Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 29, 1892, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIX.
Some Things You Never Knew:
tOF"You never heard of Top Buggies selling as low as $45 till v. c
named that price
IVYou never heard of Road Wagons selling for $35 till we named
the price-©fc
W\ou never heard of good team work bridles selling for $1 till we
told you~^3£
JSP" You never heard of hor»c collars, both team and buggy, selling
for $1 till we named it~^|[
19* You never heard of spring wagons seiling for S4O till we offered
JOT~You never heard of Kramer wagons selling for the price we sel
them at till we brought the price
g&'You never heard of sweat pads selling below 50 cents till w
started it~%*J|
Jo"You never heird of a good top half platform spring w agon sel:
ing for $75 —we have tbem""£*i
•©""You never heard of single buggy harness selling for $0 tiil we
started it"%s®
never heard of team work harness n ith breeching and collar; j
selling for $lB until this minute—we have them~fcjJl
wsr L #
tsr -i k -fe*
We did this all for your bentfit, and have everything conrecte* 1
v/ith a driving or team outfit. We advertise-for you to call ir. am
sec us in our new quarters at 128 E. Jefferson St., above the Hote !
Lowry. Don't stay away because you don't know us, we are ver.
common ffien and want to get acquainted with every person in Bui- !
ler county and elsewhere. We will show you what -we have whethe.
you want to buy or not. Come in and see us, we have a larger stocl >
of a better grade at less money than has ever been offered by us o:
any other firm.
It never hurt* a customer, it knock
«, gentle Wj our customers and thev
odr wautH to know; by our illuHtratio
cao nee that it is DO' like to an«
CQJX -• thing upon the earth, or tbe water tinder
VW tl} * eart ' , » but more ""oderful tbati ao»
Wl thin* ever exhibited by Barnum or
£■l Orangoutang, ouruuout and stick vou
■ammotb Mock of doe clothing, Hats. (Japs, doirts. ('ants. Underwear
Collar*, Oafs, N«ck«rear, S(Hp*ader-i Unbr«|ln, Tru iks Valises Satchel *
Porfta. BiHaod Pocket-books. Clothes. Hair and Tootb-brushes. Watcbe-
Ohaiaa, Oharma, Ladle#'aod Q-<bw' Rings, Pim, C »lUr and CufT Button
aad boodreds of articles too tedioaa to mention «b<cb we h »ve lor salt*. an<
yon may Mad Call aad see oar mammoth stock o» b-tuiiful -prio* a'
traction* aod joa will certaiolj say it-» a4> >d > \V- II vamn ,1 l ...Kin.
for tboM who do trade with us not for ih wb >d < n<>t We d >u't b-liev.
there are many who do not. bat there outfit not to he ooe person iu Hutle.
Or adjoining counties left wbo does oot know that tbe ({lacH to Have ni..n»*v
to gat big raloes, ia at Heck'* Btore. 121 X. Miio St Why is it that ton
miaa joar chance aod waste vour
baar yoo no ill will, why should we ? this is not oor funeral. w„ »r« ju
tbe same merry merchant as of old. We are rollicking, jolt* fell. at
riprnarlng, tip top sellers, and wben i comes to bargain* we can run v 11 ••
aT. If you think we are a honey, £ >m« bu? your clot bos. and drop \ou
money, aod we'll treat yon like a little sonny, for we have got the . u-rg
aad tbe will; we made ap oor mind to be tbe
and the raaalt ia that we lead aud the "and p!».vj Auur Bowtier airi ■ h.r
ia no miauke about U. The w«rld a*.*nds Hghav- at Lh» r-al:ziM«n <• >I.
fact that tbe bigb qaality and low pnres of onr go-*!* i* a r. alin and ; »
fietioaary ieirend to tborie wbo have <l*hli wi h ns. vV», w»ni ' I.
Clad to yoo and pleaded * 0 pat in tour b* :d« u rmi rimo«-v s»« r t ,
arsain with a (treat big It If you urc nof <»<i<,ar •> . u--
and be convinced that w»- art; nan: ibe fr n I.i > ».u. o»>- r
the heat basis, a -qnan- den I and a <i<lur V. x .. .** , t ,
train k>ad far tbe World's Fair at Chicago iu 1493 and wi want \ u 1
oome in aod go along. We will faroisb von with a
Round Trip Ticket,
free tbe ooly eooditir<nn tb»t y«.n hoy yoot gonda nff us. For fu 'h'-r on ,•>,
lara call la and aee us a's»at it.
With kindest regards for »onr liberal pntroriH*!* and V"ur r<-nn*mi rsn«*i
of QB to yonr many friends, we shall in ibe future endeavor to merit y• >ll
confidence. 1
Yoora Very Respectfully.
Champion Clothier, Hatter end Fmnuher.
121 N. Mair\ St.,
will tell you that Hitter k Ralston's
wraps are the best made and the best
fitting wraps in the market, and if you
want muslin underwear that at Hitter
& Ralston's you can secure full size
garments, well-made and at about the
same cost as the material. But to cut
the story short, it a well known fa:;t
that you c P<J get all kinds of dry
goods, carpets, wraps, furnishings and
trimmings at the most satisfactory
prices at
1 r iii ___
All Kinds of .Job Work done
at the "Citizen" Office.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Rejoice Because
Hood's Sartaparilla Rescued Their
Child from Scrofula.
For Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and ail
other foul" humors in the blood of
children or adults. Hood's Sarsaparilla
is an unequalled remedy. Read this
"We ar.' so thankful to Hood's Sarsapa
rilla /or what It did for our little (rirl (hat we
iLake this statement for the bent-atof other
anxious parents and
Suffering Children
Our girl was a beautiful baby, fair and plump
and healthy. But she was two years
old, sores broke cut behind her ears and
rpread rapidly over br-r head and forehead
down to her eyes, ami into her neek. We
consulted one of the bestphysieians In Brook
lyn. but nothing did her any (food. The doc
tors said it was caused by a scrofula humor
In the blood, iler head became
One Complete Sore
offensive to the smell and dreadful to look at.
