Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 12, 1892, Image 4

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    qeaaSSggCggSESg ' ' '
| -Paris Robes Beltoicl Cord- |
New Srping Dress Goods
S We received tins
week our first shipment of New
© Spring Dress Goods and through >
this advertisement we extend a
zh, cordial invitation to you to come Y
W and Jook through our stock (
whether you wish to purchase or
j not g
fc °
' Leading Dry Goods and Carpet
| -Henrietta Serge
To Any Person who Can Prove that the Adriance Roar Dis
charge Binder is Not Perfection.
Q *■ w
Guarantee the Adriance Binder
To do u rood ▼«* with less power than any binder on the market. We d» not a-k
you to buy the machine until we prove it on yonr own farm. Why won Id vou buy the
old fttrle. away up, bfg, cloin«y, Krain-threHbinir, borne killer, elevated binder, that re
■nirea an extra man on hilly groand to keep it from upsetting, when yon can get one
tnat is low down, one that cannot be npnet, one that in light and neat, and will not
threah out grain, one that is nearly as fight dranpht an a single reaper, and one that
does not reanire tracks for transportation and will pasn through a ten foot gate: If you
dispute the statement, challenge us for a fiold trial with AN'Y or ALL binders on the
market. will gladly meet yon. It will do as good in the future an well as it has
in the nut. It would not be the first time. The Adriance Hinder has come out victor
ions in many field trials in thii country, as well as in Europe, England, Uermany and
France, where the Adriance Binder has taken gold and silver medals from each. II
yoa dispute our wort, challenge ua; yoa can always find as at 320 SOUTH McK KAN,
BUTLER, PA. Call and see sample binder.
We Lead All Competitors in Binder Twine.
In Prices and QnalityWc are Ahead.
"We bought early and can sell twine at what it now costs wholesale. If you are in
need of a Plow, Harrow, Grain Drill, Corn Drill, Cultivator, Shovel low, Binder,
Reaper or Mover. Hay Tedder, Hay Rake or Hay Loader, or J arm Machinery of aiij
kind Fertilisers, Fencing, 4c., calf and see ns. If we do not have what yoa want in
machinery, we oan at least show von the largert assortment of Huggies, 8"™"'
Phaetonsf Spring Wagons, Carts and Farm Wagons you ever saw in one place. We do
not handle the cheapest rigs on the market, bntwo handle and guarantee onr ngsi tolie
tho best for the money we ask for them. We havo control of the Voongstown
Carriage and Ta«on Co.'s goods in this place. Their work is second to none in .(ualitv
and finish. If rou doubt this call and we can easily convince yon. prices and
square dealing » our motto.
W. I**. Hartzell Co.
ftk are respectfully requested to call on or address,
Who iB operating a KEYSTONE DRILLER and is
luA prepared to drill Water Wells, Test Wells, Air Holes
laxk for Shafts, etc. Drills eight inch or less.
Agent for Leflel Improved Wind Mill, Standard
Hydraulic Rams,and all the best makes of pumps.
ffiHWHKgB For any further information addrss,
31C Bluff St., Butler, Pa.
Go and see Invest in
Now in Mention of being built, are SOLID INDUSTRIES which havo
moved to Kllwood for more room to grow, cheap fuel and better railroad
fkeiiities. They will employ, before toe year is out, not less than 1500
people, wbieb always results in a growth of 6,000 population.
For the incoming people, and 25 more stores could be routed to-day.
11 to 40 Per Cent a Year
IB the Renting, beeidee the rise in values which follows such an increase
in population.
towne nine times aa large &>rl and this is the margin for its future growth.
any other town in Western Pennsylvania. Four Trunk Linen, and no
tranaler or switching charges
enn be found elsewhere In any one place, such an Natural Uas, Coal, Glass
Sand, Molding Band, Fire Clay, Red Clay, Building Stone, etc., and
Water Power.
Don't wait a year until the town is four times as large and values pro
portionately higher.
IV First Mortgage Loans
No tax. commission or fees. Interest payable
set... annually by New York draft. Perfect w?-
curity Highest reference.
GHAS. V. REIO, Fairhaven, Washington.
*No DYflfc
\) V f:r CTTEUJAL jci ZTtZXII Sf
°^INC-Me^ V
I>ropp+fl on tiuqnr % Children Tore It.
Every Traveler ihouJd have a bottlo of it in Lit sat- hrl.
Every Sufferer
▼oo*Hea*4ache, Diphtheria. Ooqrfca,<Jaiairlt, I'.r« nchitis.
Asthma,< Martaa, Diarrlma, I Aim s*
in Body or Lirnl*, Stiff Joints or Strain*, will flnd in
thlß old Anodyn* nlief and m**iy cure. PamphU-t
freo. Sold everywhere. Price Acta.by mail. • bMtka,
jtsprers paid, el I. SjtfOHNtfO* & CO- iio.-ro.v. Mi-sa.
far Esrse:, Cattle, Shoep, Dcgs, Ecgs,
100 I'aKO Book on Treatment nf Animals
audl liarlMul Irrc.
ct ar* - FeTer»»<'#naentio»a,lnflam«nßtl«o
A.A.i!*pl""l »len»ngiti», Milk Fe»er.
B R.>MrilDi. I.tneoi-Mi Kheumatlani.
('.('..•lHo'emper- Naxnl l»l!irlinrae«.
D.O.—lloi« or i;rnb«. H'»rni«.
V..V. « ouitlii.. IIra»e», I'neamoniu.
V.V.— J'ollr or lirlFM. B< ll> Brhc.
>1 l»rarrinitr. Hrmorrhacra.
H. 11.—1 rlnurr and Kidney l»i»rn»i-w.
T.I.— Kruptive I»i«ro»e«. :>lana«-. _
J_K.—i»i«ea»r« of llliril lon. I'n iul|.ik.
Single Ilottlo (over 50<!»«■*i. - .BO
u..K1.. »'»««•. wltli Spc'lflc'.. Manual.
V, urinary < nrn <'II ali<l MwllcaK.r, K7.00
Jar Veterinary • are Oil, - - 1.00
a»U l.f nrwtrl""*: " <■ "T
■lf*"' ss r*tr apt o t prifr.
urai-Hiit. i" * »«»«>>.
y 7
[ JkMi homeopathic fjn
li. UK 30 yr»n. Tba onjr •nc*»Jal teucdy for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
»nd Prostration, frotu' ow-work or ©t»nsr camp.
•1 per v i«l, or 6 v;ai»ar«'l loiaa* *•«! for
K, , . » • ' ' 1
BTflPflKliYH' SLIk t«., HI iklll WUiU» '• • T -k.
,\IK SLACKING i*; clicapcr
at 20 cents a bottle than any
other Dressing at 5 cents.
V r:.u--.Q i once blackened with it fan
l;_ 1. ~t«l- an by washing thc-m with v.; Ur.
i:i moderate cir< umstanees til el it
. Lie to buy it at 20c. a bottle, Ixcnu :
tthr-y «pen<l for Mucking they save in
. ; I .thcr.
.. r tho cheapest Harking consiil.-Hrg
• : ' ujlily, :.nd yet no want to b* II it
i •}< rif U can be done. Wo will pay
Sio,ooo Reward
f.,r a mei|:r that v. ill enable in to make
WOLFF'S A oik at such a price
t'..-1 a retailer can profitably <ll it at 10c. a
1 • '(lt. Tliis'>Bcris(ijitn until Jan. Ist, 1&&
WOLFF & BANDOJiPll,Philadelphia.
Oui furniture painted with
(ili'.4 ii the mi no of the jmint), looht like
! mil vttrnUhed new furniture. < >ne
'ildoil. A child can apply il. Yo>i
• i . a pine t.'> a walnut, or a cherry
1 i . .hopriry; t! <re jm no limit t'» your
i. ' A !l' lctailc ms< II it.
nil iiUiiNG piles
MMri OMH --If allium l«U«M lUfclfff mmA
itlnfUv: HiMlßlnl|lil| warao by MmtahTig. If
•lU«e4 to r««ilnut- tumor* form ud protrude,
fclredlng, tbwrlM tbrtunnira. druv.ffletaor t>r
Mil far wcta Prepared t.r DM It How, PtiJU !• I^bta.
VlhULMOtiiertl and HEKVOUB DEBIllTT;
FXTiJi^lMjl!| Weakness of Body aadHind, Efffets
CUiuAllUJJof Errors or Excesses in Old or Tounf.
Robtil, Rukls MaSMOOO fell/ KMltrrl M«w to Mliria and
•trwftb** Will. t'SDKVKUIPkIt OHI.A V 8 A PAHTH OP ftODT.
AbMi-t.tr eafalllaf HOIS IKKATIKNT-RaaaSla In a 4ij.
Im taallff firm 40 Matoa and Paratfa CoaatHn. Writ* (hum.
Itoacrtpti*. Book* rialanalloß aid proof a mailed 'aaaladi fr.a,
1 . Jn Oor. Pehh AVE. and FOURTH ST.,
■ jEmStF'', PITT6UURGH, PA. _
I iiUft \ All forimof Delicate and C«m
plicated Disease* rc-<|iiirluKCoN
piliKSTlALaildSClENTll II iMl'll
(nation am treated at thi,i I>i -
iieo.ary with a Biuxefls rarely Rtulncl.
K l.aki Uaineinljcrof the Itoy.ilCollegcof I'liy
orian; ami HiirgconM, and 1h the oldest and mo-it
experienced sp*ci*i.l»r In the city Hpeeial at-
Unitlon Riven Ui Nervous Dehillt) frome« ccsplvc
m< ritul exertion, Indiscretion of youth,cte.,c.aus
ui(f physical and mental decay,lark of energy,
le-pondenny, etc..; alsoCaui'i r*, Ohl Son s Ht",
I'ilcH, IHicmnnliMii. and all llih< iiho»of tlioMni,
I.II»hI, I.UIIK*, I'rlnary Organs,etc. OinKultation
\r '• and hI i let I y confidential. (llUf'C lii»iirs,!i to
I nn«l 7 to 8 P. *•; 2 to < I'. M. only.
all at. c.dl' B or a>l<lri wt I»RS. I.AKK, COK.
