Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 26, 1892, Image 3

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BrrLBB has a population or about 10.000.
It la the County seat of Butler County, with
Pour railways, natural gas. and unequalled
fart! I tie* for, manufactures.
I*ruareas errywhere; new building. new
manufactures, a growing and prosperous town.
New Advertisements.
4-Paws Circus and Men agar ie.
Pittsburg Exposition.
Uickel's Bargain*.
Simen's Shoos.
Fullerton's All-wool Blankets.
People's Store Fall Goods.
Notr—All advertisers intending to make
anges in their ads. should notify us of
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
—As we will need considerable money
during the month of September, we re
spectfully ask those of our country friends
who owe us and who can spore it to re
member us daring Fair week. Our offer
of the Citizkjj and weekly Tribune,
both one year, for one and a half dollars, is
as liberal as any ever made in this county.
—Sugar is going up.
—"Nuptiated" is a new word.
—Make as a rhyme for mosquito.
—Read John Bickel's interesting sermon
in this issue.
—The buckwheat and corn need rain
badly, and the grass is almost gone.
—Ev.-n the weakest babies have sound
—You can secure some splendid summer
reading at Douglas's book store, see adv
The dry weather is hurting the buck
—Some of the doctors are finding fault
with he "Snapper" hair cut.
-Grandfather's hat," for campaign pur
pose*, is on sale at some of the stores.
—Be sure you are registered. You only
hivo until the first of September to do it.
—A cold wave is predicted for next
—The Iron Hall organisation is in bad
nhape, and its business is in the hands of a
—The commercial stagnation has stag
nated the story-telling genius of all the
—Tarentum Fair next week—Aug. 30th
to sept. 2d. Free-for-alls, Thursday and
Friday, with SIOO, purses.
—The old Federal St. bridge has been
raised five feet, and the new bridge is be
ing built underneath it.
—The latest "poetess of passion" sings
of "the sun-loved leaves that blush before
they fall."
—"Ah, you fill a long felt want," as the
tramp remarked to his dinner after going
hungry for three days.
—Give us more swallows. Naturalists
■ay that a single one of these birds wi'l
devour 60,000 flies a day.
—The combined weight of three peaches
■am in a New York market lately was
•even pounds.
—Butler has three first-olass scandals
oa hands, but only one of them promises
to lead to the divorce court.
—The losses on the Nixon and Thomp
son properties were paid bv Agent L. S.
McJunkin this week, and the Adams loss
will be paid promptly.
—A sad case of lead estray," as the man
remarked who shot at a target and hit a
man standing many yards to one side of
—"I saw a kidnapping last ovening."
• "Good gracious! Where f" "On an
. empty lot. Tho old mother goat was
. asleep also."
—West Pearl street is impassable for
' teams at present on account of being paved,
> bnt persons having business on the street
i can use the alley below it.
—lt is not only cruel but a violation of
" Jaw to work a lame horse or one with soro
ishoulders. The fine for such brutality is
410. It should be SIOO.
—The winner of the Sullivan-Corbett
flight will get $15,000, thus proving that a
dueewsful striker may bo instantly trans
formed into a capitalist.
—This tljwt Brady Review ha* changed
TIKCKK, AND id BOW oditod by Messrs. Hand
eock it fhewas, tiro ambitioas young
journalists wtu are making a newsy and
spicy paper of it.
—Patronize home industry. Mr. J. 0.
jFullerton is now making an all-wool blank
et that cannot be boat for the price asked
>in the conntry. Try a pair of them and
UiOifiAnvinced of their merit.
—3>ax-hundro<l teachers were present at
the opeaing of the Allegheny Co. Institute
in the li ijjh School building Monday. Dr.
Maltby orcbis county is one of the in
—lt will pagr yen to watch the man who
advertises. Ituftom him that you get
the bargains. He wants your trade and
will make it an object,to you to get your
—lt may be n«vc (to many who are suf
fering from intense that a sheet
wrung out of cold water and hung on a
line stretched across a bedroom will reduce
the temperature from seven to ten
—The law requires that Canada thistles
be in time to prevent them from going
to seed, and thereby spreading to a great
er extent. The constables of the town
ships are required to see that the thistles
are ont and must give notice by printed
circulars posted prominently.
—Columbus discovered America on the
12th of Ootober, 1492. The 400 th anni
versary of that event is to he celebrated on
; the 21st of October, 1892. The change of
• day in the month is owing to the change
from old style to new style time, which
.took place in 1582.
Signal offers the following induce
ment* ,»i'r locating in Centreville: There
•are, "by .actual count, (28) twenty-eight
imaida over >5 years old, and (25) twenty
five widows, >ll residents of the borough of
Centreville. ■ffke list of bachelors and
widowers is eosfaratively small.
—Two trained monkeys and an educated
M«ttt, which are exhibited in a small tent
tin& neighboring town are modestly describ
ed oa the Bign outside as "the conquering
•dlimax And overpowering avalanche of su-
VCT&rouc&ng animal inteugeuce."
—Forepaugh's show will arrive in But
ler via the P. S. it L. E. R. R., from Erie.
On Saturday morning, Sept. 10th, and will
exhibit on the Duffy field, west of town.
It is a combination circus and meagerie,
with the historical spectacle, The Fall
of Nineveh, for a specialty. Rserved seats
at Heineman's Book Store.
—The conlerence of the Ministers of the
vSefermed Church of Western Pennsylva
i ait. meets at St Pauls Orphan Home to-day
and .continues till next Wednesday. Com
munist) services will be held in the Re
formed Church next Sunday at 11 A. M-;
: and at BP. M. Rev. R. C. Bowling will
conduct .a.Foreign Missionary service.
—Ot>e toucn *»f base ball makes the
.'American world kin. Up in Warren, Pa.,
i a series of games is in progress between a
• team from the Lutheran church and a nine
"Composed of Presbyterians and MethodisU.
'The last named club, which should be
known as the Calvin-Wesley Terrors, have
also arranged a series of five games with
a local Catholic nine. Keep the ball mov
ing, brethern. It's all right until y our pas
tors get to rushing off and hiring profess
ionalball evangelists to help out their
ihome flocks.—Franklin A'etet.
—Referring to the new law. regarding
the Chinese, Dept. Rev. Collector Mitch
ell is quoted as follows: "There was noth
ing in the instructions sent us to show
what penalty would result if the Chinaman
not show his right to remain in this
i yotry. There was nothing, as far as I
co '4 tat, which wonld compel him to
coui or force him to undergo any kind of
leave . , ent. So I asked the question point
punithn. l o vfeat should be done in case a
blank as i -vot ot would not comply with
man could . instructions I received were
the laws. Ti V the proper officer. Now
merely to notil. *« afeow who is the proper
there is nothing , * waefa in the dark as
officer, so we are a 'n the law is oae which
ever. In my opinii unused,
never should have bee.
The will of Louis Bishop, of Butler, was
probated, no letters; also will of Mary
Robinson, of Slipperyrock twp., no letters.
Letters of Adm'n were granted to Mary
J. Hogg, on estate of Harvey Hogg, of
Slipporyrock twp.; also to Louise Sames,
on estate of J. George Lichan, of Saxon
At Pittsburg, Fiiday. Judge Buffington
filed an opinion concurring with Judge
Acheson in finding an infringement on a
patent for an improvement in packers in
shutting off water from oil wells, as alleg
ed in the case of B. Massett against George
The Supreme Court has decided on an
appeal from Cameron county that a school
board can levy and collect a building tax
and use the proceeds to pay the rent of a
building used for school purposes.
The new steps and sidewalk improve the
appearance of the Temple of Justice.
The official plot of the borough of Mil
lerstown, was filed Wednesday.
The Grand Jury of Washington county
made a presentment to the court thU week
formally calling attention to a matter
which is a crying evil :n the rural dis
tricts —the furnishing by physicians of pre
scriptlons for intoxicating liquors to per
sons whom they know, or ought to know,
neither need nor desire them for medicinal
John Ricketts to John F, R. lot in
Donegal for SIOO.
Edw Frank to E McJuukin, and E Mc-
Junkin to Mary Frank 50 acres in Win
field for $3600.
L Eitenmiller to A T Scott lot in But
ler for S3OO.
John West to Lizzie V Graham lot in
Bntler for SIBOO.
J A Kirkpatrick to L Lambermont lot
in Butler for $750.
D A Renfrew to Thos Bowser lot in
Renfrew for SOO.
P R Sutton of J P Sutton 11 acres in
Concord for $253.
M Wahl to Oil Well Supply Co. lot in
Evans City for $2500.
Carothers <fc Peters to 0 W Supply Co.
lot in Harmony for S3OOO.
8 F to Mary Barnhart lot in Millerstown
for $l5O.
Lewis Shiever to Sidney Shiever, *127
acres in Lancaster for SOOOO.
Marriage Licenses.
Harry Montgomery Venango twp
Georgiana O'Conner Washington "
Orin Fish .... ... Cleveland, 0
Olive Hoon Prospect, Pa
Herman Rnnk Butler, Pa
Bertha Rehbeck Duquesne. i'a
Enos W Graham Brady twp
Etta Albert Franklin twp
David Meal* ..Hilliards, Pa
Annie Crouch Fairview twp
John Twaddle Scran ton, Pa
Jea* Kerr Centreville, Pa
William M Moore Brady twp
Mary J Ruby Lancaster twp
Thomas Stoughton Donegal twp
Margaret Cunningham Penn twp
At Kit tanning. AU Lamison of Arm
strong Co. and Willaretta J Fleck of But
ler, Co.
At Clarion, S Newton Langhner and
Maggie Black of Allegheny twp.
At Dunkirk, N. Y., C B Rahn of Butler
and Hattie Lanehan of Petrolia.
Oil Notes.
They think they have discovered a new
oil field near Undercliff Station on the P.
<fe W. The first well got oil in the 30 foot,
and started off well.
Schmick it Co's well on the Kress,
Muddycreek field, was burned a few days
A 1200 bbl tank was burned at Semple
station, last Friday.
Schlagle and Co's well on the Ben.
Garvin in Cranberry twp., Rtarted off at
150 a day.
Dale & Co's well on the Robt. Hamilton
was tubed this week and is expected to be
a good well. It is a 100-foot well and is
full of salt water.
The barn of Thomas J. Thompson of
Clay two., near Euclid, was destroyed by
fire a few days ago, including part of his
crops and some farm machinery; S2OO
The houso ot Samuel Adams in Fairview
twp., was destroyed by fire on Thursday of
last week. A part of the furniture was
saved. Insurance, SOOO.
The barn of Jacob Danbenspeck of Par
ker twp., was struck by lightning and des
troyed by fire last Firday. The contents of
the barn, grain, iipplemonts and some live
stock were burned.
We do not give presents the p<v)plo to
Or sell them Blankets of inferior kind.
Our Blankets aro all Wool. Our Prices
aro Low.
And this is the cause of the large trade we
Wo boldly maintain our Blankets will
compare, With any you purchase
much higher elsewhere.
We make the assertion, and fear no denial,
You can prove it yourselves if you give
us a trial.
Yours Trulv,
J. O. FCLLERTOK, Proprietor,
Butler, Pa.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 18 for butter, 12
for eggs, 50 for potatoes and apples, 10 a
doz. for corn, 75 a bu for onions, 50 for
turnips, 12$ a quart for lima beans, 35 to
40 a pair for chickens, 00 cts a bu for
tomatoes, 3 to 5 a head for cabbage, 10 to
15 cts a doz for cukes.
Timothy hay from country wagons sl7 to
sl9 for old, and sl3 to sls for new, mixed
hay 11 to 12, straw $0.50 to SB, millfeed
sla to S2O.
Country roll butter 20 to 22, cooking
batter 10 to 12, fresh eggs in cases 15 to 10,
good new potatoes $1 50 to $1.75 a bbl,
fancy rose potatoes $2.00 to $2.25 a bbl,
apples 1.50 to 250 a bbl, beans $1.90,
beeswax 32 to 40, blackberries 6 to 8 a qt,
peaches $2 to $3.50 a bu., Bell pears 75 to
1 00, Bartlett pears $2.50 s3.oo,plnms $2 to
$3.50, grapes 3to 7 a pd, tomatoes 40 to
60, cabbage $1 to sl.lO a bbl, cakes 10 to
15 a doz, chickens 30 to 60 a pair.
At Herr's Island, Monday, common
and mixed stock sold at 2} to 3s, bulls
and dry cows 1J to 3,fresh cows S2O to S4O.
Veak retailed at 6to 6s, heavy calves
3 to 4.
Sheep .retailed at 4 to 5 for prime, and
H to 3£ for common, spring lambs at 4} to
5j for common, and 0 to 6i for pria)e.
Corn hogs retailed at 5.90 to 6.2o,grasses
at 5.40 to 5.70.
Closed on Monday at 55, Tuesday at
55J, Wednesday a* 56.
On and After
Sept. 1, Bitter & Ralston will be open
until 8 o'clock i*. M. accept Saturday.
B. & R.
-.Fall goods arriving at The
Peoples Store, no. 323 Soath Main
street. Having bought before the
advance in cotton goods, we uan Bell
at bottom prices.
—To prepare for solid comfort in
cold weather yoa should call at the
Union Woolen Mill, and get a pair
of all wool blankets.
Attention, Ladies.
If yoa want Wall Paper of any
kind, now would be your time to call
at Jfio, 311, South Main street, the
former Osborne Store.
Don't forget us on Hosiery And
Gloves, we always have the best at
lowest prices
Ladi»s and Misses' Cloaks in great
variety at lowest prices at
L. STEIN & S«v'a.
Very low prices on Fine Umbrel
lis at
Carrie White is at Atlantic City.
Mrs. Harry Grieb. Mrs. "Walker, the
Misses Pape and other Butler ladies are at
I)r. Donaldson now occupies the front
rooms of the second floor of the Schaul
Bros', rlotbing store.
I). A. Kamerer wa- home from camp
over Sunday.
A. T. Scott, Esq. came home from Camp
Black. Saturday.
Henry Shanor. of Enon Valley, one of
Wallace's conferees, was the guest of
Chas. Lunk over Sunday.
William Campbell, Jr. is attending the
convention of bankers in San Francisco.
Grandmother Barickmcn was in town this
week, shaking hands with her many
friends. She is in her Kith year, but is as
spry as a girl. She is the mother of Mrs.
A? Lemon. Mrs. S. P. Young and A.
F. M. Renno has purchased the Rock
enstein store building on Main St., 20i
feet front, for $6500.
Nickle's 5 and 10 cent store is now
Pryer's 5 and 10 cent store.
Dr. Foster left Saxonburg.last Saturday,
and is not expected to return.
A few sporadic cases of the suspendered
girl, we are told by one learned in the loro
of fashion, were reported in America last
year, but it was not till the beginnin of
this summer that the suspendered girl be
came epidemic. When the warm weather
came and the protecting jacket was cast
aside, the girl with suspenders that did
not suspend anything was regnant every
where. To show that she had a full ap
preciation of the many uses to which this
article could be put, one young girl in the
West banged herself with hers. Some
cruel humorist adduced this sad incident
as proof that women were entirely worthy
to wear suspenders if they choose. But
the saddest news comes from Paris, for we
learn from the fashion papers that the
great WURTH has heard of the decorative
value of suspenders, and is using them to
ornament even the finest of his creations.
Wants to be a Justice.
On Thursdsy last, Wm. G. Bassler, of
Zelienople, sent the following petition to
Gov. Pattison: ''Whereas. John P.
Schaerter, justice of tho peace of this bor
ough, has deserted his family and left tfcis
part of the country, we the undersigned
citizens would respectfully petition your
honor to revoke the commission of John F.
Schaeffer, and appoint \V. G. Bassler, to
serve in his place.
This extraordinary document was signed
by the following citizens or JCelinoplt*; E.
Mellon, W.H.Yettacb, G.H.Knaug, Charles
Stokey, George King, \V". 11. I fit, lleury
Kauflman.JC.J. Strohrecker, Casper Knanff,
Albert Winter, C. E. Diridinger, E.Zechner,
J.R.Young, A. S. Meedor, A. Dambach,
Frederich Zechner, Henry Wild, 11. W.
Stokey, Casper Bloovie, Kev. R K. Durst,
J. Allen. John A. Gelbach, George Beyer,
John Ifl't, Moses Ziegler. William Allen,
Jr. A. Beyer. John Wood, W. M. Busk,
G. Kochman, S. C. Stoner. S. M. Wiehl,
H.Householder, John Dimlinger, J.W Pat
terson, J. T. Schaeffer, S.E. Ralston,M.D.,
J.L. Stover, Daniel Stauffer, Jr., Daniel
Stanffer, Sr.
Burgess John Wood certifies that the
facts stated in the petition are true. This
petition, however, is not sufficent evidence
to warrant the fiovenor in declaring the
office vacant. He must have a certificate
from the prothonotarj of Butler county
stating that there is a vacancy in the office
and giving the canse of the vacancy. In
the present case SchaelTer may turn np at
any time and the governor could not re
move him.
An orphan boy, named Harvey Snow,
aged 12 year 3, who had been adopted by
E.E.Hazen of Franklin twp., was killed on
the P.<fcW.R.R.,a few days ago.
The horse he was riding became fright
ened upon the approach of the train, and
threw him upon the track, and the wheels
cut his head oil.
—Six-hundred firms in Allegheny Co.,
have applied for spaco in the World's
—Don't tie your horse near a beehive.
The other day a Mr. Porter of New Bed
ford, Lawrence Co., hitched his hors# in
the alley adjoining tho residence of Mr.
Dufi'. who is the owner of a great many
stands of bees. Not long after tho horse
had been hitched a great commotion was
heard and the horse was seen struggling
violently. It broke its fastenings and
rushed wildly toward the crowd of people
at the chnrch. Those who saw the animal
say it wa3 completely covered with the
angry bees as with a blanket.
The men and boys violently attacked the
bees and succeeded at last in driving them
away from the poor horse that lay on the
ground completely overcome with pain and
poison. His body soon became terribly
swollen and healing lotions were applied
while whiskey and other antidotes were
poured down" his throat. The horse was
finally roused from hid stupor, but little
hope was manifested of saving the valu -
able animal's life.
—Call at the Union Woolen Mill
and see our new style borders in Red
—A nice line of Bbirts and neck
—Gold pens and pencils, school
books, blanks, papers, toilet goods,
etc., etc.,selling low for cash by Rus
sell & Negley, successors to Osborne
store, No. 311, S. Main St., Butler,
Largest assortment and beßt values
in Dress Goods and Cloaks at
—School Books, Slates, Pens and
Pencils at cost, at former Osborne
Store, 311. South Main St.
—Buy blankets at the Union
Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa.
Buffalo Blankets, best for wear at
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
—Money to loan—lnquire of F.
S. Purviance, Huselton block, cor.
Main and Diamond, Butler Pa
—All kinds of writiDg paper,books
blanks,inks and stationery generally,
selling at lowest rates, at No. 311
South Main St., near Court House}
—Attend the State Normal School
at Slippery Rock, Butler county Pa
Best advantages in Music, Methods,
Form Study and Drawing, etc. Ex.
pen so a only $53 for 16 weeks. Be
gins September 1, 1892.
Pictures framed and unframed
and Easels at the former Osborne
Store, 311, S. Main St., near Court
New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords,
Henriettas and Fine Dress Goods at
—Window Shadeß,Wall Paper and
Stationery, at the former Osborne
Store, 311, S. Main St., near Court
German Knitting Yar, Spanish
and Saxony Yarns at
—BoardingHouse Cards, with Act
of Assembly, 25 ceutsfor half-a-dozen,
for sale at CITIZEN office.
Ice For Sale.
Those wanting ice will please leave
their orders at tjje pity Bakery, No.
212 South Main St., and they will
receive prompt attention.
S. MORRISON, Prop'r.
,—Wall Paper and Bordering, best
in the market, selliog at cost at the
former Osborne Store, 211, South
Main St., near Court House.
Cbas. Hunter, alias Havers, a convict in
the Allegheny workhouse, sawed out of
his cell and assaulted his keeper, last
Thursday, then robbed him. scaled the
walls and escaped. He was captured in
Pittsburg, on Wednesday.
County Commissioner Wm. Brice, of
Lima.O., is dying from blood poisoning,
caused by the* bite of a farmer with whom
he had a quarrel recently, and who bit him
on his thumb.
Mrs J. G. Watson of Clarion County,
committed suicide by shooting herself, a
few days after giving birth to her first
There is a cross eyed, red-headed, freck
led girl living in" a neighboring town,
whose name is Gwendolen Maudina Syl
phretta .
A remarkable incident happened in a
neighboring county lately, a yonng man
pointed an unloaded gun at his sister and
pulled the trigger, and it didn't go off and
kill her.
The old boatmen had a reunion at
Johnstown, yesterday.
At Kensington. Monday. Chief of Police
Erdman, and P.J.Mulvehill were shot by a
desperate character named Frank Miller.
Elijah Woods, an employee in Marshall's
grocery in Pittsburg, was killed by being
struck by a ham. which fell down the ele
vator from the third floor and hit Woods,
who was standing in the box.
At Greensburg. Monday, fakirs following
Cooke and Whitbys Circus, swindled peop
le out of S6OO, by' the shell and marble
Evolution in Amusements.
Meeting the Popular Demand for Im
What a change has been wrought by
progress. It is within the recollection of
all save the youngest readers when amuse
ments were confined chiefly to the large
urban centres of population. If one want
ed to see a first class play or hear a high
grade opera ho must needs either live in a
large city or visit one. The small flat hall,
the smaller ill-equipped stage with its
daubly painted dingy scenery, and the
cheap'company of luckless, talented barn
stormers had ti> bo depended upon. Now
every town has its elegantly appointed and
fully equipped theatre Thich is frequently
visited by companies of metropolitan fame
and merit. It is in that most popular form
of amusements, the circus, however that
there has been made the greatest strides
while keeping step to the music of progress.
The great advance the circus has made has
been so rapid and so enormous that it has
been easily prcceptible year by year.
Hitherto, however, the smaller towns and
cities have been restricted from seeing the
grandest entertainments yet conceived for
the diversion and the instruction of man
kind. That is the tremendous out-door
spectacles, conceived, originated and cre
ated by the great Rettig for the Order of
Cinciunatas. Tlies® productions were so
luammoth as to be profitable only in snch
cities as New York, I'hiladolphia, Boston
and Cincinnati. Evtn the great cities of
Chicago and St. Louis have not yet had
the privilege of seeing them. Mai, 'pilous,
indeed, it is then that Uettig's still greater
spectacle. The Fall of Nineveh, will bean
integral component part of the Adam
Forepaugh Stuws upon its visit here on
Saturday, September 10th. True it is
that small, inferior imitations of the great
Ret tig's works have beeil presented as a
part of canvas exhibitions before, but this
will be the first opportunity to behold an
original, genuine spectacular display bv
Rettig m all its tremendous dimensions
and fairly overwhelming grauduer and
splendor. It will truly mark an epoh in
the history of local amusements in this
city. All the great features and long list
of novelties, among them are tho famous
Vaidis Twin Sisters, in their sensational
performance upon a double Revolving Fly
ing Trapeze, and a genuine Moorish Circus
Co., of Forepaugh Shows, will be present
ed entire and unabridged and together
with The Fall of Nineveh will doubtless
attract the greatest throng to the city than
has ever beon brought out by a public
amusement event.
—The merchants of this town will in
dulge in a grand street cleaning every Sat
urday morning from now till Fair time.
Retormance begins to-morrow moring at
sa. m. All persons living along Main and
Jclfersnn Sts., and Centre Ave. are invited
to participate. Persons wishing the ma
nure (best in the world) will apply to the
—Blankets wholesale or retail at
the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa.
—Justices and Constables Fee
Bills, printed on card-board, suitable
for posting—for sale at this office.
—The Uniou Woolen Mill of this
place is the only one that we know
of in the U. S. that manufactures
red blankets with variegated colors
in the borders.
—lce for saie at the City Bakery
—Take your children to Zaver's
Gallery for Pictures that will suit
you. Postoffice building.
Best styles in Dress Goods and
Cloaks at
Best place to buy Tabls Linens,
Napkins and Towels at
Grove City College-
Grove City College will open for
the tail session Sept. 13th. Students
can board in private homes on the
co-operative plan, everything found,
for $2.10 to $2 25 a week.
Normal, College Prepartory, Col
legiate, Business and Music Depart
ments are maintained. For catalogues
address the president,
Grove City, Pa.
—The Kdinboro State Normal
School opens Bept. 5, 1892. No
Normal School has better facilities.
A large library; beautiful surround
ings; a good museum; qualified teach
ers; enthusiastic students; thorough
These unexcelled advantages may
be had for the Fall term i'or only SSO.
P, A R E L ,
I fICT ftinnn t'nlcss you write us qulc
LUO I SIUUU ly. We wallt more Bale
men. and will guarantee permanent position
with salary and expenses paid weekly. Ful
or part time. Experience not required. Stock
complete. Including many Isst selling special
ties. Elegant outut tree. Address
;N «»soryiaau, iiooicster. N. V.
| stabli»heaiß"s.
Citation in Partition.
Iu re iietltlon of Joseph K. Campbell. lor par
tltlon of the real MUW ol Wa&hiugtou camp
boll lair of l alrytew townshlp, Builer county,
O. C. NO. <2. SKPT. TEKM. !*».».
The above entitled petition was filed In the
Orphans' Court of Butler county. PCnn a. sett ng
r..rth that the said Joseph F Campbell. is a
brother of Washington Campbell, lat<* of Kalr
view township. Butler Co., dee'd.
That Washington Campbell dle«l on or iibo.t
the - day of July, i-:u. intestate sei/. d, in his
demesne as of fee' of anil In a certain tract of
land situate in Kalrvlew township. Butler. Co..
Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit
on the north by land a nf William Walker, on
the east by the lands of the heirs .if H 1! shake
ley, on the south by the lands of Margaret .1
Kay. and on the west by lands of c Hill, and
containing on*' hundred and sixty acres, more
or less, with the appurtenances.
That lh" said Washington Campbell left to
survive him no children, but left a widow
Hannah J Campbell, who reside* lit Butler. Pa.,
and the following named collateral heirs. Tne
brothers and sister" living at the time of tlie
decease of sai l Wasuuigton Campbell are m
follows: Joseph F Campbell your petitioner,
shephard B Campbell, aged about 57 years,
living In Scott county, Iowa: Mrs Nancy Craig,
wile ol Tnomas Craig, aged about, i/, years,
living in Oakland township. Butler Co., Pa.:
Margaret J Kay. wife of James Ray. aged about
",.i years living In Fairvlew twp., Bu' tr Co.. Pa.
The brothers and sisters dec.-.used at the t lme
of the death of Washington Campbell are as
follows: Robert C Campbell who left to survive
him. the following named children, to-wit:
Warren Campbell and Kobert Campbell of Mil
lerstown. Butler CO.. l'a.; Mrs Frederick.
wife of Frederick, living in Donegal tow nship,
Butler county. Pa.; Minerva Bard, wife of
sumuel Bard, living In McKeesport. Allegheny
county. Pa. ; Mrs Julia Storey, a deceased,
sister of Washington Campbell, left to survive
her, the following named children: Wm c
Storey, living in I'enri township. Armstrong
county. Pa.; A W Storey, living at North
Clarendon. Warren county. Pa.; T It Story,
living In Karns City. Butler Co.. Pa.; Hannah J
Slianor. wife of -Shanor. living at
Kdenburg. Clarion Co., Pa.; Myra
Jamison wife of J S Jamison, living In
twp. Butler Co. Pa., Cora Wheeler wite of -
Wheeler living In Kalrvlew twp., Butler Co..
Fa., and James B (Story a; deceased son whose
children are named as follows: Charley story
and Maud Story and Bert Stan' all living at
Harrlsburg, Fu. The last named Bert Slop,
being a minor and having for a guardian .
John B» alnpbell a deceased brulherof W Well
ington Campbell left to survive him the follow
ing named children: William Campbell. Elmer
Campbell. Angley Campbell.Ccneva J. Dickey,
Minera E Heileman (and Reed Campbell de
ceased). Nancy M Campbe'i; Annie A
Heileman and | Weed Comppell dee'd, who
left _a daughter Lulu Campbell
who resides In Fairvlew twp. Mrs. Anna
Fletchei a deceased slst?r of Washington Camp
bell who left to survive her the following nam
ed children : Kmanuel M Fletcher. W B Fletch
er. siniley T Fletcher all living in Parker twp.-
Butler Co.. Fa; Anna Miller wife of Lemue.
Miller living in Parker twp.. Butler Co . Pal
Margaret oden Miller wife of John O Miller;
living In Parker twp., Butler Co., Pa ; William
V. Campbell a deceased brother of Washington
i ampbell left to survive him the . ollow lng nam
ed: W F Campbell living in Fairvlew twp.
Butler Co., Pa, Nancy Jane Sedwlck, wife of
W B Sedwick living m Fairvlew twp . Butler
Co,. Pa Olive A'ick wife of- ——Wick living at
Farvlew, Butler Co.. Pa; Elizabeth Hays, wife
of Milton Hujs liwng in Falrv lew twp., Butler
Co.. Pa; Julia Campbell wile ol Elmer Camp
bell living in Butler Co., Pa., and Mrs. Matilda
——now deceased who left the following nam
children : Lewis C Ilogue aged 15 years. John
11 llogue. aged 13 years, Adam llogue, aged 'J
years, and Elizabeth K llogue aged 7 years,
all living in Butler. Butler Co.. Pa., who have
tor their guardian .
Your pttltlon further represents that no par
tition ot s.tld land lias been made, nor can a
Jury tor that purpose be agreed upon by the
prattles lnjlnterest. Tlir [x'fltloner therefrom
pays the Court to award an inquest to mate
partition ot said reallestate to and anions the
aforesaid parties according to their respective
rights ana will ever pray.
July 7, 18&2, Verified by afflldavtt and signed
by i c*
And now July 9, 1802, within petition
tiled and citation awarded upon the heirs
at-law of Washington Campbell, dee'd,
named in the within and foergoing petition,
to show cause why partition ?hould not be
made as prayed. Parties residing out of
tho county to be cite! by publication in
the Butler CITIZEX, a weekly newspaper
published in the Borough of Butler, for
three successive weeks, to appear and
show cause why partition should not be
made as prayed for. Returnable to nest
Clerk 0. C.
Certified from the lJecord this 12th dav
of July 1892.
To Wrn.M. Brown, High Sheriff,
of Butler County
Greeeting: We command you that you
make known to the heirs and legal repre
sentatives of Washington Campbell,
named in the foregoing petition, tho con
tents thereof and rnle and cite them to bo
and appear at an Orphans' Court to be held
at Butler in and for tho county of Butler,
Penn'a on Monday, the sth day of Septem
ber, 1892, at 1 o'clock P.JJ., and then and
there to sohw cause, if any* they may have,
why the prayer of the petitioner should
not bo granted, and the Writ of Partition
be awarded as prayed for.
AVitness the Honorable Aaron L. Ha/en,
President Judge of our *aid court at But
ler, this 12th day of July, 1892.
Joskpii Criswkll, Clkrk 0, C.
Road Report.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
roads have been confirmed nisi by the
Court and will be presented on the llrst Wed
nesday of September, lBi« being the, 7th day of
said month, and 11 no exceptions are tiled, tney
will be eonlirmed absolutely
R. I). No. 1, June Sessions, 1892. In re peti
tion of inhabitants of Summit twp., Butler Co..
Pa„ for change and supply of public road be
ginning at a point on what Is known as the old
state road where the same passes through the
lands of A M Frederick, ana to end at a point
on what Is known as the Brlnker Mill road
where the same passes between the lands of
said A M Frederick and Adam ltet'ig.
March lTtn. l«e. Viewer appointed by the
Court and June tth, 1592. Report of viewers
filed stating that the change, etc.. as praved
for Is neeessarv, t.nd have therefore vacated
changed and supplied the same for public use.
Probable cost of making road one hundred and
fifty dollars to be borne by the township,
damages assessed ua follows to be paid by the
the county to Jacob Frederick tho sum of one
hundred twenty-live dollars, to Adam M Fred
erick the sum of fifty dollars. Now June sth,
1892. Approved and fix width of road at 33
feet. Notice to t>e given according to law and
rules of Court.
Bv the CotTKT.
R. D. No. 2, June Sessions, IM2. In re peti
tion of Inhabitants of Cranberry twp„ llutler
Co.. Pa , to vacate change and supply public
road. Beginning at a point on what Is known
as the Darlington road, at or near the house of
oorden Milllgau, and to end at or near the
house of Rosanna I.a mils on road known as the
Freeport road In said twp. April aoth, is:rj.
Viewers appointed by the Court, and June .id.
1892 Report of viewers tiled, stating that the
change, etc., as prayed for is necessary, and
have therefore vacated changed and supplied
the same for public use. Probable cost of mak
ing road forty dollars to be borne by the town
ship, no damages assessed. Now June sth,
\\r2. Approved and fix width ol road at 3a feet.
Notice to be given according to law and rules
of (tourt.
By the Court.
R. It. No. 3. June Sessions. is»2. In re peti
tion of Inhabitants of Franklin twp.. llutler
Co., l'a., for viewers to view public road. Be
ginning at a point near the residence of (Jeo
0 Mcl'audless. on the road leading from the
Island School House to Zlon church In Franklin
township, to the Butler and Mercer Turnpike
road, at a point at or near the line between
Samuel Borland's lot and McCandless heirs
about forty rods north of Unlonvllle In Centre
township. May 2nd. ls<>2. Viewers appointed
by the Court and June sth. 1592. Report of
viewers tiled, stating that the road prayed for
Is necessary, and have laid out the same for
public use. l'robable cost of making road live
hundred dollars to be borne by the townships,
damages assessed as follows to be paid by the
county, to Isrea! Shaffer seventy-five dollars.
Joshua McCandless seventy-eight dollars,
Coulter McCandless nluty-tlve dollars, and
Jos lab McCall sixteen dollars. Now June Mb,
I*l*2. Approved and tlx wldtli of road at 33 feet.
No ole jto be given according to law and rules
of Court.
Bv the Coukt.
Bctleu Count v, as:
Certified from the record tuts eth day uf
August, isa.'.
Josei-u Chiswkll, Clerk Q. S.
In re assignment of i in the Common Pleas
William Olbson for the >of Butler county. Pa.
benefit of his creditors. 1 M's 1) No 24 June T,'92.
Inventory, and appraisement of tin property
of Wm. Olbson, elected to be retained by him
under the deed ol assignment iu above stated
case, nild in pursuance ol the act of assembly
In such case made and provided
one horse valued andappraLsedatlloo uo
Twocowa " 55 00
One-horse wagon and chain " 35 oo
Road cart " 10 00
One set heavy harness " 6 oo
Two set light •• " 20 00
Lot of carpenter tQOls " 2 00
One saddle " 2 00
One sleigh " 3 ffl
one set of shallops " 3 00
One pig •' 3 00
Household furniture " 15 00
Two mirrors " 25 t J
Farming implements " '
I.oad of stones.. " 25
Six thousand shingles " 11 '5
All persons interested In the above aparalse
ments will take notice that they will be pre
sented for coullrmatlon to the Court of Common
l'lease of Butler county. Pa ,on Wednesday, the
,11} dayof September, 183!. and If no exceptions
l>» tllud tljoy will be confirmed absolutely-
John W. Buown , Pro.
Frothonotary's ofllce, August sth, 1592.
Notice is hereby given that J. T. Donly. Esq..
assignee of Bart Nebel for the benefit of his
creditors, has filed his llrst and tlnal account,
as assignee, in the olllce of the I'ruthonotary of
the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county, at
M's D. No. 13, March Term . I*"J2. and that the
same will be presented to said Court for con
firmation a,:u aiiov.ai.ee ol Wednesday. S-j.
tember Tth, 1802.
John W. Brown, Pro.
Prothonotary's office, August sth. 1092.
Nine Departments, Many Special Advantages,
our Term Plan a great sa\tng of lime and
money. Expenses very low.
Foi Catalogues send t-<
Pi;£s£UE:;i MARSH, Alliance, U.
Tlie Hess I I**
nour to if jw»»4 are
!sick. rhc physician tx
( p*cts results and this can
only be obtain e> I when j'ure
drugs are dixpensetl. I'M
rtty care awl accuracy iu
'eery department of our
business, ihtly registered
pharmacists are employed
and personal supervision
given to every etail. IIV
en dear or to keep every
thing that is inquired for,
but if tee do not hare what
your premcrijttmn'calls for
ice tcill tell you so and do
our bent to gtt it for you
at the earliest possible
time. So matter tchtit is
needed for the sickroom
come to our store. Our
prices arc as IOK as con
sistent icith pure gooiis.
Inferior ones ice do not
care to handle at any
price. Physicians pre
scriptions and family re
ceipts a specialty.
C. N. BOYD, Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
CAPITAL Paid I'p. ... £100.000.00.
Jos. Hart man. Pres't.
J. V. ltltts. Vice Pres't. c. A. Bailey. CJlshler,
Jos. Hartman. C. P. Collins. o. M. Russell
11. McSweeney, c. I). Greenlee. J. V. Rltts.
5: £ r fi ns Leslie Harlett, I. (1. Smith.
W. S. Waldron, M. Ftnegan.
A general banking business transacted. In
terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on
approved security.
Foreign exchange bought and sold.
Assets $9,278,220.00.
Home of New York,
Assets $9,370,640.00.
Hartford of Hartford,
Assets $6,743,046.84.
Continental of New York,
Assets $5,806,784.91.
Assets $125,947,290.81.
Office of
to the Court House.
And we're glad" to see yon Tncle
Sam. We can give yoa the best
bargains going in Summer Clothing,
Straw llatß, Light Underwear, Soft
Shirts, etc. Correct, thank you.
Come back again and b/ing the boys.
220 S. Main St.. : : : Butler. Pa.
B. f B.
India silks.
A large Collection of fine ones, 23
inches wide.
Send if you want any. It's just
as much to yonr interest to buy as
ours to sell, when there is a chance
to get such handsome PRINTED
INDIA SlLKS— stylish patterns
and color combinations — at these
More people are buying PLAIN
— people that are not in mourning
— than ever before,not only for street
and house, but for
Traveling Dresses.
We offer as extraordinary, 50
21 inches wide, : 50 Cents.
27 inches wide, : 65] |Cents.
Values beyond anything heretofore
Boggs & Buhl,
115 to 121 Federal Street,
We are'showing the finest line of
summer millinery in town. Black
and colored silks, lace, tinsel lace,
new effects in jet crowns, orna
ments and edgings. Latest novel
ties in flowers, fancy ribbons and
Swiss braids. Nice assortment of
trimmed goods aiways in stock.
Orders promptly filled. Mourn
ing our specialty.
M. F. & M. Marks',
113 and IX7 South Main Street. 1
AdminMrato:-> and Eifv itoi • ! i ' v.ei»
1 cull secure their receipt I** k* at the Cm-
ZKS office.
Administrator's Sals.
H> . irt.ie < tan order of the i>rpu**>< «*««irT ..r
Butler county. Pi.. at o. <•. No. T». >*t»le«ib»T
Tern, l*'.' »nd to m- x direct" .! I will on
»ATI mi BBRMi ard.
IMO. at 1 o'clock r. M . evpose to poblh' cn
the premises. In Butler. Hut |er count*. Pa . the
follow ing real . -»af lit* 1 lh- property of B.
V. \tlute. deceased. |»-WR AB Ui*' 'certain
lot of ground sit uate in Butler. Itnt.'.-r co<u»ty
| reiw a. tKHWiied and described a»li>tlo«-
IWK'.Liuing at a pin corner on lot No. R, o*
Bro*n Avenue, fhenc •• aione I'.r wa Ateour
rifijr i«ei toapia ><>mer on K>t Mlhh imm
aitniis iln»- ol lot N<>. « one hu:idr—l an-! thtrr.
three feet to a pin corner .>n tialt Wa} . then' ••
alonur Maid Oak Wa> fifty f. et to lot No. »"
Ikneeataacl ' S . *■ hundred aM
thirty- one KMC to a ptn corner on Bntwa
Avenue the pl»'- ol IkKUiuiinj. tMlng lot No. »
in tt m. S. It4iyd % plai: of lots in Uie Borough of
llutler. said :o( h.irln,- thereoi. erected a two
st' r- Inmf ho w'.ih basement, -mall board
barn and oultiu . llrnr*.
1 tIIMS OF >AI.I. One third > on ar
pro>al of calf by the c,.ur\ .aid the li-.Ur.ce iu
two e<iuai annual payua-nts wumi by ,u
mt-nt u.'iid and mortatfe t!i prenu<cs. t-e ir
inc Interest, and with an at torn. > s nmin:-
sion of five per cent, for collection.
T UI. J K. WIIITK. adm r,
S. F. Bowser. Alt")'. Prospect. Pa.
Notice in Divorce.
Maria Zeek by her i In the U urt of i ohimon
next fr'end Thornaa l'lcaa ot llutler county.
Pierce vs w llltam , Pa A 1». No. Deeeas
iCeek. ber Term. UM.
And now. June If.'h. i«;r_'. If appear tur by the
ree,>rd In this cawe tli»" a »IMI
subpo»*na have reiruLarly isai.- 'i therein to each
of which lh.- sberiTT has made the return or N
K I. and al«> that notice b) publication ha*
been given, in the llutler K-mle a weekly news
pit p. r. publishe.l in Butler county, for four
successive weeks.
The petitioner by her Attorneys moves the
i ourt lor the .tpp.dntnx iit of a "c< lumWlMr
to take testimony and report the same to t'ourt.
M'Ji SKIS .t <1 ti mtr tTH.
Attorneys t r [vtltloner.
.lune lith, IT. M. l>a<ier is .pp- lnt.d
eoualaskmer to lake the testimony and r»'port
the same to i ourt.
Bv Tiik torn,
I hereby elve notice that 1 will aitend fo the
duties of aliove app. >lntinent at the offlce of
Coulter & Baker. Butler. Pa., on Saturday, the
rrth da\ of August itm. at » o'clock r. w
r. M. Burnt
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of adminisirati<»a on the estate
of James Y. Knplish. dee'd. late of Frank
lin twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned all persons
knowing the nselves indebted to -aid
estate will please make immediate pay
ment. and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenticat
ed fcr settlement to
W. F. Exeura, Adm rs.
L. K. BsnLin, }
Prospect, Pa.
Administrator's Sals.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans i ourt
of Butler C*. Pa., at.) No. 11, Sept. Term
IK£«. and to me directed. I 'a ill cvpose to puhtie
sale on tbe prtmL-ses in Mlddle-iex twp.. Bi.T!er
Co., l'a., ou
at 1 o'clock iv M., with leave to adjourn by
flvlnj; due noUce. all that certain piece of land
n said twp.. bounded and described a.-> follow*
to-wlt: On the north by lands of John GUle
land, cast by Margaret McDonald south by
Dlllmer and l.nwle-a.l and we - by Michael
liUKhe&; containlDi; forty a res, fifteen uf which
are of white-oak timber.
rkkM•» ot >al.i: t.ne-thlni ou couilrmatlou
of sale by the court,and the balance in two equal
annual payments to be secured by bond and
mortgage, with attorney ! commission of nve
per cent, for collectioa if necessarv.
W . A. SLOAN, Adm'rC T A
of Joseph Hays, dec d.
Valencia. Pa. .
J. B. MATES. Ally.
Orphans' Court Sals.
By virtue of an order and decree of the
Orphans Court,in and for the county of Butler.
Pa , made at No. s. September term. 1 *.r:. the
undersigned administrator*, with the will
annexed of llenry Koblraey. r, late of All ■
Kheny twp . said county and state, dee'd. for
the purpose of ralatns; tunds to pa. the debts
or the deed, and to trry Into effeet the
provisions of his will. wPI offer for sale at
public vendue on the respective premises, oa
SATURDAY. Alt.l ST .T. isirg.
at il o'clock A. m.. of said day as to the tlrst
tract of Uuni hereinafter described, and at s
o'clock i'. M., of said day as to second tract ol
laud hereinafter described, rhe tlrst 'ract cou
tainlnrf •'.! acres more or less, attuated In town
ship, county and state aroresaid. bounded by
lands of K Robinson on the north, .HI the es»t
by lands of James Brown and i.rtnt s kelr- on
the south l»y Sands of C. IllyiolUer and l-iaa.
Sletfy and on the west by lands of J. p. craw
ford. Es<(. Improved and under cultivation.
Second tract containing lti acres, more or less
all woodland, situated in the township, county
and state aforesaid and bounded by and
adjoining lands of Austin A Kohlmeyer. E
Robinson. Blymiller. Black. Crawford & Co.
Title cood.
TCHMS OF RALK cash on confirmation of sale
by the Court.
June M. Mas.
Sandy Point. Butler Co., pa.. P. o.
E. MCJi.VKIN, A try.
Sci. Fa. sur Mechanic's Lien.
A. D. No. V September Term. IS9J
M. L. D. No. 1» September Term. ttt!.
Tiik Eix ho oir. Company I. IMITKI., owners or
reputed owners and .I. T. BKF.< ht.
ill lI.CR cot'STT, ss:
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the
Sheriff of said county. Greeting:
WIIIHKAS. William J"nes has tiled a claim In
our Court of common Pleas, for snj c,,anty
against The Klcho Oil Company l.tmi ted owner*
or reputed owners and J T. lire- ht ceotnrtor,
tor the sum of eighty dollars, with interest
from April joth. !■<«. tlso no) b> ing for actual
labor done, as shown by bill of parttcuiars. for
the improvement and development .J a certain
leasehold, located on the Miles < overt farm in
Adams tow nshlp. Butler Co . Pa.. bound- d as
follows, viz: North by lands of John Balfour.
Thus. Anderson and Samuel Crowe, east by
Samuel Park aud Jane > Crlswell. south to
Newtoa Lurtintf. T. W Kennedy and J. A . Mc
Marlln and w-st by lands, ( Hie farm on which
said leasehold Is lcwate.l bounded same ,'s
alxjve.) eontalnibK three bunded seres, m"re or
Asu WiIKKF.AS. It Is alleged that the said
sum still remains due and uupabl to tv- sa d
W llltam Jones.
NOW WE COMMAND Vol . that you ntaku
krown tj the said Eh ho i Ml Company
owrer- .r r -..\ucrj aad T. Hrecht.
contractor, and to all MIC.Ii u-rsons as may hold
or •» - -up., il,e ...i,; .-as>-lioM .m i pr»| vtv
thereon 11.at tuej be an.l npp> ar ie foie tbe
Judges ->f our s.u I Court, at a< urt "f » ,mm..:i
Pleas to be held at Butler, on the isr Monday
of Septenib* r u- \r to sin.w cause, if anything
they know or have to say, why the said sum of
tMi no should not be levied ot the said leasehold
together with the property ther-on •
lh part of tour oil well* t<iur ml ri|{s com
plete. lour engines, four boilers, one cable, one
set of drilling b*)N tour wooden tanks. <u-.tm
and gaa lines, lonetber witti varhms tools, tit
Unas and apporuaiances thereto belonging and
appertainlmf to tbe use of the said William
Jones according to the form and effect "f the
Act of Assembly In su l. • ase niaile an i pr »
vided. If to iiim It shall seem expedient. And
have you then and there this writ.
WITNESS, the Hon. Aaron L. Ila/en PreSHlobt
Judge of the said Court at Butler. i».w-lh dav
of August. A. D.. I"?-.'.
.li.il> W. Bie.WM.
Pi >th..:e.tarr, i
G. D. Ilarvey,
J *
Contractor; and Dealer in builders
supplies—Lime, sand, cement, etc.
Ware-room near Campbell's Foundry.
Residence 315 North Main street,
Butler, Pa.
Keep cool and become happy by
visiting our book Btand and K e tt>°g
some light Summer Heading
We keep all tbe leading Magazines
and hare our books marked very
A good novel by some leading
author for five cents, a price hitherto
deemed impossible.
Money is worth double value at
our store.
J. H. Douglass.
Salary or commission lo g.*sl uieu. I a»t sell
ing Imported ApeclatUes; also full Hue
Stock falling to live replaced rR«r.
I R. D. Luetch lord A Co., Rochester, N.
Wo Have Bought
Our t.tll line of clothing an i in cqnwqawct, need mor*. * mm.
In order to obtain it have rut th«* pn«-e on all - imnyr eioth
f '»?. c»»n«i-iinir ol" light weight i-oat* an«i vewta. light *oi<re«l
r suit* »n<l <»d<l jiant-. lljon have not bought anything in this
line it will pay you fo do *> now m the price i* lower than
yon will obtain the saint* gods £»r airnin.
V\ e Quote si tew Priees.
Seersucker coat and vest* •>*> ct«.
Domet Flannel »xw»t and \e*t •» eta.
Black Alpaca coati I .Hi >, I 2~> r 1 .*»!».
J . Boy's Summer coat- 15 eta. to l."rtJ.
i Men's Summer coats '2o ct.«. to ±OO.
Men's odd pent* 1.!?"». 1 •">«>. 2.00* li.-V) wt) j 3jM,
All boy's and children's clothing are included in this cut,
child's short pants suits luT>, 1.75,2.25 and
RTT.M I" \I VK R we do not adrertise what we
-*-* ■■* ■ * have not got, we have these
! thing* all in stock now. S» come at once an they will not
last lung.
Clothier and Furnisher,
i 104 S. Main Street, ...... Butler. P
Your choice of all our hiirh eost trous
ers, formerlv sold at *7. and #t>;
Now £5 a j>air»
Your choice of our *4.;>o, #4 and
#3,50; Now #3 a pair.
Your choice of our #3 and *2.50; Now
$2 a pair.
150 pair striped worsted trousers at
*1 worth #1.50
One Price Clothiers.
Arriving Bv the l ar Load
C 7 •
Largest and Most Complete Stock Ever 8-ought to Batler.
Boots and Shoes for Everybody at Greatly Reduced Prksee
Our Ladies* Depirtraent.
The line of ladies' shews I hare to offer are Heeattea.beyead ilweiipllue.
and price very moderate. Ladirs' fi oe Poe. bettoe sboae rnegieg te prim
from $1 00 tip, Misees' fine P< o ba'Va shoe* pel tipe 13 te 3 iI.M.
children * 9 to 11 <0 eta., child's 5 te 8 40 eta , tafaeta i te 5 15 eta.
Large Line Water Proof Shoes
for ladies'. Missea' aad children a Tbea* food, were nls i tad with greet
care, and I feel safe in saying that they are the beat iiee al fenia I rear
offered for sale. Ask to see oar water proof shoee Winter will aoea he
here and yoo will need them
Men's and Rovs Boots and Shoes,
1 warn you to look over our men'-* shorn aad boots. I have aaae'a ateae
r ranging in price from Tscta. a pair, tip good boeta $1 35 aad 91.3# ami ep.
| boys' boots T5 eta . SI.OO and II 3S, hoya' bettoe aad iaea afccee 91*9.
> $1.35 and 91 50 Von need good boots aed shoes far y mum if md bey»»
and you will find these in large <|oanuea »t my store, aed laarhad at prfaee
to unit the times.
A Dollar is a Dollar Now
if it erer was, and when yoe are making your fell pereheaaa fee weak te
, make your dollar reach aa far as possible Come to my MR far year (hat
wear, and I will guarantee priees lower then aey other hoeaa hi Bettor Oe.
The Greatest Effort of my Life
was put forward in selecting my (all stock of boots, shoes, mhtoara. fall
boots, etc, and my efforts bare been eery secceaafal. I will aefl raMv
goods cheaper than erer this fall
#2.25 Men's Rubber Boots #2.25
including a pair of good slippers, yoor choice from the beet made Boatoa
Candee or Woonsocket Mind the pri-e IS 25
#2.00 Best Felt Boots and Overs 2.00.
I am selling the test felt boots in the market for $1 00.boys sizes II 75
Boots and Shoes Made to Order.
Reparlng Neatly and Promptly Done.
Leather and Findings.
No. 128 South Main Street Butler, Pa.
That SI MEN shoes of such sterling qualities at each low pneaathet yoe
. cant help bu. boy when you get a glimpse of theae
Child's Pebble Goal Bnttsa Sh««s-. «we* 31.il 1. st
Children J «irsin Button Sheas. nuf« S to U st
Children '* k id Button Shoe*. H to 1, st
1 GirU' Grain Batton Shoe*, II t» - st «3e.
Girls' Kid Button Shoes. ««» 11 to Z st tl 0W
tiirfar' Pebble Homt liutton Shoe*. »ue« U u» 2 at #l.i»»
{toys' Shoe- isre or button, st »!.<*> U» »l «*es II t® 2.
Itov's Sh«jes lsce or bntton. »«e» 3U» j. at fl W to TZM.
' I.adir- t.ra:a Button shoes, *t ♦! "0 to $1 M.
I.adie> Kid Button Shoe*, st ♦! »»»t<>
i Men * Ltct Slhw. st $1 - #l.iO sod IB >S'
Men * lirain Waterproof Skoes st It.JO si.d #- '<•>
lien's tirsin Waterproof BooU. st 30.
Ut-n'" Hesrj Solid Boot., sttl.Tj t*> J 00.
Bot*' Haarr Solid Boob, st tl.oo to
Ut*n » Calf Beats, at ttlOO U» 13 CO.
See the Calf Button Shoes for Men a Wear at *ls«.
Ladies Calf Skin and Grain Waterproof Shoe* at $1.35 and 1 5«.
Men's «fc Ladies islippers. "»Oc. to OO.
G. J). SIM EX, .
i 78 Ohio, Cor. Sandusky St. ALLSGRCMT, PA.