Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 10, 1892, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIX.
Some Things You Never Knew:
MS" % f
jMf'You never he: ijj} >f Top Buggies selling as low as $45 till we
named that p |g :^sA
fgrYou never heard of Road Wagons selling for $35 till we named
the price-^U
You never heard of good team work bridles selling for $1 till we
told you~^Bft
tOf* You heard of horse collars, both team and buggy, selling
for $1 till we named
jpnjf"You never heard of spring wagons selling for S4O till we offered
90" You never heard of Kramer wagons selling for the price we sell
them at till we brought the price
Mr You never heard of sweat pads selling below 50 cents till we
started it*%tt
flgf'You never heard of a good top half platform spring wagon sell- 1
ing for $75 —we have
t&rYou never heard of single buggy harness selling for $6 till we |
JOT" You never heard of team work harness with breeching and collars
selling for $lB until this minute —we have tlicm"*Ht
fer L A
' & i
VVc did this all fpr'yoyr benefit, and have everything connected
v'h a driving.or team outfit. We advertise for you to call in and
•i - us in our new quarters at 128 K. Jefferson St., above the Hotel,
I wry. Don't stay away because you don't know us, we are very
• • ..imon men and want to get acquainted with ever) person in l»ut
ier county and elsewhere. We will show you w hat we have whether
you want to buy or not. Come in and see us, we have a larger stock
of a better grade at less money than has ever been offered by us or j
any other firm. 6
To Any Person who Can Prove that the Adrlance Rear Dis
cbarge Binder is Not Perfection-
Wfe Guarantee the Adriance Binder
To do m j(ood work with less power than my binder on ths market. Wi- do not a«k
you to buy the machine until we prove it on your own farm. Why would you liuy the
old *tyle, sway up, big, clumsy, grain-threat!in*, honte-killer, elevated binder, that re
quire* an extra man on billy ground to keep it from upsetting, when yoa can get one
tut in low down, one that cannot be nonet, one that i* light and neat, and will not
thresh out grain, one that in nearly an fight draught an a Mingle reaper, and ono that
doe* not require truck* for transportation and will paxx through u ten foot gate? If you
dispute the statement, challenge no for a field trial with ANY or ALL binder* on the
market. We will gladly meet yon. It will do ux good in the futnro tut well as it ha*
in tIM put. It would not be the first time. The Adriance Kinder ha* come out victor
ious in many field trial* in thii country, a* well a* in Kll rope, Kngland, Germany and
Franoe, where the Adriance Binder ha* taken gold and silver medul* Irom each. K
yon dispute onr word, challenge us; you can alway* find n* at 320 SOUTH M< K KAK
BUTLER, PA. Call and see sample binder.
We Lead All Competitor!! in Binder Twine.
In PrieeH and Quality We are Ahead.
Ws bought early and can *ell twine at what it now co*t* wholesale. If you are in
need of a Plow, Harrow, (.'rain Drill, Corn Drill, Cultivator, Shovel Plow, Hinder,
Reaper or Mower, Ilay Tedder, Hay Rake or iiay leader, or Farm Machinery of any I
kind, Fertilizer*, Fencing, Ac., calf and ice u*. If we do not have what yoa want in
machinery, we can at lea*t show von the largest assortment of Huggie*, Snrries,
Phaeton*, Huring Wagons, Cart* and Farm Wagon* you crer w» in one place. We do
not handle the Meopeit rig* on the market, tint we handle and nuarunin- our rig* to lie
the best for the money wo ask for them. We have control of the Youngstown
Carriage and Wagon Co.'* good* in tbi* place. Their work is *«cond to none in quality
and finish. If you doubt this call and we t.au ea*ily convince you. I.ow price t and
square dealing i* oar motLo.
Hartzell Co.
While ibere is nothing exactly magical about our HIIOCH, tbero is a
"slight of hand" that trans tbem oat with the fitting qualities that makes
them famous. There ie too, a "charm" about them HO iinpresßivo that, cuHto
mera yield to tbe "apell" that never leavoa. Onr indies' BI'OCH might be
called "eochanterH." Oar men's are full of talimanic virtue*, Mmootb
■ailing in tbeae sboea, "no tacking" (nautical friend* please catch on) The
season of circuses remind* us of "tarnH," and the only thing "acrobatic"
about oara la that, like all oar goods, they bend easily, buing very flexible.
Ooodjear Welta, too modest to put on air*, could do it if they wanted to
tbougb. The only thing low about thorn is the price. Cull am) see then* at
8. E. Corner of Diamond. - . . N,. ar ofH , rtt Jloui , e
BUTLE'R - F 5 F!_N 3ST' A
Hardware and Houbc Furnishing Goods.
~ ~ Washing MucliiricH; the
Jk Stiui.lviJ Rotary Shuttle
m J sewing Machine,
the No.
Lunning farm wngonn; New
Sun«hine & Howard ranges,
m QRP/ H "tovcH, table and r>ocket
B V cutlery, hanging larepHj
m manufacturer of tinware, tin
m roofing and Hpouting a Hj>ec-
CdP' the .fohriHton mowers,
reaper and uteel irarae binder, Warren ready mixed paint,
warrented; screen door« and window«, refrigerator* and lawti
No better place in the city to trade.
Come and see my large store room full of good*, I.'JOJ feet
Of Pr*Ti<cac(i B. 1.,
Widely known as proprietor of Derry'i Water
proof Harness Oil, telLs below of his terrible
sufferings from Eczema and his cure by
"Gentlemen: Fifteen years ago I had an at
tack of Inflammatory rheumatism, which was
followed by eczema or salt rheum, breaking
out on my right leg. The humor spread all
over my legs, back and arms,
A Tout Ma»tt of Sores,
twollen and Itching terribly, causing Intense
pain if the skin was broken by scratching,
and discharging constantly. It Is impossible
to describe my suffering In those years of
agony and torture. I spent
Thousands of Dollars
In tattle efforts to p>-t well, and was discour
aged and ready to die. At this time I was
unable to lie down iri bed, had to sit up all the
time, and was unable to walk without
crotches. I had to hold my arms away from
my body, and had to have my arm«. back and
legs bandaged by my faithful wife twicea day.
"Finally a friend who was visiting at our
house, urged me tn take llood's .Sarsaparilla.
I began by taking half a teaspoonfnl. My
Stomach IVas All Ovf of Order
But the medicine soon corrccU-d this, and In
six weeks 1 could see a change in the con
dition of the humor which nearly covered my
body. It was driven to the surface by the
Sarsaparilla. the sor. f soon healed, and the
scales fell on. I was soon able to give up
bandages and crutches, and a happy man 1
was. I had been taking Hood's Harsaparilla
for seven months; and since that time nearly
two years, I have worn no bandages whatever
and my legs and arms are sound and well.
The Delight
of myself arid wife at my recovery It Is Im
possible to tell. To all my business friends
in Boston and over the country, I recommend
Hood's Sarsaparilla
from personal experience." 8. G. I»EKKT, 45
Bradford street. I'rovldeuce, li. I.
V foo are Blllnnn, take llood's Pills.
~e. i>.
Ready for All.
Everything that is new in Stiff
Hatß. Our sl.f>o and $2.00 are
wonders for the money.
ir t'/si i; 'i: v ,in Soft Jfatu,
ranging in price from 25 eta. to $. r >.oo.
AH the new block** in Silk Ilata.
Orcatewt line of Furnishing Goods
we ever bad.
An f&MptiuUou advantage
to any one.
Colbert <! FC Dale,
Hatters and Furnishers,
242 S. Main Htreet,
liutler. PH.
Grand Pianos for
Now Is your time to select n'gr>'«l"l'birio;; you
do not want to buy but one l'iaiio In your lire
time. Ho while wlec lliig one if Is (lie I**l and
chea|N-»t to buy a good one.
of Boston has opened a riano and Organ
I'arlor at No. 2is, Kasl North St., where he hiw
on exibltlon a new invoice of I'lanoH from the
very best t»f makers of lloitaii. liny have a lull
rich and mellow tuif. He .u lion is llghl., quick
and powerful; tliey will May In lime louger
than any other I'lano ou ac< outit of a new
dovUxi of tuning pliii, th.ii I will !>■: ::l.vl to
Show and eiplaln. PlMHeall and exiiinlne !»<•-
torn buyiiK elsi'Whcre . You eau H;,V" money
pur liaslng a Flano of me, and gel ail
instrument that you e/in rely ii|ioii. and one
that I irtU warrant or Ra*MtM u give entire
Hatist,action. I have made and tuned
Pianos and Organs
orover W yjir*,|fi r-f »r Icn-iw li ivy to He|ect|
effect I'ltuio.
H K. N ort.li St.,
ItITTI/K'lt, I *A .
( yen t leiTieii
TN F N [•: A '»•
TIN C, A I'-
R A I< I: 1,,
\. »■: A V I;
M I: A s U K I:
KOJL SA I JJV One of the finest
farms in Butler county, containing
18G acres; large brick bouse, large
frame barn, carriage shed and varionn
other buildings, all in good repair;
well watered; has a litrge orchard,
good market adjoining premises for
all farm products. Convenient to
Hcboola ami churches. To a quick
buyer will sell this farm for much
less than the cost of the buildings
and on very reasonable terms.
1,. S. M'',I tINKIN,
J3, J e Her son St., JJutlcr, Pa,
LA ■»»! LiE day was hot
and dusty. The
A R sun beat down
L unceasingly
'j/ '■ JVC) over the burn
-4^?sf. \\ ingpavements
r It \ Boads of P 01 "-
/■/ / jJ splration stood
' / ▼ out upon the
A> if faces of aider
manic looking
men as they jostled each other In the
streets, and the women looked weak
and wilted. The very horses hung their
heads as fliey stumbled along with their
heavy loads.
It was in the great city of the
"world's fair," and I was then a mod
est little womau in a literary way on
one of the big newspapers. The ex
citement attendant upon the work fas
cinated inc. and, as I had always led a
rollicking, jolly, bohemian life, I was
in my element.
I hud wandered about aimlessly for a
greater part of the forenoon, finding
nothing of interest, when I was sum
moned back to the office by a fellow re
porter whom I met on the street.
I was betrinning to lose my temper.
Everything had gone wrong that day.
I lit.il awakened with a severe headache
and the intense heat had aggravated it
to such an extent that my b.-ain seemed
to Ii •on fire. I had missed seeing Jack
in the morning. Jack was tny sweet
heart and he was going away that day
to IK- gone ever so loug. 1 knew he was
| obliged by business interests to leave
at any cost, and so I carried with juc
the consciousness that he had left with
! out saying good-by and that it was the
first tine- in the five years that I hail
known him.
Musing iq this unpleasant way, I
sv. nng open the portals of the great
gray doors with much more energy
, than a small woman should exhibit, to
j find the editor, notwithstanding all tlie
, heat , looking as fresh anil happy as the
' cool violets that used to blossom under
the -.pre ad ing branches in the old home
i of which I sometimes dreamed.
It was refreshing, truly, and when
; he detaile d me to do a bit of work that
| took me out into a country town my
restlessness vanished, and I lieeamft
once more rny happy self.
I walked down to the station with
lighter step, and armed with a tablet
and other articles of journalistic war
fare- I ensconced myself op the shady
side of the car and relapsed Into a state
ot delightful semi-unconsciousness.
How long I remained thus I do not
know, but I gradually became aware,
with that indefinable iustinct with
which one sometimes becomes pos
sessed, that I was the object of n steady
gaze. I raised my eyes, and as I did so
an irresistible impulse impel!cd me to
look across the aisle.
Have you ever seen a den of snakes
that writhe and cling with their bodies
together, their hooded heads raised to
strike, and those awful serpentine
tongues darting in and out? Did you
ever stand transfixed by the brilliancy of
those glittering eyes? It was such a
fascination that possessed mo. Yet ill
the man's outward appearance there was
nothing that should have repelled mo.
On the contrary, I found myself uncon
wlotwlr RrtmDrtufftiUpowerful physique
the sinewy suppleness of his bcily, the
finely shaped hand, with Its Rllstoulug 1
almond nalla, rind the general appear
ance rind 1 that indicated the
lie was looking at me Intently and
his eyes possessed a peculiar glitter
that I had never seen in human cye§
before. As my glance met his he seemed
about to rise and cOmo to me. t tried
to break the spell. I could not until,
after what seemed to me ages, the tralo
shot under a bridge and the darkness
Immediately surrounding closed out
those bulls of Are with their red flashes.
1 sank down almost lifeless in my
beat and placed my hands to my throb
bing head. I tried to fancy it a hallu
cination, but 1115- bettor sense predom
inated. A thousand thoughts flashed
over rrie and when the darkness cleared
i!i i? r 1
tiway and I was once more In the day
light, hy a mighty effort and without
venturing another glance, I look a seat
in a different purt of the car and re
versed the cushion. In vain I tried to
shake otf the impression. It was
stronger than I, so I gave up trying and
endeavored to reason away my fears.
What had I to do with fear? Was it
like me to be afraid'/ Where was the
courage necessary for future under
takings if I could be so distressed by a
single pair of eyes in broad daylight?
Itca.sonliig thus I reached my station
and ordered a rapid drive to my des
tination. Out of the car and away I
felt l<ctt«r. I tried to think it was all
a piece of folly, but I could not forget
those terrible eyes, and I remember
with what actual dread I looked into
the face of the first person with whom
I talked.
As time passed I began to feel more
myself, and as I dined just preparatory
to my return I had shaken the feeling
from me and could laugh at what I waa
rlcaocd to term the fancies of a brain
Vcrtaakcd aud heated.
It wi»s late when I arrived in E ,
and after a stay of four or five hours it
was Just gathering dusk.
"Tho nlnklutf sun
A mass of I/M and furxiln In th'; west—
Th': flsecy clouds
Were burjklbg down to r< »t."
As I reached the depot an I heard in
the distance the roar and rumble of the
approaching home ward-bound train I
wondered us it came In, snorting and
shrieking like a thing of life, if we
were not more than human, a race
whose bruin could fashion such ponder
ous tnuchlnery that a single stroke
from one of the wheels would crush out
of Its own creators all semblance of
As 1 ascended the steps a tremor
seized mo for which I could not ac
count- It brought back tlie scenes of
the day, but determining not to let this
silly weakness get the better of mo I
turned resolutely to my freshly cut
magazine and soon became Interested
in hidla scenes and Count Tolstoi's
worn through Siberia and Knssla. I
read until I grew tired and until the
flickering lights In the car threw
dancing shadows on my l»ook, when I
turned my /ace wearily ami looked out
of the. window.
The heated flay had merged into a
cool night with signs of a storm in the
heavens. The moon, like a broken
«llvvr- j*>iuf.jwraiu'ii. tlje sj<v, hn4 come
BUTLER, PA.,.H'NE 10. 1 SOvi.
up gran<Uy, and in tile mellow ngnt tnc
flyinjf clouds and souttllng'hhatiovvs made
a weird picture. A strong breeze was
rising, which Vrought to me the fresh
scent of hay fields, and I could almost
hear the drowsy twitterinps of the
birds. The sweeping foliage of the
trees as we shot by bowed and &wayed
in the nifrht breeze, like dark phan
toms, pausing just long enough to salut«>
each other in a grand courtesy before
the revelry of a wild night dance. It
brought to me the lines:
•• The day la merging into the night.
Frotu the purple Into the gray,
An<i along the cattle trail over the hills.
The flocks are wending their way
The heather nods Itself to sleep,
Hocked by the breeze of the nlifht.
The swaying boughs have assumed strong
In the weird fantastic light"
We whirled by farmhouses standing
ip the shadow, am? fields heavy with
fruit waiting for the sickle. The
soughing of the wind had played upon
my ear until it seemed my window had
become transformed into an .Eolian
harp that was playing the story of my
life, and with the silver moon, and the
trees like tossing plumes, and the
shadows—l listened.
The soft melody of the tender, witch
ing strains was the tiny fingers of my
childhood as they twined about my
mother's heart, and then they incrensed
and grew as they passed from child
hood into girlhood, losing the subtle
sweetness and jwirc note, but increas
ing in the volume of grand sound and
harmonizing chords—ever increasing,
ever changing, shifting, restless and
longing. Then a strange, weird striin
swept across the strings, so intensely
bweet with wild imaginings that tke
very air seemed to grow thick and
warm and the strings quivered and
wavered and sobbed and moaned in an
agony of pain, anil cried out in anguish
and seemed to break into a ghostly dis
cord as we reached a wild prairie
The moon was out silvery white,
banked by durk clouds, while a low,
rambling farmhouse stood silhouetted
against the plains.
The train shot*<n. Station after sta
tion was passed until we were almost
home again. 1 had grown drowsy, and
throwing my heavy traveling wrap
about me. I rested against the cushion.
Suddenly I raiser! my head and looked
around tlit car. 1 cannot describe the
force that compelled me. but I am quite
sure that had tny life been weighed in
the balance again .t my inclinations I
could not have done otherwise. I saw
the same terrible eyes fastened UJK-IU
me with that awful glitter, and tliey
expressed more than mortal tongue
could have done —hatred, revenge, cru
elty, flendishness.
I grew sick at heart. I could under
stand now the fear that must possess
the poor little animal the prey of the
larger. My limbs trembled. Sly head
reeled. My teeth chattered like ca»-
tcnets, and it seemed to me that the
beating of my heart could be heard all
over the car, above the roar and din of
tlie rattling train. A desperate thought
flashed through tny mind. I would
speak to the conductor and ask his pro
tection, or that fatherly looking gentle
man in the corner who resembled a
"physician. But what should 1 say? Tell
him I was afraid of a man on the train
who was looking at me? (#0 to the
fatherly looking Old gentleman with a
blanched face and trembling limbs, and
beg him to protect me from some one
wlio had done nothing to molest me?
What would they say, or saying noth
ing, what might they think? My mind
was a chaos of conflicting emotions.
I looked around the ear." c,vuieutly
the occupants did not notice my agita
tion—those who were awake; a great
many were in various stages of repose,
and I can remember the half frantic
thought that came to me, imagining
how they would wake from their slum
ber in wild affright should I do what I
was most sorely tempted to do—lose my
control and give volco to my nervous
ness in a truly feminine shriek.
How absurd it would be! I would do
nothing. If the very heavens fell I
would not place myself in such a ridicu
lous position. 1 tried to think of all the
bad things I had overdone. They were
too many and 1 gave it up.
It is claimed by tliat class of people
termed enthusiasts that actual dissolu
tion is not unpleasant, but is preceded by
a state of coma, so deliglitfiU, in fact,
that people who have walked hand in
hand with death almost to the shores of
the other World have rebelled U|M»II be
ing awakened.
1 think I must have relapsed into a
state something very much akin to this,
for when the train steamed into the
depot I was forced to arouse myself,
and I made my way rapidly through
the ear to the outward entrance.
It was very dark. The wind blew a
gale and the air llad grown chill. I
hastened rapidly through the depot
without encountering a familiar face
and picked my way over the pavements
under the gaslight.
There was neither a cab nor a car in
sight, and after some little delibera
tion I decided not. to wait. Uathcrihg
my skirts alxml me I disappeared down
a dark street. There was always a
policeman on that corner I knew, and
j could ap|»-al to him I had been out
many times before at night witliont ex
periencing any alarm, but now I was
timid and I looked In vain for the
policeman's familiar form. The very
lamp |«>!its seemed to stretch out spec
tral arms that were mocking my fear,
and the massive buildings on either
side of the street looked glim and foro
It might liavu IM.-eu a city of the dead,
everything was so silent not a soul 111
sight. The gas lights had grown dim.
I looked about IUC nervously and rec
ognized with horror a form that had
grown to me terribly familiar, f threw
self-control to the winds and htarted to
ruu. There were only two blocks more
and 1 felt sure 1 could reach the end of
the way.
On, oh, 1 sped, my heart beating with
such rapidity that it almost suffocated
me. One block more and I would be
safe. With a courage born of despera
tion I made the final effort. I looked
around. Tht; form was gaining U]K>U
mc rapidly. Would I ever reach it? At
last my foot was on the step and I
'" —L
clutched at the balustrade, .lust at that
moment I felt a clutch upon my shoul
der. My head was is-nt backward by
the contact. I felt a but breath u[ioii
my face. A hand clutched me with a
grasp of Iron and my face was uplifted
to another, held there by some terrible
magnetism. I closed my eyes resolute
ly. At thst moment I wiut stronger
than I had ever been. T thought of my
mother and the dear friends who had
all been MO good to me. My time had
come and 1 Was iMug
I felt the keen edge ot a knife as it
cut into the flesh. I can remember how
it felt—that it did not cause me groat
pain—and then I knew no more.
J was in my own room and m" sister
Lilla was bending over me. t had had
a terrible straggle with death and I
had a serious wound They told me all
about it when I grew strong again. He
was Prof. Joseph, a hypnotist of great
renown, and whose wife, a little lady
resembling me greatly, became i:inano
and was confined in an asylum. The
shock was so great that it had event
ually unsettled his reason and he was
constantly pursued by the fear that she
was trying to murder him. He had met
me, of course, accidentally, and the re
semblance that I bore to his wife was
SO Strong that with all the cunning a
madman will sometimes exhibit he had
his opportunity until the l>est
time to retaliate.
Friends coming home to neighboring
Rouses had witnessed the struggle and
ran to my rescue. lie escaped, but was
afterward captured and confined at the
Jefferson insane asylum, where he
now is.
I never board a train but what it all
back to me. The wild ride among
the drifting shadows and my encounter
with a madman. Addie C. Salisbury,
in Chicago Tjmes_
Works That Show Great Spirit and
Japanese art is supreme in wood and
ivory carving. Sir Edwin Arnold de
clares in "Seas and Lands" there ia
nothing known to him in Europe that
comes near what Japanese workmen
can achieve. A specimen of ivory carv
ing was shown to him which repre
sented a bag of rice with two or three
dozen rats In and upon it. Every rat
was as individual in character, position
and uetion as if a special portrait had
been taken of him; and the web of the
bag, the glistening grains of rice and
the sleek fur of the rodents could not
have l>een better expressed in painting.
At an art store in Yokohama lie ex
amined a piece of wood carving repre
senting two life-sized wrestlers strug
gling in the ring. Every muscle and
every vein was delineated, every ten
don and ligament was anatomically i>er
fect. It drew a constant crowd, and a
policeman informed the proprietor of
the store tliat if he intended to continue
the wrestling ou his premises, he must
engage a posse of policemen to restrain
the crowd. He was invited into the
store and melted into smiles when lie
saw that the wrestlers were carvings in
wood.- -Jewelers' Circular.
On an luglUli Cunal llnat.
When we were in one of the locks,
one I reinemlter served by a boy and an
idiot, I was told that these places (or
are they things?) are sometimes called
"Doctor Lock," and for this reason:
lloat horses not unselJom dislocate
their shoulders; and no wonder, such
light shoulders as one sees towing sueli
heavy loads! In such cases some boat
men take the poor beast to the side of
the lock and unceremoniously tumble
him in. The water being deep lie of
course swims for his life, and the mo
tion often restores the shoulder to
"Rut if it does not?" I asked.
"Knock him in again," was the an
swer.—Margaret B. Wright, in Cliau
A Contrivance Whose Cost Is Saved In a
Single Season.
A useful contrivance is a plant pro
tector for early melons, vucuuibcrs,
squash, tomatoes, beans, etc., made of
wire. It is cheap, convenient and
durable. It consists of a No. H wire
hoop 15 inches in diameter and three
pieces bent nearly in shape of a half
circle and looped at the two ends
around the hoop, crossing each other at
the top. They uri? secured where they
cross by ls-ing tied by a piece of small
annealed wire. The wire framework
can be covered with old newspaper* or
strainer, or cheesecloth costing three
or four cents per yard. When put on,
a little soil on the edges in several
places will prevent the wind from
blowing It off. The strainer cloth
covers might, lie sewed fast to the
framework, but rats and mice are apt
to make nests among them when stored
away. These protectors can l>e made
of several sizes. For tomato plants
they might be a few inches taller than
for melons. They can be made to order
by tinners anil win:workers at £1
per hundred. Gardeners and truck
growers can sometimes save the cost
of these protectors three times over in
one season.—-farm and Home.
HOUSES should be. reasonably well
matured and well broken In-fore being
placed on the market. There is but lit
tle if any demand for unbroken horses,
and tliey can be trained be ton ths
IvvKuctSi'. Is necessary for the devel
opment of muscle hi young horses.
Ills Ilrother l.ookr<l I.lke 111 in.
"Illdn't you warrant this suit of
clotli*'* not to fade?" indignantly de
manded a workman of MOM-S on Chat
ham square.
"No, my frlent."
"Yes you did. 1 Ijought them of yon
on your warrant not to fade."
"My frient, keep cool. You vas in
der wrong store. I vas der man who
warrant* de clothes not to shrink. It
vas my bruddcr, two doors away, who
goes 011 der no-fado pcomiess, und hfl
failed last night."—TexasSiftings.
fin Didn't Itenew Ills Attentions.
Cousin Jack—l see that my old sweet/
heart, Cora Flirty, is Just as much a de
votee of fashion as ever.
Mabel (who doesn't like her) Yes,
Indeed; she has samples of every year'i
new stylo of engagement rings ever
since you went away!— Judge.
A Shrewd lines*.
Suuday School Teacher -Can you tell
mil which of the disciples told a lie?
Johnnie —Yes, ina'ain! Judas.
S. S. T.—Can you tell mo why lie did
Johnnie (doubtfully)—' Cause he wai
a fisherman. -N. Y. Herald.
The Money That Wlus.
Wiggles Money makes the mare go.
ItilfglcM (who attends the races) Yes;
the money that lx>okmakcn> put on 'er.
—N. Y. Weekly.
Ilrimn This funster I
The seine fisherman realizes that his
gross profit* are his net receipts. One®
a Week.
KOMRO'M IIAlll» f.rCK.
A Tale Without Words from the New
York Sunday Morning Jonrnai.
c.%Tcnrxc. rr.
Alice—l»oes Tottie or me have a birf
day first?
Mamma—Tottie has one next week
yours will not be for six month*.
Alice (resigned)—l s'pose Tottie m-eds
'em more 'n I do;so she ran grow.—Har
per's Young People.
They l>rew »h«> I.lne.
Featherstone—l understand that you
didn't have any celebration at your
clmrvh, Uncle Ebony What was the
Uncle Ebony—De chief trouble nu,
sah, dat de parson dat was engmge<l to
preach de sermon instead of opening
wid prnv«-r, as is de custom, wanted to
open wid a collection for himself an'
fambly, sah, an' lie congregation dis
puted de arrangement.—Truth.
"I've got a washing machine here "
began the inventor.
The capitalist looked at him in the
cold, calculating manner common to
capitalists, and answered: "Well, if I
were you, I'd run right home and use
Tliat night the Anarchist Itund re
ceived another application for memlier
ship. Indianapolis Journal.
Wonderful I.oU i»f KntrrprWr.
Levi, Jr.- T'adder, de shentlemans vat
puys te tlamond engagement ring yes
tcrilay comes py te stois- to-day ant
pawned it.
Levi, Sr. —llow vos lie look?
Levi, Jr.-*AII proke up.
Levi, Sr.—Vill yon nefer learn to
take interest in te tomes* Vy didn't
you try to sell te shentlemans a pistol?
A spirited ItlfiniliMtion.
Staggers (coming home at two a. in.)
Look out o* tltisli window, tn'dear,
and se«; the glorious aurora liorealish.
Mrs. Staggers (waked out of a sound
sleep) —Window? That's a mirror you
are looking into, and the aurora you see
is your own highly-deeoruted and nnn
soakv'd mug.—Jury.
Scriinpitt (to the rich distiller's daugh
ter)— Miss Wrye—llcbe! What can I do
to prove my love?
Miss Wrye—l appreciate the spirit of
your offer, Mr. fccrimpitt; but yourpov
erty, I am afraid, renders your lore a
"spirit above proof," as papa would
Not r»ptilar.
Mamma—Why don't you play with
little Algernon Maythornc?
Small Hoy—Oh, he's such a girl-boy,
teg'lar fooL
"Does he play with dolla?"
"Worse. He plays with girls."—
Good News.
Wmiul tn (Mi Out.
'"C'arley," said Ilallowuy, "yow're »
clever fellow. Write a book on 'Fifty
Ways of llreakingau Engagement with
out a Breach of Promise Suit,* will
you? I find that my fiancee spent
#2,000 on clothes alone last year."—Har
per's llazar.
A I'uMible L'auaa.
"Harold is very indignant with you,
Maud. What have you done to him?"
"Nothing that I know of, except that
when he told me last night he never
fished for compliments I told him he
was wise, because lie didn't have the
right kind of bait."—Harper's Ita/.ar.
A Mystery Sol vert.
Mrs. Knicker)>ocker—I wonder why
those |>cople opposite stare over here so
Mr. Knickerbocker—l supjw>se they
are trying to find out why you stare
over there.—Texas Sittings.
it Might Have Bam.
Mrs. Beckham—This pa|x>r says that
Harry Hharpe is worth two million dol
lars. Just to think) I refused to marry
him once.
Henry I'eekhatn (with a dark brown
slgli)—Ah, yesl Home people have all
the good luck.—l'iiek.
Aii lnr«Mii|M'lrnt Ynlrt.
Miss Highupp No you have discharged
your valet.?
Mr. De Chappie—Ya-as. Last Sunday
the >lllll fellaw couldn't think up any
new excuy; fob my staying away from
cliurcli. N\ Y. Weekly.
Ilriilnllty Kttroorallnsry.
Mrs. (iirglo—Roger.
Mrs. Oirgle—Something tells mo I
may di«: before I wake.
Oirgle—Oh, go to sleep!—ltix»<4«lyn
No for Ntiiti'AiiiKii.
American Hoy—l'op, we're taking up
political economy in our school now.
Pop (a local stab-small) —That's afl
right, my )«>y, but it's no use. All the
book learniu' in th' country will never
git voles down to less'n two
Good Nawau
I'rum mn Irlali l'ollrn Court.
Magistrate—What, you hero :igaitj,
Hlattery? This must bo the twentieth
time you've been up before me.
Hlattery—Weill yer worship, 'tia no
fault of mine that ye don't get prona*-
tion.—Once a Week.
For the Cycling Mln.trela.
"What is the difference between a
pneumatic and a powder magazine?"
"I dunno."
"The former Is 110 good until it la
blown up and the latter is no good when
it Is."—Hearings.
rnpleanantljr Appropriate.
A clergyman, writing in the lloiuiletio
Review, unlit ions one of those strange
coincidences which will sometimes hap
pen, even in church.
After the morning sermon I read the
notices for the week and then an
nounced the closing hymn - Nuinlier So
and-so. At that moment I saw one of
the deacona coming down the aisle and
paused to hear what he had to say,
which was that I hud forgotten to tfive
a notice of the ladles' uieeting.
I gave It accordingly, apologizing to
the congregation for my forgetfulneas,
and again announced the IIIUUIMT of
the hymn and proceeded to rmul it.
My feelings and the feellnyft of lie con
gregation may Im imagined as I licgan:
tx<nl, wliat » Uioutflilli»» wrd< h»m II
Tfiw l>Ntifhtrr of m IHhlOf.
"Well," said the merchant to tha
roung clerk whom he had sent out col
lecting, "did you have any luck?"
"I suppose you got the amount Mr.
Fathcringtou owes. You said he was a
personal friend of yours."
"No, I didn't, get the money, the fact
Is 1 don't exactly know what to make
of my experience there."
"How was It?"
"I went in and said: 'Mr. I'athcriiig
tou, I called to sjM-ak al>out a matter '
I didn't get any further when lie put lit
with: 'That's all right, my l«>v, she is
yours; take her and Ihi happy.'" "nee
a Wuek
Tranafrr the Brood (aula lb«*» Ik#
Qun Otlwlrr.
to a ptptr read bfftirt the Ohio ktal*
oofasw-i.': >n. U. D. Drnurre taui Ton
can prevent «w»rming In yonr apiary
by following my plan and with proper
handling yonr surplus yield will be
larger than by any other rneth-«l maW
kiinwa I prevent swarming an<! in
crriw by a single simple manipulation
right at the cuauueocrnwut of iwarm
ing. i transfer the comb* containing
brood from the brood chamber to an
upper story above tbe qneen excluder.
One comb containing unhealed
brood and orgs is left in the brnod rliaa
ber as a start fi* the queen I All out
the brood chamber with empty com ha.
Fnll frames of foundation. or even
starters ma; be ibril \Vl»eu the man
ipulation is completed, the eot.»ny haa
all of its brood with the queen, only it*
condition is somewhat altered The
queen has now a new brood nest below
the excluder, while the comlis of brood
are in the center of the super, with the
aides filled ont with empty combe abova
the queen excluder. In twenty oim
days all the brood will be hatche-! oat
above the excluder, and the bees will
begin to batch in the queen's chamber
below it; so a continuous of
young bees is obtaine.l. For cxtri.v'hr.t
honey I tier tip with a surplus of ex* 1
trading combs as fast as the colony
needs the room to store surplus, l.'snal
ly the combs above tbe excluder will
be filled with honey by the time the
bees are hatched, and no other system
is as sure to give one set of combs full
of honey for the extractor in lh« very
I* »-rest season. The great economy of
this system is that all tbe colonies pro
duce nearly alike. If I want fancy
comb-honey I tier the section cases on
the super containing the brotal, and
push the Iters to start all the comba
they can; at the close of the sc:tson 1
extract the honey from the combs in
the super, ami feed it back to property
prepared colonies to have the partly
filled sections completed. This system
also works perfectly If applied imme
diately after a swarm Issues The only
difference iu the manipulation in this
rate is that no brood or eggs is left in
the brood uest, where the swarm ia
hived back.
Kits of F.aperleare boat Ik* Mala* Exper
iment lUtkx
Sheep leave their manure raetely an a
top-dressing for the orchard. taig* work
theirs into the soil. Sheep har<lea the
ground; hoffs disturb the tnrf and Wara
it uneven, but yon get finer frait in
consequence. Sheep eat all the tentier
twigs and leave* they can get hold • f;
hogs seldom touch the limbaa. Hoars
sometimes diatnrb the roots, but tji.s
is oftener I beneficial than otherwise
An orchard set fifty year* ago w*» not
bearing fruit of any value. Tw i acres
of it were fenced and some hogs tamed
in. The next year mora of the orchard
waa included and more bogs allowed to
run in it. They turned over every inch
of the sod and kept down tha weed* and
the trees bore a good crop. This yea*
the fence was moved to Include two
rows of trees formerly in the sbeep
pasture, and the improvement ia very
marked. The difference in the two
parts of the orchard where tbe hogs
and sheep run in so much in favor of tha
former that It can be seen for half a
Young orchards should be given a
thorough cultivation during the firs*
few years after planting, providing -nf-
UrUat niltcrial t« vappl I'<t
Many of the raw! profitable orchard*
are on such steep hillsides that they
cannot lie cultivated, and in theae is tha
place to let the hogs do the work.
While an orchard will do well In sod If
thoroughly mule lied, yet it will A> bet
ter if the sod ia turtutd umler. the aoil
Stirred and looted about the trees. -
W M. Mnnson, Maine experiment Star
I Hagraai Kiylaislnt a free ileal as 4 r<e
rial far* Datla*.
A simple arrangement for unloading
hay ia shown in tha accompanying dia
gram One end of the T'>pe is fastened
to the barpoou fork B. Aia another
harpoon fork which runs loose on tha
rop«- anil allows It to be set in anv part
To» oatta**
g- _ . j
of the load. The rope then passes
through the stationary pulley r, tha
movable pulley II and the stationary
pulleys I» and K to be attached to tha
horse or oxen. Tbe pulley C may ba
M -t t.» tlie right or left aa may be re
quired.—Farm aiad Home
To Kilt ■>»>• on Tlbm.
In reply to uii Inquiry of one of your
subscribers asking for a good method of
rblding inuskmelon, watermelon, ca
cumbrr and pumpkin vinea of the bug*
Infesting them, I give my plan which f
have used several seaaotis with succesa:
Take, in the morning, some fresh row
inairure, put in an old bucket and di
lute W'ith six or eight times its volume
of water; stir well and let stand till
evening, when It should b« sprinkled
over thn vines with a bruali or weed.
After an application of this remedy tha
.bugs do not I-other the vines until after
n rain, when, should they return, so
other <k»s* may I- applied —Katie M
Miller. In Farm. Field and Stockman
t.ntlneully »aafcl>sial.l».
"You were at a high tea the other
day, I lielicve?"
"Was It a fashionable affair?"
"Oh! decidedly so It was attended
lio the very l>est peopl* Very select.
"Yes; I know they were the very best,
for they bad a professional readier there,
and whlVr lie was reading Anthony's
oration ev«ryl»»ly talked and laughed
Just as If th. re bad l>een no readier there."
—N. V. I'resa.
0.. Iff
Mr Statulai sloll —l* It my daughter
yon want, or la It her money?
Tobias llowc as (amateur champion,
hundred yards)- - Mr. Standard..ll, you
surprise me. Yo "» kn-aw mrry well that
I'm an amateur a '.Met*.
Mr. Stai.dardoll- -What's that gvf »«
with It?
Tobias llowtma- Ag» eat deal. «1r It
debars me from tak Ing jhirt In any eveot
for mum y. Judge.
A Nmarl klltla *i«i"
Jinks- -Mln%'s wife la a mighty cUerar
little wonutii. If there ware more wom
en like laer thera taoald be fewer l
voreea. Klie knows how to keep the
domestic uiarhlnery running sanootbly.
I »bl you la-ar a bat she g*»« ho **
Irtind for a birthday present?
Ilinka- iNo; what waa It?
Jinks-A big leallwr-eovered bo* con
tain 13»,1**» collar tmttona N. Y.
w'stkir. I
XO. :n
A Hapemade I .sr.lee Teat WtM De*i
It. Woe* Weft
For eaav, fast and thoreiegta Work,
the ganleu |aa>> shown ia the cat, wbieh
T made myself, i» far ahead of aavtUsf
I hare seen. It leaves the grooad par
fectly sTß»>th and every vierf. targe or
sm.ill. ia cut off ami left ns t..p of tks
grooad to wilt ami wither, sad not
partly burie-l —»t»i a some of them im
start to grow again The cutting blade
A was made if a piece of crtwaa eat saw
and by saakuic )«U right will K»t clog
It i» J incite. wait oa tha ;>aek edge
and 5 aaenes froaa the frual potat to tha
back It nanat ha file.l with qalt* a
bevel and c*»l edge, aad all oa use aid*
of cutting edge. When patting Moa
the cultivator he sure and set th* be eat
edge up so it w ill hold to the ground,
also get the cutter an it will ran per*
fectly level In the irrunad. TdS *i9
find yon hare the i-aaaal worhmg tool
aad th# enemy ta> »nis von ever
dreamed ■-1 The eattivataw ia ad pasted
by turning the thnmh btdt R. and eaß
be ma. t " t ileep or shallow, aa Uk*
wheel arm., work on a htng»» or holt a
little ah- id of the th*Mh holt To ad
just the handle to «ait M ip*e <d eertaaa
heights and to make the cutter r-tna
level there ia a->b>t ia that Hrate at C
which will aitow the haa>lle tab* r nee(i
or lowered aad ai -o .cep the eotter raa
aiag leeeL- Arthur Itoawoa. hi 31. K.
It fVywdt *#*• »• rlhd» af UM»
rtuh«« «tM» r«nt.
The essentials of gnod hee'piag
ter can be iiimiwil apia a tartef para
graph, and laas >mlj hmr ill* I ihaa
Poor keeping butter <*■ ii*aif four
things tit exuas* l»> math cheesy ~nat
ter. too mttch at tor salt, t oasrh water,
aod in then aU..wing the pwlty to re
main in ton high •nneratare so that
the ferments are <|niekly started lata
actiiai ft ia impnmihls ta> make faid
butter in wlateh .«ve ..r allot these t<sr
thiags are talWwed «a> etud
Tbe good of tha> battar m4m
pemient mono up.«n tha strttl of tha
maker than the cow. Tha' saaasne» .at
an amine inosnl *«# game aa matter
an-1 water will start th* lai nata
ami the Intftiex is -»ia oa tha road ta
•*th - bad " Tbe in ffae hat
ter is to get all th* saabataaseea
oat the fats pnaaibla, sad isda** tha
water down aa low *a IS par sea*.
Then if thai butter as iaapt saad. awl at
even tempemwire. that* la ha» llttia
danger -f «fce s'ibataaa* fsttiag daaa
age.i in a raa>>nable time. Of eawa»aa
the atilk ha» something ta da with that
matte- That it aeeda ta ha food, haa
from bad Has or. ami 'Vtaai wader tha
best of condtttoae gnaa wtthaad say
Analysis of butter that haa |dihly
gone to •d*eay." re-eeada tha (Bat thaA
it ia by weight aad a*aaa»a. mm flßh
sat «tsn<-.-s aut batter, aad tha «aaa*a
of mixture haa gtven these aliaisat*
a chance to -dart a ragM In rasaat. sad
a flavor la drrotoped that pata tha tad
ter out of the market ( >i .tatiaaa Lrt
nn again say that gtwid keepaag hatter
■a only maat>- froaa the beat, aad "dwa*
milk, th* cbaeay matter «B waahad owt,
tha salt free froai loae, aaad th* MMtad
place** ia a lemperatarw halaaw m da>
paes - fraetral Fai mer
I.aan* shtiald aad haernahl to thatr
foa-v aad aala mixed ariM fMi
rat k ma tor the » waa
Auumt to dip tha sharp aa waa aa
pamiMa after *i»i" ai lag
Ir ff of tlae .herp gat woaadad
wash tha siahl --leas with tapM waaar
and pat on terpentine aad th*a a mat
iag »f tar
Tit pad that, sheep will data heap
ing down the arrets ta the piaithf ■ mm§
meadows ia ant aa fatly smdrastaad at
It shoatbl he.
Smtar will thrira Iwttar It they --*•
ha given a ehaaga of paataraa acaatoaa
ally I* nearly all eaaaa two
will pay better than .me
L/i—w. wofil. mmttnm a*4 mmnmrr «t
the foor esaa>>ntlal padaats ud «heep raio
■ag aad with all foor if piuparty aaaa
age*! a fair profit ahnsld ha nraliaed.
Smr relMh a -baafa ia thatr toad
ait fully m any other eta** of st**h hrpd
oa tha farm, aad at thia liai * fatal
ly a gnod tarhty shoalaf he supplnd
1..4 M' wether* will give yaaa every
year for fonr years w.iol eaoogh ta hatf
pay for thema*lv.-s» and at five rears
old they are jaat «W eaoofh to make
the best of arntteo
Ir yaa have aot el«wrr hap da aa*
peml ton mnoh ap»»a straw, aa It wBI
take more grain to beep the feeh ap.
aad a ran at the hay -.atal tha graaa am
the paatuires la well aaatarad la tha
aprlng ta valaahle for
1 lie re I* a right and a wmaag way ta
ealtivate o.rn I one aa ail)mlalili
eultivat- r wtth nine namie tasth ea
abllng me ta» set the ja*t aa
wide aa M aad paaa throagh tha
row*. Tbe teeth iietag not aanwa than
two inches wale It albaws them to eat
ekoe to the corn aad not eat a hme
that will cover ap the growwag plant.
This does tl«e work withoat gulagtetas
in the row. By goiag aroma tha hold
and l ack -me man aad bursa eattlrat**
two rows This nmMata qaMe atwag
ly with tbe ta* mea aad two bawaes I
saw last summer, with a sharvel (Slti
rator r"*** » rww ** , i
bad to go across the field aad ba*h to
do the work that the aaaa <h»ea
in a round trip - «*. W MMSer. m » &
Me Ma 4 « han«» *.
"And who Is thatr* aake.l A sat Clara,
pointing to tha picture at a shabby
child In skirta.
"That," said Hobby, who haa beea
wearing tnmaers h* km thaw, "h a*
when I *M a girl"—lbsmtat
ITaaa <wule4 h
Amy- <feorg», dear, what do y«im
think of my now reformed gwara?
Mr. fbdlry ( -urreylag It eri«c»»«p>
There's aoinatbing In H f llha
Amy Vfhatt
Mr T>..flay-T ea--J■%*•
A r agsli Ki>lai lrt is
Mr*. King'ep- V ar biwha*dsee—te
he vsry atiifid to f< over to Irelaad
Mra. Btag»»—Yea, aaul I dmt «shr
stand why. ______
Mrs. Kiagtay Psrhapa M ia haaaaa*
there era m» snakes therm-
> waddy-4 hnlly. tm »e«Ua' woahy I
tblak I'U »ak my bemL
Cholly—lt won't fttab aaythlßg. deak
boy, aalesa th* bat gos* with It—4^
eago Tribnne.
ITkew - ■ ■- p
"taaa ailaeaae stahsa tha hie«*w.
Qnets lies*, sad tha* I ha « We wse
jr#e «h«eac* m*'tm mp heart grew ftadar
Than e'er tefuao—of »ae«f
Oamaaey—fb» y«*a know, fihttah
that I am asalf-made aaaa"
Gia»<lers—Bh! I ta*^*T
Htfy mnm 1 1» >