Her general health waned ;n.d she would lay
iu a large chair all day without any life or en
ergy. The sores caused great itching raid
b.irnlQ#. so that at tiini s we had to restrain
Uci hands to prevent scratching. For 3 years
She Suffered Fearfully
with this terrible humor. Being urged to try
Hood's Sarsaparilla we did so. We soon
noticed that she had more life and appetite.
The medicine seemed to drive out more of
the humor for a short time, but Itsoon began to
Subside, the itcbiuy nud burning ceaaerf,
and In a few months her head became entirely
ciear of the sore. She is now perfectly well,
liu no evidence of the humor, and her skin is
■ lear and healthy. She seems like, an en
tirely different child, in health and general
appearance, from what she was before UiUng
1 I. W. FREDERICK, 3XI Glenmore Ave., East
New York, Brooklyn, K. Y.
This Testimonial
i Is an Illustration of what Hood's Sarsaparilla
I is doing lor the sick and suffering every day,
i from Maine to C»:ifornia. In the light of
: these facts who can say that the work of an
immense concern like ours is not beneficent?
HOOD'S PILLS cure Jlver Hit, comtlpatloL.
Mllouiueo. J*uudicc >■ •> headache, ludlgeitioii.
Ileadv for All.
Everything that ia new iD Btifl
Hatn. Oar $1 50 end $2.00 »'e
woriHer» for the money.
I ' : »» v ,iri Soft HatP,
in price from *25 ctn to $5.00.
All the new bl.ickn in Silk Hats.
Greate-t line of Furiii* biijf Goof's
we ever bHd.
An inupee.f.ion wiil be mi urlvHri'Hg
to any one.
Hatters ami Furnishers,
242 '•!.»)'> •;«*«»t.
: lii !»T. f: .
(xe 11 Uemei\
I \ X !•: A T
AM) !•' IT
TINr r, A I'.
P A 1< A L ,
L i: 'A v i:
M K A S U R i:
Grand Pianos for
Now In .vour 'irri" in «i!lect ;i I'l.ino; von
do Dot want to huv hui on« I'Uno In *<>ir lif<-
lliuw. K<i whll)'W!|if:titi«one ll Is th<; iHMt. no.'
••heajumt Ui buy a sooil on«r.
of tin- it I'lano »nil Oritan
"urlur »i No. aix. Kmol North si., wlieri- hn 1..
'»»< «x bltloii .i iii-w invoic** »»r ipmii 11*-
vi-rv bmt of mukiT* of IVml/Mi. lIM'V liuvh ,i r<i
rl'h and iiii'lln* Mint, tlir action It lliflil. quid
nd powerful; tlii-y w II stay In tunc longi
thin nriy olh**r eiuoo mi it-coiini ~r ;» rav%
•Ihvlcm ,r niuln r plm. tin i will !«• uj, t i i
»how urnl cmluln '!• a.< call ind i xiunln, l»
tore iiuviu elu-wiiiT* Yo, cm ~ive mioik
►iy uurchninir a I'Uim of in>\ uud u«t „t
iiintriiriiiiut ihut you r. in rciv u|>oii. uml on
that I will warrant or y.iruiitcu i<» klvm «utlr
aatisiuction. l have made ami tuned
Pianos and Organs
' o
or over |iyii' t ln-riMji- kuo.v liow t« n«le<-
. rfect I'UIM
TU N K ).
21 H K. North St..
has rem»r<-d mmi'inm Mock of Wall
Window Shade <, Tin ('inure* ami
Frauino to that latifc rominodioriH room !■
the Aiding r huil lini/, 31l R Main ittrent
The inert-awed -in- uf mv new room h
allowed * lar|f'- ini-rea*# lu «foek
A Practical Joke and Its Serloua
Little Charlie Bird was left an orphan
in the village of Silva at a very tender
age. Pitying the poor boy's homeless,
friendless condition, bluff, childless Mr.
Flail took him home and cared for him
in his kind, though somewhat rough,
wav. until he had reached his fifteenth
Unlike most of the Silva boys, Charlie
was gentle, timid and trusting, and
implicitly believed almost everything
he was told. Naturally superstitious,
his sensitive nature was often imposed
upon by thoughtless people, who de
lighted to tell him blood-curdling ghost
stories until he trembled to be left by
himself, even in the daytime. As for
going out alone in the evening, to him
it was like facing a certain and horrible
Rough Mr. Hal), although k'.nd to
Charlie in his way, had no p:.t»enee
with such foolishness, as he called it
So it sometimes happened that he sent
him to the neighbors' on errandi after
night had fallen, little thinking of the
terrors tli*t the timid child conjured up
on these evening missions.
liright and early one morning Mr.
Ilall. being in want of household sup
plier. and thinking lie could purchase to
hotter advantage somewhere besides at
the little corner grocery, harnessed his
horse and set out for Millside, a large
town some twenty miles away. He ar
rived there safely, bought the needed
articles, and then set out on his return.
But the way was long, the load heavy
and the horse slow; and it was quite
dark before he got through the "Seven
Mile woods" which lay between the
two villages. When nearly through
theiti, a sudden snap and lurching of
the wagon told him that a spring had
1 broken; and quite a number of pack
ages were thrown off into tha ditch by
the side of the road.
Mr. Hall alighted, and after hunting
for soino time succeeded in Coding a
stout stake; this he laid across the ax
les under the wagon-body t" support it.
Then he loaded up the scattered bundles
again and once more set out for home,
where lie arrived in due season without
further mishap.
After caring for his horse and eating
his supper, Mr. Ilale proceeded to bring
in his purchases, with Charlie's assist
ance. A large bundle of calico was
found to be missing.
"1 must hare lost it where I broke
down," said Mr. HalL "Go look after
it, Charlie. lam too tired and it may
not be there in the morning. 1 think
you will And it in the ditch by the big
rock in the edge of the woods."
Charlie began to make some excuse,
but Mr Hull interrupted him somewhat
"Go along at once. It is time this
foolishness and fright were done with.
The moon is up and shining brightly
now, so you can easily find it. Off
with you!"
Thus commanded, Charlie set off on
his mission, but the timid lad's heart
was beating like a triphammer. He
had not got out of the village when he
heard a voice behind calling him:
"Hello, Charlie! Where are you going
this fine evening?"
Looking around he saw Ches Flint, a
boy about his own age and one who
had always taken great delight in
frightening him, coming along the
street a short distance away:
•'Up to the big rock in the woods
after a bundle which Mr. Hall lost," re
plied Charlie, as he stopped and waited
for him to come up. "Go with me,
won't you?"
"I'll go part way, but I don't dare
pass the old graveyard on the cliff,"
said Ches, lowering his voice, and glanc
ing mysteriously around him.
"The cliff" was a steep, rugged preci
pice that overhung the sea at high wa
ter and a narrow strip of bowlder
strewn beach when the tide was low.
The Millside road ran along at a dis
tance from its edge, and the old grave
yard was just opposite. The sevon
mile woods began a quarter of a mile
further on.
"Why not?" asked Charlie, quickly.
"Oh! there was a murdered man
buried there a good many years ago,
and he can't rest easy in his grave be
cause his murderer was never pun
ished. He often comes out nights,
dressed in a loDg, white shroud, and
btands by the side of the road and
groans. Lots of people have seen him,
hut they don't like to tell of it for fear
of being laughed at. I wouldn't go by
that graveyard at night for all tlie
money in Silva."
< harlie was almost overcome by ter
ror at this ghostly tale, but, coax as he
would, Ches could not be persuaded to
go the whole distance with him- At
last lie agreed to go nearly to the old
cemetery and wait there until Charlie
got safely by it.
They soon came in sight of the white
and ghostly tombstones, aad then he
stopped and would go no farther.
Charlie begged and prayed him to go
on, for he dared not return to Mr. Hall
w : thout the bundle, but Ches was Im
Finally, mustering all his courage,
Charlie darted off toward the haunted
•pot. Fear lent wings to his feet and
he soou passed the graveyard In safety
aud disappeared around a bend in the
As soon as he was out of sight, Ches
turned and ran for home as fast as his
feet would carry him. Knowiug his
parents would not approve of the
scheme he had formed, lie crept softly
around the house into the back-yard
where the week's washing still hung.
Hastily snatching a licet from the linn
be ugaiu darted off toward the cliff.
Arrived there, he quickly wrapped
himself up from head to foot. Tlieu Ue
crouched down behrul on<»of tin- near
est tombstones and waited.
Soon In- heard the sound of quick foot
steps uporoaching, and saw Charlie
coming on the run. When he got just
abreast of the grav-yard, u tall, white,
shrouded form suddenly appeared be
fore It iin Two long, phantom-like
arms were stretched >ut us if to seize
him, and a deep, hollow groan re
sounded on the night air.
lor an instautCharllc stood rooted to
the spot with horror. Then, flinging
down his bundle, he leaped the fence
find was off toward the sea like the
wind, too terrified to have idea
of where ho was going.
I'lies became frightened his turn,
and hastily called out for him to come
back, as it was only a joke; but the boy
never heard him and kept cm in his un
reasoning, headlong flight. Still cling
ing to the sheet, Ches
started in swift pursuit; but, goaded on
by his terror, Charlie kept his distance.
"For heaven's sake stop, or youll be
over the cliff!" sereamcd Ches. Charlie
heard the wild, unnatural cry, but ho
did uot comprehend its meaning. Turn
ing his head he threw one hasty, terror
stricken glance over his shoulder.
Flies was close behind him, and caught
a single glimpse of his ghastly face
gleaming in the moonlight; then the
flying figure toppled over the edge of
the cliff to au almost certain death
upon the rocky shore, full forty feet be
I'or an Instant' Ches stood horror
stricken, gating at the spot where that
white, ghastly face had vanMied; theu
he darted off down the bill toward the
neat-rat path tliat led to the foot of the
cliff, a quarter of a milt? away. In a
few momenta he reached it, clambered
hastily dwratfjMre VatcrV ydg<». wn>
looked lor wnat be expected ana yet
dreaded to behold.
But a rippling surface of shining,
moonlit water was *ll thac he saw.
The tide was nearly in, and the mur
muring waves were lappintrthe shadowy
base of the cliff; but Charlie's body was
nowhere in sight.
"Washed away and swallowed up by
the ocean!" cried Ches, with a groan of
Dazed and stunned by the awful end
ing of his thoughtless prank, and with
a bitter but unavailing remorse in his
heart, he at length crept homeward,
still carrying the sheet which he had
unwittingly retained throughout the
whole terrible race. Silently he re
placed the fatal linen upon the line,
then went into the house and passed
directly to bis room lest the family
should notice his ghastly looks and
question him as to the cause.
lie threw himself upon his bed. but
not to sleep. The picture of a white,
terrified face sinking down, down,
down to a grave in the rippling, shining
water was ever before him; and slum
ber fled from his uneasy pillow.
Poor, pale, quiet Charlie! Two hours
ago so full of life and vigor, and now
lying- stark and dead under the cold,
cruel waves! And he had been the
Could they hang him il the whole
truth were discovered? He did not
know. Visions of an ignominious and
awful death upon the scaffold rose be
fore him, and again he groaned in
But he would never tell! People
should never know what he had done;
never, never! Somehow he would con
ceal it, and the truth should never be
Then that pale, lifeless face, drifting
on the shining, shimmering water, and
settling slowly down into its black
depths, would pass before the eyes of
his imagination. Ches groaned, and
shook as if with an ague fit
All that long, dark, horrible night he
lay and wept in sleepless agony, tor
mented by his guilty thoughts and ter
rible imaginings. Trembling with
weakness and burning with fever aud
excitement, he arose from his couch at
"break of day. His parents questioned
him anxiously, alarmed by his looks
and actions, but he would only answer
that he was tired and felt unwelL
Scarcely a mouthful of food passed his
lips, and that he crowded down because
the other members of the family were
watching him, and not because he
wished for it.
Early in the day the tidings came
that Charlie Bird bad run away. Mr.
Hall had told him to go np to the big
rock for a bundle the night before and
he had objected. lie had been com
pelled to go and had never returned.
The bundle had been found in the road
by the old graveyard, but of the boy
there was not a single trace. Ches
groaned at the first mention of Char
lie's name, but all were listening
breathlessly to the strange intelligence
and no one noticed it.
