Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 29, 1892, Image 2

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fg— T " *" " ' *"
Republican, TicKet.
For Judge of Supreme Court.
Jo** Dkav. of Blair Co.
For Congressmen at Large.
fnu»e L. LtUT. of Carbon Co.
ttw.nti IfcDowiLL, of Mercer Co.
For Congress.
Tioias W. Pniu-trs.
(Subject to district convention.)
For BUte Senate,
Jam» M. Caiio*,
(Bub}eet to district conference )
For Ajeeaably,
David B. Doctcttt,
Jamxs B. Matss, '
For District Attorney,
Isa HcJrnn,
For County Surveyor,
C. F. L. McQrirno*,
fgt Meeting of Co. Committee.
The following circular has been mailed
DkaeSib: The recent and unexpected
death of Hon. John McMichael creates a
vacancy on the Bench in the 17th Judicial
District- which will be filled by appoint
ment of Um Governor ontil the lint Mon
fey of January, 1993. Law
Judge must be elected at the next
biTelection, to serve for ten years. It is
therefore my duty to call a meeting of the
Republican County Committee, to fix a
time for a nomination and convention, to
soßiniata ft oaodidAl# on the Republican
ticket; therefore I have deeignaud &at
nrday, April 30th, 1192, rtlo ctock P. M,
in Hnselton Hall, near Court House, in
important that every member of the
Commitfoeheprmmit. j jllibomeb .
J AS. IT. Moms, I
The Next Primary.
County Chairman Leighner has made a
•all upon the County Committee to meet
tomorrow for the purpose of fixing a time
for the primary election at which to nomi
nate s ooonty candidate for Law Judge.
Who all will he candidates is not yet
known. John M. Greer is, and 8. F. Bow-
Mr, James M. Oalbreath, H. H- Goucher,
W. D. Brandon, J. D. McJunkin and T. C.
Campbell may be—that is they are either
tosfideriAf tti# matter or are being urged
by their friends to be.
Some of these gentlemen have been can
didates heretofore and others have not,and
in Admass to the latter this primary should
he delayed as late ss possible. The elec
tion for this year will be held on Nor em -
her Bth; the now election law requires
Ikat nominations be certified to the Secre
tary of the Commonwealth fifty-six days
before the election, and were this county
to nominate separately this primary could
safely be delayed as late as September 3d;
but there is to be a conference, and a pro
hsMn difference of opinion as to which of
the two twenties is entitled to the district
semination and therefore this primary
shoaid bo held sot later than the first week
af August. This would give the two nom
inees six weeks in which to settle their
differences, and we see no good reason for
holding the primary earlier.
P. 8.-«ince Ue above was put in type,
Maaors. Goucher, Oalbreath, McJunkin and
Campbell have decided not to be cendi
datoe this year, and Meosrs, Bowser and
Bra&don will sot decide upon their course
■atil after tha date to fixed for the pri
mary. Meows. Oalbreath and Goucher
have stated their intention of being can
didates jn U94, and Mr. Greer has mid he
will net be if he mlssoe it this year.
WiutAM Astob of New York, worth
sixty millions, died at Paris, Monday, from
worrying over the late scandal in which
his married danghter was involved.
Tu district convention, for he naming
of the delegates from this Congressional
district to tha RepnbUoan National Con
vention at MhwsaprWii, will meet in New
Castle, en May 9, of which fiset the 13 sub
iilftntr that see to reproeent this county
will pleae take notice.
Quay and Cameron spent the latter part
of last week at Cameron's Donegal farm,
is Lancaster Co. With them it is now
anything to beat Harrison. It toeiaimed
in, Washington tbat nearly every delegation
which goes to tha Minneapolis convention
nainstrncted will foil to vote for Mr. Har
rison, sad that if be gets the nomination
ha will have to have enough instructed
do legatee to give it to him on the first
8. W. Da* a, E ■«., and J. Norman
Martin, Esq., of New Castle, are the appli-
MBt* to the Governor for the appoint
ment to the vacant Judgeship. Neither of
tha Kvto brothers, of New Cattle. wanU
it, and tbara in no applicant* in Bailor.
Tat throwteg open io settlement of
OovanuMSt land* I* * good deal like pltch
isg • handfal of money in a street to be
aemmblad for. It ia a question whether It
is Just or fair to the forming interest* for
the Government to tnrow away laud in
this atyle. There is a growing demand for
the revision of the homestead law*, that
will pot an ead to neb aoene* a* character
ised tbe opening of Oklahoma and the
fiiaeeton reservation. Why should not the
Government pot a fair valuation on tbe
public land* and aetl them to settler* in a
business like way T
IT appaars that after the Standard OU
business ha* been settled np there will
remain in tbe treasury a surplus o| S2O,
000,000, which has bam accumulated in
tha short epaoe of two years in addition to
paying a 12 per cent, dividend on tbe
inflated capital stock. Here is richness
for yon] Talk about the gold of Ophlr,
tbe mine of Goloonda, tbe Temple of
Solomon, tha golden bills of California,
and the diamond mines of Africa! Take
them ail and consolidate them into one
and they an sot half a* rich as this trade
producing scheme which was evolved frotn
tha brain of inventive Yankee.
Smatos Plumb was a subscriber to ev
ery newspaper in Kansas, and was quoted
as saying that be was surprised at tbe ex
cellence of them. "Tbe majority of them
are oarefally, ably edited. They not only
print tha new* of tbe neighborhood, but
bava opinion* which I find It worth my
while to read."
Id commenting on tha ticket nominated
at Harrisborg tha Pitt*borg Gazctt* said.
"Tha nomination a* Maj McDowell for
eoogreaa-aVlarge was generally oonceded,
and it restores harmony in the Twenty,
fifth district, as Mr. Phillips, bis late
antagonist, ia saanrsd of the district nomi
nation. With Maj. McDowell nominated,
geographical considerations eliminated
B sailor flhowaller. Butler oounty's worthy
candidata. Of the three eastern candf
dstaa,Mr. Carter to unknown to the people of
tha state at large, and tbe demand for bis
aomiftattoa by tha Philadelphia delegation
waa very properly refused. It was uafortu-
Se that both Mr Tegjcart and Oen.
ly could sot be oboeeu, the one because
npramte the formars and tbe other
wWy awwa af this taaognltfon of Oen.
Lilly, whfla having so sympathy with the
spitefal warfhra waged upon Mr.
by Senator Cameron. If the latter expect*
to punish every Republican who has the
courage to say that in bis course ou the
elections and silver bills Beoator Cameron
misrepresented tbe sentiment of tbe party
to this state, he ha* a large contract be
tvT*VO> >• - -
A Vital Issue still.
■ Toe action of the Republican State Con
ventions in demanding a fair vote and an
honest count at every ballot box in the
Oountry shows that this question is consid
ered S3 vital an issne today as it ever
Every Republican State platform adopted
so far this year has, we believe, contained
a plank on this subject. The language is
as strong and decisive as any ever used by
a political convention on this question.and
1 the determination of the Republican party
is made as clear as ever never to drop this
subject until the colossal wrong under
which the party suffers is righted and the
monstrous crimes committed by the Demo
cratic party on the suffrage in the South
are atoned for.
The Democrats doubtless imagined that
the Republicans would abandon this issue
when the elections bill waa defeated in 1891
through the treachery of s few Republican
Senators. They never made a worse mis
calculation in their lives. The Republican
party will never abandon this question so
long as it remains true to its principles.
