Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 20, 1892, Image 3
THE CITIZEN FRIDAY, MAY 20 1892. BOTLEB baa a population of about 10.000. It la tbe County seat of Butler County, with 40.030. Four railways, natural gas, and unequalled facilities for, manufactures. I'roeress evrywhere; new buildings, new manufactures, a growing and prosperous town. New Advertisements. Sheriff's Sales for June 6th. Administrator's Sale, estate of Mary A. Newell. Notice to Tax Collectors. K. it R's leaders. B. <t li s dress woolens. Musical Institute. Trip tickets to Conneaut. Decoration Day Excursion. Elwood City Locals. Notice Regarding Personal Property. NOTE— AII advertisers intending to make anges in their ads. should notify us of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —"Ah, Spring is here —that is to say, It was here-jost the other day; But it is gone—that is to say. It had gone just the other day, And ere the poem may appear, Spring is—was—has been—may be—here.' —Dog* are beginning to display their hot weather pants. —A lump of sugar saturated with vinegar will cure hiccongbs. —Man wants but little here below, and t!ie. in >j >iity of them get it. —. ,iank God, Spring house cleaning and liih.g don't last all year. —The peach, cherry and apple trees w re in bloom at the same time this year. The grain is looking splendid, also tbo frui'. Barring a late frost this will be a .if abundance. —Some men never seem to get a clear understanding of the law until they study it in the seclusion of a penitentiary. A story is told of •* conductor who seized his wife's nose in his sleep and rang up three fares upon it beiore her shrieks awoke him. —Some slight changes has been made in the P. <fc. W. time table. The morning express to Allegheny now leaves Butler at 8:10; and tbe evening mail at 5:55. —lt is said that one main reason why some people would like to go to heavon is because they have heard that tho streets there are paved with gold. —lf that Bridge Committee is determin ed to build a bridge we suggest that it be built over Sullivan Run at West end of Penn St. where the street is flooded for rods at every high water. —They drove right on. Two men driv ing down Vain street at a rapid gait last Friday night, ran into a buggy and rent it asunder; bnt did not see St to stop and see who.se property they had injured. —About a hundred of the fastest wheel men in the country are now engaged in a race between Chicago and New Tork. The distance is 1000 miles and they expect to make it in 100 honrs. —At the meeting of the Allegheny Clases of tne Reformed Church in the Sonth Side Church, Butler Monday, Rev. Ling of liraddock was elected President, Kev. Snyder of Butler, Corresponding Secreta ry; Rev. Conroy of Allegheny, Treasurer, and Rev. Harnish ot Butler, Stated Clerk. —The new law does not require Assess ors to make alphabetical lists, bnt most of them are so doing. The lists should be completed as soon as possible and hung at the window for general inspection be fore the 61st and 60th days previous to the election come around. —Some of the papers are disposed to oriticise the fact that Mrs. Alice Shaw recently whistled at a sacret concert in Boston. For ourselves, we can't see why whistling music through the mouth is any less sacred than singing through the nose. —Franklin Xew*. —The time has come, says the Bradford Era, when the man who punctuates his conversation with the excruciating "see 1" should be taken, see,down the silent, cold, running creek, see, somewhere below the the bridge, see, and dropped iu until he would never again, see, prove his idiocy with his execrable use of the word. —A man drove by last Sunday followed by two dogs—a black and a yellow one. The dogs spied a yellow cat and took after it; the cat sought safety iu a street*sewer and the dogs followed, one going in each end. The cat slipped past the yellow dog and found safety under a boardwalk, and the .black dog stock in the sewer. Now which dog was the joke onf —The sixteen members of the graduat ing class of the High School "did them selves proud" in every particular; their stage was handsomely set and tastifully decorated; Carl Barclay's salutatory was well worded and well delivered; Linnie Bonner's class incidents and personalities in rhyme, and those of Florence Fisher iu prose were as cute as could be; Don Find ley is a true prophet; Leah Richev and Chas. McElvain did nobly; Sallie Fleeger's essay on the poet Payne jras splendid; Chas. Fisher is the making of a statesman, and Anna Cronenwett is a born Elocution ist. If it were not for these graduating ex ercises the people of Butler would be una ware of the mountains of virtue and talent that exist in our midst. At the meeting of Council Tuesday night more lights were petitioned for; streets in different parts of the town have been reported as impassable; more water plugs for lire protection are needed in several quarters, and the reason these necessary improvements are not made is because there is no money in the treasury. At every moeting ot the town Council for some time past things that ought to have been done have been delayed on account of lack of funds. The receipts of the general fund for this year are estimat ed at from ten to eleven thousand; the lighting of the town which has already been contracted for, will, when all reason, able additions are made, probably cost the town nearly or fully $5,000 a- year; the water costs $1,500, and it will take fully as much more to cover the salaries of the Bugiueer, Counsel and Clerk. That makes SB,OOO, loaves but from $2,000 to $3,000 for repairing the streets, fire plugs, cul verts and the innumerable reparing and improvements called for each year. And yet, with this state of affairs existing a measure to build a bridge across the gully in Boyd's woods from the head of Brown avenue to the end of Glenn avenue was put through Council Tuesday night. The bridge is to be of trestle work, 135 feet long .with a sixteeu foot roadway, which, with abutments and approaches will prob ably cost a thousand dollars. The location is a beautiful one for a rustic bridge, but it has been there a long time aud there is no danger of it running away, and to tako from our scanty funds at present for a bridge over it, and thus sacrifice necessary improvements would, in our opinion, le an imposition upon the rest of the town. The matter was referred to a committee witji power to act, and they should make haste slowly. Don't forget as on Iloßiery and Glores, we always have the- best at lowest prices L. Ptiin & SON's. —Fall 35-inch muslin for 5 cts. a yard at Tux Piopxx'b more. Borough Business. Quite a number of people were present at the meeting of Council Tuesday night, with petitions and complaints—Frank Kohler appeared for John Stein in the matter of the change of grade for his side walk on S. Alain street and it was referred to the Sidewalk Com. to report at next meeting; he also appeared for Jos. Rock enstein, committee of F. P. Baldauf who will claim damages for tho opening of E. Clay St. John M. Greer appeared for Henry Wag ner, Sr. who will claim damages for the opening of W. Clay St. and who made a proposition for settlement; W. C. Findloy appeared for Geo. Ilaben who will claim damages for the opening of East Clay St.; W. H. I.usk called tbe attention of Coun cil to a dangerous excavation at crossing of Clay and Bluff Streets: A. M. Cornelius for citizens of the West End presented a petition for more electric lights in that quarter; R. B. Fowzer, Mr. Karns and Mr. Devinny complained of the filthy run near their properties, and the Clerk was directed to notify the parties who are yet sewering into it to cease doing so immediately; Dr. Balphcomplainsd of the iiltliy condition of a neighboring lot, and John 11. Heiber asked for a grade for Mer cer St. and the Engineer was instructed to make a profile of the street. Tbe ordinances opening Kast and West Clay streets were passed and the Conrt will be asked to appoint viewers, etc. A resolution was passed increasing tbe borough indebetedne.-s by s<B,ooo for tbe building of tbe two main sewers up the creek from tho Centre avenue bridge to the W"est Penn depot on one side and Plato Glass works on the other. There will be four bonds of $2,000 each, bearing fonr per cent, interest, and payable in "o*3, '9". '9B jnd "99, from tbe 0 mill tax. A petition for a sewer on Brady street was referred to the Sewer Committee and Engineer. An assignment of Long «V Doyle to tbe Franklin Brick Co. was paid in orders, SSOO now. and the balance, something over SI,OOO, in 00 days; An assignment of same tirm to Jacob Sbeasley was filed; the Matthew Brown cow matter remains unsettled; tbe people of Polk St. want an electric light; Smith, Porter & Co. asked for money; the petition of A Kummer and A Blymiller to allow their slaughter houses to remain where they are was refused; some sidewalks on Chestnut street will be advertised; a livery stable sewer nuisance was ordered abated; a complaint regarding a sidewalk was re erred to the Sidewalk Committee and the clerk was directed to notify several people on X. Main street, S. McKean, Wayne and other streets to change their sidewalks to grade immediately. Tbe Secretary was directed to notify Long & Doyle to complete their con tract immediately or tbe Council will do it and deduct from tbe contract price. The proposed sewers fo accommodate the people of South Main street were dis cussed, and referred to the Sewer Commit tee and Engineer with power to act. The ladies of tho South Side propose erecting a water lountain on Centre Ave., and tne matter was referred to tho Sewer Committee and Mr. Harper. The Borough Engineer presented his plans for the bridge over the gully on the Boyd property on the South Side by which it is proposed to connect the west end of Glenn avenue with tbe head of Brown Ave. The plan is fur a trestle-work bridge 135 feet long, 20 feet high at tbe highest point or an average of about 15 feet; 22 feet wide at the ground, 1G foot roadway, and 2" stone Inundations lor up right; and the Engineer estimated the cost of the woodwork at $l5O and the stone foundations at SSO, with nothing said of abutments, or filling Mr Ziegler thinks tbe job will cost double tbe estimate anil spoke against it as being unnecessary and one that will further deplete an already depleted treasuery. He also said that tho South Side had already received by one-third more than its share of improvements. Mr. Harper said the Eeople of Glenn and Brown Avenues ad no outlet. Mr. Hite referred to the almost impassable condition of some of our streets and thought the money should be placed there. Mr. Perrine said that he and Mr. Wheeler had already spent SSOO ol their own money on Glenn Ave., and thought the town should help them out on it, that thoy had paid lor their own water and sewer facilities over there, that S4OOO had been appropriated forstreets, etc., and the matter was referred back to the same Committee which authorized tho plans be ing made, with power to act. The Markets. BPTLER MARKETS. Our grocers are paying 18 for butter, 12 for eggs. 35 for potatoes, 50 for apples, 30ca doz. bunches for rhubard, onions, and lettnee, 50 cts doz. bunches for asparagus. MTT.SBURIi PRODUCE. Timothy hay from country wagon sl6 to $lB, mixed hay sl2, straw $7.00 to SB.OO, mill feed sls to $lB. Oats by carload 33 to 37, wheat 95, corn 48 to 51, rye 83 to 87. Country roll butter 13 to 18, fresh eggs in cases 15 to 16, goose eggs 25 to 30, pota toes on truck 25 to 45, as to quality; apples 225 to 3.25 a bbl., beans 1.75, goose leathers 40 to 60. mixed feathers 25 to 35, hominy 2.75 for 200 pds. LIVE STOCK. At Herr's Island Monday,mixed stock sold at to 4, bulls and dry cows 1* to 2s. No. 1 veals sold at 5 to ss, and rough calves at 2£ to 3S. Clipped sheep sold at 4 to SJ, yearlings sto 6, wooled sheep at 4} to s|, spring lamb 5 to 9. Hogs retailed ata toSJ. THE OIL MARKET Closed on Monday at 564, Tuesday at 56}, Wednesday at 56. Normal Musical Institute and School of Oratory. Prof. J. S- Brown has organized another Normal Musical Institute and School of Oratory, which will be held in Butler, be ginning Monday, June 20, and closing Fri day, J nly 8, a term of three weeks, with an unsnroassod Faculty secured at an ex pense of over a thousand dollars; and which brings to our doors snch a grade of instruction its can usually lie secured ouly in large cities. The Institute will be held in the Lec ture room of the Presbyterian Churuh, opening each morning at 8:45, with morn ing, afternoon and evening studies, ninety one students have already been secured in Butler and quite a numbsr from neighbor ing towns, the Faculty consists of Profess ors Brown, Byron W. Kiug, B. Webster, T. M Towne.and J. J. Iseusee, Miss New- Combe and Mrs. Smith; the course will in clude lessons for all classes of musical students in everything, Piano recitals, church music, harmony, elocution, chorus work, etc, and the tuition for the full course is fixed at $10; chorus andjchildren's classes an $3. For circulars and information address J. S. Brown, 181 Lacock St., Allegheny Pa. We Have. A better quality of India figured silk than has ever teen sold iu Butler for sl, and we are offering it at 60 cents a yard. We have India silk in stock that cost us over CO cents and does not compare in value with these goods- 11. <fe It. He Reports a Good Business. Louis Traxler the popular Dry Goods Merchant, next door to But ler Savings Bank, says he is do ing better business than ever. W hen asked bow. he accounts for his large trade, when others are com plaining, of hard times, he simply said the people ate finding out that their Dollar goes the farthest in my store. lam gaining New Custom ers every day. We Have The greatest bargain in line Table Damask, extra wide; it lacks just 4 inches of being 2 yards wide; and oar price is 50 cents. You never bought the. same goods at 75 cenu. K tt R Largest.assortment and best values in Dress Goods and Cloaks at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Farm Work Bridles $1 00. Maetincourx & Co. German Knitting Yarn, Spanish aud Saxony Yarns at L. Stkin & Son's. —Znver's Pictures leave nothing wanting in finish, tone or a correct likeness. —Meals 25 cents and upwards at Smith's Cafe, 113 East Jefferson St. —lco ior Bale at the City Bakery. LEGAL NEWS. NOTES. Prof. Christley 13 reading law with his brother. Tbe Farmers Oil Co. have brot suit in ejectment vs W Y Harilman et al for 70 acres in Penn twp. Herbeit Winner and his wife have brot suit vs Oakland twp for damages caused by the upsetting of their wagon some week ago; and B. S. Winner and wife have also brot suit. Henry Greenawalt lias brot suit vs Fred E Miller for tearing down a line fence. H J Klingler has appealed from tbe decision of the County Commissioners as to his Assessments. Letters of adm'n were granted to Lj dia Marporf on estate oi'Wm Mardorf: also to Jamison and Huoy Carotbers on estate of A H Carothers of Clay twp. LATK PROPERTY TRANSFKRS. Jane Knox to ,1. M. Knox, 100 acres in Parker for sl. A C Wilson to .1 M Shearer, lot in But ler for $4060. J V Snyder to Jno Snyder, 55 acres in Don Frank Baker to Laura Badger, 50 acres in Worth for $2500 Jno Billiard to Taylor lloilman, 2 acres in Cherry for $2500. P Daubenspeck to U F FiUimmons, lot in Butler for $205. Jane Knox to A L Knox, 100 acres in Parker for sl. Sophia Gelbach to Kred Pefl'er, lot in Evans City for SGOO. Jno Ferguson to J (' Turner. 14 acres in .Middlesex for $542. Geo Twentier to 1) IJber, lot in Evans burg for SSOO. E A Ralston to J T Cramner, 40 acres in Butler twp. for SISOO. Geo Ketterer to Jas W Thompson, lot in Butler for SBSOO. S E Mt-Michael to W II Vensel lot in Millerstown for SBOO. M E C McAlkliuel to Lavina Anderson,lot in Farmington for SI2OO. C Duffy to W J Burton, et al 13C and GO acres in I'enn twp for sl. Marriage Licenses. William P Day Clay twp Harriet Kamerer Concord twp John W Sellers Centre Co P Maggie Nail Butler Pa James Hartley Marion twp Rhoda Sankey " " James Gilgbrist Marion twp Abbe Vandyke " " Ira W Honeysett Mayville X Y E.'iza Smith Petrolia At Xew Castle, Campbell W. Boyd of Worth twp., and Mary J. Williamson if Mercer twp. At Pittsbtlrg, R. S. Xichols of Butler and Lydia Xicbols of Allegheny. At Xew Castle,Jas K Yogan of Slippery rock twp. and Mrs. Mattie Patterson of Worth twp Police Notes. The High Constable had James Sloan placed under arrest for refusing to aid him in arresting a drunken man. Sloan waiv ed a hearing and gave bail for Court. M. J. Connors, alias Raymond, Colman, Smith, etc, the last of tho four P. 0. burglars was arrested at Detroit and is in jail at Warren, Pa. His whereabouts were learned by a telegram to Hamilton asking for money. Plummer Daubenspeck had a hearing be fore Esq. McAboy, Monday, on a charge of forgery preferred by Louis Stein of the Savings Bank, and the case was continned till next Satnrlay. On Wednesday last a young man presented a check at tho bank, drawn to the order of George Dnnlap or bearer, signed by Simeon Xixon and Lou. cashed it. Sim was notified of tbe check next morning, and declared tho signature a forgery; and Lou gave such a description of the young man who presented the check as to cause tho arrest of Plummer at McDonald, Sunday. Ell wood Notes. A party of surveyors are having the Beaver River sounded at Ell wood Junc tion for tbe pnrpose of getting depths and foundations for the new bridge which is to connect the Lake Shore over the P. & L. E. R. R. into Ellwood City. The barge and other equipment yi tbe Beaver River at Elwood Junction is there for the purpose of drilling rock at the bot tom of the river whereon the foundations for the now bridge for tho P. 4 L. E. R. R. will bo laid. A large party of capitalists and manu facturers from Cleveland. Ohio, arrived at Ellwood City in a special car a day or two since, and after spending a day and a night at the place some of them returned home via Pittsburg, and expressed tho m selves as being particularly well pleased with the young city,and its advantages and prospects. Pay Up. Petrolia, May IG, 1t»92. I earnestly request that the local W. C. T. U. Treasurers remit State and county dues to me at tbe meeting of tbe County Convention in this place, Juno Ist, or at least, not later than July 13, as I shall bo absent during the summer, and wish to close my books by that date. Mas. A: M. RICE, Treas. Co. W. 0. T. 11. Wo Have, So our lady customers tell us, the best values in bleached and unbleach ed Muslin, in Ginghams, in Satins It AR. The Pittsburgh, Shenango & Lake Erie Railroad Company. Passenger Department. Fifty trip tickets to Conneaut Lake. Commencing May 16th, 1892, the Pittsburgh, Shenango & Lake Erie Railroad company will sell fifty (50) trip tickets good for any person and members of his family, between tbe principal stations on line of their road and Conneaut Lake, at special low rates, good during the summer months For special rates to picnic parties, Suudav schools, Lodges, &c , to the finest picnic grounds and largest lake in Pennsylvania, call on the nearest P., S. & L K. R R. Agent or write W. G. SARGEANT, General Passenger Agent, Meadvilie, Pa We Have The best line of Spring Wraps ever offered in Butler. Meyer Gans, an immensely wealthy man, is a manu facturer of Ladies' Wraps. He doeß not need profi's, but makes them for pleasure. They are the best fittiug Wraps uud the lowest priced Wraps in the market. R. & R. We Have Black Gros Grain Silk marked sl, which no other Butler merchant can give equal value for at $1.50. R A R. Very low prices on Fine Umbrel las at L. STEIN & SON'S. New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords, Henriettas aud Fine Dress Goods at L. STEIN A SON'S. —Dress Goods the best*&sortment in Butler at the lowest prices ut Louis Traxler'g. • We Have Hosiery that gives us the trade, be cause that we give better values for the price than our competitors. R. & II Stylish Millinery. Every lady who wants to be in style and save money in Millinery, buys her hat at Louis Trailer's, next door to Butler Savingß Bank. We Have Ladies' Fast Colored Percal Waists at 25 cents. You could not buy tbe material for the price. K. «t R. Buffalo Blankets, best for wear at L. STEIN & SON'S. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. The fish liar can take a hack seat, as the following from the Bristol Observer will prove: Charley Dillon, of Bristol, has a trained "colt" which performs all sorts of comical tricks. ,One of these tricks of the colt, which Charley has been fifteen years trying to break it of, is the habit it Las of ciimbing the'itiof of the barn and sliding down on its hannches as if it was a toboggan slide. Charley thought he would spoil the colt's fan by driving nails part way into the shingles bnt the cunning ani mal found a piece of tin roof up the alley and used that to sit on when sliding down the toboggan. About six years ago Chas. Harrington was arrested at a lumber camp near Em lenton, where he was living with a 13-year old girl named Raver. whom he had per suaded to leave her home at the village of Garfield, in Warren county. The girl's father, Robert Raver, found and reclaim ed her after she had been gone about a week. He had Harrington arrested, tried and convicted on a charge of abduction and seduction, and Judge Taylor of Ve nango Cow sent him for a four years' so journ in the penitentiary. When his term expired, Harrington went straight to Gar field. lie went to the Raver residence on Sunday, when only the two girls were present, lie subjected them to indigni ties, flourished a revolver, and swore he would kill his former girl aud the whtle family if she did not go with him. When the father came home ho pretended to Harrington that everything was all right. Next day. however, he had Harrington arrested for threats and carrying conceal ed weapons, aud in March, 1801, the ac cused was convicted and sentenced to fifteen months in the Pea. At that time Harrington swore he would have revenge on Raver. His sentenced expired a few days ag". He once more made straight for Garfield. About 10 o'clock Thursday night of last week, he presented nimself at Raver's house and demanded to see the girl. Raver was absent in West Virginia, and only the girl and her brother, Floyd, aged 14. were at home. They refused to admit Harrington, who began to batter down the door. Floyd ran to an adjoin ing room, got a Winchester rifle, brought it to the door, and sent a ball through Harrington's forehead.killing him instant ly. Harrington retired from futher business, at the age of 26. A coroner's jury found a verdict justifying young Raver. It is said that not many years ago a Du- Bois woman in buying some old clothes for the purpose ot making carpet rags, was horrified to come across the pantaloons in which her husband had been bnried sev eral weeks before. She was positive of their identity for she herself had woven the cloth anil put in the silk lining on which she had worked her husband's ini tals. No investigation was ever made. The grave remains to-day without a tomb stone. At Eric, Sunday, thirty-two houses were placarded lor diphtheria, a large portion of cases proving fatal During an outbreak in Jannary last the school board refused to close the schools at the request of the Health Officer Woods. To morrow morn ing the Court will take action on a motion for a mandamus closing the public schools lor three weeks. The Ked Lion sale stables in Pittsburg were destroyed by tire early Wednesday morning. Thirty-five horses were burned iu them, and several more in the Alvin stables adjoining. Prof. J. E. Morrow has been elected Principal of the Allegheny High School; and Prof. Arbuckle has been dismissed from the Principalship of the Oth ward schools; for beastly conduct with the boys. Shorthand. The Butler school of Shorthand and Typewriting will open its summer term on Wednesday, the Ist of June, 1892, in room® l on the second floor of the new Armory Building. This will give those who attend the public schools an opportunity to com plete the full course of three months iu time for school in the fall. The session will be from 9 to 12 A. u. each day except Saturday, and by faithful, diligent attention and practice during that time any person with a fair knowledge of spelling, pronunciation and grammai; can obtain a thorough mastery of all the principles of short band, and by practice become a perfect stenographer. Shorthand is not one of tho lost arts, although many think so. II the common idea was true that a person had to memo rize a sign for every word in the language it might well be called so, for no one could do that. Such is not the case, there being but forty-five characters used in shorthand writing, and it is as easily learned as any of the common branches taught at school. In this age of steam and electricity it is a necessity, and as a study, as a profession, as an aid to education, as an art which elevates and dignifies human character is worthy the careful attention of every youth, paient and guardian. Chas. Keade in his work on "Tha Coming Man" says: "I advise all parents to have their boys and girls taught Shorthand and 'Typewriting. A shorthand writer who can Typewrite his notes would be safer from poverty than a great Greek scholar." P. T. Barnum, in the Cosmopolitan saj's: "Every young person of both sexes, should at least learn Shorthand and Type writing. 1 cannot conceive that one who kiiows these two branches thoroughly will ever need to go hungry in the present generation, for they have a constantly widening use." Chas Sumner: "Shorthand has saved uie fifteen years of my life." The system taught is Graham's, the one I believe to be the best, and that one I have used in my Court work hero for tho past five years. Tho Text Book aud Methods are the very best and latest on the subject, and Remingtons the machines used. TKBMS: Six dollars a month in advance, which includes everything except blank paper, and wbeu paid at the end of the terra S2O. For further information call on or write, FRANK E. PELTON, Official Stenographer, Armory Building, Butler, Pa. We Have JJeen in business over 20 years The reason we remain here is benause we have done business in a way that holds our trade We sell goods in a way that retains our trade. When we sell goods to a party we make a permanent customer. R. & It Horses I will buy one car load of borses or mares, consisting of drivers, general purpose and druft horses, age from 5 to 10 vears, weight from 1100 to 1400. 1 will be at llarrisvilie, Thursday, May 20; North Washington, Friday, May 27; at the Wick House, Butler, May 28. H. SKANOR. We Have Never failed to secure a contn\ct on Carpets where bids were taken. This certainly shows that we sell Carpets at less prices than our opponents We are offering yard-wide Carpats. from 1G cents to $1 75. The same goods are priced in Pittsburg at 25 cents to $2 25. You can save money by patronizing home trade. K. & 11. Boarding House Cards, with Act of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-dozen, for sale at CITIZEN office. —Take your children to Zuver's Uallery for Pictures that will suit you. Postoffice building. We Have So many leading bargains that it would be impossible in the space al lowed ua in this paper to mention them. We therefore cordially invite you all in aud by a personal exami nation be convinced of the fact that you cau save money by purchasing Dry Goods at R. & R'a. We Have, We believe, the only guaranteed (J loves sold in Butler. It. & R. We Have A line of Cottage Carpets at 10 cents per yard. These grades sell every where at 25 cents. R. & 11. Rye Wanted. The highest market price paid for rye at our mill iu Butler, Pa. OKO. WALI'KR. i Personal. Mr. A. W. Shannon of Prospect is now located in Butler, and is doing the paint ing of Mr. Wm. McGeary's new and large home in the Fifth ward. E. L. Varnum of Centre twp. did the plastering, Frank Badger the stone work, and Messrs. JetF and Stewart Stoner are the contractors. Capt. W. H. H. Waason will deliver the memorial Oration at Harlansburg, Pa.. Decoration day, May 30, 1892. Mr. Was son is a native of Butler Co., and one of the first men to respond to his country's call in 1861 remaining till the war closed. Miss Hollister of Franklin is the guest os Mrs. D. E. Dale; and Miss Cutler of Grove City that of the Misses Ayers. Dr. Forester attended th* State Medical Society in session at Harrisburg this week. Wm. Dresso formerly of Centrevillc, this county, was one of the principals in a late elopement at New Castle. Mr. A. A. Little now has charge of Mr. Eugene McElwain's oil and gas well sup ply store near the depot in Harmony. tien. Thomas A. Rowley died suddenly at his homo on Webster avenue, Pittsburg early last Saturday morning. Prof. Magee of Prospect Academy pass ed throngh Btftler, Tuesday, on liis way homo from a business trip to lilairsville. IDs school is flourishing, and has sixty students. Oil Notes, A 300 bbl. well was struck on the Mul ler farm, below Zelienople last Saturday, by the McKeuzie Co.. Guckert A Steel's wildcat on the Flinner is completed, and reported dry. —A boy in Wichita, Kantas, public school has been suspended for the follow ing esjay on the subject of "pants." "Pants are made for men and not men for pants. Women are made for men and not pants. When a man pants for a woman and a wo man pants for a man, they are a pair of pants. Such pants don't last. Pants are like molasses —they are thinner in hot weather and thicker in cold. The man in the moon changes his pants during the eclipse. Don't you go to the pantry for pants: you may be mistaken. Men are often mistaken in pants. Such mistakes make breeches of promise. There has been mnch discussion whether pants are singular or plural. Seems to us when men wear pants they are plural and when they don't wear any pants it is singular. Men get on a tear in their pants and it is all right, but when the pants get on a tear it is all wrong.'* Decoration Day Excursion. The P. S. &L. E. 11. R. Compa ay will sell tickets to all points on line on their road, inclnding points on line of the N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R., good going May 28th and 30th, returning up to and including the 2nd of June, at one fare for the ronud trip. We Have Ladies' Unbleached Underwear at about the price the material would cost yon R. & R. Ice For Sale. Those wanting ice will please leave their orders at the City Bakery, No. 212 South Main St., and they will receive prompt attention. S. MORRISON, Prop'r. John T. Kelly Has been appointed postmaster at Butler, Quay has been Harrison the administration,but the administration has been Harrison right along. Har rison claims that the date of his elec tion was the largest official dinner ever given—eighteen hundred and eighty-ate. If you want to secure bargains in Dry Goods and Carpets call on R, & R. —We have moved into our store room, No. 128 East Jefferson St..one square above Hotel Lowry, please call and see us, everything at lowest prices. MARTINCOURT & Co Beßt styles in Dress Goods and Cloaks at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Spring goods now arriving at THE PEOPLE'S STORE. —Ladies vests worth 25c for 10c. at Louis Traxlers. —New wash goods in Zepherett, Persian Mull, Mousseline, etc, now ready for your inspection at THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Best place to buy Table Linens, Napkins and Towels at L. STEIN & SON'S. Fifty Pieces Challies, Light grounds fast colors, 5c a yard at Louis Trailer's, next door to Butler Savings Bank. —Kid gloves in all the latest shades at THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Ladies and Misses' Cloaks in great variety at lowest prices at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Justices and Constables Fee Bills, printed on card board, suitable for posting—for sale at this office. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of a writ of Al. PI. Fa., Issued out of the court of Common Pleas, ot liutler county. Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House. In the Borough of liutler. Pa., on Monday, the Z3d day ol May. A. !>.. 1892 at 1 o.clock I*. M., the following described property, to wit: E. 1). No. t;7. June Term. 18&!. Osmer lleydrlck, Att'ys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Robert Yanderltn of. In and to acres ol laud, more or less, situated In Venango aud Marlon townships. Butler county Pa., bounded as fol lows to-wlt: On the north by lauds now or late of A r llollester. formerly .luhn Osborn; east bv Cummings heirs. Win Brandon, ,\lc- Conway, John Jamison, et a!.; south by the heirs of Stephen Vanderlin and Jas Cummings: west by Neal Uorraley. Atwell and Porter; said properly being known as the ••Stone House Properly" subject to a certain grant made by Robert vanderlin to A U Kgbert and George it Sbeaaley dated March 1. ls:w, aud recordeu In said county In Deed book No. 115, patia IV9. About :CiO acres cleared and In a good slate ot cultivation; balance in timber; together with one oil well, one two-story stone house, frame barn, two orchards and out buildings thereon. ALSO—AII the right, title. Interest and claim of Robert Vanderlin, of. In and to ISO acres ol land, more or less, situated In Venango twp., fiutk-r county, l'a., boundod as follows, to-wlt; On the north by other lands of Robert Van dcrl.n; east oy Lands of tbc heirs ot A Jamison; south by lauds oi the heirs of John Murrln; west by lands of the hi'lrs of Jacob Klllcrmaii. about seventy acres cleared and In a nood suae of cultivation, balance iu timber; together with live producing oil wells, one two-story lrauie house, lrauie barn, orchard aud outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the pro]>erty of Robert Vanderlin at the suit ot lx'vl Porter, et. al., executor for use or A U Kgbert and Ueorge It. Sheasley. WILLIAM M.BROWN. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, liutler. Pa.. April JJ, lsys. Notice. Notice is hereby given that John T. Kelly Assignee of John M. Arthurs, has filed his tiual account as assignee, in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county, Pennsylvania, at Ms. I)., No. 4, March Term, 1892, and that the same will be presented to said Court for confirm ation and allowance on Wednesday the Mh day of June, A. D., 1892. JOHN W. BKOWN, Prothouotary's Office, Prothonotary. May 9th, 1892. Notice Notice is hereby given that W. W. Har bison Co minute of l>aniel Wise, lunatic, late of I'euu township, liutler County, Pa., now dee'd. has tiled his first and final account in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas ot Butler County Pa., at M's. IX, No. 10, March Term, 1890, and that the same will be presented to said Court lor confirmation aud allowance on Wednesday June Bth, A. D.. 18112, JOHN W. BROWN, Prothouotary's Office, Prothonoary, May oth, 180-'. The 13est Is none to good if you art sick. The physician ex pects results and this ran only be obtained when pure drugs are dispensed. Pu rity care and accuracy in every department of our business. Only registered pharmacists are employed and personal supervision Iliven to every etail. ffe 1 ndcavor to keep every thing that is inquired for, but if ice do not have irhat your prescription calls for lee will tell you so and do our best to get it for you at the earliest possible time. Xo matter what is needed for the sickroom come to our store. Our prices are as lote as con sistent trilh pure goods. Inferior ones ire do not care to handle at any B price. Physicians pre scriptions and family re ceipts a specialty. lUsptCtfully, C. N. BOYD, Druggist. Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. rpilE BUTLER COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, BI'TI.KK, PA. CAPITAL Paid l'p, - - - $100,000.00. OFFICEUS: Jos. Hartman. Pres't, J. V. Kltts, Vice Pres't. C. A. Bailey, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Jos. Hartman, C. P. Collins. O. M. Russell, 11. McSweeney, C. D. Greenlee. J. V. Ritts, E. E. Abrams. Leslie Hazlett. I. G. smith. W. S. Waldron, I). Osborne M. Flnegan. A general banking business transacted. In terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. Foreign exchange bought and sold. REGISTER'S NOTICES. The Register hereby .gives notice that the following accounts of executors, adminis trators and guardians have been filed in his office according to law, and will be presented to Court for confirmation and allowance on Wednesday, the Bth day of June, 1892, at 3 o'clock p. M. of said day : 1. Final account of John M Webb and Wm M Webb, executors of John Webb, dee'd, late of Clay twp. 2. Final account of John L Albert, ad ministrator of Henry Albert, dee'd, late of Centre twp. 3. First and partial account of Robert McKee aud James Little, executors of James Beers, dee'd, late of Adams twp. 4. Final account of George A McMillen, administrator of Jane Mc.Millen , dee'd, late of Summit twp. 5. Final account of Mary A Nimo (for merly Croft), guardim of James C Croft, minor child of John Croft, dee'd. late of Fayette county, Pa. (>. Final account of J C Watt, adminis trator of Wm F Logan, dee'd, late of Butler borough. 7. Final account of Barbara E Ralston, administratrix of James P Ralston, dee'd, late of Butler borough. 8. Final account of Nancy A Cummings, administratrix of John R Cummings, dee'd, late of Donegal twp. 9. Final account of II H Vincent, exec utor of Ezekiel Wilson, dee'd, late of Cen trevillj borough. 10. Final account of C P Amy, admin istrator of T H Amy, dee'd, late of Millers town borough. 11. Final account of Samuel T Okeson. guardian of F W II Wehr, minor child of Nicholas Wohr, dee'd, late of Muddy creek twp. 12. Second and final account of Joseph W Todd, executor of Wni Cruikshauk, dee'd, late of Winfield twp. 13. Final and distribution account of C J D Strohecker, executor of Margaret Remler, dee'd, late of Zelienople borough. 14. First and partial account of Cyrus Harper, executor of John Reefer, dee'd, late of Cranberry twp. 15. First, final aud distribution account of H C Black, executor of Maria Harris, dee'd, late ot llarrisvilie borough. 16. Final acconnt of Elizabeth Logan, administratrix of Erastus Logan, dee'd, late of Penn twp. 17. Final account of John W Gallagher, administrator of Win Gallagher, dee'd, late of Jefferson twp. 18. Final account of Henry Bright, ex ecutor of John Gerrard, dee'd, late of Ceutre twp. 19. Final account of Tillie C Brown, (now Young) executrix of Jacob Brown, dee'd, late of Clay twp. 20. Final account of I G Smith, admin istrator of W S Waldron, dee'd, late of But ler borough. 21. Final account of G D Swain and John L Rice, executors of John Rice, dee'd, late of Harmony borough. 22. First and final account of W M Ven sel, administrator of Isaiah Venae), dee'd, late of Millerstown borough. 23. Final account of Albert Godfrey, guardian of Minni* Shanor, of Concord twp. 24. First aud partial account of R C Wilson aud E M fannehill, administrators of John A Taunehill, dee'd, late of Venango twp. 25. Final account of J M Black, guardian of Forest L Kolilmeyer, miner child of 8 W Kohluieyer, dee'd, late of Allegheny twp. 20. Finai accouut of 1 Rosenberg, aduiin istrator of F B Goldinger, dee'd. late of Parker twp. 27. Pinal account of U C Milleman, ad ministrator of John Lutz, dee'd, late of Lancaster twp. 28. l'iual account of Mary O Miller, ad ministratrix of H E Miller, dee'd, late of Brady twp, as filed by Samuel Lawrenoe, executor of said Mary O Miller. 29. Final accouut ot Samuel Lawrence, executor of Mary O Miller, dee'd, late of Brady twp. 30. Final account of Adam Troutman, guardiau of Louisa E Nicklas, minor child of Alex Nicklas, dee'd, late of Butler boro. 31. Final and distribution account of 1) B Doutbett, admiuistrator CT A of Jacob Nicklas, dee'd, late ot Forward twp. 32. Final accouut of J II Pontius, ad miuistrator C T A of John Pontius, dee'd, late of Donegal twp. 33. First and final account of A W Shan non, one of the executors of S W Shannon, dee'd, late of Franklin twp. 34. Final account of Samuel A Leslie, administrator of llarvey B Brown, dee'd, late of Middlesex twp. Ho. Final accouut of Andrew McMurry administrator of Jane Brown, dee'd, late of Marion twp. 30. Final account of Silas Campbell aud Slt Campbell, administrators of Samuel I' Campbell, dee'd, late of Washington twp. 37. Final accouut of Harvey Baldauf executor of Margaret Smith, dee'd, late ol Butler borough. 38. Final aeeouut of 1) H Hockeuberry and Arabid Dobson, administrators of Wm Dobson, deceased, late of Clay township. 39. Final account cf John B Cunnin g ham, guardian of Ellen May Luty, late of Allegheny City (now deceased). 4U. First aud distribution account of Robert Barron and Elizabeth Oilkey, exe cutors of Robert Oilkey, deceased, late of Slippery Rock township. 41. r iual account of II II Grossman aud M F Mayer, executors ot Hugh Oros suian ilec'd, late of Brady twp. ■l-. Final accouut o»,A B White, admin istiator ol Carson Dunbar, dee'd, late of Middlesex twp. 43. Partial account of W J Marks and W It Thompson, executors of Fphraim Ogdeu, dee'd, late of Middlesex twp. 44. Final account of H M Wise, admin istrator of Henry Weckbeckcr, dee'd, late of Harmony borough. 45 Final account of II M Wise, admin istrator of Sarah Weckbecker, dee'd, late of Harmony borough. 46. Final accouut of Daniel Fiedler, guardian of Elizabeth Sahli, minor child ol Christian Sahli, dee'd late of Lancaster twp. 47. Partial account of Annetta U Staley, executrix of Wm Staley, dee'd late of Jctl/tr son twj>. 48. Final accouut of Mary Charles, ad ministratrix of John Charles, dee'd, late ol I'enu twp. 49. Final accouut of G C Timblin, admin istrator of George Timblin, dee'd, late ot Clay twp. 50. Final accouut of W C Hiddle, admin istrator of Patrick Sweeny, dee'd, late ot Parker twp. 51. Final account of James Nugent, ad ministrator ot Morris Nugent, dee'd, late of Clearfield twp. 5~. Final account of Sarah I Kedd, ad ministratrix of J C Kedd, dee'd, late of But ler borough. D. E. DALE, Register. ' ■ > r ci.il J I li LC lu * . HOMAS, iWltrfnatV IHIIUUIW M'fMSi w u v lawrii tuu«< cMia»y>i INSURANCE COMPANY or NORTH AMERICA.IOOth Year Assets §g, 278,220.00. Home of New York, Assets 5g,370,640.00. Hartford of Hartford, Assets $6,743,046.84. Continental of New York. Assets $5,806,784.91. NEW YORK LIFE, Assets $125,947,290.81. Of lice of E. E. ABKAMS & CO. Office in HUSELTON WILDING, neii to the Court Uou?e. FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, ROBES, -HARNESS, -And everything in horse and iur nisliing goods—TT ar - ness, Collars, "Whips. Ousters, Saddles, etc. -Also trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The lai •gest assort ment ot 5-A. Horse blankets in town will be found at Kemrier's. A. E. GABLE, V etermary Surgeon. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Canada. Dr, Gable treats all diseases of the domesticated and makes ridgling, castration and horse den tistry a specialty. Castration per formed without clams, and all other surgical operations performed in the most scientific manner. Calls to any part of the country promptly responded to. Office and Infirmary in Crawford's Livery, 132 West Jefferson Street, Butler Pa. Christmas For Everybody. Beautiful Preseuts that meet all demands and satisfy all wauts in great variety to suit all tastes now on exhibitton at Redick's Drug Store FaDcy goods and Novelties, Toilet Articles and Notions. While we can not describe or enumerate our great variety, we are very glad to show them to all visitors. We claim lor our stock excellence inquality, va riety in, design and reasonable prices. Whatever your wants may be,we can meet them with beautiful and apro priate selections. We solicit a com parison of our goods and prices. Knowing you will find our Holiday goods the best and cheapest. Respectfully, J. C. REDICK. WILLIAM KENNEDY. The well-known liveryman, Wm. Kennedy, will be pleased to have his friends call at his new place of business. The Best Horses, Buggies and Car riages in Butler at the most reasonable rates. The place is easily remember ed. Tho first stable west of tho Lowry House SPRING. This is not spring poetry but com mon sense. You'll want to freshen up a bit and will need some wall paper. We want to tell you that we have as large as varied and select a stock as you'll, find outside of the city and prices are no obstacle. We have reduced the prices on some grades, and you will find all lines very low. Our stock of room mouldings in vites your special notice. We have it in shades to match the paper, and you'll find your room not complete without it. We have a larger stock of widow shades than usual this season. Our line of oil cloth Dado shades, in gold or flock patterens at 50c is particular ly strong. Linen shade fringe to match, shade pulls, sash curtain fixtures, picture wire and picture hooks are part of our line. Don't make your spring purchases without giving us a chance to show you our stock Yours Respectfully, J. II DOUGLASS, Two doors below Postoffice f§s m? Our Spr ing Goods Have Arrived, Come and see Wo have put our foot down on high prices on Spring Clothing for men, boys and children Our stock contains all tue latest styles and patterns in all grades. Wo have men's Satinet .Suil at •■ftl.oO, men's Uuion Cassitner Suits at s■» is', men's Fine Business Suits at $7 to SIOOO, and a large lino oi dress suit also at rock bottom spot cash prices. . RACKET STORE 20 S. Main St.. : : : Butler. Pa. G. D. llarvey, Contractor, and Dealer in bui'dera supplies—Lime, sand, cetueut, etc. Ware-room near Campbell's Foundry, Residence 31ft North Main etreei, Butler, Po, HOT ttITBEI WII,¥, ItGHERIi Are you prepared for it ? It y«»u are not. we will inform you that our place of business in SOUTH MAIN STREET BUTLER. PA-, whore we can prepare you for hot weather bv supplying von with a summer coat and vest or a summer suit Lieht colored suits are just the thing this season and w • have them in great variety at ptices to suit everyone. < hildrens short pant* suit* $l5O. 2.00, 2.50, .1.50. 4.50. 5.00 up to 10 oft Boys' Suits $3 00, 4.00, 5.00 np to 16.50. Men s Suits $5.00. 6.00, 7.->O, N. 50, tu 12.00 in medium grade* and fine trraden $13.00,' 14.00, 15 00, 10.00 to 10 50. Summer ('oats from 25 cU to' £5.00. White and Fancy Summer Coats and Vests from SI.OO, I 50, 2.50, 3.50, •>.OO up to s 00. Boys' Summer Coats 25 cts to $1.75. All goods sold by us are guaranteed to be as represented or your money will be refunded Youis for clothing. H. SCHNEIDEMAN, 104 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa -0:0- THREE RAPID GOERS. -0.0-FIRNT: FIRNT: An all wool men's wood brown suit, single or double breasted sack, to suit everyone's taste, with good serge lining, for #lO a suit. SECOND: A domestic all wool fine ridge black Corkscrew, sack or frock, (pants of dif ferent material if desired) for *l2 a suit. THIRD: An imported all wool Hue lib Clav worsted suit, •> button cutaway, pants to match, either light or dark patterns for #ls a suit. SCHAUL BROS. & CO. One Price Clothiers. OPPOSITE HOTEL VOGELEY, - BUTLER, PA Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Y ar<l J. L. PU KVIB. L. O. PUHVIs. S.G. Purvis &Co. MASCrAL-TCRKRS AND DEALKBB 111 Rough and Planed Lumber Of K V CKY D**UKlPTlOll, SHINGLES, LATU & SEWER PIPE. Butler, P» L. c- WICK: DKALKR 1* Rough and Worked Lurabei Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. LIME, HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. A W. Depot, BUTLER - - PA TURN ON THE LIGHT Ard let It / —«l' B,- * r ■■til every f "an. Know* or the I Jrxet ll*»rj ot Gosser's Cream Glycerine. It is the iileftl Cosmetic. It stimulate* the nerve*, quickens circulation and carries away lieail particles of the skin, leaving it tine and clear. It haa no cqnol for Chap ped Hands, Lips, Face, ur roughness of the skin, anil is not excelled as a dressing for tin; face after shaving. It in a blai.il. creamy emulsion, with just enough table oil to soften the skin. N'o lady <>r Itcntlemun should ho without it. He sure to get the genuine. Take no substitute. "For sale by J. C- Redick, Drug gist, Hutler, Pa. W. H. O'BRIEN SON. [BucceHikiri of Schutte A O'Brien. J Sanitary Plumbers Ami <tivH Fitter?*. DKALKKs'mJ Sower Pii)c, (Ja«_Fixtureß, Glolhjh and Natural (tas Appliances. Jell'erHon St„opp. Lowry IIou»e PA AS USUAL \Ve are showing the finest line of summer millinery in tow n. Black and colored silks, lace, tinsel lace, new effects in jet crow ns, orna ments and Latest novel ties in flowers, fancy ribbons ami Swiss braids. Nice assortment of trimmed ai\%ays in stock. Oiders promptly filled Mourn ing our specialty. M. F. A: M. Marks'. 113 and 117|8otith Main Street B. $ B. 5o Cents. Tbat'B tbe price now on atyliab, elegant and serviceable. DH2SS WOOL3HS, The price by which we ar» creating so much dress gooda baaineaa. This very extendi re line iaclodM 38 inch MELANGE BEDFORDS. 38 inch IRISH TWEEDS. 44 inch CHEVIOTS. anj of which we are anxious to tar* yon compare with other 15 cent val ues—as values fro to-day. ALSO 38 inch, ALL WOOL CHEVRONS, 15 colors—6o cents Other atoraa *ell these at 90e. to SIOO. 6o pircrs (7 stylea,) all wo«l IM PORTED CUALLIE3, 35 cents. A lot of all pure Silk BLACK GRENADINES, 5o cents A superb nuaiity and macJl hotter than ordinary vaia*. You ought to hare a copy of oar FASHION JOURNAL A™ SHOPPING GUIDE. It'a money io year pane and ia to be had for tbe easing 115 to 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY. FA. DR. JOHNSTON'S IHPROVENENT IN DENTAL PLAIES. Patented February 25, 1890. _ TUa wtnuuawnt 1 M Jiliira «Mk ia» ',*rf .uctlna olaaain rnoußoa «■». Tt»» puiMtn '«rj am*;.. >n»j mml am nam to oar-tou*& Um ■ami •». ad twtaa mm vructnl >jb trur m. u u>!.~al pnoclpla», Jl •• Diuistb with * nag. Aay nae»er^ u*th ran br pot 10 wltamit Mtl t«rth you Dil k>Tr. ind DO plate la at roof ol th«* moo'h TUr palrnt plaw I. V'llJ **t t> <• IW> pur'l«l l<»<.r d-oruTf*. «taoa K laawi luiown that «tw iVo'sl profnaloa *air» aawa® »i|rc «'«>ftll»fl--r in tnal Iltw , ao4 '"•****", in rr |>art.aJ ■ >rff huteiio* a®* caoa"' gJKL Bk r Klirii tain* lot 6J!-jC~^eP tr.Hi »r<. »• !!»•« -*»r) »a upfer Far f**ta»r information. rsll at Rmh* 111 j,f,r«M Mih«. IITUa. n. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. A. J. FRANK * CO. tIU <,S " MEDICINES, a*D CHEMICAL.-* PAJSI'Y A»P TOILET ARTICEB, PONGE3, BRI'SHM. PKKri MtlT. «• iwi-uyii'•!«»»• Ifr»rrlfa«»a caraftUy «~ a<it« A. 5 S. Main St real. Butl«r. P». ~ MIL >-. " LORD ft THOSIS.