\ -Paris Robes Belforcl Cord- | - T ; New Spring Dress Goods _L in H FOR EARLY BUYERS: > 0* o We received this pj week our first shipment of New O Spring Dress Goods and through this advertisement we extend a Z* oc? cordial invitation to you to come Y W and look through our stock ( |Tj whether you wish to purchase or not S SI-TROUTMAN'S-S i X Leading Dry Goods and Carpet i House. -Henrietta—Serge- I . —— $500.( X) To Any rtrscm who Can Prove that the Adrlance Rear Dis charge Binder is Not Perfection. W£. Guarantee the Adriance Binder "fc> flo M good less power than any binder on the market. We do not ask jon to bny tho machine nntfl wo prove it on your own farm. Why wonld you buy the old style, away up, bfg, clumsy, p-ain-thronhinp, horse-killer, elevated binder, that rc- Snire* an extra man on bilJy ground to keep it from upsetting, when you can get one lat is low down, one that cannot bo upset, one that is light and neat, and will not thrash out grain, one that is nearly a* light draught a* a single reaper, and ono that does' not require trucks for transportation and will pass through a ten foot gate? If you dispute the statement, challenge m for a Held trial with ANY or ALL binders on the market. We will gladly meet yon. It will do us good in tho future as well as it has la tho put. It would not be the first time. The Adrianco Binder has come out victor ious in many Said trials in this country, as well as in Europe, England, (iermany and Franoe, wh«re the Adriance Binder has taken gold and silver medals from each. II Ton dispute oar word, challenge us; you can always find us at 320 SOUTH Mi'KEAJf. vUTLJvK, PA. Call and ace sample binder. ¥« Lead AH Conpetitors in Binder Twine. JB Prices and Qnality We are Ahead. Wo bought early and can sell twine at what it now costs wholesale. If you are in : Reaper or Mower, Hay Tedder, Hay Hake or Hay leader, or Farm Machinery of any kind, Fertiliser*, Fencing, 4-c., calf and see us. If we do not have what you want in machinery, we can at least show you the largest assortment of Buggies, Surries, Phmtons, Spring Wagons, Carts and Farm Wagons yon ever saw in one place. We do lot handle the cheapest rigx on the market, but wo handle and ijuaranlcc our rigs to be tho best fox the money we auk for them. Wo have control of tho Youngstown Carriage and Wagon Co.'s goods in this place. Their work is second to none in quality and finish. If you donbt this call and we can easily convince yon. Low prices and square dealing is onr motto: W. F. Hartzell Co. W. F. HARTZELL. HARRY STEPP. —WPHL. -Usmi-.LU 1 * —■ . . - M ' —■■» ■ ■ ' —— FIVE MORE FACTORIES LOCATED AT ELLWfIOO T Bringing a Total of 800 More Employes, Which Means an In erease of 4,000 Population Before the Year is Out. And a correspond tL,' Increase lu values so buy at oin.o Kllwood will loon Ha- <■ more factories and more BljM umpi" than tomscitlmol .I**) population Thirty additional resldee. es :.re now buildiiiK. and :ano more .. are needed for homos or ~10 employes md their riunilies '** V w ''" Ellwoow uy Sept 11 ucr >st Ten per a ci ii. a year In 110 renting of ho> toi all who buy Kvcry house rented as soon as plant are TliK PEKBI.hSS JJiAI) Uf.ASs WORKS. formerly of P l : -burgli. maters u< the celebrated Lead Olalm Chimneys, must be mak"ig gins* In fclluood til) oy August .111 In their new hulld ftig, 110 feet by -jm. Will employ over "wo people at tin- t tart, unu will greatly increase tlielr force during (he year for new linos of glassware. ELLWOOD CITY kM Coal. Natural (. i Klre ©lay. Bed Clay, Ola** Sand, X,ji dtnj; sand. I'.ulid- fF fcl! Stone and Water Tower aud ;ull these in lUE KOKIIinCODtiIAK 1 ' HtlilKh lomiti'yi i Marlins Feny, Oliln, hus let a contract for tt> tun lullOli true 1, «-t. \\ ill I.< gin by . inployliij; people. an.; at on e Increase thefr frrce until nlsdon . W;--. T b £ ;e , great trunk J lie systems: The 11. Ko. IPgh ,I' ii—— —'' A ' Wst). 1 K. K. < Kt. Wayne and the hliore 1 ,IT; —TViil irrrnil . • K b and . helnn wl'.bln the »u-inlle circuit, \ has Pittsburgh frelgiit rates. Vo switching TrrTTrrrKt.- '^' 4 \ Charges nor transfer charges at Klwood City. BTEHRKTT ft HOC! KB' KOL'NDBT ('»>.. a branch of the Vulcan foundry, of Pittsburgh. Is now eroding a building at Kllwood 1, : and :i stories til*ii "ipiare feet 011 rlie ground Hour, tlley wilt employ an men at, starting Will make stoves maehlner) ea-stlr --, eie THE i'L'I.MKlt UICICK CO makers < r Kiro I'.rlck. I'avti ;" Rrick and Re" Itri' A, have located at Kliwoodfity :i very f ttensive and complef plant. Ti. *\ contr.e to manufacture llrlck by July Ist. An extenshu BOX FACTOKY has aLso contract.-d for 1 lieir building at Klla'ood city. TUKi:r.LWOOI) SHAITINC AX!) TCBK CO. :iOW 'kuiK beamlesß drawn steel till dun (the only perfect article produced In this coantr>'>. I" eonjt iv in<- c.-ihluk km force, will em ploy SO huuds within so ifavs. which Is ouly abe nn' ig. TUB KLLWOOD ENAMEf.IN'U CO. also Is cngaK't i a irge number of employes. AKf) SEVKKAI. OTIIKR large luduetrles are n"w negotlailng f.H- !f>c«tiou.s. ELLWOOD CITY Is Not So Near Pittsburgh as to Destroy the Business of Its Local Merchants, and therefore It Is a Good Place ELLWOOD IMPROVEMENT CO. AGTS, ELLWOOP CITY, LAWRENCE CO., PA. 4f% PER CENT. Iv RrstMortgageUarts K% UJC, tvimmfttSdn or fees. ImCrert twyablc WMni annually by Vork ilrirfu I'crrW'l se curity. Highest refarcntv. GH4S. V. fTEID, Falrbaven, Washington. JOHNSONS LINIMENT V \KE- V OT^ sttzstal iri jjSENERATION AFTER GENERATIONS nxvt A.VD CLBSEU it. TTToWrf rtn Sn*par 9 Chil*lrrfi T.Atc TK Krr ry hhouft have % bottlo of it in hid Ritrh*!. EI IA ~I CuffAfAr From lawnxmattan,SH very o aire re r „ a. N.armiru, n.v rm n-wfirVs Piphtlleria. Cau:h«.' .vtirrh nr. ,n<-hiti-<. AjtkjnK,Cboleni »lort*m DUrrh, •*, ,jMJni.nrm, in »irtr or IJmM. bill! Jotms or Strain", will ni«l In I this old Anodjno relief and neitly «n'. ranwauet I free. Sold » v«-rywh. n-. Pri'-e act • . l»r IJ"»iL f > »•<■»«!»*, Ezprns | - I B.«tfOHNSO.V * O U«*TOK. Mxm. SPECIFICS FIT Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. .tAO I'aae U««k on Trentment ot Auinial* aud I hurt P>ent Free, nut- , |'( l Trf'*.f'oilcc*l ioli*. I nllitl*tiin ti«n A.A. t Spinal .Hmluiiilii., Milk Fever. nli >trniu«. r.r.— lllateiaper, >n»nl Diwkarim. n.l) Bot- or limb., W ornifc. K.IC | nn«ii«, Henve». I'neiimonio. F.F.—< oil.- or t;ripr«, Bell>«ehr. n.«;.—MUrnrriiiae. Ilemorrlinae*. H.11.--I rinary nnd Kidney Di»e«se«. I.l.—Kroprtve l»i-ea*e«. .tlnnii'. J.K. —l'i*en»e« of ltik*e>tinu. VnralynN. Hlnftle BMB ' Slnble fade, with Sjie.ltl.-i>. Manudl, Veterfimry <.*ure f »tl an'l M«llcat,]r, H7.00 Jar Veterinary l ure flil, - - I.IW £•!.! Nj nrmMV: or «*»! prri>«i,l »».» 1»* l» "t ob rrreipl bf |»rlrr. 11l trmiCTli'Jtll.dV, III* IHHIHUhM.. %'* Tort. HOMEOPATHIC ft « In tie JO ji-an The oalr mcowful remedy lor Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, mid Prostration, from ow-work or other OOM. •I per vial, or 6 vials and lars»» VJ»I powder, lor 95. > r Drncrft*. <■: 1 i * I* 1 " " miFHliTb' JiKP. CO., 11l AllSMllCam St.. \r*¥«rl. We Catit do it ' t ;tro willing io pay for lcaminp: how to fit: i.u as good iin article a« WOLFF'S ACME Ki.ACJcim.; t.f cheap maten;oth the nnd the [ üblio that t*o vant to give theai the lr .■I i -.ipli tl ■villi lr lookk Bke the uuturul . i .*i • ; tai. I .';m . . IP-:: ■■'i;l l il. n|| rrncHMPiLES r|Lr.O swnmis ABBOt.UTKI.Y CtTREfi. OINTMENT MPTOSIS— lfolnture; Intrn t c Itehla* and llliflaci noit at nlflil; worn l bj Mmtrlilnf. Vr alUwed to eontftiar amor* form and pM>trudr, aleedlna, abaorbalhc tn«nr». flrutyri*! or by 9aiir»rs.r I>«-**. »» i ■■ -<,PbIU'I-I(,|ila. FOB JEN ONLY! II]I J||.fWfai LUBTorFAILXHO MANHOO* I'iltUllWrtOtmral andNERVOOB B£EILIT?j VxKT3i<- |ien.-ary u ith n success rarely attained. I)r. S. K I.akoUanMTiilierof tile Royal College of I'liy- W'lane and and ir» tlic oldebt and ituwl sN|perieneed KrccuuHT In tlieR». I.AKK, I.N.N AV i;. ASD*TUbT..riTTBBfItUII.I'A. READ AND REMEMBER. I For strictly pufe ami reliable STRAIGHT LIQUOUB, call on I. J¥. FINCH, 12 SMITIIKIRI.It NT., IMTTSBLBIJII, PA. (Opp. Mononi;uliela House.) Matchless fOr Family use and Medicinal pur poses are KINCH'HOOMJKN WKUIH.Nt;. All >1 (JICKKNIIKIMER'S WfiISKV, , perqt. , ! OVKKIIOI.TH WHISKY. ' <• <|IK. DII.LIMJER'S WHISKY. ) fur (iood H neatly puckisl itrid promptly shipped FHKE «»k KxrKNse on rc elpt of culi or post office order. | t£/~NoHfiu){ expressod o. I). Send for I'riee List. WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE Tin' l.irat Knvlish .ft. Promptly and peruui- cure, all forms of Weak 111 iPsloiik, ■nnalorrhen. or MNnk lleeii perse il bed over :t", 7Kriir»an^Cn«rT' 1 " l 0 " ,,ly "ellablc aud llonirsl Medicine known. Ask drutfjflst for Woop'a PHOHPUODIME; ir be oflei some trottb less medicine In place of this, leave his dishon est store, Inclose price in letter, and we will send by return mall. Price, one package, H; Hlx, to. Oue will please, al\ will cure. I'alilpll let ill pliiln seiileilenvelope. ' stamps, \ddress MIK HOOIt t lIiMICAI, 111 . 131 Woodward avenue. Detroit Mlcli. £f/-Hold In liuller by C. N. ilojd. J. r. Halpii, J. t'. Kedick, and dUKglats everywhere. "MOTHERS* FRIEND" WUffS milft fttRTH EUSY. Colvln, La., Doe. 2, U86.-M7 wifo used MOTjrEE'B FRItNa boforo hor third conflnomcats and agyT sho would not be without tt for hundfoda of dolUtra. DOCK MILLS. Sent be exrrw on receipt of priae, >1.50 tier 1 xAi tic. Mothers " roailed free. annoniELo maoUATOR co., .o» uii «T «j. aHvaarrm ITUUrrs. OA For Sale by J. C. Redick. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell his rarm.containing' sixty acres, more or less, and located In Adams Twp., on the Kvansburtf and Mars road, near Marshall and Myoma stations e readily and con- in its tratol, irr.-spectire of the titration of the *vind. it has been ]>at £nte'4 Mr. William N. kiddle, of Crowley, TeSas. Its main IxHlylsfeub elditatTally 6f an uprlg-lit cylindrical form, ami is divided horizontally into tvTo compartments, tho lower one for freight and the operative mechanism afid the upper one for passengers. The body in centrally pivotol at its upi>er Phd" to a Main frame piece al>ove, the lower cbod\- 5s sus- RMNTR'A .T NIAR. PHTP. pended from the frame piece, cords serv ing 9S braces. A circular rack, con trolled by n spring r.atchupon the upper end »f the body, holds the latter sta tlbnary in any required position in trav eling around its vertical axis. Connected with (he yoko and the stay cord at one side is a stationary ruddef, and a later feJTy projecting so»nd rudder is pivoted lo one end M tho main frame piece ahov«.-, this rudder being capable of ad justment tip or down, and being locked in position by a lever handle engaging a rack on the frame piece. Attached by cords to the latter is an upper gas re ceptacle divided into compartments, one above the othetf, united to form but a single buoyant chamber, but so con nected with one another by central up right tubes that if one compart ment collapses or bursts the others Will hold up the ship. To propel the vessel, a horizontal shaft projects from eaeh side, each carrying two upright partly circular tracks, one below and the other altove, between which an up right propelling wheel is arranged to rotate upon the shaft. Each wheel is driven or rotated by gearing actuated by any suitable prime mover or motor within tlio body of the vessel, and the construction of Uie wheel is such that the pontiles will have a feathering ac tion, striking the nir on their flat side during half of the revolution of the wheel and presenting their edge surface to the air during the other half of tho wheel's rotation. The construction is such that the position of the wheels may be changed to give their paddles a flat or edge presentation to the air as desired, and to move the vessel upward or downward whon necessary, it being designed that in lowering the ship it will not be necessary to permit the es cape of the gas iu the buoyant cham ber.—Scientific American. 11 IH Only Compunction. Minister (to small boy caught in the orchard) —Doesn't your conscience ever trouble you after you have stolen fruit, my son? Small Boy—No, sir, but*my stomach > often does.—Pharmaceutical Kra. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's lial.-ani will stop the cotigli at once. Ask j'onr friend.-* aliout it. —The following item, clipped from the Ft. Madison. (lowa,) Democrat., contains information well w< rth remembering: "Mr. John Koth of this city,who met with an accident a few days ago spraining and bruising his leg and arm i|iiite severely, was cured by one 50 cent botllo of Cham berlain's l'ain Halln." This remedy is without an equal for sprains and bruises and shoald have a place in every house hold. For sale by. 1). H. Waller, butlor; A. Dowers, Pros pect; Breaden A Allison, W. Sunbury. —"This is an application for relief," as the man said when he stuck tho porous plaster on his pain —Just as sure as the hot weather comes there will In: more or less bowel complaint in this vicinity. Every person, and espec ially families, ought to intvc Mime reliable medicine at hand tor instant use iu case it is needed. A 25 or 50 cent bottle of Cham berlain'.-. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhiea Rem edy i»just what you ought to have and al that you would need,even in the most, severe and dangerous cases. It is the best, tho most reliable and most successful treat ment known ami is pleasant to take. For sale by I>. 11. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden «fc Allison. W. Snubury. —The too-previously patriotic small boy now lets the early tire cracker go off before its time. Eminent Facts. The question fci often asked and scarcely ever answered, why whiskey made now is not as pure and reliable as it was forty years ago. Uis nevertheless a lact that it is made purer and better to day tliur. at that time. Willi the improved methods fusil oil und other impurities are entirely eliminated, A swoin statement as to the purity, age and quality of the whiskey sold is furnished by one dealer who advertises full quarts, six year old pure Ponn'a Uye, at *I.OO j»er quart. Iluquesne +1.25 per quart. Port, Stnjrry, Sweet California Wines at 50c. A complete catalogue and pricejli.it of all foreign and domestic liquors mailed on application by MAX KLEIN. Federalist., Allegheny, Pa. —Even the most moral ball players are perpetually haunted by base desires. Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic core" lor rheumatism and neuralgia, radio ally cures in Ito 11 days. Its fiction upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the (lis ease immediately disappears. The lirst dose greatly bouelits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Hedick, druggist, Butler. —Tho drip, drip, drip of tho melting collar was heard all day yesterday. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor llotol, corner Liberty and Fourth treets. It is a strictly lirst-class Hotel conducted on tin; European plan. Lodgings. -5, 35, —or 50 cents. —The angry glance naturally comos easy to the eros eyed man. Chamberlain's Bye and Skin Ointment. A certain euro for Chronic Soro Eyoe, Tetter, Salt Kheum, Scahl Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Soros, Eczema, !tch : Prairio Scratches, Soro Nipples and Piles. I(|is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment had (ailod. It Is put up in 25 and 00 cunt boxes- S'iusiliug kirts have "caught on" with European ladies of fashion. Consumption Surnly Curod. To T*c n>. ■ r'.on.n inform your reiult-ni that 1 Ifltarn 4 pmlHvn r»in«dy for Mm nl*>ro-iiaiii'-w*i leiw penuaiMntly ctrod. I nhall I*> rlm! ID far* o# my mnmly VHr.K V any of yoe» mam harm •utianmpOin If they win Ma4u*>ftM U>|na &iHt P.O. uklrrm. *. A. smew. H. C.. m r«»ri at. .v. r. POPULAR SCIENCE. 89 mi WT* are tho pores of the that a grain of fine sahd will cfcver SOO* of the®. ft has been demonstrated by means of photography that certain well So fined types of facial expression ifre not only associated with dependent upon certain relative tensions of the oculo-motor muscles. IN the <;ranvillo* electric speed indi cator the log itself is made one plate of the batten- for working the instrument, the iron hull of the Ship the other plate, and the sen itself the exciting liquid, so that insulation is not required. THE current over the Mersey bar since the extensive dredging operations has been found to increase, much to the surprise of a number of the engineers engaged in the work, who had thought that if the channel were deepened the current would bo more sluggish. THE heiicoid anemometer is said to be quite independent of friction for all excepting light winds, but it is not so simple in construction as the cup form. The air meter consists of a single screw blade formed of thin aluminium, and made as nearly as possible into the ex act shape of a portion of a heiicoid. THE JUMPING EGG. How to Perforin a Very Amu-tine and f'azxllnj? Trick. Place two V-shaped wineglasses of the same size near the edge of a table. In the right-hand one put an egg, just fitting the rim of the glass. Hold the bases of the glasses firmly down, the top rims touching each other. \&w, with a quick, sharp breath, blow upon the line where the eggand the glass meet. The egg w ili jump to the other glass. With a little practice this can be done every time. lie careful to blow in a line with the left-hand glass, or the ejyg will jump in the wrong direction, and laud on the table with disastrous results.—Youth's Com panion. Gold Out of Soot. Four pounds of goW Were recently collected from the sdMt of the chimnejr of the royal mint of Berlin. A runny Th^[. It seems very strange that the fire dogs should bo so called, while it is logs of wood that have all tho bark.-*— Harper's Young People. During tho Waltz. She (who is being field unnecessarily tight)— Mr. Pressor, I prefer dancing and hugging separately. He—Then may I have tho next break? -Life. —Hon. W. V. Lucas. Ex-State Auditor of lowa, says: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in tny family and have no hesitation in saying it is an excellent roin edy. I behove all that is claimed for it. Persons afflicted by a cough or cold will find it a friond." There is no danger from whooping cough when this romedy is free ly given. fiOJcont bottles for sale by I). H. Wnlfer, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Broaden A Allison, W. Sunbury. —I iind the great thing jn this world is not so much where wo stand as in what di rection we are moving. —Every testimonial regarding Hood's S&rsaparilla is an honest, unpurchased statement. —Out of sight—The oth<»» i went one letters. IlappyHomes. Thousands of sad and desolate homes have been made happy by the use of,, Rose Bads," which have proven an absolute cure for tho following diseases and their distressing symptoms. Ulceration, Con gestion and Tailing of the Womb, i>var ian tumors, Dropsy of the Womb, Sup pressed Menstruation, It up tare at Child birth, or and complaint originating in diseases of tho reproductive organs, whether fr»m contagions diseases, hered ity, tight lacing, overwork, excesses or miscarriages. One lady writes us that after RufTering for ten years with Leucor rhea or Whites, that one application en tirely cured her, and furthermore, she suf fered no more pain during tho menstrual ticriod. "Rose Buds" are a simple, harm less preparation, but wonderful in effect. The patient can apply it herself. No doe tors' examination necessary, to which all # modest woman, especially young unmar ried ladies seriously object. Kroni the first application you will feel like a new woman. Price .+'l by mail, post.paid. TIIK LRVKRRTTK SPKCIHC CO., :U!> Wash ugton St. Boston, Mass. —Some people ure exceedingly charita ble—so long as their old, wornout boots and shoes last. A beautiful woman pleases the eye, a good womau pleases the heart; one is a jewel, the other a treasure. I.ane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels oacli day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. —The sweet sunshine and the organ grinder strike us simultaneously this time. —The young man who is so thoroughly "stuck on hinisolf" seldom adheres to much else. 11 -The suggest that the name of tho Signal Service be changed to the Sig nal Failure. —Tlio dog that loses his master is with out a friend, and so are somo men when they lose a dog. —A woman never loses her interests n tho other women whom her husband inav have thought of marrying when sho was a girl. —lt is bettor to sacritico one's love of sarcasm than to indulgo in it at the ex pense of a friend. lie pressed his suit iu suuny June. In warm July it boro its fruit; September came, and it involvod Into a breach of promise suit. —Tho young Philadelphia!! who was ar rested abroad for swindling, had published two volumes of poetry. It was a case of starve or steal, he didn't starve. Man's lil'o is a trial and all his neighbors are the jury. —lf you feol discontented with your lot, spade it up and try to raise something. —lt doesn't take much of a christian to praise the l. ml when the sun is shining. —The Chicago harbor calls out "Snakes" instead of "Next," whon lie wants a man to till his chair. —Baldhcaded customer in barber shop— "l want a hair cut." Affable barber —"Yes sir; which hair." —Seody Poet —"I have written a sonnet on Mt. Washington." Busy Editor— "That's right; let it stay there. —lt is a curious phase af human nature that the man who shakes your hand the hardest will often pull your leg with the same degree of energy. It is hardly a sow; by our illustration "jEf*ou can see that it is not hke to any- K*' " -~ 'bing upon the earth, or the water under '/w/t the earth, hut more wonderful than any- I tbing ever exhibited by Barnum or * S/fi OrangoutaiiL'. ourunout and stick your FT fy"' to °g uo out - l^e gr«' al?,, t wonder of \&J the age. "What is it''—why its Heck's mammoth stooß of fine clothing, llats, Caps. Shirts, Pants, I nderwear, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Suspenders. Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Purses, Bill and Pocket-books. Clothes, Hair and Tooth-brushes, Watches, Chains', Charms, Ladies' and UeuU' Rings, Pius, Collar and Cuff Buttons and hundreds of articles too tedious to mention which we have for sale, and you mav need. Call and see our mammoth stock of Itcautiful spring at tractions and you will certainly say its a Hoodo. Well, we are not looking for those who do trade with us but for those who do not. We don't believe there are many who do not, but there ought not to be one person in Butler or adjoining counties left who does not know that the place to save money, to get big values, is at Heck's Store. 121 N. Main St Why is it that you miss your chance and waste your money ? Don't you know better ? We bear you no ill will, why should we ? This is not our fnneral, we are just he same merry merchaut as of old. We are rollicking, jolly fellows; we are tiproaring, tip top sellers, and when it comes to bargains we can suit you to aT. If you think we arc a honey, come buy your clothes and drop your money, and we'll treat you like a 'little sonny, for we have got the energy and the will; we made up our mind to be the LEADER IN OUR LINE and the result is that wc lead and the band plays Anny Rooney, and there is no mistake about it. The world stands aghast at tho realization of the fact that the high quality and low prices of our goods is a reality and not a fictionary legend to those who have never dealt with us. We would be glad to see you and pleased to put in your hands a real money saver, a bargain with n great big B If you are not on our list of customers, come and IHJ convinced that we are right at the front doing big business, on the best basis, a square deal and a rolling dollar We are going to get up a train load for the World's Fair at Chicago in 1893, and we waut you 10 come in and go along. We will furnish you with a Round Trip Ticket, free the only conditions that you buy your goods off us. For further particu lars call in and see us about it. With kindest regards for your liberal patronage and your remembrance of us to your many friends, we shall in the future endeavor to merit your confidence. Yours Very Respectfully, D. A. HECK, Champion [Clothier, Hatter and Furniiher, Y2,\ N. Ht., BUTLKR, : s s s F J A. 1 SURG WINNER BICKEL THE SHOE MAN, OF BUTLER- If IK TRAI>E INCREASING HAH . GOOD HONEST SHOES AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES DOING IT. People node tV*x•» i*ll j»urt« of the county eager t<> make purchases. A dollar goes a o,>od w ays at BICKEL'S SHOE STORE. The people of Butler county are in luck 111 having a Shoe Stole that is always willing to sell goods to suit the times; things are pinching a little here and there and you want to make a dollar reach as far as possible and when you arc in need of any Shoes and Slippers, you will find it to your interest to visit Bit kel's. PRICES THAT TELL THE STORY. Men's A Calf English Bals, good quality $1 00 Men's Buff Congress and Bals 1 10 Men's Good Solid l'low Shoes 80 Men's Good Solid ("reedmores 1 00 Boys' Fine Shoes, Button or Lace 1 Boys' Working Shoes, Creed mores So Youths' Fine Shoes 75- 1 ANT) STILL THERE'S MORE TO FOLLOW. Ladies' Fine Don Button Shoes $1 00 Ladies' Fine Grain Button Shoes 90 Ladies' Fine Oxford Ties 75 Ladies' Fine Opera Toe Slippers..' 5° Ladies' Serge Gaiters 5° Ladles' Serge Fox Gaiters Oo Ladies' Brussel Slippers 25 Children's Shoes 25,40, 50 and 75 BARGAINS THIS MONTH. in Lawn Tennis Goods, Base Ball Shoes, Low Shoes of all kinds Don't buy any footwear until you look at our many goods anil prices Boots and Shoes made to order; Repairing done promptly at the great BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. JOHN BICKEL. BUTLER, ----- • - PENN'A k NO SURE CURE FOR EVERX CASE OF ASTHMA or : A EVERY CASE OF HAY FEVER, but u» wont ram. V if uncomplicated by organic disease, can «*■ € to constitutional treat/rent, f I I W * thr [Mfc- 1 bom*. I tn-at I ono without a thor-X kuowlcdKi'of tlio fe WB 4 V 1 Incurable Cases Declined. frw |l f ■ nl Wo want name and address of I ovcry sufferer from Asthma or H*y Fever. VI P. HAROLD HAYES, M. D„ BUFFALO. N. "Well begun is half done." Begin your house work by buying a cake of KAI } < )LIO. Sapolio is a solid cake of Scouring Soap used for .ill cleaning purposes. Try it. OOJIcD FREE! , To every person bringing us a copy of this paper, we } , J will Insert FREE OK CHARGE aline $2.00 Gold Filling, y / \ln every BEST SF.T or SB.OO Teeth. 1 \j Wo warrant theui totm the best tleti can pinlbly tie mule. no matter what JjjfM Lm price you liny. m W W KtlUli|«(» spc< laity), Il.nu alHl up I Mi Ivor Kllllnt". - TV Amnlgum Filling. - - '* K I Teeth KtUwteil, *r«» Painless extracting * speoalty. I'un l lr unw t««'tu Uoiur ih wimn «4 Liberty Kl., fllUkarn, fa. A MILLINER! TRIOMPH The Leading Millinery House D. T. PAPE. Our line of Milliner) is complct in every i -<|>" * \\ <\ i» -v« to investigate, and we claim that our stock i tli m : tttr :i . in Holler county. Trimnntl hat* an>l !«•■' f rf .r. .wns. pins, laces, braids. ni i« <. nets. 11». Mourning Millinory In (Jivat Variety. PAPE'S. lUIt S. Nlt w 1 * much larger lot on next Tuesday, at <>nr iramn pr» ••. J « Tt ire the greatest drive ever offered in Huti- A FULL LINK of Ladies' Muslin I'nderwear at tbo same 2- - A - wirum in all kinds of Dry Ooods, Carpets, Lai* Curtain Tr in. ;i»-> a«.t I" -v-li ings. We guarantee more yaluw for your money than y « <-» it -t: any other house. Jn<". rrceiTcO latent noreltie. in I* ir;>- ' »'vi Sn 1 - t « RITTEK & RALSTON'S. FOB THE IMS ONLY JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers can saw from 25 to 50 |n»r cent by purchasing their watches, cWka and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., - Duffy Block. Sign of Hlectrii Hell and Clock. AH are R' spectfiilly Invited —"Remember our Repairing 1 >epartincnt I SPRING FOOTWEAR FOR ALL AT* HJTS la that you are certain of getting the eorrtrf style equally »«» ni paying the smallest price that such g.s>ds a* we «>|| in (*• o^»*in-d. FOR SPRING WEAR. We are decidedly headquarter* Tor Men. Women *n«i Chfl.«w**« DRESS SHOES. A good, dressy, light-weight. easy-fitting pair of -h.is the " nd you can hare for warm weather Our stock of tl -m is the lin. -■ ever >.r .-.ijht to thia town No detail of style, last, trim or tinish rs*.« If wf Stock and overy stjle last id here. The prt. es will fIMH WORKING SHOES. We hare heavy and light-weight working sho -in a > The •) Tre-i •t* of lace, buckle and congress Their wearing .jualit e- of the K. *t and are easy and comfortable to the f-> >t 1» '»• > I" *■- CHILDREN S SHOES. We are, if possible, more particular what we ..:!<•» y.>. t i r < ■:•••« than lor yourselves. Our present stock r*'pr>--»eat< t'i- ••*«•*»» the •-t styles in the market ar.il shoes that will wear -mt *>■«* «•». i • • <■■■ -r -h* t» out. No matU-r what the sue -r - \ pocket Itook, we can suit you AL. RUFF No. 114 South Main Street, - Butler, r». BKnfi J • HAY- FEVER jtA fl V/COLD : HEA& 1 filg", ('mm Dai'n u not a Hqu.'d, twtff or y *o,r. * i/U» V - >■ mnieUg olmvrbnL It ■ ■ a Cll A U' WW M» A » li|«» JT hmmml „* r^pt OUC ELY BROTHERS. 56 WJ"ta Stmt DEW TORI. OJJ HtK W< M »... ■ - >. TNK • ontiMtu mo on noma urn %» •»» wnnn rnwn » on The Will. 11. Holiiirw € Distillers of "llolntc~> llest .ui'l llnitm t >,, i }-.»< .IHH»I_. , PURE RYE WHISKY. All the leading R>c ami HourU.ii h hi >•««.' .. ImjH.rters of fine ltran