Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 02, 1892, Image 1
VOL. XXIX. -4SE K, ' m, Butler Fair. The Butler County Agricultural Associ ation will hold its fifteenth annual exhibition on its grounds in Butler an. t,i, ii 11, n. Liberal Premiums; ao Interesting Race Program for Each Day; Excursion Rates on all Railroads to Butler; Special Pre mium of SIOO for Herd of Seven Haad of Either Holstein Her fords or Durhams. Entries for Horses and Cattle Close Monday Evening, Aug. 29, or one week before the Fair; If uslc by the Great Western Band, Etc., Etc. For Premium List and other Information, address Ira MoJunkin, Sec'y. X2t Years Sentence. Twelve yean experience for your benefit For twelve years we bare heea ia the baggy baeiaeee and ia all that time not a single individual has Mewad ae of ■israpreeeatiag tbe quality ol a vehicle sold. It mast be a for eyeryoae to know that they have a firm that never misrep reaenf ■nil that yean of experience enables them to know the quality of work tbey eell. Oar baainess baa increased year by year until it is twice that of any other similar concern ia tbe Bute, and we feel so good that we have a notion to joiap oat el oar 8d story window —but we won't—for now. jast before tbe Fairs we want one great big busy month, and are ready for It. We here the gooda and mast make prices so as to induce customers to ■bey quick. Beaaember #e keep everything pertaining to a driving or loon latit, Vow look at a law prieei. Leather halters 50 cents, team work bridles Meaate, baggy wbipa 10 eoata. a whole set of buggy harneaa $4.75. a full •at of wsgooharneee, with breech tag, for two borsea $18; heavy leather fly Beta $1 50, wafoa aad baggy caabioaa T5 oeoU, top buggies $45, two seat opriog w ago as S4O, etc. Vehicles of all kinds; harness of all kinds, lap dusters and everything and ia connection with a driving aad team outfit except the horße, Now doa't be backward, come in whether yon want to buy or not. Walk ia joat as yon woald iato yoar mother's room—you are jast as wel eosse. Take a file ea par new elevator, fret. Now do come. If you don't md aaytbiag eopa waikiag right ia aad say yon don't want to buy but look aad yea an wsissns. If yoa have a package of any kind you can leave It here aattt yoa are ready to go oat of town withoat charge, onr location is B—traL Remember tbe place aad remember we are the first and only persons who ever, had an Of* eoerjry withia themeelvee aad confidence in their follow dtiseas to briaf dowa theprice aad depend on increased sales to rwaipensate them. We did it. Yoa appreciated it and dealt liberally with •a aad aow we waat the erowniag month of our life. Harry. now come aloag, get ready for the Fairs aad drive thereto in just as good a rig as your neighbor. Respectfully, S. B. MARTIN COURT CO, S. B. hfARTINCQII&T: J: M. LEIGHNER * % A . _ _ This Is The Lowest Price Ever given on a Bed Room Suite Solid, Polished Oak, glaas 26x30, beveled plate, for $33.00, We offer ibis suite for 30 days only. Our Bed Room Suite for $9 ?° r '•"* f tq §25. Vf e cjofl't only flfltr tlMl above fpods at low prices, but anything In our store IWay down In price. All we ask you to Ao is to examine our Stock aqd yon wilt aay as we do—be* goods for least money o m rnßNrnrßE Store In thp country. -■■ l .... I mmmm&mim i Campbell & Terapleton, 136 N, Main St f| •• - Butler, Pa t / MII HOW on JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., - Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invited -—"Remember our Repairing Department— 20 years Experience."— THE BUTLER | Gentlemen TO ATTIRK YOURSELVES IXN E A T AND F IT- .—— TING AP- P, A R E L , L E A V !•: YOUR MEASURE AT Aland's. LARGE STOCK. BEST FACTUTIES. SUMMER READING. Keep cool and become happy by visiting- oar book stand and getting some light Summer Reading. We keep all tbe leading Magbzines and hare our books marked very low. A good novel by pome leading author for five cents, a price hitherto deemed impossible Money is worth double value at our store Respectfully, J. H. Douglass. C D Ready for All. WE HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THIS COUNTY. Everything that in new in Stiff ilata. Qur $1.50 and $2.00 are wonders for the money •J' ■ v ii r tn* ia B>ft Hats, ranging in price from 25 eta to $5 00 All tbe new blocks in Silk Hats. Greatest line of Famishing Goods we ever bad. An inspection will.be an advantage to any one. COLBERT & DALE, Hatters and Furnishers, 242 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. FRANK KEMPER, IK BLANKETS, ROBES, HARNESS, And everything in horse and buggy fur nishing go ods—H ar - ness, Collars, "Whips* Dusters, Saddles, etc. .A.lso trunks and va lises. Repairing done on ghorf notice. The largest assort ment of 5-A. Horse blankets in town will be found at Kemper's* Planing Mill —AND- LumberYtwd IJ. L KU KVIA. L. O. I'UKVIP. S. 6. Purvis & Co. MANCTACTUr.EKN AND DKAI.KRB IN Rough and Planed Lumber or BVCKY UESCHiniON, SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler,Pa L. c. WICK: DKAI.KK 15 Rough and Worked Lumber QJT'ALL KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. A W. Depot, BIJTI.SR - - PA. G. D. Harvey, Contractor; and Dealer in builders supplies—Lime, sand, cement, etc. Ware-room near Campbell's Foundry. Residence 315 North Main street, Butler, Pa. BUTLER, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER '2, l«9vJ. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon, am west Cunningham St. Cr. N. If. HOOVER, IST K. St., ..fflce hours. 10 to lj 51. and I to 3 I*. 51." L. M. REINSEL, M. D, I'll Y.SICI AH ANO SIKOWW. oniec Mid residence at U7 E. Cunningham St. j L. BLACK., CUTBICIAN ANII SCItGKOM, New Trout iuai: Building. Butler. I "a. E. N. LKaKK M. i» •' K MANN. .M. U. j Sl*cl»!ties: Specialties; • .yua-ctiUKy and S-ir- Eve. Tar. Noxe and gery. Throat DRS. LKAK.E& MANN, Butler, Pa. c, V Zir»IMERMAN. -'i\*.-triA* ,vi> sPMSOn o;!:iv ai-to. 43. s. 51-': street. over Frank * (*»'-« l imk sior.". l»uti-1. P>, V. .VicALPINE, Dentist, Is now located tn now and elegant rooms ad joining til* former ones. All kinds of clasp plates and moderen jolJ work J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Buller, Penn'a.' Ar iilcikl Teeth inserted < n the latest Im p:..»i ii plan. (;>»ld MUlt* » specialty. Office— i,v r .scuaurai'loihinn Store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. f tNT IST, - - BUTLER, PA. Gold tilling l'alnless Extraction of Teeth and Artificial Teeth without Plates a specialty Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local AmestUeties t.seo. office o'er Miller* tjrocary east of l.owry House. Office closed Wednesday * au<l TUursdi}B. C. F. L. M cQU IST ION, KM;INEF.n AM) SURVEYOR, Office jjh.ab Diamond Berlin. I'l.' -H. Q. WALKER, Attorney-at-Uaw—omec in Diamond Block, Butler. Pa. J. M. PAINTER, jAttorney-at-Lavv. Office —Between l'o«to®ce and Diamond, But ler. Pa, A. T. SCOTT, ATTU UN EY -AT- LA W. 011 l e at No. fi. South ' i .raotiJ, Butter. A. M. CHRISTLEY, AfIOItNEV I'vr I. AW. O.liee second lloor. Anderson 111 k. Mali: St., ii.ir ('emit House, liutlor. Pa. NEWTON BLACK. Alt'y titllce on SoutU s'do <■! Diamond flailw.te. J. W. HUTCHISON, attounky at law. oflice on second lloor of the 1 l,ctolt on olock, Diamond, Butler, Pa.. Kootn Ni>. I. IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law. OHl'e at No. 11, East Jeffer son St.. Butler, Pa. W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at tJtw and Itcal Estate Agent. Of flee rear of L. Z. Mitchell's oitlc* on north side of Diamond. Butler, Pa. H. H. GOUCHF.R. Attorney-at-lnw. timce on w»cond tloor of Atidfrson liulidlUh', near Court House, Butler, Pa. L 8. McJIWKhN, Insurance and Real Estate Ag't 17 FCAST JEFFEBBON BT. BIJTLER. - PA. Bf Ti EH COUNTY Mutual Fire insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham fits. 1 V. IIKINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: Alfred Wiclc. Henderson Oliver, l>r. W. Irvin, .lames Stephenson, w. w. lllackmore, N. WotUU, K. Ilorman, 1). ?. N orris. Geo. •ieU'-rwe. ('has. Itebhun, John Grohrnan, John Koenlm?. LOYAL S. M'JUNKIN, Agent. T? A.. DR. JOHNSTON'S IMPROVEMENT IN DENTAL PLAI ES. Patented February 25, 1890. , This Improvement JV ■ tines away with the !•-••• lucUon plat* in common u«te. The plates are very small, only about one-eighth ( \ lo onc-Xourtb the usual V BUe. and IHIIIK con stna.r»..i; . eM. • mtcal principles, tit the moui vtih r.i . 1 : .juraey. Any number of teetl- . '.hout extracting any pood teetli nd no plate in the root ol their m 1 a plate Is specially adapts ed to 1 ' "Mures, slnco It is wel know • :tl on.tension have nothing sucCCSStUi w oil-I In that line; and further more , partial lower tilat<s have not nor cannot be successfully made bv any other known . This Is an Important ter when we take Into* < M consideration that tower teeth are as !;('(>» uuttry ~s upper. For further information, oaii at Roams 114 Etui Jeffi-non Street, 111 TLEII, PA. DR. S A. JOHNSTON. B Xt Cure. Cold*. Coughs. Bore Throat, Croup. Influ- OHIA, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A oertain ran for Consumption in first stages, •ad a aura relief is »i»ai.«sd stages. Too will Mt the exeelieat effect after taking the first dose, i»ld bj dealers eierywhcrs. Larrt, botUea, H «*nU and 91.00, Idllrti. IM.'„ 1, , , ' . ..i'i" "'-'i: CHAPTER IX. IRAKRUAN JOE DISCOVERS THREE TRAMPS. Arthur's excitement over the finding of the five-dollar bill was fully shared by Uncle Thin, though in the old man it assumed a greater and more reverent form, 110 said; '"Do good Lawd seen de fix we was in, honey, an' he sen' dis yeah in place ob de raben for our suppah. Dat's what we'so wantin' do worstes, an' dat's what we orter bo gittin' de fustes ting." To this the boy fully agreed. Even Rusty seemed to comprehend that his little master's fortunes taken a turn for the better, and as they started up the street in search of a place whore they mipbt obtain food, he danced about them barking joyously. Boforo long they discovered a very small and humble bake shop, kept by a colored aunty who looked almost as old as Uncle Phin, but who was as stout as he was lean, and whose head was cov ered by a gaudy madras kerchief of vivid reds and yellows. She was not expecting any custom ers this stormy evening, and at first regarded the new-comers with sus picion, evidently fearing that they were About to appeal to her for charity. This, A SMALL AND lIt'MSLK UAKK-SUOl' KEPT BT A COLORED AfXTIE. by the way, as they afterward learned, was her name, "Aunt Charity." Sho was, however, reassured by the sight of the five-dollar bill in Uncle Phin's hand, by the old man's extremo politeness, and by Arthur's hone.t blue eyes. In spito of his clothes being rain-soaked and mud-stained, he was so evidently a little gentleman that she involuntarily dropped him a courtesy when, in win ning tones, ho said: "Please, ma'am, get us something ta e&t. Wo are nearly starved, but we have tho money to pay for it, and 1 think wo would liko to have a good deal of most every thing you have." "To be suttinly, sah: To bo suttinly, my pore You shall hab de bes' Aunt Charity kin skeer up, dreckly," answered tho old woman, dropping her courtesy, and gazing oom passionately at the little follow. "Ef youM liko to dry yo'se'fs while Pse or gittin' somfln ready, yo'se wclkum to stop inter do kitchum, an' get by do fire, Miste —" Here sho paused and looked at Uncle Phin, as though waiting for him to complete her sentence by introducing himself. "Phin Dale, ob Dalecourt, Virginny," said tho old man, promptly add ing: "An' dls my lil marse, Arthur ©alo Dustin. Wo is a-trabblln'to his gran'paw's, and is to take de kyars fo' Dalecourt soon as we is eaten our sup pah." A.S Annt Charity had also spent tho earlier days of her life in Virginia, a bond of sympathy was at onco estab lished between them, and she bustled about with surprising agility for ono of her size to make the travelers comfort able. Sho had Intended supplying their wants from tho counter and well-filled shelves of her little shop, but after they wero comfortably seated in the friendly warmth of tho kitchen stove she decided to mako a pot of tea and then to fry a rasher of bacon with some eggs. Nor did sho neglect their im mediate wants while preparing theso things. Hunger was so plainly stamped on their faces that it would have been cruel to keep tbeiu waiting a single Bahiute before beginning to satisfy it. So sho gavo (hem each a big shiny topped bun with currants in it, and when sho saw Arthur breaking oif a piece of his for Rusty she immediately got another for the hungry little dog. What a pleasant contrast this cheer ful, low-ceiled kitchen, with its glowing stove, presented to the cold, and wet, and darkness of tho Streets through which they were wan dering so hopelessly but a few minutes boforo. llow thoroughly Arthur and Uncle l'hln appreciated its comforts, and what glances, expressive of grati tude and eomploto satisfaction, they ex changed as they sat on opposite sides of tho stove, well back so as not to interfere with tho ponderous but bustling move- aients of the mistress of the establish ment. In the darkest corner of the room was I high, calico-curtained bedstead, from beneath which projected one end of a low trundle-bed. In thiscould justbe dis tinguished two littlo woolly heads, from which two pairs of wide-open black eyes (fazed wonderingly at tho strangers and the busy scene about the stove. When Undo Phin inquired, with an air of well-feigned interest, if thoso wore her children, Aunt Charity paused In her work for a moment, and, standing with arms akimbo, regarded them with prcat complacency, as sho answered: "No, Mista Phin Dale, dey's not my swnly chillun; but dey's my gran'- ;hillun, onco remobed. You seo, deir aiaw, she my ole man's fustes wife's gal, by her fustes husban. So when dey kum to be twins an' orfuns at do samo time, I wuz deir nex' ob kin, an dey nacherly fell to my sheer ob de estate. Now, I'se gwlne gib 'em a edlcashun. an' train 'em up for do whitewash an' kalsermino biz ness." Warm and dry, strengthened and re freshed by their supper, of which little Rusty had eaten his full share and would now have greatly preferred lying under the stove to going out in the Btormy night, our travelers again set forth on their journey. Had Aunt Char ity's mite of a house afforded a spare room, sho would have invited them to occupy it until morning; but it did not, md she had no place to offer them. Then, too, Uncle Thin was most anxious to start on at once, now that they had money, in hopes that it would last until they reached their journey's end. So interested had Aunt Charity become in '.he little chap who was so bravely seek ing a distant home, in plaeo of the one ft-here he had been cruelly and unjustly treated—for Undo I'hin had told her She whole of Arthur's history—that she it first refused to receive any pay for their supper. Both Arthur and Uncle Phin insisted so strongly that sho should, however, that at length sho sonsented to take twenty-Jive vents but no more. Sho also forced into l nele Phin's hands a paper bag full of rolls «nd cakes for Arthur just as they left, and she stood in the door-way watching them until they wero lost to sight In the dimly-lighted street Aunt Charity had given them direc tions for reaching the railway station, so that they had no trouble in finding it. Here they were greatly bewildered by tho hurrying throngs of people, the great trucks of baggage that were being trundled up and down the platform, the puffing and snorting of engines and the dazzling white light of the electric lamps. At length Uncle Phin ventured to address a man in a cap and blue coat, whom he took to be one of the railway officials. "Please, sah," said the old man, bow ing humbly and polling at the brim of his tattered hat. "which ob de kyars 1s er gwino ter Firginny?" "Which way are you bound?" asked the official, sharply. "East or West?" Uncle Phin did not know. "Let me see your tickets?" Uncle Phin had none. "De man hain't passen ob 'em down yet," he said. "Are you going to Richmond, Vir ginia?" "Near by dar, sah. Clus onto It," cried the old man, eagerly, delighted at hearing the familiar name. "Well, then, you want to take tho first through train going East, and it won't bo along until midnight." With that the busy railroad man hur ried on, leaving our friends gazing at each other in dismay. Midnight: and now it was only seven o'clock. What should they do and where should they go to pass thoso five hours? They did not dare go very far from tho railway station, and so thoy wandered aimlessly about in the darkness near it, growing more weary, more wet, cold and uncom fortable with each moment. At length they paused before an empty froight car, ono door of which was partly open. Why not seek shelter from tho storm in it? Nobody saw thorn as they climbed into the car which they found to be "WHICII Oil I>E K YAKS i; EB QWISI TBB FEUGIXXY?" half filled with sacks of corn-meal. On thoso they made themselves quite com fortable, and hero they decided to wait patiently until tho lighted clock on a tower abovo tho station, which they could sec from the car door, should tell thorn that it was nearly midnight. Of course thoy hod no idea of going to sleep. That would never do; for they must watch tho clock. How slowly its bands crept round. Arthur resolutely turned his eyes away from it, deter mined not to look again for at least half an hour. When satisflod that that length of time had elapsed, ho glanced at Its round, yellow face, only to find that barely five minutes had passed. He spoke of this to Uncle Phin; but re ceived no answer. Tho old man was fast asleep. "Poor Uncle Phin!" said tho brave littlo fellow. "Ho must bo very tired, and I won't wake him till it's time to go." So the boy watched the lighted clock until it looked like a moon, and then he rubbed bis eyes to make sure that it was not winking and laughing at hlra. And then —and then ho too was fast asleep, with one arm thrown about Rusty's neck, and tho only sounds to bo heard wero tho patter of rain on tho roof of tho motionless freight car, and tho regular breathing of its three tired occupants. An hour later two men, carrying lan terns and wearing rubber coats that glistened with the wet, came along and paused tho freight car. Ono of them consulted a way bill. "Yes, this Is it," he said; "No. SOI, corn meal for Harrisburg. Six sacks to bo left at Arden. That's all right. Shut her up, Joe. It was mighty careless of thoso fellows to leave tho door open." Here Joo pushed tho door to with a slam. It fastened with a spring lock, and tho men with tho lanterns walked away to lock up tho rest of their train. A littlo later an engine came rolling softly along the wet track to where the car stood. There was a bump, a rattle of coupling pins and .links, a swinging of lanterns, and tho car was drawn away, past tho multitude of littlo red, and green, and yellow lights twinkling through tho rain and darkness liko big fire-flics and marking tho switches. Tho car was hauled and pushed hither and thither, and others were attached to it, until at length a long train was mado up. Tho great locomotive panted, eager to bo off, and Its hot breath mado littlo clouds of fleecy steam that wero edged with flarne by tho glow from its open-mouthed furnace. Tho brakemon were at their posts on tho slippery tops of the cars; the caboose at tho rear end of tho train looked warm and comfort able. Two red lights, shining like angry oyes, were hung in position on its sides near tho rear end,and freight train No. 15 was in readiness for a start. Tho conductor came from tho train dispatcher's office with a thin sheet of yellow papor, on which wero written his orders, In bis hand.. "No tramps on board to-night, aro there, Joe?" ho said to his head brako man. "No, sir, not a sigu of one. I've looked carefully everywhere. It's too wet for 'em to travel, I reckon." "All right. Let her go." Then the conductor swung his gleam ing lantern, tho engine-driver pulled the throttle, and freight No. 15 moved slowly out into the darkness. Its first stop was at Arden, where it was to side track and await tho passing of the New York limited. Here, too, were to be left six sacks of meal. As lirakeman Joe unlocked and pushed open the door of tho car No. -01, and the light of his lantern Hashed into its dark interior, it fell upon something that caused him to start and exclaim: "Great Scott! Tho tramps are travel ing after all, and hero they are. A dog, Wv! Well, If that isn't Qvldcliecji!" Brakcman J His regular work wa^rcMlH^Hl goodness knows; and when, in addition to it. ho had to make a thorough mrul nation of the whole train at every stop ping place. pet-ring by the light of hi* lantern between and underneath the -»ra for tramps who might be stealing a ride, he felt that he had good rau«-- t < dis like them. Sometimes ho ha«l hard tussles before dislodging them from their perches and roost*, and many an cgly blow had he received while per forming this duty. He had therefore learned to deal rery promptly, not to say roughly, with this portion of the traveling public whenever he found them on or in the ears under his charge. On this particular night he had made sure as he thought before starting that there was not a tramp on the train, and had in consequenoe lw>i n anticipating a comparatively easy trip And here was a whole nest of them snugly stowed away in car No. 201. A dojr, too! It was aggravating. and, under the circum stances, it is not to be wondered at that he hustled them out without much re gard to their feelings. Both Arthur and Undo Phin had been suddenly awakened, ami greatly alarmed, when Rrakeman Joe first slammed and locked the door of the car in which they had taken refuge from the storm. They had a confused idea that they had been asleep, though for how long they could not tell, and now they could no longer see the lighted clock above the railway station. It m ight even be midnight and time for their train to come along, for all they knew. They shouted and kicked against the locked door, and Rusty barked; but all in vain. The conductor and Brtkeman Joe had walked away before these noises began, and there wm no one else to hear them. Then the engine came and pushed and pulled the ear about, until they had not tho slightest idea ot the direction in which they were moving. It might be for ward or backward, cast or west, for all they could tell. Nor was their situation improved when the train, of which car No. 201 finally formed a partj .lied outof the railway yard, and started on Its long journey. They had no idea which way it was going, and Arthur cotild have cried as he reflected that they might be traveling in exactly tho opposite direc tion from that they wished to take, and might be carried hundreds of miles be fore their car door was again unlocked. As he could not do this, because he was a Dale, bo only bugged little Rusty, and tried to be comforted by Uncle Phin's assurances: "Dat dc good Lawd was er gwine ter keer fer Jem, jes' like He did fer de sparrcrs, whoso hairs was all counted so as dey shoaldn' fall to de jrroun'.'*- Arthur's unhapplness was inerea-sed b r the fact that he could nowhere feel his precious book. It had slippel from his grasp as he slept, snd now was no where to be found. Thus the first stage of their Journey by rail wxs a tnoet un happy one, and they were glad to forget their sorrows in the sleep that again overcame them, a few minutes before the train made its first stop. The Arden station was a very small one, in a lonely place, with no houses near it. It was only a platform with a freight shed at one end. and a marc for lorn place for a stranger to be left on a dark, stormy night could hardly be im agined. Arthur and Uncle Thin were not conscious of the train stopping here, and wero only awakened from their troubled sleep by the light from i'.rake- tnan .Toe's lantern flashln;.' In t! ir fa- -*S. They were just sitting uj> ur. i pazing at him, in a bewildered •• »v. wh<*n this enorgettic young man bustled thetn out of the car in his roughest mariner. It was so rough, in fact, that poor T'ncle I'bln, Impelled by a violsnt push, slipped on the wet platform and fell heavily. He struck one of his knees such a fearful blow that, for a few moments, he was unable to rise, and lay there groaning. "Aren't you ashamed of yourself to treat an old man so?" cried Arthur to lirakeman Joe, as with flashing eye* and quivering llp« he sprang to his com panion's side and endeavored to raiso him to his feet "Well, what business has tho old tramp got to be stealing a ride on my train?" replied the brakeman, sulkily, though at the same time bending orer Uncle Phin and helping him up. He was not a bad-hearted young man, this lirakeman Joe; but only over worked and much bothered by tramps. On the contrary, he was go>xl-natiired. and especially kind and gentle with old people, for ho had an old father at home of whom he was the •ole support, and to whom he was devoted. Ho had not noticed, in the dim light, that Uncle I'hln was old and white-headed. Ho trad only regarded him as a tramp, who, as everybody knows, is generally young and strong and well able to perform the labor that ho refuses to undertake oat sheer laziness. So now he help«-d the prostrate figure to ite feet, said he h'>j*«l the old fellow was not much hurt, and then returned to his task of dragging the six sacks of meal, that were to be left at Ardeo, from the car. "What's the matter here. Joe?" a«k*d the conductor of the train, stepping up at this moment. "Only a couple of stowaways that I found stealing a rido in this i-ar," was the answer. "Tramps, eh?" said the conductor, sharply, flashing the ltght from his lantern lipon the two trembling flgur* s who stood before him. "A dog. too," he rt>ntinued, "and I'll warrant they stole it. I've a mind to take it in payment for their ride. If this was a town I'd have you fellows ar rested and locked up In less than no •'AREN'T vol' .VBHAMKD To TREAT AX OLD MAN SO?" CRIED AHTHVB tIme. You and all your kind ought to be killed off for the good of country. As it is. I'll leave you here to soak in the rain for the rest of the night, and per haps some of the worthlessness will be washed out of you by morning. Hello' What's this?" Here the conductor stooped and picked up a small object over which lirakeman Joe had stumbled, and which he had sent flying out on to the platform. It was s book, and the couductul picked it up. wondering where it could have come from. "Andersen's Fairy Tales," he read aloud. holding it up tc bis lantern. "The very book my little Kitty was asking m«- to get for her only the other day! Well, if this isn't a rind: Then turning to the fly leaf he r< ad aloud: "To l'rince Dusty from m Here he was interrupted by Arthur, who sprang forward, and. stretching out his hand for the l>ook. cried: "I*lfa-.< . sir, it's mine, and I should f«'cl dreadful ly to lose it, and we aren't tramps, and didn't mean to steal a ride. We got locked in by accident, and we have money enough to pay for every thing. this lonely place." The ooaJartor stared at tfce ho/ la t-aurmrat. "Well, you do look like t little <loaty. vi-re enoajl!. though I <■»': say that yon are exactly what I should have fane:.xl a Prinze »u Who are you. any may? And where do you «aat to go toT* Then Arthur, who wu <-oe-.pletely covered with white Joat froes the meal sacks 'Mi which he had been -deeping | told the conductor, in u few words aa po«ibl*, of the object of their jourae-. an l how they happened to he locknl | into >-ar No -Ml. He finished by repeat ing? that th< y had money, and would willingly pay for the privilege >f riding further on tho train, provided it was bound Fast. This last fanfim *a* asked moat anxiously; for aa yet (he hoy hail not the slightest Idea of where they were. < "Round East!" exclaimed the conduc tor. "of i*our*e we are. and th- re goes the 'Sew York limited' now." Aa be •poke, an express train, of heavy vewti bmled cars. thundered put then, with a roar and a rash, at such tremendous speed that la a second It was joac. and lta two red cyea, looking hackwarl. •turned to wiak mockingly ai the aanil like freight train, aa they were wtu»*cd j out of sight. i "Sow." said the conductor, a* th« rosr of the express dytag away permu ted Ms voire to be stfain heard. "I ll tell you what I will do. Too nay yos» are not tramps, and didn't m.an to stuv away In that ear. and that you have < < money to pay for your trip. Thar all may be so, and it may n. t At any rate I haven't ffot > time to investigate your stury now. for we must Dull >ut of here at once. So you and the old man and :1M do/ ju»t tumble Into that cabooxe and I'll carry you along a bit further. We'll se. about paying for the trip whan you decide how far you want to go, and you shal' read a story out of your book to Brhkeman Jon aad Be to pay for ?!«■ rfdi' you hare already had. But mtnd," ho added, threateningly, aa Arthur fv»- | gxn to thank him. 'lf I Sad that yoa hare been telling me aay lias I*ll have you arresti d and locked up at tho very fli'it town we come to." I osltanrii »»jr I it ft MmM lua. Mr. Jonaa, being on a visit to a fltoui ta a Texas town, and ha ring a fond voice, vas urged to sing in the local choir. He at last yielded. "I hear yon hare at last consented to sing In oar chnirl"* said a lady in caeetr j iag him. "Yes, I have at last yielded. I be lieve that when yon are in Rome you should howl with tha wolvea" —Ten* Sifting*. tint a TwMln. Bowles—Did Bullion give yon a vaen- ■ tion? Kamles—Two weeks. Bat I won't ! go back to work for him again unleae ' he retracts his words. Bowles—What did he say? Knowles—He said not to coaae back after the two weeks were over —Jewel ers' Circular. ■ A ( oD'llllowl f>rS»t. Sweet Girl—llave you any parlor shades that won't break lodse and fly up all of a sudden when yon 1«M mm pect It? Dealer—Yes, raise Sweet <Hrl- Well. I Wish you'd send a man around and see if ha can't talk tna into buying aome.—S. Y. Weakly. j lta strictly Mxt—l»«l ritail»ln "Shykee, how did yon ever happen to marry a widow a doflen years older than yourselfP* "My dear fellow, I did my courtiag heigh-ho' —as I <V> everything *l— the lino of the least resistance" —Chicago Tribune. H->«k sum o» tW rase. She—l was calling on Miss DingU th* other night, and she said she tlaiught you were an awfully pretty girl. She- That's strange. Mr. Waybnrk told me she said X waa poaitieely plain. She—She evidently dfldn't know that you knew him —Jndg». lWyr,n*t Kt •'Do y<>u mean to say, Mr. DryW*d.tha< you don't carry a lnfech key? I -ihould think, yf all m«n In the world, you would need one." "It's no use to me. I couldn't use on* if I had It."—Ll fa- l.rkd tkt MjU. "I remember once I walked twenty miles to whip a fellow." "Jerusalem! And walked back, ton, I suppose?" j "So; they carried me."— CMeug»» News. . A ffatwrwl Krvoe. "Papa., did I hear you any thatanoney talks?" "Yea, Willie." "Is t/iat why they have parrots on . the W. ks of the silver dollar*7" — . •Tu«lg»k Only a Stay. "Fine weather for com,"* remarked the piu-vw-jiip-r clinging to thnntrap The <-ar lurched and— "Therp goes my entire crop!" the pawwtnjrer who was sitting nowm.— Chicag< > Tribune. His IMelsloe. "Yonr wife Is a very decide! blonde, isn't she?" "Decided! Yon*wonld be init» sure of it If yon came to*onr houstf often-" Puck. Too True. "I"ve>got an axiom f.»ryora." "What is it?" "Many a racehoran that's handsooM . entl.s up by being a hansom horaa."— ' Rider and Driver. Tw.. Kind* of fklMm. There are two kinds of children — j your own good little darling*, and the ] badly behaved, uiiscbievous little de- mons owned by other people,—Jury. How Wh II Dowe? Wiffles —Well, sir, Boyer is a finished j nctor, let me tell yrra. Tadilles —You don't say? Did the ; audience kill him?— Judge. MAKIM. TH* *«>«T or IT. ■' 111 Yellow I Iteralare. Miao llrni'ituu Toorkawa- I want ' some hooks for my < hineae Sunday- I school elaaa. (.ood moral sn i-ies*noth- | ing wishy-wMihy. Itookrirrlr- Something waah^ywashy. I supjxrsc" Puck. *<S Aaaloas. Mr. Slimpiursc—l'm afraid tfhrou m ir ry you will want to begin wi4>n? your , parents left off. Mivj Du Rich—M<ivy, sol Th.-y fight and >!■ W*«»Ty. I >TO. 43 MAY axca tiaicUu foe tna Toys mt ssaifcs VTI.4 aw. I Sato. W»n-1 a»: rata make is i i ■—aij ta we g!. . r fasten down the U*pme4 hsni J ■'< •• "• 'twiLi-nt ;» itahla rmt in al»''wn ,n the il'.nstraUun agvave»l after sketches from John C. Cnrtii The raigc pole n in Fig I k • two Sf I ••r-icch timber, f .urteen feet loms. To keep thia fn pnattion, pairs at toga b made ->f ooe by sts-ineh Swrda Iwaaty inches lonr. are nailed in aMd krufnd by a two by four inch ptaea 4 ats Inches lonr The seetiona of Pka t, are three by eight feet, aaiaoran wuiths of «n» by twelv<e-i|Hb iu »o,r. anllc ion -wo ne bj ckAt-'aA erceapieeea. oa» which » two r t»e inches lodg; the .-»tiar tHW# W»n% three <neh« «. To keep tiw mi Lkln— fn r«*ut w» the length oi the ptaeff alternate above and K»k>w aa the !i;««t ration. Tan tnr inak ana* no i-ntuitovsnaujtamcaaaafi. nails <*"!oee ; ige >f hoardaand On the tidia the "arka mm has tened wth ath. the enda at «k* lank ke'-ncr shavetl with a In na ing 'sntfe to nv-ri.-.p as in <hmgling. On enafc aid* of the >iuh cnt with a gntterinff plana a wnter ctannal ->ne hauf Inch aik and dee j*. If the joint bet an an the sai Ifcina k guttered m each aide it.feasant—ad lath. Tae e -tirwa for one ssda an hunt on the Spikes • by wka ice pa e ; s-M ine! e> 'nag On th* Otker kk the ar - * wwtna inekaa long tn lap eeer it tte rMgn Two men ann pan this cover on a Hek at hay a a mnak ahorter time thasitkayean armband fasten the poiee needed to lasay the hag (run blowing »rf. The *oat w{Q kn im pxj i "w * "I 1 ? •- e" lg iwj w aavwd ta the hay protected fMaa ruin For vary l»en»y wind (kt saetkma -san be weighted, though when settled drawing >n the hayriek ! the mUdle should ha kaf* solid, tkn : ends carried ay straigkt and tkn (Man j eaves will not catch and carry wnkar into the stack With tkie root hay w < fodder can he :Hn>kniil aavwkak* An tkn farm, aa nnfln'tkad rten kail from | a sudden rain, or a kmd mr taen mt [or fodder shellill 11. 1 aultnrist. SOn. INDtCATOML Weetk arv do 4 often ettkar resyeeasea of persons or of aMls. ha the 4rant HW aLsaippi valley, bat uanalty gwmim aye an with the crops rmleea dttigentiy laateand , hv th* .unrvesaHn farmer, though n I writer snvs the fnrt thnk aoaae kiadnr# wm.u ooly nrow mm rkrh so4L ami tketr p» ■se 'vi 1 ,i»iicaikaa fertility, in welt un- I Cert. 0.1 by farmer*. Tke inaaaewn ! hull tklatle .raonot bn grown fully on thin, eold aott PoaaiMf i«a ased . m ninnla em mk land, knk j it conki not tioouat tn wnrh. Plantmn ami eat nip are weeds tkn* hnee nnatiar preference, the latter espenally thriv ing tn the ne n hkeefcnnd af old buttl ing*. and always when pto«e* aadar making a fertile aye*. Ike eanamun ■ mallow*, jjrow-.ng in gnrdeu* and eften n great there, will nak pee hi flektaof only wdtnnry «artfiitf Om t tho other hand, mullein and lagwsed grnw l etter on yonr eoil than m any run them Tout the land kfkh An Cnclktb story la told at n MM nan : who was very weatlky. and wkn knd made much of kin money bwymn and selling land. Iwtvtng one dag srkfc hie aerr m« to a piee* that had been aM> mended highly he asked: fan fen itui a ikiet> here to hitch toe hees* to while I walk ahoa« tke IsnrfT* ! was tk» IV' —h keen ton *nS lein t iat will do a* wwLL" -nrtonam," sa I t»»- Kind man, ~n anil tkangaawi aawlle'.as rttker tknn 'hiakUa never doe* for my buying." —Weaaam BnrnL Mat* —kiian A noted Sew York farmer, wko kne In pnst year* hean to tke haMB og graiw irtr hie caivee the flrak -vtotor. daily, with about a'jeartef grain enrh. kne the present year tod rutabaga taratjn i toe trad, and re porta th* caivee a*d an fat as others thnt in tke tm a* hnee had i grain, but aeore growtky and tamke quite aa w il foe the futoaa. TW keltor caif wants to b* kept a inning, nto fattened. Any «y**rrn of toedtog ! induce* tot f rnring akonld to nhnn .toned- Heifer cniyea wan* lMtt,mA the fattening qnalHy «f toanen way | want foiwl® tH®4 m is ehm.r*ct*T. «n thm* Um mmj %• •istended. end so ba u-iaae kakttaaisd to 1 hold and iifknk large (aa llllu a« : fond of a cheap cknraator llkn ijlkf crops, silage mad like londk P* *•" | ing aa incidental. In thto way ton dairy ration may he cheapened, but If i the fat habit, induced by grain nß* is cultivated, tkn ehancgnaae tka* high feetUnjf in nftmT lLfli wsJLfct MJ■ nvaking. which of aU thing* » «b* aaprotitahle fuaUty tan ikwry eaat j Do not make tke rowato Mi ft r the hens, a* la tt* «*e whan tkn rot site are »»! iirale'l w-itk kaaaaann, win -h ••aoees sore toel Swak thn ronsu with ker wenr. ,-arry them -nto side, apply a lighted match and nl 10%w the fire to ran o*er item. Tmm result will be that th* Hew will be mm terminateiL rrwe ta Mle Aft. P .1-.naf> I fail to sew whyytsacnll j tl 'tnt landw-ape .f y «*r* n «ws in Pae tn w." Th-ee Isn't a row la tke srtode ! pic **»• ' st were That la tru* art. my dear Pod. We ant l*nve something to Ike Imagi! mtk»o. —Jury. TW I Was Ost "Wliat Vthe matter. Jack? Yon look ! bnhen ujV "I am. %Va know. 1 earn* three ha» dred miles {■' see Mlm Wawknatle. Well, I call.i. vnlker laat iricht. and hy S sent ut> »pawn ticket insaend j of my curd." —L*fe. Qe.nga ■ Dki } ** aeU yonr karteioran '' mn. h as you P«n*i when yon bought i him? John —W ell f r 1 sold likn tor aa much aa he wae worth when I huught I him.— Weekly. Owe Xwliaia Treat. "Mr. Oo*llnirbeud Is very saanrt, daml ' you think?" | "So. Why. he never even opeue his ! month. " "But that's just when* he's «' imert. * ' —Chimg*) S"wra. u.... ri- ■! young Frothingaaa. ' d toi't she'' A very eaer-going IkUow. I uoi-erstan.t"* " \ tij Ue -cfk hrr moutkn ' t after the wedj^ng-t—"froth.