Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 23, 1892, Image 4
WE ARE NOW READY. WITH A LARGE AND COMPLETE LINE OF FALL AND WINTER FOOTWEAR. GIVE US A CALL. VOGELEY AND BANCROFT. AT HUSELTON'S Ton will lee the finest styles in the greatest variety and at the lowest priced Your Eyes Ever Looked Upon. IH FALL AND WINTER FOOTWEAR As many if not more different styles shown as any two honses in Butler. This stock was selected with the greatest caro from the best manufac tures in this country, they are not bought with oa!y one object in view, namely low price and shoddy goods, low prices and solid good goods. SOME LITTLE DEALERS Seem to have only one object in view, that is to see bow low priced shoddy stuff they can pick up of odds and ends, and then advertise it as all nolid water resistors, etc. They should advertise them as specialy adopted for riding in, not walking. Oar Ladles', Misses' and Children's Shoes are marvels of beauty, the prices very low. Ladies' fine shoes 90c, $1 00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Misses fine shoes 90c, SI.OO and $1.25 sizes 12 to 2. Infants and children's 25c, 50, 75 and SI.OO. Our Kip Calf, Oil and Glove Grain Shoes. These goods apeak for themselves as thousands will testify too tbut have worn then all over Butler county. Tbey have good body of stock otherwise they would not resist the cold and wet for the boys and girls that have a long roftd to school, families that use these goods don't have only one pair to buy during the season, and NO DOCTORS BILLS TO PAY. Men's, Boys' and Youths' Boots and Shoes. See onr men's heavy shoes at 70c and SI.OO. See our men's heavy grain 2 aolea and tap at $125 and $1.50. See oar Men's fine shoes tip or plain at SI.OO to $1.25, and a host of other finer line are beauties. Our Men's and Boys' Boots are solid as a rock. Prices 75c, SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 and $2 .00, in making your fall selections in footwear come to us, you won't have to stay half a day jewing us on prices, but one stright price and that the Lowest. The goods will be just as we represent them, no humbug business to pull you in. $2 00 MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS $2.00 nclndiog a pair ot slippers. $1.90 MEN'S FELT BOOTS AND OVERS $1.90. Repairing all kinds done neatly and low prices. Come and see us and save money. "B. C. HUBELTON, 102 N. Main St.* Butler Fa Christmas Gifte F' or Everybody. Beautiful Present a that meet all demands and satisfy all wants in great variety to suit all tastes now on exhibition at Itedicb's Drug Store Fancy goods and Novelties, Toilet Articles sad Notions. While we can not deacrifco or eonmerate onr great variety, we are very glad to show them to all visitors. We claim for onr stock excellence inquality, va riety in, design and reasonable prices. Whatever yonr wants may be,we can meet tbem with beautiful and apro priate selections. We solicit a com- Eirison of our goods and prices, nowing yon will find our Holiday goods the best and cheapest. Respectfully, J. C. RE DICK. TT T T , y "THEM'S MONEY IX IT.'' ** WANT YOU to act aa our Agent, full or part time as able. Permanent position guarantcd to ruuu or wo men. Liberal pay weekly. Stork complete. Ollt edged upeclaftles. Kxperienoe unneeinsAry. Bee ant outfit free. Addreaa, Nurtterymon. C. H. HAWKS* CO., KstabUaneMtfft. Itoohcsfer. N. Y. we WIRT WORKERS Salary or commission to good men. Fast sell log Imported bpectaltle*; also full line GUARANTEED NUKSEKY STOCK. Stock tailing; to live replaced runic. K. D. I.ueteblord & Co., Rochester, N. FOR SALE. I will sell my new three-story brick business block at 315 South Main St., on reasonable terms; also ray residence and two lots on MciCean St. Alex. -Williams. I PECULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, \ AXD PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR lailfCitloß, BtllonimeM, l(fa<!nclr, Coii«(l* I patlon, Chronlf Lln-r TronMt"• i iMxrlnc**, Bod Complexion* lljirntcr). ♦ Offt-nalvc Ilrcatb, uud ull «ll«vrdtr» of tb'> J Klomttcht Liver and llowclm 1 ill puna Tahulei contain not hint: injurious to t th'* most delicate constitution. I*l. .uant to tafc<- ( ♦ safe, effectual. Giro Immediate relief. Bold bj druzgiMt*. A trial bottle »nt bjr mail I on receipt of 15 cents. Addn-ni THE RIPANB CHEMICAL CO. : 10 SrUL'CK STREET, NEW YOIIK CUT. ! ROBERT LEW IN, Wholesale Whiskey Merchant. •nd Importer of FINE WINES S: LIQUORS. 135 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite 11. & o. a. It. Depot. Headquarter* tor nX'IIH UOLDKS tVKDDI>'<I, tor medical and family use. SI.OO per «Jt ,or « ql*. Tur $5.00. Klin-h's tjoiden WocMlng, Dotiihertr. Guofc enhelmer. I-urge. Ulbson. lirldtf.pm-t Mf \. r Don. Overboil. Etc Tblx Is the only lion ■ nol rectifying In the city, therefore our goods ure warranted pure, Goods securely packed ami boxed without extra charge, c. o. |».ai>d mall orders receive promptattention. Grandfathers Choice 3 years old, I-'.OO i>er gallon. Try us. IT Ift It is Beautiful and Costs you II |\ Nothing To beautify and adoru your home a with a superb sample High Art '4 Crayonet Portrait of one of your family. Simp!jdhv rite '.o>tr name T inn a " u addresi on the lack of the I Ih h P'lolo. and »nl it to ua at nice. Ull Li Kuciom- stamp* tor photo'*- safe re turn. You ate not. ask' 't to buy a frame. Your pr.iise our future pro- ClTI7n MI " Address all letters to It. .1 \l/n Htephetison. I'rea. and uen. Alang. Ul/JLI. Buffalo IVrtralt Co. .Ml Muln street. Buffalo, H. V. Notliim? On Eartli Will tiAKr HE N S X.IKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting Hens. It to Jon-. TligWy COT~ ntTmtwi. Injj"* S- Safes'*- lZ'jlh-- 'on Loj'. -A I 'J&nu'St., Basic* HI^PHREYS- This PRECIOUS Oivnmrr is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Tiles—External or Internal, Blind or Weeding; Fistula in Ano : Itching cr Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate—the cure certain. For Bum-, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Bums. The relief is instant —the healing wonderful and unequaled. I r Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers. Fistulas, Old Sores, Itch in p Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Her.4. It is Infallible. I ■ r Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore n.les. It is ic'2_uable. io'v, 50Cents. Trial size, Cents. g.,M by Drr.rri -r B#nt po*C~p*Ml on receipt cf prlc». lit IPHKEY3* MFD.CO., 111 L 213 «HfiOi fit, KEW YOBS. "->£ Carit do it : 'Twilling to pay for learning how to . :■_! {>ood an artkje a3 WOLFF'S ACJIE f cheap materia! po that a .11'. r can profitably sell it at 10c. Our price is 20c. The retailer say.3 the public will not pay . v. e cay the "public will, btrausc tbey .! i.i.vays pay a fair price for a p"A : ::' !e. To sliow botli the fade and the I .lie that we want to give them the best ! i* the least money, we will pay @13,000.00 Reward r. r «' • v information; tbu eller b open | January Ist, 1^93. • Tri & .RANDOLPH, Fhiladolphi». ?&-Ron is thn narao of a paint whifh do- work- Unit no other paint can d". JVe " ■l I in!' '! Ilt!' of:s like i: • niturJ.l SWAYNE'S^ AB3OI.T7TISLY CURBS. OINTMENT IYMPTOMS -MoUture 5 Intrnin ftelilns Gad •tlßfinc; inoAt at nlgrfat; uurw by *rrnl hirj j. If llloveJto cuntluui' tianorii form and protruilp, MacdlMC. nli'iirbt. the t . drurzt or fey VflflferOvcU. Pr - ; r-1 » v Dm. >■- < «.Pli!la J' |pbt%. r? ■■., i-.; re -- ' iSsfdi VAIUKO hakhooi •• • •• id*r.i.i«EBVOOBHhSIUTYi ¥■.{.' : EoJy tr E"':ct« f ° ' v£-l'?En'<>r*OTEx:^aM»lnOMorY«ne, I iiu...»«:»« . j| , . t ■ ■ " nS:i !:. .■ J, • • ... .... .. , 'i ■- Mi. CO.. B'JfTALe.i V. DOCTOR J. B. HOBENSAOK'S /rm^j SIEMD . oti'l 300 If. SECOffJj ST , ■ Arc theoUr: la . ' ( Special-visea.:oc. Bio .d Maon, Ktrvom 1.0- f . r- Rui - nine*. MJO-IIMV- ;. I . and Skin HlKeasui,VAii ■ ■ , < tare,permancut.y ( i.i . without detention from! n u W's ijicjfoi Ut dtj- . .:nd study; to the iin \ ;i . ,| anJ to the tlioron i • •... . Jul at tentlonclvu i ■ A years' i-t»l.li h ; . . : ~s s _ Trentiurnt b.v '•* i»it ... pinFfv. Office hours, Uim ,t . i . ~. "*ll d»y Hdturdny till a I'. li .j • , , Mend hnuuji lor , " MOTHERS* FRIEND" IIHKK CHILD BIRTH EASf. Colvln, La., 800. 2, 1888.—M7wifo used MOTHEE'B PKIEND boforo her third confinement, and nays sho would not bo without it for hundreds of dollars. DOCK MILL 3. Sent by on rectivt of price, #1.50 p;r bot tie. lloolc "To Mothers " mailed free. BRADFIELO REGULATOR CO., rcn sacc BYAUonuaaitrt. ATLANTA, OA* For Sale by J. C. Kedick. READ AND REMEMBER F<jt stri'tl*' pun» a*»'l rcltal'lf HTKAKJIIT JJQUOHH. call on X rn. 12 NSITIIFIEI.U ST., I'ITTHBTIHJII, PA. "(Opp. M(<nonr<h' !a Iloutf.) MatcliH- . for I" mllv t. • i<iul Mvillclnol pur p(»t.s arc I IN< ll h Ci'I.DKN W1 *)I)IM.. Alt *1 (,! i KliMI I I Mi lt S \. ill - -. V . |.' r ~1. , • iVI .'MIO' i s ,\V 111--K Y. f c, qt . UII.MNtiKII'S WHIXKY, J for $5. (iooiln >l'iitly p;n ked lid promptly Milpix-d FKtTB <jk EXPK vkb on rr < "Ij t of cush or p<wt. ofHc- order. nr-.Nothlni: ■ pre l <>. l». b<riid fur rrice List. WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE Tin* (ireat Ke«il»li Coined;. i ,1 •. A'• ' Hon MeillclU'' ki. v.ti S ! dr'i ' for WIUMI'i. l-if I'liniHM': II -'.Mr '• • tih lf«,s ikiil: In. In i>! • .fill , lt-.iw li!« IIIhIHIII si »r<\ In"! i • prl •In J• 11# r, »n«I \v«* v/iil Hrml by r« turn MI • I. I rlc*', <I?H» VIIRV.\ Hir. ♦"». «>• .• w ill nl'Ms" -i\\ will cur«'. Iv:nph -1.-, : \iMr^vt THE WOOl* ( HKMK .U. i<» . .1. (•'. tfefllck, and everywh* rr NEW CUSTOM GRIST MILL I have placed in my Mill a lirr<t elus* Holler out lit for Hue!; wheat Flour. .Alio Kollet Corn and Chopping M>l If, all the bout the market ollern. Give us a trial, we'll do our be.-d to give j - ou it good turn out. Knnulug every day except Sunday. WM. K MILLER. :i 11 N. asliiii}J,toii St., Butler Pa. THE CITIZEN MISCELLANEOUS PJTTSI: 'noil, Sept. HE city is tnu ■ of strangers to- Zjk ri ol them have al % ready found 4 their way to the Y. «T A : 4 building, |) 2j B | e V- \ like a gigantic plow-worm in Sfcrt ! llw the il ark and V .y/ , f rather unroman tic region of the vH/.jr / Point. Literal- M. |j & / ly with a great wll | rm flourish of WiBI / jEf trumpets, for WwJ | Iff'i Jules Levy and u ft l-|LL liis redoubtable ' ] o baud are there, jfl'iu the Exposition > of 18 92 was r~~ i thrown open to the public this evening at eight o'clock. It can be said without the slightest fear of contradiction that Pitts burgh has never had an Exposition so brilliant; even at the first glance the im provement in the buildiugs themselves and in the exhibits is apparent. There is practically nothing in the Exposition that was seen here last year; the main hall itself has been greatly beautified by the painting of the raftered roof in bright tones of white and red. As the crowd circulated among the booths they found a multitude of things to admire, and the decorations and lighting of the great halls came in for a great deal of praise. The accomodation for all who want to rest and wat mthe endless procession of sightseers is larger than ever this year, but to-night every scat was taken. It was an enthusiastic crowd; not one among the thousands present but was astonished and delighted. The new gallery opposite the band stand will evidently be greatly appreciat ed, as it was crowded to-night, while every seat upon the ground floor was also occupied. Jules Levy's Bam! is a superb organization, and the initial concert of the season delighted the immense audience. The Levy Band will remain here till Vetober Ist. when Miss Raymond and Ellis Brooks with their famous organiza tion will arrive to supply the music for the balance of the Exposition season. Mr. Levy is as wonderful a performer upon the cornet as ever. His solos to night electrified the people. He seems to be one of the few men who can get sweetness and poetic feeliug out of the comet as well as martial clangor anu stirring appeal. It is said that Miss Raymond who will appear at the exposi tion later on, in addition to being a re markably fine figure of a woman, as the A M ■ Hi?-": < \ -Jrr fk. if f / Wft accompanying portrait indicates, is a feminine Levy in the mastery of the cor net. She lias been creating a sensation at the eastern summer resorts, and much Is expected of her visit to Pittsburgh in October. There was indeed music enough in and about the Exposition to-night, for in ad dition to Levy's Hand inside the main hall, a steam organ pumped melody of the latest and most popular brand all over the young people who mounted the horses, lions, zebras, deer, and other animals upon the monster merry-go round, which has been erected at the ex treme western end of the Exposition grounds. From to-night's experience it is plain that the merry-go-round, will be Immensely popular. The comely pagoda in which this big plaything is housed is so roomy that hundn ds can sit and look on while the troop of animals, including a handsome rooster by the way, with its laughing riders swiftly revolves. Com fortable seats have been provided for spectators, and mothers with large fam ilies will appreciate the privilege of be ing able to rest and still keep an eye on the venturesome small boy. But talking of comfortable seats It must be acknowledged that those to be found in the new concert ball which has been added to the main building arc simply perfc tion in their way. The hall itself is a most cheery place, with lofty walls wainscotted from floor to ccilirg with polished yellow pine, and brilliantly lit with electric lights The scats, of which there are Bfto, are of hard bent wood, nicely curved as to bad. and seat, so as to accomodate the fattest man, while the spsce between the rows is so wide that Goliath himself would have lots of room there to stretch out Ills legs. Seated In one of these chairs the visitor to the Exposition may travel anywhere aul everywhere. Th s sounds strange, but the explanation is that Prof. Crom well will occupy the -tage in tliis pretty little hall, and by the magic of his stcre opticon and hi- eloquence, transport tin' audience this minute to the sun-lit palaces of th' 1 I'haroahs, the next to foggy London r tin; banks cf the Seine In that city '<■> which some Americans hope to go vhen they die Profc.'soi Cromwell sa' that Ik- .ever found a hall that suite 1 i. purpo.-e so well as this one; the electric lighting apparatus lit— ting in so well with the lecturer's stereo scopic arrangements, and making easy those startling tran dtlons from one sccuo to another, which ar a part of the charm of I'rofe vi'sl rouiiv ell's entertainments. Some idea of the range and character of these personally conducted world tours Ciay be gleaned from the itinerary which Mr. Cromwell announces. It includes visits to Paris, London, Chicago and the wild West, Home, Ilerliu, Sweden and Norway, Italy, Jerusalem and the Ifoly Land, Ireland, Switzerland, and a host of other tlllflrawing citiflS and lands. All these places are brought before tho au dieii'e through the medium of lmnicuso photo graphic view*. Professor Croß> well's stcreopticon Is a superb instru ment auti the picture • he produces with It are r> ills' ie to u degree. Nor does ho deal with cold bricks and mortar, or in animate nature exclusively; when he tak< . you Into Knglaud hi: shows you tho home-life of Its people, and his lectures on Paris include sueh interesting excur sions from t he beaten track as glimpses of the great World's Fair held there re cently, which it i . ' hi' i ">'s ambition to eclipse. In every journey there arc stops for refreshments as it were, when Pro fe -or Cromwell exhibits masterpieces of painting and <culpture from the art gal leries of Europe, or some notable allegory such as " The Kock of Ages." Hut good us the pictures are Mr. Cromwell's des criptive powers are better still, and foreign lauds are brought vividly before the spectator. The machinery hall, as well as the floor and gallery of the main building, it filled With Interesting exhibits, and the only complaint heard among the visitors to night Is that there is really more in the Exposition this year than can becomfor tably seen or heard iu one isit. The i rivalry between tho great dry goods houses of the two cities lias resulted in a magnifleient display of those things that flro the feminine heart: dreams of lace and silk, furs that would bankrupt a Croesus to buy, ducks of bonnets and more wonderful devices for enchanting j our better half's charms than a man j could And names for. The array of useful and beautiful manufactures is un- j usually riched and varied, ami such , specialties a> the great bicycle exhibit, ■ which has a house all to It sell outside the Exposition proper, will tie found of great interest. In short it only seems fair to 1 the Exposition management to congratu late them upon their ingenuity and enter prise in improving so much upon their former efforts. The immense throngs that visited the Exposition to-night and their evident de light, indicate that from the very start the attendance will be larger than ever before. JOHN S. KAV«-'M■*>!*• —Capt. W.A.Abbet, who has long been with Messrs. Percival and Ilatton, Heal Estate and In?uranee Brokers, Des Moines, lowa, and is one of the best known and most respected business men in that city, says: "I can testify to the good qualities ol Chamberlin's Cough Kernedy. Having used it in my family for the past eight years, I can safely say it has no equal for either colds or crout>." 50 cent bottles for sale by I>. 11. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro pect; Broaden «lfc Allison, VT. Snnbary. —Tourist to Backwoodsman —"This is God's own country, isn't it?" Backwoods man—"l dunknow that, par'ner. Land titles is pesky uncertain roun' these ways." —Every testimonial regarding Hood's Sarsaparilla is an honest, unpurchased statement. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. —A new and improved pattern of de>k for the business man is so tricked out with unexpected angles, that if it misses the knee cap it is sure to catch the shin. —For many years Mr. B.F. Thompson, of be- Moines, lowa, was severely afflicted with chronic diarrhtea. He says: At times it was very severe; so much so, that I feared it would end my life. About seven years ago I chanced to procure a bottle of ChamberHn's Colic, Cholera and Uiarrha;a Remedy. It gave me prompt re lief. and I believe cured me pennanetly, as I now eat or drink without harm anything I please." I have also used it in my fam ily with the best results. For sale by I>. H. TVuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pros pect; Breaden & Allison, W. Sunbury. —Germany'B building at the "World's Fair will cost about $125,000, and will be a combination of typical styles of German architecture, such as are seen in perfect ion in Nuremberg. It will be massive in construction, the first story being of great blocks of sandstone and the second of a combination of brick and cement. At one end will lie erected a Gothic cathedral, the windows of which will .-how exceedingly artistic effects, being the work of several of the most famous designers in Germany. The interior of the building will bo linished throughout with natural woods unpainted. Much ol the building material has already bee.i received from Germany, and the con struction of the edifice is in progress. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito .1 davs. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Kedick, druggist, Butler. —The thermometer that grew so vain about a mojth ago because it attracted so much attention, has fallen in its own esti mation. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haine3 'Golden Specific." It as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, mid will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of eases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an titter impossibility ibr the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address,. Golden Specific Co., 185 Itace St.. Cincinnati 0. —Housewives are delighted over tho cheapness of pears. —Frank Cornelius, of l'urcell, Ind. Ter., says: "Induced Jlr. Pinson, whose wife had paralysis in the face, to buy a bottle of Chamberlin's Pain Halm. To their great surprise beiore tho bottle had all been used •he was a great deal better, ller faco had been drawn to one side; but the Pain Halm relieved all pain and soreness, and tho mouth assumed its natural shape." I«t is also a certain cure for rheumatism, lame back, sprains, swellings and lameness. 50 cent bottles for sale by I). 11. Wuller, Hut er; A. Bowers, Pro speet; Hreaden <t Allison, W. Snnbury. —Governor Fifer, of Illinois, has de tailed Col. Charles P. Hyran of his stall' to a ist in receiving officers of state and foi cign troops at the time of tho dedication of the World's Fair buildings in October. The appointment was made at the request of the joint cominitte on dedicatory cere monies. Leaf By. Leaf. The dropping of the leaves is not always caused by the ending of summer, or the advent of the fall season, but indeed by many causes. So with the health and lite of the human being. Ono by one they are carried to an early grave. You take a cold and ay, "Oh, well, it is nothing bula cold," and so it is, hut if not checked in time, and neglected, it loads to consump tion and other diseases Prevent it, stop it, by using a pure rye whiskey. Ministers, physicians and Hospital Superintendents agree in recommending as a perfect stimu lant, Klein's Silver Age or Uuquesne Byes. The former sell at $1.50 and tho latter at $1.25 per full quart. Send for complete catalogue and price list of all kinds of liq uor to Max Klein, 82 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa. - From the applications already on file it is estimated that more than 100,000 men will participate in the great civic parade at tho time of the dedication of tho World's Fair buildings in October. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Hal-am will stop tho cough at once. A k your friends about it. —Dead horses fetch $2. Oham'borialn'a iilyo and f3ldn Ointment. A certain ettra for Chronic Soro Eye*, Totter, Sal*. lil uni, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sorti, Fovnr Sores, Eczema, Itch, Pr.urio Scratches* Soro Nipples and I'il :. It is cooling and sooth. ng. Iluudredsof caseahiivo beoa cured by it after ,111 oUi-T treatment had fuilotl it i put • jj in 21 and CD cunt hoxc3> Few things are m»ru tantalizing to man than to go home with something on hi i mind he wants to scold about, and find company there and bo .obliged to act agree ably. —lf a man's arms were as long and his feet as handy as a monkey's, what a rec ord breaker he would bo on a bycicle. —Franklin A'< w.". Consumption Surely Curod. To T.ie Sf>rmu:~l*laMo Inform your readort that I havo a )>oi«iUva remedy for the above-named <ll .»«r. J l .; 'l9 tiruuly nan thousand* of r. i-.ee havo t r n poiroanuiitly cured. I ahull b© glad to Mud tw.» .Mica of rny remedy FREE to any of your rea«l. ni > havo conaumpti<>n if they will aeud mo thoii nu«4 P. O. addreee. U« iuJJjr. X. A. UUWU, M. C. # iol tmci toU >'. X. FALL AM) WINTER FOOTWEAR Arriving' By the C'ar Load :-JOHN BICKELS.-: Largest and Most Complete Stock Ever Brought to Butler. Bootp ar.d Shoes for Everybody at Greatly Reduced Prices. Our Ladies' Department The line of ladies' shoes I have to offer are beauties,beyond description, and price very moderate. Ladies' fine POD. button shoes ranging in price from $1 00 up, Misses' fine Don button shoes pat. tips IS to 2 SI.OO. children's 9 to 11 f>o cts., child's 5 to 8 40 eta., infanta 2 to 5 25 eta I Large Line Water Proof Shoes for laiiies , Misses' and children's These goods were selected with great care, and I feel tafe in saying that they are the best line of goods I ever • offered for sale. Ask to see our water proof shoes. Winter will soon be here and you will need them. Men s and J3ov.s Jioots and Shoes. I want you to look over our men's shoes and boots, I hare men's shoes ranging in price from 75 cts. a pair, tip good boots $1.25 and $1.50 and up, boys' boots 75 cte . SI.OO and $1.25, boys' button and lace shoes |IM, $1.25 and $1 50. You need good boots and shoes for yourself and boys, and you will find these in large quanties at my store, and marked at prices to suit the times. A Dollar is a Dollar Now if it ever was, and when yoa are making your fall purchases you want to make your dollar reach as far as possible. Come to rn v store for your fool wear. and I will guarantee prices lower than any other house in Butler Co. The Greatest Effort of my Life was put forward in selecting my fall stock of boota, shoes, rubbers, felt boots, etc, and my efforts have been very successful I will sell robber goods cheaper than ever this fall. #2.25 Men's Rubber Boots #2.25 including a pair of good slippers, your choice from the best made Boston Candee or YVoonsocket. Mind the price $2 25. #2.00 Best Felt Boots and Overs 2.00. I am Felling the best felt boota in the market for $2 00,boya sizes $1.7 Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Reparing Neatly and Promptly Done. Leather and Findings. JOHN BICKEL. No. 128 South Main Street Butler, Pa. UDIES MD CESTUI WE take pleasure in announcing the fact that we now have on display and on sale an immense stock of goods in the following lines: Dress Qoods in all grades, styles and prices, with the very latest things in trimmings to match. MILLINERY IN all the new things the market affords Hats and Bonnets gotten np In best style "whilo you wait." Ladies', and Children's Wraps, well made and style and fit guaranteed. Carpets, Oil Cloths, LINOLEUMS, Mattings, Rugs, Carpet Sweepers, Lace Curtains, Portiers, Poles and Fixtures, and all kinds of Domestic Dry Qoods We always have the best Blankets and Flannels, and the Standard patterns are acknowledged to be the best made Call in and get a Fashion Sheet. All the goods in our different departments are marked in plain figures at the lowest prices We not only keep Standard Patterns but all our goods are standard. We do not handle seconds. Ladies'. Gent's and Children's Underwear a specialty. RITTER & RALSTON. * ALL PERSONS INTENDING TO SINK WELL jjL are respectfully requested to call on or address, ||S: FRANK C. MCGREW, Who is operating a KEYSTONE DRILLER and is l\ \ prepared to drill Water Wells, Test Wells, Air Holes \\ \\ for Shafte '' etc Dril,B eiKht inch or leB8 " jP- vftv all my work guaranteed first class. "~yAgent for Loffel Improved Wind Mill, Standard Hydraulic Rams,and all the best makes of pumps. For any further information addrss, FRANK C. McGREW. 316 Bluff St., Butler, Pa. "Well begun is half done." Begin your house work by buying a cake of SA POLIO. Sapolio is a solid cake of Scouring Soap used for all cleaning purposes. Try it. , RINGS, I V 1 „ EAR-RINGS, Diamonds i SCARF PINS, 'STUDS, ( GENTS GOLD, Wa l J LADIES GOLD, atCIK'S \ GENTS SILVER LADIES CIIATLAIN, I L,„ (Gold' Pins, Ear-rings, •J OW6II \ j Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, ( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes 4j • 1 and everything that can be OUVerWHI G found in a firstclaM sto»"e, RODGER BROS. 1847 8| " E. GRIEB, TEE JEWELER No. 139, North Main St., BUTLEK. PA., .Job Work of all kind done at the "Citizen Office." 1 IILLINERY TRIIPB The Leading Mlinerv House D. T. PAPE. Our line of Mil' nerv is r mpleie in every ;v ct W n-tcy ato investigate, am! we claim that ir #t<>ck th at -t itrmctm- in Butler county. Trimmed hats and IhMS e? crown*, pins, laces, braids. crej* s. nets, etv Mourning MilliiitTv In <iivat Vurietv. PAPE'S. 12J3 S. Street tiwtlcr, !*«. EXCELSIOR "Twx* /rowing .ia.-> »>> :*rt • When thr> a totra up tn* taoast «* th mrm jiA»J A broth ot ft hor. to h.» seei in th* *ha.'» A* he walked. hi* ■AUUieh he • »an< t<» * fr». Saying. "I« <np to th* top I *sa buuftj f'»r • *» Br abb. - Excti At the top standi* the line* of !ad •»-" aad .eatl-meo * w**r n :W Strong St Carroll's, IIow*r; .% Fo*ter'■» .ind Edd e* A Weh-t.»- - -%r»d shoes, so many improvement* ha~e he*a m *»!.♦ n hr-w «n-ew thst it wool.l hardly *een> p>-« >t) *M »1» t . *. ■ >:-!. strong, pliable, tnd rvj on the foot, «n »u» l» fcs,! of R bin Bnn Tpt s p»ir ftnd if not ftll we c!ftim brine them back New line of ftll kinds of Rubber* ju** rwittd. ROBINS P,R( )S M S E Corner of Diamond ... _ B«rler IS J. J. SPECK. WW. H. HO'.XiS m WHOLESALE Will i» *a MSt SI W irn*Httf». Tlie M ill, 11. IIoliiit»*« < o M Distillers of "Holmes' Best a:d "Holmes' Old Ecommtv PURE RT£ WHISKY. All the leading Kye and B« arbon Whiskies f . r.«i r ti\ [ jul Importers of fine Rrandics, Gins and Wines SEND FOR PRICE LIS" Telephon No. 305 120 Water St. and 15HFirstAve, Pitts I . *i: ">■» Go and see Invent in EUWOOD I THE 10 NEW FACTORIES Now Id operation or being bailt, are SOLID INDI'STRIE."* whirh moved to Ell wood for more room to grow, cheap fbel -•* .i. t facilities They will employ, before the year u n<■ - ?"«>» Lit people, which Always results in » growth of 6,600 , <>:*' 200 MORE HOUSES EEDED AT ONCE For the incoming people, ftnd 25 more store* could he rested to-day 1 I to 40 Per Cent a Year In the Renting, besides the rise in values which foil >w* soeh aa iutri m in population. ELLWOOD CITY HAS | jft- MORE FACTORIES SOW BUILDINO TH tN OLDER towns nioe times aa large . • ' and this w the margin far ite fat arc growt*. fgj- MORE AND BETTER RAILROAD FACILITIES THAN any other town in Western Pennsylvania. Four Traak Liaes and a» transfer or switching charge* MORE VALUABLE MINERAL PRODUCTS THAN can be found elsewhere in any one place sorb a* Natnrai lie". C thmm Sand, Molding S*nd, Fire Clay, Red Clay. Building <u.a*, *rr. tod Water Power. BUY NOW Don't w»it ft year until the town is four tim<-« an l*r„— aod value- pro portionately hiirher. ELLWOOD IMPROVEMENTS. ELLWOOD CITY, LAWRENCE CO.. PA _A_ KIXKD PACT! That SI MEN sells shoes of sack sterling .judities at sttdklow pr:«~«.that yoa can't help but bujr when you *et a glimp** of these Child* I'ebbl* »o>at liutton Shoe*. jijm U to 7 1 2. at *»> Children .1 tirain Button Sh>**, <ufs S to 11. at »>«<« Children'* Kid Button Shoe*. ->it*n S t<» I. at »*V OirU" Grain Bntton Shoe*. *iiet II t»> - at tiirl*' Kid Button Shoe*. «iw« I: to 2 at fl S" tlirU' t'ebbl* lioat Button Shoe«. *u*« II to J at >1 S» Boy*' Shoe*. lare or )>utu>n. at fl '»> to ♦! i"». *ll- >ll r.> J Hoy'* Shoe*, lace or button. *ue* 3tos,at tl to #2 •»' l.a>lir*' tirain Button Shoe*, at fl 00 to fI ."s> Indies' Kid Button Shoe*. at*l '»• to *.' <*> Men * bare Sh.«-*. at *1 «»'. #1 2i. »l "-0 and K '»» Men'* (Srain Watrrpr>»«f Sho*» at It M and f." #» Men'.* Grain Waterproof Boot*, at f.' ■*' Men * Heary S«did Boot*, atfl.it to :i •»> Boys' Ilrary Solid B.«.t*. at *1 i*> to Men * Calf Boot*, at 00 to *i (*• See the Calf Rotton Shoes for Mea's W« »r at $l »«l Ladles Cftlt Skin and fJrain Wsterpr »>f Sh.v * at fl !"• and I >»> RUHBEK HOOTS liI'BBKK SIIOKH THE BEST QUALITIES AT LOWEST PRICES. Men's & (i. I). SI.MKN. 78 Ohio, Cor. Sandusky St. AL*. EGHKHY, P (NEAR MARKET HOUSE t^VuPRH * HAY- FEVER W_^A*M \J COLD heac 4 Cl 1 Kl/t f'rmm ft aim in n' m hip »n-tf «r p ' -r'M *•%*» s'" '* * _ V 9* #1 Clin kiln 3UC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Wrraa SUMt HEW YORK. 396 OOLD FRKKt K J To every person brlnginu us a ttopy • ' this paper, we , . . will insert FREE OF CHARGE eflne 92.00 GoM Filling. It / 1 111 every BEST SET of Sh.OO Teeth. J J 1 wr wirraat tb -n>' •• »r *aaS «aa H»WT •» »■*» ■■■»>» «M I# J • *•* 7 , v ■. t\ * • ' _ ■ "i. ~ i - I I - ■ •>. n«■ rr-l. • .-u> • - «• ' '» X I \\ VOKK DKNTIHTS, UTBAJH K us LißKitn « « **»