Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 09, 1892, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIX.
12 Years Sentence.
Twelve years experience for your benefit For twelve years we hare
been in the boggy basinese and in *ll tbat time not a single individual has
accused OB of misrepresenting the quality ot a vehicle sold. It most be a
satisfaction for eyeryone to know tbat they have a firm tbat never misrep
resents and that years of experience enables them to know the quality of
work they sell. Our business has increased year by year ontil it is twice
that of any other similar concern in the State, and we feel so good that we
have a notion to jomp oat of oar 3d story window—but we won't—for now,
just before the Fairs we want one great big busy month, and are ready for
it. We have the goods and must make prices so as to induce customers to
boy quick. Remember we keep everything pertaining to a driving or
team ootfit.
Now look at a few prices: Leather halters 50 cents, team work bridles
90 centa, boggy whips 10 cents, a whole set of boggy harness $4.75, a foil
set of wagon harness, with breeching, for two horses $18; heavy leather fly
nets $1 50, wagon and boggy cashioaa 75 cents, top buggies $45, two seat
spring wagons S4O, etc.
Vehicles of all kinds; harne.** of all kinds, lap dusters and everything
used in connection with a drt injr and team outfit except the horse,
Now don't be backward, come in whether yoo want to buy or not
Walk io just aa yoo would into your mother's room —yoo are just as wel
come. Take a ride on our new elevator, fret. Now do come. If yon don't
need anything coaie walking right in and say yoo don't want to buy but
look and you are welcome. If you have a package of any kind you can leave
It here until yoo are ready to go oat of town withoat charge, our location is
Hem Jtber the place and remember we are the first and only persons
who evo - had enough enertry within themselves and confidence in their
fellow citizens to bring down the price and depend on increased sales to
compensate them. We did it. You appreciated it and dealt liberally with
as uud now we want the crowning month of oor life. Hurry, now come
along, get ready for the Fairs and drive thereto in just as good a rig as yoor
This Is The Lowest Price
Ever given on a
Bed Room Suite
Solid, Polished Oak, glass 26x30, beveled plate,
for $33.00,
We offer this suile for 30 days only.
Our Bed Room Suite for $9
You can't get elsewhere for less than $23 to $25. Wo don't only
ofTer the above goods at low prices, but anything in our store
away down In price. All we ask you to do is to examine our
stock and you will say as we dc—best goods for least money o
store In the country,
mWOOOQUQOf i - ■ -
Campbell & Terripleton,
136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa.
Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per
cent by purchasing their watches, clocks
and spectacles of
J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler,
No, 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block.
Sign of Electric Bell and Clock.
All arc Respectfully Invited
•■•"Remember our Repairing iJepartmcnt— 2o years Experience."—
*■ l ■ 1 ■
Presidential Campaign of 1892.
The Preaidcntial Campaign of 1802 will, without doubt, be the most
intensely interesting and exciting in the history of the United State*, and
country people will be extremely anxious to have all the general and
Jolitical newa and of the day as presented in a National
oomal, in addition to that supplied by their local paper.
To meet tbia want we have entered into a contract with the
The Leading Republican Paper or the
which enables us to offer that splendid journal (regular n<ibv:rir>t:o:i nric u
SI.OO per year) and "THE CITIZEN" for oneyeir
For only J&1-50, cash in advance
'.M Y. Weekly Tribune," regular price per year SI.OO
'The Citizen" " " " " 150
T(J tal $2.50
Fubpcriptions may Itegin at any time.
'J bid is th> most liberal combination offer ever made in the United
State?, and oT«ry reader of "THE CITIZEN" should tain advantage of it
at onre.
Address all orders to
Physician and Surgeon.
•JOI West CUBbIDgbMB «*■
137 K. Wa> rie St., office hours, lu U> l'J M. and
I 1 to 3 P. M.
J'mviriAS avu Hcaoaov.
Ofliee ami residence at la* E. Cunningham St.
riIYSICIAN A Nil «l uu a*jM.
! New Troutinau finUdlu?. Hutier, I'a.
K. s. LEAKK. M. D. J. A MA.VN. M I>.
Specialties: SpeclaJtle*:
Oyua-cotagy and Sur- B;.«. fca*. Sir*
pry. Throat.
Butler, Pa.
rUTHICIA* MJtb ißo*.
ort.ee at No. 4ft. S. Main street. owrr Prnn* C
■ V- store. Boiler, I'*.
Is now located In new and ole*»al iwttt ad
joining lils former ones. All kinds •/ clasp
plate* and moderen gold wot*
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist,
butler, Penn'a^
Atlillctal Teeth Inserted on Urn Im
prove plan. ooldVUlluK a specialty. offlce
o\f't .tIMUI's < lotiiinff Btor*.
Cold FllliiiK I'alnle-iS fcctractloa of Teeth
and ArtUlcial Teeth without Hate* a »pecl>ilty
Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local
Ana-stlietles used.
Office oier Millers Grocery fast «I Lowrj
oniee cloned Wednesday* and THurs4aj».
,nnicl KKAH DimoND. IUT1J»». P*
Attorney-at lJ»w—OOloo Jn Jjlauioul Uloct.
I'.utler, I'*. ~
jAtloi ney-at-Law.
office Between I'OHtofllc- and IJlana.Bd, But
ler. Pa.
Office :tt No. s. South Diamond, tiutlnr. fa.
Uffice second floor, Anderson HI k. MfOt. St.,
near ' ourt Hons*. Butler. Pa.
Alt'yatfjiW om -g on HoUtb side or Diamond
Butler. Pa.
office on second door of the llua»!ii*a olocfc,
Dlainoud, Butlnr, Pa., itix-m No 1.
Attorney at Law. Office at No 17, HJWI Jsffer
«»II Ht . BntJer. Pa.
Attorney at IJIW and Iteal E»tal* Afoul. Of
fv.. rear or L. v.. Mitchell's offica on uortn sid"
o( nianmrid. Butler, Pa.
Attorney-at-law. Odlce on seaoad Boor ot
Anderion building, near Court Uouse. Butler,
Insumnfc and Real E»lale Ag't
Mutual Tire Insuranct to.
Off'ce Cor. Main & Cunningham His.
Alfred Wick, lleudenoa Ollvw,
Itr. W. Irvln, .lauum Ht<-ob'-bjoa,
W. W. Ulackmore. N. WcltzcC
K.Bowman, l>. T. Norrts,
Geo. Kettcrcr. Chas. Ketihua,
John (irohinan, Jolin lCoeulni;.
Patented February 25, 1890.
'llils Improvement
X Jdoen away wIIU the
mi-tloii plnU-hi
conunoit use.
plaf-s art- very sa ill,
only aboiiL oae-elfthtl,
to olie-tourtti tUe usual
slz«. and b»lu« COL-
Ntrucled on true mechanical principles, >ll the
mouth with perfect accuracy. Any uumta rot
teeth can be put in witliout eitractlaic any (rood
teeth you nay have, and no plate in I tie rw>f of
the mouth. The patent plate It Hpoclally iidaptn
id to partial lower dentures, mnce It in we I
koown thai tlw dental tirofemtloo have nothing
sucemru lU> offer in that Hue; and further
more . partial lower Pi ale* liure not nor cannot
lie successfully made hy
any other known inetho<f.
This Is an Important mat.-
tcr when we take luluTj
conilderatloi, that lower V " ™
teeth are as iiec'SNary as upper, for
Intorinatlon, call at
Haiim* 111 Kil.l JrlTrnittn htr.ot, bITI.MB, PA.
My doctor vaj% It ar'«nMr on th* IIVMT
Hfwl kldfi'-yft, and la a |iii amnt lai nM*n. Ttila Artutc
I ,i:xd« from b« rl»«, and la prepared tor ua«
M !'•*. It la
All ilmirfrliiU all It Mr. at*d li «» iK.r iitu tac<
*;.!> I.nrlit'la{. I.ANK'HVAMII.Y U Kl»lC|f< fIIMIVK*
IHKIw »W ► i.H KaCII L»A ¥. 1M ontcr lu U* If. -ill*/
Uil » U tuxwmurjr
tiZHF-WW} ii\
A n.wt Attvry: "• ' * : I TS.
Conductor i ;i .„'iit No- \' t
was ono of ist-ho!»rt.*i and most
gen»rous men oa tho road. Like Hrake*
man Joe the only persons with whom
he had no patience and upon whom he
was very severe whenever they came in
his way were tramps. In the present
case ho wai pleased with the sweet,
"truthful face of Prince Dusty, a name
that struck his fancy most happily, and
was already most favorably inclined
toward our travelers.
Thus it happened tbat when freight
No. 15 pulled slowly and heavily out
from the Arden siding Arthur and
Uncle Phln und Rusty, instead of be
ing left behind on the storm
beaten platform, were comfortably
seated about the little round
Stove in the cabooae, enjoying its grate
ful warmth and very happy over their
good fortune.
Soon after starting Conductor Tobin
and Brakeman .Too entered the caboose
and sat down for a chat with their
guests. Uncle Phin was too fully occu
pied in nursing his bruised knee to
enter very heartily into the conversa
tion; but Arthur so easily sustained his
share of it that the train men were de
lighted with his intelligence and ready
wit. After he had told them all that he
could about himself he began to ask
them questions, whereby he gained
much information concerning railroad
business in general, and tho running of
trains in particular. They allowed him
to climb up into tho cupola of the ca
boose, through the four windows of
which he could look out into the night,
ahead, behind, and on both sides. Then
they showed him their red and white
lanterns, and set of flags, and explained
their uses. Ho thus learned that if
any accident happened to their train, it
would be the conductor's first duty to
send a brakeman back on the track to
wave a red lantorn, and warn approach
ing trains of tho danger ahead.
"Would a train always stop if a red
lantern was waved across tho track
ahead of It?" asked Arthur.
"Of course it would," was the answer,
"for if it didn't It would get into
ltrakeman Joo oven went so far as to
initiate tho boy into the mysteries of
his own peculiar department. Of course
he did not invite him to walk over tho
wet roofs of tho moving train, in order to
show him how tho brakes of tho freight
cars were set up; but ho gave him a les
son on the platform of the caboose that
answered every purpose.
Then tho trainmen brought out their
tin lunch pails, and from their contents,
together with those of the paper bag so
thoughtfully provided by Aunt Charfty,
tho merry party of five, for of courso
the always hungry liusty was Included
in it, made a hearty midnight supper.
Freight No. 15 had stopped several
times to drop or pick up loaded cars; but,
as yet» nothing had been said about leav
ing the guests behind, or about Arthur
reading a story in payment for tho ear
lier portion of their ride. 'At length,
when they wero toiling slowly up a
long, heavy grade, "for they were now
climbing the western slope of the Alle
ghany mountains, Conductor Tobin
claimed the fulfillment of this promise,
and Arthur willingly undertook to road
the story of tho "Wild Swans." Ilrake
inan Joe was at his post in the cupola
on look-out, so of courso he could not bo
expected to listen to the reading. Ncr
could tho conductor hear very well
above the roar of tho train, though the
boy strove to read loudly and clearly.
At length, as It was evident that he was
straining his voice and also that ho was
growing very sleepy, kind-hearted Con
ductor Tobin gently took tho book from
his hands and bado him lie dotgn on a
sort of long bench, covered with a cush
ion and a blanket, that ran along ono
side of the caboose, while he finished
the story for himself.
Here, with Itusty nestled close besido
him, tho tired boy quickly foil asleep,
while Uncle Phln nodded and dozed In a
big arm-chair beside tho stove, and tho
only sounds heard wero tho panting of
tho locomotive and the rattle of the
heavy train as it toiled slowly up tho
steep grades.
Somewhere near tho summit a stop
was mado for water. During it both
Couductor Tobin and Brakeman Joe
went to tho forward end of tho long
train for a chat with theonglnoer. They
wero still talking when it was time to
start ahead, and both men jumped Into
the cab for u moment that they might
finish what they wero saying. Then
they began to oiako their way back
toward the caboose, walking as quickly
and surely over the swaying roofs of tho
cars as though they had been on solid
It bad ceased to rain; but thick,
damp mist clouds were driving over tho
mountains, and they at first thought
thi* was the reason why they did not
see the green lights, that should show
In the back of the red caboose lanterns.
Th<tn they became anxious, and quick
ened their steps. When they reached
the end of the train their wofpt fears
were realized. Tho caboose was no
longer there.
The engineer, happening to look
ba ek, saw their swinging lanterns. A
sharp, Imperative whistle blast, called
for brakes. For a few moments there
was a harsh grinding of the Iron brake
shoes against iron wheels, and then the
tral u came to a standstill. As It did so
Conductor Tobin ran breathlessly up to
tho locomotive shouting: "Hack down
to tho tank! Side track the train, and
run your engine back after the cab<>ose.
It's brokn loose and gone down tho
gradel No. 17 is coming up behind
us! There isn't ono chance in teu thou
sand but what there'll be a collision!
We've got to take that one though, and
do what we can."
iAjnif before he finished speaking
Conductor Tohiu was in the cab, and the
train was backing rapidly toward tho
aiding. ltrakeman Joe had run hack to
the little green light at Its end, un
locked and thrown over the lever, so
that no* a "flying switch'' was made;
-B d. while the'traln ran in on the sidlnjf,
tho locomotive, previously cut loose from
it, still stood on the main track. Apain
the lever was thrown over, the green
light, denoting that tho main track was
open, swung into place, and the engine
seemed to give a great bound, as it
plunged swiftly down the grade, in pur
suit of the runaway caboose.
In the meantime, Arthur had been
suddenly awakened from his nap, by a
peculiar jarring jerk that accompanied
the starting of the train, and by a loud
barking from Rusty. For an instant the
caboose stood still, though he could
hear the other cars in motion. Tfcen it
began to move backwards; at first very
slowly, but Increasing its speed with
each moment. Although he did not
realize in the least what had happened,
the boy felt uneasy, and stepping to the
door he looked out. Even to his Inex
perienced eye tho situation was clear at
a glance.
A ooupling pin had broken, and tho
caboose was running away, down tho
steep grade the train had just climbed.
•■Quick, Uncle Phin!" he shouted.
"Come hero, quick!" and the old man,
hobbling to the door, found the boy ex
erting all of his strength upon tho iron
brake wheel.
Together they tugged and strained.at
it, until at length they got the brake
: set, after a fashion. Of course not as
Brakeman Joe's powerful arms could
bave done it, but 60 that its iron shoes
ground with considerable forc« against
j the wheels.
I At first It did not seem to have tho
| slightest effect, and the car still rushed,
at a fearful speed, down the mountain
side, whirling around the sharp curves
with sickening lurches that nearly threw
| Its passengers off their feet.
| Suddenly a new terror was added to
the situation. From down in tho val
ley came the shrill whistle of an ap
| proaching train, and they knew it was
oUmbing tho grade, toward them, on tho
1 same track. Now their runaway car
struck a short place of comparative lev
| el, and 1U speed seemed to slacken.
If they could only set that brakq up
; one more notch! It seemed impossible;
i but they did it, and red sparks began to
fly from the grinding wheels.
They wore certainly going slower, and
at last, on tho beginning of an abrupt
curve, they stopped. Another hundred
feet would have sent them flying down
the steepest grade of tho mountain.
Arthur bade Undo Phin tako one of
tho two red lanterns left in the car, and
swing it from the front platform, then,
with the other in his hand, he jumped
to the track, and ran, at the top of his
sliced, around tho curve ahead of them,
lie was not a second too soon; for with
in a hundred yards of tho cabooso ho
was nearly blindod by tho sudden glare
of an approaching headlight. Standing
steadily in the middle of tho track, ho
swung his danger signal to and fro,
until he could feel tho hot breath of the
approaching monster, and then he
sprang aside.
Its powerfnl air-brakes were already
at work, and the "Atlantic express,"
filled with sleeping passengers, came to
a standstill within a fow feot of tho run
"OOt> BJ.KSS YOU, I. A Li: ToU'Vii t>o\'K A
THIN o Tiits Niorrr TIIK OI.DEST
away caboose, just as the freight engine
bumped softly against it from tho other
As Conductor Tobin picked Arthur up
In His arms and carriod him back to tho
cabooso tears were blinding hiseyes, and
ho said: "(»od bless you, lad! You'vo
done a thing this night tho oldest train
man on the road might well !.<■ proud of
The runaway caboose was hauled up
to where tho rest of its train was wait
ing on the siding, and tho Atlantic ex
press followed slowly. Here It stopped
for a few minutes, whllo the engineer
ami llreinan and conductor and the con
ductors of the sli #ping-cars all crowdi-d
Into tho caboose to see and shako hands
with tho txiy who had saved their lives.
They wanted hirri and Uncle Phln and
Itusty to go with them und travel
to tho end of tho road surrounded by
every com fort and luxury that their train
could afford; but Arthur said he would
rather stay whero he was. This decis
ion made Conductor Tobin and llrako
roan Joe very happy, for they were BO
proud of their young "railroad man," as
they called him, that they oould not
bear the thought of parting with him.
So, with many a full-hearted "Ood
bless you!" and "we'll not forget you ln_
a hurry," tho trainmen of the "Atlantic
exprcHH" went hack to their places, and
It rolled away over the mountains with
out its nlceping passengers being any
the wiser for what had happened. Nor
did they over know of tho danger they
had escaped; for passengers on railway
trains are never told, If it can he helped,
of their narrow escapes from accidents.
It might mako them timid about riding
In tho cars.
Only ono passenger knew. He was an
elderly gentleman who, unable to sleep,
had been lying In a lower berth gazing
out Into the darkness through his un
curtained window. He knew of tho
sudden and unusual stopping of tho
train, had seen the swinging lanterns,
and had noticed the engineer and con
ductors of liin own train crowding Into
the caboose 'if freight No. I.'. When
tho express was once more in motion ho
called the jiorter of the sleeping-car and
mady liitn tell all he knew of what had
taken place.
When the story was finished the gen
tleman sighed regretfully, and said he
wished he had known of it In time to go
and see that hoy for himself, lie had
no boys of his own, and had nover cared
much for them; but recent circum
stanced hail caused him to change his
mind, and long for one. lie had even
come to regard all boys with Interest,
and now the inoro he thought of the one
who had In ail probability saved his
life, the more desirous ho became of
making tho lad's acquaintance. Ho
unpauentiy lor morning, tost be
might talk the matter over with a young
lady who occupied an adjoining section
in the same car, and «hmn he addressed
as "Niece Harriet," i
She was intensely interested in what
he told her of the events of the night;
and, when be said: "I've a great
I mind to stop at Harrisburg and see the
boy when that freight train comes in,"
she agreed that tt wis just the thing
to do.
Thus it happened that, when freight
No. 15 rolled slowly into the Harrisburg
yard, some three behind the Atr
lantic express, the elderly gentleman
rorxn roc osce mo'I"
and the beautiful young lady who called
him uncle stood between the tracks
gazing eagerly at its caboose.
Arthur was the first to see themi and
for a few moments ho gazed at them in
speechless amazement. Then he criQd:
"Look, Uncle Phin! Look there! I d«J
believe it's—" Before ho could finish
his sentence the old negro, who had
glanced in tho direction indicated, was
hastening from the car with a most sur
prising activity, uttering confused ex
clamations of wonder and delight as h4
The next mom«nt Uncle Ph!n had
seized the elderly gentleman by thd
hand, and was orying amid his choking
sobs of Joy: "Tank de Lawd Marse
Eunnel! Tank da Lawd I's fonn' you once
At the same time Arthnr, who was
but a few steps behind him, tfas almost
smothered in the embrace of tho young
lady, who, after giving him one startled
glance as he left tho car, made a swift
rush at him, and threw her arms about
his neck, calling him, in the same
breath, her dear little Prince Dusty, and
her own Cousin Arthur.
Then Colonel Dale had to be told, over
and over again, that this little hero was
none other than the grandson whom hi*
niece thought she had discovered, while
visiting In Pennsylvania a few months
before, and for whom they had since
been searching in vain.
Rusty danced frantically about tho
excited group, with wild barkings of
delight, as though he fully understood
the great happiness that had so sudden
ly and unexpectedly come to them;
while Conductor Tobin and Hrakeman
Joe, and the othor train men, gazed at
the scene in silent amazement
Two days later the happy party
reached Dalooourt, where the rejoicings
of tho colored people over tho home
coming of "Miss Virglnny's boy" and
their own "111 marse" were no less sin
cere than those in tho stately mansion
in which the voice of a happy child had
been for so long unheard.
Uncle Phin, onoe more installed In
his own little cottage under the mag
nolia trees, is regarded by all his dusky
neighbors not only as a hero, but as one
of the greatest of modern travelers.
Rusty ls probably the most petted dog
In all Virginia; and as for Arthur, there
ls no happier, loving or more lovod boy
in the country than ha He has declared
his Intention of boifig a railroad man
when he grows up, and ls already ditect
ing his studies toward this end.
Although he seems much older und is
much wiser than when this story
opened, Miss Harriet still sees In him
tho same brave, dust-covered llttlo
fellow whom she first met protecting
Cynthia from the big dog, and every
night, as she goes upstairs to take away
his candle. Just as b« is dropping to
sleep, she bends over hint and says,
"Good-night and pleasant dreams to
you, my derfr little "Prince Dusty.' "
[tke ent*]
No matter how deaf' a man may be
elsewhere, he can always have a hearing
in court.
Fua at Ant>t Hetty'*.
Mother—«l d>ii >K>t knoiv that Aunt
Hetty wo& having her house repainted,
©r I ; wouldn't Ivivo sent you children
then: to spend tho Any.
Young Hopeful—Oh, we had a nice
time. Aunt Hetty didn't bother us at
pll, she was bo busy with the workmen.
We went upstairs all by ourselves, and
played kcopin' zoological garden.
"What did you do for animals?"
"We hadn't any 'eept Aunt' Hetty's
Fido, and the canary, and the cat, bat
We painted them six different colors."—
Good News.
A Thorough Sport.
Pel ham Parker Charlie Meadow
brooke's horse ran away with him at
the last hunt, and he rode down th?
hounds and finally overt<»ik and passed
the fox.
Ueggy Westcnd—Couldn't he stop?
Pclhain Parker—That's what the
whipper-in asked him, but Charlie said
he couldn't think of stopping when ho
was ahead of the game.—Life.
The Conx Inntloua I rlrmt.
Uus De Smith You have not congrat
ulated me on my approaching marriage.
Col. Yerger You we, ' can't con
scientiously extend any congratulations
to you, since I am not acquainted with
the young lady you are about to marry.
On the other hand, knowing you Inti
mately, I cannot conscientiously con
gratulate your future wife.—Texas
Sittings. ___________
He Had 4)b*ervr«l It.
"By the way, Johnson," said the man
who was looking over the new Chicago
Directory, "have you noticed how the
Johnsons lead tho Smiths this year?"
"Hum—yes," replied young Mr. John
sou, somewhat embarrassed. "I expect
to— er- to lead one of the Smiths to the
altar next week myself."—Chicago
THbune. ___
An Kill* from Home,
Travers—l've Just got a letter from
my mother und she wants me to come
up to my native village and pay her a
visit, but (sadly) I don't sec how I can.
Dashaway—Can't you get away?
Travcra—Oh, yea. Hut the village
tailor once made me a suit of clothes.—
Detroit Free Press.
Ignorant (Iff Folk*.
City Niece (reprovingly) I 'ncle Way
back, why <lo you pour your coffee into
the saucer before drinking It?
Uncle Way back - To «M| it. Jhe
more air surface you give It, the quicker
It cools. Guess these 'ere city schools
don't teach much science, do they? -N.
T. Weekly.
Htnur 11» »|m*.
"Choily, do you ever Intend to quit
smoking cigarettes?"
"Deah boy, why should I?"
"lli-eauso if you don't they will kill
7"" "
"Well, when they do, deah Iwiy, I'll
quit." - Chicago Tribune.
Couldn't Hear Itoth Side*.
Miller I wonder why Jones wasn't
appointed on the Jury.
Mulicr —He was rejected on the
ground that he eonldn't hear l«>th sides.
Miller Ron so?
Mullcr Why, ho is (leaf iu <>yc v*r, t I
CtMaamliii M»n Who, In l'nrr|>a<-hK,
Iterelop the Qullllra of Marty ra
it l» not Infrequently charged that
Americans are so sordid In sentiment,
so eager and al>sorbeil in the pursuit »>f
material train, that they are in- }paU< a
of heroism or aelf-sacriiice.
The ll'(blest daring, says the Chicago
Heral<l, recorded in nnr or drama. in
battle or mythology. «l«*-s not .snpass
that show n In Incident* recorded In the
dispatches of the II• raid from the ft >od
district in lowa. Men did not hesitate
to take the chances of own
lires for the saving of others, and a
number Have gone down with the dead
ly flood fmm whose peril they vainly
Sought to rescue women and children.
It is not so hard for the human spirit,
fnll of emotion and stirred to eztraor
diriarv effort T>y sndden Impulse on bat
j tiefield or In other scene of brilliant
spectacle or maddening excitement, to
risk the loss of that which to every
man is dearer than all else. It requires
a sterner courage, a heart more deliber
ate In self-sacrifice. to risk life for oth
, era in a dismal river overflow, in riekety
boat, with no skill against rushing
j waters, little enduranec In the chill of
j furious blizzards.
! Compared with the gimving peans
that hare handed down useless feats of
fantastic chivalry, such tales may be
called only dilapidated epics. The con
ditions of their lives, the circumstances
of their death, do rft>t appeal to grand
lose diction. Often their very names
are unknown. Monuments do not com
memorate their voluntary martyrdom.
It is such men, obscure, uncelebrated,
that prove when the unexpected mo
ment comes that there is In them the
mettle of heroes. It Ls such sacrifices
1 that vindicate the political and social
experiment of democracy It Is homely,
natural, simple deeds like these that
I prove manhood higher than caste,
American greater than any other name
left in the world The merit in these
I men's daring is that it was rational and
not expectant of reward, ideal or ma
> terial. It is the noblest tribute that
I man can pay to humanity.
A reetillar Maine loiliutrj That Ilu Its
Many of the Maine rural btwns do not
support a professional barber. Men
early learn to shave themselves: and as
to hair-cutting, there Ls always
somebody in town, who. with
that neigh borllnoss for wiieh
these communities are noted. Is
ready to trim your locks for you with
all his heart and all his art. A writer
for the lielfust Age, on an outing, re
cently fell In with one of these ama
teur fmrbers and humorously described
his accommodating ways: "Soon I was
perched astride of a molasses hogshead
with a meal bag about tny neck to pro
tect it from" the fall of hair. I might
say the fall was great, or the possibil
ities of one, from the hogshead as I
squirmed about on It to have the light
strike the head right so the gores would
be even. Ho was no mean barber, for
he scorned t« > receive any recompense. I
wish all barbers were as charitable.
After our cutting acquaintance I saw
much of the barber. One time he was
on the sehoolhouse steps cutting a
man's hair; again I saw him hard at
work on a man's head in the middle of
his vegetable patch. The farmer was
leaning against a bean-pole r-ith his
hoe in his hand evidently making the
most of his luxurious case. Anywhere
and everywhere he happened to catch
his man the enterprising barber would
work. I was on the shore one day
watching the fisherman at his salmon
nets. Shortly a small skiff went out
from a neighboring cove. In it wu
the barber, who rowed out to where
the fisherman was and was soon cutting
his hair.
They Klval the Mammoth Ohm of Ik*
Redwood Forwta In California.
In a Shanghai native newspaper are
the details of the remarkable discovery
in the southern part of the island of
Formosa of trees that rival in size and
beauty the giant redwood trees of Cali
fornia. Ten Chinese merchant* of
Foochow organized the exploring ex
pedition. The vast forests there haul
rever been penetrated by traders, but
it was known that the country wa»
broken by high and rugged mountains
that had very heavy timber. The ox
pedition started from the Chinese port
of Kamalan. After seven days of |iard
travel it reached the Hualin river. It
found no roads, not even a trail, ln«Wn
many cases the members journeyed for
hours along the tracks of wild beasts
through heavy timber. Many signs of
natives were seen, but the savages were
too timid to show them-vlves. Whether
the party succeeded in establishing
barter with them is not recorded. In
one of the great forests trees of enor
mous size nnd height were foun<L Ten
men, joining their outstretched arms,
were unable to clasp the trunk near
the ground. They estimated the height
at two hundred or more feet. Another
peculiar tree bore red and white
flowers as large as ai. ordinary sieve.
The forest life, from the descriptions of
the Chinese, resembles that of the Am
I)M Man'* NtatMttr*.
A methodical man died in Heriin a
few days ago aged 78. At the age of
Id he began keeping a record which he
continued for 53 years, and then
closed with the words: Omnia tentavl,
multa perspexi, nihil perfeci. This
book showed that in 5'J years he had
smoked 688,715 cigars, of which he had
received 43,«5>3 as presents, while f>r
the remaining MS,(KI he had paid about
910,433. 1 Hiring the same period he had
ha<l b5 pairs of trousers made, 74
coats and waistcoats and 03 pairs of
boot*, lie wore out '-•OH shirts and
"fronts" and M collars. In tram fares
he spent not far from KM. In fifteen
years, according to his book Weeping, he
had drunk 158,796 glasses of I lav a nan
beer, of which, however, 3t,36t were
only small ones. For this beer ami
IW.OXI glasses of cognac and spirits he
spent »'. t 350. He gave tips amounting
to 91.303.
Theatrical Xot«.
A Fifth avenue lady at the opera said
to her escort:
"I wish you would shut the door. I
shall lakh cold from this double
"Double draught! Ido not sew where
it double draught could come from," ob
served the gentleman.
"Why, sir, don't see! It blows from
the door; and don't you see that fellow
on the stage blowing, —Texas
Would Nnt Aak Mor* «»f film.
"I have withdrawn from oitah ama
teur acting eltib," said Willie Washing
"I couldn't stand it any longah, you
know. I was eawst for a villain, and
Miss I'epperton was the heroine, and
she was to say: 'Villain, do yonah
"That was easy.**
"Y-a-s, but Miss IVpjw-rton wouldn't
repeat the word*. She said I had al
ready done as badly as anyone could
reasonably expect."—Washington P*st
MM* Mini
Miss i'inkerly—You haven't met my
father yet, have you, Mr. Tatter?
Mr. Tatter No, Miss I'inkerly Ism
afraid (sadly) he doesn't care much
altout meeting me.
Miss I'inkerly—l am not *»» sure
alxiut that. I heard him say yesterday
J that he was going to look you up
J| ijjgc.
Tin Oprrattea a# AaMlaa r«a»a» fa.
ei iia< Kaaeet.
Many tree* are propagated by had
rliof. which a -lone from 1
July U> tto flrat of Septeaher. wad
the bark Itfta rda>lily without split
ting S« .-.'Mnya of tto preant year'*
growth arc g-.-rarally hadded. titbmfi
ooe and two-/ear old tree* nay to
worked Wtoa baddiaar foMf atneka
tbey *!w>dtd be (arehllj pa pared hr
trimiMn# all karr braaeha aad
learca Ictt t or 4 iwhea fr<a the
gTonmL Tto material for tying, aay
be the fiber obtained fr<m the tnafa
that aruajx) Rtcwiaa lr->n or tto
flbrrma Hark ni tto bMwwood Thia a
rat into length* of 10 to 19 ln<-Hea t*Kl
aeparatetl into thin, »r»*xHh baada oae
foarth •A an inch wtde. Cotton warp
obtained from exittno fartoriev U u«r-1
estenaleely. Tto material mat to
i»uch aa will not ahrink when wat n« r
expand or looan when dry Tto bal
ding knife moat be sharp with a Made
romfded at the end. a ahowa ia tto
Illustration. Some ae aa laj blade
to lift the bark.
The fonditloos for anceato ae, I, tto
at<->rk mat be in a rigoroua growing
atate ao that .the bdrk will pad eaaUy.
J, the bod mast be w«M mature*!: A
the kAfte mat be sharp* A the work
mat be done rapidly; A tto bad*
mat be firmly and ereirfy bound in
WKen crcrrthing to ready the first
thing ia to prepare a lot of bad stick*,
shown tn Fig-, A Stoota oi medium
aire are selected, taking an to gat
only thoa that have but oat i*a l to a
joint. The le ares are rot off to ahown.
leasing about one-fourth of a inch of
the stem. Tbeae sticks aa tto grarrin*
wood of tto present yea.
.Make a croa cat about tao lac to*
from the ground.' ttoh a longitalinal
one on the north sldc cd tto tare. a> a
not to be injured by freezing*ai\d thaw
ing. At the same time raw< the bark a
little, a shown In Fig A A bnd stick
la then taken anlf a cat a made throagb
the bark about one-half Inch above tto
bod, taking only a ary thin portion of
the wood. Tto length of tto cut mat
be varied for tto different' htada of
tree*, ay one-half taqh Vang for
peaches and one inch for peart, ctor
rtes and applet. The preparad bad la
aiiown in Fig. A
After the bod Is cut tto lower end a
Inserted 'to raised bark of tto
Stock ad preaaed dojpa When tto
bod to In poaition, as a&owa in Fur i It
to tied by holding one end of the
in the left hand, plaeiag It againat tto
stock, and winding tto other aad oar
tto ttrst aato hold It whUe both
hands are cmplbyad to bind the bad
smoothly and firmly. Wind 4rat np
ward. croaaing above tto ba4 retnra
ami tie below tto bad a sfaowa la Fig
A The moat Important point ta tjrlag
to to bln<l tto bark firmly aad saoothly
over the bud After the traa have been
budded a wak 0* »twsa ttoy itould to
examined, and If tha growth » sarh
that the bamla cast into the »t<A so a
to Injure It ttoy ahoald to loosaa* 1 aati
retied or cut on the bah side if the bad
a well united
The ncit spring after baddti* tto
stock 1* cat off with a sharp knife
placing the blade oa tto opp*>dlte aide
of the bud at the height of tto <*rna
cut and making a upward stroke a
that the knife will come oat atout >«•
inch above tto bad >wth ba
gins rub off all buda from tto atoch ao
that all the strength wtll go law tto
Inserted bud.- Farm aad Ooiaa
Neaiu.y all Incubator* ara aelf reg»
latlng. but they will need more ar lea
attention every Aay.
A rear old toa sitting round tha lay
no eggs take the coat of their fad and
care from the profits, besiila oeewpytog
room needed by others.
IT may be strictly business to all off
all the best fowls and keep what <au
not be sold, bat It a hardly treating
your own family right etrea If it doa
make a little more money
FOOD that ta partly d*eomp>aed a
not fit to feed to aad If given
them a liable to peodaa disease It
will be more economical to throw away
this iTtnd of food than to let tto pauitry
rat It.
IT la rarely profitable to send turkeys
to market uolea they are In guod
thrifty codltio®. Thin, poi»r tSrtoy*
usually sell at tto lowed* prieea. aad
a short feeding would tm-reaa tto
weight a well a secure better
price*. Even with tow prtee* it a
rarely I-est to ai&fowls U> market ta a
poor condition, "tarn gain ta weight by
feeding will neafy alway* return a
C»t profit on the eoet of the fe«ib- ~a
ais Reptiblla.
ag fraragt
lllcka When I Ulh at tto theater, f
talk under my breath.
Mrs. flicks -Yea; but you have a
breath to stand that sort of thing.—
Tw <IM U> aa >mM.
"You are the oaly girl I aa loved."
"Then we totter naat I
want to marry a freak." I.ife
A Villain.
•**>n what ground la Mlggle*..n'e wife
bringinir salt for divorce'.*"
"O, about the oaily speeided chargw a
tltat she Ixught a neebtl* ft«r him at a
larifalu sale and the wrefa-h (fata It to
one of hie old flames to pat into a -rary
quilt.lndianapulto Inemal
Oa a*
Drummer—And do jos raeaa to aay
that you never have aay of jroar g «>de
thr »wn back on yoa han<a?
Ha Traveling Acqnalntaaew— 5 sir.
1 am an nndertaba.—Judge
"How dbl Itllgvr make hto aacyT
".tee here, y«»a must be trylag to ga
nw into a slander alt m you w. udn't
aak a 'jueatlon A that." —Chi-
cago N'es a
par am a traa elta taaacl iW
ted Inak It W Ibe Store.
. II .i ale* Um (tear air struct a inaa
' Ttoas gaasets »'■ *y' Jbg*
i a *
NT O.! 4 : 11
f( * - m . A fc- -- - - - -
ttorar* > ■»«* fc> 'to^g
keeper. and *■ afh #* toa aa gtm '<
latfato «!.;; % tWal *> StE
w—;—« <ha|r ia tto ««tw, «r
aa-taa it *^T|^fT' a "* m^%
bee* w —»r tto mmtkV^mm
it* nrfart aary mmm la Ihf
•w*. the "#■» ftoret-ng ar i^ianlM
to U»f h»v* *1 ir lu«tr 9
»»* iv<• •<-> fh> 4Mb. H4 toy* fVot
K-!iW a*r aa '.mm* laufi I' toetoaHlaff
tbepath f «to JIN*
Th-* •t'.x, »■»»»■ I I'll i tali jUt w
liu-sto.! M* **a«t a food (ten &
aniens *►».'. Bghtail fcr A* h«to
keeper and asli Wn> lfaft>« |mi
t *J»r the *fi««&e i m wffi H
ventilation. %• 4Mb* mmf ■■ tl !>■■.
A firm in -i* tea*. m»j a tha toad
jlare hr if tto ia ka ma *te W
the as >a tli# gr-aad.
lo th- r *» ihaima ar* piaad
their barks to *e wall aa ika W
aide* <f tlta «aa<% the - ftota*
4a*.tt ->«•«.- Ta «fl» ■■ NMM m|
h»««d at flto aaad r aland at
bottom. To toaa ->at !h* rafa. nag! a
"ip or Sap itltoWir. M«r aaMaeia*
cloth to the «dl 4 tka aMp*
raised and 4 o 4toe »n» ~f tto Naa mt toa
wtnitow I ■ a**} Tha U| (Mail W
from aad x«ada tob-w tha «*!«(«
that the -*t« egrito-t eator. TVt wto»
do w* sh.u.d %a ittM ao that Aa an*
wQI not iaii <a a hia totwaa that
upper as*: 'ha iaar enHauuaa tmrit
mem* the *Aww« blaeh <«aMt v
some dark -'aflh. That* moat to yd
nstihtlm 41 tto Una. If toa maa
la a mrvr '9* vftk wusdaai aa two *
aide*. it ia all toa tottar.
they thrrrr a* am | of hat
They have ana Hyt aaaaaMUty am
tha tope of hfgh SUlrimga hi tto tow*
~>t tto city la 6 tto e% a a phca
(or tos, it aay ha toww tha* so mm
aeetlons <>f Muaa'j. A |Wd aany
lower* arc feaaad la 4tta aadtejaaa^
xm» that tto lam toaay hi
irnt tb«ii#Mi whiia dft mm
'Jot aa beat ararel two m ttoaa
niicxv, ..ftau giaatar «lnUßina> tto
M paatorc tl dto ooahaad to tto citr
'iaiita Tto tnakla tto* mmf
trim a tto to tto parfki* <ata*»
Kuowtnir u.of baa% ttoy mmf
osa«iaa thto> m luan a* a atof <rf
icm ia near, "judt tto ottor alda a# tto
Vti'f." their >»a ara ia iml
sake 'iripidto* Ttora tow toaa
aaay >uch nto If tlnj aa ataaa
toy a »aap. #» toaa *aaU «a« tto
ThcrAw> U toaa Ib cttiaa «r
la ciamlr >etlMi phf n coaid to oa»
seaied aod bMM ayea to yaUh »toi
boc. mtyHt laiiaw that ton* ear*
thera la a '>4V» elty aa a mmth tiw
elad Oreot. rvA Uaualy to fmm tha
«ideeralh. toft aad tow* toaa
for many apd aly tto
trtenda >1 tto toaiw* pa* haoaHfc ht
Lc bit* li t arraaeSTtito*
the heea ia o* retaralav *° aa
htre aiar Mt #NB tto pah *4 aMB
ar lent A tto ratnm tuff to tha h**%
weary from Blfbi. with ito load ud
hotter or p(dfta. It oitaa aafi ad b f
rauuat aad
ttta#T* unowdHh^. —Jolia
Ohio Fanaer.
Tn Mlw a« to aad
fully. Tto
fucif iridea m & t&untoßhly atohttatod
that very Lawm«aal pna—
aoaid riah Ummm ttot aa <|dito
atrtaia to be aa atttoa vL
A ram 4 tto * tehifta Nad
ay* that to l« toea rdthf fthaa
|k tha pM* t«ai% J 1 — *"•
to twenty acta aaeh yea. aad thai
aah waa oud par»atoa wtoa to to»
Fan than it ia |a* Ha atwttota IK a
Fc« "ntinaiaah a toaa at aaag*
•la would to W taalaa at aato
or other grdf[ fodd aad Maaa a
ahrhtaen p>>uatft ad goad toft h* f
drhren oa tto aad, taoa ttoaj^aatto
tea at ttto aaato faaattty >f
gi ato
ExJu.r .-hiota wtli toaa to aaaad
with BHbr aa I. aad a gayaa aaa
alway* aheiw lift toatto
(daeee <ehirha atoald to
ary clean ltf% twh mall to aa>
ant ir«V*e tiiatoto ear* tto MM Tto
beat war to da ahi to aa afcralaahe.l
Htne freely oa tha fnad aad aa it
often. It wfli ►> aa tora to tto afcaa.
aa*l wit! pn-ceeStoth gapee aad aartoa
dlx-aaea. _
Tto fate -•■ paaaatod to tto UXurti a
ti> aK nt p.- aaitiiatiy altoi had to tto
fatepmta bat iaa»iiift towiav a d(p<a
th»nr upper «ufc, a to Fi® A
an 1 to tfto "to a atoaaa to
fl* t Tto ifptr aad a*st a tha
f ,
iom aaTB rua
lower boarda «t gate paaei eat a
fh<"e . aellnga. rfaae a beMto a
rertw-al pnattaa
tno- Sear tto ulll «d tto llifto
wlurh ittaiato tto «ata aa aatatoaat
ia tto onder akto l»rfe ea«»agl^bl^iat
WbeaTt I* Vairat to <faTte ftto » to
paahot back 'mdt rr a tor ;a«a a
yaatl tto n.>tetot hi tto to«* atiftoa
the raMtnfat thtA tto «ato tor W
iwsnf about at t%bta«lato ito 4ta«
poaittra or lifted MB ad a# lkag-1
Oranf* J«W Faiaai. 1
Mahel rb» yua kto»w. Hellla aad IJ
tore eya ->f i *»<•*< 'tally tto aa #
• nJor We'a Jaat toa ■ n Mpaatn<
Jacia - heha aa. ttot'a pilli to
Xatol fl«»w •mpi.Mlhla* *
Jw<|aa -T• >ua eyea aa aayatW
A sriaa a mi ■>
Itkoghter—(lb> tor ax-thee, wto toa
)at arriretl J- tone toa beea aahiiiK
aae tow ion* yna tare a'laar to aa '*
MotWr -Tell Ulte aay -lea. ttoa too
m a Kathleen M eaomeea »tot a aay
to f. >r rear* aaJ It -aay a twee.r -
T»a Siftiujpa
anted aa toa
< ~wb->y ~<caaaa yna aa tolled a
did ye?
Teadrffti>4— i i ah. I tolyad to Ml>
half a duaa >tt ftoa
"Jim At milaya*
"Fldhtio with ear*
"Xo. Ini'iatlnjf Tha a, *—.l. T Wfdllf
TW t«aaea> a# taa
A yaa* aiaa «iiwialiy taMa to bw*
Wi* ,a W in #ee e «ea year* -Utrr
•han himaelf Thia to hto frat ea
prrteare. Rat wtoa to gato to to to
teccaMaltotocnwap by toftoar
to make huaatf to Waa ttot all tto
v<>aag w».tnen aa drat to tora atth