Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 15, 1892, Image 2

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OINM at MMN at W*" M eto,i " ,Wer
.ni»n, - " Mbfc » r -
Republicari Tioket.
For President,
Of Indiana.
Vice President,
Of K«w York.
Fo* Judge of Supreme Court,.
J«H* DIAW, of Blaii Co.
for U« Jndge.
(Subjeot to District Conference.)
F« Congressmen at Large,
I,KI»U McDowm*, of Mercer C .
For Congress.
For BUte Senate,
For Assembly,
For District Attorney,
IRA MvJtmiir,
For County Surveyor,
The Judicial Conference.
The first conference between the Be
publicans of BuUer and Lawrence counties
regarding the Judicial nomination, took
place at the Leslie House in New Castle,
Tuesday. Jno. M. Greer, the nominee ot
this County was represented by Newton
Black, Geo Maxwell and John Dindinger;
and "W". D. "Wallace, the nominee of Law
rence Co., by G. W. McCracken, H. P.
Shanor G. "W. Lawrence.
Both candidates were put in nomination,
eight tie votes were taken, and then the
conference adjourned to meet in Butler on
Thursday, the 21st inst
Free Silver in the Senate.
- The United States Senate passed a free
silver coinage bill as unqualified and un
relieved of every saving grac* as it is pos
sible for language to make it Even tho
proviso that foreign silver coins should not
be brought here and dumped into oar
mints, was strioken out The silver plank
of the Chicago Convention, which professes
to express the Democratic faith aa to sil
ver, and would have operated as a rule oi
interpretation if placed in the bill, was
laid on the table by the Democratic Sena
tors when moved aa an amendment to the
bill. The free coinage of a 600 grain sil
ver dollar which embodied the recom
mendation of the Democratic platform
that the gold and silver dollar shall be oi
the same intrinsic and exchangeable val
ue, was also voted down, showing the in
sincerity and essential dishonesty of the
Democratic professions on that point Not
content with providing foT the free coin
age into United States legal tender dollars
of all the silver in the world at a rate 50
per cent, above its present value, it is also
ordered that the silver bullion now in the
Treasury, against which United States
legal tender.notes have already been issued
shall also be converted into silver dollars.
This bill passed by the vote of 17 Dem
ocrats and 12 Bepublicans in favor to 7
Democrats and 18 Bepublicans against. Of
the twelve Bepublicans eleven are from
silver mining Statfißj_or from States imme
uißieiyeflJPtgflig *
is silver. The other Bepublican voting
for free silver is J. Donald Cameron, of
Pennsylvania. The eleven voted in ac
cordance with what they had reason to be
lieve were the interests and wishes of theii
constituents. Mr. Cameron voted direct
ly against the interests of his constituents,
and is the only .Bepublican hailing from
any Btate east of the Dakotas who had the
hardihood to join the Democrats in voting
to stamp as a dollar every 68 cents worth
of silver brought to our mints.
Should this bill beoonie a law and remain
on the statute book long enough to worl
out its fall effect, it would reduce by one,
third the allowance oi every pensioner,
the legal value of every savings bank de
posit, and all fixed inoomes; and until a
painful readjusting prooess had been gone
through with, it would reduoe wages and
salaries by a like amount. Free-silvei
coinage means a rapid drop to a silvei
basis, and the substitution of a silver dol
lar at its true value, for the gold dollar at
the legal measure of value. It means the
exodus of gol4 and the reduction of the
United States to the ranks ot the silver
standard countries such as Mexico, China,
and British India. It means the introduc
tion for a season of a general state of insta
bility by which sharp speculators will
profit but the general body of the people
will lose.
Happily there is no danger of this result
while President Harrison is in the White
House ready to veto such vicious legislr.
tion. The strength and audacity or the
free-silyer men show, however, the urgent
necessity oi electing Senators and Repre
sentatives who will support the President
in resisting such assaults upon the integri
ty of our currency.
As is very apt to be the case when vory
important votes are taken, Mr. Quay was
not present when this pernicious measure
received the sanction of the Senate and the
support of Mr. Cameron.—Philadelphia
Closed Against Americans.
A dispatch from New Castle dated last
Friday read as follows:
In court this morning, the examining
committee of the Lawrence County Bar
Association asked to be excused from ser
ving any longer, saying there were too
many applications from law students to be
admitted to the bar. D.B.Kurti stated
that he had no less than three applications
in his pocket at present. This statement
brought forth some caustic remarks from
Judge Haien, who was on the bench at
the time. Said he:
"We as a people are shutting our doors
against young Americans learning any of
the branches of skilled labor, and the rea
son of this is the very stringent laws which
are passed and rigorously enforced by la
bor organisations. Go to any of the works
where skilled labor is employed and see
wbo occupy the skilled labor positions.
They are Europeans. The doors are shut
against our own young men, and about the
only way an American boy can get an op
purtnnity of learning a skilled labor trade
is for him to hare some foreigner adopt
him. It is a deplorable state of affairs,
bat it is true. Go to our steel rod mills
and you will tind that foreigners are in the
best positions.
T visited the Pittsburg Plate Glass Works
plant some time ago, and found that every
position requiring skilled labor was filled
by an European. Understand me, the
Europeans are filling those places, bat I
deplore the necessity which exists for
bringing them here. The bars are fast
filling up in all the cities, simply because
young men want to earn a living and the
doors are shut against them by labor or
ganizations and they are compelled to sta
in Ohio some years ago, any man who
could obtain the signatures of three Asso
ciate Judges could be admitted to the bar,
and as it was an easy thing to obtain these
signatures the State was soon overrun with
attorneys. The State was obliged to take
a hand and put a stop to it, and now a man
can not be admitted to the bar unless he
first passes an examination before the Su
preme Court. In Lawerence County we
bare 40 attorneys, and in Butler Coaniy
CO, and there is not enough business for
one third that number. The examining
committee will not be interfered with at
present, and it is hoped that they will be
awn stringent in (he future.
Homestead, Pa., a town of 12,000 inliab
itants on the Monongobala, a few miles
above Pittsburg, was the scene, last week,
of a terrible and bloody enconntcr between
nrganixed labor and the immense capital
of the Carnegie Company.
