can't, poor fellow. He takes up only nickels and pennies.— Truth. The Trtink Oot There. Mr. Citimann—Where in creation Is that furnished cottage I rented for the summer? Rural Carman Right over yonder, sir, behind your wife's trunk. —N. Y Weekly. A Hint. Ethel —George, you remind me of an hour-glass. George—ln what respect? Ethel—The more time given you, the i«ta sand you seem to have. —Truth. The fnvateat of all pain cares. Salvation Oil, may be coufitlently relied on to speed ily heal scalds and barns. It is recom mended by many prominent housekeepers and cookti as s curative that **jnst fills the bill." Its effect is magical. —The Democrats are strictly in it. —Remember, "them a? bez must lose." —ls there a balm in Oilead for those who monrnT —The great value of Hood's Sarsaparilla as a remedy for catarrh is vouched tor by thousands. —The Winnebago County, 111., Woman's Columbian Club, for a time contemplated making an exhibit at the World's Fair, bnt has now decided instead to raise suffic ient money to send to the Fair for eight days 156 working women and pay all ex penses. It is believed that many other woman's clubs will follow their very com mendable example. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of eases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an ntter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of particularsrree. Address, Golden Specific Co., 185 Race St.. Cincinnati O. —Where are we at' —How is your poor old headt —The tin horns have the call. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. —The enthusiast is a man who feels per fectly sure of a good many things that he is mistaken about. —Sentiment is all right in its way, but sausages are more effective in sustaining lite. —The postmaster of a Georgia town has resigned because there was so much black mail connected with the business. —Two heads are better one except when a man sees them in his shaving glass in the morning. Money for Women. I read with interest Mrs. Williams' account of what she did in the silk culture. There are not many avenues open to wo men for work, and it shonld be the duty of all to let what they have done be known for the benefit of others, so I will tell you what I did in the plating business. I saw in an old newspaper that Mrs. Wells had made money plating gold, silver and nickel. I did as she suggested and sent to H. F. Delno 1- Co., Columbus, Obi" and obtained one of their $5 Lightning Platers. It came in perfect order, and I sold two the same afternoon to neighbors of mine for $lO apiece, making $lO by the transaction, and have got nearly $25 worth of plating to do. Why should any woman complain that her lot is a hard one, when such chances are open to her sexT any one can obtain circu lars from the above firm, and do as well as I have done. CABBIB JOSKS. —N /} /) The oldest and best In // —j J / ' gtltutlon for obtaining A Business Education, /j/] We have successfully / // prepared thousand* of YOUNG MEN for the active duties of life. For circulars ad dress, **. Dt'FF * BOMS, Pittsburgh. Fa. 12 Years Sentence. Twelre years experience for jour benefit For twelve years we hftr* been in the baggy business and io *ll that time not a single individaftl km accused a* of misrepresenting the quality ot a vehicle sold It mast be ft Bfttiefftction for eyeryone to know that they have ft firm that never misrep resents—and that ;ears of experience enables them to know the quality ot work they sell. Our business ha* increased year by year until it is twice that of any other similar concern in the State, and we fe«-l so good thftt we have a notion to jum;» out of our 3d story window —but we won't—for now. > juet before the Fairs we want one great big bu*v month, and are ready for it. We have the goodn and must make prices so at to induce easterners to bay qaick. Remember »e keep everythiug pertaining to a driving or team outfit. Now look at ft few prices: Leather halters 50 cents, team work bridle* 90 cents, baggy whips 10 cents, * wh-le sr t bugcv harness $4 75, ft fall set of wagon harness, with breerbinr. for two horses #!•<; heavy leather 8y nets $1 50, wagon and buggy cu-hious 75 ceutr. top buggies |45. two seftt spring wagons £4O, etc Vehicles of ail kinds; harues* of all kiods. lap duster* and everything used in connection with a driving and team • tit fit the borne. Now don't b« backward, come in whether yon w*m to bur or not Walk in just as you woaid int» yoar m>th»r's roots —you are ja*t as wel come Take a ride on our LOW elevai r, fre* . Now do come. If yon d >n*t need anything come walking right io and s:»y TOO don't want to bay bat look and you are welcome If yon hav<- a package of any kiud yon can leftre it here until you are ready to go out of town without charge, our location ie central. Remember the place and remember we are the first and only persons who ever bad enough energy within themselves and confidence in their fellow citizens to bring down the price and depend en increased sales to compensate them We did it. Too appreciated it and dealt liberally with OB aud now we want the crowning month of our life Harry now come along, get ready for the Fairs and drive thereto in just as good a rig M yoar neighbor. Respectfully, S. B. MARTINCOURT & CO. S. B. MARTINCOURT. J. M. LEIGHNER * LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WE take pleasure in announcing the fact that we now hay* on display aod on sale an immense stock of goods in the following lines: Dre*e Goods in all gradeß, styles and prices, with the rery latest things in trimmings to match. MILLINERY IN all the new things the market affords. Hat* and Bonaeta gotten up in best style "while you wait " Ladies', and Children's Wrap*, well made and style and fit guaranteed. Carpets, Oil Cloths, LINOLEUMS. Mattings. Rugs. Carpet Sweepers, Lace Cartftins. Portiers, Poles and Fixtures, and all kinds of Domestic Dry Goods We ftlways have the best Blankets and Flannels, and the >tan in pattems are acknowledged to be the best made Call in and get a Fashion Sheet. All the goods in oar different department* are marked in plain figores at the lowest prices. We not only keep Standard Patterns bat all oar goods are standard We do not handle seconds. Ladies'. Gent's and Children's Cnderweftr ft apeciftlty. RITTER & RALSTON. "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO , RINGS, Diamonds Sms. ' STUDS, ' GENTS GOLD. LADIKS GOLD. GENTS SILVER. LADIES (HAILAIN. * Co,d Pinß - *'»»"-ring9, cW6 11 \ Rings. Chains, Bracelets, Etc, ( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes < and everything that can be OIIVOFWHFO | found in a first claw sto*e, RODGER I milS. IK) ISSrvJT* *— E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER. Ho. 139, Korth Main St., BUTLEB, PA., Jewelry, Clocks, Silvei'wafe, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 jht cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Dufly Block. Sign of Klectric Bell and C lock. AH are"Respectfully Invited "Remember our Repairing Department —20 years Experience. the iDHn HAY-FEVER fr A'i O COLD HEAD WSM Elif * Cream Palm in not a bqvid, tnuf or pnnltr. Appiud trJo t/H m*triiM U u * quirk ly abwrbrd. Urban** iM A*id, aU-iyt injLimnutton, 50c -LEADING MILLINERY- HO ÜBE, Our Fall Millsnerj trade has been *ery utidbttory M fiar. although we have scarcely hmted at our maijTiiScent ceHectirw 4 new headwear This assortment » n. w complete Not tmh are the finest-pattern Hats. B< ~ nets. Turhan* ,*c i T■« «< §b*mn, bat the innumerable articles that are so necessary for a first - '■»*•» Millinery department. (M«t .iMN'i DAINTY AND b'YUSH . •* vV ■MILLINERY fo. THK |A SPK IALTY CHILDAE BW HEvPM Yacht Caps. Victoria Flats. Ruaaian Tap*. Sudors Hats, abo a number of other styles D. T. PAPE. 122 S. Moir\ Street Butler, F *«. ■ REMOVAL SAJi BEGINS OCT.O. YOU WANT FURNITURE. WE WANT MONEY. We expect to occupy our new store al)Oiit Jan. Ist. We want to move as few goods as possible. We will give you prices that yon can't help but bqv. A #35 Parlor Suite for $25 00 A 45 44 44 35 0® A 55 44 44 45 00 A I♦> Be<l Lounge for 12 50 A 20 44 44 15 00 A 5 Rocking Chair for 375 A 8 44 5 04) <fcc. Call early for these great bargains Campbell & Templetou, 136 X. Main t., - - Butler. Pa The Best Place To get vour Fall and W inter oottit of DRESS GOODS, C LOAKS, I'NDER WEAR, FLANNELS. BLANKETS, YARNS, HOSIERY. GLOVES, COR SETS, etc., is at Thev keep the largest stock, best goods and, al*>ve all, the lowest prices. CARPET, OIL (LOTUS, RUGS, LACE CURTAINS, PORTIERS, CURTAIN POLES, IN DOW SHADES: We can sell von the alwre name«l zoo«fe cheaj>er than you can get them elsewhere A. TROUTMAN A SON., The leading Dry Good* and Carpet House, Butler, Pa. TOUS FAVORITE HOME AND Ik taw t|#a fail hp? * U law fcfi* ONE YEAR FOR ONLY *1.50 THE citizen. nirt* tba Towa. C« aaty sad to*u. mi d•« *«*fc Xaoaaat mm• mmf other of it* daaa. ... . . Your Home would be rae*-*?ie:e witfco t it. NEW .YORK WEEKLY IRIBUNE ii a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER *»: ail «!** a*a ni *+* •* tb» United BtMm *ad th« wacfci Ii . »*** tae et-a'4 -d *•»•» afai «a • oouheil. It baa *» parate !or 'Tlw fam y Cire#.' —d "Our Younit Folks." I?» "Home and Society" enfs* ae*«« awd th»- admiratioo ct wi*n» a»d d—gbtrt*. It* poiu mi —a*. Mju rial* and di»e»M>«ooa ar* e« «•», art..Mat md Ha "Agricultural" d*partm*t>t ha* ao »»p*n.»e ia 'oaatr* J«a Market Recorts" ar* r«i<«DiiH authority la ail p*rt» <>< tfc» iaod. . A SPECIAL CONTRACT m» u»»t-r hi# ■piMdxt jovrwm aad "The CITIZKN" foe oa« For only $1.50. Cash in Advance. "H. Y. Weekly Tribune." reeaiar pr e* f*r year •» OO ' The Citizen," ** • lso Total «2 SO We furnish both papers one fear for - - $1.50. Sa>»cTipi:on« may beg a at aay ti»e. Ad. resn all order* to THE CITIZEN, butler, PA
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