Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 29, 1892, Image 3

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FRIDAY, JULY 29,1892.
HCTLBK haa a population of about 10,000.
It la the county seat ot Butler county, wiui
railways, natural gas, and unequalled
facilities for, roenufaeturea.
iTogresa etrywhere; new buildings, new
manufactures, a Krowln* and prosperous town.
New Advertisements.
O. C. Sale, estate of Ann E. Graham.
Adjourned Sale, estate of JOR. Hays.
Adm'rs notice, estate of J. Y. English.
Business bleck for sale.
(Josser's Cream Glycerine.
NOTB —All advertisers intending to make
unges in their ads. should notify us of
their intending to do 80, not later than
Monday morning.
New York Weekly Tribune—Free.
By special arrangements made for our
so doing, we are enabled to offer to all our
subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any)
and one year in advance, and to all new
subscribers paying in advance, the New
York Weekly Tribune free for one year.
For further particulars of this offer see ad
vertisement on 2d page.
The New York Tribune is a ttaanch Re
publican paper; its editor is on our Nation
al ticket this year, its weekly edition con
tains all the best editorials and general
,Mic!p of the daily, and this very liberal
oflv.r s <>ulil U« accepted by every Republi
can r.utler county.
—The Clerks will picnic next Tuesday.
;-on't you wish you were a salaman
Our local correspondents report sad
an-Idents at Petrolia and Craigsville.
■ itrth Washington will have a celebra
nt on the anniversary of Perry's Victory.
—The P. H. C. will picnic at Rock Roint
Saturday. Train leaves Butler at 8:10 a.
—Counting the chickens before they are
hatched is the highest way of showing con
fidence in the reliability of the hen.
—The State Board of Pardons has ad
journed until the 4th Tuesday of Septem
—Ho llefrundi Vincent, the South Side
photographers, are doing a rusting busi
- These hottentot days and otasell
nights are becoming somewhat monoto
—Mr. J. F. Drury has lately collected
and had printed some very valuable Post
office guides, which can be seen posted in
the postoffices and depots.
—Rupert Bros.' annual excursion to
Niagara Falls, Toronto and Chautauqua,
Thursday, Aug. 4th. Bee bills or enquire
of nearest P., 8. A L. E. agent.
—During the last six months this coun
try has built 1,200 miles of railway. It is
well we got such a start before the steel
—The girl who throws away her belt and
wears suspenders is no more mistaken in
her sex than the fellow who throws away
bis suspenders and wears a sash.
—The railroad employees of the country
are reported to be preparing for a great
"strike" during the progress of the World's
Fair next year.
Tickets to Chaatanqua Lake freo to pass
edgers holding Niagara Falls tickets on
Rupert Bros.' excursion, Thursday, Aug.
4th. Soe bills or enquire of nearest P., S.
<1 L. E. agent
—The original standard chain for mak
ing surveys of p'ublic lands has been re
ceived at the Land Offico from St. Paul-
It was made by Benjamin Rittenhouse, of
Philadelphia, in 1797.
—A man has paid $25,000, and ia to give
besides 60 per cent.of his profits,for tbe ex
clusive privilege }f selling popcorn on the
exposition grounds, at Chicago, and it is
said be will make a fortune.
—Most of tho immigrant* to this conn
try during the pant year came from Ger
many, the fatherland furnishing 133,000.
Ireland sent GO,OOO, and Italy a tew more
than that number.
—J. L. McCandless ban purchased the
Wick Ilouse Livery Stable business from
IT. G. Douthett, and takes possession next
Monday. Geo. Ross, the vcterau hostler
will continue to hostlc.
—The claim of Joseph Orbison of Done
gal twp. against the National Government
for mnnajr paid dnring the war to secnre
exemption from the draft, has been report
ad favorably by the War Claims committee
of the Honse.
—The "Law Student*" base ball club of
Pittsburg came to Butler last Saturday
with the intention of wiping the Earth
with the Butler Club, and were taken to
the circm in great shape. Tho Bntler
boys shut them ont for seven innings, and
then gave them a few rnns for pity's sake.
Butler 17, PitUbnrg 4.
—The G. A. It. band accompanying the
S. of Y. encampment at Slipperyrovk
Park, favored us with a serenade last Fri
day morning and made veiy pretty music.
The g. of Y. at tho Park numbered 75;
they had ladies with them, had 33 tents
np; music, cooks, etc., and had a glorious
—The people of Butler and vicinity will
be given an opportunity to see two first
class games of ball this week, at the Bail
Park, on Friday and Saturday, at 3 p. m.
The Toongstowns will be here on those
days, with their famous battery and phe
nomenal base runner. See posters lor par
—The administrators of the estate ot
James Y. English, dec'd, will have a pub
lic sale of stock—horses, registered and
graded cattle, registered sheep; farming
machinery, wagons, syrup-kettles, etc., at
bjs late residence, near Prospect, on
Thursday, Aug. 18th, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Bills for the jalo will be posted within
the nest few days,
-—Pursuant to a call made by A. C.
Price and W. J. Kodgers there was a small
gathering of people favoring the organiz
ing of the People's party in this County,
in Cosmopolitan Hall, last Friday evening.
Tho meeting was called to order by Mr.
Price. Mr. pynk of Renfrew wq* electod
temporary Chairman, A- C. Prjpe and J.
W. Hutchison, IJihj. Vice presidents, and
W. J. Kodgers Secretary of tho moeting.
A committee was appointed to assist the
officers in making arrangements for a per
manent organisation, and a resolution coll
ing a Coqnty Convention for Aug. 23, was
- -Mext Thursday will bo a holiday for
the people of Butler. They aro all going
to Niagara Falls that day with tho Rnpert
Bros. Exoursion; which leaves Butler at 5
a. in., (own time,reaches the Falls at noon
and does not start back till 9 p. tn. Last
/ear tho train was crowded before it reach -
•d Greenville, and this year there will bo
two trains—one starting from Batler and
one from Greenville. Every arrangement
baa been msde for the comfort and conven
ience of the excursionist*, with reduced
hotel rites, and a free ride from Brocton
to Chautauqua and return to those who
wish it. Tho fare from Butler for the
round trip is $3.75, Euolid $3.00, Harris
ville $3.40, etc. Make your arrangements
for going with as.
A Local Strike.
Butler was the scene of an interesting
little "strike," last week, that came about
this way.
Geo. Shaffner, a non-union stonemason
has the contract for the cellar walls of the
I. J. McCandless house on South Main
street., and also that for the wall in front
of the JefTerson street school-building, and
thb masons he employed to help him with
the jobs were all anion men excepting
William Barr, of the West End, who was
employed on the JefTerson street job.
The Bricklayer~|andStonemason's Union
of Butler had a me eting a few nights ago
and resolved to "strike" unless Barr was
discharged, and so informed Shaffner next
day. ShafTner paid the Union men, and
hired some non-union men to assist Barr
finish both jobs, and on Monday work was
progressing on both.
Shaffner says that Barr was the best
man he had; that some of the men who
struck learned what they know of their
trade under him, and that they expressed
regret at leaving their work but said "our
union says we musn't."
Barr is an old stonemason who has lived
in Butler for several years, and he says he
will finish both jobs.
Shaffer also has the contract for the
foundation of the Patterson building, and
is going ahead with it, and whether this
will be followed by trouble with union
bricklayers, carpenters, plasterers,painters,
etc, remains to be seen.
W. C. Findley, Esq. was in Pe trolia on
business, Friday.
M. L. McCandless anil family of King
man Co., Kansas, and A. J. Christy of
Fort Scott, Kansas, who were visiting
friends in this county have returned to
their homes.
Newt. Marshall is home this week from
Homestead. Some of Newt's, family are
Frank Armor has removed his .family to
Kensington, Westmoreland Co.
Mrs. Neyman of Oakland twp. mother of
John Neyman of Butler, is seriously ill.
Dr. Bippus has purchased the John
Mitchell property at corner of Washington
and Cunninghan streets and has fitted up
the corner room for an office.
Mr. Charles Hanford, the tragedian, is
gradually surrounding himself with the
strongest sort of material for his forthcom
ing production of -'Julias Caesar." in ad
dition to the actors and actresses hereto
fore announced as part of his leading sup
port, he has just signed Mr. Edward N.
Hoyt for the title role. Mr. Hoyt is an
actor of extended experience, having
played leading legitimate roles for many
years past. His resemblance to Julius Cae
sar, according to the admirable bust in the
British Museum so effectively described by
Mr. John C. Ropes in Scribner's magazine,
has been frequently commented upon. In
addition to bis physical advantage for the
£art, Mr. Hoyt is a most excellent actor,
[r. HanforJ is determined to make his
production a truly artistic one.
William Shakley oi I'ickensville, Ala.
formerly of Concord twp. is visiting his son
Josiah, of near Mt. Chestnut, lie went
South seven years ago, last April, and en
gaged in raising cotton, which was then
worth ten cents a pound, but is now worth
but six On good land a bale of cotton,
weighing 500 pounds can be raised to tho
acre; it requires three pickings, which is
mostly done by the colored people, then
the man with the "steam gin" comes
around and gins and bales it for $2. a bale,
the farmer finding the bagging and ties,
the cotton is then marketed. Tho seed is
worth ten cents a bushel on the farm, and
the stocks are plowed down.
John Reed and Lawrence McCandless,
made a trip down the Ohio as far as Cin
cinnati, last week; and greatly enjoyed it.
Prof..Martin G. Benedict, one of the
most favorably known instructors in tho
state has been elected Principal of the
State Normal School of Edinboro, Pa.
The catalogue of this famous school just
received, shows that it has entered upon a
new era of prosperity,and will maintain its
reputation for proficency, and tbe special
advantages it offers to students.
The young man who cast his eyes on a
young lady coming out of church, has In d
them reblaced by going to the alter with
her, and now sees as well as ever.
Col. W. A. Rupert, of Conue&r tville,
was in Butler, Monday, making arrange
ments for the excursion of next Thursday.
Will Morris was home Friday to see his
wife, who is sick.
Fro. Brown was home from Homestead
on leaves of absence Sunday. Mrs.
Brown is in poor health.
A down town young lady said last Sun
day night: "Man proposes, but it often
takes a great deal ot encouragement to gel
him to do so."
Mr. Chas. O'Donnell, of Clearfield twp.,
made atrip last week over the old Canal
and Portago R. R., from Freeport to No.
9, East of tho mountains. He examined
the remains of the old Portage R. R.,
whero he was omployed as a niteher on
tho Plains before the opening of the P. li.
It. He found very few of those who were
there forty years ago. He met Hon. J. J.
Thomas and' Senator Lemon, who are
about the only ones who were activo at
that time. A now set of people have
grown up all along the line.
Oil Notes.
Greenlee Forst's, Marshall No. 0 start
ed off at 20 bbls. an hour.
Phillip's new well on the Miller is keep
ing up at 100 bbls.
Rupert Bros.' Annual Excursion to
Niagara, Toronto and Chautauqua.
The annual excursion over tbo P. S. <t
L. E. Railroad to Niagara Falls, under the
management of Rupert Bros., of the Con
neautville Courier, will be run pn Thursday
Aug, 4th. Tho excursion will bo run in
two sections, one from Butler making no
stops for passengers east of Shenango, and
one from Greenville, Meadville an<f Lines
villo, making none east of Erie. No
change of cars going or returning. Ample,
time at the Falls to visit all points of inter
est. Reduced rates at the hotels at Niaga
ra. Returning, special train will leave
Niagara at 9 o'clock. Tickets alto good re
turning on any regular train from Niagara
Falls and Buffalo until Aug. 9th, Toronto,
Aug. 11th, and Thousand Islands and
Chautauqua, Aug. 14th,each day inclusive.
Passengers holding N'ingara Falls tickets
dosiring to visit Chautauqua Lake lurnistred
with tiokets for the round trip free of
charge. Tho train will leave Butler at 4
A. M. K. H. time. Fare, $3.75. For par
ticulars see bills or enquiro of tho nearest
P. S. <fc L. E. ugent.
—Attend the State Normal School
Slippery Rock, Butler county Pa.
Best advantages in Music, Methods,
Form Study and Drawing, etc. Ex
penses only $53 for 16 weeks. Be
gins September 1, 1892.
Largest assortment and best values
in Dress Goods and Cloaks at
L. STEIN & Sp^'s.
—Pictures framed ami unframed
and Easels at tbe former Osborne
Store, 311, S. Main St., near Court
The great triumph, the utilitarian
success of the age. The great boon
of the female portion of the popula
tion. Do not fail to stop and exam
ne it. R & It.
New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords,
Henriettas aud Fine Dress Goods at
The Standard
is the best. You know we always
manage to get the best. R. SR.
Buffalo Blankets, best for wear at
The Standard
has taken the lead in New York,
Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, and
all the large cities. R &. It.
Saturday, August Gth. will be the last
day for filing accounts with the Register
and Recorder for presentation at Septem
ber term.
There are now lifty-eight voting or elec
tion precincts in this county, and the
County Commissioners have ordered booths
and guard rails for them, under the new
election law. from The Marietta Ml'g Co.
of Marietta, Pa. (in Lancaster Co.). The
guard rail 3 will be from 15 to 18 feet long,
and the stalls for each precinct will num
ber from from 3to 10. Haldridge, Cherry
N., Mercer, Centreville, Prospect. Saxon
burg,, Sunbnry, Fairview. Karn*. Harmo
ny, Harrisville and Portersville will get
but 3 each, while the 2d. ward of Butler
which registers 491 votes will get 10; and
the Ist ward which registers 430 votes will
get 9. Altogether 207 stalls have been
ordered. The Commissioners have not yet
ordered the ballot boxes, but the Marietta
Co. wants the job of making them at $3 each.
The first election "booth" for each dis
trict will cost the county $4.75. and each
additional booth ■53.50; and the guard rail
32 cents a foot.
Jno. F. Shaffer, Esq. of Zelienople has
made a deed of assignment to V. H. Lusk,
Esq. of all his property for benefit of cred
Samuel 11. Spencer was granted a
peddler's license.
William Morrison, a driller in the Thorn
Creek oil field, who made his headquarters
near Parker for some time, was arrested
last Friday on the road between Xwth
Washington and Fairview, by Constable
dinger, on a warrant sworn ont by Thom
as M. Milford, of Sandy Point, for stealing
as set of single harness. He was taken to
Franklin to await the August court.
This'man Morrison has been employed
in this section at different times during the
several oil excitements. He_is about 40
years of age. weighs about 170 pounds, has
a black beard and is lame in the right
The man was veiy much charpnned at
his arrest, and offered Mr. Milford his
horse and cart to settle the case, but Mr.
Milford was not after capital and declined
with the remark that he had "worked
hard for his property and wanted people to
let it alone."
Morrison has a wifo and one child in
Allegheny, where her parents reside.—
Emlenton Xetc-i
Jos McElroy to 0 B Lenahan, lot in
Petrolia for $l5O.
W A Christie to Malinda Miller. 1 acre
in Centre twp for S3OO.
D Weitzell to A Weitzcl), 141 acres in
Summit twp for S2BOO.
Maggie Truby to Mamie Ramsey, lot in
Butler for $650.
F F Huggans to Thos W Wigton,4 acres
in Brady for 250.
Lewis Patterson to Mary McGrew lot in
Slipperyrock for $l2O.
John Hogan to T. L. McElhany lot in
Centreville for S3OO.
Marriage Licenses.
C. E. Black McDonald, Pa
Mary Monnie Tarentum, Pa
Mifflin Wade.-. Argentine
Alice Gardner "
Joseph Gerard Butler, Pa
Josephene Simonel •' "
Wilmer C. Fell Philadelphia
Mary Curtin Pittsburg
George F. Heller Natrona
Emma Ruediger Saxonburg
At New Castle, Adam McCracken of
Leeeburg and Samantha Bingham of
At Mercer, E. C. Locke and Mellissa
Vogan of Harrisville; also T. J. Mathews
of Venango Co., and Belle Hughes of But
ler Co.
The Pennsylvania Railroad's Twelve Day
Excursions to the Shore.
July was a great month for the seashore
excursions; August bids fair to bo greater.
The tickets include the choisest points on
the coast, and are available for Cape May,
Atlantic City, Sea Isle City or Ocean City
at the same rate.
The excursion tickets, good for twelve
I days, are to be sold at a rate of SIO.OO from
l*ittsbufg, and at a correspondingly low
| rates from other fitatious.
A special train of parlor cars and day
coaches will leavo Pittsburg at 8:50 A. M.
for Philadelphia, stopping at all important
junction points, where connections will be
made with trains from branch lines. Pas
sengers will spend the night in Philadel
phia and proceed to the seashoro by regu
ar train of next day.
Tickets will be sold from stations named
below, and train scedulo will bo as follows:
Rato. Train leaves.
Pittsburg $lO 00 8:50 A. M.
Butler. .1 10 00 0:15 "
Philadelphia Ar 7:16 P. M.
Application for information and tickets
Bhould bo made to nearest ticket agent, or
address T. E. Watt, Passenger Agent
Western District, Pittsburg. Pa.
—Window Shades, Wall Paper and
Stationery, at the former Osborne
Store, 311, S. Main St., near Court
Edlnboro State Normal School.
Fall term opens September 5, 1892.
Now iB the time to engage rooms.
Applications are being received every
Over forty applications for Senior
Class of 1893.
The school has been fully equipped.
Every teacher,a teacher of experience.
Edinboro is the placo to prepare for
teaching both professionally and in
tellectually. One term spent in
Edinboro means an increased salary
to the young teacher. A student can
have our unexcelled advantages this
fall term at an outlay of only SSO.
Personal investigation solicited.
—New wash goods in Zepherett,
Persian Mull, Mousselino, etc, now
ready for your inspection at
—Farm Work Bridles $1 00.
—Boarding House Cardß, with Act
of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-dozen,
for sale at CITIZEN office.
Ice For Sale.
Thoeo wanting ice will pleaso leave
their orders at the City Bakery, No.
212 South Main St., and they will
receive prompt attention.
S. MORRISON, Prop'r.
The Standard
is the best thing in the market, and
splendid values in all kinds of domes
tic goods. R. <k It.
Best place to buy Table Linens,
Napkins and Towels at
L. STEIN & Sow'u.
Call and see the Standard and you
will never regret it It. <fe R.
German Knitting Yar, Spanish
and Saxony;Varns at
Best styles in press Qoods and
Cloaks at
Ladies and Misses' Cloaks in great
variety at lowest prices at
Don't forget us on Hosiery And
Gloves, we always have the best at
lowest prices
—Justices and Constables Fee
' Bills, printed on card-board, suitable
for posting—for sale at this office.
I and bargains in all kindß of wash
goods. It. & R.
Camp Black.
On Tuesday a party of ladies lrom Butler
paid a visit toCamp Black, where all of them
had sons or other near relations. The par
ty consisted of Mrs, J. C. Tanderlin, Mrs.
Gumpper. Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. W. C.
Negley, and Miss Alice Kiskadden. Rev.
W. E. Oiler also accompanied the party.
Each bore a huge and carefully filled basket
of substantiate for respective and lucky
members of Co. E. They were received
at Camp Black in a most hospitable man
ner by the superior officers, and Col. W.
T. Meohling and Capt. Ira McJunkin were
especially courteous.
The boys were very glad to see their
mothers and sister, and seemed just about
as much pleased with the dinner spread
for them by the party.
Everything at camp seemed quiet, but a
more serious feeling was observable, trace
able to the shooting of Mr. Frick. Regard
ing the lams affair it was held that he de
served severe punishment and expulsion
from the service. There was some differ
ence of opinion regarding the hanging up
by the thumbs.
The soldiers look well—bronzed and
hearty—and their camp life is probably
destined to become a joyful reminiscence
to them some day. At present it seems
Dates of Fairs.
Xew Castle Fair, at New Castle, Aug.
23, 24, 25 and 20. H. W. Grigsby, Sec.
West Pennsylvania Fair, at Washington.
Pa., August 29, 30, 31 and Sept. 1. A. G.
Harper, Sec'y.
Butler Fair, at Butler, Sept. 6. 7. 8 and
9. Ira McJunkin, Sec'y.
Cochranton Fair, at Cocliranton. Sept. 7,
8 and 9. John 11. Adains, Sec'y.
Mercer Central Fair, at Mercer, Sept. 13,
14 and 15. W. J. McKean, Sec'y.
Crawford County Fair, ai Conneautville,
Sept. 13, 14, 15 and 16. J. E. Rupert,
Greenville Fair, at Greenville, Sept. 20,
21, 22 and 23. Till Reiss, Sec'y.
Mercer County Fair, at Stoneboro, Sept.
27, 28, 29 and 30. J. P. Ilines, Sec'y.
Timely Health Suggestions.
A recent circular from the State Board
of Health gives the following hints and ad
Cholera morbus is caused by improper
food and sadden chilling of the body after
exposure to great heat. Certain substances
will produce it in certain persons, such for
instance as veal, raw milk taken with fish,
or shell fish, and all dishes cooked with
milk such as rico pudding, and even ice
cream, when kept too long. Unripe and
over-ripe fruit, especially when taken with
draughts of ice water, will cause it; but
sound, ripe fruit is a natural food in hot
weather and wholesome. Avoid becoming
chilled during sleep. In a climate as
changeable as ours, a light blanket should
always be at hand, to be drawn up in case
it suddenly becomes cold during the night.
Persistent summer diarrhoea is usually
caused by malaria, sewer air or impure
water. The conditions liable to contami
nate air and water, should bo carefully
sought out and remedied. Tho water can
be rendered safe by boiling.
As dysentry is often epidemic, it is wise
to consider every case as a possi ble
source of danger to others and to disinfect
the discharges with care.
The Markets.
Oar grocers aro paying 12i for butter,
15 for eggs,6o for new'potatocs and apples,
75 fcr beans and peas, 50 cts a doz for cab
bage, 40 to 50 for spring chicken-*. 20 to 25
cts a doz. for cucumbers.
Timothy hay from country wagou sls to
sl7, straw $6.50 to SB, mill feed sl3 to sl7.
Country roll butter 17 to 18, eggs in
cases 15, new potatoes $1.50 to $2.00 per
bbl, apples 2.00 to 4.00 a bbl, beans $1.85,
blackberries 10 to 11, spring chickens 35 to
60 a pair, peaches 1 to 1.25 a basket.
At llerr's Island, Monday, fair to
medium cattle sold at 4± to 4i, dry cows
and bulls 1$ to 3i.
Veal calves at 5 to 6.
Sheep retailed at 34 to 5, and lambs at
4 to 6.
Corn hogs retailed at 6 to Ci,and grassers
at 5i to s|.
Closed on Monday at 524, Tuesday at
52jj, Wednesday af alf.
A Chance to Visit Cresson. A Stop-over
Allowed on the Pennsylvania Railroad
All tickets to points west of Cresson as
well as all coming east of that point are
good to stop ofT. This stop makes a de
lightful break in tho journey, as few
points on the system embrace the attract
ive features of this crowning point of the
Very low prices on Fine Umbrel
las at
—Full 35-inch muslin for 5 cts. a
gloves, hosiery and trimmings and
the standard. R. & R.
goods of all kiads and the Standard.
R. & R.
—Take your children to Zuver'B
Gallery for Pictures that will suit
you. Postoffice building.
The Standard,
also a splendid line of white goods.
R. & R.
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
The Standard.
When you see it you will become
a patron at oijce. R. & R,
—Money to loan—lnquire of F.
S. Purviance, lluselton block, cor.
Main and Diamond, Butler Pa
—We have moved into our store
room, No. 128 East Jefferson St..one
square above Hotel Lowry, please
call and see us, everything at lowest
—loe for sale at the City Bakery.
—Kid gloves in all the latest
shades at
—Come and s«e the Standard and
great bargains in oorpota. R. <fc R.
The Standard
can now be se nat R. <fc R.'s, also
great bargains iu all kinds of silks
and fine dress goods R. & R.
Came to the residence of John P. Shoup,
in Oakland two., Itutler Co., l'a. On or
about the 10th of June, im*2. A light
iron gray horse, with dark mane and tail,
supposed to be about 10 years old.
The owner is requested to come forward,
prove property, pay charges and take him
away, otherwise he will be disposed of ac
cording to law.
JOHN p. Shoup,
Butler, Pa.
'• !> rERSHTEfc:
-'f-u'tt ' A ' .'*«>•• prove*
>'■ '"in jilcxmiirmiy
* it'slimcon*'*#
lliJMyi '-CO THOMAS,
T* U t- W Hee4.il* OMIUCV
The New Castle Vourunt telle this
story on a Lawrence county man; One of
the citizens of Pnlaiki towuahip has been
an extensive raiser of turkeys, and his
method is somewhat peculiar. Early in
the spring he sets in the neighborhood of
100 turkey egg> under the common bare
yard hens: In nearly every case the eggs
were hatched. "When the "turklets" be
came old enough to take care of themselves,
the owner of them chased his brood to tho
woods, where they thrived and grew lat on
what they could pick up. The owner did
not see the birds for months. Shortly be
fore Thanksgiving, which is known as tur
key harvest, the man referred to went out
into the woods for miles around and chased
all the turkeys he could find into his barn
yard. lie then counted out 101 and penned
them up, chasing the others away. He
had set one hundred eggs in the spring
and calculated that there ought to be one
hundred turkeys. The extra one captured
was for the trouble he had in driving them
During one of the recent thunder-storms,
John F. Kaney, aged 16, of Pardoe,Mercer
county, was killed by lightning while
building a load of hay which his father and
grandfather were pitching on the wagon.
The men were slighly stunned, and one
horse was knocked down. The boy was
struck on the left side of the head, extend
ing down his left side, tearing the clothes
from his body.
Bradford was visited by a terrific hail
storm last Friday afternoon, during which
hailstones two inches in diameter fell.
The roof of the St. James hotel was torn
ofT and the house deluged. The loss in
the town is estimated at $50,000.
Jack Cooley the notorious outlaw of
Fayette Co., was killed while trying to rob
a spring house near Fairchance, last
Thursday night. The spring house had
been robbed several times, and the tanner
loaded a gun with buckshot, and plactd it
in the milk-house, with the muzzle point
ing towards the door, and the trigger con
nected by a string with the door. Jack
wag the iirst to enter the door and received
the charge in his stomach. His compan
ions carried him away and he died next
Hay- Fever
Should read our new
112-page book on the
treatment and cure of
Hay-Fever and Asthma.
Sent free on application.
" I have been a sufferer from Hay-Fever and
Asthma from birth—26 years. 1 have tried all
remedies that came to my notice without permanent
relief. I am pleased to say that your medicines
certainly cured me to stay cured.
W. L. W idgBR, Koslindale, Boston, Mass."
P. Harold Hayes, M. D. t
716 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.
[Successors of Schutte A O'Brien.]
Sanitary Plumbers
And Gas Fitters.
Sewer Pipe,
Gas Fixtures,
Globes and
Natural Gas Appliances.
Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry House
Hotels and Depots,
W. S. Qregg is now running a line
of carriages between the hotels and
depots of the town.
Charges reasonable. Telephone
No, 17, or leave orders at Hotel
Good Livery in Connection
Opposite School House.
This elegant new hotel is now open to
tho public; it is a now house, with new
furniture throughout and all modern con
veniences; is within easy reach of the de
pots and business houses of the town, and
has a splendid view of the eastern part ol
the town.
Rates Reasonable.
Give me a call when in Butler,
Wl'byalelans' l'roaerlptlons carerully com
5 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa.
* *
is delightfully perfumed and is of
great service in removing pimples
and blotches from the face. For
chapped bunds, lips or any rough
ness of the skin and as a dressing
for the face after shaving, it will
be found invaluable.
For Sale by Druggists.
• ♦
1 JICT ftinfin micsa you write uaquic
fcUO I vtUUU Jy. We want mole sale
mc n, and jwlll guarantee permanent position
with salary and expenscn paid weekfy. Ful
or part time. Kxperleuce noi required. Htoclc
romplfte, locludluu many Wl wllluif special
ties. Klegaut outfit, tree. Address
C. 11. HAWKS Si CO.,
INuttseryman, Rochester, N. Y.
Tlie Best IJ-*
none to gooil if you arc
sick. The physician ex
pects results and this can
only be obtained tchen pure
drugs are dispensed. Pu
rity care and accuracy IU
erery department of our
business. Only regi tered
pharmacists are employed
and personal super rision
given to erery etail. H'e
endeavor to keep every
thing that is inquired for,
but if tee do not hare trhat
your prescrip tion'ca Us for
ire trill tell you so and do
our best to get it for you
at the earliest possible
time. Xo matter tchat is
needed for the sickroom
come to our store. Our
prices are as low as con ■
sis tent tcith pure goods.
Inferior ones ice do not
care to handle at any
jtrice. Physicians pre
scriptions and family re
ceipts a specialty.
C. N. BOYD, Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
CAPITAL Paid Ip, ... £100.000.00.
Jos. Hartman. Pres't.
J. V. Kltts, Vice Pres't, v. A. Bailey, Cashier,
Jos. Har'man, C. P. Collins, O. M. Russell,
11. MoSweeney, C. D. Greenlee. J. V. Rltts,
E. K. Abrams, Leslie Hazlctt, I. U. Smith,
W. S. Waldron, M. Flneßan.
A general banking business transacted. In
terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on
approved security.
Foreign exchange bought and Bold.
Assets $9,378,220.00.
Home of New York,
Assets $9,370,640.00.
Hartford of Hartford,
Assets $6,743,046.84.
Continental of Hew York,
Assets $5,806,784.91.
Assets $125,947,290.81.
Office of
to the Court House.
Trains leave the West Penn depot at foot
east Jefferson St. as follows:
6»15a. m. —Market—arriyes at Allegheny at
8:40 and 9:13 p. m.
8:40 a. m.—Express—arrives at Allegheny
at 10:30 a. w.
11:00 a. m.—Accomodation—arrives at Alle
gheny at 1:24 p. m.
2:45 p. m—Accomodation—arrives at A lie-
at 4:44 p. m.
5:00 p. m. —Express— arrives at Allegheny at
Allegheny at H:4B p. m.
The 6:20 a. in. train and 2:45 p. m. trains
connect at Butler Junction with trains Eaat
to Blairaville Intersection, where connection
id made with the Day Kxpreas and i'hilad'a
Kxpress going Kast.
Trains arrive at Butler at 9:35 and 10:35 a.
m. and 1:30, 5:00 and 7:50 p. in., leaving Al
legheny at tj:ss, 8:50 and 10:40 a. m. and*3:lS
15 and ti;10 p. m
p. A w. u. a.
Trains leave the P. AW. depot near Cen
tre Ave., Southside, Butler time, as follwa
going south:
6:00 a. m.—Allegheny Accomodation.
B:lo—Allegheny and Akron Express—runs
on Sunday to Allegheny, and connects
daily to New Castle.
10:20 a. in.— Allegheny Accomodation.
2:50 p. m.—Allgheny Express.
3:20 p. ra.—Chicago Express, runs on bun
5:55 p.m.—Allegheny and Zelienople Mail
Runs on Sunday to Allegheny alone.
On Sunday alone, at 11:15 &. m., Allegheny
Going North—lo:os a. m. Bradford Mail.
5:00 p. m—Clarion Accom.
7:25 p.m.—Foxburg Accom.
On Sunday a train leaves for Callery at
11:15 a. ro. No Sunday trains on the narrow
The 3:20 p. m. train South connects at Cal
lery with the Chicago express, which runs
daily and is equipped with the Pullipau buf
fet and sleeping coaches.
Trains for Butler leave Allegheny at
8:10 and 10;30 a. m., city time, and 3:00, 5:25
and 6:15 p. m. On Sunday at 8:10 a. m. and
3:00 p. m.
Trains arrive at Butler at !»:30 and 9:50 a.
m. and 12:35, 4:15, 7:20 and 8:30 p. m. Sun
day at 10:20 and 6:10.
Trains leave the P 4 W depot, Butler
time, as follows:
5:30 a. m, to Erie, arriving there at 10:45
a. m.
10:30 a. m. to Erie, arriving there a 13:20
p. ra.
5:00 p. m. to Greenville, arriving there at
7:25 p. m.
A train arrives from Greenville at 10:05 a.
m. with through car to Allegheny ovar the
P. 4 W; one at 2:30 p. m. from Erie which
connects with both roads to Allegheny, and
one at 8:40 p. m. from Erie.
Trains leave Milliards at 6:25 and 11:15 a.
m. slow time.
The 8:30 a. m. and 3p. in. trains on both
roads in Allegheny connect with trains on
the P. S. 4 L. E. at Butler.
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard
S.G. Purvis & Co.
Rough and Planed Lumber
We the finest line of
summer millinery in town. Hlack
and colored silks, lace, tinsel lace,
new effects in jet crowns, orna
ments and edgings. Latest novel
ties in flowers, fancy ribbons and
Swiss braids. Nice assortment of
trimmed goods aiways in stock.
Orders promptly filled. Mourn
ing our specialty.
M. P. & M. Marks'.
113 and 117 South Main Street.
Salary or commission to go««d men. Fust sell
ing Imported .Specialties; also full line
Stock tailing to live replaced kiikk.
It. D. Luetchford i. Co., ltocUenter.;>.
Tbis is not spring poo try but com
mon sense.
You'll waut to freshen up a bit and
will need some wall paper.
We want to tell you iha: we have
as large as varied aad select a stock
as you'll find outside of the city and
prices are no obstacle.
We have reduced the prices on
some grades, and you will find all
lines very low.
Our stock of room mouldings in
vites your special notice. We Lave
it in shades to the paper, and
you'll find your room not complete
without it.
We have a larger stock of widow
shades than usual tbis season. Our
line of oil cloth Dado shades, in gold
or flock patterens at 50c is particular
ly stron/,
Linen shade fringe to match, shade
pulls, sash curtain fixtures, picture
wire and picture hooks are part of our
Don't make your spring purchases
without giving us a chance to show
you our stock
Yours Respectfully,
Two doors below Postoffice
Rough and Worked Lumber
of'all kinds
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
.Sbingles and Lath
Always in Stock.]
Office opposite P. i \\. Depot,
B. dfß.
Sale ol about 10,000 yards 32 inch
Zephyr Dress Ginghams
Qray and white, black and white,
pink and white and blue and white,
large stylish broken plaids,
10 cents
A yard. You save one-third the
price on these ginghams. The value
and regular price to day is 15 cents.
Our entire stock of this season's
styles Anderson Ginghams,
25 cents,
40 cent quality.
And to make yokes aad flounces
for your ginghams, challiesand India
Silks, we have a sale of 5,000 yards
Pointe D'lrlande Laee&
In cream and ecru, ranging from 5
to 16 inches in width,all at one price,
They are 50., 75c, and SI.OO laces.
32 pieces plain
Black Japanese Silks,
Extra fine and lustrous, 34 inches
wide, almost a yard, for ladies'
waists and summer gowns,
85 cents.
Heretofore sold at $1.25.
457 do/.eus Ladies Hand Kmbroid
ered, with scalloped edges, Jap Silk
Handkerchiefs, black or white, em
broidered in white or colors, 15c.,
20c. and 25c. Regular prices are
just double.
1,000 Silk Belts, 2 inches wide,
white or black, 25 cents.
1,000 Solid Leather Laced Bodice
Belts, 25 cents.
Write us and find out just how
much its to your interest to send us
Letter Orders.
Boggs & Buhl,
115 to 121 Federal Street,
And everything in{
horse and buggy fur
nishing go ods-3rl ar -
ness, Oollars, Whips,
Dusters, Saddles, etc.
.A.lso trunks and va
Repairing done on
short notice.
The largest assort
ment o i r>-_A. .1 Torse
blankets in town will
be found at Kemper's.
208 -V. gtSVONJt ST , f/,ilndrlj.:,.a, f.t
Arc the ulilift iu Amcro .« for t!i-- (realm* nl of
Special Diseases k Youthful Err:rs,
Mood I'olton, Ncriou 1 :i!ly.t"l«ei- Km.
uiiifn. Dlm-liiuKn Siri.-ln . |;>i.|.i.r Knli' r
Mi'l Hkm IMvu « \ nri <«...■ tl v<ir<x >!r Kil|»
lure, permanently cured i.> imp• v.. 1 m.tliod
without detention irom I.iimii. 'it,, i>... i ot ,
MlrceKM lit due 111 111. Ill.ri.i.ii; r\l> llrun Mild
study; lo tin- pure i. ini . mm itin uaed mil
to the thorough examlnutlo:i and « alrhful »•
U'lition given |>atlinlK during treatment. AM)
yearn' enUMishmtnt UouriruarauU eof nui. emu
Trrmnirnl b> JImII it .H|MTl*lly.
Office hour> U i >r ,to 2 i m, <; t*• 'i i- h All
day Saturday till Vr U Sunday* 10 i,ij » *
S»nd Mniiip lor Hook. (I HJ.J , KIII.H! ,
HAH removed his* inuuen-e stock of Wall
I'aper, Window Shades, Kino l'icturos anil
Frames to that litrfce commodious room in
tho Ald in per building. 311 8. Main street.
The increased size of my new room has
allowed a larpe increase in stock.
111 ' till firm. rut?* 1r»,,. t, nt .•#
V*•* A .! • "vlkfll
We Have, Bought
Our fall line of clothini and in consequent*, need more 1 akb.
In order to obtain it have cut the price on all summer cloth
ing. consisting ot light weight coat." ami vesta. light colored
suits and odd pants. It you have not bought anything in this
line it will pay you fo do ?<o now aa the price is lower than
you will obtain the aarne good* for again.
We Quote a few Prices.
Seersucker ccat and vents ct*.
Domet Flannel coat and vest 50 et*.
Black Alpaca coats 1.00, 1.25, I ">O.
Boy 's Summer coat# 15 eta. to 1.50.
Men's Summer coats 25 eta. to 2.00.
Men's odd pant* 1.25. 1.50. 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00.
AH boy's and children's clothinsr are included in this col,
child's short pants suits 1.25, 1.75,2.25 and 3.00.
RTr]\l RM"R pR we <Jo not advertise what we
iIJLiU It hsve not got, we bare these
things all in stock now. So come at «»noe as thev will not
last long.
Clothier and Furnisher,
104 S. Main Street, - Butler. P
•30 Days Sale of pring and
Summer Clothing.
They all wonder at the bargains «c are giving, but an additional
surprise is at hand. It is oi^-
No Margin*'"Sale,
O '
owing to a back ward season, our counters ore packed. That superb
stock of Men's Spring and Summer Suits drags, but we blot off all
profits for 30 days.
$22. S2O, $lB nTTTmn go at sls.
sl7. sl6. sls W I Ir I g»> at sl2.
sl3. sl2, sll I I I go at sia
SB. $7, $6 -A- JL go at $5,
Mothers Listen.
All $7, 6.50 and $6 child*s suits gn at $5.
$5. $4.50 and $4 child's su3y^at $3.
One Price Clothiers.
Us 1»
w. st: 1.
. m ir~
We are at 128 E. .Jefferson street; we
want everybody to have a good outfit for
the 4th of July, and therefore we now
have a special sale going on at special
low prices.
If you want a
Or anything in a ikriviii" or team outfit
J O u
now is the time to get a bargain.
| V J V * < KOfIRINO Ml • •
An Authentic, llUntrsM. HlXtnot Eacvcto»*'l* •» «"in «• W*
Thla Itud work wtll b. < uap<MKt of #*<■ Tnta-a.**. Uiv. um )*^
0,(1*1 llltiatrmtlona. Wantlful and .nal-itr. «».| wtll i-—%• of o*.-r 1.»« . «unM wMfe
tLnEiiMMltluo. Ila<-.iuipl.t.p*[*«f rmit» i.ij«.a«.t %«l*~wwt. MMM
rwW,! ..( Uw vrml W.rW. r*lrT l l*u. It.- —****» •'« »*" work k«>IMW
the National <'..ruml««U>n ul hlchaM Ml • of II m -m «fW4M
pap.r of thf. ro-wl bxauUful >o<t fmttj kin I *n.l
dlaU*. tbo ai<Mt fip«nwiT«i mxl mi«qU»* i>r> -'mm * »
r.,l.i.r.rr ; Lrwu.trMu.r..r • «.' ■«»
am to lul It la la4hyawklr la all « «•<>!■■ Ik' »»W. * iw» It »f k»
a roiaplrlr laMr to »I 1 Ik. 4ffariia.ai. .»•.! atl Ik. «iim<lM> llk»l»—k»
»l,l» loth.-.who ram..* Ttatt Ik. Eip~lti.ii. tt .111 I- lt»~ •• r»lr mm rnw."
II will ba han<t«d iliarn u> gra-rntt. hs . t-> <■■ ■>». « • Ik" m- *t U».iH*»l «aJ atj*»
Kip.MUtl.Ku it «tn c..ntain rw««r»»Hi. Vl.w., iui.«nW .]■■■%
Malltllao. Illnu-llaa.. or*~T .t.'ior. fr .m h.««« a i.l a»l J» H w«l *• MM
I'hot.wrapki* au'l Hl.«rapbl<-al sk.ulw. .■ «h" th. r«lr. it h ■» ••>
(ar4iMi mt raat, an.l a. a work of art a . It-i l ■ wtth.«* a (>* _ . .
r.rtaar upon f.rtaar will k» imi.l. U» la<—4rl«— *f*
rttorr; lllivnU •-omniiaaioii: no .-.pltal rnpUr •I. ■-_««».* t.< Wnw lw
»">*• *»■ Ajar -- Urrt, ' r7 J - &\VTsir>£!3Bsaw.
A lane IV*.
largk stock.
L. IS. McJUNUfi,
Insurance aid Real Estate Aft
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