WE ARE NOW, READY. WITH A LARGE AND COMPLETE LINE OF FALL AND WINTER FOOTWEAR. GIVE US A CALL. VOGELEY AND BANCROFT! EXCELSIOR. Twas growing dark so terrible fasht, When through a town up the mountain there pashed. A broth ot a boy, to his neck in the schnow; AM he walked, his shillaleh he swung to a fro, Saving. "It's up to the top I am bound for to go; Be jabbers !" J PADDY'S EXCELSIOR. At the top stands the lines of ladies' and gentlemen's wear in the Strong & Carroll's, Howard & Foster's and Eddies & Webster's celebrated shoes, so many Improvements have been made in these shoes that it would hardly seem possible to add any thing more, all solid, strong, pliable, and easy on the foot, only to be had of Robins Bros. Try a pair'and if not all we claim bring them back. New line of all kinds of Rubbers just received. ROBINS BROS., 8. E. Corner of Diamond. ... - Bntler, Pa. * j gp£CK, WM. H. HOLMES THE LB AD ISO WHOLESALE WISE AHD LIQUOR HOUSE OF WESTERS PEHHBTIVASIA, The Wm, H. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy' PURE RYE WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. SZEHSriD FOB PRICE LISO • Telephon No. 305} 120 Water St. and 158 Fir stAve., Plttsbuigh Pa GOLD FREE ! Pfa To every person bringing us a copy of this paper, we ft I I will Insert FREE OF CHARGE a fine $2.00 Gold Filling, * f\\ In every BEST SET of SB.OO Teetb. fjM \ f We warrant them to be tbo best that can possibly be made, no matter what Gold FUllngs (aspeclalty). ti.OOandnp I BUyerFlllnts, ... - 75c Amalgam FUllng - - soc I Teetb Extracted, - - 25c. Palnlem extracting a Specialty Pure Gas or Vitalized Air administered, SO cents. Parties llrlag out orthe city can come in the mornlug aud wear their new teeth home the same day. ENTRANCE frttsksr*. P. GOSSER'S CREAM GLYCERINE is delightfally perfumed and iB of great service ia removing pimples and blotches from the face. For chapped hands, lips or anj rough ness of the akin and as a dressing for the face after shaving, it will be foand invaluable. For Sale by Druggists, I > o put DUES II 111 I PRICES is the motto at oar JL store. If joa are sick and need medicine yoa want the BEST. This you can always depend npon getting from as, as we use nothing but strictly Pure Drags in oar Prescription Depart ment. Yoa can get the best of every thing in the drag liae from as. Oar store is aIBO headquarters for PAINTS; OILS, VARNISHES, Xalsomine, Alabastine k Get oar prices before yoa bay Paints, and see what we have to offer. We can Bare yoa dollars ou your paint bill. Respectfully J. C. REDICK, Main bt., next to Hotel Lowry, BTJTLBR, - ,rotntor, ' vvro^, * h< - :p * afr '"* Ml W Ml I lOt flO th.e pape ,or cbt*n •stimit * 0f» Mlvertbinf Mbl'whwi in Chicago, will find ft on fi'c: t ££££*£& LORD & THOMAS. m RECULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, AJU> PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR IlllKlilu, Btllnnm, n»d>d«, Co»«tl- IMtn, Dji,a>>U, Ckroala Uier Tmklw, Masted*, Bmd Cnilubi, Djmttr;, Oftiatn Breath, aa4 all dliordm «f the •Uaatk, Llrcr ail Bowel*. Rlpan* Tabulea contain nothing Injurious to the moat delicate constitution. Pleaaant to take, aafe, effectual. Qlre immediate relief. Sold by drugrgieta. Atrial bottle seat by mall on receipt of 16 centa. Address VHE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. | 10 SPRUCE STREET. HEW YORK CITY. 1 j. I ROBERT LEWIN, Wholesale JWhiskey Merchant, and Importer of FINE WINES & LIQUORS. 135 Water St. Pittsburg. Pa. Opposite B. & O. R. R. Depot. Headquarters for FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING, (or medical and family use. SI.OO per Qt., or • Qts. for $6.00. Finch's Golden Wedding. Dougherty, Guck enhelmer, Large. Gibson. Bridgeport, Mt. Ver non, Overholt. Etc. This Is the only house not rectifying In the city, therefore our goods are warranted pure. Goods securely packed and boxed without extra charge. C. O. D. and mall orders receive prompt attention. Grandfathers' Choice s years old, fc.oo per gallon. Try us. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now running a line of carriages between the hotels and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel Vogeley. Good Livery in Connection 4/\ PER CENT. 1U First Mortgage Lams Xo tax, commission or fees. Interest payable •eml-annnaUy by New York draft. Perfect se curity. Highest reference. CHAS. V. RF.ID, Fairtim, Wuhißgtn. Nothing On Earth Will HENS LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for JToulting llrnt. It!« abanlntelypure. Highly tit 7 r«l» tenth ../ » "lit » day. Ko S*J** jJTJJJJJf " ■trorur Strlrtiy m nnfHrlne. On* fto , tend tix to parent BJP. "JJJJ| tJTnm if tou can't eft It wnd to n«. W# mail one JS.'MS'SS 80-oa, «~a HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphrey. Specifies sre scientifically and carefully prepared J'j-unvlU-n. u»ed for year* In private practice and for overthlrty years by the nuople with entlr** >uocess. Every «£ngl<- Specific agueclal core for th<- disease named. They care without <lni»{liig. purging or reducing the ayavm and are In fart and deed th< Hoverrlgn Krmrdir. of tbr World. garr ur rmncirAL no*. cru*. rutrt* l-Frirrn, Congestions, Inflammation*.. .43 tt-Worma. Worm Fever, Worm CoUe 43 3- Teethings Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .43 4-Dlcrrbea. of children or Adults 43 7-Couch*. Colds, Bronchitis .43 ft—Neuralgia. Toothache. Faccache .43 Headaches* Sick Ileadachc, Vertigo . .43 10-D>spep»ia. Blllousm-ss.Constipation .43 H-Hoppre»*ed or Palnfnl Prriods .43 YVhites. Too Profuse Periods 43 13— troop, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 43 14—Halt Kheam. Erysipelas. Eruptions .43 I Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains .43 16—Malaria. Chills, Fever and Ague. .43 17— piles. Blind or Bleeding 43 10—Catarrh, influenza. Cold In tho Hea<?.. .43 80- Whooping Cough 'i# 27K idney Diseases • BS—Jisrvons Debility - 30 Irlnar; Weakness, Wetting Bed .43 gold bj Drntrljtl, or wot ro.tp.ld on of prii*. D*. Hmrium' MAKCAL (144 pag*a, MAIL*!) TUX. iimmmiTS' ■»!». co.. 111 am "Tin..ei. v«w '-*■ SPECIFICS. T'l'tiVjft SnS&tesiS.'jSta 11, is ««Uen» »"•' *»*}»« «*•«"' do »* Bold by dealers ovetywherc. XA*ge botjei, 60 oe&ta and SI.OO. Dli £"<? IiCHINS PILES rll rNiwAYirs ABSOLUTELY CURBS. OINTMENT •YMPTOMS— Molstnrst latease Itohlag asi •tlaglaa; >M| at alghtl ween bj seratotTsg. I? allowrd to MaUiaa tumor, form aad protrude, hired I nr. abaorba the turn., r«. Sol Ihr druggist <• or by scat: for 30c ta. Prepared by I>K.SWIYXA SON. Philadelphia. mm mm miv S "5 SainS <&»ll!ra « t* i 38><«* HAjmOO\ viwsca?rij»dS2avo3oril3n.nV' 1 V. ' f •». v/»tV3*cgcf Body ar4 !&«»!. ?.'* zli c • .'' n , i • OWiSS4F4«TI« OJ f:f V '; *•" ?f Mi I•• gy :•- Aritt "■• «il*lk • r • f irU l . : Jr . frr - -«r * ■»> -«-z, 3 c;ur?r.Lv.<:». . DOCTOR J. B. HOBENSACK'S MEDICAL OFFICT i 20C X. SEVOKD ST., r;.ila r l r !j,:..a, J'n Are the oldest in Ameri u fur i:.. ( tu . : , nt 0 | Special Diseases & Ycuth.V: 2.7 ;:s, Blood Poison, Nervous r-«Jt ;• ... jj„. . Binjs, Discharges, stri. tu hV-I t', and Skin Diseases, Vari cocciu ii ' rYi ture, permanently cure thv v r'i i-.ods without detention from »m-in '»;, v m.rMr's success is due to his lifelong experience and study; to the pure vegetable remedies usc<l and to the thorough examination a«i«J uatchfai at tention given patient* during treatment. A4O years establishment is our guarantee of suecesa Treatment by Sfjiil n S;.wi«lty, Office hours, 9A. m., to 2p. ji„ ii in ■> p « All day Saturday till 9P. 11. Sundays 10 to i> a * Beuit Stamp for Hook. (Copyiithte'd.) "MOTHERS* FRIEND" M»KES CHILD BIRTH EUSY. Colvln, La., Doc. 2,1886.—My wife uied MOTEEE'3 FRIEND before her third confinement, and says she would not be without it for hundred* of dollars. DOCK MILLS. Sent by express cn receipt of price, #1.50 per bot tle. Book "To Mothers" mailed free. BRAOFIELO REGULATOR C 0 .% ran UAIS •* AU. DRUGGISTS. ATLANTA, OA. For Sale by J. C. Redick. READ AND REMEMBER For strictly pure and reliable {.STRAIGHT LIQUORS, call on 2 I. Iff. PINCH, 12 SMITHFIRLD ST. t ;PITTSBL"BGH, PA.; f(Opp. Monongahela House.) Matchless for Family use and Medicinal pur poses are FINCH'S GOLDEN WF9IHNG, • AUsl GUCKENHKJMK.RB WHISKY, .perqt. ; OVERHOLT'B WHISKY. f (1 qts. DILUNGER'S WHISKY, J for *5. Goods neatly packed and promptly shipped FREE OP EXPENSE on receipt of cash or post office order. WNotlilng expressed C. O. D. Send for Price List.; ks Cotton Root mi A recent discovery hv an old MjVj al physician. Successfully used ■■ ii moritlily by thousands of fWri v La«lles. Is the only prefectly mm safe and reliable medicine N. discovered. Beware of un principled druggists who of ler Inferior medicines In place of this. Ask forCoox's COTTOV ROOT (COMPOUND, take no substitute, or inclose ti and <; cents in postage in letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Full seal ed particulars In plain envelope, to ladies only. 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Company, No. 3 Fisher Block, Detroit. Mich. Sold in Butler by C. N. Boyd. J. F. Balph, J. C. Redick ailH druirtrlsts everywhere. WILLIAM KENNEDY. The arell-known liveryman, Wm. Kennedy, will be pleased to have his friends call at big new place of business. The Best Horses, Buggies and Car riages in Bntler at the most reasonable rates. The place is easily remember ed. The first stable west of the Lowry House Subscribe for the CITIZEN. THE CITIZEN MISCELLANEOUS TEE "BLOOMING JAY." THE PANIC AN AMERICAN TIN PLATE CREATED IN NEW YORK SCHOOLS. How an Innocent Campaign Souvenir Was "Boppre»»ed" by Tammany— How Children and Grown People Can Out wit Tammany, llarrlty and OroTer. The Democrats are evidently afraid of Ihe tin plate argument. They know that nnder the McKinley law the manufac ture of tin plate in this country has not only become practicable, but many mil lions of dollars have been invested in it, forty or fifty establishments for its manufacture opened, and thousands of workmen given employment at good prices. So they see that the feature of the McKinley law, which they most strongly denounced, is already proved a blessing. But they want to conceal that fact and prevent people talking or thinking about it, or about the benefit which protection brings. And the}- have decided to use the official machinery of Tammany in New York city to prevent it. This was the way it came about: The Protective Tariff league, through its sec retary, Mr. Wilbur F. Wakeman, de cided to bring the tariff question, and particularly the tin plate featare of it, to the attention of the families of New York by distributing to the school chil dren as they came from the schools daily some cute little tin plates, made of American tin, which bear a suitable legend and are a matter of interest to everybody. So they sent men to the school buildings to distribute them free of cost as the children trooped out at the end of the day. The children went wild over it. Every one wanted one of the pretty, shining toys for himself or her self, and one or two for the sister or brother at home. The result was that hundreds of thousands of the bright, handsome little plates were going into the families of the city, and carrying upon them this legend: FROM EflGlAnSs>Jl AND pauper PAr TSj\lA I AhD WHEN I PLAY \=£UJC/REA7 BRITAIN'S hAftO/**®* This was too much for Tammany. To see beautiful little souvenirs of this kind l>earing protection sentiments going into the families of Democratic New York would not do. So a consultation was held iu the secret chambers of Tam many, and blue coated policemen were detailed to stand guard at the schools and prevent the distribution of the plates. Of course they carried out their orders, and when the eager children next day looked anxiously for the dis tributers they found them not. They had been informed that they would be arrested if they continued their distribu tion. But it will not stop here. Under re publican administration of the United States government the mails are open to all who want to use them, whether Democrat or Republican, black or white, old or young, of American or foreign birth. And one of the pretty little tin plates, which is accurately represented in the cut, can be sent with safety by mail. And the children —and grown people, too—of the city and the whole United States are smart enough to know that. They can outwit Tammany Hall and Chairman Harrity and Mr. Cleveland and all the Demo cratic machine by sending a two cent stamp to Wilbur F. Wakeman, Protect ive Tariff league, New York, and ask ing for one of those cute little tin plates to be sent by mail. And they will get them. European Rrlbes. Nothing has proven more conclusively the great advantage which our reci procity treaty gives the United States over the European countries than the development of the scheme on the part of Germany to induce South American governments to break off their reci procity treaties with the United States. The evidence seems to be beyond ques tion that an offer was sent from Ger many to President Heureux, of San Domingo, proposing to pay him $50,000 a year if he would break off the reci procity treaty with the United States. President Heureux, it seems, sent a spe cial envoy to the United States to see if this country would make a higher bid. Secretary Foster replitd promptly that "The United States is neither to be blackmailed or bullied. If your coun try breaks the treaty it must be prepared to bear all the consequences, for in my mind the word 'reciprocity' is associated with 'retaliation.'" Pension BUI Vetoes. The following is an accurate record of the number of pension bills to which the presidents since 1860 have refused their signatures. It is verified by statements of the Democratic campaign text book, and its accuracy therefore will not be questioned: Lincoln None JobnEon None Grant '» Hayes None Garfield None Arthur Noue Cleveland 524 Harrison None The Democratic campaign text book •ajn of the present system of national •urrency: "It is readily conceded that the currency has been uniform; that the losses from discounts unci exchanges have been light; that the system was of great assistance in the struggle for the Uniou; that depositors have lost little and that note holders have lost nothing." This seems to be a sufficient argumeut against exchanging it for the wildcat currency under which the losses in the decade prior to the n at amounted to 975,000,000. Pre-eminent for cough and cold. Mr. Win. J. Beeclier, 142 Whitesboro St., Utica, N. Y., writes: "Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has cured my two children of a very bad cough and cold, which they have had for some time. It cannot be equaled for coughs or colds. I bave always used it." —The ultra-masculine maiden pants for trousers. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. —The drum is a famous instrument, but the drumsticks beat it hollow. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic core" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The dose greatly benefits. 75 eta. Sold by J. C. Itedick, druggist, Butler. —Those Kansas City practical jokers who killed a fellow workman by hitching a live wire to his desk should not find their offence insulated by their idiocy against a strong current of legal light ning —The French Commission will send to the World's Fair to superintend the horti cultural and floricnltural work in the French section M Le.Fevre, the superin tendent and bead gardener for the city of Paris, who has charge of the gardens in the Bois de Bolouge. M. Le Fevre was in charge of the gardens around the Trocadero at the Paris Exposition in 1889. CHEAPEN THAN A TALUQw 6l>. ▲ Carton* VUh VTMcfc Vueoaw Indlua CM for good Md Light. A fish dealer! in a San Francisco market had on his slab the other day two -specimens of a flah not aeon there, bat plenty from Vancouver ialand northward. In plain commercial language is is known aa the candle fish. Technically the name Is thalelchthyi pacificus. a remarkable species of the family salmonid®, strictly a sea flah, approaching the coast to spawn, but never entering rivers. The specimens that were shown a Call reporter measure a foot in length and have somewhat the appearance of an eel, except the head, which Is pointed and oonlcaL It has a large mouth. The color is greenish on the hack, passing into silvery white on the sides and belly, which is sparsaly spotted with ( dirty yellow. The Indians of Vancouver Island and vicinity use the fish both for food and light. It Is the fattest or most oleag inous of all fishes, and, it Is said, of all animals. It is impossible to either boil or fry it, tor the moment It Is subjected to a c«rta<n heat it turns to oiL The Indians who use the fish for food take them, and, without cleaning them, run a skewer through the eyes and suspend them in them in the thiok smoke that arises from wood Area. The flah ac quires the flavor of the wood and the amoke helps to pieserve It. When the Indians want to make a meal of the flah they heat them, reduce them to oil and drink the oIL When they want a light they take a dried fish.-draw through it a piece of rash pith or a strip from the inner bark of the cypress tree, a species of arbor vite, as a wick, a needle of hard wood being used for the purpose. The flah is then lighted at one end and burns steadily until con sumed. GRAVITATIONAL ATTRACTION. Its Inslgnlfleaße* Cmpwtd with XlMtrt*. Itjr and MifimUim. From common experience we are apt to hold exaggerated notions of the power of gravity, aays Electricity. Not until we compare it with other at tractive forces, soch as magnetism oi electricity, do we appreciate how trivial it really is. The fundamental experiments in electricity and magnetism, known tc men for more than two thousand years, of lifting light bodies by rubbed ambei and iron filings by means of a load stone, demonstrate at once their incom parably greater power. If, for instance, the attracting body had the moderate dimensions of a band specimen of amber or loadstone, we should require it to be of so dense a material as to weigh one billion pounds instead of a few pounds, as usual. In order that its gravitational attraction should equal that of either of the two forces mentioned. It is obvious, there fore, that the opposing nature of the force of gravity, as equally comj ved with other attractive forces, is due not to its superior qualitative magnitude, but to the enormous masses of the bodies which exercise it. Thus, while it requires the use of the most delicate torsion balance to demon strate even the mutual attraction be tween a small and a large sphere oi lead, yet where enormous masses, such aa the earth, are concerned the attrac tion exerted by one hemisphere upon the other probably exoeeds a force oi five hundred pounds per square inch over a surface whose radius is foui thousand miles. What Ha Lln4 08. Seeker—l'll be bound if I can under stand why it is that everything some people eat turns to fat. Now, there's Plumber. One year ago he was as lean as I am; now look at him—round ss an inflated balloon. I wonder what hs lives on? Sageman—l thought everybody knew that; he lives on his rich aunt In the country.—Boston Courier. Wanted to Ki«v Too Mooh. Dashway—Willie, do you think your sister likes me? Willie—She told mamma the other day she thought you were one of tbe nioest men she ever met. Daahaway (handing him a quarter)— What else did she say? Willie—When you were asleep,—De troit Free Press. J What is the dismay ol'tbe early pedestrian, who leaves his cozy homej on a winter's morning in quest of lucre or pleasure, when he finds himself suddenly the victim of the treachery of a slippery pavement. It will be a comfort to Know that Salvation Oil will'cure his bruisedflimbs. —Col. de Palitschek, the Austrian Com missioner-General, writes that the world famed plassmakers of Austria, especially of Itohemia, and the manufacturers of Carlsbad and the surrounding neighbor hood have agreod upon making a grand display of their industries at the Exposi tion. The manufacturers of stained glass in Tyrol will join in the exhibit. —By its intrinsic merit Hood's Sarsap arilla has won the confidence of the peo ple. There is one sport at which no boy can hold his end np, and that is see saw. The Cholera Scare. If indeed the dreadful disease should be come epidemic in our land why not protect yourself in time? Every physician will tell you that a stimulant is absolutely nec essary to assist in mastering the disease, and all first class physicians agree upon one man's liquors tor purity, age and rea sonable prices. They refer you to Max Klein, of Allegheny, Pa., who will upon application mail you free of charge a com plete catalogue and price list of the many kinds of liquors for sale by him. His "Sil ver Age Rye" at $l5O per quart, is not equalled. His "Duquesne" at $1.25 has no superior. His bottling of Guckenheim er, Fiiyih, Overholt, Gibson and Bear Creek at SI.OO per full quart, or six quarts for $5.00 are all reliable and pure Pennsyl vania Rye Whiskies. For Brandies, Gin or Wines, either imported or domestic, no other liqnor store in the state can or will do as well for you. Address Max Klein, 82 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa. —Rather than live with her husband and child, Mrs. Baldwin, of Johnstown, works as a domestic at Greensburg to furn ish lnxuries to a lover who is in jail. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of Deer, a cup of coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address. Golden Specific Co., 185 Race St.. Cincinnati O. —Mrs. Charles Green, of Kentucky, is twenty-five years old and has been mar ried six times. Sho was twice widowed before she was eighteen. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. —The International Peace Congress, at its recent session in Berne, Switzerland, decided unanimously to hold its next meet ing in Chicago at the time of the World's Fair. Consumption Suroly Cured. To Tan Servo*:—Pleaae Inform your reader* (bat I bare a poaiuva remedy tor the above-named diaeaae. B; ' u timely oae thouaanda of hopeieaj caaea hare Wtn permanently cured. I (ball be glad to aend twj . o'tiea of my remedy FREE to any of yonr reader* -» j j hare coneumption If tbey will •end me tbeh £xpree* and P. O. add re—. Eeepect tnMy. T. A. lU-CVM. M. C-181 P*ari BU >. T. 12 Years Sentence. Twelve yearn eipe-ience for your benefit. For twelve veara we bave been in the buggy business nod in all that time not a tingle individual ban accused ns of misrepresenting the quality o! a vehicle told It most be a satisfaction for everyone to know that they bave a firm tbat never niisrep resents—and that jes-s of experience enable* them to know the quality of work they sell. Our business has 'ncreaaed year by year until it ia twice tbat of any other similar concern in tbe State, and we feel so good tbat we have a uotion to jump out of our 3d story window —but we won't—for now just before the Fairs we want one grea. big busv month, and are ready for it. We bave tbe goods and must make prices so as to iodoce customers lo buy quick. Remember we keep everything pertaining to a driving or team outfit Now loek at a few prices: leather halters .SO cents, team work bridles 90 cents, buggy whips 10 cents, a whole set of harness f 4.75 . a fall set of wagon harness, with breechior, for two horses sl9; heavy leather ly nets $1 50, wagon and buggy cashions 75 cents, top buggies |45. two seat spring wagons S4O, etc Vehicles of all kinds; baruess of all kinds, lap dusters and everything used in connection with a driving and team outfit except tbe horse, Now don't be backward, corre in whether yoa want to buy or not Walk in just as you would into your mother's room—you are ust as wel come. Take a ride on oar new elevator, fret. Now do come. If yoa doo't need anything come walking right in and say yoa don't want to boy bat look and you are welcome If you bave a package of any kind yoa can leave it here until you are ready to go out of town without charge, oar location is central. Remember tbe place sod remember we are tbe first and only person* who ever bad enough energy within themselves and confidence in tbeir fellow citizens to bring down tbe price and depend on increased sales to compensate them We did it. You appreciated it aod dealt liberally with ns and now we want tbe crowning month of oor life Harry, now cone along, get ready Tor the Fairs and drive thereto in just as good a rig as jour neighbor. Respectfully, S. B. MARTINCOURT <fc CO. S. B. MARTINCOURT. J. M. LEIGHNER | LADIES IND GENTLEHBN! WE take pleasure in announcing the fact tbat we now bave on display and on sale an immense stock of goods in the following lines: Drees Goods in all grades, styles prices, with tbe very latest things in trimmings to match. MILLINERY IN all tbe new thing# tbfl market affords Hats and Bonnets gotten op in best style "while you wait." Ladies', and Children's Wrape, well made and style and fit guaranteed. Carpets, Oil Cloths, LINOLEUMS. Mattings, Rugs, Carpet Sweepers, Lace Curtains' Portiers, Poles and Fixtures, and all kinds of Domestic Dry Goods We always have the best Blankets and Flannels, and tbe Standard p>atterns are acknowledged to be the best made. Call in and get a Fashion Sheet. All the goods in our different departments are marked in plain figures at the lowest prices. We not only keep Standard Patterns but all our goods are standard We do not handle seconds. Ladies'. Gent's and Children's Underwear a specialty. RITTER & RALSTON. - ALL PERSONS INTENDING TO SINK WELL X. are respectfully requested to call on or address, jjv Frank C. McGrew, Who is operating a KEYSTONE DRILLER and is luv prepared to drill Water Wells, Test Wells, Air Holes wW for Shafts, etc. Drills eight inch or less. I\l ALL MY WORK GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS. TlfrA' i i ISaff Agent for Leffel Improved Wind Mill, Standard Hydraulic Rams,and all the best makes of pumpe. For any further information addrss, Jjl§P® ' FRANK C. McGBEW, * 316 Bluff St, Butler, Pa. "DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. ( RINGS, TVmmmirlsi J ear-rings, LJ\ dIIIOIK lb ) SCARF PINS, 'STUDS, ( GENTS GOLD, W'ltr-TlP* 1 LADIES GOLD. cIU Jieh (GENTS SILVER LADIES CHATLAIN, T i*~\t Gold I ins, Ear-rings, u t'Wrll V Rings, Bracelets, Etc, {Tea sets, castors, butter dishes and everything that can be found in a first clasps stove, RODGER MS. Mi SC* E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 139, North Main St, BUTLEH, PA., Jewelfy, Clocks, Silvei'wafe, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 j>er cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Hloek. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. AH are Respectfully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department— 2o years Experience. -LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE. Our Fall Milliner)- trad has bren *crjr soisfcatory 40 tar, although we have h nted at • ur magntfkent coilectH'i* .*»' *w head wear This as--rtrrvnt is »• »w e< rnpletr Y t tmh are the finest-pattern Mars. Bonnets. Tar' .*■! T - " kn( lh« innumerable art.ties that » *■ ■r v —*ry Ir a ~t ■ M'Hiawjr department |M( >1 KMX. DAINTY AND STYUiH I *lWaYs MLUMKT TU \A Sl'Ki IALTY CHILDREIiI "ffK \PR>T Yacht Cap*. Victoria Flats. Ra<-)iM fam SaiSor* lIaCR. also t numbtr of other styles D. T. PAPE. lUL! S. Xl<iii\ St reel Hutler, Ph. OUR REMOVAL Sid! BEGINS OCT. 6. YOU WANT FURNITURE. WE WANT MONEY. We expectto occupy our new store about Jan. Ist. We want to move as few goods as jiossihle. We will give you prices that you can't help hut buv. A #35 Parlor Suite for #25 00 A 45 " " " 35 00 A 55 " 44 45 00 A 16 Bed Lounge for 12 50 A 20 44 44 15 00 A 5 Rocking Chair for 375 A 8 " 44 500 <fcc. Call early for these irreat bargains. « «w w ——-— ■ Campljei! & Templeton, 136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa. A. FIX Kl) FACT. That SIMEN sell* *ho«s of *uih sterling qualities *l soeh tow press :&*» w« can't help bat boy when Ton _*et * (rlimp*e of these Child's Pebble Goat Butt..a 3fcc*e. *tn» JI»T li It "**e. Children's Grain Button Sh.e*. *u*» i t > 11. »•' Children '* Kid Button Sfcees. *i*e* s to I at t>s«\ Girls' Grmiu Button Shoe*. " 11 U» 3■* 75e. Girls' Kid Button Shoe" - 11 to 2at #1 '*» Girls' Pebble Go*t Button »u«es. *:** 11 to - *t #!.«• Boys' Shoes, lat-e or button. at »1 OS to »1 25. *s** 11 *» - Boy's Shoes, lace or button. I to 5. at #1 .A# to f2. t*> l.atlirn' Gram Button Shoe*, at Sl.tW to *1 *> Ladies' Kid Buttou Bh»*s» atil.tW t<» i2.i*>. Metis Lace Shoes. at ♦! US, #1 25. SI.SO and f- •*" Men'* Grain Waterproof Sb«>e* at <1 » aad Ki «*>. Urn* Grain Watery*«»«>f Root* at M.-a'* Uravv Solid #>»■(' atfl t>> t Bora' Heary Solid U ft •»» :« *2 Men'* Calf IWt*. at #2 '» to >•»> : the Calf Button Sbo*. fur Men - \* . r »t 51 >•» | Ladle* Calt Skin and Oram Waterpr*>f Sts.>-s at ft 16 •««* l RUBBER WH.TS RUBBER SHOES! THE BEST QUALITIES AT LOWEST PRICES. Men's «sfc Ladies tolippera, ">Oc. to 00. AT G. I). SIMEN, 78 Ohio, Cor. Sandusky St. ALLEUHE*Y, r* NEAR MARKET HOUSE., Presidential Campaign of 1892. GRAND INDUCEMENTS TO READERS OF THE CITIZEN. The Presidential Campaign M 1999 will. without too!*, he the mm intenselr interesting sad exritioir io the hiwtorr of the U:si:e<l Sta'ef*. taJ conntrr people will be eitremeir aasiocs to h«»»» ait she %»i political news and disruwrions of the dar a» prnwwted ta » NatMMai Journal, in addition to that applied bf their toe*; ->* per To meet this want we bare entered ;nro * n<B"wt w«» :h* NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE Th« Leading Republican Paper of thw UNI FED STATES which enables o* to offer that *plend!d jownwal ■ .onht' <>«• arw» It 00 per rnri and "THE CITIZEN" ft.r »n# rear Pot only S1 -">0, cash in a>ivanc#». N Y. Weekly Tribunw." prtra per rear The Citizen." Total *2-30 WE FURNISH BOTH PAPERS OSE TEAR FOR 51,50. Snbtwriptione mar be*ia at anr :im Thie is the most liberal combination >fer eeer amle .a '.*» Usiiad Sutes. and everr reader of ' THE CITIZEN ' skoald tafc sln»«r *' « t one* Address all order* to THE CITIZEN. BUTLER* PA. ' HAf- FEVER j- Tfm U COLD HEAD Klf Crmm Mm h~€ m < rmtf f~+r \ * * _ mmrkij It ei tmmm Ms M, •*** mfmmmUm. »—h CAa n ~rnn* % "Yfr*; Kfltft 9UC ELT BROTHtHS. 56 Warm Stmt YOWL 3W»
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers