Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 30, 1892, Image 2

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    't'Uß CITIZEN
■ton* IHM*N at Batlar aa MataMaatUr
—MI. - - -
fispublicaq, Ticket.
For President
tmuAMit Kamaoir,
Of Indiana.
Per Tice President,
WmiTiiaw R«n,
Of Vow To*.
Vtr Jndge of Sapreras Court,
jMOr Dsa>, otJßlair Co.
Fsr Low Judge,
Jowm M. Oun,
for Ooofroesmen at Large,
Wmiiw L. TALLY, of Carbon Co.
itninw MODOWTLL, of Mercer Co
7«f Coßfioaa.
TkoiLaa W. Fimm,
For State Senate,
ITIUIAK B. Itenrra,
Tor Assembly,
jAxm B. Mam,
For District Attorney,
but McJuirxijr,
For Oounty Surveyor,
a F. L. MoQtrtmoo,
McKlnley at Washington, Pa.
At the Washington, Pa. Fair Grounds,
Wednesday, Gov. McKinJsy of Ohio, was
given the greatest weloome ever aooorded
to anyone by the people of this Btete
Dalafstas wero there from all the surround
ing counties, and the grounds were crowd
ad. Folly tan thousand people listened to
(he spaaohis that were mado by Gov. Mo-
Kinley and John DaLiell.
MoKinley's speech was • convincing
axpoee ot wild oat banking; aod ta his re
marks on the tariff he gave til) duties on
wool special consideration. Dal sell talked
of honest money, a free ballot, and gave
igiires aa reciprocity.
Andy Robertson of Pittsburg, and Presi
dent Bbarhart of the Window Glass Work
ers Association also mado remarks. There
was a parade and reception, and the affair
was oonsidarod tho greatest political dem
onstration ever held in Pennsylvania
AT Philadelphia, last Friday night, GOT.
HoKinley, of Ohio, addresaed an audience
Ot five thousand people. A part of his
spoaeh was as follows. "Hare in Philadel
phia yoa have demonstrated, as probably
no other city in the Union has demonstrat
ed, the ability tq secure industrial indepen
dence, and have illustrated by your skill,
industry aai capital that wo need bo de
pendant upon no foreign nation, for the
comforts, tho necessities, (he luxuries and
refinements of civilized life. Tou have
shown in tho most impressive way how
handicraft and manufactures, fostered by
just laws, enrich a oommuaity, giving to
eapital a fair reward and to skill and labor
happy and contented homos; for I believe
there ia no city in the Union whore so
many man own their own homes as in this
atty. And after all, it is aa home that
boa at tho foundation of good government
Through tho homo oomes tho boat oitisen
ship, sad through the heat citisenship
oomes tho beet and purest government
among men. I hare coma here to address
yoa upon the condition of tbs country and
tho affect upon such oondition of the pub
lio policies, which are advocated by the
two groat political parties of the United
States. Before passing to tho discussion
of tho tariff;" tho Governor mid, "I desire
to oall year attention to a moot remarkable
declaration of purpose, upon the port of
the Democratic leaders, as expressed in the
ChifllfO plitfun. ILU a ilan»aiMi Caw ihft
abolitisn of tho 10 par oent tax upon State
banks of issue. This tax was laid daring
tto war, for tho purpooe ol displacing State
bank circulation, with national money; it
had tho offset intended. The State bank
notes want eat of circulation and the nation
al pssnhanks and tho natioaal hank notes
came into niswilMiim There eon be but
one purpose, which mast be to restore
them. I cannot belioro that with the ex
parianoe this ooantry had tinder that sys
tem, which prevailed before the war, it
will want to ratarn to it again. I fear the
people do not realise tee foil force of the
Demooretlo declaration in flavor of State
books of isaaa."
Tho speaker then took np the curreaoy
question, and olo*d by shooing the con
stitntioaality of a protective tariff, with
an exposure ol the danger of adopting the
revenue tariff, advocated intlm Democrat
ic platform. "C-a*! & '■
A Hint of the Meaning.
In hie epeeeh At the If eat End, Saturday
night Congressman I) all all said that Re
publicans and Democrats agree that means
to rapport the Government should be
raised mainly from taxes on imports, bnt
divide when then they peas that point, the
Democrata holding that this tax should be
levied solely with a view to revenue to be
raised, without regard to its effect on
American industries.
What is meant by "a tariff for revenue
sufficient to oarry on a Government econo
mioiaUy administered!" The only way to
learn is by reference to the action of the
Democrats. It may be learned from their
action with referenoe to the new navy.
All arreara having been oanght up by Sec
retary Traoy, he wanted to add to the
number of shipe, bat they would not oon
sent to appropriate a dollar tor them, and
were only prevailed on after patient effort
to authorise two new ones. In substance
they said, "building a navy is not carrying
est a government" For the same reason
they would not maintain the system now
established for reetoring the merchant mar
ine by aid to oompanies in the shape of
pay for oarrylng the mails. Restoration
of this marina is not in their view "carry
on a government.
A tariff for revenue sufficient to oarry on
on a government economically adminis
tered means cutting off everything but the
salaries of offloors needed in the govern
ment The ohief idea is economy, not
progrees. Consistently with it the gov
ernment ought to sell the National Mu
seum and tho Botanical Garden and every
thing alee H has of like character in Wash
ington, beoauae the expense of these does
not oome under the head of carrying on a
government The Democratic doctrine is
that anything individuals can do should not
he done by the Government All Democrats
would not go this length; seme would go
one part of the way and another a longer
part Before one can know what a tariff
lor revenue means be most know the Dem
ocratic notion of what the revenue is for.
This is a hint of the meaning.—Pittsburg
On result of the Vermont election is
not encouraging as to the wovkings of
the Australian ballot system. It is esti
mated that from 4,000 to 5,000 ballots, or
about 10 per cent of the total votes cast,
were thrown away on aooount of the de
fective marking. If such a large percent
age of defective votee ia shown in careful,
intelligent little Termont, how will the
persentage rate among the mixed popula
tion of this Stato, where the new method
ie to be tried for the first time this fall f
"WH mutt aow place oar manufacturer
by the side of the agriculturalist. .* • •
Kxparieaoa has taught ma that manufac
ture ara mow aa aeoesaary to our tnda."
pndeooa aa to oar oomfort."— Thomas
The Vital Point.
The New York .SUM prints a letter from
a California reader who wants to know
whether it is to be clearly understood that
the tariff plank of the Chicago platform
declares all protective duties to be uncon
stitutional. He adds: "There are eleven
Democrats here In Pomona who vow that
if you decide the construction of the clause
as in favor of the abolition ot all tariffs,
whether high or low, we shall not only
Tote the Republican electoral ticket next
November, but will contribute our services
and money to the election of the Republi
can national ticket."
To this the Sun responds: "There is no
question that the tariff plank adopted at
Chicago was meant to be the squareat pos
'sible declaration against protection and in
favor of free trade. It says flatly that all
protection is unconstitutional; and if that
is so, every intelligent man must be
against protection until the time, which is
very far off, when the Constitution can be
altered." This answer of the Sun is exact
ly the truth; and under the vow of the let
ter writer it binds the eleven Democrats of
Pomona to vote the Republican ticket. To
be sure, the Sun proceeds to say that the
tariff plank is not a matter of much impor
tance, because it may be repudiated. Bat
that is not a question of construction oftho
platform, bnt of the honesty of the candi
dates, who accept it and stand on it. It
doesn't mend the case to siy that, while
all protection is held to be unconstitutional
the candidate may be expected to do wh&t
he professes to regard as a violation of the
The question of the constitutionality of
protection is the fundamental issue. It lies
at the foundation ot the whole controversy.
It is the turning point of all discussion. If
the negative be established, it is the end
of all further debate. If tho negative be
mantained or professed, it is the end of -all
farther debate for those who maintain or
profess it The Demoeratic platform de
clares without qualification that all protec
tion Is unconstitutional. If that is so, as
the Sum says, every honest man must bo
against protection until the Constitution
can be altered. The Constitution is the
supreme law. It can not be violated for
mere expediency or policy. It can not be
violated oven for necessity. If the prog
ress of the nation develops the importance
of measures which are repugnant to the
Constitution, then the Constitution must
be amended but it must not be violated.
When, therefore, the Democratic plat
form places the Democratic party and can
dldates on the ground that all protection is
unconstitutional, it binds them to oppose
all protection, at least until the Constitu
tion can be changed.—Philadelphia Press.
"THAT ia the truest American policy
which shall most usefully employ Amsri
oan cspital and American labor, and best
sustain the whole population. • • * Agri
culture, commerce and manufactures will
prosper together or languish together."—
Daniel Webster.
to tee utmost in providing for tho reception
and comfort of the party of cannibals ex
pected at the World's Pair. The canni
bals demand human meat and they posi
tively refuse to eat Chinese.
Prospect and Vicinity.
It is current:
That Charles Weigle has bought a new
silver cornet and John Edmundson, a fine
clarionet. The boys know how to usu
them, and the Enterpean melodies that art;
in onr atmosphere, are charming. Good
That West Sechler and wife,of Princeton,
Lawrence county, were recently entertain
ed by Mr. and Mrs. Barney Roth. Mr.
Sechler and Mr. Roth are brothers-in-law.
That William Weigle, of Ravenna, Ohio,
has returned home alter a two weeks 'visit
among relatives in this vicinity.
That Allie Borland, of Butler, is tho
gnAat n£ II la*
Allie assists the ladies at the hotel, during
Mrs. Boehm's visit to Pittsburg.
That Mrs. Henry W. Henshaw and Miss
Mav Blair visited friends in Butler, last
That Malaohi Eagle and wife, of Union
rille, drove over to our town last week.
We believe thev were the guests of Mrs.
J. D. Albert wnile hero.
That Philip Sechler, delegate to the
Grand Lodge at Boston from the Jr. 0. U.
A. M. Lodge, here, has returned home.
Philip had a pleasant trip, and thinks,
altar all, the Butler county girls aro the
prettiest Tour Judgment is right, Philip.
That G. B. Beighley and family, of
Sarcoxifi, Mo., are visiting Mr. Beighley s
parents, southwest of town. Mr. Beighley
went west four or five years ago, and we
are glad to hear of his success in his new
That Prof. Kranti will accompany Rev.
Scheffer, as delegate, to the conference,
which meets near Langville, Jefftrson Co.,
Oct. 3, 4 and 5. Come, Charlie, get on
that reverential and ministerial look as
soon as possible.
That the directors will dedicato the new
school bouse on Columbus Day, Oct. 21,
by giving an entertainment in the evening
for the purpoee of purchasing a new bell
with the proceeds. The exercises will be
good. F. P. Critchlow,director, is attend
lng to the literary part, while Mary Martin,
our musical artist, will look after tho
music part of the program. Don't forgot
the date.
That Mrs. C. M. Edmundson, who has
been sick for some timo, has about recover
ed her health.
That the Franklin township schools will
befin Oct. 17, with the following teachers:
Nora Oesterling, Ridge, Ford Forrester,
Dick; G. P. weigle, Mile Run; "Warren
Cooper, Bunker Hill; and Jesse Bowers,
Hickory Corner.
That the members of Rustic Lodge 882,
I. 0. 0. F., are making arrangements to
attend the convention at Butler, Oct. 13,
and will bo acStpipanied by the cornet
band. All members arc urged to be
The members of tho Lutheran Church
took the Parsonage by strategy, on Wed.,
Sept. 21, but didn't hold Rev. and Mrs
Scheffer prisoners very long, as it wan
donation day. AU had a pleasant time,
and the donors left a filled purse of ducats
for their pastor and wife.
Joseph Ash and wife, of Fvans City,
shared the hospitalities of Mr. and Mrs.
John Martin, part of last week.
CUTILAKD'S letter, or bid for votes, ap
peared in Tuesday's dailies. lie never
mentions the Chicago platform; is a tariff
reformer bat not a free trader; is not witb
his party as to wild-cat banks, and is vary
cautious regarding being for or against
CHAIRMAN LEKWNKR and Secretaries J.
N. Moore and 8. T. Okeson, will be ready
for their district organization meetings
neit week. They are doing a great deal
of very thorough work.
Petrolia Itema.
Mrs. Elisabeth Uiles is very low at this
writing. She is about 84 years of age.
James 8. Blygh Esq., of Carroll connty,
Ohio, is taking depositions before Esq
Fleming in the case of George S. Long,
administrator of Hattie Wathy, doc'd, vs
William Wathy and others.
Thomas Carland and Kobert Carland re
turned home on last Saturday, looking
hail and healthy after a two weeks visit at
Sagerstown and parents in Crawford Co.
Two of onr citizens desecrated the Sab
bath day, last Sunday morning, by a war
ot words—the bone of contention being
that one of them bad got water from the
city work* and had refused to pay for it.
Better remember the Sabbath.
Oar health ooinmittee is looking after
the sanitary condition of the town, the
Burgess having received an order from the
State Health Committee at Uarrisburg to
have things cleaned up, in view of the
obvlera scare. X
"AM Mtemrive domestic market for
the snrplua produce of the soil is of the
o©aae<j*emje. "—Alexander Hamilton.
They B«wnt the Attempts Made In Thl*
Line —Republican Prospects Reported
Bright ETerywhere—Free Trade and
Free Banking Unpopular Everywhere.
«' [Special Correspondence.]
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26.—There was
one conspicuous failure during the Grand
Army reunion. That was in the effort
mado by the Democrats to capture sol
dier votes. One would scarcely expect
that the Democratic party would think
a gathering of old soldiers a sufficiently
fertile field for Democratic work to
make it even worth while attempting to
make converts to the Democratic cause
in it. But the situation is such a des
perate one that the Democrats have
stopped at nothing.
Wolves In Sheep's Clothing.
The result was that documents, espe
cially prepared to influence the soldiers,
were sent over here from the Democratic
headquarters in New York in great
quantities, and men employed to wear
the Grand Army badge and distribute
them broad cast among thb old soldiers.
It need scarcely bo said that this fact
when it became known created the
greatest indignation among the veter
ans gathered here. It was also discov
ered that the Democrats have adopted a
form of campaign badge which so close
ly resembles tho Grand Army button
that it can scarcely be detected as a
counterfeit. This fact added to the in
dignation on the part of the old soldiers,
who saw in it an attempt to make use of
their nonpartisan organization for parti
san purposes, after the Democrats had
even refused to appropriate a penny in
congress for the entertainment of tho
old soldiers. Tho contrast between the
two parties was strongly marked in tho
apparent absenco of efforts by the Re
publicans to use this gathering for po
litical purposes.
Comparing Party Records.
One of tho most conspicuous failures
was the attempt made by Democratic
emissaries to show that tho Democratic
party has been friendly to the soldier.
Those who are familiar with the work
of congress quickly met and defeated
this effort. They showed from the records
of congress that nine-tenths of the legis
lation favorable to the veterans of the
late war originated with the Republican
party, and that on almost every bill
passed for tho benefit of soldiers in the
war of the rebellion a majority of the
Democrats voted against the measure,
and that every Republican voted for it.
It was shown that in the aggregate of
the votes upon the dozen or more great
pension bills that have been passed by
congress nearly two-thirds of the Demo
crats voted against the measures, and
that out of the 1,300 Republican votes
cast in the house upon tlieso bills only
two votes were against them.
Record* of Presidential Candidates.
One thing that has come to the minds
of the old soldiers gathered here in com
paring tho attitude of the two parties
toward tliem has been the fact that
every Republican president elected since
the war has been a distinguished soldier;
on the other hand, the only Democratic
president served his country by a substi
tute, and of the entire list of Demo
cratic nominees sinco the war only one
has been a soldier.
One interesting featnro of the occa
sion was the opportunity it gave for
inquiry into tho political prospects in
various parts of the country. The gather
ing brought not only old soldiers of both
parties, but many others who were
drawn here to witness this great gather
ing of veterans. Talks with men from
every part of the country show tho Re
publican prospects to bo extremely
The "Assistant Democratic Party."
The farmers and others interested in
tho progress of the great northwest aro
evidently becoming rapidly awake to the
lh;ii tliiril jxwfjr iu ai±f.mpHnir
to nse them for the benefit of tho De
mocracy. They see that a vote with the
third party simply means a vote for
Democratic success. Tho Democrats are
quietly working through and with tho
third party to destroy the Republican
majority in those states which have
heretofore been safely Republican. The
thinking people of Illinois, Wisconsin,
the Dakouis, Nebraska, Kansas and Col
orado see that a vote in any of those
states with the People's party is really a
vote with tho Democrats. The success
of the People's party in any of those
states they now readily understand
would mean not the success of any df
the principles of that party, bnt the suc
cess of the Democratic party. It would
mean the destruction of reciprocity,
which has added millions of dollars to
the sales of farm products and is own
ing markets for onr grain and flour and
meat, and absolutely driving British and
German goods out of those markets and
admitting ouf own in their place.
No "Wlldcatu" Need Apply.
Another thing which the farmers of
the northwest are rapidly discovering is
that co-operation with tho third party
means a return to wildcat money, which
caused tho farmers such great losses
when stato banks wero In operation be
foro the war. The third party is as
much in favor of a return to this sort of
currency as are tho Democrats, but
whether it is or not makes little differ
ence, for the people now understand
that in voting with the third peoplo they
arc merely lielpinp to bring about Dem
ocratic control of house, senate and
"LutMlstlde" tn Manufacturing States.
i Those coming from the manufactur
ing sections report a "land slide" in
favor of tho Republicans. Many inan
(ufacturers who have formerly been
(Democrats are now openly announcing
their determination to co-operato with
the Republicans, in the belief that tho
absolute free trade principles of tho
Democratic platform would when car-
Wed out destroy manufacturing indus
tries and throw millions of peoplo out of
(employment and millions of dollars of
invested"capital would bo made value-
Jess. O. P. AUSTIN.
Another "Congratulation" on Maine.
Chairman Manley, of the Maino Re
publicans, evidently believes in the old
adage that "bo laughs beet who laughs
last." Anyway, he is now having his
"laugh." Chairman Harrity, of tho
Democratic committee, Bent out a con
gratulatory address to the Democrats on
the result of tho Maino election without
waiting for full returns. Now that the
votes are all counted Mr. Manley has
his turn. lie says:
"The Republican stato committee de-
Biro to congratulate tho Republicans of
Maine upon the full and complete vic
tory achieved on Monday last. The
Democratic party, with tho best organi
zation it has had for years, failed to poll
as many votes by 6,000 as it gavo to its
candidate for governor in 1888, and did
not cast as many votes as it gavo its
candidate for governor In 1884, in 1880
or in 1870. Complete returns show that
the Republicans have elected Henry B.
Cleaves governor by 12,800 majority
over the Democratic candidate; havo re
turned to congress Hon. Thomas B.
Reed, Hon. Nelson Dingley, Hon.
Charles A. Boutelle and Hon. Seth L.
Milliken by majorities; have elect
ed thirty out of thirty-one senators, 110
out of 150 representatives to tho legisla
ture, and havo elected a majority of
county officers iu every county in tho
It uan tli« Republican party, under the
aggressive, progreasi VP, wile and benig
nant policy of a grneroui tariff upon for
eign Importations for the protection of
home labor primarily and the raialuf of
revenue uecennitrily, that abolished slave
labor and emancipated the American
wage earner, of whatever color or condi
tion, from the drudgery of pauper wage*.
"1 x h in favor of h protective tariff
and internal improvements."'— Air idmm
On a Cholera Ship in 1853.
(J. E. EMEBSOI IN Scientific American.)
I lired in Bangor. Maine, in 1&49 and
1850, when the Asiatic cholera visited
that city. I had a contract for a large lot
of doors and sash for the 17nited States
government to bo shipped to California for
some government building. I then being
in that business.
I had bat fairly commenced on the work
when the scourge broke out. My partner,
a Mr. TVing, fled with his family to the
country. Deaths were soon rated at one
to two daily. People there were general
ly panic-stricken, and the city was deserted.
Many of my workman left, so I mustered
all ol the pluck and courage that nataro
gave me and determined to live or die at
my work bench. My family, then only
wife and one child, lived a little out of the
city. At 7 o'clock every morning I was in
my workshop, and 10 to 11 o clock at
night often found me there. Coffins could
not be supplied in sufficient (juantity to
bury the dead, and I was besought to make
coffins, but my government contract pre
vented my doing so.
"While at my work bench I saw one man
die in a dirty cellar kitchen. There were
few if any regular funerals, but daily, cof
fins or boxes with the dead wor3 seen go
ing with the poor victims to their final
rest. It commenced there in the lowest,
filthy localities of the place, and from
there went among the richest localities. I
could form no other verdict than it being a
scourge of intemperance, flirt, an'l filth
and of rery high livers. I did not change
my method or style of living; ate fresh veg
etables. fruit, meat and melons. I had
never poisoned myself with tobacco, beer,
or spirituous liquors of any kiad, took my
baths regularly, and lived as cleanly as
There was a medical fraternity callod
the llot Crops, and they had what was then
called a Hot Crop hospital. The very first
thing that they did was to give a cholera
patient a dose so hot that it would almost
burn bis vital organs. I tasted the stuff,
and it was like eating red peppers, that
would make the tears run, and it was ad
mitted that they were the most successful
of any class of practitioners. It died out
with the fall frosts, and there ended the
most terrible scourge that I was ever wit
ness ol or ever hope to see again. I lost
money < n my contract, but got out alive.
December, 7th, 1852, T sailed from Xew|
York City oil the steamer Uncle Sara for
California, via the Isthmus of Panama.
We were seven <lays in that filthy malar
ia :md turkey buzzard region, with a rail
road to the Ohagres river only, -where we
were boated by natives in almost a nude
.state np the river to Cruses, and from there
on mule back or on foot (tho latter I chose)
until we reached Panama. There we took
the stea.ner Cortez, with as stern an old
sea caption i,s ever stood before a mast. I
had a second cabin ticket. Imagine go
ing from the State of Main in midwinter,
with the system and blood prepared ior
10-' below zoro, and in a few da.) s in a trop
ical climate at 100 to 110 in the shade, aud
one imagines the change and contrast!
No sooner had we left land than a high
faver set in, and .such a headache I never
bore in my life. My first thought was ice
water, but ice could not be bought. The
small amount was used only at the bar I
watciied where the bartender came to get
it out of a small room. I stood there with
my blanket, and as his back was turned I
grabbed a piece quite the size of a water
bucket, rolled it up and slipped around the
corner and off, rolling it up and hiding it,
and the last I heard of tfae bartender was,
'•stop that man!" but I did not stop until
I hail my prize hid safely in the bow ol
the frtiip. I then got a lady to new a piece
of oil tilk together and make me a bag. I
slept three days and nights by my ice,
punching off small pieces, and swallowing
them and keeping a little in my oil silk
bag on my forehead. When my ice was
gone my fever went with it arul I was on
deck again.
The second day out from Panama death
commenced from Panama fever, as it was
tailed, and such a condition as theru was
among the poor steerage passengers can
not be described, and myself one ol a very
few who was able to render any assistance.
I went to the old laDtain and begged him
to allow me to tuku a few dainties from
the cabin to the poor steerage passengers.
At first he refused, but I pleaded so hard
that he finally yielded and took me to the
bead steward and gave directions to only
allow me to take anything out ol the cab
in, and cautioned me to be extremely pru
dent and cautious, which 1 was. Soon the
Asiastic cholera broke out, and a poor vic
tim would die in terrible agony inside of
an hour. They would be apparently well,
and all at once in terrible agony, so that
tiiey could not stand, and then in a short
time all was over anil the body sewed up
in a blanket and tho feet weighted, and
they were rM<l oil' a board behind tho wheel
after reading the Episcopal burial service.
The mighty deep was their grave.
I finally persuaded the mate and ship
physician' to make beds in clear weather
on the bow deck, and all that were possib
ly able to he got there were taken. This
. ave them lrcsh sea air, and, 1 tliiuk,
saved many lives. J3ut as near as I could
keep count about 70 out of 700 passengers
dieu on tl at, choiera-strickeu ship. It was
said to be the most fatal trip t<i the Golden
State up to that time.
A LARUK meteor or comet collided with
the Moon Tuesday evening.
Thh women at Homestead aro making
the trouble now. Tho police had to dis
perse a mob of them, Tuesday.
World's Fair Dedication Day.
The principal events at the dedication
day of the World's Fair, Oct. 21 (Colum
bus Day), will bo in tho following order:
Dedication of the buildings by tho Presi
dent ol the United States.
Hallelujah chorus from "Messiah,"
Dedicatory oration, ilon. ffm. C. P.
Brockenridpe of Kentucky.
"Star Spangled Banner" and "Hail Col
umbia,'' with full chorus orchestral accom
Columbus oration, lion. Chauncey M.
Depow, of New York.
Chortle, "In Praiso of God," Beethoven.
Prayer by the Most Kev. John Ireland,
Archbishop of St. Paul.
Benediction, the Rov. Dr. McCook of
National talute.
a Scrofula
In the Neck.
The following Is from
Mrs. J. W. Tillbrook,
wife of the Mayor of Mc-
Keesport. I'enn.:
" My little boy Willie,
now six years old, two
years ago had a scrofula
Willie Tillbrook. bunch under one ear
which the doctor lanced and It dlscliargcd for
some time. We then began giving him Hood's
Sanaparllla and the sore healed up. His cure
He lias never been very robust, but now seems
licalthy anil dnilr growing mroagrr."
HOOD'S PILLB <•>> " ot weaken, but aid
digestion and tono the stomach. Try them. 2Jc.
1U First Mortgage Loans
No tnx, eoniuilssloo or fee*. Interest tmyuble
genii uiiimully by New York draft. Perfect se
curlty. Highest reference.
CHAS. V. REID, Fairhaven, Washington.
Uf A MTC flWide-awake workers every
«lMniCU ntllTl . for -SIIKI-rS I'lloTO-
It AIM IS of the WOULD"; the greatest book
n II r nn> ft"" earth; coaling fl'Ki.noe: retail
\ U L II U \at $3.25. cash or Installments;
1H | I J \llloulliiotb Illustrated circulars
UII LI I Wand terms free; chilly output
over 1 Too volumes. Agents wild with success.
Mr mIX puftlft PDiDUC'«
rnu I Übnlrllo
Itose Adams, Wooster. 0., s.'.'l In 40 minutes;
Kev. J. Howard MadlHon. 11l A hi h
Lyons. N. Y.. *lOl In 7~f f UpUJ 1111 I||
hours; u bonan/*; nmgnl-vl HIGH II n I I
11 cei.l outfit only ii mi. if (JUL U
Hooks on eiedlt. Freight paid. Ad. tiLOBK
1)1111.1': PUBLISHING to. 7!» Chestnut St.,
I'hlla., Ha., or ass Dearborn St., Chicago, ill.
137 K. Wayne St., office hours, lo Ui J- M. and
1 to 3 I*. M.
On Friday another victim of the disease
died in New York city, but no new cases
were reported.
The total number of deaths in Hamburg
up to Saturday evening was 9.700 out of_
20,000 cases.
On Tuesday five new cases and one
death were reported on the Bohemia, at
quarantine, but no new cases in New York
Flick Items.
The derrick No. 4 on the J. B. I'lick
farm was struck by lighing on last Thurs
day evening and was bnrned, also a tank of
Mrs. Geo. Greesehoper met with a pain
ful accident on Saturday of last week. She
was cutting up some meat and accidcntaly
cnt one finger off and another almost off.
Mr. K. N. Baker, tho gnager lias return
ed homo from a two weeks vacation in
Mr. Wendel Ilickey Jr. is very mercurial
these days. Would you know the cause?
Well we'll tell you a fine big bouncing
boy has arrived "at his home. Win, if rou
vote tho straight Republican ticket this Fal
we wont ask the treat.
Mr. C. Crooks and Lee started out
the other day for tho purpose of having a
squirrel hunt, and their luck was to find a
nest of young opossums.
We were fooled looking for tho new
married couple from Allegheny city, on
last Sabbath day. they did not come.
HESSELGESSER—At her homo in
Leasuroville.on Tuesday Sept. 20,1892, of
pneumonia. Mrs. Jane, relict of Robt.
Hesselgesser, aged 67 years.
BUCHANAN—At his home in Mercer
twp, Sept. 25, 1892, James Buchanan,
aged years.
CHRISTIE—At her home in Butler, Sept.
2G. 1892, infant daughter of W. W.
McCLUNG—At his home in Butler, Sept.
21, 1892. Edward, son of Robert Mc-
Clung of Butler twp., aged 21 years.
Ed. was a member of Co. E., 15th Reg.,
and while in camp at Homestead contract
ed tho disease, typhoid fever, that caused
his death. He was an excellent
young man, and his death is regretted
by all who know him. His funeral Friday
was attended by the Co. E.
GEKWIG—On Friday, Sept. ICth 1892,
in Lancaster twp., Bessie Mabel, infant
of Edward and Ellen Gerwig, aged 10
months and 12 days.
18, 1892, in Lancaster twp., Mi. Joseph
Schweingruber, aged 73 years,ll months
and 21 days.
SCH WANK—Sept. 19, 1891, at her resi
dence in Middle Lancaster, Pa., Mrs.
Eiuma Schwank,
and 20 daj'B.
DEAN —At the home of his son C. W.
Dean, on Elm St., Butler, Sept. 25,1892,
K. T. Dean, iu his 75th year.
The family and friends of R. T. Dean,
deceased, wish to extend their thanks to
their neighbors in Butler for their care and
kindness during the sickness of their
father. C. W. D.
A True Combination of MOCHA,
Picture Card Given
With every pound package. For
Sale everywhere. WouLoa Spice Co, Toledo.'l
/T/TThe oldest and best In-
J stitution tor obtaining a
" us ' ness
V J /// We hare successfully
/ // nrenared thousands ot
for the active duties of life. For circulars ad
dress, I'. DllT & SONS, Pittsburgh, Fa.
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard
S.G. Purvis & Co.
Rough and Planed Lumber
Butler.P fi
C & D
Ready for All.
Everything that id new iu Stiff
Hat*. Our $1 50 end $2.00 are
wonders for the ruonev.
varjthtag now i:i Soft I lata,
ranging in price from 25 cts. to $5 00
All tho new blocks in Silk Ilats.
Greatest line of Furnishing Goods
we ever had.
An inspection willjbean advantage
I to any one.
Hatters and Furnishers,
242 S. Main street,
Butler, Pa.
W. 11. O'JHHEN k SON.
[Successors of gchutte A O'Brien.]
Sanitary Plumbers
And <t:w Eitters.
Sewer 1*11)6,
Gas Fixtures,
Globes aud
Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry House
Mifllin Street Livery.
WM. BIEHL Prop'r.
One square west of Main St., on
Mifflin St. All good, safe horses;
new baggies and carriages. Landaus
for weddings and funerals. Open
day and night. Telephone No. 24.
&akiH 6
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of all in leavening strength.— Latest
V. S. Government Footl Jlrport.
N. Y.
Administrators anil Executor* (if estates
can secure their receipt books at the CITI
ZEN office.
Administratrix 1 Notice.
Letters of administration, C. T. A., hav
ing been granted to the undersigned on
the estate ol John Kichardson, late of Con
noquenessing twp., Butler Co., Pa., atl
persons knowning themselves indebted to
said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and all having claims
against the same will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
Connoquenessing P. 0.,
J. P. McJunkin, Butler Co., Pa.
Auditor's Notice-
The undersigned auditor appointed by
the Orphan's Court of Butler County to
make distribution of the funds in the hands
of A. E. Keiber, administrator, C. T. A.,
of Geo. C. Koessing, dee'd, late of Butler,
Pa., as shown by his linal account filed
and confiimed at O. C. No. 28 December
Term, 1892, hereby gives notice to creditors
and all others interested that he will at
tend to the duties ol said appointment at
his office in Butler, Pa., on Monday, the
17th day of Oct., A. I)., 1892, at 10 o'clock
A. M.
Administrator's Sale.
By virtue of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Butler county,at 0. C. No. 1 Dec.
Term, 1892, to me directed. 1 will offer for
sale on the premises at public out-cry, on
MONDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1892,
all that tract of land situate in Cranberry,
township, Butler county. Penn'a, bounded
north by lands of John Lutz, east by lands
of John Rowan, south by Frederick More,
and west by Albert Geohring; containing
forty acres strict measure with the ap
purtenances, beiDg the property of James
M. Kowan, dee'd, abont nine acres timber
land, remainder cleared land, small frame
house, frame stable and orchard thereon.
TERMS OP SALE: —One-third in hand
and balance in one and two years with in
terest, to be secured by bond and mortgage
according to rule.
W. D. Brandon, JOHN ROWAN, Adm'r,
Att'y. Ogle, Pa.
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned Auditor appointed! by
orphan's Court of Hutler county, to m;tke dis
tribution or the proceeds ot the sale of the real
estute ot Edward Krazier. dee d, late of Karns
City, I'a.. as reported by Wm. M. Brown Esq..
Trustee, hereby gives notice to creditors and
all others Interested that he will attend to the
duties of said appointment at his office In tlie
borough of Butler, on Tuesday, the llth day of
October. A. D. ]«/_>. at 10 o'clock a. m.
A. M. CORNELIUS, Auditor.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration on the estate
of James Y. English, dee'd, late of Frank
lin twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please mako immediate pay
ment, and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenticat
ed for settlement to
W. F. ENGLISH, Adin'rs.
Prospect, Pa.
Trains leave the West Penn depot at foot
east Jefferson St. as follows:
6:15 a. m.—Market—arriyes at Allegheny at
8:40 and 9:13 p. m.
8:40 a. m.—Express—arrives at Allegheny
at 10:30 a. ui.
11:00 a.m. —Accomodation—arrives at Alle
gheny at 1:24 p. m.
2:4.3 p. m—Accomodation- arrives at Alle
at 4:44 p. m.
s:o<> p. m.—Express—arrives at Allegheny at
Allegheny at 6:48 p. m.
The 6:20 a. m. train ami 2:45 p. ID. trains
connect at Butler Juuction with traius East
to Blairsville Intersection, where connection
is made with the Day Express and Philad'a
Express going East.
1 rains arrive at Butler at !>:35 and 10:35 a.
in. and 1:30, 5:00 and 7:50 p. m., leaving Al
legheny at 6:55, 8:50 and 10:40 a. in. andJ3:ls
15 and 6;10 p. m
P. & w. K. R.
Trains leave the P. W. depot near Cen
tre Ave., Southside, Butler time, as follws
going south:
6:00 a. m.—Allegheny Accomodation.
B:lo—Allegheny and Akroa Express—runs
on Sunday to Allegheny, and connects
daily to New Castle.
10:20 a. in.— Allegheny Accomodation.
2:50 p. in.—Allgheny Express.
3:21) p. m.—Chicago Express, runs on Sun
6:50 p. m. —Allegheny and Zelienople Mail
Iluns on Sunday to Allegheny alone.
On Sunday alone, at 11:15 a. m., Allegheny
Going North —10:05 a. m. Bradford Mail.
5:00 p. m—Clarion Accorn.
7:25 p.m.—Foxburg Accoui.
On Sunday a tram leaves for Callery at
11:15 a. m. No Suuday trains on the narrow
The 3:20 p. m. train South connects at Cal.
lery with the Chicago express, which run*
daily and is equipped with the Pullman buf
fet and sleeping coaches.
Trains lor Butler leave Allegheny at
8:10 and 10;3O a. in., eity time, and 3:00, 5:25
and 0:l.*» p. m. On Sunday at S:tO a. iu. and
3:00 p. in.
Trains arrive at Butler at 9:30 aud 9:50 a.
m. and 12:35, 4:45, 7:20 and 8:30 p. m. Sun
day at 10:20 and 6:10.
Trains leave the P A \V depot, Butler
time, as follows:
5:30 a. m, to Erie, arriving there at 10:45
a. in.
10:30 a. m. to Krie, arriving there a 13:20
p. ra.
5:00 p. m. to Greenville, arriving there at
7:25 p. ui.
A train arrives from Greenville at 10 05 a.
m. with through car to Allegheny the
P. <fc W; one at 2.-30 p. m, from Krie which
oouneeU with boili roads to Allegheny, and
one at 8:40 p. in from Erie.
Trains leave
m. slow tluiu.
The 8:30 a. m. and 3 p. in trains on both
roads iu Allegheny connect with tra'ns on
the P. S. A L E. at Butler.
Keep cool and become bappy by
visiting our book stand and getting
some light Summer Heading.
We keep all the leading Magazines
and have our books marked very
A good novel by some leading
author for five cents, a price hitherto
deemed impossible.
Money is worth double value at
our store.
J. H. Douglass.,
are given in this issue of
this paper. Succeeding
installments will follow
The author of this in
teresting story is Jules
Verne, whose fame is
WEEKLY TRIBUNE for onlysl-50.
I PRICES is the motto at oar
X store.
If you are sick and need medicine
you want the BEST. This yon can
always depeod upon getting from us,
as we use nothing but strictly Pure
Drugs in our Prescription Depart
ment. You can get the best of every
thing in the drug line from us.
Our store is also headquarters for
Kalsomine, Alabastine &c.
Get our prices before yon buy
and see what we have to
offer. We can save you dollars on
your paint bill.
Main St., next to Hotel Lowry,
Hotels and Depots,
W. S. Gregg is now rnnning a line
of carriages between the hotels and
depots of the town.
Charges reasonable. Telephone
No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel
Y ogeley.
Good Livery io Connection
The well-known liveryman, Wm.
Kennedy, will be pleased to
have his friends call at bia new place
of business. The
Best Horses, Buggies and Car
in Butler at the most reasonable
rates. The place is easily remember
ed. The first stable west of the
Lowrv House
Scientific Anerioaa
jMßßgmig Agency for
IB■l I n 1
orsioN PAYCNT*
1 Mf* ■ COPYRIGHTS, ate.
For Information and fre* Handbook writ* to
Qklefit bureau for aeeurl riff patent* In Amertaa.
Brery patent taken out bjr vm la brought be forts
the public by a notice riven free of charva tn tba
rientifif American
Ijirtest circulation of any sclent iOr paper In tha
world. Hplendidtr illustrated No intelli#*nt i
man should be without It. Weekly. 93.00 a
year; 91 JO six month*. Addons MUW A CO..
ITBUJIIIIUS. an Bnculway. Now York.
Opposite School Hmm.
This elegan'. new hotel is now open to
the public; it is a new house, with new
furniture) throughout an J all modern eon
vonienoes; is within easy reach of the de
pots and business houses of the town, and
has a splendid view of the eastern part ol
the town.
Rates Reasonable.
Give mo a call when in Butler.
-v- jr yT T "TtnilaoNir IN IT."
to art as our Agent, full or part time its able.
Permanent position guaranted to men or wo
rn.-u. Liberal pay weekly. Mock complete
Gilt edged Kp>»-Ultlc*. Kxpenence unnei-eiwary.
Elegant outfit free. Address,
Nurserymen. C. H. HAWKS* CO..
Established 1»75. Uochester. N. Y.
Now is The Time To Buy
Clothing for fall, and
The Racket Store
Id the place, as we can give you
Boy's knee pant suits from 75c to
$5 uO.
Boy's long pant suits from $2.50
Men's suits from the $5 00 eaaei
meres to the finest worsteds at $16,00
and sl7 00
White and gray Merino nnderwear
(3) 45 c.
Heavy scarlet nnderwear (a, 70 c.
Jersy shirts at 95 c worth $1.25,
and other bargains too numerous to
AH good are marked in plain tig
ures and these figures are on a SPOT
CASH basis as we do a strictly cash
business at
The Racket Store,
120 S. Main St.. : : Butler. Pa.
'>]*.• - *. ...» tal v»*)r4 prvv-a
" *" ' ... Ifc fore pliuinrany
' ' 'S JI ,\< »•-••«! <r A Ivert.siiur
lc id * thomas,
This space is for
The loading Dry (foods and
Carpet House of Butler, Pa.
next week for their
Fall Announcement.
Butler Sa vinos Baqk
Of Butler, Butler County. Penn'a., at the
close of business. Sept. 8. i S*}2.
Cutx on hand $ 90 9H* <ts
Check* and other Caah Items I •»! 9!
Dua from Bank* aod Banker*.... t73 £2! 23
Loan* and Discount* » Ml 1*! K
InTeatmen: Set ant.ee 1 ."MM •*>
Keal Estate. Furniture and Future- ... 12 >» iM
Overdraft* .. tit* us
Current Expend and Taie* paid 3 23* 34
*T2> 329 *»
Capital Stick paid in t •» «• »
Snrpla* Food ki tm >w
Undivided Profit* . 1.1 *M S3
Deposits .'object to check 339 SKJ 76
Demand Certificate* of l>ep.Mit „. W 'Wi <4
Time Certificate* >f Dep.toit 2W 71# -»
l>na to Hank* and Hanker*.............. 3H» to
Dividends nnpaid................ ... »
a» » *»
Report of above had been mad* to C. H. Krambfiaar.
Superintendent of B—Mag
STAT* of Ponnruu.» „ .
CorsTT or Bcrtm. % 30
I. J. H Troatman. Vice Pmilwt, of the
named Hank, do solemnly swear that ttte above ttate
ment is tm« to the best uf my knowledge* and belief
J. H. TEOITMA.V Vice President.
Subscribed and sworn tc before me thia Uth da* «t
September, ALEX MITCHELL. Notarr Pablte
Count- ATTEST.
J. S CAMPBELL Director*.
Reduced Prices
For the next sixty davs we will sell our
large stock of clothing at irreatlv reduced
Men's suits worth #2O will go for *lf>,
" " " #lB u " " #l4,
And Boy's suits at the same reduction.
We are now ready with our Fall and
Winter Foot wear.
Give lis a call and see our goods, and
get our prices before purchasing else
R. Barnhart Son,
General Merchants.
Connoquenessing P. 0„ Petersville. Pa.
$75™5250 "°2™E J"*™
«n Autfcmlic. Illustrate* Hlla.ieal tacrclinf at »• M Tmi run at IW
Thia Krmn<l W..r* will tw ■ >mp. wi .1 i.<nm Mrr» iaar»>. marly ijae I it H
llluatratt****. bMaOfal w |.,nui4». a»t mil traa(..f -i-r ri iSTTi. lutS
r»...>r.l ( if th«* i{r»*:»l W**rl«| . Fair >t litot. ra.mA W
t!i« N»U. ual l.'iau«.«*in an. I hi.- in-" -MrUls tl lb- F ilr ft m prtaM to
th " JJ IW >wl ««i!j im l, ukl a. Uhu«r»Uu<M ar. ta nra tr' • m ni«r
£>|>ui«nrf; toap«r«»t»t f>ja€»ai-.r lk> WarM < « - 1
•"I «. last. K u iMhrraMkl' w 111 •Mi lag ia> Fin. - ■ ] m MMM k>
a ri-rl'l' |iMr i. »ll Ik- •trysrtva*. Mm* «IHW nwmtoi. II ■■ n
;o>li> l<» tsx<r« wfi Ifiaa •« mi E*IC- r I lota. -W.rMI fan wrn r*va»."
It will !» hanl—l U'Wa U> gmn^ritUma*--•tww t< tIN» n:.*t rwiaatlfel 111 it I Bltokl ■II l nam Ij if Ifci
■all4lMg«. % llr*<- 1>•«« *.■ - .r* fr..ja *hm» •;>.! r. #».! > « .1:1 w *—r *
«• I. |MU| mm rm-
K >r<tl... ~f rial, an I i»a.r>fart a».-ii» It <>t.an.b> mta. >ll a pr~r
k'lir I a lie ■mi ■ fiirtUHe Mr 111 Ke* m iJe he iMdwairt rn --M *to "to-.. ■ -
rttory; tlhvnl fmoa^i«k; n*» capital r~i<x.r~*l. - m
profit. F» . AJOntoa tur torrMurj atol tortoa. J. B. • HFtUL. ri il ii ■«.
% M Mai OOTCJtoto*. IUL.
AH IH *■
CalflvpilrtM ¥ mmmm Vaa i Tr* t'"«» :>Hfim<
»4 itwiMl mm I m4 r*«Mr
tlMUl|iwt#4t.> j
» ma*r If I 4m iM I atfp
I • »#rl irus •« lh« btMiaea* in vfcirfc T ■*>!» jww ««a W
TntAU.: -«■••»*
If »• 4a m i ' ' » » * .. . » m-:i ,m 4mm
i • • « • • •*
l > li■■» T fk4«am*<i »♦ »•» ' « »r« -a»
mIIt «•>! - liv I «• *f •llUar i * i( . rf *44.
»«4 !■ tl*Mr *«« V rr(ji.« • .lif «M
r*» 4*t**W4M>fe Fur* -•»« «*• •fWV- ~B« 31^
U» liM*»rk
mmtWW MA I*
fr tw>» »n<t .iMIHI* • U "♦ «?• » .•***•
r Mic* *• far*tab »•«» tlu»« • n,-*,*— *«t<w!)y«i
I *f»
M»(ter gmt. imM -»a«t*h *M fWMia
"ill »WT h»fna*n ■— »-r« * - <«'«r HN»
in 4 •**(•«•» V 4 W*4»nr t. » ••h. -Mtt.,
» rt4ar* ■ • >IM . *. ■ ,
- I Re£ * " tl lB "*
TKI » A ••» •*..% !«•» % • .a* •»»
I will «eli mj new thr*a-#tory brick
msiiM-wi block at 315 Soatk M»tn
U , on reasonable term*. ako my
raideocoaod two lot* oo MfKnn St.
Alex. Williams.
Subscribe lor tto CiTUU.
i Fresh St ti fc» Grow.
Fruit *ad omwaeataJ >nrt
frwfc from nurwnr u»
beat M<t i-brifiMl —«o
areata here
Beautiful Flower Seed.
Lovely eat Itivcr* wraaftd
, ta rtcbeat dwngaa lltoatrat
ed eaUij«w 'rrm of Tail
tww TRUE to NAME
J. R. &A. Mardoek,
508 m rnrltfiM St ,
f». I>. Harvev,
foatraetor tod Dwlir is bniUn
—Ll»*. «Bil. 'WMIt
W»r» r »>m near CMfMl'i FmcdrT.
RamdaiK-# 315 N.irtk Vug «rrwt.
Butler. P».
Physician and Sarfwo.