j -Palis Robes Belford Cord- | New Spring Dress Goods S FOR EARLY BUYERS: p . O We received this week our first shipment of New cl C> Spring Dress Goods and through 1 . i be this advertisement we extend a OQ cordial invitation to you to come Y and ]ook through our stock ( whether you wish to purchase or a not * = I - TROUTMAN'S- 5 i Leading Dry Goods and Carpet i House. -Henrietta——Serge- | WILL""-" YoUs==s LOOK"—" AT OUR | BOOTS AND SHOES ~ | SLIPPERS IAMBI | OXFORDS .A-U th.e Latest Spring and Summer FO O T WEAR AT Vogeley & Bancroft's Artistic in Style, Reasonable in Price, Reliable in Quality. See oar men's fine shoe, congress and lace at $1.25. See oar Indies fine kid button shoe at SI.OO. See oar ladies fine oxford tie, pat. leather tip at 75 ots, See oar childrens shoes from 25 to 50 cents. See oar other Popular Price Lines. Plow Shoes, Working Shoes, Fine Dress Shoes of all Styles and qualities at the LOWEST PRICES, |Jj|h Base Ball and Tennis Shoes Visit our store and we will please you. VOGELEY ■IANDHH BANCROFT No. 347 South Main Street, OPPOSITE WILLARD HOUSE, BUTLER, PA. Thi& Is The Lowest Price • Ever given on a Bed Room Suite Solid, Polished Oak, glass 26x30, beveled plate, FOR $23.00, We ofTer this suite for 30 days only. Our Bed Room Suite for sl9 You can't get elsewhere for less than $23 to $25. We don't only ofler the above goods at low prices, but anything In our store away down in price. All we ask you to do is to examine our stock and you will say as we do—best goods for least money of any FURNITURE store in the country. Campbell & Templeton, 136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa. +f\ PER CENT. lU First Mortgage Loans Ko tax, commtaßion or fees. Intercut payable , Betm-anniiaHy by Now York draft. Ponii-t se- i curity. Highest reference. CHAS. V. REIO, Fairhaven, Washington. JOHNSONS JffODYHt LINIMENT v k e - v °^ \J x STCSSffAL aid ZIT2HTAL we>/j> AFTcR O A HAVE CBSD JLSD BLESSED IT. . Av/ Dropped on Sugar. Child mt Jjovr Tt, F.rerjr Traveler phoolil have a bottle i f it in I.i - -.it-- hrl. j Every Sufferer Rtica, JJeuruljrfca, S?r. I vnaßnflad.vhe. r»iphth* , ria,rotjpr!»s < I'.nmcliiti-t, Ast hum, < hoU-ra Mortm*,liiarrho-o, latin nc.-f. Horanom I In Body or IJmbm Stiff Joints or Strains will «'"! in thi* oia Anodjit* n lirf an.l fpeedy cmv. Pamphlet free. Hold everywhere*. Price 35 ct*.. T»y mall. « bottles, j Exprc-ro pal.!, & L SjtfOHNSON & Ox. Justus. Mans. hljmphreys' This PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Piles— External or Internal. Blind or Weeding ; Vistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief i* immediate—the cure certain. For Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Bums. The relief is instant —the healing wonderful and unequaled. For Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers. Fistulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. I'rice, 50 Cent?. Trial si.T. 2g CVn'.t. Slid by Draggteta, r «-nt poet-fmlJ on reetfri of price. UCBPHBETB* BID. CO., 1111113 Uitfaai Sf., SEW TMK. WITCH HAZEL OIL. ACME BLACKING is cheaper at 20 cents a bottle than any other Dressing at 5 cents. A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAYS because shoes once blackened with it can be kept clean by washing them with water. People in moderate circumstances find it profitable to buy it at 20e. a bottle, because what they spend for Blacking they save in sboo leather. It is the cheapest blacking considering its quality, and yet wc want to sell it cheaper if it can be done. We will pay SIO,OOO Reward for a recipe that will enable us to make Y. OLFF'S ACME BLACKINI at with a jirico that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c. a % l:< Ule. This ofler is open until Jan. Ist, 1803. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. Old furniluie painted with PIK-RON (t! I.i is the name of the paint i, look 3 like • : i L.;d varnished new furniture. One ill do it A child can apply it. Von ( L ire a pine to a walmit, or a cherry t > ii ■•/ >y; there is no limit to } iir i: nci'* All retailers bdl it. DIB CtHiLfiiNG PILES r ILlLisswayne'S OjHTMEMT continue tninorn form anil prolrnilr, blf«dlnir, abaorba the tumor*. Ho. I by drtiffßiats or by ■q«B for Mela. Prepared by Dk.Swav»k A 8 .N.PJTIHU'I-lpbia. FOR MEN ONLY! rfmnFfFßior LOST or FAIXJHG MANHOOJ Win andNERVOUS DEBILITY; MKt3nTM||"|Weakn6»» of Body and Mind, Effect! Error • or Excesses i n Old or Young. Bobcnf, NobU MIMiOOD fallT Keatnred. How to»nlarir« and Btr»ncthfaWCAk,r!IDKVKU)PKI>OU(.AXSJkPiHTSOy nODT. SbaolotHj onrallUr HOIK THKATJUtM"—Beatflla In • day. ■•a (••lit j from 60 Sutcn anil FaraSgn < ount i l+s. Write I hem. D*aerl,»tlid Boole, eiplanallan Sad proof* mailed (aealt-d) fr.o. M4nu ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. f \ DOCTORS LAKE JLjg I MUVATK DISPKNSAICY. t L Jff Con. PENH AVE. AND FOUHTH ST.. PITTSBURGH, PA. f \ All forri .of Delicate ami Cnm- plicated Diseases r.-< i nil i 11K •'«» v» w;V*" W icatlon aro treated at this Dis in'ii .ry with a success rarely nttnliied. Di.B. K. I.ake Is a member of the Itoval ( ..I luge of Phy sicians ami Surgeons, and is the oldest ami most experienced SPECIALIST in thecitv- Special at tentlou Riven to Nervous Debility from e» revive mental exertion, indiscretion of youth, etr., caus ing physical unaincntal decay,lack of ,'n.Myy, Icsijondcncy, etc.; also Cancers, <lid Sores, |- its, piles, liheiimntism, ami all disaascaof the Skin, I!• I,l.iiiics Crlimrv Organs, etc. Consultation 'JV>- junl strictly confidential, Office hours,tl to I ami i ln» P. M.; Sundays, 2 to 4 r. M. onlv. . I at office or addrew IJKS. I.AKE, COR. > i.NN AVK.AND4TUs>T.,ri'I'TSIIUUUU.I , A. READ AND REMEMBER. For strictly pure and reliable STRAIGHT LIQUORS, eall on I. N. FINCH, 12 SXITHFIELD ST., PITTHBI'KUII, I'A. (Opp. Monongabela House.) Matchless for Family use and Medicinal pur poses are FINCH'S GOLDKN 1 WK'JDI N<;, Allfl GUC'KKNHKI.MKR.H WiIISKY, . per qt. ; OV Kit HOLT'S WIIISKY,. ( 0 .Its, DILLINGEtt'S WHISKY, j for »5. Goods neatly packed and promptly shlpiied Fkkk or Exraxsß on receipt of cash or post office order. ty.Nothlng expressed C. O. D. Send for Price List. WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE Tin- Ureat Promptly and pcrma- Weakness, sl'ins. spermatorrhea, /JBi TjdHßj. I nipol"ii' and ali effects Of Abuse nr ElWs.-eses. HiLmMKL lice 11 lierseiibed over 35 \ Befor-j and After. 11 the only Reliable and Honest Medicine known. Ask druggliit for Woon's PHiHraoniKi; If he offers some worth less medicine In place of this, leave his dishon est stare, Inclove price in letter, anil we will send by return mall, l'rlee. one paekttO. U; six, V>. One will please, six will cure, rainph let In plain sealed envelope. stamps. Addn 'ss TUK HOOK CIIKMICAI. CO , 131 Woodward avenue, Detroit Midi. fsrir-Sold In Butler by C. N. ltoyd, .1. F. ltalph, J. C. Kedlck, and dugglsts everywhere. DOCTOR J. B. HOBENS/ Fgr/jt- /• " ' r > jiruic. • ' m:>: v. / kco.vu ,<*t , . . ro Ibe old. t in .1 . i I - , . c ,l Special ii.seas:.- i. .! -j, I!!" !• . •I, I I • • 111,,. Ilia • ■ i I. .. i y and ■ k it I'IMM ; i . 1 !!up line, t».< ,n 1... HI >• en i )i ~ j, Wiltlii.lt d' O'liUntl f■,i li' , 'II I< tot ~.H mi.,-. .-Kdi »I. . xj.-i.-nee ,!i,.l si;rl.: i■« irentedUfiukd and » Hi..r ii >i ■ > .•.•iiia-: .n an. l w«l#'i.i,i! au •«a» ' • I' n p.i; a:-, .l-r • tteatta. n viO ) " t 1-! "i-lin. .itUl.t: Mairiiiik, I.f- lei ss. - ■ 'ittiii'iit t>y "'lull a Sva-einlt. . Oiftce !h>Ui !• A m , t<» .'r. «!•. jt.' All d«y sstiird. i ll'j I* »1 . iiii II'^A.M. Seuit StniHii for li->ok. (( opyilghli d.j FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned will Bull his furm.contalnlng sixty acres, more or less, and iteated In Adams Twp.. on the Kvaiisbuig and Man road, near Mafshall and Myoma stations on Ike P. ii W It It. and near the Callery oil Held. It contains a good house, good bank btrn Ofix.U. good outbuildings, good orchard, level an.) good ground, two uprlngs near house, pomp n baru, and all In good order.; ~ ImpUro at or aiidressj J a I'd os Davidson, Myoma P. 0., Buil6r Co,. Pa, Advortiae in the Gmzur* THE CITTZEX MISCELi ANEOITS Kot to Be CaoeHl. 'Twas at the Sabbath-sclidbl picnic. Two maidens of uncertain ago wofe struggling in the water. "Merciful heavens!" cried the pastor, i "Will no ono save them? Is there no I . . swimmer among us? I "Is there a jestice of tho peace in the j crowd?" asked Tattered Stuyvesant, the ! tramp, emerging from the bushes. 'T hold that office," answered a gen j tleman. "But will"— | "Wall, then, ladies," shouted Tat i tered Stuyvesant to the struggling < maidens, "hold up ycr hands, an' let the jestice swear ye that I don't have to 1 marry either of ye, an' I'll plunge in. 1 I'm heroic, but not foolhardy. This is j leap year!"— National Tribune. IN THE NICK OF TIME. Jack—llello, Tom! Tom —Hello! Jack—Say, sinco you have some mon ey how, could you let me have that small amount you owe me?—N. Y. Her ald. , The Relationship Changed. Little Bessie's doll had lost one eye, its face was eraoked, one arm wq£ gone and most of its internal sawdust had departed. She placed it in a fritting posture on the floor in the corner of her play-house, examined its forlorn and shrunken liguro with a critical eye, and said regretfully yet decidedly: "You can stay in tho family if you want to, Dolly, but after this I'm only going to be a steptaother to you."—Chi cago Tribune. A Great Idea. "My stars, Gloriosa!" cried young Farmer Medders to his bride, a city girl, who, aided and abetted by her lit tle brother, was chasing a frightened lien back and forth through the hedge. "What are you and Waldo chasing that hen for?" "So that slio will lay scrambled eggs hereafter, darling," replied tho bride, shooing tho fowl through the hedge once more.—National Tribune. No Judge of Beauty. Artist's Sister—Oh, George, your work is going to be appreciated at At the gallery to-day I heard Mrs. nighup say you had the prettiest picture on ex hibition. Struggling Artist (despondingly)—• Mrs. Highup, unfortunately, is no judge. Sho admires that red-faced, pug-nosed baby of hers.—N. Y. Weekly. Soino lUffcreiicr. Springtop—l met Weatherby to-day, and he said you were a fool to pay sc much for a spring rap. His wife got one for ten dollars less than yours. Mrs. Springtop—Yes, my dear; but she only spent a day in looking for hers. It took me a week to find mine.—Cloak Review. j i.e loliowiiig item, cupped in>iii lite llilil Illation ttcll VM It 11 It men. titling, •all. Jonu Ho 11 Oi Lai.i o I I.J , nil • ill jt. a ilii 1111 atcluuit a luti nil) s ii£o :pi at*uujs alltl b. ul.-li.x l.i » ami a* in tpin.o -.ctoiuij, Was lurcu oj >.u>- -lU cent liotllu til beuulll's i all. l.alm. tills lenlOiij In wiluouttuiciiu.it lot -[nam., ami tiruif.es ami .should have a pitn i ■" in tVi ry Uou.-i - in.lii. For tale by. i>. U. Wuller, Butler; A. i;»wcr.i, i'ro»- jieci., iiicudon <fc Allison, vV . riuubury. —You can't learn too much, bit }ou canllearn half too much. —The proper visiting card is smaller than last year's and nearly square. —The marvelous success of Hood's Sarsa aparilla is based upon the corner stone *of absolute truth. —An Indiana woman claims to have worn a corset for 70 years. A rather pro tiactcd stay. Spring Kever. The gradual opening ol the I.lidding trees and the shooting upwards ol the blades ol grass are signs of the advent ol spring. The farmer Is already at work stimulating llie growth of his crop by fertilizer)* to lnsiire it rlcti harvest. Nature needs stimulation and why should not man'.' The syslcin needs building up alter the attacks of tJrlppe and cold, ami tlie only tonic Is pure whiskey. Max Klein,of Allegheny, Pa., has the endorsement of einniincnt physicians, certifying to the purity of his famous Silver AKC and I)>i|itiint U\e Whiskies, Hold everywhere at SI.BO and ll.per full quart. !Slx-year-old I'enu'a. Itye Whiskies, absolutely pure at SI.OO per quart or » quarts for s3.no Send for cata logue and price list of all kinds of liquors to Max Klein, #2 Federal street, Allegheny, I'a. —Between March 5 anil April !) the Postoffice Department established 3C5 new postoflices, of which Pennsylvania got 15. —Every man has the impulse to he hero ic when ho is reading of danger thousands of inilc3 away. —A college education for a girl costs nearly twice as much as one for a man. —Just assure as the hot weather comes there will be more or less bowel complaint in this vicinity. Every person, and espec ially families, ought to have nonio reliable medicine at hand for instant use in case it is needed. A 25 or 50 cent bottle of Cham borlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhu-a ICem edy is just what you ought to have und al that you would need,even in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is the best, the most reliable and most successful treat ment known and is pleasant to take. For sale, by l>. 11. Wtiller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Broaden «t Allison, \V. Sunbary. —The ant has the largest brain in pro portion to bodily size of all animals and the elephant the smallest. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism und neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tfie cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Kcdick, druggist, Butler. —The private in the German army gets 8 cents a day. • Chamboriain's Eye and Skin Ointment. A certain enro for Chronic Sore Eyec, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch. Prairie Scratches, Soro Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment, bad failo& It is put up in 25 and 00 cent boxes —Eelskin frocks are tin; name- now given to the dies -ert some of the girls wear.' •x "H 'is m" ok 'nnrxYjH "v x **«< c '"t-upi'ti ■() ,1 pun 4i n|j ora plus |(IM J[ QO||(IIUUKaOO OAVl( 0»{A1 HJ .pV-.U JlloX JO £uv <n SIJIH.I Xpatuaj Aiu jo OM) pa»« a} pcpl K»Q IJTJQJ I -pojno XNUONCMJOD uo*q OA«I( BQM.J JO ®|>titwnoifj .C[OAIT) vu An *ow«.>wtp potifua-OAoqvem joj Xporntu oaihh«xlv wA«t( lu-'piruj juoj£ uuo;u| ruoaiajf auj, °i *p*Mno A|®jns uoijduineuoo SUM FT UI XO To IUII.O NV / Claude—ls yo' goin' to build a hoss, 'ltastus? 'Rastus —Why yo' say build a hoss— what yo' sayin' dat fo'? Claude—Bccozc I sceyo' has yo'frame work up. —Judge. CncjuehtioiiaUle tvldenco. Miss Beacon llill—Whom do you con sider the l>est composer, Polorowski or Gurubolowski? Miss Wabash—Polorowski isccrtainlv the better of the two. Miss Beacon Hill —Upon what theory do you base your opinions? Miss Wabash—Oh! his hair is ever so much longer.—Brooklyn Life. Elevating the Stage. Miss Caroline IJilder —Do you think, Mr. Track, that those fashionable wom en do anything 1 toward debiting the stage? Mr. Oscar Track (who drives) —I don't know about tho stage, but I've seen them raise a street-car conductor off his feet because he didn't stop on the cross ing-.—Detroit Free Press. I.ookiiiK at the Itrlglit Si«le. Mrs. Tompkyns—l hear Mr. Van Dudely is very iIL De Smith—ls he? Well, I dare say ho'll die. Mrs. Tompkyns —What makes you think so? De Smith—Oh, I don't know. Because I'm an optimist by nature, I suppose.— Life. A Considerate Doctor. A. —Dr. Schmidt Is one of the nicest doctors in the city. -Very frequently he attends patients and never asks them to pay tho bill. B. —You don't say so! C.—Yes. lie sues the estate if the ex ecutor doesn't settle it promptly.—Tex as Sitting's. All Unusual Month. Wife—l opened a bill of yours from the club this morning l for twenty-five dollars. I didn't know you spent so much money at the club. Husband—That was the month that balsy was teething.—Puck. Texts and Textures. Jennie —What was the text your min ister preached from to-day? Pearl—Don't know. The texture of the dress in the next pew was so inter esting that 1 didn't follow the sermon. —N. Y. Herald. —When a woman buys something she cannot really afford, she condones the fault in her mind hy going without some thing she did not intend to get anyway. Hon. W. V. Lucas, Ex-State Auditor of lowa, says: "I have used Chamberlain'B Cough Remedy in my family and have no hesitation in saying it is an excellent rem elv. I believe all that is claimed for it. Persons atllicted by acougli or cold will find it a friend." There is no danger from whooping cough when this remedy is free ly given. ">0 cent bottles for i-alc by I>. 11. Wuller. Butler; A. Bowers, I'ro npect; Breaden & Allison, W. Sunhury. —The common black beetle can carry 90 times its weight at one load. If men were only so constituted the Keely insti tute would have to for tha LujU ©I Growin™ Up with the Country Too Slow. Ileiug tired of working for a Hilary, I decided to go West and rrow up with the country. 1 invested in real estiile and be came land poor, and was obliged to make a living for 1113- wife and children some other way. I saw Mr. Morohead's ex perience in the plating Irusiness by acci dent in an old newspaper. 1 did as he did, seut $.3 to 11. F. Delno A C>. Colum bus, Ohio, and went to work plating first in in}' own neighborhood, and found I did so well that I hired a man and he brought in the plating which I did at my house. There is plenty of money out West here, if jou only know how to get it, and I hope my experience will help anybody who is having a hard timo. 1 made last week 12 anil the week previous $13.14. Any sody can get circulars by writing to Deluo A Co., Columbus, O. Koiikrt I,ini>s.\y. —The most fashionable ol china is of white with scalloped edges, with the mono gram or initial. Sa'je Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the Kuropean plan. Lodgings, IB, —3o, —or .">0 cents. —A woman who oncti tried h written an article on the delightsof drown ing. Women Who Die E^rly. j Many of our most beautiful and accom j plished ladies die before they have reach ed the prime of life. Of those who live to middle age *>nly one in two hundred is sound; the other hundred and ninety-nine are sufferers. Why is it ? Self-neglect. The shattered health can be restored; the home made happy, and your life lengthen ed if you commence at once. "Rose Muds'' have been used for "JO years in the private practice of one of the most eminent physicians of Paris, and the following diseases and their distressing symptoms yield to them like magic: Fleer ation, Congestion and falling ofthe Womb, Ovarian Tumors, Dropsy of the Womb, Hearing Pains, Rupture at Childbirth and Miscarriages. One package of "Rose Buds" will make .1 now woman of you. (Leucorreaor Whites are generally cured by one application.) Price per package I (one months treatment) +I.OO sent by mail post paid, securely packed. Thk Lkvkr kttk Si'RriFic Co., Washington St., Ronton, Mass. —Eton is the watchword of fashion just now. There are Eton pockets, Eton col lars aud Eton neckties. —A fighting ring without any posts has been designed. It it rather remarkable that a "ring" for fighting purposes is al ways sipiare. —The reason a dog can look so knowing is because he can't say anything to spoil the eirect. —Everyman, like water, will sooner or later find his level. —An old suit on your back i.- better than a new suit in court —The hay crop is thus far the only crop the farmers can bank upon this season. —Gov. l'attison has become an Elk, which some may consider a step toward becoming a "dark horse." —"His feet are apt to fly up at any mo ment;" is the latest way of saying that a man has the big head. —An Arkansas man's advice to his son : "He honest and truthful and keep your hand 011 your hip pocket." —The sehoolina'ms of St. J 00, Mo., peti tioned the school board to carpet the ros trums. The boards reply was: "Cut off your senseless trails." (t. I). Harvey, Contractor; and Dealer in builders supplies—Lime, sand, cement, etc. Ware-room near Campbell's Foundry. Residence .*515 North Main street, Butler, l'a. ITS A HOODO! A It never hurt* a customer, but it knocks ' 1 ' Competition endwi— The monster is jfc,yW- gentle to our customers and thev can jfl^ L handle it with perfect safety The f* ■(MP • What in it," that is what everr "A ' ."lv wan - t'> kr.ow; by "ur illustration juf-"*- v^r^jjK?"ffi" L ~ you can see that it is not like to any- vjfr? diing u P »n the earth, or the water under the earth, but more wonderful than any thine ever exhibited by Barnum or Orangoutang, uurunout aud ?lick your _the ttL'e. "What is it ' —why ita lleek's j mammoth stoc* of fine clothing, Hats, Caps, Shirtp, Pants, Underwear, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Suspender.-. Umbrellas, Trunks, \ alises. Satchels, Pum s. Bill and Pocket-book*, Clothes, Hair and Tooth-brashes, Watches. Chains, Charms, Ladies' and dents' Kings, Pins, Collar and Cuff Buttons ami hundreds of articles too tedious to mention which we have for sale, and you niav need Call and see our mammoth stock of beautiful spring at ; tractions and you will certainly say its a Iloodo. Well, we are not looking for those who do trade with us but for those who do not. We don't believe there are many who do not, hut there ought not to be one |>erson iu Butler or adjoining counties left who docs not know that the place to save money, to «et big values, is at Heck's Store, 1:21 X. Main St Why is it that yon miss vonr chance and waste your money ? Hon't yon know letter? We bear you no ill will, why should we ' This is not our funeral, we are just he same merry merchant as of old. We are rollickine, jolly fellows; we are tiproaring, tip top sellers, ami when i; comes to bargains we can suit yon to aT. If you think we are a honey, come buy your clothes and drop yonr money, and we'll treat you like a little sonny, for we have got the energy and the will; we made up our mind to be the LEADER IN OUR LINE and the result is that we lead and the hand plays Anuy Rooney, and there is no mistake about it. The worM stands aghast at the realization of the (act that the high quality and low prices of our goods is a reality and not a Gctionarv legend to those who have never dealt with us. We would be glad to see you and pleased to put in your hands a real money saver, a bargain with a great big B If you are not on our list of customers, come and Im* convinced that we are right at the front doing big business, on I the best basis, a square deal »ud a rolling dollar We are going to get up a i train load for the World's Fair ut Chicago in 1893, and we want you to I come iu and go along. We will furnish vou with a Round Trip Ticket, free the only conditions that you buy your goods off us. For further particu lars call in and see us about ic. With kindest regards for your liberal patronage and your remembrance of us to your many friends, we shall in the future endeavor to merit your con lidence. Yours Very Respectfully. D. A HECK, Champion Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher, 121 N. Nlairi St., BUTLER, : : : : "ISO WINNER BICKEL THE SHOE MAN, oif 1 -BTPX , Z_i:E:R,- HIS TIIADE INCREASING I^VIl^Y. GOOD HONEST SHOES AT F.XTREMEI.V LOW PRICES DOING IT Topi.- flock from all parts of the county eager to make purchases. A dollar goes a good ways at BICKEL'S SHOE STOKE. The people of Butler county are in luck in having a Shoe Store that is always willing to sell goods to suit 11 i• ■ times; things ;ire pinching a little here and there and you want to make a dollar reach as far as possible and when you are in need of any Shoes and Slippers, you will find u to your interest to visit Bickel's. PRICES THAT TKLL THK STORY iWen's A Ca!f English Bals, good quality _ $l <>o Men's Buff Congress and Bals i io Men's Good Solid Plow Shoes 8o Men's Good Solid Creedmores i oo Boys' Fine Shoes, Button or Lace i <hj Boys' Working Shoes, Creedmores Ho Youths' Fine Shoes 75, X 5 and 1 <*< AND STILL TIIKRE'S MORE TO FOLLOW. Ladies' Fine Don Button Shoes $1 <>o Ladies' Fine Grain Button Shoes 90 Ladies' Fine Oxford Ties 75 Ladies' Fine Opera Toe Slippers 50 Ladies' Serge Gaiters 5® Ladles' Serge Fox Gaiters 60 Ladies' Brussel Slippers 25 Children's Shoes 25.40, 50 and 75 BARGAINS THIS MONTH. in Lawn Tennis Goods, Base Ball Shoes, Low Sl><M s of all kinds Don't buy any footwear until you look at our many goods and prices Boots and Shoes made to order; Repairing done promptly at the great BOOT AND SHOE HOOSE. JOHN BICKEL. BUTLER, PEN N'A M r.. Is NO SURE CURE FOR EVERY CASE OF ASTHMA or * JjjSß l EVERY CASE OF HAY FEVER, hut ti«- wont ««».' if uncomplicated by organic disease. <-*n i«- 1 to ■ treatment I Ii V I the | wo « Jn^^HnkLfl n Dior- /m tlio y v£ i n Incurable Cases Declined. fpn tiy mail. T Hkfl i 1 We want rime and address of 1 | c-very sufferer from Asthma or Hay Fever. VV ft P. HAROLD HAYES, M. D., BUFFALO, N. jiun^ilW»**<V»ftfWlfVlinfV<l^~^» Ji "Well begun is half done.' Hegin your house work by buying a cake of SAl'( )Ll< ). Sapolio is a solid cake <>f Scouring Soap used for all cleaning purposes. Try it. . OO.L 13 FREE ! To every person bringing us a copy of this paper, we will insert FREE OF CHARGE a fine $2.00 Gold Filling, i in every BEST SET or SS.OO Teeth. y ] We warrant llirmi lulx* tlx'b"il Hi i< c.in |>.><slbly be in «.•!'•. no mswr what / vj# i J price s'on nay. IF Cold Kllllnin * ■,.■ •. :v fli«J und ip j Silvci Filling Ainal/.MI Ki 111 HIT. I IR. ill Kxinu-b-d. I'alnleßH extrarXmu ;i ipriially. I'IIIT i. iaor Vitalized Air administered. « wnW. I'artlcß IIVIIIK out If tin - city can idiwi IN tin" moralnit and wear their new t.-.-in u ini' 1 Mi * N I:AN' YOUIv I ) KNTI STS, AVTIIANCK ON LIUJTBTV ST. Cwntr «ilh «nl Llbtrll Sit flltlliMl, P»j A MILLINERY TRIUMPH The Leading Millincrv House, D. T. PA PE. Our line of Milliner) i< romplrtf in ov-n - investigate, .m»l w*. claim that . .r t „ Butler county. Trimmed hat- uiivi . i" , ( , .vu-s pins, laces, braids. Crt jx nets, t j Mourning Millincrv In <uvnt V'nrirtv PAPES, IL*:< S. Mt'liix Streel, I n I, r. I "... R. R. MAY 10, I sit >-j. Anothef Lafge Lot < >K H§PKIU'AL WAltf When we placed our order with a i*w ti I f we thought we would do Weil to *•!! bem » we are completely sold out. We bare lb i . . » much larger lot on next Tuesday. at « nr -■ » ■ the greatest drive ever offered ia Butter A FULL I of Ladies' Muslin Underwear at the same p- e , all kinds of Dry Goods. Carpets, Lace C ioirs. We guarantee more value for yrair rr . y other house. Jur,'. received latest .> i I'•- • RITTEH & Ralston'S FOR THE HOLID AYS ONLY JEWELRY, < LOC KS, SILVER WARE, Purchaser can save from -•"> * M j r cent by purchasing tlieir . • links and spectacles of J. R. G IUEH, The Jrwrler, No. 12") V. Main St., - Dully P»l<w*k. Sign of Electri. IWI ami • > ck All are R. <pr<-t fully hmferf —"Remember our Repairing IH-partm» U I • SPRING FOOTWEAR FOR ALL AST RUFF'S |« that JOB are carton a#B»<tiag tW rmmts. style awl mfaalt j **-<• 4 paying the smallest prw-e that *ueh gu.wl a w «»i a he «t»a - i. FOR SPRING WE' R. We are decidedly headquarters f«»r Men, W -art « Mr<-a*a DRESS SHOES. A good, light-weight, easy fitting p.t.r • •* ■> t you can hare for warm weather Our stoek of U ' I to.this town No detail of atyk, last. trim .>r I Every stock and every style last is ber» T: p « ■» WORKING SHO£S. We hare heavy and tigbt-weigbi w>rk' ng - • '« of lace, buckle and congress Their w-a.-in • <j t and are easy and oaf >rtable to tSe ' CHILDREN S SHOES. We are, if possible, more particular wb«* * "® than lor yourselves. Our present sti* k rep styles in the market ar.d shoes that will w< .<■ i ( m out. No matter what the sii<j or style of pocket book, we can suit yon AL. RUFF No. 114 South Main Street, - - - r >r. Pa. Rk RRp f+Jk- * HAY- FEVER j ji 1 \J Cold" hea :* ■ Flu'm Cream Tlalm Mnl a *at tf «r />—> -<• '> ■ < * ... ; . . ... i A *» 50C ELY BROTHERS, 56 WA"EN Street NEI YGR<. SUC J.J. SPKCK. WK. It. HOLMES. ' r»» inw". wNoucstu wist **a Lioroa aatsr #r ar«»rra* n> ■> s »• Tlie WIN, 11. IIOIHM N < i Jislilters of "I lolutes I test un«l "H *'• 1 ' ■ t y PURE RYE WIIioKY, All the leading Rye ami )t..»irl*.n Wits' i • ' • ; nl. Importers of tin< Hraialies, <»it 1 'A'itt* SEND FOR. PRICE LT. .T Telephone No. 305 J. 120 Water SI. and 158 Av.-., . .t sfmigu Pa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers