Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 01, 1892, Image 4
-Pari* Robes Belford Cord- | New Spring Dress Goods pq FOR EARLY BUYERS: We received this week our first shipment of New! r\ Dress Goods and through £> this advertisement we extend a zix cordial invitation to you to come Y W and look through our stock ( £ whether you wish to purchase or Q not ~ I-TROUTMAN'S-* C Leading Dry Goods and Carpet T House. -Henrietta Serge- | "$500.00 To Any Person who Can Prove that the Adrlance Rear Dis charge Binder is Not Perfection ■3RPE) W7e Guarantee the Adriance Binder 7« 4o m f?»oi work with le*« power tban any binder on tbe market. We do not ask yen to bar Um maotune until we prove it on your own farm. Why would yon bny tbe •H style, away op, bfg, clumsy, grain-threshing, horse-killer, elevated binder, that re- C«a an extra man on hilly ground to keep it from upsetting, when you can get ono ;is low down, one that cannot be onset, ono that is light and neat, and will not «ut grain, on* that is nearly as ught draught as a single reaper, and one that faes not require tracks for transportation and will pass through a ten foot gateT If you tlgpute the statement, challenge us for a field trial with ANT or ALL binders on tbe aurkat We will gladly meet you. It wfll do us good in the future as well as it bag t» the past. It wonid not be tne first time. Tbe Adrianoe Binder has come out Victor ians in many field trials in this country, as well as in Enrope, England, Germany and Vkmnoe, where the Adrianoe Binder has taken gold and silver medals from each. If yon dispute onr word, challenge us; yon can always find ns at 320 SOUTH McKEA.V, BGTLbR, PA. Oall and see sample binder. ▼a Lead All Competitors in Binder Twine. In Prices and Quality We are Ahead. W« bought early and can sell twine at what it now costs wholesale. If you are in S of a Plow, Harrow, Grain Drill, Cora Drill, Cultivator, Shovel Plow, Binder, sr or Mower, Hay Tedder, Hay Rake or Hay Loader, or Farm Machinery of any fertilisers, Fencing, Ac., call and see as. If we do not have what yoa want in ■UO&inery, we can at least show yon the largest assortment of Buggies, Snrries, Phaetons. Spring Wagons, Carts ana Farm Wagons you ever saw in one place. We do not handle tne cheapest rigs on the market, but wo handle and guarantee onr rigs to be Ike best for the money we ask fer them. We have oontrol of the Youngs town Oarriage&nd ■^• a g on QQ goods in this place. Their work is second to none in quality tad finunT If yon doubt this call and we can easily oonvinoe yon. Low prices and ■Juare dealing is onr motto. W. F. Hartzell & Co. W. F. HART2ELL. HARRY STEPP. # FIVE MORE FACTORIES LOCATED AT ELM : Bringing a Total of 800 More Employes, Which Means an In orease of 4.000 Population Before the Year Is Out. 1 ... And a corresponding Increase In values. So buy at once. KUwood will then have more factories and more MB employes than some cities ot 7,000 population. Thlrty additional residences are now building. and 200 more are needed (or homes of tlie employes ind (heir tamllles who will be In Ellwood by September Ist Ten per i cent, a year In the renting of houses for alt who buy aud build. Every bouse rented as soon as plans are hiihh uwio. TBS FEEBLESB LKAD GLASS WORKS, formerly of Pittsburgh, makers 0/ the celebrated l£ad GItM Chimneys, must be making tn Ellwood City by August 16th In their new bulld- ISg, 110 lett by WO. Will employ ever aw people at the start, and will greatly increase their force during the year for new lines or glassware. ETXWOOT) CITY has Coal. Waturil Gas. Fire fUy, Hod Clay, uiasa Sauci, Mi.uidn.g Hand. Bulla mm alone and Water Power and Jail these In fi lEB NORTH WOOD GLASS M OBHM, lomerly of Martin's Kerry. Ohio, has let a contract lor an tim fcuUdlng ISO ty IMi Wet V. li! Itgln by rmploylng !iTS people, and at once increase th«ir foice ullil It Is doubled, to meet the 1 resent demand for their high grade colored glassware. ELLWOOD CITY has competitive freight rates ■— jr*Three great trunk line systems: Tneß.iO. (Pgh fctv,:' '■ h Wat). ¥. R. B. ( Ft. Wayne) and the Lakii Shore 17«ii»WM1llll*irTriTTiMlBiiiiid < p - 4 "• K -l' and, being within the 4u-mlle circuit, r baa ltttaburgh freight rates. No switching charges nor transfer charges at F.lwood City. BTKRKETT St BOCLKiy FOUNDRY CO., a branch of the Vulcan Foundry, of Pittsburgh, is mow erecting a building at Kilwood 1. 2 and 3 stories high. lI.MO square feet on the ground tloor. n«j will employ bo men at starting. Wll I make stoves. machinery castings. etc. THE Ft Lit Kit BRICK CO.. makers of Fire Brick. Paving Brick and Ked Hrlck, have located at Ellwood City a very extensive and complete plant. They contract to manufacture lirlck by July Ist. An extend re BOX FACTORY has also contracted for their building at Ellwood City. THE ELLWOOD SHAFTING AND TUBE CO., now making seamless drawn steel tubing (the only perfect article produced In this country). Is constantly increasing Its force, will em ploy sohanda within «0 days, which Is only a beginning THE ELLWOOD ENAMELING CO. also is engaging a large number of employes. AND SEVERAL OTHER large Industries are now n egotlatlng for locations. ELLWOOD CITY i 9 Mot So Hear Pittsburgh as to Destroy the Business of its Local MerohaMs, and therefore It I* a Good Place In Which to Invest. ELLWOOD IMPROVEMENT CO. ACTS, aUWOOD CITY, LAWRENCE CO., PA. PER CENT. 1U First Mortgage Loans No tax, commission or fees. Interest payable semi annually by New York draft. Perfect se curity. Highest reference. CHAS. V. HEID, Fairiivm, Washington. JOHNSON'S *NO DYH^ LINIMENT v k e -V O7 . \J v ist urnmx. vti zxzzsxi i A* AFTc'R GENERATION-. _ HAVE USED ASH BLESSED IT. , 7>ropp+d on Sugar p Children Tx>rc It. Kmry Traveler ahonlrl Lito a bottle of it in hig Ci/ft w\t C ■ iff/N f£\ r* From Rheumatism, Sci every ojuerer vemxu, rem* Headache. PiphttiFrla,Oou^rhf.« atarrb. Bronrhiti#, AMhma, Cholera Morhns,Dtarrh'ML.laiw.riws. S« in Body or Limb*, stiff Joints or btrains, will flufl in Ifxia old Anodyne relief and roredy cure. Pamphtot free. Sold ererywh«»rf\ Pri.-e » cts.. by mall 6 1»< Expren paid, $2. 1. SafOIINSON Jt CX>.. itobTOK. M a^a. HUMPHREYS' This Precious Ointment is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a curative and healing application. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Piles External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding ; Fibtula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief i> immediate—the cure certain. For Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Bums. The relief is instant —the healing wonderful and unequaled. For Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers. Fistulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is InfatliMe. For Tnflamcd or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Price, 50 Cent Trial ?i?.e. ag Cents. Bo'.fl by DrjcTtot*, -r «»t»t fK*t-j «ld on receipt of pricr. HUMPHREYS' SID. CO., 1114 11S WlMiibi «»-, XTW TORK. WITCH HAZEL OIL. SIMM will be paid for a recipe enabling us to make Wolff's Acme Black ing at such a price that the retailer can profitably sell it at 10c. a bottle. At present the retail price is 20c. Tllit o(T:r is op*n until January »st., 1893. For pirticulin adilrcsi tbe undersigned. ■ Acme Blacking is made of pure alcohol, other li juid dressings are made of water. Water costs nothing. Alcohol is dear. Who can show us how to make it without alcohol so that wc can make ACME BLACKING as cheap as water dressing, or put it in fancy pack-"* ajjes like many of Ibu water dressing*, anJS' then charge for the outside appearance in stead of charging for the contents of the bottle? WOLFF & BAITDOLPH, Philadelphia. PI K-RON is the name of a paint of which a 25c. bottle i; cnou'. i la make six scratched end dulHl ch- I: look like newly finuli"! ;:.a --,u ; Itwilldomanyothcr iemail:abl« *h.ir-. hich no other paint rail do. All retailers sell it. r " • aikJ 1 1 ■ - A Mrm Da. 2 . v«r for It- FOB MEN ONLY! IWllkiTl-fWg" LOST or FAtLTNO KAHHCO? l lln I'wTfl ud NERVOUS DEBttrr?, Ifl'.l Jlllir [Twlmm of~gody and Mini, Effect* HltHll'lHl.t ErrortorlxMMMinOldorToang. ■ rtmt. r, a ! Mir hHUnd. How I. nlvn ul ■tr—ilSwWl*K, CSMrtLOriDOßb4!l«* PIBTSOr MPT. wlUUac HUMS TtUTUIT-ludtt Is a la;. 1M tMUrr tnm (0 ud rmln CmtriM. WrIU Aao. OaaeripU.. B*ok, ml«««ll *■« pnwh uIM (Mated) frM. 444 mm ERIE MEDICAL. CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. DUCTDKS LAKE Mjafl I'RIVATK msPKNSAItT. .MSTJB Cor. Penn Ave. ano Fourth Bt.. PITTSBURGH. PA. '■jHkA All fonns of Delicate ami Com - plicated Dlscnae* rei|UirtiinCos. FII'ENTIAL an'IhCIEKTJKIC Ml'il leation are treat«il at this I)w --nenaury with a Hiiccess rarely attained. Dr. S. K. I.akeisameml>erof tlio lloyal College of 1 hy iicuuiA ami Surgoonn, and Is the oldest and most exiM-rienced Spscialxht in the city. Special at tention Riven to Nervoun Debility from ercewive mental exertion, Indiscretion ot youth, etc., raid ing physical aud mental decay,lack of eneriry, k"i|K>iidoncy t etc.; alßOCancerH, Old fkircs, !• It*, rilen, Hhi'umatlMiri, mid all dtnc-aMCUof the Skin, I lood, I.itiigK, Urinary Organs,etc. Consultation Iree and Kti lctly confidential. Olllcc to I mid 1 to 8 v. M.; Sundays, 8 to * I*. M. mil v. ill at ofllco or address DItS. LAKI'., COK. AVE. AiJD4THBT..I'ITTBBUUUH.I'A. READ AND REMEMBER. For strictly pure ana reliable STUAK.UT LJQUOttS. call on I. Iff. FINCH, 12 NIITIIFIELn NT., PITTSBI K(iH, PI. (Opp. Monongahela House.) Matchless for Family use and Medicinal pur pose* are FINCH'SGOLDF.N WHDIHNU. AUsl GUCKKNHEIMKIt'S WrtISKY, .perqt. ; OVEHUOLT'H WHISKY. f 0 qts. DIMJNOEHS WHISKY, ) for (ioods neatly packed and promptly .shipped Fukk ok KxntNHK on receipt of cash or post office order. WNothlntr expressed 0. O. I), send for I'rlce l.lst. WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE The (irtut English itcnirdj. Promptly and perma cures all forms of Weakness, Kmls- VKVHHHr'lniic. spermatorrhea fit aBK jJ impotency and all effects of Abuse or Kxcesseses. HtQ'Been perserlbed over y." ears In thousands of cases the only Reliable and Honest Medicine known. Ask druggist 'or Wooii's Piiosi'iiouiNK; If he offers some worth less medicine In placo of this, leave his dishon est stare. Inclose price In letter, and we will send by return mall. Price. OM stx.tr>. One will please, six will cure. Pamph let In plain sealed envelope.stamps. Address Till: noon (IIKXICAL CO , 131 Woodward avenue. Detroit Mich, or Sold In Butler by f. N. lloyd. J. F. It.ilph, J. kcdlck. and dugglsts everywhere. "MOTHERS* FRIEND" MIKES CHILD BIRTH EISI. Coltrln, La., Dec. 3, IMS.—My wife used KOTHZB'B FRIEND before her third confinement, and aaya she would not be without it for hundred* of dollar*. SOCK MILLS. Sent by express on receipt of price, >1.50 per bot tie. Book "To Mothers" mailed free. BHADriKLO ITCaULATOn CO.. r*a IUIITM wmanTi. ATLANTA. OA. For Sale by J. C. Redick. ROBERT LEWIN, Wholesale Whiskey Merchant, and Importer of FINE WINES & LIQUORS, i 135 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite H. & O. It. K. I>epot. Headquarters for FINCH'S tiOLDKH WKIkDINH, for inimical and family use. SI.OO |»fr «|«., nr « Tor $.