] -Paris Robes Belford Cord ~~ i New Spring Dress Goods 1 i £ A FOR EARLY BUYERS: S We received week our first shipment ot New c* 0 Spring Dress Goods and through this advertisement we extend a zh cordial invitation to you to come Y W and )ook through our stock ( whether you wish to purchase or C 1 - TROUT MAN S-;S 12 Leading Dry Goods and Carpet i House. -Henrietta Serge- | WILL—"" YOU™ LOOK—"" AT OUR [BOOTS AND SHOES ~ SLIPPERS | IAWPI OXFORDS .A.ll tho Latest Spring and Summer FOOTWEAR AT Vogeley & Bancroft's Artistic in Style, Reasonable in Price, Reliable in Quality. See oar men's fine shoe, congress and lace at $1.25. See oar ladies fine kid button shoe at SI.OO. See onr ladies fine oxford tie, pat. leather tip at 75 cts, See oar cbildreos shees from 25 to 50 cents. See our other Popular Price Lines. Plow Shoes, Working Shoes, Fine Dress Shoes of all Styles and qualities at the LOWEST PRICES. Base Ball and Tennis Shoes Visit our store and we will please you. VOGELEY ■■ANDHH BANCROFT No. 347 South Main Street, OPPOSITE WILLARD HOUSE, BUTLER, PA. SWITCH OFF! If you have been running in the wroDg direction there is no reason wbj yoa should continae to do so. ROBINS BROS., South East Corner of Diamond offer inducements to all who are alive to their own interests, every body is invited to come in and see our shoes and hosiery. These goods can be bought nowhere else at a better advantage than at tbe undersigned. If you doubt this, drop in and see for yourself New Qoods, Best Quality, Perfect Fit. Remember The New Boot and Shoe Store. < ROBINS BROS., S. E. Corner of Diamond. - - • Near Opera House. FOR THE HOLIDAYS ONLY JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, # Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No.* 125 N. Main St., - Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience."—l THE PEERLESS LEAD GLASS WORKS, THEY GO TO ELI.WOOD CITY. PA. A Big Plant With all the modern Ap pliances. It has been ramored for some time that the Peerless Lead Glass Works, of Eighteenth street, Southride, Pitts burgh, would go to Ellwood City, Pa., but Mr. John Patterson has pre served what mieht be called a trenial j reticence on the subject until yester i day. The plans for the building ! show a very large and convenient structure 290x90, with a furnace of 14 pots. This will employ over 300 people to start with, bnt the number of hands will be greatly increased before this year is out. They will be making their lead glass chimneys rr?£sf{ IL Status Sk ~ in Ellwood City by the 15th of Aug. This is the product for which they are celebrated they will continue to put the proper <|unutity of lead into the glass. At Ellwood City they will also make other lines in large <]uantities for which they had neither room nor facilities in the abandoned Pittsburgh plant Mr. Patterson's enthusiastic liking for Ellwood City is evidently shared by all of his partners who have been there. "It's a beautiful town." he Kiid, "and we shall have more room aud better shipping facilities, a track on each side of our three trunk line systems to gke t s e> nipeti'ive freight rates.and no switching charges or transfer charges. Then we get Pittsburgh freight rates to start with —and I urn near enough t> Pitts bnrgh to have my friend* run out anv time. It is le.-s than 40 miles " "Yes, I believe in Ellwoxl C'i'.y. If there is anything that they haven't got there to help make a city "f it I'd like to hear it mentioned. I can get the cheapest coal, or plenty of natural gas They have a gas well right ia the town of nearly 300 pounds pres sure, and two more wells drilling, and glass sand too. "The Fulmer 13rick Company gets red and fire clay there, the Vulcan Foundry folks lind molding sand, and we all get a fine quality of building Btoue, and so it goes. If you haven't been there go and tee the place."—Pittsburgh Dispatch. JOHNSON'S A HODYHfc LINIMENT \ K E-V O7V \J Fcr E?TE2i7AL 111 E2TTZITAI, -GENERATION AFTTR VENESATIONI. HAVE USED AM) BLESSED IT. « fy/Nc-ne^ Every Travel- r nhoul.l k-iv< a bottle of it lu his KatrboL Every Sufferer ▼oll* Headache, Diphtheria, Couirh*,« atarrb, lironcbltl *, A 'thma, ChoU-ra Morbus. I>iarrh!■•- ICxtcnial <>r Internal, Blind or Bleeding ; fistula in Ail') ; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate-the cure certain. For Bums, Scalds and Ulceration and Coutraction from Burns. The relief is instant the healing wonderful and unequaled. For Tioils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fibulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or aid Head. It is Infallible. T >r Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore :;iples. It is in', aiuable. Price, 50 Cent 1 ". Trial size, 25 Cents. P >l<| by Driiicrim*, •' tent po#t-f)«ld on receipt of price. ucmrnunrs* MD. CO., 111 * I I 3 U MIAN. sc, .NEW YOKK. WITCH HAZEL OIL. pure alcohol to make WOLFI lii.ACKI NC;. Alcohol is good for i it ij j.' ixl fortius skill. Alcohol i t . : ingredient of Cologne, Florida V..: • i>'- Bay lium the well known fat v. 1, We think there is nothing 100 coslh i.us in a good leather preservative. Acme lilaokiiif* retails n i Oc. ami :it that price Bells readik. •, people are so accustomed to Imy:: < • in;; or Macking ut sc. and 10. u: • that they cannot understand ti : t ;; 1 ' .i i - ingeanl>eclicup at 20c. \Ve*a . (• theni with cheapness if we can, and tor. - complifch this we olFer a rc ward of SIO,OO for a recipe which will enable r WOI.KK'S ACME BLACKING ut T that :i retailer can profitably fcfll i : bottl' . We hold this olier o;. i Jan. Ist, 1893. WOlit-p & EANDOLPII, Phi! J^\SWAYNE'S OINTMENT^ any iutcrnal -y/ » the ■ kin clear, wlute and hcalthyf'V^P^ b» drtunfl.t*,. r t.t by mail for Wl rln. Addrw Da, t!•*»**■ A Mom, rM!adcl:>kia. l'a Aih your for It. rcA?^?curi?l^TO? r f - r Av cur.zo iruNcon.f - . JCATCO ny ORQAr icj A V ' )| TI-IR: CITIZEN' MISCEL! .AN ECUS AGRICULTURAL HINTS. IJT planting a new strawberry bed the pistillate varieties a*e perhaps more j product ire than the double-sex berry, ; but the rule is to use three rows of pistillates and one row of staminates. The crescent sjill holds its place as one i of the best, but it requires some varie- j j ty, such as the Wilson, in order to hare i the blossoms fertilized. Do not plant new varieties until they hare been tried ; and tested. IT is well said that ten acres of small ! ! fruits will often make a man more truly prosperous than ten times as ; much land in wheat or corn. He may not be worth as much in actual capital : invested, but he will be getting a larger net income, and doing it with much I less severe toil. The small farm, well tilled, whether it be in fruits, dairy, ! vegetables, etc., is almost always the most satisfactory. Ir you transplant any trees this spring take the precaution to prune tho branches sy as to restore the rest de- j stroyed by the root mutilations that are : always inseparable from remorals. and then mulch so as to retain moisture un til the new rootlets can get a good ; start. Many trees are lost by neglect \ ing the proper cutting back, thus leav ; ing too much work for the crippled roots to accomplish. TIIE idea of drugging cows to in crease their production of milk is so re pulsive that there will be little regret expressed at the failure of an experi ment carried out in France by M. Cornevln, who administered philocar pine as likely to increase the secretions. He found after several trials that the drug had no influence upon the quan- ! tity of milk, though the constituents were affected notably in the increase of sugar. He Wanted Something Hefty. "Haven't you anything stronger than this?" asked Stapgers, as he sat down the empty whisky frlass. "We've gr»t soma aqua-fortis," re plied the barkeeper, with withering sarcasm. "Haven't you any aqua fifties or six ties?"' asked the man with the thirst.— Tr*th. A Domestic Calamity. Mary (to Alice)— Your doll looks very poorly. What ails her? Alice—She frets a great deal. Alfred knocked out one of her eyes last week, and she lost a great deal of sawdust. She hasn't been the same doll since.— Texas Siftings. The Plaint of the Penurious. This world Is but a fleeting show; Admission's tree, no doubt. But, goodness gracious! how it costs Before a man gets out —Judge. HIGHI.Y APPROPRIATE. "Young man, hab you got any letter paper an' onbelopes wid flesh-colored borders?" "Is it mourning paper you want?" "You's struck it Aisactly. Gib me a quire!"— Brooklyn Life. —D. 11. Waller the druggist, desires us to publish the following testimonial as he handles the remedy and helieves it to be reliable. I bought a ">0 cent bottle of Chamber lain's Pain Balm and applied it to my limbs, whieff have been afflicted with rheumatism at intervals for one year, At the time I bought the Pain Balm I was unable to walk. I can truthfully say that Pain Balm has completely cured me. K. H. F.VRR , Ilolywood, Kan. Mr. A. 15. Cox, the leading druggist at Ilolywood, vouches for the truth of the above state ment. —The ' White Square" is the name of a new secret society just formed in Phila delphia, whose cardinal object is to pro mote the spirit of fraternity among all men. —Try I)r. Gram's Grand Mother medicine no cure, no pay. TJirco mouths treatment SI.OO, for uli blood, liver, kidney and stomach diseases, at J. C. ltedlck's. —Almost every one in the world is wick ed enough to wish that someone would die and leave him uionev. Women Who Die Early. Many of our most beautiful and accom plished ladies die before they have reach ed the prime of life. Of those who live to middle age only one in two hundred is sound; the other hundred and ninety-nine are s ifl'erers. Why is it? Self-neglect. The shattered health can be restored; tho home made happy, and your life lengthen ed if you commence at onee. '•Rose Isuds' r have been used for 20 years in the private practice of one of the most eminent physicians of Paris, aud the 1 following diseases aud their distressing symptoms yield to them like magic: Ulcer ation, Congestion and falling of the Womb, Ovarian Tumors, Dropsy of the Womb, Bearing Pains, ltupture at Childbirth and Miscarriages. One package of "Kose 1 Buils" will make a new woman of you. (Leucorreaor Whites are generally cured by one application.) Price per package (one months treatment) SI.OO sent by mail post paid, securely packed. THE LEVKR ETTE SPECIFIC CO., 3K9 Washington St., 1 Boston, Mass. —A western lecturer selected for his subject, "A Had Egg." The subject often strikes a lecturer unfavorably. Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic ' cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito y days. Its action upon the system is remarkable aud mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis- I ease immediately disappears. The first 1 dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. 0. Kedick, druggist, Butler.^ —Yellow in going to be a popular color, from pale lemon down through canary aud gold to the deepest orange. Chamberlain's Eyo and Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyoo, Tetter, riu.lt Rheum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itcb., Prairie Scratches, Soro Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundred.; of eased have been cured by it after all other treatment had failod. It i j put up in 25 and 00 cent boxes —Tho wonderful brilliancy of the even ing star, Venus, is tho admiration of all who look toward the westward sky these evenings. A Pittsburg policeman accounts 1 for her marvelous brightness on the sup position that the folks on that planet are doing their spring work aud burning the brush on their back yards. Consumption Surely Cured. To THE —l'luasu inform your readers 1 that 1 have a Jiooiuvo remedy fur ttio atiuve-uauird ; dlxcuu. By Its tiuiuly UMI thousands of hopolcs* [ case* have been permanently cured. I shall bo glad to send two botllca of my remedy FKEK to any of your readers who havo consumption If they will I Mild me their i.iprexa ami I'. O. adilreaa. Be*p*ct- I | tulJy. X. A. SUX-Lil, M, 1611'ea.l tiu. >. X. j TITK orrsnov <">F FFIF Horn. "Tilly, how are you going to have your new spring hat trimmed?"— Jury. Female Consistency. Husband of Literary Woman—How are you coining on with your magazine article? Literary Woman—l've got it almost : finished. "What is it about?" "It denounces the extravagance in dress of our modern women." "What are you going to do with the money you get from it?" "I am saving up to buy a sealskin ; sacque."—Texas Siftings. Iteralliug; the Fast. Mr. Close—'Scuse me, sir? but I'm Seth Close from Punkville, an' I'm a lookin' fur the Farmers' savings bank. Kin you direct me tew it? Recently Converted Bunco-Steerer —I could, sir; I am going that way—but do not follow me, I beg; I am trying to be a better man.—l*uclr. Social Gravitation. Returned Tourist—What became of that fool, Saphead, who had more money than he knew what to do with? Business Man—l don't remember him. Was he much of a fool? "Perfectly idiotic." "I presume he has dropped into so ciety." —N. Y. Weekly. Iter. Pllnk Flunk on Style. A good deal ob de style in dis world, deah breddern, rests on a berry shaky foundation. If some ob de butchers an' grocers would tell what dey know about some stylish people de eyes ob de restob de world would be opened to a knowl edge ob why some tings aren't wot dey seem.—N. Y. Herald. A Cordial Invitation. Servant— A gentleman at the door says he doesn't like to annoy you, but here is a little bilL Mr. Murray nill—O, tell him I'm not annoyed at his calling. On the con trary, I would be very much pleased to have him call again.—Texas Siftings. A Visual Falling. "I tried to get -your father to indgrse a small note for me to-day," said Mr. Hojack to his wife, "but he couldn't see It." "Poor papa has become quite near sighted lately," replied Mrs. Hojack. — Judare. _ —Every testimonial published in the be half of Hopd's Sarsaparilla may be relied upon as strictly true. —lt is believed that the World's popu lation is increasing at tho rate of nearly 6,000,000 a year. —Some of the Grand Army boys may be interested in the following from Alex. B. Pope, A. D. C , Commander. Dep't. Teuu. and Ga. He says : "We have had an epidemic of whooping cough here (Stewart, Tenn.,) and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been the only medi cine that has done any good." There is no danger from whooping cough,when this remedy is freely given. It completely con trols the disease. .30 cent bottles for sale bv. D. lL Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pros pect; Hrcntlcn quarts lor &> .00. Send lor cata logue and price list of all kinds ol liquors to Max Klein. 88 federal street. Allegheny, l'a. —lu attempting to stop a runaway plough team, James Mahurn, of Fort Scott, Kan,, was ripped by the plough lrotn hip to ueck, and blead to death. —Hamilton Abel, aged 87, of Dahlonega Ga., wants a divorce from his wife, Sarah, aged 82 years, an ho thinks her affections have colored. —Accordiu » to the report of the Depart ment of Health for 1800 there were '>8,223 females earning their livelihood in Chica go- —At Harriston, Miss., a negro was hang ed 37 minutes aud when his body was cut down he was found to be still alive. —Edward Gregg's infant that was learn ing to walk at, Lancaster, fell to the floor and broke its neck. —Gunpowder was discovered from the falling of a spark on some materials mixed iu a mortar. —lt has been proved by instantaneous photography that a horse at full trot some times has its four feet off tho grouud at once. Save Yourself Money. "When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor Uotel, corner Liberty aud Fourth streets. It is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the European plan. Lodgings, 25, —35, —or 50 cents. —About 20,000 acres of Geogia is in watermelons this year. —No matter how poor an uuiberella is, on a rainy day a welcome hand is always extended to it. —The French government spends tIH, 000,000 per year on its public highways and their horses draw a ton and a third without trouble. To Consumptives. The undersigned having lieeu restored to health by bitnple means, after sutlering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious 10 make known to Inn fellow sutler ers the means of eure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (tree of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will iind a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, lironehitis and ull throat itnd lung Maladies. He hopes all sutferrrs will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothiug, and may prove a bless ing, will please address RKV. F.DWAIUI A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. j —Wc have now fourteen hours sun. Some Things You Never Knew: •if* &E» Xaba r You never he. rti f Top Buggies selling as low as $45 till we named that [ lc #*s"- You never heaid of Road Wagons selling for $35 till wr named the price ifc^i You never heard of good team work bridles selling for $1 till we told you-^A Jfcef You never heard of horse collars, both team and buggy, selling for $1 till we named it JSefYou never heard of spring wagons selling for S4O till we offered THEM-FEFT You never heard of Kramer wagons selling fur the price we sell I them at till we brought the price IS 13 You never heard of sweat pads selling below 50 cents till we started ou never heard of a good top half platform -pring wagon sell ing for $75- —we have them~?v»& JSiai You never heard of single buggy harness selling for s<> till we started "You never heard of team work harness with breeching and collars selling for $iS until this minute —we have thein->efli ftaT .-k We did this all for"your benefit, and have everything connected with a driving or team outfit. We advertise for you to call in and see us in our new quarters at 128 K. Jefferson St., .above the Hotel Lowry. Don't stay away because you don't know us. we are very common men and want to get acquainted with every person in But ler county and elsewhere. We will show you what we have whether you want to buy or not. Come in and sec us, we have a larger stock of a better grade at less money than has ever been offered by us or any other firm. YOURS VEkv TRULY, S. B. MARTINCOURT k CO. S. B. MARTINCOL RT. J. M. L EIGHNER IT'S A HOODO! never hurts a customer, but it knocks V VIPJR* IMFEC'*""" Competition endwise. The monster is ; . JCTAY nentle to our customers and they can handle it with perfect safety. The .J ■lW|' - C P AT ' What is it," that is what erery lod? wants to know; by our illustration you can see that it is not like to any tbing upon the earth, or the water under Y7** L ' IE EART ' I , but more wonderful than •ny ,F/i I thing ever exhibited by Barnum or *7 JCFL Forepaugb. It rivals the gre«t "i MJ: X Orangoutaog, ourunout and stick your - I/fi " TONGUE out, the greatest wonder of the age. "What is it?'— why its Heck's mammoth stock of fine clothing, Hats, Caps, rihirts, Pants, Underwear, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Suspender*. Umbrellas, Trunks, Yalises, Satchels, Purses, Bill and Pocket-books, Clothes, Hair and Tooth-brushes, Watches, Chains, Charms, Ladies' and Gents' Rings, Pins, Collar and Cuff Buttons and hundreds of articles too tedious to mention which we have for sale, and you mav need Call and see our mammoth stock of beautiful spring at tractions and you will certainly say its a Hoodo. Well, we are not looking for those who do trade with us but for those who do not. We don't believe there are many who do n<»t, but there ought not to be one person iu Butler or adjoining counties left who does not know that the place to save money, to get big values, is at Heck's Store, 121 N. Main St Why is it that you miss your chance and waste your money ? Don't you know better ? We bear von no iil will, why should we ? This is not our funeral, we are just he sam«! merry merchant as of old. We are rollickine, jolly fellows; we are tiproariner, tip top sellers, and when U comes to bargains we can suit yon to aT. IF you think we are a honev, come buy your clothes and drop your money, and we'll treat you like a little sonny, for we have got the energy and the will; we m-.ide up our mind to be the LEADER IN OUR LINE and the result is that we lead and tho band plays Anny Rooney, and there is no mistake? about it. The world stands aghast at the realization of the fact that the HIGH quality aud low prices of our goods is a reality and not » fictionary legend to those who have never dealt with us. We would be glad to see you and pleased to put in your hands a real money saver, a bargain with a great big B If you are not on our list of customers, come and be convinced that we are right at the front doing big business, on the best basis, a square deal and a rolling dollar. We are going to get np A train load for the World's Fair at Chicago in 1893, and we want you to come in and go along. We will furnish you with a Round Trip Ticket, free the ouly conditions that you buy your goods off us. For further particu lars call in and see us about it. With kindest regards for your liberal patronage and your remembrance of us to your many friends, we shall in the future endeavor to merit your confidence. Yours Very Respectfully, D. A. HECK, Champion Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher, 121 N. MairL St., BUTLER, : : : : PA. 1 FofEVERY CASE OFkSTHMIi'orX VI £>'£/?>' CASE OF HAY FEVER." but the wont ru«. 1 ® H uncomplicated by organic ditoatt, cmn b» 1 | W HV* ■ H TO STAY CURED , to H ▼ by constitutional treatment. ( W A thr | I borne. 1 one without a thor knowledge of the V 4 Incurable Cases Declined. TB examination free by mail. f We want name and address of every sufferer from Asthma or Hay Fever. p. HAROLD HAYES, M. D., ■ i i - -in -i pi ir •• - n"w" ri" "Well begun is half clone." Begin your house work by buying a cake of SAPOLIO. Sapolio is a solid cake of Scouring Soap used for all cleaning purposes. Try it. , J. SPECK. WM ' "' HOLMES. J THE LEADING IVIIOLESALK WISE AM) I.KJI OK llOlHt OF WEBTEBX PBHHimJIi, The Win, 11. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy' PURE RYE WHISKY, Ail the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid. Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. SEHSTZD FOR, PRICE trIST '• Telephone No. 305J # 120 Water St. and 158 First Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa READ AND REMEMBER. For strictly pure ainl rullal'le HTBAKJHT riQUOKS. call mi „ I. WT. FIATCH, IS SMIIIIHKI.It ST., I'IITSHI HI.II, I'A. 'topp. MouuiiKalii'la. House.) Matchless lor Family use ami .Mi-.liclnal pur -1 loses arc KINf II s <;<)I.I)i:\ WUIUNCI. 1 Aim til l KENHKIMKK S VvtllhKV, : !*T ql. ; OVKItIIOLT'S WHISKY. f 0 qts. DILUNOKBS WHISKY, I fori'.. (ioods neatly packed ami promptly shipped KKKK OK KXMC.NK* on receipt of cash or post office order, ir Nothing exprentl C. O. U. Send fur l*r!ce List. mRBBS3S9SB2!£SB WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE The •■rest KnirlUh Itemed). Promptly and perraa- cures all forms of rvous Weakuess. Ktuls alonH - spermatorrhea. TSj lin|»itency and all effect* <>f Abuse or Kucrwaes. ■ lice ll perscrlbed over 3* years In thousand*of case* BERVREAOIN!FL!R " UIE " NLY RRLUBL *' * ND 11<*ri< it Mwllelue known. ,\sk dru>;i!l»t f»r WOOD'S medicine in place of this, leave Ills dhlion est store. Inclose price lu letter, and we will scud by re in in malL l'rlie. one p.ukaKc. Si; six. tine will |ile%si.. six w 111 cure. Pamph let in plain scaled envelope. 2 -'ami*. Addre* Tin: HtlOU < HKXII AL CO . 131 Wisidward avenue. IK'trolt Mich, rv.-vdd in liuller by C N. lioyd. J. V.Umiph. J. C. Kedick, and dug|(lsU everywhere. k HILUNERY TIIDM PI The Leading MillineA' House. D. T. PAPE. Our line of Millinery is complete in every respect \\ ■ 1 : . , lo investigate. and we claim that our stock is th»* m< ? .iff in Butler county. Trimmed hat> and bonnets, (lower*, jet rum— pins, laces, braids, cn pes. nets, etc Mourning Millinery In (ireat Vari«»tv PAPE'S. ILJ3 S. Mfiitx Street. Btiller. i'**. STORM BIRD. No. 9459. KECOKD 2:35 AT FOUR Y KAlts. (Bought of MeFerran Jt Clancy. L»ui*ville. K \ Sired by Lord Russell, Full Brother lo ¥j U .i s, 2.<>-k i ». SiwofKiwtMg. TW. Aid* 4m Om. ZM*. Km iff ■■ ■■ £»». 4m wit* record* *f 2.30 at taa jw of a#*. TbU u wrc tiiw. u , Ist Dam, Storm, record 2.26 3 4 By Mklriiofown. M . 132. Dana »f Gale. 2.27|; half in 1.1« M; Slociu fir.- of Or* B»l u II Bird, r«vnrd 2 3T> jaart.-r in H5 ccod* Kuitr 221 *n< " ~, Typhoon. rwnrd t 365. 2d Dam, Green Mountain Maid By Harry CI «y i3.reCM il 229 Bam of Elaine. 2 20. Pn-pero 2.20; .-ir* of Shawms ' >'• « U •*, Kliata. 2 20|: Bam* Trot, 2 22. Man*- Sorpn-M-. 2 -J*, of t . field. 2 26; Storm. 2.2*5}. Antonio. 2 J*J. Jill. li.. lj . . . Klina. 2 29j. Marinda. 2 31; EL.Ec ELECTIONKE K TtONEEK. -ire of Snnol. it*-,. Palo Alto. 2 Arion. ,2) 2.10). and ainety seven others in 2.30. STOKM BIRD ha* for irrand dam* Green Mnantaiii Ma-.; an.i V It . th« two |rreate«t brood mare* kaowa to u»Hlan fcarw hwt.-rj Wm «itt Mb tn far thi* year more liberal than any other b«r*e of e , • f.„,. teen other* in 2.30 and better. Ist dam I July S. record 2.30 at 3 year- dam of Ed*»!, »?*r . » . •# she by American Star, Jr.. No. 377Z 2d dam Mis* Cadmn*. dam of Stephen M. record 2 M by tmmm Mai lie car rie* the same per cent, of Pocahontas blood a* Nahia. 2 I®. kiu* r»- TERMS: #25 TO INSURE. Both horse* will Ims fonnd at my barn. 3j mile* north*** of Pn»p»ct. Wtm ( a >ll be pleaded to show them at all time*. Sabbath eteepted. P«r p-d.f ■ , r information call on or ad dree*. ALONZO McCANDLESS, ISLE. PA. rfST• LOUIS No- 4654. (I'EKCHEROX.) Black Florae foaled I>W6. Sire Ben Xeris 1097. Dam Duuiont lfiGfi. A large rangy borne and a perfect *peci man of the illa*trioas family of Xorman Draughts. Pronounced by all the lM»->t of all pnrpo«e horses. Weight—lSoo pouads. TERMS—TO INSURE - - *IO.OO ( The aliore described hor.<«.i will sttaaJ for -'Tvi.-- Jj i.j t.'i i ■ . <• I»- follows: —Monday and Tuesday of eacb week at Pro-pec!. Pa »ti 1 v. •>( the week at the stable of the owner in *oathwe*t corner of Brad/ i north of Prospect. Cutler county. Pa. Proper care will be taken but no accountability a.«umed J. P. DAVIS, Proprietor, Prospect, Pa. " HENRY BlEllL 122 NORTH MAINjSTRKKT, BULLE"R - • - - Ft- NJST'A DEALER IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. Washing Machine*; the StaqiUrd Rotary Shuttle dtichetipt*r minnfc; |lk N»> T A agricultural ■ BSunshine & How.»rd ranges, m ■ Stoves, table ami |«cket K V cutlery, hnndnf lamp*; manufacturer ol tinware, tin K roofing and ."{touting a >pec ialty; the Johneton nit-were, reaper and steel frame binder, Warren ready mixed paint, warranted; screen doors and windows, relri^eratorand lawn mowers. No better place in the city to trade Come and sec my large store room full ol gowls, |:»t } teet long, WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN I i ' If you are interested in Gardening you should wnJ for oar HO JK Of FLOWERS, PLANTS & SEEDS It tells how Safely, KmUt and Cheap!/ yoo can procnre the r.-f and "moat reliable"" in Plants, Seeds, etc . and we mix conx.d.-r» art *ith the printing.using fine engrarings and arranging the «; , *1 isg commonseDK way rery attractive to our customer*. We ma i «fc- r> ■ and a Packet of Wild Flower Garden Seed* (talued at 10 ren'- - -arc* two-cent stamps, or if you are interested but hafe n<> u;hj for ;h«- * postal card will do the business; your address on one sid ar c> m»« lix I oiij iu.. i> *"■ j', "'Sf '■> uiVnoar r»'aUrtlTof oao per "W «rf f•' m«. i .»« or i ••■«- •» •*«- ■Lilt I 1 •• J .aa •( t P*r »ai. •» I ,m •( ■ r»» ** '»*• BUhmkl f • I .U ol 1 IMrr cral. •» 'a«- *f " .Mi |if I t"-' rrml. ol !•«. U tfrtai txnirr fjt rroraUi< uuU.-wl ' aa'- ht 23 COLD MEDALS. Bay H'.r-w F>>*!•>! l*» 7. v grasd wmd and compactly btiil t»«»r —• Sired by Coining Kmg 4 >iiuu ft *rn>«k 2253. THE C50U91 SQIRI. w< a ider ed tbe greate.it of ail a,.- ■«• mil no better mmlel <»f hi« « r. t fca**f>r '"**% importml Will tre eh fwh.-n n 'I < i s> TERMS—TO ISSI KE - »l '*»