I -Paris Robes Belford Cord- I —I UWIINA . "I | New Spring Dress Goods 5! FOR EARLY BUYERS: >\ Cu • 1 T i • i We received this week our first shipment of New c: O Spring Dress Goods and through fcllis advertisement we extend a r* zh cordial invitation to you to come r P3 and Jook through our stock whether you wish to purchase or ' A not - I-TROUTMAN'S-* * . "/ Leading Dry Goods and Carpet ,■ House. | -Henrietta- -—Serge ~~ $500.00 To Any Person who Can Prove that the Adriance Rear Dis charge Binder is Not Perfection. '■ V#"-' 1* iRri 1 jjKX W£. Guarantee the Adriance Binder] To do M 'ToA with lean power than any binder on tbo market. We do not ask you to tray th. Mohine until we prove it on your own farm. Why would you buy the old atyle, away up, big, clumsy, grain-threshing, horse-killer, elevated binder, that re quires an extra man on hilly ground to keep it from upsettiqg. when you can get one tnat is low down, one that canuot be upset, one that ia light and neat, and will not thresh out grain, one that is nearly as light draught as a single reaper, and one that does not require tracks for transportation and will pass through a ten foot gatef 1 f you dispute the statement, challenge us for a field trial with ANY or ALL binders on the market. We will gladly meet you. It will do us good in the fnturo an well as it has in the past. It weold not be the first time. The Adriance Hinder has coiuo out victor ions in many flalfl trials in thii country, as well as in Europo, England, Germany and France, where the Adriance Binder has taken gold and silver medals from each. II you dispute our word, challenge us; you can always find uh at 320 SOUTH MoKBAN. BUTLBB, PA. Call and see sample binder. We Lead All Competitors in Binder Twine. In Prices and QnalityWe are Ahead. We bought early and can sell twine at what it now costs wholesale. 1 f you are in need of a Plow, Barrow, Grain Drill, Corn Drill, Cultivator, Shovel I'low, Binder, Reaper or Mower, Hay Tedder, Hay Rake or Hay Loader, or Farm Machinery of any kind. Fertilisers, fencing, Ac., call and sec us. If we do not have what yoj want in maohinmXi.Te mo at least show you the largost assortment of Buggies, Snrrics, Phaetons, Spring Wagons, Carts and Farm Wagons you ever saw in one place. We do not handle the cheapest rigs on the market, but we handle and guarantee our rigs to be the beat for the money we ask for them. Wo have control of the Yonngstown Carriage and Wagon Co.'s goods in this place. Their work is second to none in < juality and finish. If you doubt this call and we can easily convince you. Low prices and square dealing it am motto. W. F. Hartzell Co. W. F. HARTZELL. HARRY STEPP. I i* t - * ; • ? ■ ALL PERBONS INTENDING TO SINK WELL Ak are respectfully requested to call on or address, fgk! FRANK C. MCGREW, Who is operating a KEYSTONE DRILLER and is |L\\U prepared to drill Water Wells, Test Wells, Air IIOIPH Mu\\ for Shafts, etc. Drills eight inch or less. ALL MY WORK GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS. Agent for Leffel Improved Wind Mill, Standard Hydraulic Bants,and all the best makes of pumpc. . For anj farther information addrss, emission or fe«s. Interest payable ■fini annually by New York draft. remit i«e- Curity. Highest reference. CHAS. If. REID, Fairhaven, Washington. JOHNSONS LINIMENT ,KE-"vO r „ \) v i .r ra SAL ari SBKUrAL /p AFTcR GENERATION-. 6 A HAVE US ED ASD BUI ID IT. - Dropped on Sutjnr, Children hour Tt, Every Traveler Hhoafil have a bottl« of It in his satohrjL Every Sufferer ntiori, Neuralgia. N»"-ri ▼on® Hmmtlm, Diphtheria, Coqrhf,''atarrh. Itmnehitis, Axthma, Cbokrm Morbus, inarru**-:*. I jum net*. Sortna** in 8.-ay a f:ur price for a gor>d le. To sh >\v botli tiic trade and the , ! i : that re want to give them the lust r; 110 least money, we will pay $10,000.00 Reward T" r alxire information; this offer is open u,.til January Ist, 1893. Vv OLFF f. R A NDOLPH, Philadelphia. I "r-Ron Ss tbo namn of a paint which ' . :jri: il'iit no other paint «." , I! t■ I with it IOOKK like thf uaturul ttli stained and vtinlifcid. mm m ano builders ■will fi: i It. profitable t« lnvcstleate. All 1 lores sell it- DIS CC itXHING PILES rILtbsWAYNPS CURBS. OINTMENT OTMPTOMN-Molaturr| Inicnac ili-hlng end •tlsglsc: most H| nlrhr; worw by •cratch In p. ff BIIOWHT to continue tumorn form and prutrad«*. which nflrn fclrfd •««! ulrtTSte, beeomlnc vto •mrr. fIWAVNK'H OIM >T n p-lhh ln C »,Ml Meedlag, Nl>«orb« Ihelsnmrr. S».!-t»»v Jru/irt-! « Hwar** .<■ •.. Phi!»l. Ifhia. FOR MEN ONLY! LOST or FATLINO MANHOOI iliß l mTl Qtlccrd Rad BEBIIIT?^ w| of Body and M.r.d, EflT'sta MliHil'llllof Erroraor Eicaeea in Old or Young, Itel-ual, MAMIOOD fully liMlorfl. Mow lotnlinrx anil Wfc* »I SI*¥«fA*PI£I»OKttAMS A PARTS Ol BODY. AhMiotelv nnfaHlag HOIK TMKAf»K«IT- H<>u»ote In a day. In testlfj tre» &0 sod Ksrvlgs ( euatrlea. Write theai* Dtafrliitlve flank, eiplanatUn and proofs maUed (scaled) fraa* Aitfroa. £f"* I 1.--I ■••]< It l-o tl-f---ti-'f .'|l tlll.l I>. - - y v illi a miccfigs 1 arcly attained. Dr. 8. Iv .i • a member ot the Itoy .il < ollegoof I'liy aud Samoiis, and btno oUi itttflso. .l»-ri( ii<-cd srn IAUBT In the <-ity. S|m-< inl at- ,:j givctitoMorvou I•< I >l! it •, fromcyl'-PMitt* .. :eii on.imli cn t >n «.f youth,etc.,f CM t /.y, I. j i ete.; :tl o( 'ancera, OI«l Hon- 1 , I its, . i lii iim.itiHia, and all Ui- ascsof tlx) Skin, In >!. l'rinar> Organs, ttc. Consultation , «• n<. I tti ictly coulldcntiaL Ulfice hour*,® to I 1?to Hl\ M.; Sunday's 2to4r. M. «mlv. .ij at office or wMit'M J»US, J.AKK, COK. "I,\N AVL. AND4TIi»T..mTBttUKtIII.I'A. READ AND REMEMBER For strictly pure ami reliable STRAIGHT LIQL'OKS, call on z. :RCR. PINCH, 12 KMITIIFIELD ST., PITTBBI B(JII, I'*. (Opp. Monongabela llouw.) Matrlili.'hs for Faintly use anil Medicinal pur pones are FlWll'rt <;OI-l>KN WKl>l>lN<-. ' AUsl (iUCK'KNIIEIMKII'S VvillSKY, : pfr.it. ; OVKHIIOI.T'S WHISKY, f f|'«- I»IM.INUKK'H VVIIISKY, ) tor tX GOOCIM neatly packed and promptly slilp|*>«l KIIEI OP K.MTISHK on rr i i;,t of cash or post ofllci order. J»7 Nothing <"■ ■Jiri-hsctl O. I >■ Send fur Price i,ist. k's Cotton Root Hi A recent discovery by an old mEaV* *\ iiic»i»tlily by UioUhiiraiH of H 4r Ladles. Ih the only pnioctly PHE EX 9 safe and reliable medicine discovered- Beware of uu lpl«*cl druggist* wlio ot- Inferior medicines in plac* end,i iled, by return mail, l ull seal ed particulars in plain envelope. t«» ladies only. ■1 Stamps. A'ldri s Poari Lily (ompjiii), No.:: KlsJifi !'.!<»• 1., I>. t mil, Mlcll. Sold In Butler by <\ N. Boyd. .1. !•'. Ualph, J. C. Kedlck and druitfflHtseyervwher*. Young Mothers! H'E OHer Ton a Itemedy which Insure* Hafcty to Ai/a of Mother and Child. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" Ilubt Confinement of ill i'ain, Horror and Malt. Afti>rn«ln(foneboltlnof •" Mother'" VrlrnU" I ■um>r,Ml hut 1 licit* |,uln,Mn'l did uoLnxiMrlnuoo th*t W««ka,-.ii uft'-rwarJ ÜBUUI In hacli < Hii. Asm*. Uioi, Lamar, Mo .Jan. IStli, IWI. K, nt liy ezprcu. ch*rß»* i>r« j.»M, on rwelotof price. SI.W per liotUu. llook to M >Wi< HOIUHIIMI fr««. KIIIDf Itl.n KIMLAIVU CO., ATLANTA, (lA, tH,LU 11* 4JLL KIIUU'iUTS. For Sale by J. C. Redick. UOIIKKT IJCVVIN, Wholesale Whiskey Merchant, and Itfiporler or FINK WINKS & LIQUORS. 135 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite 15. it O. It. I*. lH*|»Ot. llead<|uarlerH for tIMHS I.OLDKN WKIIDIXtJ, TOR IIKHIICJU and family ILV*. |»cr <|(.« or 11 <[IH. I'or FitieU'a (jolden \V« ddln r. tiuek enlieiiner, Gibnon, IJ rid report. Mi. Ver non. Overholt. Kte. I lil iis tliv: only house not rectifying in the city, t h«*ft*for«: our irond* an warranted pure. in Hffcurol) packed •«»•«I hnxed without orders receive prompt at h ntioo. Grandfathers' 1 Uliolco it ye,ir»old, JJ.OU jn r gallon. Try u«. THE CITIZEN MISCKL! ANEOUS TWO NEW SCREENS. They May U« Adapted In Slie to Any Purpose Desired. These forms of screens are intended for tho table as lamp screens, but may be adapted in size to any purpose de sired. The standards may be home made and of simple form, according to wo. X. —AX ODD nan ,lho -material and skill used, or may be ; olitaineglete, such ( as printers hare, cut about 15 inches long, crossed and securely fastened to gether in the form shown. Cut a piece of stiff lining canvas 15 inches square, find sixteen plecos of some plain, light colored silk 4 inches square, and mark the center of each piece. Lav the frame on the lining, asd tnark upon it the outlines of the reglets, marking also the center of each panel. Then gather the edges of •the squares evenly all around and sew them on the lining so that the reglets will cover tlio edges when in place; sew a velvet button or a silk ball on the center of each square through the lin ing, and arrange the folds of the puff by hidden stitches. These folds may be all alike, or all different, as in the sketch. Cover the reglets with bands no. I—XAS-CHAFXD scref*. of three-fourths inch velvet ribbon to match the buttons, and lino the back with same color. Finish at the bottom with fringe. The fan-like frame in No. 2 is also made of reglets radiating from a center at the top of the standard and covered with velvet, as in the first design. These should bo about 11 inches lung, forming a fan of 10 inches radius; cut a semi-circular lining of this size from canvas and mark out the frume upon it as before. Cut off tho circular edge from point to point so as to give the angles at tho top; then fill in the panels witti puffs of mlk, cut with a pattern a half-inch larger all around than the panels, gathering the edges and setting them on, as in the other screen. Tho back should be similar to the front of tho screen. Finish with lace at the top and fringe at the bot tom. — American AirrieultuHst. —A carpenter !»y the noma of M. S. Power*, fell from the roof of a honso in East lies Moines, lowa, ami sustained a painful and serious sprain of the wrist Which he cured with one bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Halm, lie says it is worth ♦fi a bottle. 11 costs hi in . r >o cents. For sale by I), li. Waller, butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Kreaden & Allison. W. Sunbtiry. —Many newspapers in different parts of the country, are offering round trip tickets to the World's Fair as premiums for sub scriptions. Tickets are also being offered in schools, by the school authorities or by private individuals, as prizes for excellence in scholarships. Charcteristics of Hood's Sarsuparilla: The largest Sale; the must Merit, the greatest Cures. —Thr inan who is contented with his Jot it• generally all old mau who has found some way of keeping mil ol the 1100rhon.se. -IJOV" laughs at locksmiths, l>ut Love is uot . o hilarious when the grocers eome around with their little bills. Mr. Van Pelt, Rditor of the Craig, Mo., .Ui lntr, went to a drug store at Hillsdale, lowa, and asked the physician in attend ance to give him a dose of something for cholera morbus and looseness his how els. lie says: •' 1 felt so much better the next morning that. I conclndeil to call on the physician and get him to fix me up a supply of the medicine. I was surprised, when he handed me a hottlu of Chamber lain'/ Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcca Remo dy. lie said he prescribed it regularly in his practice and found it the best he could get or prepare, f can testify to its efli cieucy in my ca.-e at all events." For sale by I). If. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pros pecl; Broaden ,t Allison, W. Sunbury. —Egyptian mummies ground to a pow der and mixed with oil make a very fair quality of paint. Beware of imitations. Couching Iliads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. The young man who can wear a neg lige shirt without drifting into neglige mamicrs needs no letter- of introduction at a summer resort. Eminent Facts. The question is often asked and scarcely ever answered, why whiskey made now is not as pure and reliable as it was forty years ago. It is nevertheless a fact that it is made purer and better to day that at thai time. With the improved methods I'u-iI oil and other impurities are entirely eliminated. A swoin statement as to the purity, age anil quality of the whiskey sold is furnished by one dealer who advertises full quarts, six year old pure f'cnn'u Kye, at sl.iM) per quart. Buquosne per quart. I'ort, Sherry, Sweet California Wines at 50c. \ complete catalogue and price li l of all foreign anil domestic liquors mailed on application by MAX K I,KIN. 82 federal St , Allegheny, I'a. Any pretty woman can cure a sick husband by . imply looking in the mirror when lie tail- about, dying. Save Yourseli Money. When you goto I'ill. burgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It. is a strictly first class Hotel conducted on the Kuropcan plan. Lodgings, J.'), ——or 50 cents. —To bo a stranger in a strange city is sociability itself compared to being a hotel boarder among summer cottagers. Chamberlain's Eyo and SkJn Ointment. A certain euro for Chronic Soro Lyes, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scalil Head, Old Chronic Soros, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch Prairie Scratches, Soro Nipples and Piles. It is cooling unu toothing. Hundreds of cuaea havo been cored by it after all oilier treatment had failed. it is imt up in X& auU 00 teat Uixua* WORTH REMEMBERING. To CL£ax a. black silk (svss use a sponge dipped In strong Wack te», oold. SFRTSTCLE cayenne PEPPER to the re sorts ox rats Ina they will leave the premises. HEADACHE, toothache, backache or most any joinj ache will be relieved by heating the feet thoroughly with the shoes on. IF a dish gets burnt in using, do not scrape it; put a little water and ashes in it and let it get warm. It will come off nicely. MAJTT a mad man, and perhaps more women, would hav6 been saved from insanity if they had resolutely obtained sufficient sleep. PTXE may be made to look like some beautiful wood by giving repeated coats of hot linseed oil and rubbing hard after each coat. THE light, storm coats that arc so useful for spring wear, invariably have deep capes lined either with bright scarlet or some bright plaid silk. ACCORDING to the Medical Record, castor oil has not failed in any case to remove warts to whicn it was applied once a day for two to six weeks. KEROSENE will make a tin kettle as bright as new. Wet a flannel cloth and rub with it. Kerosene will also rcmovo stains and dirt from varnished furni ture. IT is said that a Paris laundryman has discarded all soaps, sodas and boil ing powders, lie merely uses plenty of water and boiled potatoes, and can cltanse without employing any alkali the worst soiled linens, cottons or woolens. For Economical nou«ekeeper». The shoulder pieco of beef can be made into a tender and delicate dish by letting it cook in its own juices in tho oven without a particle of water. A stone jar with a tight-fitting cover, or a lid made of plain dough, will keop in the flavor and juices, and the tough fiber and gristle are softened by the mild heat. It must bo put in three or four hours before dinner time. The heat that comes through tho stone is very different from that of liot Iron, and it is the slow acting of the steady heat that makes a rich dish out of a cheap joint—llome Queen. PleMlng a Doy. Paterfamilias —Have you boys' bicy cles? Dealer —Yes, sir. Do you want a safety or the other kind? "Hum! Let's see. Is a safety so named because it is safe?" "Yes, sir." "Perfectly safe?" "Absolutely, sir." "Then I feel very sure my boy will prefer the other kind." —Good News. Too Late to Recall. Mrs. Gramcrcy—As you wished to see him on business, I'm very sorry my hus band's out of town and not likely to re turn for a few months. Mrs. Malaprop—lt's provoking, of course, but I suppose I shouldn't allow myself to feel disappointed. You would be surprised to know how many persons are away from home just now, taking the gold cure.—Life. Female Frlend»htp. "I have such an indulgent husband," said little Mrs. Murray Hill. "Yes, so George says," responded Mrs. Uppercrust, quietly. "Sometime® he indulges too much, doesn't he?" They no longer speak to each other. — Texas Sittings. Comforting. Ta?lor—Look here! I have worried myself sick over that bill of yours. Casket c(tho undertaker) —That's all right, old man. If worst comes ito worst you can take it out in trade.— Judge. —Cholera infantum bus lost its terrors since the introduction of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlxra Remedy. When that remedy is used and the treat ment as directed with each bottle is 'fol lowed, a cure is certain. Mr. A. W. Wal ter, u prominent merchant at Waltersburg, 111., says: "It cured my baby boy of chol era infantum after several other remedies hail failed. The child was so low that he seemed almost beyond the aid of human bads or reach of any medicine." 2.") and f>o cont bottles for sale by I). H. Waller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden A Allison, W. Kunbury. —A heated term—"Ob, Hades!" —Tho plumber is tho man who has the lead pipe cinch on tho public. I.ane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. —lt is very easy for a man to get ahcail if ho is in the saloon business. —"This job soots mo every time/' as the chimney sweep remarked on going to work. Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic euro" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in 1 to :j days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The lirst dose greatly benefits. 7.") cts. Sold by J. C. Kcdick, druggist, Butler. —A matrimonial agency advertises "Widows, widowers and divorcees care fully re-paired." —Campaign badges for the fair sex cunie in the form of the very popular double bow knots of metal, with the candidate's por trait suspended therefrom. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or au alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of eases, and in every instance a perfect cure lias followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an ntter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address,' Golden Specific Co.. 185 Race St., Cincinnati O. —"The Baldwin Locomotive Works can build a complete engine in twenty-four hours." "Hull, that's nothing; why I started to make a train in ten minutes yes terday and succoeiled.'' —The new fly frightonori- for table use go through a gymnastic performance which is calculated to impress an intoxi cated lr. i'i with the idea that ho is having a combined utta--k of the monkeys, snake s and pink tailed pud imucks all at once. If men knew m much at li> years of age in they know at JO, there would he more tatemen iu the country. Passuiore—So you are married I heart Hippie Yes. "(tone to live with the girl's parents, I suppose?" "JTo; they have coiue to live with mo." —"I don't think my hair would stand on end if I were to >ec a ghost," remarked Miss Kliler, after leveral tales had been re lated. "Of course not," replied Miss Flypp. False hair never is affected that way." —Judge—"What extenuating circum stances can you give?" Counterfeiter — "Please your honor, I made the money to pay my board bill." Judge—"Very good; it will pay your hoard and lodgings for fifteen years." Consumption Surely Cured. To TUB JCurrm:— pleaao inform jour read*™ that I havo a positive remedy tor tiio alsiro-uamod dlw MHO. 0; !if timely uw thousand* of hopi'leaa churns* havo hMI poruiaiioiiUy cured. 1 shall U> |{lad to Baud tw->".: >'Uea of roy remedy FRKK to any of yonr reader* -r /) have connninptlon If they wilt ■end rnv tlii-li £i|.r*aa and P. O. adilrwa. n.„pr-.t luUj. *. A.BU.VUM,M. *. IT'S A HOODO! "■ never burts a customer, bat it knocks *- Competition end wise. The monster is ;nW gentle to our customer* and they can jfe handle it with perfect safety. The /&»i\ ? reat ' ' Wbat' s '*•" wbat everr hndy wauls to kuow; by ( ur illustration jjr vou can r>ee that it is not Ilk- to any- QflLTjli-j *B* thing upon the earth, or the water nnder the earth, but more wonderful than anr- Jyjj thing ever exhibited by Baruua or /h Orangoutang, ourunout and stick your jflf P***L. , tongue out, the greatest wonder of ' the age. ' What is it?'—why its Heck's mammoth stocß of fine clothing, Ilats, Caps, Shirts Piintfi, Lnderwear, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Suspx-nders. Umbrellas. Trunks, \ aliscs, Satchels, Purses, Bill and Pocket-books, Clothes, Hair and Tooth-brushes, Watches, Chains, Charms, Ladies' and Gents' Kings, Pins, Collar and Cuff Buttons and hundreds of articles too tedious to mention which we have for sale, and you may need. Call and see onr mammoth stock of beautiful spring at tractions and you will certainly say its a Hoodo. Well, we are not looking for those who do trade with us but for those who do not. We don't believe there are manv who do not, but there ought not to be one person in Butler or adjoining counties left who does not know that the place to save money, to get big values, is at Heck's Store, 121 X. Main St Why is it that you mies your chance and waste your money ? Don't you know better? We bear you no ill will, why should we ? This is not ourfaneral, we are just he same merry merchant as of old. We are roHicking, jolly lellows; we are tiproaring, tip top sellers, and when it comes to bargains we can suit you to aT. If you think wo are a honey, come buy your clothes and drop yonr money, and we'll treat you like a little sonny, for wc have got the energy and the will; we made up our mind to be the LEADER IN OUR LINE and the result is that wo lead and the band plays Anny Rooney, and there is no mistake about it. The world stands aghast at the realization of the fact that the high quality and low prices of our goods is a reality and not a fictionary legend to those who have never doalt with us. We would be glad to see you and pleased to put in your hands a real money saver, a bargain with a great big B If you are notonour list of customers, come and Ite convinced that wo arc rifrht at the front doing big business, on the best basis, a square di>Hl and a rolling dollar. We are going to get up a train load for the World's Fair at Chicago in 1893, and we want you to come in and go along. We will furnish von with a Round Trip Ticket, free the only conditions thnt you buy your goods off us. For further particu lars call in and see us about it. With kindest regards for your liberal patronage and your remembrance of us to your many friends, we shall in the future endeavor to merit your confidence. Yours Very Respectfully, D. A. HECK, Champion [Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher, 121 N. Main. St., BUTLER, : : : : A Sim 15 ID. Her cheeks wore red, And so was her head, Her lips were of the same hue; The tip of her nose, Tho color of her clothes, Were just as red as her shoe. Bear in mind our prices aro as close to the bottom, withou'. haying i drop out, as it is possible to be. See our line of Red Shoes and Oxfords foi Misses', Children's, and Infants'. Our lino of ladies' Oxfords can not lie ex celled. All the latest and prettiest styles from 65c upward. Here is an Extraordinary Bargain A ladies genuine dongola kid button shoe, worked button holes, solid leather inner sole and counter, equal in style, finish and wearing qualities to any ladies' $2.00 shoe will go until this lot is sold at $1.25 per pair. We also have a ladies' India kid button at 90c per pair. AL RUFF. i 14 South Main St, Butler, Pa HUSELTON'S Shoes are the Best and Most Popular. Afck your friends how they like Hnselton's Shoes, Ask about the price, Ask if they aro Comfortable, Ask if they are Fashionable, Ask if they are Reliable, They Will Tell You lIUSELTON Alwavs has tho Newest Styles, more of them, better goods, gives more at tention to I'erfoct Fitting of your feet and lower prices .Than Any Shoe House in Butler, And best of all everybody buys at the same price, your dollar goes for 100 cts. Ladies' Fine Oxfords, 75 els, SI.OO, $1.25, $1 50 and up. Ladies' Fine Button Boots 00 cts, SI.OO, $1.25, $1 50 and $2 00. Ladies' Fine Opera Slippers 50 cts, 90 cts and $1 35. Children's Colored Shoes, Handsome style. Childrens' and Infants Shoes 25 cts, 35 cts, 50 cts and 75 cts. Womens', Misses' and Childrens' Spring Heels a specialty. SPECIAL FOR MEN. Mens' Brogaus