Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 19, 1892, Image 2

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b«rrc4at »t »»Utr at M dass matUr
w. c. iMin, - p » tluh * r
Republicsr\ Ticket.
For President,
Of Indiana.
For Vice President,
Of New York.
For Judge of Supreme Court,
JOH* DRAW, of Blair Co.
For Law Judge,
(Subject to District Conference.)
For Congressmen at Large.
"WILLIAM L. LILLY, of Carbon Co.
For Congress.
For State Senate,
For Assembly,
For District Attorney,
For County Surveyor,
" To be Arbitrated.
The fourth meeting of Messrs Greer and
Wallace, the Republican eountj nominees
for Law Judge, and their conferees, at
Zelienople, Wednesday, resulted in an
agreement between the two candidates to
leave the matter to Judge Stowe, of Pitts
burg, Hon. J.W.Lee, of Franklin, and
Geo,H.Anderson, of Sowickley, former
Postmaster ol Allegheny.
Greer selected Lee, Wallace selected
Stowe, and a dispute regarding the third
man was ended by Greer, who agreed to
Anderson though he was in Wallace a list.
These arbitrators, if they all agree to
serre, will meet with the conferees of the
candidates at the Hotel Schlosser, in Pitts
burg, next Monday, hear the case and
make a decision.
Certificates and Objections.
After the failure of the district confer
ence at Ellwood, a few days ago, to nomi
nate aßepublican candidate for Law Judge
for this judicial district, there was some
talk here in favor of referring the matter
to the State Committee; and as such action
would bring up the question of the filing
of certificates of nomination, and probably
also that of filing objections to such certi
ficates,the two sections of the new election
law referring to the certificates and ob
jections, became of renewed interest
They are as follows:
SICTIOH 5. Certificate! of nomination for
candidates for the offices of presidential
electors and members of the Eouse ol
Representatives of the United States and
for all state offices, including those of
judges, senators and representatives, shall
be filed with the Secretary of the Com
monwealth, at least fifty-3ix days before
the day of the election for which the can
didates are nominated, and nomination
papers for candidates for the said offices
shall be filed with the said secretary at
least lorty-nine days before the day of such
election. Certificates of nomination, and
nomination papers for candidates for all
other offices except township and borough
officers, shall be filed with the county com
missioners of the respective. counties, at
least forty-two and thirty-five days re
spectively before the day of the election. <
Certificates of nomination and nomination
papers for candidates for township and <
borough offices and election officers Hid
school directors in the same shall be filed i
with the auditors of the respective town
ships and boroughs at least ten and seven
days respectively before tho day of
SBCTIOK 0. Tho certificates of nomina
tion and nomination papers being
so filed and being in con
formity with the provisions of this act shall
be deemed to be valid unless objections
thereto are duly made in writing.
First. In the case of certificates and
papers designed for the state at large with
in thirty days alter the laßt day for the
filing or such certificates and papers.
Second. In the case of other certificates
and papers, except those designed for
borough and township officers within
twenty days alter the laßt day for the filing
of men certificates and papers.
Third. In the case of certificates and
papers designed for borough and township
officers within three days alter the last day
for the filing of such certificates and
papers. Objections as to form or apparent
conformity or non-conformity to law of
certificates or papers designed for the
state at large shall be filed with the Secre
tary of the Commonwealth and shall be
considered by him eonjointly with the
Auditor General and Attorney General, and
shall be decided finally by a majority of
these officers. Objections of the same kind
to other certificates and papers, except
those for borough and township offices,
■hall be filed with the countv commission
ers and shall bo decided finally by a ma
jority of them. Objections of the same
kind to certificates and papers designed
tor borough and township offices shall be
filed with the auditors and shall bo decid
ed by a majority of them. All objections
as to the validity of certificates or papers
other than objections as to lorm or appar
ent conformity aa heretofore described,
shall in the case of certificates or papers
designed for the state at large, be filed in
the court of common pleas of Dauphin
oounty, and in the case of all other certifi
cates and papers, such objections shall be
filed in any court of common pleas within
the judicial district of which such election
district or division or part thereof, for
which such certificates or papers are de
signed, may be situated. In case the court
is in session, one or more judges of the
court shall immediately proceed to hear
such objections without unnecessary ad
t>urnment or delay, and shall give such
earing precedence over all other business
before mm or them. In case the court is
not in session, any judge of such court on
the presentation to him of the certificate
of the prothonotary that such objections
have been filed,as aforesaid, shall immedi
ately proceed to hear such objections as
aforesaid. Where there are more tUan one
court of common in any election
district or division, such objections may
be referred by the court, with which they
are filed to any other court in such district,
if such relerence is necessary to secure a
more convenient and speedy hearing, and
all cases of dispute as to which of several
courts in such district shall have jurisdic
tion, shall be immediately decided by the
judge being oldest in commission in such
If a state committee were called upon to
make a nomination for Law Judge, under
this law, the certificate would have to be
signed by the state chairman and secre
taries and certified to the Secretary of the
Commonwealth, he with tho Auditor and
Attorney General to be the judges of the
form, if the words "state officers" of the
sth section, and "state at largo" of the oth
mean the same thing, and the court of
Dauphin count would be the judge of the
validity of any objections; otherewise the
commissioners of the two counties would
be the judges of the form of the certificates,
and the local courts the judges ol the
validity of any objections filed to them.
The new election law is a fearful and
wonderful combination of words and sen
tences, and one dose of it will probably
satisfy the voters of the state regarding its
A CURIOUS superstition prevails in
Norway. When people are in quest of a
dronwed body they and fromfwith a |
rooster in the boat, fully expecting that
the bird will crow when the boat reaches
the spot where the corpse lies.
Tint address of Gomper* of the Federa
tion of Labor on the Homestead affair con
tains so many palpable falsehoods as to
make it amusing, and no intelligent man
can read after Powderly of the Knight? of
Labor and not have good cause for doubts
iof bis integrity.
o'D<>nnell returned to Homestead on
Thursday of last week, and reportel Li?
success. Jock Clifford, on? of the
Homestead rioter* wms arrested that day
and locked np.
The Federation of Labor Executive Coun
cil st its meeting in Pittsburg. Friday,
decided not to boycott the products of the
Carnegie mills "because they are too in
"Jack" Clifford bad a heariug that day
in Pittsburg before Judge Ewing,
and was held for Court. lie did not find
sufficient bail and went to jail.
Saturday was the Ist of April for the
15th. The boys moved their tents that
day fromi their old location to the bro* of
the hill adjoining the camp of the ICth.
They are all in good health and propose en
joying the situation as much as po ible,
and so long as they have to.
In the mill, Saturday noon, two thous
and men received wages; and that after
noon work was being done in but three
departments—the machine shop, where
gome large armor plates were being finish
ed, the cutting mill, where red-hot plates
were being cut into sizes with the steam
cutter, and another place where they were
sawing the ends off angle iron, cold. The
machinery of the mill is immense —notab-
ly the steam cutter, the engines, cranes
and lathes—but a trip through the mill
without a well-informed guide is almost
useless. Wallace Mechling of this county
is said to be foreman of three departments,
but we did know it at the time, and did not
happen to run across him.
The mills cover a large acreage, and the
company Las built bunking and boarding
houses inside the great board fence, and is
grading streets on the hill above the works
part of which is now occupied by the
troops, with the intention of building a
new town there for their present em
ployees. The greater part ol Homestead
is al«o on the hill side and it look" like a
comparatively new town. There are some
very pretty, new frame houses in it, but
the upper streets are neither gnuled, drain
ed or sidewalkcd.
The Monongahela Valley exeells the
Allegheny in manufacturing establish
ments, and probably will continue to do
go until the Allegheny river is slackwater
ed, if that is possible.
On Sunday a drnnkeu man assaulted a
sentry.and was probed in the leg by anoth
er sentry. , .
The population of Homestead is given as
7 911 The number of the men employed
in the steel works is stated in round num_
bers at 3,800, and yet tho total vote or
Homestead in the last gubernational cam
paign was only 845. There docs not seem
to be a very large share ol American
labor in that great industrial establish
ment, not even of naturalized laborers, al
though it is said that tho best paid men,
who are leaders in the present struggle are
mostly Americans. Pattison got 4_< votes,
Delamater 406, and the Prohibitionist I_'.
so that politically the American
population is pretty evenly balanced.
On Monday, Kupt. Porter opened a new
and half-finishea converting-mill with
hither-to untried machinery, and with
practically unskilled labor. The tew de
partment cast four ingots ol Bessemer j
steel, weighing in the aggregate forty-one
tons, and samples of the metal stood a
crucial examination by Expert Purvis,
who declared the stuff perfect, and in
speaking of the event Baid: "It was the
most auspicious and successful test of a
steel mill that I ever saw anywhere or un
der any conditions."
The new mill in i bich this was done is |
the first ol its kind ever built anywhere in
the world, utilizing machinery almost ex
clusively to perform the work formerly .
done by hand.' Architecturally the plant j
is a model, built entirely from stone and
steel. It is open on all sides, and when
entirely completed will have a floor of art
ificial stone paving and iron. On either
»ido of a huge crane, whlc'u handles the
metal before it is poured lrom tlw .adles
into the ingot molds, are two huge casting
pits, arc-shaped, with heavy iron linings,
Each of these holds six twelve-ton ingot
molds. Only one is now complete, but the
other will he finished this weak. However,
tho plant showed tLat it
could do moro than was expocted of
it, and its full capacity will be 25,000 tons
a month.
The boycott which the Homestead and
Munhall steel-workers have declared
against everything that is now connected I
with the Carnegie plant broke out in a new
spot last Sunday, and in a most novel man
ner. For some tima past the wife and
daughter of one of the superintendents em-;
ployed in the mill have been teaching
classes in the little Sunday School at Mun
hall. On Sunday they went to the Church
as usual, and after the opening exercises j
began to expound the Scripture lesson as
usual to their scholars. The scholars in the
two classes at once arose and marched out,
remarking that they would not bo taught
the Gospel by the wife and daughter of a
man working in a non-union mill. So
they left the institution for good. Tho
Sunday-school authorities refused to recog
nize the boycott, and it will hereafter be
run as non union or "open."
