Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 17, 1892, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIX.
Some Things You Never Knew:
fer || -«*
isr r *
j|^"You never he of Top Buggies selling as low as $45 till we
named that i- *&GI
JQTYou never heard of Road Wagons selling for $35 till we named
the price
(■fYou never heard of good team work bridles selling for $1 till we
told you°^gjft
J®*You never heard of horse collars, both team and buggy, selling
for $1 till we named it"~Tsi<l
JSP*You never heard of spring wagons selling for S4O till we offered
jjy*You never heard of Kramer wagons selling for the price we sel!
them at till we brought the price down~&ft
j(B°"You never heard of sweat pads selling below 50 cents till we
started itTfe#
fcg" You never heard of a good top half platform spring wagon sell
ing for $75 —we have
JW' You never heard of single buggy harness selling for $6 till we
started itl^^#
|«' Vou never heard of team work harness with breeching and collars
silling for $iX until this minute —we have them"^ft
&*>• LA
»&• a»
We did this all for"your benefit, and have everything connected
\\ h a driving or team outfit. We advertise lor you to call in anil
s,. us in our new quarters at 128 E. Jefl't rson St., above the Hotel
Ijowiy. iJon't stay away be cause you don't know us, we are very
i<-;.imon men and want to get acquainted with every person in But
ler county and elsewhere. W< will show you what we have whether
you want to buy or not. Come in and sec us, we have a larger stock
of 3l better grade at less money than has ever been offered by us or
any other firm.
Yours Very Truly,
To Any Person who Can Prove that the Adrianee Rear Dis
charge Binder is Not Perfection-
W e Guarantee the Adrianee Binder
a t»i a ?
quires an extra man on billy grnunil to keep it from npsettinif, when yoa can get one
that ia low down, one that cannot be apHet, one that i.i light antl neat, anil will not
thresh oat (Train, one that is nearly as light draught as a slnglo reaper, and one that
doe* not require tracks for transportation and will pass through a ton foot gate? f f you
dwpuie the statement, challenge ns for a field trial with ANY or ALL binders on the
market. Wo will gladly meet vou. It will do ns good in the future as well as it has
ID the p&dt. It would not l>6 tho firrft time. The Adrianco Hinder has come out victor
tow in many field trials in thU country, as well as in Europe, England, Germany and
France, where the Adrianee Binder has taken gold and silver medals from each. II
yon dispute our word, ohallenge us; you can always find ns at 320 SOUTH M« KK \ V
BUTLER, PA. Call and see sample binder.
We Lead All Competitors in Binder Twine.
In Prices and Quality We are Ahead.
We bought early and can soli twine at what it now costs wholesale If you are in
need of a Plow, Harrow, (irain Drill, Corn Drill, Cultivator. Shovel Plow, Hinder
Reaper or Mower Hay Tedder, Hav Rake or Hay Loader, or Farm Machinery of any
kind, Fertilisers. Fencing, Ac., calf and see ns. If we do not have what ynu want in
machinery, we can at least show vou the largest assortment of Buggies, Surriea,
Phaetons, Spring Wagons, Carts and Farm Wagons you ever saw in one plats.. We do
not handle the cheapest rigs on tho market, but we handle and qnnrantee our rijrs to be
the best for the money we ask for thorn. We have control of the Youugstown
CarnageandWagon Co.'s goods in this place. Their work is second to none in ouality
and finish. If doubt this call and wo can easily convince you. Low prices and
tquare dealing is our motto. ' 1
F'. Hartzell £v Co.
While there is nothing exactly magical abont our shoes, there is a
"alight of hand" that trans them oat with the fitting qualities that makes
tbem famous. There is too, a "charm" about them so impressive that, custo
mersyield to the "spell" that never leaves. Oar ladies' shoes might be
called "enchanters." Oar men's are fall of talsmanic virtues, smooth
■ailing ID these shoes, "no tacking" (nautical friends please catch on) The
MMSOD of circuses reminds ns of "tarns," and the only thing "acrobatic"
Moot °urs is that, like all our goods, they bend easily, being very flexible
Uoodyear Welts, too modest to pat on airs, could do it if they wonted to
though. The only thing low about them is the price. Call and see them at
8. E. Corner of Diamond. - . . Near Opera House
BU l 'LE"R " PE^JN'A
Hardware and House Furnishing Goods.
, Washing Machines; the
Standard Rotary Shuttle
Sewing Machine, 2500
stiches per minute; the No.
American sewing machine,
4 Singer and Empress;
implements and
m I<«nsing farm wagons; New
Sunshine & Howard ranges,
K ■ Stoves, table and pocket
wLm*- K n cutlery, hanging lamps:
B nianulacturer of tinware, tin
M roofing and spouting a sjhjc
tho Johnston mowers,
reaper and uteel frame binder, Warren ready mixed paint
warranted; screen doors and windows, refrigerators and lawn
No better place in the city to trade.
Gome and see my large store room full of goods, 136 J feet
tJT K. WayiH'jSt., olllCe hours. ll> to 13 M. and
1 to :i I*. M.
I'llV.-K'IAN ANll St'ltiiKON.
omci> and iinlilcnce at 121 K. I'unnlngliam St,
New Troutmaii ltiilldiu£« K'Hlcr, l*a.
K. N. I.E.VKK. M. 1». J. K- MANN". M. D.
Specialties: Specialties:
Uymeeology and Sur- l£ye. Kiir. Now; and
Butler, Fa.
Office at No. 45, S. Main street, over Frank &
Co'i 111 Ilk" More. Ituiler. I'u.
Physician and Surgoon.
Xs'o. 22 East JeSttmn. .1 . i!i lit r. I'a.
1h now |HTinauenU> locali (1 :il South Main
Sin el liutter. P.i.. lu rooms lorne-ily ixuipml
by Dr. Waidroii. t
<lol«l Ftlllne Painless Kxtraction ol Teeth
and ArtUlcial Te«-tli without I'laWH a Hpeclalty
Nitrons Oxide or Vli:vlUed Air or I-ocal
An;i'StlielleS used.
OlUee over Millers (Jroeery e;iat of l/<»ry
' ?itTU*e closed Wednesdays ami Thnrsdfcyrt.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Artlilctal 'l'eetli InserUHl cn the latest im
proved plan. Hold Killing a specially, nfflce—
over Seliaul's * "lot litUK Store.
Att'y at I .aw and Notary Public— OWee on S.
diamond St.—opposite the Court .louse—sec
ond tloor.
Attorney-at -I.aw (imce in Itlamoiid lilock,
lluller. Pa.
Office- Between Postofflce and Diamond, But
ler, Pa.
Office at No. 8, South Diamond. Butler. la.
irnrwwvmKT r «w
oittee mrnt&mmimm
near court. 11 oust 1 , Butler. I'a.
Att'y at Law—Office on South aide of Diamond
Butler, Pa.
office on second lloor of tlie lluselton block,
Diamond, Butler, I'a., Koom No. 1.
Attorney at FJIW, Offlce at No. IT, East Jeffer
son St., liutler, Pa,
Attorney at I.nw and l.'eal Estate Agent. Of
flee rear of L. Z. Mitchell's office on north side
of Diamond. Butler, Pa.
Attorney-at-law. Offlce on second iloor of
Andereon building, near Court Uouse, Butler,
litKurance and Real Estate A»'l
tiutuaf Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham fits.
Alfred Wick, Henderson Oliver,
l)r. W. Irvin, James Stephenson,
W. W. Black more, N. Weitzel.
F. Bowman, I). T. Norris,
tleo. Ketterer. i has. Rebhun,
John Orohman, [John Kooning.
Patented February 25, 1890.
E Jdocs away with the
larjfe suction plate in
common use. The
plates are very small,
only about cue-eighth
to one-fourth ths usual
sw ' HIU| btll, K fon
structed 011 true mechanical principles. lit the
mouth with perfect accuracy. Any number of
teeth can be put In without extracting any irood
teeth you may have, and no plate in the roof of
the mouth. The patent plate Is specially adapts
ed to partial lower dentures, since It w wel
kuown that the dental profession have nothing
successful to offer In that line; and further
more , partial lower plates have not nor cannot
be successfully made by
any other known method.
This important
consideration that lower ' I
teeth ;irc as necessary as upper. Kur further
Information, call at
Komns 111 K**t J«iTrniaii SI net. BL'TLKB, PA.
FOR SALE—Oue of the finest
farms in Butler county, containing
186 acres; largo brick house, large
frame barn, carriage shed and various
other buildings, all in good repair;
well watered; has a largo orchard,'
good market adjoining premises for
all farm products. Convenient to
schools and churches. To a quick
buyer will sell this farm for much
lees than tho cost of the buildings
and on very reasonable terms.
126 E Jefferson St., Butler, Pa.
MINTED —LADYivi li."".!"" 1 ! «•
sriaat iSS
y^ra T r - r)TtF -r)- 1 expect
>j I>r. Arnold up
\i from tho city to
day for an oper
ation. As it will
probably be late
when we are through, I will have to
ask him to dine with us," said Dr. Enrle
to his wife, as tliey sat at the breakfast
"O! Raymond! I have positively noth
inc in the house for dinner. What shall
i dor
"Can't you get something?" was bis
brilliant reply to a beseeching look
from his pretty young wife.
"I haven't any money," she said,
"I have not much —hero is my all,"
said Dr. Earle, laughing, as lie put a
quarter and a ten-cent piece on the ta
"The widow's mite. What an absurd
position for people who live as we do!"
exclaimed Mildred, as she glanced
about the elegantly furnished apart
ment. "Don't worry, Hay, I will make
it suffice."
"If yon need anything more, won't
you get it and have it charged just this
once, dear?" asked Raymond, persua
"Indeed. Raymond, I cannot. If Ido
it this once, I will do so again and a
again, as difficulties artse, and wc will
soon find ourselves deeply in debt.
Don't ask me, dearest, to sacrifice a
matter of principle for a temporary
incon ve nience."
"Say, Millie, can't you serve the din
ner in courses? Just a little style, you
know. You see he generally dines at a
swell club, and I am afraid things will
seem very plain to him," Dr. Earle
said, hesitatingly.
"I will do so, if you think best.
Good-by. I will look for you and your
gourmand at seven," and Mildred spoke
more cheerfully than she looked.
After her husband left, Millie walked
slowly into the sitting-room and threw
herself down on the lounge, despair in
her very attitude.
"What Is the matter now, Millie?"
asked Bessie, her sister, who was ar
ranging chrysanthemums in a large cut
glass bowl.
"Only a swell city M. D. here to din
ner, Bessie."
"How dreadful!"
"And he is not an everyday canni
bal, but wants his missionaries served
in courses, a la Delmonico."
"The fiend!"
"The worst is yet to come. lam al
most penniless, and you know yourself
to what our larder is reduced. Now
what is to be done?" Mildred laughed
to disguise a sigh.
"Nothing, apparently; everything, I
hope," cheerily replied Bessie, who was
never known to bo depressed by any
thing. "First course, ' 'mums,' in a fif
ty-dollar bowl."