ami Plow Shoes At 75 cts, SI.OO and $1.25. Mens' Fine Shortsat SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Mens' Extra Fine Styles in Calf, Bal. and Congress at $2.00. Boys' and Youths' Shoes at 75 cts, SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. LOOK THIS OVER BEFORE YOU BUY. B. C. HUBELTON, 102 N. Main St Butler, Pa A TALISMAN! While there is nothing exactly magical about our shoes, there is a "slight of hand" that truns them out with the fitting qualities that makes them famous. There is too, a "charm" about them so impressive that custo mers yield to the "spell" that never leaves. Onr ladies' shoes might f*> called "enchanters." Our men's are full of talßtuanic virtues, "mooth sailing in these shoes, "no tackinj?" (nautical friends please catch on) The season of circuses reminds us of "turns, and the only thing ' acrobatic about ours iB that, like all our goods, they bend easily, being very flexible Goodyear Welts, too modest to put on airs, could doit ii tb them 1 ° though. The only thing low about them is the price. Call and see at ROBINS BROS., S. E. Corner of Hiamond. - - * Near Opera House "Well begun is half done." Begin your house work by buying a cake of SAP( )I JO. ! Sapolio is a solid cake of Scouring Soap used for all cleaning purposes. Try it. A MILLINERY THIDHPH The leading Millinefv House D. T. P A PE. Our line of Milintry is . u- in c%er> . \\ < :ni;e y.»u tc. investigate, and we c i tji that i; *- „»i <• in Butler county. Trim-'.-<1 J-.its and t> • t;>. t>. fi . ; «f >wus, pins, laces, braids. crc> «, net*. et*.. Mourning Millinerv In (iivat Variety. PAPE'S, S. Street liuller, Pn. HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, - f- f-'*4]Sr \ DEALER IX Hardware and House Furnishing Good*. m '' • Sunsli i r.e k Hotrairrf r.»»****. jjjj -» nwnalaeturvr of tjnwarF, tin fir ialty; the Johnston mowm, reaper and steel frame hinder, Wanen rwul) mixed paint, warrented; screen doors and windows, refrigerators* nnd lawn mowers. No better place in the city to tn*i fr»t long. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS ( IIRAP AS A MAN HITTER it RALSTON BUTLER, PA. Special Notice. I >ATTERN DEPARTMENT .n >K I, iN«a, The Ladies of this vicinity will appreciate a " Pattern* Several years ago we gave tip the agency of the 'Battertek" P«uera», not being: satisfied with results. After a thorough ioveetigatioa and roo fer en co with our leading dre<*.-makeis we are convinced that the "Standard"* Putterns are far superior to all others, in being more np to date, hatter modeled, simpler directions for making, in*nring prrfert eati-tfactioa, a sreat saving in time much less fit* in«- to do-aod considerable *avinc »a material. there being no wtste as in the others. We have therefore adopted the "Standard" Patterns, knowing that cur action "ill meet with geaeral satisfaction. The handsomer Standa.' • Fashion Sheets and anrqnalni Handy Cata logues free to all The Ladi. ' Standard Magazine is ia*iie«| monthly, eaat ing but 50 cent* a year, and sh<>ald he in every household Yu« will *nr*iy subscribe to it when you have examined a sample copy. !t i» the he»t m 4 cheapest Fawhion and Ladies' Magaxine in exbtener A complete stack and all fizea of Standard Patteroa coMtantly to 50 \**r cent bv purchasing their watrhos, N. Main St., - Duffy Block Sign of Electric Hell and » l<»tk. . .Ml are K' ipr» il«% ln\ii» > »r> l\xj" nem. ™?>TAIRLL PS HAY- FEVER WT^JK 1 COLD "HEAD ! gftft Crtmm Mm h tu* m nw/ er pmUr AypiiM M» Us • rfrrtl * ■ quickly sAat/rW. 1 ksttri t mm j. rfln KIIP DUC ELY BROTHERS, 56 Wyren Strut »E* YORK. JUU J J SPKCK WM. M. HOLMES. THE IHIM'i. mwUMUDiH »»» mil It* WM St •>» *r*rrti Xlio Win, 11. Ilolnieii ( 0.. Distiller-, of "Holmes* Best an«l "Holmes' < 'ld Kc«»nomj PURE RYU WHISKY, All the leailin;.; R>* a:iJ 1$« rSn W1 n b»,ml «>r tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. stltntd FOR, PRICE utst Telephone No. 305 V ——— 120 Water St. and 158 Fir stAve., PUtsbuig'c Pa .Jol) Work of sill kiii« 1 done at the '*( itizen ()tfiee."