-Paris Robes Belford Cord- New Srping Dress Goods _L in w FOR EARLY BUYERS: We received this p* week our first shipment of New cj O Spring Dress Goods and through tins advertisement we extend a OQ cordial invitation to you to come Y W and look through our stock ( jTj whether you wish to purchase or O S-TROUTMAN'S-S ° Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House. -Henrietta Serge ssoo.oo To Any Person who Can Prove that the Adrlance Rear Dis charge Binder is Not Perfection- AA7e Guarantee the Adriance Binder To do as good work with leas power than any binder on the market. We do not ask yon to boy the machine until we prove it on your own farm. Why would yon buy the old style* away up, big, elatnay, grain-threshing, horse-killer, elevated binder, that re quires an extra man on hilly ground to keep it from upsetting, when yon can get one uat is low down, one that cannot be upset, one that is light and neat, and will not thresh ont grain, one that is nearly ae light draught as a single reaper, and one that does not require trucks for transportation and will pass through a ten foot gatet I f you dispute the statement, ohallenge us for a field trial with ANY or ALL binder* on tho market "We will gladly meet yon. n will do us good in the fntnre as well as it has in the past. It would not be the first time. The Adriance Binder has come out victor ions in many field trials in this country, as well as in Europe, England, Germany and Franoe, where the Adriance Bindor has taken gold and silver medals from each. II yon dispute our word, ohallenge us; yon can always find ns at 320 SOITTH McK K AN, BUTLER, PA. Call and see sample binder. Wf> Lead All Competitors in Binder Twine. In Prices and Quality We are Ahead. We bought early and can sell twine at what it now costs wholesale. If yon'are in aeed of a Plow, Harrow, Grain Drill, Corn Drill, Cultivator, Shovel Plow, Binder, Beaper or Mower, Hay Tedder, Hay Rake or Hav Loader, or Farm Machinery of any kino. Fertilisers, Fencing, Ac., calf and see us. If we do not have what you want in machinery, we can at least show yon the largest assortment of Buggies, Surries, Phaetons, Spring Wagons, Carte ana Farm Wagons you ever saw in one place. We do not handle tne cheapest rip on the market, but wo handle and guarantee our rigs to be the best for the money we ask for them. We have oontrol of the Youngstown Carriage and Wagon Co.'s goods in this plaoe. Their work is second to none in quality and finish. If yon doubt this call and we can easily convinco you. Low prices and square dealing u our motto. W, F. Hartzell Co. W. F, HARTZELL. HARRY STEPP. a ALL PERSONS INTENDING TO SINK WELL arc respectfully requested to call on or address, ific; FRANK C. MCGREW, MKW ' Who iB « KEYSTONE DRILLER and is prepared to drill Water Wells, Test Wells, Air Holes WuV ■> for Shafts, etc. Drills eight inch or less. ALL MY WORK GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS. im\ 1 Agent for Leffel Improved Wind Mill, Standard iHwHflUgSjnl Hydraulic Rams,and all the best makes of pomps. 11 For any farther information addrss, Jji FRANK G. McGREW 316 Bluff St., Butler, Pa. Go and see Invest in HMD 11 THE 10 NEW FACTORIES Now la operation or being built, are SOLID INDUSTRIES which have moved to Ellwood for more room to grow, cheap fuel and better railroad {facilities. They will employ, before the year is oat, not less than 1500 people, which always results in a growth of 6,000 population. 200 MORE HOUSES NEEDED AT ONCE For the Incoming people, and 25 more stores could be rented to-day. 11 to 40 Per Cent a Year In the Renting, besides the rise in values which follows such an increase in population. ELLWOOD CITY HAS MORE FACTORIES NOW BUILDING THAN OLDER towns nine times as large and this is the margin for its future growth. r ISP MORE AND BETTER RAILROAD FACILITIES THAN any other town la Western Pennsylvania. Four Trank Lines, and no twister or switching charges. MORE VALUABLE MINERAL PRODUCTS THAN can be found elsewhere in any one place, such as Natural Gas, Coal, Glass Sand, Molding Sand, Fire Clay, Red Clay, Building Stone, etc., and Water Power. BUY NOW Don't we!; a year until the town is four times as largo and values pro portionately higher. ELLWOOD IMPROVEMENT CO. ELLWOOD CITY, LAWRENCE CO., PA. A (iOLDEN OPPORTUNITY To accommodate a few of the sev eral hundred working people who will soon be in Ellwood City, a large boarding house, or rather Hotel,* has been boilt containing 22 chumbers. It is said that as originally contem plated it was to be a very plain structure, but as it nears completion it seems to the visitor quite a had some building. It is conveniently near Harry North wood's Glass works, the Enamelling works which by the way, are now making enamelling, a Sheet Mill just located, and not too distant froin the Tube works. In their anxiety to obtain headquar ters for Eome of their employees all the manufacturers are promising to guarantee prompt payment of their board. This would seem to be a splendid chance for some enterpris ing person who has had experience in this line of business. The Fulmer Brick works have commenced making brick. Their Martin machine has a capacity of 35,000 brick per day. The Derwent Foundry Co. are very nearly ready to start. Their building has been erected with phe nomenal rapidity, yet it is a very strong and substantial structure. Both the Glass works have a throng of laborers climbing about the tall timbers, and the contractors are now positive that they can have both buildings ready before the first of Sep't , which was the original agreement. This is a good showing considering that the rains have bo greatly delayed the erading and foundation laying. F. PER CENT. IV First Mortgage Lgans No tax, commission or fees. Interest payable ■eml-annnally by New York draft. Perfect ite ourity. Highest reference. CMS. V. REID, Fairhaven, Washington. JOHNSON'S LINIMENT vl KE..v° P \J V IK TSTTXBLL aai ISTE2STAL af>A> -GENERATION AFTER GENERATION HAV* l-BD> A»'D BLESSED IT. ,•Xv' Dropped on Huanr % Children Tore Tt, Every Trareier ahouli! have a boCtlo of it In his KAU h#*L pt/Afii Qsl ffft fCkV *' n,Tn Khrumatijan, Boi ™ VOrV WUI Icrcl atieri, Neurmliria, Ktr roaa Headache, Mphtheila,Ocmirli*. < aturrh. llrondjttis, Afltbraa, Cholera Uort>u.<] Harrlx »-*, I Aim n«t», S<.r»-n*-Hs in Body or Limba, Stiff Joint* or Htrainit, will (lnfl in this old Anodyn*) relief and «** > dy rtire. Pamphlet free. Bold everywhere. Price Jf> eta., by mail, ft lx4tl« H, ftxprciMi paid, $1 I. SjiffOllXßON & CO.. UOSTO*. MAA* HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys' Kpecifles are scientifically and carefully prei<areil Remedies, used for years In private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire »urow. Every slnnl'' Specific a special cure for the disease named. Tbe» cure without drunk-lug. puncluK or ruduelng the system and are In fact ami deed the Sovereign itemed it', of the \\ "rid. LIST or raneiPAi. son. crxKM. rants I_Fevers, ( onffestlons. Inflammations.. 'J— Worm-, Worm Fever, Worm Oollc -ti 3—Teething! Colic,frying, Wakrfulno-M .'23 4—Dicrrhca, of Children or Adults .'23 7 fought., folds. Bronchitis •IS H— Neuraleia, Toothache. P*a«"aclie.. 9 -Headaches, Kick Ueaiiache, Vertigo., .'ii 10-Dyapep«in. Illllousu<«s.<'oujitlpatlon .'23 IJ HnpprcMHcd or Painful Period* . .'W I*J -White,., Too I'iofuse Periods U 13—Croup, l.urynvitla. Hoarseness '25 I I—Halt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions . .'Jli 13 —Uhcumalism* Rheumatic Pains • '2.5 16—Malaria, Chilis, Fever and Ague .'25 17— Files, Blind or Weeding 35 I®—Catarrh, Influenxa, Cold In the Head .45 •JO- Whooping Cough 'U •if— Kidney Diseases -'25 38—Nervous Debility 1.00 30 Urinary Weakness, Wetting lted .45 gold by Drotrltu, or «nt tu*tp»ld on re.-.lpt o( prlc. DK. BIIFIUKTI' MAMUA*. (ll* P««p! lUll.ro rR*K. HVSfHKKTV «rD, CO., 11l *11» Wllllm su. SPECIFICS tIOM will be paid for a recipe enabling us to make WQLFF'S ACME BLACK ING at such a price that the retailer can profitably cell it at ioc. a bottle. At present the retail price is 20c. Thi« offrr U open until January ist., 1893. For particulars address the undersigned. ACMF. DLACKINO is made of pure alcohol, otlier li |uid dressings are made of water. Water costs nothing. Alcohol is dear. Who caa .-.ha-v us how to make it without alcohol so that uecaa make ACME BLACKING as c'ocap as water dressing, or put it in fancy pack ages like many of lie water dressing", an>l then charge for the outside r.ppcarancc in stead of charging for tho contents of the bottle? WOLFF & RANDOLPH. Philadelphia. pik-ron" is the name of a paint of which a 25c. bottle is enough to make six scratched and dulled cherry chairs look like newly finished ma hofjanicv. It will do many other remarkable which no other paint cull do. All retailers sell it. . 1.. . jizr dru;c<»t tor It. FOR MEN ONLYf UINII-Ri f « LOfITorTAILIKQ MAKHOCS MtnUj j«fi jOcneral and TtERVOUB EE3LLITY, RnTfrTMlMWeakne'sef Body Eff-cts MliHil'lllU Errors or Excesses in Old «r Yojnr, K*bui(« SnhUli?lHOflD ftilly MfiUM. flew to Hlirae and BtreustkrnWlCAk, t * UkVILOPkD OttGANft* I'AkTSOF ft OUT. AbMiulvlr aatolllnr ItOXK I R EAT«I NT-Rmlu I. a dar. ■•a (Hllr; rroßi fro Mutti m«1 r»r«lfi ( ouatriri. Writ* them. iiMript!** Book, f ipluitltn tad uronfi atllfd (Miltd) TrH* Mdr«> ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. DOCTORS LAKE ■ PRIVATE DUTENSART. -Qjk. M COR. PENN AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. PITTSBURQH. PA. All forms of Delicate an<l Coin plicated Diseases reiiuiringt'o.N -riDKSTIAL andSciKNTiKicMol icatioii aro treated at tliis Dis iiensary with a success rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Is a member of tho Royal College of I'hy licians and Surßeons, and is the oldest and most ex|>erienced SrKt'iALisT in thoeity. fiiK'ciai at tention ,-:iven to Nervous Debility frome- ncsHivo mentitl exertion, indiscretion of youth, ctr., caus ing plivsicai and mental ileeay,lnek of energy, iesporidency, etc.; al.so Cancels, Old SOl en, Fits, Piles, Rheumatism, and all diseases of tlie Skin, Kloou, I.lings Urlnary Organs,etc. Consultation tree and strictly confidential. Office hours,ll to I and 7 to 8 r. M.; Sundays, 8 to 4 P. M. only. all at office or address Kits. T.AKK, OOIC. "KN N AVE. AND ITU bT..I"ITTSISL" UGH. I'A. WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE The Ureat English Beinedy. Promptly and perma- cures all forms of Weakness, Kin Is WizlWl sions. Spermatorrhea, Impotcncy and all effects of Abuse or Kxcesseses. lleen perscrlbed over ii cars In thousands of cases the only 1 tellable and Honest Medicine known. Ask druggist for WOOD'S PIIOSPUOUI.ne; If he offers soine worth less medicine in place of this, leave his dishon est stare. Incloae price In letter, and we will send by return mall. Price, one package. $1; six. One will please, six »111 cure. Pamph let in plain sealed envelope. 2 stamps. Address THE WOOD CIIKfIHAL, ('<)., 131 Woodward avenue, Detroit Mich. Sold in llutler by C. N. Boyd, J. P. lialph, J. C. Itcdk'k, and everywhere. T HE CITIZEN MISCELLANEOUS j%. rruf. Little Wife —See what I have bought you ior a birthday present —I got it at an auction—a genuine, antique, old fashioned boot-jack, such as your colo nial ancestors used. Husband —I haven't worn boots for twenty years. Little Wife —I know. Won't it look lovely when it's decorated and hung up? -N. Y. Weekly. Not That Kind. Ilnsband —Got that picture of my wife done yet? Photog. (handing It to him) —Yes. sir; and I should say it was a speaking 1 like ness, sir. Husband (passing it back) —Thanks, I don't want that Tcind.—Detroit Free Press. A Genlo*. "What do you do when a woman asks yon to guess her age?" "I guess my guess to myself, knock off thirty per cent., and generally come near making myself adored." —Harper's Bazar. ronnolatlort. He —If I wero to die, darling, what would you do? She 'enthusiastically)—O, Jack, I'd buy a beautiful black bonnet I saw yes terday.—Brooklyn Life. Might Make a Man of Tllm. Willie—Well, aw, Mis 3 Edge, I must be going to see my tail ah. Miss Edge—Couldn't you manage to see nine of them while yon are about it?— Puck. The One Good Feature. "There is one good thing about these* political campaigns of education." "What Is that?" "They are not compulsory." —Truth. A MTBTEKY SOT.VKD. "Why do we fire cannon and express our joy over Washington's birthday, and not over mine?" asked a school teacher. "Because Washington is dead and you ain't," was the irreverent reply.