Mildred was counting her money.
"Thirty-five from Ray, and ten and
five make fifty, and one, two, five pen
nies. Why here arc two more; fifty
seven cents, all told."
Bessie, who was enpaged in a pro
longed search through a large pocket
book filled with a very miscellaneous
assortment of articles, finally produced
a dime.
"After an investigation worthy of a
bacteriologist, 1 find a dime. Take it,
sister, it is my all! It could not go in
a uukici cause. If those hard-hearted
editors had only known my bankrupt
condition, they would never have been
cruel enough to return my charming
Mildred and Bessio were orphans.
The large fortune left them by their
father had been in the hands of a trust
company, by the failure of which, just
before Bessie became of age, they were
left almost penniless. Mildred married
Dr. Raymond Earle, a young physician
to whom she had been engaged for
some time. Bessie lived with her sister
and managed to earn enough with her
pen to keep her "In bread and cheese
but no caramels," as she graphically
expressed it.
Elegant wedding gifts from a large
circle of wealthy friends, added to their
already luxurious home, which was all
that was left from the wreck of their
fortunes, thus surrounded them with an
elegance that rendered the lack of ready
money the more absurd.
"Sixty-seven cents: not a fortune,
but much better than nothing. I'll buy
—" but just here Mildred was inter
rupted by a ring at the door-bell.
"I'll go," said Bessie. She returned
with a very solemn face. "It's the ex
pressman with a case for Dr. Arnold,
sent to our care, and fifty cents to pay."
"Oh dear!" groaned Mildred, "my din
ner, my dinner!"
"Well, I have my opinion of a man
who is too particular to carry a little
package liko thatl Cgli!" exclaimed
Bessio as she came back Into the room
after leaving the case in the office till
sent for.
"Bessie," said Mildred, handing her
seventeen cents, "you will have to go
to the store and spend every cent we
have for half a pound of butter. It Is
"Sister, I am glad the burden of
spending all that money to the best ad
vantage is off our minds. Wo would
have been so fearful of squandering it.
Cc*ie! dry those tears and let us get to
work. What was to have served for
our frugal meal?" inquired Bessie.
"Apple dumplings. You know Ray
always enjoys them, so ho won't mind
making a dinner of them; and I have
everything for them In the house, and
it is about all, too, except bread."
"Then dumplings it will havfc to be
unless you will make an exception to
your rule and let mo order a roast from
the butcher's."
"No; 1 positively will not go in debt
for anything!"
"But, Millie dear, will not Raymond
be angry?"
"I know lie will, Bessie, and I am
perfectly miserable; hut I dare not
break my word and bo false to the
principles our father tauplit us," said
Mildred, wiping the tears from her anx
ious but determined face.
"Then let's to work with what we
have, sister;" anil licssie rolled up thu
sleeves of her dainty morning-gown,
displaying her dimpled, snowy urin.i.
"It is fortunate that Raj' is not com
ing 111 for lunch, there is so much to do
to-day with ail the cleaning," observed
Mildred as she donned a l>ig gingham
"What are we to do about the wait
ing?" inquired Itessio as she to
polish some of the silver from the side
"It certainly will be strange to have
a course dinner in an elegant furnished
house with nothing to eat and no serv
ant," replied Mildred.
"I have it! I will be Biddy. In a cap
and apron I will be perfect; and I could
not bear to sit down to the table with
the monster, anyway, making us pay
fifty cents for him! Ugh! the fiend!"'
"Bess, will you, really? It will be a
wonderful help. You are an angel!"
and the clouds lifted slightly from Mil
dred's face as she gave her sister a
kiss on her merry rosebud of a mouth.
Promptly at six Mildred's husband ar
rived with the much-dreaded guest, Dr.
Arnold. He was a man approaching
middle ago, intellectual in appearance
rather than handsome, with a simple,
engaging manner.
Dr. Arnold was much impressed by
his beautiful young hostess and her
elegant surroundings, but he was quite
unprepared for the elegance of the ap
pointments when they were ushered in
to dinner. The table was laid with tho
finest of damask, while elegant cut
glass sparkled in the soft light from a
silver candelabrum. Tho china, too,
even his untrained eyes noted, was ex
quisitely decorated.
"Surely my young confrere must
have prospered beyond the wont of
most young men in our profession to
lie surrounded by so much luxury," he
mused, as his eyes rested on the ele
gantly carved oak sideboard with the
massive silver service.
The head of the house took his seat
at the table, a smile of pride and satis
faction upon his handsome face. "I
knew Mildred would manage to get us
something nice. She Is a regular witch
about managing on almost nothing. If
she only had not such fanatical notions
about paying as we go!" he was think
lie glanced at his wife, ller cheeks
were fluslicd but tho rest of her face
unusually pale. They were seated at
the table and Raymond was aliout to
inquire for ltessie when she appeared.
Her rebellious golden curls, smoothed
and darkened with vaseline, were
tucked under a white cap. She wore
a plain dark dress and a white
apron. He endeavored to hide his
amusement. Of course he understood
it now. Bridget had been gone about
two months and his wife had insisted
on not filling lier place until business,
or rathor collections, were better. A
bright idea of Bessie's! He would re
member it when Christmas came.
Bessie carried a tray upon which
were three fine china soup plates, in
each of which. In a sea of soft sauce,
floated two dumplings no larger than
peaches. Both of the gentlemen ate
the "soup," as they saw it was intended
to be, with perplexity mingled with en
joyment; it tasted suspiciously like ap
ple dumplings—very delightful, but
slightly unusual just at the time. Ray
mond was sure Bessie was getting
Tho beautiful maid remove.d the
plates and brought in her waiter re
filled. This time, served on dinner
plates, there were big, fat, luscious ap
ple-dumplings; none but "mother" ever
before attained anything so light and
§o delicious. Oolden butter and the
whitest and lightest of home-made
bread were served with this course.
Of course Dr. Arnold was surprised at
this new form of a meal, but, man-like,
found no fault with what satisfied his
appetite and pleased his palate, and he
caused his dumpling to disappear with
astonishing rapidity. But one other ob
ject divided his attention —the waitress.
Of course It was highly improper to nu
tlet her, but his eyes would wander.
What a rosy mouth!—so saucy; and such
beautiful deep blue eyesl The face
seemed a little familiar to him. The
white hand as it passed the bread posi
tively bewitched him. He made efforts
at conversation, but his attention would
wander, which was indeed fortunate
for poor Mildred, who was by this time
quite crushed beneath Raymond's angry
glances, which had been unintermittent
6ince the arrival of the second dump
"By the way," remarked Dr. Arnold,
"I sent my surgical case by express to
day. I don't like carrying even a com
paratively light Weight previous to an
important operation. I imagine it
causes my hand to be a trille unsteady.
If you will kindly tell me the charge,
Mrs. Earle, I will settle with your hus
""ifty cents." replied Mildred—with
relief in lier tone. She had unfortu
nately been unable to secure a word
alone with her husband to explain to
him how she had been obliged to use
the money.
"Poor girl! that did put her in a
hole," thought Dr. Earle, and the cloud
on his face lifted a trifle; "but she
should have given up about not having
things charged, rather than mortify
toe. I'll not forgive her." And Dr.
Earie looked very savage when his
guest's attention was directed to his
The maid removed I)r. Arnold's well
cleared plate. Evidently he and Bessie
were the only ones enjoying the dinner.
Mildred and her husband made but a
pretense of eating. This time a diver
sion was made by a plate of llakv bis
cuit and a dish of preserved fruit. Then
again came the inevitable dumplings;
this time they were square baked dump
lings, of a golden brown, flaked, irre
sistible. Dr. Arnold was both amused
and delighted. Never since the days of
childhood had he enjoyed such a feast.
He looked toward his host. He was
vainly trying to hide unspeakable rage
under a smile. His hostess looked dis
tressed, her eyes suspiciously bright,
though she tried bravely to converse
After the hostess left them, Dr. Ar
nold, who had been pondering long and
deeply over the distrait and uncomfort
able appearance of his friend, deter
mined to speak.
"What is the trouble, doctor? You
seem worried. Anything I can do?"
"Nothing nothing only—" Dr.
Earle hesitated, then continued in a
sharp, irritated tone: "I am very sorry
to have had nothing better to have of
fered you for dinner."
"Anything better for dinner? Why,
old man, I never enjoyed a dinner so
much in my life!"
Why is it that when a man wishes to
soothe or earess another man, he al
ways addresses him as "old man?"
"Don't be sarcastic, please," said
Raymond Earle, bitterly.
"Relieve me, Earle, I am in dead
earnest when I say I enjoyed my din
ner immensely. The only drawback
was I did not dare ask your wife for
another of tiiose last. I have not tasted
anything half so good since I was a
boy and mother would have 'dumplin's*
when I came home from boarding
school. 1 used to save up my appetite
for them all through the term."
"Uood!" exclaimed Ressie, who was
by the door happening to overhear
what was said. She reported to Mil
dred, weeping in the kitchen.
"Millie, dear, he said the dinner
was just splendid! Now do stop crying
and I'll go hear some more."
And she was back in time to hear
"Dr. Earle, your wife is indeed a
woman to be proud of. One who will
incur a husband's anger—no light mat
ter to a loving wife—rather than sacri
fice a matter of principle, is truly a
"I suppose so, but—" protested Ray
mond, unable to quite dissipate his
"No more to qje, 4J '
]] |
II) ' I
you liart not Insisted on a course umucr
it would have been much easier for
your wife, but not so well for me; for I
never would hare dared ask for so
many apple dumplings as I ate to-nifrht
By the way, is your cook engaged?—
matrimonially I moan. If not, do you
think 1 would stand a chance?"
"I cannot say. Arnold, really," asd
Raymond Earle laughed heartily, chas
ing every cloud from his handsome
face, "but I suspect the waitress made
Bessie groaned.
"The pretty waitress?" cried Herbert
Arnold, with unfeigned interest. "Well
say! suppose you just tell me who she
is. I scent a mystery."
"Oh, Ray! Don't tell! Please don't,
please!" Bc-ssin murmured under her
breath, her cheeks a deeper rose.
Raymond Earle hesitated for a mo
ment, then with a hearty laugh ex
plained: "I don't feel quite as sensi
tive about ray poverty as I did a few
hours ago, for two large checks, long
delayed, came by the last mail. So if
you will just step into the kitchen—"
Bessie fled precipitately, and did not
hear her brother-in-law's explanation
"O Millie! they arc coming out lierol
Ray isn't mad now, so do stop crying!
I'll run down cellar —" tugging des
perately at the sleeves aliove her
dimpled elbows.
Before Bessie could escape she heard:
"Bessie, allow me to introduce—" and
she was obliged to turn and greet "the
fiend," as she called him.
Mildred flew to hide her tear-stained
face, and her husband followed to atone
for his unkindness and acknowledge
his foolishness in being ashamed of an
empty purse when it was through no
fault of his own.
Bessie, left alone to entertain the
"august specialist," continued to wipe
the dishes with charming, though
wholly assumed, nonchalance. If Bes
sie in her forced silence had been pleas
ing, with her wit and merry laughter
she was simply irresistible. Besides,
she confessed to having been the maker
of the unequaled apple-dumplings.
Herbert Arnold was so evidently In
terested and fascinated by Miss Bessie,
that she felt obliged to confess him at
least a gentleman of taste; and before
the year was out, after much persua
sion she concluded to many ' 'the fiend"
—upon the one condition, that she
would not have to make him dumplings
more than once a week.—Marjorie F.
Latimer, in Deraorest's Magazine.
Did Not Fill the Kill.
Old T.ady—There is one thing I notice
particularly about that young man who
calls to see you. He seems to have an
inborn, Instinctive respect for woman.
He treats every woman as though she
were a being from a higher sphere, to
bo "Tilj with
delicacy and deference.
Granddaughter (sweet eighteen)—
Yes, he's horridly bashful. —N. Y.
Tlu> Three Graces.
''There go two of the threo things
that I most admire in this world," said
a Kcntuckian, pointing to a lady on
horseback, "a fine looking woman and
a good horse."
"And what is the third thing, colonel,
which you most admire?"
The colonel crooked his finger signifi
cantly, and his friend said he didn't
cstre if he did. —Texas Siftings.
In f.unnon.
Miss Chumperton-Chumps (of Eng
land) —Every girl in town wants to
inarry Lord Hasbroke even though ho
is so dissipated.
Miss Newgold (of America, superior
ly)— Yes; but I'm the only girl whoso
parents are willing to allow her to run
such a risk.—Puck.
An Allopathic Dour-
Mrs. Dillingham (grass widow, glanc
ing coquettishly up from book) —I)o
you know I havo just made such an
odd mistake. I've written it window
instead of widow.
Mr. Brown (crusty old bachelor,
peering over his paper)— Quite right,
madam, for whenever I see a widow I
always look out. —Life.
. "N
Sambo—Mose Washington, I yerd a
fella insultin' yo dis inawnin' —sayin'
dat yo had freckles.
Mose—Who'B got freckles! Who's gat
freckles! Dem aln' freckles, dey's
warts. Where is do insultin' rascal?—
Ills Saccessor.
An Arkansas editor thus announced
an Important event in the local news
paper world:
It is with a feeling of distress that we
retire from the active control of this
paper, but we leave our journal with a
gentleman who is financially better
able than we are to handle it. The gen
tleman is well known in this communi
ty. He is the sheriff.
ltiiftiiifMM About to l*ick L'p.
"Wilkins," said the proprietor of the
greenhouse, "how are we off for flower*
this morning?"
"We've got a pretty good supply," re
plied the junior florist.
"Plenty of 'Jack' roses, American
Beauties, violets and lilies of tho val
"Lots of 'em."
"Raise the price of them twenty-five
per cent, and engage an assistant.
They've got another wife-murderer in
jail."—Chicago Tribuno
Her Successor.
Jones -1 see you have a new stenog
rapher. Is Miss Blioker married?
Jackson —That's just the trouble.
Jones—Well, you did a good thing to
get a man in her place. These pesky
girls get married as soon as they get a
good situation,
Jackson—l thought it advisable to get i
a man. and Miss Blicker insisted upon it j
Jones—But wasn't it a little out of |
her sphere to dictate as to her successor? i
Jackson —I married her.—Judge. .
Solving Two Problem*.
Mrs. Dullard—l don't see how yc*i
manage to get along with a girl.
Mrs. Sliarpe—l have a great many
relatives who liko to visit me. and I
make them help.
Mrs. Dullard— Y -c-*; but they'll soon
get tired of that and stop coming.
Mrs. Sliarpe—Then I'll get a girL—
Aii KxctiMf.
"Did you destroy this feather duster?"
asked Fred lie's mother
"Yos'm," answered Freddie: "I want
ed to be an Indian chief."
"But don't you know that they cost
i money?" queried his mother.
"/ did," said Freddie; "but Indian
chiefs don't think of such thing*."—
j Harper's Young People.
Too M arli Curiosity.
A Berlin gentleman called on his doc
tor, who showed his patient over the
house and pointed out many articles of
"You house is beautifully furnished,
doctor," remarked the visitor. "Where
did you get all these things? Did you )
inherit them from your patients?"
A Caution* I.over.
"Did 1 understand yon to offer me '
your hand in matrimony?"
"Well, Miss Esmeralda, I didn't ex
actly commit myself, but what I %vant
ed to know was if yotir hand were free
and if I were to propose would yon be (
inclined to give me a favorable answer?"
—Texas Siftings.
So Ardnoua, Yon Know.
Codling—Why, chappie, yon look fa- .
tigucd. What's the trouble?
Ooslin—l ain quite tired, Cholly. (
got up this mawning ten minutes earlier
than usual, instead of remaining In bed
ten minutes later than usual, as I gene
wally do. —Harper's Bazar.
A Jolto on the Tall Girl.
"Miss Longstrait made a little call to
"That would seem impossible."
"Why, her stays must bo very long."
A Good Aniwer.
Passenger (on whom water is drip
ping through roof of horse-car during
shower, angrily to conductor) —Say, is
this always the case?
Conductor No, sir; only when It
Tlrerl of the T.oad.
Atlas—Did I hear some one say that
he wanted the earth?
Jnpiter—lt is quite possible you did
Atlas—Shado of Demagorgon! Who
was it? I'm willing to part with it—
And No Came Uff Hamper* lllm.
A busy hunter Is the man who tries
To shoot each folly as it swiftly flies.
Tho wide, wide world is his hunting ground.
And the gunning Is good tho whole year round.
—Chicago Tribune.
Her Accomplishment.
Boston Young Man—ls your cousin
from tli<! west familiar with French and
Boston Miss —No; but she speaks
English with variations.—Judge.
Modern Love.
Leap Yoar the lover needs no lute
Bis passion to attest;
Now, he has but to press his suit.
And she will do the rest
Reversing tho Order.
Gasket—l have decided to marry and
settle up.
Dolley—Most people marry and settle
Gasket—But I am going to marry the
rich Miss Roxy and pay my debts. —Ds-
- .-ee Press. in 1 *«*
A Sure Tiling.
Miss Jones (the daughter of his em
ployer)—l don't believe, Mr. Cashier,
that pa will give his consent
Mr. Cashier—Oh, yes, he will after he
has examined the books. Ho will want
to keep the money in tho family.—
Texas Siftings.
Too Previous.
Rowne do Bout—Look here, yon sent
around to borrow that new black coat
of mine last week, and you haven't re
turned it
Upson Downes—Great heavens! old
man, the wedding season isn't half over
Jolt the Thing.
Guest—There's a chicken in this egg.
Waiter—Of course there Is. What did
you expect—a duck?— Brooklyn Life.
Young Housewife (making her first
cake as per directions in cook book) —
And then add six eggs; stirring thorough
ly. (Drops the eggs In and follows di
rections. ) —Puck.
A Permanent Investment.
"Is there any money in farming?"
"Yes," replied the amateur farmer,
confidently, "I know there is, because I
put some in once, and I'm sure I haven't
taken it all out yet"—Jury.
Very Accomplished.
Bessie Norris—l wonder why Kitty
Winslow is such a social favorite. Sho
doesn't sing, or play, or even recite.
Tom Do Witt—Probably that's ths
Kennlboy Asks a Question.
"Papa," 6aid Kenniboy, "did mamma
use to make you stop doing things you
wanted to do when you were as little M
me?" —Harper's Young People.
Convtuclnff Proof.
Johnny (to his little playmate, Jim
mie) —Say, my big brother tldnks an
awful lot of your sister.
"How do you know?"
" 'Cause he gave her a bowlful of but
ternuts, an' every meat was picked out
whole."—Harper's Young People.
Had Seen lletter l>ay>.
"I once had an income of five dollars
a minute," said the man who liad just
accepted a dime with profuse thanks.
"Yes, indeed. It only lasted three
minutes, though. I was playing faro
at the time."—lndianapolis Journal.
Ardent Spirit*.
Miss Mehitabel—Mr. Blakcsly, the
trance medium, seems to bo very ardent
in his belief.
Miss Blanche—He probably gets that
quality from the spirits. Wo often hear
of ardent spirits, you know. —i'hwina-
ccutieal Era.
She I,eve<l Him.
"Gwendoline, darling, do you hive
"Have yousatisflcd my-father with re
gard to your social ami financial stand
"I have."
""And I am to have tho elegant estab
lishment you promised?"
"You are."
"Horses, carriage®, diamonds, and so ,
"Then Ido Retiinald-'WW. «
How In (ultlrste Ksrly-rtsnted 1 I" II pa.
Trees anil Lawna.
Early planted cn»pa. or ifroundthat
waa i-arly worked, li» l»i-»we m.>re or
lest, cruated on the surface. With a
giioil Tttcvl rake pulverize this warfare,
soil. This will hasten growth and any
foul seeds just starting will be de
In cultivating potatoes avoid the com
mon practice of drawing the earth In
bills around the plants. I-•cause in doia*'
so you scrap.- tha earth away from the
roots between the rows and pile it np
needlessly high against the plants.
Fig. 1 shows the hill, irlth the natural
level, and the mass of soil piled above
it. It is easily tested bv experiment
Cultivate ten rows level and ten In
heaps, and the level hills, whan the
crop is measured, will have from ten
to twenty per cent, wore potatoes.
There will be a difference between
r J :
slight hills and steep hills, and ther*
will be it difference in soils. Try both
ways and compare the result*
Take the same care in cultivating
corn, the roots off which nre nearer tho
surface than potato mots and more
easily injured. Both corn and }>>>tatoe* t
Rend out root* from tlve young pianta
two or three times as long as the height
of the plant*. Avoid catting the cor*
roots, therefore, near the plants. Fig
2 reprcf-ents a hilled young plant, the •
dotted lines showing bow the root* ara
cut off when working deep and nrar.
Karly in the season is the time for !
thumb-pruning. Tly tha time or l>afore
the young slioots havn grown un Inch or
two, the owner can ace very plainly
which of these shoots oupht t<> !»■ rub
bed off, so as to leave the right ones to ,
form a neat symmetrical head, or a well- i
trained grapevine. Thia practice is im
measurably better than allowing all to
grow on a tree till they are as larire aa
one's arm, and htfve become crooked,
crossing and crowding each other, and
when cut off with saw and ax leaving a
bad wound.
Pruning ornamental and other hedges,
or shortening them back to promote
thick growth, must always be done be- ;
fore the buda swell, if growth is to be
favored; but it may be dohe aa the buds
are opening, or tvhen the plants or trees
arc In leaf, if the object is to check or
prevent growth. Fig. 8 represents a
hedge plant pruned early in the spring
and well cultivated. Fig. 4 shows the
choked or stunted appearance of snch
a plant cut back or pruned in June or
Frnit trees from the nnrsery may
be set out, if they were dug early and
kept from growing in a eool place,
even if the leaves are partly expanded,
lata, uw ■> Moot a should never be short
ened back after the swelling of th*
buds. Mulch well all small or newly
set trees, if they happen to stand
where regular cultivation cannot be
given them. Young cherry trees
specially require mulching, if the sum
mer is dry and hot.
Thinning the young fruit on over
loaded -trees while yet small may be
done more easily than after becoming
larger, and with far less labor than
gathering and assorting the whole crop
at maturity, besides preventing the ex
haustion of the tree by needless over
I.awn mowing with the land machine,
wherever practicable, should lie (VIM
after the grass has been well washed
by a rain, and the grit and dust re
moved which so often dulls the cutting
blades. For the same reason set tha
knives so as to cut rather high, avoid
ing the sand near the ground, allowing
the (fras-s stronger roots and better
growth than by close cutting.—Country
To DSTKCT the adulteration "f pari*
green put a tea-spoonful in a iflaas of
strong ammonia water. The paris green
should dissolve completely. It is a very
,simplo method, anil enables anyone to
make the test.
ABOCT the last of June La the proper
timo to thin fruit, when it is about tha
size of butternuts. Very th- irouifh
I thinning is advisable. Thinning of tha
fruit is also a great relief to the over
taxed anil.—(Jeorge 11. Po.velL
A REOI'E for breaking up a aetting
hen ia as follows: I«et her set for a few
days and then put her in a box with
lath nailed in the bottom a few inches
apart. Elevate the box and the haa
will soou get tired of her setting.
SET out but few early cabbages for a
family supply. The main crop of csb
batfe should be for the winter, and
should not Im* transplanted until quite
late. Cauliflower should be trans
planted at the same time as early cab
GRASSES are conservers of soil and
prevent washing and leaching. Rota
tion checks some kinds of insect rartfra
aiid fungi- The corn root worm does
not feed on clover roots. The cfciaer
root borer ilues not bore corn root* or
roots of wheat, oats, etc.
THE summer is the time to push tha
pigs. They should be kept in growth, (
so as to mala- a large frame upon which
to put tl*- fat late in the fall A clover
patch, with skim milk and bran at
night, will be much better for them
tfcan to allow them oorn.
lirrMXO TIIK SKA so*.
Mother —Wliy. lor goodneaa' sake,
Adrian—Don't say nathln", mother.
Do you hear tbein shouts? We have
boatcn the clmmpion Mndlung nine and
killed an umpirel
Our artist haa attempted to ik-ptrt the
amikn which lighted his countenance at
thiaauoment.—Brooklyn Life.
I>«nh«l a Will.
Ounkcl (to lawyer who la making on*
Ms will)—I Vont do leaf each clerk; ten
dousand dollars dot h*f la-en in m vera
bloy twenty years.
Lawyer—Why, that's too liberal.JMr.
Dunkcl—Ah,, dot'a it Xooe of*t*«
haf peen mlt me ofer von year, nnd it
makes a good free advertisement* for
my poys ven I'm (lend, aln'd It?— Judge.
:nto. 32
A liblbeUai tt kkk la rare *j Haaaaa mm«
A qnesti- m oft. n ibtwtod la what eam
st:tnt» • n *r».L TVrr in tn natare m
»ccU thing w a winl TV
b> fw ' T b: «ian Mhl trtilrttl V«
UtAJ caul .»i*> n.anl A ttvU v hUifa «*-
trujc. itself w Im* it aa not *iM4
W Urat plant* .a tkr Bowrr ftrdn Uhl
flovrrrlug pUtti li the wh#*t kid arm
etjnaily m-fr: u. The plant* Beat cia—
monlj c-*Uc«! .-ed* are th-w *Utk
with Inn tfrnt* ;»r»Bt*wr (am tlNrtr
prtwnw Ir tr oar Ae!d* ukl gaiiWna.
crowding "tit the usWnl plaata whn*e
•ffiU »e have Mian
The r.-aa.aj why Um amti off moti
vated ground* arv m» ...traaavv U W
caiw, by the t onl ontj ••**rv|v*l of
the llttr»t * Ift the war wagwi
Itioni by the be*h*artmaa and by ntkw
«pe.-|e«. tl.eae ° r H tnU hare developed it
length wm-'. rful power* off
dndioo. or BXlt i>iWn for •iisacmi*at-
Ing and prot«;tinf their *«h On the
otter Hand. « cultivated plant*. kat
inf been pr.ttr 1 and protected froa
fret competition (»* age*. h*t« at
length. ia a grvat ineasart. loat their
Datur*' staaßhia. and when the iwiUwr
or S.'B»C accident ha
msai aid and fbr« the weed* an >ppor
tunity, our .-ilti rated plant* make a
*>>rry %-hfc.
One of .«*r most n..t<irfcMM weeds as
chce* or cheat grass, wbieh in tret *»•*-
sona •'•roetime « take* entire piwvaloa
of wheat aad n«t fields. Karam ..ftea
«it that antiar ulnwi uf the weather
their wheat haa tnrned to ekm TW
real fart in that wheat belnafi to a
particular aad well <ieflned |riacalled
br botanist* Tntimm. Chase In hi*ga
to a differ* at Nit well-known geon*
rsJUJ f ' * Wheat ha*injf for ov*r
feur th oeeaad yoars been artilleially
cultivated aad protected haa beaoaae
physically degenerate, fhra bavtaf
been ali«ored to shift for itaelf or been
rnthhuly hunted hat by the continued
anrtKal of tb- strongiest individual* i»
ereascdWa mat re stamina Wheat la
favored by rather dry weather, eheaa
br wat waetlicr Wan when wheat la
•own upon j. oun.l already hrfntfd by
•elf-frown rbeaa ved. ao<l the *ea*o*
promt very m .ist, the chess (reta the
npper hand ami Mw tlw n the wkeat.
Hut tharn hs.< been no transnntatloa of
genu*. The '-boss --ame from obese
«r«U, not from wheat leeda It ia jnat
a* imposaible for the weather to e*aaa
wheat to tnrn to cheaa aa it ia to causa
a sheep to tnrn to a troat or a horse to
a cow.—< baatanqnaa.
It n«nl.l Kanr IW IMW t atu after iHa
■lluawaia Have rallaa
Tbera can be no date Used for spray-
In j fruit tr» . aa the aeaaoaa rary aa
niacli. Mr • xj«rienc« is that the beat
time ia when apples or pears are a boat
the irie of a «mal! eherry. The eodtfaff
moth does not depawft bar ejnra until
the blnaanta la fully opened, and a large
majority of them n..t until after the
bloM>>iu haa faUen off. I ahoald not ea
pect to (t«lf» mneh benefit by apray
tng while the trees were ia hi HIM am.
bat I thouh) fear injury by canaing tha
tn»es to biaat, s*ya a writer in Amarkaa
Bee Journal. I recommend waiting
nntil tl I*s frnit ia aa large aa a cherry,
because for two or three days after tha
hioanotss fall, the stamens aad piatila
remain in tha -*alr*. Thta maiaaa It
difficult to fore* the spray into tha
calyx where it ia wanted We want
the time aa ahf-t as poaaibla between
tl*.> tprayinir and the hatcUafoat off
the egg. because we are liable to haw*
heary raiaa. aliicf- wonld make i*
aaaeaaarr to do tha a«rk orer again
A aecond a week «• ten Jaya
later e«try w#fl pay for tha
penae Tlte ,- nao-h depoaita bar
eggs when th« tree m in birannw. or
aoon after. In tb' calyx or "blow" end
of the frnit. where it hatehea ont ia tmm
days or two weeks, and immediately
bores and cats it» way to tha ceatar off
the same. Our object is to spray mom»
of the poisoned water Into tha cnp
ahaped calyx where It dries aad re
mains nntil the worm hatches, that
when it caLs KM first breakfast it la aiao
its laat ooe. Aa to whether the spik
ing of (rait trees is lajnrioaa to tha
honey-bee, 1 think I have fully an
swered that when I sar it ia improper
and injurious to frnit crop to spray
when trees are in bloaaota.
Amaajreat la rifOTitt* Dnaaalk Waah la
the rws llnaaa.
The convenient arraageiaant of the
kitchen and proper lo<rati«a relattrelr
with the paat«w. iininif room and cel
lar have much to do with expediting do
neatic work and saving steps. These
things may appear to be of minor im
portance to the maa of the noaae, hot
not hi the enaiin. who la to
spend half her waking hours ia this
room. In booses sireaair constructed
changes may bo made eabodyiag at
airrmi- inaatta
leut aoiae of tha points herein oat Maa il
Tha positv*n of tha sink, etc.. ta tie
a ketch may he change i if aeeesaary. aa
it will be e<|<Mally sereie»ahla ia any
other corner Always aim to harra tha
eiatern ;r-a»p placed in tha siak or at
leant »n a tabla or t<each adjoining both
f«.r ooneenienee. ami also that the drip
ping fruu the "pout will IWI into tha
sink Tha latter. The the rof wood or
iron, ahoabl tax a good outlet nipa an
arranged that A wdl not free** ta win
ter. If tha cistern ia ia tha cellar be
neath the stnk ran the >atlet pipe ftaa
the >lnk into th« ■ eerfcw pipe ATOM
the ci»tem. This rntaila plambingto
prevent the caeape of gases. Da aot
aeKlrat to has* a <«• d s»*e.| wna*rw
facing the sink, that all enihaarr work
aaav be done ia a jP*d light. Tha lof
jf ihe '.lnk ami all vljoiaaag *tat w>nary
< H Helving should be sboat two fret si*
inctirs trum tha !*•**. .%»rrteaa If
.titer fksrak.
Mrs. Goodlcy—Dr. aenaoo
to-day was aa< h a lumiaoos .aa. daa't
fvn think, my clear?
tfr. (J—Tc*. iadeetl It w*a rmiif
eolominon*. —Detroit Free Pre*
tllar a War anas
Vady— How do JOB sell these hand
k «Aiefs»
<l.** <hriaklj>—Eight centa • p4aaa
yr th.*e tor a iptartar. *at
Lad r—m take three —fndgw
ra«— tne rmia.
Poadary Daaiar-How did yo« :.ke the
rvsas Hver yon had yaatetdajr?
Vornc Hons*aepar lt wa* »aey
■See. hi JcetL I waat aa nth i r eat. hd
from th a •*«* fnoaa, raaaaaahar
rape'a Je*e.
Littla what la a ta*«~
Ia it a ittAffl -who makes tails"
Papa--Yea. my arm. <oat-tafia.—
Aa* Q*»il eff tfafathr
-To* kmw, aR theae Italiaa ewil
pasta cxpeot •otaaDy ta retara ta
"fLaUy? PomMaijr— Broohlya bla
•nwTmtgkt eff WSwtar
"l* Bronao* ttanidT*
"TlnUd? Whjt that maa shrtaks fflbo
• flannel ahirt I* •h4 b*th " Jadga.
A l«raa» Ball
The waa*a baahat ahowa aa
* ti Baaa mloua dilfrreßee thei* ta
fcataato mind aad Miliar —Trath.