It might as well have been claimed that
the party would abandon iu opposition to
slaverv or iU support of the Government
in the' War of the Rebellion,orits advocacy
of an honest dollar when the triumph or
greenback inflation seemed almost assured.
The Democratic party was as solid in
support of every one of these heresies as it
is now in support of the monstrous enmea
on the ballot box, but the Republican
party never ceased to battle with them
until it left them conquered and dead on
the field. . ,
When Governor McKinley made a speech
before the Ohio Society in Washington .a
fow months ago he declared Repub
lican ought to deliver a speech without re
ferring to the condition of Uie ballot in the
South until every citizen in that section
engaged the right of freely casting bu
voteand having it honestly counted. The
Cleveland Leader says that in all Governor
McKinley * speeches in the Ohio campaign
last year he dwelt with effective emphasis
on this important subject. In this respect,
as in many others, Mr. McKinley sets an
example that other Republicans may well
follow. They should never cease,in season
and out of season, to press this question
upon the public, to expose the crimes of
the Democratic party on the suffrage, and
to demonstrate the demoralising effect of
permitting this wrong to go uncorrected.
The Democrats are themselves reaping
to-day the fruit of their crimes on the bal
lot box in the Bonth. In the recent election
in Louisiana the vote itself and the reports
that the Foster faction of the
Democracy used its complete control of
the ballot boxes to defeat iu rival, the
McEnery faction of the Democracy, in the
same way tl<at the united Democracy had
in the past used iU power to defeat the
Republicans. Voters were bull-dozed,bal
lot boxes robbed, and false returns were
made. Iu Aim bams, also, where a struggle
for the control of the Democratic State
Convention is proceeding, one faction of
the Democracy is denouncing the other
faction for obtaining an unfair number of
delegates from the black belt counties,
based on the fraudulent vote returned
from tbat neighborhood in order to over
come the colored majority.
This question will never be setted until
it is settled right. It admits of no more
compromise than the slavery question did.
It rises above partisanship into the domain
of morals, and would be just as vital an
issue whether the Republican party de
manded its settlement or not. Like every
other question which has been before the
public during the present generation, the
Republican party has planted itself on the
right side, and it will never abandon its
attitude or cease to maintain its con
victions until every man is given the
political rights which the law and the
Constitution accord him. —Philadelphia
Thb Republican Convention of Maine
indorsed Harrison for President, Wednes
Lawrence County Wants It.
A dispatch from Xew CMtle dated last
Saturday, said: A warm content u now be
ing waged for the judgeship of this diitrict.
composed of Butler and Lawrence counties.
J. Kormao Martin, who ii tbe favorite
with the younger member* of tbe two
bars, will more than likely receive tbe ap
pointment over 8. W. Dana, Esq., who
*u brought out by the older attorney*.
It is believed Gov. Pattison will make
the appointment thin week. Tbe term will
end January 1, 1893. Lawrence in partic
ularly anxious to have a resident of the
county elected judge this fall, a* the term
U for ten yearn, and JuJge A. Haien, be
ing tbe preiident judge, must by law be a
resident of Butler coanty, tbe seat of the
district. Judge Hazen's term expire* Jan
uary 1, 1865, and if Butlir county will
ooncede Lawrence the judge tbi» term, no
opposition will be made to Butler** candi
date in 1864/
James A. Gardner, at present president
of seleot council in this ofty, has announc
ed himself as candidate for the judgeship.
Col. Oscar L. Jackson, who is now in the
south for bis health, has not yet been
heard from, but hi* friends will urge his
claims. William D. Wallace, Malcolm
McConnell and James M. Martin also are
candidates. Tbe Democrats will likely
name D. B. Kurtz as their candidate.
A Surprise Party.
One of tbe most pleasant surprise parties
of the season was given at tbe residence o!
Mr. C. F. L. McQuistion in honor of Miss
Vivian Meftuiston.
When Miss Vivien returned home,
Thursday evening, from Pittsburg, where
she is attending King School of Oratory,
she found tbe bouse in possession of ber
many young friends.
Among those present were Misses Ida
Crick, Gertrude Davis, Flora Koonce,
Frank Wadswortb, Emma Keck, Birdie
King, Maud Davis, Edith Black and Editb
Messri) Herbert Crick, William Kiskad
den, Harold Bean, Harry McClain and
Jobs Stoner.
Among tbe out-of-town people were Mr.
Wilson, of Kittanuing; Frank Dell, Pitts
burg; Emma Fox, Allegheny; Jennie
O'Brian, Mansfield; Cbarlie Walker, Pltts
burg; Harry Clay, Pittsburg; John Mc-
Carnas, Pittsburg; Samuel McKco, Wash
ington and Harry Williams, Washington.
After spending some time in social in
tercourse. music, dancing and games fol
lowed while the evening passed, after
which an elegant supper was served.
Miss Vivien, then favored ner friends
with a selection entitled tbe "Potion
Scene" of Komeo and Juliet, wbicb wsti
credibly rendered and highly appreciated
by her friends; after wbicb they all depart
ed for borne feeling that it wax an event
that would always bo associated witb
pleasant remembrances. M.K.J.
Anarchists in Paris.
At Paris last Monday, tbe restaurant of
M. Very, who on March 30 delivered
Kavacbol, tbe Anarchist, into the hands of
the police, was utterly wrecked by a bomb
explosion. Since Itavachol's arrest. M.
Venr has freequently been threatened
with such a disaster. The force of tbe
explosion was terrific anil widely felt, and
an enormous crowd ijuickly gathered about
tbe shattered building. The police on
entering found Mr. Very lying on the floor
of tbe restaurant iu the mfdsts of heap*, of
debris, groanijg with fright and pain
One of his legs was broken and he was
sent to a hospital, where it has been found
necessary to amputate his leg.
Voting Machine.
A new voting machine, of very peculiar
mechanism, was used at Lock port, N. Y.,
the oiber day. It is in thn shape of a
booth When a man enters tbe dour it is
self-locked behind bim. No one can inter
fere witb him- He votes by pressing a
button representing bis ticket or his candi
date. The moment he releases the button
his vote is recorded, counted and tbe num
ber of it displayed upon a dial outside.
The machine <s self-locking, and cannot be
tampered with. It is very ingenious, and
tbe Legislature has authorised its use at
town elections where tbe local authorities
favor it. As soon as tbe election closes a
dial shows the entire number of votes cast
for each candidate. Perhaps this will
solve tbe boneet election problem. A
machine cannot l>« bribed or nulldosed.
—Oo Monday last tbe U. 8. Henate pass
ed a bill re-enacting tbe existing anti-
Chinese laws, with amendment* designed
to render their operation more effective.
Thl* practically ul*po*e* of tbe absolute
exclusion measure which recently went
through the House. Being a part of tbe
treaty making power, tbe Senate naturally
refused to sanction a bill wblob would
have abrogated tbe treaty with China and
made tbia government guilty of a breach
of national faith. Tbe obamplon* of abso
lute exclusion in tbe House are hardly in a
position to reject tbe Henate compromise.
Tha statutes now in force are about to ex
pire, and tbe uneetion seems to be wheth
er there shall tie such exolusiou as is ofior*
, ed by Urn tfrustv or ao •sclatfoa i<
DalseH'ft Report on American Tin.
