Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 15, 1892, Image 3
THE CITIZEN FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1892. iJCTLE* baa a population of about 10,001). It la the County seat of Butler County, wltu railways, natural ifaa, and unequalled facilities lor.menufacturea. ITogress e»rywhere; new building*, new manufactures, a growing and prosperous town. New Advertisements. V ogeley A Bancroft's Bargains. nickel's Low Price. Hnselton's Shoes. Schneideman's Redaction. Sehaiil's 30 Days Sale. The Racket Stores Bargains. B. A B's Dry Goods. NOT*— All advertisers intending to make anges in their ads. should notify us of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. LOCAL AND GENERAL. New York Weekly- Tribune—Free. By special arrangements made for our so doing, we are enabled to offer to all our subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any) and one year in advance, and to all new subscribers paying in advance, tho New York Weekly Tribune free for one year. For further particulars of this ofler see ad vertisement on 2d page. The New York Tribune is a ttiuncli Re publican paper; its editor is on onr Nation al ticket this year, its weekly edition con tains all the best editorials and general an 1 L ..1 tho daily, and this very liberal oiler .s 1. mid be accepted by every Republi can o! lintler county. i ,'ut the weeds. - Muzzle your dogs. —Read "Prince Dusty." --Go to the base ball match. II itler has but three wheelsladies. —"Cranial Elephantis"is the latest name for swelled head. —The great railroad riot in Pittsburg oc curred July 22, 1877. —The town of Enon Valley in Lawrence Co. was visited by a cyclone a few da} s ago. —The rain of Wednesday afternoon put an end to teu days of as fine harvesting weather as one could wish for. —The Presbyterian Sunday School of this town will picnic at Slipperyrock Park on Tuesday the 19th inst. —About 350 people attended the English Lutheran Sunday School picnic at Slip peryrock Park on Tuesday and had a good time. The Germauia Bend furnished the music. —A cloud-burst in France, Monday night, caused the river Arve to rise sud denly aud sweep away the village of St, Gervais, and drown two hundred people. —Cyrus W Field, the man who project ed the first cable across tho Atlantic, died at his country homo near Now York, Tue sday. —A sample election under the new law will be held in Butler next Tuesday by employees of the Pittsburg 'Finns. Every body should vote. —Patriotic Mr. Ritter of the firm of Ritter A Ralston has ordered a ton, more or less, of Harrison aud lteid pocket haud ksrehiefs in red, whito and blue. —Mars did something to be ashamed of and hid behind the Moon for over an hour last Monday night. The occultation was studied by the Astronomers of America and Europe. —Sample copies of the New York V cek ly Tribune which we this year furnish free to all subscribers paying ono year in ad vance, as per advertisement on 2d pago, can be had at this office. —The only oxtensive Fourth of July cel ebration in Western Pennsylvania was that at Schenley Park, Pittsburg. Thirty thousand people wore presont, and there wero spoeches and music during the day and fire works at night. —A wealthy Pittsburg family is involved in a Custom House scandal. They had been traveling in Europe, and returned to this conntry in tho steamer Teutonia lately and tried to bring in a lot sf diamonds, jewelry, watches etc., worth many thous ands without paying duty. --A "slick un" is traveling through tho southeastern part of the the county solicit ing subscriptions lor the Butler and Pitts bnrg papers and pocketing the money. A receipt he gave for the CITIZWI to a Win field twp. man was signed "J. K. Gibson per Watson." —lt is some years sinco we have printed a coutinued story for boys, and wo this week begin the story of tho adventures ol a run-a-way orphan boy in tho upper oil region of this state and on a raft down the Allegheny. It is a good story for boys and girls and we are sure it will interest every one of them. —Mr. J. 0. Fullerton is now the sole proprietor of tho Union Woolen Mill, formerly owned by his father, 11. Fuller ton; and proposes carrying on tho business as usnal. He is now making blankets and yarns, buys all wool delivered to him at market prices, and will be pleased to ac commodate the old customers of the mill and numerous new ones. —The local base ball teams have beon playing great ball. The Butler club had a series of unbroken victorios during their late trip, and tho Times club has been very successful. On Saturday at Ball park the Butlers will play the Homesteads, the strongest amateur nine abont Pittsburg: and this afternoon the Times club will cross bats with tho Greenville club. —lndia by Magio Light, Miss Emma Dean Anderson, ot American Mission, Jhelum, North India will give an illustra ted lectnro on India,on Thursday, July 14, 1892, iu the U. P. Church. Stereopticon views of celebrated buildings, schools, vil lage life and work. India's zenana man ners and customs of people, and life and character of the natives will be shown and many other things of interest. Admission 25 cents. -Thirty-thousand Christian Endeavor ers from all parts of the United States gathered in New York last week and held their conventions in Madison Sqnare gar den. The majority of the delegates were females. The next convention will be held in Cleveland. There are seventeen Chris tian Endeavor Societies In Bntler county, but one of which, that of Butler, was rep resented at the New York convention, by Mr. Andrew Brymor, accountant of the Plate Glass works. —There was a great pauic over the ap pearance of a contagious disease in a cer tain city, and the school teachers were in structed to send children home as goon as it was learned that there was sickness in any of their homes. If the little ones could bring a note satisfactory to the teacher they were allowed to remain in school. One day it was reported to a teacher that the mother of a little girl who attended her school was sick. Very prompt ly she sent her homo. In half an hour af terwards the little girl put in an appear* ance and presented tho teacher with a note, which read: "Miss . This little girl's mother is sick. She has a brand new baby. It is not contagious. Please admit her." Tho note w»3 signed by the little girl's father, and she was at once admitted. LEGAL NEWS. KOTKB. Sebastan Beck was appointed Judge of election for Butler twp., vice Geo. Vogel, resigned. Henry Peters was appointed collector of Cherry twp.. vice Dixon Campbe". dee d. Herbert Winner and B. S. Winner have brought suits against Oakland twp. Catharine Vassart has brought suit for trespass vs Victor Aubry. Mary Hindman has sued Agnes McCoy for slander. Mr. A. C. Wilson has the contract for taking off and relaying the stone around tho Court Hou*n at 0} cts. a foot. The Franklin AYtrs says: An interesting (|nestion was raised by the bill handed in at the Commissioners' office for tho pay ment cf the men who sat on the Coroner s jury at the inquest resulting from the Oil City disaster. The reckoning at the rate ofsl for each juryman at each of tho 55 inquests."The Com'rs were doubtful as to the question whether the jurymen are entitled to $1 per inquest or $1 per day, and referred the matter to their attorney, C. A. Myers. Tho question involve- a dif ference of over S2OO. The entire bill is $084.73, of which the Coroner's fee is S'J2G (at $4.12 per case), the jury fees S.TiO, the stenographer's bill $55, with several small er 'tems. IATK PROPERTY TRASSFKRS. W A Gocliring A- Co. to Oil Well Supply Co., 2 lots in Zelienople for $1750 each. 1) It Kodgers to Mattio Reihing, lot n Butler for s!.",eo. Jos Wise to liobt MeKinny, lot in Con noquessing twp for $375. Gc> Milleman to Fred Moyer, J acre in Middle Lancaster for $1175. Jno Foy to A Lonnoy, lot in Butler for $035. Theo Pfabo to Bertha Pfabe, 49 acres in Jefferson for $1(500. J C Renfrew to J V Bowser, lot in Ren frew for S2W. T W l'hillips to A M Bedell, 7 acres in Penn for S3OO. M Gallasrher to K L Graut. lot in Butler twp for SOOO. Kosana Dunn to Thos Niggcl, lot in Butler for S4OO. J E Montag to Jos Keith, [52 acres in Buffalo for $712.50 Amy Bastion to Henry Siokey, lot in Zelienoplc for $205. John D Aldinger to Fred W I'uruekcr lot in Millerstown for $1,400. Wm J Barrickman to Henry C Shannon lot in Butler for SSOO. Marriage Licenses. David n. James Mars Anna Davidson " Fred Koch Butler twp Ida Cable " " Ambroise Stevens Washington twp Eliza MeFaddcn " " Samuel Miller Worth twp Emma Moon " Yictore Minnier Butler Rosalie Vantard " Olcy Hanson Erie. I'a Rath Wise I'enn twp Hugh Young Fairview Mary Green Pctrol'a George Eisler .Summit twp Kate Filges Oakland " Jeremiah I'. Sutton W. Ya. Jeanuetto Adams Butler Madison Wi'mot Logansport, I'a R. B. Williams " " At Mercer, Francis A. Kerns of Petrolia, and Mary Mercer of New Wilmington; also Walter L. Morrison aud Millie Cooper of Harrisvi'le. At Kittanning. Jacob M. Leeger of Free port and Anna MeKinny of Butler Co., also F. L. Clowes and Nancy Srader of Freeport. At Franklin, John Domer Dunlap of Harrisville and Lizzie Uovis of Irwin twp., Venango Co., also Thomas P. McKee of Clintonville and Adella May llustin of Franklin. Armory Opera House One night only, July, 21s'.. Mr. A 1 G. Feild has brought togethor for tho season the best aggregation of his pro fessional career, and tho entertainment g'ven by his minst'els at the Metropolitan last night received from tho lanm and en thusiastic audience a generous and deser ved recognition. The generous reception bestowed was not, in tho strict sense ol tho term, the result of home pride and for the reason that Mr. Field is a resident of Columbus, but because has gathered a combination of artists who fu'nish about all that is first-class in his lino, and they also havo the faculty and training which puts the performance on in an original manner without follow iug out any of tho beaten paths. Tho reception, however, was nothing morothan it should havo been, considering tho merit which Mr. Field has called together for what is bound to bo his most successltil season beforo tho amuso nnnt loving public. The parade which was given yesterday attracted about as much attension as an ordinary circus, and had a tendency to givo a forecast of what was to be expected at the Metropolitian last night. The arrangement of the pro gram was in good taste, and although no intermission occnred after tho certain rose, tho presentation of tho numbers was so varied that no one became tired. 'Of Mr. Field himself it is enough to state that he sustained the reputation ho has earned to its usual standard of excellence. Mr. Louis Steadman has a cultured baritone voice, and rendered his number with spirit and expression. Mr. Wall acquited him self in a manner to call out merited ap plause, and the samo may bo said of Mr. Will G. Mack Mr. Joo Lowes gave ono of tho host exhibitions of contortion ever seen in this city, and Messrs. Howe, Wa'l and McLcod gave a very entertaining mnsical number. The entertainment as a wholo furnished a novel and Jpleasing entertain ment, and is in many respects an agreeablo departure from modern minstrelsy. A matinee will be given this afternoon, and this evening will conclude the engagement, and they start from horo on a long tour of the west. Ohio State Journal, Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 2. The Pennsylvania Railroad's Twelve Day Excursions to the Shore. The success of tho first Pennsylvania Railroad Seashore tour, indicates a largo part}* on tho others leaving July 21st, August 4th and 18tli. Tho tickets include theehoisest points on tho coast, and are available for Cape May, Atlantic City, Sea Islo City or Ocean City at the samo rate. Tho excursion tickets, good for twelve days, are to be sold at a rate of SIO.OO from Pittsburg, and at a correspondingly low rates from other stations. A special train of parlor cars aud daj coaches will leave Pittsburg at 8:50 A. M. for Philadelphia, stopping at all important junction points, where connections will be m*do with trains from branch lines. Pas sengers will spend tho night in Philanel phia and proceed to the seashore by regu ar train of next day. Tickets will be sold from stations named below, and train scedule will bo as follows: Rato. Train leaves. Pittsburg .$lO 00 8:50 A. M. Butler 10 00 0:15 " Philadelphia Ar 7:10 P. M. Application for information and tickets should bo made to nearest ticket agont, or address T. E. Watt, Passenger Agent Western District, Pittsburg. Pa. The Standard is the best. You know we always manage to get the best. R. &11 Buffalo Blankets, best for wear at L. STEIN & SON'S. Largest assortment and best values in Dress Goods and Cloaks at L. STEIN & SON'S. The Standard has taken the lead in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, and all the large cities. R &. 11. —Boarding House Cards, with Act of Assembly, 25 ceuts for half-a-dozen, for sale at CITIZEN office. Ice For Sale. Those wanting ice will please leave their orders at the City Bakery, No. 212 South Main St., and they will receive prompt attention. S. MORRISON, Prop'r. The Standard is the best thing in tho market, and Bplendid values iu all kinds ol domes tic goods. T 11. & R. Borough Business. At tho meeting of Council, on Tuesday night of last week, the petition for the paving of West Pearl St., from Main to Bluff was presented, the old petition was withdrawn, the new one was approved, the proper ordinance adopted, the grade ap proved and that part of the street will be paved this snmmer. The Paving Committee reported against the proposed paving of but one block of S. McKean St.: the Sewer Committee report ed against allowing the exonerations asked for on S. Diamond St.; the sewer on tho sauth side of tho creek nea' Campbell's foundry is to go to the creek; the Sprin dalo park belongs to the town and the matter of the cost of tho litigation was re ferred to a special committee; a nuisance was referred to a committee for action; bills aggregating about a thousand dollars were approved and tho Council adjourned for two weeks. Personal. Ben. Roscnberry and Mr<. John Tebay of Eau Claire are down with typhoid fever. The children and other relations ol Mr. and Mrs. William Stalker of Venango twp. gave them a -npri-o party on Saturday the 2d inst., v.-hich was the 30th anniversary of their marriage. A. R. Shirey and wife, of Harmony, Butler county, were vi iting relative ■ in the neighborhood dn-'Mg tho past week. — Emlenton AVtrs. Mr. Peter Buruicr, of Hamilton, <>., was visiting his fiends in this county last week. P. W. Lowry is with the Mercer Fishing Club in Canada. Mrs. Frank Armor is visiting friends in Foxburg. Mr. C. D. Greenlee, the oil producer, contributed SSOO to the Prohibition Nation al Campaign fnnd. Sup'dts. McCollough and Mackey, and sornoof our teachers attended the eouven tionTat Beaver Fa"s last week, which was a great success. Virgil Gibson, a printer, is now one of tho clerks of tho Butler P. O. Mr. Hart Graham an family are visiting friends at l)uncausv : ''e, I'a., near Altoona. W. M. Cornelius, Esq. of CVumbus, Nebraska is visiting his relatives in west ern Pensylvania. lie read law with Chal. Campbell some fourteen years ago, and is now in successful practice in Nebraska which, ho says, is a very fine state. Our school principals. Misses Cummings, Brittain, Cochran and Fisher are taking a course in teaching at Chautauqua. Prof. G. A. Schotte,formerly professor of music in Columbia university, hut now of Butler, is on a visit to his family in tho East End. Mr. Shotto is well known in western Pennsylvania towns, and has a large class of pupils at Butler.—Pittsburg Press. Prof. Shotte has returned from his vacation and a new class is taken up this week.- Prof. Shotte has had phenomenal success in Butler, and all who are desirous of having the assistance of a competent and careful instructor should see him at once. A company of Butler county boys who followed the ball club over to sec the game here Friday,stood iu front of OH'utt A Co.'s store yesterday evening looking at a stuffed badger in tho show windows. The boys were indulging in quite an argument as to what tho animal was. when Harry Thrap.a salesman in tho store, to'd them it was a badger. As they started off one of the boys said triumphantly, "There, I told you it wasn't a rabbit."—New Castle Xcirs. The Markets. BUTLER MARKETS. Our grocers are paying 75 to 85 for new potatoes, 1.00 a bu. fcr beans and peas, 30 cts a doz. bunches for onions and beets, 12 cts for butter, 15 for eggs, 25 cts a doz. bunches for rhubarb, 50 cts a pair for spring chickens. PITTSBURG PRODUCE. Timothy hay from country wagon sl3 to sls, mixed hay sl2. straw $7 to SB, mill feed sl3 to sl7. Tho wholesale quotations in grain arc. wheat 85 to 80, corn 55 to 58, oats 30 to 41, rye 80 to 83, a car load of No. 2 white oats sold for 32£. Country roll butter 14 to 15, eggs in cases 15 to 15}, new potatoes $2.00 to $2.50 a bbl, now apples $3 to $3.50 a bbl., rasp berries 8 to 12 a quart, green beans 75 to SI.OO a bu., wax beans 1 to 1.25 a bu., spriug cliickons 40 to 75 a pair as to size. LIVE STOCK. At Hcrr's Island, Monday, mixed stock sold at 3 to 4, bulls and dry cows 1} to 3. Veal calves at 5 to 0, fresh cows S2O to 40. Sheep retailed at 31 to 5, yearlings at 4 to si, aud spring lambs at sto CJ. f'isor had 195 head on sale, Bingham 142, and Flinncr 100. Hogs rcta-'ed at Z'l to CJ-. THE OIL MARKET Closed on Monday at 52 4, Tuesday at 52 J, Wednesday af 52J. Pennsylvania Chautauqua. Tho first annual summer assembly of the Pennsylvania Chautauqua, will bo held at Monnt Gretna, Lebanon county, from July 12th to tho 28th, and, judging from the amount of interest oviueod in tho project in allpartsoftlie State,it will be one of the most popo'ar educational gatherings ever held, second only in interest in the famous Now York Chautauqua—and second to this only, baeanse it is tho first year of its existence. The spot selected is one of the most beautiful in tho Stnto. It is easy of access from Harrisburg. Excursion tickets w 'll bo sold to the As sembly from all points in tho State. Those desiring further information arc asked to address Rev. A. 11. Gersden, Lebanon, Pa. Best place to buy Tabta Linens, Napkins and Towels at L. STEIN & SON'S. The Most Popuplar Store in the County. Louis Traxler's Dry Goods and Millinery Store. This popular estab lishment is always crowded with customers. Louis Traxler keeps a selected stock of staple Dry Goods which be sells on a very small profit. When in need of Dry Goods, Mil linery or a Wrap, visit this store. It is located next door to the Butler Savings Bank. Standard. Call and see the Standard and you will never regret it- R. & R. STRAY HORSE. Came to the residence of John P. Shoup, in Oakland twp., Butler Co., I'a. On or about the 10th of June, 1892. A light iron-gray horse, with dark mane and tail, supposed to bo about 10 years old. Tho owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise he will bo disposed of ac cording to law. JOIIN P. Shoup, Butler, Pa. Why Some Women Grow Old. •A woman expends more vital en ergy in baking one batch of bread than she can regain by careful nurs ing in four of five days. In other words, every baking of bread short ens her life just so much. Does it pay ? Why should women lie old and careworn before middle lifet Marvin's fine bread is just as good and pure and sweet as the best house wife can make. It's just as cheap and it saves all the worry and both er and work of baking. Why not use it ? You can get it from your grocer fresh every day. Try it during the hot weather and satisfy yourself. Standard. The great triumph, the utilitarian success of the age. The great boon of the female portion of the popula tion. Do not fail to stop and exam ne it. It. & 11. —New wash goods in Zepheiett, Persian Mull, Mousseline, etc, now ready for your inspection at THE PEOPLE'S STOKE. Suicide of Cabe Eythi Gabriel Eyth ended his troubled career in Butler, Tuesday night, by shooting him self. while in a stable. Since his separation from his family he has been living in a frame house at the foot of Jail or West St. by himself. On Tuesday night, about midnight, h# became possessed with the idea that peopele were trying to break into his house, and left it and sought the protection of policeman Skillman. who seeing that he was laboring under a delusion advised him to go to a hotel, and went with him to Nixon's Home. Mr. Nixon got up and gave Evth a bed on the 4th floor, where other men were sleeping, but he made so much noise that the other men complained, and Eyth was given a room on the third floor. Nixon wont to his bed, but was again called out by a noise, and found Eyth coming out of a vacant room on the second floor, with a pistol in his hand which he pointed at Nixon. but Nixon "ared him into going back into the r.iom and lying down upon the bed, «-hen he locked the door and went out, but a few minutes after ho heard a crash, and found that E.vth had Hung himself out of ,the window, through the sash, had landed safely on the plank walk and was running towards Main treet, yellowing "mob," '"help," etc. Nixon's son, and i-lerk, and policeman Skillmau followed him, and Eyth ran across lots to Main street, and then dow .1 tho alley between the Reiber and Bowser properties. The pursuers heard two .-hots, and when they came to Mr. Bowser's stable they hoard groans; they awakened Mr. Bow er, and procured a lamp, and found Eyth ly ing in the stable with bullet holes in his breast and right temple. He lived for two hours, and then his body was taken in charge of by the undertaker. lie had been at work the previous day in Purvis' mill, but is said to have drank heavily last week. He was born in Wurtemburg, and his wito (whose maiden name was Shugart) carries on the dress making business on West Cunninghan St. Bis body was taken to Roessings under taking rooms; where the Coroner and a jury thoroughly investigated the circum stances of his death that afternoon. A Gusher at Great Belt. When the drill in the new Phillips' well on the Gottlieb Wolf farm, about halfway between Herman and Great Belt tapped the fourth sand Tuesday morning, the well began flowing at a lively rate, and sur prised everybody by putting 120 bbls. in the tank for the first hour. The well was doing 70 bbls. an hour, or about 1000 a day, Wednesday, and will undoubtedly stimulate operations in that field. Boyd A Co's well on the Douthett, is rated at 350 a day. Excursion To Niagara A Grand Trip For Little Money. The Lumbermen ol Mercer and Butler Counties will run an excursion to Niagara Falls, undeathe management of David Weller. on Thursday, July 14th, over the Pittsburg, Sheuango A Lake Erie Railroad, from But ler, Meadville and intermediate stations, via tho Nickle Plate Railway, to the Falls. The train will run special both ways, with out change of cars, and make no stops east of Erie. Niagara will be reached at noon, and the train will leave for home at 9 p.m. eastern time, making fast time going aud returning. Nine hours will will be given at tho Falls, ample time to visit all points of interest, those wishing to remain longer can avail themselves of the limit of their tickets, which will he pooe returning on any regular train from Niagara Falls A Buf falo to July 19tb, Toronto July 21st, Thou sand Islands A Chautauqua Lake July 24th. This allows an oppurtunity to visit Toronto and Chautauqua at a light additional ex pense. The sights are now free at the Falls, and by taking along your lunch bas ket, there need be no expense on the trip. For rates and time of trains see Bills or ask the the nearest P. S. A L. E. R. R. Agent. Make your arrangements to go with the excursion, Thursday, Jr'y 14th, 1892. True Philosophy Thousands and tens of thousands of cures ol diseases have been made, and are daily being made all over the world, by Hum phreys' Specifics. Tho witnesses of the wonderful cures of these* mild, pleasant, harmless aud yet effective Humphreys' Specifics are found upon every side. lu quiiy among aqnaintruces or friends will reveal cures ofobstinate and lifelong dison*- cs which have been made by these specif ics. Thousands of individuals and famil ies have used them for years with com plete success. The system of Humphreys' Specifics exhibits ih > true philosophy j 1 cure—medicines which only act directly upon tho disease and in such doses as to cure without exciting disorder or disease it any other part. Excursion to Washington D. C. For tho meeting of the League of Ameri can Weeelmon,Washington D.C. July 18 to 20, Agents of the Pittsburgh A Western Ry., will sell round trip li-keis to Washing ton July 10 and 17, good to return until July 24, at the first class limited faro ono way. —Farm Work Bridles $1 00. MARTINCOURT & Co. New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords, Henriettas and Fine Dress Goods at L. STEIN & SON'S. Very low prices on Fine Timbrel las at L. STEIN & SON'S. Standard gloves, hosiery and trimmings and the standard. R. «fc R. Millinery at Reducad Prices. My entire stock of Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, and Ribbons have been marked down to about half their former prices It is late in the season you know, and I do not in tend to keep them for another season. People who need Millinery Goods should take advantage of this offer at Louis Traxler's, next door to the Butler Savings Bank. —Full 35-inch muslin for 5 cts. a yard at TIIE PEOPLE'S STORE. Standard goods of all kinds and the Standard. It. & R. Ladies ani'.jMisses' Cloaks in great variety at lowest prices at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Take your children to Zuver's Gallery for Pictures that will suit you. Postoffice building. The Standard, also a splendid line of while goods. R. k It. German Knitting Yarn, Spanish and at L. STEIN b SON'S. Best styles in Dress Goods and Cloaks at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Ladies vests worth 25c. at Louis Traxlers. The Daintiest Lunch. What tho therinomotcr at 100 or so, what could bo more delightful for a noon-time luncheon than a glass of cold milk and a fow of Marvin's crisp, fresh soda crackers 'i That's what the phvsiciaus would call a "hygien ic luncheon " You'll grow fat on it and forget thai ibe weather is at the boiling point. You can get Marvin's crackers from your grocer. A Teaspoonfull of "Holmes' Best" Old Monongahela Rye Whiskey will be of greater benefit to you as a stimulant than a quart bottle of cheap, adulterated goods. Every physician will tell you that there are times when the hu man system.cxhausted by work or heat, must havo a stimulant, and a teaspoonful of good whiskey or small glass of pure wine at such a time will do you far more good than swallowing dollars' worth of nauseous drugs. ••Holmes' Best" has been analyzed and found absolutely pure. Ask your dealer for it or send direct to The Wm. 11. Holmes Co.. Distillersof "Holmes' Best" and Holmes' Old Economy Pure Rye Whiskeys, and direct Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Pare Wines and Liquors—No. 120 Water St, and 158 First Ave., Pittsburgh I'a. Death of Mrs. Hamilton. A Butler physician wa* ha. tiljr called to the home of Jame.-t Hamilton, near Sunset station Tuesday night, and upon arriving there found Mrs. Hamilton lying on the floor and in the agonies of death Irorn poii oniug. At about S o'clock that evening Mrs. Hamilton had gone outside the honse and taken something that had caused vio lent purging and vomiting, she also par took of some cold tea that she had prepar ed. She expressed a desi r e to live till next day. When the physician arrived life was al most extinct. tII am "ton is an Englishman, and who has been working in tho l'late Glass work> for abont two years. Hi- family consisted of his wife and >ister. and a girl they had taken to raise, they having no children of their own. Mrs. Hamilton had not been well for some days, and the rest of the family do not know whether -110 intentionally poison ed herself or not. Accidents. David Baker of Buffalo was kicked in the face by a horse a few days ago, was badly cut and had several tc-eth knocked out." —Tho election officers und committee men from all over tho county should witness the sample election to be held in Bntler next Tnesday. A Chance for Composers In order to stimulate American com position, The iMdies, Home Journal has made public an attractive -cries of liberal prizes for the best origiual musical com position by composers resident in the I'nited States and Canada. Tho prizes call for a wait*, a piano composition, a pleasing ballad and a popular song, an anthem and the four best hymn tunes. The competition is open until N'ovember Ist, next. The opportunity has an addi tional attractiveness sinco the prize com positions will form part of a series for which Strauss is writing an original waltz, and Charles Gounod and Sir Arthur Sul livan each an original song. —" H'orhU Columbian Exposition Il lustrated for July." — To say this number is the most interesting, beautiful and valu able of all the numbers so far issued is putting the fact very mildly. Indeed it is the crown jewel of the seventeen artistic gems—the seventeeu numbers so far pub lished. This month the frontispiece is ft full page, half-tone, copper plate engrav ing of the Hon. M. H. De Young of San Francisco, third Vice President of the Worlds' Columbian Commisson. It con tains many leading articles of paramout importance to all those interested in the growth and development of the Exposition. We notice especially '-The Nation wishes It," setting forth very strongly that the Exposition is not only a national enter prize but should be dignified by substan tial National support. It leaves no ground for any belief other than that the Amer ican people so view this great enterprise. Thore are two very valuable and timelj articles entitled, " Sunday Opening vs. Closing," and ''Sunday Opening at the World's Fair.'' The latter is by Mrs. Frances E. Bagley of Michigan" Lady Manager-at-large and widow of the late Gov.Bagley. She has arrayed her argu ments in an interesting and convincing manner, and her article sheds considerable light on the satisfactory solution of this much mooted question. There is a sched ule of the "Official Traffic Arrangements for the Exposition," including tho rail roads and the trans oceanic steamship lines. This article is of great importance to intending exhibitors and \ isitors. very conspicuous among the artistic features are engravings, nearly all full page, of statuary for the adornment of the principal buildings. Thero are two excellent full page engravings of the Washington btate building and of the Maine State building, with many photographs of the Stato board managers of these two States. There is also a double page engraving of the Mines and Mining Building, the first of the irreat department buildings to be compht'd. Altogether, too much can not be said in praise of this admirable number. In a more pleasing and definite manuer, by means of it, than ever before can wo appreciate the great importance and tho educational influenco of tho Worlds Col umbian Exposition. From first to last thore will bo sixty numbers of this journal. Price of tho entire issues, postpaid to any adit ." in United States, Canada or Mexico, sl2. Early in the fall it will be published semi-monthly; during tho Ex position, weekly. Annual subscription price (24 copies) $5.50. The publishers announce their " Special Great Offer," which includes all the copies from July to January, this year, ten in number, to one address for only $1.50; or about half price* Single copies 25 cb. Address, J.R.CAM.'BELL, President, 159 ami 101 Adams St., Chicago, 111., The Standard. When you see it you will become a patron at once. R. & R. —Money to loan—lnquire of F. S. Purviance, Huselton block, cor. Main and Diamond,Bi#tler Pa- Don't forget us on Hosiery and Gloves, we always have the best at lowest prices L. STEIN & SON'S. —Justices and Constables Fee Bills, printed on card board, suitable for posting—for sale at this office. Standard and bargains in all kinds of wash goods. R. & R. —Zuver's Pictures leave nothing wanting in finish, tone or a correct likeness. —We have moved into our store room, No. 128 East Jefferson St..one square above Hotel Lowrv, please call and see us, everything at lowest prices. MAUTINCODET & Co. —Meals 25 cents and upwards at Smith's Cafe, 113 East Jefferson St. —lce for sale at the City Bakery. —Kid gloves in all the. latest shades at THE PEOPLE'S STORE. —Come and see the Standard and great bargains in carpets. R »fc R. The Standard can now be seen at R. & R.'s, also great bargains in all kinds of silks and Gne dress goods R. <fe R. Hot Weather and Hygiene. Hot! Well yes, rather, too hot to eat anything very solid in the middle of the day. The best lunch the most heathful and satisfying, is composed of a glass of milk and some (of Mar vin's crisp dainty soda crackers. What could be more tempting, more hygienic ? W. H. O'BRIEN & SON. [Successors of Scliutte A- O'Brien.] Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters. DKALKB.s'IN Sewer Pipe, Gas Fixtures, Globes and Natural Gas Appliances. Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry House BTJTLER, PA. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now running a line of carriages between the hotels and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel Yogeley. Good Livery in ('ouncelion •s»HoHi'«uaui , \3 i,)J UO 11 puij II'M u< U3l|M lit •u.tu.r.a Uitjqo M \ sdrd c. M l anaM. j ■ f|lf •uiun.u el uavioio WttjjylXllJAllV The Best Is «<•«<• to flood if you are sicl. The physician ex pect* results and this can only be obtained trhen pure drugs are dispensed. Pu rity can and accuracy in every department of our business, (hily registered pharmacists are emjdoytd and personal sujierrivinn given to er cry ctail. li e endearor to keep every thing that is inquired for, but if tee do not hare what your prcxcrip tion'eallsfor ire will tell you so and do our best to get it for you at the earliest possible time, fio matter iclmt is needed for the sickroom come to our store. Our prices are as IOK as con sistent with pure goods. Inferior ones ve do not care to handle at any price. Physicians pre scriptions and family re ceipts a specialty. Respectfully, C. N. BOYD, Druggist. Diamond Block, Butler, PH. RPHK BUTLER COUNT* NATIONAL BANK, BUTLER, FA. CAPITAL Paid I'p, ... $100,000.00. OFFICERS: Jos. H&rtman. Pres't. J. V. Kltts. Vice Pres't, C. A. Bailey, caahlev, DIRECTORS: Jos. Hartman, O. P. Collins. o. M Russell, H. HcSweeney, D. Greenlee. J. V. Hlita, K. E. Abrarns, Leslie Hazletl, I. G. Smith. W. 8. Waldron, M. Klno^a-i. A general banking business transacted. In terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. Foreign exchange bought and sold. INSURANCE COMPANY of NORTH AMERICA.IOOth Year Assets $9,278,220.00. Home of New York, Assets $9,370,640.00. Hartford of Hartford. Assets $6,743,046.84. Continental of New York, Assets $5,806,784.91. NEW YORK LIFE, Assets $125,947.290.81. Office o£ E E ABRAMS & CO. Office in HUSELTOiv BUILDING, next to the Court House. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WKBT PENS R. R. Trains leave the West lVuu depot at foot east Jefferson St. as follows: 0:20 a. m.—Market—arriyes at Allegheny at 8:40 and 9:13 p. m. 8:40 a. m.—Express—arrives at Allegheny at 10:30 a. in. 11:00 a. m.—Accomodation— arrives at Alle gheny at 1:24 p. m. 2:45 p. m—Accomodation—arrives at Alle at 4:44 p. ra. 5:00 p. m. —Express--arrives at Allegheny at Allegheny at <i:4B p. 111. The 6:20 a. m, train and 2:45 p. m. trains connect at Butler Junction with trains East to Rlairsville Intersection, where connection is made with the Day Express and Philad'a Express going East. 1 rains arrive at Butler at 9:35 and 10:35 a. m. and 1:30. 5:00 and 7:50 p. in., leaving Al legheny at (>:55, 8:50 ant' 10:40 a. hi. andJ3:l6 15 and »>; 10 p. 111 P. & W. R. R. Trains leave the P. & W. depot iiear Cen tre Ave., Southside, liutler time, as follws going south: 6:00 a. m.—Allegheny Accomodation. B:lo—Allegheny and Akron Express -runs on Sunday to Allegheny, and connects daily to New Castle. 10:20 a. m. —Allegheny Accomodation. 2:50 p. m.—Allgheny Express. 3:20 p. m.—Chicago Express, runs on Sun day. 5:55 p. m.—Allegheny and Zelien ople Mail Kuns on Sunday to Allegheny alone. On Sunday alone, at 11:15 a. m., Allegheny Express. Going North—lo:os a. m. Bradford Mail. 5:00 p. m—Clarion Accom. 7:2.5 p.m.—Foxburg Accom. On Sunday a train leaves for Callery at 11:15 a. ra. No Sunday trains on the narrow gauge. The 3:20 p. m. train South connects at Cal lery with the Chicago express, which rans daily and is equipped with the Pullman buf fet and sleeping coaches. Trains for Butler leave Allegheny at 8:10 and 10;30 a. m., city time, and 3:00, 5:25 and 0:15 p. in. On Sunday at 8:10 a. m. and 3:00 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler at 9:30 and 9:50 a. m. and 12:35, 4:45, 7:20 and 8:30 p. m. Sun day at 10:20 and 6:10. PITTSBURG, SUENANGO & LAKE ERIK B. R Trains leave the PAW depot, Butler time, as follows: 5:30 a. m, to Erie, arriving there at 10:45 a. m. 10:30 a. m. to Erie, arriving there a 13:20 p. m. 5:00 p. m. to Greenville, arriving there at 7:25 p. m. A train arrives from Greenville at 10:06 a. ra. with through car to Allegheny over the P. &W; one at 2:30 p. m. from Erie which connects with both roads to Allegheny, and one at 8:40 p. m. from Erie. Trains leave Hilliards at 6:25 and 11:15 a. m. slow timv. The 8:30 a. in. and 3p. m. trains on both roads in Allegheny connect with trains on the P. S. <fc L. E. at Butler. Planing Mill —AND Lumber Yard J. L. PU KVIB. L. O. FUKVIB. S.6.Purvis&Co. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IK Rough and Planed Lumber OK KV CKY UKBCHIKTION, SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Fuilc i Fa. AS USUAL We are'showing the finest line of summer millinery in town. Black and colored silks, lace, tinsel lace, new effects in jet crowns, orna ments and edgings. Latest novel ties in flowers, fancy ribbons and Swiss braids. Nice assortment of trimmed goods aiways in stock. Orders promptly filled. Mourn ing our specialty. M. F. <fc M. Marks'. 113 and 117 South Main Street 38 WANT WORKERS ■Salary or commission to good men. Fast sell ing Imported laities; also full line Gt ARANTEED NTRSKKY STOCK. Stock tailing to ll\e replaced FUHK. K. D. Luetchford Jt t'o.. Rochester, N. NPHLXi. This is n«t spring poetry but com mon sense. You'll want to freJken up a bit and, will need some wall paper. We want to tell you that we have as larife as varied and select a stock as you'll find outside of the city and prices are no obstacle We have reduced the prices on some grades, and you will find all lines very low. Our stock of room mouldings in vites your special notice. We have it in shades to mut?h the paper, and you'll find your room not complete without it. We have a larger stock of widow shades than usual this season Our line of oil cloth I>ado shades, in gold or flock pat'.erens at 50c is particular ly strong, Linen shade fringe to match, shade pulls, sash cartain fixtures, picture wire and picture hooks are part of our line. Don't make your spring purchases without giving us a chance to show you our stock Yours Respectfully, J. H. DOUGLASS, Two doors below I'oetoffice L. (J- WICK DKALhB IH Rough and Worked Lumber Kisnn Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stocky LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Offl. a opposite P. it W Depot, BUTLEK - - PA. 1 B. c\- B. Sale ot about 10,000 yards 32 inch Zephyr Dress Ginghams Gray and white, black and white, pink and white aud blue and white, large stylish broken plaids, -10 cent* A yard. You save one-third the! price on these ginghams. The valued and regular price to day is 15 cents. Oar entire stock of this season'* styles Anderson Ginghams, 25 cents, 40 cent quality. And to make yokes and flounces 1 for your ginghams, challies and India Silks, we have a sale of 5,000 yards Pointe D'lrlande Laces. In cream and ecru, ranging from 5 to 16 inches in width,all at one price. 25 cents. They are 50., 75c, and SI.OO laces 32 pieces plain Black Japanese Silks, Extra fine and lustrous, 34 inches wide, almost a yard, for ladies' waists and summer gowns, 85 cents. Heretofore sold at $1.25. 487 dozens Ladies Hand Embroid ered, with scalloped edges, Jap Silk { Handkerchiefs, black or white, era-: broidered in white or colors, 15c., 20c. and 25c. Regular prices are just double. BELTS. 1,000 Silk Belts, 2 inches wide, white or black, 25 cents. 1,000 Solid Leather Laced Bodice Belts. 25 cents. Write us and find out just how much its to your interest to send us your Letter Orders. Boggs Buhl, 115 to 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY. PA. FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IK BLANKETS, ROBES, HARNESS, And everything in horse and buggy fur nishing go ods—H ar - ness, Collars, "Whips. Dusters, Saddles, etc. .Also trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment of 5-A. Horse blankets in town will be found at Kemper's. DOCTOR J. B. HOBENSACK'S MEDICAL. OK Fit H \ •Uto .V SECOND ST , PitUadalp:.ia, JV. Aro tlic oiilv-i in A HUT .u i»r l treatment o I Special Diseases L Youthful Errors, Blow] NVrvom IK-I.liity, Ulcer*. Run nings, Hi* l» kiuev Siri.tuvs, 11 -adder, kidney and Bkin Vart co<* e lli,ln«vV Huiv ture, permanently rnn-1 l.v improved m.-tbods without detentixu fn.iu t IIMIIUW Th.- U* tor'n success IK <IU.' to his lir.-L,»II|C experience and study; to the pure vegi-table rflMdi» u*d and totbe tlion'iigli t xaminntinn and « atchfUl at tention elveil |«tienis during treatment. A4O year*' c~i.it,li-hni. lit I-. our guarantee nfmiieeu. Trralmrnt t>> Hull n S|irrlnl(y. Office hours, 1> * m , t.ir m,i;to 9 r * All day Saturday till »P. U Sundays 10 to 12 a M fwntl lor ilwtk. (top)lighted.) © has removed hi«J lmsneife stock of Wall Paper. Window Shades, Fine Picture* and Frames to that large commodious room in the Aldit**r building. 311 S. Main street. The increased size of my new room has allowed a larpe increase in stock W. A. OSBOKNE, ART HEALER, - BUTLER, PA MITED UOY, I 4.» i —w » «,«/*! ibtjk . '■ **■ 7 We Have Bought Onr falHine of cloth ins nn«l in con*e<|U«nc«, need more r tjtu. In order to obtain it have cut the price ou *ll •>ummeT cloth ing. aonsistini; of light weight coat* and vcnta, light colored fuitu and odd pant.-. It \oii have not boi)[ht anything in this line it will pay you fo d j so now a* the price in lower than you will obtain the s*amc for again. We QMMtc a tew Prices. ccat and vi-xt-t £o cts. I)omet Flannel coat an-&L*t ~>U ct*. Black Alpaca coats I.»W, 1.25, 1.50. Boy's Summer coats 15 ct«. to 1.50. Men's Summer coats 25 eta. to Men's odd pants 1.25, 1 50, 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00. All boy's and children's clothing are included in this cut, child's short pants suits 1.25, 1.75, and 3.00. T2 TT! \ I VI R R we not ■dvertiie what we IVJHIVI I ji'lXJ I I\ h:Jye no) w . hmve things all in Ktock now. So come at once a- they will not last long. H. SCHNEIDEMAN. Clothier and Furnisher, 104 >. Main Street, ...... Butler. Pa. 30 Days Sale of Spring and Summer Clothing. They all wonder at the bargains we arc givg>g. but an additional surprise is at hand. It is our *0 Margin Sale, ou ing to a back ward season, our counters arc i»acked. That superb stock of Men's Spring and Summer Suits drags, but we blot off all profits for 30 days. $22, S2O. ft ß TTTmn KoatSis - sl6. sls I I R r I go at sl2 sl3. sl*. s»i I I I g<> at $lO SB. $7. $6 ' " —' * g t) a t $5, Mothers Listen. All $7. 6.50 and $0 light colored child's suits go at $5. $5, $4.50 and $4 child's suits go at $3. SCHAUL BROS, & CO. One Price Clothiers. OPrOSITK HOTEL VOQELlfc'. - BUTLER. PA. HUSELTON'S Shoes are the Best and Most Popular. Ask jour f.ieads how they like Haseltoa'a Bboae, Ask about the price, Ask if tbey are Comfortable, Ask if tbej are Fashionable, Ask if thej are Reliable, Thev Will Tell You HUSELTON W Always has the Newest Styles, more of them, better goods, fives i»or* at tention to Perfect Fitting of your feet and lower prices Than Any Sl|pe House in Butler, And best of all everybody bays at the same price, yoor dollar goes for 100 etm. Ladies' Fine Oxfords, 75 cts, SI.OO, $1.25, $1 50 sad up. Ladies' Fine Button Boots 90 cts, SI.OO, $1.35, $1.50 and $3 00. Ladies' Fine Opera Slippers 50 cis, 90 cts and $1 35. Children's Colored Shoes, Handsome style. Childress' sad lafeata' Shoes 25 cts, 35 cts,-50 cts and 75 cts. Womens', Mimes' sad Childress' Spring Heels a specialty. , SPECIAL FOR MEN, Mens' Brogans and at 75 cts, SI.OO tad $1.35. Mens' Fine Shoes at SI.OO, $1.35, $1.50 and $3.00. Mens' Extra Fine Styles in Calf, B*l sad Congress at $3 00. Boys' and Youths' Shoes at 75 cts, $1 00, $1.35, |I.M aad $3.00. LOOK THIS OVER BEFORE YCO BUY. B. C. HUSELTON, 102 N. Main St Butter, Pa Jft ALL PERSON EXTENDING TO SINK WELLS ■L are respectfully requested to oall oa or mUrm, SJK Frank C. MoGrew, Who is operating a KEYSTONE DRILLER sad la \ prepared to drill Water Wells. Teat Wells, Air Hoiaa jU * f or Shafts, etc. frills eight inch or leaa. ALL MY first class. l%f>i ? 1 Agent far Leffel Wind Mill, Standard hydraulic Rams,and all tae beat makaa of pampa. For any forther information addraa, iffl?® FBABK C. KcGSSW, * lit Ehf 81. B«u«r. Pa. " A TALISBTAN! ™ While tbere is nothing exactly magical about o6r shoaa, thai* ia a "slight of band" that trnns tbenuout with the fitting ijoaiitiea that wmkm them famous. There is too, a "eSafin" about them so isspraaaira thai cuts mere yield to the "spell" that oerer leaves. Onr ladiaa' ahoaa might ha called "encbantera." Our ngn's are foil of talamaaie virtaaa, ssaoadl sailing in these shoes, "no uuflKir" (nautical friends plaaae eatch oa) The season of circuses reminds us f f "torns," and the oaly thing "arrohalJa" about ours is that, like all our goods, they bend easily; bain* rwry laxibla (Joodyear Welts, too modest to put on aire, could do it if they waaftsd to though. The only thing low abaat them is the price Call sad saa than at ROBINS BROS, S. E. Corner of Diamond. ... Near Opera Haaaa Hotel Waverly*. S. McKKAN ST , - - BUTLER. PA Opponite School Hoqn. Thi* new hotel iit now open to the public, it in a new boa»e. with new furniture throughout and all modern cen \ enienees, is within am*y reach of the de pots anil busines* hoofer of 0e town, and ha? a splendid view of the emM*rn pnrt ot ttie town. Rates Reasonable. Give me a call wheu in Bntler. CHESS STOKER Prop!r. J* >"• ' "•» PMWI Aalt) n.- I . liu alwajra prov* IUC IUI. Ik-fore plantar any y K«-w<.;»p« r A IrrrtUUn* '»u-"I hjSm£< LC.tD * THOMAS, immawa WLLIAM KENNEDY. Tbe well-known >iijn, Vb. Kennedy, will fee pIMMd I* hare hia friends call at feie aaw plane of bnaineee Tbe Best Horses, Bfeiggies and Car riage in Batler at the Boat raaaaaafcie rates Tbe plaet ia natty MHak» ed The 6mt atable wast sf tfce Lowrr Houaa A. J. FRANK 4 Cft DRTQHj MEDICIXE9, *n CIXMIC&ir fa*cy roiirr articd, P.>MOES, BRCSHEH. FT.Rrt'MtBT. «C vr\y9lelu9° tiyitmmm ea*» Hill 5 S. Main Street. Butter. Pn.