IT SETS PEOPLE TALKING! A person who can t boiler when they have a good is either deficient in wind or wisdom. Vogeley & Bancroft, Lift up their voice to announce that they expect every one to do their duty and come and inspect our new stock of Fall and Winter BOOTS & SHOES, Slippers, Rubbers, etc. It's a good ibiog an«l we want ynj to know it, take oor word jnp« enoogh to come aad see liie pootjs. Tua.'a a i aewii. There emi be 110 risk In eeeiog what we're got—there's po-itive loss io not doiag a£ Tos peo pl« are talkiog aboot oor Good Gooda aad Low Prices. VOGELEY AND BANCROFT. EXCELSIOR. Twai frowing dark ao terrible faaht, Whan through a town up the mountain there paahed. ▲ broth of a bor, to his neck in the schnow; At he walked, hi* ahillaleh he rwuni to a fro, Sarin*. "It'a np to the top I am bound for to go; Be jabbers . ' •' Y . PADDY'B EICBLSIOE. At the top aUnda the linea of ladies' and gentlemen's wear in the Strong k Carroll's, Howard & Foster's and Eddies & Webster's celebrated aboea, ao many ImproTementa bare been made in tbeße sboee that it wonld hardly seem possible to add any thing more all solid, Btrong, pliable, and easy on the foot, only to be had of Robins BTOB. Try 8 pair and if not all we claim bring them back. New line of ftU kinda of Rubbers joßt received. ROBINS BROS., 8. E. Corner of Diamond. ... - Butler, Pa. Now Comes The Cold And etormy season of the year when warm substantial footwear is a matter of mat importance to every man, woman and child. t 3 The wise buy their footwear early and are prepared to meet bad weather when it comes. Now is tbe timo to get the beßt and get it cheap from our grand new atock. HUSELTON'B t Stock ia drawing the crowd. Tbe close cash buyer goes there. The noor man goes there because be gets 100 cents for hii dollar, no two ■airs to bur he eftys, to get through tbe winter. Tbe Lady and Gent that want the lsteat in fine shoes are sure to go to HUSELTON'B. Onr goods are all bought direct from tbe Tery best manufacturers and ▼on wont find any old auction job or sample lots in this stock. Our chil dren's bright and oil grain ahoea at 50, 75 and SI.OO. Veal calf and kip at 60, lb and % 1.00 are warranted the best in the market and at 30 per cent lower than elaewbere. 1 .. a, 0 1 *i Ladies' fine button ahoes 85 cts and sl.oo;Gne Don. button $1.25,5 l .50, $3.00 and $2 50, cloth tops $1.25 and $2.00, We will assist you in making your selection and aee that you get more value for your dollar than yon will get elsewhere. Ladies' heavy aboea serviceable at 85 cts and SI.OO. " kip, calf veal and glove grain at SI.OO and $1 25. " good grain lace and button at 75 cts and SI.OO. " slippeia at 25 and 50. " fine Don. in wells, tip and plain $2.00 and $3.00. We are now aellingboy'a heavy boots at 1.25, 1.50 and 2 00. Men's heavy boota at 1 50,1.75, 2 00 acd 2.50. Men s good calf boots 2 00 and 2.50 Hand made kip box toe at 3 00 and 3 50, extra high leg box toe 3.25 and 3.50. Ladiea' warm ahoes flannel lined at 75 cts, 1 00 and 1 25. The largeat and best line rubber goods in Butler, Men's at 2.00 with slippers. WE LEAD IN FELT BOOTS. These goods bought from tbe best manufacturers. Our price with good rubbera $1.90. Come and aee us and asve your money. B. C. HUSELTON. J J SPECK. WM - «• HOLMES THE LEABIHU WHOLESALE WIHE 118 LHjl'OK HOI'KE OP WEHTEB* PEJNHYLVAIfU, Tli© Wm, H. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy' PURE RYE WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. SZETN"!} FOR PRICE LISO - Teleptaon No. 305 - 120 Water St. and 158 Fir stAve., Plttsbuigb Pa I 1 GOLD FREE! ai To every person bringing us a copy of this paper, we fill will Insert FREE OF CHARGE a fine $2.00 Gold Filling, IJ v i ,n every BEST SET of 88.00 Teeth. \1 We warrant them to be the test that can possibly be made, uo matter what iy price you pay. Gold Fllllnjs (aepecialty). and up I HilverFilliiis. ... . vr* Amalgam Filling - soc I TeeUi Eatracled, .... 2SC . Painless extracting a"f ecialty Pure <;«s or Vitalized Air administered, so cents. Parties ttTlaff out of the city can come ID the morning and wear their new teeth home the sumo UAJ. dentthts. KMHANGK ON LJBBKIY Kl. C'orarr «ltla aad Mherly 5t.,7»l ttabarir Pa • a GOSSER'S ~ CREAM GLYCERINE i« delightfully perfumed tad it of < great service ia removing pimples j and blotches from tbe face. For chapped hand*, lips or an j roogb- , ness of the akin and as a dretminfr for tbe face after shaving, it will be found invaluable. For S?le by Dtuplj, 41 f> "CITIZEN" and NEW YORK . WEEKLY TRIBUNE for only $1.50 I ROBKRT LRWIN, WHOLESALE Whiskey Merchant, and Importer of FINE WINES & LIQUORS. 135 Water St. Pltisburg, Pa. Opposite 11. U O. It. It. Depot. Headquarters for PI.K'H H HOLUtM WIIDDIKII, (or medical and family use. $1 00 per qt., or A ({ls. for lu.OO. Finch's i.olden Weddlnif. Dougherty, Guck enhclmcr, Olbson. Ilrldgeporl, Mt. Ver non. Orerholt. Kte This Is the only house not rectifying In theelty, therefore our goods nre warranted pure, 'mods securely pa< ked and l*ixe<l without. <-*tr*eharge o. |). nnd mall orders receive promnt drandfathers' Choice 3 years old. t'J 00 i*-r gallon. Try us. Tjj|Tpgj)AD^R' OUJTg.H' 'pin. I'ww gn,u ' t> 4*l«r W klinM.p". ihutaamnHm I IllUHhlNltmHHl M. CulM ftuMaatory ftlcaa. VMRvSMwill iriliu w. m. waaaiiOM too , Zlt <* K r»». OANTON, OHIO.*™ 1 Tyanil/o. Advertise in the CITIZEN. Jtf\ PER CENT. 1U First Mortgage Loans Ko tax. commission or lees. Interest payable ■eml-anu'iallr by Sew York draft. Perieot Be en rity Highest reference. CHAS. V. REID. Fairhaven, Washingtoa. ffothin* On Earth Will HENS L LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting lien*. Itt«*i-olatriTPir*. rostrated. In tit j cotS* tcntn of a ~rrt • 'lay- N" J*j£T SETwTed me rtmrur Strictly & uic-rficjne. On* mu> »ndriZto pn-vent Hoop." om- ruAomer. * If TOO eau't get It wud to u». ■•r- | fmr nrV T r - f * tl A? 1-4 lb c*n SI 2CL Btx with r «iorder, -.r rnon. Sample copy jfjn>y >N <J?OoTe!' ileum: St., Boston, Mux. vy> VETERINARY SPECIFICS Tcr Horses, Cattle, Sheep. Lags, Hcjs, AND POULTHT. 500 Pur Book on Treatment of Animals and Chart will Free. ctew * |?^Ter«,C'onse«tion«,lnllai«i»natl«a A.A.i J»pinal MrainKitis. Milk Fever. B.B.—>rraln«. I.amene*s. Kbrumallm. Distemper. Natal l>im faarges. Bot« or t.rub*. Worm*. K.E foiizho. Heaves, Pneamonla. F.F.—Colic or <;ripe«. Bellyarhe. Mi«rnrriagr. Hemorrhages. 11.11. I rinary and Kidney OUrases. 1.1 Kmptlve Disease*. Mange. .K Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle ;over 50 doses). - - .68 Ptable Case, with Ppeciflcs, Manual. Vt-urtnary f'ure Oil and Hedlcator, 87.00 Jar Veterinary Care Oil, - • 1.00 I*l4 bj Bmtltai: or frrfU «' to «T |u>«> oa r*«4pl ef K"»- KllFHftS'lll'. (0., 111 * 111 Willis* W., Iwlirt. gUMPSBEYS' HOMEOPATHIC AA IHKJSPEGIFIC NO.UO In us* 30 years Tbo only mcresafol remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, ftarl Prostration, from over-work or other cauaee. •1 par vial. or 5 riaU and large rial powder, for *5. Bni' l Lf DmtrgiMis, or •*!.: i«mi*l4ou of j rrU*. HTftrilJtlTS'ftED. CO., 11l A 113 WUllaai SU, Sew fork. DLL PILES rILtO*WAYNE'« ABBOLUTWLT CI7KIS OINTMENT I ■YMPTOIIS-M.l.tar*; liUaw ttehlaw aa< Waa4l»»*. ibwrb. th • tamor*. MoH fiy drogglTTer by mml.turySeU Prepare >,j D*. Sir>i4 S. ■. Phil* !. !p6IZ FOt? OWLK' r#/|, ;r--=w«r.r IVeTirSAIUSO ?Lf NEOr.t ?••;£»'iOi*,'v Of-ai rrisr.vooc DiBIUI i -Y~-T' .Yr• ' i »*' '<• - >- !v •■•J R-»<. ft .. (All fkT.,7 i Xi«.-.»aa!B'.l4orYom 1 „ • . i. i, '«.•>- - > . - ■ . i j-on • » • ? MO«l! TJ.r i In i» C.»\ s •j • r ».» ; " ' . ,r' j * r. DOCTOR J. B. HOBENSACK'S MEDICAL OI FICm 20« A'. HECOXD ST., l a Aretkool<l«»t in America f,., i; t .. < ... , o! Special Bissasos« Wood Polaon, \«rv<. H 1 , p.,. Dings, Dlw har>re«. St : ; tu I , J and HkinliLiear,-s,Vari c<- . ij.i;. v ;• tore, permanently cut*. I 1,/,. , V .i without detention fim I,hi, i> i., success Is dno to Mi iir--10-nr • xncrlenre and ■tody; lo the pure v. &■<«■ ems < inaedaad tothe thorotigh ( nminal r-il at tention (tlven patients durii • • A4O yearn'c*labli»hmtnt lnour, - offaccesa Trulmenl Ij.v Si»-clnttv. Office hours, Wa h , l>> zI- ', i • i- m *ll lay Saturday till 9!• M Ni.mUj viu i.> f> a m N«Bd tetump lor U»ok. (Copy.lghted.j " MOTHERS* FRIEND" MIKES CHILD BIRTH EASY. Colvln, La., Dec. 3,1808.—My wife used MOTHKE'B FRIEND beforo her third confinement, and ear* sho would not be without It (or hundred* of dollars- DOCK MILL 3. Sent by Mtpress oa receipt of rrrice. S\JM per bot lie. book "To Mothers " mailed free. BRADriKLD REGULATOR CO., IUII eais nnutailMiiTt. ATLANTA. OA. For Sale by J. C. Redlck. READ AND REMEMBER For strictly pure arid reliable |HTRAI(>IIT UQUOKB, call ou| I. wr. FINCH, If HMITHFIKM) KT.,:PITTHBI U(iH, PA.; "*~ ("PP- Mononifaliela House.) Matchlces for Family uie and Medicinal pur poses are | FINCH'HOOLDEN WF9DINO. 1 All 81 (JIH'K KNII El MKIt H Vv fII.SK T, •p<;r(jt. ; OVKHIIOI/fH WHISKY, f # qts. DILUNOEK'S WHISKY, J for ffl. Ofiods neatly packed and promptly shlpiKid Fans OP I xi-s.VHS on n-'dpt of caHh or post office order. ig»~.\othlnjf expressed C. O. It. Send for Price List.: ks Cotton Root flSufvVM A recent dlwovery by uii old lurr al phyM. ian. Huc-essfully used n HV monthly by tliou»andH of M| y" Ijulli-s. IS the only prefectly aafe and reliable medicine dlsro. ■r' d. Beware of un principled dr'igifl«lH who of. fer Inferior uiedleilies In place of tbls. Ask forC'MiK's CvrrfiN HOOT COM I-OCNII. take no Hulistltute, or Inclose tl and 0 wntjt In postage In letter, and we will M iid. sealed, by return mail. Full seal ed particulars In plain envelope to ladies only. 2 stamp*!. Address I'ontl I.lly Company, No. 3 Fisher fllo< k. Detroit. Ml' h. Hold Hi Butler by <■. N. Boyd. J. F. Halph, -I. C. itedlck and druuirlstseverywhere. PECULATE THE | STOMACH. LIVER AND BOWELS, | AITX> PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR i Indlii'Mlftn, KlllouatH M, llcßilocbr l (. , «H«!t* | pitlvu, OyipfptU, ( iiriinlo f.lver Trouh!r«, | DliKinCM, ltu«* fowakiloH, J»j«rnt«ry, f (liftmlrc llrrkth, UMII ull rflaordcra mT lh«- X MUMarht l.l*er nn«| Kawrla. | J'i{rfu>a Taiiulcj ronUifl o</thlnif InJarlctM to ! | th'-rooat delicate Ii«-cui*at totakn, X aaf'-. tffectuaL CJlre imttv diate relkrf. | itold bj druif|fl*U. A trial botUe bent bjr mall | on receipt of lb centa. Addraw 1 THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. I io BPitucE BTKI:ct, sew TOKK cm. RI! r Tl| r | veil- "i.rtetnitfMd were till O li ■ red .if rui ture t>y i»r J >t. Mm -r '."i aii*!i st. FltlUdelpkU. I' ~, I , I .. he II I xqlmre Pa ;T. A Kie /.-I :li. .nil. rI ; K. M Motlut Pa., 1 ;' , s H •!,. ii., r sunbiirv,Pa.: D I I»' '!• 11 s. I '.eltili M . I.'i Pa.: Wm. i» Montr . Pht'jidelplalk; H. L. , Itowi ■*'.> l-lin St., KeuillnK. Pa , 'ieorge and | cror linrkart, 4.10 l/JCUSt Ht , Itcadlnif, fa. Send i Fq.flrcular. THE CITIZEN I liiuVfilf * ABOUT OUR MONET. OUR CURRENCY, OUR NATIONAL DEBT, OUR NATIONAL FINANCES. What the Republican Administration* Have Done —Alio What th« Democrat! W ant to Do —A Few Word# About Wild eat Money. [Bl»ecial Correspondence.] NEW YORK, Oct. 24 —One subject that may be of interest to the voter in discus sing the issues of the campaign is that of national bank currency as compare:! with state bank currency, which the Democratic party proposes by its plat form to re-eetablish. A comparison of the losses by depositors, noteholders, and all creditors of national banks in the