Washisgtoh. April 24.—Hon John
Dalzell has spent the past few days pre
paring the minority report upon the Bunt
ing bill, which proposes to reduce the duty
on tin plate, terne plate and taggers tin to
1 cent a pound after October 1, JS92, and
to place these articles on a free list after
October l,lsM. The report which is very
voluminous and exhaustive one. is a about
completed, and will be submitted to the
House some time to-morrow.
In his report, Mr. Dal/ell goes into the
history ol tin plate most exhaustively. He
traces tha various attempts made to estab
lish the industry in this country and shows
bow they failed for want of a protective
duty. He points oat that there is no reason
why this industry should not be
Attention is also called to the Inconsistent
proposition of the bill now before cong; ess
which practically places the finished tin
plate upon the free list, whilo sheet iron
and sheet steel, the principal materials
used in the manufacture of tin plate, are
under protective duty.
After showing the effectual attempts to
establish the tin plate industry in this
country prior to the enactment of the Mc-
Kinley law, Mr. Dalzell process to ana
lyze the act which went into effect July 1,
1891 From his analysis he establishes the
following facts: First the duty imposed
bv the McKinley act has lessened impor
tations; second, it has reduced foreign
prices without appreciable increasing the
home prices to the consumer; third, the
protection afforded under this act has es
tablished a new American industry.
It is also shown in the report that all
the figures given with regard to the impor
tation of tin plate, the reduction of prices
abroad, and the increase in the manufac
tures in this country are endorsed by the
English press and by the manufacturers in
Wales, 50 that the usnal argument of the
free trade Democrats that the figures are
"cooked up' by the Treasury Department
can have no possible weight. The foreign
price is shown to have been reduced by
more than the amount of the increase of
duty. The heme price has not been in
creased to any appreciable extent, and the
ground is taken that all expenence in
manufacturing industries shows that home
competition will soon reduce the prices
in this country.
There are embodied in the report sworn
returns made by the manufacturers of tin
plate to the Treasury Department, which
are calculated to stump the •'doubting
Thomases" among the Democrats who try
to make it appear that there is no tin plate
made in this country. These returns,
made during the nine months ending
March 31, show tbat the number of manu
facturers and the production of tin plate
has practically' doubled each succeeding
quarter. The figures will be given showing
in the exact output, but as Mr. Dalzell did
not have all his tables completed this
evening, he would not consent to making
any statement that was not mathematically
C °The figures that will be given in the re
port are very conservative, and show the
actual growth to have been as stated.
They do not include a large number of
firms that are about to engage in the in
dustry. There are a large number of
establishments not yet completed. The
returns also show that not a single one of
the manufactories making reports to the
Treasury Department is being operated to
its full capacity, and that in most of them
extensions and additions are being made.
New proj-cts are reported, with plans
already made, and new firms and corpor
ations are being added to the list every
day. It is estimated tbat #3,000,000 have
been iuveKted in this now industry since
July last. The output of the factories is
pronounced equal to and superior to the
best foreign made article.
One of the features brought out in Mr.
Dalzell's report is the fact that invention
has been stimulated, and American genius
has alrea-iy invented several new labor
saving processes, which are a great Im
provement over the Welsh method of man
ufacture. Letters on file in the Tre<uury
Department, from people who doubted the
feasibility of establishing the tin plate in
dustry in this country, are quoted as show
ing a complete revolution of opinion.
Taking the official reports the industry is
shown to be so fully established as to
amount to a practical guarantee of the
continuance or the duty beyond the time
limited iu the McKinley bill for its condi
tionai discontinuance.
Mr. Daliell concludes the report by
showing that the Hunting bill is entirely
in the interest of foreign and against
American labor.
Fobty thousand peoplo witnessed the
ceremony of laying the corner stone of
Grant's monument at Riverside Park,
New York, Wednesday. President Har
rison was present and was the obief
World's Fair Progress.
The number or men at work on the
grounds and buildings at Chicago is now
5,000. , # ,
Mrs. Potter Palmer, President of the
Hoard of Lady Managers, bai undertaken
to erect, equip, anJ maintain a building
00x150, wherein babies and -younger
children can be left when their mothers
are viewing the sights of the fair. Nurses,
attandants, games, etc., are to be pro
It is proposed to run from New York to
Chicago, at the time of the dedication of
exposition buildings, ten special train*,
ten minutes apart, each train to have
elaborate decorations and manic. It in
believed ttiat fully ?,000 people will want
to make the trip.
Workmen bave begun mixing trussus to
support the roof of the manufactures
Huilding. Those trusses will be the larg
out in the world. There will be 22; each
will cover a span of 088 feet. Over the
centre of the roof, in"ide, to the ground
floor, will be a distance of '{(At feet. Each
truss weighs 200 ton*. A total of fi.OOO
ton* of steel will be used in the roof of the
The Keichstug ban panned to a second
reading a bill granting a supplementary
credit of $500,000 tor the German exhibit
at the World's Fair.
The fountain which is to stand at luu
foot of the main basin in Jackson I'ark is
projected to be tliu largest in the world.
It wax designed in T'ari* by liculptor
McMonniex, of New Vork. A force at
modelers and blacksmith* are working on
it night and day. The idea in an apotbeoxis
of modern liberty, Columbia a-suiuing
the shape of a triumphal barge guided by
Time and bearlded by Fame. There will
be eight stunding figures, representing the
arts, Ncieiice, industry, agriculture, arid
commerce. Eight mammoth *ea horses
wjll form a circle directly in front of the
fountain, and their nostrils will spurt great
xtreams of water- They will be mounted
by stalwart yoang uieu as outriders, to
represent commerce. The design of tbe
basin is circular, 150 fuel in diameter and
flanked on each side by columns 50 feet
high, surmounted by eagles
M>my .States are preparing to appropriate
more money than they at first intended.
The aggregate is now S;J, 180,000. Mary
land and >'««' Y"rk have voted respectively
100,000 and $300,000; New Jersey has adif
oil $.10,000 to its appropriation of *20,000;
low a has added $125,000 to llio $50,U00
already grauted; and Massachusetts ha*
doubled the s7f>,ooo previously appropri
ated. Minnesota will supplement its
$60,000 by SIOO,OOO raised b. subscription,
nearly three.fourth* of which has already
been raised. Minnesota will spend $25,000
on a Htute buildiug.
Cherry Township items.
Mrs. Kachel Dunbar has been sick a long
time and i.i still confined to her room.
Mr. Joseph Black is said to bo sick, ife
has the sympathy of this community in
tbe death of hi* wife whit'h was a very sad
loss to him.
Mr. Johu Haukoy has takou bit wife
and gone to their new home.
It is reported that the school board Is
Suing to build a now school bouse in No. 11
The farmers are very busy sowiug oats
and plowing corn ground.
Mr. lteuben Fisher i* preparing to buiid
a new bouse and haro.
Mr. Levi Hutchison ha* bought biin*cli
a farm and i* building a new house.
Mr. l'erry Graham hi* taken charge of
tbe blacksmith shop at Moniteau.
C. H Book lost a valuable horse » faw
day* ago.
Tbe Firmer*' Alliauce bretbern bold
their meetings at Mooiteau.
Mr. iieury i'eter* claim* to have a ewe
that Is three year* old, which ha* bad
eight lamb* aud raised neveu. If there
are any stock raisers who can beat this,
let tbVUi fptai
A BOSTOV man has invented an elec-1
trical machine to disperse fog. The Dem
ocrat* should buy np the patent. Itmifcbt
help them to clear np the fo#s in which
the party is now floundering looking for
light on the silver and the tariff.
CAMPBELL—At her home on S. Main
St., Butler, April 2lst, 1592, Mrs. Camp
bell wife of William Campbell. Sr., m
the 82d year of her age.
Mrs. Campbell was a woman noted all
her life for her charity and good works.
—The respect entertained for her was
manifested by the large number of citi
zens who on Saturday last attended her
funeral. Rev. Oiler, of the Presbyterian
church, of which she was a life-long mem
ber, conducted the funeral services.
MAKDORF—At his home in Batler. April
27, 1891, William Mardorf, aged about
55 years.
Mr." Mardorf had been in poor health for
some years. He was afflicted with dropsy
and other diseases. On Wednesday morn
ing he slept in his chair from 9 in the
morning till about 3 in the afternoon,
when he expired without first awakening.
BEXIGH—ApriI 28. 1892, in Butler, in
fant child ofCjros Benigh.
SXOW—At her home in Butler, April 26,
1892, Mrs. Mary Snow, aged 71 years.
GUTHKIE-April 24 1892, infant daugh e
of Edward Guthrie of Butler.
COCLTEK—At his home in Centrcville.
April 26, 1892, Cyras Coulter, aged about
40 years.
HAVS—At her home in Connoquessing
twp., April 26, 1892, Mrs. Emma Hays,
wife of Hershel Hays, aged about 30
Mrs, Hays was a daughter of Reed
Bracken dee'd. Her death was probably
due to heart disease.
CAROTHERS—At Coaitown, April 18,
1892, Martin Carothers.
KIPP—At the home of his daughter in
in Coraopolis, Pa., April 23d, 1892, Silas
H. Kipp, engineer, formerly of Batler,
aged about 50 years
Ue was buried at l'reeport, Wednesday.
SUTTON*—At the home of her son-in-law,
R. B. Conn, in Clay twp., March 31,
1892, Mrs. Mary J. Sutton, widow of
Jesse Sutton, deceased, aged 67 years.
Farewell, dear grandma, thou art gone,
Thy chair is vacant in our home.
But in heaven we hope to meet thee,
Thy loving face to see.
But thou hast not gone alone,
For a dear companion has gone before
Our loving sister bids thee welcome
In the heavenly home above.
It was so hard for us to part.
We thought it could not be;
But God has taken her away.
To a brighter land on high.
Good bye, dear grandma, loved mother,
Thy sweet spirit is with God;
Soon we «ill meet in heavenly union.
Meet where loved ones part no more.
■By virtue ol sundry writs of \ en. Kx.. HI. Fa..
Dev. Ha., Ac . issued out of the Court of Common
Fleas of Butler Co., Fa., and to me directed
there will be exposed to public sale at the
Court House, In the borough of Butler, on
Monday, May 9, 1892.
at l o'clock p. m, the following described prop
erty. to-wit:
El> V'is. 77. 'IH. 7J and HO, June term 1*93. Mc
Junkln 6c. Ualbreath and A K Itelber, alt'ys.
All the right. title, Interest and claim of the
Milliard Goal aii'i Coke Co.. Lluuled. et al. of,
ID aii'i to coal aii'i other mlneram In, upou and
under 'M acres ot laud. m irn or lon. situ ito In
Woshlnifton two.. ilutler county. Pa., bounded
an follows, to-»lt: On the north by .Snyder and
Dulfy.oast by Hainuel tillUard et al, south by
Hob K McJunkln axul \Ve«t by Chrlatle heirs;
together with all the rights and privileges nec
essary to rami; and take away coal and other
minerals therefrom.
ALSO—Of, In and to 11 acre* of land, more or
less, situate In Washington twp., Duller coun
ty. J'a . bounded a* follow* to-wlt: OB tbo
uorlli by Hon K Mcjunkln. east by Bar.ih Jon
kins. south by J I. Heatty ai.d Wust by Olllea
ple; together wltb mine Mope, railroad tiack,
mine Track, 3 board houses, t.pple chutes, 1
vt of pan scales. track scales. I engine, I en
flnc house, and all machinery an! Uxtures
AUiO-Uf. in and to 3 acres of land, more or
lean. Hi mate |n Wasliliizlou twp , Butler «x>un
ty. l*a, bounded at follow* to-wit ; On the
nortb by public road aud Uutfy, east by lands
now or fi.'rviilly of Iturnett, south by Mcjun
kin lands and went by land* now or formally of
Ituruett ; together with 1 small ooaid bouse
Hel/t'd and takeu In execution an the property
of the HHllard Coal and Oike Coin piny Limited
at. al. at the Hutt of T C Jenkins. In trust now
{or use of Mrs. !$ If Jewell, administratrix of U
i Jewel, deed,
K D. No*. ¥>. II uud in. .tunc ?erin, I *Vi.
Hrandou. I.owry and Modulation. Hl'y*.
All the rlKl>'-. title. Interev aud cUlin of ll'
W. Cfirtsile. of. lu aud lo a c jrlaln water plant,
sltuat'-d Iri Butler borough, llutler county. I'a..
consisting in part of this Hues of pipe laid for
the transportation of water In llutler, I'a.. aud
vicinity namely. In me alley between Main aud
tfcXeM streets rrom Jefferson street north lo
1U lerini.'i'u; lu tfju alley from Main itreet earn
along lot of J C Itedle and lite alloy between
Main aud Washington streets from tUo Court
House north to Its terminus; on Washington
street; In tlie alley from Washington street
went around L<« UiuH street; on illuff, rear I,
I'ttuu aud North street*: lu the alley between
Jefferson ond Cunningham street# west of
Malii street, on i'cuu Street exteualon and all
Hue*. branch** allli ct/nuecUbua, stops, cocks,
gales. Joints. UwII and luililliueu .s oouucled or
uaeu uierewttu ; also all the grant*. easewoiiu,
rights of way. pi iv lieges lranchlae* and ap
put teuaucea connect.:.! therewith and forming
part Of aald water plant. Seliud and lalteii n
execution as the property o( 11. W. Christie at
t/ie anil of W. It. liraudon, «t. al.
.Sheriff's OIJJcc. Umt«r. I'a,. April 14th. lew
lty virtue Of 4 writ Qf Al. ft. fa., Uiu d out
01 the court oi Common I'leon, oi lluUer county,
I'a.. and to me directed, there will Uu «*poaed
lo I'Ubllc .-Sale, al the Court liousu. 11l tlie
llorougu of liulier. I'a.. on Monday, the iUd
(Jay ol .May. A. It.. ISO 2 al I O.UiOc* |-. i|.. tho
following described property, to wit:
C. U. No. »/, Juue lerui. Itxa.
o.hici a. Ilcydrick, All js.
All the Ugut. UtM. Iwtcrot aud cUlui ol
Uoberl VatmerlUi 01, In and to »rj art* "I laud,
moie or lew. all uated In Vouaugo aud Marlon
towuihlps. llutler county I'a., bounded as lot
lows to wit: iiu the uoilb uy laud* uow ur
late of A I Uollesler. foruiurij Joun Uiboru;
cast by Cuinmlng* heirs. Win Uraudou. nlc-
Cuutvay, ■Joun Jamison, el a..; houih by tho
helts ol ritcpUeii Vaiiderlm anl Jas Cummlugs;
w«»l by .''•eal iiorinlev. Atwe|l aud t'ofter; »aui
property being known as mu ' iiousj
rroperty "subject to a curtain grant made Uj
Uobcrt vnudet liu •» A >• Egbert ami ueorge
U isueanley dale I Ha'cn 1 lOUO. ttuu recorueo
In said county In Deed book ."10. Hi, ua,fe li'j.
About XM acre# cleared and lu a good state oi
cultivation; balance m tiiuber; together with
one oil well, one two sloiy stouu uousu. frame
barn, two orchards aud out buildings tuereou-
AL*<J All the tight, title, lnterunt and claim
ol itoocrl V aU'iciilu. of lu and to imj acres oi
laud. more or !••*•<, slldated in Veuaugo twp..
Hull r • oilnty, I'a , bounded a» folioWi, to-wit;
(Mi the north by other lauds of itoourl Van
Uerl.u; ' ail oj lamis oi ihe Uelrs oi A Jaiulsou;
■o.itu by lauils ol tue uc.rs oi John Murriu,
went by lau'ls of Ihe heirs of Jncub KUluruiau.
übuul neveiily a* r>-s ciearei and in a goo<l suUv
oi cultivation, baiahce in tliulicr with
five pro<luciug oh wells, uuo twu-nwiy traiae
house, frame bam, oiciiud alio outouiiiilng.i
LUi rcon. rieuod and lakcu in exccutiou as tUo
property of Kotmrt Vairlurliii at luu suit oi
U:vl I'ortcr, el. al.. caw.iiloi Jur use ol A U
Egbert ahd Oeorgu it. oueaaley.
M'liiUAM M OKoiVN, Hherta.
Mherlll's OlUee. llutler, I'a., Apnl M. 1 tr.rt.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
iffice Cor. Main & Cunningham Rts.
11. CV HUINKMAN, Hbcrktahy.
Alfred Wick. IletiderwiU Oliver,
Mr. W. Irvlo J .laums Htephcusou,
w \y. liisfikmore. n. Weitzer
K Uowinau, D. T. Norn*,
lico. Ketturur. < lia». I(«t)t)un.
Joho uroUmau. JoUa KoooWk.
Insurance and Real E«tat« A*'t
17 H.AHT jeffekwoh BT.
Administrators and Executors of estates
can secure their receipt books at the CITI
-185 office.
Orphans' ucurt Sale.
By virtue of an order of tour t, of Butier to.
of Slaicb 7th is»2, at O. C.. No. 1, June Term,
1892, there will be exposed to public sale at the
Court House. Butler. Pa., on
FRIDAY, MAY 6.1K0-. .
at 1 o'clock. !■. m.. the following described
real est ate, situated In the borough of West.
Sunburv. Butler county. Pa., bounded as fol
lows: beginning at a Hickory tree on Church
street, thence 10 deg 30 mln west »i»e hundred
and twenty-four and six-tenth feet to a post,
thence north 7S deu 39 mln. w-«t one hundred
and fortv-tbree and three-t-nths leet, thence
north 10 deg 30 ml' , east one hundred and sixty
feet thence south |'4 de«east one hundred and
forty-three and tlve-tenths feet to allickory and
place of beginning, having a two-story irame
bouse, stable and out buildings tbereon.
TKKMS:— Une-tblrd on confirmation of sale
by the Court and the remainder in two equal
annual installments from the date of sale with
lawful Interest to be secured by bond and
mortgage. MARY G. WKIUHT.
Administratrix of the estate of .1. W. Wrbrht,
deceased. West Sunbury, Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment ,
and any having clai ttm against the same
will present them duly authenticated lor
settlement to
Sarversville, Pa. I
Executors Notice.
Letters testamentary having been issued
to the undersigned on the estate of Alex
ander Wright, dee'd, late of Maddycreek j
twp., Butler Co., Pa., all persons knowing
themselves in debt to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and any
having claims against said estate will
present them duly authenticated for settle
ment to
J. W. SCOTT, Ex'r..
Portersville, Batler Co., Pa.
W. H. LC.SK. Att'y.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of ;
Catharine Emrick, dec d., late of Summit:
twp., Butler county, Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to same will
please make immediate payment, any hav
ldg claims against the same will present
tbem duly authenticated for settlement to
Butler P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
Administrators' Notice.
Butler, tenn'a, Feb. 19. 1892. letters of
administration, cum testamento annexo, of
Henry Koblm"yer. Esrj.. late of Allegheny twp.,
Butler ' 0.. I'a., deceased, having been tills day
Issued by the IteKiater of Wills, elc.luaudlor
said county to the undersigned, all persons,
therefore, knowing tbeinsi-lvi-s indebted to said
deceased and his estate are requested to make
Immediate payment, and taose having claims
against the s»m»: will please present them to
the undersigned property authenticated and
probated for payment.
J. H. KoiiLMkVPB. Admit),
Handy Polnl P. 0,.
Butler Co., Pa.
E. McJunkln. att'y for estate.
Administratrix Notice.
Letters of admin Istratlon having been grant
ed to the undersigned on the estate of Rev. J.
H. Wright.dee'd, late of West Sunbury, Butler
CO.. Pa., all person* knowing thcmse!ve« In
debted to said estate will please make Immediate
payment, and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenticated
for settle mi-nt to
West Sunbury,
Butler Co., Pa.
W. D. BBANOON. att'y.
Administratrix Notice.
letters of administration having been grant
ed to the undersigned, in the estate of Thomas
Martin, dee'd, late of Butler. Pa, all persons
knowing themselves Indented to said cstati
will plea*'- make Immediate payment, and any
having claims against said entato wll! present
them duly authenticated for settlement to
[ Adm'x..
St. Joe Station. P.
Butler Co.. Pa.
H. F. Bowser. Att'y.
Administrator's Notice.
letters of administration having been grant
ed to the undersigned, on the estate of Mrs.
Sarah bnow, dee'd, late of Peuti twp., Butler
Co, I'a..all persons knowlnu themselves In
debted to said estate will please make Im
mediate payment.and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly authentica
ted for settlement to
U. li. DouTuzrr. Adm'x.
Brownsaale. Butler Co., Pa.
Executors' Notice.
zhtate or wiLi.iAu uall*oukk. VZC'I>.
L«Ueni te«t!tmeiitary on the estate of Win
Gallagher, doo'd, late of Clearfield twp.. llutler
Co.. Pa., having been granted lo the undersign
ed. all Knowing themselves Indebted to
said e»tale will pie uto inake Immediate pay
iiieut, and any having claims agaliuit said
estate will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
Andrew Uallaiiukii.
Simon Uallauhkk,
Uermau f. 0.. HutlerOo.. I'a.
W. It. Hka nuon. attv-
Administrator's Notice.
KHTATJC or josxrif HAVaI, KR , DZC'D.
letters of adin n. C. T. A. having been grant
ed t<> tlis undersigned, on the estate, of Joseph
llaya, Sr.. der.'d. lain or Middlesex twp.. llutler
Co.. I'a., all iiersous knowing theuiselvea In
debted to said estate will please make iminedl
ate payment, and any having claims against
sail estate will present them duly authciillcat
ed for settlement to
W. A. .Sloan. Adm's..
Valencia. I*. O. Butler Co., I'a.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration on the eitilj oi
James Ultmou. I tie of Clluton township, duller
Co. I'a..deceased. having llila day boon granted
to the undernlifu d, all persons knowing
theimwlves Indebted lo said estate are request
ed to make Immediate payment autl tbose uav
Ing claims against nalil estate ..re retiueslud lo
present llieifi p-operly probated to tue uuder
ngnod for paymuui
J. N ia'l.TO>. Admr.
K. MC.IUNKIW. Kliok P.O. UullerCo..
Ait'y fur Adui'r. February it. In
Teachers' Annual E amina
Rmifrew May 10, 1802.
Olade Mills " 11, "
riaxouburg " 12. "
Coylevillu ................ 13. "
Millerstowu " -3, "
I'etrolia " 24, "
Fartiiiugtuu " 2. r >, "
liarrirtvillo " 20, "
North Washington June H, "
We»tKutjtmry " "
Slippery Hock " 10, "
I'rospeet " —, "
Porteravillo " —, "
tivaus (Jity " —, "
Hutler " 2H, "
ICxaiiiiualioiis will lie-in promptly nt U
o'clock N'. C. MCC'ollouum,
Couuty fiup't.
r iSSB
Our Spring Goods Have Arrived, Come
and »cc tbem.
We have put our font down on high
prices ou hpriug Clothing for ilieu, boy"
ami ohlldruu Our atock coutaius all tl»e
latest style* aud pattorus is all grades
Wo bavu uj»iu'» batinet buits at J&.60
iuou'b Uuiou Ciuaiijior Bolt* at >5 00.
loou'tf Floe Duvluuns Hoits at $7 to IHOOO,
aud a large Hue of drua# *uit« al»o at rock
bottom upot ca»b prices.
20 S. Mam St.. : i : Butler. Pa.
fiAti I% •> I .raw i. i . i «iu«
•ft 1
&akiN c
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. High- I
est of all in leavening strength.— LaU*t
V. S. (iorernment FooaTleport.
X. Y.
To be Sold for Taxes 1»y County j
Treasurer James S- Wilson
at Public Outcry at the
Court House in But
ler, on Monday,
June 13, '92.
ares year am't tax
Campbell J J and Brandon, 2!M 'su JT
Hillings Marquis. I<«> »:• 22
Campbell Jno IS. 273 89 41 81
Campbell KJ, 113 'no 21 7 s
Campbell John J. 4n 11 10 2-'>
Mccamey ioo 'JO . »«;
Met; Inn Is t A 12 '9O 2is
Parda. Shepard & Co, 47 "90 »0"
Badgers Heirs. 5 '»u 3 ->4
Sedwlck WII 13 '9O 12 1-'
Campbell J,l and Brandon. 2M *9O €3 42
acres year am t tax
Davis Win, 25 *9 i
Stewart Sarali E. 103 >9 18 (*■
Wick Elizabeth, 1 lot 'uo 23
acres year am't tax
Marshall Kllza, tit; 'SO 23 21
Nlgle David. 4'> 'B9 JO 30
Wick Walter, 13 'xti 23
Thompson Jacob 2 "90 125
acres year am't tax
Bradcn James, 4T »&-'!» 18 37
Christie ijiiturie, s> 'B9 f> w
acres year am't tax
Brltton Joseph. 24* '-"j-'yu Vi II
GOldlngiT M l>, 7o 'su-'UO 30 if*
Shields Denis. m M '(» II 2-
White Martin, mi »u- i«0 39 92
Kelly Patrick, 3 lots DO 8V
Kill IK J K, ju JO ti 2"'
Skellun Elua! eh. 33 UJ 5 *■
Kerr Michael, 4 ''JO 1 0*
acres year um't tax
Coleman Miller, HO »';») s 4.(
•Smitl) Jno & unity, 10 VJ 13.
Braden £ Donegbf, 75 'su "> 79
llliidmau Jas It. no *'JO 12 31
Miilth W U, '<) 'no (> 69
Ginnore's heir*. "<« uo 1"
liraden & Doneghy. '"o t*> Is 20
Braden A Doneghy. Ah 110 r» 22
iLlitlL CO, 11 :•'» S3 OS
Herron James. 17 ''Mi ».*>
acres year am't tax
Cooverl Jno W. b W9 1 37
acres year am't tax
Meehan .Jas. 37h 'so-'oo e i*
O'Conner Dennis, 4 mi >-"•
Mark «veil Frank. ■ *!i I M
CubbLson Jno, dec d. I 'so-'no s .'!*
l/Jllg J li. '"I S HI
Shepard Jacob, 12 'ui 2 71
Maliood A M, AO '!*> 12 2s
Man it l;rltlain, so '9O 23 00
Fuhlan DA, 1 i <i 1>
.Maxwell A 11. doe'd, 50 IM 12 s»
i,acres year am't tax
Boyle Miss Mary, 2I; 'SO M I*
Bladen Jas Hon. 121 '9O 34 71
Greenwood oil Co. l '»« si
acres year am't tax
Dinsniore TJ. I lot so 20
Brown lA* w Im, 1 lot 'su si
llepler Isaac, 1 bit 's*j 3.
Kyrle HUM It, :tt 23 14
Jack J 11. "■! SU UO 11l Si
McMlllen Mrs K J, I 1 it su j . i
Collins J.iS .11 ''.o 11 2»
lieniiy Uavld. 2i '*o 3 li ■
Mctiroy David. aj '■» 17 h5
McKnlght fhos, 19 o 3.
acres year am't tax
Urecr Jno, i« .SM I
t'aller Nicholas 11 A; I. 3i
AlleaHenry. 7i VI i D
acres year ain't tax
Maxwell Haruh, 41 sa- uo »4^
aeatou Samuel, in 's'J- J«J 2 10
Luge Mary. I lot VJ 2SO
sinlth Tliiiodore. 4«i vi-':io 10
Andrew Bard, 100 89- JO 13 70
Barbor Andrew. 100 >.t) 13 20
Mctiurk Uennis. i:» 'yo 2 20
urvlance Jnu. 40 110 4 H
Seaton Hubert, heirs 47 '»0 i 20
Veager Fred. 43 'llO 0 19
Mctiurk Margaret, 12 '9O 1 69
aero year am't tax
Hutchison (i W. 1 lot 'Bs 18
Burton & son, 1 lot 'so 1 07
Story Mrs Ada, 37 'tii> 2 4s
Thompson J llO M. l u '*> l 07
Black J K. I lot 'OO uo
l,KhherJno, 41 "80 107
Cannon Jus IS, .'i<l 'JO 8 4-'
Klliott Hobert. I lot 00 I 09
acres year am't tax
AiwellTJ, 45 'So-'ao is 67
<j W Abble, «i s9 19 \t
Fuller J C, 10 >W 1« 12
(illlesple ti C<j. 1 'SO 4 03
M' Kinney Br<t, U 'ss-'-o 10 :HI
acres year am't tax
(Jreen Miles. 105 '.XI . 22 i.S
Heuderson HA, 43 'tio I U->
Marshall Thos 20 'IW 3#7
acres year ain't tax
MClean LK. 101 !s> 'l3 s;i
B' les year am i tax
DumbaUKb Ed. 15 2 3 'JO *o«
Klildlt', W 11 11, I"> 2 3 'OO 2 us
acres year am't tax
IJercliard Alex. * 6J 'so-"JO 21 is
llovard Samuol. II & I. '< Is
Mclaughlin J 11, .!•» >'J uo 23 *1
Mcßrldi' Morris. t,o tu 'll 20
.tlvClauahau May. heir, 5 s:i-'9O 2 2'.'
Morrow Tlios. 120 'e;i 2( 23
I'ollock Jno, 2 lots Vi •»'
I'utterson nlUabetli. SJ "89-'"JO 10 •>>
.Sloan Marg,irol 11 &1, '■> ■3l
>lalker James. IS >:i 12 03
Norcrosi Andrew, 43 s'j 'jj 11 I.:
Kelly lin I'ion, 311 '■"> 1J -■>
Ki'iiy MV. .11 K> uo 14 01
Kelly AI. L. II s:>-';*i 11 32
IM'lly UK, I" "J UO IK "
Kversont;, Uu»se I "
Vmiilerllii J C. V' 'i*> 17 s,
Uouelly Thomas. 2i.'> .«i 02 ¥;■
vlcNanii e John L, 20 '■*> 2 t ■
Mclaughlin tiuorge 12H 'JO IV 3s
Sloan It M. :is :KI 0 V.i
Dunliyan I'lillllr>. ■*> 'JO 1 13
ticieii >ear am t la*
AtweU TJ, os nil 13 t
llr.irtcn James, '■* su-'IW 25 4-'
Conn James L. I'o V W •"
Kelly I'atrick, -SO >0 '.<o 311 25
Turner JI; "" •
Burnett James. 2s su 21 12
Beck Nicholas. M i« S 3#
ABdOTOfi JIA6, 1:' '■» I *
Courtoey DO, I'SJ u ' 9 .n*
Uoiily lliuMi i,. 00<i ''i" 31 w,
Thompsiin O D, wi 10 01
arris year m't tux
Clyiner W B. 129 21 W
Irwin S I', 77 W 1 'Si
Marshall h. lo '!»» 5 *<•
Heed A IbilTy, ■**> II 3"
-<loan M J. 7 -9
Mel. ilT'-rly .las, h'tlrs, 0 I' 1"
McTlure WW. -> I' P
Miller tleorge, 20 'so 1M»
MnetCAi. km '
von ,V StSVONIt ST ,J >
1 ru tliu oldv«t In Amu 1
Special Liscac.av. .
Mo4l' .i.'iii, Xi 1
. 1- 'in im 'itJy
vi .'.-it 'l' f.-uii .11 I
i 11 -hi • '.i I, , in
• lo i' • |.:i e mi. i ,
Mior ii. li . xut.ilnall • .
•ii k'l 111 pnlb'nu ilurinit i
i«bllsbßia iii i«fn, tun
• • l I IIM-LLI l»> »FL«|| IT s ,
• • lnnir» 9 A M,to 2 P M ,•• .
iliiiduy till 9l' M i-midii
isi 11.l Slsiap lor lliuk '"i . .1, : >1
Cout ra'lor aud builder Iu brick work, grate
aud msntel setting and all kltwlkol brlck-lavlini
a iipoclalty. Also dealer lu barrel lime, wam
pum 100-1! lime, cements. National, rortland
and all best grades lu tRe market. Culnlneil
nlaster. plaster hair. King's cement. Ore tirlik,
tile. Willie nsnil and river Mid. Male Oflks 1: •
N. Main street, aunt all orders led at »»ri- IUHU>'
will f elvr prompt delivery, lornis reasonable.
Advertise iu tbo Citizcu
WOT P*S!» R. R.
Trains leave the West Peun dep. I it foot
wt Jfffenum Si. a* follows:
'■ 20a. m.—Market—arrives at Allegheny at
#:4o MP'l'' 1? p. m.
■> 40 a. m—Eiymi ariim at Allegheny ,
at 10:30 a. m.
11:00 a.m. Accomodation—arrives at Alle
gheny at l:Ji p. m.
2 l i p. m—Accomodation—arrives at AH*-
at 444 p. m.
.1:00 p m.—Express--arrive* ai Allegheny at
Allegheny at*!:l"* n m
The »">:• a m 'rain and 2:45 pm. train*
connect at Butler Junction with tram* taut
to Rlairsvitie IsWrwitioi where connec'ioo
in made with the L)&y Express ud PniUd'a
Express going East.
Trains arrive at Butler at ■ >" and 10:35 a.-
m and 1 :.(•>, aud 7. > p u ,
leifheny at ■ *:. TO an.' 10:10 a. in at AJ--
15 .11.'i ti;10 p. m
P. 4 w. R. R.
Trains leave the P. ,% W dep t near Cm
ire Ave., gontbaide, Butler time, a* tollw.
CoiLg M-utn.
»>:UO a. m. Ai.euiieny Accornodttioa.
£.OO Allegheny and Akron Kx |>ri-*a —ruu< '
on Sunday to \ 1I« and < >nnert* tor
.Ne* ( astle thai dav.
10:20 a io.-Allegheny A . oro-Jation.
J:.T" p. ni.— Allgheny Kiprw.
.{.Jo p. m.—Chicago 1 tpres*. run* on Sun
«:10|. iu Allexbdiy and /elienotde Mail
Rous HQ SiuinUy io Allegheny ftloov.
On Sunday alone, at :> a. ui.. New t.'asU-
Ei press.
Going North—lo:os a. iu. Bradford Mail. I
o:20 p. ra—Clarion Aero to.
7:40 pra Koxhnrtr Aernm.
No Sunday trains on the narrow-gauge.
The S:r«0 !>. rn train South connect* at (_'al
lery with the Chicago express, wnicb run* 1
daily and is equipped wun tbe Pullman but
tet an I steeping coaches.
trains for Butler leave Allegheny at
S:3»i and 10;30 a. m , city time, and .1:15, 5:25 ;
ami 7:40 p. m On Sun lay at 3:3tj a. in. and
«::>0 p. ni.
Train* arrive at llutler at J:33 and 10:20 a.
m. and 12:J0, 4:45, 7:35 and 9:40 p. m. Sun- I
day at-10:20 and ti:10.
Trains leave the PAW depot, Butler
time, as follows
>:3O a in. to Erie, arriving there at 10:45 !
a. m.
10:30 a. u. to Erie, arriving there a 13:20
p. m.
•J:00 p. iu. to Greenville, arriving there at j
7:2" p m.
A train arrives from Greenville at 10:05 a
m. with through ear to Allegheny over the
P. A VV; one at 2.-30 p. m. from Erie which
connects with both roads to Allegheny, and
one al *:4'» p. ru. from Erie.
Trains leave Milliards at 6:25 and 11:15 a.
m. slow time.
The 8:30 a. ui. and 3p. m. trains on both
roads in Allegheny connect with trains on
ihe P. S. & E. E. at Butler.
Hotels and Depots,
W S. Oregg 18 now rniining a line j
it carriages between tfie boteiß and j
•tapots of the town
CLmrifea rea* ;nable. Telephone j
No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel >
<iood Livery in Connection
Mifflin Street Livery.
BIEHL k HKI'LER I'rop're
One square west of Main St., on
Viifllin St All (food, safe burses;
new bougies and carriages Landaus
tor weddings t»nd funerals. Open
day and nit;lit. Telephone No 24.
Physician and Surgeon,
• ifflce and residence at 33* .>. Main St. ll'ttler,
lit? I* \V ;jn'' S| , <.ftthour*. 10 to 12 M. MMI
I o AP. M
Office and residence at K. Cunningham st,
I'll VrilCl AN AMI M'IiOKON,
ew Troutman I'.iillillng, Butler. Pa.
E. N. I.EAKE. M. I>. J. K MANS. M..D.
S|iei lnll l'-s: Kpei laities:
Oytiiecology and Sur- Eye, Ear. Now and
eery. Throat.
Butler, Pa.
Oflli eat No. 4.V S. Main atrect, over Frank t
Co s tHug Htorv. Butler. Pa.
Physician and Surgeon.
Wo. 22 East Jeflerson St., Butler, Pa.
la now pertnat-cully liN-ated at ISO South Main ,
Street Butler, Pa. in rooms formerly occupied
by l>r. Walilroii.
Cold Killing Painless (extraction of IVrth
and Artificial lei-tli wilhoiii I'lales a sjiC'ialiy
Sllit.u-. Oxlile or Vlt.ill/trd Air or l.ocal
All.i sttlettrs uso'l.
om. .: rn. r Millers «.ro<ery ea.il ot l-owry
I lolls*
Office C|om d Wednesdays uud i'liursdays.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Vritfii His»*rt«*d <>i Ilk* Utftt im-'
11(Mitu. Killing a upecialtjr. Oltl
;• r si t.mirii rkoUiuitf miufV.
orrin NKAK itiAMo.Ni>. lirrui:i. P»
All'l .>1 I H' ifill Nolan Plll»ll< "01 • n S.
U i .IIIMIHI *-l opisnlb tlie l imrl lloiim
Mid Som , ti#' I
All' -L»w Ofllct! in !>Uittou<l Bku'd* j
lluUnr, ra.
Oil. |!f tmen I' «|. rn< ■•'UiMl INamoßd. But- !
tor, pa.
A. T. SCO I T,
O.TI. <1 No. - Soutli lllamood. I'.utler, fa.
CHfli-e seeond floor. AUdervou 111 k. Main xt.,
near court llouw, tlutler. Pa.
♦ n • • <t» uud ftoeir of fh»* lln»»riion l»UM*k,
|>i>>iti**t)* 1. tttiflttT, L'» . K'HIITI No. I.
Attorney at I.aw. OOlee at No. 11, Kaal Jeffer
son HI . Holier. Pa.
Attorney at la* anil Ileal fcstate Aatnt Of
See rear OIL /. Mlchell s nfflie on uOf'h side
o| Dtanoud Butler, Pa.
Attorney-at-law. • »m< e uu w-eond floor o<
Ai 'ler aiu l.miillnif, near < ourl 11 aiae. hullw.
lit v at OITI' »• on Ht.ulll iMan.oijti .
Hotr» r. l\i.
cts. an< I !>0 ct**. La'lies' anrl ( JrnN
They equal fl.oo an! si.ji shoes %.|d elsewhere. It » imp<»««*ihle
to expres- the beauty and attractiveness ©f %ueh a stock at
as we pres< nt *-> th<- people Butler and c ■ nty this seas<>n We
have cheap and - r\ t» • .11.1 »h< • - in rr»-n « r 75 cts Si or aid $ s
which you can t du|>!i« at< in Butler fir the price Wen * Fine Sfcrvr-c
at JI.OO, $1.23. $1 ;< .it Is.* (.■ rK >,l -r.im-m. I ***«'.}.•,
t aj? and J tit' nt * a s .ire the choicest stylestht* market pm^UßKs
It is an assort'l t huh is th o«t <»f on* compete rs and the
admiration of 1> i >n r- ( t>* in ami <x»k and voa ■*•!! *e
that we arc -till headquarters !<-r
Indies' Misse* and Chi'dr. n - F ne Sh<.es ami « Nt rci Tirj>n
variety in black, dainty i«'!<>r» I-nh- - Fine >h<>es at rjoct* ,$1 00,
$1.23. sl.s° an «' $- : or plan toe. opera or mmm mm
lasts. \\ t have th min• I* »th top* in all styles and price* inom the
cheapest Mi Kay se •• ed. up t • the finest hand turned Butt n Boot
Ladies Fin< Of*rds ripped at 73 cts . Indies Fine Op»-ra Slipper* at
50 i ts.. l-adie-s I in« I>ong"la Btuchirs in (><fi»rds and > teen
at low prices, styles perfectly beautiful. n«--.% patterns and dainr new
styles Misses' Fine Kid Spring Heel n-j. SIOO. Misses Fine
Dortgola I ipped, $1.25, $1.30 am! $175. Child* and Infants' at
25 its., 50 cts.. 75 cts , $1 no and $1 23
Never 1m.!•».'« in . . rli in aMortment. never so many styles
Simply impossible 11 ? to find a sho< to pir.u< both yourself and
the boy. then the prict will please ymi to You can buy the* at
75 cts., 90 cts., Si i«o and $1 25 Ladies Grain Slippers at 30 ets
and 75 cts.; Indies' Oil Grain Shoes, warranted, at SI.OO We arc
shoeing a majority of the pPopl of Butler c< jnty ami ire should Wr
shoeing the balance We lando so to iwtter advantage than any
other house in llutl r. Th< choice you have in this st <k » wide
enough to cover all that's in the market that is n< * The prices are
low enough to come within the limit of anybody s pocket book. ( ome
and see us
102 N. Main St Butler P*.
All tln T Spring and Summer
K o O T W fcC A. R
Vogclcy & Bancroft's
Artistic in Style,
Reasonable in Price,
Reliable in (fualitv.
See our men'* fine hL<>«. coDirrea* and laee atsl J-"'
See our Indie* tine kid button t<b«« at $1 OW.
See our Indie* line oxford tie. pa' leather tip M T5 et».
See our children* nbues fr«m 45 to 50 cento.
See our other Popular Priee Lines.
Plow Shoes, Workinir Shoos, Fine Dress
Shoes of all Styles and (|iialitie» at
,]*r Base Ball and Tennis Shoes -^§
Visit our store ami we will please von.
No. 347 South Main Street
If ?ou b vp hpfd rn »ni 1/ id lb** ****** Urm'tfan rmmmttm
why ?oO i r i'ifinu * f i «l > *
l{()hl N ; HIiCM,
South Kant Corner of l»>»m >«id offer to ail »fc*» »
inumwlr* *rf h>nl? w iotiiwi to m >*&r
! than at the II y<»u doubt !hi». -irop ta amt tar y nrwlf
New Oooda, B»#t i/ualit*. Perteet Fit Ki>m»aW Tb# s»* B»o« tarn
! Sb«>« Store
H E Corner of Biamood ... 3ker <>p»ra Homk
"«! Him WmtKERS
nc t» *"•"! *•»« »«U 1
Im,' luimriil sprfi»ltli>, at*u Pill Bst
t.l AKANrrtU .It KalLH\ *l<» *
Mock fal lIM ' • U** t**«
R l> I.'ifl «€<».. KerfcMM*. M T
to vimtx*
10,: C A THOMAS.
LOST &000 y *~z.rzzzz*ZZ
■ mem. •«: <»*" } WW! , l'l i
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' »r pmtt nmm MIMM *M MM _"2*
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V'J!.I CAN r:N) > ,
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