Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 28, 1892, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIX.
Reduced Prices
For the next sixty days we will sell our
large stock of clothing at greatly reduced
Mens suits worth S2O will go for #l6,
" " " $lB " 44 44 #l4,
And Boy's suits at the same reduction.
We are now ready with our Fall and
Winter Footwear.
Give us a call and see our goods, and
get our prices before purchasing else
R. Barnhart & Son,
General Merchants.
Connoquenessing P. 0., Petersville, Pa.
"HfW'T " r^-
I f I I cause \vc have
W 1 the finest and
most reliable drug store in this part of
the State that you have to pay more for
your medicines. VVe dispense only Pure
and Fresh Drugs at all times and at
reasonable prices.
229 Centre Ave.,
South Side, Butler, Pa.
Bickel's Great Oct. Sale
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers.
Are you a close cash buyer ? If you are don't fail to
Attend this sale.
A. Word To The Wise Is Sufficient.
I Am Loaded To My Utmost Capacity And The Goods Most Go.
First Week Of This Great Sale
I will Open the fall season bj placing on sale the best line of children's
school shoes made, I hare an extra large stock of them bought (or spot cash
from the largest manufacturer in the country, bare them in bright and oil
grain, high cut 75 cts. to SI.OO, fine satin calf high cut 90, 1.00 and 1.10,
erery pair warranted waterproof and prioes guaranteed to be 25 per cent
cheaper than elsewhere.
Second Week Of This Great Sale
I will place on sale a line of ladies' fine, medium and heary shoes at prices
to aait the times, money is a little scarce and you must make a dollar go as
for as possible. I think I can help yon out. Ladies' fine Don. button shoes
tip or plain toe 1.00, same shoes in fine grade 1.25 and 1.50, bare reduced
the 2.50 cloth tops shoes to 1.75. See it and you will bur it either tip or
plain toe.
Ladies' bright grain shoes button and lace 1.00.
Ladies' oil grain shoes button or lace 75 and 1.00.
Ladies' grain slippers 50 cts.
Ladies' relret slippers 50 cts.
Ladies' brnssel slippers 60 eta.
Ladies' serge gaiters plain 50 cts, foxed 60 cts.
Third Week Of This Great Sale
I will commence to sell men's and boys' stogy boots, and if you need tbem
sooner yon can bare tbem at the following low prices. Men's stoge boots
1.25, 1.50 and 1.75. A foil line of hand made Jamestown boots in men's
and boys' from 1.75 to 3 50. Men's good calf boot for 2.00 a pair.
Fourth Week Of This Great Sale.
In addition to the goods named I will offer an extra line of Ladies'
warm shoes. Ladies looking for solid comfort should be interested in these
floods, tbey are durable comfortable and ebeap. Prices on Ladies' warm
ined shoes are 1.00, 125 and 1.50. Come in and look orer our line of fine
Oxfords, Newports and slippers all rery cheap.
Any Time During Oct. I Will Sell
Boots, shoes and robbers cheaper than any other bouse in Butler, I hare
the goods and they were bought right and will be sold on a small margin of
We Take The Lead in Felt Boots.
Jost receired from the largest felt boot factory in the world, 50 cases
of their best and closest made felt boot, and they will be sold at 2.00 a pair
including a pair of good heary orers of the following brands: Lycoming,
Candee, Woonsocket, Boston.
See That Your Rubber Boots are Branded Boston, Candee
Woorsocketor Lycoming an Then Buy Them at My Price $2.25.
Including a heary pair of slippers. Buy any of the abore makes and you
will hare a good boot. Buy them at my price 2.25 and you will hare the
price right.
All Rubber Goods Reduced. Boots and Shoes Made to Order.
Repairing Done Same Day Received
Leather and Findings, Blacksmith's aprons, etc.
When in need of Footwear Call at Butler's Leading Shoe House
No. 128 South Main Street Butler, Pa.
We now hare ready for your inspection the largest and most complete
■tock of first class boots. shoeß and rubbers in Butler county.
If you want to fit out your family with
Boots and shoes that will last them all winter T JT
is the plase yon are looking for. We may not sell the cheapest truck sold
in Butler, but we at least hare the reputation of giring more real ralue for
your money than can be bad elsewhere. Our kip, calf, oil grain, goat, etc.,
boots and shoes are made not only to sell but for
We have not room here to quote enough prices to gire you aa idea of
how cheap we are selling goods adapted to your special need, but rest as
sored that no dealer in Butler shall undersell us, but that we will positirely
ViOOJJo ftll of the best makes and at prices lower than the
lowest. Call and see for your self.
We take special pride in our line of
For style, fit and serrice they are unequaled. We are selling them as cheap
as other dealers sell inferior grades. We gire a handsome school bag with
erery pair.
114 South Main street, Butler, Pa.
IST K. '.Viij n> .. offler hours. 10 '•> 12 M. anil
i to ;i P. ML'
Physician and Surgeon.
soo \\ est Cunningham St.
Oftiee and residence at 12* K. * uiinluuti.iai St,
Sew Troutmaii Building. I'iHler. I'h.
E. S. LEAKE. M. 1). J B MANN M K
Specialties: Specialties:
'•ynseoology and sur- iiye, Eur, Si»e »•>
gery, Thra.it.
Butler, Pa.
t : . "-it «Vl MtKMAN.
umoe at No. 45, S. Main str-*t. r>m» A
Oo's Dius Store. Butler. Pa.
Is now
joinlnc Ills formfr ones. All kinds of elusp
plates and mcderen gold work.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.*
ArtillcliU Teeth inserted CD the latest im
proved plan, '.out tilling a specialty, omce—
over Sehaul's Clothing Store.
Gold Filling Extraction of Teeth
and Artificial Teeth without Plates a specialty
Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local
An.-vstheties Lsed.
Office o-er Millers Grocery east of l.owry
House. „
Office closed Wednesdays and Tuursdtys.
Farm surveys promptly maja. Charges
Office over Bern's Rank, Hut-'er, Pa.
At'.orney-at-Law—Office in Diamond Block,
Butler. Pa.
Office—between I'ostofflce and Diamond, But
ler, Pa.
Office at No. 8, South Diamond, But lor. Pa.
Office second fioor, Anderson Bl k. Main St.,
near Court HOUBT. Butler, Pa.
Att'y at Law—office on South fjlde of Diamond
Butler. Pa.
