Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 29, 1892, Image 2

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    'l'ftflgg CUTIZEN
NMI, JULT », vm
■tw»<«mrti«M at—UsaesM »atter
I.H-B. - - ' *****
Bftpublica i\ Ticl<ct.
For President,
Of Indiana.
Fer Yioe President,
Wimuw B«jd,
OfHsw Tork.
Far Judge of Supreme Coart,
Dlii, of Blair Co.
VerL«w Judge,
Jon M. Gun,
(Subject to Watriet Conference.)
Fer Oongreesmen at Urge,
WIUIAK L. LIUT, of Carbon Co.
I—■turn MoDoww.l., of Meroor Co.
For Congress.
• For State Senate,
For Assembly,
DATT® B. Dounnrr,
For District Attorney,
Iu McJtrrxis,
For County Surveyor,
0. F. L. MoQuieruw,
judicial Conference No. a.
Bona Mxty eitissns of Lawrence county
arrived in Butler at 1030 a. m. of Thurs
day last, all decorated with "Wallace"
badges, and starched up street, headed by
w T> Wallace Esq., Republican nominee ot
Jmdfe; and CoL
0. L. Jackson.
They quartered themselves at the hotels
Lowry, Yogelsy and Wfllisrd; were met
by quite a number of our citizens, and
taPrtnl Judgeship and nothing bat Judge
They say they want a Judge in l*w
rence, and talk as though they propoeed
having one, be be Republican or Democrat.
Their programme ia to elect a Lawrenoe
county man to preaide over their .courts,
and then to be "tied loose" from Butler
eonnty by the next Legislature.
▲ few ballots van taken by the con
fereee and than they adjourned to meq| at
Bhrood on Tnaaday, August 9th.
Drains an executive aaaakm of the U.
8. Senate last Tnaaday, the nomination of
George Shires, Jr. of Pittsburg far Justice
of the Supreme Court of the United State,
waa confirmed. Senator Mitchell of Oregon
took an active part in (scaring the confirma
tion,and Mr. Dalsell waa almoet constantly
on the floor of the Senate from the begin
ning till the end of the fight Cameron
left the city rather than vote fcr Mume.but
Quay remained and is said to have
voted far him.
Tn punishment of private lams of the
M ational Guard far aheertng for the man
who shot Friok seems to have been unneo
aaearfly severe-, but we are informed by a
member of the gnard that this was not
lams' first offense; that he circulated
among the Homesteader! and told them
t hey need not be afraid of his regiment as
they would fire over their heads if neoes
aary; that he repeated bis offensive words
to Us Colonel pohliely and with an oath;
that ha waa trieed up for the purpose of
making him retract and that when he
would not do so was publicly drammed
oat oi damp.
The "tricing up" is the part of the pun
ishment that the public does not approve
of; the Guard is at preeent stationed at
Homestead to prevent farther violence and
• malty and not to famish an example of
PauiDurr HABBISOS has appointed
V riday, Oct 21st, 1892, the 400 th anniver
sary of the day during which Columbus dis
covered America to be a general holiday
far the people of the United States.
Attempted Murder of H. C. Frick.
On Saturday afternoon last a man who
givea his name as Alexander Berkmen,
gained admission to the office of the Car
negie Steel Co., in the Hussey building on
Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, by representing
that be was the agent of a Hew Tork em
ployment agency, and immediatly upon
entering the oflee took a revolver from his
hip pocket and began firing at Mr. Frick.
Friok reee to greet Berkman, and as be did
so the aaaaMn began firing from a 38-calibre
revolver, which he ooolly pointed at the
chairman's head. The first shot struck the in
tended victim on the lobe of the right ear,
paaaed into the neck and lodged under the
right shoulder-blade. The next shot
atmek Mr. Frick in the left side of the
neck, ploughed under the flesh, crossing
the line of the other bullet in its conns
and lodged in the left side. Berkman then
eoolly pointf! his weapon fan a third shot
when Mr. Tiafehman caught hie wrist,
turned the murderer's band upward and
the bullet lodged in the ceiling. He then
drew a long bladod knife of no particular
elaaa and began to slash atLeishmen. Mr.
Frick, though eorely wounded, rushed for.
ward and grappled with the blood-thirsty
demon and waa stabbed three times, onoe
In tide just above the hip bone, again in
the beck and also a third gash in the
thigh. He succeeded, however, though
weak from loss of blood and shock, in
knocking his aeeailant down, and he and
Mr. Leishman bald the man until assistance
Medical assistance was summoned,
Mr. Friok was placed on a cot and taken
Berkman waa arreeted and taken to jaiL
He was photographed and examined, and
a dynamite cartridge was found in bis
He is a Russian who oame to this coun
try but a faw yaan ago, ia a printer by
trade, worked for Herr Moot in Hew Tork,
and seems to have come from that oity to
Pittsburgh for ths express purpoee of kill
ing Mr. Friok.
On Monday the police of Pittsburg, ar
reeted Karl Knold of Ho. 0. Cherry Alley,
Allegheny at which bouse Berkman board
ad. Knold ia an anarohist and a lot of lur
id literature vae found in his house.
Friok was mating easy, Tuesday, and
them eeemad to be no doubt of bis recov
Henry Bauer, the agent for tbe distribut
ion of Anarchistic literature in Pittsburg
and vicinity, was arrssted Tuesday, by
Dectivee Shorn and MoTlghe, of Pittsburg,
and Steel, of Allegheny, and at 13 o'clock
waa taken to Oantznl Station
He ia charged with being implicated in
the attempt ef Berkman on the life of U.
0. Friok.
He was arrested at Ho. 73 Spring Garden
Avenue, whom he has been rooming with
Maxwell Albrsct, a shoemaker. The two
occupy one room and in it is Bauer's desk
and the bench of the eboemaker, an J their
bads am sipsralafl from the balance of the
room by a nail eta,
Bauer showed no surprise when arrested
and took the matter my eooly. He ad
mitted be was the agent hem for the dis
tribution of Anamhiatio documents, and
that be had sent the circulars to Home
stead which were ordered confiscated by
Gen. Snowden. He denied eli knowledge
of the attempt on Mr. Frick'* life, and
said he had never met or heard of Berkman
till last week, when be met him at Kneld's
"On Thursday last O Donnell and Ross
vnt to Pittsburg from Homestead ud
gare themselves up. O'Donnell *« acgrj
with hif attorney snd refused to see bins.
Thursday was the last day included in
Superintendent Potter'* invitation to the
old employees to resume work. President
Welhe of the Amalgamated association and
Attorney Brennan visited GOT. Pattison
day and it was developed that the in
terview vu entirely unsatisfactory to the
labor representatives and that the gov
ernor bluntly refused to listen to any prop
ortion to draw off the military force.
Neither Gov. Pattison nor the labor men
would repeat the interview, but it was
learned that the latter made a rtrong plea
for the removal of the soldiers. In sub
stance the governor informed them that
the national guard will remain where it is
until order and peace has been fully re es
tabtiahed. He is reported to have told
Messrs. Weihe and Brennan that he had
been deceived by the people at Homestead
once and did not propose to allow them
any suggestions in the case now. The
committtee, he told them, that came to
see him at Harrisbnrg represented that the
features of the situation had been intense
ly aggravated and that there existed no
necessity for the presence of an armed
force. The people, they told him, were
disposed to obey the law, and asked him
to not order out the guard. He trusted
their representations and had been deceiv
ed. Now he felt disgusted at the actions
of the people, whom he said he cannot
trust again, and said plainly that the sol
diers will be kept on duty until the whole
matter is settled. By that, he explained,
until every employe of the Carnegie Com
pany is permitted to go in and out of the
mill unmolested.
He does not ask who the men are. The
military force will remain until every man s
safety is certain and the company proper
ty secure from attack of any kind. So long
as there remains a probability that violence
or intimidation or interference with indi
vidual rights, even in the mildest form,
may occur again the gnard will stay right
where they are.
The mill presented a busier appearance
Friday; man were at work in all the de
partments. Mathew Foy and Peter Allen
arere arrested that day charged with mur
der, and committed to jail. The feeling
between the troops and the people is grad
ually becoming hostile.
A large body of steel workers from
Homestead went to the Carnegie works at
Ouquesue, that day, and induced the men
there to strike,and tome who did not want
to quit work were forced to do so. This
mill has heretofore been non-union.
A Pittsburg carpenter looking for work,
mid passing through Homestead, Friday,
was decoyed into the lower end of the
town, and beaten into insensibility.
At Duquesne,Saturday,all avenues to the
mill were guarded by strikers; Sheriff Mc-
Cleary isnwl a proclamation and had it
posted in the town warning the men not to
congregate on the thoroughfares, and a
troop of cavalry from Homestead rode
through the town. The hearing of O'Don
nail was completed and Judge Magee re
served his decision.
When the news of the shooting of Mr.
Frick reached the Camp, W. L. lams of
Waynesburg, a member of Co. 1, of the
10th Regiment, was loitering under a tree
near CoL Streater's tent lams immedi
ately proposed three cheers for the man
Who shot Frick, and gave them himself.
CoL Streator came out and asked:
"Who spoke those words about Frick t"
"I did," lams answered, stepping for
ward promptly with an air of bravado.
"Bo you know their meaningT They
were in violation of your oath to support
the laws oi this state. Yon are guilty of
treason, sir. Will you apologize to your
superior and vour regiment t"
"I refuse." lams now spoke snUenly.
Col. Streator ordered his arrest and con
finement in the guard-house. Gen. Snow
den was notified of the treasonable talk.
He at once ordered a court-martial, which
consisting ot (he commissioned officers of
the regiment sat at once. Little time wa3
consumed in arriving at a verdict of guilty.
CoL Streator ordered the punishment,
lams was first sentenced to be strung up by
the thumbs, leaving the tips of bis toes bare
ly touching the groud, and to remain sus
pended for thirty minutes. The culprit
went through the ordeal under the direc
tion of Surgeon Sett. This was inflicted Sat
urday afternoon. He was aUowed to rest
until morning when marks of treason were
put on bim and he suffered banishment
from the camp.
When lams rose at daybreak be was taken
in charge by a detail. His hair on the
right side of his head was shaven off close.
The line of shame extended oyer bis face
and the right half of his moustache was
aacrifioed . Then his suit of blue was tak
en from his back and with all the arms he
formerly bore confiscated to the state. A
civilian suit ia taters and a hat, faded and
old, were then given to bim.
After these preparations Col. Hawkins
ordered the entire provisional brigade, in
add''ion to Battery B. in line, lams was
Sis-' Ain position in front of the troops,
te tarched with his head defiantly in the
air,,, id when at the camp limits Adjt. Hayes
read the charges, verdict and punishment,
lams listened without a show of emotion.
At the order of Col. Streator, the Kigb
teenth regimental band played the
"Rogues Marob," and lams marched out
of eight to the music of disgrace. Then a
detail conducted him to Swissvale and
turned their backs on him.
This punishment carried with it a dis
honorable discharge from the guard, a pro
hibition from ever after enlistenlng in the
United States army and disfranchises him
from voting in Pennsylvania. lams is
said by CoL Streator to have always been
an unruly soldier.
On Monday, seventy-two new men went
to work in tna mill, forty-seven of whom
came from the Kast and were escorted from
the P. R. R. station to the mill by two
oompanies of infantry.
O'Donnell, Ross, Allen and Koy were re
leased from jail upon giving tnmas in $lO,-
000 each.
On Tuesday the Philadelphia City
iTroopi and the Bth Regiment "struck"
their tents and left Camp Black for home,
and the 14th Regiment across the river
in Camp Rowley had orders to do fhe same
next day.
O'Donnell, the Chairman of the Adviso
ry Committee was reported as odvitiu g an
unconditional surrender, but the Commit
tee reiased to hear the report of a commit
tee of disinterested men who bad advise
with the officers of the Steel Co.
The Superintendent of the works said
that the work of the new meu was pass
ing inspection, and that two car loads
of it had been shipped.
The following notice was' posted sround
all the works:
To All Men Who Enter Our Kmploy After
July 1, 1802:
In no case and under no circumstances
will a single one of you be discharged to
make room for another man. You will
keep your respective positions so long as
yon attend to your unties. Positive or
ders to this effect hare beeu given to the
general superintendent. By order of tho
Board of Managers.
11. C. Fan;a, Chairman.
On Wednesday Sylvester Oritchlow, who
ia a son of Jesse Critcblow, dee'd, of this
county, was arrssted for murder. The (jo.
claims that he is the sharpshooter so point
edly referred to by Judge liageo. Unite
a number of the strikers were arrested for
A newspaper reporter found 700 men at
work in the mills that day.
A? the meeting of Democratic National
Committee in New York, last Thursday,
Win. F. Karrity, Secretary of the Com
monweaUh ef Pennsylvania, was elected
The Story of the Pinkcttons.
The sub-committee of the House resumed
at Washington. Friday, the investigation
begun is Pittsburgh. Robert A. Pinkerton
of the Pinkerton Agency, was the first wit
ness called, and he presented a written
statement as follow?:
"To the judiciary committee of the House
of Representatives."
"Ton have asked as to appear before
you and testify in regard to the business
conducted by us under the name of Pink
erton^'s National Detective Agency. The
present inquiry by your committee arises
from the recent deplorable events at Home
stead, in the state of Pennsylvania, and
we are informed that a statement on our
part, of our connection with strikes, and
of the general method of carrying on this
branch of our business will aid the com
mittee in it" investigation,"
"The agency was founded in 18.j0 by the
late Allen Pinkerton. and during the last
twenty years it has frequently furnished
private watchmen to protect the property
of individuals and corporations during
strikes. The men employed by us in this
strike work are selected with great care
and only after a full investigation of their
characters and antecedents. Not a single
instance can be cited where we have know
ingly employed unreliable or untrustworthy
men, or where any of our watchmen have
been convicted of a crime. Moreover, we
have seldom permitted our watchmen to
carry arms for the purpose of protecting
property and lite, unless they were author
ized by the proper legal authorities or
gworn in as deputy sheriffs. Our men
have never wantonly or recklessly fired a
single shot in any of these strikes, and
have used their arms only as the last ex
tremity in order to protect life. We have
consistently refused to permit our watch
men to bear arms without special legal au
thority or as deputy sheriffs, even when on
private property, aud we had 110 intention
of varyiDg from this rule in the Homestead
"When first requested to send watchmen
to protect the Homestead plant and prop
erty of the Carnegie Steel Company, lim
ited, we refuel to do no unless all our
men should be sworn in as deputy sheriffs
before going to Homestead. We were
then assured that the sheriff of Allegheny
county, Pennsylvania, knew that our men
were going to Homestead to act as watch
men, and to guard the property of the
company and protect its workmen from
violence. We were farther assured that
the sheriff had promised, immediately
upon any outbreak or disturbance, to dep
utize all our watchmen as sheriff's deputies
if it became necessary for the protection
of life and property. On that condition
only did we convent to furnish about 1100
watchmen. A large number of these men
were oar regular employees, who could be
thoroughly trusted for integrity, prudence
and sobriety. The remainder of the men
whom we employed from time to time
were known and recommended to us.
They did not go into the .',tate of Pennsyl
vania as an armed l>ody or force, and we
should not have permitted or assented to
this. There «u no intention or purpose
or purpose whatever of arming them until
they were on the property of the company
at Homestead, and until, and unless they
bad been aworn jn as the sheriff's deputies.
The sheriff's chief deputy, Qray, accom
panied our men, being on the tug towing
the bargM, and it was distinctly understood
that he had authority to July deputize them
in case of necessity.
"The boxes containing the arms and am
munition were shipped from Chicago, and
were to b% delivered at the Homestead
yards. The instruction- to pur men were
that they should not be armed uule—i pre
viously deputized by the sheriff. As a
matter of faot t,be boxes on board the bar
ges were not opened and tfce arms and am -
monition were not distributed until after
the strikers had commenced firing on the
watchmen, aud it beoame evident that it
was a matter of self-defeoca for life or
death. Klein had been murdered ly the
strikers, and about five other watchmen
shot and wounded before our men began
their fire in self-defence Kveu then it was
imporsible to to shoot those firing
at the barges because the strikers made a
breastwork for themselves by placing wo
men and children in front aud firing from
behind them. Hoi a single woman or
child was injured by our men
"When our men surrendered, the leaders
of the strikers solemnly promised full pro
tection to property and life. They knew
that our men surrendered because the
wounded required attention, and for the
purpose of saving further loss of life. Af
ter the surrender >ll our men, including
the wounded and helpless, w psts Jinjtally
beaten and robbed by the strikers, and
the leaders made no real or honest effort
to protect them. Our men were robbed of
watches, money, clothing, in fact every
thing, and then mercilessly clubbed aud
"Connors, unable to move ot defend
himself, was deliberatly shot by one of the
strikers, aud then clubbed. Edwards, also
wounded and helplu.u, was clubbed by an
other striker with the butt end of a musket.
Both died, and nuhseiiuenlly another
watchmen became insane, and committed
suicide as a result of the fearful beating af
tor having surrendered. All our men
were more or less injured. The acts of
the strikers after our men aurrutidered
would be a disgrace to savages. Vet, be
cause done in the name of organized
Americau labor, sympathy, if not encour
agement, is shown for such deeds by part
of the press and by political demagogues."
The rest of the statement a devoted to a
recital of alleged outrages COUIIIMUJMI by
labor organizations in recent years and the
necessity of private watchmen.
iu answer to some questions put to him
by a representative of the Knights of I.a
bor, he said:
The Pinkerton agency owned about Stso
rifles, about 400 pistols and an equal num
ber of clubs, and they were deposited at
Chicago. In all its various branches the
firm never had more at any one time than
800 persons in their employ. The em
ployed were advised exactly as to what
they wore expected to do and understood
what they were at perfect liberty to refuse
any employment which they objected. The
men sent to Homestead were obtained in
New York, Chicago an«J I'hilodelpha All
ol them knew lb* exact nature of their em
ployment. The barges were not construct
ed for the purpose tif protection
and were not lined with iron o> >teel and
could not reslxt small arms. The men
would never had been allowed to starL on
the expedition, If it had been known that
they were to tie attacked before landing.
The barges were employed Iteeause il was
believed that the men would tio enabled
to land without a breach of th« peace, and
the landing was made at night lor the rea
son that the Sheriffs forea had been resist
*<l in the day-time, and it wa« expected
that the strikers aould lie ii. bed. The sole
desire was to avoid bp 4!I means a breach
of the peace. Otherwise tbu men would
not have been permitted to go gule l " all
thorized by the governor or deputised by
the sheriff The only purpose wan to put
the men upon private nroperty and then
protect it from attack They would not have
tired except an a matter of self-dofonsc It.
was understood that the Carnegie Compa
uy lied applied to the proper lugal author
ities aud that the men were going to Home
stead with the approval of the sheriff
klr. dates of tfio Committee then aik ed
this uuesfioti.
"Have you ever furnished men as guards
to travel on the trains transporting the mails
or interstate commurce T"
"Yes, sir. In the case of the Burling
ton strike and in tho New York Central
strike. I think wherever we have done
strike work for railroads, at times we have
furnUhud uci) to ride on trains. They
probably were tuuipd, hut. it would depend
on slrcumstances. Tho/ went armed on
tho New York Central strike t, protect
themselves from assault."
As witness had uo reason to anticipate
an attack on the barges uo orderu wcregiv
en to his men. On the contrary ha had
every reason to beliere they would land
peacefully at the company's works. He
thought that it the detectives had tired to
kill many more live- would have been lost,
and the works could have been taken at
that time, but not without peat lo*.< of life.
Mr. Pinkerton stated that he was a sworn
police officer —a deputy -heriff —and he
made it a rule always to swear in his men
except in a case of railroad service.
Mr. Oates acked witness what he had to
say to the statement that fifty good sol
diers could have scattered the Homestead
mob and that cowardice was shown by the
"Witness replied that he had talked with
his men. They said they could have taken
possession of the works almost at any time
before 10 o'clock, that 75 men could have
taken possession of the works but they
would have had to kill a number of people,
men. women and children, and they con
cluded not to do anything of the kind. The
first firing, his men told him was over the
strikers' heads. At the start not over
twenty of them were given arms, and after
wards" arms were given to about forty in
all-! .
Mr. lioatner of the Committee asked how
it was that trouble occurred when the
strikers claimed always that they did not
encourage violence and only persuaded
men not to work and the Pinkertons were
instructed not to use violence.
Mr. Pinkerton made an answer that hit
squarely c.t the Knights of men
present. He said that he had never seen
a strike when lalwir organizations or their
men had not abused non-union men. He
had seen men knocked off trains; he had
seen them beaten almost to ajelly; he had
known members of the Knights of Labor
whose representatives were hero, to put
obstructions on the track and to put dyna
mite under cars; he had seen men who
wanted to work treated worse than savages
by representatives of ecret organizations
and be had them sent to prison for it.
William A. Pinkerton wa.- next sworn
and corrolwrated all that his brother bad
The committee adjourned,-subject to the
call of the chairman. If further testimony
touching new points is offered within a
day or two it will be received, otherwise
committee will begin preparation of its re
port very soon.
SKS VTOR PKKKKB of Kansas delivered a
revolutionary speech in the Senate cham
ber last Friday, without being rebuked or
contradicted by any member present. Our
United States Senate from being the
"most dignified body on Earth' seems to
have degenerated into the most contemp
Accused of Blackmail.
A very sensational scene occurred in the
lobby of the Kriggs House this morning,
growing out of the long-standing differ
ence between the Federation of Labor and
the Knights ot Labor. The immediate
cause of tho trouble was the charge made
against aeveral of the officers of the Exe
cutive Hoard of the Knights of Labor that
the latter had tried to sell their influence
in favor of the_passage of tho Worlds Fair
appropriation for SIO,OOO. J. W. Hayes
secretary and treasurer of the Knights of
Labor; John Devlin, of Detroit, and A. W.
Wright el' Philadelphia, both members of
tho Executive Hoard of the Knights, weie
in the lobby of the Kiggs talking to Gen
eral St. Clair, of the Hoard of Control of
the Fair, who is looking after the appro
priation h«fc.
They were discussing the attitude i.f the
Knights of Labor toward the appropriation,
it being alleged that the managers of the
Pair are employing non union labor at Chi
cago, when John Kehoe, of New York, one
of the executive officer* of the Federation
oi Labor, entered. Bad blood exists be
tween the Knights of Labor and tho Fed
eration, as is well known, and when (ien
cral St. Clair invited Kehoe to a seat a row
was immediately precipitated.
"I 7snt a seat, said Kehoe, "along
side these men," to the three ex
ecutive officers of the Knjghtn. "1 do not
care to associate with them in any way,
and J am here to tell you that they are a
scoandreliy .et. They are nothing more
nor h*M#i than ltl4olcn:jJan. They offered
to sell their influence in behail of the
World's Pair appropriation for 910,000
and I can prove it."
£i>l;po's fierce accusations aroused tho
Knights and x jjorxona! collision seemed
imminent between the rey*<aent»tives of
the labor organizations, when sevora 1
policemen stepped up and prevented blow s
trcui being struck.
TUB story of tho J'jnJjerton's, as told by
one of the firuf will be rend with intcrput
by every citizen of the country. There arc
at preaobt, RQ state or National ltiw/-> for
biding the eihpioyi;i«i.t a privately
armed force to guard private propo»ty ( but
as the business of famishing such force
will, if profitable, be duplicated and multi
plied, and will lead to trouble, laws limit
ing auJ governing it aro needed; and the
subject is one that rpcoiyo tho con
sideration of the public.
John Milligan is attending tho su[inner
annual at SS orthington.
Most of' the crop, iru being badly injured
by tho scarcity of rain. The o»ts in most
places are simply drying up, while the
corn, potatoes and buckwheat aro but
taking a stand still. I'nlcss we have rain
soon most of the later crops will be very
The Miss Maiimuj, ,4 Hlmrpsburg, are
sjinnding their summor vacation at tint rosl
deni'o'of Mr. John McDevitt,
l'atrlck Canon has been away from home
for some time attending to duties which
require his attention. In his absence, Mr.
Ceo. Fennel! is putting up the harvest.
The lee c,c+t;i festival recently held at
tho residence ol k. »». proved to
be iiiiitc a snccexs. It wits attended by n
very large crowd of y«iung people, and i.
fine sum was realized lor the chnrch.
bun ■widest accidents that has ever
happened in (hi> wtpf'on of country, was
the accidental drowning two young
ladies, Miss Cousins and Mi«s Tar,', &t
C'raigsville, a little village five miles south
of this place, on the evening of the IHth,
in*£ These two young Indies together
with sitothor young laily and a young
man, went out on two injfl dam in a skill.
I(y some means tne boat was oapsizod and
the young man succeeded in reucuing one
of the Indies, but the others were drowned
before assistance could be procured. This
should be a lesson to other
i'ctrolia Items.
Mr Win. Voght. anoldatid pospectab le
citizen of Uradys Ifend two., Avm iUoiig
Co., came to our town Saturday morning on
business and proceeded to the barber shop,
leaving his hor u hitched on Main street
to a post. I{o.;rin£ the approach of a
train, he went out to look alter his horse,
when at the narrow spot between the
l'ostofllce and railroad track lie was thrown
by tho train and th" wheals run over both
his legs. Drs Hamilton, Poster and
■Slack conducted the amputation. "n
Ihi) owning of the same day ho was taken
loom., as he dosired. At this writing ho
is In a critical <i!ld not much
hope* aro entertained for his recovery, as
his age, tt'l years, is against him,
Kev. Mi Kinney, the Kvangelist, preach
ed for Kev. P. M. Small in the M. 10.
church a most excellent lermon.
The festival h.ild at Masonic Hall was
successful in every pa.i,i: ;lar.
Robert (,'arliu. brother of ex l«o >li„n t<-f
Thomas IJurlln paid our town a visit on his
way to Bradford one day last. week.
M.. John M I'eters has gone on a '.I
months visit tii bei parents, in Venango
coimly lor the UIUHI 1,1 JUT heal 111.
A M kice i homo from Hlrntt.inville,
Clarion county and is on the sick list.
.Jimmy Kllroy is lying very low at Ibis
HARVEY— At his homo in Clinton twp.. !
July 20. I*9-, Capt. William Harvey,
aged about S2 year--.
Capt. Harvey *a- one otthe Lieutenant*
of Company D., 137 th P. V., and besides
being in the army himself had six on- in
it. He was a Justice of the Peace for
Clinton twp. for several years.
SHAN'OR— At her home near Prospect.
Saturday. July 10, 1592, Aunie, wile of
Daniel Shan or, aged 38 years.
MAGIXXIS—JuIy 21. l#t>2. infant child
of J. D. Maginnis of the West End.
STOXEPv—JuIy 21. 18)2. child of C. S.
Stoner,ot West End, Butler, aged four
McLArOHLIX—At his home in Slippery
rock township, near Branch ton. Satur
day, July 23d, 1892, William McLaugh
lin Esq., aged about 50 years.
Mr. McLaughlin death was sudden and
unexpected, he falling dead from his feet.
He was a Justice of the Peace, a promi
nent Republican, and good man.
WADDELL —At her home in Harrisviile,
Saturday, July 23, 1892, Mrs. Sarah
Waddell. aged 97 years.
Mrs. Waddell's maiden name was Heed,
and she was a daughter of Col. Reed, the
original settler of Harrisville. She first
married a Mr. Walker, by whom she had
three children —B. H. Walker of Harris
ville, Jas. Walker of lilairsville, and Airs.
W. n. H. Riddle of Butlor. Mr. Walker
died, and when well up in years, Mrs.
Walker married Mr. Waddell. by whom
she had no children, and who died some
years ago. She would have been 97 years
of age on tho 17th of August next, had -he
lived; and her brother W. E. Reed Sr., of
Butler, is the last remaining member of
her father's family.
HASELTIXE— At Warren, Trumbull Co.,
Ohio, Tuesday afternoon, July 19, 1892,
Mr. John X. Haseltine, aged 43 years, 2
months and 18 days.
Mi. llaselti nelost his life by falling from
a building. His remains were brought to
his home here by his employer. Mr. Julius
P. Firchow, and were interred in the South
Cemetery on Thursday 21st ult. A lar.'C
nnmlier of our citizens attended tho funer
al and there was a general expression of
regret at this sudden loss of life. Mr.
Firchow, the contractor of the building,
stated that it was purely accidental. Mr.
Haseltine leaves a wife and five small chil
dren, four boys and one little girl, to
mourn his loss.
THE one plain truth that every labor or
ganization in this tountry should recognize
is that every man kas a right to accept
employment at ■will and pursue it in
Plain Grove.
The Drake Relatives will hold their an
nual reunion at the residence of Archibald
McClure, one mile west of Plain (irove on
Thursday, Aug. 18, 1892. Come one.
come all, who are in any way related to
the family of Drake,and bring your friends
with you; also bring your lunch basket well
tilled anil your own knife and fork. All
dishes, etc. will bo furnished at the place
of meeting.
By Order of Committee.
Th H case of the Commonwealth of Teu
nesce vs Alice Mitchell for the mnrde of
Ferda Ward Was on trial in Memphis, last
A* Neck.
M jB The following Is from
K'Safc Mrs. J. W. Tlllbrook,
wife of the Mayor ot Mc
" My little boy 'Willie,
now six years old, two
years ago had a scrofula
Wlllie Tlllbrook. {, unc ij under one ear
which the doctor lanced and It discharged for
.ouie Un;o. We then began giving him Hood's
Sarsanarilla and the sore healed up. Ills cure
He has never been very robust, but now seems
healthy and daily growing -irongrr."
HOOD'B PILLB d" » ot weaken, but aid
anil tone tho stomach. Try them. 'J5c.
C 13
Rcadv for All.
Everything that iH now in Stiff
liatH. Qui- $1.50 and $2.00 fire
wonders for the money.
Kvir/ n M n.Q v in Soft Hats,
ranging in price from 25 eta. to s.*>.oo.
All the now blocks in Silk Hats.
Greatest line of Furnishing Goods
wo over had.
An inHpection willjbean advantage
to any one.
IlattL-rs and Furnishcis,
242 8. MAIN Htreot,
Butler, Pa.
int i nui»
Kverylx »c I v.
Beautiful I'ro-ctiit,; {.Lat meet all
demands uud satisfy all wuntH in
great variety to unit all tastes now
on exhibitton nt
Redick's Drugstore
Fancy goods and Novelties, Toilet
Articles and Notions While we ran
not describe or enumerate our great
variety, w.i mv v»ry Had to show
them to all visitors. We claim for
our stock excellence iuquality, va
riety in, design and reasonable prices
Whatever your wants may be,we cau
meet them with beautiful and apro
prietp selections Wo solicit a com
parison oi oil. goods and prices.
Knowing you will find our Holiday
goods the best and cheapest.
.J. C. It U I) I CK.
Grand Pianos for
Now Ih your ii».i • l » nclflct a t;oo<l i'lano;. you
tin not want •>> I»->i? t>«iL oi*« I'lano In your
thii'*. Ho wliil*- Krl*'« i.lntf oue it liio i»«*hL and
cln ajM'Mt to buy a l one,
of lloMuii hu«i o|»<*ii« <! a i'lano nn'l Origan
I'arlor a> No. • Kant. North .HI., *l»« f liOIUM
on •*«.ihlilou a im w liivolp- ol I'litoort from tho
v r, of of llotton. Ih«*y h « v»* a full
rU '• and bu Uow imi.. . ihi u tioti i«II it, (|ui6k
mi'l |m»w< rfitt; tliiry will H|a> in 'nno h»ou'<*r
thar» aii.v oih»*r I'lnno on amount of a rn*w
of tuning pltiw. that. I will ho to
Nliow ati'l "'xulalii. |*i"ai ' all ami fxainlno in>
[ore huyntf ••uK wlwri*. You 'NN HUVH money
oy |iOf« it I'lano of iik*. an«l u<*t an
luxlruuif'tit that yo4 CAI] fij u|>oti. nii'l "no
(ttii I will warrant, or i-» tflvr ••ullr<'
HaiiHfiu'f lon. I havo iri>ute and tunwl
Pianos and Organs
oroviir llydifn, th ir-fir kn iW how to Mleot*
nrf«M!t I'lano.
'4l H h:. North St.,
RIIPTIIRF ! vv ' iiielerMk-ne.l wcp
nut I UnL 1 entirely . ured of rn|>lur.. by
lir .1 It. Mayer. s.;i Arch st.. itiiiaidelpbla, Pa.
S Joues I'h 111 I i».t. Koufu't Square. I'a. ; T. A.
Krelty.. Slatlnifton. fa.; K. M Hioall. Mount
Alio, fa.; It. V M IISIH-riner. SOU bury. I'a.: H.
I lielh.l t. 211 H. I wcllth hi , IH'a'lliiK r».: Will.
I»l*. IMontrose Ml.. Itilla/tellihla; 11. 1.,
ltowe. :vn Klni St.. Id-iidini;. I'a . tleor«o and
Kh llnikiut, M Iwusl St., Kindinßi I'a. SJjnd
Jor tlrgulat
pom I
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of all in leavening strength.— Latest
I'. S. Government Foo<i llrport.
X. Y.
A (1) onrned
Administrator's Sals.
I'.y virtue of an orlor ot the Orphan-. Court,
of Butler CO.. Pa., at o. C. No. it, s<'pi. Term.
istr», anil to mc directed. 1 will expose to D'lblle
gale on the premises in Middlesex twp.. llutler
Co.. Pa.. 011
at l o'clock p. m.. wit'a leave to adjourn by
ftvtnz due notlee. aH that certain piece ot land
n said twp., bounded and di scribed as follow*
to-wu: on the north by lands of John liillo
land. east by Margaret McDonald, south b\
Dllliner and I .awhead and west by Ml< hael
Hughes; containing forty acres, llfteen of which
are of good white-oak timber.
TEKMS OF SU.E:—One-thlr I on comirmatlo N
of sale by the court,and the balance In two equal
annual payments to t«- so ured by bond and
mortgage, with attorney's commission of Ave
per cent, for collection If nece.- sary.
W. V. SI.OAN, Adm'r c T A
of Juscph I lavs, dee d,
VaVncla, PA.
J 11. MATKS, Alt y.
Orphans' Court Sals.
By virtue of an order of the orphans' Court,
of Butler county, the undersigned as adminis
trator of Ann fc. (irahani, late if Washington
twp., dee'd. will expose to public sale on the
at l-' o'clock M. of said day,all of thai certain lot
of ground sltuat'- at, "Milliards station," Wash -
ington twp . Butler county, Pa., front
ing u|.on "Valleystreet,' sixty feel and extend
ing back of sam" width IJO Mt> more cr less, to
allley. A small frame house, blacksmith shop
and other out buildings erected thereon.
TEKMS OK SAI.K One-third purchase
money in hand upon continual len or sab- by
Ihe the balance in two equal annual
payments with Interest, to be secured by bond
anil mortgage Including attorneys'commission,
etc., on said described premises.
.1. I*. UKAIIAM,
Adm'r of Aun E Graham, dee'd,
Moniteau P. 0., Butler Co. Pa.
McJunkln & Oalbreath, allyS for Adm'r.
July £Hh. lsyj.
I will sell my new three-story brick
business block at 315 South Main
St., on reasonable terms: also my
residence and two lots on McKcan St.
Alex. Williams.
(I. I). Harvey,
Contractor; and Dealer in builders
supplier—liitne, nand, cement, etc.
Ware-room near Campbell's Foundry.
Residence 315 North Main Htreet,
Butler, I'a.
MifTlin Street Livery.
VVM. BIKIIL I'rop'r.
One n'|usru west of Main St., on
MifHin St All good, Bttfe horßes;
new buggies and carriages. Landaus
for weddings and funerals. Open
day and night. Telephone No. 24.
V" otormar.v Hur^oon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Toronto, Canada.
I>r, Oublo treats all diseases of the
domesticated animals, and makes
ridgling, castration anil horse den
tistry a specialty, Castration per
formed wi'.bout clams, and nil other
surgical operations performed in the
most scientific manner.
Calls to any part of the country
promptly responded to.
Office and Infirmary in Crawford's
Livery, L 52 West Jefferson Street
liutler I'a
Fresh Seeds (now.
Fruit and ornamental trees
fresh from nursery, are
best and cheaj»est —no
agents here.
Beautiful Flower Seed,
Lovely cut llowers arranged
in richest designs. Illustrat
ed catalogue free of fruit
trees TRUK to NAM 13.
.1, K.&A. Mimloek,
508 Smlthfleld St.,
UiTH. I will ofTer.for HR|C a nuinhr or lots
slluatetl on the hlxli ground siljitoent tti 11. 11.
(lonelier. I. , au'l the Oijili.ui*' llome. Tlie
laoil Is laM out In H/|iiari a i.f bOGtcthlng less
lluui one acre, each sipiare helng snrroumleil
hy aftO-100l street, urift eouUtlnliiK live lots tu
feet front by I'si feet tfttck. I'li'-e lots nrc offer.
Ed at very reasonahlt) i>rtcc» iinrt on ii-rms io
KUlt purelutwers. 1 liune who wl-,h an entire
»i|Uare can be accommodated.
Al."*" 1 will sell my rami In Siiiiniilt town
shlp.sUnaleil williln oue half mile of the Duller
norou gh line, adjoining lands <«r James Kearns
end others, on the MUlerslotvn roaal. and con
Misting of 112 acres. 11 will be sold either as a
whole ordlvlded to suit pun h i ri.
I'or further Information In regard to either of
the .ilsive properties, call on J. t/. Sullivan, /js
Kjihl North Mtrrel., Hutler. I'a.
HE (jiVES ! f S A CALL.
And we're glad to see you I'nele
Sam. We can give you the best
bargains going in Summer Clothing,
Straw Hats, Light Underwear, Soft
Shirts, etc. Correct, thank you.
Come back again and bring the boys
220 S. Main St.. i i : Butler. Pa.
Is now permai:' ntly loeatisl nt iw Houth Main
Street liuller. I'D.. In ruoUi'l foruicily oni|i .d
by l>r. Waldron.
Adminfslrator and Eiecntor- of e-rate«
can secure their rec-ipt books at the Cm-
ZES office.
Trustss's Sals.
By ytitUß of an older an<i decree of the
orphans' Court or Rut It* county. P»»nn ». the
undersigned appoint*;!! ni««~ by Mid Court
for that jnirpo>*\ will oiler f<* sale nt public
vendue on the premises on
SATt RDAY, At Cl -T .-ith. lsiM,
at l o'clock I*. M-. of said lay. one liamlred
acres of land, more or less. JMuatt la Centre
towrntiip said eoun:jr. an 1 - .ate. Bounded, oti
the north by lands ot Israel Cniumer and
Hume* ». Mcfand! •-» on t". > ist by lands of
Hon. • M •' • ' ' south by a
nubile road, and u:? tl** w«. t By arui« of Janes
s Jones all £»*nce<l and in good cul
Ovation except about nttew •arm woodland.
L.00.1 brick bouse and frame barn and out
fiuUdt. as and or hard "1 all «ud« or fruit there
on wen 'watered and in all respects e.,unt.-d
anion.: tbe best improved and most productive
tarnw In said township.
TKKMS or -fcl.K: About nineteen hundred
dollars ol the purchase money to be paid on
conttrmation of sale by the t oun. or so much
as may be necessary to pay debts against *he
Lid costs of sale. Bond of purchaser to
be given for two-thirds of remaining purchase
money payable In one year from said contir
mallon ufsale with interest, and bond tor re
maining one-third to be given by purchaser,
tvnatileatthedeceasc ot Mrs. Maria Albert,
w idow of Andrew Albert, dec d. with Interest
thereon lroin the continuation of sale, said In
terest pay able annual!;' to »ald widow during
here lib' time. These bonds to be judgment
bond With usual waivers and attorneys commis
sions for collecting the same.
of the premises to bo given on tlrst of Novem
i,Pr, i-''j and crops, ll any then In the irmund
reserved. j„„ s c . MOOKK,
Trustee lor 11. ■ sale ot tbe rcalestate ol
Andrew Albert,deed..
McCandless P. O.
In the matter of the partition of the real
estate of Bacbael w^ner.dee'd. late ot Fatr
view twp., Butler to.. I "a. . _
Orphans't onrt. No. H.l, DtHvmber lerm,
By virtue of an order and decree of the Orphans
Court of Builer county l'a., I was, uu the stli
day of .lune, Iw.', appointed Trustee to make
sale of the rs al estate of Kacbael Wagner, dec d.
Therefore in pursuance of said order. 1 will cx
pose to sale at public outcry, on the premises
In Kalrvlew twp.. Butler I'ounty. Pa., at
o'clock r. M.. on
the following described two pieces of real
estate. _
Purpart No. 1, bounded and described as
follows: on the north by purport No. 2. of the
farm of Rachaci Wagner, dee d, on the east b>
lands of I>. VV. Mi t'lure and Kit Keep, on the
sotith by lands of W. .1. Campbell and west by
lands of Alexander Black, containing "s> acres
and IJO perches.
Purpart No. j, bounded aud described as
follows: on thi-:iar.h by lands of John Mc
CalTc.rty. the east by lands of .lohn SlcNatnara.
on the south by purpart No. 1. and on the west
by lands of Alexander Black, containing "O
acres, with lo* house and log -table thereon
TKKMS OI SALE: The said r.-al estate to be
sold subject to a tlrst mortgiige of and
interest. The purchaser or purchasers to pa>
its nucli cash on conflrmatlun of the sale as
will pay the costs and expenses of partition and
all unpaid debts of llachael Wagner, dee'd.
(excepting mortgage)and tlieexpense ol settling
her estate. The balance (excepting the
uiortKs<ce above mentioned) to no paid at 'he
death of Henry Wagner with Interest thereon
I payable to llenry Wagner yearly during hi*
lifetime, to be secured by bond and mortgage
011 the premises. The mortgage to contain a
SH. fa. claim and to privlib- for attorneys
commission of live per cent, for collection.
THOMAS n. c;Bi:t:i:.
Administrator. Trustee.
Orphans' Court Sals.
Ity vlrtuo of an order and ilecr'o ol llie
Orphans' Court.ln and for the county of llutler.
l'a . made at No. *. September term, isaj, tin
uiiderslgm-d adinlnlsfrators. with the will
Hltii' ol llenry KoHlue % r, late id Alle
gheny twp., said county and state, dee'd, for
the purpobe of raising funds to p;y the debts
of the deed, aud to carry Into effect the
provisions of his will, v. I I ofb-r f-r sale
public vendue on the respective premises, on
HATI'KDAY, AUtft'ST ST, 18!«.
at it o'cloi kA. M„ ol said day as to the first
tract of land hereinafter described, and at *
o'clock r. M-, of said day as to second tract of
land hereinafter dmttiC The first tnetaaa*
taliiing'd air' s more or ]••■', situated In town
ship, county ami stato aforesaid, buundot by
lands of K Itoblnson on Ihe north, on the cast
by lands of James Brown anil Urant's heirs, on
the south by lands of C. Blymiller and Isaac
Stelly and on the west by lands of J. I'. < raw
ford, Esq. Improved and under cultivation.
Keeond tract coutalntUK loacres.more or less
ail woodland, situated in the township, county
and state aforesaid and bounded by and
adjoining lands of Austin A. Kohbncyer. i
Itoblnson. lsijmiller. Black. Crawford & < o.
Title good.
I Ka.ws or ."AI.K: Cash on conllrinatloh or sale
by the Court.
June si. l«rj.
Sandy Point, llutler < 0., l'a., P, •).
K. Mi'Jr.vKtN, Alt'y
Administrator's Notice.
Letters id administration on tho estate
of'Janic- Y. ICnglish, dei 'd, late of I'rank
liu twp., llutler Co., l'a., having been
granted lo the undersigned all parson
knowing themselves indebted to -aid
estate will please mako immediate pay
ment, and any having claims against said
estate will presont them duly authenticat
ed for settlement to
Mk.n. Jakb Kxiiusii, i
W. P. KNULINH, Adm'r*.
L. R. lllilll—. >
Prospect, Pa.
JOHN M. TuoMrnon, Att'y.
Administrator's Notice.
JiOtters <d Admiiii. tratiou on tlio estate
of Pauline N'agier, dee'd, late of the
borough of Saxouburg, llutler county. Pa ,
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claim, against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated lor ujtueinciit to
Saxonhurg, Pa.
(iKKhtt it RALSTOX, utt'y*.
Administrator's Notice.
WlnTcttrt letter* of administration with
the will annexed on the estate «>T Joseph
Sloan Into o| \ mango twj>., iiutler Co.,
•I'II., dci d , have thiauay been "inaned by
the Kegixtcr of itaid county t<» the under
niguud, therefore nil pernons knowing
thnuiielvcl indebted to >-aid c>itata are re
(jneated to make immediate payment, and
any person having claim- agaiuat the
itaino will pi cane present the in properly
authenticated for settlement.
1., C. I'ABKH,
Admini trator with tho will annexed of
Joseph Sloan. doe'd., April -M, 1H92.
.Six I'uintv, liutler Co., Pa., I'. O.
K. M' JI NKIH, Att'y.
Administrator's Notico.
Letter* ol admin titration ha\ mg being
granted t<> tho undersigned on tho e late
ofltanicl Wirtu, dee'd., latu ol I'enn twp.,
liutler Co., I'a., notice i* hereby (riven to
all pei ion - knowing theinaelve* indebted
to sttid estate to miiko immediate payment
and those having claim* against the same
to present them duly authenticated for
aettloment. W«. If. Winn, Adm'r.
/.inn St., Kuoxvillc
Allegheny Co., I'a.
11. Y. WALKHK, Att'y.
Administrator's Notice.
OK WlVKlltfat* TWI'., BI'TLKa CO., KA.
Letter* of admini ,t rat ion having been
granted to the under ignoil all person*
knowing themselves indebted to said m
tale will pleitho maku iinmediuto payment
■si AN/ will (ÜBI itgaifirti the name
will present litem duly authenticated lor
M«tt lomcnt to
Jolia T. M V in IN. Adm'r,
Harvemv die, I'a.
Kxecutors Notice.
Letter* le lameotiiry having been i ned
to the undesigned on the <■ late of Alc\
under Wright, dee d, late ol Muddy-creek
twp . liutlci Co., I'« , nil per "iif. knowing
themselves in debt to -aid estate will
pica e make immediate payment, and any
baring claim* ii|/iiin*t said estate will
pri i lit them duly authenticated lor settle-
IllUllt to
J. W. K<'t»TT, K*'r.,
I'ortcrsville, liutler Co . I'a.
W. 11. Ll'*K, Att'v.
The well-known liveryman, Win.
Kennedy, will be pleatied to
have bin friurida call at bin new place
of biiMinoHH. Tbo
Bosl Morses, Huggies and C.»r
in liutler ut tlie uioat rt-aaon&blu
raten The place in cattily rcuicudmr
e<i. The lir*t Htable went of the
Lowrr IlytiMe
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
liutler, Penn'a.*
ArUUclaJ Teeth inserted on ttie Üb'nt tin
provill plan. < "OIJ KIIIIIIK U S|»* Ul'y. Office— J
over bcuaui a UOIUIUK Store. I
Presidential Campaign of 1892.
The Presidential Campaign of 1892 will, mrkra do-.o: ..# mtM.
inter.- iy .a:- r • . -x - ' -h» r..& ; - « ... A nj
country people will be extremely uikws to Un «B Um mml sod
political new ! the dtr m prwwetwl in a National
Journal, in ad ! • • I '.5 k r~»:> -
To meet thi wans we have entered into a cuattar* wita
The Leading Republican Paper of Iho
which enable* us to off* that apiendid ioarnai (ret-a -ir •* , ih-""ript»oa prse»
SI.OO per year, and THE CITIZEN ! - , ae
Kor only in n'lvarnv-.
"N. Y. Weekly Tribune." regular pri- e per re*.- tI.OO
"The Citizen" ... j 50
Total §2. SO
Subscription* mar begin at any tim-».
This ia the most liberal combination offer erer rtt .d* is ;»» l w „ |
States, and every reader of THE CITIZEN * sh»»i<l taV- ad* » - •»* t
at once.
Address all orders to
IH-I'J.KK. fA.
This Is The Lowest Rice
Ever given on a
Bed Room Suite
Solid, Polished Oak, glass 26x30, leveled plate.
FOR $23.00,
We olTer this suite for 30 days only.
Our Bed UOOlll Suite tor s| 1)
You can't get elsewhere for less than $23 to We don't r* ' v
ofler-the above goods at low prices, hut any f '<"
away down In price. All we ask you to . • *»r
stock and you will say as we do—best goods k. 'Of
store In the country.
Campbell & Tenipleton,
130 N. Main St., - - ttutler, l'a.
Hardware and House Furnishing (UHH\S.
fffi&FUnjfrr Washinir Mar' in. •*; the
Stam! ir-I Rotary S iuttlr
;" , „" ■> " •• y -l I.■ fl. . -
} 1,1 M> , * utichei* |wr minute; Ike Bio.
f" ~A I) tu- twin
SSSSsTfiSSt&ik S v*- r .tn-i F
S ..
M yi
m m
,ij 1/ »* manut si tnri-r iii tinwß e, tin
B roofing twi »p»»ntin_' a »[«v
--/y , ialty; the Joliw- i: >w r*,
reaper and steel frame binder, >mn vadv mix«t pint.
waircnted; nereeit doors and windov 1, refr , 1 f« «r 1 1 Uwti
No better plaC'" in tbe city t«> trade.
(!ome and w»e my larire *t> i - r< -in full <•(
(ir«wl mm tn .(.li.it ft.* <>'jr fi.-''
Nnr»«rjr Ktock. «l». " r '
paid wr.-kly IVi i> > ■ • »!•!•• • '
Kumnl'i"! Outfit i!'<
'i"t rwjuireil, V. f ■ in m tk. »{
«Ul <•>• <lul ill- 111*11 «>l * .■'!•» '•: w til j
work ami fi.llM* «»ur >u t, in. V. r u> 1
Tor turiiM at <m< •t« IK* ISi. UOI I
l,ak« V loir \t» ri B«.. h*-iirr, N V. |
Mniitloti ihi< paper.
FOII BAI.K One if the line*'
farm* in liullvr count jr. cuntainintf
18f, acre*; largo brick hou«'. large
frame barn, carriage *hcd and »ariou«
building, ..II in g»*>d repair;
well watered; ha* i larj." orchard,
good market adjoiniog premtM* for
all farm product* ConTenlent to
acb'iol* ami cburcbea. To a ijui.-k
bujrrr will moII tbia farm for much
I«mm than thw coat of tb« ». build
and on rrry re •. .. .nnble term
|j. 8 M-Jim im,
• jjf. K .led.rnonH t, Boiler, I'a
%%!» M HIMoK,
Urrui »K.ia Uimoki, UiTijia, I"*. |
Palrnusi February 25, IH9O.
.iff t la ,»"• -a*.at
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rwHjth »u;. f»* . v#»? f* j. .k n > <*<.*» **r "4
r-etfc' -n ' , n w9tl> mt .tiwr'ht «a. » —■!
Jf<*» w .. h ■«*, u4 ao p. at* m ?»«- f>««t ml
th' Ww-nir |. ~*n| pt«.rr In .1 «!•«»
•4 t" fnr'U' I' » «rr » »«'-!•
kawvtn thai >.» i t.nal (f.fc-.-u a tat whim
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m.»rt* putt.a. i- ■ r plain a*.™ ae« i.«* iwl
lw w
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i-r »: • atoff,.
i«itan> m «n>" r
luimi'in. can
kmb< iii iai a». >»w «n.t, ai ri n. rt.
i;»«i4 t)i! ! I'■*' rli n i^-vta
a tit! Art ts<n»! Ti-rO! t»i<i>«>»4 ll»tm a «»«*talt»
?mi»rn at V>tatrjr4 Air ar laai
iHIV. . i.' ¥h')»w t.tnr.fy .0* «| \M arr»
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«»«!.-»•)». •« * —*«» tvf rhu. .a. •.
Ad»»rtia« II» '^C.ruu,