The facts which led to this conflict seem
to be as follows:
The wage agreement between the firm
Mid the Amalgamated Association expired
in July Ist. By it the wages paid were
Sxed on a sliding scale, based on the
market price of iron and steel. Recent
improvements in the machinery have been
introduced at Homestead which, accord
tng to Mr. Frick, Carnegie's Manager,
(could increase the output so much that a
ower scale of wages in the case of some
528 men was necessary. Under this pro
posed reduction, he stated, the men wonld
■eally make at least as much as hereto
■oie. This applied to men who were mak
ng from $8 to sl2 per day. This was the
irst point. It is said that the Amalga
nated Association are now willing to agree
,o this and to the following point:
Under the old scale $25 was fixed as the
ninimum price for steel; that is, while the
irice could go as high as it pleased and
!he workers wages along with it, when it
ivent below $25 per ton the scale was not
iffected but remained as if steel were
(forth $25. Frick asked to have it chang
sd to $23. *
The third point of difference was the
late ot expiration of the gliding
las heretofore expired on June 30. Frick
Fished to have it expire on Dec. 31. This
g the main point of difference. Tt really
means whether in case of trouble at tlio
jxpiration of scale, the workmen will have
!rarm weather to fight in or will be antag
>ni*ed by winter's oold as well as Frick.
On this point both sides are firm. On
luly Ist, no agreement having been reach
sd, Frick declared the works closed. The
workmen at once assumed control of the
town of Homestead and everyone entering
WM closely examined as to hisbusiness.and
was ordered to leave if he could not give a
good reason for his presence.
Mr. Frick appealed to the Sheriff on
Tuesday and Deputy Sheriff Cluley at
tempted to take possession of the works on
that day, and took the afternoon train for
the seat ot trouble.
As soon aa the train was brought to a
standstill the deputies steppped down,and,
forming a compact body, headed by Cluley
started toward the gate, against which
stood several hundred brawney mill men.
Not a sound was heard save the heavy
breathing of the strikers and the grating
of the pebbles beneath the heels of the ad
vancing deputies. They came within a
few feet of the determined strikers, who
looked them square in the eyes without
flinching or moving an inch from their po
sition before the gate.
Ex-Sheriff Cluley advanced and in a
clear voice said: "Men, we command
you to fall back, and give us entrance tc
the property of the Carnegie Steel Coropa
ny, which we have been detailed tc
There was silence for a moment, when
one of the workers stepped from the crowd
and said:
"We cannot permit you to enter thf
mill. Tho property isn't in danger, noi
does it require your guardianship, and w«
think that should we admit yon to thif
mill, it would bo against our interests, sc
we will not allow you to enter. Sbouk
you wish to return to Pittsburg we wil
see that you get safely out of town.
A messenger was immediately dispatch
ed to the captain of the little steamer Ednf
to raise steam and hold himself in ret»di
muitiiMrrattia df-ftutips tf> Glenwood
while a large guard of brawny worknrei
gathered around the deputies and startc<
towards headquarters,whsr<
the men were to be kept till the boat wa;
The guard was hardly needed, as then
was but little demonstration, and tho dep
uties were taken through the 3000 work
men so quietly that many didn't knov
what was going on. Thirty minutes late
word oame from the Edna that all wa
ready, and the march to the boat, abou
one-quarter mile distant, was begun. Eacl
deputy was escorted by a workman, and i
large forco of men took their position
across the street, not permitting the largi
crowd to pass and follow the deputies
Not a loud word was spoken during tin
trip, and the uninitiated had occasion t<
think it was a funeral procession. Acting
Sheriff Cluley brought up the rear of thi
procession, with Burgess McLuckie, o
Homestead, and when the riyer bank wa
reached each deputy shook hands in tun
with his escort, thanked him and steppec
on board. Mr. Cluley was the last t<
leave the shore, and as he stepped on thi
plank waved his hand to tho boys, saying
"I am much obliged boys for your kind
ness, and now I will walk the plank. Thi
Enda pushed off amid dead silence, am
the little crowd dispersed as quietly as i
Bnt the tragedy was to follow. Frick
engaged 300 Pinkerton detectives and sent
them by boats from Pittsburg, on Tuesday
night,to land at the works and guard them.
The workmen were informed of this and
were gathered en masse to prevent the
landing of the Pinkertons. The detectives
were in two barges, iron plated, and towed
by the "Little Bill" steamer.
Before the barges were within 100 feet
of the landing, that portion of the rivor
bank was literally covered with millmen,
brandishing their clubs, while some on the
bank above were tiring their revolvers at
the occupants of the boats.
Up to this time there had not been a
sign of life on the barges, but when within
50 feet of the shore the large doors at the
end of the boats were thrown open and as
many men as could conveniently stand on
the little forward decks crowded qnickly
Through the rapidly coming daylight the
men on the bank recognized the slouch
hatted, blue-coated, heavily-armed Pinker
ton men. Every one of the Pinkertons
held in his hand* one of the deadly Win
chester rifles, and though three score of
the glittering barrels were leveled directly
at the mill men as the boat neared the
land, not a man retreated,but rather press
ed closer to the shore in order to be the
first to fall if necessary. The din was
terrific as the lusty-lunged mill men vent
ed their rage upon the intruders. "Don't
come en land or we'll brain you, you dirty
black guards!" they yelled. "Why don't
you work for your living like decent men!'
they howled.
Not a word answered the Pinkertons,
but as the boat touched the shore and a
gang plank was thrown out, every Pink
erton covered as many men as possible
with his Winchester. Kage had now
transformed the usually pracitic Home
stead men into demons. They knew uo
fear, but even jumed forward to wrest the
rifles from the bands of their hated
The last moment before the slaughter, as
seen by a reporter who was within 40 feet
of the barge, the crowd was surging down
ward against sis of the leading mill work
ers, who stood with their backs to the
Pinkertons, fairly under the muzzles of the
rifles, trying to keep the mill men back
from what seemed certain death. Clear as
a bell, far above the roar of the angry
crowd, came tha voice of Hugh O'Donnell.
as, hatless and coatless, he tried to check
the angry men. "In God's name," he
cried, "my good fellows, keep back! Don't
press down and force them to do murder
It was too late, the last word of the
peace-maker's appeal was drowned by the
sharp report of a Winchester from a ma.i
in the bow of the boat. The first ball hac
hardly left the smoking barrel on it
mission of death ere it was followed by ;
sheet of flame from a score of rifles in thi
Pinkerton's hands. William Foy, win
stood at the front with bis foot on thi
gang plank, staggered and fell, bis lilu
blood gashing oat.
For a moment the vast crowd was strncl
dumb by the attack. Only the groans o
several wounded meu were heard. Ihi
echoes of the rifles had hardly reached th.
neighboring hills ere the crowed replied
Out from the semi-darkness nfthe morninj
flashed a wall of fire. The men on th.
bank, too, had arms, and were mdng thorn
The leader of the Pinkertons clapped hi;
hand to his breast and fell, while severa
sther Pinkertons staggered back and wer.
'arried inside the boat by their comrades
At tho first flash of the Pinkertons
■ifles many of the crowd took to theii
leels, but close to tho water's edge stoot
ibout 200 of the angry men, firing then
evolvors straight at the Pinkertons. Soor
he latter, vnable to withstand such fire
■etreated into tlieir cabin and fired froa
inder cover as quickly as possible. Wher
ho men on shore had emptied their re
rolvers. they retreated up the bank
jreeting every shot from their enemies
rith a defiant cheer.
It is remarkable that among that vasl
ot of Homestead men not a gun was seen,
>ut after the first attack messengers flew
vildly to the town and in a quarter ol ac
lour, armed with rifles, shot-guns,musketi
ind everything in the line of firearms, they
cere hurrying again to the scene of battle
The Pinkertons kept rather close undei
wver, but when the mill men came down
,o the water and asked for a conference
,ne was readily given them. The spokes
nen of tho Pinkertons eaid they didn t in
end working, and a voice from the crow.]
inswered: "You fellows wouldn't work;
ts against your principles." This evident
y ended the conference, as the speakei
shouted: "Yon fellows have been blowing
;hrough tho newspapers what you were
<oing to do, and in 15 minntcs wc will
nake a landing and clean tho grounds in
ihort order."
This, of course was greeted with a de
iant cheer on the part of the mill men.
3ne old gray haired man shouted to thi
Pinkertons: "Onr boys have just whipped
jrou and we can do it again. If you want
to fight we'll send the women down, u
pou'ro afraid to light men.
Nothing further was done by the Pink
ertons until after they had eaten breakfast
jn tho boat, when, at 8.30, they made
mother attempt to land on the company *
grounds, but were again repulsed.
In this attack Ilrnry Straigle and John
Morris, two well known )Touiestead men,
were shot dead, while several of the Pink
Brtous fell and were hustled out ot signl
by their follows. The mill men now tool
their position on top of the bank, whilt
skilled marksmen were placed at ever}
sheltered point and with their long-rangt
rifles proceeded to shoot down every Pink
erton they could sec.
Though there wero fewer rifle shot
during the afternoon, and no one was kill
ed by tho Pinkertons, it was scarcely ales>
exciting time than the morning. Ilu
crowds about the railroads, tho yards o
the works and the river bank increased
the greatest expitewent prevailed and tht
most inflammatory utterances Vere hear"
The universal demand was re.euge tor tut
death of the men slain in the morning
The Pinkertons were ready to capituiatt
by noon, but tho ejpited Homestead met
wanted nothing less than thejr lives
Three times they showed a white Hag
their supposed object being to surrende:
and gut yqt of town As often was th<
flag riddled with bullets or shot off th.
stick on which it wa» upheld, from tin
Hh °They havo killed our comrades! Lc
n. Wo their lives;!', was an expressioi
Ttrnrrr — » c- —
ol the water!" "Set tho-r boats on tin
and burn the thugs alive! ' and "They ar.
murderers ! Xo quarter,' wero cries echo
ed cwywere. and the 2,000 or more mer
who by 2 o'clock had possession of th.
mill yards were disposed to act upon th.
sentiments. , .
It was safe to walk through the yard;
at that hour, for the men in tho barges hat
ceased U show fight, and if over a Pinker
ton man pray a J-hpy were propably cower
ing in the bottom of their -raft, lnvofcwf
divine assistance to deliver th-m .ron
what seemed like a most certain and nios
horrible death. ... ,
On the right bank of the river abovt
them was a cannon which over and anoi
vomited a shower of slugs and missiles up
on the iron roofs a? the barges which alon.
protected them from destruction. Anoth
er cannon was planted on the Hrat«doi;l
side of tho river and seemed th.e more pow
erful of the two threatening engines o
death, for its volleys of slugs, were heaviei
and the aim of the amateur gunners 11
charge of it was better. How uscy mer
were dead inside the two barges it was im
possible to tell, but no one seemed ti
donbt that tie work ( >i tho riflemen hat,
been most deadly. li*t the unljroen expe
rienced no relief in the burning desire toi
revenge, au.l the most diabolical ingenuity
and the most untiring energy were exert
ed in tho direction of bringing the misery
which all knew to bo hidden behind and
beneath the sides and tops of tho lowlying
barges to a 2&eiy o f bloody end. Min
chesters, shotguns and muskets continued
to spit spitefully toward tho low erati, an
answering shot coming at tho rarest inter
vaU and the cannon were loaded and dis
charged yith unceasing regularity. The
supply of ammunition possessed by the
Homestead men is cifciwe.d to be inex
haustable. They had powder w shelh iu
abundance, plenty of gnus, with more in
easy reach, and a supply of dynamite to
fall back upon as a last resource. The
combined use of dynamite and oil wa* be
ing considered and prepared for when the
arrival of President William SVe.ho nail
his assistants averted death from probably
nearly 300 men. ....
The firing of oil tanks hail beeu tried in
the morning in the hops that the blazing
fluid would run down into the river and
destroy tho barges with their human
freight. The plan failed and the meu who
framed it thereupon proved themselves
most fertilo in ideas of destruction. It was
decided that they should tleluge the barges
with oil, and then by means of dynamite
cartridges or in/lamniablowaste shot from
the cannon, set them on fire. The Pink
ertons must then perish miserably by
drowning or fire, or come out on the bunk
to be shot down, as tho men say their
comrades wer#. There were plenty of
facilities at hand to put this into operation.
Near the river were two tanks partly filled
with oil, and the mill buildings near at
hand were stored with barrels of it for use
in the machine shops or for filling the
huge tank in which great masses of steel
are tempered. The volunteer fire appara
ratus of Homestead was procured, connec
tions weio made with tho tanks, lines of
hose were run out as far as possible with
out exposing their manipulators to abso
lutely certain death, if tho Pinkertons
chose to bring their rifles again into play.
Streams of oil were soon running upon or
dangerously near tho barges.
The arrival of Amalgamated aflicials at
this moment changed everything, and the
Bag of truce of the detectives was recog
nized and they were allowed to surrender.
The/ were forced to march about a mile
from the barges to the building and on the
way ran as awful a gauutlet as ever sav
ige races forced tfcfir victims 1.. pass
Hundreds of men aruieij wMh club** wen;
Rationed along the line a"d the appear
knee of a l'iukertoii was the signal lor
icores of blows upon his defenseless head.
Even the women assisted, throwing rocks,
lust, etc. This work was tint done by
he strikers, it is said, but by the roughs of
he town. The pinkertons were shipped
o Pittsburg that night and placed in ln>s
litals and iu a day or two were sent to
heir homes in Chicago, Philadelphia and
few York.
Thus the strikers won at every point in
he first great battlo between the forces.
On Sunday, Gov. pattison, in response
to a call from Shoritl McCloary ot A lie
ghetiy county, ordered the entire National
Guard of the State, which consists ot
eleven regiments, three troops ol cavalry
and three batteries, und numbers in all
over 8000 men, to move to the support ot
the Sheriff in preserving the peace ftt
Homestead. „ . .
The correspondence between the ntticiais
was as follows:
Pittsbcko, Pa., July 10.
To Robert E. Pattison, Governor, Harris
burg, Pa.
The situation at Homestead ha.- not im
proved. While all is quiet there, the
strikers are in control and openly express
to ire and to the public their determina
tion that the works shall not be operated
unless by themselves. After making a 1
eCorts in my power, 1 have failed to se
cure apo sc respectable enough in num
be s to accomplish anything, and I am sat
islied that no po»e raised by civil authori
ty can do anything to change the cond
t'on of affairs, ami that any attempt by an
inadequate loree to restore the right of
law will only resnlt in further armed re
sistancc and consequent loss oflife. Only
a large military torce will enable me to
control matters. I believe if such force is
sens the disorderly element will be over
awed and order will be restored. I. there
fore, call upon yon to furnish me such as
sistance. _ „ ~, ....
Gov. Pattison, as commander in-chief of
the national guard, at once i.-sued the fo.-
lowing order:
Geo R. Snowden. major general, com
inanding national guard of Pennsylva-
Pnt the division under arms and move
at once with ammunition to the support of
the sheriff of Allegheny county at Home
stead Maintain tho peace and protect all
persons in their rights under the Constitu
tion and laws of the state. Communicate
with me. _
To Sheriff McCleary the following tele
gram was sent: ,
William H. McCleary. sheriff of Allegheny
county, Pittsburg, Pa.:
Have ordered Maj. Gen. George K.
Snjuwden with the division of the national
guard of Pennsylvania to your support at
once. Put yourself in communication
with me. Communicate with me further
Gen. Snowden with tho adjutant general
and quartermaster general at once pro
ceeded to formulate the orders for the
mobilization of the guard.
At Homestead.
Monday noon Col. Mechliiig and Capt.
Mi .Innkin received official notice of the
calling out of the national guard,and soon
after the members of Co. K. l->th Reg.
were on the streets in their uniforms. At
SP. M. they formed in the Armory
and marched to the depot, and there await
ed the special on the Shenango bringing
the Meadville and Mercer Co. companies.
The special was delayed for three hours,
and the interval tho hoyj jnaae
merry, and drank coffee and ate sandwich
es provided lor them by Hon. J. M. (treer,
and a large crowd of their relatives and
their friends kept them c impany.
At 8:15 they were off for Homestead by
way of Blairsville, at which point their
train was run upon the main line of the
P. R. R., and headed west.
At Kadebaugh|station,which is about two
miles west oj they found other
train loads ol soldiers waiting,and they all
waited there till 7 A. M., when all the
trains moved west to Brinton station on
the I'. It. R. where they left the main line
and entered the short road connecting the
P. R. R and the P. V. & C, and which
crosses tho Monongaliela at Port. Perry.
At Munhall station on tho P. V. A C.,
near, Homestead, the trainsjstojiped and the
troop.- disembarked.formed anil marched to
and through Homestead and encamped on
the high plateau immediately above the
town and steel works, and on the binfl
across the river. Batteries commanding
tho town were placed in position there,ami
also on tho hill on tho opposite side of the
river: and a whole battalion was assigned
to patrol the town. .
(Ten. Sps>wdeu established Ins head
quarters at the school house and refused to
have anything to do with the Advisory
Committee or allow of a public reception.
His first report to the Governor was as
I arrived at Homestead at So clock this
morning from Radebaugh, where |the
Second and Third brigades concentrated,
accompanied by Win. 11. McCleary .high
sheriff'of Allegheny county. Everything
is pea- eldl and quiet The brigades are in
good force anu escgiloai. >,i.n.lit:on and are
ready to give cheerful 'obedience to orders.
I aui co operating with the sheriff.
The Fifteenth Regiment is located in
the hilt ai.ova tl}c steel works and at first
reported a lack of "grub," which lias
probably been supplied by this time. How
long they will be thero remains to be seen.
Jlie Congressional Investigation.
The Congressional Ooiuwiuet..
ine of five members ol Congress and of
rrif t*-». .1...» y < "t n lah«wli», Chtt l r
man, arrived at Pittsburg, Tuesday, «stab
lished themselves at the Monongabala
House, visjtcd JJo'pestead and had a talk
with the Advisory P'ptpinjttpe, and that
evening heanl the evidence of H. C. nlclt
regarding the plant ol the Caruegie Steel
Company, the wages of the men and the
eraptovment ol the Pinkerton men. The
Carneite Stu..l Ji.i;,psny is a limited part
nership nuder the stato I&W3, i;n*t'loys
13.000 men, has contracts with the National
Government for armor plates, etc,and it in
cludes the Edgar Thomas furnaces, and
the Edgar 7'homson steel works at Besse
mcr;the Duliucsue btepi >*orko cn the same
aide of the river as the Homestead worksj
the Homestead stoel works, tho Lucy
furnaces, Pittsburg; the Keystone bridge
works, Pittsburg; tho Upper Union mills
and tho Lower Union mills, Pittsburg; the
Beftyer Falls mills at Beaver Falls, Pa.;
tho SCOTIA ETC MINP ; : ;IJ Center County, Pa.;
the Latimer coke woiks iii
County and tho Voughioghony coke works
on the Pittsbnrg, McKeesport it Yough
iogheny railroad in tho State of Penn
The wage*, w ejjed by Mr. Frick run
from $1.70 aduj, paii} to to $lO
and #l4 a day paid to rollers.
All the Millmsn to Quit.
At a meeting of the men umph.yfld at
the Carnegie Upper aud Lower Alii Is in
Pittsburg Tuesday ,it was resolved to quit
work in two days, if the trouble at Home
stead was Hot settled, although the scale
for these mills bad been signed by both
sides the Lawreuceville and lieaver Falls
mill, roaol/fjd !i ni £ a; meetings
held Wednesday night,'aud this program,
if carried out will result in a square bat
tle between the Ainalgamted Association
aud the greatest steel making concern in
the country, with the National Guard ou
bauds to keep peace.
flicH |t£ms.
S. R. Harbison of Bakerstown was out
o 1 : his farm Mi Middlesex twp. oue day last
week %ni} reports seeing a black snake ten
feet long.
Robert Mahan met with a painful acci
dent a few days ago. Ho had been in
l'.akerstown and was carrying a vial of
vitriol and the cork came out and the con
tents run over his peison burning him con
A. H. Gold was in Clinton twp. last
Friday looking at the C. Johnston farm.
His intention is to buy more oil territory.
Adam you don't need any more oil.
C. Johnston is disabled by having his
big toe smashed. Johnston put your toe
in your pocket after this.
Miss L,ydia Hazlet of Allegheny county,
is sponding a few days at Mrs. Lilly Gil
Kd. Westerman was one of the guests
at George Greesehoper's tin wedding a few
days ago.
John Neithercoat is able to around
It. lllack ot Saxonburg was ihu guest of
J. W. Burton a few days ago. X.
A correspondent of tlje Weekly SUM of
Tarentum; Pa., writes the following rela
tive to the Culmerville Acadepiy.
Culmerville Academy closed its third
aunual summer session June 29th. Forty
six pupils were in attendence duiing the
term, of which thirty seven were in the
Normal or teachers class.
'Hie school has been one of the most suc
cessful ever held, and was under the di
rect supervision of Prof McC'urdy Bricker
with Miss Mary Ua/lett primary teacher,
assisted by llr. 1) G. How ley the last two
weeks ol tiie erm. Tu.-s Is/ morning the
Principals were agrei ably surprised ou
going to their desks to find a handsome
toilet sei for each, which had been presen
ted to them by the students to show the
great apprei i it ion they I o'd lor able tutors.
Wedues.iay looming the slndents were
laken by siirpiise by the teachers. A
liae treat tied l een piepared for them by
the I'riucipals—ice cream, cake, lemonade
and lruits of various kinds were dished out
to them in abuudanpe in t|ie school room.
a As Large
As a dollar were the
scrofula sores on my
poor little boy, sicken
ing and disgusting. They
were especially severe
on his legs, back a. Ins
ears and nil his head,
I gave him Hood's Bar-
JTaM-pl. Kuhy. saparilla. In two week*
the sores commenced to
heal up; the scale-, came oft and all over his
body new and healthy flesh aud skin formed.
When he had taken two bottles of lIOOD'M
M.4 KX.% P. 4 KI ■. I. .1 ic «a* free frum sores.
HARRY K. RUBY, BOX 356, Columbia, Peiin.
HOOD'S PILLS »r« » tulld, gentle. paiuhisi,
Mfo anil cffl' lenV cathartic. Alw»)l rslUUk'. Ac.
The People's Party.
li. S. Scott, Chairman of the lowa State
Committee of the People's l'arty wired
Judge Gresham as to whether or no he
would stand as the candidate of the l'eo
pie's Party, and received an answer as fol
I stand by my interview of a few davs
ago on this subject. My name w ill not be
presented to the Omaha convention.
And thereupon tho Convention proceed
ed to nominate lien. Jas. B. Weaver of
lowa, who is known to political fame as
the Candidate of the Greenback party in
Among tho leading propositions of the
platform are Government ownership ol the
railroads and telegraphs, Government
franchises for farm products, Government
loans of legal tender issues on farm mort
gages, and confiscation of the lands of cor
porations that have too much real estate
in the estimation of these regenerators of
human society. But, as if they had them
selves some vague misgivings in regard to
this stupendous scheme of State centrali
zation, they propose that the Constitution
of the United States should be so amend
ed as to prevent an increase of the power
of the Government by placing the vast
army of employes "nnder a civil service
regulation of the mo*t rigid character
Bidwell of California.
At Cincinnati, on the 30th ult, John
Bidwell, a wealthy land owner of Califor
nia was nominated for President by the
Prohibition Convention, ho receiving 390
votes on first ballot, Stewart 179 and Dem
orist 139.
The freo coinage plank was stricken
from the platform, as was also a plank
looking towards a fusion with other par
t ties.
The next day. the Ist inst. Dr. J. B.
Cranfill of Texas was nominated for Vice
AT New Castle,on the Ist inst. the Con
ferees ol the Mercer Lawrence Senatorial
district notniuatcd Jas. S. Fruit of Mercer
Co. for State Senate.
Frkk coinage wa- defeated in tho Hons e
at Washington. Wednesday, by a vote of
154 to 130.
Harvest is here.
The students from Slipperyrock Normal
are all home.
Miss Agues Stevenson of Sprin gdale.Pa.
Is visiting friends in this vicinity.
An ice cream festival w ill be held at
the residence of E. S. Milligan on next
Saturday evening. All are requested to
Miss George of Kara* City is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. Jacob Fennell, Jr. She
intends remaining through >ut the summer
\V". S. Sipe had a raising last week.
WV ile operating his binder in the wheat
field, the largo drive wheel became dislo
cated and fell from its place. The assis
tance of the neighbors was required to
replace it.
Mr. Rankin ia having a good wall built
under his country residenco. Albert Sipe
has the contract.
Mrs. Dipner has returned from New
Kensington, where she had been visiting
her son, Thomas Dipner, Jr.
We are informed that Miss Willarota]
Flick intends going to Philadelphia in
September to learn to be a trained nurse.
Afay success attend her.
Miss Martha Rieger was (.ho guest of the
J. W. Sipo family on the 4th.
M. G. JTullerton of Craigsville is assist
ing his father-in-law, P. Fennell, in put
ting up his harvest.
Anyone desiring fat cattle, sheep or
horses would do well to call on John Sipe.
Since Thomas Morrow has been road
j boss, and the road machine put to work.
[ wo notieo < 4 uit« a difference in the condi
tion of our roads. They are now in a bet
ter condition than they have been lor
The Fourth passed oil' quietly In our
neighborhood. Nothing of importauce
was going on, save the Sabbath School
celebration and tho ice cream festival at
P. Fennell's. The latter w-is heartily en
joyed by the young folks. P.
1- i: A V K
And we're glad to sre you Uncle
Sam. We can give you the best
bargains going in Summer Clothing,
Straw Hats, Light Underwear, Soft
Shirts, etc Correct, thank you.
Come back again aud bring the boys.
220 S. Main St.. : ! : Butler. Pa,
Advortiae ID TB« CiTlziM
CI.ARK —On July 3, IWJ, Helen Adeline!
Clark, daughter of Kev. James and
Frances Clark of l'ro-pect. Pa , aged 1
year and 16 days.
GILLESPIK —At Prospect. thi» county.
JulvG, I'SDC, at the residence of Mrs.
Hillman. her sister. Miss Mary Gillespie,
daughter of tbc late Mr. Hamilton Oil
lespie. aged 41 years.
NEILL—On Thursday, June 23. lfc®2, at
the residence of C. Frishkorn.Zelienople.
of typhoid fever. J. (5. N'eiil, aged 1!»
years and 8 montl 8.
MINSTER —At his home in Donegal twp .
—of typhoid fever, July I-t. H'.rj, John
Minster, aged —.
GAGES—At her home iu Oakland twp..
July 12. M rs. Patrick Gagen, aged
about 70 years.
THOMPSON—Saturday, July 0, 1*92, at
her home in Butler, Cloie A 1 media,
daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thomp
son, aged 11 years, 0 months, and 14
days. Her death was caused by typhoid
MINSTER —July 9, 1892, at his home in
Donegal twp., Joseph Minster.
His death was caused by typhoid fever,
after a brief sickness, and he wa- the third
member of the family to succumb to that
disease within two weeks.
WHITMIRE—JuIy 11, 1892, in Allegheny
county. Howard Whitmire, formerly of
Centre twp.
KELiLEKMAX —At her home near Eau
Claire. June 24. 1892, Mrs. Cynthia"
BADGER—At his home in Portersville,
this county, Jnnp 20, 1A92, Mr. Robert
Badger, aged 74 years.
Mr. Badger was a respected citizen of
the county for many years. He leaves a
widow surviving him. Mrs. David Fisher,
one of his daughters, resides in Butler,
and Mrs. Cowden Searing,another daughter,
resides at Jacksville, this county.
HAYS—In Portersville, this county. July
3, 1892, Mrs. Hays, formerly Riddle,
aged about 80 years.
BROTCHIK— In Muddycreek twp.. this
county, June, 1892, Mr. Brotchie, aged
about SO years.
In the matter of the partition or the real
estate of Kachael Wagner, deed. late of Kalr
view twp.. Butler Co.. Pa.
orphans' Court., No. <w, December Terra. i>»i
Ity virtue of an older and decree of the < trphaus'
Court of Butler county Pa.. I was. on the Mh
day of June. ls:c. appointed Trustee to make
sale of the it al estate of Kachael Wagner. deed.
Therefore in pursuance or said order. 1 will ex
post* to sale at public outcry, on the premises
In Falrvlew twp.. Butler county. la., at 2
o'clock p. M., Oil
the following describe! two pieces of real
Purpart No. 1, bounded and described as
follows: On the north by purpart No. 2. or the
farm of Kachael Wagner. decVl. on the east by
lands of 11. W. McClure and Kit Keep, on the
soutli by lands of W. .1. < 'anipbell and west by
lands o( Alexander Black, containing "si acres
and ia> perches.
Purpart No. 2. bounded and described as
follows: On the north by lands of John Mc-
CalTcrty. the east by lauds of John McNamara.
on the south by purpart No. 1. and on the west
by lands of Alexander Black, containing 30
acres, with !•>* house and log stable thereon
Tf.kms ok Sai.e: The said r-al estate to be
sold suoject to a llrst mortgage of l'>2T« and
Interest. The purchaser or purchasers to pay
as nuch cash on confirmation of the sale as
will pay the costs and expenses or Partition and
all unpaid debts of Kachael Wanner, deed,
(excepting mortgage) and the expense of settling
hei estate. The balance (excepting the
mortgage above mentioned) to be paid at the
death of llenry Wagner with Interest thereon
payable to llenry Wagner yearly during his
lifetime, to be secured by bond and mortgage
on the premises. The mortgage to contain a
Sci. fit. claim and to provide for attorneys'
commission of live per cent, for collection.
Administrator. Trustee.
urkkk £ Ralston, Att'ys.
Orphans' Court Sale.
By virtue of an order and decree o( the
Orphans' Com t,ln and for the county of Butler.
Pa., made at No. s, September term. 1592. the
undersigned administrators, with the will
annexed of llenry Kohlmeyer, late of Alle
gheny twp., said county and state, dee'd. for
the purpose of raising funds to pay the debts
of the dee'd. ani to carry Into erfect the
provisions at hiS' will, will offer for sale at
public vendue on tlio respective premises, on
at 11 o'clock A. M.. ot said day as to the first
tract or hum h'-n'limri'-i . «"•! at -
o'clock e- m.. ol said day rs to second tract ot
land hereinafter described. The first tract con
taining Ul acres more or less, situated lp town
ship eouui* ""<i state aforesaid, bounded by
lands of E. Kobinson on the north, on the east
by lands uf James Brown und Grant's heirs, on
the south by lands of P. myintlter and Isaac
StetTy and on the west by lands of J. I'. craw
ford, Esq. Improved and under cultivation.
Second tract containing 1U acres, more or less
alt woodland, situated In the township, county
and state aforesaid and hounded tyr aud
adjoining lipids cj .\iistlii' A KotiUiieyer. K.
Kobinson. Blyitilller, Black. Crawford & Co.
Title «ood.
1 KKMS or SACK: Cash on contlrmatlon OI sale
by the Court.
June 22, ls'.fj.
Sandy Point, llutler Co., Pa., P, O.
Auditor's Notice.
In re the assignment of John M. Arthurs to
John T. Kelly for the benetlt or credit irs. In
the Coui lof Common Pleas, of Butler Co., Pa.,
Ms. I)., No. I, March Term, 1«J, Book 4, Page
Notice is hereby given that exceptions hav
ing been illed to the ilual account of Jonn T.
Kelly in the above c;- <e. the underslgnei has
been appointed auditor to pass upon the ex
cept ions. distilbiite lunds remaining iu the
hands of the assignee and restate {l,e account
if necessary, liy toe court of Common Pleas of
aid county, and that he will attend
to the duties ot said apiiolutment at his otlice
In the borough of Butler, Pa., on Saturday,
July It;, at o'clock r. M.'
J. P. WILSON, Auditor.
Auditor's Notice.
Iu the matt rof the tlrst aud partial account
of Robert McKee aud James Little, execut >rs
of the last will and testament of James lieers,
dee'd. late of Adams twp., Butler Co., 1'a..0. C.
No. fit, Sept. Term, l«wi».
The undersigned auditor appoluted
by the Court to make distribution of the .and
remaining in the hands of the accountants
In the above stated case as shown by account
Illed, hereby gives notice that he will attend to
the duties of said appointment tin UalUrday,
•July iu, is;*.', at 10 o clock. A. M.. at his office
In the borough of llutler. when' all persons
Interested can attend.
A. M. CORN ELI I'S, Auditor.
June '-'1.1892.
C & D
Ready for All.
Everything that is new in Stiff
Hats. Our $1.50 and $2.00 are
wonders for the money.
Ev i new in Soft Ilats,
ranging in price from 25 cts. to $5.00.
All the new blocks in Silk Hats.
Greatest line of Furnishing Goods
we ever had.
An inspection willjbean advantage
to any one.
Hatters and Furnishers,
242 S. Main street,
Butler, Pa.
*ll.l let It glimmer
nil 111 eiery / man. «»»«
•ad / lHf W"
KBOMI »f the I A J»*c*lle»ry of
Gosser's Cream Glycerine.
It is the ideal Cosmetic. It stimulates
the nerves, quickens circulation and carries
away dead particles of the skin, leaving it
tine and clear. It has no equal for Chap
ped Hands. Lips, Face, or roughness of the
skin, and is not excelled as a dressing for
the face after shaving. It is a bland,
creamy emulsion, with just enough vege
table oil to soften the skin. No lady or
gentleman should he without It. lie sure
to get the genuine. Take no substitute.
"For sale by J. C. Kedick, Drug
gist, Hutler; Pa.
Wall paper, window shades.and picture
frames selling low at 311, South Main St.,
Osborne store, now owned by Rusaell and
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of all in leavening strength.— lntent
I'. S. iiiirernmrnt Foai Kff orr
Roii al B\ki!»o Powper Co..inC 4 Wall St.,
N. T.
Administrators and Executors ol estate*
can secure their receipt books at the Citi
zkn office.
Trustse's Sals.
By virtu.- of an order and deCTee at the
Orphans t'-rtiirt of Hutl»r cotintv. I «*nn a the
un'iersiimed appoint *1 Trustee t»y , U .T
t«»r that purp«»v\ will ofr**r for sale at publir
on th«» premteei on
at l o'clock p. m.. of said ilay. One hundred
a<n*s of land. mor*» or lew. In < *'ntrp
township, said county, and state: Hounded; on
tl»o north by lands of Israel Cranmcr and
Hume* S. Mci on the cast t»y lanoh of
Hon. Thas. Mctandb'ss. on the south by a
public road, and on the west By tan*!* of .»amei«
8. Jones, all fenced and* leared and in K**** cu
tlvauon except about tlfteeii acres woodland,
kcood brick boose and frame barn and out
bulldlugs.aud orchard of all kinds of fruit Uier*.
on, well water»Ml an«i in all r«*<*pecta counted
farms tn said township.
TKK.MH OF sai.H About nlnet vn hundred
dollars of the purcfease money to be paid m
; continuation of sale by the Court. or so mucu
as may be nccessaiy to pay debts against the
same and costs ol sale. Bond «>f purchaser to
t>e given for two thirds of remaining pc-vh"*e
I money payable in one year from snld eonllr
i niaMon of sale with interest. and bond for re-
I mainlng one-third t » be glveu by purcuaser.
payable at tbe decease of Mrs. Maria Alt»ert.
widow of Andrew Albert, dee d, with InUMWrt
thereon from the confirmation of sale, said In
terest payable annually to said widow drrtn?
here life time. These bonds to be judgment
bond with usual waivers and attorneys commis
sions for collecting the same. Ful i possesion
of the premises to bo given on tlrst of Novem
ber. IKW. and crops, if any then In the ground
John U. Moore.
Trustee for the sale of the realestate of
Andrew Albert.dec'd..
Mc<'andless P. o.
Mc.l INK IN & Galbicbatii. Attorneys,
Butler. Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of Administration on the estate
of Pauline Xagler, dee'd, late of the
borongh of Saxonburg, Butler county. I'a ,
havine been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them dnly
authenticated for settlement to
Saxonburg, I'a.
Administrator's Notice.
Whereas letters of administration with
the will annexed on the estate of Joseph
Sloan late ot Venango twp., Butler Co.,
Pa., dee'd., have this day been "issued by
the Register of said county to the under
signed. therefore all persons knowing
themselves indobted to said estate art- re
quested to make immediate payment, and
any persons having claims the
samo will please p;esoat them properly
authenticated for settlement.
Administrator with the will annexed of
Joseph Sloan, ikw'd,, April 23, l s o'2.
Six Points, Butler Co., Pa., P. O.
E. iloJi'SKiw, Att'y.
Beautiful Presents that meet all
demands and satisfy all wants in
great variety to suit all tastes now
on exbibitton at
Redick's Drug Store
Fancy goods and Novelties, Toilet
Articles and Notions. While we can
not describe or enumerate onr great
variety, we are very glad to show
them to all visitors. We claim for
our stock excellence inquality, va
riety in, design and reasonable prices
Whatever your wants may be,we ran
meet them with beautiful and apro
priate selections. We Bolicit a com
parison of our goods and prices.
Knowing you will find our Holiday
goods the best and cheapest.
Grand Pianos for
Now la your time to select ai»i>od*Plaiio;. you
<lo not want to buy but one l'lano In your life
time. So while selecting one It Is the best and
cheapest to buy a good one.
of Boston has opened a Plajio and Orvnn
Parlor at No. 21*. Ka*t North St.. where he nas
ou exlblllon a new Invoice of Pianos from the
very best of makers of ltoston. they have a full
rich and mellow tune, the action Is light. Quick
and powerful; they will stay In tune longer
than any other Piano on account of a new
device o"f tuning pins, that I will be glad to
show and explain. Pleas call and examine be
fore buyng elsewhere. You can save money
by purchasing a Piano of me, and get an
instrument that you can rely upon, and one
that I will warrant or garantee u> give entire
satisfaction. 1 have made and tuned.
Pianos and Organs
oroverMyji"*. therefor know how tu select;
erfeet Piano.
21 H E. TVorthHt.,
(T. 1). Ilarvey,
Contractor; and Dealer in builders
supplies—Lime, sand, cement, etc.
Ware-room near Campbell's Foundry,
Residence 315 North Main street,
Butler, Pa.
I OCT Cinnn I'nlemyoowritewqvlc
■.(Jo I CIUUU ij . Wtiw.int niorr aalf
men. and will smaranu-e permanent position
with salary anu expenses paid weekly. Mil
or part time. Experience not required. Stork
complete, including many leßU* special
ties. KlegaMt outnt iree. Address
C. n IIAWKS ft OU..
INuraetj man, Koctiester. N. Y.
M.lbll' IK dI»TS.
Uiffiin Street Livery.
One squaro wont of Main St., on
Mifflin St. All good, Bafe horses;
new baggies »n<l carriages. I.andaas
for weddings and funerals. Open
day and night. Telephone No. 24.
OH DTI IDC 1 Wr the undersigned were
tlUr I Unt i .-nllrelj • up-,I of rupture by
I)r .1. B. Maver. Ml Arch St., Philadelphia. Pa..
S .tones PbflUue, Kennet Sonare. l*a T. A
hrelt/. siatlugton. Pa.; fc. M. small. Mount
Uto Pa.: He v. S H.Shertner. Sutiburv. Pa.; D
j lielJeU. 214 8. Twelfth St Heading Pa.: Wm.
Dtx. I*l* Montrose SI Philadelphia: 11. L.
Kowe. aw Kim St.. Heading. Pa. lieorge au.l
Kh llurkart. cci Locust St .. Heading. Pa. seud
for circular.
137 K \\ayn< 4 ,si , ofßre hours. 18 to uM, aat>
1 to 3 P. M.
What Draws the Trade,
W hat Holds the Trade,
\\ hat Increases the Trade
Low Prices and Good Goods the Work
A. Great Effort to Close Out
ill odds and ends w li l>e made. and flow prion will Move
joods they will certainly «o. Th* <ea-*on k>ein« far advanced
>ll summer good- m .d go a' once.
Read Our High I'ric*. Kiil» r. It M.,k « < »..• • Happy awl
Competition Depressed. The • W;is Nver K: ••
Mens good solid plow shoes.. I 7
Men's hand-p< <r»:*d. -2-buekle, shoes .. I M
Keo'a high cut Creedraoor* tap sole . ! »*•
Mod's oil grain shcea, buckle or contrre* .... ... >.%
Men's fine satin buff shoes, lace or congress
Ken's fine calt and kangaroo shoe* .. 3
Ladies' fine dongola battoo. patent tip* 9t !.">
" " " shoes, plain I M
" grain button shoes ...... 1 <*o
walking oboes, tips
" patent leather oxfords I 0»»
Southern ties I JS
A lar Lo.nl of Sample al Half Price.
All Pat. Leather (?<HXIS Must <«o.
In order to close all my pat. katlicr shoes .m i «>\t<.rds I ha\r
placcd them <>n s.»le below i. -r Wh>n > • > .r> - t -,-e *b< rt»
Will You Attend this Sale?
It Means Money to You.
Remember the Place.
No. 128 South Main Street Butler, Pa.
Vogclcy & Bancroft
Are (living the People Kor
Two \\ eeks ()ulv.
Every hotly Wears Shoes.
Now is vou chance to buy them.
Don't wait and lose a chance
That will save you money.
Remember we are ottering our complete
line at a sacrifice —We are not foolinir.
Give us a call and be convinced.
The Popular Shoe Store.
No. 347 South Main Street
butlkr \ 1 >A
Presidential Campaign of 1892.
THE citizen.
intense y «. V renflT an<; • - ■ ■it • • pn-ral *»»
Wn»l. in addition to :hat-a P p .. i |h. • , ;-t
. T» meet this want we 1.-' - ■ "
The Leading Republican of tti<•
which enables u* to offer that splendid joeraal (NgnA* - «'*■ l r—
sl 00 p»-r Tear, and THE CITIZES for ,ae~ v r
Foronlv ca>«h in
»M. Y. Weekly Tribune," regalar pr*-* prr v 9U*
"The Citizen" *
Total t2.50
Subscriptions may begin at an* t»m^
This is the most lilieral eombmation offer e»er om* »n it* » ■»••<
States, and eTery reader of -THE CITIZEN skool l t*k., aHraatsg.
; at once
Addiesw all onlers to
the citizen,