Office on second floor of the llusulton oloek.
Diamond, Butler, Pa., Kooß No. 1.
Attorney at Law. Office at No. 17, East Jeffer
son St., Butler, Pa.
Attorney at Law and Real Estate Ant nt. Of
flee rear of L. Z. Mitchell's office on north side
of Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Attorney-at-law. Office ou second tloor o!
Anderson building, near Court House. Butler,
Insurance and Real Estate Ag't
Mutual Fire insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham His.
Alfred Wick, I Henderson Oliver,
l>r. W. Trvln, James Stephenson,
W. W. Blackinore, IN. Weltzel,
K. Bowman, D. T. Norrls.
Geo Ketterer. ii has. R"Miun,
John iirohman, John Kuemn«.
lly doctor lays it acts irently on the stomach, liver
and kidneys, and lft a peasant laxative. Thl« drink
1.1 in ado from h«rbs, and Ift piep&red for use ** easily
as tea. It la called
All drunrists sell It at 600. aod CI 00 jvt pAckacrr
THE BOWELS EACH VAY. lu oi\U£ bu lii-alth*
thift Ift m-ccMary.
Marks' Popular Millinery Store,
Main St., opposite the Savings Bank,
3utler, Pa.
Pattern and Trimmed hats in all
the latent makes and Fall styles.
New line of Flowers, Ribbons aud
Children's Caps, and Trimmed
New Hosiery aud Underwear.
Be sure to take time to see the best
stock of Millinery goods in Butler, at
M. F. & M. Marks'.
ll3 and 117 South Main Street.
Mrs. Allaire restored to reason, it was
like a person that had risen from the
dead. The very first question which
fell from Molly's lips was how long sho
had been out of her mind.
"For two months," replied Dr. Brom
ley, who was expecting the question.
"Two months only!" she murmured.
For it seemed to her as if a century had
gone by.
"Two months!" she continued. "John
can't be back yet, for it's only two
months since he sailed. Has he been
told that our poor little babe—"
"Mr. Holiister has written him," an
swered Dr. Bromley, interrupting her.
"And have they heard from the Dread
She was told that Capt. John was
to write from Singapore, 'but that tho
letter had not yet arrived. But anyway,
according to the maritime reports, the
Dreadnaught ought to reach the Indies
very soon, and that they were now look
ing forward for a cablegram to that ef
Then came an inquiry as to the
absence of Kate Barker, to which the
doctor replied that Mr. and Mrs. Barker
were out of town and it was not known
exactly when they would be back.
To Andrew Holiister was assigned
the difficult task of informing Mrs.
Allaire of the loss of the Dreadnaught,
but it was agreed that he should wait
until her mind had become strong
enough to bear the blow. For the next
ensuing fortnight Mrs. Allaire was not
permitted to hold any intercourse with
the outside world. Above all, were
they in her presence to avoid every al
lusion to the past, every word or ex
pression which might lead her to dis
cover that four years had elapsed since
the death of her child, since Capt.
John had sailed away. For awhile,
anyway, it was necessary that for her
the year 1579 should be 1875.
It was quite natural that Molly should
feel a longing, mingled with impatience,
to receive John's first letter. As the
Dreadnaught was upon the point of
reaching Calcutta—if she was not al
ready there—the captain's wife was con
stantly expecting to hear that Holiister
& Co. had a cablegram to that effect.
Then the eastern mail would soon ar
rive and she, the moment her strength
would permit, would write to John.
Alas, how could she bring herself to
tell him what had happened, and that,
too, in the very first letter which she
had written to him since their mar
riage, as they had never been separated
before the sailing of the Dreadnaught.
Ah, yes, this first letter would be a ter
ribly sad one!
Mrs. Allaire's condition, mental and
physical, continued to improve rapidly.
It would soon be time for Andrew Hol
iister to act.
Molly now began a letter to John.
She could no longer keep from talking
to him of their child which he was
never again to set eyes upon. She
poured out all her sorrow in a letter to
her husband, a letter which he was
never to receive.
Mr. Holiister took this letter, promis
ing to put it with his own mail for the
Indies, and when this had been done,
Mrs. Allaire became somewhat calmer,
living now only in the anticipation of a
speedy arrival of tidings, direct or in
direct, of the good ship Dreadnaught.
However, this condition of affairs
could not last. Sooner or later, possi
bly through their abundance of cau
tion, Molly would learu what they
were concealing from her. The more
she .gave herself up to the
thought that she would soon re
ceive a letter from John, that every
day that went by shortened just so
much his absence from her, the more
terrible would be the fatal blow. A
conversation which Molly and Mr. Hol
iister had on June 20 only served to con
firm this opinion. For the first time
Molly had walked out into the little
garden, and there Mr. Holiister found
her seated on a bench in front of the
cottage steps. He sat down beside her
and taking her hands in his pressed
them affectionately. Mrs. Allaire's
strength had returned rapidly of late.
Her old-time deep rich coloring had
shown itself onoe more, although her
eyes were often wetted with tears.
"I see that you are getting well fast,
my dear Molly," said Holiister; "you are
really doing finely."
"Yes, Mr. Holiister," replied Molly,
"but, oh, it seems to me that I have
grown terribly old in these two
months! My poor John will find me
greatly changed. And then there will
be no ono but me to receive him—no
one but me."
"Courage, my dear Molly, courage.
You mustn't give way in this manner,
you know; you're my daughter now and
you must obey me."
"Dear Mr. Holiister!"
"Ah, that's something like!"
"You have sent the letter which I
wrote John, haven't you?" asked
"Certainly! and you must wait a re
ply with patience. The India mails are
often delayed. There, Molly, you are
crying again; now please stop!"
"How can I, Mr. Holiister, when I
think of everything? And was I not
the cause of it, too?"
"No, no, poor little mother, no! God
hath chastened you severely, but he will
put an end to your sorrowl"
"God!" murmured Molly, "God will
bring hack my John to me!"
"Have you had a visit from Dr.
Bromley to-day, Molly?" asked Holiis
"Yes, and he seemed satisfied with
the progress I was making. My
strength is increasing. I shall soon be
able to go out."
"Not until he gives his permission,
"Of course not, Mr. Holiister. I
promise you not to do anything rash."
"And I rely on your promise!"
"You have received no news of the
Dreadnaught yet, Mr. Holiister?"
"No, but it doesn't surprise me, for
it's a long voyage from here to the
"John may have written from Singa
pore. Didn't he touch there?"
"He was to do so, Molly, but if he
missed the mail even by a few hours it
would occasion a delay of a fortnight."
"Then you are not the least bit sur
prised at not having received a letter
from John up to this time?"
"Not the least!" answered Andrew
Holiister, to whom the conversation
was becoming very embarrassing.
"And there is no report in the mari
time journals of his having been
"No, not since he fell in with the Fly
ing Cloud —about—"
"Two months ago," interrupted Mol
ly. "And oh, why did those two ves
sels fall in with each other? Had they
not done so, I would not have gone on
board the Flying Cloud, and my baby—"
A change came over Mrs. Allaire's face,
and the tears burst forth.
"Molly, my dear Molly," pleaded Mr.
Hollister, "doa't weep. I beg of you
don't weep."
"Ah, Mr. Holiister, I don't know—
but a presentiment comes over me at
times. It's very strange. It seems as
if a new misfortune —oh, I'm so worried
about John!"
"Yon shouldn't be, Molly. There is
no reason for it!"
"Mr. Holiister, couldn't you send me
some of the shipping journals in which
there are marine reports; I would like
to read—"
"Certainly, my dear Molly, I'll do so.
However, if there were anything con
cerning the Dreadnaught, either that
she had been spoken at sea or had safe
ly reached tho Indies I would be the
first to know it'and I would at once —"
But it now became necessary to
change the conversation. In the end
Mrs. Allaire might have noticed a cer
tain hesitation in the replies made by
Mr. Holiister,whose eyes could not bear
unflinchingly the steady honest look
fixed upon them. The merchant was
upon the point of broaching the subject
of Edward Manson's death and the
large fortune which he had left" his
niece, when Molly put this questioh:
"They tell mo that Kate and her hus
band have gone traveling. Ilavo they
been gone long?"
"No, two or three weeks."
"And they'll be back soon, I sup
"I can't say," answered Andrew Hol
iister. "We have not heard from
"Isn't it known where they went?"
"No, my dear Molly. Lew Barker was
engaged in some important schemes of
a very speculative nature. It may have
been necessary for him to make a long
trip, very long."
"And Kate?"
"Mrs. Barker was no doubt obliged
to accompany her husband. I can't
give you the facts of the case."
"Poor Kate," said Mrs. Allaire, "I'm
very fond of her and I shall be very
glad to see her again. She is the only
relative I have now."
It was evident that Molly had quite
forgotten Edward Manson, and the re
lationship which existed between him
and her.
"How comes it that Kate has never
written to me?" she asked.
"My dear Molly, you were a very sick
woman at the time Mr. and Mrs. Bar
ker left San Diego—"
"That's so, Mr. Holiister, and what
was the use of writing when the letter
would be a blank to the one receiving
it? Dear Kate, she is to be pitied! Life
must have been hard for her. I've
always dreaded that Lew Barker would
become involved in some crooked trans
action. Maybe John thought so, too."
"And yet," replied Holiister, "no one
was expecting such an unfortunate ter
mination —"
"Then it was the failure of one of his
schemes that forced Lew Barker to
leave San Diego?" asked Molly, with
her gaze riveted upon Holiister, whose
constraint was only too evident. "Mr.
Holiister," she added, "speak; don't con
ceal anything from me. I want to know
"Well, Molly, I don't want to conceal
from you an unfortunate affair which
will be sure to reach your ears. Yes,
Barker's matters have of late been go
ing from bad to worse. He could not
meet his engagements, demands were
made upon him, and, with arrest star
ing him in the face, there was nothing
left him but flight."
"And Kate went with him?"
"No doubt he forced her to do so.
You know she has no will as against
"Poor Kate! Poor Kate!" murmured
Mrs. Allaire. "How I pity her! Oh, if
1 had only been in a position to help
"You could have done so," said Hol
iister. "Yes, you could have saved Lew
Barker, not for himself, for he has no
claim upon your sympathy, but for his
wife's sake."
"Yes, and I'm sure John would have
approved of the use to which I would
have thus put our modest little for
Andrew Holiister took good care not
to add that Mrs. Allaire's property had
been wasted by Lew Barker. It would
have been a confession that he had had
some legal control over it, and she
might have asked how it was possible
for so many things to happen in the
brief space of two months. Therefore,
Mr. Holiister merely replied, with a
"Don't speak of your modest little
fortune, my dear Molly. It is no longer
"What do you mean, Mr. Holiister?"
she asked.
"I mean that you are a rich woman—
a very rich woman."
"Your Uncle Edward Manson is
"Dead? Why, how long has he been
Holiister came near betraying him
self by giving the exact date of Man
son's death, then two years back, and
this would have revealed the whole
truth. But Molly was completely
absorbed with the thought that the
death of her uncle and the disappear
ance of her cousin left her entirely
without any relatives. And when she
realized that by the death of this rela
tive who really existed only in name
for her, and who both she and John ex
pected would live to a green old age,
bhe was now seized in her own right of
a fortune of two millions, there arose
in her mind a deep and profound regret
that she should have missed the occa
sion of putting some of this money to a
good use.
"Yes, Mr. Holiister, I would have
helped poor Kate. I would have saved
her from shame and ruin. Where is
she? Where can she have gone? What
is going to become of her?"
Mr. Holiister was obliged to admit
that all attempts to ascertain the
whereabouts of Barker had failed. Had
he taken refuge in some one of the dis
tant territories of the United States or
had he not left America entirely? It
was all mere guess work.
"And yet if it's only a few weeks
since he and Kate disappeared from San
Diego," said Mrs. Allaire, "possibly we
shall hear—"
"Yes, only a few weeks," Mr. Holiis
ter made haste to reply.
Fortunately another thought now
took complete possession of Molly's
mind. It was this: Thanks to this
fortune willed to her by Edward Man
son, there would be no necessity of
John following the sea any longer. She
would never again be left alone! This
voyage on the Dreadnaught for the ac
count of Holiister & Co., would be the
last one that he would make. And was
it not to be the last, since Capt. John
was never to come back from It again?
