f'HE CITIZEN FRIDAY. MAY 20, 1892 fc.i-r. : arMUIM at Ball* as U t its great achievement, bat mast go forward. tvUile the war is passed, slavery abolished, j manufacturing indastries protected, sound currency guaranted, and the soldier is be ing rewarded, there are still other principle? to be guarded and interests to be con served. Among these we may name the agricultural industry, the educational (juestion, the race problem, and the lahjir problem. All theie need present attention bat in referring to them, it must not be forgotten that this is not a class govern ment, nor a caste government. It is not therefore a government of bankers, business men, of farmers, mechanics doctors, lawyers,teachers or laboring men; but it is a government of all these and more. It is a government of the whole Did any one class establish this govern ment in eight years of war ? Did any one class save it in four years of rebellion r It not, no one class can, no one dare usurp the prerogative of all and rule it now. No one class can ever govern unless it be by despotic rule. But the people should see to it that the most capable and best be selected from the various class, that they mav legislate wisely and well for the greatest good of all. So one principle is broad enough, no one class is great enough to govern sixty-five millions of sovereisra people whose rights are tonal But in looking over the whole field I will name two cftsses, and only two now whose interests are so gTeat and calling so important to all as to require careful con sideration and prompt action in our legis lative bodies in state and nation. These are the agricultural and laboring classes. To the first we owe our sustenance; every thing we cat and wear comes from the soil. >*ot only just, but the most liberal legislation is due to tbe farmer- All his rightful demands should be granted cheer fully promptly and without stint. Again it has been said, and truly said, that labor is the basis of all wealth, yet from the la bor comes the cry of discontent from all nations, from every region under heaven. He is blind and deaf who does not see and bearinthisandmutteringsof a mighty storm which is approaching and may in the near future burst upon this notion and the world. The discovery of steam power and modern inventions has concentrated capi tol on the one hand and labor on the other in such gigantic proportions in the last fifteeen years as to make a new era and is without precedent in human history. These new conditions must be met und readjusted. Billions of capital and mill ions of labor have met. Representatives of each are discussing or parleying. Shall it be a treaty or a battle ? It will require the wisest heads and the best hearts of both contending forces together /with our greatest statesmen to adjust this mighty problem on better principles of justice and right than now prevail. ' Tbe time is also approaching, and the ape demands a congress of peace to prevent war and nettle est pledge that it is prepared to bear the most conspicuous and able part in all the comiryr glories of the future.' Tm levees of the lower Mississippi are breaking and the country is being flooded. THB next events in local politics will be the donble primaries—Republican and Bemocratic—to be held on Saturday, June 4tb. The Republicans will on that day nominate a candidate for Law Judge, and as Mr. Greer has no opposition ho will be the nominee. The Democrats will noiui nate candidates for State Senate and As sembly, but may not name anybody for either Judge or District Attorney. J. D. Marshall, Esq. of Butler is spoken of for State Senate, and A. G. Black of Slippery rock twp.,and Aaron Reiber, Esq. of But ler and James Humpherv Esq. tor As sembly. Edward Zehncr's Break. Edward M. Zebner, formerly ofZelieuo ple. made a record for himself at Perrys ville, last Friday, and then shot himself through tbe head. nis wife's story of the affair when seen at Perrysville next day was as follows: "My bnsband," said she* "has been drinking considerably for some time past and said he was going to rent a farm near Hites station on tho West Penn road. He insisted on me accompanying him to look at tbe property and I went up yesterday After seeing it I told him that I would live almost any place in the world but on that farm. He bad no money and could only rent it and I do not know whether be had enough money to pay the rent. "We returned to tbe city and I went home. He did not come in last night, aud at 11 o'clock 1 took my two children and came bere to my mother's bouso. About. 5 o'clock as we were sitting at the supper table he came in and side: "'I want to know what you are going to do,' and 1 said. 'My God, Ed, what—' Just then be drew his revolver aud began to shoot. Ido cot remember much after that as I received two shots in my arm and my sister was also shot. He mast have emptied bis revolver, which contuins six chambers, and then went to the rear end of the lot, where he reloaded it and shot himself twice. He was removed to his mother'n house, a short distance above bere, where, I believe, he died an hour ot two later "I have never had any serious trouble with my husband, but i believe he was jealous ot me. but never thought, although he had been driakiug bwavily lately, that he wonld attempt to take my life " After the fatal shots had been fired the injured man was taken to bis mother's house where Brs. H. S. and L W. Lindley attended him. Both bullets entered the head an inch and a half apart. It was iin possible to d'. anything for the suicide,and he died two hours later. The weapon used was a 32 caliber revolver containing six chambers, and the owner for s ime time ns>t has been carrying it in addition to a r umber of extra cartridges. The first shot fired by Zehuer took effect in bis wife's wrist, the bullet coming out through her band. The next shot lodged in the rail and the third entered Mrs Zehner's arm. Of the other three shots bred one pass.-d through Mrs Rape's band Mr. Rape, whose wife wm shot, said that if be had been home at the time be might have received one of the bullets, as Znhoer seemed, determined to exterminate the entire family. His intoxicated condition, however, prevented him from carrying out his purpose. Mrs. /ehnor is a daughter of Mrs. Adam Michley of Zelienople, who was iu tbe bouse at the time tbe shooting occurred. She said they bad trouble ever since her son-in-law had begun to neglect bis hu»i ness and wanted to go to farming. The suicide two years ago with bis brother in law, Mr. Rape, kept a general store at Perrysville lie wan also engaged in the undertaking and livery business. After leaving Perrysville be started a con fectionery and bakery at the terminus of the electric road in tbe Tenth ward, Pitts burg. He applied for a license but wa. refused and tbis is thought to have been one of the causes lor the attempted murder and suicide. Jo/uiph Keating, tbe proprietor of the well known bosteirie out the road, was seen last night and said: "On ly yesterday f wa talking to Zehner at the ear. He xaid be was on his way to the city to close a deal for a garden farm at Hites station. 1 told him it wa* rather late in the season for gardening, aud he said he had to do something to make ends meet. "To day,' ho said, '1 have given up my store and the only thing that bothers me is that my wife does not want to go on a farm.' When I got home my wife t»ild me that Mrs. Zehuer and her two children had gono to Perrysville. I always found Zehuer to be a kind and affectionate husband." Mr. Keating or pone of tbe neighbors could be found to verify tbe charge of jealousy whloh Mrs. Zehuer believes to be the main cause of the tragedy. Mrs. Zehuur is about '■!') years of age, while he( husband was about 'M years old He was buried at /falieuople, Sunday afternoon. BiOUXCITT, lowa, is flooded, and eight thousand people are homeless. TUB New Castle papers of this week contain tbo annonncenents of Malcolm McCounell and James A. Gardner as can i didaten for Law Judge. A Lively Convention. The Democratic delegate* of the ii.ith Congressional district met at Now Castle on Thursday of last week for the purpose of electing delegates to their National Convention, and seem to have had a lively time. Mercer county hail six delegates in the convention, Bntler had five, Beaver fonr and Lawrence three; and the candidate - were Griffith ol Mercer. Heiu email of Butler, Bnnlap of Beaver and Clendenen of Lawrence. The Beaver and Butler delegates stood together, making 9 votes: and the Mercer and Lawrence delegates did the same also making 9 votes, and a deadlock. Several roll call ballots were taken, and then a secret ballot, and after the ol the secret ballot was made known fraud was alleged and affidavits made. The fourteenth ballot was taken and Clendenin recieved eleven votes, two But ler county delegates voting for him. and he was declared elected. Chairman tor quer of Butler here stated that he knew the Mercer man who cast the Griffith-Heine man ballot and it might have been a mis take. but he saw the vote just the same This statement caused another exciting scene and there were some hard words said and ugly accusations made by the Lawrence comity people. After taking twenty-nine secret ballots the conference adjourned to meet in Chi cago without electing the other delegate, the alternates or the elector for the district. The convention lasted all afternoon. A TREMENDOUS water-spout that burst in the neighborhood of some Hungarian coal mines, last Friday, flooded the mines and drowned a large number of miners Prospect News. Be it known That Sam Wc-igle, who works for Mart incourt A Leighner. of Butler, was home recently for a'few days, planting potatoes, sticking onions, and painting and striping his coal house. That James McGowau has fully recover ed from a sick spell. Glad to bear it. Jim. That B. L. English and wife,have moved to town in the Miller house. Glad to see yon come, Ed. and we hope yon will like to live in Prospect. That John ltotb says that Tommy Greer is quite a judge of ladies' bats. Come, John, Tom pays no attention to millinery. That Harry Okesou and Frank Heberling of Portersville, were in town last week. Thoy came over to see the octopus and the mermaid. That A. H. Dunn .was thrown from a horse, last week, and broke the radius bone in his wrist. That Joe Webber, Willie Heyl, Chuck Weigle, and Emery Beighley introduced the fishing season at Muddy Creek this years. Tbeywere quite pleased with tbeir trip, bat thought the largest suckers were on the bank. That McLain Gordon, of West Sunbury, was bere but recently. That quite a number of our people went to the dedication of tbe Lutheran Church, at Middle Lancaster, Sunday, May S. The) - report an interesting time. That Jeremiah fl. Ileaslcy, who was away from town for a couple of week, has returned again. Ilarry intends to do more drilling on the Fraz.tu and Ripper farms. That P.Ait ileckert, Fred, Beighley, Charlie Clark, and Mr. Burris, of Whites town, went through town on a fishing ex cursion to Muddy Creek, la t week. We do not know what success the boys had, bat they looked tired and hungry when they went home. That Mrs. Boehm has renovated and re modeled her ice-cream parlor, and will noon dish out a So. 1 article to her patrons. That Titus can't see why strangers will take one of his boarders for the landlord Ask Marion, T. H., and he will give you a pointer. That Lotis Robror, who carried the mall between Prospect and Isle, has re signed, and Albert Allen ha* taken his place. Sorry to miss your pleasant face, every day, Lou, but suppose it can't be helped. CosiTY. A birthday Celebration. Some three hundred of the friends and neighbors of William Gilghrist, ol Cherry twp , assembled at his home last Friday to do him honor and celebrate hisHOlh birth - j day. A bcHitJUCI W&ti hpiciiu Oil lUUIC. | erected in the yard, and after all had partaken, Alex. Russell, Esq., of Butler, was cho«cu president of the meeting and Robert Ivcll.of Murinjville, secretary. Will Braden, of Wwt Sunbury, led in prayer ' !n «tng fallowed, and then remarks appropriate to :*>e oceb-iou were made by lion. John M. Greer, l""4- i'm>K l <'. and several others; and a letter "ffegret from John U. Negley was read. Mr. Gilghrist himself spoke la*t and gave a short history of bis life. Be was liornjn Ireland; eaino to this country with his parents in IHIO settled in Butler county near Murrinsville and has lived in Bntler county all his life. Bis health aud memory are yet pood, and he is very active for a man of his age. '{"'irec sons are living, James (i , and Wm. H. of Cherry twp. and Robert B. of Bntler; also four daughters, MM. Keziah Crosier, of Centreville, Neb.; Nancy Sarina, of Croton, Iowa; Martha Anderson, of Butler; and Gemima Laughlin, wife of Hugh Laugh lin, of Butler. People were at the cele bration from ail directions, the day and the dinner were all that could be desired and everybody enjoyed themselves till toward evening when they departed wish ing Mr. Gilchrist many more years of health and happiness. Saxon burp Items. Rev. Horn was in the city, last week. Ban. Overheim has moved to Clinton township. Fred. Plabe is remodeling his hotel. The fiarvt rsville and Hanonia Council C. J. 0. A. M will unite in a Decoration Bay parade at Saxonbarg Mr John Bautnan and Miss Emma Beck were married la*t w«ek, and have moved to Canton, 0. Prof. N. C. McCollough heldacounty ex amination here on Thursday, of la-t week, and also visited the schools. Ignite a unmber of Allegheny County teachers at tended the examination. Drownndaic. On April -Hth, 1892, one of the saddest and most shocking accident*, that ever occurred within our vicinity, took place within a couple of miles of our village James Maharg Bouthett was the victim. He uias employed by bis Uncle, (A. M. Bouthett) proprietor of the general store at Brownsdale. On that fatal Thursday morning be left borne in his usual Joyous inood.iapparently without the leant pre monition lhat the dark cloud of death hot ered so near. Ife was delivering a wagon load of groceries and gathering tip produce at. the different farm houses. When ho reached the home of Mr. Samuel Rice, he transacted his business there, and was about to go on bis way again, but in turn ing the wagon was up.-et and James was throsrn between the hordes and dragged for about rods, lie was unconscious when picked up, and although everything possible, was done for hi relief, lie expir ed in about two hour ■ afterward* James was> the oldest sou of I: W. and Naney J. Bontbet), o| CimiioqueiitM-irig township. He was in hi-- ninctceeth year. Though young in years, yet by his uou*al good disposition and genial qualities, lie had made a host of friends, hoth at his homo in Connoquenessing township, and at Brownsdale. where he had been during the last tnree months of his life. Every one that associated with him .peaks words of praise for him. He had a disposition that any one would do well to imitate. During tho three months that I uh.-.oi iatcd with him. never ikd we nee it gloom) look on hi-* luce, a »inile and it kind word; and alwnyn reody to perform any duty that he wa< called upon to do. Hut alu« ' 'l'ho>it> willing hand* are Htilled and pliaiant Htntle* forever gone J allien in v. 1111 in no more and wo w«i-|, l»ittct-m to mynterioufi to u« at tiruen, hut it ii a comforting thought that (iod.hn* told uh that "wiuit we know not now, we Hhall know hereafter." May we all try to nuhniit willingly to the wire Providence*. Know that whom the Lord lovetb, he cor reotetb, even an a father, tho .. Pfo. 4, Mch. T. liook ; page 211. Now March an. I'ubllcallon Is ordered of the personal property appraised and set apart to the assignor as clalnn d to b«* exempt under the Act of Assembly to Insolvents, anil same to lie presented with one proof of publication at June term, next as accounts of trustees, etc.. for confirmation, lusl. BY THK COt'HT. BUTIKU CorvTY. e-i (X-rtlfled from the records this 10th day Of May. JOUX W. lIfUHVN, I'rothotioUiry. Administrator's Sals. Uy virtue of an order of the Orphans Court Of Butlor county, l'a.. at <). ('.. No. H. June term. Iwu. and to me dlrecp-d, I will on KKIIJAY. JCSB :rd l«tt. at l o'clock, v. M . expoHU to public s.ile or out cry on tne premises fnCoaltown, Cherry twp.. isutler county, l'a.. with leave to adjourn said sale lo the C-oort House al Ilutler. Pa., lor want ofsufJlelent t>Ms by giving due and public notice of ?»aid adjournment, all the following Ue, rllied real estate, to-wlt: All that, certain lot of liuid wtuated lu Coaltowu, cnerrj twp., Hurler OOUI.I I'.. . and described us follow*, to-wlt: on tut: north by lands ;il .lolin Jvlupui on lie 11 I'IKI- of It ilnl .v I!r0.. on the south by a public roid, and on the west by land lormerly of John blester now II W Ullott s.ild lot fronting sixty-eight lect on said public road on the south and l»eing one hundred feet on the cast and west sides respect!.- ly and having thereon erected a i wo btory frame house with brick basement, also a olaiiK stable and outbuildings. |e r «isc.| sale: One-third upon tt'iinrmatlon of -ale by the court, und the balance In two equal annuul paymenta, with lnter"-,t to be necurud by bond and mortgage on the premises and to contain an attorne. a commission of Oye per cent for the collection thereof. MAKV A. M.HK.1,1,, Administratrix, Coaltown, Butler county, l'a. H. p. Howssa. Att'y. Notice to Collectors and Others. All those who are indebted to the couii ty for taxes anil otherwise must be pre pared to settle on or before the Ist Mon day of June, next. There are quite a number who are back for several years, lhat must be settled promptly, or action will be commenced on then' bonds to enforce collection. »y paying attention to thiu notice yon will save coi-U. Ry order of Comiiii»#ioner»,May IH. 181)2. I MA AC MKAbH, Clerk. TRUSTEE'S SALE. In tbo mailer of the partition of Hie ) <>. ('. No. real estate of Ueorge Henry Kauf- . 7s, Dec fold, latent Wlnlleld twp. dec d. ) Terra, 111. It* virtue of un order ol the Orphans' court of Butler county, I'a., I will expose to public sale on the premises lu Wlnlleld twp„ in said county, on Saturday, May 28th, 18!)2. at 1 o'clock, i'. m . all that curtain tract of land Hi Wlnlleld uvp., ISullcr county, I'a.. contalniriK 109 Acres, bounded norili ny lands of .lohn Kan Hold cist by ICoberl Mmllh. south by deny I'ox aud on the WI Ml 111 IW'H I'l-on K I! . good lious", barn and other buildings; well improved. TKItMH one tulrd on connrinatlou or sal", and residue in Iwo ei|iial annuel payment* wlih inteie s. lo be 4'cured by bond and mortt'BL'e. with attorney'seoinml««lon. 111-.NKV 1 OX, 1 rustfte. Administrator's Notice. Whereaa letters of administration with the will annexed on the e lain ol Joseph Sloan late ol Venango twp , Uuiler Co., I'a , dee'd , have this day been 'issued by the lieinster ol said county to the, under signed, therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted lo said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and uny persons having claims against the same will please present them properly authenticated lor wettlemenl. E. 0 I'AHK*. Administrator with the will annexed of Joseph Kloun. dee'd., April 'M, 1H92. Si* Point*, HutlerCo., I'a., I'. 0. K. MCJI WKI*, Att'y. Administrator's Notlco. Letters of administration having being granted to the undersigned on the estate of Daniel Wise, dee'd., late of i'enu twp , lintler Co., Pa., notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to estate to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same lo prusulit them duly authenticated for settlement. »V'M. II WIMS, Adm'r, Jiara St., Kuox 'ille Allegheny Co., Pa. 11. Q. WAhKKU, Att'y. Administrator's Notice, ffHTATK 'IK CATU A KINK llOVb, DKC'p, I.ATK OK WINHKI.Ii TWP., DI'TLKR CO., I'A. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned all person* knowing themselves indebted lo said es tale win please make immediate payment and any having elai nis against the same will present thorn duly authenticated lor sell lenient lo • Joiiji T. M AHTIN, Adm'r. Barversville, i'a. Kxecutors Notice. KMTATK OK ALKX AXIiKH WKIOUT, IATK OK MI7PDYCBBBK TWP. I, utters testamentary having been Issued to the undersigned on the estate of Alex ander Wright, dee'd, late of Muddycreek twp,, Butler Co., Pa., all person* knowing themselves in debt to said estate will please tuake immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated liir settle ment to J. W. SCOTT, Kx'r , Portersville, Itutler Co., I'a. W. H. Luna, Att'y. vol! ( A r«» 1 t \ ;\ J V A 1» i» •' : i 1 • . . i >lll r • ! -.Ill" I i A. v r a. suo will tM'ililv l lui WIVI si lu»r»l SHZRIFF'S SALES. By virtue ol sundry writ- of \ en. Ex.. Kl. K„. Lev. Fit, *•' . issued out of the Couit of common Plea- of Butler Co.. Pa., and to me directed there will be exp-jxtl to public sale at the | Court House. In the borough of Butler, on Monday, June 0, 1892. at t o'clock p. m, the following tlc*rtbed prop ert>. io-wli : E 1) Nos 71. 1.0 aud IJI June term. 1892. tioucher. Lowrv and Korqtier, atty's. All the rigM. title* interest and claim of B Net>el. of. In and to 10l a-re- of laud, more or loss, situated In Summit township. Butler Co.. Pa., bouuded a- follows, to-wit; on the north b> A and T Berblgler. east by (Ira.'e M, Carnes. south by public road- west 1 y John and Henry Ueott and Joseph Dlttmer's heirs; ha\ Ing there on erected a log house, barn and other out buildings; three producing oil wells, and alt under fence; near Herman station, on the West Penn Kallroad. s. lzcd and taken in e\- | ecutlon as the property of B Neb*-1 ai the suit of Alexander Lonry. trustee, Al iliitl and 11 Sclineidc man. ED No IV' June term l« '-\ T C Pampbell. alt'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Mary A McDowell and Cli.irles McDowell, her hus band. of. In and to a certain lot of land situated In Butler borough, Butler Co.. Fa . bounded as follows, to-wtt: Commeneinu at a stake on East Pearl street and an ex tension ot First street thence by the south line of East Pearl street to a stake at pond w here the east line of said street crosses the line of lauds of Mr- M E Bole east los feet, tlienee by the noith line of land of said Mrs Bole south 4- 10 deg west to the east line of the extension of said First street, llienco by east line of said street (as now laid out, :■/> feet wide.) north 7b feet to the place of beginning together with a two-story frame house and out buildings thereon seized and taken in execution as the property of Mary A .McDowell and Charles McDowell, her husband, et al, at the suit of S i; Purvl-) A Co E I) No 43 June term, l-M, Williams . < ast by Wa-hltigtou street, south b_- Mrs M L Huselton and west by an alley; together with a two-story frame hou-e aud out buildings thereon, sei/ed and taken lu execution as the property of K L (ribson at the suit of Jeff Burtner and Emma J Bnriner, his wife, lu right of said Emii a J Burtner. ED No 102, June term. l-:ij. Vauderlin. att y. All the right, tit!", interest and claim of Ua-sp'-r E Mcliutrk. adminlstrt'.ir of Jano s \| - (iulrk. dee'd. of. In and to iv acres ot land, more or less, situated In Venango twp.. Butler county, Pa., bounded us follows to-wit: Com mencing al a post by Win Smith's aud running south -J deg east 7a perches to a post, along land-of Irw in; thence south l deg west lej perches to a post, along lands of Win Cochran; thence north lo a gum KI deg west #9 perches lo a cherry; thence north l deg east 110 perches to a post along lands or Kobert Smith and Will Smith to tie place of beginning, mostly clear-d. ALSO—AII the right, title, interest aud claim of Casper E Mcliulrk, administrator of James McOuirk, dee'd. of In and to 2 acres of land, more or less, situated In Venango twp., Butler couiitv. f a., bounded as follows, to wit: Com menting at a post, running north *9 deg west 39 5-lu perches to a post, along lands of liobert Cochran; ißence south 1 deg west St) 1-lu perches to a gum, together with a log house and other outbuildings thereon ereciod, and all cleared laud. Seized aud taken in execution ~s the property of Casper E McUulrk. admin istrator of James Mciiutrk, dee'd, at the suit of Wm Cochran, for use ol Mary Jane Cochran. ED No J-, June term. ;n'M C G Christie, att'y. All the right, title. Interest aud clatrn of \\ 111 lam Ualstoti and su-ati Kalstou. of, in anil to I.'acres ol land, more or less, situated ia Muddt reek twp„ Butler couuty. Pa., bounded an follows, to-wit: on the north by Wm and Ml san italstou; east by lauds formerly of t J Selgfrl' d; south !>» Peter Wallace, wesi by Mc- Counell heirs, mostly cleared and under a good state ot cultivation. Hel/nl and taken in exe eullou as tin- i acres of land, more or less, situated In Jefferson twp.. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: on the north by Matthew Cunningham heirs; east by llartzeil and Hays; south by Mrs. litzsimmoi.s, W B Urahum, Joseph t.raliain and T V Cochram. ami west by J Hand W W Graham, together with a two-story Inline house, frame barn, orchard and otliei" outbuildings thereon. »ei7ed and taken In execution as' the property or W .H Cochran, executor of Fatrlc Graham, dee d, et al at the suit of Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, lor use of Ella J Cochran. E 1) No Ut. June Term, isitt. Lowry, att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim ot Christ Miller, of, in mid to a certain lot of l-an.i, more or less, situate In Butler borough. Boiler county. l'a., bounded as follows, to-wu On the north by lot of 1-isher; east by Conno uuoneasing creek ; south by lot of Sliuggart. and w t»l bj cure Street. having theieon erected one twoslory Irame house and oatbuildtngs. seized and taken lu execution as the property ot C nrlsi. Miller ut the suit of John F Lowry. K 1) No 100. June term, is i/j Flet- r er and Moore, attorneys. All 11"-' riijlit. title, interest and claim or .Samutl Alien, attendant.and John Ailen. tern tenant, 01, lit and to ITuaeiet ot land, wore or MtuaKd in (•taukllii I'.wi.sUlp, Butler countv, J'ii. bounded as follow.*, to wit; Be ginning at a post upon the public road known at the ilakei ruatl, opposite a stone corner ot tin: Jewel 11'.ukec (arm. thence in aji easterly direc tion along tue centre ot said road to a point on s ild roau designated by a rot I: a* showu by a drill ol K.-'| Black attached to deed Iroin Samuel Alien Iruin I bonus Alien et al, by lands 01 Jaltl'-S Hiker, tlieii e norm by lands ot said .lame* 1 taker to lauds or <; and J Allen, tlienro In an easterly direction by laLOs ol aid u •■ ■■•! .1 Allen to a atone pile, t hence south by lauds ol Bverett Campbell and Henry Alien lo a point upon - 'id ItaKer ro id, Hien« e ulorig tti; centre of said road to a point upon tut Franklin road, I lie nee along lite i eulre ol said road, billowing ltn bearings, to a post by lanus ol II C Allen, thence west ;j2 roo* to a pout, inence norm 70 hi st 11 rods to a point south of Muddycruelc by Inndioi Henry Alien, thence along the »,,u'h 1..mil ol nd it ek. loilowmg line as marked by h.-'| Ilia' U. to a |< ill I'J l.ticil o| Henry Alleii. thence norihoi In a nor I in. ri} direction b\ lauds sold to Jetttll Maker oj lite Aliens. and a porllou ot ihe said iewell llaker farm, tt> 1I15; place of beginning ; m.Mlly cleared; together wilu three nouses, two bainH. orchard and out buildings thereon, rtcl/.t'll A nil taken In UXOCU lion as ihu properly ol Samuel Allen, defend ant, ami John Allen, tcrre tenant, at tiic ult of II J Plzor. guardian, ef:. K D Not x and G7 Juno term. 1 s-jj. Coulter A Baker, attorneys. All the right, title. Interest and claim or Leslie Thompson. ot. In and to certain lot* of land 1. more or less, situated In Butler borough, liul!'r county, Pa, bounded as follow*, to-wlt: ttn the north by Pillow slrci*t, «a*t. by lot of Milu S toner. south by an alley anil west by lot of Mr* Zeelc, and being lot No *:t.i ot Charles DulTy's plan ol lots In said borough, anil having a [run I ago of SO feel on I'Ul'iw street anil ex teiidiiiu back even width ion feet to an alley, with a two story frame house and out building ' thereon. Helped and taken In execution a* the property of taide! Mi iM-vltt and heirs of Meal (Jallagher smith by (ieorge llyers. und west by John Wlelt together with a frame bouse, barn, orchard and outbuilding* thereon Her/.ed and taken In execution as tho property of It I' HOJ'le al the •.nil ul Millei .town lie posit Hank lor use of ( II Johnston. I; 11 No ID Jll he f'rm, is'J-. Mate# & Walke.', tt'ys. All the rlgh;, title, Interest and claim of Kmma ICobb null I N Itubb, of, In and to a certain lot of laud, more or lc *. situated In Hutler liorough, Butler county Pa-, bounded .is follows, to wP: Beginning lit a pott on Mercer street, thence running south along Mercer Ml l-ji reel to an alley, thence along *ald alley In a westerly ijin-elloii ls.ll, el lo .hi alley, thence along lot or .1 A llorton In an easterly direction to a post on Mercer »treat, the place ot begin rilng. together with a one tory frame house and outbuildings thereon, hcl/.ed and lakeu 111 e..11 ul lon us tie property of laaina lloob and I N itobb at the *tiit of Klrkpulrtck & I teed for use, etc, i; l> No.'u June tertn, 1 *'?-■ I.cwu / Mitchell. att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim or .1 Itlii". or, In and to :w acre* of laud, more or lest, situated In Ailafns twp . Hutler county. Pit.. Is.undi das follow*, to wit: On t lie north by Mary llavls; en t by Joseph Hays; south by Joseph May*, west by Joseph Hays mostly cleared alid In a good 'ate of cultivation, with ii two "tor, frame house und out buildings iiiereoii Hei/.ed and 1 tk«n in exeeiitlon as Hie property of-I Kllie al lit' soil ol David H Crowe K1) No 1:1 •.I one term tinr.'. IPil tun. ail 1 . AH the right, title. Interest and claim or .1 P. M' I It-V It I and * I. Kithle pallners a* MeDevltt X Kahle, Of. In and t.o a '.ermin 10l of land. less, simiil'd In I|||l|',l IKUotlKh. Hut ler COUIlly, P 1 liouilde I a 111 In'.v 1.11 Wit: "Hi the north b> M ir A D.ivl* • id ti\ H 't heir • south by itn alley and hi* by \\ 1 ■ >*l• -rri Avenue; reltoed and a lot of shrubs and pliinl-. then on Hel/eil and taken in exeeiitlon 11 the properly of .1 Ii MeDevltt and A I. Kahle, partners as McDevltt tk K ihlo, at the suit of hliueou Nixon. E D No xa, June term, imii. Williams .* Mitchell. iMI ys. All thr right, title, leteiest and claim 0/ Hugh firecn. of. In and to P. ai res of laud, |i|»i" "r less, situated In Clearfield twp Biltl'-r Co.. Pa., bounded as follsws. to-wlt: lleglnnliig at 11 po*t at Hie southwest corner, on lines or A Mc- Donald thence west deg cast percba* to a white oak. along purii#rt No ii thence N *u deg east i'T percues along line of said purpart No 2', thence north X de# east .IT tierchns along llm of said purpart No lto ajsilnt on lino of Thos K. (Jreen and Hugh (ireen; thence north sn deg ritsi ft 11 111 perches along linn ot Thomas K «iri-. u and tireen; los point tin Hue ot J Ijiux; tlieiii I- south deg west 100 l-in per cite s along line of Raid J l.ftix to a po*t, thence north si deg west wir. 10percln 1 to a post, theplac of beginning mo*'ly cleared and lu a g rlfrlit. title intent' a-nee .-xiutu by ludi ol Jacob Brown (formerly .turner I'nor to a post. tlit-nce ea>t ; by lands of Turner \N lclt to a post, thence norm ; by land- ot W >.ew.»rt t<> a po-t, tUence west bv lands formerly ot Klcining to tbe plaee of j beginning. mostly cleared; In a good state of cultivation, with a l',-story dwelling house, lot; barn. outbuilding and . orchard thereon. Sel/.cd and taken in < v-cutum as the of W <; Christy at the -utt ot Henry Mill r for Uv of 1 J Met' and less. EI) No i.w June t'-rm, lv/j. w H |,usk. any. All the right, tltie, mtere-t and claim of Edwin K tlranain, of. In to j: acres of land, more or leas, situated In Cranberry rwji., liut lercounty. Pa., bounded as follows to-wlt: on the nortli by"Heaver county line: e.t>i by J.i/oD Ooebring and Mat (irahani; s_>uili by Samuel Uraltun; west by Michael FrLsbkors tielrs, mostly cleared, under a eood -tale ot cultlva Hon. to.'eihei with a two-storj brick house, frame bank l arn, orchard and outbulldlnj;- tbereon. seized and taken In evecutlou a.- tu<- property ol Kdwiu I liratiam a: tiie .uni of It U Yates. El> No June t-rui, I*l2. I.ew ls Z Mitchell, att'y. All the right, title, luter' -t and claim of .1 Rlne.ol, In aud to one lourth acre ol laud, more or les>. -Ituaied in Adams twp., llutlei county. Fa . bounded as follows, to-wit: lie b -in iilnc at a stone corner at the Three Degree road ill said township:, thence eastward to other lands of .1 K me; thence by said Kine to the l'nree Degree road: i tie no- along said road to tin- place ol beginning, together wliu a board stable thereon. »el/.ed and i.tked In execution as the property of J Kuie at the suit of David 11 Crowe. E D No lux June term. lSfti. J 11 lirediu, all y. Alt the right, title, interest aud clam of J "s Carson, of, in and to 53 acres ot land, more or less, situated in Llihtou twp., miller county, Fa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: iicgiunlhg at a post on lint' ol lands of John Thompson, llieuce norm - deg west Tti perches to a post, thence north xs dcu east u« perches to a post, tlienoe south -o . d g west ts> percnes to a sugar tree on bank ol creek, thence down the middle of -aid ere-.-: south deg west M perches to centre ot small creek putliiig in from the east, thenre iwrtb deg to the pia« e of beginning; tnristly cleared aud under a good state of cul tivation. with a log house, stable, orchard and out mil Id lugs thereon. Seined and laki n in execution as ihe property of J S Carson at the sun of Charles ticiole. Ell No at June term, l-yi. lirandon, ally. All the right, title. Interest and claim ot Thomas S Thompson, 01, in aud to to u. res of land, mot* or less, situated la Clear Held twp., llutler count\. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: (in the uorth by i aarles Dufty; east by Hob i t M i u jutMODf OOUtll b_, Jacob t ranmer ami Walter Lucas; w at by Leonard OesterliiiK and wintleld :s Uold. mostly cleared and in a good stale of cultivation, seized and taken In exe cution as the property of 1 nomas S liiompson at the suit ot George NV Bartley and Robert M Thompson, executors. ED No 99, June Term, 1-92. \V D Brandon, itt'y. Ail the right.title. Interest and claim of Jona than McMlllau, 01, in anJ to 15 acres ol laud, more or less, situated In Marlon township. Hol ler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: lle glhuuig at ilie southeast corner at. a stone in in middle ol the road, theii-e aortli 31' deg west To s- 10 perches to a post by lands of l.evl Porter; thence north *>> . d.-jj east 10 l-io perc li es u> a post by lands of £lliza llolTman; thence south -M;. deg cast 14 >-lu percue* to a post by lands ol same; tuen-e soma st> j deg cast 11 t;- lo perches to a post, by lauds ol same ; the nee south -'u . deg west 07 ti lo perches lo the place ot beginning by a public toad, an i being bounded north by bllza HofTiil tn east and south by Hamuel Bailey, and west,n.. Levi Por ter, »ltu -i Irame house, or uari aud outbuild ing-; mostly cleared and ill a goo l staie of cul iivalion. seuod and taken in execuiion as the property of Jonathan McMillan at t tie suit ot the ilutler .savings linIIS, E I) No .June term. uw. J W lluiciiison. ttt t'y. All tii • n?lit, title, iuieri\H a:i l claim oi a J i;ieU» rtnaii, of, !u Jtiul t«j u (M-rttln 10l ol land, more or iiiv», isutuatctl lu iiutli*r bjrougii, »ut lercoun y. IM,, t.junded as to-wit: on tUe liortU bv uli oabt by iaii'ls ol iiu *-istn'ti >outn oy i'uiui :.ir«-et; ucst by lot lormerly ol MrshcU'.i» Pbillijn, iiovv Mis Hpttng, wan! lot rronUtiß <»n IVun btrift tj teel ami ex- back Sttine wldtu l-vi ie»»t to »n alley, the oortUern bouud.try, wttb a frame liouac- .unl tuereou. Seized aud taken in execution as the property o! .) liletitrmaii at the uujt 01 U M Phillips. K I) No I^7, June term, Joseph ii lire din. All the title, tnt«r«*-t and claim or Fred erick M< .NeaU un»rtgagor, Alexander Hamilton, jidrn'rot Kli/abetn Wallace, d'-e'd, terre tenant, 01, lu au i uereai of land, mure or less, Mtuatcd in Kurward twp,. Ilutler eouuiy, J'a. bouudtMl as loltows, »o-wit: at a p.jbt a ojob hlaii'iM ol llenry Foil/, tlienee l»y lau ls oi nttid I'oltz and iJermau Schilling soutn j«j§ deg easi 7o l /j perehes I*j u post ad joining lands ot MeNaily; thence by said laudn ot Mt- Nally and 1 nomas (jraham nor(4i de« <;ast •JQ7M perc bes to a post adj'dnin>c lands ol 1 ho> Uranaiii, tlieuce b> haid lands «d Thos lira bam norm .1 deg west perches to a post adjoining lan is of .1 ( Kelly; thence b\ .said of J * Kelly south . dejc west jo.> l 4 pf re lies to til** plaeo ot bcglQUilig. with a tw.»- story name lioa.se, Irani- barn, orchaid and ou* buildings thereon. eiz«*d aud taken in execuClon .»s the i>r »i» riy jt Frederick Mo- Xeal, m irtgaKor. Alex ilaiuiltou, administra tor oi Kiuaoetli Wallace, deceased, terre too ant. at the suit oi l.ckait Kalb, oi John McNeal. Ei) No y~, June Term, luw. Donly, attorney. All the rlgut. title Interest aud claim of T'oilins, Hiinau (.'ollius, \V Collins, of, In and LO •. tcruttoi i .:i i, moie or 1< \..uai in Pa «.»-4 low iiAhip, liut.cr county, l'a., bounded as lol lows, to-wll: on the north by Charles C'ollliiv heirs, east by lauds of John McNainara aud a\ uii Me Samara's heirs; south by lands of John nmltli i heir-t; rt'e.st l>> luaU-. of John Met\ifTer ty, with a two story traiue house, frame barn, ore hard and thereon. rxsL/.cd mi taken In execution as the pro pert) llugu lolluis, ftu-tan ( olllu*. \\ C t'ollUis at t'.»e suit of I'hliip i)aubensj>eek, tor use, et< . fc I) No 10 j Juno term, 1 wji. I* C < ampoell. atty• All the rli hi, tule, interest and claim of M Jt Uole, 01, in and to a certain lot of land, more or l< vs. situated in Ihitler bom, ilutler i.'o.. l'a . bouuded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by taouelier riau ami Orphans llome, east by Orphans' Home, south i»y ilrady street, west by l>i McLean, l<>K r 'her with a two-story frame house, frame barn aud outbuildings thereon. , w .ei/.eii aud taken .n execution as the property of M h Hole ut Ule suit ol I'urvis Co. Al.su All the rlKlil. title. Interest '"ill claim of M K llole, or. in mill to • ' acres or luuii, more or less. situated in l>om «tl twji.. (Sutler county. I'a . hounded as follows to-wlt: |icgli.nlD< at a point, lu centre or Mlllerstow 11 road or Main sir ct. lij said road norili I'jodcK '"> eaht :m fl-io teel; thence uy same nortli ' fJ deK r. loin east V.'7 feet; thence by same north uv d«K I mill rail l.|i,'/ feel lo a pod In norili line of aald farm; thence by Bald line and l> Ham hart south sjdeif lit mln weal :i.34s 1-lu feet to u pout; thence by Gorman cnurcli lot south ikideg wesi til ft 10 a poii in the roafeet; thence by lot No '• In plot recorded In Ileed book Vt. pak'e i.lj. north :kj mln easl 115 feet; llu iice by lots Nos 7, i. and ■> 111 aid plot .south s:< .HI mln cant no feel; Wence norm m mln cant 7ft feet, south K'j M mln east lo |ci t. aouth ,io ;io mln west ZJO feet to a post on soutli side Drove Ave; them <• by said avenue, south side, souths!) 30 lulu east 1W 7* 10 feel to place of be^ r I lining. mostly cleared and In a (food stale ol cultivation, with a two story triune hous#. frame bank burn, orchard ami outbuilding* Iheroon Seized ..ml l il.ni lu execution Us lie properly of M K Hole at the suit of H (> I'ui vis .V CO. I'KItMS UK BAl.K:—'llie following iuu.it be strictly compiled with when.property is stricken down. 1. W.ien the plalntlß or oiler Hen creditor tH comes the purchaser Ihe cost on III" wril must lie paid and a list of th<- Hen < Including MjftrciKtM on property >l«i to* K*-UJ« i wil.li HUI ii lieu « ivoi Hon llirn of WH IIM may cl.iliti muni forulHUml tin- Hb' i'lfl. 2. All lil(i.H litu it IH* n.llll 111 full. j. All HultH not iK'ttli'd liiiui'-Mli iitiy will ix* toutlmi'-il until 1 o'tionk r. M of fu vt »luy t »t» whuii tiiiit- .til prufwrty not wltlnd lor will put up ami :»ul«i .it the expunge iuid rl k of tlif pernon lo wiioui Hi nt. »olil. •,-v'ii I'UKIOU'H tilli «*•!ilion, M6 ' au«l HiulUl'l Korui», p 3HI. WIIXIAM M HIiOWN. HImtIIT. HhfrlfT'M Omce. Itutlor, I'a.. Muj Utli, iniri. Widows' Appraisements. The following widows appraisements ot |s-i •onai prop' riy and real eslaift set apart lor the lll'llellt Ol the wldllWS ol llCCellaUls liav Keen tiled 111 the oQlce ol Hi" ' lerk of Orphails' Court oi Uutler couuty • vi Widow of .lames Hllllngsley, deed |IWi !»'• ■■ J,. ON .1. itah- 1. dee d ... JJV is. .1 W Wright, deed, (realty).... sue no " •• lsalaliVeiisel.dei.il ;»sil*i • " filter Kruuier, deed 'O " .lohulti uiniiilnns. dec d,(reully ;•«*) isi ■■ Charles Miller, deed ', " llenry Kohluieyer, dee'd .. wo <*i •' " Manillas llasoiy, dee'd. ... KW 80 " John A llllllii. ilcc d 100 HO " •' Jam s Oltisoll. Dei d .'.'"i "0 •• Andrew I'.iler, deed ;*» eo •• ",1 (' Miuki ley, de,:d. (realty) mw •• " Jettatl »ii * lilxler. dee d 'J't IS " ' Samuel I'CauiplM'll. dee d tm On •• Wendel Kirk, dee d, (realty) ;asi no lllr'li, deed, ... L':i"> in "!• H Hun lilb ld, dee'd.... 4*l "O " John C,lleckulho*u, dee d . .»»! On " ' 1 llenry -I UriulJ dec d i• 00 •• •• .(no A Tanueittll, dee'd, (realty) i««i ISI All persons In fere* led In the above appraise Ineiiis will take nolle- i.bal Un v will If pre senled lo (lie Orphans' Court ot Hutler eounly for coiillrmatlon übsoluudy, oil Wwlnevlay, the sill day Of June, l-'rt, If no exeeptl .ns be filed. .loo, IMI ( UIHWI I I . ' L» rk O. i . UrldK« Keports. Not I"* It lnn*l»y glvi-n Mmt Utt« following brl'ltf«*4 tiav i»« i n fOntlrnieii ulnl l»y tin- rourt and will If pp- »*ntri| on th«< Ornf WfNtiictfUijf of .fuiic. h:w tifliijf tin- HIII ilitv of MiiWl luoritli. ami if no fx'«*Pf l<»n»t are flh'd tln*y will tii* t (•nlirnw <1 ftl»v»lul*ly. It l». No. I March HfHHlon, IM'r'. IN |(K p« M MMon of Inliabllitul t of boiou/li und lown-»liij» ofltuMcr f«>r a ltrnlK« ovur ruiiiiiM|UfiifHMlnr. cri'i'k, ii* r tin- fair irroun and I hail he l ie. i ion ol lhe aine will reipilre more exi ' ii'ii lb in Is reasonable llin borough of llulli'i ■ liou Id bear, and did Ps'afO Hie die (hereof ,ii the point where Coniiis|ueuesslDu en e* avenui*, as shown by dratl. -n , omp.inv liiif the report, and made part thereof and marked A , that no i hany Is necessary In the I 1,111 ie or tied of the public road lo be connect ■si wiih said bridge Ho liwifoo a* •• • i M.mih l», IKr.'. approved notlrc to In- given according |0 law and rub s "t court, aud this report iqlie laid belof Hie lirand Jury at next term lly i MX Covin. Hi in ii OiCKi v s»: i erlllled from the record this nth.lav of May. jH(r.' Josr.l'll lit law x i.i,. Clerk O. S TE WANT WORKERS Hilary or commission I'l u'Kid mon. Fast sell lUK Imported ispei-lallles; alwi full line OUAHANTKKD Nl IWBKV HTOi K. (stock tall Ink' to live replaced I IIKI It. I'. l.uctclKord A. C'J., Rocheiter, N. \ . RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WEST I I-VN R. SI. Trains leave the West Penn dep< t at foot ea-t Jefferson St. as follow*; < :20a. m.—Market—arrives at Allegheny at 8:40 and 9:13 p. m. .v-10 a. m.—Express—arrives at Allegheny at 10:30 a. in. 11:00 a. tn. —Accomodation -arrives at Alle gheny at 1:24 p. m. p. in—Accomodation arrives at AUe at 4:14 p. tn. ">:00p. m.—Express -arrives at Allegheny at Allegheny at'i:4- n. m. The ti;2o a. m. rain and 2:40 p. m. trains connect at Rutler Junctiou with trains East to Blairsville Intersection, where connection is made with the l>av Express and Philad'a Express going East. Trains arrive at Butler at 9:55 and a.- m. and 1:30, o:u0 aud 7:">t) p. in., leaving 1 Al legheny at iS;">O ant' 10:40 a. :n. and 3:15 1." and 10 p. in P. A W. B. H. Trains leave the P. Jc W*. depot near Cen tre Ave., Sonthside, (Sutler time, as follws going south: t'»:00 a. m.—Allegheny Accomodation. S:lo—Allegheny and Akron Express—runs on Suuday to Allegheny, aud conu ects daily to New Castle. 10:20 a. m.— Allegheny Accomodation. 2:50 p. m.—AUgheny Express. 3:20 p.m.—Cliieago Express, runs on Sun day. 5:55 p. m.—Allegheny aud Zelienople Mail Runs on Suuday to Allegheny alone. On Sunday alone, at 11:15 a. in., Allegheny Express. Going North—lo:os a. in. Bradford Mail. 5:00 p. m—Clarion Accom. 7:25 p.m.—Foxburg Accom. No Sunday trains on the narrow-gauge. The 3:20 p. m. train South connects at Cal lery with the Chicago express, which runs daily and is equipped with the Pullman buf fet and sleeping coaches. Trains for Butler leave Allegheny at (>:3O and 10;30 a. ill., city time, aud 3:15, 5:25 and 7:40 p. m On Sunday at 8:30 a. m. and 4:20 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler at :>:3o aud 9:50 a. in. and 12:35, 4:45, 7:20 and 8:30 p. m. Sun day at 10:20 and 6:10. PITTSBURG, SHENANGO & I.AkK ERIK R. R. Trains leave the P . in. A train arrives from Greenville at 10:05 a. m. with through ear to Allegheny over the P. A W; one at 2:30 p. m. from Erie which connects with both roads to Allegheny, and one at 8:40 p. m. from Erie. Trains leave Milliards at 6:25 and 11:15 a. m. slow time. The 8:30 a. in. and 3 p. m. trains on both roads in Allegheny connect with trains on the P. S. & L. E. at Butler. JURY LIST fOR JUNE TERM. List of Graud Jurors drawn this 2od day ol May, A. D., 1892, to serve as Grand Jurors at a r-gular term of court, commencing on the lirsi Monday of June, A. D., 1892, the Hamc being the 6th day of said month. Allen Joseph, Connnquenessing tp, farmer. Balph T A, Butler, 4th wd, carpenter, liane Casper, Jacksou tp, farmer. Black John K. Cherry twp, farmer. Crittenden A, Coucord tp, producer. Fleming Jeremiah, Buffalo tp. farmer, Goehriug II 11, Jackson tp, farmer. Gibson Robert. Penn twp, farmer. (jadsby John, Venango tp, farmer. Greisbaugh Gust, Evans City producer. Harper PB, Washington tp, m arblecntter. Koch I'rank, Butler tp, farmer. Ktouch J A, Kara* City, farmer. Meals A J, Concord tp, farmer. McCarrier John, Clay tp, farmer. McFadden Cost, Mar mi tp, farmer. McMacken Daniel, Clearfield tp, farmer. Nicholas I'eter, Forward tp, farmer. I'ontius II J, Donegal tp, farmer. Swain W G, Jacksou tp, farmer. Strntt William, Zelienople boro, liverymau. Troutman Johu, Builer, sth wd, laborer, liieiker William, Adams tp, laborer. Stevenson E 1,, Cherry tp, farmer. Lint Of Petit Jurora drawn this day u( Ma>, A || . IH;C lo serve at a regular tcrni ot cmrt commencing on tlio second Monday of June, A. I» l-••_* HK' same is-lng the l:itti day of said moilt,li. Ayera II A, Hutler, 4th . J. Kent. Anderson Joseph, Adams tp, farmer, lieeker Joseph, Jetler.sou tp, farme Meeker II 11, VVinlield tp, larmer. BolU Adam, Wiutield tp, farmer , Harr James, Adams tp, larmer. lialdauf Henry, Hutler, -nd wj, shoemaker. Bunting Henry, Jcffersan tp, farmer. Campbell I" If, Donegal tp. producer. Covert Newton, Krady tp, larmer. Campbell llaiuy, Washington tp, farmer. Campl>ell H I), tp, farmer. Craig T O, Oakland tp. farmer. Cumuuns Samuel, Marion tp, farmer. Havidsou Calvin, Adams tp, farmer. Duncan I'res ley. Adams tp, laruier. Flick Abe, Clearfield tp, farmer. Gallagher H H, Worth tp, laruier. (traham O I', Crarberry tp, farmer, tit Hi I ten 11 J, Oakland tp, farmer. Greer Smith, .Jefferson tvvp, farmer. Hutchison John, Marion tp, larmer. Jamison l'homaa, Fairview tp, farmer. Kennedy Wilson, Haldridge, farmer. Kearns James it, Hutler tp, larmer. Kerr James H, Marion tp, farmer. Kelly Johu C, Hutler tp, larmer. Kocher Hy, Jackson tp, farmer. Koeher John, Lancaster tp, farmer, l.imberg William, Hutler, 3d wd, merchant. MeUrcw T K, Fairview tp, producer. McLaughlin D, Karus City boro, laborer. McMahau James, I'arker tp, larmer. McUee W F, Harrisville boro, wugonmaker. Moyer Charlua, Lancaster tp, larmer. Neigh Henry, iiu tier, 4th wd, teamster. I'atterson Samuel, Jefferson tp, farmer. Phabe Fred Saxonburg boro, hotel keeper. Hoe Thomas, Hutler tp, farmer. Itamaey A C, Jackson twp, farmer. Kiuker Jacob, Petrolia lorough, driller. Kuch Keuben, Fairview tp, larmer. Smoker William, Hutler, 4th wd, shoemaker . Stemheiser William, Jefferson tp, farmer. Thorn J N, Fairview tp, producer. Westermau J J Millerstowu iMiro, merchant. Waliaee James, Muddycreek tp, farmer. Vanderliu Horace, Butler, 4th wd, labirer. Executor's Notice. Letter* testamentary on the estate of Catharine Hmriek, dec J., latr of Summit tw p , Hutler county, I'u. having been gran tod to tin- undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to same will please make immediate payment, any hav idg claims against the same will present them duly authenticated lor settlement to John KMBICK, Kx'r. Hutler I*. 0., Hutler Co.. I'a. Teachers' Annua' E amlna tlon>. Renfrew May 10, 18W. (iliule Mills " 11. Haxotiburg " 12. " Coylevillo " 13- " Milleratown " 23. " l'etrolia " " Farmingtoii " ■®i " Harrisville " 28, " North Washington Juno 8, Weat Hun burr " " Slippery 1i0ck........... " 10, Prospect........ " 20, l'ortersvillo " 21, " Kvans City.... " Hutler " 25, " KxaminationH will begin promptly at 0 o'clock. N. C UCCOLLOOBM, County Hup't. Ailvortino in the Citizen. Notice to Contractors and Builders. Proposalu will be received lor the build ing of a new frame school building in No. •1 district, (known a- the Helton School) in Clinton township. Hutler comity Pa Specifications can be seen by calling on the President or Secretary of the Hoard. All bldn must be received not later than the 'JHth of May, lHll'J. The Hoard reserve* the right to reject any «r all proposal*. II 11. 1IAI.*TBAI», I'm., J. H. CUHIIIKOUAII, Hoc. © has removed iu»* imnieu >c atoi U of W all Paper, Window Shades, I'ine Pictures and Frames to that luige commodious room in the Aldiugcr building, It 11 H Maiu street The increased sue of my new room ha< allowed a large increaae In stock W. A.OSHOKNKi ART DKALKK, - BUTLER, i'A I nf-T Crinnn < Hl* •■•a»ou write uaqulek LJo I CIUUU !y We want inofn sale* men. and will guarantee |iermanent poaltloiia »Itli milnr> slid i «(>eiisefl |ialit weekly. full or pari. lime. KiiwrlMNi not required. nt<» k complete, tin ludiua many laat selling *|Miclal lies. I leu-sill outfit tree Addresa < II IIAWKMftCO., Nuruerjman, Uochcater. N. Y. •dabllthudHttt. SPRING a n d SUMMER FIE SHOES AT B. C- HTJBJELTONH 75 cts. anfl DO cts. L.adi©N* ami Clonta' WELL WORTH YOUR WHILE TO INVESTIGATE.— They equal SI.OO and $E.25 shoes sold elsewhere. It is impossible to express the beauty and attractiveness of such a stock of FINE FOOTWEAR as we present to the people of Butler ami county this season We have cheap and serviceable shoes in men's at 75 cts.. SI.OO and $1 >5 which you can't duplicate in Butler for the price. Men's Fine Shoes at Sl.OO, Calf and Patent Call Shoes are the choicest styles the market produces. It is an assortment which is the envy of our competitors and the admiration of our customers. Come in and look and you will see that we are still headquarters for BOOTS *22 SHOES. Ladies' Misses' and Children's Fine Shoes and Oxford Ties in greatest \arietj in black, daint) colors, Lidies Fine Shoes at 90cts., SI.OO, $1.25, $ 1.50 and $2.00, tiped or plain toe, opera nr common sense lasts. We have them in cloth tops in all >tj les and prices frr»m the cheapest McKay sewed, up to the Elnest hand turned Button Boot. ASK TO SEE OUR LADIES' NEW ORLEANS LAST. Ladies Fine Otxords Tipped at 75 cts.; Ladies' Fine Opera Slippers at 50 cts.; Ladies Fine Dongola Bluchirs in Oxfords and Southern toes at low prices, styles perfectly beautiful, new patterns and dainty new styles. Misses' Fine Kid Spring Heel 1 1-2, $1.00; Misses' Fine Dongola Tipped, $1.25, $1.50 and sl.7s. Child*' and Infants' at 25 cts., socts., 75 cts., $ 1.00 and $1.25. OUR BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SHOES. Never before had we such an assortment, never so many styles. Simply impossible not to find a shoe to please both yourself and the boy, then the price will please you to. You can buy them at 75 cts., 90 cts., si.oo and $1.25. Ladies' Grain Slippers at 50 cts. and 75 cts*; Oil Grain Shoes, warranted, at SI.OO. We are shoeing a majority of the people of Butler county and we should be shoeing the balance. We can do so to better advantage than any other house in Butler. The choice you have in this stock is wide enough to cover all that's in the market that is new. The prices are low enough to come within the limit of anybody's pOcket book Come and see us. HUSELTON, 102 N. Main St., Butler Pa — - , RINGS, Diamonds SSSFS&' ' STUDS, (GENTS GOLD, W'lf CL \ WOLD, ell I (GENTS SILVER LADIES CHATLAIII, F PWpl I*V I Gold Pins, Ear-rings, •ll Y> ( II \ | Rings, Chain*, Bracelets. Etc. {Tea sets, castors, butter dishes and everything that can be found in a first claM^store, RODGER BUM. ltd "~~ E. GRIEB. THE JEWELER No. 139, North Main St., BUTLER, PA. R R. MAY, 10. 180*2. Another Large Lot OF WAISTS.fg When we placed our order witb a lar*e manufacturer 'or Percal Wslate wh thought we would do well to eell tb«m all thia •nwo Inatred .4 ital, wit nr»* completely Mold out. We have tb«ref»r* ordered and arfll spaa m much larger lot on next Tuesday, at our eeaa>o price, 45 eeota Tb»jr are the grrateM drive ever offered 10 Butler A FULL LINK of Litdieti' Mualin Underwear at the ntnin pric. i."> Also bwiraia* is all kind* of Pry (looda, Carpeta, Laos Curtaiua, Trimmin** and F liih'ion. I'n ; IC Nl .nmall. Mount All". : Hf* H II fOwrtiier. *iiiib.irj fa ; l> •I. iH llfii, im IwriniiM HfdfllttK ra , Win. Dlx. I».i. Mitnirou' HI . I'lillwl'lliMa. 11. I. It. ». in Klin -i . I;.- I.111..; I\l I.MWP ami J Kli llurkart, W l.'x u,t St.. Ilnulinn. •*»- Hr ' M ' tor circular FOR MEN ONLY! Rrlllill.n'* ll ** 4 *' lo4fM I4MI l»l»*l hIIrgi•«•!»*. Ml'l l» lw •l» , l IM"*' 1 ir»»«•♦•♦! KrliULItT In tlierttir. MHOIBI •!- trillion ;:in ii U»X«r»«Mui I ».*»>* lit \ frmnm* nu-iil nl r\<*rll«n»j ItiilU" r««U«»o *4 jyulh, etc..c*W"• uttf i*lir«lral anil mrntal ilrc*y,l»rlk of **•££*• l«*i«|Hii»ilt*nry t etc.; n\aol'*w+*+* *uree, PH* I'ilr*, IC I wum Attain. »i»«lall •» •J*- 1 €.««■»• I•*««•> !tr« »u«l i .....I Ttoa r. H.| ►ii | ..l«) v l »*• ''" "■ SSjl nil ut ol|r« or «! tie* lift*. J Akr., f OR hNN A \ h AN 1) IT II PA. L'.'tt •»(*«# Ir, . , , *lll» I i» I • •«.»» Ilf.nl! * V. , iW- • % ' Fivsli Sreds Grow. Fruit tnd orntmcnt*) trw* frenb from nnravrj. ir* I !««( aoU • i.»«|i*at —no • iC«ou» tor* Beautiful Flower Sea!. Loraly rut flower* arranged in ricbMl dcatfo* ll!o*tr»t rd rtttlnfw tr»» nt fruit trw* TICl" K to MA mi: J. R. &A. Murdork, 508 Smith field St , Pittsburgh FOR HAIJfc A jcentrtl atora in • good !»r»Jttf Mil doing • food biini— Quod reuoas for aelling Term* r*a«w Ip CiTisav