All Earth Contributes to Their Glory ADAM Forepaugh SHOWS. J. T. MCCADDOK, Manager. Presenting All their Time-Establish*! Standard Featnre.4, greatly Augmented and Improved, to -which h*s been added a "Wild Moorish Circus Co., Caravan and Camp; and at the enormous Cost of 1250,000, the Historical Bible Spectacle, The Fall of Nineveh. Rettig, Author, Designer and Painter - rt) • Flrft Realistic and Vivid Representation of scenes, Actions and Life in Larth Great Metropolis and Civilisation's First Capitol will Exhibit At DIIVI ED SATURDAY, IS U 1 September 10. Sanshine or rain iff perftrnnsnces are fiven the same, beueath tie canopies of the specially prepared WATER-PROOF TENTS. >.<• . V" ' Colossal Combination and Olorions Unification of Circus, , Aviary, Museum, Horse Fair, Hippodrome and Spectacle All for one Ticket of Admission and forming the Oldest, Ricliest and 13e&t Exliibition in the "World. <3,000, (tfft iar—teii Daily expenses, $5,500 200 Arenic Champions in the CTRCTTS. Including the World-Famed Vaidis Twin Sisters. Aerial Up funs. Largest Traveling CoUeetion of Anisuda on Earth in the MBKASKRIK. Natures Marvellous Wonders in tho JfIJSEUM. An (Ornithological Congress fn the AVIART. 400 Liviajr Models of Man's Best Friend in the GRAND HORSE FAIK. CarniTal «f (xcitepieAt «0d fun fn the HIPPODKOMa. 35 Getfittae MoolUk, Mem, Women and OMldren in the WILD MOORISH CiRCUS. Snpen leftdais sad Ootgeon* Grandeur in the SPBCTACLE, The FALL OF NINEVEH. i -i,i _— ■ * ■ Surpassing in Massive Magnificence and bewildering Beaotr all other Spectacnlar Di*- plays of Ancient or Modem Times, and Embracing. Opera. Tragedy, Comedy, Battle, Ballet and Pantomime. 200 Lovely ladies in the Grand Ballet of the Planets, Grand Choruses and Chants by Celebrated Choristers. Matties, Games, Content* of Speed, Strength and Endaranco, Revels, Feasts, Orgios, Batnn»wKTa*» Market; Aborts, Dances, and Deeds of Skill and Daring. Jin the por trayal of the multifarious characters in the spectacle there are employed. 1000 Men, Women and Children. Don't Forget that,at 10 A. M.., of the above date there will move through the Principal Streets the 4-PAW FfIEE STREET PARADE. A Veritable Triumph of Processional Pageantry, with a flood of music by Many Military Bands; a Darling Array of Gold and Silver Chariots and Tableaux Car, a Cavalcade of Austrian* Hussars; the Oriental Spectacle of Lallah Rookh's Departure from Delhi, Ictroduoiuf the Mammoth Herds of Trained Elephants,— The Longest and Richest Street Parefle Brer Keen. [NoTi—Oiring to the length of time neccessary to prepare the Fall of Nineveh lor exhibition, nothing of any kind belonging to it will be sopn iatbe Street Parade. TwoTftrfbrtnanee* Daily. Doors open st 1 P. M.. and 7p. u., performances begin promptly one boar later. To aocommoaate ladies and others who wish to avoid the crowds abont tho ticket wagon , coupon numbered, actually reserved seat ticketH at tho regular price and admission tickets at the usual slight advance may be secured at HEINEMAN'S BOOK STORE On tho day of Exhibition. Cheap Excursions on all Lines of Travel. Consult your nearest station agent for time and rate schedules. ■ ! F IE 1 , ■ —==»— I ■j* ''"""""ii r Jf' is "BETTER THAN EVER." 1802 ~ THE FOURTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION —OF THE — Great Pittsburg* Exposition Will open Wednesday, September 7th, at 8 P. if. and close Saturday,.October 22d, at II P. M., with an array of attractions unprecedented In the hlatory of this organization. Four Concerts daily, afternoon and evening, by the bands under the di rection of JULES LEVY and ELIAS BROOKS of New York. These artists are nnrivaled in their profession. An exhaastfve and comprehen sive exhibit,in practical operation, of the beßt and most rocent inventions in the line of OAS game, bread, etc., done In the bnilding. This exhibit will be specially val uable to hotel proprietors, housekeepers and everyone who desires to learn hew to cpok properly, and at the same time economically. The finest and moßt novel collections of exhibits io all departments ev er seen on public exhibition. The management haa purchased the largest and most attractive CAUOUSSELTj, or MBRBT-00-aouNb, e?er built, for the enjoyment of its patrons. SPECIAL.—Psot. CBOMWELL will give four Illustrated Lectures in the new hall daily. These lectures are extremely Interesting, lasting one hour each. An extra admission of ten cents will be charged those who deeire to attend those delightful entertainments. NWith the above exception.prices of admission will remains heretofore. ULTS, 26 CENTS. CHILDREN, 15 CENTS YOUR RAILROAD AGENT KOM KATES t i / 4/% PER CENT. Iv First Mortgage Leans Ko tax, commission or fees. Interest payable aeuli annually by Sew York draft. Perfect se curity. Highest reference. GHAS. V. REiD, Fairhavan, Washington. JOHNSON'S LINIMENT \) v r- nmasTAi ErrsarAi zs^/f .GENERATION AFTeR -ENEHATION BJLVX CSED AXD BLEBSEB IT. . J>ropp* 1:0 other |.aint t-ail «io. All retailers sell it. nil iiCHING PILES riLto »***»£•« ABBOLDTBLT CURBS. OINTMENT ■YIiPTOM-II«M»vi lataaM It-Ma* aaS ••"jlit; ■i 4Js*shak? rTJ.'i'J"" ' WW arTAOTKO MAKVOOi f i'i-:sl m.4at&W*lUfiraT*'. * I,'i rn 1 . / J <•! Wv.-n :e,4 of Vody and Hind. V:f bi r&rtc-r Exci tiicainOtdor Yujn;. C.. -J, 5. v 'lOiii* •v:ijrrta»« "A. tn t 1 >,y hi. ..if if*f • . »tf» -K ll# • «lll; Hi.i •>«lWri|« < iQAIrWa. Wsfirt!. <•- «/•* •'.» '•- |.»il 'r- ■ , A«i- i.; Sii .v ? C«CAL CO.. DUfFALOi W DOCTOR J. B. HOBENSACK'S zjUsr / Y0U ™ CURE J MEDICAL OFFII i . S«W .V. HEVONIt ST , fi.Un,lci,,\;a, /•„ Aro the olduit in Ami-ri.-.i u, . i.,,;,,, 1)t ,,, Special Diseases a Tcatiuul Errors, Blood I'oiaon, NCTHIM. 11. I «, r.i: V;', 1 ; ' Hire, pfriiiaiiciitly • nr.- 11. . , v , ,! wUhOOt detention from I n : '1 In-iwrfinr'a S11M*!» U «lll« 111 ll , j . . , ...... ....■ «ud*;totbep"". . ... ,ii. „,,|aiM toUie tWougii i'Xnniij . U uat' hful at- Untion fflr«;n initii-nii I r»: R R IIIMMU. A4O y«i*2 «»UMlth«iitiiH ;» i|M-eli»ltv. Otnoe hours, »AM,Ui JL- M.l.'.'M- M All d*r B*lurrlay till 0V 11 .- IM !. , £ Head NtMiup for 11001,. '(«<)|,y l l ( ;hu.•l4 kr all l>r»i|Ui«. P'or Salo by J. C. Redlck. READ AND REMEMBER Kor strieMy pure an(t reliable STRAIGHT f.KjLOItH. call on I. IV. FINCH, 12 swrninKi.K sr., I'ITTSIU KMI, PA. "™~~ {(Opp. Monongahela House.) Matehlcy.s for Family UHH and Medicinal p"r liomos are FINCH 8 COI.DICN WFWfNO, • All ft (11ICKENH KIM l it H WiIIHKV, ; OVKJtIIOLTS WHISKY. t r, mi.LINdURS WIIISKV, ) f.»r (ioods neatly piioke'l anil promptly shlpi>eil Frkk op F.Xl'K.vrk on receipt of easli or fKist office order. Car-Nothingoxprc: s«-«l (). I». Hend htr I'rlee MM. KOBKKT LHWIN, Wholesale Whiskey Merchant, ui»d Import IT of FINK WINKS & LIQUORS. 135 Water St Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite li. .V it. Of. I!. He pot lleud<|uar|em for mail n (joLaaa WKI»DIS«j, for nieilli'iii and family use. sl.«<) |«er IJI , or » Vis. for fu.OO. Klncli's i i olden W odd Ink'. l»ouBli'-riv. (iuek eDlieliucr. Lnrife. (iibaon, lirldKeport, Mt. Ver- Don. O\> rlioll Kte Tills Is Uie oOly house not. rectlfyiug in the city, therefore our ;, r on'l» are pure (ioods securely packed ami Uixei) wltlioul extracliari(e. i n. lr. nnd mall orden receive prompt.aWemlon. Oramlfiitlicrs' Choice :i years old. »-• mi |* r gullon. Try ns. i?y ■ 2 KRSliur- al*g prov sin . ■ Il< foro plrx-lnimnj JhXtt# ILC.IO THOMAS, ""tßui/ invituaiw »i.»sis, iiov MW THE CITIZEN MISCELLANEOUS- j FATALISM tft RUSSIA. Perhaps It Is Np Wonder Tb»t Feasants TOflfler from Famine and plague. The Russian peasant is like a child, ijrnorant of the practical bearings of events, and utterly unable to cope with them. .Yet he never loses his faith In God. During t&e famine, when the peasantry were living, or rather dying, on bread made of pigweed, chaff and other eqtially nutritious and more noi some articles, they endured in submis sion. "God's will is at the bottom of it," saidthey. "He gave and He takes away." A writer in Temple Bar gives the fol lowing illustration of their fatalism, and the excuses they invariably find for inaction: One day, a. Russian village official was riding with me in search of some strayed horses. The black soil was like dust, and he sighed heavily as his mare sank In the lignt stuff. "Ah," he said, "what land is this? It is like a woman broken with sorrow. How can she find food for her child?" "Has it been So all summer?" I asked. "Not so, indeed. There was frost in the spring, and men said 'frost and fair ■weather.' But then came the dryness, and though mass -was said in the fields, it went to nothing. And then we dng up the drunkards—" "The what?" "The drunkards, your honor. Often it is that when the drunkards are pulled out of their graves, and flung into pools of water, that rain will come; we know not why. But not only rain came, but hail and fierce storms and firt, and withered the little that wai grown. Then after that, dryness again, and now," he shrugged his shoulders, "the famine." "Must there be famine?" I asked. "Surely," he said, with a smile, "the grain we have is soon eaten, and then what?" i "Will no provision be made for the future?" "Who should make provision? Now wc can buy much and eat much; after wards, well, the little father will not see us die!" So depending on the czar and publhs charity, they rest content in making no provision for the future. THE AMERICAN SOLDIER. In lilfllctiltien and Buffering Ho Is th* True Man nnd Real Hero. To know the American soldier well you must toil with him over the desert trail when the sun beats hotly down on the dry and vcrdureless earth anil the dust rises in white clouds that hide the ooluTnn fr«.ni view, and fills the eyes, the mustache, tho ears, tiie mouth with profanity and vexation. Here, says llacper's Weekly, is where the songs and jokes proclaim the stuff that ho is made of. Then, when you ore sent out with him in the dead of winter over twenty inches of snow, your equipments and supplies on boVl sleds, ho it is that dis mounts time and again without a mur mur, pushing, to help tho mules up hill, and repacking the overturned sled a dozen times in a day; then, after it all, digging his hole in the snow and put ting up his tent at night, all the time joking with his "Bunkie," and ready as ever to steal a whisp of hay or a hand ful of oats for his shivering horse. lie it is that jumped into the boiling hot spring to save the daughter of a private citizen—a deed for which the citizen, who was a rich man, proffered the as tounding sum of fivo dollars, and the government the gold medal of honor; he that took a flat-bottomed boat out in a heavy sea in New York harbor to rescue a drowning boy; that lost his life for his fidelity while attempting to swim an Icy stream with dispatches; who, single bonded, served a field gun through on action with a bullet in his leg, to hold a position; he that you believo incapable of anything but "bucking faro" aud drinking strong liquors. The Reason "Why are they called footpads, I won der?" "I don't know, unless it's because they so frequently use a stocking stuffed with sand."—Truth. A CrltlcUm. "I don't think that's a good plcturo of our baby,"•said Adam. "Why not?" asked his mother. "It's too still for him."—Harper's Young People. —l-'mnV fortielius, of I'urcell, I n d. Ter., nam: 'lnduced Mr. Pin son, whose wile had ji irahvi in the face, tol.ny a bottle of Chmnl.erlin'x I'ain Halm. To their frrent surprise lielore Ih<> bottle bad all been u»ed WH« a print deal belter. II«r face had hi en drawn to one side; but the I'ain Halm reli' i ei! a'l pain and sorene»», and the month aiS'Uiiie.N's natural shape." It i* aim ;i cerl.iin cure fn, il.entnatism, lan e back, -prains, swellings and lameness. J»0 cent bottles lor sale by I). H. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Broaden worth ol pluting to do. Why should any woman complain that her lot is a hard one, when such chances are open to her scxt Any one can obtain circulars from the above firm, and do as well as I have done. —A man grumbles because ho is poor until ho jrets rich, and then ho grumbles because his taxes are heavy. When will you be Convinced? Time and again you have been deceived, and yet again you allow yourselves to be trapned by unscrupulous dealers, of whom you snow little or nothing, while you can so easily satisfy yourself. Tho evidence is boforc you. Lvery household needs and buys a stimulant. No medicine known to tho world serves HO many good purposes as a good pure rye whisky, brandey or wine. The best physicians reccommend thom. Max Klein, ofAlleghney, Pa., has so forc ibly demonstrated that he deals fairly with the public, and will evon now, after twen ty-five years existence in tho lii|Uor busi ness, give you tho best of references. Try him for any of the following: .Silver Age Old Rye, at $1 f perquart; Finch, (■uckonheimer, Overboil, Itear Creek and Gibson, SI.OO per quart, or six quarts for $5.00. All do mestic wines from 50 cents upwards. .Send lor catalogue slid price list ol all kinds of liquors, to MAX KLKIK, Hi Federal St.. Allegheny, I'a. The Corning Journal advertises for "an honest boy ti» make a devil of." Consumption Surely Cured. To T«ic Inform your ro^L-m that I bare * poultice remedy fur ttioabove namml i A; ia tiUiely uao UJOUMUIIIJ of hope!*;** ca»ftfl haw I . n permanently cured. I *h*ll t>* glad W ecud tw.j . »*llea of my r«ni«»dy FREK to any of your re&dvra *v . > havo consumption if thoy will ■end mo thHi Hxprens *n4 V. O. addret®. Beapact- I !oUjr. X. JL tUMVU, M. C.« ltti ftfc* UU 3. X GREEN TEA. Intere»tlnc Wr'i Concerning On* of Our IW>pol»r Table Lnxurle*. Tea is 9. plant that grows in China, Japan and other parts of the world. There are two varieties, the a nigra and thea viridis —black and green tea. Tho same plant produces both kinds. Green tea is made by one kind of treatment, black tea by another. The shrub, says the Detroit Free Press, id raised from seed like hazel nuts, planted in nurse ries; It is set out When about a foot high, lives for fifteen or twenty years and grows sometimes as tall as six feet. It is picked four times a year. The first picking is the best when the leaves are covered with a whitish down. This is in April, the next in May, the next in July, the last in August. One China man can pick about thirteen pounds of leaves per day, for which he receives sixty cash, or six cents. The green leaves are spread out on bamboo frames to dry a little, the yellow and old de fective leaves are picked out, then they take up a handful of the leaves, cast them in a heated pan. get them warmed up and squeeze out the "superfluous juice; this juice contains an acid oil, so acid as to irritate the hands of tho work men. Then they dry them slightly in the sun; then every separate leaf is rolled up into a little ball like a shot; then they throw these green tea shot into a pan slightly heated, stirring them up so as to warm every part alike; then they cool the tea, and the shot is picked out one by one, the best for the first or finest chop. Then it is packed. A Snake Bird Charmer. A New Yorker taking a Sunday stroll not far beyond the cHy limits was sur prised at tho conduct of two-score of sparrows that fluttered in the air a fqpt or so above a bare rock in the midst of an empty pasture. Now and then a bird would light on the rock, but most of the time the grayish-brown flock poised uneasily just over the spot. It looked at first as if the birds were catch ing insects, though none was visible. On the human intruders nearer ap proach tho birds still in the air took flight, and almost as many more sprang out of the grass immediately about the rock. At the same instant the head and rapidly moving tongue of a large blacksuake becam» visible just behind tho rock and he too made off. It was apparently a clear case of bird charm ing by the snake. A Profitable Watcfcr. "Is time money?" asked a gentleman of a John street jeweler "It is said to be." "Well, I thought so, and hero is an evidence of it. I bought this watch here six months ago, and it has gained time enough to pay for itself." —Texas Sit tings. Delicate to a Fault. Mrs. Slimson—My Clara is an awful ly delicate girl; she can't stand any thing. Mrs. Von IJlumer—Neither can my Maude. She put on a sailor hat the other day and it in ado her seasick. — Cloak Review. Rather Quiet. "I asked Mr. Rothbone what he was doing and he simply said it was very quiet work. Do you know what it is?" "Why, yes. He's keeping books fu* the cemetery compatjy." —Judge. A Dangerous Question. Little Girl—llow old are you? Miss Antique—l-er-how old do I look? Little (»irl (after reflection) —'Rout a hundereiL —Good News. Quite a Differanoc. Y —Going to take a vacation at some fashionable resort this year? Z—No, indeed. I need rest. —Texas Sittings. —Capt. W. A Mibet, who lia* lorjr been with MerfKra. I'orcival and TTatton, Real Estate ami Insurance Broken*, DesMoinen, lowa, and is one of the bent known and moat respected hiisinpxs men in that city, pays: "I can testify to the p<> >d qualities ol Chatnberlin's Cough Remedy. Having used it in my family for the past eight years, I can safely say it has no eqnal for either colds or crouD." 50 cent bottles for sale by I). H. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro pect; Brvaden & Allison. W. Snnbary. —ln Denmark's exhibit at the World's Fair will be a fine srray of porcelain ware and a notable art display, including repro ductions of many of the Thoswaldsen sculp tures. Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. —For nuny years i!r B.R Thompson, Of [>es Moim lowu, was severely afflicted with chronic diarrhoia. He says: At times it wu- very severe; so much so, that I feared it would end my life. About seven years ago [ chanced to procuro a bottle of C'homberlin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrho-A Remedy. It gave me prompt re lief, and I believe cured me permanelly, as I now eat or drink without harm anything I please." I have also used it in my fam ily with the best results. For sale by D. H. Wuller, Ilatler, A. Bowers, Pros pect; Breaden 310,000 were granted on the petition of tho wife. Cotton Roo A recent discovery by an lDzfS' plurslelan. Siiri-UMlully Used monthly by thousand* <.r ¥ l-ulle*. is Uieonly pftectly A w- 7 sale and reliable medicine N. discovered. Beware of uu r Interior inedlrnies In ■ plan-«.f llils. Ask for COOKS COTTOW HOOT COMI-OCND, take no substitute, or Inclose II and <1 oeuls 111 postage In letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mail Full seal ed particulars In plain envelope, to ladles only, stamps. Addresi Tumi I.lljr Company, No. :i Flslier lilock. Detroit. Mlcli. Hold in llutler by r. N. Itoyd. J. F, illalph, J. C. Uodlck and Orungts ta everywhere. FALL AND WINTER FOOTWEAR Arriving By the Car Load :-JOHN BICKELS.-: and Most Complete Stock Ever Brought to Butler. Boots ard Shoes for Everylxxly at Greatly Redticad Prices Our Ladies' Department. The line ol ladies' shoes I have to offer are beauties.beyond description, ! and price very moderate. Ladieh' fine I>on. button sbcea ranging in price from $1 00 np, Misses' fine Don button shoes pat. tips 12 to 2 SI.OO, children's 9 to 11 60 eta., child's 5 to S 40 cts , infants 2 to 5 25 eta. Laro-e Line Water Proof Bhoes O for ladies'. Misses' and children's These goods were selected with jjreat eare, and I feel safe in saving that tbey are the best line of goods 1 e»er offered for sale. Ask to see our water proof shoes. Winter will soon be here and you will need them. Men's and Boys Boots and Shoes. 1 want yon to look over our men's shoea and boots, I hare men's shoes ranging in price from 75 cts. a pair, tip good boots $1.25 and $1.50 and np, boys'boots 75 cts , SI.OO and $1.25, boys' button and lace shoes SIOO, $1.25 and $1.50. You need good boots and shoes for yourself and boys, and you will find these in large quanties at my store, and marked at prices | to suit the times. A Dollar is a Dollar Now if it ever was, and when yon are making your fall purchases you want to make your dollar reach as far as possible. Come to my store for your foot wear. and I will guarantee prices lower than any other house in Bu'Jer Co The Greatest Effort of my Life was put forward in selecting my fall stock of boots, shoes, rubbers, felt boots, etc, and ray efforfs have been very successfal I will sell rubber goods cheaper than ever this fall. #2.25 Men's Rul>l>er Boots #2.25 including a pair of good s'ippers, youe choice from the best made Bostoa Can dee cr Wocreccket. Mind the price $2 25 #2.00 Best Felt Boots and Overs 2.00. I am Felling the best Mt boots in the market for $2 00, boys sizes $1.75 Boots and Shots Made to Order. Keparing Neatly and Promptly Done, Leather and Findings. JOHN BICKEL. No. 128 South Main Street Butler, Pa. In a good shoe there is room for ootb ing but the foot, except comfort; there is always room There are some shoes '.hat can be called footwear only because they wear the foot. Sorb shoes _ • ought to have another letter added to the last syllable for they certainly torn footwear into foot weary. There is room for your foot and room for com fort too, in our ** J JEL I iE" shoe for Indies and our "ECLIPSE" shoe for gentlemen. You can kick yonr foot in them but not at them They are at the top of the list in make and material; they are at the top of the list in finish, and when you come to price, they are away down at the bottom. All onr Oxfords, Low Shoes, Tennis Shoes and other Summer goods are now coimrat one-third less than regular © c"> ' prices. Here is a chance to get a haroain in seasonable "oods. o AL RUFF. 114 South Main street, Butler, Pa. ■ ALL PERSONS INTENDING TO SINK WELL IL are respectfully requested to call on or addreas, FRANK C. MCGREW, Who is operating a K EYBTON E DKILLEK and is "u A prepared to drill Water Wells, Test Wells, Air Holes llu\ for Shafts, etc. Drills eight inch or less. ALL MY WORK GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS. TST if ifm Agent for Leffel Improved Wind Mill, Standard /jTjggUM/ |j, Hydraulic Barns,and all the best makes of pumps. Eor any further information addrss, FRANK C. McGREW. 31 f> Bluff St., Butler, Pa. "Well begun is half done." Begin your house work hy buying a cake of SAl'( >LIO. Sapolio is a solid cake of Scouring Soap used for all cleaning purposes. Try it. , RINGS, IV ,wK, I EAR-KINGS, Diamonds \ SCARF PINS, ' STUDS, (GENTS GOLD, Wj i \ LADIES GOLD, HtCJieS | GENTS SILVER LADIES CIIATLAIN, Ji „ f Gold Pins, Ear-ringn, ewein (Ring*, Chain*, Bracelet*, Etc, j {Tea Hetrt. can torn, butter dishew and everything that can be found in a lirnt dm* HtoT, RODGER IMS. W ISSrtJT* " E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 139, North' Main St.i BUTLER, PA.» J<>l> Work of nil kind clone at the "(Citizen ()ftice." A MILLINERY TRIUMPH The Leading Millinery House D. T. PAPE. Our line of Millinery is complete in even, respect. We invite yw« to investigate. and we rl.nm that • ir stack is the m< ■*{ attractive «a Butler c un!) t' •'* , i ! hats ar ma—. pins, laces, brjiuls. irvpc*, nets, etc. Mourning Milliiierv in (treat Varied. TAPES. IU3 S. Mnii\ Street Butter, Pn. Great knock Down Snle! —a*}*- EVERYTHING MUST 60. Not a Few Clump Domestics As Leaders, But everything in our lmm< ns«. St>*k from th* finest Silks to the commonest I> wnestie Drew Good*. Everything in Carpet*. Mattings. Rut»*. Portiers, I-*ce Curtains, Fixture*. Ac. Everything in Wraps, in Gloves. Hosiery. Trimming*, in Underwear, in KmbrniUeries. in White Dress GCKMIS, in all kinds of W ash Dress (»«XHJS, m Damasks, Napkins. Towets ami Trashes. ;n fact as we say above in everything in th«- bouse. Now will y« u take advantage ot this opportunity to buy goods at less prices •'"an they were ever sold. It' call until Bej)teml)er Ist al RITTER& RALSTON'S. J. J. SPECK «»*■ * HOt««» TBI tIIMM HMOLKStLK VMI »V» •» WWTW rUMUIHI. Tlie Wm, 11. Ilolinem Co., Distillers of "Holmes Best' and "Holmes Old Kcoaossy' PURE RYE WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or rax pa*J Importers of fine Brandies. Gins and VV ines. SE3STID FOR FRICE Telephone No. 305 120 Water St. and ISHPirstAva. PUtsbmgig Pa Go and see Invent in ELLWOOD , THE 10 NEW FACTORIES Now in operation or being ballt, m SOLID ISDrWRIM abteb moved to Ell wood for aore r»>a» to *row. hwt sad bw mr ruM farilitie* They will eapioy. heforw the year m «i, sot Imm (tea ISi® people, wkieh always reanlta is a growth <>f €.«<» popalaftioa 200 MORE HOUSES NEEDED AT ONCE For the in« - «ain|f prnple, and ja more atoew eoald ha raaad to-day II to 40 Per Cent a Year In the Kent ice. bwide* the rum ia whiefc follows web aa IIIIIHI ia popalation. ELLWOOD CITY HAS rsf MORE FACTORIES NOW RrtLi>is9 THAN olihii town* nine tinxi* a* l*rc tt' J a»d thw i« tk» "•T" '** rf MORB AND BKTTKB RAILROAD FACILITIES TH4* IBJ other town in trnnnter or awitrhin* ehnrrea VALUABLE MINERAL FROOVCfR THAN ran hi feaad elaeaher* in nay one ptare. wrh M Enteral Ow Can* 'Haw Sand, liillllg Sand. Fire Clay, Red Clay. Baildia* Mmm. Ms. ad Water power. BUY NOW Don't wail a year until the town ia foar tiaw w «A*a nad eaiaw pea portionately higher. ELLWOOD IMPROVEMENTCO. ELLWOOD CITY, LAWRENCE CO., PA. A. FIXED PACT. That 81 MEN s«||a nbow of aaeb aterlitur .|«*aiit»w at aaeb law prwwtba* foa can't help but buj wh«*n you *et a (limp** of thew CNa • hMb M 9mm Rw *—• 31» 7i£ a fte Children'* lirain lltitu.n Shoe*. «»"« * t» 11. " *e Children * kid Batton Hhae*. *w* * t» 1. at *»- CirU Stain Raton Sh.*». *«•» II t« i at TV liirln" MM* n sW>. »«aea II «• - »' »l H nrn' Sh<~ lara ur ». itton. at SI '» t» #t 2T» <—II «» 3 Iti.y'i Bha> ' la< e ur lMitU>n. 3 U»<11 n» t»> K «<" l>r»in Batt<*a .""ho, a' ?l 'S to #1 *> badtaa' K.d Rutt' aPh a» ♦! «St» ti »"> Man'* Sboaa. at *1 «». *1 - • »!.» w4 K-» MM « lirmn Wateryr<-I Mum» u M * MM* Mrn * lirun M>-n'« ll»aT? jHilid |; -it at Si t.» ■ *' Heavy H<.lid |l<»>l*. at II <*> tu fU ei Hra i<'al( I;.H>L», at 42.M t»> !'• Hee the Calf Button Xhoea for Men's Wear at #l5O I .adieu Calf Skin and Grain Waterproof Show at f! *> aa.l I M. RUBBER BrM»TS KI'BBKK HIIOBH! THE BEST QUALITIES AT LOWEST PRICES. Men'ts at Lauliew 500, to <-HJ. AT G. 1). SIM EX, 7R Ohio, Cor. Sandusky St. ALLBOHERV. PA. NKAR MARKET HOUSe FiTKrrH S HAT- FEVER \ y t /k \J Cold" head *&£& Kit * Crmm n*im u m-t m T***" iU * * ' f. a -TW /■ tAs pa rfl« t *v 4nmou*» •" mtU by ~ ~v4 -//•"' kIUI OUC ELY BROTHERS. Vina Stiat lE* TML Mb