Mr. Hall would not try to find him,
so the neighbors said. "If he wanted
to leave those who had done so much
for him, in that ungrateful manner,
why, let him." And so the matter
I All day long Ches kept by himself as
much as possible, eating little and tor
mented by the terrible secret that was
! struggling to burst forth and make
' itself known to the whole world liut
lie must keep it in. So he passed all
that long, terrible day and another
. night of sleepless grief and remorse.
' The second morning Ches arose look
ing but the ghost of the merry, light
hearted boy that he had been only two
days before. His eyes were wild and
. bloodshot, his face haggard and ghastly
! one minute and the next burning with
the hectic flush of fever. He spoke In
coherently, trembled when he walked,
and his whole appearance was more
like that of an Insane person thau one
in his right mind. His parents were
much alarmed about him, for his condi
tion grew worse with every hour.
i And so the day wore on. Darkness at
last settled down upon the landscai>c,
but Ches was still brooding over the
horror hidden In his breast. A uiur
i derer! Voices in the air seemed to
j whisper the appalling word in endless
reiteration, and his brain seemed on fire.
I About nine o'clock in the evening
Ches crept out of the window of hi*
| room, to which he had retired some
time before, and hurried off through the
darkness. A strange, uncontrollable
impulse to visit the scene of the fatal
accident hod taken possession of hlxn,
and was driving him on. He walked
rapidly up the Millside road as far as
the old graveyard, paused there, and
looked fixedly at the edge of the cliff,
dreading yet desiring to go on to the
brink of the precipice from which
Charlie Bird had fallen to his doom.
As he stood there, unable to go for
ward or to return, a noise at his right
side startled him and caused him to
turn his head. Horror of horrors!
Not ten steps away from him, with
face gleamiug white and ghastly iu the
light of the rising moon, stood the
shadowy figure of Charlie bird. Ches
uttered a single wild pierciug cry and
fell senseless to the earth.
When he came to himbclf again ho
was lying in bed in a darkened room at
home, while his mother was moving
about with a worn and anxious face.
For a moment Ches looked around In
wonder; then the memory of that awful
night came back to him, and he cried
out in a voice so changed and feeble
that he could scarcely believe it was
his own: "Great Heavens! A mur
His mother stepped quickly to the
door and spoke to some one outside, and
a figure entered and approached hit*
bedside. It was Charlie llird, alive and
with the hue of health upou his face.
Ches gave one look and fainted.
As soon as lie became strong enough
—for he had been at death's door for
weeks with a brain fever—the whole
utory was told to him. When Charlie
heard Ches' wild cry behind him, he
gave one quick glance over his
shoulder and lieheld the white-robed
apparition In hot pursuit. Ue made a
single wild bound forward, aud felt
himself falling down, down somewhere
—he knew not where.
lustlnctively ho intidca frantic clutch
to save himself, and succeeded in catch
ing hold of the tough drooping bushes
that grew upon the edge of the preci
pice. There be hung, suspended In mid
»lr just below the summit of the cliff,
while the octan rippled on the shore
more than forty feet beneath him
Jt was but a minute's work to clamber
back to the top of the cliff, but in that
minute C'lies had started on his way to
the shore. Charlie saw his white, re
treating form, and still nearly Insane
with terror, he turned and resumed
his headlong flight in the opposite
direction. Without knowing or caring
whither he went, so long an he es
caped the specter that he fancied was
pursuing him, ha plunged deep into
the shadowy recesses of the Seveu Mile
Wbcu his terror at last began to sub
side, Charlie discovered that he was ut
terly and hopelessly bewildered All
uight long he wandered about, trying to
find his way out of th« dark and silent
forest, but in vain-
Ou the following day be ft till contin
ued liia efforts, but he met with no bel
ter success. As Is often the cue with
people who lose tbe'r way, he traYeled
IN A circle and so made DO progress; and
be was obliged to spend another night
In the gloomy forest. The next day
was passed in the same way a* the first
bud been, uud ho became »eiy wcaJc and
f(X/tj<frr.-Mruvtirp-tia<f*mythtiiy t/j caftflX?
a tew Denies ana tne oar* 01 trees uur
inff all that time.
At last, In the evening of the second
day, he suddenly came out into a beaten
road. With a thrill of jojr he recog
nized it as the one leatliug frutn Silva
to Mill side, und he eagerly set out upon
tbe homeward way, encountering Ches
by the old graveyard When he fell in
a swoon, Charlie had been obliged to go
for Mr. Flint in order to get him back
Ches soon came out of his fainting
fit, but he was delirious from brain
fever brought on by the mental agony
that be had endured and the shock of
seeing Charlie's ghost, as he supposed;
and for weeks he fought a terrible bat
tle with death. Sometimes he would
scream for Charlie, and then he would
call himself his murderer and beg them
not to hang him.
Charlie stood by the sick-bed
and day, assisting Mr. and Mrs. i'.int
and caring for Ches like a brother; but
for a long time his life was despaired
of. The cruel fever burned and wasted
his strength and vitality till he was
weaker than a little child. At last he
came to himself, as has already been
From the moment that the groat
weight was lifted from his miud, Ches
improved rapidly. Lie soon regained
his health and strength, but never aft
erward did he attempt to frighten any
one for sport, or allow other? to do so
jif he could hinder it. Charlie too, al
i though never as courageous as some
! people are, lost in a tfreat measure his
foolish and unreasoning cowardice dur
ing his fortv-cight hours' wanderings in
the Seven Mile woods.
Cert:' tlt is that tin? sharp lesson was
not lost on cither of the boys, and 4hey
always felt deeply frrateful to the pow
er that saved them from the death to
which they both came so near, through
the unforeseen consequences of a
thoughtless boy's practical joke.—O. E
Young, in Uoodall's Sun.
A Faithful imagine.
There is on one of the English rail
ways an eugine the tenth anniversary
of whoae service has just been celebra
ted. It bears a famous name, that oi
Charles Dickens, and it has a record
quite as fine for an engine as was Dick
ens' as a writer, having traversed ID
the ten years of its life over one mil
lion miles. It is an express engine,
and can cover a mile in a minute with
very little trouble. In September last
it had completed ita twenty-si* hun
dred and fifty-one round trips between
London and Manchester, besides mak
ing some ninety odd other journeys, at
a total coal consumption for the ten
years of twelve thousand five hundred
and fifteen tons.—Harper's Young Peo
—At one of the grammar schools In
this city the fotirth-grade pupils were,
not long since, reading the story of an
important battle. The text read: "Both
•Ides fought with dogged pertinacity."
When this point was reached a boy In
one of the back seats raised bis hand
and calmly inquired: "What kiwi of
weapons are those'/" —Buffalo Express.
—"l've struck a great scheme," Mid
Briny Billing. "What is it?" asked bia
partner. "We go an' git contracts for
cleanin' off snow, an' den we waits fur
a thaw ter come along an' do it fur oft.
All we have to do is ter c'lect the
money. Sec?"—Washinjfton Star.
When lie Needed Water >loit.
Das ha way—The plumbing in my
house broke down the other day and we
didn't get any water for twenty-fouj
Clevcrton —Uow did you manage?
Dashaway—l got along all right until
the next morning, and then I needed it
A Word of EDoooragemrot.
Mr. Emerson Bean—Oh, yea. I've
written poetry, of course, but I never
tried to have any of it published.
Miss Waldonia Uubb—Now, why
don't you send it to some of tho maga
zines? I've seen some frightful stuff in
them lately.—Wave.
At the Opera,
Mr. Jason (in tbe balcony)—Jist look
at Jane Ann Locut puttin' on style, will
you? Before they found gas uu the old
man's farm she hadn't but one dress to
her back.
Mrs. Jason—An' now she hain't none.
—lndianapolis Journal.
l'ropertle* Larking.
Small Boy—Papa, I wish you'd buy
me a goat.
I'apa—You haven't auy harness, or
cart, or—
Small Boy—Don't need nono. Us
boys is startin' a secret society.—Good
News. .
5o Fault to Find Willi lUr I'rrai rlplloD.
Mrs. BiUus—John, tho doctor bays I
need a change of cliiuatc.
Mr. Billus (abwirbed in his news
paper)— That's all right, Maria. It'a
going to be twenty degrees colder to
morrow.—Chicago Tribune.
Su KipUnitlon Needed.
Robert (who was at the office very
late last uight)—My dear, have you
seen anything of my boots?
She (sweetly)— Yes, love: they are
down here on the hat rack.—Jury.
A Hui(till«o.
"I say, Jonee. you ought to have
called your new paper La Grippe."
"Why, sir?"
"Why, because more people would
have taken it, of course." —Gist.
Hare Cbaai-o.
Mrs. Binks—Tho paper says a west
ern woman has a baby that has never
cried in its life.
Mr. Binks-By jove! I wonder how
she'll trade.—N. Y Weekly.
Judge—Were you drunk when you
committed the assault?
Prisoner—l must have been, y" honor,
'cause the other feller 'a twice my site.
A Worthy Object.
Earnestina Worker—lf I give you
money, will you spend it for drink?
Keggy Tom—No, mum; I'm saving up
to go out west and try tho gold trurt.
His Requirement*.
Goaliu—l have tli wets tailort, done her
know. Miss Amy.
Amy—Ah! then you only need six
more to make a man of you.—Truth.
Party Behind Screcu—Oli. you may
laugh as much us you like; but I tell
you it's uo joke to woke up and tlod
you've been robbed of everything you
possessed—clothing, money, valuables,
all gone, even my wig and false teeth,
and I am to lie married In a couple of
hours, too, that's where it hurts me
Dost I—Life.
A ProAwtatul Opinio*.
Householder— I am truing to move to
the suburbs next Monday. and I'd U)m
you to do the job
Mover—How man; !<->®ds?
"I don't know You moved tnc once,
you may remember "
"Yes: I needed three wagons then to
get through; but that «h some yean
ago.s Have yon moved since 7"
"Yes, indeefl. half a dozen times."
"Hum: I guess one wagon will carry
all you have left."—N V Weekly
Tb» KcouomJ of Politics.
"Come off," said a wan! politician
angTily to an opponent, "your candidate
don't know the first principles of politl
eal economy."
"Don't he?" was the hot retort
"Well, all the sameo. he paid fifty cents
for a vote this morning that your man
had been offering a dollar for. for a
week."—Detroit Free IVess.
Quoting the Doctor*.
Mother—You haven't cleaned your
teeth this morning
Small Boy—Doctor Pullem says the
time to clean teeth Is at night.
Mother—But you never clean them at
Small Boy—So'm. Doctor Fillem
says the best time is in the morning
Good New*
A M»<le«t Legislator.
Interviewer—l asked Assemblyman
Seveneighths this afternoon whom be
thought the greatest man in this coun
Editor— Wl it did he say?
that was a matter
upon which his constituents were more
competent to speak than himself.—
Brooklyn Life.
Mr. Youngpopper These slippers
nay be rustically foreign, but I get no
tacks In my feet all the same.—Pock.
A Clever Arrangement.
Briggs—ls Jagway drinking Just as
bard as ever?
Griggs—Worse. 80 much so that his
people had to move into Hicks street
Briggs—What was that for?
Griggs—So that now. when he comes
home late, he can tell everybody where
he Uvea. —N. Y. Sun.
All Daagrr Avoided.
Old Gentleman—What do you hope to
be when you grow up?
Small Boy—l want ter be a cir a*
"Well, I declare! Why do you want to
be a crcus actor?"
"So I won't have to crawl under the
tent." —Good News.
Not at All.
Intelligent Foreigner (to parlor car
acquaintance)—l am indebted to you,
•ir, for a most enjoyable afternoon and
much political Information. Yon are In
public life, 1 presume?
Distinguished Looking American
Ho, sir. I am a lieutenant governor-
Chicago Tribune.
A Difference to Travelers.
"In your travels through Japan. Mr.
Allover, did you not often observe things
that shocked your—your sense of pro
"Very seldom, Mlas De Prewd. I was
never on the lookout for things of that
kind."—Chicago Tribune.
He Won Id Try.
"Johnny," said Mrs. Cunun to her
son, "I don't like the way you have of
saying yep instead of yea. Now tell ma.
won't you honestly try to break your
self of it?''
"Yep," replied Johnny, with deep sin
Meat Uldlo*
Examiner of Zoology (to small
aspirant)— Can you tell me anything
peculiar about the cuckoo in regard to
Student—Yea, sir. Please, sir. he
don't lay his own eggs himself, »lrl—
Texas Siftings.
Not to Be t itught.
Mild Old Gentleman (peddling Wacta)
—My dear young friend, will you per
mit me—
Young Mr. K. Lee Ryzer (just In from
Pike) —No you don't, b" gosh! I've read
all about these bunko games!— Chicago
111* Premature UMtk.
A young Frenchman of Dea Motnea,
la, advertised for a wife, and aa there
was no response he killed himself. If he
had succeeded In getting the wife h«
might have lived at least three months
longer. —Judge.
A Thoughtful Parent.
Tho Groom—l can't see that check
your father placed araog the twddla*'
Tbe Bride—Papa la to abaent-mlndMl.
lie lit his cigar with It—Life.
Loss Cuivrid by luarura-
Widower —Wna your late liuilaod pre
pared to go?
Widow—O, yes; ho »aa insured for
SIO,OOO In I'iicii of three different com
panies. —Texas Sifting*.
rba (juration Hatltfil.
Ue—How old are you. Mis* I'each
blow? J
She —Isn't that rather impertinent?
He—Oh. excuse me. How young am
you, I meant to say —Jury
A llore's Reception.
Kmithson—Anything I can do Ibr you.
Brown Yea, call again. Yankee
A Skirltc* Sale.
Little Solomon—Wo lia«j * great
mark-down sale at dad's store to-day,
I key.
Ikey—On wot?
Solomon—Banta. We marked two
dollar bante from dfe dollars down to
three —Yankee Blade.
Desirable Accuracy.
School Girl—How many teeth has a
baa 7
Mother—A hen hasn't any t«-etb.
School Girl—l am writing a comp>»-
nltioo ou "The I,'aro of Poultry."—<»<**!
To tli* I test of Her Kaowlcdc*.
Maud—What did papa mean when he
said he sho'ild have to tuakc oath to
miiiic papers the lawyers had made out?
Mabel I don't exactly know, ljut I
think it's something about a blank It
mortgage.—Chicago Tribune
Tl»e l>r«ol Tea*.
Mrs. I) incbcrkuow I think I shall
call ou the new neighbors.
Mr Tioucbcrkaow Do you think they
an: |»opla worth knowing?
Mrs. I). Yea. They own a piano
lamp.—N. Y I'reaa
l ujfciifrulr r
"I was awfully hot at Mawsoo's ball
last uiglit," said Chappie. "I was half
"Mawsou told me bo thought you
««!'• half baked," re tiu»ed links.—
■ » jlagar. § r
• Haad? f iala| Back-Traaaaaeat a#
Cwaa aa<i I «al»
In tha acco«apaarla« eat ia ahowg a
ikctch at a ahaap rack and troayU I
have tried all kiada I hare aeen in tl.t
*n>l the old coaatry. aad I hare fona l
none 1 like to wall aa thia The r-at
objection to caoat ta that the flne chaff,
hay Mad, etc.. get into the wool fha
19 entirely obviated ia thia rack hr plat
ing a 11 inch hemlock hoard aton* the
top. and then all the fine and he*? ?<—d
will fall iato the lower trough, which
ia uaeU fur feeding' ifraia aad ecui »jr
All my rack* are placed alooir the »>de
)(the »table The great objection u>
having them in the crater i* that »lieep
when frightened or r.alv handled
*re llab'c to run again*t then ao I h*
Wh«-u the ewe has lambec! I p!ac her
sad her little iamb ia a aeparat<- apart
ment. 4i4 feet—of theae I have a lirf
nitonber. Here we can look at her
adder daily aad gira her any other at
a ha-vdt imr mon« back.
taction «be may and «be re
mains there until her lamb i* abo>tt a
week oltt, or. In other word*, ot-i
enough to rough it. ao«i take all the
milk the •iam will hare. Then *he and
her lamb are placed with other* of
about the same age. and the ewes are
given their drat grain ration, which n
increased in quantity, and gradually
they get ensilage, to whi -h are added
bran, corncob meal and Unseed oicaL
Oats are too costly with aa. other
wise I shoold mix them with
other grams. The above mixture
Is fed twice a day with aa much clover
hay as they can rat, ao as t > prndace aa
much and aa rich milk aa the la.n!>*
will drink. The little lambn are tan-rht
to eat (a side diet) aa early aa pneeiMe.
and nothing gives me so much plea« >re
aa to see 10 to JO of them ia a row eat
ing a mixture of (rood ensilage, with
crushed oata. bran, cora-sad cob aw*al
and linseed cake and the best picking
of clover hay. and I am not sarprW.i in
the least at picking oat a pair of 50-d ir
old twins that weigh 1M pound.* It is
great fun for my boy* to pick out tVe
Umbs. and weigh them once a ■» r. j.
and often twice, and it ia on* of the
ways to encourage them to in** the
youngster* the beat of attention
I used to be a great loser of limN
from two to four months old: bat we
have overcome mishaps of that sort t»y
giving them good clover hay be? • -e
their grain ration, a ad then eaarriee.
salt, water, etc As to the quantity I
give them, my idea of feeding la®'-* is
the same as with regard to milking an. 1
suckling ewe*, aad that is. to gie* them
all tbey will eat. but at the same tim> I
want them to lick tbe corners of their
maugers clean, and when it gets near
feeding time that tbey are all wide
awake for the neat me*. Rations -n
paper are good in some respects, hot
judicious judgment la feeding is more
essential.—T. S. Cooper, ia Boral Sew
The Beet Way flee a Uar*as ■■ *» Pl** ■■
at Hie rraaaeSs.
Much depends upon the attractive
ness of any product lib* vegetable-. »r
small fruit In regard to quick sain sod
good profit, a well arranged load of
vegetables, prepared with eare. lettu.--
and cabbage, in crataa. radishes sorted
and every on* in a hunch of a sue and
kept under loe water until delivered,
cucumbers in baskets, tomatoes ar
ranged in pail* to tbey will no* bms-*.
the wagon always washed clean after
every trip and kept bright a«d shining,
aa.i everything fre-sb aad crisp, aad
livercd every day according to agree
ment. ram or this*. ia the only road t«».
success. The liest way for a gardener
to dispose of his products is to sell direct
to the consumer, and yon can do it in
no way better tUau to torn salesman
and deliver direct to privat* rjstom-
I haw. stood ia the markets and fc>
i ttecd the sales of huckster*, as t r
J bartered their load at vegetable p-r
haps melona. cabbage orsquashew. all '•»
one ami tbe thought casa -
very forcibly to my mind that tbe farm
1 er who raised these vegetables and I
tlwm to the huckster and tba labor , i g
man that bongbt them from tbe gr-*-rr
man |«r these two middle men a l»rg •
protit We were c mleaplit v eat*-r
; »ng into this garden aebeioe and I
mad. up my mind that whatever we
« raised should be delivered direct to the
consumer if I had to deliver it ntysef.
and after working in this way three
years I say it Is tb* mm* satisfac* r,
way of doing business. b"tb for prte
Joe--r sod cmsumer -Farmers' Voice
FOWL* will walk away from food aa
soon as tbey have enough.
COAL ashes should always tm sifted
before using for tbe dust bath.
Yom broods should slway* b* fed
seperate from lb* ol.ier ones
Tut. great secrat ia raising yawng
docks is not to allow them to gel wet
Mas* It a rul* to clean the ne .ta
«wery week and paint o»em wttb c<ml
til [>iw are great foragers aad 1«-
. stroy many insects that bens will aot
Ir is n.* a good plan to feed tbe set,
I ting benf. on tbe nests; tbey need a UP
tie . xercise every day.
' M ski a rale to feed thr cbtekens very
early in tbe morning aad late in »ha
i evening jukt M fore tbey go to r>w»l
i (IOOD turkeys that are la food eondl
iiou are marketable at all seasons f
I the year at fair prinea. either aliva «r
i ArTltn tbe chickens taabe a so«ct-ot
I growth to run about tbey cannot weil
be overfed, espveialiy l« fe*dtag to
( market
A Tbr*al.
- Hooray r roared tb* ftrv as »t i*ap-l
Op tbe ■ hituney
"Keep suU." called tbe wai****-!- «.
~o» I II put yon out."-Harper s Ybong
Pro) V- ____________
It Uep*d»
Khe- Oo you think Peaaiopa will b*
able to b * ro * ?
lie -It depends apoa hosnosA las*
It will taJ »
A Sure Sign.
Pllklns (tb* gmeev»-Mr
and his wife at ust bsv. gr.t over the
lovey-dovey Ufa'heir courtship
Ills Assisvyt - Wh 3^
"Oh. they red onk ns with tb-dr
dinner!**- tt<s|n Jt *wa
The **'
•IK, you think MP » ««*»"• h ~
mother rfis.-avered that ' *•* *'P*F
nigbtT" _
■Ob. no; I explained ***h that
wer* craxy LMa
Ataoy »*•» i* scarte •* «•**
AtolcbL wU mmm •"»*••
l"«r. ere iwcrlse imalf «**■♦.
Iterlee tts sfanrW^K'*"*^^
mm I—— •
Cps sa4 Pawns.
liriggs-finger Is gettlag la ** fP - "
fa. t dude I ka l b*?
Griggs Yea Yoa kaow faiUtf «
business *nd ba* goa* l«dl|l# t t.f'e
ship.—J' jktfe- _
There *i* twr. * »»r» mm hi tttto %w
ar» in.iij. -i to jmr-h»*f _ every srw
th m? that mom alaaf -*mWr tk
actually —*<W or not or *tOm* toto
*> W IT ■*»reftjy whetltor i* is tiilaplaff
to IV rharu- ter of the « ifk it wwil
ht pat t*> an th# firm tW Hbir
?rrrne i« n fa<m? to ?ne «wek SMrhtorry
aOf fxT** i itt'md pUrw ar 4nM§
shove; in grt orf t ; iir swj uattl»»»
tion to th. rr-r-* >*hm a gr*>o t«o Imi
euitiv star e«w*ii».r bat ttttto wmv ir{Q
dr> lh» «r«.rk fully am irtQ u| M«k
!*"«■» •ma.ciljf, or |mita
mhiwiintr hij (Mm r 0 a ban
or mm* when a hap rai 1 >»» and hrk
w ski •*• work a* a enMHmMI
sa-ing: if tia*r aad labor
•«. -*t Eaaehiaery r»mpf If <—d «r«
tici' uui tabor >nl n Uua way Ah
th* >• ■* rf quit# a
n amber of -mpa hr and• wmtinTtaaal
increase* the rw lt« T« much m»-
ebtoory tike too much fencing is toe
mock capital laveated that ia jteg Ute
and does not nrtm a garni p*r *nt Ml
the t«.«ner Iwii—i Jt
■ fit the work r.f ;-—par'.a# tte mQ,
planting *he •■—ff. motivating and liar
•ratine th# rr «pB. as a nri# aha—»to
machinery lessena thm work, m—m
t.me aal labor. it will aearir aiaaft
ba forod ee noainl to [mi 1 liaaa aai
aw. hat it m-i»t hr adapted to itm kind
of work r.-q i:rr>l oi k :a arrtar to aa*
the he*t re*n!t*. W , U S« as liapleiimil
or tool -may «V> ftrat-eiane work aato
certain c -e.^i'• ,->n* it ia of ittto raio*
ander other*. «nd thia ii m anwi
why an many fail to fat aa uarh oat iff
this ir vestuaent a* they expected. Then,
attain. the iapli-arat nay to <nS
ada»te<l to tha work 11 i|iii»a<l hot tlw
operator ikat not adjust it pHipetly
ami in oit fkila to work
1 klaetonl;
4 In order t-> "«nrrbaaa mad mm mt*
ehiovry to the -est 1 l inlafi It aha—ld
i ir«t br .Pterin naff whether tha tap la
■Bent ran V used to a mi (toi to at ahaa>
tasre to par the coat of tha tana—■ at.
then how well ut.spted to tka kmd aaff
character of the work "vqairarf at Ik
snier the eooditkMa that It will a*
n«e>! if you aux tka purr ha—l Tha*
it* dnrability. price, eaaa of 11 ■llhi ■
men', hoth aa to sea aaff Itaiaa. mm
> eompared w!t?» n'htri Oeeerally It to
not a grwxl plan to expect a —hlaa aa
do tow m-f h. WMta aot alwaya tot
to a cnf»iHer»Wa tttoat aw iafl»a>al
h«Ut to >«o a hoif iluaa Hfcrant lr>ai«a
of (arm work will raraly dm atof <m of
t em aa well or to aa food adaaafa
aa ooa aaada <pertaiiy lor <mm pur ■
i poar It t* often tha caaa that tf it to
represent >f to ha fluaff tor
it tuna >nt to be rvaily gnoff far noCto
inff Bnt arotd ritrvaaa Bay mm*
chiwery that i* needed and ifesl eaa am
nsed to sdeantav*. hat Sat mhmm mlt
that y>m eaa do tba farm nark vUJkast
—Farmers' Vote*.
Mmm la Vafea Oaa an eg a Cmmmmm
<h|iw «»r tfwt Nam*
la answer to as oqotrar. «va wmf
state that there ia aa* wag ta wMeb a
eomnaw square or SeoMfe karma naf
to oae poearsaing tb* (jn fuulpai adeaa>
tages 'if .* slant-tootb imetemeaA Tto
common sqnaee e»rta*al taath as oat *a
first marwed. aad la tfce spaaaa Lie! ■ na
the teeth tanva hotsa for tba a* tsssfc
having aa .nciuialMa if aboat foety *a
grees fmm tbe vertieaL TVtv may bp
nearly tbe same number at leeta aa b»
fore, or there aaay ba two at tb* aaw
slant teeth for each am» at tfk* oM aaaa
Take. f..r it-*aac*. tba sqaaaa bNI
barrow n-presented ia tb* aMoagaay*
iag ent. wbbrb .ias laatb faaart
twt slant teeth tsrtweea tba lorma*
teeth, wtucb eriUgtve silflow stan»-
teeth Tbe fr.aaa sboald tee at tb*
strongest w.iod, wn aa ta l>* Hgbfc tba
teeth -hoaid ha -it -Seel, aad tbev may
be f*t rtaad f ids flve-eigbtb* m tJirsa
f. irths <»f aa I neb ta <tl imntiir if m
tended a* «altieata sara beamMuM. aa
they a»ay he -i>iare if inaialy far
pulveruung p* .w»si soil A )eaa e Sap at
harrow ivoadd Ha *mm wttb amkg <mm
slant pwtb fte' *eea tbe burner aaaa.
or thw-tv (s i a ail Tba sde*«tn«ea
whi« h the '-iiaapMl tarraw aiweld kaea
over tbe .dd oa- v >uld ha ia pmlnig
over tbe hdi of -oea hwt not taarkpr ap
the ; .n? - n { !»er«aing tbe irsai a
•owed fir ids -1 grata, ba yalaaetatag
spread atanare. metki n< laa !a»ew*ad
sod. ia hs»rrowiatf webaa* wttbowe
tearing tbe o ta. sad gtelag «'sat
faosgh for sll rskiab ta easap* wttb
.i»t <-t-srgtng tba teetb "Tbaaa abaaK
be ion r ea> agb to atbra enra tdapta •»
grain to pw-s frialy ander *be *—vcs<-
whea .utlttvsittif them i t tbap a
f. . • hiir'i -nev wtll head <k>aa bl
.aches, <w "ven lesas -«'<a*y
Mew U> rises si Tiaia
Tak* material saeb aa harry haaaa
are aab at sad tt 9 hy tS blta
Wrap it sraarf tbe tsaa isrf wrare t
by simply twmtiaga small www show
tt near tb* top uid peaaaag «»* k»ws*r
sail a littl* he low the larfaaa d '-lia
•oil. These propwibas serve aasay paa
pone .Paired, keeptag oat laaaea. >ab>
bits and mie* and pe«.t*etiag' tba pimmf
tree tn-ra the sevare heat at tba mm ia
til tbe top ban g own sortb-Patla to
ford this prot.- tioa. TWy
two or three years andean he qamaty
nail cbeaplv re-sewad a* tbpy eat nlf
•I W per t »W» st tba faet«wy. tbas mab
ing them vary Tbay mm
teflon tbe trees *aana«» w*a«ar.
and so far as I kbam ba** ariar ->MP
sged tbe tree, aa erne baee bP*A'
OninfS isdd Fs mae
■mlbM* Do (wi
Bibi- -wry «»•? Mr
Utt\m IM >«. *«••"». I ***
ttmr Im Um. bmif «»•*»•■* ■■■■"■
itoo* rtMw mH thiafk m
b**c naftiunf ak« fr* J-*-" •
yon i »!■*
I4»< "4 '*» ">"«
Ilr -I ~r« th.- «..«I»*
*rat If. prv«i|»f« -f»r» •«
*" sbl H » <W!l«h-.(aU Umw» U•*
»nW« r»f thnw n»tK»n»
«.. rttatnrb tit* »»ui»tfcw
TW Wkrftan ■# »•
Tom- Itarrr -*M '*»• r»» <y -**
' MMvthm/ I* »T fc»i;«-r >■
lob) hiai I* «** •»- 1 •!■■■•
J» b - Ah. xb'-t I tew » arkm*--
Tom *-*•<*' *»«7 w*l*e t
trn*t j«i —V io*« 1la4»
Ukk»-wiwt r» %«B «;♦*'
Mm Btc*«-wyiiinw' *'""
ilkl» -l » t** too* »>■■ »■
V> pt T'«T «JN» IO llll«ll«» «■• ™
j our h*tr -Trth
« t.~m* •••»
u«nt (•ft** »"Waar •* _y r!
—T HI w*H*r «» f«w
W*iW -2*fc«»r.
OMkr-TbMft * «w*_tolW TJ"»
wiHfer"» *****
■ j Iff