EXCELSIOR. T*M (trowing d*rk so terrible fasht, When through ft town ap the moantftin there pnhetl. A broth ot s boy, to his neck in the sohnow; A* he walked, hi» nhillaleh he swune to a iro, Raring "It's no to the top I am bound for to go; Be jabbers ! oa/uie, v r Paddt's Excklsio*. At the top stands the linen of ladies' and gentlemen's wear in the Strong A Carroll's, Howard & Foster'* And Eddies & Webster's celebrated aboesT so many improvements have been made in these shoes that It would hardly seem po«ai:ile to add any thing more, all solid, strong, pliable, and easy on the foot, only to be had of Robins Bros. Try • pair'and if not all we claim bring them back. Ifew line of all kinds of Robbers just received. ROBINS BROS., 8. B. Corner of Diamond. ... - Butler, Pa. Now Comes The Cold And stormy season of the year when warm substantial footwear is a matter of great importance to erery man, woman and child. The wise buy their footwear early and are prepared to meet bad weatlnr when it iomes. Now is the time to get the best and get it cheap from our srand new stock. HDSELTON'B Th Stock is drawing the crowd. The close cash buyer goes there. The poor man goes there because he gets 100 cents for hn dollar no two pairs to buy, he says, to get through the winter. The and Gent that want the latest styles in fine shoes are sure to go to HUSELTON S. Onr (roods are all bonght direct from the very best manufacturers and ▼on wont find any old auction job or sample lota in this stock. Our chil dren's bright and oil grain shoes at 50, 75 and SI.OO. eal calf and kip at 60,15 and SI.OO are warranted the best in the market and at 30 per cent lower „ g ne |, atton shoes 85 cts and sl.oo;fine Don. button $1.25,51.50, 12 00 and $3 50, cloth tops $1.25 and $2.00, We will assist you in making your selection and see that you get more value for your dollar than you will get shoes serviceable at 85 cts and SI.OO. " Up, calf veal and glove grain at SI.OO and $1 25. " good grain lace and button at 75 cts and SI.OO. " slippers at f5 and 50. " fine Don. in welts, tip and plain $2.00 and $3.00. We are now tellirgboj s heavy boots at 1.25, 1.50 and 2 00. Men's heavy boots ai 1 50,1.75, 200 end 2.50. Men s good calf boots 200 and 2.50. Hand made kip bo* tea at 3.00 and-3 50, extra high leg box toe 3.25 and 3.50. Ladies' warm shoes flannel lined at 75 cts, 1 00 and 1 25. The largest and best line rubber goods in Butler, Men's at 2.00 with slippers. WE LEAD IN FELT BOOTS. These goods bought from the best manufacturers. Onr price with good rabbe.s $1.90. Come and see us and save your money. B. C. HUSELTON. I J SPECK. WM - H - HOLMES J ' J ' TH* LEADINfi WMUSALB WOT AS» LiqtOK HOCUS or WEH-m* PESSSILVASIA, The Wm, H. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy' PURE RYE WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. SEND FOR/ PRICE XJXSI - Telephon 80. 305. 120 Water St. and 158 Fir stAve., Pittsbuigh Pa SJJJ GOLD FREE! Pf To every person bringing us a copy of this paper, we f I will Insert FREE OF CHARGE a fine $2.00 Gold Filling, \ 1 in every BEST SET of SB.OO Teeth. \J .We warrant them to be the beat that can jxmlbly be made, mo matter what m price jroa pay. Gold Fillings (aspeclalty), 11.00 and op I ftilrerFlllnf *. ... - 75c _. . A—lf rilltof - - - fiocl Teeth Extracted. .... w .. _ PUnle— extracting a "peclaliy Fore Oaa or Vitalized Atr administered. u> cent*, ryg urtag —t of the chy can oome in the morning and wear their new teeth borne tbe SELLING -OUT. Our entire stock of Drugs, Medicines, Patent Medicines, Brushes, Combs, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, &c., At a discount of 20 per cent and less. Hie following list will give you an idea of how goods will sell: Prices. Oar prices. Qaeen's Sarsaparilla, 1.00 75 Root Beer 25 15 Scott's Emulsion 1.00 80 Boeher's Ger. Syr. 75 60 Cod Liver Oil 75 60 PisoConsumption Cure.. 25 20 Belladona Plasters 25 . 15 Hojt's Ger. Cologne 25 20 Rabber Trasses Single 3.00 200 Celluloid " " 4.00 300 " Doable.. 6.00 475 Ag. Crystal Spectacles. .3.00 200 " " " 2.00 150 " " " ....1.00 75 " " Eye Glasses. .1.00 75 " " " " .. 75 50 Ac. Ac. Ac. Oar stock of paint will be sold at cost. If yoa can use any paint you can Bare money by purchasing now Rabber Paiot 150 gal 11 Stains 50c qt .... 3c5 Ac. Ac. Ac. Oar Stock is composed of the very best. None bat pare Drugs kept in stock. If you give us a call we will save you money. Respectfully, J. A. Frank & Co., 213 S. Main St. ROBERT LEWIN, Wholesale J Whiskey Merchant, u4 laiporter of FINE WINES & LIQUORS. 135 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite B. * O. R. R. Depot. Headquarters lor VINCI'S 6011DE5 WEDDING, tor medical and family use. SI.OO per <|t., ar S Qt*. for $5.00. Finch's Golden Wedding. Dougherty. Guck enhelmer, Large. Gibson, Bridgeport. Mt. Ver- BODi Overbolt, Etc. This Is the ooly house not rectifying in the clty. therefore our goods are warranted pure. Goods securely packed and boxed without extra charge. O. O. D. and mall orders receive prompt etteutkm. Grandfathers' Choice 3 years old, (2.00 per gallon. Try us. FOR SALE. I will sell my new three-atory brick business block at 315 South Main St., on reasonable terms; also my residence aod two lots on McKean St. Alex. Williams. DURE DRUGS AT LOW I PRICES is the motto &t oar A More. If joa are sick and need medicine joo want tbe BEST. This yon can always depend npon getting from ne, as we oae nothing bnt strictly Pare Drags in onr Prescription Depart ment. YOQ can get the best of every thing in the drag line from as. Oar store is also headquarters for PAIITS OILS, VARNISHES, Kalsomine, Alabastine k Get onr prices before yon buy Paints, and see what we have to offer. We can save you dollars on your paint bill. Respectfully J. G. REDICK, Main fet., next to Hotel Lowry, BUTLER, PA. « 1 GOSSERS CREAK GLYCERINE is delightfully perfumed and is of great service in removing pimples and blotches from tbe face. For chapped hands, lips or any rough ness of the skin and as a dressing for the face after shaving, it will be found invaluable. Foi Sale by Druggists. ♦ i FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, A.nd everything in horse and buggy fur nishing go ods—ll ar - ness, Collars, "Whips. Dusters, Saddles, etc. -Also trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment of 5-A. Horse blankets in town will be found at Kemper's. ADVERTISERS M wtartiting ipi whw in Chicago, will find it on f«*c , t LORD & THOMAS. 4/\ PER CENT. 1U First Mortgage Lians Ko tax, commission or feea. Intereat payable eernl-anuu»l!y by New York draft. Penect se curity Highest reference. CHAS. V. REIO, Fairlmn, Wislingtoa. ITotliliig On Earth Will HENS LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevent* all Disease. Good for Moulting Bens. u Kncf parent I Koran." s*fs if won can't It wnd to » rent , free with SI.OO orders or more. Sample copy Rorton. lUm. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared used for years tn private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every single Specific aspeclal cure for the disease named. Tbey core without drugglnrf, [turglnji or rednclng the system and are In fart and deed tbe fcovrreicn Remedies of the World. lut or rm«tciP4L *o*. cr«*«. rmcx& 1 —Fevers, Congestion*. Inflammations.. .25 «j_Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic 45 3— Teethingt CoUc, Crying, Wakefulness .25 4-Dicrrhra, ot Children or Adults 25 7-Coughs. colds. Bronchitis .23 H-Ncurnlgin. Toothache. Faceache 25 Headaches, Rick Headache, Vertigo.. .'25 19—Dyspepsia, BUloosnces. Constipation .25 j |_Hnppreised or Painful Perloda. .25 l'i-Wbiti'K. Too Profuse Periods 25 13—( ronp. l,aryngitis. Hoarseness 25 14—Salt Khenm, F.rrslpelas. Eruptions .25 15—Rheumatism. Rheumatic Palm .25 16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague.. .23 17—Pile*, Blind or Bleeding M 19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Bead. .25 29- WTioopla* Coagh -M 27—Kidney Diseases -*3 98— Jierrona Debility «••• SO— I'rinary Weakness, Wetting Bed .33 Sold by Dro*rlsts, or s*ot poetpeld on rerrlpt of price. D*. NciFßtin' Makcal 1 144 pe*«e.; uau.tti rin. twphitrry wed. wim—st., *«wTort. SPECIFICS. Dll re HCHIN6 PILES rlLtO SWAYNE'I IBBOLUTILT CURBS. OINTMENT ■YMFT«»M»-M*tstroi ftehlaa aa4 sttealu; aMtUal(klt w.rMtrMntoklaf. 1? MiWlm, sbssfts the Issianu Boi■> »>▼ 4r*afln* or bv Walter wcls Pr?pv fcv.k. yreefs ssefled fsislil, free* ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. DOCTOR «l. B. HOBENSACK S MEDICAf. OKPICIM 20 t , wlthont detention f < i,' I „ TOCCCKt is due lo I, , • . „ ■tU'lr;U>lhei>.lrr 1 . : taiMtbofmijh mi 1...,.,... ■ ' flil at tentlon elrtn |«ii<-ni . A4O years'esiahlltbM ntis'/urinuri ,tolrw.u lo tf f h All day Saturday till tV. M humlinfotoiji M AtAaap Car Bosk. (Cupy>'i(ht«d.i " MOTHERS* FRIEND" MAKES CHILD BIRTH ERST. Colvin, XA, Dee. 2,1880.—My wife used KOTEBB'B FRIZND beforo her third confinement, and aaya she would not be without It tor hundreds of dollars. DOCK MILLS. Sent by express on receipt of price. SIJSO per bot tie. Book "To Mothers " mailed free. BRADFIELO REQULATOR CO., ram MIS ST W DBUooi.T.. ATLANTA, OA. For Sale by J. C. Redick. READ AND REMEMBER For Strictly pure and reliable ISTRAIGHT LIQUORS, call on® I. Iff. FINCH, 12 »MITHMFLI> ST.JPIITtBCBCiH. PA.; \UPI>. Mononifaliela House.) Matchless tor Faintly use and Medicinal pur poses are FINCH'S GOLDEN WKODINO, ' All II GIJCK ENHEIM Kit S WHISKY, ;perqt. ; OVEKIIOLT'S WHISKY. f 6 qts. DILLINGERS WHISKY. J for *5. Goods neatly packed and promptly shipped FRK* OF HI PENS* on receipt of cash or. post office order. WNothlng expressed C. O. D. Send for Price List. Cotton Root A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used H VAv ;A monthly by thousands of Y '•O'Hes. Is the only prefertiy MT safe and reliable medicine \ discovered Ben-are of un principled drugfrlsts who of fer Inferior medicines In place of this. Ask for COOK'S COTTOV ROOT CoMrorsn. take no substitute, or Inclose tt and c cents in postage In letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mall. Pull seal ed particulars In plain envelope, to ladies only. 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Com puny, No. 3 Elsher Block, Detroit, Mich. „ Sold In Butler by C. N. Boyd. J. F. .Balph, J. C. Redick and druejrlstseverywhere. r~" ;! RECULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, I AKT> PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR : Indication. Itlllitu ■•>(■•«, llc.d.ehe, Csn.lt. Ittlitn, lly«pep«l*. < - lir#»lc I.lvcr Trouble*, IMaliicm, Ilad C'.mplrxlon, tlyatntcrj. Offensive Rrruth. and all disorders af the Stomach, I-lvor and ItowrU. lUpooß Tabuk-3 contain nothing injurious to t the most delicate constitution. Pleasant U> take, ♦ safe, effectual. Give immediate relief. f Sold by drumrlsta. A trial bet tie sent by mall I on receipt of la cents. Address THE RIPAN6 CHEMICAL CO. J 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW YORK CITY. ! RIIPTIJRF \ We tee undersigned were iiu■ lUllk. entirely cured of rupture by nr. .1. B. Mayer, 831 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa., .1 Jones Phillips, Kennet Square. Pa. • T. A Ki-el!/.. Siailnßton. Pa.; E. M. Small. Mouut < Alto,.|Pa.; Rev. S. H. Miermer. Sunbury, Pa ; D .1 l> , leu. 'l4 s. Twelfth St.. Keadlne Pa.; \Vm I»i». 2 Montrose SC. Philadelphia; H. I, IWW 38# h Si. ImMw, Pa : (ienrue and •or Burcart, 43a Locust St., Reading, Ps. Send | fH.lacuu r. THE CITIZEN MISCELLANEOUS SHE BUYS (TRTAINS. DOROTHY SELECTS WINDOW DRAP ERIES FOR HER BACK PARLOR. And with Her Little Frmlnlne "Fl»t" She DrltM a Ur|« Sited Spike Through a McKinley High I v rlc« —Any Other Wo man Maj Re aa Enterprising. Dorothy bad determined to have only "real" things in her home, you know; bnt when it came to lace curtains for her prospective back parlor, she had to draw the line. They cost several hun dred dollars a pair, and Dorothy's ship has not come in. While we were con sidering the matter I saw a private let ter from Marshall Field, the great Chi cago dry goods merchant, in which a clerk said that such curtains as Dorothy wanted cost "thirty-five cents more a yard than they did before the McKinley bill." "And I don't believe it," said L "Neither do I," said Dorothy. "Let's look it up," we both said. Upon which we made up our minds that we wouldn't buy a stitch from anybody who lied to ns about "McKinley high prices." My official tariff book (you can get one yourself by writing to Washington for it) tells me that the duty on lace curtain* has been raised from 40 to 60 per cent by the McKinley law. "Why was it raised? What was the result of it?" Dorothy and I wanted to know. If we liked the answers we would buy the curtains. If it was to make "'the rich richer" and "the poor poorer," as the Democrat papers claimed (I have been reading tariff literature lately), we should certainly not be a party to that sort of thing. If, as the Republican papers said, this advance in duty was really a benefit to the men and women who work at curtain making and to the people who buy them I should do everything in my power to let women of the country know what unprincipled, selfish people Democratic McKinley tale fabricators are. | We went to O'Neills on Sixth avenue first. They had such curtains as we wanted, but the price was eighteen cents a yard higher than before the McKinley bill. We didn't deal with them. Next we went to Simpson & Craw ford's. A polite man said that "the price of curtains had not been raised in that store anyway by the McKinley bill." Ho laughed in a funny little way when we asked the question, and seemed to have something in mind which was a good joke on somebody. Theif he said, "No, indeed, we can't raise the prices on Sixth avenue; the people would get after us if we did." "Then it isn't necessary to charge more?" persisted Dorothy. "I wouldn't like to answer that, miss. The wholesale people can tell you all about prices." Then he gave us the ad dress of Mills & Gibbs, of Broadway and Grand street. "Yes, the duty has been raised, and there was good reason for it," said the salesman at that store. "There are a large number of factories trying to es tablish themselves here, and they could not compete successfully with imported curtains made by laborers who work for one-third of what our curtain people are paid. By raizing the tariff the curtain manufacturer can and doe* pay his workmen » nongh to live comfortably, even luxuriously, as American citizens should live. At the same time he can compete with the imported curtains, even though the labor on them costs the foreign maker but one-third as much." "Why, that is as clear as daylight," said Dorothy. "But when I come to think of it we who buy lace curtains have to pay that extra duty, don't we?" "No; the foreign maker lowers his workman's or workwoman's enough to pay that duty." "Well, what keeps the American man ufacturer from charging too much?" "Competition, miss; sharp competi tion, such a; is stimulated by a fairly high protection." "Well, then," 1 put in, "why are not the American workers' wages lowered by this competition?" "Becaune there U a constant demand for their services, and if one employer doesn't do the right thing by a man he can go to another." "Well, I think that tariff is the best thing 1 know of for working people, anil 1 don't care if it doeß uiake the rich em ployers keep their eyes wide open. It seems to me that Mr. McKinley has made the j-oor richer and the rich a trifle more energetic,*' I added. "Now finally," Dorothy went on, "I want to know the trath. Is curtain muclin more expensive than it was lie fore the McKinley law went into ef fect?" "No, it is as cheap, and in many in stances cheaper. For, as I told yon, the foreign manufacturer pays that extra duty." "Well, then," Dorothy replied tri umphantly, "please show me some white lace curtains of fine net, with a fern pat tern." We found what we wanted at four dollars a pair; they had been a trill" higher two years before. And Dorothy had another treasure for that "home." On our way to the station we stopped at Mr. Horner's gorgeous furniture store on Twenty-third street to see about some furniture, and Mr. Horner himself told us that he knew of a very lar. f concern "on the other side" that is com ing to this country if Mr. Harrison is elected. That would mean another l;v factory here with employment for ever so many people. Oh, it would be such a wicked thing if Grover Cleveland should be elected! The tariff would be changed, and tliut would make it so hard for people who work "by the day." Every woman ought to realize that and influence herhtirbai:r some time to the attentions ot the three-year-old boy of his hostess, but at last grew a little tired of having his whisker* polled and his corns trodden npoo. "Madam," said he, "there Is one thing abcrat your charming little boy which especially pleases me." "And what is that?" asked the smil fcay mother. "That he tsnt a twin." OMtroaomlo It«m. "We are going to have pie for din ner," said Bobby to the minister. •"Indeed!" laughed the clergyman, ■mused at the liule boy's artleaaness; "and what kind of pie, Bobby?" "It's a new kind. Ma was talking this morning a boat pa bringing you to dinner so often, and pa said he didnl •are what she thought, and ma said •he'd make him eat humble pie before the day was over, an' I suppose we're ooin' to have it for dinner. "—Texas ■tttinga. A GBKAT THOCGHT. Deacon (entering the room) —Goahl look at dat. HI play a four In policy to-morrer, certain-—Judge. Be Sorpected aa Kaeh. At a reception given by a German prince a gentleman was Introduced, whe said to the potentate: "I was not present, your highness, yesterday, when the officials had the pleasure of being introduced to your excellency." Prince (haughtily)—To be introduced to me, sir, is an honor. It la no pleasure. "So 1 perceive." Mendacity la Harleok. Gus de Smith is well known as one o4 the most adroit liars In Harlem. At a social gathering at the Yerger man sion Hostetter McGinnis said to Gus: "That's not true." "Whsrt's not true?" "What you said just now." "But I didn't say anything." "That's all the same. What you were going to say Is not true" —Texas Sift ing*. Did Her Beet. "Say, Boggs, I hear you asked that suspender girl of your party to marry you. Did yon, really?" "Yeas, Dobbs, It's true." "And she refused you?" "Yaas, but we are very good frieoda. She promised—" "To be a sister to yon?" "No, a—a bwother."—Detroit Free Kress. Ineeperable. Mrs. Bangupp—Marie, I wish you would take my diamond ring to the jew eler's and have it cleaned. Marie—Yes'ih. Mr*. Bangupp—By the way, you might as well take my lorgnette, too, and have It polished. One Is of no use without the other.— Life. A Cajh Doctor. First Little Boy—Do you go to the country every year? Second Little Hoy—N-no; sometime* papa don't pay the doctor's bill, an' then the doctor gits mad an' won't order tna out of th' city.—Good New a TroabU Ahead for the Booeter. Free ton—l've got a rooster that crows every night just at twelve o'clock. Bobbie—ls that rooster yours? Papa aald the other day he'd give fifty cents to know who owned It, so I'll tell him. —Harper's Young People. —However solicitous mothers may be about the health and comfort of their little children they cannot prevent them from contracting cioap and whoopinp congh. Bnt whi'e they cannot prevent their troub les they csn readily core the little ones with I>r. Bull's Cough Syrup. —John Darby, of Sacremcnto, Cal., wan sent into the cellar by hit* mother for a bot tle ol tomato catsup. As he was coming up he shook the bottle and it exploded, a piece of the bottle cuttiDg a gash in his throat. —Sick headache is enred by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the peculiar medicine. Sold by all druggists. —Some busy people never find time to do anything. The Cholera Scare. If indeed the dreadful disease should be come epidemic in our land why not protect yourself in timet Every physician will tell you that a stimulant is absolutely nec essary to assist in mastering the disease, and all first class physicians agree upon one man's liquors for purity, age and rea sonable prices. They refer you to Max Klein, of Allegheny, I'a., who will upon application mail you free of charge a com plete catalogue and price list of the manv kinds of liquors for sale by him. His "Sil ver Age Rye" at $1.50 per quart, is not equalled. His "Daquesne" at $1.25 has no superior. His bottling of Guckenheim er, Finch, Overholt, Gibson and Bear Creek at SI.OO per full quart, or six quarts for $5.00 are all reliable and pure Pennsyl vania liye Whiskies. For Brandies, Gin or Wines, either imported or domestic, no other liquor store in the state can or will do as well for you. Address Max Klein, 82 Federal Street. Alleghenv. Pa. —The probabilities are that cholera has saved more lives than it has destroyed in this country. The recent scare has resulted in a general cleaning up all over the land, and scores of cities and tows have been put in better sanitary condition than they have ever been before. Sickness has been averted in many a home by this mean*, and there is no telling how many epidem ics have been nipped in the bud, Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup ot coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will afreet a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address, tiolden Specific Co., 185 Race St.. Cincinnati (). —A company has been incorporated with SIOO,OOO capital stock for the purpose of erecting near the World's Fair a $75,000 club-house, which shall be maintained dur ing the Fair as headquarters for wheelmen from all parts of the world. Thereafter the building will become a central club house for the League of American Wheel, men. The project is approved by mem bers of the National Association and by the Council of tho Illinois branch. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Halsuin will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. —On each side of the McMonies mam moth memorial fountain in front of the Administration hmlding at the World's Fair will be a huge electrical fountain which will throw a stream 150 feet high brilliantly illuminated by variously colored I electric lights. 12 Years Sentence. Twelve years experience for your benefit For twelve rear* we have teen in the bugey business and in all that time not a single individual he* accused as of misn preseoting the quality of a vehicle sold It n u*t be a satisfaction for everyone to know that they Lave a firm tbat never misrep resent*—and that yearn of experience enables them to ku. w the quality of work they sell. Our ha« 'ocreaaed year by year natsl it is twice that of any other similar concern in the State, and we ft*! so g *>d that we have a notion to jumr» oat of our ."Id storv window—but we w >a't—for now. just before the Flairs we want one great big busv mocth. and are ready for it. We have the good* and must make prices so as to induce eu-t. roer* lo bay qaick. Remember we keep everythiug pertaining to a dr ving or team outfit Now look at a few prices: Leather ba'ter* 50 ceaUa, team brides 90 cents, buggy whips 10 cents, a wh.de set ef bu«r* v harness. ft 75. a foil Mt of wagon harness, with breeching, f.>r two hordes $1«. heavy iea'ber flv nets $1 50, wagon and buggy cushions 75 cents, top buggies f45 two seat spring wagons S4O, etc Vehicles of all kinds; harness of all kinds, lap dusters ana everything used in connection with a driving and team »utfit except the horse. Now don't be backward, come in whether yon want to buy or not Walk in just as you would into your mother's ro >m —you are inst as wel come Take a ride on our new elevat r, fret. Now do come. If you don't need anything come walking right in and say you don't want to buy but look and you are welcome If you have a package of any kiad you can leave it here until you are ready to go out of town without charge, our location is central. Remember the place and remember we are the first and only person* who ever had enough energy within themselves and coofidence in their fellow citizens to bring down the price and depend on increased sales to compensate them We did it. You appreciated it and dealt liberally with us and now we want the crowning month of our life Hurry, now come along, get ready for the Fairs and drive thereto in just as good a rig as yonr neighbor. Respectfully, S. B. MARTLNCOURT A CO. S. B. MARTINCOURT. J. M. LEIGHNER LIMES M GENTLH: WE take pleasure in announcing the fact that we now have on display and on sale an immense stock of goods in the following lines: Drew Goods in all grades, styles and prices, with the very latest things in trimmings to match. MILLINERY IN all the new things the market affords Hats and Bonnets gotten up in best style "while yon wait." Ladies', and Children's Wrape, well made and style and fit guaranteed. Carpets, Oil (Moths, LINOLEUMS, Mattings, Rogs. Carpet Sweepers, Lace Curtains' Portiers, Poles and Fixtures, and all kinds of I»ome«ic r>ry Goods We always have the besv. Blankets and Flannels, and the Standard patterns nre acknowledged to he the best made (. al! in and get a Fashion Sheet. AH the goods in onr different departments are marked in plain figures at the lowest price* We not only keep Standard Patterns but all cur goods are standard We do not handle seconds Ladies'. Gent's and Children's Underwear a specialty. RITTER & RALSTON. "DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. , RINGS, Diamonds ' STUDS, ( GENTS GOLD, 1 LADIES GOLD, VV cllGlieS (GENTS SILVER LADIES CHATL A IN. J Go,d Pin9 ' vv VV tsll y Rings, Chain*, Bracelets. Etc, ( Tea sets. castors, butter dishes ftllw>rw*irp \ and everything that can be OH V Wdl t/ ( found in a first class sto*e, NKB'iMtao issswr* E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 139, North Main St., BT7TLEE, PA., Jewelfy, Clocks, Silvei'wai'e, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department —20 years Experience. PP! * HAT- FEVER v Cold head wmm Eltft Cream Balm it not a liquid, muff or pieder Applied into tAe rv>rfni» if it _ quickly abtvrbed. It eUantes tK» Ke-id, aUtntt injtammation, larii _ . L II A the wet. Mrt by drvqgittt or tent Ajr vuul on rernnt of prw L||n 3UC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Wwen Stmt NEW YORK. 9UC . -LEADING (Ml- K . Our Fail Millinery trade haa bee* rv-rr *M;-*f*rmry so Tar. although v»e havr » Miilrarry department. IMOI KMX. DAINTY AHO STYLISH 7~*L » vY> ■ILUNSIIV |A SPK IALTY CHILDRG |yt»HK\PK^T Yacht Caps. Victoria Flat-4. t jos, >a or 4 Hat- aisw a number r>f ether styles D. T. PAPE. 1212 S. Xl«ir\ Street Hutler. Pu. n uim iu BEGINS OCT.f$. YOU WANT FURNITURE. WE WANT MONEY. We to occupy our new sti>re al*>ut Jan. Ist. We want to move as few goods as We will srive you prices that van can't help i>ut buy. A |'J. r ) Parlor Suite for *'2s •Ml A 45 44 44 35 *M> A 55 " 44 45 00 A H> Bed laounire for I- 5© A 20 44 44 15 00 A 5 Hocfcinu Chair for "1 75 A 8 44 " 500 Ac. Call early for thc*e bargains 130 N. Main St., - - Butler. Pa. The Best Place To got vour Fall ami Winter mrttit DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, UNDER WEAR, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARNS, HOSIERY. GLOVES, < OR SETS, etc., in at They keep the largest stock, best goods and, al»ove all, the lowest prices. CARPET, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, LACE CURTAINS, PORTIERS, CURTAIN POLES, WIN DOW SHADES: We can sell you the a hove named goods cheaper than you can get them elsew here A. TROUTMAN A SON., The leading Dry < uxxis and Carpet House, Butler, Pa. Presidential Campaign of 1892. GRAND INDUCEMENTS TO RK \I»ER* OF THE CITIZEN. The Presidential Campaign of 1*92 will. wtthoa- toabt, be th«» mm intensely interesting and eiciiintr in history >f tie United St* t*~, ami country people will V ei'r»"w!y aifxioc* to fear-* al :k« g*a *ml ami political news and dii*cussHins of tne day •* pr.-.ti-r.j n a Nstioaai Journal, in addition to that supplied by iferi' toe* p-p»- To meet this want we hare 'nvrnl iato a ctHttrart with *h% NEW YORK WEEKLY TKIBUNE The Leading Republican Pape*" of the UNIITD STATES which enahlaa as to offer that *pien»i nnjilv w»*f ptt>• »-«• SI.OO per year) and "THE CITIZEN" fer o«a »**r Poronlv .S1'»0. cash in .-vlrance. N Y. Weekly Tribune." re*ui»r price per year ft OO The Citizen.'' " 1 SO Total 12.5© WE FURNISH BOTH PAPERS OK TEAS FOR Sl5O. Sobi-rtiptioiti ma* be Thia is th* most !ihe-aJ enmhtmnion eifer a tW r» *t4 States, and aeery reader of H -c.ieU tafca advantage » :t t onca. Address all order* to THE CITIZEN, BI'TLER PA