-Paris Robes Belford Cord- New Spring Dress Goods H FOR EARLY BUYERS: > Q. . . O AN e received this week our first shipment of New O Spring Dress Goods and through >• this advertisement we extend a zh cordial invitation to you to come Y W and Jook through our stock £ whether you wish to purchase or O s««. • . = I-TROUTMAN'S-S ! w I Leading Dry Goods and Carpet r House. -Henrietta Serge- We Have Just Opened A new Boot and Shoo Store on S. E. Corner of Diamond, where we will handle everything in the way of fine foot wear. OIJB (STOCK Is full tod complete and consists of Hand; Turned, Goodjear Welts and machine Sewed. Men and Ladies fine shoes a specialty Oar prices nr. right, and our shoes coma from the best factories in the United States. Ererythingjin oar store is new and of the latest styles We ask a share of your patronage, and will give you the best goods at Bock Bottom Prices. ROBINS BROS., 8. E, Corner of Diamond. - • - ear Opera House. Better Late Than Never. ONLY A FEW DAYS MORE AND Bickel's Great Odd and End Sale Will Close. The Attention of Shrewd Cash Buyers is Called to this ad. The Following Goods Must Be Sold At Once 180 pairs Ladies' Fine Dongola Button Shoes $1 00. 200 •< " «< Grains " " 90 cents 280 " " " Gaiters - - 50 " 210 " " " Foxed Gaiters - 60 " 240 " " " Grain Slippers - - 50 " 190 " " Oil Grain Shoes - 75 " 120 " Old Ladies' Fine Shoes - - SI.OO. 410 " Ladies' Bruaselt Slippers - 25 ceuts. 20 Cases of Ladies' Fine Kid Walking Shoes Tipped 75 cents The above mentioned Goods are at Half Prices. Read on. Dear Readers, Read on. 380 pairs Men's Fine Buff Congress Shoes at sl.lO. 290 " " " A Calf Lace Shoes Tipped 90 ggO " •' Working Shoes (former price 1.35) 85. 810 " " French Calf and Kangaroo Shoes $2.00. 290 " Boys' Sue Lace Shoes 3to 5 - SI.OO. 600 *' " Working " " - 85 - 240 " Youths' Fine Button Shoes high cut 75. Men's and Ladies' Cloth Slippers at Your own Price. 410 pairs Children's Spring heel shoes at 40. 890 " " fancy tip Shoes at 35. 520 " " plain Shoes - 25. 120 " Misses' fine Grain Button Shoes 85. These Goods are All Warranted to be perfect in every resp«ct and they are only sold at prices named or> them to make room for new goods. If you want to get some footwear cfeeap, take ill this Sale. New Sprind Goods Arriving almost every day, and too much eauaot ba said in praise of them; auk to se«* our line of Walking Shoes and Slippers, and also our lino of children'* fancy Walking Bhoes in Red and Black. A beautiful line of Ladies' White Kio BHopers very cheap, don't bny any Shoes until you have looked over my imk aad learned prices. Shoes were never cheaper than.they are now. Misses' Rubbers Free of Charge for 10 daya I will give a pair of MUssh' llnbbers any Size from 11 to 2 free of charge with every purchase of $125; and with every pair of Ladieh' Shoes from $2.50 np,;l will give a pair of Ladles' Rubbers Free of Charge. Remember this offer holds good for 10 days only and if yon want robbers for nothing, you must get here on or before the expiration of this time. Remember The Place,j JOHN BICKEL. BUTLER, - -- -- .___ PENN'A | FOR IDE HOLMS ONLY JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No.' 125 N. Main St., - Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All arc Respectfully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience."— J, J. SPECK. WM. H. HOLMES. THKLtADIM. WHOMtNALE WI!»B ASD IHfl Oil HOOK OF WKHTtKS PtXSSVLViSI.I, The Wm« H. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy g PURE RYE WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid. Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. BEND FOR PRICE LIS? • Telephone No. 305. 120 Water St, and 158 First Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. JOHNSON'S LINIMENT VVCE-vo^ \j v For nrriid skesal r? -GENERATION AFTiR wENEKATION—. OA BAVC USLD JLXL BLESSO IT. -•XV/ T)rop,>rff on Sugar, Children Tt. Erprr Travel - lonM nave a bottle of it in hi- aatcbeL Every Sufferer ££ ▼rtos rieasuichc. Diphtheria, Cousriis' "atarrh. Bronchitis, Asthma,«"hoW ra Mortma Dmrrh.«JOiI>£>OX CV-. Eootos. hm*. I " HUMPHREYS' This PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the triumph of i?cientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. I'or Piles —External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate-the cure certain. For Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Bums. The relief is instant —the healing wonderful and unequalcd. For Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers. Fistulas, OH Sores, Inhing Eruptions, Chafing or ' Head. It is Infallible. f • Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore \ i-iple=. It is in- aiuable. • 'rice, soCentr. . Trial ?izc, 25 Cents. P 'A by Pmcicisia, r «Tit port-raid on receipt nf prfre. IirUPHBETS* MVD.ro., 11 lA lis William Pt-i TORK. WITCH HAZEL OIL. We Can't do it but rro willing to pay for learning how to make as good an article as WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING of cheap material so that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c. Our price is 20c. The retailer says the public will not pay it. We say the public will, because they v;lll always pay a fair price for a good article. T® show both the trade and the public that we want to give them the best i r t!io least money, we will pay S!0,000.00 Reward IV r oljovc information; this offer is open until January Ist, 1593. V7OIP & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. • it-S?OJJ Is the name of a paint which ■. orli t!t.;t no other puint can do. Jfe \ r. 3 W«NT ,wam cor wj> • F-fVjto*. S I tar-jr*"'- *>-s. ' .. V '-* 41^ rsa»3 flqtnsH RiraTl : **or lOISTcrFAILING ttCAMgQOI w■ !Cl aafi WEEVOU6 I)ECIXITyv ' r * of Boi y and Mi nd, TBtetf L*ceaar» fn OK or Young. ie»»Je 2i follj UMtorrd. Ilot* to u lirit atji t , *. K, * ' • K.> ")PK:».ucce«e r.irciy uttuiiiH. I't .S. ' ! ..l , of tlx? C"i!' of Iv \- 'i UMfIeMMMiIM le OM fIUtKUMn»Mt lein crt si-bci ALIKT in tliecity Special nt ■l iivuntoNervousDebiiitj froracctbsive I cvortton, lndi«rreti., l of rnotura liy Dr .1. ". May<-r. K;II Arch St.. I'hil.i lelpl; a. Pa., s J nf-H Phillipn, Konriel Siiiiiire l' iT. A Kreit/.. 81a'Inifton. I'M ; K. M S n:ill. Mount Alio. •'a ; Hev. S H.Sliermer. Suiibur.V, Pa ; I). .1. Itellelt Jit S. Tweilth St . Ite.eUllt; Pa.; Wm. Dix. l»L"i Montros.- St. Pliibidelphi 1; II 1.. Ktiwe. .Um Mm SI . ltetollnic, P.i, : (leorjfc and Kb. Hurkart,433 l/K;ust St., Iteadluu, Pa. Hend lor circular WOOD'S PHOSPHOniNE lh«- 4irr»f liftnedy ilont-Kt viflleiiiH kii 'Wii. AHk drmtulßt for « OOU'h I'IIOUHHOUINK: It he oilers some »orih it'HH nie.llclllf In pi " e of tllW. le.ive 111-i diHllon es' kI ire In 1 i-e price In letter, uiid we will m-iid hy return 111 ill. Price, on« pack iue. tl; .tlx. t'l. <>'.<* will pie M-, six wIII cur-. Pamph let 111 pliiln sei'.-d eiivel'.oe. _• s' um.s Addios tiik wood 1 in tin u < 0 , 1:11 iH.dwar i iVi-nue, l><:iroit Mich. pgr-Hoid ill Butler hy <' N. p...yd •) K Italph, J. «' iii-dlc . UUd (lUKirl«ti every where. For Inforrantu/ii and free llaii'.'lt'H.lt write to MI NN ,v f'O. :>;i SHOAOWAV. Ni.W Youic. tmreau for M-'-uritu patents la America. Every mtent taken out hy lw in Proiiirht hefuro tti» pul.llc l-y a notion jrlv'en frue el ' h.ircc |ri tho < lr« ulu* • u of ti-.j •'icatlfU- papor In the world. Bplundidly ilium raU«rl. No Intelligent man Bbotihl he W»MU,»IT. I*. Wi IHIt, a year; SIJH nix i i« rithn • MUNN k. CO.. I*(Jbi.ihuei< ijrouiiwtty. Now York. READ AND REMEMBER I'or :tiii iy .iuii riillal'lu KTRAKiUT UQUOU.S. cau oi. I, T*. FINCH, 12 HSIIIIMKLK ST.. I'ITTKBI K(all, 11 | Opp. JlM'jngaUela House.) Mit't Ulc: s for Family u.j »nd Medicinal pur poses are FINCH Sf.Ol.ntN WFor>lX(i. I Ail«l GI ' Kl NHIIIMKRK WiIISKY. • |.er at. i OVEKHOLT'H WHhKY, ' n <|ts DIM IXOKK'H WHIHKY, J fori".. (Joel* ttcally p» r k("1 und (r'tuptly shipped Tkeb or kxmshk en n Mpl of cnMi or Offlne order. Sir-NotliliiK oxtjre»afxl c. <). I). Bead tor i'rice Lint. THE CITIZEN MISCELLANEOUS A r*w Memory. During the trial In the murder caae 1* Texas the prosecution placed on the stand Bob Sniverly, the barkeeper, who was ail eye witness of the affray. As soon as Bob was sworn the prose cuting attorney turned to the .witness and asked: "What is your name?" "That gets me!" exclaimed the aur i prised witness- "Why, colonel, it ain't tnor'n an hour ago that yon said to me: 'Bob, gimme another drink of that high priced brandy,' and now you ask me what is my name. That do get me."— Texas Sittings. Acquainted with Him. Mr. Ardup (at the tailor shop) — Any difference in the prices of these pat j terns? Tailor—No. They are all the same Mr. Ardup—l can take my choice of tbe three? Tailor—Yes, you pay your money and take your choice. —Chicago Tribune. No Inducement In Sight. "I suppose —ha! ha!" simpered young Slimpate, "you ladies can't help remem bering once in awhile that this is leap year." "I confess I hadn't thought of it this evening at all." coldly replied Miss Quickstep.—Chicago Tribune. She Had Him There. "April fool!" exclaimed Bloobumper, after catching her by some trivial trick, on the Ist of ApriL" "Well," she replied, "I'd rather be an April fool than one every month of the year."— Jury. They All Do It. She kept him Indoors Just an hour Engaged in idle talk: But did not think to don her gloves Until they went to walk. Appropriate. Mrs. Closcfist —We are invited to Mr. and Mrs. Bangle's silver wedding. What shall we give them? Mr. Closeflst—l'll make 'em a speech. Speech is silvern, you know. —Good News. A DUgraated Ump. Late Stayer—Why, the lamp is going out. Gracie (tired and sleepy)—l suppose it thinks it's time something went out. —N. Y. Herald. A Favorite Seat. Friend—Why do you do your sewing at this window in tbe air shaft? You can't half see. Mrs. De Piatt—No, but I can hear beautifully.—N. Y Weekly. Method In Ills Madness. Mrs. Giddy— They say that young DeCourtney has eloped with the gov erness. Mr Pert ley—Wants to make np for neglected education, I suppose.—Judge. All's Pair. Mr. Richfellow—Do you notice what a beautiful pearly, satiny complexion Miss Beauti has? Rival Belle—Yes. I don't see how 6he does it. —Good News. Between Dances. Mr. Richfello—l understand that Miss Beauti intends to give a masked balL Rival Belle —No wonder, poor child— with such a complexion.— N. Y. Weekly That Was What She Meant. Mabel—What do you mean by saying Mr. Goslin is such a ladylike man? Amy—He can't raise a mustache. — Jury. —Prevent attacks of rbeumatisai by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. It purifies the blood. A man tnay see a lion Or twist a tiger's tail, May wrestle with a grizzly Nor know what tia to quail, May face the darkest horrors And at the primness laugh, But I'll bet three hundred dollars That be canuot feed a calf. —For a number of years I have been subject to violent attacks of infiamatory rheumatism which generally lasted about two months. On the lirst of this mouth I was attacked in the kneo and suffered severely for two days, when I procured a bottle of chamberlain's Pain Halm and it relieved me almost instantly. I therefore most cheerfully recommend it to those who are similar}' afflicted everywhere.-- 11. I). Whitley, .Vfartindale, N. C , Feb. 1888. Mr. Wh.tley is a promenent mar. in this place and bis disease was very widely known as he suffered such severe pain. W. M. Houston A Co , Merchants, Mar tindale, X. C: 50 cent bottles for s«,le by It. 11. Wtiller, butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden } one application.) Price per package (one months trcauueut) SI.OO sent by mail po-t paid, securely packed. Tui-: Lxrtu KTTK *spkcii*'lC (Jo , 330 Wasbingtou St., iioston, Mass. —lt is not necessary to giggle in order to prove that you are in a good humor. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and, neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days, its action upon the s> stem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause aud the dis ease immediately disappears. The first iWe greatly benefits. 75 els. tiold by J. C. Uedick, druggist, butler. —The moment a man gets too old or too smart to learn, that moment be ougt to (lie. Take down the harp from the willow tree, The l'-n en season's over; And the world, the (Jcsh, an 1 aUo be Whose name is spoiled with u dash aud D, Are again knee deep in clover. Chamberlain's Eye fflrfn Ointment. A certain cure tor Chronic Sore Eye#, Tetter, Bait Bbcum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch. Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. Ii in coaling anu toothing. Hundreds of cases havo been cured by ; it bftcr ail other treatment bad failed j it is put up in 20 and 00 cent botes. the romsK of Turn ton. She—Oh. Vernon And did the dead lv bootjack nearly rob me of jou? He (with suppressed emotion) —Oh, heavens! Flow can I tell her I have learned to love another? —Jury. A Good Reason. Mrs. Takem—Huh: Pretty condition for you to come down in! Been drink ing', have you? Mr. Takem—All (hie) mistake, m' dear. Ish shonily— Mrs. Takem Huh! Haven't, eh? Then why do yon talk as if your mouth were full of mush? Mr. Takem—'Caush a shoft ansher turoesh away wrath, m' dear.—N. Y. Weekly. The Hoad to Riches. Ponsonbv—That man yonder came to America two years ago. He was a poor watchmaker; he went west and opened a little store. He is now worth three millions. Popinjay Thought there was no money in the business. Ponsonby—There isn't. He married : an heiress. —Jewelers' Circular. Reward of Merit. Railroad President —That was a bad accident, but it might have been a thousand times worse. Suppose those cars had taken fire? Phewl Why ; didn't they? Superintendent—A lazy brakeman had let the fires go out. President —Raise his salary.—N. Y. Weekly. In Self-I>efen»e. A fat woman entered a crowded car, and seizing the strap stood on a gentle man's toes. As soon as he could extri cate himself he and offered her ; his seat. "You are very kind, sir," she replied. "Not at all, madam," he replied; "it's not kindness, it's self-Asfense." —Comic. Disgusted with the Foreigners. Excited Messenger—Pat, that curly headed Coraican fiddler has run off with your wife. Pat (smoking away imperturbably)— Be gum, thim furiners is satisfied wid most anything (puff), if they can only shtale it (puff), ain't they?— Chicago Tribune. Fro2i a standpoint of Economy, Mrs. O'Mulligan—Phwhat do yei think av dhress refarm? Mrs. Whalen—Dhress-refarm. is it? Shure it's a great savin' It's on'y yis terday I refarmed th' ould man's pants to fit Denny, an' it's no shmall job, nathur. —Judare. —Tbe promptness and certainty of it's cares have made Chamberlain's Cotigh Remedy fatuous. It is intended especi ally for coughs,colds, croup and whooping cough, aud is the most effectual remedy known tor these diseases. 50 cent bottles for sale by D. H. Waller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden it Allison, W. Sunbury. There is so little originality in this world that when a man exhibits a little of it he is immediately set down as either a crank or a genius. —A penoiuiintio philosopher asserts that the people of tnis world are divided into three classes —those who are hanged, those who are not banged., those who ougbt to be banged. —For years the editor of tho Burliugton J auction (Ho.) I'ont, has been subject to cramps, colic or inaigestiou, which prostrated hiui for several hours aud uu tilted bim for business tor two or three dayo. For tUu year he huua Usiii)( Chauiherlaiu'n Colic, Cuolera aud Diarrhwa Kemedy wheuoTer occaniou raqaiied, uuil it ban invariably jjivi-u him prompt re lief. 25 aud 00 ceut bottes for «ale by I). 11. Woiler, liutler; A. Bowers, I'ros peet; Breaden i Allison, W. Sunbury. —A recent scientific writer *ay« that man i* the only kuowii animal that sleeps ing upon bis back. Sf ring Fever. Tlie j;r hI '.U Ofx-nlnu of Mi" im l.llim trei » arid the slioolliiK upwarU, of Uie of i(ri.fl are a'tfit-s 01 lh>' a iv'tut oi s,>rlu«. rue firmer In already at work itlmuln'lOK the ifrowl.li of his erop by leri 11/.i-rs i,o Insure a rich harvest. Nature needs sf.liuul.it io , and why should not man? The system needs hull,lms; up after tlie attacks of i.rl|)pe .md cjld. ,u,d tlie only tonic is pure whiskey. Ma* ivlelti.ol Alletflleliy. Pa., has Ihe endorsement or emiulneut pliyslcians, ceilirylnuto the puri'y of hl*l;uir>usHil»«r kg* aim UuqnrmiF By* Whiskies, Sold everywhere at II.Mi and 11. ■£> per tnll quart. Slx-yearold I'euu'n. Kye Whiskies absolutely pure M 11.00 per quart of u quarts lor 1',.00 Send lor eata loifKr and pi ice l.st of all km Is of liquors t > Ma* Klein. *2 federal street. Allegheny, fa. —Custom is a tjueer sort of tyrant, but none of as are bold or reckless enough to defy it. Arabian Women of rank would consider it a shatne to show their faces in public, yet they wear very short dressses and exhibit their bare arms to the should ers. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffering fjpr several years with a severe lung affection, aud that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sutler em the means of cure. To those who desire it, be will cheerfully send (tree of charge) a copy of tue prescription used, which they will find a sure cure tor Consumption, \sth ua, ' 'alarrh, liroiicbitis and all throat anil lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost theui nothing, and may prove a bless ing, will please a l lress KhV. Kuwaiiu A. »ViLM»i, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. —Au exchange remarks the curious fact that a woman who screams at a mouse is □ot etait ed by a millinery bill that makes a uian tremble. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., ntop at the Auclior llote , corner Liberty aud Fourth streets, it ih a strictly lirat-class Botcl conducted ou tho Kuropean plan. Lodgings, .o,— [io,— or 50 cents. You cau still bud a man now aud then who is expecting to get to hcavuu on his wife's church membership. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tue Sorron:— fleuo inform your readers that 1 hsve a posltlra rowady for ttio abvve uaiund dlveoso. By Its timely usn thousands ofbopcluna cases !»»to been jwnatuoutly cured. I aball bo gli-d to send two botik i of my remedy TREE to any of your readers who hare if ihajr will «eu(J me their hiprrp* nr.d P. O. addmM. bespect t»»y. T. A. BUAJL'iI. M. C.. Ist PsaH bu. N V. —The license question.in Warrnu county was settled last week by Judge Noyes, who granted 12 iu Warren borough aud '.'9 throughout tbe oouuty, iuoluding three iu Tidioute. It is a wet spring in Warreu county. —lt U naitl that Gov. Flower waa able Po swear tbat his total expenses ia bin campaign for Governor amounted to ouly SO,OOO. Iu the name eoanection It if a>Jd ud by tboay I'amilliar n itb tbe tbat tbe Governor'* aiater about $240,000 lor her brother's election. \ Bister like tbat of ( Tea sets, caatorn, butter dishes Qilimrworo -J and everything that can be Vt J W | ■ X one without a tbor* I Pu-igh th'; If ■ f Incurable Cases Declined. nfjj V A Ejamlßatloo fire by lA T J I^l 9 Wo want namo and oddre39 of tovery sufferer fwm Aathrna or Hay Fever. M VV ■ j J P. HAROLD HAYES, M. D., iiUfFALO, N.Y.^WIB "Well begun it. half done." Begiu your lioust work l»y buying a cake of * SAPOLIO. Sapolio is a solid cake of Scouring Soap used for all cleaning purposes. Try it. A MILLINERY TRIUMPH THE Leading Millinery House, D. T. Pape. Our line of Millinery is complete in every respect. We invite you to in vestigate, and we claim that our stock is the most attractive in Butler county. Trimmed hats and bonnets, tlowers, jet crowns, pins, laces, braids, crepes, nets, etc. Mourning Millinery in great variety. PAPE'S 123 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. 1892 STORM BIRD Wo. 8450, HECOKD 2:35 AT FOUR YKAKS. i Loiight oi llcK'iran & C lancy, Loui.«\ ii e. K v ) Si-ed by Lord Russell, Full Brother to Maud S, 2.08 3—4. ST# of Kr in n. 2 22|; Aida d# t_,ar.». 2 26«; Kin* Kgwli •» * ... wttk rmm4» M tt» M ~... f £ £ S teVASAS Ist Dam, Storm, record 2.26 3 4 R, Middletown, No. 152. Uai.i <>t (. »!.•. 2 2,.. Milf in I 104; >t»rm Sir# Or- gr R u j. ■> y lm , j 2 jx. 2d Dum, Green Mount a n Maid.... By Harry Clay 45. record 2-29- Dam "I Elanie. 2.20; Prosp#ro. 2 20; Sir# of Shatr»ut. 2 2ft CUtc n 2.3** Vl n " o '^u" r u' , U A o',°, n, "L-: '*'■ TUI -■ 1;, l■ It. (treat il-ivvi U 'r u '. ,lrt ' tLtc electiojTeek CION hhli. »ir<- of Snnol, 2 08$; Palo Alto, 2 OS|; Arion,(2)2 10}. .md mn#ty w?T#n other- in 2.30. STOKM liIKD hm for (fraud illmi Gr##n MouuUiu Maid ar.d M i 8i th» two jjre»te*t brood mare- known to trotun, hor~ £ thii« year more liberal than auy other hor-e of efjiii merit. TERMS; SSO TO INSURE. StiLu for tabulated pedigree. BUFFALO HOY, :jwo a l&riXStMjt s: teeu other* in 2 JO and !>#tt#r. —*»• Ist dam Lady S. record 2 50 at 3 year,; dam .f Etiaall Star. „r. ,rf S.lw Star 2 » she by American Mar, Jr . Xo. 3772. 2d datn Miss Cadmus, dam of Stephen M. rwcord 2 29. by L..n* I,land H. rv rie* the aame per oeut. of p.»a track* TEkMS: $25 TO INSURE. Both hnwert will b# found at ray barn. 34 mil#* n»rthea»t of Pn»p«t. wk-re I «ill *» #■*»»«-. <««- ALONZO McCANDLEBB, ISLE, PA. rfST. LOUIS, No 4654. (PERCH KKOX ) Black llorau foaled ISO 6. Bire Ilea Xevis 1097. Dam Duraont l'Wfi A Urpe rangy horse and a perfect upeci man of the family of Norman Dranirhn Pronounced l>y all the Uxt of all purpos? horses. Weight—l 800 pound*. TERMS—TO IKSUIK - - »10 00 The above described hor*e* will atai I f»r aerrico doria* the •«»«.. n nf IMB aa follows: —Monday and Tue-day of each week at Pronpect. Pa., and the rem ;ader of the week at tbn stable of the owner in aouthwent corner of Brady townabip. 4 mil— north of Prospect, liutler county. Pa. Proper caru will be taken but no accountability assumed. J. P. DAVIS, Proprietor, Prospect, Pa. ~n enrybTEHL 122 NORTH MA IN T P KKT. BU 'JLER .... T--F>j^T»A PFAIEH IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. w Waahing Machine; the g- Stand trd Rotary Shuttle f Sewing Machin*-. 2500 fl§ 7 American .«ewin. in ichine. -tiso Singer ami Kmprm; agricultural implement* uid farm wagon*; New ■ PI Sunshine U How rd r.tngea, m C^iHt' ■ Stoves, table ami pocket J M cutlery, biunting lamp*; manufacturer of tinware, tin jm roofing au«i f[M»utmg a spec* * ialty; the Johnston niowere, reaper and steel frame binder. Warren ready mixed paint, warren ted; screen doors and windows, refrigerator* and laws mowers. No better pl*ce in the city to tr*de. Come und see rnv large itore room full of gooda, feet long. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAS If you are interested in Gardening yon aboald Mod for oar BOOK OF FLOWS, PLANTS t SEES It tells how Safely, Kasilv an 1 Cheaply Jon can procare th* "WfT baat" and tn.wi reliable'" in Plants. Seed*. etc.. and we mix eo*eid*r»>v aft" «riih lh« printing,using tine en WITM TH* COOLEY CREAMERS, latk* hUmciw w>ainui ifaww>wi e^aet a tot. *7 >o. I .at of l pw ciai. at M> " »-.» a•« l par MM. at laa. " 1-.M «f 1 par Mat. at M. " 4 .U of t p«r coal*. «f tot " s-.oa Of l H' coat, at toe It rcta all tbobuttar tat tram UtemUk.aad Bi>W>aaa»Hllllili»a^^^^^^M 23 COLD MEDALS. VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO., MM Ftlfe. W.' Swemaww of omjiMaa «aN la f^tmrCm—■> MMCMM Grove A Smart No. 9500 English Shire Bay Horae r«*2ed IM7 A grand itomai and compactly built hor-*. Com iof Kin* 4320; 4am tinil> THE ENGLISH SHIR' ki« ed the irrestest of all m hnrwn «m| an better mod-! of hi* a .a MMTarkM imported. Will wi-h when mature*.) 1750 i TERMS-T0 INSURE - - ftltt