—Texas Siftings. Chicago Society. Easterner —1 hear the lines are drawn very distinctly in Chicago society? Westerner—Yes, I've noticed at tho stock yards that the cattle and hogs are kept in different inclosures entirely.— Detroit Free Press. The Prize Answer. "And what was done to the serpent. Tommy, after Adam and Eve wero forced to leave the Garden of Eden?" "He was sentenced to travel on his shape for life," returned Tommy.— Brooklyn Life. The Insinuating Sex. "I was hit on the head and knocked senseless by a brickbat when I was a boy," saU? Mr. Dullpate. "Dear me," ropliod Miss Brasher. "And is it absolutely Incurable?"—N. Y. Herald. Part of the Game. Harold— l'm groin# to join our base ball nine at school. Father —Why, what can you do? Harold (proudly) —I can yell louder than lots of tho other boys.—Harper's Young People. During tho epidemic of tlux in this coun ty last summer, I had hard work keeping a supply nl Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlnea Remedy on hand. People often cauie ten or twelve miles in the night to get a bottle of tho remedy. I have been selling patent medicines for the last ten years and find that it has given better satisfaction in cases of diarrlnea and flux, than any other medicine I have ever handled. —J. 11. Benham. Druggist, Gol conda, Pope Co., 111. Over five hundred bottles of this Remedy were sold in that county daring the epidemic referred to. It was a perfect success and was the only romedy that did euro tho worst cases. Dozens of persons there will certify that it saved their lives. Iu fonr other epidemics of bowel complaint this lteincdy has been equally successful. 2."> and 50 cent bottles for sale by I). 11. Wuller, Hut lor; A. Bowers, Pro pped; Ureaden A Allison, W. Snnbury. —lt is proposed and ably supported, that something be done at the the time of the World's Pair, presumably under the auspices of the World's Congress Auxilary, to bring about throughout the world the universal adoption of a decimal system of weights, measurements and coinage. Mr. John Carpenter, of Goodland, Ind. says: "I tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhma Remody,for diarrho;a and se vere cramps, and pains in tho stomach and bowels with tho best results. In the worst cases 1 never had to givo more than the third dose to effect a cure. In most cases one doso will do. Besides it's other good qualities it i* pleasant to take." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by 1). 11. Woller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breadeu <t Allison. W. Sunbury. —By its intrinsic merit Hood's Sarsap has won tho confidence of the peoble. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. —Girls who wear shoes too small for their feet are distinguished by the "hospit al limp.'' When will you be Convinced? Time and again you have been deceived, and yet again you allow yourselves to be trapped by unscrupulous dealers, of whom you know little or nothing, while yon can so easily satisfy yourself. Tho evidence is before you. Every household needs and buys a stimulant. No medicine known lo the world serves so many good purposes as a good pure rye whisky, brandey or wine. The best physicians reccommend them. Max Klein, of Alleghnoy, Pa., has so fore ibly demonstrated thathe deals fairly with tho public, and will even now, after twen ty-five years existence in the liquor busi ness, give you tho best of references Try him for any of the following: Silver Age Old Rye, at $1.50 per full quart; Duquesue Kye, $1 20 perquart; Pinch, Guekenheimer, Overholt, Boar Creek and Gibson. SI.OO per quart, or six quarts for $5.00. All do mestic wines from 50 cents upwards. Send for catalogue and price list of a ll kinds of liquors, to MAX KLEIN, 82 Pederal St., Allegheny, Pa. —A popular command—The money or der . Save Yourself Money. "When you go to Pittsburgh, I'a., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on tho European plan. Lodgings, 25, —35, —or 50 cents. —Before being sent to Chicago, the Ar gentine Republic's World's Fair exhibits will be exhibited in Buenos Ayres. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, Salt Khcum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch; Prairio Scratches, Soro Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment had failod. U la put up »ad W cent boxes. As Aaxtoa* HniNinil. Mrs. Judge Peterby Is a very spare »rona{Ln. Sho is excessively thin. A few ijays ngo her husband said: "I don't really think that you ought to go out on the street, Maria." "Why not?" she asked. "Well, you know there is so nyaeh danger just now of mad dogs. They will bite at almost anything 1 ." "But I don't think i am in any more danger than anybody eke." "O, yes you are. Dogs love to gnaw bones." —Texas Siftings. Of Two Kvtl» Chooio the Ltiur. "I told you," said the teacher, apolo getically, to Tommie, "that I should whip you if you didn't tell your fa ther you had run away from school, didn't I?" "That's all right," responded Thomas. "I didn't tell him. One of your lickin's is a picnic by the side of one of dad's." —Detroit Free Press. Pavements Quite I'setul. Countryman—What's the good of all these stone pavements? Cijy Man—Up town the pavements are to accommodate the crowds who wish to stand and Raze at the shop win dows. Down town the pavements are for the convenience of draymen who wish to unload.—N. Y. Weekly. The Iletort Courteous. Artist—Don't you want mo to paint your portrait? Cynical Sparticuss—Xaw; the picture wouldn't look like mc. Artist—Well, that's the strongest kind I of an argument in favor of painting you# portrait—Texas Siftings. Didn't Know. Stranger—l want to find a dive, one of the illegal ones. Where shall I go? Policeman —I don't know. Ask some body else. "Whom?" "Oh, almost anybody who isn't a po» liceman." —N. Y. Weekly. Too Mnch Bow to Them. She—How did she happen to marry him? He—He told her ho was worth a mil lion in round numbers. She—And? rie—They turned out to be ciphers.—' Truth. At the Masquerade. Charles Miss Spindlo has pretty teeth, hasn't she? Maude —(spitefully)—Yes, and quite reasonable, too.—Judge. The Royal Koad. "Grigshaw, is it possible that a man of your caliber is going into the 6aloon busines?" "Sh! I'm going to run for alderman next election, Ouggins."—Chicago Trib une. In the Nursery. "Oh, mamma. Tommy slapped mp hi the face." "Well, Helen, what did you do to Tommy to make him do that?" "Nothin'. I only put some sand "in his mouth."—Harper's Bazar. Growth of Trouble. It you have rowed against a tide. And your ready cash Is spent; If you have nothing left but prido Tho landlord's sure to raise the root. —Judge.'- OH the Ran. Miss Redbud—My mother tells me, colonel, that you are a great traveler. CoL Alpenstock—Yes, Miss Redbud. Since the war I have done little else. Miss Redbud (Impressively)—l pre sume that was what started you off.— Puck. Couldn't Stand th£ Shock. Caraway—l suppose you have killed your man, Cholly? Cholly—Yaas. I paid mah valet in full lawst week and he dwopped dead. —Truth As a general liniment for sprains and bruises or for rheumatism, lamo back, deep seated or muscular pains, Chamberlain's Pain Balm is unrivaled. For sale by 1). H. Wullcr, Rutler; A. Bowers, Pros pect: Dresden it Allison, W. Sunbury. —A vast amount of very valuable infor mation. descriptive, statistical and other, concerning the sevoral itates of the Union, is being collected for the World's Pair. Quite a number of the states are preparing topographical maps. Others will show statistical maps, photographs, etc., and many are having compiled, for free distri bution at the Pair' books of from 300 to 500 pages setting forth a mass of informa tion as to resources, productions, popula tion, education and advantages to settlers, and for the investment of capital. How to Make Money. I read in your valuable paper how "Will iam Evans tried selling pictures and wringers and did not succeed, and how he tried selling platers and made a week. This gave me the idea that I might succeed. I also sent for one of H. P. Delno it Co's Lightning platers, of Columbus, Ohio, for $5, and received a fine machine that pleased several of my friends so well that I have sold four of them for $lO apiece and cleared besides doing a large amount ofplating. 1 tested the machine by pla ing a brass ring in ten minutes. Any ono can make money selling theso platers, or they can get all the work they can do and make from S2O to sKJO a week, in plating in gold, silver or nicklc. Every farm house 1 visit ed had spoons, knives and forks to plate. I hope others will profit by in 3' experience, as I have profited by Jlr. 'William Kvaus' experience. B. F. O'DELL. —An effort is being made to have the cotton mills of Georgia make a fine oxhibit at the "World's Pair. It is believed that such exhibit would greatly stimulate tho investment of capital in cotton mills in tho South. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In .order to be healthy this is necessary. —Tolling your troubles too much has tho effect of making your listener pity himself instead of you. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and tho dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. ltedick, druggist, Butler. —Several Amazons of the Kiug of Daho mey will probably ho seen in tho Dahomey village, which will be established at the W lrld's Pair. Sixty or seventy natives and their manner of living will be shown. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup ol coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect care has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with tho Specific, it becomes an titter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of partienlars froe. Address,' Golden Specific Co.. 185 Race St.. Cincinnati <>. —lt is said that lightning never strikes an ludian. Tho olectric lluid is also shy about tackling a male. —A young girl without a low yards of beau catcher ribbon streaming out behind her is a rare sight these days. —Xothing is more tedious than tho pur suit of pleasure as an occupation. Consumption Surely Cured. To THE EDITOE:—Pleaso Inform your readers thatl havo a poaltivo remedy for ttio above named dUtcada, B; 'is timely thoiiaauds of hopc!e«a ea»ea havo permanently cured. I ataall bo glad to *ond twj '.ottlea of my remedy FREE to any of your read.-rs -v . i havo consumption If they will ■end me their Eipr«»n and p. o. addreaa. BMpert laUy. I. A. Hi/AUM, M. C: 101 hul BU N. Y. ITS A HOODO! never hurt? a rastomer. but it knocks Competition endwi- The monster is gentle to our c ■ ■ r- and they can iJK* " handle it with perfee' -afety The to'lv wan'- to know; i>v .r i!!u-*.rmtioo you can see chat it is not like to any- Vxlit Kl > .J, thing upon tbe earth, or ti." water under the earth, but in re wonderful than auy jUl thintr ever exhibited bj IWnum or *■l n 4 Orangout i: <£, •urim. ut avl TCir jfff * -njt? tongue out, the greatest wonder f the age. "What is if'—why its Hn k"- mammoth stoes of fine clothing, Hats. Caps. Shirts, Pants, 1 nderwear Collar?, Cuffs, Neckwear, Umbrellas. Trunks, Valises. Satchels Purses, Bill and Pocket-books, Clothes, Hair and Tooth-brushes, \\ atehes. Chains, Charms, Ladies' and Gents' Rings, Pins, Collar and Caff Buttons and hundreds of articles too tedious to mention which we have for sale, and you may need. Call and see our mammoth stock of beautiful spring at- j tractions and you will certainly say its a Hoodo. Well, we are not looking for those who do trade with us but for those who do not. We don't believe there are many who do not, but there oujjbt not to be one person in Butler or adjoining counties left who does not know that the piace to save money, to get big values, is at Ileck's Store, 121 X. Main St Why is it that you miss your chance and waste your money ? Don't you know better? We bear you no ill will, why should we .' This is not our funeral, we are just he same merry merchant as of old. We are rollicking, jolly fellows; we are j tiproaring, tip top sellers, and when ii comes to bargains we can suit yon to j aT. If you think we are a honey, come buy your clothes and drop yonr money, and we'll treat you like a "little sonny, for we have got the energy and the will; we made up our mind to be the LEADER IN OUR LINE and the result is that we lead and the band plays Anny Kooney, aad there is no mistake about it. The world stands aghast at the realization of the fact that the high quality and low prices of our goods is a reality and not a lietionarv legend to those who have never dealt with us. We wouid be glad to see you and pleased to put in your bands a real money saver, a bargain with a great big B If yon are notononr list of customers, come and be convinced that we are right at the front doing big business, on the best basis, a square deal and a rolling dollar We are going to get up a train load for the World's Fair at Chicago in 1893, and we want you to come in and go along. We will furnish yon with a Round Trip Ticket, free the only conditions that you buy your goods off us. For further particu lars call in and see us about it. With kindest regards for your liberal patronage and your remembrance of us to your many friends, we shall in the future endeavor to merit your confidence. Yours Verv Respectfully, D. A. HECK, Champion k Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher, \'2,\X. St., BUTLER, : 13A - A STUDY 11 RED. Her cheeks were red, And so was her bead, Her lips were of the same hoe; The tip of her nose, The color of her clothes, Were just BS red as her shoe. Boar in mind our prices are as close to the bottom, witbou. haying it drop out, as it is possible to be. See our line of Red Shoes and Oxfords for Misses', Children's, and Infants'. Our line of ladies' Oxfords can not be ex celled. All the latest and prettiest styles from 65c upward. Here is an Extraordinary Bargain A ladies genuine dongola kid button shoe, worked button holes, solid leather inner sole and counter, equal in style, finish and wearing qualities to any ladies' $2.00 shoo will go until this lot is sold at $1.25 per p»ir. We also have a ladies' India kid button at 90 c per pair. AL RUFF, 114 South Main St, Butler, Pa A TALISMAN! While there is nothing exactly magical about our shoes, there w » "slight of hand" that truns them out with the fitting qualities that make, them famous. There is too, a "charm" about them so impressive thatw - rners yield to the "spell" that never leaves. Onr ladies shoes called "enchanters." Our men's are full of talsmanic ® m Th sailing in theso shoes, "no tacking" (nautical friends please ca 1 ) season of circuses reminds us of "turns, 1 and the on y img . about ours is that, like all our goods, they bend easily, o ,n j> vt T 7 Goodyear Welts, too modest to put on airs, could do 1. if they wanted t 0 though. The only thing low about them is the price. Call and see them at ROBINS BROS., S. E. Corner of Diamond. ... Near Opera House "Well begun is half done." Begin your house work by buying a cake of SA.IH )LIO. Sapolio is a solid cake of Scouring Soap used for all cleaning purposes. Try it. Young Mothers! We Offer You a Brmtdy which Inturf Safety to Lift of Hot fur and Child. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" Jlobt Confinement of lt» Pain, Horror andßiek. Aftornrtngnnobottleof "THother's Friend" t • ufTrrvil but little I*lll, »n<! lll«l Hot experience th»t WE&kaenfl afterward usual In ■utili COMM.— Mrf. A.MXIK UaOC, Lamar, 110.. Jan. 13tli, 1=»1. Bent by nprra, charges prepaid, on receipt of price.(l.3oper bottle. Buuk to Mutbersmailed free. BBADVIELD lICGI'LATOtt CO., ATLANTA. OA. BOLD BY ALL DRCUUISI3. For Sale by J. C. Redick. ROBERT LKWIN, ■ Wholesale Whiskey Merchant. and Importer of FINK WINKS & LIQUORS. 135 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite 15. & O. R. It. Depot. Headquarters lor FINCH'S UOLUK3 WKDDIXti, Tor medical and family use. SI.OO per <{t., or tt <{t». Tor $5.00. Finch's (loldcn Wedding. Oowjhertv. Uurk eulieliuiT. tjirife. Oit>son. Mrldgpport. Sit. Ver non. overholt. Ktc. tins is the only house not rectifying In the city, therefore our guods un warranted pure. securely p.tcked and boxed without extra charge. C. O. I).and mall orders receive prompt attention. Grandfathers' Choice a years old, $2.00 pergallou. Try us. Miillm Street Livery. WM. BIEIIL Prop'r. One square west of Main St., on Mifllin St All good, safe horses; new buggies and carriages. Landaus for weddings and funerals. Open day and night. Telephone No. 24. READ AND REMEMBER. For strictly pure anil tellable STRAIGHT LIQUORS. call on I. Jtf. FINCH, 12 sniTHFIKI.It St., riTTSIII 111,11, PA. (Opp. Monongahela House.) Matchless for Family use and Medicinal pur poses are FINCH'S OOI.DKN WKUDINO. » All *1 (H I'KKXHEIMKIt S WHISKY. : per .|t. ; OYKUHOI.T S WHISKY. « qtd. DILUNUKK'S WHISKY. tor *>. (ioods neatly packed and promptly shipped Fkek or Kxrssse on receipt of cash or post oftlce order. If Not hlnif expressed O. 1). Send for Price List. (■JOSSER'S CREAI GLYCERINE is delightfully perfumed and is of great service in removing pimples and blotches from the face. For chapped hands, lips or any rough ness of the skin and as a dressing for the face after shaving, it will be found invaluable. Foi Sale by Druggists. i « Ji: t., *.io KBSlSlct' I-CID -k THOMAS, .rfllniLrftf iMitieiu MM* KU ti o-*. rMWKt A MILLINERY TRIUMPH The Loading Millinerv Mouse D. T. PA PE. Our line of Milliner)- is < tr in every i ct We invtft- ynu tu investigate. ami wo ciaint that our -t »k j* the rr -<t tffawcflw in Butler county. Trimmed hats an.l honn. ts. jet cmwwt. pins, laces, br.juls. cr p« >. n* ts, etc. M ouriiiiiir MillintTv In (>reat Variety. PAPE'S, S. Nl«ii\ Street Butler. I HUSELTOX'S Shoos are the lk»st and M«»t Popular. A.*k jour friends how ifcey like Ho*el ■»' Shoes. Ark about the pr Ask if tbey are C.mtoruble. A4it if '.her an- Fashion*?,!**. Ask if tbey are IVis*-'*, They Will Tell Von IMSKLTON Always baa the Newest Styles, m >re of them, Wi. r g «i>. *iros u»..r* at tention to Perfect Fitting of yoar feu and ! w-r pre** Than Am Shoo in Butler, And best of all er<*rrb.:>dy bov-i »• tb > pr r >cr d >i'*r '»r Ladies' Fine Oxford*. 75 et*. $1 90. 91 3S, 91 s>» ami up. Ladies' Fine Button Boots M eta. $t #O, |> ii. %\ -•« and 9i Lallies' Fine Opera Slipper* 50 «\s, 5" ets aid $1 • Children's Colored .Sb<»-». H *u,»t» ■*» •■?"<* C dm' «®1 isfwata' Shoe* 25 et.-. c-, . >tua id 7 ••*•». "V M• • ■** m i C :••• \+' SpriDi Heels a eialty SPECIAL FOR MEN. Mens' Bro«ans and Plow Shv*J at 7 • <-t* fl.lw» and {I 23. Men#' Fine Sbamat f I AO. 91.-2 |1 »1 IJ •#. Mens' Extra Fin.- Style-" in Calf, Ba! »®d C<»a/r* •» a: Boys' and Yontb*' Shoes at 75 e9l 0» '9l 2-V 91 aad 9S.®# LOOK THIS OVER BEFORE YOU BUY. B. C. HUSELTON, 1 102 N. Main St Butte **» FORTHB HOLIDAYS ONLY JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers oan save from 2.) to jmt cent bv purchasing their watrhos, clocks and spectacles of J. I{. GRIEB, Tht* .Jeweler, No. 125 X. Main St., - Dully Block Sign of Electric Hell and Clock. All arc Respectfiaßjr Invited "Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience ' — /*► HAY- FEVER fAm \J COLD HEAD fctil FTv't Cream Balm <« n-t a liquid, snagf cr j- r.irr AfrtiM iota M# M-tru* if IM wMfc «<wrW. /t citanan V* ketd, aOay 1 iMia. , Crtft ' r ' Mltsr—«»» , riU kilfl JUG ELY BBOTHERS. 56 Wyan SUwl ItW VOKt JUu J. (.IMS IH) u: i»IM. WMUULt him: I Mil »t HtM It Or w»".rsa> rt o-u' *"•»». Tlie Wni, 11. Holmes C Distillers of "Holmes* Hest" ami '•llolmn' O! I Lc< nomy PURE RYE WHISKY, All the leading Rye and H«>urb>>n W h u <: :» -I "• *.i.\-pa-<l Importers of fine liran lies. Gins and VVint SE3STID FOR/ I'K/XCIE LIS^ Telephone No. 305 . 120 Water St. and 138 Fir st A ve.. Pittsinn <»: Pa Presidential Campaign of 1892. GRAND INDUCEMENTS TO KK V I»EKS OF THE CITIZKN. The Presidential < ! - «:.l. v • • ™ intensely intereatintf aad e*ettimf in the h .-,tary the I Statrs. and eoantry people will be extremely ant us ti bar- *»» <• and political news and diseaaaioan of tW dmy aa praaaatrd ia a Journal, in addition to that supp'i Ihy •ir I i paj.er To meet this want we hare entered into a cratrat". with tfte NEW YORK' WKEKI.Y TRIMLNE The Leading Republican Paper of the UNITED STATES which enables as to offer that splendid j • jraal irexai.ir » - -ripti->a pre» $1 00 per year) and "THE CITIZEN" for >ne year "FVrr only i'asli in aih arKH . 'N. Y. Weekly Tribune," regular pri * per year ft OO lk Tho Citizen" Total $2.50 #E FURNISH BOTH PAPERS Off YEAR FOB 51,50, Subscriptions may l<eria at aor time This is the most liberal combination oder ever n».».te ia :fce f'aite.l States, and everr reader of ' THE CI IIZBN uld tak* n!»i»U-" > it at once Address ail orders to TUB: CITIZEN, BTTLKK, HA. Job Work of all kiml ilone at the "( itizen ()thee.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers