1 -Paris Robes Belford Cord- I 7 New Spring Dress Goods I J | H FOR EARLY BUYERS: ?jj We received this p3 week our first shipment of New c; Q Spring Dress Goods and through > this advertisement we extend a & cordial invitation to you to come T £3 and jook through our stock whether you wish to purchase or! - % - TROUTMAN'S- S % , s Leading Dry Goods and Carpet i House. ! -Henrietta-—Serge- WILL"""- YDU==^= LOOK— AT OUR ~ BOOTS AND SHOES! SUPPERS IfI.WDI OXFORDS A 11 the Latest Spring and Slimmer FOOTWEAR AT Vogeley & Bancroft's Artistic in Style, Reasonable in Price, Reliable in Quality. gee oar men's fine shoe, congress and lace at $1.25. See oar ladies fine kid button feboe at SI.OO. See onr ladies fine oxford tie, pat leather tip at 75 cts, See our childrens sheen from 25 to 50 cents. See our other Popular Price Lines. Plow Shoes, Working Shoes, Fine Dress Shoes of all Styles and qualities at the LOWEST PRICES. Base Ball and Tennis Shoes Visit our store and we will please you. VOGELEY HHANDH BANCROFT No. 347 South Main Street, OPPOSITE WILLARD HOUSE, BUTLER, PA. ll—l ..I I !■ M SWITCH OFF! If jou have been ranning in the wrong direction there i* no reason why you should continue to do so. ROBINS BROS., Sooth East Corner of Diamond offer inducements to all who are alive to their own interests, every body is invited to come in and see our shoes and hosiery. These goods can be bought nowhere el9e at a better advantage than at the undersigned. If you doubt this, drop in and see for yourself New Goods, Best Quality, Perfect Fit. Remember The New Boot aud Shoo Store. • ROBINS BROS., 8. E. Corner of Diamond. - - - Near Opera House FORTHE HOLIDAYS ONLY JEWELRY, . CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R-GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., - DuffV Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invited Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience."— ELLWOOD CITY, Pa., Gets the Northwood Glass Com pany—The Ertire Martin's Ferry Plant Abandoned and Replaced by a Splendid Equipment at Their New Quarters. MARTIN'S FERRY, 0., May 14 Nobody hare wants to see a factory that produces the finest colored glass made in this country, if not in the world, pick up stakes and go to our young friend, Ellwood City, but everybody wishes ITarry Northwood and his associates good fortune wherever they may go It must be acknowledged that their reas< ns f)r the change seem excellent: Here is the list: Their business had increased until the old factory here does not furnish even elbow room. In Ellwooil City they have a splendid site and room to prow, which is important, as they expect to double their capacity with in a year. They now employ 275 bands. In their new quarters they get competitive freight rates over three great trunk line systems, lessees or owners of the lines into Ellwood City, viz, the Baltimore and the Ohio (Pittsburg aud Western), the Pennsylvania (Ft. Wayne) and the Lake Shore (Pittsburg and Lake Erie). At Ellwood City there are no switching or transfer charges, and to complete their facilities they have a railroad switch running through their factory. Ellwood City has Pittsburg freight rates, being within the magical "40-mile circle " Fuel is another important consid eration. The town has an abuudance of excellent coal near at hand in sev eral directions, und a natural gas well within its limits; in fact, a well of 270 pounds pressure is located ou the northward ground. The Falmer Brick Company, of Ellwood City, is making both fire brick and common brick, which in sures the work* a minimum ex pense for their furnaces and chim neys. Then there is glass sand assaying 98 per cent pure silica wi:bin easy reach Personally Mr. Northwood is par ticularly well pleased with Ellwood City as a home, and will erect a handsome residence in the ■'"Pittsburg circle." a part of the new city which is encompassed by a boulevard just a mile in circumference and wherein no house costing less thfn $2,000 is al lowed. Judging from the description of new city and its prospects,a little en thusiasm is pardonable. Their new plant will occupy equare feet on the ground floor, being 180 by 290 feet. The plans and specifications show an imposing looking iron clad structure with all the modern ap pliances—Pittsburg Dispatch. JOHNSON'S 4*ODYH£ LINIMENT! \) V F~ HTTT2HAL *zd ErTESJTAL -GENERATION AFTtR 0/"\ HAVE ESEDAKD BLESSED IT. , 2>roy»t>^ff on Sttr/ar, Children Tore Tt. Every Traveler should hare & bottle of it in his satchel. Pi/Dfi/ •if "ft* rD r *Y° m Rheumatism, S*4- fcveiy vuiierer at ica, N.urai^u, ▼ou* Headache, Diphtheria, Ooaffhs, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhea, IJun« nets, Rorun«*ss in Body or Limbs, Stiff Joints or Strains, w ill find in this old Anodyne relief and needy cure, l'amphlet free. Sold everywhere. Price 35 eta, by mail, 6 bottles. Express paid, I. S.aJOH>i3ON & CO., Bobxo.v. 2tLu»a. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys* Specifics are scientifically and carefully preixired Remedies, used for years In private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every single Specific a special cure for the disease named. They cure without drugging, puridng or reducing j the system aud are in fact ana deed the Sovereign RemedicM or tlie World. j LISTOV raiNciPAi. NOS. ccass. raioa. I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations., .i.3 2—W or in*. Worm Fever, Worm Colic— .'23 3— Teething; CoUc,Crying, Wakefulness .*25 i-l>ii-rrht-u, of children or Adults '25 7 -Cough*, Colds, Bronchitis .*25 B—Neuralgia* Toothache, Faceache '25 f|—Headaches* Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10—Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Constipation .25 11— Suppre**ed or Painful Period*.. .25 VZ—Whiles, Too Profuse Periods 25 13—Cronp* Laryngitis* Hoarseness 25 14—Halt Rhcutn, Erysipelas, Eruptions ,25 15—Rhcuuiati*ui, Rheumatic Pains .25 16—Malaria* Chills, Fever and Ague.. .25 17—Piles* Blind or Bleeding .25 19—Ca larrh. Influenza, Cold In tho Oea«.'. .25 20—Whoopius€ougb .\£s 27—Kidnry Disease* .25 28—Nervous Debility 1.00 30—t'rinary Weakness, Wetting Bod .25 Sold by Druggists, or scot postpaid on receipt of price. I>*. llCXrliKKY*' MAXTJAL 144 pagCS, MAILED TTLXX. IIFMPHEKTS* SF.D. CO., til * 113 William SI., »w York. SPEC! fTcTsT We Carit do it ! t firo willing to pay for learning how to •i c ns £OOore information; this offer is open until January Ist, 1893. WOLFF it RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. Pik-Ron is the nr me of a paint wh icfc do. : work ttmt co oilier paint can Jo. .V- < ■f painttd xi iih It. looks like tbe natural ■ ii \ ''.en it is stained and varnished. PAINTERS AND BUILDER i fEi
    I MK > I *topnlt< blugatiil bleeding, abnorb« the turn or*. Sold by drußcutsorhy »aUforsocis. Prepur.-d by l)i.Bw*> >i. * Sow, Philadelphia. FOR MEN ONLY* 5f JTERFFfI* OI, IA>BT or FAILING MANHOOI IllilUlm |oener&l and NERVOUS DEBIIITYv l i [ \Ai JI Weakness of Body and Hind, Effect! MftHil'llll of Err ars or Excesses in Old or Young. K Nohle MABMOOD folly Hestorrd. How t > rtilar.-c ana hi. fuefbr. WKA K, IS UKTF|.OPEI» OR<. ATA RTB 01 ftODf. AhxdotrlT ut.f*lllon IIOSC TKKATIKXT Benefits In m tfsy. ■s a testify frosa GO Sintes and »• srclgn (oanlrlr*. If rile Ihctn. Dftcriotl«o Book, eiplsnstlsa and proofs nsile straw roads, which are pronounced ex j cellcnt. They take the straw after it is ' thrashed and scatter it over the roads, and after awhile, when it is settled, it ; makes a road like papier mache, smooth I and dustless. THE American Florist seems to have found an infallible remedy for the cut worm pest. It says use pyre thrum powder, making certain that it is fresh. Distribute it with a bellows at evening time, and in the morning large numbers of the worms will be found lying on the j ground dead. IT would in many cases be an ad vantage if the orchardist would make a diagram of his orchard and give the name and position of each tree so that those coming after would know the name of the varieties set out. It would certainly sometimes prevent the con fusion of the nomenclature. THE average agricultural mind is 6low to appreciate the circumstances of environment. It takes a good deal of plowing, and subsoiling, and harrow ing and warming by the sunlight of progressive thought and ideas before it comprehends that the procession is moving forward.—T. F. Abbott A STRANGE cross of fruits is reported from Baltimore. A fruit merchant of that city bought some apples and noticed one of a peculiar appearance. On investigation it seemed to have the texture and appearance of an apple, but inside it had the kernel of a peach, and the flavor of the fruit was similar to a peach. ROLLER AND MARKER. A Tool WlUch I* Easily Made and Will Prore Very I'eefal. This is an ordinary wooden garden roller, such as anyone caii make of a piece of chestnut or oak log, three or four feet long, with iron pins driven in the center on each side, and a simple handle attached by means of two pieces of old wagon tire. Bore holes into the ROLLER AND MARKER. face of the roller, one foot apart, and put in pins. To use this tool as a marker, make each of these pins hold a small rope, encircling the roller by driving the pins into the holes beside the end of the rope. More than one row of holes can bo used to change dis tances if required for other vegetables Strips may be tacked lengthwise of the roller to mark places in row for setting plants.—Greiner's New Onion Culture. The Waiter's Impudence. Mr. Wayback (at hotel) —What's that, lemonade? Waiter—That's a finger bowl, sah. "What's it fer?" "To wash y'r fingers after eatin', you know, sah." "Consarn y'r impudence, I don't eat with my fingers if 1 do come from the country. I eat with my knife same as other folks."—Good News. —I). 11. Wuller the druggist, desires lis to publish the following testimonial as ho handles the remedy and believes it to be reliable. 1 bought aSO cent bottle of Chamber lain's Pain Balm and applied it to my limbs, whic': :MVI; been afflicted with rhenmatis uat iuteivals for one year, At the time I bought the i'aia Balm I was unable to walk. I can truthfully say that I'aia Ililin has complexly cured me. R. 11. FARR , Uolywood, LC-ia. M . A f?. Cox, the leading druggist at, llolywood, vouches for the truth of the above state ment. Now cometh on the circus show, For boys' amusement given. To them there's nothing here below That seemeth more like Heaven —Rheumatism is a disease of the blood and is cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. —ln housecleaning time a man must either be a hero or a coward. Women Who Die Early. Many of our most beautiful and accom plished ladies die before tbey have reach ed the prime of life. Of those wSo live to middle age only one in two hnndrcd is sound; tli« other huudred and ninety-nine are satl'erers. Why is it f Self neglect. The shattered health can bo restored; the home made happy, and your life lengthen ed it'you commence at once. "Rose Buds" have been used for 20 in the private practice of one of the most eminent physicians of Paris, and the following diseases and their distressing symptoms jield to them like magic: Ulcer ation, Congestion and falling ofthe Womb, Ovarian Tumors, Dropsy of the Womb, Bearing I'aius. Rupture at Childbirth and Miscarriages. One package of "Rose Buds" will make a new woman of you. (Leutorrea or Whites are generally cured by one application.) I'riee per package (one months treatment) SI.OO sent by mail post paid, securely packed. Tim LEVER ETTE SPECIFIC Co., 3:19 Washington St., Boston, Mass." * —This is royal weather lor bringing the balance of tbe old hay to market. Spring Fever. The gradual opening of the building trees and the shooting upwards »l* the blade-, ot gr t-» are signs ot the advent of spring. The farmer l.s already at work stimulating the growth of Ills crop by fert 11/.ers to Insure a rich harvest Nature needs stimulation and why should not man? The system needs tiuilulng up alter the attacks of Grippe and cold, and the only tonic is pure whiskey. Max Kleln.of Allegheny. Pa., has the endorsement of emminent physicians, certifying to the purity of his famous hilver A ire and l>u.00. Send for cata logue and price list of all kinds of liquors to Max Klein, 82 Federal street, Allegheny, fa. —The good things you do never make your face look old when you sit and think about them. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystio cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upou the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The lirst dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Butler. —Some men think they are competent to practice medicine after they have seen a skeleton. Chamberlain's Eye and SkJn Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eycp, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch.. Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and toothing. Hundreds of cases havo been cured by it after ail other treatment had failed, it Is put up in 33 and 50 cent boius- is the prevailing perfume. Consumption Surely Cured. To TUB SDITOB:— rioaao inform your readurs that 1 have a posiuvo remedy for the abova-naiucd dlscaso. By its tloiely uso thousands of liopclc&e cases have been porxaaueutly cured. 1 shall bo glad to aeml two bottlos of my remedy FREE to any of your readers wlio have conxumption if thsy will aeud me their Express and P. O. addreaa. Hespect- UD)J. I. A. SLOCL'M. if. C., la I Pearl tit,. N. Y. NOTHING >ftsTfcßJot"4 ABOUT IT. Mrs. Madison Gardiner—What is the mysterious power about that man which awes the lion, the king of beasts, and makes hiia crouch in tne farther most corner of his den? Mr. Gardiner—Tho man has a lighted cigarette in his mouth. —Puck. The Hint Direct. Gwendolin—l don't think you love the music of the chiming of clocks, Mr. Verisoft. Mr. Verisoft—l care very little for it Gwendolin —I thought so. You didn't seem to remark that our clock down stuirs just struck twelve. —Jewelers' Circular. On the Stock Excli*«gc. Tom Xoyes—Wonder what's the mat ter with Bonder; he looks as glum as an owl, and yet I hear he made sixty-four thousand dollars in Mo. P., last week. Jim Bullem—l know; he told me this morning that his wife had three dress makers in the house this week.—Puck. Collars and Caffs "Why didn't you put on a clean collar before £ou left home?"' called out an im pertinent dude to a car conductor. " 'Cause your mother didn't send home ®y washing," was the extinguishing re ply.—Texas Sittings. Jolm \fiu All Klffht. Loving Mother Dear me, John writes from college that he is doing stacks of night-work. Practical Father—You needn't worry about John. As long as be keeps his stacks he is all right.—Truth. Most Likely. Rivers—You say your right eye is not strong? I'll trade you my weak left eye for it. Banks—No. In a trade of that kind I'm afraid you'd gouge me. —Chicago Tribune. __________ A Kindred Feeling:. "I wonder why it is," said the tramp, "that I alius feels most at home in a caliker shirt?" "I know," replied his partner. "It's cos it won't wash."—Judge. Corroboration. Miss Emerson —Mr. Skidds seems t® me to be übiquitous. Miss Bleecker —I don't know about that, but I never go anywhere without seeing him.—Brooklyn Life. —Some of the Grand Army boys may be interested in the following from Alex. I?. Pope, A. I). C., Commander. Dep't. Tenn. and Ga. He says : ''We have had an epidemic of whooping cough here (Stewart, Tenn.,) and Chamberlain'* Cough R< medy has been the only medi cine that has done any good." There is no danger from whooping cough,when this remedy is freely given It completely con trols the disease. 50 cent bottles for sale bv. D. H. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pros pect; Brpaden 4 Allison, W. Sunbury. —There is a bath house at Mt. Clemens, Mich., that is big enough to turn out 900 clean people per hour. —Upon trial you will be convinced that yon can get the purest goods, the best "term* and the most prompt attention to i our orders from the The Wm. U. Holmes Co., Pittsburg. Pa. They are distillers of the celebrated "llolmes Best" and "Holmes Old Economy." Pure Hve Whiskies and Green Co. Apple Brandy, and carry the largest stock of any house in the city of all the leading brands of ltyo and Bourbon Whiskies, (in bond or tax" paid), Foreign and Domestic Brandies and Gins, French, German, Spanish, Hungarian and Califor nia Wines,Benedictine-Chartreuse. Absyn the Creunde Menthe, and an endless as sortment of Bass Ales. Dublin Stout, Im ported Ginger Ale, Seltzers, Club Soda •tnd goods of lhat description, together with numerous specialties handled by this house only. Call on or address. THE WM. H. HOLMES Co. 120 Water St.,or 158 First Ave.. Pittsburg Pa. —The less a man talks about his own virtues the more he is likely to have. —ln almost every neighborhood through out the west there is some one or more persons whose lives may have been saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhiea Remedy, or who have been cured of chronic diarrhoea by it. Such persons take especial pleasure in recommending the remedy to others. Tho praise that fol lows its introduction and use makes it very popular. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by I). H. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden it Allison. W. Snnbnry. —About the best a man can do in this world is to chose the least of two evils. He ha? little else to chose from. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the European plan. Lodgings, 25, —35, —or 50 cents. —The Lord never made any woman so good looking that other women could not see where her looks might have been im proved. —The population at the Riversido prison is larger now than it ever has been. The books of the Western Penitentiary to day shows that 835 prisoners are serving time, the largest number of convicts that have ever boon behind tho large gray walls. • —Tailors who make clothes for both males and females find that the womonjare about four tiuios as much bother as inen.j J —Spring bonnets are decidedly flowery this season. —A new fad among women, the wear ing of a gold baud ring on the thumb of the left hand, is of old Greok origin. —Tou feel cheap when you give your self away. —Nature has put on her most stunning spring suit. —There is a right time foi everything, but the $4 watch seldom manages to hit it. —The straw hat now comes to the front and waves a welcome to the young ium mer. —The glazed visiting card is vulgar. —Trout lishing in Pennsylvania has been poor this spring. —A red bow on a patent leather shoe is a summer conceit. READ AND REMEMBER For strictly pure and reliable STRAIGHT LIQUORS, call on I. itf. FiarcH, 12 SaiTHFIELD ST., PITTSBURGH, PI. f(Opp. Monongaliela House.) Matchless tor Family use and Medicinal pur poses are FINCH'S GOLDEN WKODIXG. All II GITCKENHEIMEIfS WHISKY. .per qt. ; OVEKHOLT'S WHISKY. f » Qls. DILLINGERS WHISKY, J f»r t' Ooods neatly packed and promptly shipped FKKK OF F.XPK.NSE on receipt of cash or post oltlce order. SifXothlng expressed C. O. D. Send for Pries List. Some Things You Never Knew: You never h< rfi ■!" Top Buggies selling as low as $45 till we named that j fe: Ti-Ci You never heard ' f Road Wagons selling for till «e named the price" I 10F*Y ou never heard of good team work bridles selling for $1 till we told you"^gfc B©°" You never heard <>i hoi e collars, both team and buggy, selling for $1 till we named it BfejvYou never heard of spring wagons selling for S4O till we offered them"&& You never heard of Kramer wagons selling for the price we sell them at till we brought the price doun"Ybft B&- You never heard of sweat pads selling below 50 cents till we started ir^gft ou never heard of a good top half platform spring wagon sell ing for $75 —we have theni'^aft \ou never heard of single buggy harness selling for $6 till we started it~*gH ou never heard of team work harness with breeching and collars selling for $lB until this minute —we have them'^t 18" L d "Xfcstt We did this all for your benefit, and have everything connected with a driving or team outfit. We advertise for you to call in and see us in our new quarters at 128 E. Jefferson St., above the Hotel Lowiy. Don't stay away because you don't know us. we are very common men and want to get acquainted with every person in But ler county and elsewhere. We will show you what we have whether you want to buy or not. Come in and see us. we have a larger stock of a better grade at less money than has ever been offered by us or any other firm. YOURS VERV TRULY, S. B. MARTIN COURT * the ace. "What is it!"'—why it" Ileck's mammoth stock of tine clotbiusr. Ht' J , Cap*, rJbirf.s, Pants, Uuderwear, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Suspeuder*. Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises. Satchels, Purges, Bill aud Pocket-books, Clothes, Hair and Tooth brushes, Watches. Chains, Charms, Ladies' and O-nts' Rings, Pins, Collar and Cuff Buttons and hundreds of articles too tedious to mention which we have for sale, and you mav need. Cull and see our mammoth stock of beautiful spring at tractions and you will certainly sav its a Hoodo. Well, we are not looking for those who do trade with us but for those who do not We don't believt* there are many who do nnt, but there oujfht not to be one person in Butler or adjoining counties left who does not know that the place to save money, to get big values, is at Ileck's Store, 121 N. Main St Why is it that you miss your chance and waste your money ? Don't you know better ? We bear you no ill will, why should we ? This is not our funeral, we are jast he same merry merchant as of old. We are rollicking, jolly fellows; we are tiproaring, tip top sellers, and when it comes to bargains we can suit yoo to aT. If you think we are a honey, come buy your clothes and drop your money, and we'll treat you like a little sonny, for we have got the energy and the will; we made up our mind to be the LEADER IN OUR LINE and the result is that we lead and the band plays Anny Rooney, and there is uo mistake about it. Th* world stands airhast at the realization of th" ;act that the high quality and low prices of our goods is a reality and not a Gctionary legend to those who have never dealt with us. We would be glad to see you and pleased to put in your hands a real money saver, a bargain with a great big B If you are not on our list of customers, come and be convinced that we are right at the front doing big business, on the best basis, a square deal and a rolling dollar. We are going to get up a traiu load for the World's Fair at Chicago in 1893, and we want you to come in and go along. We will furnish you with a Round Trip Ticket, free the only conditions that you buy your goods off us. For further particu lars call in and see us about it. With kindest regards for your liberal patronage aud your remembrance of us to your many friends, we shall in the future endeavor to merit your confidence. Yours Very Respectfully, D. A. HECK, Champion Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher, 121 N. JVlaii\ St., BUTLER : : : : PA. ~TOR EVERY CASE 0/^7WJM ,7 cr a CASE OF HAY FEVER,'' but ti»« worn CMC, if uncomplicated by organic disease, c»o b»- • Wf|T« ■H 1 1 11111 11 TO STAY CURED , h I r by constitutional treatment. | f W 4 the P»- . • bum*. Wetrr*t one without a thor knowledge of tbe Hf 4 » f Incurable Cases Declined. Kxanilcatloo free by mail. 1 We want name and address of _ i every sufferer from Asthma or Hay Fever. VV P. HAROLD HAYES, M. D., BUFFALO, N. II W "Well begun is half done." Begin your house work by buying a cake of SAPOLIO. Sapolio is a solid cake of Scouring Soap used for all cleaning • purposes. Try it. I.J. SPECK. WM. H.HOLMES. J THE LK AUIM; WHOLESALE WINE AND LIQI'OB HOI'SE OF WESTERS rKSSStITISII, The Win, 11. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy'g PUKE RYE WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid. Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and \\ incs. SEND FOR PRICE LIST '• Telephone No. 305 V 120 Water St. and 158 First Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa U\\£s -J THE re irdered and will chmmi * much larger lot on next Tuesday. u oor smm->d pri -«•. 15 ,* ;•< Tk»r ar* the greatest drirc ever offered in Butler A FULL LINE ol Ladies' Muslin Underwear a: the <+:ne peic--. iT» ceatn \- . all kind* of Dry Good*. Carpets, L»ce Carta!).* Trmm ami F fc inirs. We guarantee more fain* for yoar anwrr tr.an *.-o e»i a; aoy other houee Ju*'. reoei*eU latest nu*«ilifr< t Q Pwwub ud . L*a» mwM** RITTER& RALSTON'S *«»-' STORM BIRD. Wo. 9459. KECOKD 2:35 AT FOUR YEAHB. (Bought ol MeFerrani Clancy. Louisville. Kv.) Sired by Lord Russell, Full Brother to Maad S, 2.08 3-4. Sire of Kremlin. 'J.22*. Aula de Clare. 2 26* Kin* RuiMvfl. 2. JRj. *nJ «'«a ,*her. with records of 2.30 at ten rear* of age. This w mor-j than any »ct»«r -taihna U - Ist Dam, Storm, record 2.26 3 4 By Middletown, Mo. 152 Daw of Gale. 2.27*; half in 1 10*;' storm Sire of lYnfi M. 2.21j Mit-w t 21. Bird, new* 2.35; quarter in 36 seconds; fancy. 2 Mi. and aiam <«ber* m 2* Typhoon, record 2 365. 2d Dam, Green Mountain Maid By Harry Clay 45. record 2.29 Dam ol Elaine. 2.20; Pru.-pero. IBs Sire at Shaw mat. 2-2fc i'laytea. 23**. Elista. 2 20|: Dane Tr-'t. 122. Mans Snrprise. Z 'M. «.t tiw> Amm* »■ #*. Jaj *«, field. 2*26. Storm. 2 261; An- .nio. 2 2»f XI!) limine. 2.8 M; ai-» Ik* *r-a» Elina. 2 Sty; Marinda. 2 31; EI.EC ELECTION EEK. TIONEEK, sire of Saaol, 2 OSj; Palo Alto, 2 0*1; A riot). (2) 2 10} and ninety seven other* in 2 30 STOKH RIKD ka« for pintl 4imi« Sim Mmta..i 11. I and i: .. Ru-—... the two freatest br<>i>d mare< known to trotting h-»r»e fe:-f..rr We wit >k- |..e this year more liberal than any other hone of e«j>al merit TERMi: 850 TO INSURE. Send for tabulated pedijrree. BUFFALO I JOY, ItwwJ. Sire. IMMH Boy. 17» nmi 2 31. sir* at ■-«-»- Girt 112*. ilarea Be* 2.1.~>*; Princes*. 2 19*; Gargle. 3Ms Nellie B. 2.21. Pf rt>irnia*i<>a track* TERMS: $25 TO INSURE. Both hor*es will be foaad at my barn. 3* miles northeast of Pnwftel. wh»r>* i will be pleased to show them at all lim ■». Sabbath e*cept«d. F»r ped «r«e .r auy fartker information call on or aldrees, ALOHZO McCANDLESS, ISLE. PA. rfST. LOUIS No. 4654. (PEKCHEROX.) Black Horse foaled IHS«. Sire Hen Xevi« 1097. Dam (turnout 1666. •A large ratify hor*e anil a .peei ; man of the illustrious family of Xorman | DraufbU. Pronounced by all the be-t of all purpose horses. Weight—l 800 pouad*. TERMS—XO J.VSrRB - - *IO.OO The above described horse* will-' • ** follows: Monday and Tue*.lay of oarh wi-ek at Prosper'. I'a.. an-l t!i>- r*-n*ia.i.-r o» the week at the stable of the owner in with west ooraer of Brady tnta tiif 4 «itle» north of Prospect. Bntler i-oanty. Pa. Proper rare will l»e taken bnt no ari-oantahihty avowed J. P. DAVIS, Proprietor. Prospect, Pa. HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTH MAINjSTHKKT, BUTLE"R ... - I s E-NN'A DEALER IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. agr .<*ll ) implement* and Sunshine & H< K U Stoves, table and picket K B ■ nirU-ry. hanging Uapa£ ■ 1,11 B manufacturer ot' tinware, tin ialty; the Johnston mowers, reaper and steel frame binder, Warren ready mixed paint, warrented; screen doors and windows, refrigerator* Arid lawn mowers. No better place in the city to trade. Come and fee my large store room full of good®, I♦ fc*t long. WIIEKK A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A VAN English Shire " Bay Horse >1 WJ. A grnml >wil and e»mpa«t!> IniU bow- Aired by CmiiK K .at 133 ft dam * J2.VI TH»; EXiLIsH >BiBK m now nw d»r ed the P'tlnt of ail draafbt i»»«r«- no better model of fa»< kind fc»«t-r be*a imported. Will w»r*h i when Mtnrel I TERMS—TO II9TRK - *t?«»