DURING THE BUTLER FAIR Vogeley & Bancroft Arp going to make it to the interest of EVERY FARMER TO BUY THEIR FALL AND WINTER SUPPLY OF BOOTS AND SHOES by giving special prices in every department. We Lave a large and complete line of tlie Ha Made Jamestown Good* in Men's, Boy's and Youth's Boots ot all grades, oil grain, kips and calt. Ladies', Miss' and Children's in oil ©!■ and. cin Button and Lacc. The most Complete line ever brought to Butler. Remember the above goods are all warranted, and a new pair furnished free for every pair returned, not giving satisfaction. We also have the largest line of Fine Goods that has ever been shown in Butler at prices away down. Remember all goods Warranted. That is a protection every customre has by trading with VOGELEY AND BASCROFT. AT HUSELTON'S Ton will M the fineet styles in the greatest variety and at the lowest prices Your Eyes Ever Looked Upon. IN FALL AND WINTER FOOTWEAR As many if not more different styles shown as any two hoaßes in Butler. Thu stock was selected with the greatest care from the beet manufac tares In thisoonntry, they are not bought with only one object, in view, namely low prke and shoddy goods, low prices and solid good goods. SOME LITTLE DEALERS Bssm to kavs only one object in view, that is to see bow low priced •boddy stnff they can pick np of odds and ends, and then advertise it as all solid water rescues, etc. Taey should advertise them as specialy adopted lor riding ia, pt Walking. par Ladies', Misses'and Children's Shoes ■re marvelsSlb|auty<,thepriees very low. Ladies'fine shoes 90c, SI.OO, $1.95, $1.50 and $2.00. Miseee fine shoes 90c, SI.OO and $1.85 sizes 12 to 2. Infants and children's 25c, 50, 75 and $1 00. Our Kip Calf, Oil and Glove Grain Shoes. These goods apeak for themselves as thousands will testify too that ksvs worn tnsm all over Butler county. They have good body of stock otherwise they would not resist the cold and wet for the boys and girls that have a long road to achool, families that nse these goods don't hare only one pair to buy during the season, and NO DOCTORS BILLS TO PAY. Men's, Boys' and Youths' Boots and Shoes. See oar men's heavy shoes at 70c and SI.OO. See oar men's heavy grain 2 aolea and tap at $1.25 and $1.50. See oar Men's fine shoeß tip or plain at SI.OO to $1.25, and a host of other finer line are beauties. Oar Men's and Boys' Boots are solid as a rock. Prices 75c, SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00, in making your fall selections in footwear come to us, yon won't have to stay half a day jewing ns on prises, bat one stright price and that the Lowest. The goods will be just as we represent them, no humbug; business to poll yon in. $2.00 MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS $2.00 including a pair ot slippers. $1.90 MEN'S FELT BOOTS AND OVERS $1.90. Repairing all kinds done neatly and low prices. Corns and aas ns and save money. B. C. HUBELTON, 103 V. Main St Butler, Fa Christmas I Gifta I For EC very body. Beautiful Presents that meet all demands and satisfy all wants in great variety to suit all tastes now OB exhibition at Bedims Drag Store Fancy goods and Novelties, Toilet Articles and Notions. While we can not describe or enumerate onr great variety, we are very glad to show them to ail visitors. We claim for oar stock ecoel]»nof inqaality, va riety in, il—fgffart reasonable prices. Whatever your wants may be,we can Met them with beautiful and apro priate selections. We solicit a com parison of oar goods and prices. Knowing you iriU find oar Holiday goods the beat and cheapeet. Respectfully, J. C. RE DICK. Frsh Seeds Grow. Fruit and ornamental trees fresh frap nursery, are beat aam cheapest —no agents hare. '•> Beaetibd Floier Seed. Lovely eat lowers arranged in richest deeigne. Illustrat ed wtatogga isee of t fruit trees TRUE to NAME. J, B. &A. Murdock, 508 mlthfleld St ~ Pittsburgh. f , - —— i •" mum* AM raMMinr k*i atwar* prove* ■flpKfWWHulL Helium fMSf WIJ IKkLORD *THOMAS, awiuw [ m ] RECULATE THE BTOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, j AltO PURIFY THE BLOOD. j A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Billaaw. T |ill«%»|i>i>ilt.€>rwl« Llrar TroHw, | Wiilifii I>l Crailciki, Dyaeatery» [ oreulx Braatb, wd all UOSSER'H CREAM GLYCERINE Is delightfully perfumed and is of great service in removing pimple* and blotches from the face. For chapped bands, lips or any rough neee of the skin and as a dressing for the face after shaving, it will be found invaluable. For Sale by Druggists. < PER CENT. 1U Firs! Mortgage Loans Kn tax. oomminsioii or fees. Interert payable ■emi annual.y by Sew York draft. Perfect BO enrity. Highe«t reference. CKAS. V. REIO, Fairhaven, Washington. Nothins: On Earth Will HENS! Ca^' LUKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting llent. It ftlwAlat4.lvpore. Tlik-I.IT tity ooati. tenth ..1 a ernt ft day. " S l"rk Five fl. A2l 4IK ran $1.20. Pt* rar)v ••y oo cxprv« pai«l. rimltry Haitingjimde. Ijrtc# »sis.fiS with |l.« ordrrs nrmw. Sample copy ~f Tin' Rest Fori.try Fatbi WNL FRT*. 1- S. JOHNSON" A CO .'i: < 'ustcm Ho oho St.. D«Aton, Ma*?. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS Far Horses, Cattle, Sheep. Dsgs, 2ogs, AND POULTRY. 500 Poze Rook on Treoimrni of Animals ami C hurt Sent Free. cmES c Fevera.ConßPfHions.liiflnmmnClon A.A. ■ Spinal tf culii«iti«, Milk Frrrr. l.amenc**. Ithnnnalism. C.C'.--l>l"i< - inprr. Nasal lliscbarifcs. I>.l>. Bo«s or (irubs, Worms. K.E < ouKb*. Heaves, Pneumonia. F.F.—folic or tirip.-s. llflhnrhr. >1 isrnrrlnee. Hrmorrhnjps. H.H.— I'rinary nnd Kidney Diseases. |.1.--Ernpiivr Diseases. .llnngr. J.H.—Disease* of Diuotion, Paralysis. Sinfrlo Bottle over SO doses). - - .«« Stable Cn.r, with Speelflca. Manual, WuTiii-'try Cure Oil aihl Medlcitor, 57.00 Jar Veterinary CareOil f • - 1.00 Sold hr DntrcUO; «r prepaid A»]um+rc a*d la a»y quanllv ©» r. t rlpt ct prler. nmi'Ußm'irD.(t>., in i usaitrtaaftt.,3»*»Tork. «F|gEssifFii^i? f ffffijS'ffl 1 HOMEOPATHIC f% fb No.fcO In uso 30 ye&ra. Tho only successful retntdy fcr Nervous Debility, Vita! Weakness, and Prortration, from overwork or (it b( r csiwes. $1 per vial, or 5 viala and li.ri.-u vial powder, tor *•>. Mif tone--.-!' ' : "i I r "'*- lit Ml'll HEI S 1 3 til. CO., lltillt William Si., ses Vork. jitiro aicoliol to make Weirl BLACKING. Alcohol is g< o»i ;> ;■ it is g"<«l for tlie skin. Alcoht I i 1 of Cologne, l lori' ... V, . . Bay Hum the well known ft', • Wo think there is nothing too t in a good leather preservative. Acuio Blacking retails ;st and at that price Fells readily, people are so accustomed to 1.-t-yin ing or blacking at sc. and 1 - that they cannot understand t!..:! . ingeanbeclipap at 20<\ Wcirn: l I them with cheapness if wc can, and i :• complish this we ofi'er a r. ward of SIO,OOO for a recipe which will enable i ■ . WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING at S;.< !i that a retailer can profitably sell it ui bottle. We bold this ofler open Jan. Ist, 1893. WOLFP&KAKDOLPH, Phila. ' Dll ETC* iiMING PILES r LLSBWAYNEB ABSOLUTELY CURB 9. OINTMENT ■YNPTOMR—MoIaturr; Intran Itrhlnr *n rl ■» "IfHi worn bj vraKklni. If aljawed to MntlMjc lumor. form mail protrude, llMdlßf, ab*orb«the tumor*. fol.t f.y druciclsHor hr ■toll for Wits. Freparrd by Philadelphia. M ill ONLY? ifiraTFHFß for X.OBTor*AnXHG MANHOOD KJl^WTTl Cca « ral tnd *K* v OUB DEBILITY; PfirlS EffeeU MrlH' Lrroraor Exceeseain Old or Yoanjr, labuil, fcoble M 4* MOO II fully Restored. How tT—Benellte In a day. testify frr.ra *0 ? '.a'.ei ami t orelpn foaatrtos. Writ* iNota. Vsaerfotl*" Bfcki eipfanallon and j.rjofs mailed (•«■»!•;< • frra. MeoiCA!. co<. BUFFALO, m. v. DOCTOR J. B. HOBENSACK'S jfJIUS' /YOUTH CURE: j MEDICAL iHTM'i J»C -V. SECOND ST., l hiladelp . a, Are the oI The Doctor's iucccss is duo to 11: *• lir.-i,, « i Tpcri.ncc and Ktudy; to the pure vcr. ;. ]»! lit . used and to the thorough examination m .1 watchful at tention given patients dnrm: irc-itinent A4O years establishmentUournuarantc" of success Treatment by Mail :» S|>i'rlal|r Office hours, o a .it., to j r >!,(,•,, ii. „• "aii day Saturday till Vl' M Shihlh vs !0 i-i i» a m N«ud Ntiunp f»r It'toh. (i,j k im-ii j Every Month | many women Buffer from Bxceaaive or I Scant Menatruation; they don't know who to confide in to get proper advica* Don't confide in anybody but try Bradfield's Female Regulator • Specific for PAINFUL, PROFUSE. SCANTY. SUPPRESSED and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. 4 Book to "WOMAN" mailed frae. I BRAOFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, fla. 1 Hold bjr all UrinUll. For Sale by J. C. Rcdick. READ AND REMEMBER For strl tly pure and rcilaMo HTRAKIIIT LIQUORS, call on i. ar. fimch, 1« SMITHFIKI.D ST.. PITTHBl'Btill, PA. ~ tC'PP- Monongahela House.) Matchless for Family one and Medicinal pur poses are FINCH'S COI.hKN WKUDINO, Allll til'CK KNIIKIM Klt H VvfilSKY, . per qt. ; OVKKHOLTH WHISKY, f r. <|ts. DILLJNMKK'S WHISKY, J lor $5. UoodH neatly packed and promptly shipped Kkkk ok Kxr*XKK on receipt of caan or post Office order. tarNothlnKexpressed <*. o. I». Send for Price List. ROBERT LEW IN, Wholesale Wliiskcv Merchant, and fmpr»rf*r «f FIN KVV IN KS ft I.IQUf)KS. 135 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa. (tftfuniO' It. & O. B. It. I»epoi. Headquarter* 'or mrilH MOliDtll WKIIMJIi, for medical and fAinlly use. SI.OO |trr Ol . or fl lft». for |J,H. Klnch'a Oolden WtMlnsi. liooiflierty, (Incit MlieliiKT, Ur*f, (lIIMM, HrWiP'iKirt, Mt. Ver r»oii. Overli'ilt, Ki'- This l-i tie: only bouse not in (be elty. therefore our ifooils are warrant'"! pore. «.O. Ir.and mall orders reri ire proiupi ii>rtiii> nts,Many S(x- i >1 AdTantafe*. oir Term I*la i i icrcat «.ivlnif of time and lu iney. Kxpeniies very low. For CafalOK'ies send to I'ItESIDKM MA LSI I, AliUnce, O THE CITIZEN MISCELLANEOUS THE CANNON-BALL TREE. Ho met hi" jr About a Corlou» Treo nnJ IU Straoffe Fruit- The cannon-ball tree owes its pceult arity principally to the mode in which the flowers are borne on long branches, which grow from around the trunk, commencing at its base anil continuing many feet upward. They are arranged in terminal racemes and fall soon after expanding; the peduncle, how ever, instead of falling and withering, hardens and enlarges, producing racemes of flowers in succession at its extremity each season. Years afterward tho woody pedicels j may still bo 6Cen upon the flowering { branches. So nearly does tho arrange- I ment of the latter resemble a creeping plant growing upon a tree that it is dif ficult to convince people to the con trary, and that they bear the flowers of the tree itself, says the English Garden er's Chronicle, which describes the flowers as cup-shaped, red within and yellowish-white without. These flowers measure four inches across. The large brown, ball-shaped fruits, unlike the fragrant flowers, emit a disgusting odor, rivaled onlv by tho flowers of tennanilie belenca. The latter, when in flower, scents tho at mosphere of the garden in a way which suggests to the uninitiated that the sanitary arrangements of the district are in a bad condition. The couroup ita forms a large tree some fifty to sixty feet in height and bears a dense mass of shining green leaves, becoming de ciduous onco or sometimes twice during the year. The leaves on these occa sions fall very rapidly and aro replaced again in a few days by a new set. AN UP-HILL ROAD. Tho ZttfTAnccnt to tli« Capital or Ven ezuela. There aro few more interesting engi neering achievements than the little narrow gauge railroad running to Car acas, the capital of Venezuela, from its seaport, La Guayra. The distance be tween the two cities, as the crow flies— supposiug for the moment that ho could fly through mountains —is only six miles, but the railway connecting them is twenty-threo miles in length, and consequently twists and turns on itself. The road runs in zigzag fashion up the mountain to an altitude of about flvo thousand feet above its starting point and then descends about fifteen hun dred feet in tho same manner into the valley of Caracas. Twenty-two thousand rails were used in laying the track, and of these over eighteen thousand are bent It is jest ingly said that the engineer almost died of a broken heart because ho could in vent no excuse for bending tho remain ing four thousand. He did his best, however, and Pearson's Weekly thinks no ouo who has to rido over tho line and finds himself shaken at every one of the three hundred and forty-six sharp twists which the track makes will find it in his heart to condemn the poor man for not making a perfect job. Two pas senger trains pass over the road daily, leaving La Guayra at half past eight in the morning and at half pa6t three in the afternoon, making the journey in two hours and a half. This is a speed, exclusive of stops, of not quite ten miles an hour. FOR KILLING A COW. In India Tliey Mnko tho I'cualty Fit the Crime Very Closely. Caste means something in India. A young man of Fyzalxjd recently killed a calf by accident and had to do pen ance and be an outcast for six months. Tho Ilrtihmins told him that ho could not have committed a greater sin tlian causing the death of a cow, but taking into consideration that he was an un educated man they would deal very leniently with him. During the period of excommunication he was ordered to lead a lifo of mendicancy, and with a rope round his neck and a piece of tho calf's tnil on his shoulders he was to perform pilgrimages to different Hin doo Shrines. The members of his family were for bidden to supply him with either shelter or food under a penalty of undergoing similar excommunication. Tho ahir recently returned to his village, but until after the purification ceremonies ho must live in a temporary grass thatched house which has been sys tematically defiled. lie "must then be plastered all over with cow dung, soaked in a sacred stream till he is clean and put through various other interesting performances. —Frank Cornelins, of Parcel), Ind. Ter., says: "Induced Mr. Pinson, whose wile had paralysis in the face, to buy a bottle of Chamberlin's Pain Balm. To their great surprise before tho bottle had all been usod she was a great deal better. II er face had been drawn to one side; but the I'ain Halm relieved all pain and soreness, and tho mouth assumed its natural shape." It is also a certain euro for rheumatism, laine back, sprains, swellings aud lameness. 50 cent bottles (or sale by I). 11. \Vtiller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Broaden . as and others, and there is no doubt that a very creditable exhibit will be sent to Chicago. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp' Balsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friend/ about it. "II Mars is really peopled, as astrono mers declare, There ought to be a means devised for reaching people there; We might, build a bridge or railroad though it's not an easy grade— For the holidays aro coming and wo onght to catch their trade." —A house cleaning set is a new toy. Chaint/criJiln'B Eyo and Skis. Ointment. A ccrtiln enre t»r Chronic Soro fcyes, Tetter, &al'. Hhcutn, Scald Head, Old 1 Chronic Sort*, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch Prairie Scratches fcoro Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases liavo been cured by I it after all other treatment bad (ailed I Illsj'utupiaStfaadOOQcatbuMa. INDIAN ETIQUETTE. Cnrlon* Tale of an InTltatlon to the Maharajah Gwalior. A curious incident was brought to no tice in connection with the recent mar riage of the heir-apparent of the Jedh pore state. It appears that, according %o the custom in vogue among native chiefs, a kharita of invitation to the royal wedding was ordered to be sent to tho maharajah of Gwalior. The of ficial who wrote the kharita did not know the mode of addressing the ruling chief of Scindia, and, therefore, re ferred to old T'icords of the state, in which the name of the late grandfather of the present chief was mentioned. The official copied It word for word and sent it off to Gwalior by a daroga. On the kharita being presented to the maharajah of Gwalior he refused to open it, saying he conld not open a kharita addressed to his grandfather, who died before the mutiny, and asked the man to take it to his sainad three miles out of Gwalior. None of the rep resentatives of tho Gwalior state, the Bombay Gazette says, attended the wedding on this account. An fnpopolar Odor. Travelers who return from a visit to France tell their stay-at-home Amer ican friends curious stories of the peculiar and attractive "odor of Paris," which is said to greet the nostrils of the tourist the moment the train de posits him in the capital and which he misses with regret when he leaves. The Parisians themselves, it appears, do not like this odor, for an enterpris ing firm recently brought out a new scent called "perfume of the street*" and found it unsalable. A Malaen Coy. Thoctfh wo are still the best of frienda, My love I can't presume. She, knowing I'm In love, pretends She doesn't know with whom. —Judge. COCLDX'T AFFORD THEM. Mrs. Walton—Why d >n't you i'nn? home some tront occasionally, Instead of these common catfish and flounders? Walton (amateur fisherman) —That's just you, Mrs. Extravagance! Perhaps you don't know that trout are worth a dollar a pound!— Puck. From the German. Instructor—What does the soldier d(J when he dies? Soldier—l don't know. Instructor —You don't know, you donkey, that when the soldier dies ho simultaneously servers his connection with the army? I'art of the Bird. Tho* Young Housewife (to tho butcher) —Have you a nioe spring chicken this morning? "Yes, ma'am." "Well, please cut out the croquettes and send them to my address." —Chic®- —Capt. W.A.Abbet. who has lons been with Messrs. Percival and Ilatton, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, l)es Moines, Towa, and is one of the best known and most respected business men in that city, says; "i can testify to the good qualities ol Chamberlin's Cough Kemedy. Having used it in my family for the past eight years, 1 can safely say it has no equal for either colds or croun." 50 cent bottles for sale by I). 11. Wuller, Bntler; A. Bowers, Pro pect; Breaden .t Allison. W. Sunbary. —llow seldom man apprecintes his bless ings! Lieutenant Peary, ice bound in the Arties, littlo knows how many hundreds, plague bound in New York Bay, would like to bo with him. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. —Even if you wish to speak in private to a man who has artifical arms and logs, do not ask him if you may take him apart for awhile. Ho may misunderstand you. —For many years Mr. B.F. Thompson, of Des Moines, lowa, was severely afflicted with chronic diarrho-a. He says: At times it was very severe; so much so, that I feared it would end my life. About seven years ago I chanced to procure a bottle of Chamberlin's Colic, Cholera and I'iarrhira Kemedy. It gave ine prompt re lief, and I believe cured ine pennanetly, as I now eat or drink without harm anything I please." I have also used it in my fam ily with the best results. For sale by 1). 11. Wuller, Sutler; A. Bowers, Pros pect; Breaden A Allison, \V. Snnbury. —Tho revenue cutter Hear in its recent trip to King Islands rescued 200 natives who would have perished had they re mained all winter. Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito ;i days. Its action upon tho system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tho cause and tho dis ease immediately disappears. The first doso greatly benefits. 7.i cts. .Sold by J. C. Kedick, druggist, Butler. —Seals, when basking, place one of thoir number on guard to give tho alarm iu case of danger. The signal is a quick clap of the Dippers on a rock. Babbits signal with their forepaws, and have reg ular signals and calls. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." it is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffeo or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or on alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an ntter impossibility for tho liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 4X page book of particulars/roe. Address, (iolilen Specific Co., 180 Race St.. Cincinnati O. —There is no use quarrelling with the milkman—he'll tnako you take water every time. —"That beats me." said good Mrs. Jason, as she read that a tire was supposed to have been caused "by mi«-e eating matches.'' "I've heard of pie-eating matches and sich. but this is a new one." Consumption Surely Cured. To T«ie SPUDS:— finnan Inform your rsadura that I have a poaiuro rumwlf for ttioalN.vo named fllwwfl. B; "Jt timely til thallMti'ls "f ti"l« I' M easM have fr 'a prrmnpiilly cursd. I shall b« (rl«l to wii'l tw.t ,'f|. , of iny r«.m" ly FREE t<> any of yonr Baadvm •» / liars (v.iMumptton If thsy will Mti«s. Krapn-t. tal'l. T. A. M (!.. Ml 1-aa. IML J». T. Cotton Roo A r« .Itsr oviT) hv 111 I.UI. hik<-»«tiiii "i UV rnoi.t.hly l.j ibou.niwis of §PP\ ¥ Ladles. |* theonljr pffertljr V sal,, and rellaM'* niedlelin dtaeo*errd. Beware an inferior iwsdleinea n> place of this. Ask fcft'no* s f 'orrow Cosiwaii, lake no substitute, or lactone II ami i; < "nti in In letter. and we will wrid. sealed, by return mall. Kill! val «1 partli ij. .1. Y. |iialph, J. C, Ucdlck and druioclsOivrcnrwlit-re. FALL AND WINTER FOOTWEAR Arriving Bv tho C'ar Load AT :-JOHN BICKELS.-: Laigest and Most Complete Stock Ever Brought to Butler. Boots ar.d Shoes for Everybody at Greatly Reduced Price* ()ur I ,adiefc 1 )epartment The line o( ladies' shoes 1 have to offer are beauties, beyond description, and price very moderate. Ladies' fine Don. button shoes ranging in price from $ I 00 up, Misses' fine Don button shoes pat. tips 12 to 3 SIOO. children's 9 to 11 CO cts., child's 5 to 8 40 cts , infants 2 to 5 25 cts Large Line Water Proof Shoes for ladies'. Misses' and children's These goods were selected with great care, and I feel safe in saying that they are the best line of goods I ever offered for sale. Ask to see our water proof shoes. Winter will »oon be here and you will need them. Men's and Boys Boots and Shoes. 1 want you to look over our men's shoes and boots, I have men's shoes ranging in price from 75 cts. a pair, tip good boots $1.25 and $1.50 and op, boys' boots 75 cts , SI.OO and $1.25, boys' button and lace shoes SIOO, $1.25 and $1 50. You need good boots and shoes for yourself and boys, and you will find these in large quanties at my store, and marked at prices to suit the times. A Dollar is a Dollar Now if it ever was, and when you are making your fall purchases you want to make your dollar reach as far as possible. Come to my store for yoar foot wear. and I will guarantee prices lower than any other house in Butler Co The Greatest Effort of my Life was put torw&iu in selecting my fall stock of boots, shoes, robbers, felt boots, etc, and my efforts have been very successful. I will sell robber goods cheaper than ever this fall. #2.25 Men's Rubber Boots #2.25 including a pair of good slippers, your choice from the best made Bostoa Candee or Woonsocket. Mind the price $2 25 #2.00 Best Felt Boots and Overs 2.00. I am selling the best felt boots in the market for $2 00, boys sizes sl7 Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Reparing Neatly and Promptly Done. Leather and Findings. JOHN BICKEL. No. 128 South Main Street Butler, Pa. In a good shoe there is room for noth ing but the foot, except comfort; there is always room There are some - shoes '.hat can be called footwear only because they wear the foot Such shoes ought to have another letter added to the last syllable for they certainly torn footwear into footweary. There is room for yoar foot and room for com fort too, in our " BELLE" tor Wie. and our "ECLIPSE" shoe for gentlemen. You can kick your foot in them but not at them. They are at the top of the list in make and material; they are at the top of the list in finish, and when you come to price, they are away down at the bottom. All our Oxfords, Low Shoes, Tennis Shoes and other Summer gootls are now ooiuif at one-third less than regular © © prices. Here is a chance to get a bargain in seasonable <*oods. © v -' AL RUFF. 114 South Main street, Butler, Pa. * ALL PERSONS INTENDING TO SINK WELL jL are respectfully requested to call on or addreaa, FRANK C. MCGREW. Who is operating a KEYSTONE DRILLER »od is t\Y prepared to drill Water Wells, Test Wella, Air Hole* j|VV for Shafts, etc. Drills ei*bt inch or 1«m. JH\V ALL MY WORK GUARANTEED FIRST CUSS. Ti? 1 A Rent for Leffel Improved Wind Mill, Standard H J llniuli< " Rams,and all the best makes of pqmp*. For any fortber information addraa, . FRANK C. McQBEW. 316 Bluff St., Batlar, Pa. "Well befjun is half done." Begin your house work by buying a cake of SAPOLIO. Sapolio is a solid cake of Scouring Soap used for all cleaning purposes. Try it. / KINGS, T V EAR-RINGS, Diamonds • »• u* ■•<• sr Butler county. Trimimtl !• .»:•* ami hot* •«. f•• » - %*». pins, laces. br:i; Iw lh«> fc-.v. Whfli * tim ap tk« nnuuta A broth «1 • boy. to b» n#rk a «h# *(ino* A* he valhmf. hi* «h.!:»i«»h he rm ;n# u> » ff Strni. "It'» up to thf ias I »u kmsj fm ••• : ■ R» " P*Ht i I\m. am. At the top »tand* the liae* of ladie-" »od Strong A Carroll"#, Howar > A F»>*ter'« and Eddie* A Wafca«ee'« •hoes, no many improremrou ha*-* beea mad# ta tke*e that it would hsrdly -wen p »«■, k )l-t» »i.i mir th i/b ai. #-tl, •troof, pliable, and fvt oo th« foot, no TWlw h%* R>Hiiv« Um- Try a pair and if not all we claim brm« th#»m ha«-k Xew line of all kind* of Tlubher* ia*t r**»'wed. ROBINS BHOA, 8 E Coraer of Biamood. - - Buder P«. J. J. SPECK. WM H. HOLvn TBI 1.1 ' H'-. «Min)U I«J l> •n.-.Tn PURE RYE VHISKY. All the leading Rye and Bowrbon Whiskies in or t.ix-puitl Importers of fine Brandies. Gins ami Wines. SEND FOR PRICE Lis 1 Telephon No. 305 120 Water St. and 158 FirsiAve. fhttsbm *r. Pa Go and see Invest in ELLWOOD V THE 10 NEW FACTORIES 1 Now in operation or being built, are SOLID INPI'STRIKS which he-»- moved to Ellwood for more room to grow, ebt-xp fuel a««t !*»••—• . i facilities They will employ, before the year » ■ i• '» 1 people, which always result* in a growth of S.iWXO » 200 MORE HOl7Siv> NEEDED AT ONCE For the incoming people, and 25 more "tore* CMM be rented to-day 11 to 40 Per Cent a Year In the Renting, besides the rise in aalues which foil.»w* swrb an imrwmm in population ELLWOOD CITY HAS py MORE FACTORIES NOW BUILPINO THAN OLDER towns nine time* m large m jfrZ « n< * '• margtn for it* 'at!!!* growth MORE AND BETTER RAILROAD FACILITIES THAN *n? other town in W eat era Pennsylvania. Poor Trani Linen. a«H w transfer or aw itching charge* rgr MORE VALUABLE MINERAL PRODICTS TH vN CM be found elsewhere in *O7 one pUre. such w Naiurmi if Button ."»h«w«. »i*w ito I t - *t *»>• Children * timn Button *ko*». «an * to 11. «4 ">■" Children * Kd Battna Shoe*. Mh •» to 1. at «*• ttirle' Crain Bntton Sh»w>. *w It to i at ' »■. (iirlV Kid Button jsh.-a*. -t«w II t»S at #1 •»» Cirb I'abbla tioal Bntton Sb.*.- -.»**• It to Sat St «♦ Boy*' Shoe* tare or button, at »l w to « 35. tl to . B't Shoe*, lara «»r bntton. swe* 3to • »t 1 1 >a» to tie* »e»' (train Bntton at to ft » Ladle* Kid Button Sb"*-. at Si '* to tt.""' Mn'< I.ac» Sb.«. at SI •«». St J5. « -» and fc «' Men's »irain Waterproof Shuaa at ♦! *> and gt'* l Man's Craw Waterproof B««t*. at K. '•»» Man''* Heart Solid B«»U, at It 7 » to "1'» BOT*' Heaer Solid Bo.»««. at ft '*» to *:.•* Men * Calf fwt- at *_• <*» to #: «» See the Calf Bntton Shoes Star Men * Wear it « " Ladies Ceil Skin and Waterproof Sh< •••* at ?! - • and Rl'BßfcK B< M/TS RL'BBEK SHOKS THE BEST QUALITIES AT LOWEST PRICE*. iVlen*M at La«lieNi "»Oc to >"* l 00. AT (». I). SI.MKN. 78 Ohio, Cor. Sandusky St. ALLIOHtAY, P (NEAR MARKET HOU9* c/ *a ft"'' S?™§ai war- fiver a A m \JCOLD "HEAD WM* KW. ('rmm Mm a. v< • **•<-* -~f " « tat mtm Ms **** * '» ssrte* n -«<•*•• Urn hmd. mamr h-a* »m 50c ELY IWTltffe. tilt. 50c GOLD FHKK! W To nsri wrw brtngt*tg y» W9*?- f s ■ will Insert FHfKOf ftHHIIOt sIatHWCiW I A lln ®v«ry BEST SET of §*.oo TasWft. \A 1 *-au—f—nti — r — l "a* •* m'limi ** •" wsswr eaas Mm If »rv» »—. hi '■*** ""i' f T* .. MMW "T -. .tr * wtaKf *<» aawiia*a 11 * "aa. VFW YOHK DI: NI I MT^ f „ r . Bnttt-tuiTL'tin