Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 24, 1892, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIX.
This Is The Lowest Price
Ever given on a
Bed Room Suite
Solid, Polished Oak, glass 26x30, hoveled plate,
FOR $33.00,
We offer ihls suite for 30 days only.
Our Bed Room Suite for sl9
Y< >ii can't get elsewhere for less than $23 to $25. We don't only
offer the above goods at low prices, but anything in our store
• way down In price. All we ask you to do is to examine our
stoc'< and you will say as we do—best goods for least money of
store In the country.
- ■ —g ■■ —*
Campbell & Templeton,
136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa.
.A.ll the "Latest Spring and Summer
Vogeley & Bancroft's
Artistic in Style,
Reasonable in Price,
Reliable in. Quality.
See oar Ben's fine shoe, congress and lace at $1.25.
See oar ladies fine kid button shoe at f 1.00.
See oar ladies fine oxford tie, pat. leather tip at 15 eta,
See our cblldrens shftea from 25 to 50 centa.
See our other Popular Price Linea.
Plow Shoes, Working Shoes, Fine Dress
Shoes of all Styles and qualities at
Base Ball and Tennis Shoes
Visit our store and we will please you.
No. 347 South Main Street,
Di amonds j
Wfltr-lIPQ \ LADIES gold,
Tf*'WplT r I 7' J Gold'Pina, Ear-rings,
tit; WCliy ( Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc,
{Tea set*, castors, butter dishes
and everything that can be
found in a first class store
RODGER BROS. 1847 {T^rk* 0 *"- Sl>no,w -
N0.[139, North! Main St., BUTLER, PA.,
1-7 j_ no^r..flirt- hours, in to i; M. and
I n. :: I'. M.
Ofllre :i11«! r*sl«»ence at 127 K. r»miitn«liaiii St,
mvsiciAN »m» rvriicon.
New YK>utin;ui Building. Butler. I'A.
K. N. I.KAKK. M. I> K. MANN. M. I>.
Specialties: Specialties
Uyn;ic.lOKj and Stir Kje. Ear. N«H» ami
gery. Throat.
Bulicr, Pa.
ti. M. .'-IM MKHMAN.
omce at No. 45, S. Main street. over frank t
Co's DiugStorv. Butler. I'*
Physician and Surgeon.
So 22 I'" 1 -! JifferM.lt Ht., lit tier. Pa.
V. Mi ALPINt.,
Is now permanently 10.-al.il at ia» Soulli Main
Street Butler. I'a., In rooms fonnei ly occupied
1.5 l>r. (V.ddron.
Cold Killing rainless Kxtraetlon »l Teetli
an.l Art lllcial Teelli without Plates a specialty
Nitrous Okide or Vitalized Atr or Ixx-al
An.estlictics used.
iifllce over Millers (Jrocery east of I,owry
Office closed Wednesdays ami rbursd»ys.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Arllttcial Teetli inserted en tlie luu-st im
proved plan, UoUl rilling a specially. Ollloe
over Seuaul's nothing Store.
Okhck nkak Diamond. Hcti.sb, I'a.
Atl'y at I.aw an.l Notary I'tlhllc oniee on S.
diamond St. opjioslle Hie Court Mouse sec
ond Hour.
11. Q. WALKER,
Attomey-at-Law—Office in Diamond Block,
Butler, I'a.
Attorncy-at-La w.
office Between PostoOlco aiul Diamond, Bul
ler, I'a.
Office at No. K, South Diamond, Butler. I'a.
Office seooml floor. Antlersoii HI k, M.ilu St.,
near court House, Butler, I*sl.
Atl'yatl.aw -office on South side of Diainoud
But ler. Pa.
A'rrouN by ;at uw.
office on second 11..0r of tin? Iluselton block.
Diamond. Itutler, I'a.. Room No. I.
Attorney at I«aw, Office at No. 17, Kasr Jeffer
son St., Butler, Pa.
Attorney at Law and Ileal Estate Agent. Of
floe rear or l>. Mitchell's omee on north side
ol Diamond, Butler, I'a.
Attorney at-mw. Office on seeond floor of
Anderson building, near Court House, Butler.
L. 8, McJUNKIiN,
Insurance and Real Estate As'l
17 east jeffkrhon ht.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham P»ts,
Alfreil Wick, Henderson Oliver,
l)r. W. Irvin, .lames Stephenson,
W. W. Blackmore, N. Wcitzel.
F. Bowman. D. T. Norns,
tieo. Ketterer, ( has. Itcbhiin,
John (irohman. John Kooning.
Patented February 25, 1890.
This Improvement
A Idocs away with the
large suction plate In
conimon use. The
plates are very small,
only about one-eighth
to one-rourth the usual
size, and btlng con
structed on true mechanical principles, lit the
mouth with perfect accuracy. Any number of
tcelh can be put in without extracting any good
teeth yon may have, and no plate in at roor of
the mouth. The patent plate Is specially adapts
ed to partial lower dentures, since it is wel
known that the dental profession have nothing
succesgtul to otter In that line: and further
more , partial lower plates have not nor cannot
he successfully tnaue by
known metlUKl.
This is an important mat RVHHVk
ter when we take Into^TT
consideration that lower » • .C_DE.
teeih are as necessary as upper. For nirthcr
Information, call at
Hooms 114 Kant .|<'lTi'n.,>n strrrt, BItTI.KU, I'A.
It Oim Golds, Couirh*. Sore Throat, Croup. Influ
ißia, Whoopinf Couch, Bronchitis and Aithmi.
JL oertnxn euro for Contamption in first aUfet.
I»i a sure relief in advanced atafei. Tou will
IM the exeelleat effect after taking the first doee.
Bold hy dealers ercrywhere. Larpo botUce, M
«Ut4 aad SI.OO.
Who knows we have not lived before
In forms that felt dellrlit anil paint
If fieath is not the open door
Through which we pass to life a?alfcl
The fruitful seed beneath the sod
In Infant bud and bloom may rise;
But by the eternal laws of God
It Is not quickened till it dies.
The leaves that trembled on the tree.
Pall 'neath the stroke of autumn storm*
But by some mighty mystery,
With spring return in other forms.
As currents of the surging sea.
From undiscovered sources flow.
So what we were and yet may be
In this brief life we may not know.
But oft some unexpected gleams
Of past and unremembered years
Break through the doorway of our dreams,
And some familiar face appears.
A gentle sptrit lost awhilo,.
Amid the change from death to birth.
Whose beaming eye and loving smllo
Recall some former scenes of earth.
And thus unconscious of the tie -
Tlie mystic link which love creates —
Perhaps we see our own who die
In newer forms and other states.
Perhaps with every cycle passed
In all the ages yet to be,
Our loved will come to us at last
As parted waters find the sea.
Not wholly clad as they were seen
Wh< n death unbound their robes of clsy;
But with seraphic face and mein,
And souls that cannot pans away.
—Da\ id B. Sickels, In Chicago Saturday Even
ing Herald.
Hor Hftflty Words, and What
Came of Thorn.
RE YOU quite
M I sure, ray dear,
I that you will
I never regret tho
V .jafejtfJT you are
1. ■ about to take?"
JjEr i' llaM asked Aunt
/rffi ' 1 '>l*3 Rachel, anx
njbC from the white
If garments and
/ orange bios-
V soms strewn
jjt over the dainty
blushing face of
"Such a question to ask on the very
eve of my bridal day," laughed Ruby. "I
sincerely hope you do not think me that
fickle, my dear conscientious aunt."
"I never thought you fickle, Ruby;
but the question with me is, do you love
this man you are going to wed well
enough to give up all the comforts and
pleasures of your father's house for his
sake? In my eyes it is no small sacri
fice to forsake the companionship of
tried friends and go off hundreds of
miles to make a home for a stranger in
the wilderness," replied Aunt Rachel,
in a despondent voice.
"But, Aunt Rachel, you must remem
ber that Dick Walton is no stranger to
me. We have known each other all
our lives," Ruby returned, brightly.
"When you are acquainted with him
you will not wonder that I count it no
sacrifice to give up so much for his
sake. Ho is the best man in the
"It is right that you should think so,
at least," laughed her aunt. "But, Ru
by, it will require a great deal of love
to make up for all the comforts an.l
conveniences of your pleasant home.
You have not been accustomed to tho
hardships of frontier life, and it will
require more courage than you antici
pate to bogin housekeeping as yuur
grandmother did more than half a cen
tury ago."
"Any place where Dick lives will be
home to me," insisted Ruby, a little pet
"What will you do with all these fine
things in a little two-roomed cabin?"
questioned Aunt Rachel, with a wave
of the hand in the direction of the table
loaded with handsome wedding pres
"Pack thein away in the closet until
we arc able to build a house suitable
for their display," was Ruby's quick
response. "The truth is, aunt, people
maiie a great mistake in giving such
presents. Why don't they show good
common sense in selecting suitable
gifts for a western bride?"
"People do many foolish things in
connection with weddings," admitted
Aunt Rachel, with a meaning look at
tlie display of ribbons and lace heaped
upon the bed.
"Of course every girl wishes to look
her best on her wedding day," said
Ruby, following the direction of her
aunt's eye. "You know that important
event is supposed to come but once in a
"Much allowance is always to be
made on these occasions, und if people
are able to afford so much extravagance
just for the purpose of gratifying
their vauity for a single hour, I do not
know that anyone has a right to ob
ject," returned the aunt, charitably.
"It is the after-living that is most im
portant, and I hope that your love will
prove deep enough and broad enough
and lasting enough to outlive all the
discomforts and inconveniences of a
home in the wilderness."
"I am certain it will." resoonded
Ruby, gayly. "Love in a cottage—with
Dick as its object—will be as enduring
as life itself."
"I trust you will not be disappointed,"
sighed Aunt Rachel, "but there is so
much difference between the lover and
the husband that it is not safe to meas
ure married life by courtship."
"You are speaking from general ob
servation, aunt. You must take into
consideration the fact that Dick is not
like other men," urged Ruby. "He will
never lay aside his lovcr-like attentions,
lam sure. He is too tender and true
to neglect me."
"And are you enough unlike other
girls to make the honeymoon last
through life?" insisted Aunt Rachel.
"We shall see, aunt. Come and visit
me this time next year and see what a
model wife and housekeeper I make,"
laughed Ruby as she tripped merrily
downstairs to meet her lover.
Dick Walton was a thrifty young me
chanic, a member of a large family of
honest, industrious boys, who, several
years before, had drifted out into the
far west to earn a homo for tho little
Ohio girl who had promised to be his
wife. Ho had succeeded in paying for
his land and building a little house in
which to begin housekeeping, and now
he had come back toclaim his bride and
carry her off—a willing captive—to the
tiny home awaiting her.
"It shall be my duty to bring money
into the house, and yours to see that
none goes out unnecessarily," said
lUclfc nfter were cozllv settled in
BUTLER, J XE 1 89^.
the little blrd's-nest ot a name. mir>v
ag-reed with hira, anil faithfully
did she keep her part of the compact.
Dick proved a kind, considerate hus
band, and, true to her convictions of
duty. Ruby kept herself tidy an.l the
house a» bright as a new pin, and yet
it must be acknowledged that her
tonjfue was sometimes sharper than the
exigency of the cas« ileman.led. Still,
their home was fairly happy and the
clouds that obscured their domestic
bliss were so fleeting as to leave no
perceptible shadow on their lives.
Sometimes Ruby's heart would well
nigh break for a sight of the dear old
home and the loving faces back among
the Muskingum hills, but she was a
brave little woman, and for Dick's sake
kept '-he dreadful homesickness locked
out of sight in her own heart.
It was on Christmas that the solemn
words making them husband and wife
had been spoken, and the first anni
versary of their wedding day was cel
ebrated by the arrival of a new inmate
—a precious Christmas gift in the form
of a beautiful little boy whom Ruby at
once named Dick.
"lie must never hear a or un
kind word from his mother s lips,"
Ruby said to herself as she clasped her
treasnre to her heart the first time. "A
mother must lie the embodiment of all
that is pure and lovely, and I mean that
little Dick shall grow up surrounded by
influences out of which all the bitter
ness of life has been extracted." She
fully uicaut to keep this compact, made
with her own soul while she lay weak
and white upon her bed, but she was
only human, and the worries and cares
that weighed heavily upon her when
she was again able to look after the
house and attend to the demands of the
exacting baby, often made her irritable
and impatient.
One cold, stormy day near the close
of March, Dick came into the cheery
little room where his wife sat fashion
ing a dainty garment for the inhabitant
of the crib. In his hands he carried sev
eral sticks of wood which he had been
seasoning for the fancy work that he
managed to do on his scroll saw when the
weather was too inclement to work
out of doors. Usually Ruby was glad
of his company, but she had not slept
well on account of the baby's restless
ness the night before, and consequent
ly was easily vexed to-day. Besides,
Dick had left a trail of snow behind
him, and if there was anything that
Ruby particularly detested it was stains
on the pretty, bright carpet of which
she was so proud.
"I think you might have knocked the
snow from your feet before eoming in, "
she said, tartly, glancing at the foot
prints pla inly visible between the door
and fireplace. "One would need to
keep the broom in motion constantly
where you are. You never think of any
thing but your own convenience."
"That is rather a sweeping asser
tion," answered Dick, pleasantly
enough. "I'll acknowledge I am a care -
less fellow, though I think you do me
injustice when you make an exception
of my own convenience."
"There is no exception to my work,
however," snapped Ruby, brandishing
her broom, vigorously.
"I am sorry I made you extra work,
Ruby, but there is no use in being so
particular about:a little bit of snow,"
argued Dick. "It is clean dirt, and like
the old woman's grease will rub off
when it gets dry. Why, mother used
to sprinkle snow all over her carpet
before sweeping, and she was one of the
best of housekeepers."
"I am tired hearing that old song
about your mother. No doubt she is a
paragon of excellence, but this thing of
drawing unfavorable wmptHjoni be
tween mother and wife has become un
bearable," Ruby said, spitefully.
"What do you mean by unfavorable
comparisons? Come, now. Ruby, don't
be childish. There is no use in making
mountains out of mole-lillls," Dick an
swered, in a persuasive voice.
"That Is tho way you always talk.
You have not the least bit of sympathy
for me," sobbed Ruby. "Aunt Rachel
was right when she said that I was
running a great risk to give up my hap
py home for a cabin in the wilder
"Ruby!" exclaimed Dick, sternly.
"You care nothing for me or you
would not speak to me in that tone. 1
wish I had never left my father's
house," cried Ruby, breaking down en
Tears always angered Dick, so with
out a word he gathered up his wood and
went out, shutting the door behind him
with a bang. He did not come in again
until supper time, and then he made
his way round to the back door and
took pains to sweep the snow from his
shoes before entering the kitchen. The
meal nassed in silence—neither of the
;wain being courageous enough to
ipeak the first healing word.
"I am off to the post office," said
Dick, sullenly, as he rose from the
:able and proceeded to draw on his over
load The next minute ho was out in
the storm wading through the snow
lown the drifted lane. A great lump
seemed to rise in Ruby's throat, almost
choking her. They had never before
parted in anger, and it almost broke
her heart to see Dick go away in that
spirit. She ran to the front door, in
tending to call him back and ask him
to forgive her, but he was far down
the lane, and went on with rapid
strides —never once turning his head in
the direction of the open door.
"There is no use in one's being so
spunky," she said, testily, as she went
back to her work in the kitchen, but
notwithstanding lier words her heart
was heavy and the evening seemed
more tedious than ever before.
Towards night a fierce blizzard from
the north swept down the valley, shak
ing the windows in their case
ments and rocking the little house on
Its foundation. Almost paralyzed with
feat, Ruby crouched down by the crib,
expecting every new blast of wind to
wrench the frail building to pieces.
Several hours passed before there was
any abatement in the storm, and then
when Dick did not make his appearance,
her anxiety about the safety of herself
and baby gave way to dread concern
ing his fate. While the wind shrieked
and the snow fell in blinding sheets,
she comforted herself that he was snug
ly housed iu the village beyond, but
when lie did not come in a reasonable
length of time after the storm had sub
sided she became greatly alarmed, and
over and over again wandered down the
drifted lane calling wildly for him to
come back. At last, almost iu despair,
slio made lier way to the cabin of her
nearest neighbor, who, with quick
western sympathy, went at once to
rouse some of the villagers to aid in the
search. He found out that Dick had
started for homo some time be
fore tho blizzard struck the town,
bence muat bare been logt
ne entered tlie" long lane lead
ing to his own house. It was not
long until many lights were glimmer
ing in sight of the cabin, among the
6now-driftS in the narrow lane, and
half-an-hour later, almost in range
with the light Ruby had placed in
the window, one of the men stumbled
over a dark object which proved to l>e
Dick's half-frozen body. He was not
dead, but it took hours of patient rub
bing and bathing to coax back the
heart-throbs that at first seemed to
have stopped forever. During those
hours of terrible suspense, Ruby had
plenty of time to review the stormy
scene of the afternoon, and in deep re
morse to weep over the estrangement
which her hasty words had caused.
Over and over on bended knees she be
sought the dear Lord to give back the
precious life trembling in the balance
and when, at last, the doctor said he
would live, she accepted tho gift with
a vow that in the future the doors of
her lips should be kept with all dili
It was weeks before Dick was able
to go about his daily work again, but
these days of pain and waiting were
not lost, for out of them grew an un
derstanding between the young couple,
which enabled them to keep their lives
from drifting apart by faithfully ob
serving the little home courtcsie*
which have so. much to do with keep
ing the fire of love burning brightly in
the bosoms of those who day after day
gat'jer around the same hearthstone.
Th« World > Coruftiiut Shell.
The savage islanders of the south
Pacific believe that the world is a co
coanut shell of enormous dimensions,
at the top of which is a single aperture
communicating with the upper air,
where human beings dwell. At the
very botton of this imaginary shell is a
stem gradually tapering to a point
which represents the beginning of all
things. This point is a spirit or demon
without human form, whose name is
"Root of All Existence." By him the
entire fabric of creation is sustained.
In the interior of the cocoanut shell, at
its very bottom, lives a female demon.
So narrow is the space into which she
is crowded that she is obliged to sit for
ever with knees and chin touching.
Her name is "The Very Beginning,"
and from her are sprung numerous
spirits. They inhabit five different
floors, into which the great cocoanut is
divided; From certain of these spirits
mankind is descended. The islanders,
regarding themselves as the only real
men and women, were formerly accus
tomed to regard strangers as evil spir
its in the guise of humanity, whom they
killed when they could, offering them
as sacrifices.—Washington Star.
—A new cure for hydrophobia has
been tried by Prof. Murri at the Pas
teur institute in Milan. Hydrophobia
developed on a man who had undergone
the Pasteur treatment, with paralysis
from the waist downward, and Prof.
Murri made a subcutaneous injection of
the virus in its "fixed form." A com
plete cure followed.
—Speaking of missing things, a
needle in a haystack is nothing to a
railroad time-table in a country house.
The NeceMltjr of Supplying a Constant
Change of Air.
To offset the constant exhalation of
organic matter from tho skin, as well
as from the lungs, occupied rooms should
be so arranged as to allow a constant
change of tho air contained in thc-m.
To meet this condition properly, an exit
|, n »;», im, <»o uu iulcb, JLtoul.l La
A fireplace is perhaps an ideal outlet,
as it has a constant draught which as
sures an outgo of considerable power.
As for a test of the quality of air—its
purity or impurity—nature has pro
vided us with a most useful one, and in
all ordinary cases tho only necessary
one, in the sense of smell. If this sense
is offended by the characteristic "stale"
odor of an ill-ventilated room there is
no appeal from Its verdict, no matter
how many ventilators may be in opera
tion. This test, it should be stated, can
bo applied only by the olfactories of
one just entering a room from tho out
We have heard from the lecture plat
form advice delivered to an intelligent
body of students in a preparatory
school as to just how far the windows
of the sleeping apartment should be
raised each night to assure a wholesome
air to the occupant The distance given
was exact, no allowance being made
for variations of temperature, wind or
weather. A single window opened at
both top and bottom, but at distances
varying according to the temperature,
the presence or absence of winds, etc.,
is a suitable provision for ventilation.
It ia safe to say that if the air -in any
room seems as pure to a person enter
ing it from out of doors as the out-door
air itself, that air is well fitted for
breathing; such, at any rate, it should
always be, and such should be the test
applied by an intelligent observer.
With such an ideal before us, no hard
and fast rule is called for. With this
ideal in view, and with the homely
quality of common sense in exercise,
it is well also to remember tho follow
ing facts:
A room is best for most of us at a
temperature ranging from sixty-five to
seventy degrees; a guard, be it of the
most primitive construction, should l>e
between a draught and ourselves; the
air is not necessarily impure when
warm, nor pure when cold; the smaller
a room is, and the more occupants it
has, the oftener should the air be re
In places of crowded assembly, such
as theaters, churches, schools, it is the
exception to find a proper system of
ventilation, and hence attendance upon
such gathering should bo offset by
plenty of out-door exercise.—Youth's
Womlrrii Which llut Few Have Even
Thought Possible.
English experimenters have probably
done more in the line of testing the
fecundity of vegetables and useful
plants than the Americans have, the
reasons for this being obvious. They
must figure to economize space, where
as the American farmer can scatter a
little grain over his many broad acres.
Recent tests made under the auspices
of the Royal Philosophical society with
a single barley stalk unfolded wonders
which but few have ever thought even
possible. lty steeping and watering
that one plant with saltpeter dissolved
in rain water they managed to produce
249 stalks and over 18,000 grains.
It lias also been shown that the white
elm of our bottom lands and groves
yields, one year with another, at a
veVy moderate estimate, too, 329,000
seeds. Now, an elm ordinarily lives at
least a full hundred years, and, conse
quently, in the course of that compara
tively short life, produces nearly 3,000,-
000 grains, all coming from one original
A single seed of an Asiatic pemperion
planted on Trevesy grounds, llerlin,
propagated a vine as large as a man's :
body, which in nine weeks grew to a
total length of nearly 300 feet and. !
ripened more than 800,oi()0 seeds.
A single plant of Turkey corn l>ear» il
8,000 seeds; tho sunflower, 4,000; th® !
poppy, 32,000, and tobacco, 70,300! —St ;
Louis Republic.
A Thing Apart.
Miss A.—l find your friend quite en
tertaining—when he forgets himself.
Is ho an American or an Englishman?
Miss B.— Neither. lie's a llostouian.
—Brooklyn Life.
A Doable flat lluildlus That tan Re
Krerlrd for •i.lHn*.
The size on lot Is 22 feet by C J feet.
It ia of frame construction ami has six
nximson the first floor and sev. n n»>m*
on the second floor.
The height of stories Is 10 feet with
a basement ? feet. The vestibule is 0
by S feet C inches. From it there is a
door leading to the hall of first flat, the
hall being 4 by 8 feet C inches and
opening into the parlor nnd into a halt
The library is 7 feet C inches by "5 f.-et
6 inches. The parlor is 12 by 15 feet
and contains a fireplace with tile fac
ing and a wood mantel.
The sitting-room is 12 by 15 feet. It
has one door leading to hall and library
r; 5 I
i •fT" I S i is,
»rp3i 1
and one door leading to the chamber
which is 8 feet 6 inches by 12 feeL
From this chamber there is a door lead
ing to the bathroom and rear passage
through a closet.
The dining-room is 12 by 14 feet, and
is provided with a china closet. From
the dining-room you enter the kitchen
through the rear passage, which is 5
feet 6 inches by 9 feet, and a door leads
"rom this passage to a pantry 4 feet 0
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inches by 8 feet. Between the china
closet and thia passage there is a slide.
The rear chamber is 10 feet 3 inches by
10 feet 0 inches. Tho kitchen is 10 feet
8 inches by 10 feet 0 inches and has all
the modern conveniences, such as a fuel
gas outlet, porcelain-lined sink, 1 oiler,
f-r\ -f-E
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&s>jyyTb,w y* j ,
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maple floor, wainscoting and a large
rear porch.
Tho bathroom is 4 feet*C inches by 8
feet and is fitted with the latest im
proved fixtures.
The second story flat is the same as
the first story flat with tlie exception
of one room, a chamber 8 feet* fl inches
by 12 fCet.
The studs arc 2x4 inches, placed 16
inches on centers; roof rafters, 2x4
inches, placed 20 inches on centers;
floor joists, 2xlo inches, placed 10 inches
on centers; ceiling joists, 2xß inchif?.
18 inches on centers; beams of Bxlo
inches; cedar posts, 8 inches in diameter,
placed 8 feet apart and let 3 feet 0
inches into the ground, and will rest
upon two pieces of plank 2x12 inches
by 3 feet long. Tho siding on front to
bo 4-inch O. G., and all siding
on rear and sides to l»e 0-inch
O. G-, mitered corners. Use star
a star shingles for roof, and round
butt California redwood shingles for
the belt course. Tbe gable of the
front porch will have :i panel of compo
sition carving. The interior finish to
l>e of pine, painted, color to suit owner.
Mantels to cost t»"5 each. Stained glass,
$1.50 per square foot, all glass to bo
American. Red pressed brick for the
chimney, and the brick must l>c laid
in good cement-mortar and capped with
a smooth stone.
I'aint tho exterior of the house a
lemon color, with white trimmings, and
stain the root with carmine creosote
stain. Furnish and put in place all
hardware, of a good make, properly
fitted, etc. Do not lay finished floors
until all plastering- is done. Two-coat
work for plastering 1 , one coat the brown
or rough coat atnd the second ci>at the
plaster of paris finish. Put up center
pieces in parlors, halls, sitting-rooms
juwl dininif-ruuini. All floors in bltti-
rooms, pautrics. halls*aiwl \ .-stil.fH'' to
be of red oak. All doors of |>rrici]|M
to be 2 f.-ct S Inehcx by T feet -
I*4 :ncb.-s thick; front door ? f«-e>
inches by T feet and -'« iiwhes
all eloaet doors 2 feet II inches by T f"d
an«i I 1 * inches thick. t»h«ath the
hoofcc with H fencing,
gnsived, over >\likli place buQ.!tiy
jiaper. The entire houso will be p ;sil
for gas, anil them will l< avli -e ]
from the tire-places to t'SAeuicnt
(im. A. W. Kistx.
On* Thai Haa Haa; id>ai>ta(r< inn i laaa
Ordluiir) Mrarlnpr.
Tl»e house illustrated In this Lswiw
may b»5 of any si*e preferred. T- l*
front and rear views ari' given, so a* ho
show the conveniences and advantage
and the slant of the roof and *ljo «i
window may be ehjnp-.! to suit iia»
builder. <
Fig. 1, the front view, shows a ht uhe
eight feet high in front and six feet J*
the rear. It is eight by twelve
with a paper or tin roof. The t:«*
floor should be of boards, covered w*|
leaves or cnt straw, so as to »IWI
scratching. The nest* are at the
a box being prepared for that purp.
so as to allow the bens all the
room possible. A small step or Klar i,
at the right, allows the liens to as»*^#»
ri«. 1.
to the second floor for rooating. a
door being in the second floor for
purpose, whioh ia cioaed at night. Tkv
door for the uppeir room, with stog*. k
shown at the left- The entrancaa t»»
the nests are plainly seen at the rea»
of the under floor, and the end of tis
box is shown at the rear of tkK
house, to the left.
Fig. 2, the roar view, shows the i*9o
box. tlie entrances to the nests and tSf
nests, and also shows the box cl. «dl
against rain. This arrangement ;<«»■
mits of collecting the eggs without fry
ing inside of the house. On the uppw
floor is shown a drawer, under tl||
roost, the dropping* from the rooat
ing in tlie drawer and removed by
emptying the drawer, which can tb
pulled out' without going inside th#
poultry honse for that purjK*<-.
This plan does necessitates gotqg
into the upper apartment but very litt*a»
and the lower floor affords ample
ksr from storms and allows jilebty of
light and air, aa that apartment is opoci
in front. The upper floor is three f.x*
from the ground, and ia simply a
ing-place, the hens ocrtipying the iowVr
part during tlie day, while the
can be done on the outaide of the lipuM
for an entire year. When this is ttanp
the farmer will And that he can
to sell eggs at a very low price; Imt S
he will seek some market that demauafip
his articles, he will seldom fail to *»
ceive remunerative prices for both po*<.
try and eggs.
Considering the prices obtained bw
eggs in some sections it is doubttul B
anything produced on the farm give* q#
no. 3
large protits as the product of the hrao.
It is not always that the hens will lay
many eggs in winter, bnt if a lien ook
provides one egg each week she will
pay well for her board and lodging, and
though eggs may not be numerous #n
winter the prices compensate for tlw
scarcity. What the farmer should A
is to iniluce his hens to lay by fcc.liurm
variety of food. In addition to whe*»
and corn he should provide milk, ground
meat and bone, and flnely-choppud
clover. It is the variety of food that
promotes egg production, and not kill#
of grain. If the quarters arc warm the
hens should lay. Give them the oppo*
tunities to produce eggs and they tvfll
not disappoint you.— Farm and F!ro>
l)o XOT overfeed the calf. If you do
you will soon have a calf that wilh%4
eat at all.
Thk habit of holding up the mifc ti
a heifer is sometimes fostered by tfio
unkindness of the milker.
Cows THAT are the moat nervous urtd
feel or seem to feel pain, when mHlr
ing, the most readily are the best niifck
TUE Pennsylvania Experiment st*»
tiou found that cottonseed ineal pro
duced a greater yield and more t.Crttiw
fat than brau would.
THE reason that the character of 0i»
ration impresses itself in such a tnark.sj
degree upon milk is because the
very rapidly converted into milk.
IF a farmer is determined to ke?l>ftt
kicking cow, and follows the plan of
letting the calves suck the cows, put u2f
the calves on the kicking cow that *hw
will sustain.
Th* neglected scratch or wound >•»
the udder should receive attention. It
ma) be sorer than you think. Apply
some healing lotion. Vaseline is go'd
Butter will do.
OLD COWS are often difficult to fi.tt.'a
because their teeth are poor. If thO
teeth arc good an old cow will loakr
quite as good beef as a good deal tliit
is now sold in the market
Is Missouri the hotel, boarding liyu.s*
or restaurant keeper who serves l*igt»
butter must serve it in a disli plainly
marked with the announcen.ent thu*
the seeming butter is au imitation.
NOBODY who lias studied tl»e sulijoc*.
we would say to a subscriber, doubt*
that cob meal has some nutritive value
But it is so small that it is not worth
while to consider it. But, as we have
frequently said, for furnishing milk
com meal is valuable. Farmers' Vc4c«
Convenient Uoat-Hatha.
The best dust-bath is d place on tlw
ground that has lieen spaded, and tl*
stones and gravel sifte.l out. After
each rain (which solidities them) th«
dusting- pi aces should be spaded again,
so as to keep them fine, dry and looso.
The liens will take advantage of th*ak
and enjoy them very much
Tramp—Sorry I have to tear myviH
There Uvcd In the a«e called pliocene.
When the atr waa warm and the earth waa
A pessimist fellow, who wrote sad rhymes
A buut "Uicwe defenersta modem time a."
X 0.33
«Hsons on r*urr.
*»•« « Vpfl U-.I tm rna
»■ ur i:« 4 Reaaita.
•* 'Varw* uiuut tbe aw >f
taiir> it*- Hat. ■!» nprngwit
imtai .ttfdnqiiMl to uwrtait tW
-INS. Ana -rK» P. ring •« frail*. »<< se
»T.>f irri(»"« of ten pounds
•%*k> •>« j vines «[>rajml with tho
K r a«a-m mature ti i-ughont the ara
«* J»1 srbi.'i was wfy bultT <lt»-
®.**l W0* 4 "tVr from fian that
wr>' with the Rordeaux aii-
U*si •" V... in i« Idle of Jun» th*o
*"Ull of the ta
• >mw aa aar'-cnat* >.f ropprr, >n4
«s«s«p «%-t in the >»»t -h»fljrir- >
.%*< f the two sample* wm
mj>i' Mt M»r experiment station,
hi fJi." tin* there *u r.Mtn.l .>«ly
1 ffferit .»f oswie >vt eop»
(««. au sa» small that on*
«••»* rasal to rat frooa half a ton to a
too <jt »!v«ae items, aWw and
M. t»> ■ tin* least injurious iOiI;
K«I Rot* ,;i»umliD( the fact that
(k- Wi wore selected from tknw
tir>Otuc' Ur.. sarjp-st .1 mount of the c«p
j> r )faiw atl hcrin* to thrnt
sample not a tr»» of
•ncvv* •4r L f»*»nd It wowld seena
InAl t re that even nodrr tk*
nw of the copper aui»-
•* tjj iriiHis 'lfi-i t* and Iw
|UU"V srrh't- at when properly ipplird
CF-a» pax "be a trace of .-opper Wfh
- i— Ibit a* ' *'"if
ASKCW-ir iW im. on t of copper
beA >#■. to the warfare •*
Jg#* "k V had been vprtfn) three
r Utiv-+*% *£* ILxsieanx mixture and
pv (fr«iv to apples. measwr ng one
ir**k *■»•* B»kt*n to the state e t pen
nartltiln » ; anali v» The uaxiat
•<* «&x\V* f>>an«io« these apple*
m»« Ar»«# v; .mwths of an .mino- to
V *pe. men* selected ft»r
■na V * were thorn with the
«1 faaaa. V- which wo«M adhere
of Oa Hint ton of parts (freea
tw tu apples. >' < a trace a 4
mV'x <.«•>'. be detected in thia anaiy
rfc- rv prn*i* (frrn (aicitfc samples
c 4 par* frtvi. c>n tain a boat 33 part* of
tifti <rt and ttl porta of arseni
•wra otV4 •*-v- not weil after J air 1.
hB | w rjs ' jUr all waahwl off thar
hij Mai *WRk ninths frilfow in*, fie fore
*■* irathered, about l«rt»
J iuU Farmer.
ft I h. la Uk« t Bm
Rta! tkws for ibek rveatuate ia
saJM *.<%arr. ■ for man. Kind rare of
mqy aawacaM I* safest and rheapest in the
V*c nr. fc 4 .* pens of rmetty re acta.
rhnMaeHi it difficult lo«oMmI stork
MV.t A gr*M horse teaaed
bnsi»M ST eJtriowi tbat hr fa» danirerous.
WVICtB, hereof rattle, one says: "I
ltwy« Wr - and watrh a new man;
tf l*-l» |fr>d — i nillinf l» Itara t help
Mix. M M< 9 1 ia too thick and hia
f»l*fcc- to* am l.hr. I hare no aae for
tim R« irho an not eaatml kis own
Winfw ho* shall he .-ontml the heaata?
a* .tail ••r.rrerb; "If jot would
hnr< am* fcorsc 'to «ert» you on the day
of tWU H /on ilaitre him to be a horsa
offrtiiti. sober and inaceni
-1 lifit to f'SHN " 1 remember sach a borar.
Ffb -e<rafi| en.inre anythinrf rather
fhtrn npc or Iciek where there were
li»* k <'h%trrsi. and onee, on a *ery
! UfctL wtth the whole wrufht of a
Irt d ran on him by accident,
hr r»r* A . tQr a rock In the road till help
«« st imi id 1 and W rouki be eatri-
If aot surk a friend ia a
; tma j-iwi trur' Miink of him aa some
I thtoiT r.m* tlian horsemoney's
w<it<a. *Vr% y. -ur c.dt be <|.-km-Plicated
nral «Ks- Wftti you (iwa bis trn>irrest
nri>." says the Arab airain, "and when
a nurse be will be simple, docile, faith
ful an<l Irwrrod to bar. la hip anil fatigue **
Hnoh a wv l.irjre and strong at two
rraw. nesrr knew whea he waa
"bmken,"* tiilnkiaflt only fan to haul
a cart In wiiieli his boy playmates were
i ridkitr. "Tie taeaure of a man'* ia the
inofKOr 1 of ipol times for all creatures.
—9. T. Trfl. me.
k> VmM I.really m the te
loadlan of lie*.
A bandy tfc.'<u> made contritraaee w hick
\*Hi nmv* (m*3tlj at the anloadiaff of
| durky the busy afternoons of hay
limi twue » «r>thin|f more nor less than
t atuli ttjp«s eaeh 10 feet luaf. A strung
Vk; f>w4 b»t.piieed in each en.l of each
rrrpo. Puirtoi* to putting on the load
ta Che tle?4 Ikcse ropes must be laid,
ouo acrnfcs tlw forward end and the
OlTurr kwlf I- i ~ between the middle ami
>B«fk «*»d at tbo rijfjrinK- The ropea are
n1l»-v9tl to !mnjf looaely outaide of the
Oa dririnjr the loa.l into the
t'Tvm. Hjr on the side neat the
»V» the hay ia to be placed are
rtUKlrt h.-ary hooka in the aide
erf 4h» Eopes and blocks ha&ffinff
>*k—■ 1 j m
W- -Y
U> «Hb pkSc, over the mow are next
locMQiO Ud carried over the load and
rtttuc4w-<l '»y bowks to the nntfs on
tht» <»<h*r fc*h». »f the load. Two stronif
' wmri mn readily roll the WtaJ off the
iftnl kUo the mow If it be on a
; Inrj* w»tfl the riavlnff or below it. If
i %> kAd %a* #?specta.lly beary, a second
ttouk «.Ui to akl the men.
Ffevb deep bays can be filled
.a fraeklf mlh hia appliance as with
! 41k mora «trr» n*ive commercial horae
> U. t Kpauldniff. in Karen and
In jin
Orraw oa Chicks.
Ik prase chicks if it can be
BNuKfctfcu»tcr. ranch grease ia Injurious,
adt«i«r Hf< r..al-oil. It the large lice
an (Hgad «« far.! or sweet-oil. the oil
pennyrr>'. tie a.U le.l to a larjre ta-
Wew«x»nf*st .-f the oil. and with the
flower rub rfn» or tw- • drops only of the
oil trell into th.' down of the neck ami
hmH af^^'-W.-k.—Fsrm and Fireside
Br 1 H.ln't W»*ry
Mtea you feel a hearjr
: drauffht?
Wr 7» Mbs-ii.'-.y)—No; I let it fo to
prwtrsk WaT*
still There.
■fVil> jpo escnplnir." «aW Buatla*.
vrtfinr ttafair.
repHe-1 Ijirkin, also taking a
-r.fftj to be here yet-—Judge.
T«t la l j«kl»s.
■<n»»w A» yyn like the city bustle—
she t« «> visitor from the oNWtry
"J d"0 * Wfr'W," he answeretl, rather
abw»4*-V %i'» kinder stmrk me that
i tW ' ,T "5j wmrtn' 'en any ak*».
j f*nr*> a _
The H«m Pair.
V' mr telle me ke ea
' od hhnßefl in Mexico m->re than any
\ whe rv elsa «»n his wetUling tour Ihd
STie—l? Oh, I was taken sick la Chi
ratr"3Tt<tcouMii't gu further—Life.
Had SdulM t» tilvaata**.
( Mnmrn-*—lTow many sisters did yota*
' wvr narc Udl you he ka<l?
' Will* gilt mk He trie.l t«i
«3«ch mr by aaying he had two half sis-
N-ry brst h»?"ll iind out I've studied frac
tinn«.-ll«pTs Young People.
I MOT Vb < U*m lies Meter.
••Luyoaknort a gas meter ia to ate
glmost huinat..'
•T«me, Od. ft haa that dreadfully
human tendency toward untruth.*— N.
' V Rno