"Oh, Mr. Ilollistcr," cried Molly,
"now John will not be obliged to go to
sea again. We shall be together—al
ways together —nothing shall separate
us again." And to think that this hap
piness was to be shattered by a word —
a word which must needs soon bo
spoken. Andrew Hoi lister felt himself
quite unmanned. He made haste to
end the interview; but before taking
leave of Mrs. Allaire he exacted a pr m
ise from her that she would do nothing
rash, that she would not leave the
house, that she would not resume her
former way of living until the doctor
had given his permission. On his part
he assured her that if he should receive
any news from the Dreadnaught, either
direct or indirect, he would immediate
ly communicate with her.
When Holiister repeated this conver
sation to Dr. Bromley, the latter open
ly expressed his fears that Mrs. Allaire
might accidentally learn the terrible
truth that she had been robbed of her
reason for four years, that for four
years no tidings had come from the
Dreadnaught and that she would never
see her husband again! Yes, it was far
better that either Andrew Holiister or
he should in the most tender manner
possible inform Molly of the real state
of affairs.
It was therefore decided that after
the lapse of another week, when there
could be no more reasonable excuse for
keeping Mrs. Allaire indoors, she should
be informed of everything.
"And may Heaven give her strength
to stand up under the blow!" exclaimed
Andrew Holiister.
During the last week of June, Mrs.
Allaire's life at Prospect cottage took
on very much the aspect of other days.
Thanks to the skill and intelligence of
those in charge of her, her mind in
creased in strength with her body.
Hence Mr. Holiister found himself more
and more embarrassed when Molly
pressed him with questions which hi?
oad been forbidden to answer.
On the afternoon of the 23d, he wvnt
to see her for the purpose of placing a
•ertain sum of money to her credit, and
of giving her a statement of her proper
ty which, in the shape of stocks and
bonds, had been put in charge of one of
the safe deposit companies.
During this Interview Mrs. Allaire
took very little Interest in the subject
of conversation. She hardly listened to
what he was saying. Her every word
was John. Her thoughts were all with
him. What! no letter yet? She was
greatly worried. How was it that the
firm had not even received a cablegram
Announcing the arrival of the Dread
naught in the Indies?
The shipping merchant strove to calm
her by saying that he had just tele
graphed to Calcutta, and that he might
have a reply any dr»y. However, if he
succeeded in turning her thoughts out
of this channel she threw him into a fit
of agitation by crying out:
"Mr. Holiister, there's a man that I
haven't spoken of as yet —the one who
saved me and made such effort* to uft
my child—that sailor —"
"That sailox ?" stammered Holiister.
"Yes, that brave man to whom I owe
my life. Has he been rewarded?"
"He has, Molly."
And this was a fact. 11 had been done.
"Is he in San Diego, Mr. Holiister?"
"No, my dear Molly, no. I was told
that he had gone to sea again."
And this also was true. After he had
given up work in the harbor this man
had shipped on several vessels and was
at that time away on a voyage.
"But, anyway, you can tell mo what
his name is?" asked Mrs. Allaire.
"His name is Zach French."
"Zach French? Oh, thanks, Mr. Hol
lister." And apparently, now that she
had learned the man's name, she dis
missed him from her thoughts.
But in fact from that day Zach
French was never out of Molly's mind.
From that moment it became impossible
for her to disassociate him from the
catastrophe which had been enacted in
the bay. She resolved to find Zach
French when he returned to port—he
had only been gone a few weeks. She
would learn on which vessel he had
shipped. No doubt it was one whose
home port was San Diego. His ship
would be back in six months—or a year,
and then—^by that time, too, Dread
naught would be home again, and John
and she would take delight in reward
ing Zach French, in paying this debt of
gratitude. Yes. John must now soon
bring the Dreadnaught into port and
then he would resign command of her,
they would part from each other.
"And, oh," murmured Molly, "why is
it necessary that our kisses and our
tears should be mingled on that day'"
No Evidence.
Newgrad—Do you know, I find that
my university education goes against
me in my endeavors to get on In the
Cynicus—Well, why do you tell peo
ple that you have it? They would
never find it out if you didn't mention
it.—N. Y. Herald.
He \Ya, Mlntaken.
Gus Do Smith—l believe, Miss Sharp
girl, you think I am a stupid creature?
Miss Sharpgirl—No, indeed. Nobody
who can so accurately divine the
thoughts of another can be stupid.—
Texas Sittings.
Highly Appropriate.
Jinks (examining his prescription)—
These doctors are awfully fond of Latin,
aren't they?
Filkins—Yes; it's a dead language,
you know.—Truth.
Fortune, they say, 's a tickle jade.
Inconstant as—a mortal maid;
And yet. In her disdain of me.
She Is a pearl of constancy.
How Uncle Summerboard is making
a fortune with the old farm wagon.—
A Rapid Improvement.
"Who is that ugly, wrinkled old man
over there, Tom?"
"Where, Maud? Oh, that's Glubber,
the rich old bachelor. They say ho'a
looking for a wife."
"What makes you call him old? I
don't think he looks old a bit."—Chi*
cago Newe Record.
Loved Him Too Well.
"You said that girl, Mary Hateful,
would never love anybody?"
"She never will."
"She loves Charlie Brown."
"How do you know?"
"He asked her to be his wife and she
refused."—N. Y. Press.
A Bad, Wicked Man.
Visitor—What became of that dog
you used to have?
Little Girl—A bad, wicked man shot
"Dear me! What for?"
"For bitin' th' bad, wicked man'i
baby."—Good News.
Anti-Poverty Item.
"Poor follow, he died in poverty,"
said a man of a person lately deceased.
"That isn't anything," exclaimed a
seedy bystander. "Dying in poverty i»
no hardship; it's living in poverty that
puts the thumb-screws on a fellow.**—
Texas Siftings.
Ten States <s® CIMT That T«|IH|M Voter*
May CftlMC the !.<••• of Any of Tfeeui.
The Australian Ballot Must Be Readied
am! Voter* Pre parr. I to I *e ft.
'Special < orr»pociirace.]
NEW YORK. Oct. 17 —On* thing the
voters of the Unitel States ought to un
derstand very clearly. That is that th
neglect of a few people to vote at the coat
ing election may change the result and
change the entire business condition of
the country. There are ten states in the
country in which a change of from
to 4.000 votes v.-< nld charge the re*n!t in
those states. There are five states in the
country in which less t'uan 2,(*K> voter?
remaining at home , n t:< n day w< »old
change the result. There are states ID
which a change ■f a few h<mdred v- «
from one aid" to tho other w< old chan.-'-
the resnlt. There *re others in whn it a
mere handful t f voters neglecting their
duty to go to the i«>lls would allow th#
opp>*ing tiartv to carry the n r
those states, and ; • rhap« change the .
tire result of the presidential elect; n.
What a Change In Administration Would
This is a matter of such vital imj»>r
tance that the voter* of the country can
not giTe it too much th 'ight. A change
in the administration. it is conceded,
means a general chance in the policy of
this government. The chance* are
ninety-nine out of IW* that if the -
crats suci • • i in electing their president
they will by the same stroke obtain a
majority m the hou and - nte ms well
as control of the pr -idmtial chair
That has not happened l»for>> for over
thirty years. When the Republicans
got into power iu IHSO th- y changed the
general policy of the _ .r eminent from
a low tariff t >tke pr. tectiv ■ tariff. Itis
not necessary in this connection to p.
into the details <>f the wonderful pros
perity which h;.* followed. Everybody
conversant with the history of the
country mnst realize that the prosper
ous condition of the pe> pic of the gov
ernment of the country generally is so
patent that nob- iy <an doubt that pros
perity has attended •the protective
tariff" experience of the United Htafe-.
There is not a man in the United States
who can < ■ ' that the electi«>t» of a
Democratic president, a Democratic
house and a Democratic senate would
mean a reversal of the tariff conditions
under which this wonderfnl pr .-perity
has come.
Your Nfßlffl € lmngc *hr lirtnlt.
Every voter of the country who does
not want to s« e this iplendid conditv :i
of our country d. -'roved— a condition
which every t... : n of the world ha.-
recognized rs ot e cf saperior results —
ought to rv< < -Mje fact that on his
vote and the vote of h: j neighbor ma-'
depend the question of a < bangs in the
administrate j or no change in the ad
ministration. in the state of Connccti
cut in the last presvletitial election the
Democratic plurality was 2.216 votes.
In the state of N< vada the marten of
plurality was only 1,615 votes. In In
diaua the Republican plurality was only
3,348 votes. Out of r.n enormous num
ber of votes cast in West Virginia the
plurality was but •>'-») votes. In a num
ber of other states the plurality was l>nt
a few thousand. Iu many of the states
a change of 1 or 2 per cent, from one
side to the other would have changed
the result. In some of the states the
neglect of less than 1 per cent, of the
Republican voters to go to the polls
would change the result. This brings
us to a jioint which is very important
for every voter to remember.
Farmers and lVnrlinsmfn should Be lore
to Vote.
In nearly every one of the close states
the Australian ballot or something pat
terned upon that has been adopted since
the last presidential election. The ex
perience which has accompanied the use
of this system in the state elections has
shown in nearly every case a falling off
of the farmer vote. The farmer does
not like the Australian ballot. He looks
upon it as a device of the city schemers
and as a troublesome, uncomfortable
method which his fathers did not use.
and which he thinks he should not l«e
compelled to use; the resnlt is that it
has kept thousands and thousands of
fanners away from the polls. Not only
this.'but the workingmen do not like to
be compelled to call njioii others to help
them out in unraveling its mysteries
The honest farmers and the houe-t
workingmen form a very large dement
of the Republican party. Hence a Fal
lot system which is not acceptable to
them, and which results in many of
them staying away from the polls,
naturally rednces the Republican \ tc.
The exi»erieuce in all elections in whi-\i
the Australian ballot or anything like
it has Iteen tried shows a falling off in
the Republican vote. This is accounted
for by the fact already indicated that
the honest farmers and workingmen of
the country do not turnout and vote un
der this new fangled arrangement as
they did before. If the honest farn.ers
and honest workingmen in the Repu!>-
lican party are not careful to do their
full duty this time—regardless of the
fact that they do not like this new
fangled way of voting—they are liable
to wake up on the lilorning after the
election and find that their state haa
gone the wrong way; that by staying
away from the polls they have causc l
that change.
A Solemn Duty of Kvery Bepubllran.
It is the duty of ever* Kepubl.. .1
voter to begin to-day. now, and uiak
study «jf the new voting system of i.
u:id not only to study it for hi..-
self, bat to instruct his neighbor aud li
neighbor's nrighlxm in it. It is al.»
duty to go t'> t'ae [>olls and vote on 1
tim day. w!.ether he likes this ne-.v f .
gled way of voting or not, and al-" '■<
see that his neighbor and his neighb
neighbors d > the same thing.
If hedoes it. if you do it. the cr>;: :
neii prosperity of this country lind
present and splendid system is 11 sv..-
]li« Xnmci Morlliern llrmurnta Apply to
t'nion tolillrri Whrn They T»lk
Their Krai
The follovdng extract from the Ita
leigh N<w* nd Observer of Sept. 16 is
an account of a sji«*ech delivered in that
city by ex-Congre>sman J. H. Murphy,
of lowa, Sept. 15. It seems from this
that the northern Democrats fully agre«-
with their southern associates in hating
Union :<>ldiers. and don't heMtate t-> say
so when they think they are out of hear
ing of the old soldiers themselves:
"The speaker next called attention to
the infamons pension system. It now
amounts to t- I3O.UUO.WW jier annum. In
a few years more at the present ratio
of incrvas" i: will reach the limit • f • ur
revenue. II t <'* a shame that ire thouhi
hare to put vir ham!* in our pocket» to
pay figtufions to a lift of n >t"<i r< /.«. cir.terfer.*
and bounty jumper*."
J. 11. Murphy was a member of the
Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth congresses
from the I)avenp«*rt tla.) district, a na
tive of Massachusetts, and posed in his
candidacies and while 111 congress as a
friend ;>f the soldier. This is the way
he talks when he thinks he is alone wi
the southerners and is privileged to er
press his real sentiments.
Mr. «hll« |»rr»i«lriit orJrr. -
bin Mtt«»rnry general !•» tnaVe iim *»f »h
fe*rr»l election »« prnmot# hi* «»* v
re-«lr4tiuii Thc*<> federal election l« t •
t uaipruo lUe Mine principle* lauiml 1b
|lm m ceiled force bill.
Hlflwr T*if». Luw«r »*f»«. a.m rn
per*. HnolWr OtpMlu aa.t
lireater >xloiul IV t>t. la l«(M
n<a iw MMM.
( HI —f uul«-rtr« ■
W !■■*■! 111. Ort. IT —D» the pe>.p.-
wh<> are clanvraig f<* free trad* #*er
compare ta- c<<t»din.»ns t the pwt an-t
prevnt .if this ronntry with *he <«o» «n
--nential fr»"» :n>h> euontrr »f lb* world—
England? If B<»t. it ranch*. he a nnl
thing for t »*m to do so. I have h**n
looking into :h* nae*u.m a little f Ur-*
and r the coodirin* m this
country u>l in free tnale«ir»»: Brsim.
Here u> sum* of the tinags which I &o.i:
The annual laxeaikvtM from the pot
pi* by tl*> giiTrramfni of free mai*
Great Britain it sl3.*> per capita, villi*
that of the United St.*t.«s is leaa thin $R
per capita.
Th» dapMtte in savings :>anx* in * »re*t
Britain aoiniin: t.> SSM,SW.M>, or Sre
dollar* per capita. and* th>«* is th*
sarings »t.<» of the United Stat**
amount to §1,533.07*.7M. or twenty 6r*
dollari per capita.
To* auKjuai ■ t uumt m circulation
in tirat Bruia is $:7 90 per capita
whil* the anioant ;n ctrcnlan. .n m *h*
ÜBiU-1 States is $;.". 63 per capita. In
deed there is scarcely a cmatrr .<f any
importance on the map nf the world
which ha* as larye an am- >nnt of money
per capita ae has the United States
The nati.nal .ieht of lirrat Britain
am. tints to s9o tar each individual in
her population, while that of the U aited
State* an>. mnt* to s*. J for individual.
The annual interest eharg- upon th*
public debt :n Great Britain » (3 i". per
capita: the annr.al interact -hary ip> n
the public debt in the (* hi t*d State* »
35 cents per capita.
Great Britain, ncder her free trade
ty'trm. haa decrea«i*d her public debt rn
the last thirty-ore yearn sK*> .m».«8»h
the United Mates, under pr»t«c:.on. Jaaa
d®cr»*asrd her public debt m twenty B*e
year* $1.55 l, i ** > .tJOO.
In free trade Great Britain tbere is
1 pauper f- r erery 39 in livid rial* an.l
1 person in every 12 recvive* more or
less parish snpp«.rt: in protective United
State* there is 1 pauper for erery M.l in
The • balance of trade" la hundred* of
millions of dollars against Great Britain
erery year. Under her Taunted free
trade the import* vastly More than she
sells. Her export* last year ani.-anted
to $l ,:>#>.«*!.•/•») in round numbers. ami
her imports amonnted to
a lialam-e on the '*wro«i* si<le of
the le»ljfer"« t |H*>.<jfln.noo. (Jar ei^-rt*
last year were $!.<>39.333.626. and oar
imports were s^-7.391.254. thin nmf
a* a Imlance < f $^<(3.044.M3 on the - right
side of the k-<Jger."
The balance of trad* was
free trade Great Br.tain la*t
year, while it wa* f£>Si,ODU.<)oo m far«jr
of pT'>tectc<l United State*.
In the la*t ten yean oar export* uar*
excee<le«l our import* by f706 3«3.t14
In that time the export* of Great Britain
hare fallen below her im
port*. In other word*, in the decade
just ended pi-.tectir* United State* haa
a balance of or*r fTuO.OOQ.QQO on the
nght side of the ledger, while free trade
Great Britain, whose "commerce role*
the world." shows $*.515,000,000 <m the
wrong aide of th* ledger.
In free trade Great Britain bricklayer*
get $1.17 per day; in protected United
States. #:» per day; carpenter* in Great
Britain ifet f I .2f* per day; in the United
State*. $: 35 per day; in f re* trade Great
Brit.iin engineers get $1.44 per day; in
the United State*. $3.23 per <lay: in
Great Britain machinist* get $1.20 per
day; in the United States. $2.50 per day;
in Great Britain compasntor* get 15 rents
per thousand t ms; in the United State*.
40 cent* per thooMßd; is Great Britain
shipbuilder-. per week; in the
United States. sl6.
Thus it will be wfo that in erery par
ticular nor conditio* is better than rhat
of our free trade neighbor. «»nr c m
niTcw is in infinitely better conditio*
because we rfctive bandrrdi of millions
of dollars more for oar products than
we pay out for the things we bay. wuile
the reverse is true with Great Britain.
(Jar public ilebt is less than one-Mxth
pr capita that of Great Britain, wnile
oar annual interest charge is only about
otte-tenth per capita that in Great Brit
ain. We hare decreased our 4ebt in
35 years 2 1 , !i;;ses as much as < ireat
Britain has been able to decrease her
debt in i» years. Great Britain has I
pauper for every 39 persons, while we
have 1 for every Wl.
Our government collects from her
people less than #»"> per capita of taxes;
that of Great Britain collects from her
people over #l2 per capita of taxes The
deposits in savings banks in Great
Britain average s."> per capita of the
population: those in the United .States
average per capita of population.
The money in circulation in Great Brit
ain is per capita, while that of the
United States i> fc-'V(JJ per capita. W age*
in the United States are from 75 to 10"
per cent, higher than those paid in Great
What good reason is there for desiring
to exchange English free trade for the
protection which gives tis these condi
tions, which in every case are so much
better than those of our British neighbor?
What business man is there who has
seen his business grow up and prosper
under the system which has been in
operation in this country for the past
thirtv years who wants to endamper it»
steady progress by the adoption of a
•ystem which compare® so unfavorably
with our own in its results?
O. P. Arsro
Republicans •honlil not forget that there
are right «tate* In which the ylurwlit)
four year* let# than t.JO# ami la
aouir nun le«a than 1.000. Tha w>|mn
•IblUty fjr »ur«« ar Jrfrat reata mm f«ii
ln<li«Mual artlrlty. Tote, ana >M thai
your neighbor* do ao.
\IN IT. -
Mr. C'lev•; tad's letter a* a round w... ■>
la as impermeable and elastic as < w u"
cboac. —New York Sun.
K*rrjr ««»mit%. n «ll*| prtnnrt
have it* srhnol" r«(«hlUh»>t At
—rt In Krpu Mlr*n t»l#n •» fh
the lirit t»ull«»t tytfritt. I »rn l«rpuhll« :it
%houl«l M* ttutl IkU I*
|»l t»m (»f I« . I* \ow urgirrl It. the rv.|w>i>.
liilin wf «lr»» kf iu*« br nytwi yir »h»H»kler>.
There Mte live *r»le« with wuvbli-Hv*
electors to which st < lunfr I pr «-rnt
of the lolf »f IIHB « «•«!«l r hjnfe the
Ultra] ruin|»!e%!«»>» »f their e',ret«r«. The
Wl> ■wlWUy rent* npoit %mm to *oi» ami
ir« tha* Mil inenHert nf tA«r p«rtv d« n*.
TKCV TEU- »»*V 3t#PO*T
H*R«»sOH ro«
I,MI '«»> ' rt—t < ■—. .it«— WXi.a (Mr)
■ »l» mrnm* - tlM* -*
The fttlln aiaa fcj.tr dto -"nC
r ter* at G -m— .le*t-««r* turn W »
***e»l by a larsre nuniwr at Isailmg Gar
man- Vnasru-an otunis of T wk
!l««- «•; x:n« -ie *r-»-. mtmsi al rnmt m
tonrj. :t»«urtaua<c» at :z» mwor«mctsmm P
ler • oetM as -it mi W .nS «acl
V- ■« fj.Jy -naviaee* -aa >H*
»ar*.» ae» oaly espmsoai ta* M imtmmm t
U' aaiiaa. tax iseesr tnC m msiy
*««■• ■< «*» Hsr» - Tn—i i
• V ifc* iiumi -f :ke
•Jan.tart Vssisf "tat past) W* iar» w
•rt.re »—.Beerton wtt% jmOHiim. iMH ss lisam
sad fi nlmii an *S« -sallae
9*r tr (Mi mmBT »-t»s «n «am aa
■xwelai oeJiey at tfc» f niiitiljiaa jartl •*
it aar Ist» i» *>t» msrfMir »m
tbenrtM .j* it» fta» n Im-s. «>wa
n «utal haaia ta flirt.
The P-Tet-neaa *a»tr haa in* •» ta mit
tuvM. ie. ar«a «w ta* ;mamaotdW
te-i-1-trr.sa ar. S tor knei -aanay Tin i»m i
craca- partv iWrarst itsetf #Mr aaUastari
f*aa trails uM flar a return as 'Sal tsass«" hi
uMarn ,tt stafa His»i > ■ ta *'a< n gal «t
--th» >r<Tia aaa *ad 'tis i nHiasa «W
»e-» -Sue4r »>nr*ri k* 'ha* sr IT—. aorf It •
these ssea a>h» »• U »* ttijnrsd if t» !a nMIIS
BMh tr*a n»S« aa* ysmi'i— ten an
wkiMl.i total. Tka 4w«r< o<
the frwe -rarfo in »>Mlai at VHB <saa tiw -aar*-
sl .iee..ae ta sir aaHuaal ,riM|nity. vka-a
enliataeemt la tfe* creai inur lad -rlaat r
WK ?twtoe ".»•* UW giaes <rf (Wwf
tor rawjjssoairi asunr «aa
■»re < s»l -Jnacry I*l In*. MB as *■ -b*
af.l«MK»ia mm* Usa -sewtUa
s t W«r «a* th* salt l«su '*a p»a»ta «r '.ha
t mte! ««*tw tetan* fce fan** Una. T..a
«M*e|Sn» »«a * ten-«ae>t all •■**
aatHtaai reasarras *»n nail tha a-.uiaat na*»e.
tat! i an- a <eaerat |rii«p—lHr awk a> -a*
•er'J hart aarer an Dmtbrm.
WThn -r « as I. trs* «• tfea ia»
denary prtar pMSaf sk* Baiaarrstir paa«r. ie
cfaHeti '..lasetf Tor Tram ns li .a haa sm* -T
Iter, i MT. tae .anpi*. the M -*
fre-.-ires SI ttad laarfe -.a ttefaas « ta
ft~e -ra*e. r«Jee-«a tha Di*m mii,- jastv aa*
itatvasrsai Use gosseasas— <*t rtta aafu a
ta the Rev«!M ,o> yam
Xarer was "ha of txari* a> SMmratita
t* •» sa aaai aseer was tfe* jisi fsi I* r f tfea
aewn sa *»U «<f.
TV hnisiartve aif»S) >f the FUt-f lis eaa>
*r--*a aa-1 " jsa <t*aiM narfienr art 1 *ar»f.
taistjr *r *fe»lM 111*111 n»mii»«a ingilsißv
iStsMrstad tlx- •!. •Tasaara Wtens itriart *
■nth Ifea |Mre«;a«asKia) ean<t*t>f * iavr- beea
ms>l by • paetFtai hath has* an a* a fstf
Ma: T*aw aaatj laSi »t' .as Hatemt
E»sry fas a «: »en ta the jaw mm Imr 'ha
ebeta-a of Harr-smt Is raiht art-r wa
hMhar Thraaah his «vs* <tjal ■« *a
■gear vtr-tso* 'ma ia»«4 '.ha --aatry (tn«a a
cveat !f*aar-ai . rt»Ss.
.'ar- * t.> ca.'-. Ifca ■' kh tMfew nill
noa >y * Ua.*etesa *t(*:c -ryataMv. r>mii* it
U«r •"* haa fi«W. .tefataW 'ha fes» I
aarf ,*n.';y af the aactea. aa4 haa isra sera
thread fmtn ft<Te«aa aadna* thai m*III <a*
the scan awl <ttiya skvh hail saaa *asM
m'Hj Ins tsatmr Oratal fs Sir Pr»«t
4rat ibiraw rtvll sseriea lataaa has hsan a
raa. y. Wh»*» hh> *s tfea ana*
|*mal:ieat ->S3r*m sra satiaitta* e*sA if hMi
If with UM* th* atmuuatrat■ -'a
s< tit >«r • '.ewiaa* aa ta* tfea* hb ■«■* s*
h*wb**t> protahM* ml pmtmm fei ife* *ig
ssr' . the « V etisia*a serer aac* tfea fc»» af
J» k*)l rai wl the'.r hearts *< Vxidlf SS *fesa
ttmver t .eveias*. thr a*h wtha E. Hew-
Mn. >Wp ni i M. ••> »to u<
tooartiy *.:rf faithfattf «!■ I ■HHii m I Mr
mnatmrm «V> ««• la My Mat » a mmmm*
ira <rf to pi mutoaty. 3(.«t «*lr to» UK
IV MUV! kM 111 i• ■ I i til* . fatgHa ««•*•
farm. tat as & -nmttrr at ftrt to Ma ara*
»V..I—J m tto worst >nwM af fete )iiH
• n.'avwr tot :at«aaM »»r» «l
■ a.I iltkiiWT ■' I«1«»I aa MM Ma ailJa*
m IM rWwcve ji Dilii -*my «ttk Ta mmmmf
The letter m «i*nad by Dr. WRhaaa
bL«r. C- F Htnr. J lisna Bwn. Jvto
Bl«-n. Jr.. Mi BarhaMa. Eaui Brnlatoi'
wr. BS'tm»2thal Prw. A Co.. Dr. P. A.
S. Hwum.Jitiim f'.r-.an.' j' —<aT Haa
A Br<. tt~orj erramrk. Hnw* C»
tar. ihmrz* (>*to*ri*ta,Leopold Dwwteh-
Icrgrr. A'frH L*>i*e. Fwtonc* Flae
rv, P. Owyei. W.iitana F. 6f*Q, F. W.
ii IU. CWkt Horn. C. A. Q I»f#
maim. Max Jwiwtalur, OuMi'i L.
J*c-r, (iiMUn H. St Curt
K.ij»tf. Dr. fVrmaon Kmibrh. Adulptr
Knttroff. W:nua» H. Klew-ha. & J\
Uvm, Lociaa 3. LittwMT. Jnmpk
L,;h A Co.. Cka*l» Manr*r.
Parti H. Henry 3t<-n. Cart
JI r*. Dr. 5 w M-iiler. C W *««bae.
Uvorxf Ran. Vf liiam Rru-bra. H**T
vr F. trimix. XicM« Srii*l.rWli«
Sptatiiorf, I harW Stahl. M r.u Swkai,
Ralph Tnnfruni. E<l*«ri »>**r.
iwhi Vi«*im». Dr. H. J. Warharbartfc.
Wuitam Wu-ke. Wanbaapw. tioid
•c unfit A Co.. H«nry Zinunervr: fiwa
Newark. Dr. E.iwar'l 4. 01. F™d Kahn.
J. L. Knfer. Hrrmia Utißiaek, C«f
Lenfx. Paul R**ier. Carl F *>iti Jiiiwi
Aapff. R. «» Suxwn. and from Bmok
lyti. Lrni* Bo*sert. Herman Utoaw.
CHar!»» Xa«-ber. Jhn Rne«*r and H. C.
R« war.
Tto Inxr.llM HaMiH atoelk aaw pn
vmiU IM ■■■rly • «#aya
lk> walk U ■—« pn»alar •»«»
u.t aarlila*a»--a. mn! to ttoa top* tMn«
■ami* «f ftapoMiraaa war * ■— tto I 'to
Tto K»|Hiblk<ii l«at*» »ln»aM at nil •
maklMi Iwlnto MM - *to£
nrrj lUrnMma »•!»» "aay to aC l»a
pott* »n.l »<H» IttUlUanM}.
liulwu m.n »H—lt >»■■■»» «toa a
nl> tor (Inilant ■■■■■ • »ata •"
tto (nrnl Iwuw ■mymtwrn •# tto 1 'iaa«i I.
ud will atruMr MM la *f*at aanlwia
wrtalaim ia4 11 lagalarttlaa to »to
■i IT (iiar jimk »>■ a«in<r
DdKnrnilk rualrat •* ■«aa«r. »i » ana "ad
li.iH «M toll rr<«* •* tto tow »■«»
ir t<wr tolarw Dm towa MM ay Av
UM '.to ftm€ ttort» ymrm a -toa»» to »to
tai if ultra na«l»r »»i*k •« toa pi ■ ■»■■■■•
«<hi|a H toaat i»«ll 'a pni ail
Un aa4 la tto a«t Mar
mn. *ait rteat atf *"
|.,lln:ian. aaay .»»«••«*» tka i ■■ill"" "*
y..«ir iM«*nr«i la ih» iwar fatarw.
oewochats UMK (T.
Ttoy ( .'aawml ik» I »>»r WkM I alii
tniaa taiiliiiw at Ttoa
«f rata. ami tto aaac
•bia in th« sfaif. <anaraia.
ci>lua<-i». i-apfaias ami pr.vitw a *to
C*>nf' «l-rmi'* army, ami nrtow -ranara *a
oav« ja»rtc to a*. h«*a <t<mpii-
Ben'nl ami ci tlM «Riator at
Tba liioha •u aw nrtoram-aa m amia*
tha "Ml ianpt*«t. cimpl. Sui®ntea*«ii
an-l 4hk»w>: ttea»naM at th»
prr.~. n Mffl. i* nm!#r R»pa:>>:cM rola
a.* wart t:.» all. Th»y itava toU as
that wbrn wa .-hartf-l that thm tew.
dirty. <ui«-ak:a«. Mhl Imbb
abi« «c>a»4r b irh» fu»r- faeteewd "to«-
iri»« apoa th* p»ik>t>M r>Ua of ttoa
cotmtry wrr» n»ar»i«rr>*p«. ttovrm iacf
Irarcs an<l bWrtUMM that wa toid tto
lulid. hum-it truth.
And wton wo aoid raat ttora wara
half aa •r.aay ' iurraa aad mm win
n»r»* t aad ptmnimnl rha m>9th m tha
prn.i: aroila . -Ur »ii»"i» w»tm im lha
i»f a lur. n atatoa wa mly
told tha tmth. Dtirhaaa >!f. OfiteM.
Til* party »aattily Mi
ron ( rpi i p ■■»! ■■■
I« nr!nd» ■■!» ftrwl tiH4»
■* i la* |i«in pvt»
a««r* in r.i«p*ri(HHi wllfc «l» %m*m* mt
Ike r«*«a»tr« l»y tM«i m»
■ Miiifbrtat* •€ mmmH *rtiafta« «• mmrm
■rnl« t f*»r «w M lIW •»
N tte —l■ ■■
tftrt later «f !«*» mml IMW. mm! ««Mt»
f»»*r««r •# i«rk wf it • Mt
kalttf rasvtrt lalir Im rrfaa