Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 15, 1892, Image 4
j -Paris Robes—Belford Cord- New Spring Dress Goods JL w| H FOR EARLY BUYERS: > We received this week our first shipment of New O Spring Dress Goods and through this advertisement we extend a & QQ cordial invitation to you to come Y P3 and look through our stock ( whether you wish to purchase or O % - TROUTMAN'S - % ( Leading Dry Goods and Carpet i H House. -Henrietta Serge ~ $500.00 To Any Person who Can Prove that the Adriance Rear Dis charge Binder is Not Perfection : '/X < wT..' ■ W7e Guarantee the Adriance Binder To do as good work witli lets power than any binder on the market. We do not ask yon to bny the machine until wo prove it on year own farm. Why would you buy the old style, away up, big, clumsy, grain-threshing, horse-kilUr, elevated binder, that re quires an extra man on hilly ground to keep it from upsetting, when you can get one tnat is low down, one that cannot be upset, one that is light aud neat, and will not thresh out grain, one that is nearly as light draught as a single reaper, and ono that does not require trucks for transportation and will pass through a ten foot gatet If you dispute the statement, challenge us for a field trial with ANY or ALL binders on the market. "We will gladly meet you. It will do us good in the future as well as it has ia the past. It would not be the first time. The Adriance Binder has como out victor ious in many field trials in this country, as well as in Europe, England, Germany and France, where the Adriance Binder has taken gold and silver medals from each. If you dispute our word, challenge ns; yon can always find ns at 320 SOUTH McKEAN, BUTLER, PA. Call and see sample binder. We Lead All Competitors in Binder Twine. In Prices and Quality We are Ahead. We bought early and can sell twine at what it now costs wholesale. If you are in need of a Plow, Harrow, Grain Drill, Corn Drill, Cultivator, Shovel Plow, Binder, Beaper or Mower, Hay Tedder, Hay Rake or Hay Loader, or Farm Machinery of any kind, Fertiliwrs, Fencing, Ac., call and see us. If we do not have what you want iu machinery, we can at least show you the largest assortment of Buggies, Surries, Spring Wagons, Carts ana Farm Wagons you ever saw in one place. We do aot handle tne cheapest rigs on the market, but wo handle and guarantee our rigs to be the best for the money we ask for them. We have control of the Youngstown Carriage and Wagon Co.'s goods in this plaoe. Their work is second to none in quality and finish. If you doubt this call and we can easily convince you. Low prices and square dealing is our motto. W. F\ Hartzell Co. % W. F. HARTZELL. HARRY STEPP. FIVE MORE FACTORIES LOCATED AT Bringing a Total of 800 More Employes, Which Means an In orease of 4,000 Population Before the Year is Out. And a corresponding increase In values. So buy at - « once, lllwood will then have more factories and more ?T_= S? w 'Sf employes than some cities of 7,000 population. Thirty- It, W\ additional residences are now building, and 200 more are needed for homes of the employes »nd ihelr families who will be in KUwood by September Ist. Ten per cent, a year In the renting of houses for all who buy .. _~rr Z-Z a 'SMsoassaaim and build. Every house rented as soon as plans are amCBBHHEB VJ3M naaaiMlMl made. * gjgjjjjo :ua*o« M598«89991l THE PEERLESS LEAD GLASS WORKS, formerly of Pittsburgh, makers of the celebrated Lead Glass Chimneys. must be making glass In Ellwood Cltv by August 15th In their new build ing, 110 feet by 2SO. Will employ over soo people at the start, and will greatly increase their force during the year lor new lines of glassware. BLLWOOD CITY has Coal. Natural Gas. Fire Clay, Bed Clay, Glaus Sand. Moulding sand, Build- fir Ing Stone ana Water Power and;all these in /I , rf*-'-' _ —" , abundance. ■■II | D ■ THE NORTHWOOD GI Afc9 WORKS, foimerly of Martin's Ferry, Ohio, has lee a contract for an lren building 120 by !M> leet Will tfgln by employing 276 people, and at once Increase their force until It Is doubled, tonu etthe present demand for their high grade colored glassware. ' ELI.Wt »OD CITY has competitive freight rates AMi I II |Mfa £ Wst). P. H. K. ( Kt. Wayne) and the Lake Shore (P. & L. K.), and, being within the 40-mlle circuit, I has Pittsburgh freight rates. No switching ,, charges nor transfer charges at Klwood City. BTKRRKTT St BOCLEB' FOUNDRY CO., a branch of the Vulcan Foundry, of Pittsburgh, is now erecting a building at Ellwood 1, 2 and 3 stories high, ll.ioo square feet on the ground floor. They will employ 50 men at starting. Will make stoves, machinery castings, etc. THB FTLMER BRICK CO.. makers of Fire Brick. Paving Brick and lted Brick, have located at Ellwood City a very extensive and complete plant. They contract to manufacture llrlck by July Ist. An extensive BOX FACTORY has also contracted for their building at Ellwood City. TUB BLLWOOD SHAFTING AND TUBE CO.. now rnaklug seamless drawn steel tubing (the only perfect article produced In this country). Is constantly increasing its force, will em ploy 80 hands within to days, which isonly a beginning TIIE ELLWOOD KNAMBLING CO. also Is engaging a large number of employes. AND SEVEBAI. OTHEB large Industries are now n egotlatlng for locations. ELLWOOD CITY • is Not So Near Pittsburgh as to Destroy the Business of Its Local Merchants, and therefore It Is a Good Place in Which to Invest. ELLWOOD IMPROVEMENT CO. AGTS, ELLWOOD CITY, LAWRENCE CO., PA. ■fl/\ PER CENT. 1U First Mortgage Loans No tax. commission or fees. Interest payable semiannually by New York draft, i'erfeot ne •urity. Highest reference. CHAS. V. REID, Fairhaven, Washington. JOHNSON'S LINIMENT \) v r? TJJTSSITAL ail mnSAI I. -GENERATION AFTtR GENERATION-. On HAVI CSKD ASD BLES.SEI) IT. . °^/nc-H£^' Dropjtrtf on Suaar 9 ChildT+n Tx>rr Tt, Ever> Traveler shouTd uato a l»Atlc of it in hta anU-hcl. Every Sufferer atiro, Ncnralftia, K?r- Ton« Heartache. I>iT»hthrria,OY>afirhs ''atun h, Rronchitin, A«thiua,»Stolen Morbnn, I>larrh"*a, lAJlWlire*, S<>r»ai-«-s in Body or Llmhft, Stiff Joint* or Strain*, a ill Ann in tfii* old Anodyne RELIEF and M«'DY PUIV. ITOUJLOT free. Hold crerrwhepfc Prlc«*3s cfa,t»y mail. 6»n FTPNM pai'l, £!. 1. S.«fOHNM>K .* C* ».. MAJM*. ■— HUMPHREYS' I»r Uumphrry. fcnociflr. ar«> fteiontldeally aud rsjvfuilv |.rM*urd Hi-imMUr. uwd f..r years Ui private prietiLv aud f..r over thirty viars by the nnople With entire su.■>■«». tvery siiinU asueclal eure for the named. They cure without dnuottiig. [mrjflnt; .>r r.-.luririK the system and are In faet and deed tlie Mitrrrlmi Remedies of the World. UST or rsuicir*!. icos. ccsts. fevers. Ouayilmil, Inflammation*.. .»•> jj_\VarmK. Worm Fever, Worm CoUc. .-io 3—Teeihinii; Colic, Crying. Wakefulness ,-ii 4—Diarrhea, of children or Adults 25 7 -Cough*, folds. Bronchitis .23 H— Neuralgia. Toothache. Faceache 25 9-II endue he*. Pick Headache, VertUf).. .25 10—Dyspepsln. BUionsnesa, Constipation .25 11— Soppressed or Painful Periods .25 I*/—Whites. Too Profuse Periods ■ .25 13— Croup, Laryngitis, Uoarsenc3s .. .25 14—Salt Itheuni, Eryslpolas.Kruiitlonn .23 15 —Rheomatism. Rheumatic Pains .25 ltr-llolnria. Chilis, Fever and Ague. .25 17—Piles. Blind or Bleeding -25 lj»_CHtnrrh. Influenza. Cold In the Head. .25 20— Whooping Conjrh •'j' 27—Ridney Diseases •2-> 2H—Nervoaa Debility 1 • OO 30-rrinary Weakness, Wetting Bed .25 Sold b» Unvrrl»t«, or «-nt p.ot|*l.l ..n to! prlc. Da. HcxrHUTi' MAITOAI. 144 *AN*T» rnxx. nrNPHßris* mfli. co .. 111 Alia frwYnri. SPECIFICS. ACME BLACKING is cheaper at 20 cents a bottle than any other Dressing at 5 cents. A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAYS beer.nse shoos once blackened with it can bo kept clean by washing them with water. People in moderate circumstances find it profitable to buy it at 20c. a bottle, lx-causo wl-.at iliev spend for Blacking they save iu fcl>oe leather. It ts the cheapest blacking considering lis quality, and yet wc want to sell it cheaper if it can bo done. We will pay 110,800 Reward fo.- a recipe that, will enablo us to make. V 'CLFJ '.I ACT: BLACKING atsnch a price*. a retailer can profitably wll it at lUc. a J I- itle. This cfler is open until Jan. Ist, IS'J3. V/OI.FP & BANBOLPH, Philadelphia. (JLC furniture painted with » PIK-RON ( 1 ;! i Uti e mir.o of the paint), looks like I a:id varnished «<w furniture. Ono ■ . . .1 do it- A child can apply it. You , ( '...mire a pino to a walnut, or a cherry to i:op.,r.y; there is no limit to your iii.vi... All retailers sell it. nil Pe 'ACHING PILES rlLto ß ™" ■ mMw niNTMFNT ABSOLUTELY CURBS. Um - ,flt " 1 SYMPTOM*- Molature; Intrnir ltckln|r and llllfinct moat at nlffht; u orac by wr*tchTnj». If allowed to con tin at- tuiuore furm «nd prutru«U% h sV% d oTnV^ Wr«tlintf, übiaorbn the tumor*. Sol<l l>y l»r ■alitor iOcts. i'reparod Ly I>u.K* S-.w, PhiUJ. li»Li*. FOB MEN ONLY! m-lllHl! Body and Kind, Effects Errors or Exo«ates in Old or Young. Rebate, Koble MANHOOD folly Kwtorr4. Haw toralirirt and ■irwCtlica WEAK, I'XDKTKLOPKU OIK. ANSA PARTS OF BODY. Abtoinulr aatelliac IIOHE TUEATBBIT—B«srfIit la a dar. X«a testify from AO 6Ut«a sad F«relf» loaatrto*. Wrlu tkaa. DaMriptlv* Book. aad proef# BIIM (Malad) fr*t+ Mtaa ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO, N. V. « DOCTORS LAKE I'RIVATK DISPENSAITY. COR. PENM AVE. AND FOURTH BT.. PITTSBURGH, HA. All forniiiof Pelieate and Com plicated Diaensc-i requiting CON riWEVTIAhandSciENTIPIi' Med ication ore treated at this Di«- pensary with a nuccees rarely attained. Dr. P. lv. Lake Is a meniher ot the lloyal College of I'liy- Jicians and Surg(*ons, and is the oldest and most experienced SPECIALIST in theeity. Special at tention given to Nervous Debility from ercessive mental exertion, indiscretion of youth, etc., caus ing physical and mental decay,lack of energy, Icspondeucy, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits, Piles, Kheumattsm, and all dis.-nscsof the Skin, 1 In- «I. Lungs, Urinary Organs, etc. Consultation '.roe and strictly confidential. Office hours, Uto I and 7 to 8 p. M.; Sundays, 2 to 4 r. M. only, •ill at office or address I»RS. LAKE, COIt. KNN AVE. AMOITHST..PITTSBLKUH.PA. READ AND REMEMBER. For strictly pure and reliable STRAIGHT LIQUOKS, call on I. IV. FINCH, 1« SMITHFIKMt ST., PITTSBCBdH, PA. (Opp. Monongahela House.) Matchless for Family use and Medicinal pur poses are FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING, Allsl VvfUSKV, , |>or >it. , OVF.KHOLT S WHISKY, [ U (its. DILLINOKRS WHISKY, ) for *o. Goods neatly packed and promptly shipped FKKK OF lixri.ssß on receipt of cash or post offlce order. expressed C. O. D. Send for Price List. WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE The ftreat Knjilisli Kerned). Promptly and perina- cures all lornis of Weakness, Kmls- SIOIIH, spermatorrhea, yilftWV al Impotency and all effects of Abuse or Kxcesseses. ■ Been lierserlbed o\,-r :u ears In t iiousands of casi-s llie oul >' Keliablo aud Honest Medicine known. Ask dru s -glst for WOOD'S PIIOSI-IIODI.S F.; If he offers some worth less medicine In place of this, leave his dishon est stare. Inclose price In letter, aud we will send by return mall. Price, one package, at; six. $5. One will please, six will cure. Pamph let in plain sealed envelope, -i stamps. Address THK WOOD CHEMICAL CO , 131 Woodward avenue, Detroit Midi. Br-Sold in Butler by C. N. Itoyd, .1. K. Balph, J. l'. Kedlck. and dugglsts everj where. "MOTHERS* FRIEND" HUMES CHILD BIRTH E»SY. Colvln, Zia n Dec. 2,1888.—My wifo usod MOTHEB'B FBIEND before hor third confinement, and says sho would not be without it for hundred* of dollars. DOCK M1T.3.3. Sent by expres* on receipt of price, #1.50 per bot tle. Boole "To Mothers " mailed free. BRADPIELQ RCQULATOR CO., rOM mm IT W* ATLANTA. O A. For Sale by J.C. Redick. ROBERT LEVVIN, Wholesale Whiskey Merchant, und Importer of FINE WINES & LIQUORS. 135 Water St- Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite B. & 1). It. K. Depot. Headquarters for FINCH'S GOLDEN WKDIHSU, lor medical and family use. SI.OO per qt.. or « ({ln. for §.>.00. Finch's U olden Wedding. IKJUguertv. lluck enlielmer. I.arjre. Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt. Ver non, Overliolt. Etc. This is the only house not rectifying In the city, therefore our goods un warranted pure, Goods securely packed and boxed without extra charge. C. o.l>. and mail orders receive prompt attention, Grandfathers* Choice 3 years old, fc.vo per gallon. Try us. THE CITIZEN MISCELLANEOUS- | " STRANGE SEA ANIMAL. It Settles KwU Permanently on the Shell of the Hermit Crab. One of the least developed forms of niedusre Is that pictured in our engrav ing. The medusa) are jelly fishes and allunited'under the name of Discophora, or disc-bearers. They are an interest ing sight, viewed from a pier-head, pass ing in large shoals, and rolling gently over, as if in excess of happiness. At night the medusa) glow in phosphor- j escent light, as so many fireflies. Our species, Hydratinia echinata, has not this independent and freo locomotion. It prefers to settle more permanently on shells, selected by the hermit crab as his abode. It is common on the O.YE OF THE DISC-BE ARK RS. coasts of England and Norway. The medusa) has thus tho advantage of changing its feeding place, such at least seems the object There may be othor reasons for attaching themselves Jo the abode of this restless crab, but as yet they have not been dis covered. Tho part held in common by the different members of the colony is a skin closely fitting to the shell and con taining a layer of the same substance of which the polyp-like tul>es consist. The feeding channels fasten themselves in this membrane with their thorn-like protuberances, and thus enable the ani mal to live and grow. The feeders of the colony are distinguished by their length and strongly-developed tenta cles, mouth and organs of digestion. They arc the supporters of the colony and supply the necessary food for the Individuals having no mouth. The lat ter may be all females and have, in place of the tentacles, a girdle of nettle like heads and at a little distance from that a circle of simple capsules contain- Ing egg. The hair-like larva coming from the eggs is the founder of a new colony. A Natural Question. Mr. Lobby—Voats, allow me to intro duce to you Mr. Beudle, a member of Dur legislature. Mr. Voats —Glad to meet you, sirl What corporation do you represent? — Puck. Matrimonial Amenities. Chatterton (lecturing)— You never hear mc talk to myself! Mrs. Chatterton (somewhat given to the habit) —I don't blame you, either.— Puclc. Cold Comfort. Bankrupt's Wife —All is not lost, dear; you have me left. Bankrupt—Of course; there is no dan ger of any of the liabilities getting away. —Puck. Love's Questioning. lie—Will you love me when my money's gone? She —llow much have you got to lose? —Demorest's Magazine. For a Timid Lover. Dora to Jack—Come over and see our new lamp. It turns down beautifully. —Life. _ How Could He Help It? Meddergrass (of Yaphank)—You've got mc charged one dollar for extra gas. Ilotel Clerk—Yes, sir. It was burn ing all night in your room. Meddergrass—Well, what's a fellow to do? You've got a sign hangin' there that savs: "Don't blow out the gas."—Jury. —A carpenter by tho nome of M. S. Powers, fell from the roof of a honso in Hast Pes Moines, lowa, and sustained a painful and serious sprain of the wrist which he cured with one bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm, lie says it is worth $5 a bottle. It costs him 50 cents. For sale by 1). H. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect.; ISreaden Jk Allison. W. Sunbury. —There is nothing beautiful to a man in the grandest view in the world if his shoes are too tight. —Mr. Van Pelt, Editor ot the Craig Mo., Meteor,wont to a drug store at Hillsdale, lowa, and asked tho physician in attend ance to givo him a dose of something for cholera morbus and looseness cf his bow els. He says: "I felt so much better tlie next morning ihat I concluded to call on tho physician and get him to lix me up a supply of the medicine. I was surprised, when he handod me a bottle of Chamber lain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhtea Reme dy. He said he prescribed it regularly in his practice and found it the best he could get or prepare. 