On Tuesday the militia wore called
upon to quell several small disturbances.
Strikers attacked some mill-men who were
witnesses in a suit before a town alderman,
and l tbc men had to be rescued by tho mil
itary; and they also attacked some non-un
ion men going into tho mill. The Bessem
er department of the mill was put on doub
le turn that night.
Wednesday evening some one on a
freight train on the Pemickey bridge,
opened fire on the Little Bill wLich was
returned by the soldiers. Soon after four
men were arrested in Homestead, and a
crowd assembled, which the troops dis
THE excellent road law just adopted by
New Jersey is thus described by an ex
change: The Governor of New Jersey has
signed the Davidson road bill which puts
it in the power of county boards of free
holders to contract, under certain specific
regulations, for tho construction of macad
amized roads. Provision is made for
thorough supervision and for substantial
work. But no more is to be done in a
single year than may be piid for by a tax
of one-half of 1 per cent on the taxable
property in each county. One-third of the
cost of roads so constructed is to bo paid
each year by the State, not to exceed the
sum of $75,000. If one-third of the cost
shall exceed that amount the excess is to
be appropriated among the counties in
proportion to the amount of work done.
On petition of twe thirds of the real estate
owners fronting on any public road. »et
ting forth their willingness to pay 10 per
cent of the cost of macadamizing roadways
of not less than a mile in extent, the free
holders are compelled to provide for the
construction asked for.
district in Ohio, died at the Riggs House
; in Washington last Saturday.
The Drummer and the Fat Woman.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
A drummer stopping at the Anderson,
who has played numerous jokes on his fel
lows, had tho tables turned on him in a
way the other day that made him furious.
He was mad enough to commit murder,
but all he could do was to grin and bear it.
A party of commercial men were coming
to I'ittsburg, and John Smith, the
this namo will answer the purjio.se, was in
the crowd. They sat in the smoker swap
ping stories, but early in the evening
Smith complained of being tired and went
to bis berth. He is a short man, not much
more than 5 feel bigii, quite youthful in
appearance, but an old stagor on the road.
At Harrisburg a woman weighing about
200 pounds or more got on the train and
wanted a lower berth. The conductor
bad'nt one and she said she was to heavy
to climb into an upper. The Pullman man
agreed with her, but he was in aquandarv.
finally he stated the case to the party iu
tho smoking room with a view of exchang
ing an upper for a lower. One of the
drummers went into the car to see the lady.
Sizing her uu, he said: "I am sorry, mad
am, but my little son is asleep in a lower
berth. He is a quiet child, and if you have
no objections, you can sleep with him."
Sbo ibarkcd him, and accepted the offer.
The berth in which "Shorty Smith was
asleep was pointed out. The old lady pro
ceeded to arrange her toilet for the night
when Smith awoke. He was startled at
lira, and said there must be a mistake.
"Keep quiet, sonny," the fat woman re
plied, patting him on the head.
"Your pap says it's all right."
Smith jumped out of the berth with a
bound, ami was going to wipe up the car
floor with tho lellows in the smoking apart
ment, lint it was no use. They roared at
bis predicament. The innocent old lady
was no wiser, and she slept peacefully in
the berth until the next morning. Sim* b
was so mad that be went forward into a
coach aud sal up all night.
The Bufialo Riots.
TUB Switchmen of N. T., L. E. it W.,
and some connecting railroads are on a
strike, and fruit Saturday night attempts
were mad** to burn the railroad yard* in
Buffalo. Three tires were started in the
yards half a mile apart; and loaded trains
were wrecked by being sent down in
On Monday two regiments of State
troops were ordered out. part of whom
were sent to the freight yards.
Passenger trains arriving were carefuHy
inspected by strikers, who went through
the cars inquiring of each passenger whence
be came, whither he was going and what
his business was. Trains of freight cars
have been tired and strikers Lave mocked
those who strove to quench the flames.
Travelers have been robbed, though it is
said that the robbers are not strikers, but
lawless men who have taken advantage of
the situation. Perishable freight is no
longer received at some points along the
lines affected.
The railway authoritiesexpress a determi
nation to conquer in the trtruggle and the
switchmen manifest equal determination
to carrv their point. Mail trains have been
stopped, and the Government has been
notified, which adds to the seriousness of
the situation.
News was received that the striking
switchmen bad set tire to a train of 10
freight cars lying along the Cheektowaga
trestle. Again did the tire department re
spo:id, and about three-quarters of an hour
later two engines were engaged in fighting
the flames. The strikers again cut their
bose and the streams were rendered pow
The Lehigh Valley office then appealed
to Brigadier General Doyle for immediate
aid. The General ordered oat the Fifth
Regiment and it hurried on a trot for the
A telephone mes»age from Cheektowaga
stated that four more cars had been reduc
ed to ashes, bat that the others had, de
spite the resistance of the strikers, been
pulled to places of comparative safety.
On Monday the soldiers were on guard
at all the yards, which put a stop to incen
diarism; and trains were moving, though
occasionally the strikers would catch a
train and uncouple it. Some soldie s were
injured by torpedoes placed upon the
tracks by strikers. A mob that gathered
in ijruvii St. w-s dispersed by the police.
At midnight the N.Y. Central switch
men "struck'' and grave fears vero euter
iained for the safety of the property.
Wednesday night the Lake Skore
switchmen quit work. Two thousand
troops were stationed in the different
yards, and Gov. Flower was asked for
more. Some attempts at train wrecking
were made, and situation was considered
AT Oliver Springs, Tenn., seven hun
dred men made an attack on the convict
mine stockade., and were repulsed. Two
of the guards and eight miners were shot.
The Grand Jury of Marion County has
found true bills against 20 of the striking
miners, and more bloodshed is expected
when an attempt is made to arrest them.
On Wednesday the militia ai.d guards
surrendered to the miners, who released
the convicts, and burned the stockade.
Bv a vote of 350 to 210 the new English
Parliament said it had no confidence in
Salisbury, and the Queen sent for Glad
IT is estimated that Minnesota an J the
Dakota* will raise 125,000,000 bushels of
wheat thi£ year, and favorable weather
will add 10,000,000 bushels,
A MAS living at Burke, Vt., has saved
all the maple sugar he has made in the
past fifty year*:, having now on haDtl a
considerable quantity of UJG boiling of
1842, and his entire crop of every year
since, the whole aggregating 10,00,0
pounds. It is all stirred sugar and has
kept perfectly. Nobody knows why he
hoards Hie sugar, and he offers no ex
THK self-regt»t;y thermometer that was
left at the Mount Washington signal
station last Autumn when the station was
closet} showed on opening this year that
the {temperature jtrt Winter went to 49
degrees below zero.
A DYSAMITB cartridge concealed in a
fcheaf of wheat tore a thrashing? machine
to pieces r.esr Ogilen, L'tali, Saturday, and
scattered the farm haiitin in every direction.
Two are believed to be fatally injured.
A QIKBEC blacksmith is reported to
have discovered the long lost art of hard
ening copper. He prepaid » sheet of cop
per 1J of a tine in thickness: at 40 yards
distance a bullet was shivered to lrag
tnents; another was flattened, merely
denting tne sheet, bnt making UP craek.
This is ahead of what can be done under
like circumstances with the best steel.
t Poisoned
Mrs. Mary E. O-Fallon,
a nurse, of l*l<|iia, Ohio,
was poisoned while as
sistiiiK physicians at an
autopsy 5 years ami
soon trrriblr nlrrrn
iiroku out on tier head,
arms, tongue ami
Mr,. M. K. 0'Ka11»... 5, " : '• lbs.,
ami saw no product of
help. At hiM, hlio began to take IIOOI*'*
M.%UN iiMKIIJ.A and at onee improved;
could soon get out of lied and walk. She I* now
perfectly well, w«lfbf 128 pounds. eats w«*ll,
and dot s the work for a large family.
HOOD'S PILLS »li©uld every family
inedlciuo Ouce used, always preferred.
C & L>
Ready for All.
Everything that is new in Stiff
Hats. Oar $1.50 and $2.00 are
wonders for the money.
•) ' i• ' an v id Soft Hats,
ranging in price from 25 cts. to $5.00.
All the new blocks in Silk Hats.
Greatest line of Furnishing Goods
we ever had
An inspection willjbean advantage
to any one.
Hatters and Furnishers,
242 S. Main street,
Butler. Pa.
In re assignment or / in the Common fleas
Witllani (Hbsoo fur tlie of Ilutler county, I'.i.
bebelltof ins credit/.i ». I M s i> No j| June i.
inventory. an>l appraisement, of Mi ■ property
of Win. Olbson. elected to l<e retained by blm
under the deed of lutnlKmnent. In above Mated
rase, ari'l in pursuance of tile act of assembt)
In such case rnaile anil provided
On• horse valued and apprals d at IMO (»i
'I wo rows •• V. no
Ouf liorw wiij.on and chain " ;J.J nn
Hood cart.... " to no
One wt heavy liariKMs " e no
Two s»-t light •• M on
I Alt of carpenter tool* •• i oo
fine saddle •• 2 no
One sleigh " sen
One set of hliallofm " :! oo
One pig " a 00
Household furniture " ir, no
Two mirrors " S'l <p>
harming iinpieuientH " 1 no
Load of stotien •• _r<
Six tliousand shingles " 14 ,5
All pernons lalen-Hted in the ab ive
rie-iits will take noUce that tliey will t.e pre
senied (or continual lon to the Court of common
Ple»M« of Hull) r county, l'a ,on Wednesday, the
"Hi day of September, I , and If no exceptions
b. tiled they will be confirmed absolutely.
I'rolbonotary n office, August sth, IST\
Nine Department*,. Many Special Advantages,
l our Term I'laj a ureal Raving of time and
money. Kxponsc* very low.
for I ata logoe* vnd to
I'KS»II>E.NT MAltHll, Alliance, O.
KICHEY—At his homo in Butler, P* ; ,
August 15. lffil, William Kicher. in his
Hist year.
SAILER —At the residence of her son in
Forward twp.. Aug. 11. 1892, Mr- J.
Sailer, Sr. lormerly of Oakland twp.,
aged 00 years.
ROBINSON—-At her home in Whitestown,
Aug. 1", ls9*-, Mrs. George Robin-on,
aged 04 years.
SNODGRASS —At his home in Penn twp.,
August, loth, 1592. Robert Snodgrass,
aged about TO years.
MILLER—At the residence of Daniel
McFadden, in Jefferson twp., onthe2Sth
of July. 1592. Ann Miller, frelict of Jno.
Miller, late of Summit twp., deceased.]
at an advanced age.
Resolutions of the Town Council of the
Borough of Butler.
WHEREAS it has pleased God in His del
inite wisdom to call suddently from our
midst George W. Ziegler. late member of
Council, whose personal worth as a Coun
cilman was characterized by careful, delib
erate, economical and intelligent action in
all matters brought before Council, and in
the faithful and conscientious discharge of
the duties that devolved upon him in his
appointment on the various committees,
and whereas in his death we deeply feel
the loss of an able Councilman and good
citizen. Therefore be it resolved
That we extend to his family in thi
their hour of bereavement onr heartfelt
sympathy; that we attend his funerr.l in a
body, and that a copy of these resolutions
be presented to the family and recorded in
in the Minnte Book of Council.
Jons E. BVKBS, F
J. C. BLACK, )
A True Combination of WIOCHA,
JAVA and RtO.
Picture Cart* Given
With every pound package. For
Sale everywhere. SMMJ Syice Cu,T*Mi. d
The Register hereby gives notice that the
following accounts of executors adminis
trators and guardians have been filed in his
office according to law, and will be presented
to Court for confirmation and allowance on
Wednesday, the 7»b day ol September, 1892,
at 3 o'clock r. M. of said day .
I. First and final account of James Mc-
Cafferty, executor of Ma.y J Warren, dee'd,
late of Buffalo twp.
'l. Final and distribution account of Amos
Michael and Atigu,t Michael,administrators
of Wm Michael, dee'd, late of Butler twp.
3. First and fnal account of Joseph Mc-
Michael,executor of David Mfcßi^sick.deo-d,
late of Centre twp.
4. Final account ol \\ m McCiUJ, extcu
tor of Maitha McCall. dee'd, late of Brady
tW <?" final account of Rl' Davidson, admini
strator of F II David-, n, dee'd, late ot
Adams twp. ,• i
6. r inal account of J < Catharine hngle
h art and Ernest F Lnglebart, administrators
of Nich«»las Englehart,dee'd. Jetterson
7'. Final account of George W Bartley and
Robert M Thompson, executors of Robert
Thompson, dee'd, lat«i oi <. lei.rUe!«« iw^.
8. Fiual accouut of Mary G Wright, ad
ministratrix ot J H Wright, dee'd, late of
West Sunbury.
'J. Final account of Cyrus Campbell, Jr,
guaidian of Rachel J Boyd, minor child of
John A aud ~t* .1 Boyd.
JC. piual aCcou.jt-o.'' UurnpUiil, Jr,
guardian of Blanche 11 Boyd, 110% Hooper,
minor child ol John \ and L J lioyd.
11. Fiinl account of Wm Oroft, Sr, and
Newton Garvin, administrators of Wm M
Croft, dec'J, late of Evans City.
ia First and final account of Michael
Moctel, executor of John O Sharp, dee'd,
late (,f BaSulo
13. Final account of Charlts Jjllckia*. a.;
ruinistrator of Catharine Micklan, dee'd, late
of Pen 11 twp.
11. FIUHI hccroun* of I> It Kennedy and O
J) Slyer*, a<lministrat)rs ol Drivi 1 Myern,
'ntf ol Muddycreek iwj».
IFinal of ljan;"l ' Rsiikin, exe
cutor of John Bortmas, dee'd, lati; of Butler
Hi. Fiual account of McAllister Kuhn,
guardian of John 11 Landers, minor child of
Mary Landers, deceased, late of Petrolia.
Final account of JasC McClung, ad
ruinistrator of V.'m - M''( I'ntoc.k, dei:eased,
late of Mercer township.
IS. Fiual account ot D P Kelly, admini
strator of Wm Kelly, dece:u;ed, late of
i'arker township.
Jv. Final account of Ellen Hamilton and
Roltcrt Jlaiuiltop, ol I'atrick
Hamilton, deceased, late of Forward twp.
2D. Final account of M F Renno, executor
of l#eonard Kcil, deceased, late ol B uller
■n. Final acuouut of S F Bowser, admini
strator C T A, D B N, of J,'avid Moore,
deceased, late of Rutler borough.
■l2. Fiual and distribution account of
Aitues V Otb. and Alex Mitchell, executors
ol Christian Otto, deceased, late ol Butler
Final account of Mary M Drebert, ad
ministratri* ol \ona Dietjert, dee'd, late ot
Butler borough.
21. Final auddiitribatioi) a",;on it of W E
Bartley and W J Button, a linini'tr>t-iri ol
Williamson Hartley, dec'l lau- ot IVnii twp.
2Final aeeount ol .Nlim-rva llardmau,
executrix of David W. Ilartnian, deceased,
lat<- oi Butlef bpro»jjh.
2d. I-iual accouut of John guar
diau oi Ada Fisher, minor child of Franklin
'Fisher, deceased, la'e of Allegheny twjj.
27. Final account ol A E lieiber, admini
strator ( r A, of G c Itoessiug, deceased,
late o liuller borough.
2ls. final at'Cou(!s ol \V )■' I'eUVr, executor
of Knebel Heberling, deceased, laic o! I'or
ter»v ille borough
if). !• inal account of E II A<laun, guardian
oi Anna Melda 1 urner, minor child oi' II K
Turner deceased, late ol I'arker lownihip.
pAVll> K. DALK. Register.
Road Report.
Notice to hereby given thai, the following
roads have been confirmed nisi by the
Court and w ill be picsentcd no the first Wed
ncsdnj or Hepteinlier. istj beln« tlir. 7tli day of
said inontb, and 11 no exceptions are lllcd, tliey
will be confirmed absolutely.
K 1). No. 1. Juno Sessions, n rj. In r.- peti
tion of inhabitants of summit two., Butler Co..
Pa., for change and supply of public road be
ginning at a poiut. on Willi Is known as Hie old
stale road when; the same passes through the
lands Of A M Frederick, and to end at a point
on what Is known as the lirlnker Mill road
where the same piss' s boUvpei, the lands of
said A M Frederick and Adam Ket'ig.
March I7ln. m. Viewer appointed by the
Court and June tin. lsy2. 1 i '-jejrt of viewers
filed mating tHat the change, etc.. as prajed
for lu uccesaarv, Ln l have IhL-relore vacated
changed and Hupplled the same for public utte.
Probable cost ol making road one hundred and
fifty dollars to •«' born" by the township.
damages assessed a> follows to be paid by the
the county to Jacob Frederick the sum of one
hundred twentvllv- dollars, lo Adam M Fred
erick the sum of fifty dollars. Now June nth,
lsx*. Approved and tlx width of road at s.'!
feet. Notice to be given according to law and
rules of Court.
It. D. No. 2. June Sessions. ls»J. In re peti
tion of Inhabitants of Cranberry twp,, liutler
Co.. Pa . to vacate change and H'lpply public
load. Beginning at a polnl on what Is known
as Hi' lJ.il llngton road, at or near the liou.se of
liorden MiUlgan, and to end at or near the
house of Uosanna I.aiidls on road known as the
Kreeport road in said twp. April 26th, l^' r -'.
Viewers appointed by the Court, and June :kl,
Ihj2 Beport of viewers Hied, stating that the
change, etc , as prayed for Is necessary, and
have therefore vacated changed and Hupplled
the same for public use. Probable cost of mak
ing road forty dollars to be borne by the town
ship, no damiiKes assessed. Now June stli.
ln:«. Approved and fix width of road at :b feet.
Notice to be given accordion to law and rules
of Court.
It. li. No. June Sessions, is#2. lu re peti
I ion of Inhabitants of Franklin twp.. Butler
Co . Pa., tor viewers lo view |»ilbllc road. Be-
Klnulng al a point near the residence oi tieo
C Me< andh-ss. on the road leading from the
Island School House lo /.lon < hurcU In I'rankllii
township, to Hie Butler and Mercer Turnpike
road . ,il a point at or near the Ille- between
Samuel Borland's lot and McCaudless heirs
about lorty rods north of I'lildivllle hi Centre |
township May 2nd. I KU. \ lewers appointed
by lie I ourt and June sUi, ISU2. It'-porl ol
viewer* lllcd, staling that the road prayed for
Is necessary, and have laid out the same tor
public use. Probable cost of making road live
hundred dollars to Iws borne by tie- townsinps
dam anew assessed aw follows to be paid by tie
county, lo Isreal shaller seventy-five dollars.
Joshua M'Cahdlcss seventy eight dollars.
Coulter McCandless nlnty five dollars, and
Jos lab Ml Call sixteen dollars. Now June fib.
|K»2. Approveil and tlx width of road at :C) leet.
Noll' et« be given according I•) law and rules
ot < ourt
Bill.l ll Coi-NTV, ss:
Certined from the record this ftlb day of
August. is!r.'.
Notice 11 hereby given that .1 I . Kohly, Ksi| .
assignee of llarl Nel<el for the benefit of Ins
creditors, lias lllcd Ills first ami llnal account,
as assignee. 111 the office of the Prothonotarv of
in.-< ourt oi i oiiinion Pleas of Butler county, st
M s I), No l.j. March Term, b- c, and thai the
same will lie presented lo said Court for eon
Urination and allowance on Wednesday. Sep
timber Tib, MM.
JOHN W. BROW s. Pro.
Prothunolary s office, August stli. 1«2.
■ CnpyAL J
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of all in leavening strength.— Latest
C. S. Government Foo'i Report.
N. Y.
Jury List for September Term.
List offirand Juror* drawn this27th da
of July, A. D.,lf»y2, to serve as Grand
at a regular term of Court commencing
the Ist Monday of September, 1592, the sam 11
being the sth day of said month.
Black W C. Clay twp., farmer.
Black John H, Harrisville Uor, clerk.
Dufford W S, Baldridge, iahirer.
Dindinger John, Xelienople Bor.raerchant.
Gartner Henry, Cranberry twp, farmer.!
Godfrey Aldert, Concord twp, producer."
Gilkey Joseph, Adams twp, farmer.
Holland Josiah. Millerstown Bor, laborer.
Jack William. Marion twp, farmer.
Kimes James, Marion twp, farmer.
King Nicholas, Concord twp, farmer.
Kenney Peter, Oakland twp, farmer.
Love Harry, Jefferson twp, blacksmith.
I.ink John, Worth twp, tanner.
Luton M E, Harmony Bor, puaiper.
McCandlass C L, Adams twp, farmer
McShane Vincent, Butler sth ward, erk.
McMichael Japhiah, Clay twp, larm r.
Peaco William, Middlesex twp, farmer.
Pearce James, Allegheny twp. producer.
Kummel John, Wiulield twp, farmer.
Shaw Hugh, Xfereer twp, farmer.
/eckner Edwin, Zelinople Bor. Justice.
Arthur John, Clay twp, merchant.
List of Petit Jurors drawn this 27 th day of
July, A. !>., 1892 to serye as Petit Jurors at
a regular term or Court commencing on the
2nd Monday of September, I*!* 2, the same
being the I'Jth day of eiid month.
Armstrong Nelson, Fairview twp, farmer.
Beckitlenry, Winfield twp, farmer.
Burkhouse Adam, Butler 4 ward, carpedter.
Bortmas Rudolf, Oakland twp, farmer.
Cress John, Center twp, farmer.
Christie T P, Petrolia Bor. livery man.
Chandler William, Clinton twp, farmer.
Christley William, Clay twp, farmer.
Dodds John B, Penn twp. farmer.
Dodds W B, Muddyereek twp, farmer.
Deets John. Fairviev two, carpenter.
Lakes Andrew, Butler Ist ward, laborer.
Fidler Jacob Jr, Harmony Bor, teamster.
Gillman Jacob, Butler Ist ward, laborer.
Glace Fred, Butler Ut ward, carpenter.
Heckathoru John C, Worth twp. farmer.
Halstead H 11, Clinton twp, farmer,
lleenor T M, Washington twp, stone mason.
HUU'.T William, Forward twp, farmer.
Hilliard Kobert, Parker twp, farmer.
Hindman Charles, Franklin twp, farmer.
Heller William, Jefferson twp, tarmer.
Jamison Porter. Venango twp, farmer.
Keifer Ellas, Jackson twp, carpenter.
Kohlmeyer A A, Allegheny twp, farmer.
Krantz William, Brady twp, farmer.
Kennedy Patrick, Clearfield twp, farmer.
Kradle rliillio. Harmony Bor 'dfjsterer.
Knox i. tl, Jj'artiony Bor, blacksmith.
Karnes Harry, Butler lird ward, laborer.
Logan Thomas, Ceuterville Bor, painter.
Leopold II A, Millerstown Bor, laborer.
McKee Camden. Washington twp. car neater.
McCamiless Samuel, Forward twp, larmer.
Mtrchimer Samuel, Clay twp, farmer.
Met/. A B, Lancaster twp, larmer.
Newman Charles, Prospect Bor, laborer.
Perkins Joseph, Butler Ist ward, butcher.
Patton Thomas, Slippery rock twp, farmer.
Kaslv John, Butler twp, larmer.
Shaffer F T, Hire, •uy U.r, (.hoc maker.
Steindorf Bower, Washington twp, tarmer .
Sarver William K, Buffalo twp, farmer.
Sherwiu P I>. Fairview twp, larmer.
Seaton Scott, Marion twp, farmer.
Thompson Hubert, Middlesex twp, farmer.
Tinker Calvin, Cherry twp, farmer.
Whan F A, Jefferson twp, producsr.
Widows' Appraisements.
Tliu following widows' appralsomeuW of per
sonal property set apart lor the benefit of the
willows ot decedents Have been filed in the
offlee ol the clerk ot orphans' Oourtof llutler
<,out(iy. vu,
Widow of Andrew Draw uautch, deed —is no oo
•• I) T Reeder, dee'd Ot)
'• •• J L Wilson, dee'd oo
•• •• Win Mordorf, dee'd '■'>*> oo
" " Hubert Malzland. dee'd :soo oo
" •• All Carothers, dee'd IIS oo
.I.lines V English, dee'd s.n oo
" Frank I) lleU. deed 300 OO
" " Jacob Staimn, dee d 00
•• •• Win stalcy, dee'd :ioo oo
All i»ersons interested In the above appraise
ments will take notice that they will be pre
sented for confirmation to the orphans' Court
of Butler county, l'a„ on the Tth day of
September, and If :;0 exceptions be tiled
they will lie combined absolutely.
.lOHKftt CitiswKi.t.. Clerk O. C.
B. $ B,
India Silks.
A large Collection of line ones, 23
inches wide.
Send if you want any U'h just
ii 3 much to your intercut to buy as
ours to sell, when there Is a chance
to pet such handsome PRINTED
INDIA SlLKS—stylish patterns
and color combinations—at these
More people are buying PLAIN
—people that nre not in mourning
—than ever before.oot only for street
and house, but fur
Traveling Dresses.
We offer as extraordinary, 50
£1 inches wide, : >0 Cents.
27 inches wide, : |('ents.
Values beyond anything heretofore
: —o—o—: .
<Sc Buhl,
115 to 121 Federal Street
A. E. GAB-Lli],
Vetoniiiiry Hurgoon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Toronto, Canada.
Dr, Gable treats all diseases of the
domesticated animals, and makes
ridgling, castration and horse den
tistry a specialty. Castration per
formed without clams, and all other
surgical operations performed in the
most scientific manner.
Calls to any part o' the country
promptly responded to.
Office and Infirmary in Crawford's
Livery, 132 West Jefferson Street
Butler Pa.
By virtue ol wmlry urif* «»f \ en. W.x., Ft. Fk..
Lev. Fa.. A* . out of the Court of • oimn.»n
ot llutlcr Co.. PA., ARID t«» ra»* dlr*-*!•* i
then* will be to public -4i»« at th •
Court Him*<» in th. iioroiich of BatVr. <«
Monday, Sep*. sth, 1892.
at i oYlo< k p. txi, the follo-Ti:>£ tles ib I prop
erty. tO-wU ;
K.D.NO. tofi. Sept. 1-v' . . I>. liriifloi,"
All the rlu'.it. till". interest au i . «lm of Hut
ler Chemical Company of. ID and to nine A. res
of land. • ■: .- • r 1--5, situit" In Butler town-
Batter oovMj, nt, Minted at follows#
to-wit: i>u tin- north by Butler and Miller.-
town ro id; east by tke 1. 8. .\ 1.. K ICiilroad
right or way; smith by lands of < ■MIW Kelber:
west . . Butler and MtllersMwn r.ti mil »t,«-
road leading to Helt>»rs mill, and having ' her*
Diicp-'icd two evaporating furnaces for salt
water, grainer buildings and salt h0..-••. l,r<
mine aud calcium buildings, wood a; -o .py
rollgneous acid, acetate 01 lime, blykamlu
shop and other buildups up t tie
wi rks proper of the Butier Chemical W.rrVs.
ALf*>—All tlii- right. title' Interest an l latm
of Butler ttemlcil ( 0.. of. In and to all that
certain leasehold and the rliflit to salt water
and i:as on tlie Elizabeth Walker farm situate
in Hutler and Summit townships, Butler county.
Pa., containing too acre-, more or less, bounded
as follows, to-wlt: On the north by ttie public
road. on thawest by lands of Kerd K"llier et ai.
on the soutn by lands of Rous-hen berger, and
on the west by lands of i. *v \V. Campbell,
having pr' -dmlng salt wells tfcenoa, with I
engines and all the pipes, machinery,
pumping apparatus and appitai e S th'-r (>i
longing and connected to the works b> r;„-ut of
way and pipe litv.-s lor conve>-tng water t here
Al>o—All the right, title. Interest and claim
of Butler cbemlcalCo., of, in aad to that . .-r
--taln leasehold of the salt water on the
James Mitcheil farm, In Summit towns-hip Itut
countv.Pa. t igetUer with with 1 salt Well there
on. 1 boiler, t engine, pumping apparatus.tanks
and machinery therto bel*n>;iQi,- with right of
way to and from tue same, and connected with
the" works by rights of way and pipe line to the
ALSO All the right, title, interest and claim
of Butler Chemical Co. of, in and to a certain
salt well and lease of 10 acres protection around
the well on the Mrs. W. McCandless fartis. in
Summit township, Butler Co, I'a with wood
rig. boiler, engine, tanks, pumping apparatui
and appliances thereto belonging and connected
with the work? by rights of way and pipe line
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim
of Butier Chemical < ompany of. in and to a
certain leasehold and right uf way on tl»u Wiilte
larm. In But ler township. Butler countv Pa.
where the sait water receiving tanks are locat
ed and connected by lines oi pipe with the
ALsO—All the right. title. Interest ami claim
of Hutler Chemical Co. of, 111 aud to the right ot
way and about 1 a miles of j-lncS line pipe irom
the works to the salt wells on the Kll/sh eth
Walker farm. In Hutler and Summit township.
Hutler Co. l'a, and also all the propertv. iatei
esLs, rights, privileges and Corporate franchis -s
whatsoever belonging 10 Uelcudan'. company.
AI-SO—All the right title, lut-'resl and claim
ot Butler Chemical Company of. In arid to the
right of way and about >0 ic-rt of 4-liieh line
pipe from the salt w-ell on the .Mrs. W. Mci aud
less farm to where the same connects with the
line from the v.ortus to the Jaaies Mitchell farm
well aforesaid thereon.
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim
of Butler Chemical Co. of. in and to the right of
wax and 1'« miles ol 4-inch pipe line extending
Iroin the works to the salt well on tUe James
Mitchell farm, In Summit township, Butler Co.
ALSO-All the right. ;<tli_. aud claim
of Hutler CBemVal Company 01. in a.ii to
about th;ec fourths of a mile of 5 a Inch pipe,
used tor gas line, with rights ol way extend
ing from ilr- chemical works to and connecting
with the llonie Natural lias Company's main,
through which it is supplied to the works.
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim
ol Butler Chemical < o, of. in and to that certain
leasehold on tne Kev. l.imberg farm, with right
ol way for fresh water receiving
pipeline connection to the works and ltwu
barrel t u;k lUer2cC. Seized and taken lu exe
cution as the property of the Hutler Chemical
Company at the suit of Wm. Campbell. Jr,
trustee, & - c.
ED No 137, Sept, T, ISU2. J Cl,Vandcrllu. att'y.
All the rlgh', title, Interest and claim of 1 a's
per K Mciiuirk of, in and to :•) acres of land
more or less, situate in Venango township,
Butler county, l'a, bounded as follows, to wit:
Commencing at a post by Win smith's and
running south w east T'.' perches to a post,
along lands of Irwin; thence south l west 10.
perches to a p»-t. alOii.' lanil of Wm. Cochran ;
thence north to gum ss west UJ perches to a
cherry; thence nwtli 1 cast no perches to a
|iost. along lauds ol Hubert Smith ftnd Win
Smith to the place o! begltiiiihg.mosily eleare 1
AI«SO—,\I! the rigui, title. Interest and claim
of CiLsper K. McOulrK, ol In aud to 2 acres ot
ian 1, more or less, situate lu Venango town
ship, Butler couuty. Pa, bounded as follows, to
wit: Commencing at a post, ruuulng nor.ll
s'J . west .;J 5-lu perches to a po.st along lands oi
ttolx.rt Cochran; Uience south 1 . west .v i-n»
lierihes to a gum; together with a log house and
and other outbuildings thercou erected, atd all
chared land. s-.'Ucd ami taUen in execution
as Ine property or Casper K McGuirk at the
suit o! Win Cochran for use. etc.
li I> No i.;l Sept, term. 1592. C Mccandless att'y
All the right, title. Interest and claim of J
L Conlln, ot. in aud >0 a certain lot of land,
more or less, situate 111 Butler borough. Butler
couuty, l'a, bounded as tollows to-wit : On the
north by Newcastle street, east by I eiia Dre
bert, south by lot of M'vsoi., west by lot ol
Stewart Bt-in'ei. loctxiii.g 6ix:ilj teet, and
having a two-story frame house aud board
barn and other outbuildings thereon. Seized
and taken in Execution as the propeltj of J.
L. Conlin at the suit of Mrs. Mary Clark .
K I> .No 100, June T,10:12. A H C McFarland. at-
All the right, title, interest and claim of Geo.
11 Albert 01. in and to lot o' land. e;or«. or lc,-.s.
situate in Prospect be rough, Hutler County, l'a.
bounded as follows to-wit: tin the north by
lands of I. M lioth au 1 John Hoyl, Sr; east by
Kranklln slieet; south by prop>-rty 01 Mrs. Kef
ly; west uy property of Mrs Cratty. Said prop
erty lias a trontage ef iaj feet, more or less, on
Franklin street and extends westward i-iu feet,
more or less, to property of said Mrs. Cralt ,
with frame house,board.sUible and oti.er i.ulld-
Ings thereon, f>liod and taken in execution as
the property of tl. Orge D Allien at the suit ol
Margaret Dougherty, for Use. etc
K II No 13y. Sept term. IMB. P W Ixiwry, att'y.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
James C lley duck. of. in and to all that certain
lot or laud, more or less, situate in Put ler bor
ough, I'uUuT county, la. bounded as follows,
to-wit: Ou the north by lot of Mrw Augusta
Miller (formerly owned by Am is Sleelsmith),
east by BlufT street, south by loi of (iodwlu
(formerly owned by Gregg), aud on the
west |c, an alley ; Irontlno 4.1 feel 011 Blull slre«.t
anil evteniling westward ico feet, more or less,
an<l having tlireou erected a two story Iraun
lious" ot si -. rooms and other buildings. Helled
and taken In execution as the popertv of James
C Heydrlck at the suit of John K Lowry.
El> No 117, Sept T. Kc. J 1J McJdukln att'y.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of H.
S liaUbt-n-speck, of. In and to a certain I»t ol
land, more or less, situate in I'arker township..
Butler county, Pa„ bounded as follows, to-wit'
•In the north by an alley; east by Main street;
south by II S Adams lot; west by au alley, to
gi llc'i'wiih a two story frame nous; thereon.
Sel/eil aud taken In execution as the projierty
of 11 S liaubentpeck at the suit ol Christ alu
'J'imer for use of D P. Kelly.
li DNo 112, Sept term, lsw;. W II Lusk. att y.
All the right, title, interest and claim ol of 1.
(•'Graham of. tn and to 27 awe* of land, more
or lev*, situate In Cranberry tow nship. Butler
county, l'a. bounded as follows, to-wit . 011 the
north by lands or Matthew Graham : east by
lands ol Samuel Graham; south by lauds of A
IC (.raliam and heirs of Michael Krisclicorti,
and oil tin west by lands ol Burkhart. with a
two story brick dwelling house, bank barn and
outbuildings, orchard ami coal bank thereon,
and uearly.all cleared and under a good state
of cultivation, and being toe same properly
conveyed to the said Kdwin I-' Graham by deeu
or A It Graham et UX. dated Sept JO. fss.'. and
recorded in the deed book lis, page so. SeUed
and taken In execution as the property of K V
Graham at the suit of It C Vates.
E 1> No 100. Sept T, 1892 Cornelius anl
Brandon, att'ys.
All the right, title, interest, an I claim of A
M Welsh, of. In and to one acre of land, situate
In (Iteufrc.v) Penn township. Ilutler county.
Pu. Uiuudod -»s folloAS, to-wit: • omineuclng
:?i feet east of the W s Huff or! lot. on M tin
street, thence by satd street south *0 deg east
.1 perches; thence by same street north *"» deg
east 'j perches. 27 . east ii per hen into Con
no<|ueuesslng creek, thence by salil cre-*k suutli
51 '♦ deg west 12 perches ; tiience by same south
deg west "> . pop lies; thence by same Borth
*,t west i; is rches; He nee by l inrts of
li A Itciilrew north I'.S east II perches to tin
place of beginning, sai l 10l twlng a part of a
larger tract of laud purchased from Samuel A
and John .N Purviance by li A UclilMf by dec d
dated May 7th. Is« 2, and recorded in I>•-»-«!
Book No 3. vol 2. panes IS>. I- and IST, refer
ence to which will more fully an I at lar-e ap
pear, subject, however, to ill oil and ii.iuer.it
leaaes heretofore made, and evc.-ptlhA all oil.
coal. Iron ore. llnes*ouc. and all other minerals
mentioned in said leaves, wain two frame build
ings en ct-d thereon, one betag t'.xmo feet, and
the oth'-r IWW feet. said buildlngs ticlng ere- i
ed for He- purpos- ol operating a lamp bla> k
plant tle re.in. Sel/.ed and taken lu i eeutlon
as the projM rly of A M Welsh a' til'* suit of W
1> Brandon el al.
B 1> No I2»s Hej»t terui, ls»2. A li W IllUuns.att'y.
All the right, title. Interest and •lal in ~f
Julius A Miller, of, In and to tie full, t.pial
undivided one ewnth part or share in all that
certain 10l ot land, more or less, situated in
Butler born, Butleri ouuty, I'a. bound'd as 10l
lows, to-wit: un the north bj 10l formerly of
B Koib. dee'd, now John Brand I; on Iho east bj
Oottno<iuenesslng'-reek, on tie -o'lth by M
lit Shugari, and on the west by l lilt street,same
having a irontuK« ot si feet ou i lilt Uf l .u,il
extending : a ; pr erviuglbe auie width to
thecn-ek. and having tUereou sri lwl a two
story frame dwelling and outbuildings.
Al-S " All tie* right, title. Intere < anl claim
of Jullii A Miller, ot. in and to lb'- lull, e.pi.n,
undivided One fourteenth part or-hare in 71
acres ol land, mor>-or less, uuaied in l:utler
twp, Butler counts. I'a, t <»ui.dcd as follows.
to-Wlt: «ui the north I;, laud, forni'.rly of
Adam Maxwell and limn' hikli, ea : l-y l.uels
f*rmerl> ofJacobt roup and John < roap.KKllli
lc, lanosol Jiu oi> Croup iuid John < roup, ahd
west liv land formerly of Newiou Maxwell, now
Samuel Boblnson. Seized and taken iu *•-
cullon us Ihe properly of Jullui A Miller at the
salt "f Ale* Mltchefl. 'rusten.
K l> No si'pt T, i<-1. o»mer and liotnber,
All the right, title, interest and i laiin ol VS m
pliranl.ol lu and lo luo acres ol land, mon
or loan, situate lu Allegheny towtnlilp Butler
County. Pa, bounded as follows, to-Wlt: Begin
long at a while oak al the mj ithe.l.-1 corner,
I heme south m west 107 perrhe-. to a sl,.ne
the s<iuihwest comer . Uieiii •- north by lands uf
Nicholas Walley and George Fowler I d< » w-st
1 i'j nsi ((ercles to a p'>st. the northwest
corner, Ihuiu ■ north by lands of the heir* of
John Allen, lai.e of Allegheny township, dicl,
originally, by part of the saint) tr.u i «*. dey
west 107 perchi s lo a hickory. the nortlirast
corner; Inciiee south by laitds ol liavld Bos* u
ts rrj. I ilc o( Allegheny township, dee'd, 1 deic
east H i ; lno pen lies to a whit* »ak. the plan
of beginning, together with a frame dwelling
bouse thereon.
Al.sii All llic right, title. Inter' I and claim
ot \S in P '-rani. of. in and to .■ , in res of land,
more or less, situated In Allegheny township.
Butler.Co Pa. liound'd as lollows, to wit <»n
lie north by lands or Itoix-rt Dnnl '-asi t, .
public toad leading to Parker, south by lands
uf Milton Ha)s. wc-1 li> lands of Hubert <<rant
and Milton Ifsy*. wltli one priHlucing oil well
A I.si i \II the right, title, interest and < lalm
of Wm P (irant. of, In and to l'»i a. res of land,
more or le -s, situate in Aiteiflieuy t an.hip.
Bulb r • unity. I'a, bousM as tollow.. to -«:•
<in the north by lauds of Alexander (.rant and
public road; east by lauds ol Jonathan llurnell.
south by lands of w Idow Koyal. lornn rly Alh u
west by lauds ot A CoulKr, togethei with a
(r-ono dwel'mg fcou*. arge fran,-« tan. .r>d !
■ ither outbnlldiitgs thereon. >e! -d and tak i i
In eiei*ution as tie t»rr[» nv of VS Ulan' I'
< irant at the suit o( John l|et/ler. #
KD Ro 13* Sept term. MK A M • MMM I
Ai 1 tlx- rik'tii. title interest ami claim MM V
Kef. '•(. In ami to to .v r- <of land tn - <>r
;e«-. sit-iaied in Venan«(o to*nsmp. It.it.- r .
e>mntr Pa. MHM a.< tot to-wit <»n UH> '
n.ir'h by Daniel * beip. east by Jim-i '
Kell. 4 Ueirs. suutH by I oms »>r tortri- rly ot
James Marrtn.wevt bj 31 J I rt>an; all un l-r
laid with coal and in a gwsl slate of cultivation. |
Al.so-All tlw rulit nil*-, lot--test axxl ■ .aic,
of M s Kelly, ot. anil to xt arres of land ,
more or les« situated in \.'-nanjco to» as>up I
Hutler i •>. It. bounded as loiiows. t» wlt j «m
the nortn by l>an:ei Kelly « u» ir».*ast t»v M .1 |
I rbln. south by Jotin Murrlii s hetrs. unit by |
J.l Kelly ; in.d. rtaid witli coal aad in a good j
state Of cultivation. I and taken In ev
ciltlon as tbe pr p* rtj of .M \ Kelly at tlif suit
of James H'-nn- .t, trustee, tut use.
ED No ia> sept teri.i. A M i ..rnelm«. '
All Uie rlgh:. UtU- uter -tail eU:;a of J J i
Kelly. of. In and U> to M.TCS ■•( land, more <r ]
less, situated in Vt:u»i:u tuwusinp Hatter'
county. la, bu.mdcd follows w-wlt: <>u '
the nortn by Jaciison Morrow,eaat by Kltzabetn I
ratters.,n .lUil M > Kelly, soutn by .loin .
Miirnn s belts, west by issvkl 1 K-lly. beini;
purport No 4ln tne partition or it... real -• u
ol 1>»\! 1 Keilv dee'd. at Ut' No C 7 Is ter» !
IN».J; all underlaid nub «'.,al and ir. a ifoyl state |
ot cultivation; together witb a good bouse and I
oi' buildings thereon. Seized ai.* tagen in • \e !
cutlon as me pr-ipert;. of J J Kelly at the «tit j
ot James Henneti, tnislee. for use.
Ell No ltd sept term, :»2. A M < orw-iius. I
All the right, title, interest and claim of D 1
Kelly, ot. In and to 41 res of land, trior* 1 or I
less situated in Venango lowßship, H'.tler I
co in!\, l'a, bounded as tmloas. to-wit: On ttie j
north by M t'ainm- . etai.east by J J Kelly. I
soutb by Jobn llurrtn s heirs, w est by Theodore I
Kelly's lie Irs, being purpart No . in the parti
tlon ot tbe real estate of liavld Kelly, dec d. at
OC Not, Dec term, I**3; all underlaid with I
< <>al and In a gocd state of cultivation, with a I
Iraiue barn tiiereon. b>-Ued and taken 111
cution as the projierty of I) f Kelly at the suit
01 James Bennett, trustee, for use,
KL> No 120 Sept term. ima. A m « onelios
All t t.e right, title. in«.-r»--t and claim of W
II DaMs. 01. in and to a lot ot land, more or
less, sltuat- d in Hutler borough, Hutler county.
Pa, bouna' das lollows. to-» it: on thr nonii
tn West street, east by lot So 1 In Sullivan
p'ian. south by an ally, west by an alley, bavlng
a frontage ot 120 teel on West street and ex
tending l ack lis f-etc to .->.tld alley t.aether
w iin a two story tram.- bouse and outbuouini-s
tnrreon. Selzt d and t ikt din execution as tue
property ol Wll HavLs at the suit of Butler
savings Bank. lor use.
E D No 2a Sept T. lsW. Kohler, att'y.
All llie light, title. interest and claim of
Jacob tiraUam. of. In and to t» acres of land,
more or less, situate In clrarfleld townsiup.
liuller county, l'a, bounded loiiows, tie*it
|on the north oy lauds ot Widow McLallerty
nelrs, east by lands ot endell Kirk, south by
lauds ot t liristoplier Kummell. et al. west by
lands ul Christopber Kumoiell. under a k''Hml
-tat- ol cultivation, together with a two »io*y
log aud frame bouse, barn and outbuildings
tbereon. s»-i/ed and taken In execution as tn.
property of Jacob uraham at the suit ol Jacob
Cramer. Sr, et al.
KI) No Hi, Sept T. Is:'.. S V Bowser, att'y.
yil the right, title, interest and claim of Jen
m " e flick and Henry Flick of. in and to a .*r
taln lot of land, more or less, situate in Hutler
borougn. Butler county l'a ..bounded as totiow*.
ti-wlt"- Beginning at southeast corner of >ald
lot, on western Avenue tb> lice In a northerly
direction along said .avenue jv teet, inure i*
iea». to a post; theuc» in a westerly direction
alon" to lot ot Mary A Davis 76 7:>-lou feet, mor
or lc?s. to a post; tnence In a southerly dire. •
Hon uioiis laud of Voifeley* heirs S7 feet, more
or less, to a post; thence tn a southerly direc
tion along lot ot W.JI. Keihlng <1 Viu feet,tn. re
or less, to a post.the place of beginning, togeth
er with a two-story frame house and outbuild
ings thereon. SeUed and taken In xeecutlou
as the property of Jennie Flick and Henry Flick
at the su.t of Mary A Uavis.
K1) No 'J- *ep l term, tM«2. McJunkln a Gal
breath, attorneys.
All the right. Utie. interest and claim of Wil
liam Kirkwood. and Mary 1. Kirkwood of. m
aud to at acres of land, more or less, situate in
Washington towuship.Butler county. I'a.bound
ed as follows, to '.MI on the iiorlliM'.. land- ■<[
Patton I'. 11. east by the K -ystdhc Coal Compa
ny south by SUas t hrlsty. west by lands ot
—orossman. being tbe same laud of which
Jane Anderson died seized, and w htch upon h-.r
death became vested m her tnr«e children. o(
whom said Mary Kirkwood is one;mostly clear
ed and under good state of cultivation. SeUed
and taken tu as the property of Win
Kirkwood and Mary K Kirk wow I at th ■ suit of
Charles J Martin lor use of J J Hean.
KI) No 117. Sept. T. lsy2. Jlt Hredlu. atl'x
All the rl gut, title. Interest and claim of
Caroline Cratty. oi. In and to >1
more or less, situate in \ enango township. But
ler county. Pa. iMjunded as lollows, to-WU: I. -
ginning at a post in tne u -rtbw-sf corn- r.
thence by lanos ot L. F Kerr.south sc-v deg eaa
l»j 5-lo perches to a p Ist; thence by lands of
Ueirsot John Wond.-rly and tiadsby south l deg
west si 3*le per. es to a post; tiience by lan.l s .a
Moses litbsou souths deg west bk; J-w pereh-s:
thence by lands ot D K Ithodi s north 21 deg
west 1' H-1 it [.eretics to a [K>.sl; thence by same
south SJ d*" wev 2i I" perches to a post;
thence by same north 1-4 deg *est i, j-iu perch
es to .Main street, thence alont; Main street,
south *><* deg west 11 »-l» percnea. thence by
lands of Miannoti south I-t de*4 ea>t, I-o fe*:t;,
thence by same nortn deg east iJU feet
thence by lot of T. B. Khodes south »» deg east
—o feet; tbcnce by sauie south fc>'» deg west t-.i
ieioperches to tlltMou street; thence along tilb
son Street; thence along Gibson and spring
streets and lands of John Met allister north 1
iieg west ISO t»-!0 perches to a post the pl.wc *i
tieglnning, cleared.fenced and under good state
of cultivation, to other with a two stury frame
house and outbuildings thereon.
ALSO AH the right, title. Interest ami ci 11m
of Caroline Cratty. of, in and to 4', a. res of
land, more or less situate in Allegheny town
ship Butler Co.. l'a,bounded as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a stone post on the southeast
corner of land of John Uoseuberry dee'd.
thence bv it B Uuseuenrry south ;u ,n east
.-2 rods and 21 links to a post on line of Jos
Kosenbcrry. thence by said land* south ;o>,
west 6.) 1-2 rod--, to a post 011 line of lands of
Simon ltlack's heirs, thence by said lanls
nortn -j cast M 1-2 rods to a pool. He nce by
saiuc lauds north sj , west 51 r«*ls to a post
thence by lands of Pittsburg parties north 2
deg east Js* B rods to a post, thence north
1-2 deg east si rods aud in links to a post
on line of land of John Kosenl>erry. de> 1,
then e south aIJ-l degei's 2s rods and JO
links to a stone post, the place of beginning;
mostly cleared and under good state of ouki
ALSO All the right, title. Inter.-si aud claim
of I arolltie 1 ratty, of, tn and to 6 acres of land,
more or less,situated In Allegheny townalilp.
Butler Co. l'a. bounded as follows, to wit . Be
glumes at a cherry tree on the Maple Kurna ce
road, thence north by Lands of Jun Hos- überrj
to deg west 3D rods and •"> links to a post in
middle of road leading from HarrlsvUle pike to
stone house of Joseph Koeenberry . thence north
it deg east by lands of Cyrus Ko eubcrry .dee d,
to a post in middle of llarrbvllle piko 2s rods
aud 3) links, thouce south Jl deg east 44 rods
and 211 links along the centre of Harrisville
pike, thence south S4Ji deg west by lands of
Jos l£i>s. nberry J.; rod* and 15 links to a cherry
tree, th'- plai.-e of liegluulng. together with a
one story ft ante liouv and oiitouildliig tbereott
Seized aud taken In execution as the pn>p.-rij
of Caroline Cratty al the suit of IMntel M irtle.
El> No !W. Sept r. ls«. J B Bnedin. atty.
All the rltflit. title. Interest and claim of
Charles K Funora an.! Agre s l-'unora. or. In
audio . 1 main lot ol land, more or l«ss. situ
ate 111 Butler borough. Butier couuty. fa.
bounded as follows, to-wit: IV ginning at a
point 011 the eattt side of Nortn 11 1 Kea:i
street, 011 line of lot of W K Reed, formerly of
L C Wick, thence north along McKean street
M feet to bit of Thomas I.lndsey ; then , east
along said lot to • IlfT street; thence aojth
alon-T < lirr street :*) feet to lot of \V li Ite.si;
Ih"ne« west along saUl lot to Ml K 'an street,
the piai-e ol beguiniiiM, with a two-story frame
liasement dwelling Oottn and out buildings
thereon Seized and taken lu execution as tn
property of Charles K I- unora and Ag u«-s
Funora at the suit 01 Al KufT
Kl> No 11«; Sept term, I*l*2. J B I'.rsd ~ aft /.
All the right, title Interest aud claim ol
Louis Seatori, of, hi and to '•"> acres of land
more or less, situated In Venango township
Butler county, l'a, bounded as follows. b>
wit llh the north by lands of Ellas Seatob
east by landa of Win alud Koberl \ andcrllu.
south by lands of Thomas Kyle. and
west by lauds of Thomas Mciiuirk heirs, and
Ellis Seatoii, together with a frame house
barn and other outbuildings lliereon. Saul
lan I lieiiin all the lands devised to present
l.ouls Seat on by his lather, Wm Seat. 11 <l»~- d
Will regLster.il lu K-flster's otn-e of
Hutler county. In will book I. page -4» Seized
and t ikeri In ex -utiou as the property ol
Louis Seaton at the suit ol Daniel Markel.
fEKMs OF SAI.K file following must (»■
strictly c implied with when property Is -til ken
I. Waen the plamtltf or other lien creditor
be cone*» the pur-iiaser the cost on tue «ri
most be paid and a list of tie- liens Including
mortgage -aicli » on the property -soi l to
pettier with such ben credlloi's receipt" lor the
amo nit '»• the pro> -its of the sale or such pot
Hon thereof as he may claim must be lumisned
the Sheriff
All bids must t»> i>aid in full,
a. All ales not settled bnaHMtlately will ar
contUiu<-d until I o'clock r. u. of next dav. at
whu h tbn .ill prop«Tty not «-ttled I>r will l»
put up au*l sold at the ejpenae aud rusk of the
person to whom first sold.
•Sec rut don's Dlgesi, :>tU edition, page iM
and south t form*, page tsl.
WILLI V.M M. I'.KtIW.N. Sberiß.
Shertlf'aOlSce. Butler. l'a . Aug lath. isa*.
Opposite School House
This eleiran' new hotel is now open t«
the public; it is a new house, with new
furniture throughout and all modern con
venieni es; is within easy reach of tha da
pot and business house • of the town, and
has a splendid new of the eastern part ol
the town.
Kates Reasonable.
Give nie a call when in Butler.
I will cell my new thrw-atory brick
liunioena block at 315 Houth Main
St., on reasonable terms, alao my
reßitlen'-e ami two lota on .MrKean St.
Alex. Williams.
Yogeley & Bancroft
Arc < ii\ i nii' the IVoplr I'or
Two W erks ()nlv.
Evervlxxlv Wear- Slnh*s.
Now i> vou chamv to huv tlinu.
• •-
Don't wait and lo<t» a <*han«»*
That will save ;,on nionev.
Rememberwoaiv ottering ouv cor \>\r »»
lino at a sacrifice—We are not f« rdinir.
Give u> a rail and be ronvineed.
The Popular Shoe S*on\
No. 347 South Main Street,
nre rwpmfaily rrqut >to <r*li «a ec
% Frank C McGkew.
1 \\ WW ii opcraiior» KK \ • • *
I I '-■»»•-. • . u - •\\ -II *S»
i«W for Shaft*. «t«- Unit* v*k at •><«.
TWT Tf j»? AjWDt for l>a-i I"! Via . \f. • •.
| h Hydraulic -! "Ji* ' • - «•
* J •' Fer u>T fmrthcr iti
FRANK C. -t-if. «
3I« Bluff». « *». >
Citation in Partiticn.
la re pftttlon of l isfpli K.« .trap'* I '. f"' P>f
tltloa ot We real e«ale <>t Wasbtftftoa < in.:
bell lib' ot rj»nt»w I » ntfcbfc wmmmimmet*
O. > . NO. NIC PI TKKM • •
TUe abo*e entitled p -ii'i ». wo Oi.-I .1 ■
Orabaaa'« oaet of Bunercoin' :v n. a;
forth thm ««•• «rt<l J - i'h K • - 1
brother ot Waahin<toa I . upt*- .1.. •«* ► »ir
view township Ruti-r <*• d
That Washing* an l an:•• •• ! 0 do > •'
th.- .!*> u ■ .I'.
dewMßße uof I* of tn Ilu - a ' -.1
Imml atttt tte In P*ir t—v..-:.iw. B * *. <
Pa.. bounded aad u :»ed •«.- .■• ' »• t.» . •
on the aorta by Uuul .: H lis mi w 1 >er.
tbe east by toe laji.t-. ui t el. .rn • r M |S -iba*--
ley. on UHMKItT 'I" toll -»t J I
Ka*. and <>n the w.->.i l- i;< i ■'
ontainiatc tMV' huodrel i»l d- * R> A"
or le*a. with tbe appttrt.Uiu. «s
TIM Ike Kill Wi-aln-ct • < •»l 1
■mrviye hini no • -iithUeii. Ou •• 1
HauniUi J < un|>'» 'l wh.'- u<l -a Km I 1
111.1 the toll-win.: uatu.-l ,-..1, t ■ rn •
brother! and alste r> l.t m* vt •
«Maaar or aald VVI-..111- 011 1 in. ' »r
follows .#<*•(* VtUi ; b YIT pe- «r,
-bepnard H t uap'iel! •. • • • ***
Inlet la irim r rim' I.w Mr* N .a. •rn
wife uf Tuoiuat 1 r.tiij.
lltlm U» o**!M>a towa-t. I. Butler 1 P*
MarsaivlJ Kay. wife ol J iiu --> U . 1
*» yeaTN llflnj WS- alr. *w fwm. Kn •'* ' ■'» .
Tbe Brother* ami rtntei* d »-■* I»• e. .»• ,
rf tie drain of W -ah . * ' t
follow i Kol>eri I • an. (■ uw .; 11 * 2
him. the f 'Uoy.:ast . n-'d :nidr. ... •
ff«r>'«i'*Bipiidl .-»J i; >'»Tt .«i>ar Li 1- Mil
lerrtown But|. r < . Pa.. *r* ffWferM. [
wHe of rre.lefl.-k Uylaf In ID - u Wri'Wu
Butler ooaaty. 1M *1 n ma
Numoe! B»nl. il*ln»' It. «■ h~- sw«r Ai
county. Pa . *lr- Juli.i Nt,*e.. % .|.i- tar.
-inter''.: am)' - .1 '•» -
lier the wilowlnx lODirl ehlfclreti Wtn •
Nioiey. h«tBE In r»nn t -»aa..: W Ann.. N.t<
.uIILH l-.i A V r • • r
Oaten lon. Warr- i . in' Pa I K - •
luiDitte Ktmat'it .But t • f. II "J
HUanor. wU 4 ' o| —— 5..*.. r ■ 1
Kifc-übulV. riar.'jn t ' I* •> r - j
.Jaani»M> wll- •»; 1 - Jum «•» '• '
two. Butler «'< . Pi..i .>r» W •! r»n
Wheelart* ... I a.r . • »••
Pa. and fam -1 K Nlory at d'-rea-e 1 «»'
.-lilhlren are naiue-l a- !■> .o*l « .arl ■ •»
aa>l Mial storj and Bert 'i.ir ■
HarrtNburK. ra. !hr tart i.atnwi B.i f. r
beliK aimn. ran aavt«*fo ... anti ».i
John 8 < auipi» ■a J wrd ' > >r « t
:n<t*»i. • amp«-:I H>rt to -.ir-- n a the t
IMIMIOI • a »J|... • tmpt.- U •
laoini, " vni(!* . ' ' * » >
Mlaera K H.-..' ... tu .»l U • •
ceaa>"d >au . M 1 e >
H-n*— —- aad 'Kee l < «n>p,- » I w
left a da'Uhf' r l-» * 1 a»ip>*' !
wHu ralilii MiTatrrtrw IWW- Mr«- >—a
rietebri a'ta> waae.l»l- *of Wauuwl' n <
bell wile left U> ■■arvi Ser-Mi io« '4t
edckii'lfra- ll'nan M ~'< '■ A rt * tl
•r. ley T Phrlrh* attU WfalV r' < •
butler Co .Pa , A: na MIU r '• 1 I
Miller lit Ph. -I :«
Margaret o|mi *n 1- ' 1
u« ill,, to Ptrw rIW . II.:' 't Pa *
. i Tmpbrll a urr-ea d fcrvrfr. Warn
a aatpfN-s. Terr T.I «Trf»e u.-.a «tte I .• *"> ! •
ed: Wr l amp - loin, a ¥ r\ ■■ '
Hutier " •».. Pa . Na. I *,
WBN. .! v . » ' 'IB 1 I-
Co.. P > IKb «* M- > :• "i
Kar>i«w. Buttrr 1 - > li
u| MUt' ti II v>"n ■ - - F.-> ■
Co.. Pa: Julia < imp. - *i« «' r • ►
Ml living tn n>.■ «' p.
:*• ■ ■
Miil'ln n l, ». • »i [>•'• '■» 1
11 ll»if'i». aa-'d i v ' ™ I' '
yeßf*. aad UUatr'
aU IIMBic m B .u«r Bu .r« a. la. w . I
tor tltelr {nardlan
Toar petillsn furt! r r i>i- - >
tlt»«i of utl iaml a 1 te 11 ma t.
MC7 f-* Ilia* purp • • ~r. .1 *1 i»»
prart . .ya'er I* ' ''■ "•
hi) iae t wurt to twacd sa la art> I
BBfiltl-ai Ol -aid
aforesaid ;..«fliei *0 rdinij I" til .r ft ,
rttfMa aud will eM pray.
J r r»* *
July IVertAed by afli . and
j. r. • m aai.ii-
Aud now Jul/ 9. 1' C wilhia f-Utum
tiled anil «;iUti«a awardml lad he -
it-law «-f Waaa rtrUtrt Ca ipdwU. de
naiued .n Uw with.a an t ' * '"iag n
to »ht»w raamt wily aar'itioa •» te>t l»
:n.ute a., j-raj-d. Part *, r* J / * «*» j
the r«on:y to Ih» Uf pablseati 1
the Bailer (in/H. a weekly n «<r*p
?'ibh«he«l 1U the i- JtSef, l<-r f
Ihr.ra aarcaaaire wren, la •.r .
■.how rause *l/ pafliiwm «fc»n».d a. •:
tua>le a. prajf'i f-r. 1 ' ■> > Ir
Jtmitrn Cinwut.
• lark »• «
C'erlihett Irta the K« r I lh»< t ;tli 4».
of July I-'-'
Jtmmrm C«w«iti, 11"*. j
#T.ITI " - P*' 1
Hi rtn« €"• *T. \
T» Vm II l:r»ws lifh |
if Butler (,'«e»atif
liree. W* e.-r . tn.l }■ '
make k>owa t« th be r au«i le/a. t-ff
MUCa'iv.- «c Wa /;..o < »a»,' ••.
sailed m the fureficf petit -t tS- . I
teat, there..; an<l rule ai.i! e.U t t
anil appear at an Or; :»r * ftl
at Bi'ler tn aa<l for *...« «• H.'-r *
Flin a .n M—Jay, tfca Wl af »»pni
her IWI, at I v . > k f M a:.4 It •
there f«. hw .a. ' ■> > »#.
whjr tbe prayer <>f tit* petit aer 1; I
not t>e jr ißte.! aad »;■' '
l>e aw ar'ied a# pra_ •<! : r
Witae*» the Uooorahia Aaroo I. Ma 1
Praaideot of our »ai4 f««irt at Ba
ler, thi.. I-11. lay »l Juiy 1-tC.
»«ST 2. SL
Tn:» !»•«• tbe We* hwa J»|bei at dart
~»t Jeflbr«na >». ja Haßxw: •
a. a*. apilial 11 AS -bear at
< PI ind pi ai.
* ttt a. ai.—Kapoww amT.~- at AH»»baa»
at W:J» a. as.
I 1 IrM a. Nt. — -amrt at JMfc
iheny at t "t p. m.
\.-.**.*nochM u im-tww at Vltw
at * II p. m.
':< mp. Expr».. avrivat at AUtopaaay d
t!le*be::r at Wpi at.
Tbe etrS#*- a. at. rata a:. I fc I *t *• :r*ta»
••«-iar" at U t'ler Juae - a wttb s*a.a- ..m*
j f tUiraa JH> ka; »■' «»a. whew e»mi!bua
< mm- wi'» tb- IKy Vrpr * aadl Pbi?»■#»*
1 l'dia» |p«*r ( id.
Tww ar*i .•» at KttfTee-tr »• : w»d ir a.
m. aiel 1 *. a» awl 7 >pi ai.. ! ew».» ( U-
at »a». ■: 39 aa>' lift til a » WtStt
; aa.l IO p. aa
r. Jt *. a. «.
Irraate ieavw she P. Jt W ie|e>« aaar > a
tr» Ate.. >!Uth«i'le. Satlee tteaa, m btlei
fmac wwatb:
' >H*» a. »i. tihniheay t^enaeabauwe
•:tt»—Aiie-bene aail Vina E.tprw» r ««.
1 uw landay ua AiJeyhnay. aa.l »a»i
• kaiiy to »e* ' wd.'e.
I U).Jb a. at— AiW<o«i» Jb*c<aa»-bW«ri.
pi Alt«ba«T E*|dWK.
l:M » s » h ea*» l. Ipta w. rtaaa Mt «•»
p. a>. aa.t
iian. ett -m lar i.infara* aim
Ow aioam. at tl t.» a. a.-Übt'aa;
i Kaprena
1 tamac S<»rth «. aa. Wi nWrtil ttatl
i.iel p. -a < 'iart.ta ,%ee™a».
! r-ii pat Ir' u wf,* Aeawai.
I '>n .-*ai»U/ a t*NB» !<9K#«% 'a» Cattery «§
I !»:!*• at at. >"'« « Ifbtar n-uaa <a» -be ■me-
I <wa<a.
Tbe LJ« m. a. iraart *urt(h iiaai -» at C*al
:«ry wttb 'h« t a.t-sapa eapraae. «».*• i-aaa
tai!y aad a *j uppe.| wiia the P tltaaaia iwa#*
art a»t aleepMHf eoaw-bee.
r raiu. natter lesew blteglbaMy a*
a;|o an l t%JB a. aa., erty tiaea, wl . «H, Zc&
tret •; '. .p. «» •la -tail lay at *!•> a. aa. awd
i.(*» p. «•
fra.ar «me* at Batser rt " *» aad ' it at
| tw. awl ti ii. I: 43. .* JB aart rjw pk ea. mw
' ha* aa in • tod e.lrt.
ptrr-*«eii»». .«» a uutß aata «. «
Traitn >ee 'jm f Jb W Atffc*
suae, aa kb<iaaf»:
lit n.b Caae. arrteeac flkeem aa MMf.
«. at.
(ti-Miti «. •» F.rtet ui*im -fB»e»» tjrs»
. •»» ik at. ta 'neaa»»lt». taetete • -beae a
A train arttewa U>nu ».. newai li* at - a
». wtib i»iw|t -tw h> e
P. A W. aae rt „W p. at. «w»si Ktbe *tu*m
■ iwimft rmmJm •» a«4
' Mte s* *e» ft. at. w» Pr
Feut.* .e-tee *1 1 «•»«*■-• at < e»l ft-1 • a.
■ a tf»-ii rwfct n*n ->*s
tbe P.!». *UK. at Metier.
h't »r
Kvt»r\ - tw *ty.
Bmtuii:4l .frtwifct !k«t •art at!
irma.i b aa>f wtwlr ai) eraa' -
»f>'.at r«r>*t» to -rti a.i (■»<•>• <<»•
>B exbtb«t' >(i M
Rwliek's I»ni^St<»rp
FtO'-T >.»*•<t»ew. T »i»«
Aru>-iw« e*.i Wki«t •- •*»-
ao r , <|r*ribe at eaaeaer-ttw oar <rv*t
«e tft l»fy ft«i tl* A>*
ibem to *ll eieiu.rw. W« efatßt mr
yar tlork wi»i'e«rt *j«aflw. *»
net* IB 4p*t-jpi A»i fwaan—ble prwww.
j WbMtfM Jt.»»tr mmf hw.wne •**•
■M I bent With he M* 1 hi! MM* «fP«>-
pp-.a'e aeieetiottd We. auitcft » e»rt».
, MriHon »w m 4
■ *<*« to* l ■"** *«««•*•»
1 (pmt-t ' he beat tn i -aeapeet
F.npi tftJt.
J. < . li K DICK.
Tito ha»»* A«twitmm mnbaai »
tIM in tW rrriirc!*.
| r«»r Ike latent *t4 (toilet* airaw
artirrtkt for tW Ciu/w