>.00. Finch's liolden Weddlnir. Dougherty. <;uek enhclmer, l.arge, (lllwon, Bridgeport. Mt. Ver non. OverholJ. Ktc. 1 Ills Is the only house not rectifying In the city, therefore our goods aro warranted pure. «"ods securely packed anil boxed without extra charge. C. *>. D. and mail orders receive prompt attention. I i rand father's Choice a years old, K.w per t'ailou. Try us. THE CITIZEN MISCELLANEOUS •rOFF OX A Btsf." — Lif* fnconllderata Kn. Husband—lt's all nonsense. The ma terials of that bonnet didn't cost 25 cents to make, and I know it, and yet you went and paid J25 for the thing. Wife—That was the price and I had to pay it. You don't suppose I'd go to the meeting of the American Women's Social Emancipation and Political Bights league in a last yearV bonnet, do you? —N. Y. Herald. . Making Sure. Cumso—-Fangle, I wish you would ad dress this letter to me at my residence, and mark in the corner "Strictly Pri vate." Fangle—What's the idea of that? Cumso—lt contains a newspaper clip ping giving directions to wives about their husband's comfort, and I want to make sure that Mrs. Cumso will see it. —Brooklyn Life. So Sympathy. "What has become of Jim O'Neal," asked one loafer of another at Dallas, Texas. "He moved to eastern Texas and was elected a member of the legislature." "Served hira right. I've got no sym pathy for him."—Texas Siftings. Eaully Satlalled. .Countrywoman—l'd like a cravat for my husband, please. Clerk—What kind of a cravat does your husband wear? Countrywoman—l just guess Pat will wear what I give him. He's a corpse.— Jnry. Cnt Out for a Star. Figgs—What are you going to do with your boy? Diggs—l don't know. I'm afraid he is a bad egg. Figgs—ln that case he might do for an actor.—Truth. An Unjust Arraxatiou. £ged Lover—You treat me as if I were at^T Coquette—Not much I don't. I like dogs. I pat them on the head, take them out walking, and I even let them kiss me. I don't treat you that way, do T?—Texas Siftings. A Charming Tribute. "Papa," said a little girl who had been getting a great many satisfactory answers to a great many questions, "what's the use of our having a diction ary in the house while you are here?" — Harper's Bazar. Too Had. She —Grandma lias just made her will in my favor. He (apologetically)— But' I'm engaged already.—Jury. T!t« I)iul« Phlloioph«r. Jilted by his Maud, alas; suit was pressed In vain; He's going to his tailor's now, To press his suit again. —TrnOi. —A carpenter by the nomc of M. S. Powers, full from the rool of a house in East Dos Moines, lowa, and sustained a painful and serious sprain of the wrist which he cured with one bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balni. He nays it is worth $5 a bottle. It costs him 50 cents. For sale by I). 11. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden <t Allison. W. Sunbory. —A tailor's goose—the dude. —Hood's Sarsaparilla absolutely cures all diseases caused by impure blood. Try it. —When a baby is very homely its moth er is apt to trace soma resemblance be tween it and her husband's folks. —Mr. Van I'elt,Editor ol the Craig, Mo., Meteor, went to a drug store at Hillsdale, lowa, and asked tho physician in attend ance to give him a done ol something for cholera morbus and looseness cf his bow els. He says: "1 felt so much better the next morning that 1 concluded to call ou the physician and get him to lix ino up a supply of the medicine. I was surprised, when lie handed me a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhiea Reme dy. lie said he prescribed it regularly in his practice and found it (he best he could get or prepare. 1 can testify to its elB ciency in my case at all events." For sale by 1). 11. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pros pect; Broaden Jk Allison, W. Sunbury. —John L. Sullivan has a very sluggish temperament. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. —Students are haughty beings. They cut all their subjects dead. Eminent Facts. Tho question is ofteu asked and scarcely ever answered, why whiskey made now is not an pure and reliable as it was forty years ago. It is nevertheless a fact that it is made purer and better to-day thai: at that time. With the improved methods fusil oil and other impurities are ontirely eliminated. A sworn statement as to the purity, age and quality of the whiskey sold is furnished by one dealer who advertises full quarts, six year old pure Penn'a Kye, at SI.OO per quart. Duquesne $1.25 per quart. Port, Sherry, Sweet California Wines at 50c. A complete catalogue and prieejlist of all foreign and domestic liquors mailed on application by MAX KLEIN. 82 Federal St., Allogheny, Pa. —The tlyest base ball player is general ly sen t to play in the outfield. Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure'' for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly bcnelits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Butler. —A thoroughly consistent Atlantic City hotel keeper will serve beer at all his hops this season. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the Huropoau plan. Lodgings, 25, —35, —or 50 cents. —Hitherto tho British bushol has been reckoned at lil pounds of grain, bat a change having been made in the standard weight the bushel in future will be defined by 00 po jnds. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. A certain euro for Chronie Sore Eyes, Totter, Salt Khcum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Soros, Eczema, Itch., Prairio Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of casus bavo been cared by it after all other treatment bad failed it Is put up la 85 and 00 cent Uutoc* Didn't TVmt « Pony. SmaJl Boy—Papa, Vfillie linker's *s got a pony. Papa—Has? "Yes, and it's the bee-utafuLUt pony X ever Saw." "Yrtu don't say!" "Just as (gentle as can be. I rode OH ; it, an' didn't fall oft once. A boy could n't get hurt on that pony." "I suppose not." "It eats hardly anything-, too, and doesn't cost much to keep." "It doesn't?" "Nat anything", hardly. Willie said his papa bought It real cheap." "Iso doubt." "And he said there was plenty mort where that came from." "Humph! Do you want me to buy you a pony?" "N-o. I was only thinkln' what a nice pony Willie Winkers has." "Oh!" "Yes. Willie's got a nice papa, tool hasn't he?"— Good Ne\\*s. Preferred the Whittle. Cupid was flying irregularly between them, so to speak, as they were stroll ing along. He was feeling a good deal like a man going past a cemetery, ano was whistling. "I wish you wouldn't whistle," she said pettishly. "It is positively rude!" He looked at her a moment and stopped. Then he began to singasoftly. He sang for a few minntes. "Harry!"' she said, alitiost tenderly. His face lighted up with hope. "Please whistle!" she requested pleadingly.— Demorest. He Laughed Once Only. "I suppose you haven't forgotten that it is leap year," he said, as he took a seat beside her, "and so I must be care ful not to lead the conversation ia a dangerous direction," and he laughed. "I had quite forgotten it," she said, with a yawn; "what's the use of remem bering it when you never meet a man who is worth proposing to?" This time he didn't laugh.—N. Y.Press. Fart of His Duties. Visitor (in a newspaper office) —Who is the little man at yonder desk? Attendant—That is the religious edi tor. "Does he do nothing but write re ligious matter?" "Oh! yes; he writes the tips for races every day."—Truth. What Worke«f It. Seedy Customer (at entrance of base ball park)—l have always had a curiosi ty to know something about the mechanism of a turnstile. On what principle does it work? Gatekeeper—Cash every time. Step aside, my friend. You are hindering the procession.—Chicago Tribune. Her Claim Established. "Fashionable! Why do you call her fashionable?" "Because she is. She always talks it the theater while the play is going on, her children are kept in the nursery when she's at home, and she never al lows herself to be seen in her husband's company."—N. Y. Press. —Cholera infantum has lost its terrors since the introduction of ChaniberlainV Colic, Cholera and Diarrhu-a Remedy. When that reuiedy is used and the treat ment as directed with each bottle is fol lowed, a cure is certain. Mr. A. W. Wal ter, a prominent merchant at Waltersburg, 111., says: "It cured my baby boy ofchol era infantum after several other remedies had failed. The child was so low that he seemed almost beyond the aid of human bads or reach of any medicine." 25 and 50 cent battles for sale by D. 11. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden &, Allison, W. Sunbury. —"I think I'll lay low for a while," as the hen remarked when alio uimle tier IlBHt in the cellar. How a Boy Made Money. I notice what Mr. Wilson's son said about making money selling a corn husker. I would like to tell him how I made mon ey with a plating machine. H. F. Delno £, Co., Columbus, Ohio, sent me a fine ma chine for plating with gold, silver and nit-k --le, for $5, all ready to commence work. 1 made $.'1.10 the first day,plating table ware and jewelry, $22 the first week. Anybody can make money in the plating business, because at every house they have some things to plate, and every body is willing to help a boy along. You can plato right before tho folks, and they like to see it too. I sold three platers to three friends of mine at a profit of $o apiece, that .was sls. I would advise any boy who wants to get along in tho world to comiuenco with the plating business. He can make money and help his folks at home along a little too. En. BCTLKR. —lf thero is anything in a name the colt Two Beers should bo the favorite for the Foam Stakes at tho Coney Island races. Happy Homes. Thousands of sad and desolate homes have been made happy by tho use of,, Rose Buds," which have proven an absolute euro for the following diseases and their distressing symptoms. Ulceration, Con gestion and Falling of the Womb, Ovar ian tumors, Dropsy of the Womb, Sup pressed Menstruation, Rupture at Child birth, or and complaint originating in diseases of the reproductive organs, whether frum contagious diseases, hered ity, tight lacing, overwork, excesses or miscarriages. One lady writes us that after suffering for ten years with Loucor rhea or Whites, that one application en tirely cured her, and furthermore, she suf fered no more pain during the menstrual period. "Rose Buds" are a simple, harm less preparation, but wonderful in efTect. The patient can apply it herself. No doc tors' examination necessary, to which all. modest woman, especially young unmar ried ladies seriously object. From the first application you witl feel like a now woman. Price $1 by mail, post-paid. TUB LKVKBKTTE SPKCIKIC Co., 339 Wash ington St. Boston, Mass. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. —Beware about going to bod. Mark Twain says: ,- The greatest peril which poople oncounter is udt met with in trav eling on tho railways or steamships, but in going to bed. Most people die in bod. Consumption Surely Cured. To THE Kurron: Pioase inform yoar roaders that I have a positive remedy for tiio above-named disease. B; ' > timely use thousands sf hopeless COMM have fr Mi permanently cured. I shall be glad to send twj V.o*tlea of my remedy FREE to any of your readers *v , J have consumption if they will send me theii Express and P. O. address, lb-spect •nJJy. T. A. M. C.. lttl Pearl BL. N. Y. TURN ON THE LIGHT Asd let it v glimmer an 111 every / \ m;tii, ttonisn and rhild I |aeen Known of Ihe I JU Je*rellenrjr ot Gosser's Cream Glycerine. It is tho ideal Cosmetic. It stimulates tho nerves, quickens circulation and carries away dead particles of tho skin, leaving it fine and clear. It has no equal for Chap ped Bands, Lips, Face, or roughnossof the skin, and is not excelled as a dressing for the face after shaving. It is a bland, creamy emulsion, with just enough vege table oil to soften the skin. No lady or gentleman should bo without it. Be sure to get the gennino. Take no substitute. "For sale by J. C. Redick, Drug gist, Butler, Pa. GL D. Harvey, Contractor; and Dealer in builders supplies—Lime, sand, cement, etc. Ware-room near Campbell's Foundry. Residence .'lift North Main street, Butler, Pa. IT'S A HOODO! Competition endwi~* The monster is , gentle to our customers and they can bodv wants to know; by our illustration rou can see sfcat it is not like to any thing upon the earth, or the water under Z- earth, but more wouderful than any r/j I thing ever exhibited by Barn am or if Orangoutang, ourunout and stick your mammoth stocif of fiue clothing, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Panto, J nderwear, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Suspenders. Umbrellas, Trunks \ ahses. Satchels, Parses, Bill and Pocket-books, Clothes, Hair and Tooth-brushes, Watches, Chains, Charms, Ladies'and (Jents' Kings, Pins, Collar and Con Buttons and hundreds of articles too tedious to mention which we nave for sale, and you mav need. Call and see our mammoth stock of beautiful spring at tractions and you will certainly say its a Hoodo. Well, weare not looking for those who do trade with us but for those who do not. We don t believe there are many who do not, but there ought not to be one in Butler or adjoining counties left who does not know that the pl* c ® save money, to get big values, is at Ileck's Store, 121 X. Main St Why is it that you miss your chance and waste yonr money ? Don't you know better . We bear you no ill will, why should we ? This is not our funeral we are jast he same merry merchant as of old. We are rollicking, jolly ellows, we are tinroaring, tip top sellers, and when it Conies to bargains we can suit you to aT. If you think we are a honey, come buy your clothes auu drop yoor money, and we'll treat you like a little sonny, ior we have got the energy and the will; we made up our mind to lie the LEADER IN OUR LINE and the result is that we load and the band plays Anny Rooney, and is no mistake about it. The world stands aghast at the realization or the fact that the high quality and low prices of our goods is a reality and not a fictionarv legend to those who have never dealt with us. We would be glad to see you and pleased to put in your bands a real money saver, a bargain with a great big B If you are not on our list of customers, come and be convinced that we are right at the front doing big business, on the best basis, a square deal and a rolling dollar We are going to get up a train load for the World's Fair at Chicago in 1893, and we want you to come in and go along. We will furnish vou with a Round Trip Ticket, free the only conditions that you buy your goods off us. For further particu lars call in and see us about it. With kindest regards for your liberal patronage and your remembrance of us to your many friends, we shall in the future endeavor to merit your confidence. Yours Very Respectfully, D. A. HECK, Champion iClothier, Hatter and Furnisher, 121 N. Maiq St., BUTLER, • : : * PA " A SURE WINNER BICKEL THE SHOE MAN, OF BUTLER. HiH TRADE INCREASING DAILiY. GOOD HONEST SHOES AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES DOING IT- People flock from all parts of the county eager to make purchases. A dollar goes a good ways at BICKEL'S SHOE STORE. The people of Butler county are in luck in having a Shoe Store that is always willing to sell goods to suit the times; things are pinching a little here and there and you want to make a dollar reach as far as possible and when you are in need of any Shoes and Slippers, )ou will find it to your interest to visit Bickel's. PRICES THAT TELL THE STORY. Men's A Calf English Bals, good quality $i oo Men's Buff Congress and Bals 1 IO Men's Good Solid Plow Shoes Men's Good Solid Creedmores ' 00 Boys' Fine Shoes, Button or Lace I 4,0 Boys' Working Shoes, Creedmores Youths' Fine Shoes 75< a,u ' 100 AND STILL THERE'S MORE TO FOLLOW. Ladies' Fine Don Button Shoes ft ° Ladies' Fine Grain Button Shoes 9° Ladies' Fine Oxford Ties 75 Ladies' Fine Opera Toe Slippers 5° Ladies' Serge Gaiters 5° Ladles' Serge F'ox Gaiters 6° Ladies' Brussel Slippers 2 5 Children's Shoes 25, 40, 50 and 75 BARGAINS THIS MONTH. in Lawn Tennis Goods, Base Ball Shoes, Low Shoes of all kinds Don't buy any footwear until you look at our many goods and prices Boots and Shoes made to order; Repairing done promptly at the great BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE JOHN BICKEL. BUTLER, ----- • PENN'A ~U^^URE^UR^FO^VER7TASE^!F^thma^\ ■ EVERY CASE OF HAY FEVER, but tb» worn > if uncomplicated by organic d/seato, c*n 1* \ W ■ H * TO STAY CURED ( k I t by constitutional troatmont. m i w k I*-1 hum*. » We trrat 1 i thor- § fougli the V 4 Incurable Cases Declined. Examination fro** by M MB We want name and address of _ ■|l avery sufferer from Asthma or Hay Favor. WV k ■■ p. HAROLD HAYES, M. D., BUFFALO, N. Y. W "Well begun is half done." Begin your house work by buying a cake of SA POLIO. Sapolio is a solid cake of Scouring Soap used for all cleaning purposes. Try it. Job Work of 11 kind done at, the "Citizen Office." A IIILLIHJ TRIDMPB The Leading Millincfv House D. T. PAPE. Our line oi Millinerv i-. on»pl«lt in ncrj r \V« i.» investigate. ami w. tl.iim tli.it <>ur sum ki> the moot attract* in KutK r omnt}. Tritnniol li.tt-. .«!<) Iw.ni>. ti , pins. laces, braiili, < rrj-» i»< t~. rti Mourning Millinery In (ileal Variety. PAPEYS, 1 8» Maif\ Slrcet, Bull—', 1\ i. HENRY BIEHL IL'J NOKTII MAIN STKI E7. 1 Tl'Ti HiTx*, • • - - Ft. -N 1\ : I»EALER IN* Hardware and 11ouse Furnishing Goods. reaper and steel frame binder, Warren rrvlv mixed punt, warrented; screen doors and windows. retVL" rat or- an<! hwn mowers. No better place in the <Mty to trv I" Come and see my large store rum fall it' _'ood«, ! '•'>!- •♦•t long, WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN BITTER k RAbSTON BUTLER, PA. Special Notice. PATTERN DEPARTMENT JUNK 1, IW-i. The Ladies of this vicinity will appreciate a th in-e in oar Pat -a Department from "BtTTTERICK'S*' to "ST A N'I»A Kl>" r.ttern- Several years we gave up the agency tbe Butt.-ri-k I'.tir aj. not being satisfied with Altera thorough investigation c»>a ference with oar leading dres-makei*. *»* are convinced tfiat the - >r.l " Patterns are far su|>erior to all other*, iu bein:? roor • up ' !j • trr modeled, simpler direction* for making. insuring prrtoet nlMrlio* savin# in time much Jt?b* tiifiocr to do-MMI « GDs<»aerml>i«- i» there no waste as in the others. We Late s. • .. . n* "Standard" Patterns, knowing that our action will meet wit c *1 satisfaction. . „ The handsomer Standard Fashion Sheets aod une-ioaied Han . • t logues free to a!!. The Lad" *' Standard Matra/ine is i.-.-owl mont' » in* but 50 cents a year, and i-h>old be in every ho—bu?< T« subscribe to it when you have examined a sample copy. It i- ike '* *«i cheapest Fashion and Ladies' Magazine in existent- A complete stock and all sizes of Standard Patt.-rn* cuaMaalle on h > t Patterns sent by mail free on reeeipt of price. Very respectfully. RITTER &RALSTON'S. HITTLKH, PA. — M TEE HOLIDAYS ONLY JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers can save from 2.~> to .">u j*>r cent hv purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles oi J.R. CRTEIi, The.Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., - Diitty Kloek. Sign of Electric Hell and ("lock. All are Respect i«I!y Invited "Remember <>ur Repairing Department—-O years Experience -J THE, tk DDH ■£o'D.»f c >- * HAY- FEVER fr vZ'i %J Cold head Kg! Kl>f> Cream Itaim u n-4 a !>, *r.;f or p -.J, - A;.p .Vrf iatm tU n. ■* V iirkh, . . Mmmmiritn. htmU r n#t / - ■ kii^ DUC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warrin Street NEW YORK. 3Uu J. J. SPECK. WM. M. HOI.MES. wimlhin «ni t\n I.MIMNTki "T rn«uuiu. Tlie Win, 11. llOluh'n < 'o.. Distiller* of "1 Iolr.w»" Best" ami "lloln . ( »!«! Kcottonn PURE RYE WHISKY, All the leading Rye and n Whiskies in b.»nd or t.t*-pa>«l ImjKirters t«f fine Brandies, (lins and \\ ims. SEND FOR PRICE LIST Telephone No. 305. 1 . 120 Waler St. and ISH Fir *t Avc, , PlttstHiigii Pa