THE CITIZEN FRIDAY, JULY 29,1892. HCTLBK haa a population of about 10,000. It la the county seat ot Butler county, wiui railways, natural gas, and unequalled facilities for, roenufaeturea. iTogresa etrywhere; new buildings, new manufactures, a Krowln* and prosperous town. New Advertisements. O. C. Sale, estate of Ann E. Graham. Adjourned Sale, estate of JOR. Hays. Adm'rs notice, estate of J. Y. English. Business bleck for sale. (Josser's Cream Glycerine. Excursions. NOTB —All advertisers intending to make unges in their ads. should notify us of their intending to do 80, not later than Monday morning. LOCAL ANB GENERAL. New York Weekly Tribune—Free. By special arrangements made for our so doing, we are enabled to offer to all our subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any) and one year in advance, and to all new subscribers paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tribune free for one year. For further particulars of this offer see ad vertisement on 2d page. The New York Tribune is a ttaanch Re publican paper; its editor is on our Nation al ticket this year, its weekly edition con tains all the best editorials and general ,Mic!p of the daily, and this very liberal oflv.r s <>ulil U« accepted by every Republi can r.utler county. —The Clerks will picnic next Tuesday. ;-on't you wish you were a salaman drrf Our local correspondents report sad an-Idents at Petrolia and Craigsville. ■ itrth Washington will have a celebra nt on the anniversary of Perry's Victory. —The P. H. C. will picnic at Rock Roint Saturday. Train leaves Butler at 8:10 a. m. —Counting the chickens before they are hatched is the highest way of showing con fidence in the reliability of the hen. —The State Board of Pardons has ad journed until the 4th Tuesday of Septem ber. —Ho llefrundi Vincent, the South Side photographers, are doing a rusting busi ness. - These hottentot days and otasell nights are becoming somewhat monoto nous. —Mr. J. F. Drury has lately collected and had printed some very valuable Post office guides, which can be seen posted in the postoffices and depots. —Rupert Bros.' annual excursion to Niagara Falls, Toronto and Chautauqua, Thursday, Aug. 4th. Bee bills or enquire of nearest P., 8. A L. E. agent. —During the last six months this coun try has built 1,200 miles of railway. It is well we got such a start before the steel trouble. —The girl who throws away her belt and wears suspenders is no more mistaken in her sex than the fellow who throws away bis suspenders and wears a sash. —The railroad employees of the country are reported to be preparing for a great "strike" during the progress of the World's Fair next year. Tickets to Chaatanqua Lake freo to pass edgers holding Niagara Falls tickets on Rupert Bros.' excursion, Thursday, Aug. 4th. Soe bills or enquire of nearest P., S. <1 L. E. agent —The original standard chain for mak ing surveys of p'ublic lands has been re ceived at the Land Offico from St. Paul- It was made by Benjamin Rittenhouse, of Philadelphia, in 1797. —A man has paid $25,000, and ia to give besides 60 per cent.of his profits,for tbe ex clusive privilege }f selling popcorn on the exposition grounds, at Chicago, and it is said be will make a fortune. —Most of tho immigrant* to this conn try during the pant year came from Ger many, the fatherland furnishing 133,000. Ireland sent GO,OOO, and Italy a tew more than that number. —J. L. McCandless ban purchased the Wick Ilouse Livery Stable business from IT. G. Douthett, and takes possession next Monday. Geo. Ross, the vcterau hostler will continue to hostlc. —The claim of Joseph Orbison of Done gal twp. against the National Government for mnnajr paid dnring the war to secnre exemption from the draft, has been report ad favorably by the War Claims committee of the Honse. —The "Law Student*" base ball club of Pittsburg came to Butler last Saturday with the intention of wiping the Earth with the Butler Club, and were taken to the circm in great shape. Tho Bntler boys shut them ont for seven innings, and then gave them a few rnns for pity's sake. Butler 17, PitUbnrg 4. —The G. A. It. band accompanying the S. of Y. encampment at Slipperyrovk Park, favored us with a serenade last Fri day morning and made veiy pretty music. The g. of Y. at tho Park numbered 75; they had ladies with them, had 33 tents np; music, cooks, etc., and had a glorious time. —The people of Butler and vicinity will be given an opportunity to see two first class games of ball this week, at the Bail Park, on Friday and Saturday, at 3 p. m. The Toongstowns will be here on those days, with their famous battery and phe nomenal base runner. See posters lor par ticulars. —The administrators of the estate ot James Y. English, dec'd, will have a pub lic sale of stock—horses, registered and graded cattle, registered sheep; farming machinery, wagons, syrup-kettles, etc., at bjs late residence, near Prospect, on Thursday, Aug. 18th, at 10 o'clock a. m. Bills for the jalo will be posted within the nest few days, -—Pursuant to a call made by A. C. Price and W. J. Kodgers there was a small gathering of people favoring the organiz ing of the People's party in this County, in Cosmopolitan Hall, last Friday evening. Tho meeting was called to order by Mr. Price. Mr. pynk of Renfrew wq* electod temporary Chairman, A- C. Prjpe and J. W. Hutchison, IJihj. Vice presidents, and W. J. Kodgers Secretary of tho moeting. A committee was appointed to assist the officers in making arrangements for a per manent organisation, and a resolution coll ing a Coqnty Convention for Aug. 23, was passeij. - -Mext Thursday will bo a holiday for the people of Butler. They aro all going to Niagara Falls that day with tho Rnpert Bros. Exoursion; which leaves Butler at 5 a. in., (own time,reaches the Falls at noon and does not start back till 9 p. tn. Last /ear tho train was crowded before it reach - •d Greenville, and this year there will bo two trains—one starting from Batler and one from Greenville. Every arrangement baa been msde for the comfort and conven ience of the excursionist*, with reduced hotel rites, and a free ride from Brocton to Chautauqua and return to those who wish it. Tho fare from Butler for the round trip is $3.75, Euolid $3.00, Harris ville $3.40, etc. Make your arrangements for going with as. A Local Strike. Butler was the scene of an interesting little "strike," last week, that came about this way. Geo. Shaffner, a non-union stonemason has the contract for the cellar walls of the I. J. McCandless house on South Main street., and also that for the wall in front of the JefTerson street school-building, and thb masons he employed to help him with the jobs were all anion men excepting William Barr, of the West End, who was employed on the JefTerson street job. The Bricklayer~|andStonemason's Union of Butler had a me eting a few nights ago and resolved to "strike" unless Barr was discharged, and so informed Shaffner next day. ShafTner paid the Union men, and hired some non-union men to assist Barr finish both jobs, and on Monday work was progressing on both. Shaffner says that Barr was the best man he had; that some of the men who struck learned what they know of their trade under him, and that they expressed regret at leaving their work but said "our union says we musn't." Barr is an old stonemason who has lived in Butler for several years, and he says he will finish both jobs. Shaffer also has the contract for the foundation of the Patterson building, and is going ahead with it, and whether this will be followed by trouble with union bricklayers, carpenters, plasterers,painters, etc, remains to be seen. Personal. W. C. Findley, Esq. was in Pe trolia on business, Friday. M. L. McCandless anil family of King man Co., Kansas, and A. J. Christy of Fort Scott, Kansas, who were visiting friends in this county have returned to their homes. Newt. Marshall is home this week from Homestead. Some of Newt's, family are sick. Frank Armor has removed his .family to Kensington, Westmoreland Co. Mrs. Neyman of Oakland twp. mother of John Neyman of Butler, is seriously ill. Dr. Bippus has purchased the John Mitchell property at corner of Washington and Cunninghan streets and has fitted up the corner room for an office. Mr. Charles Hanford, the tragedian, is gradually surrounding himself with the strongest sort of material for his forthcom ing production of -'Julias Caesar." in ad dition to the actors and actresses hereto fore announced as part of his leading sup port, he has just signed Mr. Edward N. Hoyt for the title role. Mr. Hoyt is an actor of extended experience, having played leading legitimate roles for many years past. His resemblance to Julius Cae sar, according to the admirable bust in the British Museum so effectively described by Mr. John C. Ropes in Scribner's magazine, has been frequently commented upon. In addition to bis physical advantage for the £art, Mr. Hoyt is a most excellent actor, [r. HanforJ is determined to make his production a truly artistic one. William Shakley oi I'ickensville, Ala. formerly of Concord twp. is visiting his son Josiah, of near Mt. Chestnut, lie went South seven years ago, last April, and en gaged in raising cotton, which was then worth ten cents a pound, but is now worth but six On good land a bale of cotton, weighing 500 pounds can be raised to tho acre; it requires three pickings, which is mostly done by the colored people, then the man with the "steam gin" comes around and gins and bales it for $2. a bale, the farmer finding the bagging and ties, the cotton is then marketed. Tho seed is worth ten cents a bushel on the farm, and the stocks are plowed down. John Reed and Lawrence McCandless, made a trip down the Ohio as far as Cin cinnati, last week; and greatly enjoyed it. Prof..Martin G. Benedict, one of the most favorably known instructors in tho state has been elected Principal of the State Normal School of Edinboro, Pa. The catalogue of this famous school just received, shows that it has entered upon a new era of prosperity,and will maintain its reputation for proficency, and tbe special advantages it offers to students. The young man who cast his eyes on a young lady coming out of church, has In d them reblaced by going to the alter with her, and now sees as well as ever. Col. W. A. Rupert, of Conue&r tville, was in Butler, Monday, making arrange ments for the excursion of next Thursday. Will Morris was home Friday to see his wife, who is sick. Fro. Brown was home from Homestead on leaves of absence Sunday. Mrs. Brown is in poor health. A down town young lady said last Sun day night: "Man proposes, but it often takes a great deal ot encouragement to gel him to do so." Mr. Chas. O'Donnell, of Clearfield twp., made atrip last week over the old Canal and Portago R. R., from Freeport to No. 9, East of tho mountains. He examined the remains of the old Portage R. R., whero he was omployed as a niteher on tho Plains before the opening of the P. li. It. He found very few of those who were there forty years ago. He met Hon. J. J. Thomas and' Senator Lemon, who are about the only ones who were activo at that time. A now set of people have grown up all along the line. Oil Notes. Greenlee Forst's, Marshall No. 0 start ed off at 20 bbls. an hour. Phillip's new well on the Miller is keep ing up at 100 bbls. TO NIAGARA FALLS Rupert Bros.' Annual Excursion to Niagara, Toronto and Chautauqua. The annual excursion over tbo P. S. rERSHTEfc: -'f-u'tt ' A ' .'*«>•• prove* >'■ '"in jilcxmiirmiy * it'slimcon*'*# lliJMyi '-CO THOMAS, T* U t- W* OMIUCV NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. The New Castle Vourunt telle this story on a Lawrence county man; One of the citizens of Pnlaiki towuahip has been an extensive raiser of turkeys, and his method is somewhat peculiar. Early in the spring he sets in the neighborhood of 100 turkey egg> under the common bare yard hens: In nearly every case the eggs were hatched. "When the "turklets" be came old enough to take care of themselves, the owner of them chased his brood to tho woods, where they thrived and grew lat on what they could pick up. The owner did not see the birds for months. Shortly be fore Thanksgiving, which is known as tur key harvest, the man referred to went out into the woods for miles around and chased all the turkeys he could find into his barn yard. lie then counted out 101 and penned them up, chasing the others away. He had set one hundred eggs in the spring and calculated that there ought to be one hundred turkeys. The extra one captured was for the trouble he had in driving them home. During one of the recent thunder-storms, John F. Kaney, aged 16, of Pardoe,Mercer county, was killed by lightning while building a load of hay which his father and grandfather were pitching on the wagon. The men were slighly stunned, and one horse was knocked down. The boy was struck on the left side of the head, extend ing down his left side, tearing the clothes from his body. Bradford was visited by a terrific hail storm last Friday afternoon, during which hailstones two inches in diameter fell. The roof of the St. James hotel was torn ofT and the house deluged. The loss in the town is estimated at $50,000. Jack Cooley the notorious outlaw of Fayette Co., was killed while trying to rob a spring house near Fairchance, last Thursday night. The spring house had been robbed several times, and the tanner loaded a gun with buckshot, and plactd it in the milk-house, with the muzzle point ing towards the door, and the trigger con nected by a string with the door. Jack wag the iirst to enter the door and received the charge in his stomach. His compan ions carried him away and he died next day. Hay- Fever Sufferers Should read our new 112-page book on the treatment and cure of Hay-Fever and Asthma. Sent free on application. " I have been a sufferer from Hay-Fever and Asthma from birth—26 years. 1 have tried all remedies that came to my notice without permanent relief. I am pleased to say that your medicines certainly cured me to stay cured. W. L. W idgBR, Koslindale, Boston, Mass." P. Harold Hayes, M. D. t 716 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. O'BRIEN &SON. [Successors of Schutte A O'Brien.] Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters. DKALKKS'IK Sewer Pipe, Gas Fixtures, Globes and Natural Gas Appliances. Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry House BUTLER, Hotels and Depots, W. S. Qregg is now running a line of carriages between the hotels and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No, 17, or leave orders at Hotel Vogeley. Good Livery in Connection Hotel Waverly. S. McKKAN ST., - - BUTLER, PA Opposite School House. This elegant new hotel is now open to tho public; it is a now house, with new furniture throughout and all modern con veniences; is within easy reach of the de pots and business houses of the town, and has a splendid view of the eastern part ol the town. Rates Reasonable. Give me a call when in Butler, CHESS STONER. Prop'r. A. J. FRANK ftCO, DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS* FANCY ivu TOILET ARTICEB, PONG EM, BRUSHES. PEREIIMEKY, Ac* Wl'byalelans' l'roaerlptlons carerully com untied. 5 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. * * (JOSSEIi'H CREAM GLYCERINE is delightfully perfumed and is of great service in removing pimples and blotches from the face. For chapped bunds, lips or any rough ness of the skin and as a dressing for the face after shaving, it will be found invaluable. For Sale by Druggists. • ♦ 1 JICT ftinfin micsa you write uaquic fcUO I vtUUU Jy. We want mole sale mc n, and jwlll guarantee permanent position with salary and expenscn paid weekfy. Ful or part time. Kxperleuce noi required. Htoclc romplfte, locludluu many Wl wllluif special ties. Klegaut outfit, tree. Address C. 11. HAWKS Si CO., INuttseryman, Rochester, N. Y. 2G2T Tlie Best IJ-* none to gooil if you arc sick. The physician ex pects results and this can only be obtained tchen pure drugs are dispensed. Pu rity care and accuracy IU erery department of our business. Only regi tered pharmacists are employed and personal super rision given to erery etail. H'e endeavor to keep every thing that is inquired for, but if tee do not hare trhat your prescrip tion'ca Us for ire trill tell you so and do our best to get it for you at the earliest possible time. Xo matter tchat is needed for the sickroom come to our store. Our prices are as low as con ■ sis tent tcith pure goods. Inferior ones ice do not care to handle at any jtrice. Physicians pre scriptions and family re ceipts a specialty. Respectfully, C. N. BOYD, Druggist. Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. fpHE BI TI.EK < I>l NTY NATIONAL BANK, BCTI.KR, I*A. CAPITAL Paid Ip, ... £100.000.00. OFFICERS: Jos. Hartman. Pres't. J. V. Kltts, Vice Pres't, v. A. Bailey, Cashier, DIRECTORS : Jos. Har'man, C. P. Collins, O. M. Russell, 11. MoSweeney, C. D. Greenlee. J. V. Rltts, E. K. Abrams, Leslie Hazlctt, I. U. Smith, W. S. Waldron, M. Flneßan. A general banking business transacted. In terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. Foreign exchange bought and Bold. INSURANCE COMPANY of NORTH AMERICA,IOOth Year Assets $9,378,220.00. Home of New York, Assets $9,370,640.00. Hartford of Hartford, Assets $6,743,046.84. Continental of Hew York, Assets $5,806,784.91. NEW YORK LIFE, Assets $125,947,290.81. Office of E E. ABRAMS & CO. Office in HUSELTON BUILDING, next to the Court House. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WEST I'KNN B. R. Trains leave the West Penn depot at foot east Jefferson St. as follows: 6»15a. m. —Market—arriyes at Allegheny at 8:40 and 9:13 p. m. 8:40 a. m.—Express—arrives at Allegheny at 10:30 a. w. 11:00 a. m.—Accomodation—arrives at Alle gheny at 1:24 p. m. 2:45 p. m—Accomodation—arrives at A lie- at 4:44 p. m. 5:00 p. m. —Express— arrives at Allegheny at Allegheny at H:4B p. m. The 6:20 a. in. train and 2:45 p. m. trains connect at Butler Junction with trains Eaat to Blairaville Intersection, where connection id made with the Day Kxpreas and i'hilad'a Kxpress going Kast. Trains arrive at Butler at 9:35 and 10:35 a. m. and 1:30, 5:00 and 7:50 p. in., leaving Al legheny at tj:ss, 8:50 and 10:40 a. m. and*3:lS 15 and ti;10 p. m p. A w. u. a. Trains leave the P. AW. depot near Cen tre Ave., Southside, Butler time, as follwa going south: 6:00 a. m.—Allegheny Accomodation. B:lo—Allegheny and Akron Express—runs on Sunday to Allegheny, and connects daily to New Castle. 10:20 a. in.— Allegheny Accomodation. 2:50 p. m.—Allgheny Express. 3:20 p. ra.—Chicago Express, runs on bun day. 5:55 p.m.—Allegheny and Zelienople Mail Runs on Sunday to Allegheny alone. On Sunday alone, at 11:15 &. m., Allegheny Express. Going North—lo:os a. m. Bradford Mail. 5:00 p. m—Clarion Accom. 7:25 p.m.—Foxburg Accom. On Sunday a train leaves for Callery at 11:15 a. ro. No Sunday trains on the narrow gauge. The 3:20 p. m. train South connects at Cal lery with the Chicago express, which runs daily and is equipped with the Pullipau buf fet and sleeping coaches. Trains for Butler leave Allegheny at 8:10 and 10;30 a. m., city time, and 3:00, 5:25 and 6:15 p. m. On Sunday at 8:10 a. m. and 3:00 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler at !»:30 and 9:50 a. m. and 12:35, 4:15, 7:20 and 8:30 p. m. Sun day at 10:20 and 6:10. PITTHBORO, MIKNANGO A LAKK Kit! K K. B Trains leave the P 4 W depot, Butler time, as follows: 5:30 a. m, to Erie, arriving there at 10:45 a. m. 10:30 a. m. to Erie, arriving there a 13:20 p. ra. 5:00 p. m. to Greenville, arriving there at 7:25 p. m. A train arrives from Greenville at 10:05 a. m. with through car to Allegheny ovar the P. 4 W; one at 2:30 p. m. from Erie which connects with both roads to Allegheny, and one at 8:40 p. m. from Erie. Trains leave Milliards at 6:25 and 11:15 a. m. slow time. The 8:30 a. m. and 3p. in. trains on both roads in Allegheny connect with trains on the P. S. 4 L. E. at Butler. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PUBVU. S.G. Purvis & Co. MANUFACTUREIW AND DEALER*) IK Rough and Planed Lumber O* IVCKY DBSCKIFTION, SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler,Pa AS USUAL We the finest line of summer millinery in town. Hlack and colored silks, lace, tinsel lace, new effects in jet crowns, orna ments and edgings. Latest novel ties in flowers, fancy ribbons and Swiss braids. Nice assortment of trimmed goods aiways in stock. Orders promptly filled. Mourn ing our specialty. M. P. & M. Marks'. 113 and 117 South Main Street. Z\ WANT WORKERS Salary or commission to go««d men. Fust sell ing Imported .Specialties; also full line OUAKANTKKI) NUKSKHY STOCK. Stock tailing to live replaced kiikk. It. D. Luetchford i. Co., ltocUenter.;>. NPItINCjJ. Tbis is not spring poo try but com mon sense. You'll waut to freshen up a bit and will need some wall paper. We want to tell you iha: we have as large as varied aad select a stock as you'll find outside of the city and prices are no obstacle. We have reduced the prices on some grades, and you will find all lines very low. Our stock of room mouldings in vites your special notice. We Lave it in shades to the paper, and you'll find your room not complete without it. We have a larger stock of widow shades than usual tbis season. Our line of oil cloth Dado shades, in gold or flock patterens at 50c is particular ly stron/, Linen shade fringe to match, shade pulls, sash curtain fixtures, picture wire and picture hooks are part of our line. Don't make your spring purchases without giving us a chance to show you our stock Yours Respectfully, J. H. DOUOLASS, Two doors below Postoffice JL. C. WICK DKALK& I* Rough and Worked Lumber of'all kinds Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, .Sbingles and Lath Always in Stock.] LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. i \\. Depot, BUTLER - - PA. B. dfß. Sale ol about 10,000 yards 32 inch Zephyr Dress Ginghams Qray and white, black and white, pink and white and blue and white, large stylish broken plaids, 10 cents A yard. You save one-third the price on these ginghams. The value and regular price to day is 15 cents. Our entire stock of this season's styles Anderson Ginghams, 25 cents, 40 cent quality. And to make yokes aad flounces for your ginghams, challiesand India Silks, we have a sale of 5,000 yards Pointe D'lrlande Laee& In cream and ecru, ranging from 5 to 16 inches in width,all at one price, cents. They are 50., 75c, and SI.OO laces. 32 pieces plain Black Japanese Silks, Extra fine and lustrous, 34 inches wide, almost a yard, for ladies' waists and summer gowns, 85 cents. Heretofore sold at $1.25. 457 do/.eus Ladies Hand Kmbroid ered, with scalloped edges, Jap Silk Handkerchiefs, black or white, em broidered in white or colors, 15c., 20c. and 25c. Regular prices are just double. BELTS. 1,000 Silk Belts, 2 inches wide, white or black, 25 cents. 1,000 Solid Leather Laced Bodice Belts, 25 cents. Write us and find out just how much its to your interest to send us your Letter Orders. :—o—o—: Boggs & Buhl, 115 to 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY. PA. FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, ROBES, HARNESS, And everything in{ horse and buggy fur nishing go ods-3rl ar - ness, Oollars, Whips, Dusters, Saddles, etc. .A.lso trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment o i r>-_A. .1 Torse blankets in town will be found at Kemper's. DOCTOR J. B. HOBENSACK'S MEIiICA I, OKFIfI 208 -V. gtSVONJt ST , f/,ilndrlj.:,.a, f.t Arc the ulilift iu Amcro .« for t!i-- (realm* nl of Special Diseases k Youthful Err:rs, Mood I'olton, Ncriou 1 :i!ly.t"l«ei- Km. uiiifn. Dlm-liiuKn Siri.-ln . |;>i.|.i.r Knli' r Mi'l Hkm IMvu « \ nri <«...■ tl v!r Kil|» lure, permanently cured i.> imp• v.. 1 m.tliod without detention irom I.iimii. 'it,, i>... i ot , MlrceKM lit due 111 111. Ill.ri.i.ii; r\l> llrun Mild study; lo tin- pure i. ini . mm itin uaed mil to the thorough examlnutlo:i and « alrhful »• U'lition given |>atlinlK during treatment. AM) yearn' enUMishmtnt UouriruarauU eof nui. emu Trrmnirnl b> JImII it .H|MTl*lly. Office hour> U i >r ,to 2 i m, <; t*• 'i i- h All day Saturday till Vr U Sunday* 10 i,ij » * S»nd Mniiip lor Hook. (I HJ.J , KIII.H! , © HAH removed his* inuuen-e stock of Wall I'aper, Window Shades, Kino l'icturos anil Frames to that litrfce commodious room in tho Ald in per building. 311 8. Main street. The increased size of my new room has allowed a larpe increase in stock. W. A.OSBOHNE, ART DEALER, - BUTLER, PA ffANTEO LADY 111 ' till firm. rut?* 1r»,,. t, nt .•# V*•* A .! • "vlkfll We Have, Bought # Our fall line of clothini and in consequent*, need more 1 akb. In order to obtain it have cut the price on all summer cloth ing. consisting ot light weight coat." ami vesta. light colored suits and odd pants. It you have not bought anything in this line it will pay you fo do ?O. Boy 's Summer coat# 15 eta. to 1.50. Men's Summer coats 25 eta. to 2.00. Men's odd pant* 1.25. 1.50. 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00. AH boy's and children's clothinsr are included in this col, child's short pants suits 1.25, 1.75,2.25 and 3.00. RTr]\l RM"R pR we at sl2. sl3. sl2, sll I I I go at sia SB. $7, $6 -A- JL go at $5, Mothers Listen. All $7, 6.50 and $6 child*s suits gn at $5. $5. $4.50 and $4 child's su3y^at $3. SCHAUL BROS. & CO. One Price Clothiers. OPPOSITE HOTEL VOGELEY. - BUTLER, PA. N Us 1» w. st: 1. . m ir~ 8 We are at 128 E. .Jefferson street; we want everybody to have a good outfit for the 4th of July, and therefore we now have a special sale going on at special low prices. If you want a BUGGY, HARNESS, LAP-DUSTE R, F LY-NET, Or anything in a ikriviii" or team outfit J O u now is the time to get a bargain. O O S. B. MARTINCOURT & CO. S. B. MARTINCOURT. J. M. LEIGH NEJt d:7Kfon MONTHLY MADE | V J V * < KOfIRINO Ml • • THE WORLD S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION IUBSTUTEB An Authentic, llUntrsM. HlXtnot Eacvcto»*'l* •» «"in «• W* Thla Itud work wtll b. < uapIMW the National <'..ruml««U>n ul hlchaM Ml • of II m -m «fW4M pap.r of thf. ro-wl bxauUful >or> -'mm * » r.,l.i.r.rr ; Lrwu.trMu.r..r • «.' ■«» am to lul It la la4hyawklr la all « «•<>!■■ Ik' »»W. * iw» It »f k» a roiaplrlr laMr to »I 1 Ik. .»•.! atl Ik. «iim llk»l»—k» »l,l» loth.-.who ram..* Ttatt Ik. Eip~lti.ii. tt .111 I- lt»~ •• r»lr mm rnw." II will ba han gra-rntt. hs . t-> <■■ ■>». « • Ik" m- *t U».iH*»l «aJ atj*» Kip.MUtl.Ku it «tn c..ntain rw««r»»Hi. Vl.w., iui.«nW .]■■■% Malltllao. Illnu-llaa.. or*~T .t.'ior. fr .m h.««« a i.l a»l J» H w«l *• MM I'hot.wrapki* au'l Hl.«rapbl<-al sk.ulw. .■ «h" th. r«lr. it h ■» ••> (ar4iMi mt raat, an.l a. a work of art a . It-i l ■ wtth.«* a (>* _ . . r.rtaar upon f.rtaar will k» imi.l. U» la<—4rl«— *f* rttorr; lllivnU •-omniiaaioii: no .-.pltal rnpUr •I. ■-_««».* t.< Wnw lw »">*• *»■ Ajar -- Urrt, ' r7 J - &\VTsir>£!3Bsaw. Cyeiitletneix TO ATTIRE YOURS KIAKS I N NK A T ANO F1 T TING AP FAR K L, LKA V K YOUR MKASUR K AT A lane IV*. largk stock. BEST FACILITIES L. IS. McJUNUfi, Insurance aid Real Estate Aft 17 fcAMT JEFFERSON BT. lIUTLER. - PA. Eijunc^ffiz^gpßjjjHEV an ISL4I*3 ■ 1 raorrrWaf T « m Haai «—■— i>4«*3 If «• 4» if » • -r* >• luaaataMtr pm wft * «»» M(ta«>»tvia!lMa4llMllMt 0 I « » rKwi '•» <> • ~r»«i M am IwitM* a» >4l? < »» UM * Mtat aa. J m • A rssur .-^TLA^T^aSg* •M »4 »*M«*av»«ZSp» r;«M W»/—lir»l«fc »»< ►i"i i»f r« ■ -♦* • M f»» »»•» r-r-t -•>♦»»»«. * -rlw M.J ■» *«««••• «*• kirtANlllN f i *» •» »«r* «»» -».*«-» 5...4Hr«*«» wid® •«•••»•* .. «mm- . rwsr, »mm 414 I r .* rt, It- KM, lafMM. MM Mmhcm jr^pLgapMß I. ■ I 1 . I llk I 1 "* ▼ * Hk o? «• to tadniMi u*« iwiliHw fry • mm M» ««*«• *«• *f dNhp» Mi ft* £rirntifi( £*rrtam *r; eSTlt*wtfttSr* Mip>rAn^%! TTii —■■■■. m* B*m*m%r7m* fmST —r