1 can testify to its etti ciency in my case at all events." For salo by D. 11. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pros pect; Broaden & Allison, W. Snnbury. —Avoid quarreling with yoar friends; a quarrel is never fully made up. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. our friends about it. —The man who is louusomu when alone has not attended properly to the storage of his mind. Eminent Facts. The question is often asked and scarcely ever answered, why whiskey made now is not as pure and reliable as it was forty years ago. It is nevertheless a fact that it is made purer and better to-day thai: at that time. With the improved methods fusil oil anil other impurities are entirely eliminated. A sworn statement as to the purity, age and quality of the whiskey sold is furnished bj r one dealer who advertises full quarts, six year old pure Penn'a ltye, at SI.OO per quart. Duqucjme $1.23 per quart. Port, Sherry, Sweet California Wines at 50c. A complete catalogue and price list of all foreign and domestic liquors mailed on application by MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. —lt will help yon to be charitable to wards others to remember that other folks have just as much mule in them as you have. —Uhcumatism cured in a day—'-Mystic cure'' for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 'i days. Its action upon the system is remarkable ami mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 7"> cts. Sold by .1. C. Uedick, druggist, Butler. l'p to the present ">OO applications have bet n filed at the Pennsylvania worlds Fair headquarters at llarrisbiirg for exhib it epace. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, I'a., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the Kuropeau plan. Lodgings, 2-">, —»<•>. —or >0 cents. The business of the money department of the Pittsburg postoflicc, where the re ceipts arc more than $2,000,000 per annum, is handled by a woman, Chamberlain's Eyo and Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyep, Tetter, bait Rheum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch., Prairie S-jratcbcs, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases havo been cured by it after all other treatment had failed, it is put up in SO Mid 00 cent Ovioa. FOUCAULT'S PENDULUM. Uow to Dfiaoniitratp In a Simple MtiUMV a Sclent Ulc Principle. At dessert one can easily repea.t, with the aid of an apple or orange, the ex periment of the pendulum of Foueault, made under the dome of the Pantheon at Taris in 1851. Pierce the apple with a match or 1 toothpick; the two ends should come j out exactly opposite each other. At tach to one of these ends a thread; this makes the pendulum. Tie the other end of the thread to a pin stuck firmly into a cork. Support the cork by sticking- oblique ly into its sides three forks, the handles of which are rested upon the edge of a plate. Oscillate the pendulum, after having regulated the length of the thread so that the lower point of the match al most reaches to the bottom of the plate. It will trace a furrow in two little mounds of sugar that are used to repre sent the circle of sand that Foueault hod placed on the pavement under his pendulum. The plate represents the earth. As long as the plate remains stationary the match, at each oscillation of the apple, passes exactly in the furrows that it has traced in the two heaps of sugar. To represent the movement of the ro tation of the earth, turn the plate care fully, without jarring, tho forks and cork, of course, turning- with the plate. It will be seen that the turning of the plate does not Influence in the least the direction of the pendulum, which con tinues to oscillate in the same plane as before, the match tracing a furrow dis tinct from the preceding one. Thus can be demonstrated in a simple and practical manner the principle of the invariability of the plane of oscilla tion of tho pendulum, the principle on which was based the celebrated experi ment of the learned French savant. EYE MEASUREMENTS. An Almost Indispcnftable in ft Good Mechanic. A good medianical eye is an almost essential requisite in a good mechanic, says the Manufacturers' Gazette. No one can ever attain distinction as a me chanic unless he is able to detect ordi nary imperfections at sight, so that he can see if things are out of plumb, out of level, out of square and out of proper shape, and unless he can also detect dis proportioned or ill-shaped patterns. This is a great mechanical attainment, and one which can be readily attained by an ordinary person. Of course there are defective eyes, as there are other defective organs; the speech, for in stance, is sometimes defective, but the eye is susceptible of the same training as any organ. The muscles, the voice, the sense of hearing, all require train ing. Consider how the artist must train the organ of sight in order to detect the slightest imperfection in shade, color, proportion, shape, expression, etc. Not one blacksmith in five ever attains the art of hammering square, yet it is very essential in his occupation. It is simply because he allows himself to got into careless habits. A little training- <»thl care is all that is necessary for success. —Cholera infantum has lost its terrors sinco the introduction of ChamberlainV Colic, Cholera and Diarrhuia Remedy. When that remedy is used and the treat ment as directed with each bottle is fol lowed, a cure is certain. Mr. A. W. Wal ter, a prominent merchant at Waltersburg, 111., says: "ft cured my baby boy of chol era infantum after several other remedies had failed. The child was so low that he seemed almost beyond the aid of human hads or reach of any medicine." 25 and 50 cent bottles for .sale by D. 11. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro pped; Brcaden <fc Allison, W. Sunbury. —The college graduate thinks he knows everything until he undertakes to hitch up a mule. —No other Sarsaparilla posesses the Combination, Proportion, and process pe culiar to Hood's. —ltain drops are said to bo hollow, but it is dfficult to make a man who has for gotten his umbrella believe it. Lane's Family Medicine Moves tho bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. —The Sunday school picnic is slow to blossom forth this year. —The Southern sport ol shooting boys in tho watermelon patch is now in season. Consumption Surely Cured. To TIIB SDITOR:— Pleaso inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for tbo above-named disease. B; fis timely two thousands ef hopeless cases havo If W permanently cured. I shull bo glad to send twjV.ottleg of my remedy FREE to any of your readers -\ ,) have consumption if they will send me theii Express and P. O. addresa. Kespent tuJJy. X. A. SjXOUM. M. C.. 181 Paarl St.. Y. —When a man begins to find all his de light in tho past and to .talk about "no times like old times." he ought to let up and kick himself a little. He's getting old and losing his interest in tbo present. —Watermelons are in market, and this advico from the Atlanta Constitution man of what to do with a melon, is seasonable: When you thump it with your lingers and it gives a heavy sound, Like summer rain afalling' on tho dry an dusty ground, Jes' get your liarlow roady an" prepare to make a swipe, And carve it straight an" steady till it opens red and ripe t Then fold your Barlow careful an' take your melon llat; Put one-half on this side «»' you, the other half ou that; Then take the biggest in you lap an' tear the heart out so t An' smack your lips an' praise tho Lord, from whom all blessings flow I —lt is sometimes better to be a dark horse in a cool barn than to grow weary in running before the race begins. —Ono half of the women of this world can't understand how the other half ever get a chanco to marry. —This is not blanket weather, but a larger number of citizens blank it freely. —A lady displayed her ignorance in a dentist's ollico recently. She was having a partial set of teeth made. "And Doctor,' she said, "pleaso bo careful where tho teeth como from; see that they are those of nice, clean, white people, for I'm sure I could never be content to wear a tooth in my month that ever belonged to a col ored person.'' She seemed very much re lieved when tbo dentist informed her that artificial teeth were manufactured from the raw material and that natural teeth were nover used in making plates. "The day was hot; no breath of air Our glowing faces fanned And every hour we breathed a prayer Kor breezes soft and bland. We saw him coming up the way And knew at once what he would say; So we with smiles, addressed him thus: 'Xo; tisn't hot enough for us.'" ITS A HOODO! don't scare us .. It never hurt? a r, but it knocks ~~~~* Competition endw • The monster is ' "* ni * l *>ey can ~'reat ' W! at Is it." t' :i* i-j what every.! T -ft- ,„ir war.' to k' ow; by ur illustration you'ean ! *" ' any- i +►» w" hiugr up -o tie t.*rtb, r the water under .fog earth, but more wonderful than any thing ever exhibited by Barnum or ~ : 1 " "What is it"—why its Heck's mammoth BtocK of fine clothing, Hats, Caps. Shirts. I ants, i nderwear Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Suspenders. Umbreli is, 1 ranks, \ aiises. Satchels, Purses, Hill and Pocket-books, Clothes, llatr and looth-brushes, Watches. Chain*, Charms, Ladies' and Geats' Rings, Pins, Collar and Cull Buttons and hundreds of articles too tedious to mention which we have for sale, and j vou mav need. Call and see our mammoth stock of oeautiiul spring at tractions and you will certainly .-av its a Hoodo. Well, we are not looking j for those who do trade with us but for those who do not. W « don t believe j there are many who do not, but there ought not to be one person in Butler or adjoining counties left who does not kn >sv that the place to save money, to get big values, is at Heck's Store, 121 N. Main St Whyis it that you miss your chance and waste your money ? Pon't you know letter ! We bear you no ill will, why should we ' This is not our funeral, we are ju»-t he same merry merchant as of old. We are rollicking, jolly fellows; we are tiproaring, tip top sellers, and when i; conies to bargains we can suit you to aT. If yon think we ere a honey, come buy your clothes and drop your money, and we'll treat you like a little sonny, £ur we have got the energy and the will; we mude up our mind to be the LEADER IN OUR LINE and the result is that we lead and the land plays Anny llooney, aud there is no mistake about it. Tho world stands aghast at the realization of the fact that the high quality and low prices ol our goods is a reality and not a fictionarv legend to those who have never dealt with us. wou'd l>e glad to see you and pleased to put in your hands a real money saver, a bargain with a great big 1? If you are not ouour list of customers, come and be convinced that we are right at the front doing big business, on the best basis, a square deel and a r 'lling dollar We are going to get up a train loud for the World's Fair at Chicago in 1803, and we want you to come in and go along. We will furnish vou with a Round Trip Ticket, free the only conditions that you buy your goods off us. For further particu lars call in and see as about it. With kindest regards for your liberal patronage and your remembrance of us to your many friends, we shall in the futuro endeavor to merit your confidence. Yours Very Respectfully, D. A. HECK, Champion Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher, Y2\ N. Meiii\ St., BUTLER, : s : : 10 I STUDY 1 RED. Her cheeks were red, And so was her heful, Her lips were of the same hue; The tip of ber noso, The color of her clothes, Were just as red as her shoe. Bear in mind our prices are as close to the bottom, withou. haying it drop out, as it is possible to be. See our line of Red Shoes and Oxfords lor Misses', Children's, and Infants'. Our lino of ladies' Oxfords can not be ex celled. All the latest aud prettiest styles from Ooc upward. Here is an Extraordinary Bargain. A ladies genuine'dongola kid button shoe, worked button holes, solid leather inner sole and counter, equal in style, finish and wearing qualities to any ladies' s2.oo shoe will go until this lot is sold at $1.25 per pair. We also have a ladies' India kid button at 90 c per pair. A L RUFF, 114 South Main St., Butler, Pa. N IS II i wag 11 W. JHFFKBSOX E - If II s We are at 128 E. Jefferson street; we want everybody to have a good outfit for tlie 4th of July, and therefore we now have a special sale going on at special low prices. If you want a BUGGY, HARNESS, I, Al>-1 )U ST ER, FLY-NET, Or anything in a driving or team out fit now is the time to get a bargain. S. B. MARTIN COURT & CO. S. B. MARTINCOURT. J- M. LEIGHNER NO SURE CURE FOR EVERY CMSE OF ASM** t» 1 f We want name and address of My| 1 every sufferer from Asthma or Hay Fewer. buffalo, N^ "Well begun is half done." Begin your house work by buying a cake of SAP( )1,10. Sapolio is a solid cake of Scouring Soap used for all cleaning purposes. Try it. 1 MILLINERY TIM The Loading Millinorv House D. T. PAPE. Our line of Milliner.' is complete in < rtry respect. We fm-»tc you Investigate. •• I u ' ti.at cir Hutler countv. Trim d !m*s .u ! r~, - 1 pins, laces, braids, crcjx s, nets. etc. Mourninu Millinery In (neat Variety. PAPK'S, 1-ivl ir>. Miiin Street, I littler, I'.-i. HENRY BIKIII, 122 NORTH MAIN STRKET. BU ULER - - - - FMN \ DEALER IN Hardware and House Fiiririslrinir W ti t-,#» Jf'"* ** *L»»- : •' g m /rfe£^' Is - ... ma ui W g- \c> he r rv. 4 ; ■ - -j. II! n ut r< iii. .and -i ut n MF isit); th J> J r»s*f»v n turers, reaper and steel lraiue binder. W.n. warrented; screen doors and wind* >-. r < • mowers. No better plae*,- in the city t> U i • Come and see inv larire .store room iuii i •»••.-■. I J t long. WHERE A CHILD CAN lil'V AS ( HEAP AS A V N HITTER Ik MLSTII BUTLER, PA. Special Notice. ]>ATTERN DEPARTMENT .11 >ls 1, I—J>^. The Ladies of tbis vicinitr will appreeiii, a ia our IV' ri Department from BrTTKKICK'S" to "STANDARD" P.»:toma Several rears ago wo ?»ve up the of th* P.utt»r •'« ' I'l-frw. not being satisfied with Aflra tb o a_-h inT- •■•i*• ference with onr leading dre? mak«s. we ar-eorr v. i-hit-r- - Patterns are far sup.ruT to all others, I# b»i#f aon op to date, UUw modeled, sin.pitr dirioii' Cs fcr making, insuring prrfcet aatiafarti. r • sr»*t saving in time much "> fii'iujr to da~atit< c■■ ? .'• * • >■* > ■ * r there being m> v ste a.- iL the 4 W• ha*e «icpt«>d im "Standard" Pti.c-ras, knowing that cur a.-t a •* sr«-.t *.;«» .al satisfaction. Thi- bniMMT Stand- I Fashion Steer logues free to all Tin' 1.. Staadard Ms**. ' - - . infr but 50 cents a rear, and .-h ould bo i-. ev rv \ v * subscribe to it when you bare examined a sample eopy. It is :*■* Wat aa4 cheapest Fashion and Ladies" Ma -:;.rie in ex <ter A complete stock nnd all of Standard MM iuaa*B«rfjr m ton* Patterns sent by n>ail free on receipt of pr.. Very re.«pe**tfullr, RITTER & RALSTON'S. HUTLER, P A. — FOR TIE BOLIDffi 0: JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers can save from to • : cent l)V purchasing" their watches. - and spectacles of J. R. GRLKHj The .Iruclrr, No. 125 X. Main St., - f)uii\ Sign of Electric licll and < All ai-* K. -i* > :full) In. t «l —"kcmcmhcr uur Kcjiairin;.; DeparttffeM— -O jcars Ka|Wi>§MWK I M* R|4 l OW * HAY- FEVER j «j 1 COUfHEAD I Ely'* i'rem Halm i* a l>q>t>d, i»«/ or p \pp(i*d into ®'* c ' ' mt f- F || a ' ' h' 3UC EIY BROTHFRS, 58 Www Street NEW YORK, . I. I. SPECK "" H. MOI.WKS. tui: l > \I»IM. HHoi.mutiiM; tM> i.nii«uhoi*•» «»» »>«tn:< nm«nn*u. Tito 11. lloillAO** < 0.. Distillers of "Hotmes* Best" ami ** 11« ()l«l Ki'iiwrniy PURE RYE WHISKY, All the leading Rye ami Bourbon Whts ud or ? *x-pa«! Importers of fine Brandii , (»;n and Wines. SEJSTID FOR PRICE LTSa.' Telephone No. 305; 120 Water St. and 158 Fir stAvo., lUUbWtik Pa