Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 13, 1892, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIX.
Some Things Yon Never Knew:
A W ££
J W f % "vM
lifYou never heard of Top Buggies selling as low as $43 till we
named that price"^cjj|
You never heard of Koad Wagons selling for $35 till we named
the price" J igeja
Jig o 'You never heard of good team work bridles selling for $1 till we
told you~¥£fll
J®*You never heard of horse collars, both team and buggy, selling
for $1 till we named it"©ft
J®"*You never heard of spring wagons selling for S4O till we offered
# them"S*Sl
never heard of Kramer wagons selling for the price we sell
them at till we brought the price down"t£ft
|9*You never heard of sweat pads selling below 50 cents till we
started itl^jft
never heard of a gopd top half platform spring wagon sell
ing for $75 —we have
never heard of single buggy harness selling for $6 till we
started it"T&ft
never heard of team work harness with breeching and collars
selling for $lB until this minute —we have them
W fort
We did this all for your benefit, and have everything connected
with a driving or team outfit. We advertise for you to call in and
see us in our new quarters at 128 E. Jefferson St., above the Hotel
Lowry. Don't stay away because you don't know us, we are very
common men and want to get acquainted with every person in But
ler county and elsewhere. We will show you what we have whether
you want to buy or not. Come in and sec us, we have a larger stock
of a better grade at less money than has ever been offered by us or
any other firm.
Yours Very Truly,
It never hurts a caatomer, but it knock*
" " Competition endwise. The monster if
£® nt ' e t0 our customers and they can
handle it with perfect safety. Tht-
JBC' " Rreat ' What iu it," that is what every
* odv wants to kt.ow; by our illustration
you can see that it is not like to any-1
oAl||r) thing upon tbe earth, or the water under
\L the earth, but more wonderful than any-
Jw 11 thing ever exhibited by Barnam or
jlllj Orangoutang, ourunout and stick your
the age. "What is it?*—wbv its Heck's
mimm >tb stock of fine clothing. Hats, C Shirts, Pants, tluderwear,
Collnrs, CulTd, Neckwear, Smp-tnda."*. Umbrellm. Tru'ik-t, Saw hels,
Parses, Bill and Pocket-books, Clothes, Hair and Tooth-brushes, Watches,
Obaias, Charms, Ladies' and (lenta* Rings, Piai, C >lUr and Cuff Buttons
and hundreds of articles too tedious to mention which wa hive for sale, and
you rnav need Cill and see our ma-nmoth stock of bj miiful spring at
tractions and you will certainly say it-» aHo vio. W *ll. we are not looking
for those who do trade with us bat for those who do not. We don't b«lieve
there are many who do not, bat there ought not to be one parson iu Bntler
or adjoining counties left who does not kuow that the place to -<ave money,
to get big values, is at Heck's Store. 121 X. Main Si Wuy is it that you
miss your chance and waste your money ? Don't you know better? We
bear you 00 ill will, why should we ? This is not our funeral, we are jam
he same merry merchant aa of old. We are rollickiuir, jolly fallow-t; we are
Mproaring, Up top sellers, and when ii comes to bargains we can suit you to
aT. If yon think we are a honey, come buy your clothes and drop your
money, and we'll treat yoa like a little sonny, for wa have got the energy
and the will; we made up oar mind to be the
and the result is that we lead and the band plays Anny Rooney, and there
is no mistake about it. The world stands aghast at the realization of tbe
fact that tbe high quality and low prices of oar goods is a reality and not a
fictionary legend to those who have never dealt with us. We would be
glad to see yon and pleased to put in yonr bands a real money savtr, a
bargain with a great big B If you are not on onr list of customers, com»
and be convinced that we are right at tbe front doing big business, on
the best basis, a square deal and a rolling dollar We are going to get up a
train load for the World's Fair at Chicago in 1893. and we want y.,u to
come in and go along. We will fnrnish yoa with a
Round Trip Ticket,
free tbe only conditions that you bay yoar goods off us. For further particu
lars call in and see as about it.
With kindest regards for your liberal patronage and yonr remembrance
of us to your many friends, we shall in the future endeavor to merit yonr
0 onfidenoe.
Yoars Very Respectfully,
Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher,
121 N. Mair\ St.,
BUTLER, : : : : PA
will tell you that Ritter & Ralston's
wraps are the best made and the best
fitting wraps in the market, and if you
want umslin underwear that at Ritter
& Ralston's you can secure full size
garments, well-made and at about the
same cost as the material. But to cut
the story short, it a well known fact
that you cjm get all kinds of dry
goods, carpets, wraps, furnishings and
trimmings a't the most satisfactory
prices at
All Kinds of .Job Work done
at the "Citizen" Office.
Mi sa 'Lett I e HuntU y,
Is the sister of Mr. W. S. Huntley, of
Cortland, N. Y., a well known car
penter and builder. Her frank state
ment below gives only the absolute
truth concerning her illness and mar
velous recovery by the aid of Hood's
Sarsaparilla. She says:
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"D«ar Bir: Twelve years ago I began to
have hemorrhages and four years ago became
so low that the physicians told me
There Was No Hope
and I should soon die. I could not bo moved
from my bed. Under my face were napkins
continually reddened with blood from my
mouth. ■ could eat nothing and had no
action of the bowels for a week. The doctors
said the cause was ulcers in the stomach. At
this time my mother said she wanted to make
one more trial, and asked if I would take
Hood's Sarsaparilla. I told her it would be
A Waste of Money
bat finding It would comfort her, 1 began tak
ing it. Iu a few days the bloating began to
subside. I seemed to feel a little stronger, but
thought It only fancy. Iwas so weak I could
only take ten drops of Sarsaparilla at first.
Iu two weeks I was able to sit up a few min
utes every day. In a month I roul«l walk
■ rrw the roam. One day I asked what
they were to have for diuner, and said 1
wanted something hearty. My mother was
so happy she cried. It was Mie
First Time I had Felt Hun
gry for Two Years
I kept on with Hood's Sarsaparilla and in six
months was as well as ever in my life. It is
now four years since I recovered, and I have
not had a day's sickness since, nor any hemor
rhage. If ever a human being thanked the
good Lord on bended knees it was I. I know
that Hood's Harsaparilla, and that alone,
unquestionably Bavrd iny l.ife."
Mtjssri.* Sawyer & Jenuings. the well known
druggtstaof Cortland, say tb.it Mus Huntley "l»
a highly reipected lady; her »tatement of what
Hood's Sarsaparilla
H*t done for her Is worthy the highest confi
dence." Hood's Pills cure Liver Ills.
C. & D.
Ready for All.
Everything that in new in Stiff
Hats. Our $1.50 and $2.00 are
wonders for the money.
ii; new ,in Soft llats,
ranging in price from 25 cts. to $5.00.
All tbe new blocks in Silk Hats.
Greatest line of Furnishing Goods
we etrer bad.
An inspection will bean advantage
to any one.
Colbert & Dale,
Hatters'and Furnishers,
242 S. Main street,
Butler, Pa,
Grand Pianos for
Now Is your time to select a.good"Plano; you
do not want to buy but one Piano In your fire
time. So while selecting one it is the best and
cheapest to buy a good one.
of Boston has opened a Piano and Organ
Parlor at No. 218. Kast North St., where he has
on extbltlon a new Invoice of Pianos troin the
very best of makers of Host Oil, they haw a full
rich and mellow tune, the action is light, quick
and powerful; they will stay hi tune longer
than any other Piano on account of a new
device of tuning pins, that 1 will be triad to
show and explain. Pleas call and examine be
rore buyng elsewhere. You can save money
by purchasing a Plauo of inc. and get an
instrument that you can rely upon, and one
that I will warrant or parantee to give entire
satisfaction. 1 have made and tuned
Pianos and Organs
orover n yet's.jt herefor know how to select
erfect Plauo.
218 E. North St.,
BUTLEIt, I'^l.
Gen tlein e i\
' *
L E"'A V E
;at j
FOR SALE.—-One of the finest
farms in Butler county, containing
186 acres; large brick house, large
fram* barn, carriage shed and various
other building, all in good repair;
well watered; has a largo orchard,
good market adjoining premises for
all farm products. Convenient to
echoola and churches. To a quick
buyer will sell this farm for much
less than the cost of the buildings
and on very reasonable term#.
L. S. Mc.TuNKfN,
12G L. Jefl'eraoo St., Jiutler, Pa,
So soft an' helplesa an' purty, a holdln" on te
That little hand's about the nicest tiling level
An' the young one hangln' baok'ards fhe's such
a little one),
An' makia' mc stoop to hia questions bout every
thing under the sua
An' time, wuth so much to a fsrmor, goin' lick
ety split I
1 An' I lazin' 'round with a baby! How foolish a
man can git I
Them little fingers, slick an' pink as the roses
out in the bed.
Make me tingle an' creep all over, an' glad to be
druv round an' led.
They hold onto me so trustln', as if I'd alius do
j right;
I tell you I'm on my honor when that little
chap's In sight
It's a temptln' world, but whatever a man
might do alone,
The love of right sprouts in him when he has a
child of his own.
: Why, when I'm up to the awearin' pint, them
lingers on my check
' Stroke down the ugly temper till I'm blamed If
I can speak
There's somethin' euros in 'em. an' in his big
blue eyes:
They makeTi)" kinder pity folks I use' ter hate
j an' despise.
I How they stretch out of a 'inorniu', afore you
can fairly see,
: In search of poppy's whiakors for a little early
To bo started up when a man's so tired he don't
know what he's about
| Would raako anyone but a dad as mad as all
i An' then at night they go creepin' Into my big.
rough Bst.
j An' the fair little face is put up to be patted an'
cuddled an' klst;
j An' the purty shoulders slip out o' the frock—ho
hain't no mother, you see;
{ It's nigh three years slnoo she died an' loft him
to mc.
An' when I grit round to turn In, there he lies
asleep in his nest."
1 can't help drawin' him clost an' huggin' him
up to my breast.
An' he wakes just enough to say "poppy, ' an'
slip his hand Into mine,
An' his touch poes through my veins like a
drink o' strong drink.
—Mary Prances Butts, in Harper's Weekly.
A. Little Child's Wonderful Deliver
ance from a Bear.
[Original j
ft M guess
jf I'll not take my
■ . I R dinner with me
fj [J th i s morniu'.
n I'm goin' to
•, . south clearin';
it's only 'bout
V a mile from th'
■t Jh\ house, an' you
lA't can Maud
■ "?' P I '■& over with it
K * ; V 'bout noon. She
TO knows th' way
» n ' nothinll
01 1 harm her. Then
you can send
„ • r$L-'long th' little
/ jug full o' hot
coffee. 'Twill taste good after a hard
forenoon's work," and John Ovel
glanced across tho table at his wife
who was just turning out his last cup
of steaming coffee.
"Well, if you think it's safe, John.
Maud's rather young yet to go so far
alone; though, as you say, I don't a'pose
nothin'll harm her an' I can send 'lemg
eomc hot biscuits an' you can have al
most as good an' warm a meal as
though it came right off th' hot stove,"
replied Mrs. Ovel, as she handed her
husband the coffeo.
John Ovel and his wife had now been
living in the plnos of northern Wisconsin
for over two years. They had one
child, a little six-year-old, and it was to
her the father referred as Maud.
Mr. Ovel finished eating his break
fast, and then, pulling .his coon-skin
sap down over his shaggy hair, shoul
dered his ax and strode away toward
the scene of his day's labor.
Mrs. Orel, softly humming a tune sh«
had learned in her eastern home, busied
herself about her household duties.
Tho Ovel family were industrious peo
ple and the hands of the father or moth
er were never idle. With swift deft
ness she put away tho breakfast dishes,
tidied up a little and had just placed a
great chunk of dough upon a broad
pino board preparatory to k -leading it,
tvhen tho bedroom door swung softly
open and a little white-robed figure
stood on the threshold calling: "Ma,
ma, I want to be dressed!"
"All right, pet. Wait 'til ma washes
her hands," and Mrs. Ovel turned to a
basin of water and carefully removed
the adhering flour and dough before
dressing the child.
"Did you know, Maud," she said, a
few moments later, as she seated the
little girl at the tablo before a generous
bowl of wholesome bread and milk,
"that you are to take your pa his din
ner to-day? He's choppin' in th' south
ulcarin' an' wants his Maud to bring him
• nice warm dinner. You'll go, won't
pou, pet?"
"Yes, L'll go, if you'll let me take
Sarah Ann with me. She never seed
any pa chop wood," replied Maud, as she
glanced with a look of maternal fond-
Bess toward the rude lounge where Sa
rah Ann, u very much dilapidated rub
ber doll, was reposing *
Mrs. Ovel smilwl, and promised her
(hut Sarah Ann should go. Maud could
hardly wait to finish her breakfast, so
;agcr was she to tell Sarah Ann all
about their expected journey and the
wonderful sights she would then see.
At half past eleven Mrs. Ovel filled
the dinner basket, not forgetting to put
In the hot Msoults and the little jug of
bot, coffee, and then, tying a stmbonnet
aver Maud's sunny hair, kissed the
roses on her cheeks, and giving her tbe
basket, bade her t» be sure to go !#raight
to papa, and not to stop a moment on
the -way. *
Maud felt very important, as with the
rloll on one awn and the well-loaded
basket on the other, she returned her
mother's kisses and set ont down tho
path which led to the "south clearin'."
About half way from the house tflthe
clearing the path ran by a great oak
tree. When Maud reached this place
the arm which carried the basket was
very tired; BO she put the basket down
at the foot of the tree and seated herself
in its r,' to rsst.
"Don't s'pose you ever dreamed trees
growed so big, Sarah Ann, did you?"
she inquired, holding tho doll up so
that its rubber eyes might have an un
obstructed view of the scene. Maud's
own bright, blue eyes, at the same time,
looked out from between her upraised
arms and saw, just at this moment, a
large, black bear walk slowly into
sight and come down tho path toward
her, lazily swinging his head from side
to side.
"Oh, Sarah Ann, did you ever see
such a great, big, black doggie?" she
cried out joyfully the moment she
caught sight of the bear.
At the sound of her voice bruin
stopped and lixjked at the little girl
curiously. He could not remtfmber of
ever having seen or heard just such an
animal as that before. He wondered If
it would taste good and determined to
find out at once, so bo put himself again
iu motion and slowly trotted up toward
the girl.
Maud, who was very fondof dpgs and
not one bit afraid of them, was over
joyed when she saw the bear approach
ing; for sho did not dream that the
great animal was auything but a very
large dog. "Oh, doggie, you'll let my
Sarah Ann ride on your back, won't
you? An' we'll B'prlse my pa," sbo
cried, jumping to her feet and tightly
hugging Sarah Ann to her bosom in an
ecstacy of delight
The bear, which by this time was
l>Hiy a few ftiafrXrgrtt Maild. biWilif OjMK)
again looked at the rime gtri inquis
itively, as if doubting whether or not it
would be best to approach nearer to
this strange-looking little anlmaL Hut
a delicious scent, which now assailed
his nostrils, soot-"convinced him th at it
would be wise to cultivate a closer ac
quaintance. So the great beast trotted
up to the little girl and cautiously
pressed his cold black nose against her
warm, red cheek.
Maud, who though t the beas meant
this for a kiss of welcome and who
could never endure to see Sarah Ann
slighted in-the least, at once held tbe
doll up In front of his bearship, exclaim
ing: 'here's Sarah Ann, kiss her, too."
The bear, as If he understood the
words, pressed his ncse to the face of
the rubber doll, but quickly took it
away again with a grunt «f disgust. As
he did so his eyes caught sight of the
lunch basket. In an instant he had
poked his nose into it and, with a grunt
of delight, began to devour its contents.
Ilere, at last, he had found just what he
was searching for.
Maud was too much excited over the
"big doggie" and Sarah Ann's expected
ride to notice for a time what the bear
was up to. But the moment she caught
sight of her father's fast vanishing din
ner, she made a grab for the basket,
crying out angrily: "Stop, stop, you
big, naughty dog! Stop, th aUs my pa's
dinner! You sha'n't have it!"
But bruin paid no attention what
ever to the words of the angry girl. He
held the basket firmly between his
huge forepaws, with his head bent close
down to it, while his great,, red jaws,
full of long, sharp teeth, made quick
work of the generous lunch within.
In vain little Maud pulled and tugged
at his long, shaggy hair in her endeav
ors to get his head ont of the basket.
In vain she threatened and cried. She
was as helpless as a leaf in a whirl
wind. The bear cared not at all for
her pulling, her threatening, nor her
cry ing. He was having a glorious feast,
and never for a moment did he pause
until the last morsel of Mr. Ovel's din
ner had vanished down his capacious
red throat Then with a contented
grunt be stretched himself out on the
ground for a nap. Doubtless he had
Deen on a long Journey and was very
Maud by this time had pulled and
tugged until Uer arms and legs ached,
and bad cried aad scolded aud threat
ened until she oould hardly speak
for weariness. So what did she do
when the bear stretched him-
teli out to go to sleep but throw her
teli wearily down by his side, say ing:
"You big, naughty dog, I'm goto' to
stay right here 'til my pa comes an' tell
him on you an' he'll whip you. Won't
he, Sarah Ann?" and closely hugging
tjie doll to her bosom the curly head of
thft tired girl sank down, even as she
Uttered the last words, upon the shaggy
side of the great, black bear.
In the meantime, Mr. Orel was busily
at work in the "south clearin'." The
Goon hour came and went, but it did
not bring his little girl with the ex
pected warm dinner. Mr. Ovel had
worked very hard and was very
hungry. At last he seated himself on
the trunk of a tree which he liad jnst
felled and, wiping the perspiration from
bis brow, muttered: "I swun, I guess if
(Bother knew how hungry I was she'd
hustle up a little more." Then he took
out his watch and glanced at it. "One
o'clock an' Maud not here yet. Somo
tbin' must have happened. I'd better
go to th' house an" see what's the mat
ter; besides I'm all-fired hungry an' I
can get my dinner then," and the man,
with :in anxious look upon his rugged
face, picked up hi* ax and hastened
down the path which led to his home.
lie had almost re ached the oak tree
when, r.uddenly, he stopped stock still
and stared straight before him. while
his face became as white as milk. lie
saw a sight 'that would make any
father's face pale. At the foot of the
tree lay a large bear sound asleep and
by his side, with her golden curls
mingling with his rough, black hair,
lay Maud, asleep or dead, the horrified
father could not tell which from where
he stood. What to do the poor man
knew not! lie dared not wake the bear
for fear, If his child yet lived, the
monster would harm her; and he feared
to leave her in her present perilous sit
uation long enough to go to the house
after his rifle.
Mr. Ovel was a brave man with nerves
of iron; but the scene before him taxed
his bravery and coolness to the utter
most. He stood for a moment gripping
the handle of his ax, as if he would
crush the hard wood between his
fingers, and then, with a determined
look upon his face, he began cautiously
to approach the bear, from sueli a di
rection that the trunk of the tree con
cealed him from the sharp eyes of bruin,
Should they chance to open. His plan
was a desperate one and should it fall,
only his sharp ax would stand between
him and death to himself and child.
Slowly and so carefully that not even a
twig snapped to betray his presence,
the strong-armed woodsman neared
the tree. At last he drew himself up
directly behind it and listened intently.
From the noise made by the bear's deep
breathings he knew that tbo beast was
still sleeping soundly. A softer sound
fell also upon the father's ears and
nerved him with redoubled strength
and courage. It was the low, gentle
breathings of his sleeping child. ■ With
a fervent prayer to God for help, Mr.
Oval stepped cautiously out from be
hind the shelter of the tree and in a
moment more stood at the head of tbe
bear. The sharp ax swung noiselessly
into the air and hung for a second,
poised high above his right shoulder,
while the piercing eyes noted the exact
spot on the hairy head where the keen
blade was to fall; then, like a Hash of
ifriitfltwaiiß ttn.rtraswflsfl
crash biffled itself In the head ot tne
Mr. Ovel did not wait to see what tbe
effect of his blow was; but catching
Maud up in his arms ran as fast as his
stroßfr legs eonld carry him for the
When he returned.shortly afterwards,
with his rifle, he found the bear dead.
The huge animal had hardly moved
after the ax crashed into his skull and
death must have Wen almost instan
Mr. Ovel skinned the bear and used
the pelt as a rug: and ever after this,
when friends came to visit the Ovel
family, little Maud would explain the
presence of tbe bearskin rug to them
in these words: "This is th' hor'id bear
who stoled my pa's dinner an' my pa
chopped his head open with an ax." and
then she would add, with a merry
laugh: "I an' .Sarah Ann thought he
was a doggie an' we went to sleep right
in his arms. 1 guess you never seed a
little ffirl who Went to sleep in a l>ear's
arms before, did you?" and. with a look
which told how proud she was of this
rare distinction, she would turn to
Sarah Ann and for the thousandth
time pour into her sympathetic rubber
ears the story of their wonderful ad
venture with the black bear.
The Ingenlou* Device Recently Discov
ered by French Custom* Officer#.
The French customs officers who are
stationed at the gates of Paris to guard
against exciseable goods entering with
out paying the duty have occasionally
to deal with very ingenious attempts at
smuggling. An attempted fraud was
laid bare which goes to show how fer
tile the contrabandists are in expedi
ents. At the Menilmontant gate a man
in charge of a pony cart, in which were
three large wooden boxes, attempted to
pass the barriers. "Have you anything
to declare?" asked one of the officials.
"Nothing," said the man, "unless
government has put a tax on cemetery
wreaths," and as he spoke he drew the
lid oft one of the boxes, revealing a
number of the wreaths and crosses of
artificial flowers 60 common in French
burying grounds. The man was about
to pass on when something about him
aroused the suspicions of the chief offi
cial. He took the cover off one of the
boxes and admired the beauty of the
flowers and their remarkable fidelity to
nature. Lifting one casually in his
hand, he found it was remarkably
beavy, and closer examination showed
that when stripped of flowers and moss
it was a zinc case filled with the finest
brandy. The rest of the contents of the
boxes were of the same nature, and
were at once confiscated. As frauds of
the kind are severely punished by the
Parisian authorities, the ingenious in
ventor of the trick will probably be al
lowed leisure enough in Mazas to de
sign something novel.—Chicago Herald.
—"Remember, my child, kind words
can never die." "Maybe so," sajs the
suffering woman; "but they can go off
and stay for years and be given up for
—He—"Upon my word, I think I've
gone through every experience except
aanging."—She—"Cheer up; that may
some yet."—Judy.
Aunty Couldn't Guns
Aunty—What became of the kittea
you had when I was here before?
Little Niece (in surprise)— Why, don't
fou know?
"I haven't heard a word Was she
"Oh, no."
"No, indeed."
"Hurt in any way?"
"Well, I can't guess. What became
of her?"
"She growed into a cat." Good
Trjrlnj to Make l'p.
Mrs. Muggs—What are you drinking
whisky for?
Mr. Muggs—Th' grip, m' dear.
Mrs. Muggs—You got over the grip a
month ago.
Mr. Muggs—Yes, m' dear; but I didi: t
know about whisky bein' good fur the
grip then, m' dear.—N. Y. Weekly.
And Now They're Kngaged.
Charlie Youngnoodle—Do you know.
Miss Alice, that you have sapphire
eyes, ruby lips, and golden hair?
Alice —Go wayl But there is one
thing I haven't got.
C. Y.—What's that?
Alice —A diamond ring.—Jewelers'
••ALL IN Ills EYE."
A t'ruktleai Appeal.
"I think it's enough for me to lose all
my marbles,'' pleaided Willie, " 'thout
having to be punished for play in' keeps."
"Trying to draw on my sympathy, are
you", young man?" said his father, reach
ing up to the top of the bookcase for the
rawhide. "Your account in that bank,
my son, [whack], has been already
[whack! whack!] considerably over
drawn." [Whackl Whack! WhacklJ —
Chicago Tribuno.
Gone, But Not Forgotten.
Featherstone —What's become of that
mule of yours, uncle?
Uncle Ebony—Dat mule, sah, has
gone de way ob all good mules.
Featherstone —You don't mean to say
he's dead?
Uncle Ebony—No, sah. Dat mule rep
resents, sah, de las' payment ob alimony
to my divorced wife, sah.—Truth.
The Indolent Gardener.
Mrs. Suburb—No more milk? What's
the matter?
Gardener —The cow has stopped giv
ln' milk, mum.
"Goodness me! Why?"
"Because she's dry, inurn."
"Then why in the world don't you
give her a drink?" —N. Y. Weekly.
Determined Not to Ue Ilcaten.
Dawson—l've seen divers go do\Vn
and stay under water an hour.
• Jawson—Pooh! I've seen'em go down
and stay an hour and a half and smoke
all the time.
Dawson—l saw one go down a year
ago and he has not eome up since! —
Harper's Weekly.
Fatfilon Note.
"Don't you think this bonnet is a lit
tle too young for mc?" inquired Mrs.
Peterby of her husband.
"Never mind if it is. You will not
wear It more than six weeks before it
will be too old and you'll want a new
one."—Texas Sifting*.
\ Mutter of W.»ffe%.
*1 observe, James," said the Itostnn
employer, ' that you say eetber' and
'neother.' Are you not aware that such
is notour pr. munriat! >nof those urorfr*"
"It doesn't seem to me." r.-plied the
boy from New York, despondently,
"that you ought to expect mie t<> say
'eyether' and 'nvther' on a salary of
sixteen dollars a month."—Chiea» - - Trib
Didn't Know Him.
Mrs. Inqu-Sitive—What win young
saying to you awhile ago?
Miss Kiune I>e Seakle—Nothing.
Mrs. I. On surprise I —Nothing? Why
he's been talking for an hour. Ue must
have said something.
Miss F. (carelessly)—l guess you don't
know Dudleiifh. —Detroit Free lYoss.
Might Have FalUn IU-fore.
His Wife's Mother (in terrible flatten
—Oh dear! Oh my! That heavy Louis
XIV. clock upstairs just fell off the wall
with a terrible crash on the very spot I
stood on but a moment before.
Her Daughter's Husband (absent*
mindedly)—l always said that clock
was slow.—Judge.
The Advantage of Method.
Mistress—l never saw such a fearful
looking kitchen. How do you manage
to accumulate so many dirty dishes?
Cook—Sure, mum, the young 1 eddies
was just after showing me as how they
roasts a potato at their cooking schools.
•—Harper's Bazar.
Ju«it What He Wanted.
Jeweler —These paste diamonds look
just as beautiful as tho real ones, but
they only last a short time.
Young Man—Well. This engagement
is only going to last a short tiiuu
j Life.
Hlll Boy Talks-
Mrs. Gaddaboutt—Has your ma called
■ on those new neighbors yet?
j Boy—No, an' sbo won't neither. She
says they wouldn't 'a' returned your
call ef they'd been anybody worth
knowing.—Good News.
Wor®e for the Nephew.
Returned Traveler—ls that rich old
bachelor uncle Of yours dead yet?
Host (dejectedly)— Worse, a thousand
times worse. He's married and got a
baby.—N. Y. Weekly.
The Cr»-Bal>y.
"Our baby cries over awful little
things," said Willie. "Why, even a
thing so small as the point of a pin will
make him holler."—Harper's Young
I p In the World.
Pipkin—When I first knew that man
he was an ordinary oyster opener.
Potts —What is he now?
Pipkin—The champion.—Truth.
Keeping a Secret-
Mr. Straitnp—Ethel, I wonld like to
have your sister. Won't you give her'to
Ethel—No, sir. I caught her kissing
Dick Short thoothur night, and she told
oiu not to give her away, so I won't
II liar loin Fun.
Traveler—lf New York society con
sists of only four hundred people, what
do the million or so of others do for
pleasure or recreation?
Mrs. Foreundred —They read about
what we do.—N. Y. Weekly.
Presidential Pointer.
American Youth —Father, can't any
man get to be president if he works for
Father —No, my son. It's the man
who doesn't work for it that gets there.
—Good News.
How They Regard It.
Stranger—Do Chicago people regard
marriage as a lottery?
Resident —Oh, no. They don't regard
it at all, as a rule. —Detroit Free Pre**.
But Clarence Stayed.
Clarence (after a call of three hours) ;
Docs that clock go, Angelina?
Angelina (with emphasis)— Yes, th«
1 >ck goes. —Life.
Conversation Analyzed.
Nephew—That's not the morninjr par
per you hav«?there, uncle, is it?
Uncle (testily;— What a disgraceful |
young booby you are, John. I irst y< >u
tell a stupid lie and then you ask an id
iotic question. —Texas Siftings.
A Canne for Grievance.
Mrs. Quln —Yls, Missis Shea, an' as I
was a sayln'. It's arris ted he is for ba
tin his otrr, mother, molnd yon!
Mrs. Shea —Shore an' thing's is come
to a foinc shtate whin a man can't do
he loikes wid his own! Life.
One of the Science*.
She—l notice that some Texas inan
says kissing is one of the natural sci
lit!— Sort of an applied science, eh?
Then he proceeded to apply it. De
troit Free Press.
"Papa, what is patrimony?"
"It is what is Inherited from a father,
my dear."
"Oh; and then is matrimony some
thing inherited from the mother?" —
Brooklyn Life.
A Kon*e»tloii.
Old sayings arc all well enough In thdr wav
And yet there Is room for Improvement. 1 take
Twould Is* trur r to say, wben w« q-j..te It t»-l»y
"Where thcrc'a a will there a a way to break
—Truth. |
iJfr IIK'or; <•( a BMnirUn liimt flaw
l» tltlernaUMii* It.
Tl — . ir te. shown in tii- IJoatra'ioa
IHMII<-' inies cauw< serious biutertof ad
lli-- Tea*. Os of pear trees. which gtvee
thciu a Jivinril appearance «>n the
upper surface the blister* apfiear a*
yellow or reddish convex sw«;llin2s.
white beneath the surface usually ap
pear* dead, aud in th<- center of the dis
eased spot will be seen a minute open
ing through which the mites mar be
se« n to pa--ji in and out. f. r while they
appear to lire and breed main'v within
the cavitv formed in the lenf they mar
be frequently found traveling over the
under surface, doubtless searrl.ing for
a location to start a new blister Th«-
manner in which they spend the winter
was for a longtime a complete mv*tery.
but it has beeu found that they |>u>
the winter in the buds. and the miles
can lie found in the latter partofttie
summer or in autumn traveling tkrwn
the petiole of the leaf to the boda.
where they locate for winter ta the
buds they remain ia a semi-torpid coa
dition during winter, but sufficiently
active to move about if taken into a
1 warm room Doubtless many of the
, individuals which are belated in their
trip from the leaves to tin twig* am
| carried a>vay with the falling leatva to
perish, or possibly to (fain a foothold
|on other trees. This sccim to l>e the
prtucipal means of distribution from
: place to place, except as they are car
ried with the cnttings of trees fr..m one
locality to another. With the expan
sion of the leaves in spring, the mites
which survive need only to fasten
themselves to the i-urface to be carried
out with its growth ami find their food
l at hand and conditions favorable for
their further development Ihiring
aumiuer, eggs are developed In the bod
ics of these adults, a new generation
! (probably several of them) are pro
duced and the young Individuals spread
themselves over the leaf to extend tiie
work begun by the tirst brooti of sprtn<
Mr. Graham suggests cutting off the
twigs showing the blistered bark; but
as most of the mites, at least, will be
found in the buds, blisters on the twigs
are no indication, and It night be nee
es.sary to trim the affected trees very
severely to receive much advantage It
frequently happens that certain trees
are severely affected while others near
by are free. This is doubtless because
of the slight facilities the mites have
for traveling In such cases it might
be profitable to destroy the badly af
fected trees. It was thought at Ames,
in the horticultural department, that
trees treated with fungicide solutions
were noticeably more free from mites:
and it is quite possible that spraying
with the copper solutions will be useful.
—Cor. Orange Judd Farmer.
TIIIKTY-OXE bushels of corn and four
bushels of potatoes for every man.
woman and child in the country were
grown last year.
A ORKAT many kicking cows mght
be cured and more prevented by simply
trimming the finger-nails often enough
to keep them from cutting the teats of
the cow.
LANCASTER county. Pa. grow
more tobacco than any other county ir
the Cni'.ed States. The crop irr. wn
there In 18»V amounted to 10,217. S| o
THE fat In the milk is the most potent
factor in determining the yield and
quality of cheese, and the quality of
cheese is largely affected by the amount
of fat contained in it.
IlrMovtsu the loose bark and swab
bing the feces with a solution of e *-
centratcd lye will aid in preventing the
attacks of bark lice and other insects
that work under the bark.
AERATIOS of milk Is excellent, but
unless the aeration is done in a pure
atmosphere it is of no advantage. The
quality of the air has something to do
with preventing fermentation.
THE wonderful development of the
orange Industry of California is seen
from the fact, that In si* counties there
are already 1,000,000 trees bearing, sad
ove 3,000.000 trees on the way to pro
Some fanners seem to fear todipdeep
enough in the feed box, keeping their
young stock, dry cows and such other
stock as are not bringing in an immedi
ate profit, on rations so low as to be of
no profit to the feeder.
AM old clover sod, plowed under now,
aud the soil given an application of
wood ashes, is one of the best locations
for late potatoes or corn. It is also the
best ground for late cabbage, as the cut
worms will then be lesa injurious.
Tnn:K-!.EA VED plants, such as olean
der, orange, ivy. etc., should be watched
for the first appearance of scale insecta,
which should be brushed off with a
toothbrush, taking care to remove every
scale. If possible, for if any are left they
will multiply.
■letter Highway*.
The importance of better highways
'a often overlooked. We get used te
bad roads and blame the weather and
trudge along As a people we can
rightly lay the responsiblity at our owr
doors. We have not demanded it. We
have not worked for It, and we will not
havo good roads until we do.
of the Oott.
How doth the busy little girl. In*-
prove each passing hour, By chewing
slabs of tulu tfum. With all her jawful
liow cunningly she wads it up: How
quickly she turns it o'er; Shifts it trrjra
port to startioard. Then she ehewa It
more and more.
Who taught tha little girl'the way to
work her busy chin'.' Who show#-,I Iwr
how to twist "her jaws. Such weird grim
aces in?
Who taught her deft prehensile tongue
The lasso's work to do? To corral the
elusive gum. And chew, and chew, and
Ah me, she learned the art at school.
Matriculation day. And hadn't Icarnad
a great deal more. What time she aai«
Then let ns all. with heart and will.
Keep gum on hand to chew. And find
some occupation stili. For Idle jaws to
do.—l.adies' Home Journal.
Tr.rlnx to !'>•«« Kqiployer*.
Mistress—l am surprised Yon toy
yon were married six months ago. di
vorced three months ago, and remarried
to your husband last night.
Domestic—Yes'm. You see, at the
first place he had they wanted a mar
ried man. so we got married, but the
next place they wanted a single man. ao
we got divorced, and I came here.
he's found a place where they want a
man for gardening and wife to cook, so
we got married again, and I'm going i
tjtgre vrlth him-~N. Y. Wttddv. >
VO. 27
T%m ■i. x t rum. s»- ■» n i ■' >■ "' mm
The pmrtp ti street* of W*irt fieato
ar>- a»a Haw h*n far ;wi»
an . it I-»T- A HI >at nothing to HWP
(Sea in r-pur. laitheaffh it is • eitr of
!•• Tl*f» is >IM a
m r. a*. r« »! two mile* long—fraon
the l.mi t» the northern
whu h miTlnnart ud also n**ni
with a <•.>•» of gravel It feaa been eosa
pie- i - rear*. Mil so far eoato
not'- 'ic t wit In Mtkiag far n palrx
while i' • . a wond -rtnl !«nrr aad »
lief to »« 13 ft. in MDtfMI wHh th*
diT r*> ids in a rn'»«My time. Of umiw
ma«- *;ti wiil ie.-ar out ia the loaf
ran. as iasolva < \.penae for
nwnu. 'ir Gilbert m;v bat tlw on*-
lij will Ix much lesa tana la keep to
repair oar present mud nada ito IW
re-.nl! c**«l r '.aatoad of the
qua.- •> «.> .-ornmnn now Foe a dar
able «ad t rock not ha fcrohea
t>»» fin.-. it it la, wag>n-whee!s roaring
mi it uov red w .th inad will stick to tha
small |> ims aad ..ft them oat of piace.
tbus h ■*•*•* will be <lag. aad Way to ba
Cite I ir> TMn would be apt to >enr
' on a >r- .ve! vriwi but in that ease it
ivjfi'il v>t bit little to n-psir
I When t:« roil waa btoit
thf* wh > h.vi it in rUarg* taaiateO. to
opt>. ition to advice of experienced
men. upt-n breaking tha material too
fine Tiie r.-s-iH waa tiiat wMla amr
streets irrnj -4 <m-«>th the rcskd was
s-nn fnil of ho.'a iwl was then covered
With gravel Hit tUe ifivrnaim ogt
cials (too apt to know .ttti* of their
bnmre si , m their opinions,
attribute tiie wear to the loaded wag
ons irist-a-1 •>? the t":>ene*« - A the reek,
an.l reqo'.;ed city to prohibit their
traveling on it A man waa atatioaed
f.w awhile to warn tliem off bat that
fotli was soon (riven up The beat Ma
terial is irra.iit-". b»it limestone or any
other rock, if n->C ">n»ken too ttae. will
answ-fr a g-jort urpuea. Oar city keeps
Us convicts streaking faek: far erfcase m
mat. ia sentenced to ao laaay days "sa
the rocpileso it always ham asaUrial
rtlj t.i repair its streets. Why eoald
not the labor of »tate prisons he thaa
ntili/c Man ifa. ;uren objeet to eoaa
petlt...nof prison labor in their hast
n-us bit conva-is siioeU not to kept
idle. Why is n>>t tutothe way oat oi
the difßcalty?—Rev. J. it Sa*c. n3.
Y. Tribune.
Oats int rem* a* a ~miyl«— at ta IM-
I wonbl like to say a word about the
imj> r! lire of usin r .oata aas| peaa aa a
soiling crop to sa|»picti»-al the paetwes
from the middle of July oa aati) the
aftergrowth on the mown laad has
started up. as p-rhaps s. une are situated
the sim- as I am - tiding the torn years'
course -and do itot hesitate to peatore
the meadow By nsing oata aad peaa
last year I ken* tbo hotter yield from
my herd almost ap to the saoae aa the
month before oa the beet of peat are. I
sow the peas on the fresh-plowed laad
until I think I have euotqrh for a crop
and harrow once; then sow on a boat the
same amount of oata and harrow all
| yon wish If anroae has any Idea that
be Is 7»ing to he short of feed let him
try oats and peas.. He will ha surprised
to see the amount of feed to ha obtained
from a »iaai! amount of ground, aad
should he have any left to thraeh he will
firul the mixture th« best of stock feed.
Commence to cot as sooa as the onto
are headed. The deeper the peaa are
put In the longer they will beep green.
About tiie time they get too hard far
green fee.) have some early sweet earn
ready and do not be afraid to toed ears
and all. the more ears the bettor. By
' commencing with clover, then oata aad
peas, then sweet corn ■ begiaatog with
the earliest variety aad then the later
ksi K but. not plant iag or drilling oeer
eight or nine quarts per acre if the
seed is good), the success ion of green
feed can he kept op sntil fteexiag
| weather eomes. As sooa aa the first
• frost i-otnes cut and pat m kaf shocks
what corn is left and it will harp ia
good shape a ng time far toad, aad
v >ur stoek goes into winter quarters ia
: dn- shape.
Then you want a silo filled with soaee
of the ilrnt varieties and yua are ail
right to hav- a 10l of milk far the win
ter, esp. .-lally if the cows come in
fresh in Ihe fall. —A. &. Usher, ia
Breeders* (ijtstte.
Raw On* Wan Ms.le fl Serve a fwhtv rf
f took the handle off and piseeated M
to a carpenter I then had a black
smith cut the blade cronewuse iate three
I parts. Of the first and widest piece. T>4
[I fl II
I | LA
* \./
r' L W
arter *AI* rwrt ean.et'%
inches long, I ma<le a - «l-a*e. ee seen
in the central figure «the second «W
middle piece. l«>< mehee king. I made
a strawberry-path cutter, shown at the
left: ami the remaining piece. iachea
long, was tnuisformed into a strawher
ry pmner. aa seen at the right of illae
trat ion. The U»t ia Mil tor
cutting «>ff runners in the early part of
the sea ->n. It saves st s>ping aad iasek -
ache, and h usefnt also for cutting off
the roots of large weeds «n»tlm»s
toned in strawberrv-be«fs. These Ua
plemcnts were all aa<le sharp en the
grindstone! —J Hayes, ia American
Bar lis a.
M<«i<iral stteaee.
I He I a;n _• r.j tn make yon ap»
rnt of d'weii *n*ponss toe yone Mj th
lay. Which do yon prefer, gold or di
She is silent.
"Weil, which do yon want Fanny"*"
She is silent * me more.
•Why '!<ni tyou talk up? I aak yon
' which d you prefer, silver or
••Itrni't yi t know, yon fool. tha«
«pe • h s silver and silencn m gotd?"—
Tesas Sifting*.
Rest gar the W«w».
"Mr Heavy be a«l~ said hie wife, re
: pros*:Ufully. "It waa a shaat foe yne ta
go to sleep la church thie ssorntag.
■Such a ah -t vrw* Dr Wanword
cnor's 'nannscx.pt only f o»wd two
sheets. '*
"Jlist what I alwa| t go ts» «i«ep
' tweeii. '" Heavy head, with ".h«
t. ne of a r. an who ha.! Urivea a eUprh
er l.adies Tf.»me J mrnat
»k> H» I
First Wakeful (in sleeping can—
What s that old njoster eoofl-hiag m vi«e
lentiT alsmt?
Seeotxl Wakeful—Ue'a ackal
low ik«n lua » nxlptpe. I pi'eaoie
a u*s *tw set
He—How chilly it ia to-night. I eoald
hag a stove. I feel so cold.
She—ls that so? Why. I'm so em
i I faji Wllpn*