THBCTTXZIgJ TBDit, SEPTEMBER I. lftl miiiiriniri — w. C. wm. - - - rmMhkw GUpublicar\ Ticttot. For President, Bbjuami* Habbisoh, Of Indiana. For Tioe President, Whitoaw Rbid, Ot Xew Tork. For Judge of Supreme Court, Jon DSA>, of Blair Co. For Lew ledge, Jon M. Our, (Subject to District Conference.) For Congressmen at Large, Wn T.iiM L. Liut, of Carbon Co. iimntt MoDowiu, of Meroer Co For Congress. Thomas W. Phillips, For SUte Senate, fniai B. Mnnrri, For Asaembly, DATx» B. Douthitt, Jambs B. Matbb, District Attorney, Iba McJtnrai*, For County Surveyor, 0. F. L. MCQpisttoh, The Dead-lock Continues. The regular oonferees of Messrs. Greer and Wallace, and two,, ot the additional conferees selected, Messrs. George H. And erson and J. IT. Lee, met at the Hotel Anderson in Pittsburgh, last Monday after noon. ' Congressman Stone of Allegheny, the ninth man, was in town and in his ; hot did not come down to the hotel; ■ad would not unless the candidates signed the following, whioh he sent to the chair man of the conference: "Whereas, the comities of Lawrence and Butler constitute a judicial district, there are two candidates for the nomination of judge by the Repub liCan party, "William D. Wallace of Law rence, and John M. Greer of Butler, each having three oonferees who hare been un able to agree as yet upon a nomination; and "Whereas, said six conferees hsYe se lected three additional oonferees, Senator • Anderson of Sewiokley, Senator Lee of •" and Congressman W. A. Stone of Allegheny, the said W. A. Stone having been agreed upon by both candidates. Vow weTthe said "William D. Wallace, and John M?Greer, do hereby agree that the said W.A.Btone shall sit with the said con ferees entirely free from any obligations to efther candidate to hear the statement* ♦iirt may he made and to obtain such infor mation as he can and vote according to his best judgment And we the said William D. Wallace and John M. Greer, do further agree to abide by the nomination which said oonferees shall make and so recognise the person whom they shall nominate as the republican candidate for judge in the said district and to give him onr hearty support. And we- hereby call upon our respective counties to do the same and the said eonfereee are not to nominate any ohter person than one of the said parties— vis., William D. Wallace or John M. Greer without our consent in writing." Greer expreesed himself as being ready «> - fcio.sign this, but Wallace saw, or thought he saw that it meant Greer's nomination, and wonld not consider it; whereupon Mr. Stone declined to serve as the odd conferee. Stone Is said to be under no direct personal obligations to Wallace, but is to hi* friend snd conferee, Anderson, and these he wanted to ' annul so far as this case is ooooerned. The oonferenoe then adjourned until 8 p. m., at which time Messrs Lee and And erson met and considered a long list of names, but oonld not agree upon another man, and late that night adjourned to meet in Butler next Wednesday, the 7th . Inst Tn vote of Mississippi this year will be on a new registration basis whioh will practically eliminate the colored vote of the State. The new constitution of the State oontains an illiteracy clause. By Hmitfng the, franchise to those who can read and write,llo,ooonegroe«,or four-fifths of the oolored vote, are disfranchised. The same provision which operates against the negroes in this wholesale fashion disfran *■ chiles 10,000 white voters also. There is a provison that an illiterate voter can ob tain his ballot by proving that he under stands and oan explain the constitution ~ _ whoa it is read to them by the registrar. •' The new law opera tee to redooe the color ed vote from 145,000 to about 8,715.— Ex That is all right, but the representation of the State in Congress should aocoid with the registration. American Tin. From a eireular issued by the Treasury - department at Washington, the following fects regarding the tin plate industry of this oountry are developed: Total num ber of oompanies August 15tb, 1892, 42; number of oompanies manufacturing Aug ust lfith, 1892, 28; number of oompanies building August 16th, 1892 14; number of eompamee production suspended August 15th, 1892, 2; number of oompanies en larging works August 15th, 1892,10; num ber of oompanies making or preparing to make black platee August 15th, 1882, 18; production, tin and tern plates, fiscal year ending June 30th 1892. pounds, 13,646J19; total production, fiscal year ending June 30th, 1893, including manufaot-1 uree from American sheet iron or steel, tinned or tern-eoated, pounds, about 20, 600,000; sstimated production tin and torn plates, fiscal year ending June 30th, 1898, pounds, 100,000,000; estimated an nual rate of production, close ot fiscal year ending June 80th, 1893, pounds, 200, 000.000; estimated investment, buildings ana plants, oloae of fiscal year ending June 30th, 1898,10,000,000. Pusunrr Habbiso* was entertained by the citisens of Loon Lake If. Y., last Friday, and in his speech to them he re ferred to the late labor troubles as follows: The law and the Constitution, as the ob ject of every American citisen's veneration and his willing obedience, is the one faith and the only safety of our people. No cause oan be advanced in this country up on lawlessness. Intelligence and morality among our people, the church, the school and the home, these great rocks upon which our institution* snd our safety rest, we will cherish and preserve. Reunion of Old Sailors and Soldiers. . , Two ooming important events of interest totsailors and soldiers of the late war will be the Reunion of the Naval Veterans at Baltimore, September 15th to 19th, and the Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic at Washington, commencing September 20th, immediately after the Sailors' Reunion. Interest in the reunion will be heightened bv the presence of the White Squadron in the harbor of Baltimore. The G. A. R. Encampment will be the oo esssion of the greatest military assemblage in Washington sinoe the Grand Review of 1806, following the fall of Richmond. For both or these events the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad will sell tickets at great' ly reduced rates, and will grant most lib eral concessions in the way of stop-over privileges. Tiokets will be sold from Kept. 13th to 20th inclusive, valid for return • journey until October 10th, and will be good to stop off, going or returning, at all stations between Cumberland and Balti more—a region rendered iamiliar to all veterans by the constant warfare along the Potomac. For more detailed information as to time of trains, rates, and sleeping car aceum adations, apply to nearest B. A O. Agent. AT a battle in Tenesuela between the Government and Insurgent forces. 1,500 • men were killed, and 'the Government troops were defeated. Taa Democratic Senatorial conference met at Passport last Thursday, and nomi nated J. A. McCollough Esq. of Freeport. Sbb that you are registered by noxt Wed needay. Ton most make personal appli -non to the Assessor. three men were assaulted and beaten and the troops had to be called Friday was a quiet day: 2,200 at work in the mill. At the hearing of the llnquense rioter* before Alderman McMasters, Wednesday, two Pinkerton men, members of the Amalgamated Lodge, testified against the two men on trial, and they were held for Court. The evidence of the Pinkerton men was a complete surprise to the de fense. Presidbst Harrisox returned to Washington as soon as ho heard of the ar rival of the Moravia. The Cholera. Eight-hundred new cases were report ed in Hamburg Friday, many of whom died an hour after being 3eized. the people were forbidden to drink the river water; and a samitary corps were disenfocting all houses. In Russia Friday, 6,322 cases were re ported, with 2,066 deaths. At Havre there were 48 new cases, and 21 deaths. Two cases were reported in Loudon. Three vessels from infected ports were due in New Tork, Saturday, and the City had a hundred inspectors ready,and a