VOL. XXIX. What Draws the Trade, What Holds the Trade, What Increases the Trade AT BICKEL'S Low Prices and Good Goods Does the Work- A Great Effort to Close Out all odds and ends will be made, and if low prices will move goods they will certainly go. The season being far advanced all summer goods must go at once. Read Our High Price Killer, It Makes Our Customers Happy anil i Competition Depressed. The Like Was Never Known. M« i.'t solid plow shoes $ 75 M> i»V • »ud-pegged, 2-backle, shoes 1 00 M i ' ..igh cut Creedmoor's tap «ole I 00 oil grain shoes, buckle or congress 1 15 M<-i».. OitlCf i. '.US. !»<•* M. awl j I to 3 J". At -' L. M. KEINSEL, M. D-, f i"I!\SICIAK AND M'iiliEOS. j Office and: at l-'T E. Cnnrilnßtum St. L BLACK, PHYSICIAN AND BUIWIOK, Now Trouliuan IJulWllutf. liuller. l'a. E. W. LEAKE. M. I>. K MANS. M. I). Specialties: Specialties. I and Sur - " >e - wroat 04 ® a " d I I b t - r > • DKS. LEAKE & MANN, Butler, Pa. li. . /.liSSUEKMAN. I'IIYsSXCiAN AND BUWJKON, j ofll< e .No. 4*>, s. Main street, over Fr.u*k & evs I>l \i% Butler, Pa. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. AO. i'i i-.i't JtftTH L i-t.. 11« r Pa. V. McALPiNE, Dentist, I is ~.>v. i ciiu.ir.tnllj i'Vattd • SK» SoiitU Main I street iiutlcr. 1 u„ iu looms lonii<-ili occupied by lir. W'aJdroti. L>K. S. A. JGIiKisTGN. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. Gold FUlii Extraction of Teeth and Artificial Teetl! without I'bites a siieeialty Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local An:estl:etles used. Office <;>t r Millers (irocery ea>l ol Umry House. Office closed Wednesdays ami Thursdays. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. Ailnitial Teeth Inserted en llie latest im proved plan, fiolil Filling a spoctalty. Office— over Sciiaul'b L'lotlnuic Store. C. F. L. McQUISTiON, ENGINEER AM) SURVEYOR, OPFICB m-.ah DIAMOND. Bsnuia, I'A.: t A. B. C. McFARLAND. Att'y at Law and Notary Public—Office on S. niix) at No. 8, South Diamond, liutler. Pa. A. M. CHRJSTLEY, ATIOKNEY )AT LAW. Office second floor. Anderson Bl k. Main St., near Court Mouse, Butler. Pa. NEWTON BLACK. Atl'y at Law Office on South side of Diamond Butler. Pa. . % J. w. HUTCHISON, A'JTORKKY;AT LAW. Office on second floor of the Jluselton block, Diamond, Butler, Pa.. Room No. 1. IRA McJUN KIN. Attorney ftt Law. Ofllec at No. 17, K;isr JefTer *oll ttt., BuMer. r«i. • W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at l.r.w and lieul Estate Of fire rear of 1.. Mitchell's offlco on north side of Diamond. Boiler, Pa. H. H. GOUCHER. Attornejr-at-law. Office on second floor of Anderson btllldlni,'. near Court House, Butler, Pa. L S. MeJIINKIN, Insurance anil Real Kstale As'l 17 Jv*BT JF.FKKRSON HT. HUTI.EFt. - PA. Ht :Ti HR V- M i NTV Muln.ii Fire (nsura.iCH Cn. Office Cr»r. Main & C 1 rutini?>«n {>;s. fl. C HKINKMAN, hf ECRETAUY. DIRECTORS: AlfnMi Wick. Henderson Oliver, l»r. W. Trvln, •lamefi Slephenwvn 9 W. \V. Illackmore, N. Weltzel. K. Bowman, I». T. Noma, (leo. Kettorer. ( li;m. K*»bliun, John (Jroliman, John Koenlnr:. LOYAL S. lIMUNKIN, Agent. DR. JOHNSTON'S IMPROVEiVIENT IN DENTAL PLAI ES. Patented February 25, 1890. (-'.mm"!! to one fourth tli:» usual structeil on true ineeliaiilcal principles, fit the mouth Willi perfect Bi-eurauy. Any number of teeth can be put in without extracting any trood teeth you inav have, anil no plato in the roof ol the inouth. The patent plate Is specially adapts ed to partial lowei dentures, since It is wel knowu that the dental iiroleaslou have nothlni; successful to offer In that line; and further more , partial lower plates have not nor cannot be successfully made by mi 11^,^ any other knowii nnahod. 'llils Is an Important mat - ter when we take lntolir f consideration that lower v ? MPi iwth are as necessiiry a.s upper. For further lntormatlon, call at llaoms 111 E««t ieffVnioii Strict, HITLER, l*A. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. G u * It Cor** CoM» Csuf ha. Sore Throat. CrauD. In fl a - .:;i., Whaapinf Coaca, Uroaobiti. at.d Aathiaa. A certain car. far Caoaamptian in firat ctafea, a>4 a aura relief ia ad.anceil atagca. Yea will aee the aaaalleat effect aftar taking the flrat doaa. ■old \rj dealera everywhere. Large tsttlaa, M mil aad 11.00. CHAPTER XV. ON BOARS THE AFIK. There was no need for Arthur to ask any questions, when he was roused in the middle of the second night after Uncle Plan's departure. He realized at once what was required of him, and the heaviness of sleep instantly vanished, leaving him keenly wide-awake. Step ping softly from his bed, he quickly dressed, while the old negro gathered together every tiling belonging to his "lil marse," and placed the things in a corn sack that he had brought for that purpose. "Is that yo' book, honey?"' ho whis pered, noticing the volume of fairy tales lying on tho bed. "Yes. that is ray own precious book, that tho beautiful lady pave me; but don't put it in tho bag, Uncle Phin; I want to carry it myself." Then the thoughtful little fellow, sinco ho could not bid Cynthia good-bye, and feared sho might feel hurt If he went away without a word, begged his companion to wait just a minute, while he wrote her a note. Ho wrote It by the bright moonlight, on a bit ot brown paper, with the stump of a lead pencil, so that it was not a very elegant production, but it answered its purpose, and was tenderly cherished for many a day by the little girl who received it tho next morning. In it, in a big, scrawling, boy ish band, was written: "Dear Cynthia: I have been so much trotfble here, specially to Aunt Nancy and Dick, that I am goinft away with Uncle Fin, to find another home. I love you dearly, and sometimes I hope 1 shall Come back and see you. Good-bye, from "Your loving oousin, Arthur." Although the old negro was In a hur ry to be off, he waited patiently while Arthur slowly wrote this note To him writing was oru> of the most mysteritn* and difficult of arts; and, gazing admir ingly at tho young penman, ha stir mured to himself: "What a fine lilly gen'l'man him be, to bo shuah. Iltm only ten year ole; but sottin' dar an er wrltin' liko ho was a hundred." When tho note was finished it was pinned to tho pillow of the cot bed; and, with a lingering look at tho placo that had sheltered him for a year, tho child stepped out and softly closed tho door. Then, clasping his precious book tightly under his arm, and trustingly following tho old negro, Arthur started on the wonderful journey that was to change tho whole course of his lifo, though he was still ignorantof thoir destination. When they were safoly behind tho barn, out of sight and hearing of the house, Uncle Thin stopped and said: "Dero's only ono t'ing trubblin* dis yeah 010 woolly head. Will you tell, honey, fer shuah, what way do ribbui ober yander is a runnin'?" "Which, tho Allegheny? Why south, of course," answerod Arthur, wondering at the question. "Dat's what I 'lowed it done!" ox claimed tho old man. "I knowed it didn' run yeast, kase dat ar' way do sun rise, an' X knowed it didn' run wes\ kaso dat ar' way him a settin'; but I wasn' rightly shuah liira didn' run to do norf. I was figgorin' all do time dough on hiin runnin' to do soul, an' now wo'll git back to ole Virginny easy an' 6artin." "To Virginia!'' cried Arthur, in dis may. "Aro wo going to try and go way to Virginia, Uncle Phin?" "Ob coso we Is, honey. Wo's or gwino to Virginny, an' Dalecourt, an' yo gran'paw, an' de 111 010 cabin by do magnole troo. Wo is gwino to go 'omo shuah 'nough, honoy." "But how aro wo over going to travel so far?" "You'll seo, honey. You'll seo d'reck ly," chuckled the other. "I'se got a great s'prise In sto' fer you. Hyar's do kerrldgo a waitln' on us now, an' Mista Bailas is gwino dribo us to do kyars." They were now on tho road, at some distance from tho house, and as Uncle Phin spoke, Arthur saw drawn up to ono sido in the shadow of a clump of trees Braco Bar low's team and leaning against tho light wagon tho young man himself. "Oh, Brace!" ho cried, springing for ward the moment ho saw who it was. "I'm so glad! I didn't want to go away without seeing you again. Are you really going with us?" "I wish I could go with you all the way, my boy, and seo you safe to your jour ney's end, but you know I can't leave my old mother. So lam only going to glvo you a lift for a little way and seo that you get a good start. Jump in quick now, for we've got a long drivo ahead of us and I must be back by day light." As tho spirited horses dashed away over tho moonlit road with Arthur TIIK SPIRITED HOUSES X>AS!!KD AWAY OVER THE MOONLIT «OA 11. nestled between Brace and Uncle Phin on tho single seat of tho wagon, tho boy learned bow it hap pened that his friend had boon induced to aid them in their flight. Undo Phin had gone directly to him two nights be fore, and roused his indignation by de scribing the unhappy lifo his young charge was loading, and how much he suffered at the bands of Mrs. Dustin and her children. Tin n ho told Hraoo of Dalecourt, and gave him to understand that Colonel Dalo was ready to receive his grandson with open arms, whenever bo should go to him. Tho kind-hearted young follow, enter taining a sincere regard for tho llttlo chap who had recently rendered him so great a service, readily agreed to a plan that promised so much of good to the boy, anil willingly consented to assist him and Undo Phin to make a start on their journey. 110 devoted two whole days to tho task of preparing for It, and did so much more tlian Undo Phin had dared ask or hope for, as to win the old man's everlasting gratitude anil render the first stage of thoir journey compara tively easy. For some time Arthur enjoyed the exciting night ride over tho steep mountain roads, across deep valleys, and through forests, all haOiaul tu t.h« i/luriuus. unclouded moon BUTLER, PA., JULY 39, light. Ito did not asjk wtiither bo was being taken. Nestled warmly botween his two best friends, ho felt perfectly safe and happy. lie knew that they would do what was best for him, and tho very mystery and uncertainty attending this part of tho journey had lent it a fascination. At length his weary head nodded, tho heavy eyelids closed, and, sound asleep, ha was unconscious of his surroundings until tho horses stopped and ho attepke to find himself being lifted from tiie wagon. There was a gleatn of moonlit water in his oyes, and as he dimly realized that he was on the bank of a river, strong arras boro him into the cabin of a queer-looking crafk that lay moored to tho forest trees, lloro tho boy was gently laid down and was vaguely con scious that Braco Harlow vas bidding him good-bye, when tho sleepy eyelids apain closed and the child passed on into dreamland. Tho young man stood looking at the sleeping boy for a full minute. As he did so he said, softly: "Dear little chap! I hate to have you ro away and to think 1 may never see you again. Hut I sup po£o It's the best thing to be done or I wouldn't have lifted a hand to help it along. I only hope it will come out all right, and that you'll have a happier life in the place you're going to than you ever could have bad here. God bless you." It was a benediction as well as tho farewell of one bravo soul to another. As ho uttered it the young man slipped a bank bill between two pages of tho book the boy had clasped so closely, but which hail now fallen from his hands. "It's little enough," ho said to him self, as he turned away, "but it's all I've got, and may be it will help him out of a fix some time." Then he went out to assist Undo Phin, who was casting off tho fastenings of the boat and prepar ing to push it from the shore. In another minute tho olumsy little craft had swung clear of tho bank and was moving slowly down stream, in tho shadow of the great trees that grew to the water's edge. Hrace Barlow watched it until it beeamo a part of the shadows, and he could no longer dis tinguish the white-headed flguro bend ing over the long sweep, that was made bo do duty as a steering oar, or rudder. Then ho again mounted the seat of his light wagon, and started on his long homeward drive, feeling more lonely than he had over felt in all his lifo. -1 The craft on which the old man and the sleeping boy were now slowly :driftingdown tho broad, moonlit stream, ;was a tiny house-boat, such as are com mon on all American rivers. It had floated down, empty and ownerless, with the high waters of tho preceding spring, and had stranded, and had been left by tbc receding flnnd, nt tho point whero Uncle Phin discovered it somo weeks before. It was a small, flat-bot- (THERE CAME A CRASH AND A •ilOf K THAT FLUNG HIM VIOLENTLY I TO THE FLOOR . tomed scow, on which was built a low 'house, ten foet long and si& wide. This , house contained but a single room; and [beyond It, at either end, the deck of the ;scow projected about four feet. At each fond of the house was a door, and on 'each side a square hole or window that fclosed with a wooden shatter. ' At tho stern was a steering , oar, as has been stated. It hung 'on a swivel and its long handle iprojected up over the end of the roof, on ' which tho steersman stood. From each 'side of tho roof hung a long, heavy 'sweep, hy means of which the craft jmight be slowly propelled, or turned in 'any desired dirocticn. When not in (use, the lower ends of these could be lifted from the water by ropes attached ,to thoir blades, and fastened to the sides of tho house. A rude ladder reached from each of tho little end decks to tho top of thereof. The whole affair was strong and is good condition; but rough and unpainted. ! When It came down with the flood and stranded on the river bank, It contained :nothing in tho Bhape of furniture save a [couple of rude bunks built against the [sides, the same number of rough (benches, and several shelves put up fliere and there In convenient corners, j Uncle Pliin had not thought of inak 'ing use of this stranded craft, when he j first found It among the trees that he ! was marking to bo cut down for tiro [wood. Ho slept in it ono night, and , merely regarded It as a convenient shel 'ter that ho could occupy wlien working In that distant and lonely place. When, (however, ho and Arthur conceived the s idcaof running away, and he made up Ills mind that if they did, it must bo to {travel in the direction of Dalecourt, a vision of tho llttlo old house-boat crossed his mind. j If it could only bo got into tho water, and should prove to bo tight and sound, 'how easy and pleasant it would bo to 'float down the river on it. Whenever they had gone as far as they saw lit by ! water, they could probably sell the boat for enough money to meet their ox .penaes on tho rest r> 1 the journey. It ,soeined a fine scheme, and Undo Phin hastened to lay It before Braco Barlow and ask his advice concerning it. The young man listened to It with jgreat Interest, and th«n they drove V> take a loOk at tho stranded craft. J After a careful examination Bruce said 'that, with a little calking of its seams, the boat could bo mado tight and river worthy, and that Undo I'hln's plan 'seemed to him a first-class one. Ho furthermore offered his own labor, and 'the uso of his team, to help prepare tho craft, for Its voy»#e. and get it onco more 'afloat. i This offer was most gladly accepted, 'and the two succeeding days had been Uusy for both men and horses. 11 ]was found necessary to make several trips back and forth between Braco Har row's house and the "Ark," ns he called the boat. There tbey calked her open seams, and smeared them thickly with 'pitch. They constructed a rudo track, ot straight, young tree trunks, from the' Imat to the water into which, aided by rollers, long levers tknd the horses, they 'ttn&lly succeedod-Jn launching her. 1 1 A ftftr this they hadthe sweeps to inako, i»nd. as they had no stove, Uncle I'hin ibuUy» ruee*»lljr In Ktery TVell- KrgoUted llou*eholo kept under glass or itx tin or earthen ware, not in wood. Hot Witter for Hemorrhage*. I I)r. Hutchinson recommends for tho treatment of bleeding at tho nose the ( plunging of thu feet and hands of tho i patient in water as hot as can bo borne. ( lie says t hat tho most rebellious cases have never resisted this modo of treat- | ment. f'lrunliiK Gold Jewelry. To clean gold jewelry make a lather of plain yellow soap and tepid water and wash the ornaments in it; dry them thoroughly anil afterward brush them with a littlo dry whiting, finally polish ing them with a very soft leather. A Scientific Kiperlmeot. Mrs. Glanders— You aro not golngonit to-night, are you, John? Glanders—Yes, love, I can't very vvt'l 1 get out of It I promised some of the mcmlfcrs of our scientific club that I. would join tliem t/>-night in an interest-! lng experiment known as incarnadining) tho municipality. Mrs. Glanders—ln that case it's all right I was afraid you wero-golng to some drinking place.—Truth. No Wonder She Died. A Scotch clergyman was lately de pleting-beforo a deeply interested audience -the alarming Increase of in temperance, when ho astonished his hearers by exclaiming: "A young woman In my ucigbltor hood died very suddenly last Sabbath,,! | while I was preaching the gospel in it statu of Iwastly Intoxication."—lris! w Times • I'ocir, Hut I'roiiil. Mr. Sllinparse— Come, it's time we started for .Mrs, Wnyup's reception. If ,j we hurry wo can catch tho next ear. My graciousi Why are you streuUing. your wraps with mud? Mrs. Slimpursc —To malte it look as if we hail trano in a carriage. N. Y.. ? Weekly lloiieat ua limy. "Oh, yes; Op|>cnhciiucr \ hut. honest He paid his chief tfreilitor in Jfull tindt ' do inlilers tventy |>cr cent" ."Who vhas dot chief gredlt/>V?*" "Mrs. Oppcnhcimer."—Jury.' TWENTY GOOO RULES. How to Untro) Llm un Chirki u4 RM (hr r->altrjr lluaM at Thrai. \ i. When chi.*ks dr< *>p and u >pe *r sick wilt»mt can«r. f«p«i»lly in to the head* S»d mcVv i. If jrou find thenaid a few drop* of grease of anj kind. A teaspooafal of oil of pennyroyal to a enpful of lard ik excellent. ) I. Look under the wings for tlx* nd lice, but utt> only a few dri>ps of the lard. 4. Sever grease the bodies of the chicks unless lightly, at grease will often kill theui. 5. Sever use kerosene on chicks, un less it be a teaspoonful of lcer<>«ene to ' a temenpful of lard, as it is irritating. 6. Crude petroleum is ulwa.v excel- i lent, and serves as a liniment. but mu it with twice it* (quantity of iard. 7. Keep the dust hath ai way:, ready. ( l*so tlry dirt or sifted coal ashes. Add carbonate of lime. Persian insect pow der or oil of pennyroyal to the dirt. 8. To rid the house of Hee, sprinkle 1 coal-oil everywhere—floor, wall*, moats, yards, roof, inside and outside, and re- j peat often. V. Oust insect powder in the feathers, I and be sure it is fresh and guxL 10l i'ut insect powder and tobacco dust in the nests. Clean them out every j week. 11. Kven when DO lice inajr be pre*- i ent, use the sprinkler of kerosene at ! least once a week; and keep the roost t m 1 Wav s sat urated. 1-2. No matter how clean things may appear, look for the large lice on th* . heads, throats and vents. IS. Lice abotrad both In winter and , summc:, but more especially in sum- I incr. 14. Onc-lialf the chicks and young ) turkeys die from lice. thtaks or tur» j keys with hens, or turlssy bans, always | have lice (either the mites or largo { ones). 15. Corbolat* of lime is the cheapest powder to uso for dusting over the floor and walls. 16. Always aim to get the solutions or powders into the crack* and crevice®. 17. The easiest and beat way to whitewash is with a force-pump Th*y are now made to fore* water from a bucket. 19. When your chicks have bowel dis ease, look for the big lice. 19. No mites need be present where i plenty of coal-oil and carbolic arid are used. 20. I.lce means work. Repeat theoa precautions and remedies frequently.— Farm and Fireside. BUFFALO TREE HOPPER. Tba lawrt I'nl Hkltk Attacks awl Do- j itrojrl Fruit Trees. 1 .wad specimens of apple affected with sane j Insect Has the Insect an? thing to do with the | blighted part* Soou orchards are badly at- 1 fee ted. Specimens of the work of the same j insect have also been received from j others with the statement that "the 1 scars are found entirely on one and two I years' growth and on apple, erah, pear. I willow and currant wood. The wood immediately under each cot seems to be dead, and some limbs that nevus to have been attacked last 'year are dead and black in the center into the heart of the tree. The insect is the Buffal*^ j tree hopper (Ceresa bubal us). In addV- I tion t<> the plants above mentioned it [ may h« said that maple ".rees are af- I fee ted in like manner. The dirret io ; jury is the result of puncturing the l>arW for the deposition of which egga can be found by cutting away a small ■lice. Tho insect which lays these i* a I i a 6 I 111 rKAI.II THJiK IIOfI'KU AMD fcOO Pt'Sfr Tt'JIKD TWIO. triangular green bug with aharp spine* at the front of the body, and mar be found quite plentiful in autnmn. at which time the eggs are laid. Reme dies arc difficult to apply, as the insect occurs on such a variety of trees. and at the time the 1 dam aire is done is not likely to be ! noticed at <>n valuable j could doubles* l«e destroyed if sprayed with kcriMt'nc emulsion when dej*»it ing egg*. but it would be necessary to keep earefnl watch to attack It at the proper time, and this mnst necessarily be before egg deposition ban fairly com menced to be effective. In aprinjr the infested twig* could he cut off and burned aud thus reduce the coming brood; but when the inseets have been abundant this would Involve very severe pruning, aud if other t rues were plenty in the vicinity it ctnild be but partially effective. Where young orchards ar» isolated from otlier timber it might prove an advantage. It might aim be of advantage in young orchards to spray the trees thoroughly with kerosene emulsion shortly after the rggn have hatched, a* the young hoppers would then be easily killed, and the foliage not being so dense as later In the season would them more expound to th« spray. The blighted portion* of the twigs do not seem to depend trpon this . insect, though it may in some cases kill the twig attacked.- -Orautfo Judd farmer _________ > Hrir.llntllnff KI raw berries. _ A%new variety of strawberries la R ing cultivated in New Jersey, which diff.trs frojn t lie others in being self hulleal when harvested. That i». the* hull ciimea off when the lierry is picked, giving"the large end of the berry the appearance of a red raspberry, the stem being left on the vines. I* should prove an excellent kind for family use, as it may not be suitable for shipping. THE KAHTKK MM* HIMT. Hnddi nly " \ ("hkk- I j Chorus of Inhabited Voteae—Bo say j we all <>f —Golden Pays. •fari l rar««l Ills "John," said Mr*. Harkin*. "there I are burglars downstair*. "Very well, my dear. Oo tell th«n I to move on." "Why, you awful brute!" "Why? You requested me not to Id- j terfere in domestic matter* last night. hwr. l v this la one."— Harper s Haxar. A M t. lyTaßßU—■ "Wonder why It is that the news paper humori«A alwaya makea fun of the spring poetaud never says any thlag about tho summer and winter poetaT* "One* the new»pa|K r huaior»a|»M«»t be summer and winter poctl WH | >TO. 37 COVER FOR HAYSTACK. Jul Ilw Thiac fee a tsaU m Baa to !*>rae time ago w»» gave tha family tion of a hay burrock. wh!eh ta un doubtedly an excellent thing for Um lurv hay tucker, bat It ia qnitt oat of the question with the small farmer whose supply of hay is dotormtoed more by hia own mil or by the m»' tloo of crops foil. < wed »at oa hia farm. It frequently eccurs that oat the so smaller farms there are prodacad a faw tons more hay than th«r* ia maw roaas for in the bar a. and tUs moot, aa ruitriiu suo' roa ««r ar*«;**. rale, be stacked oat. with no pa Utes tioo. A large proportion of it Is always loot, and in case of para etoaartkhad better be left in the M 4 than .mabait without protection froa the ■ sulk sr. The following ia a practical rtof an Oovertng in oso by ma. and aMtb «* known to serve ilf purpeaa wall Tha required materials ara a number <*f os> inch boards, a foo* or annro la width, and as ioug aa the ataek to be LiwaTnd, some wire, -uch as ia used tor Mai alia fenc ing aod some staple*, tha whoio shown ia tha accompanying rota. Rrginr..ng at tha ridga. a hoard ia laid oa and the wire which esteaate down each side of tha Mnak ia itsgisJ M ■sr mri ■mm. foot; a second board la plaead atoter this an that tha lap la about mm 1* liss or * trifle mora, and attfM IM aa show* in tha rtrstgw. This la upaaSi il on either aide of tha stock altar tha fashion of a common hoard root antil i lt reaches well down toward the ground. Finally, to pevaaat tkroW ! from blowing it nM. It to aiigbtol down by hanging a heavy atone la the ■ end of each wbr*. For a toag stack tha «wr should ha made (a throe saotloaa. tha middle one slightly overlapping the other two —J. Marion (ML to iMfl New Yorker PETTING THE COW. like win —pair »In liana— w«P a Snag* rer Cwt. rfIMS. If we will treat oar comma* stoak a* the improved breed* ol cattle ara treated, we shall have sorb a aiaiiai - fnl Improvement that thaae or opts who pervist ia denying tha bewellta at rec ord* wD! beeoma more nod Ma MOB than ever in decrying pedigree. *luh IM* will ha lamented lor thaw saha. tha resoits will ha pvaAtahla ta thugs wha take tha pains to show tha eoauaom cow as much regard as In i cnchsafcd to the little Jersey. AH animals repay good, kind treatoient. Tha Arab baa the Una apeefasea of horar which is called the "Arab haraa" mora by kindnesa than anything slae. Tha hotae ia a member of hi* fsmfly. hia children play with tha eaM, and tha raanlt Is that any good qaaHty ta tha animal is dovakipad highly and ail tha bad qualities ara subdued. Tha salea ble parent stud tea tha natiaa of Ma child until he thorooghly understand It Ue finds certain marked tandeaataa 1 WMeb he desirea to curb, a Arm. ! kind lowing goveriunant ha aoacsufc. Aa a ml- he wfll manage tha eMI hot make a better maa and hay oat aC Mm If he makes a coaapaaw mi Ma aad teaches htm to lo*a him with all Mo heart, than ha caa ia any uthar was. All this is true of tha animal, asps si ally of tha cow. She ahoald be patted; aha should be taught that thaoa whan* da ties or wishes bring them lata contest with her are her fitnads Whawßltheaa have confidence, aad wll rrpay tt with a large par cent, '-of pndt-fanlri' Voice. BrmmJtmf allot Canst The breeding at high -tlaaa mWnh cows abould la a protaMe bsadaaaa, ta theoa day a of such rapid davalipsaaat at dairy interests ta thla coantry. Heiters pr»»luccd from well knows luUktng stuck, and which show that the quali ties desirable ia a dolrj hare haoa transmitted, are cer*alaly a kind a# property which shnaaid always ha Ma to command ready sole. Thorough brcds of special dairy hraadaara gam erally too high priced far aa* M thla way, but c>ald undoubtedly be aaad to breed from to groat advantage High heifers which caa ho aoM at a reaaonable figure should meet a good market amy wham. Ti ms Is* Voiea. Tb* HorM'a R.HWI ri ao illia Tha largest bee keener la the worM la Vr. Harbison, of < oliforaia. wha has 6,0*0 colonies, producing JMB.aao pnanda of honey yearly. Ia tireeee there ara *Bo. ax* colonies, producing s,**a*oa pounda of hooey; in I*maaa*k NM producing 1,0M,m, ia Rosaia ItS.OOa producing i,OW,MI; la HoUaad prodakcmg rt.000,000; ia Fraaoo MUM. producing i3,800.0*a, in Germany 000, and in Auatria I.SM.WO, eaah pro during t0.000.000 pound* of hoaey. But In the t'olted States there are S,»*a3oa colonies, belonging to W.m» boahssp ars, and producing «J.ooa,oaa pnonata mt honey yearly. Exci rarvx corn fa > ding often annaan leg weakness with young poultry. DoMMNrtfei AMslttaat "1 hope our boy ml taha aftav ycm," growled Mra Candlo. *"Ho *ml amount to anything If bo lon " "Well I hope he woa*t toko after roa, either," retorted Mr. COodla. "tf ha does he will baa lecturer of tha dsQart type."—Bisxiklya LUa CtaaaA Tba are that oftaa snt laijueaj flsokea Rbeutd be tmprißoeea «mk any hoasa no Tiwr roa iirrutilna* Miaist* ■ Nw, gtva Oio MMo y«ar right hand, and Oroona—Cant spore at, aqaara Mar two bcothara was only about haM a mllo behind oa, an' thay may git bare any mlnatol—Fack.