last thirty years with depositors and noteholders of private banks is startling. An examination of the losses through national banks since they were estab lished in 1863 shows that the annual average loss to depositors and other creditors during the entire period has only been one-twentieth of 1 per cent, of the entire liabilities of the national banks. The com; 'roi«sr of the currency showed in in- of 1891 that the loses by failures of private banks throughout the country amounted in a single year—lß9o—to $17,477,419, which exceeds by far the total losses by the national banks since their establishment in 1863. This shows the contrast be tween the condition of the national banks and the private banks of today. Looking back to the history of private banks when they were permitted to issue currency, the contrast is still more strik ing. Thompson's Bank Note Reporter for October, 1859, shows the failure of no less than 1,f>47 banks between Aug. 24 and Nov. lof 1857. Another authority, The Elliott Funding System, reports that in the year of 1841 fifty-five state banks, with an aggregate capital of $67,036,265, and a circulation of $23,577,752, failed, and that in nearly every instance the en tire capital and circulation were lost. Thompson's Bunk Note Reporter of Nov. 14, 1858, reports the notes of all banks in Arkansas, Florida, lowa and Mississippi of doubtful and only nomi nal value, and the notes of all banks in Wisconsin at a discount of 9 per cent., those of Virginia from 9 to 25 per cent., those of North Carohna 12 per cent., those of Ohio and Indiana from 6 to 50 per cent., and those of Illinois from 9 to 50 per cent. This is the sort of money to which the Democratic party wants to return. Word comes from Washington that the public debt statement which is to be issued a few (lays hence will show a continuation of the reduction of the public debt. The complaints made against the Republican party by the Democrats regarding its expenditures of public funds may be recognized as an unjust one by every man who stops to consider what the Republican party in its administration of the government has done. Since 1865, when it set itself seriously about tho task of paying off the public debt, which a war by the Democratic party had piled up, it has reduced the indebtedness from S7B per capita to sl3 per capita, and re duced the public debt from $2,756,000,000 to $600,000,000, in round numbers. Such a record for any party or any govern ment is unheard of in tho history of nations. The record of the present administra tion in relation to the finances of the country compares favorably with any which has preceded it in the long line of Republican administrations, and con tracts in a marked degree with the Dem ocrtttk- administration during the four years prior to the inauguration of Presi dent Harrison. Tho Democratic charge that this administration has dissipated u surplus which the Cleveland administra tion created in the treasury is shown to be false by the fact that the so called surplus has been expended six times ove~ by President Harrison's administration in the reduction of the bonded debt. Another subject relating to the finances of the government about which a good deal »f talk has Iteen made is the amount of money in circulation. In this connec tion it may be interesting to compare the conditions in this country with those in others. A careful study of the finances of tiie world shows that among the na tions who count their population with eight figures, or, in other words, among the nations whose population is over 10,- 000,W0 of people, only one has as large an amount of money per capita of the population as has the United States. The amount of money in circulation in the United States is $25.02 j>er capita, of which $10.57 is gold. $8.55 silver and $6.51 paper. Free trade Great Britain, after which the Democrats ure anxious to pattern, has but $17.90 per capita. Germany has even le-.s, $16.40 per capita. Ansiro-llungary has htill less, $9.52 per capita. The i>er capita amount of money tn circulation in tho United Stales is double the average per capita amount in the great nations of the world having a population of 10,000,000 or more. Meu %tbo»« hunine** ha* been e»tab lialied In tlie punt thirty yearn will not vote for a sweeping cliunge in the !>u»l n« »« *3 litem of th«? country. A vote for < le\« lund in en nt 1»« iiM/cmt Ic control of pre*ldency, hou»« and senate, and tlu> Inauguration of n policy Just the reverse of that under which your hußliien* pros perity hat be«-n «**tnhllnlic<l. Your *»t« may decide the question. The Democrat* when laiit in control of nil branrlien of the government, IH." 11 GO, plotted its destruction. They ure now plotting to ilofttroy Its three vital princi ple* protect lon, reciprocity aiul •• unti money—lf tl*cy get control of nit it branches In tho coming election. Your vote may dolcrmlue whether they will do this or not. No man will ever be elected to the pr#-«»i ttency of till* country who hat Insulted the soldier when speaking of the (|uf>.'.l»i: yf pensions. <J« neral Daniel K. K!ck!< s*f Washington Lriiulou. Have you ever suffered that excruciating torture known only to persons who have experienced tie- jiaroxyiwiH of goutT Hal vation Oil in connection with the alkaline treatment usually prescribed by physicitiiH will produce a nioxt wonderful effect. Kac-aimiles of thirty-seven of the most prominent of the Aztec idols in the inuxa uin in the City of Mexico have been pre pared for the World's Knir at Chicago. "ilikiidHoine is as handsome dons," and Hood's Karsoparilla docs handsomely. —The Japanese government has arrang ed to send to this country 2,WW Japanese of the middle class, who are to he here during the World's Fair and afterward inakis a tour ol the principal cities of the United .States. Instruction and informa tion as to the industries and customs of the American people constitute the object de sired to be attained. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Oh, give me the neck of an ostrich, Or that of H forty font snake, That I may set down and gloat, As down my throat (ilides the succulent buckw heat cake. —Only th« sublimity ol cheek rises to I thi I crai.dear of lu< k. I i I. T fiiiiml i-m I ll red in a Hay—"Mystic ■ r<-" fbr rheumatism and m urslgia, radio ' j allv cure* tn 1"> 3 <bn - ft. action upon ■ the st stein is and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ea " immediately disappears. The first i dofie greatly benefits. 7." cts. Hold by J. C. 1 Kedlck, druggist, Butler. n« flint Waa Hro*d Knomjrti. Harry wanted to five Lucy a birthday praaent, but oooldn t make up hia mind aa to what it should be; so the nest Hm« c&lled he frankly told her the difficulty under which he was laboring. "Want to make me a present, Harryr' exclaimed Lucy, In well-counterfeited Mtonlahmenf. "Why, Harry, yon for get yourself:" Barry took the hint and offered him self on tho spot.—Boston Transcript. She BsoSMd Him. "Mrs. Gadder has been 11L" "She 1B ill." 4 , «**te ) ught she must be recovering, Ifcary that she dismissed her phy i«s morning." "Sfte dlsm&sed her physician and sent for another." "Hadn't confidence in the first?" "I don't know. He told her that she must not talk."—N. Y. Press. An Idiom of Tlm«. "You can take this ring," said the obliging Jeweler, "and I will give yon time on It" "Thank you," said the young man eoolly. "I had a friend who took a diamond ring, and he is doing time for it yet I guess I'll wait" and he refused to be tempted.—Detroit Free Press. She Spoke With oat Thlaklng. Dolly—lt's absurd of you to say I am thirty. Maud—Well, you know you were born In 'BO, and— Dolly (Indignantly)—lt does not mat ter. You might argue from now until doomsday and then I wouldn't be a day older.—Judge. Had a Grlermnre. "It waa very wrong of you to throw a atone at that little bird. Bobble." "I don't think aa He was the little bird that tells about me when 1 do things." "How do yon know?" "I aaked him," aaid Bobbia.—Har per's Young People. Tha Csaal BMolt. There was a man in our town. And he waa wondrous wlae. Ha bought a lottery Uoket, And felt sure he'd draw a prize. Be waited the Important day. With mien as pale aa death; Ba rot the list, he soaaned It wan. And thco he drew—hla breath. —Beaton Maws. Wasted It. A smothered shriek descended parlor wards about isis. "Papa must have a nightmare," she explained. "Ahl" sighed the youth. "I wonder if he'd lend it to me to ride home on?" Harper's Bazar. Rather Discouraging. Bllffcrs—This Idea of a tariff on art is outrageous. Whiffera—Of course it la But It seems to me they are always doing something or other to discourage high class bar-rooms.—N. Y. Weekly. A Profitable Saaaoa. XJttle Boy—l saw you klsa Sis, and 11 you don't give me ten rente I*ll telL Young Man—Here's the dime. Little Boy—Thanks. That makes three dollars I've made this season.— Good News. Pood for Thought. He (suspiciously)— Has any other fal low ever kissed you. Marguerite? She—No, Horatio. Why do you aakf He—Because you were self-possessed enough to scream.—Truth. A 6CMMEK TRIP. & >Lx J j a* —Puck. Recommends it tor whoopng cough, Mr. John 11. Ogden, C., writes: "I have used Or. Hull's Cough Syrup in my family for six years and can cheerfully recom mend it as one of the best remedies I ever used. Have also tried it for whooping cough with the best results." —Among the exhibits to he made at the World's Fair by foreign nations tho visitor will doubtless find that of Persia one of the most interesting. It will include rare specimens of of art industry work. Rich and highly wrought fabrics will constitute an attractive feature, a. will exquisitely fine embroideries and elaborately worked gold and silver jewelry, rare Persian rugs, carpets, embroidered hangings, etc. There will also he found in this Persian exhibit for manufactured articles, such as arms, curious and richly wrought armor, tiles and tile work, mosaics, object* of art, antiquities, musical instruments, wearing apparel, etc. Altogether the Persian ex hibit IB promised to be characteristic and exceptionally unique, a collection rich in ohiects of cost and beauty. The Cholera Scare. If indeed the dreadful disease should be come epidemic in our land why not protect yourself in timet Kvery physician will tell you that a stimulant is absolutely nec essary to assist in mastering the disease, and all first clan* physicians agree upon one man's liquors lor purity, age and rea sonable prices. They refer you to Max Klein, ol Allegheny, Pa, who will upon application mail you free of charge a com plete catalogue and price list of the manv kinds of liquors for sale by him. His "Sil ver Age Rye" at (1.00 per quart, is not equalled. His "lJuquesne" at> has no snperior. His bottling of (lackenbeim er, Finch. Overholt, (itbson and Hear Creek at SI.OO per full quart, or six quarts for $6.00 are all reliable and pure Pennsyl vania Rye Whiskies. For ltrandies, tliu or Wines, either imported or domestic, no other liquor store in the state can or will do as well for you. Address Max Klein, 82 Federal Htreet. Allcitbenv. Pa. —Many a wise man has picked up a good suggestion where some fool dropped it. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can Ixt given in a glass of beer, a cup ol coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will aflect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patieut is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system otice iinpregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an litter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 4* page book of particulars free. Address, (lolden Specific Co., IHS Race St.. Cincinnati O. —Attempts to further Christianize the heathens of Sung Pan might as well be abandoned. Believing that the missionar ies were responsible for a long drought, the Chinese drove them out and immedi ately the rain fell in torrents. All the i preachers on the planet could not now con vince the Sung Fan people that tho I«ord is not ou the sidtyM the heathen. Caa'ufch" - * f-tad» to Consumption. will stop the cough at once. friends about It. Little by little—twins in their cra dle. —' Won't yon have another cup of cof feef a-keil a lady waiter at one of otir ho , I tels the other morning. "The spirit is . j willing," said the guest, "but tho coffee is - I weak." t Have you selected your loafing place j for the winferT 12 Years Sentence. Twelve year* experience for your benefit For twe:ve year* we have been in tha bugjry buetores and in all that time not a -;ng'.'* in hridna. has accused us of roterepre-entin* the quality ot a vehicle soid It must be a satisfaction for everyote to know that they have a firm tha' never resents and that years of experience enable* them t<> lin w the qoa! v work they sell. Our has •ncrea.-ed year by year until i* is tarsc* that of anv other siir..i»r concern in the State, and we fee! s»i tfuwl tba: »- have a notion to jumr> out of our 3d etorv window —l.u? we't— for now just befire the Fairs we want one great big hnsv month, and are ready for it. We have the goods and must make prices so as to inJnce customer* io buy quick. Remember v»e keep everything pertaining to a driving or team outfit Now look at a few prices: Leather halters .SO centa, team wnrk brt-l.e --90 cent?, boggy whips 10 cents, a whole set ef but*if* harn»*s.« #♦ T5, a fu> set of wagon harness, with breeching, for two horses SH: heavy leather fly nets $1 50, watron and buggy cushiou* 75 cents, top busies $45 two aea* spring wagons S4O, etc Vehicles of all k<nds; harness of all kinds, lap dnsters and everything used in connection with a driving and team utfit except the h«>r-e. Now don't be backward, come in whether von want to buy or not Walk in just as yon would into your muther'* r ™ —j a are 1-*. as we I come Take a ride on our ucw eleva: r, fret. Now do conie. If yoo dD : need anything come walking right in and say you d«>n t want to bay bu look and you are welcome If you have a package of any kind you can leave it here nntil you are ready to go out ol town without charge, our location is central. Remember the place and remember we are the first and only persons who ever had enough energy within themselves and confidence in their fellow citizens to bring down the price and depend on increased sales to compensate them We did it. You appreciated it and dealt liberally with us aud now we want the crowning month of oor life Harrv now come along, get ready for the Fairs and drive thereto in just as good a rig as yoor neighbor. Respectfully, S. B. MARTINCOURT <fc CO. S. B. MARTINCOUKT. J M LEIGHNER I LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WE take pleasure in announcing the fact that we now have 00 display and on sale an immense stock of goods in the following lines: I>res«i Goods in all grades, styles and prices, with the very latest things in trimmings to match. MILLINERY IN all the new things the market aff. rds Hats and Bonnets gotten up in best style "while you wait " Ladies', and Children's Wrape, well made and style and fit guaranteed. Carpets, Oil Cloths, LINOLEUMB. Mattings, Rugs. Carpet Sweepers. Lac* Curtain.-' Portiers, Poles and Fixtures, end all kinds of Pomrstic Dry Goods We always have the best Blankets and Flannels, and the Standard patterns are acknowledged to be the best made Call in and get a Fashion Sheet. All the goods in our different departments are marked in plain figures at the lowest prices We not only k«*p Standard Patterns but all oor goods are standard We do not band.e seconds. Ladies'. Gent's and Children's I'ntierwear a specialty. RITTER & RALSTON. "DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. ( KINGS, Diamonds S®. ' STUDS, (GENTS GOLD, W_ . i J LADIKS GOLD, atciies | GKNTS SILVER LADIES CHAT LA IN. Tnnrnlmr 1 Gol(i !>in *' Farrin P , » *} ( VV ( I I \ ] Hi ngH, Chain*, Bracelet#, Etc, I Tt*a nets. caßtorn, butter <lis«he# Silverware i SUKSSJSJ? " RfIDEER! IIIS. Wil ISSTiJ"" E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 139, North Main St., BUTLER, PA.. Jeweh'y, Clocks, Silvei 4 wai 4 e, ! Purchasers can save from 2f> to JHT cent l>v purchasing their watches, clocks! and spectacles ot J. li. CIUEH, The Jeweler,' No. 125 N. Main St., DuH'y Block. Sign of Ivlcctric Bell and ( luck. All arc Respectfully Invited —"Kcmcnibcr our Repairing Department 20 jtars hxpcncncc. * HAY- FEVER w COLD-HEA2 PIS! Kl/> Cream Halm it not a h'/u'd, inuf or p»r.Ur AypUat into U* n»«riU it > yui >klv *WW It -,i ,*r* th* haul, ,t iy« 1 > ''' m gK 50c 50c -LEADING MILLINER?- HC> CM* E. Our Fall Millinery trade has been very titistetory « £ar. although we have scarcely hinted at •>«r tßafpnincent eoit«ctao« ""»f new he ail -v car This asortmnt is now o >tr piete Not •wly are the finest-pattern Haf*. B- -nnets. Turban* ami Torjoo hut the innumerable art'Oes that .ae so nr«.e< - try i>r a first das* Millinery depart rm-nt. iTiTTT I.NIM. DAINTY AHQ STYLISH | AL*aYS Ml LIN SKY tm IK | A SPE IALTY CH IL D'i T IS\^T Yacht Caps. Victoria Flats, Rusntan t'aps. Sa *»»r» Hats, also a number of other styles. D. T. PAPE. 122 S. Muiq Street Butler, PH. 01 REMOVAL Sale BEGINS (XT. 6. YOU WANT FURNITURE. WE WANT MONEY. We expect to occupv our new sum aliout Jan. Ist. We want to more as few (roods as |x**sil>le. \S e will givp vou prices that von can t help l»nt Iwy. A #35 Parlor Suite for *25 00 A 45 44 44 35 <H) A 55 44 44 45 00 A 10 Bed Ix>iinire for 12 50 A 20 44 44 15 00 A 5 Rocking Chair for •> 75 A 8 44 44 •> W etc. Call early for these irreat bargains Cainplx'll & Tempieton, 136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa The Best Place To lift vonr Fall and Winter outfit of DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, I'NDKR WEAR, FLANNELS. BLANKETS, YARNS, HOSIERY, GLOYES, ( OR -BETS, etc., is at .Tro uit man V- Thev k»-ej> tlie largest stock. <joo«fc« and, aU>ve all. the lowest pric«*. CARPET, OIL CLOTHS. RIGS, LACECURTAINS, PORTIERS, CCRTAIN POLES, M IN DOW SHADES: We can sell von tin* aU>ve named ;«>«>«ls eheatter than von can tr>'t tin-in el.-*-where A. TROI'TMAN A- SON., The leading Drt l««*t ami I arpet I lons*-, Butler, Pa. Presidential Campaign of 1892. GRAND LNIHJCKMKNTS TO RK \ DIH> Of THE CITIZEN. Tb»- Prw»d»>nu«i N'i *»». »«*>•* *"•**> mm intrtxwlv iMMWtte* .MMI ia ik- *»«.*•* " f «*» ~»»«-* *«■»•». «■* roomry p*>"pi' wll •» «Kf«Wf •»< ** »« *> **• political new* »l»«l ill*-'*»<•»•'P* r>t .h* C»T '--*««"♦ in • SitMMi Journal. in »dd tkm todM bf tern ; To a*»t :Ui» want wm bn «-st»r«4 -»•» a <-..«wset with 'l* NKW YORK WKKKLV TRIBUNE The Leading R«»|>ut»He»ii h'apmr of tIM U2VIILD STATES which enat.l#» n« to «flbr that 1 j«wl »r <*i m «•' mrtjtoam wm tl.uO prr THF. I ITI/KV f»'r>r'«nlv S4l -fx ». in tvlvnm***. N V. Weekly Tribuna. t*gwim pftaa par y»» tI.OO The Gill/en, * * ** * '» Total- 92.30 WE FURNISH BOTH PIPERS OIE FOR SI.SQ. !>iiS>rii|ition< mil at M* Tbi» N» tlk# MUM l»a»ra4 e»'»a'»*»Ba«t«te <tfm '• Tadii state, an ft »<•-* -adrr -f * THE I'lTlZi:'* * ** ->M 'ato •'* t oaea Arfdiro all nHrn to THE CITIZEN, BU I LER. HA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers