j -Paris Robes Belford Cord- | —J I New Spring Dress Goods iA FOR EARLY BUYERS: We received this • pcj week our first shipment of New d O Spring Dress Goods and through this advertisement we extend a at cordial Invitation to you to come , W and Jook through our stock | whether you wish to purchase or O 5 aot M S-TROUTMAN'S-S • 2 Leading Dry Goods and Carpet 7 House. | -Henrietta Serge ssoo.oo To Any Parson who Can Prove that the Adriance Rear Dis charge Binder Is Not Perfection' "We Guarantee the Adriance Binder To do as jnod wfilc witti 1«m power than us/ binder on the market. "We do not Mk JOB to My the maohfne tmtfl we prove it on yonr own farm. "Why wonld yon bay the old stjls, MV olamey, grain-thresh in*, horse-killer, elevated binder, that re nins an extra man on hilly ground to keep it from upsetting, when yon oan get one that is low down, one cannot be upset, one that is light and neat, and will not tkraeh oat grain, one that is nearly as fight draught u a single reaper, and ono that does not require trosfts for transportation and will pass through a ten foot gate? If yon dispute the statemttt, challenge as for a field trial with AST or ALL binders on the ■net "We will gladly meet you. It will do as good in the fatnre as well as it has in the past It would not be the first time. The Adriance Binder has come oat victor ious In many field trials in thit country, as well as in Europe, England, Germany and Ifeanoe, wharf the Adriance Binder has taken gold and silver medals from each. It yon dispute oar wbrd, challenge us; you oan always find us at 320 SOUTH McEEAX BUTLEB, PA. Call and see sample binder. We Lead AD Competitors ii Binder Twiie. ii Prices aid Qulity We are Ahead. "We bought early and oan sell twine at what it now costs whotesale. If you are in Mad of a Plow, Harrow, Grain Drill, Cora Drill, Cultivator, Shovel Plow, Binder, Beapar or Mower, Hay Tedder, Hay Rake or Hay Loader, or Farm Machinery of any kind, Vending, tc., call and see us. If we do not have what you want in machinery, we oan at least show yen the largest assortment of Baggies, Barries, Phaetons. Spring Wagons, Carts ana Farm Wagons you ever saw in one place. We do not handle the cheapest rigs en the market, bat we handle and pun-antes oar rigs to be the best for the money we ask for them. We have oontrol of the Toangstown Carriage and Wagon Oo.'s goods in this place. Their work is second to none in quality and fiitsh. If you doubt this call and we can easily convince you. Low prices and square dealing !§ oar jfotto. W. F. Hartzell & Co. W. F. HARTZELL. HARRY STEPP. FIVE MORE FACTORIES LOCATED AT ELM : Bringing a Total of 800 More Employes, Which Means an In oreaae of 4,000 Population Before the Year Is Out. And a corresponding increase in values. 80 buy at fl!n once. KDwooa will then have mote factories and more IH ssnploysa than some cities <rf 7,000 population. Thirty additional residences are now building, and 200 more an needed tor homes of the employes and their families who will be in Kllwood by September Ist. Ten per " 'X cent a year In tbe renting of bouses for all wbo buy and build. Every boose rented as soon as plans are R l^ "SsiaftaMflMiH "M* "" •7 s ' * THB PHBLEBB LEAD GLASS WOBKS, formerly of Ptttsburgb. makers of tbe celebrated Leal elass Cbiaueys, most be making glass la Kllwood City by Anjfustutb in tbelr new bulld tag, US feet KLLWOOD CITY kas Coal, natural Gas. Fire swa- flp-f* Si SSSS tbelr force until It Is (01IW, tomeet the present demend for tbelr hlgb grade colored glassware. • « KLLWOOD CITY has eompetltlve freight rates wmmti+M. __ Three great trunk line mratemK Tbe B. &o. (Pgb t *'»>• P. B. B. ( Ft. Wayne) and tbe Lake Shore (P- * L. E.). sad, being within tbe to-inile circuit, has I'lttsburgh freight rates. No switching ijggtß charges nor transfer charges at Elwood City. BTIHKITTAIOCIJ® FOUKDBT CO., abranchofthe Vulcan Foundry, of Pittsburgh. Is new electing a building at Ellwood 1. 2 and 3 stories high. 11400 square feet on the ground floor. They will employ 50 Ms at starting. Will make stoves. machinery castings. etc. THB FULMOES BUCK CO., makers' of Fire Brick. Favlng Brick and Bed Brick, have located M nivrood CMf a vary extensive and oomplete plant. They contract to manufacture Brick An extensive BOX FACTORY has also contracted for tbelr building at Ellwood City. THE ELLWOOD SHAFTING AMD TT'BK CO.. now making seamless drawn steel tubing countryis constantly Increasing its force, will em- TRB ELLWOOD KNAMET.ING CO. also is engaging a large number of employes. AND SKVEBAL OTHEB large Industries ate now negotiating for locations. ELLWOOD CITY la Mot So Hear Pittsburgh as to Destroy the Business of Its Local : Merchants, and therefore It is a Good Place In Which to Invest. ELLWOODIMPfIOVENIENT CO. ACTS, ■U.WOOD CITY, LAWRENCE CO., PA. PER CENT. 1U First iirtfap Lians No tax, commlsalon or fees. Interest payable semi-annually by New York draft. Perfect se curity Highest reference. BIAS. V. IEID, Fairlivu, Wuhiigtia. JOHNSONS 4#ODYH^ LINIMENT v ke-v O7 , \J v ftf BTOBUL isd XXIXWAL us/** A» —GENERATION AFTcR GENERATION OA _ HAVE CHED ASD BLESSED IT. 07 **INC-H€> V Dropped on Sugar f Children I*ov+ Tt. Krery Trareler should have a bottle of it In his Mk-hcL Every Sufferer ££"ZZZgZ Zt Tim HexUche, IMpMherU,Ocmghi. < *t»rrh, Hn.nrl.itU, Cholera Morbus, PUrrhom, Lairo nerii, In Body or Limb*. Stiff Joint* or Strain*, will Stiff In ItUa old Anodyne relief and weedy cure. Pamphlet tree- Sold er.-iywhero. Price A.eta.br niafl. t b<<tl«, S||||lM laid, sl 1. SjSOHNSO* A CO.. Burros. ILua. Tot Sorses, CatUe, Sheep, Dogs, Son AND POULTRY. 5 0«P.«e B.ok K Tr« 8 .-e.«.fAol-a.. tt. i r r-£:xs!r:.\ l r.i a K:rr l " B.B.—strain*. , Khraasailaai. C.C.—Diateaper, Naaal Ulaekargea. D.D.—Bol* er Grabs, Warms. K.E.—< ongli», Ileavea, Paeamaaia. C'alie ar Cirlpr«, Bellyache. O.ft.—Miwirriair, llrmorrli»«r«. H.H.—l'liaarT aaS Kldnry Ulitraara. I.l.—Erapiive Dlaeaaes, Mange. J.K.— Dlaeaaes af Olcealion. Paralysis. Slußle Bottis (o*er 50doseal, - - .AS Stable Case, with Spfclflf*. Monnsl. Vft*Tlnar> 1 'urc OU nn»l Mcdlcau.r. S7.OA Jar Vetertaary Care Oil, - - I.o® geld bj ItrutUl.; mr <f"l »r«b»r* nl U BJ )»Mllly •• r»erl»i ol prtrr. irtPißKTN'aiD.tn., 111 a bl. s.»T»rt y^^igTracpsßETS' F JMI HOMEOPATHIC flfl [■HbJSPECIFIC N0.60 In nae 30 years. Tbo cn*y ancceeaful remedy for Nonrous Debility, Vital Weakness, ftold t»y iTmcclsl", or sect |>«*tf«>a on recelKt «f price. mnnTS'UO. C 0.,111 Alls WIMm w., S»s ferk. WiMAlcohol pure alcohol to make WOLF» s A. mk BLACKING. Alcohol is good for h ulu r; it is good for the skia. Alcohol is the < liicf ingredient of Cologne, Florida Water, and Bay Knm the well knorn face * u>h. s. We think there is nothing too costly to use in a good leather preservative. Acme Blacking retails at 20c. and at that price sells readilv. Mnny people are so accustomed to buying a <1 ris ing or blacking at 6c. and 10c. a loitle that they cannot understand that a black ing can be cheap at 20c. We warn tunic ' them with cheapness if we can, aud to u>- complish this we offer a reward of slo,oo* for a recipo which will enable us I. i I WOLFF'S ACME BLACKIXO at s u h r. - that a retailer can profitably sell it »t i bottle. We hold this offer opvn «J:I Jan. Ist, 1893. WOLFF * BANDOLFH, PhlladcJv.' ... . r irunMatMi EKBJfIHJWM! l T in r MWHnyini mvouipnaiTTi m'll Ml •MctWa Will, riDITSLO>«DOB6AVIA rABTB OF MDT. AkearatelT Mfaltiag HOMB TBBATBKIVT BeaeAta la a 4ay. lea teatlfy ti+m kO iutetaad FerelfaCemtriea. WrtUUeak r\ DOCTORS LAKE k| ■ PRIVATE DISPENSARY. /BCJ OORa P<NN AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. PITTSBURGH, PA. _ All forms of Delicate and Com- VfIKKP[JO plicated Diseases reqniringOON. m, V rmINTIAI. and SCIENTIFIC Med ication are treated at this I>is- Cnsary with a success rarely attained. Dr. 8. I.ake Is a member of the Royal College of 1 liy licians and Surgeons, and Is tne oldest and must experienced SPECIALIST in the city. Special at tention Riven to NOTTOUS Debility from excessive mental exertion, indiscretion of youth, etc., caus ing physical and mental decay, lack of energy, despondency, oto.; also Cancers, Old Sores, Kits, I'iles, Rheumatism, and all diseases of the Skin. Uood.l.ungs, Urinary Organs, ttc. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Office hours, Uto 1 it ud T to 8 P. U.-, Sundays, S to 4 r. M. only. _'ml| at office or address PM. LAKE. OOR. ■KSX AVE. AMD4THST..PITTSBURGH,I'A. READ AND REMEMBER. For strictly pure and reliable STRAIGHT LIQUORS, call on I. N. FINCH, 12 SMITHHILD ST., PITTSBUEUH, PA (Opp. Monongahela House.) Matchless for Family use and Medicinal pur poses are FINCH'S GOLDKN WKODINO. All f I OUCKKNHRIMKRS WfIISKY. .per qt. ; OVKBHOLT*B WHISKY. f # qtS. DILLINGKB'S WHISKY, J for $5. Goods neatly packed and promptly shlpiicd FKKK or KXPBMSK on receipt of cash or post offlce order. VNothlng expressed C. O. D. Send for Price List. Cotton Root to JI no im HECT A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of T lJulles. Is the only prefectly ! V safe and reliable medicine A. discovered. Beware of un- druggists who of place of this. Ask forCooK's COTTON ROOT COMrouKD, take no substltrte, or Inclose fl and (i cents In postage In letter, and we will sond. sealed, by return mall. Full seal ed particulars In plain otivelooe, to ladies only. 2 stamps. Address Posd Lily CMptar, N0.3 Fisher Block. Detroit. Mich. Sold in llutler by C. N. Boyd. .1. K. Halph, J. C. Be lick and druxerlsts everywhere. Young Mothers 1 Wt Offtr I'M* • BWITY wkWk InwrM 10 MftffMHMtrmmt OhUd. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" ML CmJlmumhl »/ its faith Arr*f and JHaft. wHkBHt HMrmrf owl la mob CMM.-Hn. Ana oms, Lunar.Mo., Jul IMb, UtL *K$& MUWIUOBMOUTOB CO., ATLANTA. GA. tout BY ALb Mroaanra, For Sale by J. C. Redlck. ROBERT LEWIN, Wholesale Whiskey Merchant, ■ad Importer of FINE WINES & LIQUORS. 135 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite 11. Si O. It. n. Dc|X>t. Headquarters tor FIMCH'M UOL»KH WKDIMNM, tor medical and family ate. SI.OO p«r qt„ or • »Jt«. for s£.oo. Finch's lioldrn WoJdlnK. Dougherty, <Juok enliclmer, Lartre. (ittMon. llrldKCport, Mt. Ver non, Ovrlioir. Klo. I liLs Is the only house not rectifying In lhe city, therefore our goods are warranted pure. Moods securely packed* and boxed without extra charge. C. O. O.and mall ordert receive prompt attention. Orandfathers' Choice 3 years old, b w per gallon. Try us. THE CITIZEN MISCELLANEOUS PROGRESB IN SCIENCE. IXSTKJLD of the alloy of zinc and silver which was flnt chosen for the prod no tion of "Areas plating" one containing cadmium is now preferred. RXFOBT comes from London of the discovery of the thistle as an article of food for man as well as beast When boiled it is not nnlike delicate turnip tops. A N*w core for hydrophobia was suc cessfully tried in the Pasteur Institute at Milan. It consisted of a subcutan eous injection of the rims in its "fixed form." IN testing the condition of the atmos phere Inside a petroleum tank if the air at the bottom is found not inflammable or explosive the air above is sore not to be so. L£-JB MOLASSES burns with a high heat in combination with the dry stalks of the sugar cane, and its substitution for coal as a fuel is practiced in certain sections of the south. Br adopting the basic process of mak ing steel castings there is less phos phorus in the metal than when the acid process is used, and the results are said to be most satisfactory. A German engineer concludes that if the Bpeed instead of the load of freight trains be increased from fourteen to twenty-eight miles per hour the ex penses per car mile at the higher speed would be one-fourth less for repairs and only one-fifth more for fueL AIT installation of electric light Is be ing laid down in the Batignolles tun nel near Paris, in which the incandes cent lamps are placed at a height of about fifteen feet above the roils. The light is received by plates of burnished tin covered with glass, which reflect a soft and agreeable light Into tho car riages. THE principle followed by Mr. Thwalte in his appliance for the pre vention of smoke in steam generators consists in the admission of a secondary air supply through a wire gauge of a specific mesh, adapted to offer tha requisite fractional resistance to the passage of such air, so as to accord ac curately with the "pull" on tbe grate, which remains unaffected. IK sawmills using pneumatic pipes for taking away the sawdust, it is fonnd that the back of the saw usually throws up a good deal of fine dust in spite of the air suction. This difficulty hss now been overcome in many instances by an invention for admitting air to the saw hopper in such a way as to cause it to Impinge on the sides and teeth of the saw and thus give it an air blast wash ing. _ AN ingenious apparatus for ascertain ing tbe depths of rivers and smaller streams has recently been successfully tried on the Elbe. It consists of a curved arm, hinged at its upper extrem ity and of a length sufficient for the Ipwer curved portion to trail on. the bed of the stream. The greater the depth of the stream the more will the arm be inclined, aad hence by suitable record ing mechanism the depth can be auto matically registered. ATtar III* Consent. "Your daughter is a very dear girl," said young Mr. Skitts, effusively, after he had received a satisfactory answer to the question of their marriage. "Yes," replied the old gentleman, with a sigh of relief, "she was always a very expensive girl."—Detroit Free Press. Hiawatha Dp to Data. Thus departed Hiawatha To tha land of the Dacotaha, To tba land of handsome woman* And In ninety days returning. A diroroelet he brought with him. To his wife ha gave tha ha-ha, Sent her hack unto her ma ma, la the outskirts of Chicago. —A carpenter by tho noine of M. 8. Powers, lull froui tho roof of a house in Kant lies Moines, lowa, and sustained a painful and serious sprain of tho wrist which ho cored with ono bottle of Cham berlain's i'aiu Balm, 110 says it is worth $6 a bottle. It costs him 50 cents. For sale by D. 11. Wuller, butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Brcodeu & Allison. W. Sunbary. —A. K. Snyder,proprietor of tbe Wash ington House at Alsace, Berks county, a few days ago demolished au historic bake oven that stood on his premises, it had boon built in revolutionary days, and there is a well grounded tradition which says that part of tbe flour contributed to Wash mgtou's starving army at Valley Forge by Robert Morris, the Philadelphia philan thropist, was baked into bread for tbe sol diers iu that old oven. —Mr. Van Pelt, Editor <>t theCraig. Mo -, Meteor, went to a drug store at llillßdale, lowa, and asked the physician in attend ance to give him a done of something for cholera morbus and looseness < f his bow els. lie says: "I felt so much better the next morning that 1 concluded to call on the physician and get him to fix me up A supply of the medicine. I was surprised, when he handed ino a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrha-a Reme dy. He said he prescribed it regularly in his practice and found it the best he could get or prepare. I can testify to its effi ciency in my case at all events." For sale by D. H. Wuller, Butler; A. Ilowers, Pros pect; Dresden it Allison, W. Sunbury. —Thirty turkeys and 40 chickens were slaughtered by a mink in two nights on John Kline's farui at Tulpehockea, Pa. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's liaJsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. —The colored population in this part of the stale will bold a grnud picnic on the 14th of July at Stoneboro. Eminem Facts. The question is often asked and scarcely ever answered, why whiskey made now is not as pure and reliable as it was forty years ago. It is nevertheless a fact that it is made purer and better to-day that: at that time. With the improved methods fusil oil and other imparities are entirely eliminated. A swoin statement as to Xhe purity, age and quality of the whiskey sold is furnished by one dealer who advertises full quarts, six year old pure Penn'a Kye, at $1 00 per quart Duqnesne $1.25 per quart Port, Sherry. Sweet California Wines st 50c. A complete catalogue and price list of all fortign and domestic liquors mailed on application by MAX KLEIN. 82 Federal St., Allegheny, I'a. —A 14 year-old boy at Sail Jose, Cal., thrashed his father because he ordered him to bring in some hayr Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets It is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the European plan. Lodgings, 25, —35. —or 50 cents. —A mob tarrod and feathered Wesley Sisler in the mountains near Uniontowu because of his alleged fondness for a girl and for harboring the G'ooloy robbers. —Sugar is so cheap that tho housekeeper can tubstitue it for inolassos and make her sirup, and thus avoid all risk of adultera tion. Chamberlain's Eye and Skill Ointment. A certain euro for Chronic Bore Eye», Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch. Prairio Scratches, Soro Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and boo thing. Hundreds of cases have been cored by it after nil other treatment had failed | ItteputnpiaSSMdWoeßtboMfr QUIXOTE'S tTtULASS. A ataxia aa« Amoslng Experiment la Popular Seine*. II you look at the flame of a gas jet or a candle through a piece of fine gauze stretched over a cardboard frame, the frame will appear in the form of a luminous cross, the branches of which are edged with fringes of every hue in the rainbow. This is due to the phenom enon known in physics as the refraction of the rays of light. An original form may be given to this simple experiment by making a little windmill out of stiff paper, lighting the interior of it with a candle, and placing it at the end of a room. The flame of »ox QUIXOTE'S EYKOI-ASS. the candle should show through a hole in the mill at exactly the point where the shaft of the mill's arms must come. Then put out all other lights in the room, and, pointing to the flame which shows through the shafthole, ask the spectators: "Where are the windmill's arms?" Of course they cannot find them until you offer them the little square of silk gauze to look through, when they will at once see four luminous arms, turning rapidly in whichever direction you make them turn the gauze. What Is Knows About risk. Pliny, the great naturalist, who lived at about the time of Christ, reckoned the whole number of known speoies of fish at ninety-four. Linnswia, the great Swedish investigator of the eighteenth century, could classify four hundred and seventy-eight, and he is known to have been the greatest ichthologist of the age in which he lived. The progress made in that particular branch since the time of Linneus seems all the more wonderful, for now, since tbe expe ditions of the Challenger and others, thirteen thousand species show up in the catalogues of the fish specialists! Noval Bride* Construction. The new bridge in Paris, called the Pont Mirabeau, is to be constructed somewhat on the cantalcver principle, since it will rest upon two piers and meet in the center. Its stability, how ever, will depend upon an adjustment of weight like that of a huge crane. The long arm meeting in the center will be of light construction, and to com pensate for its weight the short arm re ceived by the abutment will be special ly heavy. Scientifically Deduced. "I am afraid cook is getting careless," said Prof. Pottersby. "I find here in my apple pie a specimen of the Dip tornis Borealis Apollinaris, an Insect that was never known to select the apple as its habitat. Either Mary Ann is becoming careless or I have made a valuable scientific discovery."—lndian apolis Journal. & Hard In Wlatar. Kind Lady—You must have a very hard time in winter. Tramp (between mouthfuls) —Yes, in deed, mum. Sometimes I darsent ask fur a bite fur days, and I "most starves, mum. "What do you fear at such times?" •Td.be axed to shovel snow, mum." — —No other Sarsaparilla possesses the Combination, proportion, and Process pe culiar to Hood's. —A "Western girl who married a dull English Lord thns describes her daily life: "It is nothing hut violet, velvet and veal ono day, and mauve, moire and mut ton the next." —Cholera infantum has lost its terrors since the introduction of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Disrrhn-a Remedy. When that remedy is used and the treat ment as directed with each bottle ia fol lowed, a cure is certain. Mr. A. W. Wal ter, a prominent merchant at Waltersburg, 111., says: "It cured my bsby boy ofchol ers infantum after several other remedies had failed. The child was so low that ho seemed almost beyond the aid of human hads or reach of any medicine." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by D. H. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Broaden A Allison, W. Sunbury. —lt would take 40 years for all tho water in the Groat Lakes to ponr over Niagara at the rate of 1,000,000 cubic feet a second. —ln 35 States the votes at this year's Presidential election will be cast under the Australian systoin with various modi fications. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. —Charles lleidoger, aged 50 years, while sitting in a swing at Phillipsburg, Pa., on Sunday night, fell a distance of two feet, breaking his back. —lf you want to get a reputation as a fino converser let people whom you meet talk all the time about themselves and their affairs without putiing in a word. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure"£for rheumatism and neuralgia, radio ally cures in Ito 3 davs. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. Tho first dose greatly benefits. 7o cts. Sold by J. C. ltedick, druggist, Butler. —The bill allowing married women to make contracU with their husbands tho same as any other person, to the same ex tent as if unmarried, has been signed by Gov. Flower. —"Only one word, Gladys, one little word," he pleaded. Tho young woman looked at the slender shanked youth on his knees before her, and she opened her beautiful lips and softly said "Hats!"' —A lunatic recently admittod to the Xorristown Asylum labors under tho co lossal delusion that he is an honest ico man. —Governor Pattison has issued death warrants as follows: William F. Keck, La high, who murdered old Mrc. Nibscb; and Henry Davis, Philadelphia, who murdered Job Haas. Both are to lie hanged on Sep tember 8. —An exchange says women are taking to doing meu's work, wearing men's ap parel, giving dances without men, and dis placing and ignoring men until possibly they thinkthey can got along withoutmcn. But they can't. And the minute they try to havo a wedding without a man they will see where they have made tho mistake. —You can never estimate the size of the sore on a boys linger by tho amount of rag he ties around it. —There is a very intense old maid at Manayunk who has three pets, a cat, n cat bird and a catfish. —Jagson says there are four singers in every quartet choir who think the other three can't sing a little bit. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tan SDlTOß:—Fleaaa Inform your raadun that 1 barn a poaitire remedy for tba abore naiuod dlaeaaa. Bj 'Sa timely UH thouaanda of hopeleu eaaaa ha-re tf Mi permanently cured. lah all ba glad to aand twj _a»tlaa of my remedy FREE to any of Tour raadera ** . i have consumption It th«y will ■and ma tbeii Xxpraaa and P. 0. addraaa. Beapect- SBIIJ. X. A. tWCVK M. a. U1 Frndftu. H. T. ITS A HOODO! It never hurts » eastomer, bat it knock* Competition endwise The monster is Rent * e 10 ° ar . c^ Blom * r ® * D< * CAQ great ' What ia it." that is what every, t odv waoU to kcow; by our lllastraiioo roa can see that it is not like to any 'X* C*- ibing upon tbe earth, or the water under v |j e earth, but more wonderful than any- Jj'k * thing ever exhibited by Barnum or £f I |f-y jffKUmfcWp Forepaogb. It rivals tbe gre*t M Orangoutang, ouronont and stick yoor torque oot, the greatest wonder of the ape. "What is it?'—why its Heck's mammoth stoc* of 6ne clothing, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Underwear, Collar?, Cuffs, Neckwear, Sußpendera. Umbrellas, Trunks. \ alises, Satchels, Pun-es, Bill and Pocket-books, Clothes, Hair and Tooth-brushes, Watches, Chain*, Charma, Ladies' and Gents' Rings, Pins. Collar and Cuff Buttons and hundreds of articles too tedious to mention which we have for sale, and you may need. Call and see our mammoth stock of beautiful spring at tractions and you will certainly sav its a Hoodo. Well, we are not looking for those who do trade with us but for those who do not. We don't believe there are maoy who do not, but there ought not to be one person in Butler or adjoining counties left who does not know that the place to save money, to get big values, is at Heck's Store. 121 N. Main St Why is it that you miss your chance and waste your money ? Don't you know better ? We bear you no ill will, why should we ? This is not our funeral, we are just he same merry merchant as of old. We are rollicking, jolly fellows; we are tiproaring, tip top sellers, and when it comes to bargains we can suit you to aT. If you think we are a honey, come buy your clothes and drop your money, and we'll treat you like a little sonny, for we have got tbe energy and tbe will; we made up our mind to be the LEADER IN OUR LINE and the result is that we lead and the band plays Anny Rooaey, and there is no mistake about it. The world stands aghast at tbe realisation of the fact that tbe high quality and low prices of our goods is a reality and not a flctionary legend to those wbo have never dealt with us. We would be glad to see you and pleased to put in your bands a real money saver, a bargain with a great big B If you are not on Our list of customers, come and be convinced that we are right at the front doing big business, on tbe best basis, a square deal and a rolling dollar. We are going to get up a train load for the World's Fair at Chicago in 1893, and we want you to come in and go along. We will furnish you with a Round Trip Ticket, free the only conditions that you buy your goods off us. For further particu lars call in and see us about it. With kindest regards for your liberal patronage and your remembrance of us to your many friends, we shall in the future endearor to merit your confidence. Yours Very Respectfully, D. A. HECK, Champion [Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher, 131 N. Main St., BUTLER, : : : : PA. A STUDY IS RP. Her cheeks were red, And so was her head, Her lips were of the same hue; The tip of her nose, The color of her clothes, Were just as red as her shoe. Bear in mind our prices are as close to tbe bottom, witboq'. haying it drop out, as it is possible to be. See our line of Red Shoes and Oxfords for Misses', Children's, and Infants'. Our line of ladies' Oxfords can not be ex celled. All the latest and prettiest styles from 65c upward. Here is an Extraordinary Bargain. A ladies genuine'dongola kid button shoe, worked button holea, solid leather inner sole and counter, equal in style, finish and wearing qualities to any ladies' SB.OO shoe will go until this lot is sold at $1.25 par pair. We also have a ladies' India kid button at 90 c per pair. AL RUFF, 114 South Main St., Butler, Pa, N M 1 Ott I w. JEFFERSON ST. E. isaa s We are at 128 E. Jefferson street; we want everybody to have a good outfit for the 4th of July, and therefore we now have a special sale going on at special low prices. If you want a BUGGY, HARNESS, LAP-DUSTER, FLY-NET, Or anything in a driving or team outfit now is the time to get a bargain. S. B. MARTIN COU RT & CO. S. B. MARTINCOURT. J- M. LEIGHNER "Well begun is half clone." Begin your house work by buying a cake of HA POLIO. Sapolio is a solid cake of Scouring Soap used for all cleaning purposes. Try it. * ALL PERSONS INTENDING TO SINK WELL are respectfully requested to call on or address, m. FRANK C. MCGREW, Who is operating a KEYSTONE DRILLER and ia Win vOV prepared to drill Water Wells, Test Wells, Air Holes a\\ for Shafts, etc. Drills eight inch or less. SkS ALL MY WORK GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS. [p 1 Agent for Leffel Improved Wind Mill, Standard Hydraulic Rams,and all tbe best makes of pumps. For any further information addrss, Jy»®p®' FRANK C. McGREW, 316 Bluff St, Butler, Pa. A HILLINEIY TRIUMFI The Leading Millinerv House D. T. PAPE. Our line ol Millinery is complete in. every- respeit. We invite you to investigate, ami we claim that our stock is the m st attractive in Butler county. Trimmed hats ami bonnets, flowers, - t crowns, pins, laces, braids. crepes. nets. etc. Mourning Millinerv In Gre.at Variety. PAPES, S. Maii\ Street Hutier, Pa. HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTH MAIN STRKfcT. BUTLER T FM2ST' •» DEALER IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. Washing Mu-bint'*; the AHhwEKsA Standard Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machine. J "»<)»» stichcs per minute; tfce Mo. H SSfew ~ Amerirnn pe«rinxm*ehine. Jjß Singer ami Emprewr JL W[ agricultural implement!* and B Lansing farm wagons. \ew ■ rl Sunshine k Howard range*, K fife/ S Stove*, table ami ; ««rk-t M cutlery. banking l«ns[.«*; K manufacturer of tinware, tin K roofing ami spouting » *pe«> ialty; the Johnston tnowera, reaper and steel trame binder, Warren ready mixed paint, warrented; screen doors and windows, refrigerator* and ltwn mowers. No better place in the city to tr.*de. Come and see my large store room full of goods, 136 ft feet long. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AM X MAX firaiu RALSTON BUTLER, PA. Special Notice. pATTERN DEPARTMENT June x, ieoa. The Ladies of this vicinity will appreciate a rhaone in oar Patu-m Department froa "BTTTTERICK'S" to "STANDARD" Patterns. Several years ago we gave bp the agency ol the "BsUsriek" Patterns not being satisfied with results. After a thorough investigation and vo». fere nee with our leading dressmakeis, we are conrioced that the "Standard Patterns are far superior to all others, in being more up to date, beiter modeled, simpler directions for making, insuring perfect satisfaction, n great saving in time—much less fitting to do-and considerable taring ia material, there being DO waste as in the others. WQ have therefore arfijpfed the "Standard" Patterns, knowing tj>at o'ir action will meet with general satisfaction. The handsomer Standaid Fasbioo Sheets and uneqtialed Handy ana logues free to all. The Ladi<»' Standard Magazine is issued monthly. eas ing bat 50 cents a Tear, and should be in erery household Y«-u witS -nrwly subscribe to it when yon hare examined a sample copy. It is tfce best and cheapest Fashion and Ladies' Magazine in existence 4. complete stock and all sixes of Standard Patterns constantly oa hand. Patterns sent by ,aail free on receipt of price. Very r,jepe?tfall7, RITTER & RALSTON's. FOR TIE BUMS ONLY JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEH, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., - Du«y Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invited "Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience. SJ COLD-HEAD Kly'* Cream lUUm u n.4 a liquid, nut \pplUd * * * fuirklw aUurbtd. It cUantrs tA» hmd, i»Jla iia«T<—. %tml» _ga 50c ely brothers: soc SPECK »•« H «<>«•»•»• J 1 Til U AMH WHOLESALE WISE *** UfVOB SOI Si OT WKiTtl* nttsstiv **»*. Tlie Win. 11. Holmes < Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy" PURS RYE WHISHT, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. SEND FOR PRICE LISJ.' Telephone No. 305). , 120 Water St. and 158 Fir st Ave., PUtabutgfc Pa Job Work of nil kind done at the "Citizen ()ttice."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers