WE ARE NOW READY. WITH A LARGE AW COMPLETE LINE OF PALL ,■ AND „ > .;' WINTER 4 J : 1 , 1 il ' % FOOTWEAR. GIVE US A CALL. TOGELET BANCROFT. r A* ♦ ; i ] ' AT HUSELTON'S Too will «• lb. faeflt BtylM la Um gmteit Tirtety aad at the lowest prices Tour Eyes Ever Looked Upon. * > Oil FAUL AMD WINTER FOOTWEAR As maar ifaot men diCerent atylM showa M any two house, ia Butler. Tktt alMk wm Mtoetod wilh Ue paatMt care from the beat maoufac tarea ia tUaoovatry, tWf «t* tiM with oaly one object ia view, aamaly lav prise aad shoddy goods, low prices and solid good goods. k :'A i SOME LITTLE DEALERS flssm to have oaly oaa object ia view, that is to see how low priced shoddy Irfjs j ssayfc* Bp of odds and ends, aad then sdvertise it ss .11 I •olid water rsstotors, ate. They ahoold advertise them as specialy adopted for rldinsr ia. aot walUag. Oar Ladlos'. Mlsaoa 1 and Children's Shoes ore marrels nriesa T«ry low. Ladies' fine ahoea 90c, SI.OO, $1.85, $1.60 aad $3.00. Misses fine shoes 90c, SI.OO and $1.25 sites 12 to 2. latitats sad ehttdraa's Me, 50, 75 aad SI.OO. Oar Kip Calf, Oil and Glove Grain Shoes. These gq&Mfmk fowlhsmaslrss as thoasanda will testify too that hara wora thssa sU oTsr Butler ooenty. They hare good body of stock otherwise they Wtqh! aoft Nflit the cold aad wot far the hoys aad girls that hara a kag rUd lo snooT, nmiliss that ose these goods don't hare only sas pair to hay darlag the aad NO DOCTORS .BILLS TO PAT. Man's, Boys' and TouthS* Boots and Shoes. Bsa o«r awa'sheavy shoos at TOe aad SI.OO. See oar men's heavy grata S sotoa sat tap at $1.25 sad $1.50. Bee oar Man's fine shoes tip or pida ak SI,OO tat IL9Q, sad a hoot of other fiaer liae are bMatUe. Oar Men's and Boys' Boots are solid as a rock. Prices TM,P.OO, $1 JO, $1.50 aad $2.00, la making your fall selections ia loot weir eoaM io as, yoa woat have to stay half a day jewing as on prisss, ha»oas StNjphl pries aad that the Lowest. Tha goods wiu he |asi as we represent them, BO hombog business to I paSyoala. $2.00 MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS $2.00 * e!Ud!l,g BOOTS AND OVERS $1.90. kiads doae aeatly and low prices. OomeaslWe m sal ssee eoaey. B. C. HUBELTON, Butler, Fa FOR SALE* I will wllwr— brick bartaws. Hoik at 'tit feoatb Main St., oo MMiublt torn; also my iwHiacmd two lots os MCKNB St. Alex.. WjUiama. ■w H Clothing for fall, and The ttacket Store Is lbs pises, ss wo osa giro yon Boy's kaoo p**» Mm 15c to, W. 50 MOD'S soils tba $6.00 esssi bmtss to ths tasat worstsds at $16,00 and $ll.OO. WUta aad gray Marino madsrwoar ®450. Hsarj sosrlst aadsrwsar @ 10 c. Jersy skirts at 95 o worth SI.SS, aad*otkor kfslai too aasMroas to BMntioa. All food an marksd ia plain fig arsa sad thsas figures are dk a IfOT CASH basis ss wo do a strictly cash basiasssat 1 / The Racket Store, 120_S L jjl«hi St>,» J t JBmtisr. Pa. L.O»WIOK •aixsa nr Raiifh an) Wtitud Linter anSautnas Doors, Smß, Blinds, Mouldings, l ShtoglM and Lath Akmm iota lack.* UMK, HAIR AMD PLANTER. OAeee*e*4F.*W.l>*e<, lUTMR - - PA. aiOULATK THK STOMACH, LIVER AMD BOWELS, u> PURIFY TM« BLOOD. A SfLMSLS SUEOV FOS Ssstoestfao. aaiMMMM, IMlmiw, OMMM- : »JHIMI, ttiwli UwTmHM lk*M Sad Cawalailaa. VlMrttfy, ■S> ill I Smth. Ml all U—r4mrt Wthe mi», mum mmim nmnM. t T " | 1 A Mat bottle mat by aaS I TNC RIMNa CHCMIOAL 00. m traces mnr, i*w tori crrr. ►«, ROBERT LEWIN, Wholesale Whiskej Merchant, tut§ iMpirtti ' FINE WINES & LIQUORS. 185 Water St Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite B. • O. R. R. Depot Headquarters for mesa 60LSKK wsaauo, tor medical and family use. sl4* NT . and mall orders receive prompt attention. Grandfathers' Choice » years old, fern per gallon. Try us. n|P It to Beautiful and Coats YOU J Nothing w To beautify and adorn your borne a wtth a superb sample High Ait • Craypoet fortfalt of one of your <*apr. Btapty write yew name I inn addryas oo the back of the I 111 >T * Bd >t to us at once. AJir El «amBB for photo's sale re- Stnn »*■ iddresaall letters to R J iZE. ffisa Advertise ia the Cihzss. Hothing On Earth Will HENS X.ZK3D Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevent* all Disease. Good for Moulting Bent. •ssassa^se*!SS ■tronc Strietly a iwdidiM. OMlai«»<*asjw»«iii* u ■ FLF nd six to prtwnt Hoop, aayi OM cw€om>er. m If "on cant eetSt .end to ua. W« mail one nark Be. KIT® SI - At 1-4 lb. can riuttry prtco Samptoeopy of TH« BCST POCLT*T I APKK SENT RW. M xTi JOHNSOX & (X>..« Cuitom HOOK Bt, Borton, Ma«. HUMPHREYS' I>T. Homphre>••' Sp«flllfa ar* »dentfflc»Uy and carefully prepared Remedies, used for yean In prtrate practice and for over thirty r*r» by the people with entire success. Every tingle Specific a Beelal cure for the diaeaae named. Aey cure without dragging, purKln# or reducing the tymem and are In fact and deed the Sovrrelco Rcmrdlea of the World. uar or riociPAL voc cum. racu. l-Fevera, Congestions, Inflammation*.. .*5 il—Worm*, Worm Ferer, Worm Colic 45 3—'Teething! Colic, Cryin*, Wakefulness .23 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adolu 23 7—Coagka, Colds, Bronchitis .25 8— Nevralrfa, Toothache, Faoeacbe. 9—Headaches, Slclc Headache, Vertigo.. M 10—Dyapepain, BlliouKneM, Constipation .95 11— Suppressed or Painful Period*. . .25 15J—Whites, Too Profuse Periods .15 13-Croop, Laryngitis, Hoarseness '25 t4—Salt Rheatn, Erysipelas. Eruptions ,25 15—Rheamat lam, RbetimatJo Pains .45 16—Malaria. Chills, Ferer and Ague .25 |7—Piles, Blind or Bleeding 25 19—Catarrh, Influenra, Cold In the Head. .25 £•— Whooping Cough .25 27— Kidney Diseases .25 28-Nerroaa Debility l.tt* 39-l'rlnary Weaknesa, Wetting Bed .25 gold by Dmcrlsta, or Mat postpaid on reclpt of prlea. DB. Eranun' linu (1M w,l uau-ib rut ■tmiiwno. Co., m *ii« whbm »wT«t SPECIFICS- Dll re iiCHING PILES rILtOBWAYME»« ABgQLUTBLT CUBIS. OINTMENT aadlfcrMets Prepared by Da. B»ir>« ft s n,Philadelphia FOR MEN BNLV! JflTJiriWlor LOST or FAILING HANBCO3 B||rl 11 |CI IIIHI il and KEHVODS CIBILIT Y, IWll TSIJ IWeacneu of Body and *:nd, Effect! BCMMtkM WKIK, lIDKTKLfITPBDOUUAIfgAPABTtOr BODT. Abealats!* uafalUa* HuMK IfMUT IKM-IMMAU la a 4«I. ■eo tcciirj NB 60 Otatee ud Feralg ■ t'oeatriee. Wriu these. BMT lpil7« Bock. exptaaatlen aad proof* ntIM (IMM) free. Mdm. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. DOCTOR J. B. HOBENSACK S MEDICAL OFFICE* aoa IT. SECOND ST., riiilad,lp\; a , l'a Are the oldest in America fordo treatment ol Special Diseases & Youthful Errors, „ t ?l2° < lJ Joi v? on ' - N ' < T, Vfms Debility. r!rcr=, Run asjsasasasiaiisr-vABjgS !o his Ufvloug experience and fX .K 7 RP rc rrm«'di< s used and jouiethorough examination all) uatchmi at i2«°!LfiTSslJ* Uc ?i U <,urin * treatment A4O » 2 MUblisbiiitiit ii of succefls. Treatment by Mnii u S|><-einlty. Offlce honrs, 9 AM, to 2 rM, <; to !> p u All earSatttrdsy till V I'. U Sundays 10 io l> AM „ ataiup for Itoob. (Copyrighted) "MOTHERS* FRIEND" HUES CHILD BIBTH EUST. Colvln, Doe. 2,1880.—My wife used UOTHXB'B miMu before her third oanSaetaent, and aaya sho would not be without It (or trandxeOa of dollars. DOCK MILLS. Sent by axpreas on receipt of price, (I.SO per bob tie. book "To Mothers" mailed tree. affAOnctO REGULATOR 00., mm uu ar au, eawoatara. XTLAMTA. a A. For Sale by J. C. Redick. READ AND REMEMBER For strictly pure and reliable STRAIGHT LIQUORS, call on I. N. FINCH, 12 SMITHFIELD ST., PITTItBUBQB, PI.: f(Opp. Monongahela House.) Matchless for Family use and Medicinal pur poses are FINCH'S (iOLDKN WKDIHNU. 1 AUfl Ot'CKKNHKIMKR'S WHISKY, [ per nr. * tn the «rhn.>w A» he «alk»l, strong, pliable, and easy on the foot, oaly to be had ol Robin* Bro. Try a pair and if not all we claim bring them back. New line of all kinds of Rubbers ;twt rseaieed. ROBINS BROS., 8 E. Comer of Diamond. ... - Bailee. Pa J. J. SPECK. W*. H. HOLMSS TH lIAWM • MiniLE Wist *sa nv,ut»«». Tlie Win, H. lloliiieM Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best'' and "Holmes Old Economy PURE RYE WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies. Gins and Wines. SEN ID IFOIR, PRICE loISH Telephon No. 305 . 120 Water St. and 15H First Ave, Pittsbuigu Pa Go and see Invest in ELLWOOD THE 10 NEW FACTORIES i 1 Nov la oparation or being boilt, are SOLID INDUSTRIES wh'ch ha-* moved to Ellwood for mora room to grow, cheap foel and he*»««- r*.-1 facilities They will employ, before the year »" i t**< people, which always result* ia a growth of j- ;>u » 200 MORE HOU6EB EEDED AT ONCE For the incoming people, *nd i 5 more store* coaid be reated uvday 11 to 40 Per Cent a Year la the Ranting, beeidee the ria* in vaioee which follows neb aa menage in popalatioa. ELLWOOD CITY HAS X3T MORE FACTORIES NOW BUILDING THAN OLDER towns nine time* a* large aad thin ia the margin tar it* ftstttra gmwtfc. fcgT MORE AND BETTER RAILROAD FACILITIES THAN any other town in Western Pennsylvania. Poor Trunk Liaes aad aa transfer or switching eharges gf" MORE VALUABLE MINERAL PRODUCTS THAN eaa ha (band else where in *ay one place, soefa aa NataraJ Ham Coat Oiaaa Band, Molding Sand, Fir* Clay, Red Clay, Bailding Steae. «te.. aad Water Power. BUY NOW Don't wait a year until the town «* (bar time* a* large aad eaia** pro portionately higher. ELLWOOD IMPROVEMENTCO. ELLWOOD CITY, LAWRENCE CO., FA A. FIXED FA.Crr. That SI MEN sell* shoe* of soch sterling {oalttie* at aoch low prwoatha* yea cant help bat boy when yoa set a glimpse of tbeee Child'* Pebble Goat Button Shoe*. *»*•» I to 7 I 2. at 3Rr Children * Gram Button Shoo*, mm s to 11. at S* Children'* Kid Botton Shoe*, mam 4 to I. at "8V Girl*' Grain Button Shoe*. *1 »»< II to 2 at T3e. Girl*' Kid Batton Shooo. tae* It to .* at »1 •» Girl*' Pebble lioat Bottoa »m. nam II to 1 at *1 -<* Boy*' Shoe, lace or bnttoa. at SI •*> to »1 B. ww It to * Boy"* Shoe*, lace or button. aktma 3toS. at ft.«* t* W-SS 14diM' Grain Button .Shaw, at f I fl* to #1 50 Ladies Ktd Button «boon. at f 1 •« to C'W Men * Lace Phoaa. at «I o*. fl 25 fl » ami K •# Men'* Grain Waterproof Shoe* at fl "<0 and IB.SB Men's Grain Waterproof Baet*. at K ■>> Man * Heavy Solid Boot*, at Si 73 to 3 6(> Boya* Heavy Sohd at »1 to tZ Men * Calf Boot., at «M9O to S3 n*. See the Calf Botton Shoe* for Mess Wear nt IIM. Ladiea Calf Skin and Oram Waterproof Shnoo »t $1 J', an i I '•> RUBBER BOOTS RUBBER SHoRS THE BEST QUALITIES AT LOWEST PRICES. Men's & Lacbes hlipj>ers. .")Oc to 00. A.T G. I). SI MEN, 78 Ohio, Cor. Sandusky St. ALLEGHENY P (NEAR MARKET HOUSE \ HAT-FEVER S St'm Qcold-head mmk K V* Crmm Bslm ia nM a *r"< rmmf or pw*f Ap?tl>d bUa Me na A* # _ ftdrJklf sbaarbtd. It eUamara Ms him < mOmfa mjtimm i«a. leate Ellen Vu mn-ta. fioid >f dntomtta *r anU % wyaU ear ■■■■■< »f wriaa. K||a 3UC ELY BROTHERS.IS Wvran Strtft IEW TML 3UC GOLD FREE! To every person bringing us a copy of this paper, we Afl will Insert FREE OF CHARGE a fine #2.00 Gold Flliin#. * /. 1 In every BEST SEToffS-OO Teeth. IM \J « - ta«a to»e tbr test taat can paWr »e mm Or. mm matmr «aaa 0m tm price too pay fiatd run—» UMirtiSiv II * an.l up ; geewnuaay . - 2* Amalgam KilUaif * I T'rtft bimlal, - - - saa. Palnl*aa eitnctmi *:»y_' N tae rulM iitlbk oat mt Utr chj rait rnma la - ■ » *"X KAV YOH K I) KNTISTH. KMTIA.SIK ON I.IBKKTY #t Canrr m am 4 UtH«| a*..p««*aee. "