Cotton Kool
MQICTn A recent, illwovery l>y an old
fIV loVKgl phyHlclan. Huccmfully used
■i Vn monthly l>y Uihu.huihlh of
flp, -f Ladles. Ih the only pretectly
HH jjP O-* safe and rellahle medicine
dlficovert'd. lJewaie of un
druKKlatH who of
Inferior medleliieH In
place of this. A*k forCoOK'H
CWITON U'.oi Cumi 111 nii, tnke no Mubntltuu-, or
lactone || mid n euiiti In poHtaf(e In tetter, and
we will ntml, Healed, hy return mall. I nil seal
ed part i' 'iiurs in plain envelope, in ladtm .nl
HlalilpH. AddreHM I'liml 1,11/ Company,
No. :t Kl*lier lllfK'k. Iletrolf, Mich.
K<dd In Hiitler hy N. lioyd, .1. K. Halpli, .1.
C. Kedlek ami druuvU ts "vervwlicre.
W. 11. O'BRIEN &SON.
|SucccHHorH ol Scluitti; ti, O'llrien. |
Sanitary Plumbers
And (}(w Fittern.
Sewer Pipe,
(ta« Fixtures,
Glol>eH and
Nftturul (ritH ApplianccH.
JefferHODSt.,upp. Lowry lloiiHe
M|:HH:aI, 111 | | 1;
JV HMWONn ST , /•/,./„.(<//, I
Aro the oMvat Iri Aim-r. .4 i-.i u, • , ,
Special Dicoacos& Youthful I
Klryid Pohton, NervoiH I'. Mlltv f'J# . ♦ .
Ding*, DlM'barKri, Wtrii tn . i: „ii, , ..
and t-kuililv*- <, Vurl HJ,J, , ,
turc, periaaiicntly cm. I l.y iMi.ron >1 n 1
without detention from Ihi.'l 11„. i, , |,„ ,
«uei*i>« U due til hl« llfdoiiK , x|M-rl«-ie i ami
•tudy; to the pnre V' di UlliKi r- lin-ill.. iim ,1 hii.l
Ui the lli.iroiiKh exninlnatloii and waU liful it
tentlon Kiven pulli nU durliiK treatment AMI
yearn rMnMlftljuient liioiir I'tiaraiitee of MII I-I'KX
Ircit!l by Noil n M|>erlnlty.
Office hours, »a.», In 2 I'. M,liln "J i m All
d»r Saturday till » I' U MJ to 1 > A fi
Menu Miuuip for ftowk. (Copyil|liled )
I JICT iinnn I nloH«>ouwriU; us i|uic
•UO I vIUUU ly. ivu want more ile
own. and will piaranlee perina;ie>it IKIHHIOII
with salary and expenser, paid weekly. I'ul
or part I lino. Kxperlence not reflulrnl.
eompU-te, IncludliiK many faat aelllUK Mpeclal
tl<.«. Khvant outfit free. Addrewn
Nursery man, Koelwutcr, N. V.
Nt nhll hln (Jlr
A Flagthlp Chaplain Who Ilegan Dlvln#
Service Before the Aotocrat'« Arrival.
There is a good story and a most
characteristic one which a writer in
Kate Field's Washington heard the
other day of the late Admiral Golds
borough. It is not in any way an
orthodox utterance, but, to be perfectly
truthful, the admiral made no preten
sions to being orthodox in matters,
either sacred or profane, as the incident
will bear witness. It was during a trip
to the Mediterranean when the admiral
was in command of the fleet that the
chaplain, a zealous young man, pre
ferred request to hold services on board
the flagship on Sunday mornings.
Though it was generally understood
that attendance upon divine service was
not included in the admiral's plan of
action he nevertheless gave consent that
every Sunday the men should be piped
up. The first Sunday after this permis
sion had been given, the yoking chap
lain's trepidation gave place to supreme
satisfaction when he noted that with
the exception of tho admiral the officers
and men of the fleet were assembled in
full force. After waiting for a few mo
ments for the admiral, who failed to
appear, the chaplain opened the serv
ices in regulation manner: "The Lord
is in his holy temple; let all the earth
keep silence before him." As the voice
rang out in the opening words the ad
miral walked on deck, and, though his
face betokened a storm, he took his seat
in silence and so remained until the
congregation had been dismissed Then
he rose, and striding over to the chap
lain, said: "Young man, I want ycru to
understand In future that the Lord is
not in this holy temple until I, Admiral
Goldsborough, am on deck."
A Car Load of Sympathetic Faaaangert
Angered by a lleartle»« Parent.
The poor littlo woman was traveling
from Baltimore to Chicago on the B. &
O. with six small children. Three of
them were 111 and she had her hands
and lap more than fulL Everyone in
the car tried throughout the day to do
what tbey could to alleviate her suffer
ings. A kindly old gentleman played
with the not too inviting two-year-old,
and a jolly commercial traveler kept the
wiggling and inquisitive oldest boy as
quiet as possible with stories of his own
boys at home. Dainty ladies opened well
stocked traveling bags to the many ne
cessities of the little brood, .and, Kate
Field's Washington says, the traveling
public seemed disposed to bhow its ut
most kindliness to the overburdened
woman. The only person who showed
no interest was an insignificant, snub
nosed little man who sat in the back of
tho car and read newspapers. At last
bedtime came and the porter made up
a couple of sections in which the tired
mother might bestow her offspring.
When they were safely settled tho pas
sengers wero rendered almost speech
less by the conduct of tho little snub
nosed man, who skulked down the aisle
and crawled into the berth where the
woman was hushing a wailing child.
When it dawned upon them that he was
ttie husband and father of their pro
teges it took all the persuasion of the
cooler headed ts> prevent an immediate
mobbing. _
Had I'rotty IlrUl^^nalda.
Sho (after the wedding)— Let's ex
tend our wodding tour to Utah, so wo
can see Salt Lake City.
Ho —Good ideal Let's take the brides
maids along.—Puck.
A llifhelot'l Opinion.
"Well, Mr. Olbaeh," said Mrs. New
ina; "what do you think of our baby?"
"Oh, ho Is delightful! So young-look
ing—like liis mother," said Mr. Oldbacli.
During the epidemic of flux in this coun
ty lift . urnmer, I had hard work keeping
a upply of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and liiurrhoa Koiuedy on hand. People
often eume ten or twelve milcn in the
night lo get a bottle of tho remedy. I
have been idling patent medicines for the
last ten years and find that it has given
better satisfaction in cases of diarrhea and
flux, than any other medicine I have ever
handled. —J. If. Benham. Druggist, Gol
conda, Pope Co., 111. Over five hundred
bottles of this ltemody were sold in that
county during the epidemic referred to.
It was a perfeet success and was the only
remedy that did euro tho worst cases.
Dozens of persons thore will certify that it
saved their lives. In four other epidemics
of bowel complaint this Remedy has been
equally uccessful. 25 and 50 cent bottles
for sale by
I). 11. Wuiler, Butler; A. Howurs, Pro
spect; Broaden A Allison, W. Sunbury.
The famed "'Six Nations" in Mew York
state will bo represented in the Indian ox
hibit at the World's Fair.
It is what Hood's Sarsaparilla does that
tells the story of its merit and has given it
the largest wale.
The ccretary of Michigan's World's
Fair commixlou has estimated that 250,000
people from Michigan will visit the
World's Fair.
Mr. John Carpenter, of Coodlaud, Ind.
iay. ' I tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrho'A Remedy,for diarrheal and se
vere cramps, and pains in the stomach and
bowels with tho best results. In tho worst
cases I never had to give more than the
third dose to effect a cure. In most eases
one dose will do. Besides it's other good
qualities it it pleasant to take." 25 and 50
cent bottles for sale by
!>. 11. Wuiler, Butler; A. Powers, Pro
peel,; lireadcn >b Allison, W. Sunbnry.
-The only way to convince people that
you know it. all i i to agree with them.
Coughing Leads to Consumption.
Kemp's Italsaiu will stop the cough at
once. Ask your friends about it.
—The taking of hot llatirons and jugs of
hot water to bed is not considered in good
form now.
When w.'. you be Convinced?
Time and again you have been deceived,
and yet again you allow yourselves to be
trapped by tin <ernpulous dealers, of whom
you Know little or nothing, while you can
so easily atisfy yourself. Tho evidence is
before you. Bvery household needs and
buys a stimulant. No medicine known to
the world servos many good purposes as
a good pure rye whisky, brandey or wine.
The best physicians reeeommend them.
Max Klein, of Alleghney, Pa., lias so fori-
Ibly demonstrated that lie deals fairly with
the public, and will even now, after t won
ty five years existence in the liquor liusi
noss, give you the best of references. Try
him for any of the following: Silver Age
Old Bye, at #1.50 per full quart; Duquosuc
Kye, +1 25 perquart; Finch, Uackenhoimer.
Overboil,, Hear Creek unci Gibson, SI.OO
per or - i* quarts for to.oo. All i|<i
mestic wine» from 50 cents upwards.
Send lor catalogue and price list ol all
kinds of liquors, to Max Ki.kin,
82 federal St., Allegheny, Pa.
Save Yourself Money.
The soldier boys at. Ilomesteud lire all
tanned about, tho color of an aged snuff
bladder. About every ounce of fat has
been fried out of them.
When vou go to Pittsburgh, Pa., slop at
the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and
Fourth streets. It is a strictly first class
Hotel conducted on tho Kuropean plan.
Lodgings, 25, —115, —or 50 cents.
—Wouldn't the impecunious young
man be happy during the ioe-cream season
if the girls' mouths wore no bigger than a
fashion plate makes them appear?
Consumption Suroly Cured.
To Tii* Suitor.— rioaao Inform your road, m
(halt liavo tjuwlUvo rmimdy tor the abovo-nainnd
dUxami. 11; ';« timaly tian thouaanda of h »(>.].-»«
cam* li#»o trvn pi'rmaliontly cured. lahall !>o |>la<t
to Mild twj ,«u, 1 (if my remedy FRKK to any i,f
your rr.vl. ra •» . j barn <...nauiiiyU >u If limy will
a*-nd jiio tbrli F. i pr-«« an J I'. O. iiidron. )(. , t
iulljr. I. A. UUAJUm. M. 0.. till hul at. 24. X.
The fctranu® Manner In WUlch a N»*ro
Earn* Ilia Living.
T)iero are all sorts of ways of earning
ono'a living, but I doubt, say* a writer
in Kate Field's Washington, if one could
find an occupation hedged about with
more danger or calculated to keep the
nerves strung at a higher pitch than
that affording support to a son of Ham
at Bethesda park. The courageous ne
gro utilizes his good-natured face to
form the disc of a sunflower, at which
a certain number of shots can be fired
with the hardest kind of a ball for a
stipulated sum. Drawn by the sign,
"Hit the Nigger," crowds are attracted
to the place, and people impatiently
wait in line their turn to try their skill,
while the darky—apparently unmoved
by the discomfort of tho sport—keeps
up a counter fire of mirth-provoking
banter at the poor success of the pa
trons. The flower is painted on a large
canvas representing a garden scene, be
hind which the man stands at a distance
of about forty feet from the ball throw
ers. Some degree of protection is
afforded the fellow by a wire netting
which he is allowed to pull over his face
as soon as ho sees the ball fly from a
person's hand. The slightest hesitation
on his part, however, would result in a
general smash-up.
Champion Stlnglnri*.
One of the worst stories of extreme
parsimony on record comes from Union
town. A young man from that place
in the city yesterday said that some
time ago he wrote to a wealthy cit : zen
of Green county who owned lai. . in
Uniontown, asking him for his price on
a lot. In a few days he received a reply
in a curious looking envelope. He ex
amined it carefully and found that the
envelope was turned inside out. Mak
ing a closer inspection he discovered
that it was the one he had sent the
Green county man. Since then ho haa
had several of his envelopes returned in
the same way. The Green county citi
zen was too stingy, to buy envelopes,
though worth not less than fifteen thou
sand dollars. The Uniontown man re
marked that it was not much wonder
that some people got rich. He added
that it was a pity there was a law
against using postage stamps the second
Ilomelj In England.
When we say a girl is homely we
mean that she is the reverse of beauti
ful, unmistakably plain, and sometimes
painfully so. In England, however, the
term is a measure complimentary. The
homely girl is the one endowed with all
domestic virtues. She is a home-body
in every sense of the word; one of those
cozy littlo women with soft, plump
cheeks, smooth hair and rounded out
lines, that a man always imagines as
sitting opposite him at tho table or
bending over a bit of sewing in the mel
low lamplight. If wc want to tell a
Briton that a girl is not good-looking,
we must not say that she is homely, but
plain, or utfly.
Ifaril to Suit.
"The play last night wasn't realistic
enough for me."
"What was the trouble?"
"You know that chap who was killed
In the thir<l aet?"
"Well, I saw him on tho street this
A Good In v<M»tni«*iit.
"It has cost you a good deal to put
your son through college?"
"Do you think it is likely to pay you?"
I. "Well, I expect so. lie baa already
received one offer from a professional
baseball club."—N. Y. Press.
<>uo Thing Sure.
Sympathetic Mother —I can't under
stand why you should have so much
trouble with your wife. Perhaps sho
only married you to please her parents.
Ron—Not much. She ain't that kind.
-N. Y. Weekly.
As n general liniment for R pr>ins and
bruises or for rheumatism, laine bftek, deep
seated or muscular pains, Chamberlain's
Pain Balm is unrivaled. For sale by
I). 11. Wuiler, Butler; A. Bowerß, Pros
pect; Ilreadcn & Allison, W. Snnbury.
—An ordinary passenger railway coach
weighs about 50,000 pounds, while tho
l'ullman sleepers are of nearly 170,000
pounds weight. The parlor cars weigh
from 65,000 to 70.000 pounds each.
Lane's Family Medicine
Moves the bowels <*eh day. In order to
bo healthy this is necessary.
—A cynical observer ol human natuie
ways that a woman will give 25 cents for a
50 cent article that she doesn't want, and
a man will givo 50 cents for a 25 cent art
icle that ho does want.
—Rheumatism cured in a day—''Mystic
cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic
ally cures in Ito days. Its action upon
the system is remarkable and mysterious.
It removes at oneo tho cause and the dis
ease immediately disappears. The first
dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Hold by .1. C.
Itedlck, druggist, Botler.
—"I was hit on tho head and knocked
senate** by a brickbat when I was a boy,"
suid Mr. Dnllpate. "Hear mo," replied
Miss Brasher. "And is it absolutely in
Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi
tively Cured by administering Dr.
llaines 'Golden Specific."
It is manufactured as u powder, which
can lie given in a gla-.s of beer, a cup of
coirco or tea,or in food, without tho know
lodge of the patient. It is absolutely
harmless, and will affect a permanent and
speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod
erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has
been given in thou and \ of eases, anil in
every iustauee a perfect cure has followed.
It never fails. The system once impreguat
ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter
impossibility lor the lienor appetite to ex
ist. Cures guaranteed, -IK page book of
particulars free. Address, Golden Specific
Co., IKS Kaco St., Cincinnati ().
—"Now I'm a lady ofbigh degree," re
marked a raiistrnck bit. woman, whon tho
doctors told her what her temperature wan.
—lced tea and phosphates is the latest
variation in the hot weather beverage sym
Don't let the horses miller from third.
"A merciful man is merciful to his bea«t.
"A printer moy sot all kinds of type.
And set them night and day;
ltut he can't sot a hen to save his life,
lireousc sho ain't, built that way."
Cool and collected- a receipted ico bill.
These are tho days when tho citi/en finds
out how many warm friends he has.
—lf given his choice, the devil would
rather start one church fuss than two rum
holes in any community.
—"Brick" Pomeroy in Advance Thought
says: "111 the following sentence are all
the letters ol the alphabet; 'Pack my box
with fivo dozen liquor Jugs." At the same
time it will be noticed that there is no
command to fill the jug i with liquor of any
—Tho favorite theory of scientists that
the sun is gradually cooling oil' is hung up
until cooler weather. Come to think of it,
the sun mii't have lost considerable heat
recent ly.
—The Government ol Mexico will ex
hibit at tho World's Pair a large and vol
liable collection of Astec rolics.
Chamborlaln'u Eyo and Sldn
A certain enro for Chronic Soro Eyes,
Totter, Salt Rhoum, Scald Llead, Old
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch I'rairio Scratches, Soro Nipples
and Piles. It I* cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
it after all other treatment had failoiL
ll ia put up m tiud 00 ccul Uuuw*
fj _lt never hurt- a 'it it knock?
r tar. i • with ; r'"> t -.vty The
reßt ' i! '*. * •' at ver - T "
i.l CJ- .Ling up r, • ir" rli e . r under
' 'wV ™ the earth, t;!i: more wonder: i! than any
• v < r *.• or
I' vui- CJVit
rrrre OranL: .r-.i it and joor
the !i.i- "What i- i; ' —why it* IleckV
' mammoth stoeK of tine clothing. Hat*. Cu;>-, Si.irte, Pants, Uuderwear,
Collar?, Cuffs, Neckwear, Suspender*. Umbrellas. Trunk.-, Valises, Satchels,
I'ursea, Bill and Pocket-books, Clothes, Hair and Tooth-brushes, Watches,
! Chains, Charms, Ladies' and Gents' Pins, Collar aDd Cuff Buttons
| and hundreds of articles too tedious to mention which we have for sale, and
i you may need Call and see our mammoth stock of beautiful spring at
i tractions and you will certainly say its a Iloodo. Well, we are not looking
for those who do trade with us but for th >se who do not We don't believe
there are many who do not, but there ought not to be one person in Butler
or adjoining counties left who does not know that the place to -ave money,
to get big values, at Heck's Store, 121 N Main St Why is it that you
miss your chance and waste your money ? Don't you know better ? We
bear you no ill will, why should we This is not our funeral, we are ust
he same merry merchant as of old. We are rollicking, jolly fellows; we are
tipronring, tip top sellers, and when i; comes to bargains we can suit you to
aT. If you think we are a honev, come buy your clothes and drop your
money, and we'll treat you like a little sonny, for we have got the . nergy
and the will: we made up our mind to be the
and the result is that we lead and the band pluys Anny Booney, aud there
is no mistake about it. The world stands aghast at the realization of the
fact that the high i|iiality and low prices of our go> ds is a reality and not a
fictionarv legend to those who have in ver dealt with u- We «. d 1 •
glad to see you and pleased to put in your hands a real money saver, a
hargain with a great big B II you are notonour list of customers, come
and be convinced thai we are right at the front doing big business, on
the best basis, a square deal and a rolling dollar We are going to get up a
train load for the World's Fnir at Chicago in 1893, and we want you to
come in aud go along. We will furnif-h you with a
Round Trip Ticket,
free the only conditions that you buy your good* off us. 1- or further particu
lars call in and see us about it
With kindest regards for your liberal patronage and your remembrance
of us to your mmy friends, we shall in the future to yonr
Yours Very Kesj>ectfullv,
Champion Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher,
121 N. Mciiix St.,
BUTLER : : ; PA -
Her cheeks were red,
And so was her bead,
Her lips were of the same hue;
The tip of her noee,
The color of her clothes,
Were just as red as her shoe.
Bear in mind our prices are as close to the bottom, without, haying it
drop out, as it is possible to be. See our liuo of Red Shoes and Oxfords for
Misses', Children's, and Infants'. Our line of ladies' Oxfor.ts can not bo ex
celled. All tho latcß*. and prettiest styles from 65c upward.
Here is an Extraordinary Bargain
A ladies genuine dongola k:d button shoe, worked button holes, solid
leather inner sole and counter, equal in style, finish and wearing qualities
to any ladies' $2.00 shoo will go until this lot is sold at #1.25 |»er pair.
Wo also have a ladies' India kid button at 90c per pair.
I 14 South Main St, 1 hitler, Pa
While there is nothing exactly magical about our shoes, there is a
"slight of hand" that truns them out with tho fitting qualities that makes
them famous There is too, a "charm" about them so impressive that custo
mers yield to the "spell" that never leaves. Onr ladies' shoes might >••
called "enchanters." Our men's are full of talsmamc virtues, smooth
sailing in these shoes, "no tacking" (nautical friends please rate , on )
season of circusoH remind* u« of "turnn,' and the only thin# m r«» m u
about ours is that, like all our goods, they bend easily, botug very tlexi'.ie
Goodyear Welts, too modest to put on airs, could do it if they wanted t 0
though. The only thing low about them is the price. Call and yen the n , Rt
S. E. Corner of Diamoud. ... Near • >jmtu House
"Well begun is h.ill done. IJcjjin your house work Uy buying
;t cake of
SAI n >IJ< ).
S;i|ioli< •i. .1 tolid < 11.< o! Scounn«: bn»ip uscrl l* »i *ill * lc«tuivij£
purposes. Try it.
Young Mothers!
Re OfffT You « Jtemedy
irAIcA /iuur<l Hn/rty to
J.ife of Mother and ChllJ.
Jiob§ Confinement of It*
I'uin, Horror vndliisk.
AfM*r n » on* bottle of •• IHothrr'* Frlrnil" I
•ufr«r»<l but Jictlr* i-uiu. an I ul<!uot
WMkiifM uft.-rw.irJ licual 1 u ftUOti « Mil.
AMMiu (iAUK, lAmar,I Amar, Uu., Joa. I3ti», 13*1.
Hrnt i»y r xproNN chanr*** prtpild, on rt»c»int of
prln*. f I "Mj bottlo. Uo«jk U> W 'tu»r« mallt' I frn«.
fill Amino HIiGIXA l OU to.,
tULLf lit ALL LLt'O 'IMJ.
For Sale by J. C. Kedlck.
Wliolrsiik Whiskey Mmliiinl,
nnil Importer or
135 Water St. Pittsburg Pa.
dpfMlsltl' I!. & <>. |(. It. |>C|ll>t.
ll»adi|uari<TH for
(ill Iltftlll ill illl'l lilllllly 111*.
AI .(Ml per «{!., or II ({ln. fur J . .ml
Klik U'h tiuUtrii W.-ddllK. IHiilifU'Tlv, <»Ut k
• iilhJiiht. I..irc ilridxeparl. HI. Vrr
nun. Overiiolt. Ki<' I litoi* tl«"> only liou nut
rwtlfyliiir in tlm rltjr. tliert'for** »ur ifoutla un
warranted |>urr. < kmxli nncurHyr |>.n k«d ami
Ihixml without extra charge. i .<«. It. .unl ni.iil
orden nicfflva prompta'U'iitlon. liriudwtitrii 1
C'holic 1 yraTHolil, I.' mi |* r ifiilloii. Try n*.
Mifflin Street Livery.
WM. 151 Kin, I'rop'r.
One Hqiiaro west of Main St., on
Mifllin St All good,
now IttiffK'ioß and earring o *. I.andaux
for weddingH and fum-ralH. Open
day and night. Tclophono No. 24.
—__— —
Fur Mrt"tlY imr«- .in>l tvllnMe HTHAIIiIIT
IJi.il'oltH, ration
I. nr. FINCH,
i« siirimti.i> sr., ki.n, m*.
<Opp. XoDoniritirU Mou»e.)
Mnl<'li|i-ni tor Knmlly im «»l M--liriml i ur
piWI Hl*
l-'IM ICS (101.11 l N WKMMN'i. 1 Ml f!
(it < KINIMIMKI! S WfllsKV. l»-r <t« .
I 1)11.1.1 Mil. IC WHISKY. »•
(iooilt ni utljr pinked mt'l promptly nfcljVil
Kmc* ur KtrtN-c ou r<" • lp' «• cwin or pint
«mc <>r<lrr.
t«r Niithln/ rxur »"4 < «>. I>.
Sniil fur I.ml.
in ilplijfhtfulljr parfamed an<l i* of
great service in removing pimples
uml blotches from the fucv. For
chap(H><l hiimls, lip* or anj rough
ness of the skill Hint us a dressing
for the fact; after shaving, it will
he found invaluable.
For Sale by Druggists.
■« # 1
SVI/vohi r <i c j-t . *
ill.! . *;■ I '1 i *
«.l.tOll| >• I *t>. I .l|'V , j
laiilitMid ON v unouionr 1 'wZ '
I lie Leading
Millinerv House
Oar line of MUJiaciy is * i.i . e r W- j» .■*> *< u r.
Butter "cnuptv. T-'t : fa* m! h f ' v" ,
Mourning Millinrrv In <»* vat Variety.
S. Main Street But lor. i**».
Shoes arc the In*** ami AI• !%> ula**
Ask yriir (Hrwb bow ilm ?tte tie . >b«e«<
Ask abut fce jjftri-.
A»k if -.far* ar* C m ortaiOe.
A k tbrr ntv unit **
A*k if ttt*v «r* BdWNb
Tlu v Will Toll You ni'SKI.TOX
| Always La* the Xtwwt SIT 1 ' n r >f la ••, I* {teaw »> • »t
--tention to IVrfwt Fittin » >? r.tnr 4 • •• i» I ! v• - <
-w #
Than \11\" Shot* 11oii-*« * in Punier,
And heat of ail everyhndy Huv -at t.w **&* pri-*, *«ri >ar <ant I-r
Fin*' Oxford*. T.'m «, >l.< " I! i. ?! • > at>
Lsiiir-n' Fine Be;?.>n Ki. ■* *»•» <•♦«, li» »i J,*, $] and fi ♦*»
Indies' Fine t>pem Shp*.< re.«. ; ift
Childrw'- Col'>r»<i Sh-, <, II tr».* «> ■ 4--,' flii'and
Shoe .J 2"> ft- 0 • ! " » . •! M't •' h "fr« i-
Spring flee!- » - jeHaltv
Menu' ami I' >w V. 7> r . fl.iWI and f! ff».
M.»n»' Fine Shorn at SI.OO si. S5. #IV) and $j ne.
Mens' Fxtra F- S'v! n € v.\ H a-* I f v.— msl •»»
Roys' and Youtt, t' 3b *».-< a: ~S et*, 4! «i #1 2-». #1 and •»»
102 N. Main St Butk r Pa
j Pureliasi»r> can save from - to 50 j. r
cent l>v jMireliasinjj their w.iti lws, elof*ks
jand sj*eetacles of *
J. It.ttmKli, 'Hit- ,
No. 12.') N. Main St., - Dully lIU-k
Siyn of Klectri, H> : .n'<i <"! >ck
—"Remember our R« ;• !>• irti ->r - - v. u • Fxi«.rMrr>
i ;
//«.' »:'• •' a !»• /. «»»•' ;#r p - -«» J* - •» *•
rn _ t' < re-. ,U r . ■ L(]n
J. j. SPECK. «"« ".
wwu.uu i»> Lwrn Mt»t m »i*rnn rnwinw.
1-1 »c Win. 11. llolni«» < »..
I>iiitill«.*rs of "Holmes H«* t .ti I"I C'«l f".< • .«•»«•>
All the le.ulii ; KJ< I •' I : •• » n»< UV-|M»I
fntji'»rt«TS <>f Hfi % • »'r* •a: 1 r»< *
Telephone No. AO <
120 Writer St. an.i !58 Fr .'Ave., P iUi»ui.;ti P»
Presidential Campaign of 1892.
(;KA M > 1N! >! V»• Ml' NTS
Tt» Rf\ \ PKK.S «»l
The Pre-1 ''-ntial r» npi t* 2* 1, ' •! i >t, K - '.lw hm>i
inU-fiHelr int»»r»--»t• ?• :t i*t *'•••■ > r •*' 'a' t' ' •• I -* i»l
country p>'<will • evr» t t- ij-> t ,*•» |.*i»
|K>litieal newt» ari'l <ii - :i ■>n i» | * i • Nation*;
Journal, in addition t > that wpplW i»jr ti«ir twnai pap^r
To mrrt thin want W* ha*e »#b r»>l int»» krviMfftrl with tfc«*
The L«adinu Republican Paper <>f ihe
which enable* u.4 to 08-" t *t r» i!ar in"r»»
jfir) A&ti *'THK 1 ITI/KS *»r «>Q• jt,w
HV»r only s| >, imsli HI at
'N. Y. Weekly Ti ' regelw peirw per yew. 91.09
"The r.ltlren" ** " ** " ISO
Total 12.50
BuH«rriptioiM> may hest»» at HI ttav
Thm ie th» m it ltlw*r.*l «• tnNnati n ■ '.-r « r nai>i. tn «k»
StatM.eed ererr reaakr I'ii i • I ' l/l s 1 i t»n - r- it
at once
Addrr-H all orti. r» t->
ti i k citizen,
i:i "I'LKIi, PA.
Jul, \\ ork of all kind dour
sit 111< * "( itizrn (