hos pital built down the bay. On Friday, 4,767 new cases were report ed in Russia, and 2,324 deaths. The Hamburg, American steamer Moravia, which dropped anchor in the harbor of New Tork, Wednesday, had cholera patients on board, twenty-two of whom had died during the voyage. The ship left Hamburg. Aug. 16, with 668 per sons on board, all in perfect health. She was sent to Hoffman island where all the passengers and crew were landed, and where their clothing and the ship will ho disinfected. • 800 cases were reported in Hamburg, Wednesday, with 300 deaths. Gbobok William Ccbtis, editor of Harper's Weekly, died at his homo on Staten Island, Wednesday. Buffalo. On Thursday at Buffalo, Grand-Master Sweeney of the Switchman's organization was set npon by one of its members who was dissatisfied with his course and se verely beaten, and a young man who per sisted in Btoning the soldiers was shot by one of them and seriously wounded. Friday was a quiet day in Buffalo; the trains were moving as usual, and the troops were leaving. On Saturday six freight trains were de railed by strikers, and an express train for Pittsburg narrowly escaped being wreck ed. Tub magnificent Metropolitan Opera House in New York, in which the Chris t*in Endeavor convention was held was burned last Sunday. A Farewell Party. The farewell party rendered Dr. D. J. Washabaugh and family at their home on the twenty- fifth of An gust was an event long to be remembered. The Dr. and bis family intend to move to Grove City where his children can have educational advantages. All forenoon the neighbors and friends kept coming in until about three hundred had assembled. The lorenoon was spent in pleasant greeting and social intercourse. After a most sumptuous dinner, Robert McElhaney, Esq. was elected chairman. The meeting was then opened with prayer by Rev. McKinley. The chairman then spoke of the good feeling existing be tween the Br. and his many neighbors and acquaintances; also spoko in the highest terms of his skill as a physician. Hon. W. P. Braham talked ol the good derived from suoh meetings. Rev. C. K. McKinley,John McDowell and S. J. Black were then appointed as a committee on resolutions. While this committee was in session a piece of music was rendered by the choir. The committee then reported and resolu tions were unamimonsly adopted. Rev. McKinley spoke of tho family as a Chris tian family evinced by their trying to teach others, spoke of the noble purpose for which they moved away. S. J. Black spoke of tho Dr. as a skillful physioian and an upright Christian. David Arner talked of the esteem in which he was held by his neighbor*, both as a physician and as a man. Expressed regret at his leaving. Others followed, speaking jn the highest praiie of the Dr. and his family. The Dr. in a neat and feeling speech thanked them for their words of praise anil for the marked esteem shown him and his family. The choir sang another piece and ltev. McKinley pronounced the benediction. BBSOLUTIOHB. Wtereas, Dr. D. J. Washabaugh and family having lived over sixteen years in this community, are now about to leave us to reside elsewhere, and whereas the re lations between tham and tho people of this commnnity have been constantly pleasant and beneficial; therefore, Be it resolved by the people of this com munity, that we hereby sincerely express our sorrow in losing a good citizen, a skill ful physician and an exemplary Christian family. • And bo it resolved further that, since it seems necessary that we must lose them, wo heartily congratulate the people with whom these,onr friende,may be associated in the future. O. P. C. Skcbktary AT a meeting of the Democratic Co. Committee in Butler last Thursday. 11. E. Coulter, Esq.,was put in nomination for District Attorney. Snake Stories. A fierce battle between a dog and a snake occcurred on the Bluo Mountains, near Bethel, Berks County, on Saturday. Several women were out picking huckle berries accompanied by a dog. During the day the latter set up a terrible barking, and when the women ran to investigate, they say the dog engaged in a struggle with a black snake over six feet in length, which bad partly coiled itself around tho dog's body. They wero so frightened that they hastened home as fast as possible. Upon telling the story a number of men went to the mountain, and upon coming to the place found the dog dead, while tho Bnake had dissapeared. Nearly every bone, in the dog's body was crushed. Sticking to the dog's teeth were found pieces of the snake's skin, showing that he bad fought hard for his life. According to a dispatch from Coal port. Potter county, to tho Bradford Era, two women were fatally bitten by rattlesnakes near the village of Gold, a few days ago The dispatch says: "Mrs. Jacob Nevins. I Mrs. Sarah Harmjn and three or four otb or women and their husbands went up the mountains near Gold to pick huckleberries. Mrs. Harmon sat down to pluck the fruit by the Bide of a rook. A large rattler un seen by her, which lay on the rock, struck the woman on the jungular vein, cauing a considerable rupture. She screamed, but bled to death in half an hour. Whilo as slsting Mrs. Harmon, Mrs. Nevins wajjbit ten twice on the leg and once on tho and by another rattlesnake and diod five hours afterward. The men in the party came to the rescue from nearby, gave tho women whiskey, but to no purpose. They then killed soven huge rattlesnakes with/n a few yards of where the fated women wero bitten and the whole party left the moun tain in terror. Tub next great "strike'' will bo that r.f the telegraphers. 1* Wales, under free trade, furnace men in tin plate mills get $1.75 a day. In America, under protection, they get 93.'*). Which do you prefer f tA Veteran Mr. Jaaapfc ■■ rwt ■Mriefc, 529 K. l'<uh BL, N. Y. city, In JM2. at the bailie of Fair Oaks, w m stricken Willi 1 TypboM Prrcr, and after a long struggle in hospitals, was dlacharg «-d as Incurable with CMMsapdaa. He hai "*"*• " ru "** r,r "- lately taken Hood's Har sapartita, Is In good health, and aorriially rec oma ends HOOD'S MIMNIIUt as a general blood purlller and mk tardi «l .especially to his comrades In tho 0. A. If Hootra Pills «• inma nudo, ud us per sist t» cemjwtmw, jdv«vrUvu uul smsnocv- him, and then sent a bullet through his own head. It was a family trouble and whisky was at tho bottom of it. The Linosville Herald ■'ays: 'The peach and apple trees on the (iarner farm ,onc mile east of town are almost breakingdown with fruit. The tenant. Mr. White, saved the fruit one frosty morning in the spring by carrying straw and burning it under the trees before dawn." Mrs. Betsy Dewire, of near Freeport, was struck by a West Penn engine Tues day, and her injuries were thought to be fatal. The body of John Harrison, of Green ville, was exhumed last Tuesday, and ex amined for poison, the suspicion having been aroused by the stories of the hired girl, that ho had been poisoned by his daughter, Mrs. Cochran. Mrs. Hillock, a wealthy widow of Schuy ler County, N.Y., went to bed ten years ago, in obedience to a spirit message, and remained there nntil a low days ago: now she has received another message ordering her to go to bed for life, and back she went. Pittsburg was overrun wrth grasshop pers last Sunday. The Board of Viewers appointed by the Courts of Westmorland and Armstrong counties to consider the advisability of erecting a bridge over the Allegheny river at Freeport, met at that place last Thurs day. All business houses and manufac tories were closed during the meeting to enable the business men of the place to ap pear before the board and state their Ckuse. The viewers expressed themselves as in favor of a bridge. The question will come up before the grand juries at tho Septem ber terms of court. Mary Brown of Slipperyrock twp., Law rence Connty. took sick last Thursday, and tho physician who was called iu was so convinced that she had recently become a mother, (though she denied it) that he made a search of the premise' and found a strangled baby in the bam. Then the girl broke down and confessed her crime, and also made the astonishing statement that her brother was the father ot the child. An information for murder has been made against her. The Beaver county farmer who lately put obstructions on the track of the Fort Wayne R. R., and then took them off and claimed a reward has made a confession. Alexander Lowrey of the Sixth ward, Allegheny, aged 88 years, took out a li cense, Wednesday, to marry Janet Gray, aged 58 years. TUB Democratic Congressional Confer ence at Now Castle, Tuesday, renominated Congressman Gillespie. Petrolia. Campmeeting is still in progress, we are having a good corps of preachers and good order all the time. There was over 4000 people on the ground Sabbath. Mrs. Gou gar delivered a very Cue temperance lec ture on Mopday night. Miss Maggie Mabard is »"ery low with typhoid fever. Mrs. S. G. Coffin and family who has boen visiting their parents, W. A. and N. J. Fleming, for the past few weeks, and attending Campmeeting have returned to their home in Bradford. Mr. Coffin's health has been greatly improved by the use of snlpher water from the wells here. Her Yellow Qartei. A dispatch from Youngstown dated last Saturday said W. M. J«ickle, the well known merchant,and his wife, who brought suit for alimony,charging hiin with violat ing one of the Commandments, met iu Youngstown, today and alter a spirited conversation, agreed upon tho terms of settement of their maritable difficulties, andwill be legally separated by tho Court. Under the settlement as agreed upon Mrs. Nickle is to have a divorce, which the hus band will not contest, and is to have all the property contained jn the store on West Federal stroet for her separate use. When tho teims of the settlement were agreed upon Mrs. Nickel opened her purse and taking thereform aycllow garter hand ed it to her husband, saying: "I want to make you a present, and hopo you will wear it next to your heart. The mate of it you will find on the yonnglady to whom you have been paying attention." Mr. Nicklo grow white with anger aud replied as he accepted it: "All that I have now in the world is my satchel and this, and I will try to keep both." Tho couplo then separated, and it is probable will not meet again. iThe petition tiled by Mrs. Vickie will be amended so as to include a lawyer for a divorce. DEATHS. STOOPS—At his home in Franklin twp , near Mt. Chestnut, Friday, A ugnst 26 1892, William Stoops, aged about 70 years. Mr Stoops was justly regarded as a gooJ citizen and an honest man. He was born and raised iu Washington township, this county and removed to Butler after he wai elected Prothonotary ol tho county in 1863, having previously served in tho On ion Army and received a severe wound. After the expiration of his terui in offico ho purchased aud lived upou the old Mc- Kee farm in Butler twp. until he removed to near Mt. Chestnut. He was respected by all who know him. BAILEY —At her homo in Marion twp., August 24, 1892, Mrs Joseph liaily in her 65th year. SCOTT—At the home of W. V. llardman, in Butler. August 24, 1892, James W. Scott, of Youngstown, aged 37 years. TEXTOR— At her home in Harmony, August 18, 1892, Mrs. Sadie Textor, daughter of Joseph Rodcnbaugi.. COVERT—At Curaopolis, Allegheny Co., Aug 27, 1892, Mr. Josiah Covert, fomer ly of Evans Citv, this coanty. aged 75 years. SHERIDAN—At bis home in Youngs town, 0., on Friday. Aug. 26, Mr. Ber nard Sheridan, formerly of Clearfield twp.. aged 66 years. OCHENBACH—At Renfrew this county, Aug. 29, 1891, Mrs. Mahalah Oehonbach, sister of Mary and Zelie Emerick of this place, aged about 34 years. DRINK UON A True Combination of MOCHA, JAVA and RIO. Picture Card Given With every pound package. Foe Salo everywhere. Viixba fpite ft • . • (JOSSER'S CREAM GLYCERINE i« delightfully perfumed and la of twrvice in removing pimples and blotches from the face. For chapped hands, lips or any rough nct-H of the t-kin and hh a dressing for the face after shaving, it will be found invaluable foi Sale by Oruggisls. i—■ ■ ■■■ e X. J. FRANK fc CO. -— mui,t*u m DttllOrt. IIKOICINKH, ami ( IIKMICALti KANCY TOILKT ARTICEH, PONUES, UttItHHKS, PERFUMERY, An ctans' Prioriptlons carufully com aoM. 5 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. &AK|HO POWDEB Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening strength.— Latest V. S. Government food Report. ROYAL BAKING POWDKR C 0.,100 Wall St., \. r. SHERIFF'S SALBS. !!y virtue ol sundry writs of \ en. Ex., Fl. Fa.. Lev. Fa.. Ac , issued out of the < ourt of common Picas of Butler Co.. Pa., and to me directed then- will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the borough of Butler, on Monday, Sopt. sth, 1892. at l o'clock p. in, the following described prop erty. tO-Wlt : E. D. No. 196, Sept. T, lot/2. W, I). Brandon, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of But ler Chemical Company of, in and to nine acres of land, more or l'*ss, situate iu Butler town ship, Butler county. Pa . hounded as follows' to-wit: On the north by Butler and Millers town road; east by the P. S. <fc L. K. Kjll road right of way; south by lands of <»eorge llelber; west by Rutler and MUlerstown roau and the road leading to Kelber's mill, and having there on erected two laic furnaces for salt water, grainer buildings and salt house, bro mine aud calcium buildings, wood alcohol, py rollgneous acid, acetate ol lime, blacksmith shop and other buildings making up the works proper of the Butler Chemical Works. ALSO -All the right, title' interest and claim of' Butler Chemical Co.. of. In and to all that certain leasehold and the right to salt wat er and gas on the Elizabeth Walker farm situate in Butler and Summit townships.Butler county, i'a.. containing 100 acres, more or less, bounded as follows, to wit: on the north by the public road, on the west by lauds of Ferd llelber et al, on the south by lands of Kousclienberger, and on tlie west by lands of J. G. s. W. Campbell, having 2 producing salt wells thereon, with » boilers, engine* and all the pipes, machinery, pumping apparatus aud appliance* thereto be longing and connected to the works by right of way aud pipe lines for conveying w.tler there to. ALSO -All the rigiit. til le. Interest and claim of Butler ChemicaH'o.. of. In and to that cer tain leasehold of the salt water right on the James Mitchell (arm. in summit township,But county.Pa, together with with 1 salt well there on, 1 boiler, 1 englue, pumping apparatus.tanks aud machinery tljerto belonging with right of way to and from the same, and connected with the works by rights of way and pipe line to the same, ALSO—AII the right, title, luterest and claim of Butler Chemical Co. of, in and to a certain salt well and leasu of lo acres protection around the well ou the Mrs. W. MeCandless farm. In Summit township, Butler Co. Pa, with wood rig. boiler, engine, tanks, pumping apparatus and appliances thereto belonging and connected with tlie works by rightis of way and pipe line thereto. ALSO Ail Liu* right, tllli', interest and claim of liutler Chemical Company of. la and to a certain le:isehold aud right of way 011 the White I arm. ia Butter township, Butler county. Pa., where the salt water receiving tanks are locat ed and connected by lines of pipe wlUi the works. ALSO—AII the right, title. Interest and claim of Butler Clieiuical tk». of. in and to the right of way and about 1 miles of.i-lnch line pipe from the works to the salt wells on the Kliz.ih eth Walker [ami, In luiilc. &uu township, Butler Co. I'a. and also all the property. Inter ests, rights, privileges aud cjrporate franchises whatsoever belonging to defendant company. A WO—AH the right title, luterest and claim of Butler Chemical Compiny of. In and to the right of way aud about duu leet of 4-lnch Hue pipe from the salt well ou the Mrs. W. McCand less farm to where the came connects with the line frofn the works to the James .Mitchell farin well aforesaid thereon. ALSO—AII the right, title, interest aud claim of Butler Chemical Co, or, in aud to the right of way and I*. Utiles of 4-lneh pipe Hue extending from the works to tin! suit well 011 the James Mitchell farm, in Summit township, liutler Co, Pa. ALSO- All the right, title. Interest and claim of Butler Chemical Company of. in and to about three-fourths or a mile of 5\ Inch pipe, used for gas line, with rights of way extend ing from Ihe chemical works to aud connecting with the Home Natural Gas Company's main, through which 11 Is supplied 'o the works. AI.SU All the rlgUt. title, ftiterust and claim of Butler Chemical Co. of, iu and to that certain leasehold on tue He v. Liuiberg farm, with right of way for fresh water receiving tanks, with pliie line connection to the works an*J tooo barrel tank thereon. Seized and taken lu exe cution as the properly of the liutler Chemical Company at the suit of Win. Campbell, Jr, trustee, ge. I.D No 13". Sept. T. 1853. .1 «j. Vtnderlln, atfy. All I fie rlgl!', line. Interest and claim of Cas per K Mcliutrk of. ia and to m acres of land more or less, situate iu Venango township, liutler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wlt: commencing at a post by Win smith's and running south S'J cast 7!) perches to a post, atonic lands of Irwin; thence south l west 10- pervlies to a p«*st, ftloug land of Win. Cochran ; thence north to gum h« west o# perches to a cherry ; thence north l east no perches to a post, along lai;d> uf ltoburt smjth and Win Smith to the place of liegrntiing.mostly cleared. ALSO—AII the right; title. Interest and claim of Casper E Mctluirk, of in and to acres of laud, more or less, situate In Venango town ship, llutler county. Pa, boundad as follows, to wit: Commencing at a post, running north *y . west 39 . r >-n» perches to a i>ost along lands of Kobert Cochran; thence south 1 . west su 1-10 percliiM to a gum; Uigstlte.f vyltli a log house and and other outbuildings tUcrebu ertvled. aLd all cleared lacd. Seized and taken in execution as the properly of Casper K Mcliutrk at the suit of Win Cochran for use, etc. E D No 131 Sept. term. 1»92. C McCandlessatt'y All the light, title, Interest and claim of J LConlln. of. In and'o a certain lot of land, more or less, situate In itutler borough. Butler coiiniy. pa, bounded as follows to-wlt: On the north by Newcastle sirc.-i., «a»t L>/ , :,:i l>re bert, south by tot of t'.r\wo!i. w»,nt by lot of Stewart stoncr. said lot being 6.1x113 feet, and having a two story frame house and board bam and other outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in Execution as the propel tJ oi J. L. Conliu at the suit of Mrs. Mary Clark. EI) No 150. June T.lnOT. AIIC Mc Karl and. at- All t)je rUlit, title, Interest and claim of Geo. D Albert of. In and lolu of JaijiJ. njore or lefjs. situate lu Prospect borough, liutler County. Pa. bounded as follows to-wlt : on the north by lands of I. M Kotli and John Heyl. Sr;" east by I'junkllu street; south by property of Mrs. Kel ly; west oy property of Mrs Cratty. Said prop erty has a troutage ot no feet, more or less, on KrunklUi ulliyt and extends westward feet, more or I#sij to pro'pyrty of said Mrs. Cratty, with frame housi\board stable and 'other build ings thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the property of George D Albert at the suit of Margaret Dougherty, for use, etc. E 1) No 13?, Sept term. I*#2. P w Lowry. att'y. All the right, tit!}:. Interest and claim of James C lleydrlek, of, )u ana to all that certain lot of land, more or less, situate In Butler bor ough. Butler county. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lot of Mrs Augusta Miller (formerly owned by Amos steelsmtth), east by KlufT street, south by lot of Godwin (forioerly owned by Gregg), and up the west by uu ulljiy , fronflni; 4.1 feet 011 Hlulfstreet and extending westward ICO feci, more or less, uml having threon erected a two-story frame house ot six mollis aud other bdlldlngs. Seized anil taken lu execution as the po|>ertv »f James C lleydrlek at the suit of John K Lowry. EI) Mo l|7, Sept T, 1592. J I> McJuuklu att'y. All the tight , til):-, interest aud claim of 11. S liauiienspeck . of. in liild t<> a '.'.i.ui. lwt of land, more or less, situate In Parker township., liutler county, l'a., bounded as follows, to-wit' Ou the north by an alley; east by Main street; south by II S Adams' lot; west by au alley, to gether vytth a twg story frame nouso thereon. Selzeij and tijk'Ti |n eree'itlon as the property of 11 S liaubenfcpeck a t the suit 01 (ihiislaln Gsmer for uao u( U P. Kully. El> No 112, Sept term, lsirj. w 11 I.uuk, att'y. All the right, title. Interest aud claim of of E t" Graham, of, In and to 27 acres of land, more or U ri. situate lt| cranberry township, liutler county. Pit, bo«ndi.d as follows, to wit; on the north by lands of Mtittliew t.ranui.i , eaat by lauds of samuul Graham; nouth by lauds of A It Graham and heirs ol Michael Krlschcom, and 011 the west I y lands of Hurkhmt. with a two Story brick house, bank barn and outbuildings, orchard anil coal bank thereon, and nearly all 1 leared and under a good state of cultivation, aud being tne same proix rty convtjc.'l to the said Kdwin K Graham by deeil of A It Uj-aham et u*. dated Septlssj, ana recorded In the deed book hs, pago m,. Seized and taken lu execution as th<) property of E K Graham at the suit of lt<; YaK's. E 1) No 100. sept T, I 8'«. Cornelius and Brandon, utt'ys. All the right, title, luterest. and claim of A M Welsh. 1,1. )u and t<> one acre of land, situate in (Renfrew) Penn township, Buttw eouatjr, Pa. Ihiiiimlcil a:t lollows, to wit: t'oirimenclug an feet east of the W s lmilord lot. on Main street, thence by said street south so deg east r> perches; thence by same street north iieg east 11 iierches, aT'4 eiuil 1; peielie* into Con lioou' iie-sliig creek, thence by said creek south 11.Si deg west 1J |x*rclies : thence by same south "2>> deg went r.) y pt rslien, tl ( ence by saffie north !A west 0 perches; the nee liy lands of 11 A Itentrew iiortli >«» v east 11 ptirelies to the place ot iH'Kliiiilng. said lot being a part of a larger tract of land purchas<-d from Samuel A and John N I'lirvlunee by D A Itenfrew by deed dated May 7th, Isia, and recorded In Jieed It'xiK K(, i, volPages ti». I K and 427, refer ence to which will inort'fully tmd at lar>fe ap tx ar. subject, however, to all oil and mineral leases heretofore made, and exoeptlng all oil, coal, Iron ore, IliieV-ouc. and all other minerals mentioned 111 said lea vs. with two frame build ings erected thereon, one being i.'.xiuo feet, and the other l'.\.m feet, said buildings Ix Ing erect ed for the purpose of operating a lamp black plant thereon Sci/.-il aud taki.ii l;i execution as the proix rty of A M Velsb at Uie »ijlt uf W I) Israndon et al. K l» So l'J« S<*iil term. I*«. A <; Wllllaios.alt y. All the riniii. title. luu-rcat and etaltu of Julius A Miller, or. In and to tin' mil. ci|Ual, undivided out; xe\entli port or sliam in all that eortaln lot of land. more or Ufgfl. Militated In Hull' r boro, flutter 'oiinty, I'u. t>•><)■•• l<-<t as fol lows, to-Wlf: Oil til* north l»> lot formerly of H lloth. di-C'd, now John llrandl; on I IK- cast by Cohno'piCDCHSlnif' reek, on tin- Hoiith by lot of HhiifTurt. and on tin- west by t'lllT street.saine )i4', tjig " of ou feeton Uiff Ktreet and f.IU nilliiK batk. prenrrtlfiK th»- Hat||« Width, to tlieercek and buviutf ifiereon er<'tc«| a ttvu story frame dwciiiio; unl outbuilding*. AI.SO All tliu rl|-li|, tit!•-. Inu-iHt and < lalm of JulluM A Miller of, In and fo tlic full. e<|Ual. ■ludlvlded on« fourteenth part or share In ;■.* A-:f* nl land , more of less. ill holler twp.HUller county. Pa, bounded a* follows, to-wit: On trie north i>y lands formerly of Adam Maxwell and Ilumhaukli, rust by lan-Is formerly of Jacob < roup and John < roup, south by lurniM of Jucoo Croup and John > roup. and west by land formerly of NewUm Maxwell, now ttawuel Jiobluauu. seized niid Ittkcu lu t ie- of Julius A Miller at the trustee. 3l". Sopt T. 1*92. osroer and (louchcr. attorney*. All the right, title, interest and claim of Wui 1* Grant, of in and to 100 acres of land, more or less. situate lu Alli-gheny township Butler county. Pa, bounded as follows. to-wlt: Begin ning at a whit*' oak at the southeast corner, thence souths) iH'g »est 107 lurches to a st««e. the southwesterner ; thence north By lands of Nicholas W»m ami Itwrnr Fowler 1 deg west 149 S3-iw perches to a post, the northwest corner, thence north by lands of the heirs of John Allen, laic of Allegheny township. (Nl, originally, by pari of the same tr» L «5 deg west 107 porches to a hickory , the northeast comer: tnence south bj lands of David Kosen berry. late of Allegheny township, dee d. I deg east 14a S3-lUO perches to a white «ak. the place of beginning, together with » iramc dwelling house then-'>n. ALSO—AII the right, title. Interest and claim of Wm P Orant. of. in and to .'H, ai res of land, more or le>s. situated In Ail-»«heny township, Butler, Co. I'a. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of Itofoert Orant. east by public road leadi tig to Parker. south by lands of Milton Hayi. west by lands of Uebert Grant and Milton Hays, with one producing oil well thereon. ALSO—AII the right, title. Interest and claim of Wm P (Irani. of, In and to 100 acres of land, more or less, situate In Allegheny township, Butler county. Pa. bounded an follows, to-alt : on the north by lands or Alexander Grant and public road; east by lands of Jonathan Durnell, south by lands of widow Koyal. formerly Allen west by lands of A Coulter, together with a frame dwel'lng house, large frame barn and other outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of William P (.rant at the suit of John Hetzler. ED No 139 Sept term. 1892 A M Cornelius. att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim ol M V Kelly, of. lu and to lo acres of land, more or less, situated In Venango township, Butler county. Pa. bounded aa follows, uvwlt: on tlie north by I>anie! Kelly's heirs, east by James Kelly's lieirs, south bj lands now or formerly of Jaines Murrln,west by M 1 t'rban; all under laid with coal and lu a good slate of cultivation. ALSO—AII the right, title. Interest and claim of M V Kelly, of. In and to ■£! acres of land, more or less, situated In Venango township. Butler Co. Pa, bounded as follows, to wlt : On the north by Daniel Kelly's heirs, east by M J I'rbin, south by John Murrln's heirs, west by J J Kelly; underlaid with coal and lu a good state of cultivation. Seized and taken In exe cution as the property of M V Kelly at the suit of James Bennett, trustee, for use. F. 1) No lxi sept tern. i«K. A M Cornelius, att'y. All the right, title, interest aud claim of J J Kelly, of. In aud to 40 acres of land, more or less, situated lu Venango township. Butler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by Jackson Morrow,east by Elizabeth Patterson and M V Kelly, south by John Murrln's heirs, west by David F Kelly, being purpart No 1 In the partition of the real estate of David Kelly, dee'd. at O C No CT Dec term. 1883; all underlaid with coal and in a good state of cultivation; together with a good house and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In exe cution as the property of J J Kelly at the suit of James Bennett, trustee, for use. EI)No 140 Sept term. 18a;. A M Cornelius, att'y. All the right, title, Interest and claim of D ¥ Kelly, of. lu and to 41 acres of land, more or leas, situated In Venango towuship. Butler county. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by McCauiiney et al, east by J J Kelly, soutli by John Murrlu's heirs, west by Theodore Kelly's lieirs, being purpart No 3 lu the parti tion or the real estate ol David Kelly, dee'd, al OCNo CT Dec term, 18S3; all underlaid with coal and In a good state of cultivation, with a frame barn thereon. Seized and taken In exe cution as the properly of 1) F Kelly at the suit 01 James Bennett, trustee, ror use, IS DNo IM Sept term. lse. A M Cornelius, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of W U Davis, of, iu and to a lot of land, more or less,situated In Uutler borough, Butler county. I'a, oouniied as follows , W-wlt: On the north by West street, east by lot So 1 In Sullivan plan, soutli by an ally, west by an alley, buying u frontage ol IM feet on West street aud ex tending back lilt feet to saUl alley together with a two story frame housenMid outbuilding* thereon. Seized aud laked In execution as tue property of W fl Davis at the suit of Butler Savings Bank, lor use. K D No 28 Sept T. lsV«. Kohler, att'y. All the right, title, inter -Ml and claim of Jacob Orahjui, 01, In and to 4J acres of laud, more or leas, situate lu Clearfield townsinp. Uutler couuly. Pa. bouuded as follows, to-wit : On the norm by lauds of Widow McLatferty heirs, east by lands of Wendell Kirk, south by lauds of Christopher Kummell. el al, west by lauds ol Christopher Kummell. Under a good stale of cultivation, together with a two story log aud frame house, barn and outbuildings thcreou. Seized ani lakeu lu exeeutlou as tue property ol Jacob Uraliam at the suit of Jacob Cramer, Sr. et al. ED No li:>, Sept T. lsui 8 F Bowser, att'y. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Jen nie Flick aud Henry Flick of. In aud to a cer tain lot of land, more or less, situate lu But ler borough. Butler couuly Pa..bounded as follows, t>wlt: Beginning at southeast corner of said lot ou Western Avenue thence In a northerly direction along said .avenue feet, more or less to a pjst; theuca in a westerly direction along to lot ol Mary A Davis 7t> 75-luu feet, more or less to a post; tnence In a southerly direc tion aiong land of Voseley heirs 37 feet, more or less to a post; Iheuce In a southerly direc tion al'oug lot ol W..11. Jtclhlng 335-10 feet.more or less to a post.the place of beginning, togeth er with a two-story iraine house and outbuild ings thereon. Seized aud laken In xeecutloii as the property of Jyntile FlU'k ahd lletiry Flick at the suit of >lary A Davis. K1) No 'is Sept term, WM. McJunkln A Gal breath, attorneys. All the right, title, luterest and claim of Wil liam Kirk wood, aud Mary E Ktrkwood of. in and to 54 acres of land, more or less, situate in Washington townshlp.Butler county, Pa.bound ed as follows, to-wlt: On the nortlrby lauds of ration Bell, east by the Keystone Coal C ompa nv south by Silas ClirLsty. west by lands of cirossman. being th» name laud of which Jane Anderson died seized, and wutch upou her death became vested lu her three chllaren, of whom said Mary Klrkwood la oue; mostly clear ed and under good state of cultivation. Seized and taken In Execution as the properly of Wm Klrkwood and Mary K Klrkwood at the suit of Charles J Martin for use of J J Dean. FD No 147, Sept. T. lsti-'. J B Bredln. att'y 'AH the rl ght. title, interest and claim ol Caroline Craity. 01, lu and to #» acres of land, more or less, situate ih Venaugd township, But ler county, Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit: Be elnulun at a post in the northwest corner, thence by lands of L F Kerr .south deg east 129 5 10 perches to a post; thence by lands of heirs of John Wonderly aud tiadsby south I deg west h4 ft-10 perces to a post; thence by lands of Moses ( illfsoii south tw deg west iw 3-lu perches; thence by lands of 1) F Rhodes north 21 deg west 12 S-lo purches to a post; thence by same south ss»Ai deg wust 23 lo perches to a post; thence by same north 1-4 deg west *3 a-lu perch es to Main street, theuco along Main street, south sou deg west II 9-10 percnes, thence by lands of Shannon south 1-4 deg east ISO feet;; thence by same north sa* ueg east 120 feet thence by lot of T. B. Rhodes south deg east 220 feet- thence by same south S9S, deg west VJ 9-10 perches to Clb-ton street: thence along O lb son street; thfjiKC alon ß <]lbson and Sprtng streets and lands of John MoCalfUter north (leg west l'io #-10 perches to a post the place ol beginning cleared,fenced and under good state of cultivation, together with a two-story frame house aud outbuildings thereon. ALSO All the right, title. Interest aud cl ilm of Caroline Cratty. of, In and to 45 acres of land, more or leas situate tii Allegheny town ship Butler Co.. fa.bouuded a» follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a sto!u. poSl On the sou Ihwjiit corner of laud of Jofiii Koitcuberry, dee d, them e bv It B Uoscbeurry south 31 3 1 east _-j fids aiid 23 Uuks to a posi on line of Jos Bosenberry, tnence by said lands soutli 70'* west «:» 1-2 rixls to a post ou line of lands of Slmou Black's lieirs. thence by said lands north 'i east 20 1'- rods ;o a posi, thence by same lands nortu tWV' west 51 rods to a post, thence by lands of Pittsburg parties north 2 deg east 35!* rods to a post, thence north Ssl-2 deg east st rods and 10 links to a post on Hue of lands of John Koseuberry, dee d, thence south 313-4 degees zs rods and 20 links to a stoue post, the place of beginning; mostly cloareti and under good statu of cu Itl vatiou. Al-SO All the right, title. Interest and claim of Caroline cratty. of, In and to 0 acres of land, more or less,situated lu Allegheny towuship, Butler Co. Pa. bouuded as follows, to wit: Be ginning at ft cherry tr.-e on the Maple Furuace road, tuenoe uurtli by lauds of .jo* Kosenberry 40 deg west .IS rods an l 5 links to a post In middle of road leading irom llarrlsvllle pike to stoue house of Joseph Itoseuberry. thence north 41 deg east by laiuls of Cyrus Ho.'.enberry.dee'd. to a post in middle of II irrtsvltle pike 2* rods and 'JO links, thence south 34 deg east 44 rods aud 20 links uloug the centre of llarrisville pike. Ujonce wiMtUM . »|e« west by lands of Jos Hoseiiborry 33 rods ana IS links to a cherry tree, the place of beginning, together with a one-story frame house andoutbuildlug thereon. Seized and taken in execution us the property Of Caroline Cratty at the salt of Daniel Markle. EI» No U<. Sept T, is*.'. J K Bredln. att'y. All the right, UtU., Int£«ei|fc aud claim of Charles K Ftluora at it! Agnus I'unora. or. lu aud to a certain lot or land, more or lesx. situ ale lu Butler borough, Butler county. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a point on the east side of North McKean street, on line of lot of W K K's'd. formerly of I. C Wick. thuncu in.rth along McKean street 50 feet to lot of Thomas I .Indie y ; thence east along said lot to Cllfr street; thence south along CHIT street 50 feet to lot of W K need; thence west along said lot to McKean street, the place of beginning, with a two story frame basement dwelling House and out buildings thereon. Seized aud takeu In execution its the property of Charles K I'unora and Agnes Funora at the suit of AI IF MIT. E D No 140 Hept term, lstu. J B BredlJ. »lt'y. All the right, title, Interest and claim of I.IIIIU Beaton, of. hi aud to 75 acres of land, more or less, situated In Venango township. Butler eonnty, I'a, bounded as follows, to wlt : on the north by lands of Ellas Seaton. east by lands of Win amil Kobert Vanderlln. south by lands of (hornas Kyle, and west by lands ni Thomas Mcfiulrk heirs, and Ellas Seaton, together with a frame house, barn and other outbuildings thereon, said lam 1 being all the lands devised to present 1-ouls Seaton by his father. Win. Seaton deed. Will registered In Keglster's omcc of Bui ler county. In will lio ik I, page 245. Seized and talcoh In execution aa tl|o property of Loulrt Seaton at the suit ol Daniel Markol. TKItMS OF SALE: The following must be strictly compiled with when property Is stricken down. 1. Waen the plaintiff or other Hen creditor becomes the purchaser tin* cost on the writ must lie paid and a list of the Ileus Including mortgage suarphoo oh the proM'rtv *Jd to gether with such lieu creditor's receipt" for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such por tion thereof as he may claim must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. Alt bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled Immediately will lie continued until 1 o'clock r. u. of next day. at which time ;il| property uql settled fuf Will be put up and sold at tin- and risk of the person to whom ilrsl sold. •See I'urdon's Digest, 9th edition, page (lc. and Smith's Forms, paife 3sl. WILLIAM M. BROWN. Sheriff. Sheriff's Ofllee. Butler, Pa . Aug. I'Jth. IS!W, FOR SAUS. | will Hell my new tbree.Btory brlek biisincHH block at 315 South Main St., on reHHooablo tormnj also 1117 resilience ai|<] two lotn on IVlcKean Ht. Alex. Williams. REGISTER'S NOTICES. The Register hereby gives notice that the following accounts of executors. adminis trators and gusrliacs hare been filed in his office according to law, and will he pr^enud to Court for confirmation and allowance on Wednesday, the 7th day n) September. 1*92, at 3 o'clock P. * of said day : 1. First and final aeonuut of Jaines Mc- Cafferty, executor of Mary J Warren, dee'd, late of Buffalo twp 2. Final and distribution aeoouut of Am«a Michael and August Michael, administrators of U ui Michael, dee d, late of Butler twp. 3. First aud final account of Jusrph Mc- Michael.exeoutor of David McKissick dee d, late of Centra twp. 4. Final account of Wm J Met'all, execu tor of M artha Me*'all. deed, late of Brady twp. 5. Final account of R P I>avid»>n, admini strator of K H I>avidson, deed, late of Adams twp. 6. Final account of J C Catharine F.ugle hart and F.rnest F Knglehart, administrators of Nicholas Knglehart, dee'd. late of Jefferson twp. 7. Final account of George W Bartley and Robert M Thompson, execntori of Robert Thompson, dee'd, late of Clearfield twp. 8. Final account of Mary Q Wright, ad ministratrix of J II Wright, dee'd, late of West Sunbury. 9. Final account of Cyrus Campbell. Jr. Juardian of Rachel J Boyd, minor child of ohn A aud E J Boyd. IC. Final account of Cyrus Campbell, Jr, guardian of Blanche II Boyd, now Hooper, minor child of John A and E J Boyd. 11. F'inal account of Wm Croft, Sr. and Newton Garvin, administrators of Wm M Croft, dee'd, late of Evans City. 12. First and final account of Michael Mochel. executor of John G Sharp, dee'd, late of Buffalo twp. 13. Final account of Charles Nick las. ad ministrator of Catharine Nicklas, dee'd, late of Penn twp. 14. Final account of (> R Kennedy and O D Myers, administrators of David Myers, dee'd, late of Muddycreek two. 15. Final accout of Daniel I. Rankin, exe cutor of John Bortmas, dee'd, late of Butler borough. 16. Final account of McAllister Kuhn, guardian of John H Landers, minor child of Mary Landers, deceased, late of Petrolia. 17. Final account of Jas C McClung, ad ministrator of Wm S McClintock, deceased, late of Mercer township. 18. Final account of D P Kelly, admini trator of Win Kelly, deceased, late of Parker township. 19. Final account of Ellen Hamilton and Robert Hamilton, executors of Patrick Hamilton, deoeased, late of Forward twp. 20. Final account of M F Renno, executor of Leonard Keil, deceased, late of Butler borough. 21. Final account of S F Bowser, admini strator CT A, I) BN, of David Moore, deceased, late of Rutler borough. 22. Final aud distribution account of Agnes V Otto and Alex Mitchell, executors of Christian Otto, deoeaed, late of Uutler borough. 23. Final account of Mary M Drebert, ad ministratrix of Anna Drebert, dee'd, late of Butler borough. 24. Fiaal and distribution aooount of W E Bartley and W J Burton, administrators of Williamson Bartley, dee'd late of Pena twp. 25. Final acoount of Minerva Uardman, executrix of David W. llartmau, deceased, late of Butler borough. 26. Fjnal account of John Emrick, guar dian of Ada Fisher, minor child of Franklin Fisher, deceased, late of Allegheny twp. 27. Final account of A K Keiber, admini strator CT A, of G C Koesaing, deceased, late of Butler borough. 28. Final account of W F I'efler, executor of Rachel Heberling, deceased, late of Por tersville borough. 2y. Final account of E II Adams, guardian ot Anna Melda Turner, minor child of II U Turner, deceased, late ot Parker township. DAVID E. DALE. Register. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WEST PENH R. R. Trains leave the West Penn depot at fool east Jefferson St. as follows: 6:15 a. m.—Market—arrives at Allegheny at 8:40 and 9:13 p. to. 8:40 a. 19.— Ejpruss— a wives at Allegheny at 10:30 a. m. 11:00 a. m.—Accomodation— arrives at Alle gheny at 1:24 p. m. 2:45 p. m—Accomodation —arrives at A He at 4:44 p. m. 5:00 p. m. —Express—arrives at Allegheny at Allegheny at '1:48 p. m. The t;:20 a. m. (tain and 2:45 P- m. trains connect at Butler Junction with trains East to Blairsville Intersection, where connection is made with the Day Express and Philad'a Express going East. Trains arrive at Butler at 9:35 and 10:35 a. m. and 1:30, 5:00 and 7:50 p. m., leaving Alt legheny at 6:55, 8:50 and a. m- 15 and 6; 10 p. ur !•. A w. R. R. Trains leave the I'. A W. depot near Cen tre Ave., Southside, Butler time, aa follws going south: 6:00 a. m. —Allegheny Accomodation. B:lo—Allegheny and Akroa Express—ruas on Sunday to Allegheny, and connects daily to New Castle. 10:20 a. IU. — Allegheny Accomodation. 2:50 p. m.—Allgheny Express. 3:20 p. in. —Chicago Kxpress, runs on Sun day. 5:56 p. m.—Allegheny and Zelienople Mail Kuns on Sunday to Allegheny alone. On Suuday alone, at 11:15 a. in.,Allegheuy Express. Uoing North—lo.o3 a. in. Bradford Mail. 5:00 p. m—Clarion Aceom. 7:25 p.m.—Foxbnrg Ac com. On Sunday a train leaves for Callery at 11:15 a. m. No Sunday trains on the narrow, gauge. The 3:20 p. m. train South connects at Cal lery with the Chicago express, whioh runs daily and is equipped with the Pullman buf fet and sleeping coaches. Trains for ltutler leave Allegheny at 8:10 and 10:30 a. m., city time, and 3:00, 5:26 and 6:15 p. m. On Sunday at 8:10 a. m. and 3:00 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler at 9:30 and 9:50 a. m. and 12:35, 4:45, 7:20 and 8:30 p. m. Sun day at 10:20 and 6; 10, PITTSHPBO, Kll EM A MOO A LAKE EEIE t. * Trains leave the PAW depot, Butler time, as follows: S:So a. m, to Erie, arriving there at 10:45 $):30 a. in. to Krie, arriving there a 13:20 p. m. 6:00 p. m. to Greenville, arriving there at 7:25 p. in. A train ariives from Greenville at lOHka a. m. with through car to Allegheny our the r. 4 W, one at p. in. from Krie which connects with both roads to Allegheny, and one at 8:40 p. m. from Krie. Trains leave Milliard* at 6;26 and 11:15 a. m. alow time. The Si3o a. m. and 3p. in. trains on both roads in Allegheny connect with trains on the P. 8. il I. E. at Butler. Jury List for September Term. List of Travers Juron drawn this 23d. day of August to serve as ,T ravers) Jurors at a spec ial term of Court commencing on the 26th day of September A. D., IH'J» the same being the 4th Monday of said month. Adams W J, Washington twp., Justice. Alexander Thomas, liutler Ist wd, producer. IS rowurie J K V, Millerstown I lor, teaoister. Hartley Alliert, Clinton twp, farmer Barnhart John, Concord twp, farmer. Beighley M N, Conno<juessiug twp, farmer. Bloom Lewis, Conuoquessing twp, farmer. Beaty John M, Oakland twp, farmer. Brown John D, Butler 2il wd, hotel keeper. Blinn William, Franklin twp, farmer. Cooper Wilson, Middlesex twp, farmer. Cleeland W J, Muddycreek twp, farmer. CoovertCalib Muddycreek twp, farmer. Oonaghy Thomas, liutler sth wd, produoer. Uumbough Wiu. Coonoquesning twp farmer. Kshenb«ugh A 11, Clay iwp, farmer. Kberhart J A, Fairview Iwp, farmer. Forcht W G, Petrol in Bor, producer. Gilmore Perry, Allegheny twp, pumper (iray C G, I'etrolia Bor, painter. {larper Herb, Butler, 4th wd, merchant. Hoffman W I), Haxonhurg, Clerk. May Thomas, Cliatou twp, farmer. Hide John, Forward twp, farmer. Hutchison Alex, Butler il wd, laborer. Johnston Nicholas, Butler Ist wd,clerk. IjCiuou Andrew, Butler twp, farmer. McGowan Berton, tVorth »wp, farmer. Magenhine Wendel, Winlield twp farmer. Methiney M L, Karnes City, miner bom McClyinons Austin,Muddycreek twp h'mer, Moyer M T. Brady twp, (armor, McCoy A J. Msrovr twp, farmer. Orr Joseph 11, Parker twp, merchant. Parker Win, Buffalo twp, farmer. Pisor John A, Worth twp, farmer. Peffer Joseph, Uncaalir twp, farmer. Keep, Amos, Donegal twp. J farmer. Russell I) 11, Cherry »wp, farmer. Kaiosey A'lison. Cranberry twp, farmer, (lohrer Jacob, Washington twp, farmer. Kenick George, Slipiieryrook ttwp, farmer. Bamsey James, ButJer 4th wd, barber. Sarver Hiram, Butler 3d wd, teamster. Stewart W B, forward twp* pumper. Stewart l<evi, Cherry twp, farmer. Thonipeon James. Cranberry twp, farmer. Turner W P, Butler 2d wd, producer. Vogan John, Muddycreek twp farmer. Vineeut II 11, Hlipperyrock twp, farmer Walters Augustus, Clinton twp, farmer. Wlckwau JF. caster twp, farmer. Wilson A H, Harmony Bor, wagoomaker. Wauier J K. Allegbenv twp, driller. Wachsniith Edward, Jefferson twp. (aruier. Weitzel Henry, Penn twp, farmer. The beat Advertising medium io tb#county is the CITIZEN. Widows' Appraisements. The following widows appraisement* of per ■tonal property set apart tot Ike of tfe* widows of decedents have be*n lied la tte office of the tlerk of < trphans I'owrtof Bailer county • vtc Widow of Andrew Orawbaugh. deed M as " 1)1 Rreilrr. dee'd M* •• "J 1. WIISOB, dec d ... arm •• ■ Wm Motdorf. dec d wo js - - Kobert Mall laud deed JW OD " A II Carotben. dee'd 146 ss " ■■ James V KngUsh dee'd mi cm - •• Frank D Bell d«c d mm - Jacob Maum. dee d « w •• -Wm iHaley. dee d WO es All persons interested In the above appraise ments will take aotlce that they will be pre sented (or conflnnatlua to tfce orphans Court of Buller county. Pa., on UM Tin day o* September, lsws and U no ei repel. as be Ited they will beeenflimed absolutely JOSEPH CRISWEU. clerk O. C. Jury List for September Term. List of Grand Jurors drawn this 17th day of Jnly, A. D., lsvj, to serve saGrand Jar. r« at a regular term of Court romn—pag on the Ist Monday of September, 1892, ths tame being the sth day of said month. Black W C. Clay twp., farmer. Black Joha R Harrtrville Bor, clerk. Dufford W S, Bald ridge, laborer. Dindinger Joha, ZelienopU Bor.aerehaat. Gartner Henry, Cranberry twp, farmer. Godfrey A Idert, Coneord twp prodarvr. Gilkey Joseph, Adams twp, farmer. Holland Joatah. Millsrstowa Bor, laborer. Jack William, Marion twp, farmer. K imes James, Marion twp, faraser King Nicholas, Coneord twp, farmer. Kenney Peter Oakland twp, farmer Love liarry, Jefferson twp, blacksmith Link John, Worth twp, farmer. Luton M E, Harmony Bor, pamper. McCendless C L, Adams twp, farmer Mc9hane Vincent. Butler sth ward, erk. McMichael Japhiah. Clay twp, fara r. Peaco William. Middlesex twp, farmer. Pearoe James, Allegheny twp, producer Rommel John, Winfield twp, farmer. Shaw Hugh, Mercer twp, farmer. Zechner Edwin, Zelinople Bor. Justice. Arthur John, Clay twp, merchant. LUt of Petit Juror* dim this ITU da? of J air, A. D., 1893 to try* u Petit Jarora it • rwulw term of Court eonoMMtii oa the '2nd Monday of September, ISS»2, the wm being tlie 1 2th day of said month. Armstrong Nelson, Fairriew twp, farmer. Beck Heary, W infield twp, farmer. Burkhouse Adam, Butler 4 ward, earpeater. Bortmas Rudolf, Oaklaad twp, farmer. Cram John, ('eater twp, farmer. Christie T P. Petrolia Bor, livery mas Chandler William, Cliaton twp, farmer. Chriatley William, Clay twp, farmer. Dodd» John B, I'ean twp. banner. Dodds W B, Muddy creek twp, farmer. Deeta Joha, Fairriew twp, carpeater. hake* Andrew, Bailer lat want, laborer. Fidler Jacob Jr. Harmony Bar. teamster. Ciillman Jtrob, Butler Ist ward, laborer. Glare Fred, Butler Ist ward, carpenter, lieckathom John C, Worth twp. farmer. Halstead U H, Clinton twp, farmer. Ileeaor T M, Washington twp, stone mason. Hunter William, Forward twp, farmer. Hilliard Robert, Parker twp, fanner. Hind man Charles, Franklia twp, farmer. Heller William, Jefferson twp, farmer. Jamison Porter, Venango twp, farmer. Keifer Kliaa, Jackson twp, carpealer. Kohl merer A A, Allegheny twp, farmer. KraaU William, Brady twp, farmer. Kennedy Patrick, Clearfield twp, farmer. Kradle Phillip, Harmony Bor, plasterer Knox E H, Harmony Bor, blacksmith. Karnes Harry, Butler 3rd ward, laborer. Ix>gan Thomas, Center* ill* Bor, paiater. Leopold H A, Miller* lOWD Bor, laborer. McKee Camden. Washiagtoa twp, carpenter. McCandlees Samuel, Forward twp, farmer. March imar Samuel, Clay twp, farmer, lietx A B, LaaoMler twp, farmer. Newman Charles, Proepect Bor, laborer. Perkins Joaeph, Butler Ist ward, batcher. Patton Thomas, Slippery rook twp, farmer. Rasly Joha, Butler twp, tarmer. Shaffer F T, Harmony Bor, ahoe maker. Steindorf Bower, Washington twp, farm„ Sarrer William K, Buffalo twp, farmer. Uherwin P D, Fairriew twp, farmer. Beaton Scott, Marion twp, farmer. Thompeon Robert, Middlesex twp, farmer. Tinker Calria, Cherry twp, farmer. Whan F A, Jefferson twp, prodaoer. B. Be SATIN-CiCNEI IRE. A new Ootloo mat«rial—fine ia wmm—medium Mid dark color*— neat designs, ud if a perfect imita tion of high class goods ,»w was achiered. TFIIB 18 THE ACHIEVEMENT! Haadaoma as India Silks,with a finish to equal them. 31 INCHES WIDE 20 Cents a Yard. ALL FRENCH DRESS GOODS* SILKS ami W ASH IIOODS at such reduced prices as will sare you dollars on like quelitiee if bought at actual value. Write our Mail Order Depart me at at once if you would afeare benefit of recent CUT in Prices. When walls are belag torn down, goods must be moved PRICES are moving these—People are getting bargains and everything goes oa smoothly—not excepting the new building, which will soon be ready for new goods. SAMPLE VALUES IM Solid Black Indias. 21 inches wide, - 40 Cts. 24 " " - 50 Cts. 27 " " - 65 Cts. 34 " " - »5 Cts. : .Q 0—: Boggs &Bull], 115 to 121 Fsdsral Stmt, ALLEGHENY. PA. Hotel Waverly. 8. MrKKAS ST., - • Bt'TLER, PA Opposite School Unas*. This elepan*. new hotel is now open to the public; it is a new boose, with new furniture throughout and all modern con veniences; ia within easy reach of the de pots and business houses of the town, aad has a Hplendid riew of the eastern pert ol the town. Rates Reasonable. Oire me a call when in Butler. CHESS STONER. Prop'r Hotels aßd Depots, W. S. (Jregg is now running a liae of cerriegee between the hotels aad depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. IT, or leave orders at Hotel Vogeley (Jood Livery ia feiirttiM WILLIAM KENNEDY. The well-known liverymea, Wss. Kennedy, will be pleaeed to have his frieads call at his aew place of business. The Best Horses, Buggies and Car rlagee in Butler at the moet reeeoaable rates Ths place ia easily ransember ed. The first stable west of the Lowry House This space is for A. TROUTMAX cV SOX., The leading Drv Goods aiwl C'arjK't House of Butler, I'a. Look next week for their Fall Announcement. See their Display at Fair (riourol. AT HUSELTON'S You will aee the fiaest styles io Um greatest rsriety sad st the la«n( pr*se Your Eyea Ever Looked Upon. IN FALL AMD WINTER FOOTWEAR A* muf if not more different styles ebowa mnv two bammm m "-iT'ir Tbia stock waa selected with the greatest «-an» frmm the feast -nm i fss tarss ia tbia country, they sre not bought with orWr ome m wmw namely low prica and aboddy roods. low prtres Md MM id r*j4 u a, SOME LITTLE DEALERS Saaia to have only one object ia »ww, that ia to are bow law priced aboddy staff they can pick up of odd* tad eada. and ibea advertise h aa ail •olid water reaiatera, etc. They ahooid ad Teniae tbeaa aa aanalT adoeiod for tidiaf ia, aot wiikitf. Our Ladies', Mimes' and Children's Show* are marrets of beauty, the prices rery law l.sdase' ftae afcsse Mr #; «*. $1.25, $1 50 and $2 00. Misaee fine aboea 90e. |! 00 aad $1.25 nisi aIS tax Infanta and children'a 25c, 50, 75 aad $1 90 Our Kip Calf, Oil and Glove Grain Show* These goods apeak for themeeivee as thoasaada will Justify tarn that have worn them all over Butler coaaty They have food body or «<«-* otbarwiaa they woold not raaiat the cold aad wet for the bays aad afrit thai hare a loaf road to school, fanilias that aaa these foods doat base amtr one pair to bay dariaf theasaaoa, aad NO DOCTORS BILLS TO FAT, Man's, Boys' and Youths' Boots and Shoe*. See oar BOB'S heavy aboea at 70e aad 91 90 See ear SMO'S hswev f rain 3 solas aad tap at $1 25 aad $1 50 Sse oar Ist * lae stasa up m plain at SI.OO to, sad a boat of other tear Mae saa bsaMsan Our Men's and Boys' Boots are wild as a rorfc. Prices 75c, SIOO, $1.25, $1 50 aad $2 00, ia atahta* ;-r "iff ulna ■■ ia footwear coa»e to as, yoa won't have to stay half a day ewiae aa aa prices, bat one strif ht pries aad that the Lowest. Tbs foods will be iast as wa represent theoi so baaba* Missis pall yoa ia. $2 00 MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS $j a» including a pair ot slippers. $1 90 MEN'S FELT BOOTS AJfP OTBsti $1 U Repairing all kiads done neatly and low pricoa. Come and see as aad save money B. C. HUSELTOIS, 102 If. Maia St., . . . . . Batter p* GOU) FHKK! V 'J To every person bringing us a copy of this paper, are f I \ win insert FREE OF CHARGE a fine 52.00 Gold Pilling. ! ) J lln every BEST SET of SB.OO Teeth. Yf *im«( tA-m fov !(w kmt that -aa a»Slj k» mm*- mm nasar r vims w """ »•» liuM FUllap (aapo-laltv). Si am aad ap I SUwmta*#. • "Ss ABilpm r lilac. - ar i r-~ta Kxtrwcnt. - ratolssa **»•. t>ne's£P»*«ait» «• or VHaßiwS.atr nfcaiaaama » --aa*. Part W* tlTtaf oat ibo my an anmr tn UM MOTOHM I»I »• ■ !Mr a»w *■ mm -JM .EJSK, YORK OK£ T„ - - *■ - ■ m ■ ■ ■ 9 "B 9 - Presidential Campaign of 1892. GRAND INDUCEMENTS TO READERS OP THE CITIZKN. The Preaidentiai Campaign of 1992 will. with.nit doebt, be the mnat intensely interest!ag sad excitia«v ia the histury of the l'aite«l StatM. aad country people will be extianely saxioca to ba*« all the aaaerai aad political news aad diacusaioas of the day sa pesssatsd ia a Naitoaai Journal, ia addiUon to that aappiied by their loral paper To meet this waat ws have entered lato s coatrart with the m NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE The Leading Republican Paper of the UMirEl) STATES which eaables aa to olfcr that splendid joarasl nbawipshia *rta». $1 00 per year) sad "THE CfTIZES" for o#e year For only Bt-"»0, cash in a<hranc<>. 'N. Y. Weekly Tribune," rvgalar price per year SI OO •The Citizen" Total. r VE FUfONSH DTI NITERS'OK IBR FIX ftSI Sabssriptfoae aay -wfin si aer Hum. This is the moat liberal conMaatioe ofsr *aar warlo hi 'ha T sited States, aad svsry reader of '*THE CITIZEN" ahoaid tak? dnatis* of it st once Address all ordsrs to THE OITTZEIV, Cl\riHtm«H Girts For Kvervln KIV. Beaalifal Preaentw that Met all dcmtndi »ad aatiafy all want* is great variety to mil ait tut>>« mow on exhibition at Redick's Drugstore Fmmrj goode and XotblUow, Toilet Article* ud Notion*. While we cm not deaeribe or enumerate oar great ▼ariety, we are rery glad to nbow then to all »teitora. We tar oar etorh eirelleor* laqnality. va riety ib, doeiga and reaaoaabl* pricea. Whatever 7oar want# nay he.we <~»a iae«t lb*>m with beaotifal Bad apro priate eelertiooa We aabeit a rom pariaoo ot oar good* aad prwea Knowing yoa will lad oar Holiday gondii the heat aad rheapeat Kaepartfully, J. C. K KI)I VK. v £ HIT WORKERS jr I ■■■»' nil V»<*4 mrm M»# UHT ImprwV* *p-rtantr«-. «H» I*# """ ui tuiniu) aoMV *?«#*. Mock Miu« to !<• ityiwH ran. ». i». 1 Mtoir.ti a u «. I BUTLKH. HA. A. £. GAHQLJK V etrnnary Htirjjcon. Uradaata of the Ontario V »tow wry College. Toronto, Ceaad* Dr. tlabk truatw ail ti—mi 111 'be doaMetieatvd anna ale, aad aiabwa ndgimg. «*a*tration aad hocae -Jea- Uetry a •yenalty. Caecratioq per forated wt'hoat Haw, aad all otaar «uryrwal aparatiaai pai fcgtoul m tba Call* to aay par* of tb» iawi pruapde «» adrd b> o®re aad InSnaar* fa CmwAir#* Liwr, W«a» JtM wea duiier Pa A RARE BARGAIN FOR n \LK —Otoe «f tba taeot farm-« ia Bailor -oaaty. -••ataiatag 1 acre*. iarire Hrwb hoaaa, fram* barn, earriag» dtad aad »toinaa xber Uutldiaga. aU ia good -apair ■ well nail rwt. ha* a targe nediwi good marhet ad)o>aiag y—«aea Aw rbo»i( aad cbarebee To a yairb bayer will aell tbta tar* tar aarl leaa tbaa tba mm a f ikmm batfd L 3 |rJriMi«. lit E JefcraiaH t, Battar. F«J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers