THE CITIZEN FBI DAY, SEPTEMBER SO, 1892. Bcnn lua a population of about lo.noo. It la the Count}- seat or Butler County, with 40,000. Four railways, natural pis, and unequalled facilities for, menulacturea. iTocreas e»rywhere; new buildings, new manufactures, a growing and prosperous town. Now Advertisements. Auditors Notice, Estate of G. C. Roes sing. Administrator's Notice, Estate of John Richardson. Sheriff's Sales for October 24th. Closing out Sale of Drog Store—Frank A Co. Mark's Millinery and Underwear. Sale of Damaged Clothing. Closing Sale of Stationery. Coal Farm for Sale. Photos of World. P. R. R. Excursion. NOTI—AII advertisers intending to make anges in their ads. shonld notify us of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. LOCAL AND GENERAL New York Weekly Tribune—Free. By special arrangements made for our so doing, we are enabled to offer to all our subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any) and one year in advance, and to all new subscribers paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tribune free for one year. For further particulars of this ofler see ad v.-.t;- -. ei.t <>n 2d page. Now York Tribune is a staunch Re publit-ui: paper; its editor is on onr Nation al ticket this year, its weekly edition con tain- ail the best editorials and general aiiicloa of the daily, and this very liberal offer should be accepted by every Republi can of Butler county. Over the land is the antumn base; o. .'ly at eve comes the great, round moon; Silent and sweet are the country ways In the golden days of October. —What are you kicking abont to-dayt —The leaves will soon have their turn. —Before a man has begun to think, a woman has begun to talk. —A comet is now visible in the eastern aky in the early morning. —Dr. Redick is improving his store building. —The main sewer for the eastern part of town has been laid around the bridge pier. —You can see more of Butler, since the trees have been clipped. —"Russet shoes shone here" is a boot black's sign. * —J, C. Sarver has opened a meat mark et on Centre Ave. S. S. —Hurrah for us! Corbett will fight Mitchell. —The daily prodnction of the Sngar Trust is 50,000 bbls. of refined sugar. —The Pittsburg papers are complaining of a plague of bedbngs. —Got a new «uitt Yea, my wife's dress maker has sued me for her new dress! —Treat her coldly, give her ice cream every night. • —Thejfaat young man is now said to be kite-shape and pnenmatic-tired. —Onr professors of whitewashing are crowded with orders, —Binco the rains of last week onr farm era have been seeding. —Teacheri and scholars are down to •olid work. —A Georgia jnJge has decided that a mnle is a deadly weapon. —Since Thursday last this is year num ber 5654, according to the Jewish calen dar. —Mr. Newton Harvey of near Tarentum, will sell his splendid farm, underlaid with ooal, at a bargain. See adv. —Did yon bear the news from the MoonT A large meteor or comet collided with it last Tuesday evening. —Smoke prevention does not bother most people half as mnoh as the problem, how to get something to smoke. —The right kind ot an amen always means, "It shall be so, and I'm willing to stand my part of the expense." —The tender attachment between the locomotive and the cars isn't always beau tiful. —He looked BO awfully cheap when he proposed that she conldn't resist the bar gain. —Days and nights of equal length, and ire Are now heading Tor larger gas bills and loDger courting hours. —Last Monday night was very cool; and a white frost covered everything next morning. —H. H. Jackson will have a public sale of his household effects, next Tuesday, at No. 118 Mifflin St —Special excursion on the West Penn this (Thursday), to Pittsbnrg Expo. Fare $1.50, which includes admission to Expo. —Two druggists of Allegheny Co., have gone to law over the right to use Father Mollingerß old prescriptions. —The taxpayer is glad to stand high in the community, bat he doesn't want to be over-rated. —The vest pocket ticket will be scarce nnder our new ballot system. Its occupa tion is gone. —An enormous quantity ot ground is being excavated in grading W". Pearl St., and it is being used for tilling up lots and low places on the lower streets. Pickpockets abounded at all the coun ty Fairs this year. At Greenville last Thursday fifteen people were "touched," one for $102." —Pasteur, speaking of precautions against cholera, says--"Keep the stomach warm." And all the Kentucky colonels say, Amen. —J. A. Frank <£ Co. are Belling out their entire stock of drags, medicines, toilet articles, etc. at cost. See adv. in another column. —Most of the soldiers and others who went to Washington last week, returned to their homes, Friday evening. They all enjoyed themselves. —The Prohibs warn people to get out of the wet, —and advertise an open air speech for Saturday evening on the Dia mond. —There aro several little offsets along our streets that are meaner than the big ones. TOD don't notice them, and either stump your toe or come down suddenly. —The number of women pharmacists is increasing. When it comes to washing glassware women have distinct advantages over men. —ln Europe they've postponed the army manoeuvres on account of the cholera, but notting is going to stave off the ooming election. —A crank who signs himself W. J. Klingensmith writes to a Pittsburg paper that he is a criminal in the eyes of the law and a disgraced man in the sight of friends and family, because he once conducted a boarding house swindle in Pittsburg and Allegheny. LEGAL MEWS. Civil Court met Monday afternoon, with Judges Ilazen and Martin presiding, and np to the time of oar going to press tho following cases have been disposed of: Geo Ilile v* B Forst et al. Sept 26,1892. verdict for the plaintiff for $199.41. CJ Watt vs Eleho Oil Co. Sept 26, verdict for plaintiff for $190.56. Geo II Enaell vs Elcho Oil Co. Verdict for plaintiff for $272 87. J« if Henry vs Elcho Oil Co. Verdict for for plaintiff for $340.42. John Kennedy vsS A Campbell,replevin, settled. Alexander Bros vs C J D Strohecker. Verdict for plaintiff for $78.25. Mellor uatalnePHK BUTLER '"OUNTY NATIONAL BANK, BITT TOW. PA. CAPITAL P.U r*. ... IIMJM.M. OFFICERS: , .. Jos. nartman. Prest, J. \. Kltta. Vice Prea'T. c. A. Bailey, cashier DIRECTORS : Jos. Hart man. C. P. Collins. O M Kiwil H. McSweeney, C. D. Greenlee. J. V ktUtT K. B. Abrama. Leslie Hazlett. I. G. Smith. W. 8. WaMron. M. Ftatvan. A general banking business transacted. In terest paid on time deposit*. Money lowed on approved security, fort .'n exchange bought and soid. INSURANCE COMPANY of NORTH AMERICA, 100 th Year Assets $9,278,220.00- Home of New York, Assets $9,370,640.00. Hartford of Hartford, Assets $€.743,046.84. Continental of New York, Assets $5,806,784.91. NEW YORK. LIFE, Assets $125,947,990.81. Office Of E. £. ABRAMS & GO. OSes in HUSELTON BUILDING, >ext to ths Court House. -0:0- IT IS A PLEASURE TO WEAR GAR MENTS THAT ARE CORRECT LY DESIGNED AND PERFECT FITTING. --0:0 THIS SATISFAC TION YOU CAN DEPEND ON SHOULD YOU BOOK YOUR ORDER AT Aland's. Large Display of Handsome Fabrics for FALL AND WINTER. FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, ROBES, HARNESS, And everything in horse and buggy fur nishing go ods—H ar - ness, Collars, Whips, Dusters, Saddles, etc. -Also trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment of 5--A- Horse blankets in town will be found at Kemper's. A. E. GABLE, V eterinary Surgeon. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Toronto, Canada. Dr. Gable treats all diseases of the domesticated animals, and makes ridgling, castration and horse den tistry a specialty. Castration per formed without clams, and all other surgical operations performed in the most scientific manner. Calls to any part of the country promptly responded to. Office and Infirmary in Crawford's Livery, 133 West Jefferson Street Butler Pa A RARE BARGAIN. FOR BALE —One of the finest farms in Butler connty, containing 186 acres; large brick honse, large frame barn, carriage shed and various other baildings, all in good repair; well watered; has a large orchard, good market adjoining premises for all farm products. Convenient to schools and charches. To a quick buyer will sell this farm for mnch less than the cost of therm build and on very reasonable term. L. 8. M C-I L'NKIN, 126 E JeffersonS t, Butler, Pa • r -*ll ».p w | . . rO • » • I • »r»:. I- fn. fi - i«irevt. I ... latam JJ That we have the largest stork if ( ) clothing iu Butler. That we sell reliable cloth ingchepper than anv other firm in X the count v. O That we never AD ''J 1 goods niußt bo as represented or Tour money will be refunded. That we have l>een in the baai * ness for a long time and have stud* () ied the wants of our [| therefore we know what vou want q and endeavor to please. EAnd lastly, that when you ccme to Butler, do Ml forget to call on u* We "have a lonje stoto fuO of Clothing for Men, Boy* an«i Children We are aiway* r willing to quote prices and we don't -»nst«j*rit a tnmlilo F> show eoods. H.Schneideman 104 8. Main St., - Butler, Pi. Fall Clothing. We are showing the largest line for jail aad viator thai we ever have shown to the people Butler aad vieinity. Are you interested in low prie». Prices the lowest yet named fov first class goods. An immense assortment. Nothing Missing Everything the Best, The quality will tell it, The Prices will sell it, And that is the reason you should cfme aariy to got yom bargains from oar aplendid line of Men's, Boy's and Children's Clothing. Gents Furnishing and Hats. O i , Trunks and Valines. Our goods and prices now waiting your iaopoctioa to pravt tMa. SCHAUL BROS. & CO. One Price Clothiers. *- OPPOSITE HOTEL TOOBLBY. - SCTLSB. PA. ■* §1 * s * ' • Public Sale of Organs and Pianos and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. Five thousand dollars worth of organs ami pianos wfR be ullfeieJ at Public Sale at Williams A Butler's Music Store, 315 South Mam St., October Ist, 1892. Consisting of ten first dass pianos of different makes and (Htdfcs, twenty-five organs, one new Hall safe, one ifc-w roller top desk, ft net show cases, two wall cases and all the stock of a first rtaso music store. Also one team of five year old horses, one organ wagon, ooe surry, one buggy. two sets single harncss,one set double harness. two new Home sewing machines, one Domestic sewing machine, Mi«a* Love machine, and other goods too numerous to mention. Any of the above named goods can be seen at our stove, and will be sold at private sale at cost. All goods remaining unsold October Ist, will be sold at auction, regardless of cost, as these goods will positively be sold. Our reason for selling is we are dissolving partnership and gqing to quit the business. Any person not having a piano or an organ should take advantantage of this sacrifice sale. As it is well known this firm handles nothing but first class goods. Remember date, name and place. RESPECTFULLY. Williams & Butler, 315 South Main street, Butler, Pa. P. S. Terms made known on day of sale. FALL AND WINTER' BOOTS and SHOES. We now bar* ready (or joor inspection th« largeet aad mam campiste stock of first class boots, ahoea aad rubbers in Bntlar eautj. If you waat to fit oat your family with WATERPROOF Boots aad shoes that will last them all winter J J JT* is the pla=e you are looking for. We may not seil the rheaptol Brock asM in Butler, bat we at least bare the reputation of gtriag m ore real solas far your money thaa can bo had elaewbere. Our kip, calf, oil grata, goat, ate., boots and shoes are made aot only to tell bat far HARD WEAR We hare not room here to qaote enoafh price* to fire you so idea of. how cheap we ere selling goods adapted to your •portal used, bat nat m sored that no dealer ia Butler shall andereell as. bat that oo wiß poattaraiy SAVE YOU MONEY. O- RUBBER, KELT and BEAVER GOODS all of the beet aMkee aad at prieaa lower than tha lowest Call aad see for yoer self. Wo take special pride ia oar Uae of BOYS ARB QIRLS SCHOOL SHOES For style, fit and serrice they ere oaequaied We are milaf tbsm sa Work of* all kind done at the "Citizen Office."