I -Palis Robes Beli'ord Cord- j New Spring Dress Goods « L JGJ FOR EARLY BUYERS: > We received this week out' first shipment of New cj 0 Spring Dress Goods and through this advertisement we extend a 02 cordial invitation to you to come Y W and Jook through our stock whether you wish to purchase or c not . . % - TROUT MAN'S- 5 Leading Dry Goods and Carpet i House. -Henrietta-- —Serge- wnjy—i YOU^S LOOK^=s AT OUR [BOOTS AND SHOES ~ 1 SUPPERS | TSWPT OXFORDS All the Latest Spring and Summer F O O T W EAR AT Vogeley & Bancroft's Artistic in Style, Reasonable in Price, Reliable in Quality. Bee oar men's fine shoe, eongrem and lace at $1.25. See oar ladies fine kid button shoe at SI.OO. See oar ladies fine oxford tie, pat. leather tip at 75 cts, See oar chlldrena shoes from 25 to 50 cents. See oar other Popal&r Price Lines. Plow Shoes, Working Shoes, Fine Dress Shoes of all Styles and qualities at the LOWEST PRICES. Base Ball and Tennis Shoes Visit our store and we will please you. VOGELEY ■■ANDMi BANCROFT No. 347 South Main Street, OPPOSITE WILLARD HOUSE, BtTLER, PA. -■ '■ ■ ■ " '■■■ - " 1 ' ■' ■ ■" » I ' I ■ SWITCH OFF! If yoa hare been running in the wrong direction there Is no reasoD why you shoald continue to do so. ROBIN© BROS., Soath East Corner of Diamond offer inducements to all who are alive to their own interests, every body is invited to come in and see our shoes aud hosiery. These goods can be bought nowhere else at a better advantago than at the undersigned. If yon doubt this, drop in and see for yourself. New Goods, Best Quality, Perfect Fit. Remember The New Boot and Shoe Store. ROBINS BROS., 9. E. Corner of Diamond. ... Near Opera House. FOB TIE HOLIDAYS ONLY JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., - Dufly Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invited '"Rtmembtr our Repairing Departmeat—- 20 years Experience."— JOHNSON'S *NO DYHt LINIMENT \KE-V O7 . \) v h uiiium iti XT:X2:tai ai>A> AFTeR -ENERATION ©/■N _HATX V«D BIXSKIC rr. r HiN c-ne^ v J>r*>pp+d on Sugar, Children Is>re It. Every Traveler should have a bottle of it in hi* satcheL Every Sufferer atica, Neuralgia, Ner vous Diphtheria,Oovita,« aUrrh. Bronchitis, AJthma, Choiera Morbus, IHarrhota, lamt nee*. Ho renews in Body or Limbs, Stiff Joint* or Strains, will find In this old Anodyne relief and speedy cure. I'sjuphk-t free. Sold everywhere. Price » cts., by mail. 6 bottles. Express paid, H L Sj*OH>'SO s A CO.. Bosrt>*. ILu*. W^VETERIHARYSPttIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. 500 Pair Boob on Trpalmrni of Animals and Chart Bent Free, cnut*» FfTer«,r»ntteillon*,lßflni«maiHiD A> A. > Spinal Mrnlncitt*. Milk Kf»cr. B.B.—Sirnlnii. Ltnrnrn. Rheumatism. C.C.— Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D.D.—Bo(« or Grabs. Worm*. K.E.—4'ancb*. Hratn, Pm-uuionia. F.r.-C«llc or Gripn, Bellyache. G.G. -.Miscarriage. Hemorrhages. H.H.—l'rinary and Kidney Dlneawi. I.l.—Emotive Diseases. Manac. J.K.—Diseases of Dlaestion, Paralysis. Single Bottlo (orer 50 dosts). - - .60 Stable ( aw. with Specifics. Manual. Veterinary * uri oil an.l Medlcator, t*?.oo Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, - - 1.00 Ssld bj rin.ijl.l.: *r .«t prfp.lJ «ny»k»r. ns4 In a»r f«sall!y •& rffript of prkf. BllftETS' MID. CO., 11l A lltWimasi Terk. yZr^gTTMPgBBYS' HOMEOPATHIC f% ft UHBJSPECIFIC No.uO In QM 30 jetn. The only successful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from* over work or other causes. $1 par riai. or fi vials and large visl powder, for fo. Seld t'T Drncclit*. or »*nt poatp«;. CO., 11l A 123 Wllllafc Su, Sen Tor*. ACME BLACKING is cheaper at 20 cents a bottle than any other Dressing at 5 cents. A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAYS because ehoos ooco blackened with it can be kept clean by washing them with water. People in moderate circumstances find it profitable to buy it at 20c. a bottle, because what they spend for Blacking they 6ave in 6boc-leatner. # # 1& TB the cheapest blacking considering its quality, and yet wc want to ecll it cheaper if it can be done. Wc will pay Sio,ooo Reward for a recipe that will enablo us to make WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING at such a price t*. at a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c. a I '-ale. This offer is open until Jan. Ist, 1893. vrOLf F St RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. Old furniture painted with PIK-RON (this is the name of the paint), looks like : l:iined and varnished new furniture. < hie ,t \rill do it. A child can apply it- You change a pine to a walnut, or a cherry to mahogany; there is no limit to your fancies. All retailere sell it. nil re ITCHING PILES rlLu<*u»l Com plicated Disease* requnIiiKCoM FIUKNTIAL andSCIINTIFIi Mfil ii-atiou are treute«l at thin Dis . r.- .ry with a aticcew rarely attained. Dr. 8. K. Lake Is a member of the Koyal t of l'liy •ici.'inA and Burgeons, an'i is tne oldest una most experienced SPBCIALIST in the city. Hpei ml at tention given to Nervous Dehillty from e*ceb«ive mental exertion. Indiscretion of youth, etc., caus ing physical and mental decay,lack of energy, le.iHindcncy, etc.; alsoCaucers, Old Soret, Kits, Piles, Hheumatlsm, and all diseaseaof the Skin, V.l,K>D«THfaT..PITTSIiLUC.iI. I'A. DIIPTIIRC f We the undersigned were nuriunt! entirely cured of rupture by r>r .1. B Mayer. 831 Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa., s. .!■ nes Phillips, Keunet Souare. Pa. ; T. A Kreltz. Slailngton. Pa.; E. M. Small. Mount Alto. Pajllev. S. H.Shermer. Suiibury, I'a.; D. J. Dellett, :H S. Twelfth St., Heading Pa.: Win. Dlx. IHJtI Mout.rosc St.. Philadelphia; H. L. Kowe. 30!) Elm St., Reading, Pa. ; Ueorge and Kh. Uurkart, l.'iu Locust St., Heading, Pa. Send for circular. Cotton Root A recent discovery by an old M mffjj pbysleian. Successfully used WU monthly by thousands of |P\ if Ladles. Is the only prctectly a' sale and reliable medicine discovered. Beware of un- druggists who of inferior medicines In place of this. Ask forC'ooK's COTTON ROOT OCIMPOCND. take no substitute, or inclose $l and t> cents In postage In letter, aud we will send, sealed, by return mall. Full seal ed particulars In plain envelope, to ladles only. 2 stamps. Address Pond Lllv €oni|isur. No. 3 Fisher Block, Detroit. Mich. Sold in Butler by C. N. Boyd, J. F. isalpli, J. C. Kedlck and druggists everywhere. Scientific Americas Agency for \ I A. L I 1 CAUVATft TRADE MARKS, OEBIQN PiTTtNTS 1 ' COPY RIGHT 8, etc. and free Handbook writ© to MIWN k CO.. »ii BROADWAY, NEW YOUK. Oldest bureau forsccurlm; patents In America, ■▼ery patent taken out by us is brought beforo tbu public by a notice & ven free of cbarKe In tao Scientific Jlinetiran Large at circulation of anr sdcntiflr paper in the world. Hulendtalr illustrated. No IritellUrent man should be without It. Weekly. *.'1.00 a Xaar; fl/iO six moat hit. Adflnfan Ml»N>f A (JO.. wCTBLiHIiKiiH, 3UI Broadway, Now York. READ AND REMEMBER. For strictly pure and rellaldo STHAIOHT LIQUOKS, call on I. Iff. FINCH, IS bXITHFIELD ST., PITTKBt'Bt.B, PA. KOpp. Monongahela Bouse.) Matchless for Family use and Medicinal pur l>obet are FINCH'S GOLDEN WPT)DIN«, < All SI OUCKKNHSIMKRS U/lIHKY, iperqt. ; OVERHOLT'S WIIISKY. f 6 qts. DILLINGKK'S WHISKY. J for SB. Goods neatly packed and promptly shipped Fkkk or ExrK.N«e on receipt of cash or post efflco order. WKothlng cipreiised C. O. 1). I Send lor lTlce List. THE MISCKLi.ANEOI'S- The Mgntty «( L»V»r. . „• Mrs- Ronald*—What are 700 p*oß#4 ing. Bridget? Her Cook—Th' coffee, mom. - Mrs. Ronalds—Why don't you use ttte grinder?. Her .New Cook (loftily)— Sure, Qi'BJ no Oitalian t' be tnr-rnin* a Judge. Enough to Uo Around- Customer—-I am putting down a car* pet and I want two packages of carpet tacks. , Clerk—l think yon will find one pack age will be enough. Customer —That's all right. I want the other for my feet.—Judge. Pleading for Him. Eminent Counsel (pleading the cause of a pickpocket)—My client, your hon or, must not be held to strict accounta bility for his deeds. He is, your honor, subject to fits of abstraction, and— Judge (dryly)— Yes; the evidence seemed to establish that.—Truthl Hort Definite. Judge—You say, miss, that you were out strolling with the defendant last evening and that he-suddenly and with out warning kissed you twice on Proc tor's Place? Fair Plaintiff—Oh, no, your honftr, he kissed me on the month both times. —Gist. ~ Sound* So. Mr. Suburb—l wish you would send m« a pair of Cochi&China fowls. Dealer—Yes, sir. HI send them to morrow morning, sir. Little Miss Suburb—Papa, are they the kind that lay the china egg»?— Good News. 6 MAX WHO KiKFJ GBAVE CIABOMv —Judge. A liiod Point. .Owner —These steps are too steep, •arpenter. There are only five steps where there ought to be It least seven or eight. Builder —But think how few there will be for the children to fall down.— Yankee Blade. Good Explanation. Mr. Harrison—Why, I declare, Miss Fanny, your mamma is getting quite stout. Miss Fanny—Ah I that is because w» all make 60 much of her.—Texas Sitt ings. Why? " Rlobea hare wings!" \1 least, so people say, And yet, why Is it that They never fly ourwajf —Detroit Free Press. A lUllflooß Failure. Snodgrass A religious man is De Jones. Snively—Do you mean it? Snodgrass—Yes, he fails religiously every year.—Jewelers' Circular. —D. FI. Wuller the druggist, desires us to publish tho following testimonial as he handles the remedy and believes it to be reliable. I bought a 50 cent bottle of Chamber lain's Pain Balm and applied it to my limbs, which have been afflicted with rheumatism at inteivals for one year. At tho time I bought the Pain Balm I was finable to walk. I can truthfully say that Pain Balm has completely cured me. R. 11. Farb , Holywood, Kan. Mr. A. B. Cox, the leading druggist at Holywood, vouches for the truth of the abovo state ment. —A stout heart may be ruined in for tune but not in spirit. —People who do much work are too busy to tell bow tired they are. —Life is not too short but that there is alwiyg time enongb for courtesy. —Confidence is a plant ol slow growth in an aged bosom. —Try Dr. Grain's Grand Mother m«diciue no cure, no pay. Three months treatment SI.OO, for all blood, liver, kidney and stomach diseases, at J. C. Rediok's. —Flax was first planted in England where it was directed to be sown for fish ing nets, 1532-3. How to get Thin. The only -mtu and reliable treatment for obesity, or (superfluous fat) is the "Lever ette" Obesity Pills, which gradually re duce the weight and measurement. No injury or inconvenience—Leaves no wrink les—ants by absorption, This cure is founded upon the roost sci entific principles, and has been used by one of the most eminent Physicians in Eu rope in his private practice "for five years" with the most gratifying results. Mr. Henry Perkins, 20 Union P;irk, Bos ton, writes: From the use of the "Lever ette" Obesity Pills my weight has been re duced ten pounds in three weeks and my general health is very much improved. The principles of your treatment are fully indorsed by my family physicians. In proof of my gratitude I herewith give you permission to use my name if you desire to do so." Price $2.00 per package, or three pack apes for $5.00. By registered mail. All ordres supplied direct from our office. The LEVEKETTK SPECIFIC C 0.,339 Wash ington St., Boston, Mass. —Spring fever, one of the uiott conta gious disease, has already made its ap pearance. lietnedy, go to work. Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radio ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 7a cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Butler. —The girl who looks like an angel in any sort of a bonnet is all right this year. —Take egg stains from silver by rub bing with a wet rag which has been dip ped in common table salt# Chamberlain's Eye and Bkta Ointment. A oertain cure for Chronic Sore £704 Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old Chronio Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Soro Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have bcon cured by it after all other treatment had fail«l it Is put up in 36 and 00 cent bote*. —A writer in the Sportsman i» authori ty for the statement that 5,008 hones have made trotting records between 2:08} and 2:30. . Consumption Surely Cured. To Tin SDlTOß:— Please Inform your reader* tbat 1 hare a potlttTo remedy for tJle abuve-namod disease. By It* timely use thousand* of hopeleas CUM h*T» bean permanently cured. I shall be glad to Mad two bottle* of my remedy FREE to any of jour reader* who bar* cmimimptjon IT they will Mod me their Ziprese and P. O. addne*. Beepect *ll7. I. HMUVM, M> U, Ml Feari 9W IT. I. * ■ -E—- -Ol yolw Ayppojrrwwi "They aay that Lfttkbr ts courting that great tall girl, Mis* High." "Yea" "I sljpuld like to sec him trisamg hej good night when lie's leaving ber. "He never ears good nighC* "Nor "No; he shakes handi, with her and looks at her and says 'so long. I *?al L mouth Register. Good C*u« for Challenge "What is your objection to that Juror?" asked a lawyer whose client was being tried for burglary. Client—lt was at my house that he made the acquaintance of his present wife. Challenge him. for heaven's sake, as he will want to find me guilty with out leaving the jury-box.—Texas Sift tegs. Between the Course*. Diner —You may possibly recollect that 1 ordered roast lamb a long time ago. Waiter—Vea, sir; it'll be ready di rectly. Diner—Well, tfiH anothert I don't want mutton. —Truth. Va Boston Mattl. Prof. Astral (in Boston)—I understand that your daughter is an enthusiastic student of theosophy. Mrs. Hubbs—Yes; she was last week. 1 don't know what she is enthusiastic about this week.—Puck. The Tro»d-Mi!l. "J suppose you came back on the ties?"" said Thespian Number One. "Well," returned Number Two, "that'# your way of putting it I pre fer to say that I camo back on the sleep ers."—Jury. Gave Him the Whole List. Old Doctor—You have cured your pa tient. Now what are you worrying about? Young Doctor—l—l don't know which one of the medicines cured him. —Judge. A Sara Historical Point "Oromwell's coolness saved him," said Hawkins. "If he had lost his head the way Charles First did he would surely have met death under the ax."—Jury. Very Cnrlon». "I was bora at two in the morning," a lady's story goes. "Why,.how can that be?" savs little six-year-old Wallie. "Everybody is sleeping at that time." —.Tudjfe. A Great Boy. "I wonder how much candy you can get for two cents," mused Tommy. "I know," said Bob, in a triumphant voice; "two cent*' worth."—Harper's Young People. The Proper Time. "Papa," asked Tommy, "when does the kite season begin?" "In fiytime, I guess," answered papa, after a moment's thought.—Harper's Young People. At the National Academy. He—How few people there are here, and yet Americans are fond of art. She—That's why.—Life. The marvelous successor Hood'sSarsa pariiia is based upon'the corner stone of absolute merit. trouble is as difficult as trying to live down old age. —Seme of the Grand Army boys may be interested in the following from Ales. B. Pope, A. D. C., Commander. Dep't. Tenn. and Ga. He says : "We have had an epidemic of whooping cough here (Stewart, Tenn.,) and Chamberlain's Congh Rrmedy has been the only medi cine that has done any good." There is no danger from whooping cough, when this remedy is freely given. It completely con trols the disease. 50 cent bottles for sale by. D. H. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pros pect; Broaden & Allison, W. Sunbury. —A brass bund in Connecticut adver tise* that it has two new dirges to play at fuperala. —ln almost every neighborhood through out the west, there is some one or more persons whose lives may have been saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, or who have been cured of chrouic diarrhwa by it. Such persons take especial pleasure in recommending the remedy to others. The praise that fol lows its introduction and use makes it very popular. 25 and 00 oent bottles for sale by I). 11. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Broaden ChK OK WKSTEH!" PENHSTLVASIA, Tlie Win. H. Ilolmew Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holme;. Old Economy'; PURE RYfi WHISKY, All the loading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid. Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. SEJSTID IFOIR, PRICE LIST Telephone No. 305J 120 Water St. and 158 First Ave., Pit tsburgh, Pa I MILLin TRIUHPB The I >*t attracts? in Butler t>»unty. I" rim me J hats and bonnets. ti'iwirs, jet ir».»n«. pins, lav.cs, braids, i rep -. nets. etc. Mourniuir Millinery In Great Variety PA PES, 1-*' Xlnin Street, Butler, 1892 STORM BIRD. IVo. 9459. RECORD -2:35 AT FOUR YKAHB. (Bought oi McFerran& ( laticy. LrxtiimMe. K >. Sirod by Lord Russell, Full Brother to Maud S, 2.08 3-4. Sire "f Kremlin. 2.2! { . Aid.t de Clan. 2.38* King k»-M 2.S»j. ac.d -evtn witn record- of _ ,»n at ten ftiTH «»f a^ w . Tin* i* more t;;*n > I t-r at*, »a »* ** i.« age. Ist Dam, Storm, record 2.26 3 4 ...By Middletnwn. No. 152. Dau h( G»lc, JJi .til iu 1 l»t. .*>; rj -ire *f Rurf. *.2tf; Mn-ie 2 "It litrd, record 2 i">; M ;arvr in .«i m»ib.N: Kan y. 2 24} an. 1 tt »oe "it . r a "~JO Typhoon, record 2 . ,>o.. 2d Dam, Green Mountain Maid By Harry Clay 45, record 2.29 Dam of Blaine. 2.20. Proapfm. 2 2l>. .Sin- of Shawmat. 2 2C; Clayton •«. Elista. 2 20f; l>am< Trot. 2 22; Mane snrpr-e. 2 28. « t tfc» .»• ■.; -r field, 2.25; Storm. 2 26f; Ant..iii«. 2 11«; 2 !<>;. rbc g-^at Elina. 2 21»j. M.irimla. 2.31; KI.EC ELECTION ELli TIOXEER, sira of Suool. 2 68,: Palo Alto, 2 Arion.(2)2 10|.aud ninety seven other* in 2.30. STOCM BIKI> I t« for prat;<] dam (ireen U<.r.vat . Mai.; ana M— Kn—ail tba two greatest brood mare* known to tr..tiiu|t how* M«cotJ ail; :n«k« term* tot this year mora libera! than ai.y other hurt* .nent TERMS: SSO TO INSURE. Send for tabulated pedigree. BUFFALO HOY, po. I- i:.M. r.v ,r.l _• :;i. ~r- ..I .lul, .ti r 212 Uavea 8..» •1 lot; Princess. 2 19j; Gurgle. 2 20. N«Ui« li, 2.21. P«« ah.ita* Pri:. 2 2»»j and fif teen others in 2.30 and better. Ist dam Lady S. record 2 ,'HJ at 3 year-, data of fcd-all Mar. sire of Stiver Star, 2 -T she by American Star. Jr., So. 3772. 2d dam Miss t'aduiu-. dam of Stephen U. record 2 2L>. by I.i.tig IsUnd lie ear ries the same per cent, of Pocahoata* bl > >.l as Xela*>a. 2.10, kuig of regulation track* TERMS: 825 TO INSURE. Both horses will l>e found at :ny barn. 3j uiues northea*t of t*ro#j>.-ct. »her.t I wiil be pleased to show them at all times. Sabbath excepted. For pedigree or anr further information call on or addreex. ALONZO McC AND LESS, ISLE, PA. rf ST • I LOU IS I No. 4654. (PERCIi KROX.) Black Ilorse foaW l->> 6. Sire Ben Xevis 10&7. Dam Dumont S lar(ft> rangy hor.»e and a perfei t sp«-ci man of the illustrious family i»f Xormau Dra tights. Pronounced by all the of ail-pnrpo-» horse*. Wi-i)fht —ISOO pouiitl^ TERMS—TO UTSPRE - - #lO oi> The above described (winm will «U»il f •«- •»>,-» •• li ix t"»e of l<«» n follows: —\l >w:iur in »<>nih we-u corner of Brad/ f. 4 mile* north of Proitpect. Roller county. Pa. Proper care will lie taken bat n» accountability aiwumed J. JP. OA VIS, Proprietor, Prospect. Pa. HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, BU ULE"R ... - FE-^J3ST'A DEALER IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. reaper and steel Irame binder. Warren ready mixed paint, warren ted; screen doors and windows, re tri aerators and Kwn mowers. No better place in the city to trade. Come and see in v large store rtom full ol gccdf, l-'iM l«-et long. WHERE A CHILD CAN HUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN , —, . ; > i mm If you are interested in vou ih)aid lead for f *9t BO3K OF FLOWEhS, PLANTS SEEDS It tells how Safelv. Easily in 1 Ch«aplv y>u• in pr.M-ur* v.* v —i "■MI nltifcl>- ta rillll. ffrrf-. fU 1 ., Md mix considerable .' " ,vith th«» printing.usinj? lim- and arra.ijj"i< tb- miliar > t injf. ronimofison.-"' way very attratlNa to oar customer* mh nail ib«* Book and a Packet of Wild Kl.w.r Oirdeo Seeds (valued at 10 ceot*) for tkr-a two cent stamp*, or if you -ire l»ut hard » u-*-- lor tfe« 8»«i*, a postal card will do the business; voor addrea* <>a one *i«ie; "ttf eddrraa >»o the other. Write uow. Mention this paper HARRY CHAAPEL, Williamsport Pa THE |k PpM * HAY-FEVER JkA.% \JCold head w^m By, Cream TWm U n»t a liqv'd, mvf or p-mirr. AvptSM ftUo (k» ~*HU £ * _ mmUtm fi' torlrd. It eUammm tto kmtd, aOag* XnfmmmuM**. kmU _ . 50C £LV BBOTHERS. "iffTOftK. 50C [jß! No System or Method Jlj CAN COMPARE FAVORAft. WITH THE COOLEY CREAMERS, i fi,4 Ibihe raki««il»eaei>«r»l«o«flfc»er*««f*o«» ;9)| Tt.f-.ulr 'ft waV-Tr* -1 tortlnApt a^ggMgQ I IMmw> _1 raWliif > fain. rklßrti- >1 ttlit '*< l k) Ui* VI. f;iprrlm~a« 4«all» afa..w«l lev «■»"— than co- twruUf bof o— per eeat of fat, »U *_■ «, r <■ >y. I-.04 n( 1 prr . rnL of »al. fijKL J " 1 •• J .00 of I prr rest, of tmu I 1-,00 of I p>r nak •* fat. 4-.H of I (M-r rest, of fat. H m . J -,o«i of 1 prr tr»l. of fU. It gt*fi »11 tin tiutK r (uttroci ibr mlU.iuxl iuakrs Unur thai hi.« takm 23 COLD MEDALS. HRH& VERMONT FAHM MACHINE CO.. Bcllowt Falls. Vl.' . H>nuliiriinri. •>! rirr)iu«|i Ralrl«* • (t*» rl»«. "»•< tawlua Bay florae MW A grand ;»m«4 and comp.i«;t!y Uuilt kor<*. Coming: King 43V: dam Warno«ll Til's ENGLISH SHIRK m now c»w\deT «*d ih«- imiMt »f ail dra«/>it h«r««-« *n4 no better in ••(••I of hi* kind ha* e*er !>»«•* imported. Will *• -n h . when matured ) 1 ort TERMS—TO ISSfRE - - f!2 0»