| -Paris Robes Belford Cord- New Spring Dress Goods -A in pq FOR EARLY BUYERS: > We received this week our first shipment of New d O Spring Dress Goods and through tins advertisement we extend a ok cordial invitation to you to come Y W and look through our stock ( whether you wish to purchase or O 5 not * E-TROUTMAN'S-5 * z Leading Dry Goods and Carpet i House. -Henrietta Serge- HAVE YOU HEARD OP THE GREAT BARGAINS THAT Vogeley & Bancroft Are Giving the People For Two .Weeks Only. Everybody Wears Shoes. Now is you chance to buy them. Don't wait and lose a chance That will save you money. Remember we are offering our complete line at a sacrifice—We are not fooling. Give us a call and be convinced. The Popular Shoe Store. VOGELEY AM) BANCROFT No. 347 South Main Street, OPPOSITE WILLARD HOUSE, BUTLER - PA. Go and see • Invest in THPK! NEW FACTOBIES Now in operation or being built, are SOLID INDUSTRIES which here moved to Ellwood for sore room to grow, cheep fuel and better railroad fecilittee. They will employ, before the year is out, not leas than 1600 people, which always results in a growth of 6,000 population. 200 MORE HOUSES NEEDED AT ONCE For the incoming people, and 25 more stores could be rented to-day. 11 to 40 Per Cent a Year In the Renting, besides the rise in values which follows such an increase in population. ELLWOOD CITY HAS CT" MORE FACTORIES NOW BUILDING THAN OLDER towns nine time* as large £FI and this is the margin for its future growth. ■•39- MORE AND BETTER RAILROAD FACILITIES THAN anyother town in Western Pennsylvania. Four Trunk Lines, and no transfer or switching charges. |3P" MORE VALUABLE MINERAL PRODUCTS THAN eanbe found elsewhere in any one place, such as Natural Gas, Coal, Glass Sand, Molding Sand, Fire Clay, Red Clay, Building Stone, etc., and Water Power. BXJY NOW Don't wait a year until the town is four times as large and values pro. portionstely higher. LLWOOD IMPROVEMENT CO. ELLWOOD CITY, LAWRENCE CO., PA. Job Work of all kind done at the "Citizen Office." PER CENT. lv FirstMortgageLiaiis Ko tax, rommlaion or fee* Inter«»t payable •era ian ml all jr by New York draft. Perfect se curity. Highest reference. CMS. V. REID, Fiirbivan, Wukiigtoi. JOHNSON'S 4*ODYHS LINIMENT VKE-vO, \) v fc WTBHAL isi B7ZXXAL AFTcR GENERATION-. .aiy I>ropp+d on Sugar. f'hiltlrett T*oree«ly rare, l-aroplilet (TW. Sold eve rywhero. Price A etby mall, 4 bottle*, Ikprca paid, pL L SjtfOHNSO* A .. llorro*. sreancs For Hones, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTHY. .100 Pose Book on Treatment af Animal* aad Chart Sent Free, crura i Fetrr«,r«»fM«l«»iililaM»il»i A.A.) »»laal MeaTngltla.Mllk Fertr. B.B.—Mralna, Laaseaeaa, Rkeanaailaa. C.C.— lMaiemper. Ma.ai Biackargea. D.O.—Bota ar Urika. Bormi. K-K—Caa«fca. Heavea, Pnenmooln. F.F.-Ctllc or Gripea. Belljaeke. ft.ll aln ted with It looks like the natural wood when It is xtained and varnished. PAINTERS AND BUILDERS will find it profitable to Investigate. Aii t iorcj sell it. nil f"C IfCHiNG PILES riLLu^AYNEt ABSOLUTELY CURBS. OINTMENT ■TMlTOMK~Mrfitir« I l.t»M Haktam a«ta« tap. ■Mlit>l|kli *uwk7HrMaili|. I? liwwMtf MatiiM [■■ or* fmrm ud irtirilc. Nm4lr>, abaorlM the tumor*. Solrlhy drajcflau or by MlfarSOcu Prepamlby DI SHUMI S<.N. t*hii».ii-ii,hUk FOR MEN ONLY! M'lJ lllf |Mweaknass of Body udliol, Ifieti HIiIOI'IIIU Errors or Ixmiih in Old or Y otMg. Itbul, .lebl* BAM HOOD fully R«Ur»J. Hnr to Mltm ud ft4r»n*throffk4l. IMDKTRLOPCDOIIttANSAPARTSOr ftODf. ifc»oluttly unfalllr f 110 UK 1 RKATHEM—R«oefIt« la ft day. Icb tMtlty fTQia £0 P'.tid Ud K«r»lfa CoulrtH. WriU IkML look, nplamUU" ud prufi ailM CmM) tr—, AMrw ERSE fcICDICAt CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. Cotton Root COMPOUND. ||D(n) A recent discovery by an old Vni) physician. Successfully used Vll \\ monthly t*y thousands of r ljuiles. Is the only prefectly .•-J safe and tellable medicine discovered. Beware of un- druggists who of fer Inferior medicines In place of this. Ask forl'ooK's COTTON ROOT COMPOUND, take no substitute, or Inclose tl and 6 cents In postage In letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mall. Kull seal ed particulars In plain envelope, to ladies only. 2 stamps. Address Poad Lily Conpmur, No. 3 Fisher Block, Detroit, Mich. Sold in Butler by C. N. Boyd. J. F. Kalph, J. C. Kedlck and druggists everywhere. W. H. O'BRIEN &SON. [Successors of Schntto .,• t-.r'- ricoess U duo to his lifelong experience ami 'tody: to the pure vegetable remedies usrd aud t.< the thorough examination and watchful at icutlnn given patients during treatment. A4O J - tri' establishment in our guarantee of Miruit I rratmrnt by Mall » Specialty. Office hours, »a. m., to 2km , u t<> 'j r m All day .Saturday till •P. U Mondays 101.. |• , » send Miauip for ItooL. (CopyrtiliLit , Grand Pianos for Sale. Now 1* your lime to select a good"Plano-,; you do not want to buy but one Piano In your life time. So while selecting one It Is the beat and cheapest to buy a good one. PROF. MAIERS, of Boston has opened a I'lano and Organ Parlor at No. 21S, Kast North St.. where he lias on exlbltlon a new Invoice of Pianos from the very best of makers of Boston, they have a full rich and mellow tune, the action Is light, quick and powerful; they will stay In tune longer than any other Piano on account of a new device of tuning plus.' that I will be glad to show and explain. Pleas call and examine bo fore buyng elsewhere. You can save money by purchasing a Piano of me. and get an instrument that you can rely upon, and oae that 1 will warrant or garautco to give entire aatiafactlon. I have made and tuned Pianos and Organs or over l> y) ir..)tharefor kn jw h>w t» select erfect Plana. PIANOS AND ORGANS TUNED. 218 E. North St.. BUTLEK, PA THE CITIZEN ! MIS CELLANEOUS THEVRE ALL DIFFERENT. irefcnflj- Ever Saw Two Womb Wko Were Joe* Alike. One of the constitutional opinion# of the average man ia that women are all alike, writes Junius Henri Browne in the Ladies' Home Journal. It crops out in his speech perpetually, some times in the way of Mndness and sym pathy, oftener in the way of derision and contempt. When a wife has for given some great wrong done by her husband, when a mother haa sacrificed herself for her children, we hear: "It Is Just liko a woman." We hear the same iKing if she has deceived her lover or Involved her father in debt. This dis sent is due to the fact that some men are sentimentalist*, and that more men are cynics. The former are always praising women; the latter are general ly sneering at or decrying her; but both think that she has only one nature. The sentimentalist believes her to be good, gentle, loyal, truthful under eveiy circumstance; the eynic pro nounces her bod, harsh, inconstant, hypocritical on instinct. Neither is wholly right or wrong. She is good »»n< bad, gentle and harsh, loyal and inconstant, truthful and hypocritaL Her qualities depend largely on the in dividual, and the individual varies with mood and environment. She is not cut out of the ideal, nor ia she drawn from debasement. She is primarily human, as man is; a compound of brain and body, of strength and weakness, of generosity and selfishness, of charity anj prejudice, of altruism and egotism, of affection and aversion. Some wom en are far better, some women are far worse than the mass; but, better or worse, they are fundamentally unlike one%nother, and often unlike them selves. Poets and noveliats may, to a great degree, be responsible for the average man's opinion of woman. The poets have ordinarily used her as a vehicle of pasaion and romance; aa a source of light to set off the darkneaa of men's sins. She has been portrayed as their better angel, as turning them from vicious courses, as comforting them in " 1 -—* and affliction, as recom pensing and blessing them after all their trials with her unalterable love. GOUNOD'S STREET CONCERT. How He aad Two Other Mtulelaaa Aided a Hood/ Artist in Paris. A poor, worn-out musician, carrying a violin which be was too feeble to play, was met with in Paris by three young students of the conservatoire. In re sponse to his requeet for alms they searched their pockets, the united con tents of which yielded only sixteen sous and a cube of resin. Thereupon, says Temple Bar, one of them proposed to take the old man's violin and accom pany the voices of his companions. No sooner said than done. Commencing with a solo upon the theme of the "Carnival of Venice," a large concourse of listeners was soon attracted. Then came a favorite cava tina from "La Dame Blanche," sung in such a manner as to keep the audience spell-bound, and yet again the trio from "Guillaume Tell." By this time the poor old man was galvanised into life and activity by the artistic performance. He stood erect, and, with his stick, di rected the concert with the authority of a practiced leader. Meanwhile con tributions of silver and even gold rained into the old man's hat. To nis aston ished and grateful demand to know who were his benefactors he received from the first the name of Faith, aod from the others the response of Hope and Charity. "And you do not ettn know mine," sobbed the poor musician; "my name la Chapner, and for ten years I directed the opera at 9traaburg. You have aared my ltfe, for I cad now go back to my native place, where 1 shall be able to teach what I can no longer perform." The young violinist waa Adolph Her mann, the tenor was Gustav Roger and the originator of the charitable scheme was Charles Gounod. Worse Than florae Rac«a. Blinkers—Why is it your friend Wink ers is always down at the heel? Does he lose his money on horse races? Dinkers—He never bets on a horse race. He loses his money on the human race. ••Eh?" "He has nine children." —N. Y. Week ly. Dnring the epidemic of flux in this coun ty last summor, I had hard work keeping a supply of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhn>a Remedy on band. People often came ten or twelve miles in the night to get a bottle of the remedy. I have been selling patont medicines for the last ten years and find that it has given better satisfaction in cases of diarrhcea and flnx, than any other medicine I have ever handled.—J. U. Reuham. Druggist, Gol conda, Pope Co., 111. Over five hundred bottles of this Remedy were sold in that county during the epidemic referred to. It was a perfect success and was the only remedy that did cure the worst cases. Dozens of persons there will certify that it saved their lives. In four other epidemics of bowel complaint this Remedy has been equally successful. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by D. 11. Wuller, Rutler; A. Rowers, Pro spect; Rreaden an forth in the New England Magarine. "He will resort to every means in hla power to get rid of the remorseless steel, sometimes breaking water four or five times. When a fish is seen to be making pell-mell for the surface, and is bound to get there no matter what hap pens, he can often be cheeked. Just be fore he breaks water, by moving the rod quickly and steadily to the right or left, keeping a taut line, of course, all the while; but, should this not succeed and he breaks water in spite of you, lower the point of the rod a little, other wise it may be smashed. Care must be taken in this in order that he may not throw his weight and bring the whole force of his jump to bear on the straight taut line or fall back on the taut line— either of which is extremely liable to produce the result spoken of. If you get a strike when trolling keep the line taut and the boat in motion, slacken ing in speed somewhat, of course; for give him but a few inches of slack and up he goes into the air like a rocket and is gone." A. Prmak Pop*. Pope Pius the Ninth once granted an audience to a French lady of high sta tion who threw herself at his feet and devoutly thanked him for the res tor* tion of her health. "But how have I done it?" inquired the pope. "I pro cured a stocking that belonged to your holiness," she replied. "One of my stockings?" "Tea; I put the talisman on my diseased foot and it has been com pletely cured." "Madam," replied the Cpe, a little maliciously, "fortune haa en very kind to you. You need only put on one of my stockings and your foot is healed, while I put on both my stockings every morning and I can ta*4Uy walk." A Lapse of Memory. Tom—She seemed infatuated with you and yet she refused you? Dick—Yea. Tom—l wonder if your declaration was ardent enough. Dick—Well, I told her she was the only woman I had ever loved. Tom —You forgot that you were a widower. Dick—By Jove! that's a fact.—Judge. A Case or Xeceultr. Von Bloomer—l understand that you have bought a cottage at the seashore for this summer. De Tootville —I bought two, side by aide. Von Bloomer—What do you want two for, with your small family? De Tootville—One is for my wife's trunks.—Cloak Review. BIFOBX AJfD AFTER. I m jl I 1 BEFORE TAKISO. AFTKB TAKVSQ, —Puck. As a general liniment for sprains au (tall* la «• «•« pr9p»r aSilMi Dw't mUt la ujMjr Nt try Bradfleld's Female Regulator ■ lHcl« tor PAINFUL. P«OFU»«. •CANTY. SUPPRtSSEO 1114 IMHUUI MtNSTRUATION. 1 Beak to "WOMAN" mailed IVm. ■■AOFIELD RSOULATOR CO.. Atlanta. «a. a*M kr all Dr.MKU. For Sale by J. C. Redlck. Ct\ri«t liiFiH Gifts For Every t>ocl y • Beautiful Presents that meet all demands and satisfy all wants in great variety to suit all tastes now on exhibittou at Redick's Drugstore FaDcy goods and Novelties, Toilet Articles and Notions. While we can not describe or enumerate our great variety, we are very glad to show Ihem to all visitors. We claim for our stock excellence inqnality, va riety in, design and reasonable prices. Whatever your wants may be,we can meet them with beaatifal and apro priate selections. We solicit a com parison ot our goods and prices Knowing you will find our Holiday goods tbe best and cheapest. Respectfully, J. C. RE DICK. Mifflin Street Livery. WM BIEHL Prop'r. One square west of Main St., on Mifflin St. All good, safe horses; new buggies and carriages. Landaus for weddings and funerals. Open day and night. Telephone No. 34. Advertise in tbe CITIZEN HP-ATI AND REMEMBER For strictly pure and reliable STRAIGHT rjyUOKS. call OB I. IV. FINCH, It SllTßritLt ST.. PITTHRIBSR. PA. ' ; KOBKRT LEWIN, Wbotaalf Whiskey Mrrrbii. FINK WINES&LIQUORS 135 Water St Pittsburg, Pa. 'opposite B. 10. R. R. Depot. lor mean uoi.su wmtw, for modlcal aod family w. $1.99 pot qt . ot s <(**. to* sA.se. Flncb'a Ooldtn w-ddiof. noactarU. Ourk enhelmer. Ijurr. (iltwoo. RrMmarc. Mt. Vn nun. Orerbolt. Etc TTits »tb« only tumm aot rwtlfylnr In tbe city ihi/ gooda are warrant#)! pore. <>ouda aecurely packed aad boxed without extra charga C. O. IF. aad Ball ordert receive prompt attention, liraadtatberv' Cbok-e S yaara old. K «) per falloa. Try m The best Advertising medium ia the county is the Citisik. 1 MILLINERY TBIUMFH The treading Millinerv House D. T. PAPE. Our line of Millinery is complete in every respett We invite you to investigate, ami we claim that car st«xk is thr ir. i:rr*tive rn Butler county. Tr:mm' .! h.it* ami h< i? >t «n wn*. pins,- laces, braid*, err; *». rvrs. ct< Mourning Milliners' In I i real Variety. PAPE'S, li£3 S. Street Hutler, I '*». HUSELTON'S Shoes are the Best and Most Popular A»k your friend# bow they like Ha.«!'oo'« Shoe*. Ask about the price. Ask if they are Comfortable. Ask if they are Fashioaab!?. Ask if thee w*> Reliable Thev Will Tell You HUSKLTOX Always has the Newest Styl«s, more of ih«*m. be'.'rr * ■ *!.•», ti*«* m r* at tention to Perfect Fitting of your feet aad lower pr ee* Than Any Shoe House in Butler, And best of til everybody bars at the Mae price. your dollar *<*•* far liM) et*. Ladies' Fine Oxfords, 75 eta, SI.OO, $1 25, $1.50 and ap Ladies' Fine Button Boot* W cts. SI.OO, $1 tf>. $t 50 and $J 00 Ladies' Fine Opera Slippers 50 cts, 90 cts and ft.35. Children's Colored Shoes. Handsome sty!# Children#' and It>faat»* Shoes 25 cts, 35 cts, M cts and ft Ofe W.iaeij'*', M i**-*" aad Chiidrsa*' Spring Heels a specialty. SPECIAL FOR MEN. Mens' Brogaos and Plow Show at 75 cts. 11.00 and $1 15. Mens' Fine Shoos at SI.OO. $1.25. $1.50 and $2 00. Mens' Extra Fine Styles in Calf, Bal and Coacrem at s2.< W. Boys' and Youths' Shoes at 75 cts, SI.OO, ,$1.25, $1 50 and tt.O* LOOK THIS OVER BEFORE YOU BUY. B. C. HUSELTON. 103 N. Main St.. ..... Butler Pa Great Knock Down Sale! EVERYTHING MUST 60. Not a Few ( 'limp As Leaders, But everything in our Immense Stock frv>m the finest Silks to the commonest Domestic IVev* Goo PURE RYE WHISKY. All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies m h nd or Tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Giiw and W n«rs. SEND FOR PRICE T .TiFT' Telephone No. 305 . 120 Water St. and 15# Fir at Ave . Pliteebwga Pw FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IX BLANKETS, EOBKO, HARNESS, And everything in horse and bugjf}' fur nishing go*. SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Bntler.Pa. C c\ L) Ready tor AD. WE HAVE THE M«>*T O>M PLETE STt H'fc W THIS rot*NTT. Er«r*tkia* ttet m a»-v m Art* Oar it 5* »od fit* *r» woadw** liar «*•>«»» •lr ■ ~ • '»•*■« A*"* 11*1«. ' >• tmtm fmm to l&M All tW vw M,*rk* in Silk H»w < Utw of >« mm *r*r had An iuitp-i-'.i Hi wtii.be M adfmtmm to uit oar Colbert & Dale, Hatter* ant! Fmakcia 242 S. M un *tn—t, Butl«r. P*. LC. WICK >liun IB Hough and luted Lute >»> l MM Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouidinea, Smn*ia» and Lata Always to 9toca4 LIME. IIA ?R ABO PLASTER. o*r« "it—m FA* Dmjm* lar tIH - . r*. LOST IEOOOI ; ! :iv!Mh mrnmt mm rnmrnm nm- tkfiM -ntwf mm. «*#*■ i r. a m*ww*mr., ■MtMKt."